Fairy Tail -Welcome In- Rp

Coko looked at Erza with no care or fear. "My parents bought two scrolls from here...furthermore they established some of the markets, but were NOT intended to turn into black markets. It's their fault for leaving the places behind, though." Coko turned his head and looked around. "Ask people leaving the markets if they've seen someone with similar appearances. If we're lucky, someone may've seen her."
Erza nodded before walking off. She needed to find this wizard. Maybe she could smuggle dome information out of these low life people. Around her the people behind the booths were calling out to anybody who walked by. It surprised her how they haven't been caught already. Maybe they paid the council for silence in their work. Or maybe one of the members were in it. Erza slowly stopped at an sword arena.

"Can I Help you?" A Mans voice rang out.

Erza glanced up to see an elderley man who had a white beard almsot as long as her sword. He reminded her of gramps.

"I'm looking for somebody, a friend and I was hoping-" she said, pulling out the flyer "- That you could help me find her."

The elderley man leaned forward to catch a glimps of the women in the picture. "I can't say I can... But Old Guppamen probably could. That way!" He announce pointing off. Erza nodded at him, before walking off.


5he elderly man turned once he was sure the girl, Erza was out of sight. Walking into his tent, he pulled the beard off and pulled the curtain back. "They have the Titania after you, My Farest. Maybe you should leave before the Fairys catch you."

The women smiled, tossing a coin in the air. "Is that so?" She grinned. "Little Erza is after me? Oh this will be a fu game indeedd. Let's play!" She chuckled
Belle hopped up on the table and crossed her legs,"I'm hungry!Mirajane could you possibly bring me something to eat.I haven't eaten anything today,and neither has Ikki!"Belle said pointing to her orange exceed.The cat flew over to Belle and rested next to her,"Yea brah.I could really go for some munchies!"He purred while his owner petted him softly.

Lucy looked over at the two with a smile.It was refreshing to them together and relaxing.Lucy turned to Mirajane,"Where did Erza go,I might go join her!"Lucy said without thinking.Then the thoughts of a dangerous and scary mission started to creep into her mind.
Natsu ran into the guild. As soon as he was inside he looked out the door, "Did I loose 'em?". Natsu took a moment to catch his breath, Happy looked exhausted landed flat on Natsu's head. He turned and faced inward sporting a large toothy grin. "Well no reward there. Hahaha!" He was suddenly next to Lucy, his expression suddenly turned dour and pleading "Luuucy, we're starving." Referring to the exceed and himself.
"Then order some food!"Lucy yelled at them both,almost falling out her seat.

The orange exceed,Ikki,grabbed Happy and did a suplex,"Exceed Suplex!"Ikki croaked as his slammed his fellow exceed into the floor,which he did regularly to toughen him up.Which Belle knew Ikki just like using Happy as a punching bag.
After asking a couple of people, Lucien seemed to have no luck whatsoever. "Everyone I asked doesn't know anything. Maybe I'm asking the wrong people, if that makes any sense," Lucien thought. He happened to notice the man removing his beard when Erza was finished talking with him. He got closer to the tent and jumped into a barrel near the tent, drawing a device to overhear the people talking inside.

The elderly man turned once he was sure the girl, Erza was out of sight. Walking into his tent, he pulled the beard off and pulled the curtain back. "They have the Titania after you, My Fairest. Maybe you should leave before the Fairies catch you."

The women smiled, tossing a coin in the air. "Is that so?" She grinned. "Little Erza is after me? Oh this will be a fun game indeed. Let's play!" She chuckled. Lucien tsked. "Wait until Erza gets an earful of this," Lucien may have found some good information. Hopefully, it was what she needed. Lucien walked over to regroup, handing her a tape and a recorder of the recorder with the man and woman. "I hope I'm not interrupting you, but I think you may find this interesting."
Mirajane smiled at everybody who had arrived. She quickly picked up four trays of food, setting two infront of Belle and two infront of Natsu. She turnedd to Lucy, "Erza went on a mission to capture a rouge wizard using illegal magic. It sounded pretty intense, especially since it offered 650,000 Jewel!" Mirajane walked back to the counter and began to clean up the mess of a spilled drink.

(I'm going to br playing Grey until I get a reply )

Grey sat in one of the booths, half naked as always. He glanced over at Natsu who had busted in and began messing with Lucy. "Hot head," He snickered sipping his drink. Grey stood, "How Much could you possibly eat Dragon breath?" He questioned crossing his arms over his chest.

Erza turned to Lucien who had walked up to her, with a tape. She took and listened to the fully audiable ccconversation. She wasn't as shocked as she was angered, she knew that old man was a liar from when she hhad spoke to him. "We better apprehend the man and the wizard before the escape, then." She decided. But in seconds, an explosion aired its way in. Fogging up the air with debree and dust. Erza glanced around, unable to see for a while. "They've decided to attack." She growled. Erza drew her weapon, just as she heard a voice rang out behind her. "Can you seriously catch me in my domain, Titania?"
The air filled with debris and dust, Lucien was trying desperately to get a glance of his surroundings. "Well, it's funny when the bad guys come to you. Come on out, show yourself." Lucien requiped his rapier, which he named Etoile, looking around for anyone who could coming for an attack.
"Can't you I'm tired and staved." Happy said after crashing down, eyes dazed. Natsu shouted "Hey!" And both attentions quickly turned to food placed in front of them. Natsu dug in as he heard Grey comment on his appetite. "Well more than you! But I think you know that!"

Erza drew her weapons as the smoke fogged up around her. She kept her eye's open for an oncoming attack. Apparently they had seen Erza and the others approaching, before she had realized it. Erza turned quickly at. The sounds of footsteps. "Lucien?" She called out. It wasn't who she actuallly expected, but it was better to be safe then sorry. A Man from behind jumped up into the air, planning a strike over Erza, but she had already sensed him. Erza stood infront of the guy when he landed. She sllashed her sword down on his thigh as he landed backwards.

From behind Lucien, a Women with Bright Orange hair approached him. She held a long sword in one hand and what seemed to be a staff. "Surprise Deary!" She cooed, approaching quickly.


Grey leaned forward in his chair, "Shut up droopy eye's. " He shot back, crossing his arms over his bare chest. Grey stood, "Is that a challenge?"
"Back at ya! Now Alexander!" Two golden eyes behind Lucien, revealing a hulking mechanical giant, quickly launching his open left hand like a rocket. Lucien jumped onto Alexander's open hand, his rapier already charged with lightning.
Natsu stands up and puts his foot up on the chair points at Grey dramatically and shouts, "Of course it is! I'll beat you at this too!"
Mirajane glanced up from the conter at Natsu and Grey, "Oh Boy.." She mumbled. She could sense it and was pretty sure others could too. They were about to fight again. She set down a glass cup she had just finished cleaning and picked up another one. What more could she do?


Grey balled his fist, "Is that So?" He shot back. "There is no way you can beat me at anything, Lizard Toes.!" She announced, stepping forward slightly. "Bring it on!" He yelled out before striking Natsu in the stomach with an Ice throw. Which was basically just a lump of ice.


Erza turned swiftly, raising her weapon once more. The man who began to jump from place to place had vannished from her sight. At least the dust cloud was slowly reforming on the ground, but it was still hard to see. She heard Luciens voice somewhere off, but figurd he could handel himself. Erza charged a shadow off to her left, landing a blow on the guys chest. Causing him to fall backwards. "Titania at the Finest," He mumbled to himself.


The women smiled at Lucien as he had summoned a metal giant. She knew his game. The lady dissapeared in the dust, before reappearing behind the giant. "The only problem for fighting with a hunk of metal is that they're to slow. Try and catch me" she cooed, before holding out a stick like shape. A golden glow formed at the end of the tip. Erza turned at the sight of it. "Lucien, its illegal magic she's using." Erza called out.
Alexander's arm reattached itself to Alexander's body, Lucien looked behind the woman, thinking for a second, "All the more reason to crush her, then. Boras! Have at her," Lucien ordered. Alexander's chest opened up, revealing a portal, summoning Boras, a massive dog with two large bladed teeth, functioning like tusks, and armored to the teeth, who quickly jumped out of Alexander to pounce the woman. The armor Boras bore was resistant to magic, mostly elemental magic and physical attacks as well. Despite him being completely clad in armor and very big, Boras was a hunter who was very fast on his feet, had brilliant smell, taste, and hearing, and a hard head and giant paws and feet to boot. "I would say "You should run, but with Boras....I doubt you can, really....," Lucien smirked.
( Thank you Goddess for Informing Us. It was a pleasure. )

The women smiled fraily at the arroagance that sailed from the younge man, and the one who was called Alexander. She fired two shots of a clear white light that stuck to the forearm of Alexander. She dissapeared into the shadows, a wide grin settled apon her face. She stepped backwards, watching as the light grew brighter.
(I look forward to writing with you once again, Goddess.)

"Okay. Now I'm just playing around too much. I do apologize, Erza. Alexander. Trap her!" Lucien snapped his fingers. Alexander turned into a blue ball of light and avoided her attack as Lucien jumped onto Boras's back, chasing after the woman, her attack completely missing. Alexander reappeared right above her. Alexander's eyes glowed in a golden hue as he turned into a bulky figure with clear white skin, short white hair wearing a white robe, holding out his hands. A white angel, you could say. Alexander held out his hands, his eyes aglow. Four magic circles surrounded the woman. Four beams of light rose from the ground, a barrier of light slowly surfaced around her.
Natsu straightened out after taking after taking the ice to the somach, "If your more comfortable losing to fists that's fine with me, I won't even need my flames." He charges at Gray with a balled fist and dives at him haphazardly, "You got yourself a fight princess!"

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