Fairy Tail [[Closed]]

Since there seemed to be no objections, Leibas sat down on one of the seats in the train. He was in one of the seats separate from the others and oblivious to what Melody was doing. He was looking outside at the rain. If the train was going to derail, he couldn't move fast enough to safely get everyone out. After all, normal people can't go from 0 to 1000 in a second without negative side-effects. He hoped that they wouldn't derail over a cliff. While he could get out safely, it would be a lot easier to save everyone else if they weren't in immediate danger of falling. He then realized how wet he was from standing outside in the rain for so long. "Excuse me for a second." He said as he walked out of the train. He then sped back in so fast that the water was left behind outside the train. "So, what are we doing for the mission?"
" You are not doing anything. Leave now, I don't want you here." Melody ached in pain from her hip down. She knew that being so close to Tari would break her first layered seal. She slowly passed out after that, due to the traveling and pain.
Leibas, now aware of Melody (yet unaware of her pain), was a little hurt by what she said. "Okay... you want me to do something? I can sing. For example, I know a song that gets of everybody's nerves. I was just doing nothing because you look like you didn't want to be bothered. But if you really want me to do something, okay. What song should I sing?" A few seconds later, he noticed that Melody was unconscious. "...Should I be worried?"

(EDIT: whoops, I didn't catch the part that she lost consciousness. Fixed)
Noah frowned and head sunk a bit at Melody's negative attitude. Leibas was talking a lot as usual when Noah noticed that Melody looked a little bothered. He notices she appears to be in pain and slowly losing consciousness. "Melody, what is wrong?" Noah began to get more worried. "Leibas, stop talking for a moment please. She looks to be in pain. Anyone know how to help her?" Noah thought grimly of the situation. We haven't even got to the area where the job takes place and a member is injuired.
Melody started quickly moving in pain. Something was controlling her, the girls magic force made the train accelerate up to unspeakable speed. The train and everything inside it would slowly glow a dim light gray. Her first seal started to break.
Leibas could sense the increase in speed and knew that, with the rain, the train would derail soon. He got up out of his seat, said "I'm going to slow down the train. Try to get her under control.", and ran out of the train. Using his speed, he overtook the train and grabbed the front of the train. He then started to run in the opposite direction that the train was moving. He wasn't sure how well it would work, but it might help.

The train in accelerating at amazing speeds! How is this possible? To be perfectly honest, I didn't really notice until Leibas ran past the window. and then nausea hit me. Like a punch in the gut. But I have to figure out how the stop the train! I get up slowly, look at Melody. I could practically see the pain radiating from her. And also something darker... a different presence maybe. No time to dwell, I start forcing my way towards the front of the train.
The train would slowly come to a stop, but everything around it was on fire! You would expect it from the friction and heat created by the wheels. But as Melody would look at her legs then outside, she saw the town. But it. . it wasn't the normal town. Tari changed it using his own developed magic. Sure, he used wind and electric magic, but this. This was definitely his doing. The town had giant spikes inside the buildings and scattered around, they were. . .made of strange matter of black and white.

As long as Melody could imagine, Tari was an incredible wizard, even when they were so young and would play around. Tari was a successful magician in many different magics. But his favorite, was Anti-Matter Magic. .

I reached for the train emergency stop and and slammed it down, but the train had already stopped. Did Leibas stop it? ....No, Leibas didn't stop it...

"Whoever did that stopped the train..." I said out loud, looking out of the window at the town, large spires growing from the buildings and the earth... "Whoever did that is powerful..."
Leibas, feeling proud of his work at stopping the train (which may or may not actually be of his doing), walked to the rest of the group. His feet hurt a lot and his hands were warm. Good thing the wheels were the only thing on fire. If the front also had, his hands would have been scorched. Still, some of the heat from the wheels had traveled throughout the metal and made the train warmer. Oh well; the rain would probably stop the fire before it got too out of control. After looking at the train, he looked at the city that he had coincidentally (coughnotcough) stopped them at. Seeing the destruction, he looked at the others and said, "Mind telling me who we're up against?"
"My brother." Melody started to walk out of the train, trying to look bad ass she didn't look where she was going. She was going to need help because well, she was blind after all. And there wasn't anything she could you for reference. She tripped and well to her knees. Revealing her feet, being not made of flesh and bone. But a strange white string.

I remained silent after Leibas's question and turned to Melody as she fell. Not at all suprised by what her feet were, I knelt down and reached out to touch the string, but then thought against it, and looked at Melody for permission. No way was I going to just go out and grab her foot without her permission. I would never hear the end of it.
Leibas was too busy looking at the buildings to look up Melody's skirt (or whatever she was wearing) as she tripped. He had to admire the handywork of the black and white spikes; those looked well-made. He wondered if those constructs required concentration or some sort of effort to keep them materialized. If that was the case, he also wondered if killing, or knocking out, Melody's brother would cause them to vanish. He also wondered if it would affect living matter differently than non-living matter, but he obviously wasn't going to throw a baby at it to test his theory. He then realized that he could get some of his answers from Melody, seeing that she is her brother. "What can he do?"
Melody felt the heat of Akita's hand and it suddenly disappeared. She wondered what was going on," I. . .I " Melody remembered the past. She recalled the time when the blade came down upon her hips as a baby, and chopped her in half. She was able to survive, due to the lady who took her in. She was a beast summoner. And she used the animals to create different remedies, but she had her hand in web magic. Thats what got Melody into magic, to know she could save lives, and to pass on the sacred tradition of Web Magic

" When I was young, I lost my legs. But I constantly use my magic to craft artificial limbs. That is how I am able to see. . ." Melody thought of earlier day, when she dodged the fight, and knew where people were. " I use webs, for sight. And I have used different techniques to cover your clothes in webbing to see you. Akita, when I grabbed the tickets. Noah, when you picked me up for a piggy back ride. . and Yui, when I slept on her. But I know someone else is here, but I don't know who they are." Melody never talked to much in her life since the accident when she lost her vision. She needed to come out with her horrid past.

She then looked up at the voice, she instantly casted a magic circle which was a deep purple, and thin stings went on his clothes. But disappeared quickly though. "You will see. I just want him dead."
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"Oh, that's me." Leibas said in response to Melody saying there was someone else here, "You haven't gotten a thread on me yet." Leibas looked at the buildings once again, still fascinated by the spikes. "Honestly, that sounds like a pretty cool ability to me. You have the ability to create almost invisible webs that can trap someone. Since you can detect your webs, and since your legs are also webs, you could walk along them without getting trapped. Not to mention that you can create web constructs to replace your web legs. You could make them longer to reach higher places or maybe even turn it into a spider abdomen and legs. You're almost making me jealous; all I can do is run."
Melody gave a blank expression. . .' Who does this boy think I am? Plastic man?' She gave the deserved face palm. She laughed a bit. . " I can't expand my threads that are attached to my body, only where I place it. Think of these legs, like yours. Except with the whole. . twitchy fast part" Melody got up and dusted herself off. She looked at Noah, who was at the doorway of the train. " Stay here Noah, we need to get away fast if we have to escape."
"Made you smile." Leibas said. He wasn't sure if she just ignored that web trap idea because she already knew that or if the stupidity of the shapeshifting idea took the credibility out of the web trap idea. "I have two questions though. First, would the thread slow me down if you put it on me like the others? Second, what abilities does your brother have? I'm not sure what those spikes would do to me if I touched them."
" Besides destroy your blood cells for they can not take the gravity shift, decreasing your chances or survival every second. They can activate into miniature black holes.Sucking everything inside to a realm that his own. And he can do anything inside it. Its Anti-Matter and Gravity Magic." Melody smiled with her eyes closed as she looked at Leibas. " Two. They won't. They are thinner than air." She started examining the movements on the ground. Everything went in one direction. But one.
After hearing that the web wouldn't slow him down, Leibas took his jacket and shirt off and handed them to Melody (he didn't toss them since he figured Melody couldn't see them). All the running he did had given him a somewhat muscular, thin body (Gray, eat your heart out. xD ). The rain made him really cold now and he thought of vibrating to make him warmer, but then he would get water on everyone else so he just endured it. "Anti-matter and gravity... I don't think I can outrun a black hole." He said, "How does he control what's in there? Is the place some kind of lucid dream he can manipulate?"

"So.... Web magic, huh..." My mind was racing. Lost her legs? I'm covered in spider silk? I shuddered, thinking about millions of tiny spiders crawling on me. Nope, nope, nope. Please no.

My hands went to my hood, to my face, running my palm over my scars... Maybe now. Maybe I just let it go.. She's in the same boat as me...

I pulled my hood down further. No. Not yet..

Then Leibas took his shirt off.

"what- what are you doing?! Put your shirt back on! When did Gray get on this train!?"
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Leibas gave a blank expression to Akita. "...I'm letting her put her webs on my shirt and jacket so she can see me." He said, "Although the ability to make ice would be helpful here since it is raining. It's sort of like putting someone with the ability to control dairy in an ice-cream shop..." He decided to stop himself to prevent him from rambling. He did that a lot.
"Ugh!" I refuse to look at him. I simply refuse. I won't do it. I simply won't do it.

"I hate to rush you, Melody, but could you please hurry and give him his shirt back?"

This is all too much... I can't take it. I turn away from Leibas and walk off down the train to sit at the far end of the train car.
Melody now blushing," Oh what? Yea yea!" She casted a magic circle, wrapping the outfit in webbing. She stood up and held out the shirt waiting for Leibas to let her put it on him.
(Sorry I haven't posted. School and time zones stuff.)

Noah looked around in awe at the destruction and new found information. Following Melody's instructions, Noah remained in the train. He notices Akita, who looks distressed, walk and sit far away in the train. Wondering what's wrong, Noah walks over and sits next to her. "What's wrong?"
Leibas took a hint from Melody and let her put his shirt and jacket back on. He wasn't sure why Akita was so disgusted with seeing him without a shirt. Wouldn't she be used to it by now after seeing Gray in the guild hall so many times? He pushed the thought aside for now; there was something they needed to do here. "So, where should we start looking?"

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