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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

Lupa looks at Tywin square on. "Just remember I'm faster than you are if you decide to run" She threatens. "And I will have no hesitation in tearing you apart. And just know death will come for I do not change humans." She states eyeing Tywin shortly before hooking her arms in his and a pleasant smile appeared on her face, it was almost eerie how her composure changed in an instant. "Shall we head back to enjoy this ball then? Of course we will" She half drags him along as she makes her way out of the dark room, keeping her other arm in her muff, her fingers tightly wrapped around her own dagger.
Conner didn't like it, but he would obey the alpha. Even though he may be pushing the limit of what she said. He followed them out and once more stood a distance off. Knowing that there was a human, albeit unarmed, in their mists wasn't comforting. There could be more, and they might not be so harmless as this one.
Tyrone was indeed creeped by the change in Lupa's expression, it was verily scary even to a human, indeed these werewolf were wicked beings, now Tyrone knew for sure. " I am no coward to run away " he said his voice cracking with fear as he spoke. He was a little astounded when she said about enjoying the ball. ' Enjoy ! I am here nearly dead! Maybe enjoy this cause this is my last ball ! " he said in a rather higher tone, not high enough for others to hear but never the less a little loud. Tyrone may be a captive but he would never submit especially to a werewolf.
Lupa glances over at Conner since he didn't seem to have any intention of going anywhere anytime soon. "If you're going to stay you may as well stand near me." She should have figured as much he wouldn't be so willing to go off with a human at her side. Though she was sure she could handle an unarmed human. At least she could converse with something other than a human. She looks back at Tywin as he spoke. "Now now, settle down. I may keep you around if you don't anger me. If you indeed show me where the werewolf hunter's headquarters are and prove your loyalty to you will have your choice. You can either become one of us or you can choose death. But I will not just set you loose in the world as a human"
" One of you ? A werewolf? " he grunted as he said the very word ' werewolf '. Acting or not he was still disgusted by those vile beings and being like them was a thought he never visited to keep as it only disgusted him further. " Why must I become one of you, I am already assisting you ! " he said still mad, he did not fear Lupa's anger after all his death was nothing more then a matter of time it would be inevitable and could only be delayed.
Conner walked over, hiding his gratitude for her letting him come closer. He would do his job and do it right. And the options she gave the human. If he was a hunter in disguise, how the ironic it would be. He would begin to hunt his own kind, or he'd just kill himself. As for showing them the headquarters, he wasn't sure if he would tell the truth and instead lead them into a trap.
Getting another glass of the blood, Jill stepped over to a corner. She watched as the human was dragged back out to the dance floor. It was amusing watching him, helpless to escape. The thought came to her mind that he may be the only human they have caught, but he may not be the only one here. If he wasn't alone, he could have help near by. With that thought she went back over to the window and looked around for any sign there could be humans outside.
Lupa only laughed at his protests. She was in no way offended, she would have been disappointed if he accepted so willingly. "Ah so the humans do have some honor about them. Or at least you. Well you have quite some time to figure out how to persuade me to keep you human. You don't think I'm just going to let you go to rebuild your werewolf hunting empire do you? Besides you're willing to betray your own kind so I doubt they'd want you back anyways" She looks over at Conner. "What do you think? Is it wise for me to keep a human around or should I just kill him now?"
"I don't like any of this. This 'base' is probably a trap. And for all we know he is one of the leading hunters. Kill him, or be cruel and turn him." That was Conner's simple answer. They could let this human lead them to the "base" with a force large enough to counter any force that may be there.
Tyrone gave out a little yelp on hearing what Lupa said to Conner. why couldn't they just decide on what they wished for Tyrone's fate. After all why would he want a bunch of werewolf control his destiny. He gave out another yelp and gulped, he was indeed terrified he never would wish to turn into one of 'them' he might rather die. " If you dare to do so I would run. " he said in a low and cold tone. Indeed his threat was useless he had no leverage but he had to protest indeed it was his only defense. He did try to struggle from Lupa's grip but had failed miserably.
"Running once you are turned won't do anything." Conner told the human. He has seen wolves run once they were turned, then they experienced what it was like and came back obediently. And he certainly wouldn't be able to run if he was dead. Either way, running would be useless for the human right now.
She smiles, it was the answer she expected from Conner. "And that's why you're my second. But I think I shall keep him around for the time being. It's been a while since I've had fun like this in a while." She lets her fingers run through his hair when he states he'd run. "Oh but you would make such a handsome werewolf" She lets out a small laugh. "As Conner said, you can run all you'd like but you'll come back eventually. And even if you didn't, as a werewolf you're no threat to me. Though I don't change humans, it'd be Conner I'd give the job to."
Tyrone pulled his head away as Lupa mocked him. " I am not your pet! " he yelled loudly this time. He could not struggle anymore his hands were tied with Lupa's since they went out and so he couldn't possibly run away till he chopped his arm off. " Being turned is already bad but then with him " He sighed with a silent pause, " I doubt a wolf would ever look pretty they are just hideous.
"That is rude to say." Conner said, keeping pace with the two. This man was either brave, or stupid. Either way it wasn't helping him much. "Guess you would make a rather ugly wolf then." he said in reply to the second half of the man's little protest. And with his little out burst all eyes would be on him. Let him know that he is being watched by both vampire and werewolf.
"And do you find me hideous? From my experience I've not once been called ugly" She states, in fact in her past her looks were her downfall. Though that was a very long time ago, it still gave her nightmares. "I have no desire to make you a pet. I offered you equality among us and you still spit on that. What exactly am I supposed to do with you? I only have so much patience. I'm this close to letting Conner change you in front of everyone here" She puts her fingers together with a small gap.
Tyrone looks down in fear maybe faking some shame. " I just wish to be who i am no one else, maybe you could use a human like me as a spy " he said with a sigh no longer talking loudly. " Is it too much to ask, and no i don't consider you hideous " He said maybe trying to butter her but it was not false either Lupa was pretty but to a human how can a wolf be beautiful . " Forgive me I just wish to stay as who I am, I hope werewolf are honorable like me at if not other humans " . he said taking slow breaths maybe trying to calm his heart that was beating like that of a hound, indeed Tyrone was scared a thing he had not been for years.
"Yes, we could make him a spy. And let him run to the humans the first chance he gets. I do not trust you, and will not let you out of my sight." Conner told the human. "Now, I doubt the name you have given us is real. Tell us your name, the real one." At least the human had the sense enough to back track and reconsider what he said about all wolves being hideous.
"Of course it's not too much to ask but it's something you have to earn. And of course we are honorable. Just because we aren't "human" doesn't mean we're that much different than you. We're not monsters. We have feelings, we love, we hate, we do everything humans do. And you have a lot to prove if you want to be our spy. As of now I know it's only sugar-filled words you're spitting out to me. But as of now you'll live as a human, just don't rub me wrong" She waits for him to answer Conner's question.
Tyrone sighed with joy. " Well thank you for that " he bowed his head unable to do so with his body due to still being caught with Lupa. " If you may permit could you please excuse me " he said. Tyrone wished to use the restroom, even though happy to still be human, but he did need to go but what troubled her was will his new leader let him? he sighed waiting for a reply but had a grin on his face.
"I will accompany him if I must. And I am still waiting for that name." Conner told the both Lupa and the human. He didn't want to have to watch the human, but if she let him go he would do it. This one seamed more and more like a fox the more Conner was near him. He would spot an opening and take it, even if the cost of failure is high.
Jill listened to the wolves talk and the human exchange words for a long time without moving. 'If he thinks the wolves are hideous, what option would be hold of my kind ?' She run her hand a long the dull side of the blade that was concealed in her sleeve, listening to more of what was being said, and laughed as he asked to use the bath room. The oldest trick in the book when a human wanted to get out of a situation. She stop for a second realizing she'd laughed a bit loudly, she wasn't accustom to attending large events like this. She was more comfortable roaming around on her own. If there was to be an alliance with the wolves, it would effect her if she was there or not, so she preferred to hear about things herself rather than get news from other sources that were a unknown mix of fact and fiction.
"Only if you give your true name and Conner will accompany you. You must think I'm a fool to let you go on your own." She looks at Conner. "If you would could you kindly bring me back a glass of wine. I'm afraid I lost mine in the scuffle with this human. And if he chooses he may have a glass too since blood was so disgusting" She says with a slight chuckle. "And perhaps it'll make him more compliant. And I'm sorry Conner to put you to work on such a night. I wish this hadn't of happened" She says honestly, though she wasn't too keen on seeing him dance with the vampire for a reason she wasn't quite sure of, but put it off as her distrust of vampires. She turns her attention towards the sound of a laugh, narrowing her eyes a bit at having a eavesdropper.
"It is my pleasure." Conner said and gave a little bow to Lupa. Walking to the refreshments, he grabs two glasses of wine. Maybe if they got the human drunk enough he would talk. But the thought of a drunk human flapping his tongue about who knew what wasn't Conner's first choice in an enjoyable night.
" Well I am Tywin only it is my real name and i accept your terms " He said and gave a bow himself but still housed his grin. " Well till he returns would you mind telling me why do you werewolf have such disgust for us humans? " he asked rather curiously. Tyrone did not give his real name still as he knew well that he would be signing his own death certificate by doing so, everyone knew who Tyrone was. Luckily o one dared to pull his mask yet so none would ever even recognize him.
Seeing Lupa's expression she thought that she must be a bit more careful. Conner was taking the human with him. Jill wondered if he was taking him to the bath room or not,he got two glasses of wine. Jill sipped slowly on the glass of blood in her hand as the human said his name. She closed her eyes wondering if that really was his name.

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