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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

Tyrone now held his 2 pistols and had dropped the sniper. " you know it's not everyday you see a coven gethed. So why might I leave you all for free" he said as he pressed the radio with his foot." Alpha team move in ." He said before crushing the radio." Aww now no one can stop the attack he said but his speech was soon cut by Lupa," oh if it isn't the deceived wolf again" he said mocking her with a grin that was concealed in his helmet. " you owe me a wound remember" he told her. Tyrone even had his silver claw in his hands and so was ready for a attck
He underestimated conners will to kill him, despite impaling himself on a silver sword he did not give into the pain and kept trying to kill him. It was quite admirable really and if he had been any less trained he actually might have died here. But this time his instincts saved him. As conner wrenched himself free from his blade he felt it and moved his head enough just to avoid a deadly bite. He could not completely dodge the next claw so he blocked with his arm taking a few bloody cuts and body rammed the werewolf, getting to close for him to attack him and throwing him back. He drew his gun and was about to shoot the troublesome werewolf when he felt his feet knocked out from under him. twisting and landing on his hand in an hand stand he kicked at lupa and was about to throw a swing downward when he heard a loud voice yell stop. Without looking he pointed his pistol at tyrone with one hand and with another kept his blade pointed at lupa. He barley heard the vampires deal,all he could feel was anger, how dare he, how dare tyrone try to interrupt the art that was combat. When tyrone said alpha teams move in his anger snapped. He gave into his anger and yelled "STOP! The next person to move will feel my blade human or not." He looked at tyrone his face livid. "How dare you, interrupt my battle! If you get in my way ill kill you too."
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Akio said:
((let me post god damn it! Gonna edit this one but stop moving so fast))
He underestimated conners will to kill him, despite impaling himself on a silver sword he did not give into the pain and kept trying to kill him. It was quite admirable really and if he had been any less trained he actually might have died here. But this time his instincts saved him. As conner wrenched himself free from his blade he felt it and moved his head enough just to avoid a deadly bite. He could not completely dodge the next claw so he blocked with his arm and body rammed the werewolf, getting to close for him to attack him and throwing him back. He drew his gun and was about to shoot the troublesome werewolf when he felt his feet knocked out from under him. twisting and landing on his hand in an hand stand he kicked at lupa and was about to throw a swing downward when he heard a loud voice yell stop. Without looking he pointed his pistol at tyrone with one hand and with another kept his blade pointed at lupa. He barley heard the vampires deal,all he could feel was anger, how dare he, how dare tyrone try to interrupt the art that was combat. When tyrone
(Sorry! Got a little carried away. By all means post your opinion if this happens. I'll try not to let it happen again) 

[QUOTE="Jill_Davis](( ok is this really what I signed up for ?))

(What do you mean? I'm sorry about the chaotic posting I'll put some control on it.)
((ya you were replying to one while im replying to many its just slightly hard to keep up))
"Lupa!" Conner barked out. What he would say next would certainly be over stepping himself, but it had to be done. "Get over to that vampire. We cannot win. You can kill both of them when the time is right. But right now, the time is not right." Conner prayed she would see sense, but as he prayed he was ready to defend her.
Akio said:
((ya you were replying to one while im replying to many its just slightly hard to keep up))
(And I apologize.I'll create a pattern if it upsets you guys so much. Now on RP order of posting! according to who posts next







Any objections let me know)
(the rp will move to slow, 1 hour if their online and just skip if their not, things happen not everyone's on at the same time)
((alright now we quit the ooc and post, we'll start at tyrone as he has to answer me and go around to jill and ect.)
(It all sounds good, but some people do decide to hide their online status. Just give them a reasonable amount of time. Also, for convieniance, could you put the list in OOC?)
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(I'm currently working and sneaking posts when I can! My schedule is in the signature on my posts! So sorry if I am little delayed at times I can usually sneak posts quite often.)
(SORRY ABOUT ALL THE CHAOS! ANYTHING FURTHER PUT IN OOC and Lady Luna I upped the time, 1 hour isn't long enough, if you wish it longer let me know in OOC though)
Twas during the time of fighting amongst the three species that a great temporal disturbance suddenly exploded into existence in a, not so far off, forest. Any creatures or life caught in the blast found themselves translocated to a time centuries in the past. In place of what once was a part of the forest, where the explosion had happened, there was only a crater 14 beings looking as though they had been pulled straight from a fantasy novel standing as a group. Each was wondering what just happened as what would be come to be known as their leader stepped forth with a proactive intent to find what just happened. To the group, the forest seemed smaller but no less unlike the century they had been accustomed to. "Let us proceed with caution to these new surroundings. We know not of where we are." The Leader said with authority and strength in his voice as he proceeded into the forest with his group close at hand. When next they came to find a break from amidst the small forest, the hunter gave out a warning of protest and then said that the scents of the lands were not the same and reeked of pollution. The leader nodded his head then crept low towards the edge of it all after beckoning his hunter and assassin to come with him while the rest were to remain behind and stay in cover. The two nodded in agreement and moved up swiftly, albeit silently, and the trio were taken aback to the exiting of the forest leading them to find themselves overlooking the human city in all its lights and noise. The Leader looked to the hunter in a way of saying to send Unthruek out to find a suitable place of convergence. The hunter complied and pushed his right shoulder, which the hawk was sitting upon, and launched his companion into the air. The hawk had been trained to fly reconnaissance silently when given an order like this. After several minutes Unthruek returned and landed upon the hunters right shoulder while the two image shared through one anothers minds, allowing the hunter to see all that his companion had seen. The hunter then relayed this information to his leader about a darkened mansion nearby the hillish area they were perched upon but also told of seeing many others moving in around it. The leader chose not to follow the route but instead to keep it in mind as he ordered them with hand gestures to return to the group within the forest. Upon arriving at the rest of the group, the hunter told everyone of the city and all its uniqueness. The dwarf exclaimed at the knowledge of moving lights with roars like beasts yet covered in metal skins. Volcanos kept silent and seated upon the burnt dirt not wanting to give away their position despite anything flying overhead being able to see them.
Vivian Snuck her way behind the punch bowl. She hated these kinds of things, especially with all these vampires around. But Lupe had instructed them to be nice with the vampires so Vivian could do nothing.



Vivian fiddled with the mask decorations. She got a few glasses of fruit punch (?) down and suddenly a fight broke out. Some how two humans had crashed the party packing some heat. Vivian crouched beside her table, she hadn't learn much in the 16 years she's been a werewolf. Vivian stood her ground looking to her leader for a strategical signal. She kept her eyes focused one Lupa and her ear's open for any command that comes her way. Vivian's hands shook and she began to make a fist in an attempt to stop. "It's okay Citrine, you're ready for this." She told herself, beginning to feel her might.
The fight that was happening infront of her was intense. She needed to get everyone but the humans out. The perfect moment came everyone was perfectly placed. This all happened by chance, she threw an empty magazine at the switch on the wall. The lights went out, she slammed the but of her gun on a tile and, the floor gave way under everyone but, the humans. She landed with a hard thump in the catacombs that were under the mansion. She stood up and threw a switch under that trap door deactivating it. There were other vampires from the party there, as well as werewolves. She turned to the group that she just came with.

"Sorry about that, I just didn't want to wait see what happened."

She gave her bargain to the humans and they did not take it. Now was the time for war.
Tyrone smiled as he threw two balls right inside the trap door before it could close up fully. " Gotcha " he said with a devilish grin over his face. Tyrone did not need lights to see, his helm was to take care of it all. " Marcus its down " he said before realizing that one of the bombs were on just next to his feet. " Ooooo sh*t ! " he yelled. The balls were his UV bombs are were active. Both blew up, blinding all and killing any vampire which was to come in its contact. As for Tyrone he was blinded by the flash, his helm should have been switched off before the blast but now it was to late. " DAMMIT!" Tyrone yelled as his helmet was malfunctioning. " ROSE DO SOMETHING! " he said. He was yelling as his ears were in pain due to the high pitched static that he could hear and due to the blast, Tyrone's was blind, well not a good idea to use night vision when a UV bomb is to be used.

( all vampires can take cover behind something and survive but at least half of them would die :/ don't mind main characters can survive :D but their army shall decline :D
( btw i am blind and without any hearing u can hit me now :D )
Marcus had noticed the bomb the second tyrone had spoke and covered his eyes and the bombs exploded. 'So even the werewolf hunter carrys vampire killing tech.' He thought to himself. After the blast finished he took his hand from his eyes and looked around. He wasent wearing a helmet or any tech on him at all really so he just watched with amusement for a split second at the captains fumbling till he stepped forward and grabbed tyrone's throat who wouldnt have much a chance of realizing his approach unable to see or hear. His grip was strong and if tyrone started struggling he'd squeeze until he stopped, dead or knocked out it didnt matter to him. "The next time you interfere in my hunt and point your gun at me you die." He said in a deadly tone as he held his throat for several seconds before letting go and looking at the trap door. Of the 4 that opposed him 2 were vampires. One had stayed in the back the whole time so he almost didnt care for her other then completing the set but the other had interested him, hopefully she wouldnt have died. He had lost interest in the male werewolf, he was just a soldier like many he had killed. But the girl interested him. "The girl is mine tyrone, if you kill her youll take her place on my list." He said. Marcus never missed a target. Human or vampire or werewolf. He left the room and the cops parted in fear around him.
Victoria heard the distinct sound of bombs hitting the floor. She knew those bombs.

"UV bombs everyone hide!"

She ripped of her overskirt revealing the short red underskirt. All of her clothes were made with UV deflectant fabric. She threw her skirt over one of the bombs, the other rolled into a room. They exploded, her skirt worked for the one bomb but, the other exploded in the room. It killed about 20 vampires that were the best soldiers they had. She stood up as the light dimmed. Her legs felt like they were on fire. She looked down, her lower legs were covered in burns. The pain was unbearable but, she needed to remain strong. With a pained voice she instructed the other vampires.

"Get, out. This place, is no longer safe."

She slumped against a wall, she couldn't stand anymore. Her legs were trying to heal themselves but, she had already taken two blows before.
( dude no cops yet >-> some peeps are to reply) 
Tyrone crashed on the ground panting and gasping for air. He did not hear what the person grabbing his neck had said. He cough, Tyrone did not wish to remove his helm but was forced too. To him his head was about to explode. Tyrone dropped his helm next to himself and tried to calm his senses. Tyrone still couldn't see anything, even though the room was dark, to him it seemed as if he was glaring at the sun. Closing his eyes were not help full either. " Rose help ! " he yelled. Tyrone knew that the AI couldn't do much right now but he was panicking now. Tyrone just hoped no vampire or werewolf was still there, specially not one with a vengeful desire.
Conner covered his eyes with his arm, saw tge flash around the edges, then lowered it. It was just a UV, at the worst he would just have a minor sunburn. Then he saw the 20 or so dead vampires. A real shame, their numbers would have been useful. But this was war now, and casualties would be expected. He also saw Victoria sitting exahusted against a wall. Walking over, he crouches down and without asking, put one of her arms over his shoulder and helps her up. "I need some help here." Conner said through gritted teeth at doing some lifting with several holes in him.

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