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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

Conner came back as the human said that his name was Tywin. 'I don't believe it.' Conner thought to himself. Handing one glass to Lupa, Conner holds on to the other. This human needed to go somewhere. He didn't need to bring a drink with him, where ever it was he was going.
"I already told you the story Tywin and I have no desire to repeat it" She still didn't buy that it was his real name, but would let it slide for now. "You apparently have a disgust for us werewolves so I see no reason to have to justify myself anyways. At least I have a reason, you seem to only hate them for the fact that we are supposed monsters in your eyes. Scary stories told to you from a young age no doubt" She says before taking the wine from Conner happily as he brought it over. "Thank you"
Tyrone just gulped the drink in a one go before telling his tale. " Have you heard of Tyrone? The leader of werewolf slaying branch. His village was attacked by a bunch of you. All that is now left is the ashes and the children who escaped and you ask why we hate you ! you like a beasts ripped our parents, we could see their intestines. You all burnt ours houses and what did we do....We farmed is that a crime ? " he asked his tone rather loud. After completing he just walked towards the restroom with a angered expression not caring if Conner was following or not.
"And we are hunted for being what we are. Is being what you are a crime?" Conner retorted. The passion with which he spoke about it said that he was probably one of the children that escaped. 'Should have turned the kids' he thought to himself. But he wasn't a part of that attack. Seamed to him like it was common sense to him, though.
Lupa was taken aback by his passion on the issue. She didn't plan attacks on villages for no reason, either they were housing slayers or they needed more wolves. She didn't send wolves to just simply kill. This was interesting news to her indeed. She doesn't remember any attacks on a farming town between now and 20 years ago. Not one of that nature. Her thoughts briefly land on her ex lover turned rogue. He wasn't creating his own pack was he? That couldn't happen. They had enough to worry about with humans.
Jill watched as he walked toward the rest room, his story brought back memories of her waking to see the group of vampires feeding on her parents and the ones that helped them on the farm. Then being shoved down and bitten by one of them, who instead of killing her held her down and watched her turn. Over the years her views have changed, as she has seen humans cause more harm than vampires and wolves ever could, but she could understand how he would harbor the feelings that he did if he only seen things from the limited point of view he had. She walked over and meet him on his way to the bath room, not thinking of how this may look to Lupa and Conor. She looked him in the eye. "You think of them and us as monsters, over the years I've seen your kind kill others for no reason, even among your own species. One thing we and the wolves have in common, we hunt for our own survival. Can you say the same?" She looked up toward Lupa and Conor, "Excuse me." She backed away hoping she didn't make things too awkward.
" I don't care for what my kind does and never will, but what i care for is what they have done to those who were mine! " he lashed at the vampire. " And survival you say, I doubt you need to burn down the land and houses for survival after killing many and not even feeding on them? And you say that you do it for survival I would say for fun! " he yelled again as he took steps towards the washroom. Tyrone was not always this aggressive but the topic was indeed very sensitive to him or maybe he was scheming something.
Conner followed after, and would very much have liked to hit him. But the alpha would not approve her new pet being hurt so soon after getting it. So, gritting his teeth, Conner refrains from hitting the man as hard as he could. "Be quick." he growled close to the human's ear. He didn't know what time it was, but the meeting may start soon or already had started.
Shaking her head she watched the human and Conner. She didn't reply to him, clearly he only seen from his closed mind, that was the problem with humans. All the harm they done, they justified. The least bit of harm done to them, they treat as all the evil in the world. Jill walked back toward where she had been before, she looked again toward the area outside a window. 'So small, so ignorant, yet as a group they are a threat.'
As Tyrone entered the restroom he had a devilish grin on his face, 'fools' he thought. He knew that corner waited outside and that the restroom had no windows but never the less it was situated at edge of the Manor. Tyrone raised his foot and pulled out a knife and a remote from his boot's sole. ' How naive these idiotic can these knife beasts be. ' he thought as he walked to the door and said, " Erm Conner wasn't it, I might take a few minutes just was to say something to you " he said with a polite voice. Tyrone pressed the remote's button and had the knife in his hand. " You know that I was talking about me and the leader Tyrone, i forgot to mention something. I am him " He said with a grin, he then thrust the blade through the door aiming for Conner. To Tyrone it did not matter if it hit or not because his ride was here. A couple of explosion could be heard as the wall of the restroom broke and a Tyrone's ride was there. He grinned, he knew that his knife was just metal so it would do nothing more then slowing Conner down if it had hit him. " Send Lupa my regards " he spoke before rushing into his car. He smiled as he got in.
Lupa raises an eyebrow at the vampire who intervened and gave her opinion. She was definitely wasn't expecting to be backed up by a vampire. She watches as she walks off before hearing the explosion and quickly made her way through crowd to make sure Conner was in one piece and next to get her claws in Tywin.
The explosions shock the area where she was standing. Jill turned and looked toward where the sound came from, when another sound caught her ear. She looked down to see the human leaving the area. She debated about trying to chase after him, but decided against it. 'If he is true to his convictions, we'll see him again.'
She was contemplating why she recognized the intruder when it hit her.

"The main werewolf hunter."

She looked over at Lupa, he was no longer with her. She scanned the room and saw him heading to the restroom.


She made a beline for the restroom as she heard explosions.


She shoved the door open, pistol ready to shoot and saw the man had injuried the werewolf. She ran towards the hole and started firing at the car hitting it as it drove off, she struck one of the tires.


She started to run at the car when she jumped slightly and quickly flew over to the car landing on the hood. She drew her pistol and took two shots over the drivers side of the car. the bullets bounced back at her.

"damnit! bullet proof metal."

She jumped off of the car, she should have known they would use their best cars for this. She walked back towards the manor, she was upset that a human got past her.
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( e-e u haven't seen that car have u? I did look into making it as the best escape vehicle :D so even if u blow tiers i have no glass only metal :D )
Lupa wasn't far behind Victoria at seeing Conner wasn't in life threatening condition since the metal was silver. ready to shift and chase after Tyrone. She growls angerly at seeing Victoria heading back. There was no sense looking like a stupid dog chasing after a car she'd have no way of getting. "Let the human go to the bathroom. Ugh! Oldest trick in the book" she says to herself and makes her way back to tend to Conner, insanely angry at the human getting away and injuring her second.
She looked up at Lupa who growled at her.

"If I was only a minute early I would have your pet, the lead werewolf hunter."

She was angry at her self, she headed towards the injured wolf. The least she could do was offer a room for her to put the injured wolf. As she entered the room she looked at the injured wolf. He was bleeding, she needed to get him away from the main ball area. Vampires can smell blood and the last thing she needed was a room full of vampires getting bothered by the smell of werewolf blood. She looked in the mirror, her reflection wasn't there yet, she adjusted her mask as if she could see a reflection. She started thinking of the best room to the injured wolf in.
"I know. I know. I'm not angry at you it was my foolish mistake. Thank you for trying though..." she twitched a bit at finding out she let the lead werewolf hunter go. What a perfect pet he would of made. She couldn't help but smirk but it was soon gone when reality hit her that she didn't get him. "If I ever get my claws on him again I'll have him changed. I don't know what a more suitable punishment would be for someone who hates what we are so much" She knelt down to Conner inspecting his wound closer. "I figured there would he some scraps but not with humans"
Jill's eyes followed the car till she couldn't see it anymore. She turned to go back to where the other vampires were when a strong smell hit her nose. It took a second for her to process what it was. Conner had clearly been injured and was bleeding. This was the first time she'd smelled wolf blood, the thirst started to rise in her at the scent. She pushed down the impulse, the alliance was more important than her sudden impulses. She walked over to where he was, keeping a safe distance at first seeing Lupa and the other tending to him. "Is there any way I can help ?" She didn't know how that it would be received, but thought her request could be a first olive branch to help bring unity to their ranks.
"I would love to see that, what a cruel fate for a werewolf hunter."

She smiled at the thought, how could he live with himself being what he once hunted. She turned to Lupa.

"I hoped there wouldn't be any scraps tonight but, at least it was against our common enemy."

She thought of the perfect room. She kneeled next to the injured wolf. Luckily he was not hit by anything silver.

"There is a room at the end of the hallway if you wish to take him there."

She stood up brushing the dirt off of her skirt and holstering her pistol.

"I must find the commander and tell him of the incident."

She looked at the other vampire who had entered the room.

"Make sure no other vampires come in here, the last thing we need is bunch of people crowding around here."

She walked out of the restroom, she didn't know where the commander was. She walked up a set of stairs and stood in a balcony overlooking the ballroom. She scanned the room, looking for any sign of him.
Jill nodded and turned and looked toward where all the other were. The smell of the blood was still hitting her nose, she focused on watching for everyone that was going in and out of the other room. She hoped that there wouldn't be any of the others coming into the room. She was right that they really didn't need a lot of others in there. Especially if they are other vampires who would be bothered or worse yet, like Jill tempted by the smell of the blood, but unable to maintain control.
( can't wait till Conner tells Lupa that i am Tyrone :"D

wait a sec......oh shit...Lupa did puncture my neck atleast a little with her claws wont that over a longer period of time transform me into one of u ? e-e longer! i say! )

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