Fairy Tail -Welcome In- Rp

Angel smirked "Claw of the light dragon" he shouted out the black dragon dissipated "Elbow of the light dragon" The white dragon was now destroyed Angel landed and smirked "Nice try,but no dice"
Not a word from Lucien. Only complete focus. "Requip" he muttered. He was wearing long white wraps on his arms, an unbuttoned silver vest with white feathers around the outer and inner edges over a short black top, leaving his abs exposed, dark blue shorts with a white cross on the side of both legs. This was Lucien's "White Lion Fist" Armor. Not only did it halve the power of light attacks, it allowed the use of Light Magic, allowing for light attacks. "Come" were the only words he said with a serious expression.
In an flash angel was gone and reappeared behind Lucien "Fist of the light dragon" he landed a punch in the middle of Luciens back
Lucien quickly turned around and grabbed Angel's fist with his left hand. "You were inspiration for this armor. It looks frugal but that's brilliant for hand to hand combat. "White Lion Fist" With an image of a lion made of light on his right hand, he sent his fists heading for Angel's face.
The attack hit and sent angel flying he got up from the rubel and smirked "I'm not done yet,LightGravity dragon mode:Activate!" Energy from both the light dragon and gravity dragon lacrima was now surging completely through Angel's body "Roar of the Light/Gravity Dragon" an inescapable immensly powerful attack was sent towardss Lucien
Lucien stood his ground, ready to take Angel's attack. "Crystal Shield" Lucien creates a shield resembling many crystals at the last minute. Lucien drew two cannons, one with a blue radar and the other with a red radar. The shield quickly cracked and Lucien took the rest of the attack holding the cannon with a blue radar. "I guess you've underestimated me, huh." Lucien laughed off Angel's attack, but this fight wasn't over just yet.
"The same to you, Angel," Lucien said pointing to the cannon to the red radar, an red emblem appearing on the side. He rushed at Angel with a flurry of light punches and kicks. He didn't care about losing.
Angel literally ate the energy from the punches "Thanks for the treat,MY turn" instead of light Angel decided t o use the gravity magic ;sending his own fury of kicks and punches infused with gravity towards Lucien
Lucien took his attacks, some of his attacks before the cannon with the red radar quickly charged and fired a huge blast of dark energy at Angel that came too fast for him to block or dodge. The first cannon was absorbing a portion of Angel's Roar of Light/Gravity Dragon and the second cannon was to multiply its power for a super powerful counterattack. Not a bad idea, huh?
He just realized that he was halfway naked when Erza metioned about him. " WHERE'D MY CLOTHES GO !? " he yelled out covering his boxers out of sight from the others. He then walked over to the counter where Mirajane was serving up food for the others. " I'd like something meaty Mirajane, Just before I beat Natsu's ass " He humored.
When the smoke cleared angel was protected by his wings "pretty good trick too bad my wings are indestructible "Roar of the Gravity Dragon"
"Absorption Cannon" The cannon moved in front of Lucien and completely absorbed the attack. Lucien took a deep breath and his hands started to glow in a white light, resembling two white lion heads. "This is our 1st real fight. Despite your attempts to humiliate me because you're an S-Rank and I'm a C-Rank. Lucien smiled as he continued, "This wasn't a death or glory mission, I wanted to give you taste of my power. So, come and get me!"
Angel smirked "Light Drive" a veil of white light covered angel and he dissapeared and reappeared in back of Lucien with a simple hit to his neck Lucien was knocked out
(Hey. No fair! I also forgot to mention if I add to what I draw, it becomes real.)

Lucien's vision went out for a moment, but his left leg twitched after a good five minutes. He got back up, and drew a red bottle of sake, quickly drinking it in no time. Lucien returned to his regular outfit. He drew a large machine in the sky, that fell down right in front of Lucien, quickly gaining color before Angel could do anything.
The machine landed right in front of Angel, which was exactly Lucien wanted. Lucien snapped his fingers, and the machine began to change from a giant wrecking ball into a huge mechanical giant with a gold, white, and blue paintjob. "Alexander, Angelic Guardian" Alexander walked over to Angel, ready to continue this fight.
"Oh please" Angel scoffed and punched the giant "The bigger they are the harder they fall "fist of the gravity dragon" the giant came crashing down unable to withstand the extreme gravity
"Activating gravity balance," Alexander quickly got back up like gravity meant nothing to him. "I forgot to tell you. Alexander's body utilizes a gravity lacrima that can cancel and use gravity magic. He also utilizes light and earth magic. Not bad, huh?" Lucien said before ordering Alexander to "Have some fun" Alexander aimed his fist at Angel and BAM!! It was after him like bullet shot outta the gun.
"That's great but look" Angel pointed to the crack in the giants face "Wing slash" Angel slashed at the giant and cracked it's.face "and look at that the gravity lacrimal,elbow of the light dragon" The gravity lacrimal was completely shattered "And now,Roar of the light/gravity dragon" the golem was destroyed Angel smirked "Any more toys?"
Lucien thought for a moment. As he was thinking, something was burrowing in the ground, sweeping up Lucien. "Oh yeah. I made a sand worm one day. We had a job in this desert, and I said why not," Blake explained. "The giant worm rose to reveal its face. It's golden skin was armored completely and with 9 wings on each side, not only could it dig. It could also fly as well. The beast opened its mouth and exhaled a murky breath.
Angel yawned "Am I going to have to continuye beating up monsters?,If I wanted to do that I owuld've went on a quest" he said dryly
Lucien was getting a little annoyed, "Fine. I'm tried of this. Requip!" Lucien was now wearing a black jacket and black pants. "You know, Angel. We could have gone on a job half an hour if you think about it. But I guess it's half my fault too. Now are we gonna do this or what?"

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