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Fandom Fairy Tail: Bonds of a new Guild

Crystal cursed and flew off. I am going to come back for you later, Yumi. Gritting her teeth, Celena flew full speed and felt the wind on her face. Not sure what to do, she continued flying to no where in particular. I need to do something about this curse....
Yumi sighed nervously and scratched her head. "Well even with my archive I don't have a clue...Wait do you mean the old fairy tail sacred grounds." Yumi asked since no one actually said which or whose sacred ground.

(@EternalMusic I guess I forgot to tell you the curse blows up randomly)
(well.... that doesn't really help... any help to get it off her? Don't really want her to blow up just yet...)
(Erm idk but the explosion wouldn't kill her since you only touched him once so you only have one small curse mark.)
(okay... so what do you mean by blow up then ^^" sorry just want to know what is happening to my character at the moment...)
(Fire dragon slayer. I think.)

Raiko looked at Yumi with his jaw open. "Well DUH! What other sacred grounds have something cool? The quicker you tell us the quicker we might let you go. So I suggest telling us pronto." He got in her face, having to squat to be eye level to her, and stared into her eyes trying to intimidate her into telling them.
(Wait where is the mark again? Sorry for asking so many questions~! Also thanks Kio~)

Crystal could feel the curse mark on her skin and she wasn't sure when it would go off. Groaning she wondered if there was anyway to contact the other guild members.
(O yeah I forgot about fire dragon slayer. The mark is on your arm)

Yumi took of her glasses and wiped them this was one place she wouldn't tell them. "I don't know it got blown off the map by Acnologia

years ago and to my knowledge hasn't shown back up yet." Yumi said nervously who knows what they would do to her.
(okay... So where can I find a fire dragon slayer... wait we don't have one do we... *groans* Bills are you going to explode or am I going to have to do choose when it does?)

Crystal looked at her right arm and looked at the curse marking and rubbed it furiously hoping that it would disappear. But of course it didn't. I heard rumours about fire dragon slayers being able to heal these runes but... Sighing she pondered in her own mind.
"Don't worry I got this planned but anyways search for a place for a place to tell us where the best place to learn the arc of time." He said to Yumi.

(I don't know about you but Justin is a fire dragon slayer :P )
(*chuckles* well there we go~ of to Justin we go~ Wait. Isn't he part of the dark guild?)

The name Justin popped into her head but she couldn't remember why it did.
(You have to choose when it does since it would be kind of bunnying for me too)

Yumi activated her archive she already had the arc of time stored but she wasn't going to let them know that." Can you even learn the arc of time any longer I though the last mage with that died." Yumi asked wiping her glasses looking towards the man who asked her to.
Raiko looked at Yumi wondering if she was telling the truth. She took off her glasses and didnt make eye contact, that's a sign of lying. He thought to himself. "Hmm. Ya. Arc of Time would work. Or we could just go there." He sensed her heart rate go up and knew she was lying. He grabbed her arm and started to squeeze it almost breaking it. "You know lying isn't cooperating. Your heart rate went up. Justin, what do we do with liers around here?" He looked over to Justin still holding Yumi's arm.
Yumi shut one eye because of the pain but refused to let out even the smallest bit of noise just so they couldn't have the satisfaction of knowing shes in pain.
(okay... here i go... ^^")

remembering the fact that he belonged to the Dark Guild Crystal felt her stomach churn at the idea of going there. Taking a deep breath she charged forward making her way towards the guild. Stopping at the front of it she hesitated into going in.
Justin looked at Yumi "She will be treated just like us, we need her to trust us and us to trust her" he said to Raiko he knew that he would protest but he needed her alive and well. "I know you have it in your archive but it's only temporary so I can't force you. Anyways I learned my magic by Raiko and he didn't have it so it proves anyone is able to learn every magic."
(But I do like this character....)

Crystal took a deep breath and entered without the people on the outside know. But she wasn't sure about the people on the inside. It was possible they might have seen her but... She couldn't be certain. I need to find him....
Raiko wanted to protest but he understood Justin's point. "Fine. Take it away Justin. Mr. Goldenballs." Raiko always got upset like that when he was wrong. He threw her hand down and healed her arm with his God Slayer magic. "There ya go. But don't think about lying again because I will always tell. Man people seriously doubt me. Shut up Fredward! No one likes you!" He said walking away from Yumi.
Jason's meeting was over and he walked back into the guild hall and he saw that Yumi and Crystal were gone. He turned to Alex and the last arc girl he always tends to forget her name. "Where are the other two arcs?!" He yelled he couldn't help but be angry. 
Crystal kept a low profile flying from one place to another before she bumped into a blonde haired boy, fudge nuggets! (okay that was Justin... @wizard justin)
Justin growled and grabbed the person's collar and turn around "Who are you and why are you here?" He looked at her and remembered she was an arc then he pushes her to the ground "Tell me one reason why I won't just blow your head off!"

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