Fairy Tail -Welcome In- Rp

( Good Luck finding the guy or gal without the poster. Erza took it )

Erza was walking through the lower ends of town. Children were racing from the street I rags. The adults were living in what looked like ruined buildings. The paint was peeling, along with rotten wood wdropping from the roof's. Parents of the children pulled them inside the doorless house. They eyd her suspicously, as if she was one of the evil guilds. Which didn't surprise Erza one bit. An wizard living down her would surely be out of the sights of the Council. Illegal magic was at fairs game here.. erza turned a corner and instantly found herself facing a shop.
"So much for that," Lucien said, drawing a big armored dog that rushed out the guild hall as Lucien was struggling to get on its back. He requiped two black gloves while the dog stopped for a moment, picking up a scent. "Follow it," The dog followed the scent.
Angel smirked to himself instead of ushing off like an idiot he followed Erza and stood on top of the shop she was going into "Hmph,She always underestimates me"
Erza pushed open the door, as the bells jingled in awareness of her arrival. Lined up horozontially were rows and rows of shelves leading to a counter. Magical items were lining up. Erza picked up a ring, with a moon on the base. "Illegal Magic?" She mumbled, gently observing it. "Good Morning, Younge Lady.." an elderley voice called out. From behind the counter an elder women stepped out. She stood about 4 foot tall, and was covered with a large coat. Erza set down the ring and approached.

"What can I do for you?" She asked kinderley. Erza held up the flyer. "I'm on Duty. Looking for an Wizard using Ilegal Magic.." she explained, narrowing her eyes. The elderly women chuckled, " Ilegal Magic is Common to Find in my shop, Titania" the women instantly moved her hands. Erza back flip as the buildings eentrance exploded. She drew her weapon, stepping through the debbree. The women had vanished. "Damn," She mumbled, taking off through the back door of the buildig.
Erza requipped, twirling a fresh Katana from her sash and glared at Angel. "Don't worry, I'll Find Her. Beside," She lightly smied, holding up a necklace. "She forgot Something." Along with the necklace was a small jewel that had a name on it. 'Merchant's Pride' a Major clue. Erza began to walk off.
A big tongue licked was about taste Angel from behind. "Don't do it. Your teeth are good for him. Besides, the amount of poison in that face is liable is to kill you," Lucien whispered, chuckling as he found Angel. "Good boy. You're a very good boy, aren't you?" He smiled as he rubbed his huge dog's belly. "So Merchant's Pride, huh? Funny....." Blake thought to himself. Was he onto something? Or was he trying to create hype with Angel. "Well I just thought I'd give you this, and ummm.......Have a nice day." Lucien got back on his dog and took off silently after giving Angel a good looking portrait of himself.
Angel looked at the portraying and scrunched up his face "Wing slash if the light dtagonr" the portrait was destroyed angel walked away
Erza walked quietly. The earlier encounter with Angel, led her to believe that he was still following her. After all 650,000 Jewel was on the line. But it wasn't really for the money, Erza wanted revenge on the wizard. Erza glanced around. A child stared at her. She was only three to four foot high, with long and curley blonde hair. Erza did her best to ignore the child and continue forward. "Mommy, is she from the Bad Guild?" The small child said, barely loud enough for her to hear. "Maybe, but don't get to close. " Erza continued. She needed to find the wizard.
Leaving Angel behind, but keeping Erza in view from a decent distance, Lucien was thinking. "You know, boy....I'm starting to think while everyone else is after the money, Erza may be out for more personal reasons. Why am I here? To show off. Maybe get to know Erza. Or maybe I just all hyped from the thought of all that jewel. Now that I think on it, I wasn't thinking about the jewel for a moment, I was thinking of trying to impress Erza." Lucien mumbled and then sighed. "Well let's see what all the ruckus is about, then. If we're lucky, we'll see Titania in action again," Lucien thought for a moment. Although if his rambling reached Erza's ears, he had no idea of how to react to her. He was a little scared of Erza, but not terrified of her.
Coko ran to the explosion, only to find Erza. He noticed she had the poster and walked up to her. "Erza did you cause this? Our record's only getting worse at this rate." While talking, Coko looked at the poster. He memorized every detail. He thanks god for for photographic memory. The only problem is that he's terrible at FINDING people. He planned getting out of Erza. "Or did you find our catch?"
Erza barely turned her head at the sound of Coko's Voice, she wasn't really bothered with destroying stuff. After all they were Fairy Tail Wizards. "One destroyed building isn't an epidemic, Coko. You've done worst damage." She replied, continuosly walking. Her comment wasn't a lie, every Fairy Tail Wizard had done their damage before. Hell, Natsu destroyed a whole city when he met Lucy. She listened to his last question, "Possibly," She mumbled. Erza turned slightly at the sound of Lucien, another Fairy Tail Wizard. Were they all following her?
Coko was dissapointed that Erza wouldn't give him a lead. He looked up and wondered about the black markets at the docks. "I heard about some black markets at the docks. maybe we could all search there. Although, we're need the name of our target."
Erza slowed down slightly. She listened to his intake about the Markets. "Black Market," She mumbled, fonded of the idea. If the key Word "Merchants Pride," that was on the Lady's necklace was a clue. A Market, ecspeciallyy a Black Market, could be holding Merchants and if they were wrong? It was just a hunch. "I'll Take you up on that offer. And don't worry about the name. We'll have it soon enough."
Coko nodded and walked towards the docks. He looked back at Erza and asked "Wanna come with me to the docks? Not that far a walk." Coko was lonely and needed someone to talk to.
"I will admit....I came for the jewel at first," Lucien got closer to Coko and Erza, knowing his cover was long blown. "But I really came along because I..... should stop talking before I get myself killed," Lucien did not want to say anything he'd regret saying or would offend Erza. "Besides, I thought I could have a little fun, really. I'm sorry if that sounds childish." Lucien went on ahead, the thought he may have said far too much was picking at him.
Erza began to follow Coko, but acknowledged Lucien as he stepped closer. She smiled lightly, "I see that we have formed a small group. It would only be fair to split the money four ways if Angel decides to join us." Erza walked behind them. "But we look like guild members, we must change into something more peasently." Erza foretold, before requipping. Erza was quickly changed into a pair of baggy grey clothing. Dirt was smudged on her cheek. Erza's long hair was pulleed back into a pony tail. A weapon, along sword hung on her back. Much better.
Coko looked at his clothes and replied, "To be honest, I think I look like a noble or someone who actually buys illegal magic. I try not to look like what I am. Adds to my mysterious charm." Coko winked as he walked off. He looked at his outfit once more. "Although...people may think I'm a knight..." Coko ran back to Erza. "On second thought, do you have any spare rags?"
Erza requipped quickly, holding a pair of rags in her palms. She handed them to Coko, "Change quickly, we have work to do." She spoke, crossing her arms over her chest. Erza didn't like being dressed like this , not one bit. But for the sake of revenge she didn't mind much. Erza glanced around at the market. It wasn't huge, but was exactly what she expected. "How did you know where the markets were, Coko?" She called out.
"More like a peasant, huh?" Lucien requipped, changing into a white tattered shirt, and his black pants now in tatters. "The idea is not to look appealing, right? I hope this works. Nobody should have to dress like this at all, not even travelers," But it was for the job, so he didn't feel the need the complain too much.
Angel was never far behind he watched everything go down and continued to watch until it was time to strike
Erza nodded, after handing Coko some ruined clothing. "Our job is stated clearly," she spoke, pulling the flyer from her stash. "To Capture the Wizard, who uses illegal magic- Outlawed by the Council - and arrest her, so that the council can determine their punishment." Erza spoke calmly, bunching he flyer back into the roll. Erza put away the flyer, before pulling out th necklace she had swipped from the lady who had attacked her. Hey, it was fair game. Erza held the necklace, before snapping it in half. Eza tossed them an half with a name written on each, "Pernecila Idols," Erza spoke up, "Ask around for this name, its the wizard we're after."
Lucy made her way into the Fairy Tail Guild,"I'm so tired..."She complained as she noticed she was without her team for once.Lucy noticed there was an Orange exceed sitting on the bar,dressed in nothing but swimming trunks.His bangs draped his eyes,and only revealed his relaxed smile,"Haha,hey Lucy!Where is my punching bag Happy?"The exceed chuckled as his walked his way over to Lucy.His own and dragon slayer popped up,"Hi Lucy-chan,why are you alone.Didn't Natsu and Erza go on a mission?"
Mirajane was standing behind the counter, in her usial wear. Hair done as normally. She smiled at Lucy, who had wondered in. "Hi Lucy!" She proclaimed, picking up a wet glass, and running a rag around it. "Erza and Natsu had just ran off in different mssions, but Grey is probably still around... Somewhere." She announced, glancing around cautiously.

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