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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah couldn't help but let out a small stifled laugh "Oh shit....I'm surprised you were that nice about it." He said before squeezing her hand again. He chatted with her for the rest of the drive and dinner. By the time they got home he was tired and happy to see both kids were asleep as well "Ya know....I got enough energy for some sexy time." He said while wiggling his eyebrows.
She smiked and went to lay in their bed while he locked the door, “you mean you don’t know what underwear set I put on tonight?” She winked at him, smiling as he came over straight away
Noah gasped and quickly got back to her. He rushed over and smiled widely kissing her lovingly "Mmm I love you so much." He whispered before he got onto business with her.
Their life was much of the same for almost six months , albeit Eden had calmed down a little by then and was definitely a grouchy pre-teen now but less angry than before. Keaton had gone back to school and Carmen was doing a mini tour cycle for the new album. They were few and far between these days and she was enjoying the calm and quiet a lot more.

Eden walked out to the back yard where her Dad and brother had just finished swimming and frowned a little "You got a missed call from Mom, your phone is on the kitchen side." She told her Dad, frowning a little. The thing she had noticed the most was that over the past six months her Dad had gone from being his normal self to a little slower with things and he was starting to get tired a lot easier plus the days where he had to get someone else to take them to school when his mornings were a little too painful.
Noah nodded some and smiled a bit "Alright I'll go call her back thank you." He said sweetly before going back inside to get his phone and call Carmen back while he watched Keaton dry off. Things had been going well for them lately, but he was starting to get worse. His medication was keeping things at bay but the doctors had told him about a month ago that his condition had progressed and soon enough he'll need to get on another medication and possible open heart surgery.
She picked up her phone soon as it rang and smiled. “Hey puppy, I got some good news.” She told him happily. “How have the kids been today?” She asked, biting her tongue to stop from asking if he was alright. It had got to the point where she was so used to hearing him being short of breath and it was scaring her a little.

Keaton came back inside with his towel over him like a blanket and shivering a little. “Daddy I need juice.” He told him, “is that mommy? I wanna talk to mommy too.” He told him reaching for the phone
Noah took a deep breath and smiled some "They've been good, Keaton and I just got done with a dip in the pool. How are you doing?" He asked softly before looking over at Keaton "Sure thing bud give me just one minute okay?"
She smiled a little hearing him in the background. “Actually I called cause I got some news. There’s been a fuck up in the bookings for venues. So my last two dates have been cancelled. I’m gonna be home a little earlier than planned. But I’m gonna go see max and the kids for a few days before I get home… should be back on Saturday.” She told him
Noah smiled a bit and nodded "Well that sucks about the shows, but I'm happy to have you back sooner." He said happily before chuckling some "Here talk to Keaton, he's giving me puppy dog eyes."
She agreed and spoke to Keaton for a little while before hanging up when she had to go, working the next couple of days and finally managed to get out to see Max again after the past few months, smiling as the door was opened for her, doing a double take seeing Rory with his hair now dyed black and looked to Max, "Hey! I made it!" She called to her, leaving most of her bags in the back of the rental car she'd got
Max smiled widely when she saw Carmen and hugged her tightly "Oh its so good to see you!!" She said happily while helping her into the house. "How is Noah doing with just him and the kids? They giving him a hard time?" She asked as she went to pour them drinks.
She smiled and shook her head a little. “I got a very hopeful call yesterday asking if I was still gonna come see you while I could hear the two of them bickering in the background.” She smiled. “He’s struggling but he’ll survive.” She told her. “…uh… Rory? He’s his fathers son alright. Especially now he’s dyed his hair.” She told her
Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded seeing him run back to play his games "Oh yeah, I already had a meltdown about it. He just....I didn't know how to fully tell him no." She said giving a small shrug "Right now I'm just trying to figure out where my relationship is going with Jey....he wants to take the next step and live together...but he wants us in Florida." She explained
She sighed a little and watched him go. “Eden is starting to look more like me but Keaton is becoming his fathers twin at this rate.” She sighed. “You not ready to leave?” She asked knowing she probably was reluctant to leave the state as Rick was buried only a few minutes down the road.

Eden got in from school after graces mom had given her a lift, walking inside and setting her bag down. “Dad? You forgot to pick me up!” She called to him. “Did you forget Keaton too?! …. Dad?” She’d seen his car in the drive but she couldn’t hear her brother anywhere either
Max sighed some and sipped at her drink as she handed Carmen her own "I don't know honestly. I think it would be nuce to live with him, but then again it would be starting over fresh and I don't know if the kids would be okay with that. Plus we'd....we'd be leaving him. He'd be alone up here." She explained quietly.

Noah was on the couch in the living room his shoes at his feet ready to be put on. However, he was gripping at his chest struggling to breathe and was going a shape of purple by now from the lack of breath. He looked over at Eden and tried handing her his phone but by this point he couldn't move either.
She frowned and shook her head. “It’s not something you wanna force but if you’re happy with him, and if the kids are happy then it’s not a bad idea. You know I say this with love but it’s not like he’s going anywhere anytime soon.” She pointed out. “Oh, I need to go charge my phone. Give me two minutes.” She told hee, going to grab it out the bag she’d brought in with her and put it on to charge after it had died on the way from the airport, going back to max and sitting down again.

Eden frowned and just stared at him for a moment until she took his phone and called 911 like they’d taught her to do then rushed to get her phone out hee own bag and call Britney to ask for help with Keaton, not knowing what to do
Max smiled a bit and nodded "They really like Jey a lot. Rory gets along with his youngest son, but I don't know if he'll be willing to leave here." She said before sipping her drink "But anywho how is Noah doing? Last time we talked you said he was doing okay but they were looking at possible surgery."

Britney came over after getting Keaton and frowned deeply seeing the police cars still there waiting with Eden "Hi, I'm a family friend, whats happened?" She asked worriedly
She sighed a little and nodded. “He’s definitely showing that he’s not well now. He’s been struggling lately but they’ve said he shouldn’t need it for another few months yet. Eden is worrying about him though. Keaton is… well Keaton. Oblivious.” She smiled a little, looking over when Iris came running in to see her mom and shook her head. “Gosh look how tall you’re getting now.” She smiled at her.

“They’ve just left with her father, EMTs said possible heart attack but they won’t know more til hee at the hospital. Young lady said she got home and found her dad on the couch barely breathing. We’ve tried to get ahold of hee mom with her but it’s going straight to voicemail.”
Iris smiled happily at Carmen and nodded "I'm the tallest girl in my class!" She said proudly before asking if she could have a snack and running off once Max told her yes.

Britney nodded and sighed heavily "She might be on a plane, did she have a show tonight?" She asked Eden completely unaware that Carmen was with Max right now.
Carmen smiled and shook her head. “Growing up too fast.” She muttered, chatting with max for a while before Rory came over holding carmens phone and handed it to her. “Oh, thank you?” She smiked but frowned when he mentioned that it kept ringing and she saw how many missed calls there were, finally managing to call Britney back.

Eden shook her head frowning. “I don’t remember where she’s meant to be.” She whimpered until she saw her mom was ringing Britney and she took Keaton inside to get a snack now he was getting whiny.
Britney frowned and quickly answered the phone "Carmen? Where are you? You need to come home as soon as possible. Noah has had an episode, they're saying possible heart attack. I'm with the kids now at the house but they have him at the hospital." She explained before heading inside to be with the kids.
She stood there for a moment and just let herself process what she was saying. “Alright…. Alright uh… I’m gonna get there as soon as I can. Call Nick and get him to go down there if he can. Or Brian or Davis…. Just call Nick. I’m on my way.” She told her, “if Eden wants to call me let her know she can cause I’m gonna drive.” She told her and hung up, looking up at max and trying to hold it together. “I gotta go home.” She told her.
Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod "Is everything okay? Whats happened?" She asked as she helped her get the bags she had brought in.

Britney quickly called Nick and explained everything before going to Eden "Hey sweetie you okay? Your mom is going to drive down here, she said you can call her whenever." She explained.
She shook her head and frowned. “That was Britney. Said Eden called her cause Noah’s had another cardiac episode and they think it could be a heart attack but they… I gotta get home.” She told her. “I’ll call as soon as I’ve got things settled I’m so sorry.” She told her, chucking the bags in and grabbed the keys, getting back in the rental and waving goodbye before leaving, making it half an hour into the drive before Eden was calling. “Hey baby, I’m on my way home okay? I’m gonna get there tomorrow alright?”

Nick had gone to the hospital the moment he got the call, sat in the waiting room and making calls to everyone that needed to know, trying Carmen but the line was busy and was soon just sat there waiting for someone to come through and talk to him
Eden called her mom an hour later after she had calmed down a bit "Mom? When will you be home?" She asked quietly before nodding some at her answer "Is Dad going to die? He...he looked like he was dying." She whimpered.

A nurse came out calling Noah's name and gave Nick a sympathetic smile "If you'll follow me; we've got him in a room." She said softly

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