Fairy Tail -Welcome In- Rp

"That's better than the response I had in mind," Lucien could live with doing jobs with Angel. Especially, it would give Lucien a chance to perhaps become acquaintances, or maybe friends. "Well, which one do you have in mind? Just don't pick something easy to coddle me," Lucien said, his hands folded.
(Thought about this for a moment, but I've got nothing atm.)

Lucien looked through the papers and saw one that caught his eyes, "They all sound great. And I'm at a lost now. Which one do you have in mind?," Lucien wanted to see which job he would choose.
Erza glancced at the car, ignoring the fighting done by the otthers. She wasn't very interested in any one in paticular. Until one caught her eye.
Coko looked at the interest in Erza's eyes. Curious, he walked up to her and asked blankly, "What's up? Anything interesting?" Coko looked at the other members and commentated, "If you ask me, they're not that interesting really."
"Remember when you tricked me into taking an S-Class job? Well, that's what I ended up doing," Lucien explained.
Erza read over the fine print. "A Job," She commented, speaking directed towards Coko. "Its a Job of Vanishing an Old Wizard who uses illegal magic. Offers 650,000 Jewel." She spoke allowed. The mission didn't seem that hard, but the piccture of the man disterbed her. She had seen him before. Somewhere.
Natsu had noticed the board was getting a lot of attention and decided to quickly scope out the most rewarding job when a battle had broke out and captured his attention. During the coarse of the fight Natsu happened to over hear Gray mention beating his ass. Although it probably wasn't so much overhearing on Natsu's behalf, as it was a passive effort to antagonize on Gray's. "WHAT WAS THAT GRAY!?", rage in Natsu's eyes and flames in his mouth and fist. While the battle resolved Natsu had clearly forgotten all about the job board and his meager and quickly diminishing funds for the time being.
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Erza nodded at the comment made about her mission, "I'll take this one," she murmered, pacing back to Mirajane. Erza sat down on one of the stool's, setting the flyer on the table. Erza watched as Natsu and Grey went at it again. She shook her head and quickly walked up behind Natsu, grabbing the Scarf around his neck and pulling backwards sharply. She turned to Grey and pushed him in the chest backwards. "No fighting you two." She commanded, giving each of them a deathly glare.
"We could go with her, Angel," Lucien suggested. Everyone said Erza was scary, but Lucien wanted to get to know her better. It currently wasn't love, but he has always seen Erza as a role model, in way. "It would be better than us fighting all the time. What do you think?"
Erza released Natsu and Grey, before walking back to her post. She sat down on the stool, before dipping her drink. Two had apparently planned on joining her in the quest. "No," she spoke up, before taking another sip of her drink. "I have intended on making this trip alone." Erza relaxed in her seat, which she knew wouldn't last long.
Coko sighed in dissapointment. "Erza...we're a GUILD. We do these kinds of things together. PLUS..." Coko pointed to the award. "...pay like that? What makes you think you're going without me!?"
Erza's stare sent chills through Natsu, he breathed a sigh of relief when she released him. "Easy there Coko.", Natsu quickly advised before grabbing a random job off the board. "Let's get goin Happy. What about you Grey? Or do you have your eye on something more manageable for you? Like keeping drinks cold. We can settle things later."
( Aye Sir! I love Happy! )

Erza drank the last bit of her drink before standing, "Yes, I am going without you Coko." She spoke, before following Natsu out. It was smart for Natsu to advise Coko, seeming that he still wanted to question Erza. Erza held the paper in one hand, while she walked out of the guild. Let the games begin.
Before the two left, Coko shouted in his usual deep voice, "Then a contest! Whoever gets the guy first, wins the reward. ALL OF IT!"
Erza walked quietly, listening to Coko's bet intriuged her. But the only catch was that Coko didn't know the wizard like she did. "Challenge accepted." She replied. Erza requiped into her armor that she usially wore. She had a quest to do.
"I'm into that challenge too," Lucien said as well. "Hey Angel. If you and me work together on this, we could split the jewel 50/50," he proposed.

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