Fairy Tail [[Closed]]

Noah takes a look at Akita and notices that she looked green around the gills. Perhaps it would be best if they took a little break. Noah pulls on the reigns to slow the horses and pulls on a nearby lever that acts as the carriages breaks to come to a stop rather quickly. Noah helps Akita off to get some fresh air and relieve her of her motion sickness. Once Akita was on sturdy ground Noah goes to the carriage to get Yui and wake up Melody.

Ughh.... I shuddered and swallowed. I just wanted to hug that sweet solid ground. Sweet, sweet solid land.. Looking up, I watched Noah lean in the carriage to wake Melody and Yui.

Gathering myself, I stretched. "Well the train station isn't far from here. We could walk, if you don't mind..."
Melody, drowsy and looking drunk stepped out of the carriage, and stumbled a bit and found herself. She looked up as the sky darkened a bit. Melody sighed, it was going to rain soon. The rain brought back slips of her past. She reassured herself, and pulled her dress up a bit. It was a bit revealed on top, but everyone was some what afraid of her, or just didn't like to talk to her since she doesn't respond. Melody bit her lips and jumped up and down to get the dress right. She had a bad ass reputation when it came to missions, but only two people have gone on quest with her before, but both are dead.

Melody seems to be innocent and childish, but always has the remind of her lost of sight and her scarring past. Something wasn't right with how Melody acted, but it didn't concern many now.
Noah nodded at Akita. Walking would be good exercise and training for them, even though Noah dislikes exercise, but it is better than having a motion sick team mate. As Noah helps Yui out of th carriage, he looks at the sky too since that is where Melody was staring. It did look like it was going to rain. "So... Shall we talk about the job? To pass the time while we walk?" Noah asks. Melody looked like she was in deep thought, and Akita seemed to still be woozy. The topic might get their minds off things.
"Taritaku. . . I know who he is." Melody looked at the sky as one drop hit her cheek, and gracefully replaced a tear. She had a connection with Tari. And it wasn't a pleasant one. " All I need if for you to get me there, and then let me handle him. ." Melody spoke more than she had in the past four months. She seemed pissed, yet determined. Something wasn't right with her state of mind. A page that needed to be finished. Today is the day, the writer picks up her pen, and finishes the story.
Noah was impressed and surprised at Melody. She seemed intimidating with the lust for retribution or something. Noah feels a few drops of rain on himself and sees rain on others as well. Slightly lifting up his shirt again, he paints out some umbrella's and hands them to Melody, Akita, Yui and one particularly bigger one for himself. "One should not take such a burden and bear it by themselves." Noah says worried for the well-being of Melody. Fighting someone that had a connection to you in the past is hard psychically as well as mentally.
" I am bearing it any longer, thats why I jumped to the situation when she grabbed the job. I wouldn't think she had the courage to do it. I wanted to get stronger, so I know I can kill him." Melody started walking away, not even taking the umbrella. Nor looking back. It was time for Melody to unlock her seal of magic.

I was shocked by Melody speaking up, "Well, we did accept this job together, and we should work together." Something told me however that Melody wouldn't be denied. Something was irking her... Maybe this guy had done something to her. Did he... blind her? I'd certainly want to get him back for that if he had done that to me. But I know that violence is not always the answer.... my hand went to the scars on my face. I knew that from experience...
" The only reason I wanted you guys to come along is to help me drag his body to hell." She kept walking along, she was almost out of earshot by now.

"I wouldn't think she the courage to do it."

Excuse me?

My jaw practically hit the pavement. I glanced at Noah and Yui, eyes wide in disbelief, actually, for the first time, speechless.

" I will explain on the way, we are wasting time." Melody picked up the pace. She seemed to be a different person when it came to her old friend Taritaku.
Noah frowned slightly at the Melody's resolve. "I guess we are wasting time just standing. Let's catch up to her Akita and Yui." Noah says in a worried tone. The mission had an effect on Melody that Noah was not fond of. Not wanting to upset Melody by just standing around Noah begins to walk as well towards the train station with umbrella over head.
By now, Leibas had gone to every single train platform dozens of times looking for them. "I don't think any of the trains have left recently." He thought aloud, "Maybe they haven't arrived yet." He decided that he would wait in front of the station for them. He then noticed that it was starting to rain. Waiting was hard enough for him, but now in the rain? He decided that he would sit on the stairs outside the station and wait for them anyway.

I am seething! This girl I just barely know has passed judgement on me, and she takes me a coward?! I let a little electricity spark at my fingertips, and I growled quietly, but then realized what I was doing and stopped myself. Last I let my emotion out...... I refuse to think about it..

Charging past Melody and onto the train, I grumbled angrily and sat down by a window.
Noah watches in dismay as Akita angrily rushes by into the train station and on a train. Rushing by a man sitting in the steps. This was strange. Who was this person waiting for? Especially in the rain. That would be stupid. Regardless, Noah walked up to the man and asks "Are you ok? Do you need an umbrella?"
Melody walked into the train is dismay. For she just wanted to get to the town already. She looked at the ticket she grabbed from Akita. The train leaves in ten minutes. She sighed and looked out the window, watching the raindrops on the outside building. Though she was eager to finish her chapter with Tari, she wondered what he had become. Her past slowly played through her head. The whole time, she was rubbing her legs, that were never revealed. But where hidden under her gown.
Leibas look up at Noah cheerfully. "Finally, you're here." He said, "Wait... Don't you recognize me? We're in the same guild." He showed him the back of his hand which had the guild symbol on it. "I was told that you guys were doing a guild mission and I thought that I would come with you. Guild missions are a lot less fun alone."
Noah looks through his mind and remembers Leibas. That explains the foolish action of waiting in the rain. "Oh, hello Bak--- Leibas." Noah says catching himself before calling him Baka. "I agree that missions are more fun with more people. Come, I think Akita and Melody are already on the train. I would be wary though, I am not sure they would be fond of the idea of more people! and they are already in a bad mood."

Staring out the window, I started to play out the battle ahead in my mind. With my sickle, I could lob whatever magic the guy threw at me right back at him. I noticed Melody sit down across from me, grumbled and pulled my hood further over my face.
Nobody fully understood Melody's magic, in fact. Only Mirajane was the one to ever see her use magic. But, Melody did not call her abilities magic, for she was born like this. She felt her lags tingle, and she looked down at them, rubbing her thighs. The girl was acting strange, and it was all because of Tari.


" Hurry hurry!" The young Melody ran, her eyes were a different color. A light pink to be honest.

" Wait up! You run so fast Mel~!" Tari was seen a bit younger than her, and was running behind her. Tari tripped.


She snapped back into reality.
"Alright, which train?" Leibas said, "If they won't let me on the train, I can just run behind it. Although the rain might make the ground slippery, but then again, it would also make the train tracks more slippery. How much do you want to bet that it'll derail and we'll have to save everyone? It would give us another reason to go on the train though."
Noah laughs slightly at how much Leibas talks and says ridiculous things. "Just follow me." Noah walks onto the train and finds Melody and Akita. Akita, looking upset still and Melody deep in thought. Squeezing onto a seat Noah says "Leibas here wants to join us on our mission." In his mind, Noah hopes they aren't' upset that another person is joining.

She noticed Melody's nervous behavior. What was with her legs? She seems to be off in another world...

"Huh?" Leibas? "Oh... sure why not..." I continued to watch Melody's behavior out of the corner of my eye, curious as to what was going on in her head. As irritated with her as I was, I felt horrible knowing she wasn't comfortable.
Melody sat there as the time passed and the train would slowly start. She breathed deeply, she knew what she had to do with her childhood friend. The blind girl felt her legs move on their own. She felt the seal inside her breaking. . . Her legs started to become warmer as she became united with Tari. . . it was about time.

(( I am kinda giving a Naruto feel with this character. I just love seal magic and want to incorporate this with her. She has different seals inside her body which controls her magic))
Noah was scribbling on his sketchbook when he glances at Melody. Lowering his tablet Noah says "Melody?" First to grab her attention. "Melody, are you ok? You seem uncomfortable."

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