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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

Tyrone just stood their motionless at hearing her name. He could feel his feet tremble maybe in fear or in excitement or maybe a blend of both. He had hit the jackpot but it was a trap too, Lupa was known for being ruthless and powerful, getting her head would be truly hard. Tyrone coughed as he calmed himself down, " I see, well forgive me if I don't recognize you. I have be called specially for this meeting. The coven had me fly here from Italy and sadly I have no idea what this meeting is even about ", he said so before chuckling on the irony that a person would come from all the way from Italy without even knowing why. Luckily Tyrone had slayed the leader of Italy a couple of days ago while he was travelling but there was still a slight chance that his death was found out about and maybe even announced here but still Tyrone did have his scent so it was not such a foolish decision. If needed he could form a story about some conspiracy.
Lupa let out a small chuckle at his reaction. "Well isn't the point of a masquerade ball to not recognize people? Though it's not like my mask hides much. Italy? I've always liked Italy, lovely country and lovely wine" She had heard nothing about the death of the Italian vampire being slayed, she didn't keep in the news about vampire affairs and he was the first vampire she spoke to for more than two minutes the entire night. "In short, it's just the werewolves and the vampires joining to get rid of pesky humans trying to get rid of us" She said in the most polite way but a snarl could still be heard under her breath.
Tyrone had just picked up another glass of wine, He pulled it up and took a sip as Lupa spoke. Tyrone's was astounded to know what they were planning, he could not even feel the wine flowing down his glass. Tyrone's hands trembled and the glass fell down breaking and shattering up. Luckily the shards didn't cut Tyrone, " My a..ap..appologies " he said his voice cracking. Tyrone had no idea that they were devising such a deadly scheme. He coughed bringing his voice back to normal, " Well as much pesky as the humans are, in Italy they can be useful pawns " He said with a sigh. " Well I might not speak much so that the leader is not angered but I do not agree to such a scheme ' he ended. It was clear that Tyrone was now panicking he was indeed scared of what might happen if they were to team up.
Conner heard the sound of glass breaking and turned his head to see where it came from. It was that man again, seemingly more nervous than he was before. He knew Lupa could handle her own and not let a vampire get to her. Turning his attention once more to his dance partner, Conner asks a question of his own. "Since we are no doubt going to work together in the future, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name." Manners came second nature to him in a situation like this. A bit odd, considering when he let the wolf out he tended to hit things until they told him what he wanted to know.
Lupa looks down at his hand at seeing the glass break, her excellent sense of smell picking up wine rather than blood that was dripping down his hand. Not to mention it was sticking to his hand as blood did versus wine. She however, did not speak of this for the time being and let her eyes move back up to his face. "Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and it's safe with me. Though I do not find this a great solution I'm afraid it's the only one we have. Humans are not to be reasoned with, they'll turn on you in a heartbeat if you show them the slightest bit of sympathy." Her tone was rather bitter. Humans had left a bitter taste in her mouth ever since she was foolish enough to change one. "I mean honestly do you think if we invited the human leaders of vampire and werewolf slaying they'd be willing to make a truce" She laughs, which was surprisingly melodic compared to her true nature.
" Maybe they would but we might seem a little persuasive with our gathering. Those vile beings might just be scared. " Tyrone giggled after he spoke. It was indeed very funny for a human who thought of vampires and werewolf as such filth say so. " You sound like you house some disgust against them, why? If i may ask. " Tyrone said. It would not be a ill thing to get some intel of the werewolf leader now would it. Maybe Tyrone could even utilize it against them but then against he was not someone to use such a dirty tactic he considered it to be a trend for only vampires.
"Of course they would be terrified but I don't trust them one bit" Her eyes flash with a bit of anger as he asks about her reasoning to hate humans. "I'm going to need another glass of wine to discuss that if you must know. Everyone else seems to around here" She says a bit irritated at everyone's need to gossip. "So I'll be back in a moment" She makes her way through the crowd to the refreshment table and grabs herself a glass of wine and a glass of blood for her supposed vampire friend. She can't help but smirk at grabbing the blood, and makes her way back over to Tyrone and hands him his glass before taking her original spot in the doorway. "Thought you might like a glass since you unfortunately broke your last one" A smile that was meant to be friendly appeared on her face but it was laced with a predatory danger.

"If you must know my specific reason for hating humans I foolish let myself fall in love with one. He understood what I was and refused to change him even though he asked several times. Finally, at being faced with the thought of his mortality I changed him. He only wanted the power that came with being a werewolf and I left him. I have no idea if he's dead or alive but I don't really give a damn either way" She chugs half her glass with that affirmation. She didn't dare go into details about his abusive nature towards her but left the story as simple as possible.
Tyrone took a sip too as she ended but just to find out it wa blood. The very moment it poured into his mouth, Tyrone felt a wish to pike this very moment and so Tyrone spited it on the floor. A foolish move one that might cost him his life. " what was that!" He yelled as he looked down on floor just to know that it was surely blood but when he looked up he could only see many pairs of eyes blankly staring at him, Tyrone just stood there motionless he knew he might be a dead leader now. If this hadn't happened he might have told Lupa that it was her fualt as she messed with the nature's balance but well the nature was to mess with Tyronevit seemed.
Lupa's eyes quickly turn dangerous and she grabs Tyrone by the neck, spinning him into the other room that was currently dark. She wanted to deal with this intruder herself. She slams him against the wall, pressing her body up against his to keep him pinned. She places a hand under his chin, her sharp nails digging into his skin to keep his eyes looking directly at her's. He may not be able to see her clearly in the dark but she could see him. There was a tiny bit of light that filtered in from the ball outlining her silhouette in the dark. "You have exactly thirty seconds to explain to me why I shouldn't kill you now. I'm sure the vampires would find you to be quite the peace offering if I brought you along to my meeting"
"How odd that the seconds for both sides end up dancing together"

She looked at the area that the sound of glass breaking came from. She made a mental note of the man, he might not be as he appears. She turned her attention back to her dance partner who had asked for her name.

"Victoria. And what is your name?"

She thought it would be good to know the second for the other side as well. When suddenly a fight caught her eye. She let go of the wolf and drew one of her pistols.

"Your leader seems to have found an intruder."

She walked towards the room that they disappeared to, she was going to wait outside waiting for any sign of danger.she had heard stories of the leader of the werewolves and she was going to be nice and let her have first attack on the intruder.
Tyrone's heart ws beating fast and so was his breathing, he could sense a drop of blood falling down his neck. Tyrone knew that his cover had blown. He thought fast and spoke in a hurry too," I HAD BEEN EXILED FOR LETTING A WEREWOLF FREE, I CAME TO SEEK VENGENCE! ". His beating faster now. He knew that what Lupa did next would be his future. Tyrone lying was a foolish move but if he had been a idiot to tell his own name then they would have certainly converted him as a punishment. He did not try to push Lupa he could not possibly fight a werewolf and so he gave up any hope of escape or struggle
Conner made a bee line towards the room Lupa went into. He had to push vampire and werewolf a like out of the way, vampires hussing and wolves growling. He stopped for only a moment next to Victoria to whisper "Conner." before entering. There was Lupa, holding the man by the throat up against the wall. He heard the human, for that is what he was under that smell, splutter something about vengence. It was none of Conner's concern. But if she wanted to farther interogate him herself, Conner had his knife out, ready to hand it to her. Interogations can be so bloody at times.
Lupa glanced away from the human briefly to Conner as he entered the room before turning his attention back on the human. "And why would you decide to let a werewolf free? And you came to seek vengeance on werewolves for setting one free? You're argument for me keeping you alive is not a very successful one. And even if I let you go for helping a werewolf why shouldn't I set you lose on the vampires?" She takes a few steps back so her body wasn't as tightly pressed against his, letting his feet fully touch the floor. She didn't let go of his neck though, smirking a little as she felt his pulse quicken.
Tyrone's beat increased again his final gambit seemed to be failing. He tried to struggle a little but a human's strength is incomparable to that of a towering werewolf. He coughed and looked around just find another werewolf present, he was indeed a lost cause now but Tyrone was not the one to give up easily. " Well because I know the path to the werewolf hunter's secret headquarter and all their safe houses. " he said as he struggled even more, Tyrone seemed to regret being a human now. " I wished to lead you all there " he said. Tyrone was happy that his body was no longer pinned but his neck was too troubled to care about the little freedom that he had recived
Lupa releases him from her grip, knowing if he ran it'd be bad news and figured he'd be smart enough to realize that. "And why should I trust you one who is supposedly called Tywin" She was quite suspicious of this human but if he was speaking the truth, well that would be quite a victory for the werewolves. She had already decided to keep him alive for any chance that what he spoke of was true. If not she'd enjoy tearing him limb from limb, or perhaps she'd be generous enough to let the vampires do what they wished with him.
Conner tensed as Lupa dropped the human. He did not know if he had a knife or a gun secreted away on him somewhere or not. Deciding that caution was better, he takes up a spot close to the human to intervene if he had to. His knife gleamed in the faint light as he almost carelessly began to trim his nails with it. He didn't have to, but the human would see the knife, and that was what he wanted.
All the turmoil going on in the room brought her attention back from looking out the windows. She took a sip from a glass like the one the human had tried then spit on the floor. The blood had been setting for a while, but still had it's taste. Seeing the human get dragged into the other room made her laugh a bit. She turned back to the window for another minute, then turned and walked over toward where the human was taking. She was hoping to overhear what this strange human was saying. Stopping just outside the curtain, she concentrates to over hear what is going on.
Tyrone crashed on the floor panting rather loudly, he could finally breath without an obstacle. Tyrone looked at Lupa and then Corner, he could see a knife in one's hand and a pair of devilish eyes in the other's face. Tyrone pulled out a small pistol, he did not point it at anyone but dropped it on the floor next to him. A foolish yet smart move for him. " And why might you not trust..." he coughed. " me? that can be a question too i suppose ? " he said as he hopped to survive the night at least alive and not converted.
Lupa let out a rather loud laugh. "Because you're a human" She looks back at Conner and motions towards Tywin. "Search him. Make sure that pistol is all he had on him. I plan to keep him at my side for the rest of the night" She states matter of factly. "You're lucky you've impressed me with you ability to get into this ball unnoticed and to gain my attention without being sent away from me growing bored of you"
" tsk....being human doesn't mean I am dishonorable ! " he said in a little louder tone. He did take a deep breath prior to that. Well Tyrone was relived that he survived the night. Tyrone did not comment upon Lupa's last phrase, he was more tensed about something else. Tyrone did possess a silver knife, he kept it as the last line of defense but now that he was going to get searched, he could either make a run for it or just get caught and then get killed. Tyrone had finally survived and his foolish mistake could be the reason of his death. Tyrone spoke, " Wait a sec ", he was still breathing heavily but took out the knife, he was not sure if the werewolf could sense it being silver or not. Tyrone did not drop it but kept it in his palm. He could still make a run maybe kill the werewolf leader, it would not be a bad thing now would it? dying as the one who slayed the werewolf leader. Tyrone looked into Lupa's eyes, the knife still in his hand. Maybe he was looking for some signal.
As soon as the order was out of her mouth, Conner began to search the human. He wasn't gentle, why should he. He searched his sleeves, the back of his shoes. He even checked his mouth for a suicide pill. And when he saw the knife in the human's hand, he kicked it out. He wasn't going to risk it, it could be silver or it might not be. Once he was done searching, he grabbed this Tywin and dragged him to his feet. "I have found nothing. But I will stay close if you need me."
Seeing the knife fly over she watched it till it landed behind them. She slipped over while they were still focused on the human and picked the knife up. Looking at the blade for a second, she didn't know if it was silver or not. She slid the knife quietly up the sleeve on her dress and stepped back to where she was before. She didn't want to cause any problems with the wolves if the knife was silver, but at the same time her distrust of them said that a weapon like this would never be a bad idea if it was.
Lupa knew immediately that it was indeed silver, she had many years of experience behind her with it. She let out an unintentional growl at the sheen of it before looking up at Tywin as Conner dragged him to his feet. "That won't be necessary Conner. Just make sure you're within ear shot of me. I don't want to ruin your night because of a human"
Tyrone could feel himself being manhandled by the other wolf. He should have just killed the leader instead of getting greedy. He sighed as he saw his knife fly away but was surprised to look at a vampire who had secretly picked it up. ' Why might she do so ? ' thought but couldn't care much about it, he was well occupied in saving himself right now. Tyrone had a grin as he heard that the werewolf that was called Conner would not be accompanying him. after all which human would like to be dragged around helplessly.

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