Fairy Tail [[Closed]]

Noah exclaimed in horror to see a large attack at them. Then exclaimed with more horror to see Melody struck by it. Before Noah could do anything, something let out a bloodcurdling scream that made Noah wince. "M-me-melody?" Noah says nervously hoping that Melody was OK. He brings out his paint supplies and began drawing a canon on his belly, ready to fire in case of attack.
Leibas quickly jumped backwards after seeing the gem go right past them. He was worried for Melody since he had no idea what was going on. He knew that she was probably fighting Tari, but everything was so chaotic. He also couldn't focus very well. There was something bothering him. Something that he couldn't shake from his mind. He turned to the others and asked, "Were there other people on the train?"

I turned to Melody, and started running. "Noah, I'm going to check on Melody, just stay put and defend yourself!" Pulling out my sickle, I ran for the town, and started climbing the building, trying desperately to reach Melody. If there isn't anything I can do, I will drag the girl back to safety if need be. Scrambling to the top of a building, I looked about frantically, trying to find Melody. "Melody! Melody!"
Noah nodded at Akita as she ran off towards Melody. Noah looks at Leibas who looks concerned about something. "umm.... no I don't think so. Not a lot of people would want to come to a town where Tari had just been through." Noah looked around for the thief that had caused all this. He couldn't have just cast the spell without being nearby. "Leibas, your fast right? Perhaps if you don't mind.... look around for Melody or Tari?"
"My fast right?" Leibas said in a confused tone, "Yeah, I have a fast right. Punching with my left arm is a little bit slower, but only by a few milliseconds. Not sure what my punching speed has anything to do with finding Melody or Tari... Oh, you meant 'You're fast, right?'. You should really pronounce the 'u' better." After finishing that sentence, he then rushed in the direction Melody had gone so he could find her and give her his jacket so she wouldn't be completely bare.
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I was just hauling myself up another building, when a big gust of wind blew right in my face, making me lose my handhold on the side of the building, sending me plummeting down with a scream, arms flailing looking for anything to grab onto. I dug my sickle into the way in hopes of slowing my fall, but it merely bent straight, to my shock. I shouldn't be that surprised I guess. This thing isn't build for that.

With another wail, I managed to grab onto a windowsill with a hand, but there was a horrible crack when my hand hit the brick. "AH!" I pulled myself up to sit on the windowsill, holding my now broken wrist...
Melody recognizing the scream, she got up. Limping, and casting a magic circle on her stomach wound. Sewing the wound close with sharp webbing. She winced in pain. And with a limp, went back to the clearing in the forest.

" Noah, help Akita NOW. I have this!" Melody jumped into the air, having her other limb slowly regrow. The noise came closer, and a giant shadow would flies across the forest. Directly in front of the sun, a figure- of bird origin came. Giving the same orange glow as the time in the train. Hakiru, known in legends from battle stories and a legendary bird scarred by battle, and have the blood born to kill in its veins leads mankind for it to be a myth. But as Hakiru descended from the sun and skies the legend,it seemed like a child's story.

" I don't have time to explain why the hell you're here." Melody landed next to the bird with a horrid retaliation.

. . .

" I just need your assistance, to kill my brother." Melody's voice echoed, and the legendary bird nodded. Moving its metal joints, flinging metal shards at sonic speeds, the bird was a blur. The revenge blinded girl was seen dashing behind him with a new repaired leg. Both throwing needles of their own material. Tari quickly dissolved into the shadows, becoming a pool of darkness. The shadow could be seen oozing at a quick rate towards the duo. Melody could not let him escape once more, this will be resolved today.

(( I will be controlling a lot of the battle, and be having it being read off, and not fully being bent by what the others are doing. I am only doing this to create the full effect of Melody's power, and the conflict between the two siblings. ))

-- http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/389249-bigthumbnail.jpg -- Hakiru
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Noah blushed some more at his grammatical error and face-palmed himself. How careless of him. He was grateful when Leibas eventually ran-off. Suddenly he hears the pained scream of Akita that made him cringe. Looking quickly, Noah notices her sitting on a building windowsill holding her arm. She most likely broke it. Reacting quickly, especially with Melody's orders, Noah draws and animates a large pillow underneath Akita. "Akita! If you can, please jump and the pillow will cushion your fall!" Noah shouted looking up at the base of the cushion.

"Ahhh..." Holding onto my arm, I gripped it where the bones had broken... and snapped it back in place. That earned a gut wrenching scream. It was bleeding heavily, but did I care? No. I'm used to seeing my own blood coming from my injuries. I heard Noah call up to me, but I couldn't see him. I turned my head so that he was on my right side. Oh. There he is. With a giant cushion. Thats not too far down. I don't see why he needed to- Oh wait. With a quick curse, she leaned over the edge, and suddenly the height finally reached me. "Oh nooooo. Are you crazy!? That's not gonna work!" Heights. Horrible depth perception. Ohhhh nooo. I have to do this... I have to get down... With a deep breathe, I stood up, looked over the edge again, then stepped off the windowsill, and began to plummet down to the cushion.

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