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Fandom Fairy Tail: Magicless


The (Not So) Evil Mastermind
A Fairy Tail RP sets several year after the canon story.

The Council is reformed and new council members have been picked. In their first meeting, they decided that magicians did nothing but inviting destructions to Fiore. And then, the Great Hunt occured.

60% Magician perished, 10% prisoned in Council's special jail and the 30% was kept under heavy surveilance in several special city.

The story will be about the magicians who will rebel against the Council.
(For People's Guild - Gathering at the basement)

It is a large gathering, located in the basement of a place used to know as the guild house of Lamia Scale. The basement is surprisingly well-tended, maybe because aside from being used for secret meeting it is also use for a storage room. Today there is an important meeting, the rumor said that the Guild finally decide to move and went for an all out war.

(For Seven Saint - A meeting with Council members in Era)

The Seven Stars rarely gather in one place, even when they are ordered to come by the Council. They are meeting in a large room, the Council members seated in their high seat. They looked impatient, waiting for the Stars to enter the room. The meeting is starting soon.
Luxia Polaris is the first to arrive in the Council's meeting room. As the leader of the Stars and the one who guard Era, she cannot be late. The Head of the Council, Trant, her foster father, smiled at the sight of her. Luxia only nod and stood there waiting for the rest of the Stars to arrive. She had the feeling that only one of them would come or maybe none at all, the other Stars see this kind of meeting as some kind of a hassle. Just give them the order and they will do it, no need for a long boring talk.
(Hopefully the whole base thing isn't god-modding, I just thought it'd be cool. If it's an issue, let me know and I'll edit my post.)

The majority of the underground sections of the People's Guild are used by Daiichi as a research center, but he grudgingly agreed to use his magic and create a separate secure room several miles underground. Via a floating platform controlled by a device owned by each member of the guild, this bunker of a room was created with a self-ventilation system designed by Daiichi himself.

It is this room that Daiichi enters, hands in his lab coat and a lit cigarette in his mouth. He reaches up and allows himself to exhale, his glasses glinting in the slightly dim light. "Well, I assume this is about the Stars' deciding to move? If not, it'd better be important-" He frowns, pushing up his glasses with a finger. "-My work is too important to be diverted from for paltry reasons." He steps forward, taking a seat in one of the chairs around the table made of rock in the center of the room. "And my current project is not something to be left alone for too long."
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"If we were to go for an full out war, we would need defenses. I got suitable ones." Solis brought out around 18 seeds "Everyone would need one of these, well unless you're a fire wizard. Then these would be absolutely useless
(Hope you don't mind if I type like this.)


I slowly enter the meeting room, noticing all the wizards gathered in one single spot, "So it's meeting time I guess?" I asked, awaiting for a response.

"Oh excuse me, if I didn't introduce. My name's Jakor Laronon, the first member of the Great Wizard Saints."
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Masaki was stood at the back of the room, his hands placed in the pockets of his long black coat. Masaki watched as mages piled in ready for the meeting, he was one of the first there and has probably not been noticed at all. He would change this. Masaki was curious as to what would be discussed at the meeting, he knew that the guild planned to finally go to war with the Council, this pleased him; but the risks would undoubtedly be great. Upon seeing Daichi the guilds scientist, Jakor an ex Fairy Tail member and a man he had never met before enter the room, he thought that he too should join the talks. He took his hands out of his pockets and walked towards the group slowly with a smile on his face as he said, "Well, I'm not entirely sure as to why everyones been gathered here...but it must be important." After taking a breath he spoke again, "After all, we are meant to be going to war.."

He kept a serious look and a calm demeanour as he spoke.
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"I am mostly curious about those Seven Stars....I heard they are strong." I say, expecting a response from someone inside the room while playing a round with a pencil that I found on top of the table.
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Noticing the other mages enter and Masaki in the background, Daiichi frowns. Well, it seems I'll be here a while... If something happens to my work while I'm gone... He sighs, then leans into the wall, listening to the conversations going on. Daiichi scoffs at Jakor's words. "Chomping at the bit for a fight, hmm? Strength means nothing without intellect to back it up, and only a fool would involve themselves without extensive preparation." He remarks, before nodding to Masaki. "That seems to be the case. I intend to keep us fully equipped, if that's any help. Still, I only hope that this meeting is over quickly, I have important work to be doing."
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I respond to to Daiichi with a laugh, "Both strength and intellect are very important, but the outcome is very clear if your opponent is stronger than you.". Once I am done laughing and talking, I slowly sit on a chair located near the table and keep playing around with the pencil.
An old man in lacrima powered wheelchair entered the room. His name is Hintar, and he was Lumia Scale's last master before the Great Hunt. He clapped his hand, loud enough to be heard by everyone gathering in the small basement. He looked around, observing the guest one by one and sighed.

"It seems that everyone is here already... Maybe you have heard the news before, but we lost three more core member. Rick, Guana, and Pat. Poor youngsters... They believed that they can ambush the Star Killer, but i heard that they are killed before they could even touch her." Hintar shook his face, obviously still sad from the loss of three young member. "Now, according to our informant in Era, the Council is holding a huge important meeting. We don't know what is it yet, but according to several rumor it's about an event even bigger and much more horrible than the Great Hunt. They call it the Purgatory. The Council is planning to rebuild Face, that horrible weapon of war..."

"We have to move before they did. And while the Council and the Stars are focusing in the reconstruction i cannot think of a better time to launch our attack. But of course, it is safe to assume that the enemy thought about the same thing too. So don't let your guard down. This is one and only chance, one mistake could led to your death, our death, and the complete destruction of People's Guild. And if we are defeated, then nothing will be able to stop the Council and the Saints from annihilating magic."
Masaki turned to face Daiichi as he spoke, with a smile on his face Masaki said, "I have no doubt that you will keep us fully equipped. Besides, your magic and talents are a blessing to the guild. We're lucky to have you.. But enough for pleasantries, I think we should discuss the Councils hounds, those 'Seven Stars'. I take it I'm right in assuming that they are a concern for all of us?" With that, he walked over to a nearby wall and leaned against it with his arms crossed as he listened to Jakor, with a sigh Masaki spoke. "Strength is very important, but it means little when in battle. If one isn't intelligent enough to counter their opponents attacks, watch their moves or even think of a strategy. Then they are doomed from the start."

He would have continued if Hintar hadn't entered the room. Masaki had an undying amount of respect for the man, listening to the mans words Masaki was filled with sadness, as he was unaware of ghe news until now. "They died?... At least they're at peace.." He clenched his fists, hearing about the death of his comrades upset and angered him greatly, but he managed to contain the anger as he listened to Hintar. "They plan to rebuild Face? We can't let that happen." Now looking at the man he spoke with respect but with a tone of seriousness. "Is there anything you need me to do?"
Daiichi smirks. "Indeed. In a contest of brains vs brawn, brains are the clear victor. I can attest to that, as can the remaining members of my guild." His eyes flash with unconcealed mirth. "Strength is simply an obstacle for the mind to circumvent. I myself have done so many times, yet physically, I am the weakest of us. Still, by underestimating the intellect, you simply display your own deficiency in that regard."

He turns as Hintar enters and listens closely to his words. "I agree. Fortunately, I have been recently investigating some strange microscopic materials. They seem to be present everywhere, including the sun. It is there that I found what appears to be a strange reaction between two or more of these microscopic things. I've been looking into attempting to produce a reaction similar to that one, and I have discovered something that could be used as a trump card... But as it isn't tested, reliable, or safe, it is to be a last resort. I am no tactician, but I have my own strengths. I will continue my research... and, though I loathe it, I have no choose but to aid you all in battle."

Though he does not vocally respond to the reports of deaths, he visibly tenses, his teeth gritting and his frown deepening.

I was about to respond back to Misaki until Hintar appeared in the room. Upon hearing the news I said, "Poor guys....and the council is trying to save Face? I guess we can't let that happen then, how about we begin thinking about a plan to attack them?"
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Daiichi nods to Solis. "That's certainly something we could do. I myself have been taking the liberty of planting traps around the base." He pauses for a moment. "And off the normal path. I wouldn't want to endanger guild members, after all." He lets out a puff of smoke. "Yes, we should make sure the home front is well protected before heading out to battle."

"I suggest....how about a suprise attack followed by traps? That could be a good strategy I guess." I said awaiting for a response and continuing to play with the pencil that I found on the table.
"That is a good idea but, we need them to scramble, not think, thats what we need them to do" Solis then pulling out a small apple seed then growing it into one apple, then eating it. "Dont understand why the seed becomes a apple."
Masaki scratched his head with a smile as he spoke. "If necessary, I can grow some of my flowers around the base? They would let out paralysis and magic-straining spores should an enemy get close. However, since the enemy is very powerful I may need some help, Daiichi. Do you think you have something that could make the spores more potent?" He smiled to the man as he spoke to him, then averted his attention back to the topic. "If all fails, I'd gladly stay behind and keep the base under watch. Besides, my magic would be ideal for this as I could create many surprise attacks with my vines inside these walls, they wouldn't see them coming..."

"Nice idea Misaki, the only problem is....what if they have a sound mage? He could probably hear our footsteps and traps easily...." I say and keep playing around with the pencil, but I notice that it fell from my hand.
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"Im a plant mage. I could make the spores more potent, Its quite easy actually." he said "If we need to i can make defensive plants that could burn there eyes, if that helps of course."
-A few hours before- The grand magic prison NU-

"Well now my lovelies!" The warden of Nu spoke using a sound magic to amplify his voice much to Hak's displeasure mostly from being in the same room as him. "As most of you have heard our lord protector, Nu is leaving us for a while and you all know what that means....I'M IN CHARGE NOW." The warden continued "But before you think this is the perfect time to escape you will notice something strange in all the cells if you look closely that is." The warden said before giving them a few seconds to look for it. "Yes that's right the hazy looking thing...that if a certain gas that the lord protector can trigger to freeze you all in a moments notice so even with the lord protector being out he is still protecting us in spirit." The warden smirked however that could only be seen by the other man in the room, that man being Hak himself. "How'd I do." The warden asked looking at Hak who responded with a simple nod. "The 'lord protector' but was a bit much but other than that just right...well then anyhow i'll be off them." Hak said as he stood up and left the room soon after leaving Nu.

-Current time-Entrance to the meeting hall-

After hours of traveling Hak had finally reached his destination for the meeting the council called how annoying it was for Hak since he had to travel all the way from NU every time they called a meeting...AND HALF THE TIME IT WAS USELESS INFORMATION TO HAK...sometimes he hates the council. A loud sigh could be heard as Hak opened the door and entered looking around he saw the stars leader, The 'Saint Killer'. "I, Third of the Seven Stars Hakual have arrived." Hak said his voice sounded a mix between bored and annoyed.

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