Fairy Tail [[Closed]]


I hugged myself. This is too much. I'm shaking, I can feel myself shaking. My head is pounding. Bloody memories.

Running through trees. Pine needles poking in my barefeet. My heart is pounding, I can't breathe...

I can't. I squeeze my eyes shut and bite my lip. Curling up at the end of the seat, I don't even notice Noah approach and speak to me.
Noah looks at Akita in dismay. It looked like she was having a terrible nightmare. Wondering what to do to help her, Noah thinks of what to do when to wake some one from a bad dream. He didn't want to use a bucket of cold water, no. That would incur the wrath of an Akita. Painting a little spritzer bottle, Noah sprays her with some cold water. "Akita?"
Melody was strangely blushing the whole entire time he was putting it on. " Oh. . ." She was able to see what Leibas looked like, she was still blushing. She needed to get her head back into the game, they came here to capture Tari and bring him to the prison. She felt a change in Akita's core temperature. ' I wonder. . ' . . ? Maybe. . it was something Melody remembered. Something about the spears. Tari would put them there because. . . what was it for? Tari would prank Mel when she was little, and . . .

"Look out!" Some of the spears exploded on her command. She knew what was going to happen next. The blast pushed the train off the rails, and dust went everywhere. As the smoke dispersed, a giant cocoon appeared. It was a massive webbing shield that went around the four like a giant bubble. In the middle, was Melody. She was stripped from her normal gown. There was bandages that covered her breast and hips. Just enough to not show anything.

Melody was actually off the ground, her fake feet consumed by webbing. Like how a dress would naturally go, but she was a few feet in the air as the whole webbing swept to the floor.
Noah blacked out for a few seconds and came to with stars in his vision. When the train got knocked over from the explosion, he had landed on his back and his natural plush comforted the fall of Akita who is now on his chest. "Urghhh.... Akihito are you OK?" Noah asks groggily. "What happened?"
(Dark pasts, female characters receiving clothing damage, a male lead taking his shirt off, and multiple shipping opportunities... Oh my goodness this is Fairy Tail!)

Leibas was confused as to what was going on. One second Melody finished putting his jacket and shirt back on him and the next thing he knew there was an explosion and now he was in a web bubble with melody in the center with a webbing gown and tank-top. His first thought was that his shape-shifting idea wasn't as far outlandish as she thought it was. The second thought was that she needed some clothes on. His third thought was to what caused the explosion. Maybe Melody's brother was on to them. "I'm okay, thanks for asking." Leibas said to Noah in a tone that wasn't sarcastic at all, but as if Noah had directly asked if Leibas was okay.
Helping Akihito up onto her feet, Noah dusted himself off. Not sure how to respond to Leibas' comment, he asks "Is anyone hurt?" He looks around to see Melody using an impressive spell as a shield. Of course they were Fairy Tail members, so explosions were typical and expected on a mission. But the real question is what caused such a powerful explosion. Noah had his paint brush and palette ready in case of confrontation.

(Will be offline for a few hours. Two at the least.)
(Why yes. Yes it is. xD )


My eyes snapped open as I felt water on my face. Screaming, I swatted at the invisible force attacking me, and realized it was Noah. With a spritzer bottle. Heat surged to my face as it got red in my embarrassment. I was about to snap at him when the train lurched to the side and I was thrown at him, and landed on him. Then bounced off and rolled to the floor.

"Ugh..." The floor was silky soft... and sticky. I looked at my hands. Web. Spider web. I looked around me. Despite the fuzzyness from having my forehead whack on the floor, I could tell we were encased in spider silk.

We're trapped. In a freaking spider cocoon!

My eyes drifted around the rest of the train car. Melody-

Why is everybody stripping lately?!
The webbing slowly had a hole that grew on the top. It let sunshine in, bouncing off all the strands. Melody slowly lowered back the the ground and the webbing around her waist shrunk down and formed into her legs. By the time she was down, the webbing shield was depleted, and the webbing danced in the air back to Melody. It would sway around her gracefully and hug her body. Slowly gaining and shifting colors they suddenly changed tensions and her gown was back to normal.

She pulled a few area, checking to see if she put her gown back together correctly. "check. . . check. . and good!" She looked up smiling, everyone was good! She ran smiling and tackled Leibas. " You're s-safe!" She blushed laughing.
Leibas felt the sunlight on his body. Did it stop raining without him noticing? Oh well; there was plenty of drama to keep him occupied so it wasn't too unbelievable. "My feet still hurt a little from stopping the train, but overall I'm good." He said to Noah. He then fell to the ground as Melody tackled him. Smiling, he said, "Totally jealous right now."

(I'm going to be offline for the night. Curse you time-zones.)

I was freaking out. Spider silk. SPIDERS! I don't deal with spiders. Spiders are not good... But slowly the webbing was gone, and back on Melody. I stared for a short while, then noticed how eager she was to check on Leibas. With a raised eyebrow, I made my way over to the two of them clumsily and ran a hand through my hair, watching the duo. "Well that was.... odd."

(Well I gotta be off too. So, bye guys. See you tomorrow! )
Noah smiled to see that everyone was okay. He was a little regretful for spraying Akita. He saw the bright red flush of embarrassment before the train flipped over. Noah notices Leibas and Melody in their warm embrace. Noah pulls out a piece of paper and quickly began painting the moment. It was so warming to see Melody so happy with Leibas. After Noah finished drawing it, he put it in his pocket and walked over to the group. "So...." Noah clears his throat, "How will we track your brother?"
Melody blushed as she saw the two looking at them. She got up quickly, brushing off some dirt. The blind girl looked towards Noah and spoke up, " Follow the splints." She pointed towards the forest line. " He knows we are here now, I will destroy the anti-matter splints. You guys go ahead" Without agreement to her proposition Melody jumped high in the air, about twenty feet above the roof tops of the small native village. Her dress quickly unraveled and white strands attacked a spear on the closet rooftop. The webbing wrapped around the giant anti-matter material and quickly tightened and you could hear a small explosion inside the webbing. Because of it, the webbing expanded, but the unraveled again and returned to Melody as she fell to the ground. Her magic was a combination of armor quipping and web magic. She shot out her arm and the sleeve disappeared and attacked more spears. Of all sizes, each splint on the battlefield gave Tari power.

She saw the group start to go into the forest, following the trail and ignoring the splints. Thats what they needed to do, and she had her job. She continued focusing on destroying the spears, one at a time using the webbing,.
Leibas followed Melody's orders and walked into the forest. She seemed to be able to take those down one her own and since she knew more about Tari than he did, Leibas figured that she had a good reason to destroy them. As he walked, he thought about a strategy to fight Tari. He could easily dodge most attacks, but the black hole might be a problem. He might have to shift into second gear for this fight like he did back when the train was speeding out of control.

Watching Melody destroy the spires, I couldn't help but admire her. She was so skillful with her magic, I was kind of jealous. Of course, I'm very experienced with my energy magic, and my sickle, but I couldn't stop watching Melody. I looked at Noah and Leibas walking off, then back at Melody. I didn't want to leave her alone, but yet I didn't want to get on her bad side. After much thought, I sighed and followed the guys, slowly.
Noah was walking alongside Leibas. Looking around at the town. Nothing interesting to paint unfortunately. He admired how Melody was skillfully destroying some of the spires. Noah looks behind to see Akita trudging behind. "Akita, are you all right?" Noah has asked the question before, but he couldn't get an answer before something happened.
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"Why are you calling me that?" I looked at Noah. He was calling me Akihito. That certainly is not my name. "You call me a name that is not mine. Why?" I trudged up to Noah, kept pace with him. I made sure to keep an eye on Melody out of the corner of my eye, to make sure she was safe.
(Aaaah! Darn it. Sorry, that wasn't on purpose. There is an actual user named Akihito that I mixed up with Akita. Sorry. Let me edit the post.) 
Noah clasped his hands over his mouth. "I'm sorry Akita! I didn't mean to call you Akihito. That was someone else I was thinking of and the names were similar....so sorry." Noah exclaimed in embarrassment. His face red as some paint on his palette. Noah walked in awkward silence, disappointed in himself for calling his teammate the wrong name.
Leibas was listening to their conversation as he was walking (it was hard not to). "So wait, 'Akihito' isn't a formal way to say 'Akita'?" He said in a confused tone, "I guess the 'hito' suffix made it sound formal. Oh well; although it was a nice nickname if you ask me." After a few seconds of saying nothing, he started whistling


"Honestly it's alright Noah. It's fine. Everyone makes mistakes." I looked at him, nodded reassuringly at him, noticed his embarrassed flush. I kept my eyes on Melody, making sure she didn't go rushing off to fight Tari on her own. I had to guess that wouldn't end well.
Noah's red flush alleviates and smiles. Continuing to follow the spikes, he keeps an eye out for anything suspicious or interesting. Noah looks at Leibas. "So Leibas.... what have you been up to?" Noah asks hoping to make a conversation to ease everyone nerves.
"Well, Noahito," Leibas said, "I was doing a solo mission; another cliche bandit raid. It escalated quickly but I was eventually able to defeat the rock monster and a race of underground fish-people made me their king. Although some of the fish-men didn't want a human to rule over them, so I issued a challenge to figure out who would be worthy to rule. In the middle of the tournament, it was revealed that the fish-man who convinced the others that they didn't want a human to rule over them was the one who unleashed the rock monster in the first place so he would be crowned king when he defeated it. He then summoned a rock monster army into the arena and, with assistance from the other fish-people, I destroyed them all. After that was over and the traitor fish-man was fed to the rock monsters, the challenge continued as planned and I found a king worthy of the crown. After that was over, I sent a letter back to the guild. Unfortunately I traveled faster then the mail so it should get to the guild in a few days. What have you been up to?"
While Leibas was telling his seemingly far-fetched story, Noah simply stared at him with his mouth slightly ajar. Too nice to say anything about Leibas story Noah simply just nodded his head. "Good job. I have just been doing my usual stuff. Boring jobs to pay for things and drawing." Noah looks to the side and sees a bed of pretty flowers and sketches them out.



I looked at Leibas in disbelief, not believeing a single word of his story. King of fish-people? Ha, I don't think they'd let that happen. I rolled my eyes and walked with my hands in my pockets, looking at the ground.
Suddenly a giant anti-matter gem, about the size of a boulder paved a path in front of the three. It was going from right to left, and nearly ran over the group itself. The spear slowly went to a stop and you could hear a voice coming from it. " This isn't over!" Melody was bare, and had her webbing around the pointed tip. Some of the matter went into her, she backed-up and took the tip out. Her abdomen bleeding badly as she staggered a bit and jumped and dashed to where the spear came from.

An opening in the forest, stood a figure. The field looked like it was under a giant battle with even more splints here and there. Webbing and cloth scattered the floor. Melody got in her beast release stance. " HAKIRU SEAL BREAK!" The girls fake leg shattered into pieces. And a horrid scream that wasn't human. Came from the skies.

"Melody?" I looked at her, reaching for the sickle at my belt. Then my eyes fell on the figure in the woods. "You... Who are you!" I shouted, generating a ball of energy, ready to throw it,"Who are you!? Answer me!" I kept my eyes on Melody. I don't know if that scream came from her, or some other being.... The scream certainly didn't sound human..

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