Fairy Tail -Welcome In- Rp


Anxious child
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Welcome to Fairy Tail. A Proud Guild, Home of the..... Craziness that Is Known as Our Wizards.

Here We Have....

Natsu ( By Bluesummers )

Grey ( By Makira )

Lucy ( By Mitaku )

Juvia ( By Goddess )

Coko ( By Coko_Bacon )

Kyoko ( By Lumireis )

Belle ( By Mitaku )

Lucien ( By The BetterKuja )

Angel ( By Ronkaime )

And Me! I'm Erza. Good Luck Surviving in this Guild.

Let The Fun Begin....


It wasn't that early in the morning anymore. The sun was directoryly over head now. Maybe mid-noon. Erza had been up since the break of dawn. She hadn't been sleeping the best lately, but getting up earlier was healthier for the body. Many of the Guild members haD began to stir and awake. But only to arrive around now. Some, however were already there. Mirajane was standing behind the counter as usial. It was another peaceful morning.
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Coko walked through the masive doors of Fairy Tail. He saw Erza and Mirajane, who he greetied politely. "Good mourning. How are you two?" He said in his deep voice. Coko saw Erza looking sleepy. Worried, he asked, "Are you okay, Erza?"
Erza lifted her head at the sound of Coko's Voice, "Morning," She mumbled in a reply. Erza nodded her head. She may have been a little on the drowsy side, but the peacefulness of the place was contagious. That is Until Natsu, Grey, or Even Lucy show up and start causing Mayhem. Erza glanced back up at him, "Perfectly fine," She conveyed, glancing around quietly.
Coko smiled and nodded in relief. He sat on the floor and chuckled. "Awfully peacful. Let's see y how Natsu and Gray screw it up..."
Gray kicked the entrance door of the guild. He then stepped in gritting his teeth, half-naked, and going inside like pop-eye. He looked around for his eternal Rival, Natsu. Only to see Erza, Coko, and some of the Fairy Tail members. He walked in a bit disappointed not to see Natsu and walked towards Erza and Coko.

" Is it me or is it a bit cold in here ? "
Kyoko had awoken fairly early, not out of any abnormalities but simply because she was used to waking up early. With a son, a husband, and a job behind the bar Kyoko forewent small pleasures such as lying in. She never minded of course she did those things because she loved her family, partly out of a sense of duty, but mostly out of love. Kyoko prepared her son and kissed her husband before leaving for behind the bar, were Mirajane had already set up as usual.

"Hello, Mirajane. Everything good as usual?" She asked her partner in the business, before nodding towards Erza. "Good Day Erza!" she said with a smile. Kyoko began wiping the tables and generally prepping the guild hall for the no doubt busy day. Soon Coko arrived and then eventually Gray.

"Hello boys, can I getcha anything?" The woman said with a genuine smile to her beloved guild members.
Juvia walked in to the guild slowly , her hand on her forehead as she looked around the guild. Instantly her blue eyes spotted her one true love. She used her hand to smack herself on the cheek. "..Ju..Juvia must not be swayed...but but." Juvia shook her head as she walked further in. The slit in her dress showed off her fairy tail mark every time she put her leg forward. She eyes Gray like an eagle as she put her hand on her chest. She felt the world crumble when he gave off that annoyed look. She had to fan herself, sitting down near the bar area. "Juvia would like some water please." She gave her a nice smile before setting her umbrella down and against the wall of the bar. She turned around in her seat to where she could see everyone. Her hands on her lap as she had crossed her leg. The small slit falling down to her upper thigh. "Juvia thinks Fairy Tail is lively."
Coko looked at Gray. "It's you...." He saw the other Fairy Tail members walk in, then looked at Mirajane. She looks like my sister... Coko thought to himself while looking up.
Lucien whistled as he walked into the guild, "Ahh. What a guild...," Lucien could not find anymore words to say about Fairy Tail. "But I really should get these sketches done or I'll never get finished in time to find a good job," At the moment, Lucien had three incomplete sketches at the moment: Mirajane in Satan Soul, only her tail and some dramatic effect. A red and black armor along with a sword and two wheels along with a being made of magma with a sword and a shield also made a magma. The armor and the spirit were good, but the sword and wheels were lacking in detail. And at last for the day, he had to finish a blue armor with some cloth in it, a whip and seahorse made out of water. Lucien got to work on his blue armor. He added a white collar to the top half and a white robe with some bubble patterns to the lower half. He titled it "Prince of the Sea". "This armor will allow me to resist water and use water to fight. He got to drawing letting not another thought cross his mind.
Erza watched quietly as Grey entered with a thud. He walked over, only asking about the tempurature. But, Erza knew it was only him looking for Natsu. But knowing Natsu, him and Happy were probably sleeping in late somewhere or eating a barn full. Erza sipped her drink before turning to Grey. "Grey and your Clothes.......?" She questioned watching him lightly. As Kyoko entered, Erza nodded at her. It wasn't like she was about to say anything back. Erza glanced at Juvia and nodded. Before long Lucien had entered with his drawnings. The bar was coming alive. And it wouldnt be to long before a fight broke out.
Angel walked into the girl spreading his wings "Oye Mira I need a drink,can you help me out" He turned around and said Hi to everyone else
Natsu burst in behind Angel Happy flying behind, "OK Mirajane! What's on the menu? I require fuel! Ah Grey, another day of being out shined about to begin ey? Hahaha!" Wearing a ridiculous grin he marched over to inspect the jobs on the board.
"And Que Natsu.." Erza mumbled, balancing her head on her hand. Erza wasn't much in the mood to tell him to shut up or anything. But they did need to begin some sort of quest. Erza pulled away from the door and was quickly behind Natsu and Happy. "Any good jobs?"
Coko looked at Natsu and back at the roof. He wasn't to interested in the outcome of today. He then decided to walk to the bar and order something. If only he knew what he wanted...
Lucien walked over to the job board, "What job should I take today?," Lucien looked at the many posts, but was lost at which job to take.
"Not a challenge a beat down" Angel pointed to LUcien "C-class" and then to himself "S-class" and smirked
"Angel...I'm not going to pretend like I can beat you so easily, but I'm willing to fight you. I am looking for a little fun," Lucien said, drawing a moustache on Angel's face.
"Hmmm how about you the loser has to pay the half of their jewel on their next three jobs? And as an incentive, if you win, I'll make you a sculpture of yourself. Sounds good to you, you floppy-haired poser?," Lucien was pretty psyched about fighting Angel...He was always a good sparring partner, but due to a class difference, it seemed Angel always underestimates Lucien, not that he cares. Lucien just doesn't think he's S-class material.
Lucien never backed down from a challenge. He even challenged Erza, and lost in a half hour. Lucien was willing to fight even if it was certain he would lose. He fought other guild mates for fun, and it was opportunity to try new things. Angel was starting to give him an interesting idea. "Well. After you," Lucien said, making a "Come on" smirk.
Lucien followed after him, rubbing his head a little bit. "Well, here I come," Lucien said before he put his hands together. "Art Technique: Yin-Yang Dragons!" He shouted before raising his hand in the sky, two long-bodied dragons, one white, the other black, began to fly around the arena, and came to Lucien's side fully growling a Angel. The black dragon snarled and the two started to rush at Angel. At this point, Lucien was just wanting what Angel was capable of, since this was the only real fight.

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