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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

"It was him." Conner grunted out. "Tyron." After a pause waiting as Lupa looked at his wound, he waved her off. He may be the second, but it was a small wound caused by something that was not silver. "I am fine. And that room sounds like a good idea." And with that, he grunts and struggles to get up, trying to get up with a hole in him was harder than he thought. Any assistance that was offered him would be accepted, if a bit grudgingly.
Tyrone drove as fast as he possibly could. There was a chance that someone might be chasing him but he knew that none could possibly catch him. " Time to turn silent ", he said as he jumped from the rough terrain to the highway. His car's AI had registered what Tyrone had said and so his car emitted no light but instead a little electro-magnetic signal which blew the circuit of all the street lights making Tyrone almost invisible. " Well that was a rather easy escape won't you agree Rose? " he talked, maybe talking to his car. Some might call Tyrone mental unstable for doing so and some would share is passion but Tyrone was not belonging to either of the groups, he was indeed totalking to that car. Tyrone gave a laugh at the comment that Rise gave about the werewolf. " AHAHA! Well Inform the others that i would be coming home " He said as he drove the car off the highway to a path that seemed rather hidden in the forest. He drove slowly as he reached a cave. " Tyrone was indeed going back towards his base, though he knew he wouldn't be infected by a werewolf's claw, it did pain. Tyrone drove up to a platform before stopping his vehicle. " Home sweet home he said ", shortly after that the platform began to lower and the sound of a song slowly began to flush into Tyrone's ears. It was none other then Beethoven's ' Fifth Symphony ' .
Jill seem Conner getting up and without asking maybe a little to forward, but braced his shoulder and helped him to his feet. Putting her other hand around his back to steady him. When her hand went around his waist she felt her hand touch some of where the blood had flowed down from the wound. "I'll help you to the room."
Conner grunted in response to the vampire assisting him. He didn't want the help, but he knew he needed it. "Lead on." was all he actually said. He'd much rather have another werewolf guiding him, but a vampire that knows where she is going would do.
Jill lead him down the hall toward the room. She was careful not to allow the knife she'd picked up get near him. She'd moved it down to her waist, hidden now in a pocket on the lower part of her dress. She understood that he probably wasn't as comfortable with her helping him, and at one time she would have left him. The fact is now, each group needs the other. The pride that kept them from working together before was no longer and option. A few minutes later she had him in the room and gently laid him down on the bed. "Is there anything I can get you that would make you more comfortable?"
"Tell me how the meeting went and keeping silver out of me if things go wrong." Conner said as he pushed himself into a sitting position. He would heal, he just needed rest. And the mask was no longer needed. So he took it off, revealing who he was. Bur there was always the chance she didn't know who he was, even if it was a very slim one.
While Tyrone had stolen a lot of the attention there was one more hunter in the area of the meeting. He had actually not expect to find any vampire werewolf meeting, he had been on a singular hunt having been tracking down a certain vampire for days. He probably could have killed him ages ago but he had been toying with him the entire chase. He had been quite cocky at first but after the 3rd day and many wounds he had developed a deep fear of the dark warrior chasing him who he could never seem to touch and appeared and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Marcus had been searching for him when the explosion happened. 'Oh. Well isnt that interesting, that sounded like military explosives.' He left his prey, far to interested in current events to continue chasing a lone vampire. He ended up in front of the building just in time to see tyrone's car drive away. 'If im not mistaken that's his car.. But whats so interesting that the head hunter of werewolfs had to show up here.' Now curious beyond believe he approached the building. His Katana was sheathed on his back. As the chase began and conner was taken away all he had to do was walk in the big hole in the wall, only one werewolf had remained long. A woman, werewolf who hadent noticed his presence yet (lupa). He walked in and said. "Excuse me i heard a explosion, is everything alright." He said in mock concern, he was obviously human but with this attitude he wouldnt seem like a hunter, only curious.
Jill nodded to Conner, "I'll let you know everything as soon as I find out." She turned and pulled the door shut behind her, and for a moment she was alone in the hall. She looked down at her dress that had now become stained with a bit of his blood. "This won't be good, going into the meeting with this scent on me." A second later she was down the hall in another room, where there were some more cloths to change into. She looked down at her hand for a second and noticed where her hand had been on his side, some of the blood had dripped. Before washing her hands in a near by sink, her curiosity got the better of her. She touched the finger to her tongue and the taste of the blood flooded her mouth. She preferred human blood, but this was different. She shock her head and as she changed cloths vowed that she would never taste wolf blood again. After she changed she walked back toward the ball room. She'd put on a similar dress to what she had on before, she fitted the knife in her pocket again so that not even the shape was seen thought the pocket.

As she returned she noticed that another human was walking up to Lupa. She looked him over as she got closer, she had a bad feeling about this man. It may have been acceptable for someone to want to offer help after an explosion, but how often dose the random passer by walk around with a katana on his back. She decided to keep her distance and see what this man was intending, running up on someone like this would never be a good idea.
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She gave up looking for him.

"He must still be busy."

She decided to return to the ball. Walking back down the staircase the smell of blood teased her. She made her way to refreshment table again, grabbing a wine glass of blood. Some of the vampires seemed bothered by the smell of Conner's blood. She needed to keep an eye on her own kind now, she took a sip of the blood and walked back towards the bathroom. She smelled a human, she looked in and saw a man with a blade on his back. She stepped in and looked at him.

"I am sorry sir but, this is a private event. I must ask you to leave, now"

She pointed to the hole in the wall. She knew he had to be a hunter and the last thing she wanted now was another incident.
He looked at her and suddenly his face broke into a grin. "Ah so thats why tyrone was here, this is a interesting little party. Werewolf and vampire united, how swell." He did not seem disturbed by this apparent revelation at all, instead he seemed amused. He also did not move from his spot other then a single foot back for a more stable stance if he needed to fight.

He was looking at the glass of blood in Victoria hand. "And drinking blood so late at night, how naughty." He said his grin widening. This sudden change in attitude was drastic even for a hunter and very few hunters could have this kind of attitude vs 3 super naturals.
"So you want to play then?"

She drew her pistols, sending the wine glass falling to the floor.

"I will gladly partake just be ready though, my commander is not here to hold me back."

She readied herself in a fighting position, both of the pistols up and ready to fire. She was glad that she reloaded the pistol she had used.

"Now I ask you one last time. Leave....now"
"Why would i do that when things have gotten so interesting. Im just disappointed i wasent the first to learn of it, that tyrone really keeps on the ball when it comes to lycans. Though he Doesent take much fun or pride in the hunt which is a bit dull."

He looks at the 3 of them here and smirked. "I didn't come for a fight, its useless to kill me anyway since Tyrone has already left with all the information the organization needs. Those guys will be panicking quite a bit for some time. There will be repercussions for this plan of your, though it may actually work. I actually have no hate for etheir of your kind, there is only one reason I hunt. I want to be entertained that is all." He said.
"Why do you think I am giving you the opportunity to leave."

She glared at him with her yellow eyes.

"If you were the first human to discover this meeting things would be different. You would have already been dead."

She could care less about the fact that he didn't have a reason to hunt besides entertainment, she just wanted him gone.

"You should leave now before I change my mind, I'm not usually so generous."
"Tyrone isnt very dead is he." He said with a taunting grin, however his stance seemed to change even more slightly. It became sharp, precise, deadly, he was truly prepared to fight.

"And if you want me to leave, well your just gonna have to make me." He said hand on his sword hilt.
It was truly amazing how quickly werewolves could heal. Conner was sure he would never get completely used to watching his flesh stich itself back together as if nothing hapenned. But he was still to weak to move easily on his own, it felt like the energy needed to heal the wound for a human was taken from him. Oh well, in a few minutes he should be back on his feet.
Jill looked at the new arrival hard as she heard his response. 'I know one thing for sure now, he is a hunter. But what makes him so bold at a place where there are so many of us. Both the vampires and wolves.' He was crazy, or had a plan, and a there was only one thing that the hunters would have in mind here. She looked at the sword on his back wondering if she could take him out before he could draw it and aim for her. She decided to try something different first, looking him in the eye she took a couple more steps toward the door, "You heard her, leave now."
"Do you wish to be my first opponent, i already said if you want me to leave you have to force me too, do you think your capable of that." He said as his eyes bore into her, he showed no fear to any of the forces around him. Only interest and excitement. In his eyes he only held confidence, weather it was confidence in his skills or a plan he had made she would not be able to tell. "I wonder what rank you are in your society's, i do hope you arent all weaklings. 3 weaklings wouldnt make me break a sweat." He said with a grin.
"Leave human." Conner said, recovered and mask back in place. He heard the "I win't leave unless you make me." thing many times from children. If most grown humans qcted like this it is a mirical that they all weren't turned or killed a long time ago. And no matter how good this human was in a fight, the majority of a vampiric coven and several packs of werewolves would eventually rip him to shreds and feast on his remains.
"There's no reason for me too, now there are a few things i could do here. One i could leave, boring. Two i could fight to the death and bring several enemys with me, entertaining but i want to see what happens next. Three i could simply turn the radio on my hip on and ping my location to the organization and all hunters in the area and fight till i feel entertained enough to leave and use any others who come as my shield to leave." He seems to think for a moment and says. "I like the third option." He turns on his radio, the sudden signal would let hunters and law enforcement alike find him easily and ping his position. "All forces in the area their is a coven of vampires and a pack of werewolves at my position, feel free to send reinforcements as you will." He then un-clipped his radio and tossed it in the corner of the room behind him transmitting his position. "Well now, glad to get that out of the way."
"I was not here during that, I caught the tail end of that"

She looked over at the young vampire who was standing in the doorway. She stood closer to the alpha werewolf she needed to lie to the human.

"I hold the most rank in this room, leave them be and take me on."

She stood ready to fight, she has been fighting for over a thousand years. So she was a force to be reckoned with. She knew what was expected of her. Except for the fact that he called for reinforcements this, was a different story. She turned to the others in the room.

"leave now! warn the others. I will hold them off."

Their cover as a private party had been blown. The war was on and the humans have made their first move. This mansion had a few tricks of its own, she would make it out alright.
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He seemed to chock his head to the side as if deciding something. He watched her move ever so slightly closer to the werewolf of the group. Was this because of the vampire who just entered or...

Then when she said next about fighting him alone and letting the others go confirmed it. "A high ranking vampire moving protectively of a werewolf, this is quite the occasion. Now why would a high ranking vampire even in truce feel the need to protect a werewolf over her own kind." His grin widened. "Unless she was a even higher rank then her in the new truce, the alpha perhaps."

When she told the others to warn the party of this move he said. "Even if you scatter to the winds forces will be here soon enough picking off anyone who is slow or brave enough to stay to long. You will lose many additional friends today by my hand alone if i get pass you vampire, so make sure to entertain me and ill let the werewolf retreat with her tail between her legs." He said taunting.
"Well then, I guess a werewolf moving protectivley for vampires will balance the oddness of it all." Conner said as he stepped next to Victoria. "I am the alpha, and I will not run with my tail between my legs." Turning hus head, he says quietly, "Shall we continue our little dance?" Of course it would be a different kind of dance, but she should realize the difference. And so, he got ready prepared to morph and give this human a fight to remember. Hopefully Lupa won't step up and claim to be the alpha, he couldn't beir her death, let alone the pack.
She looked at Conner.

"Only if you follow my lead, I have a little trick up my sleeves."

She looked at the others. She needed them gone, the less casualties the better. She ripped off her mask and threw it on the ground. She pointed to the door, there was a sense of urgency in her voice.

"Go! Now!"

She turned to the hunter. This was the first battle luckily, she had an advantage.

"I am the head vampire, you have your leaders here. Leave the others be."

She was ready to unfold a plan she had made, she just needed the others gone.
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"Lead away." he replied. A few tricks were better than no tricks at all, and he didn't want to miss them. Taking off his mask for the final time, he stares down the human with his piercing blue eyes, still ready to morph.
For a moment he looked momentarily confused, they were obviously trying to play a ploy on him but etheir way at least one high ranking clan leader was here that much was confirmed. That would be the only need for these two to claim to be their leaders. Then he just smiled and his confusion melted away. "Ah well it doesent matter, one way or another one of you 4 is a pack leader or head vampire so i will simply remember your faces and cut threw you all in due time. Now i believe it is only fair for me to tell you my name. My name is Marcus Areali and you will both meet your end at my sword someday." Marcus had a bit of reputation among the clans and the packs if not only for his unusual shunning of the advanced technology that gave humanity its best chance or the fact unlike many he left some of his targets alive and hunted them over long periods of time if for nothing else to satisfy his seeming lust for battle or just abandoning some hunts all together. However one thing was known for sure and that was many vampires and werewolves have fallen to his hand. "Come then." Suddenly his eyes were serious and his carefree attitude was gone, he was now as deadly as a blade's edge. Meanwhile sirens sounded in the distance, Marcus's call to arms was being answered.

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