Fairy Tail [[Closed]]

Yui drank the other half or so of her soda and thanked Mira quietly, turning to Akita and Melody. "I'm okay with going, you know, if it's okay with you all." She glanced around at everybody then smiled, hearing no objections. "When do you guys want to leave?" Her eyes blinked a few times, hearing nothing but screaming to the left and right of her.
"Errrm." I sighed inwardly. I can't back down now... "Whenever your ready.... I'll go get us some train tickets..." I walked out of tehg uild and headed for the train station. Just what I wanted, to get stuck into a job with a bunch of other people... I walked past several shopping stalls, past a blacksmith. My hand went to the sickle at my belt. Maybe I should get it sharpened. It feels kind of dull. But no time now, I have a job to do, maybe later.
Noah shivered a bit when Mira mentioned him to join them. 'They are strong. Besides I am not that strong to help them.' Noah thought to himself. 'However, I do have a rent to pay. ' S-.sure, I'll come along if you need some company' Noah says timidly before raising a soda to his mouth a looking off somewhere else. He could sense that Akita was a little tedious about a group job and not very fond of the idea. Noah didn't want to irritate her by tagging along like there wasn't an option.

I walked back into the guild, holding four new train tickets, freshly printed.

"Alright, since it appears we're all going as a group, I went and bought the tickets. Now come along, lets go.." I held up the train tickets, spun on my heel and marched for the door, before turning back to the other three.

"Are you coming with me or did I buy these tickets for no reason?"
Melody shot a thin thread towards Akita's tickets. Making the tickets fly onto the floor in front of Melody. The string was to small to see, to be honest, no body knew Melody's magic except the master and Mira. And, as in addition, she never had anyone come with a quest with her. It wasn't needed due to her strength. But this was a higher ranked quest. ' A 'B' quest if I remember,' Melody thought. She picked up the tickets and shot a devilish look to Akita. It was because Melody didn't trust her quiet yet. But Melody was so fast and quiet that no one saw the evil glare to Akita. She smiled and gestured the pair.

"Wh-" The tickets shot out of my hands, all except one, mine. I grabbed for them, but they fell directly before Melody.

Yeah this girl is definitely messing with me.

"Oh, whatever... come on you three, lets go..." Still not particularly fond of the group project, I headed out the doors. I generated a quick ball of energy, passing it back and forth between my hands idly.
Noah quickly drank the rest of his soda before getting up and putting his sketch items back into his bag and walked towards Melody and Akita. Noah was timid because Akita shows that she wasn't to fond of the group quest and Melody didn't seem to warm up to her either. "So... Where is the job and what are we going to do on it?" Noah asks, not yet having seen the flyer.
"Not until we leave the city. . '' Melody spoke up. They were outside so no other guild members heard her voice. She had a lower pitched voice, but not one where it sounded manly. Her voice was scarred, and a bit scratchy, only because the last time she said something was about a month ago. She cleared her throat and rubbed it. She looked up to Noah, since he was way taller than her. In fact, Melody was smaller than everyone but Akita.

Melody looked innocently at Noah and lifted up her arms like a child does to a parent when they want to be carried.

Idly I passed the energy ball between my hands. I always did this when I was nervous or anxious. Passing this crackling, sparking ball of energy around and rolling it on my sickle the way I do is always soothing somehow. This throws me back to my life before I learned I was a mage. It brought a rare smile to my face. Making a living off my voice, life was so simple before I learned of my electric affinity.

Hearing Noah's voice snapped me back to reality, and I threw the ball in the and it dissipated with a simple zzt!

"The job is to chase down, Tarikatu, a notorious criminal. He was last seen in a small town nearby, but the only access is by train. He's experienced with Wind and Ice magic, which will make him to hard to catch, unless someone can fly. He also has a tendency to make multiple copies of himself." She turned and walked backwards, looking at him, and hands the flyer to him for him to look at.
Noah's eyebrows raised a bit when Melody decided to speak. He didn't hear her very often. For sure a lot less than not very often. Akita stopped fiddling with a ball of energy and explained the job. 'Taritaku? Hmm... This would prove difficult.' Noah thought to himself. He notices Melody with her arms outstretched and smiles at her. Picking her up and putting her on his back, Noah pulls his palette and brush. Lifting his shirt up slightly he draws out a horse drawn carriage and summons it forth. "Perhaps this will get us to the train station faster?"

(@Neko-Neko-Nekomimi should post. Her character hasn't done much.)
Takuto walked into the Guild yawning. He sat down at the bar. "Hello Taku." Mira said. Takuto looked up and smiled. "Hi Mira-chan." He said. Takuto looked around at the peaceful atmosphere. When he noticed a certain Bluenette and her exceed coming towards him. "Hey Wendy. Carla..." "Takuto..." Carla said with her arms crossed. "Taku, I was wondering if you wanted to come do a job with me, Natsu and the others." Wendy asked. Takuto smiled. "Sure. I'll be over in a bit." Wendy smiled and ran over to her team.
((Sorry I was offline everyone. I'm fine with Natsu, Mira, Wendy, and Carla popping up once and a while, but anyone else that shows up I will notify that person through PM))

Yui frantically ran after the group and tried to catch her breath. They left me behind. Hehe. She smiled lightly and saw Melody on Noah's back, a small giggle forming in her throat. That's adorable! She had a little fangirl type moment before staring ahead, feeling her body turn a little colder. Yui formed small snowballs and dropped them on the ground, watching them dissolve instantly. She wasn't really paying attention to anything as she repeated this action.
Melody yawned, trying to find some position on Noah that was comfy. She dozed off rather quickly, and a little bubble formed from her mouth, that would expand and grow smaller as she breathed. The girl would dream of horrid things though. . . Her past scarred her mind like no other. And she would rock back and forth by herslef, moaning from the things she remembered.
"Oh, well that'll make it quicker..." I surveyed the carriage, then nodded to Noah in appreciation. "This looks pretty good. What kind of magic is this?" Walking around the carriage, I looked it up and down, taking in the intricate detail work. Being me, I was always interested in learning new kinds of magic. i reached up and stroked one of the horse's noses.
(I'd like to join if that's alright)

Name: Leibas Ofbacca

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Type(s) of Magic: Speed magic (or that's what he calls it due to the fact he doesn't know what it's called).

Guild: Fairy Tail

Personality: Most people would call him an idiot. He says that there is a point when someone is so much smarter than someone else that they are called idiots because no one can understand what they're saying. He's not one of them; they were right the first time. Although he isn't very smart, he is very friendly. He has never said goodbye to anyone, just "See ya!".

Other: When he meets someone for the first time, he always says "Hello, my name is Leibas Ofbacca. My friends call me Lei, everyone else calls me Baka."


"Nice work Noah!" Yui smiled at him and climbed into the carriage and sitting down near a window. She liked looking outside to see the landscape change quickly then go back. She waited patiently for the others to get in the carriage so they could leave. These are the times where she gets annoyed. Hurry up people, we have to go..!

A blur traveled through the town until it stopped right in front of Fairy Tail's door. It was Leibas Ofbacca. He carefully stepped over a bump that tripped him every day and accelerated back to the unnatural speed he was going. He grabbed bowling pins and put them down a distance away from the door so quickly that it looked like they just appeared out of nowhere one-by-one. Lei stopped to admire his work before speeding out the door again. A few seconds later, he ran through the door again, this time tripping over the bump and tumbling across the floor. He crashed through the pins and ended up upside down on a wall. "Strike!" Mira said as she held her arms up to form an X. "Alright! Three more strikes and I have a perfect game!" Leibas said enthusiastically. He looked at the upside-down mission board to find that one of the missions had just been taken off. "Hey Mira," He said, "Who chose that mission?" "Yui, Melody, Noah, and Akita." She answered. Lei thought about it. They seemed to have a big group already, so they probably don't want one more. Then again, since there is so many, they might not mind one more. He figured that he might as well go to the station and ask them. He then remembered that he was still upside-down and straightened himself upwards. "Thanks. By the way, I wrote a letter about what I did and when I would get back. It should get here two days from now." He said before running out the door.

With his speed, he got to the station in no time. He didn't know which train they were on, so he decided to go to each boarding platform one-at-a-time calling out their names until he found the right one. This might take awhile.
Noah smiled with a slight blush with the comments on his work. He puts Melody in a seat in the carriage as Yui jumped in. "I use Pict Magic." Noah says to Akita. "I animate pictures that I draw on my body. Sometimes small ones on paper." Noah walks over to the driver seat and hops on with a grunt. "Alright, all aboard. Let's head to the train station." Noah says while putting the reins in his hands waiting for Akita to hop in the carriage, or perhaps ride shotgun.
Still passed out the girl would toss and turn, looking like a drunk person. She finally hit Yui and found a place comfortable on her. She never told anyone, or anyone knew she got so tired when traveling. This was her first mission with someone that was still alive today. Melody started drooling on Yui. Melody was extremely refined and proper, but when it came to pre-missions, she was all about saving strength. It really helps though. But it takes a toll on others in the group.

(( Is it okay if you let one more person in? She is new to this website and she absolutely loves Fairy Tail. She finally was able to think of her character, because she is one to make a beautiful person before she even thinks about wanting to join or not.))

I noticed the blush on Noah's face, but didn't call him out for it. He deserved the compliments. I climbed into the carriage after giving the horse a final pat on the nose. I noticed Melody collapsed in Yui's lap, and sat across from her, noticed the drool. I chuckled quietly, almost inaudibly. I remembered being like that. All sweet and innocent, until... I shuddered and looked out the window. Not again... please no not again..!

I shoved the memory out of my mind, and gave Noah a thumbs up through the window.
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Noah looks back at the carriage and see's Melody sleeping...and drooling. Hopefully Yui won't mind. Akita jumps in and gives him a thumbs up. Noah nods his head and jerks the rein. The horses walked slowly and moderately built up speed. Soon they were traveling almost as fast as a train around the streets of Mognolia to the train station to begin their new job of hunting down a well-known thief. The thought of battle against such an enemy. Add Noah shudder a bit.
Hullo! Verrici said I could still join so... I hope you will accept!

Name: Mio

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Type(s) of Magic: Music magic

Guild: Fairy Tail

Personality: Mio is usually very shy and timid. She is really gentle, and plays the violin beautifully. Although she is usually kind, she can have a very dark and hostile side to her if you push a certain button.



<Like her but with Aqua hair, and a simple aqua and white dress. ^-^ She also carries her violin with her everywhere which is strapped about her back.

The carriage jerked around. Jeez... This is why Natsu always gets sick in any vehicle? I... I see why.

"Urp..." I clutched my stomach, stared out the window. Maybe that'll make it better... The land is rushing by so fast... Not helping! Do something to get it off your mind! Maybe it'll go away!

Refusing to give up hope, I stared at the horizon, watching the buildings go by...

It's not going away!

With a sigh, I decide to simply close my eyes and listen to the pounding of the horse's hooves.
Noah was relaxing on the drivers seat of the carriage holding the reigns in hand as they travel towards the train station. Deciding to see how the others are doing, Noah glances back into the carriage. He notices Akita suffering from the effects of motion sickness. This made Noah feel bad and tries to think of something that would help her. "Akita? Would you... Erm... Like to sit shotgun? Perhaps it might help you get over the movement of the carriage. The scenery is nice."

"Actually... that might help..." I decided to take Noah up on that offer. That'll probably help a lot, and I hated small spaces anyway.

"That would help a lot actually!" I looked out the window and at Noah," If you could stop the carriage that would be nice!"

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