Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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ThatSideCharacter said:
So... long story short another arc is happening... so don't leave magnolia...?
Also... is there a list of magic that has been introduced? I have a certain magic in mind but I'm just concerned with overlapping magic types/styles. (I looked through a bunch of ocs and I don't THINK it should be overlapping but you know.. just to be on the safe side...)
If it isn't law magic, dark magic, light magic and whatever vex has your good
ThatSideCharacter said:
So... long story short another arc is happening... so don't leave magnolia...?
Also... is there a list of magic that has been introduced? I have a certain magic in mind but I'm just concerned with overlapping magic types/styles. (I looked through a bunch of ocs and I don't THINK it should be overlapping but you know.. just to be on the safe side...)
There isn't a list, no. And you CAN leave Magnolia, but it would be MUCH easier for characters to stay there. To you know, actually band together properly to save people.
Mitchs98 said:
Wew shit escalated quickly while I went to play WH40k..umm. Right. Arc 3 as it is now is officially dead. HOWEVER! Everything would work out -much- nicer if everyone could hold their shit and stay in Magnolia. Before you go: WHY. Well. It makes thing easier and leads to more excite and such wow. As soon as I discuss a few things with @Jackaboi we can get shit rolling. We will be doing the Arc I initially foreshadowed for, and with the addition of his new Grimorie Heart member it makes things all the more easier to be concise(Plus I don't have to do as many shit NPC's). I require volunteers for kidnapping. I already have a few, as well as one of my characters. Let me just say this now.
Your character will not die unless you want them to. You will be able to FULLY roleplay back and forth with the NPC's and Jack's character. You won't just be voiped into the shadows and forgotten about.

I will be shelving Salts arc for the time being, he offered for me to host it but I don't feel comfortable doing so. In the future we may do his arc, but that depends on how things go. Things won't be stalled for much longer. I understand Salts reasoning for not wanting to host it, honestly. Hopefully he'll be up to hosting it later.
I had already said you could kidnap mine a few weeks ago, so. There's another one for you.
Wyatt said:
If it isn't law magic, dark magic, light magic and whatever vex has your good
He can have light or dark if he would like since my character also utilizes both of those and I already said yours was okay to have it as well. C:
ThatSideCharacter said:
So... long story short another arc is happening... so don't leave magnolia...?
Also... is there a list of magic that has been introduced? I have a certain magic in mind but I'm just concerned with overlapping magic types/styles. (I looked through a bunch of ocs and I don't THINK it should be overlapping but you know.. just to be on the safe side...)
I know most of the characters and if you want help making sure you don't overlap then let me know and I'll gladly help you figure it out!
Kyuubey said:
He can have light or dark if he would like since my character also utilizes both of those and I already said yours was okay to have it as well. C:
I mean for him not over lapping
Wyatt said:
I mean for him not over lapping
I overlap my blankets.

ThatSideCharacter said:
@Wyatt @Kyuubey its not light or dark magic or vex (Don't really know what a vex is?)
But thank you for the quick response *bows*
What is it then? ~ That way I can give you a definite answer if someone already utilizes that type of magic for you.
ThatSideCharacter said:
@Wyatt @Kyuubey its not light or dark magic or vex (Don't really know what a vex is?)
But thank you for the quick response *bows*
He is a character (Full name VezieVarks Magona)

Sixth Sense: By using magic he can see all around him self and even behind objects for a mile. This takes a lot of focus so it can be hard to do in battle.

Light barrier: Forms a barrier of pure light, almost like a wall that can sustain several powerful blast.

Light blast: Summons balls if intense light light that explode on contact. This is a weaker attack

Light Sword: Creates a sword if pure light that acts like any other swords. If it cuts some one it burns and hurts worse than a normal cut.

Light's Judgment: This is his most powerful light attack and he can only preform it while he is in sun light. He creates hundreds of light spears that constantly shoot at his foes. This is also very draining.

Encourage Growth: This is a passive ability that constantly encourages plants to grow although he can focus harder to make plants grown according to his needs.

Plant Manipulate: This allows him to control the movement of plants, it is almost as though the plants walking creatures some times.

Poison Spores: This forces the plants to release poisonous pollen into the air.

Spirit Release: Vex is capable of sending his spirit out for short periods of time to either possess something or to temporally weaken someone's spirit .

The Six Paths of the Fae:

The Animal Path: This path allows him to understand animals.

The Magic path: This allows him to see magic and what it can do.

The Spirit path: This allows him to see and speak to the dead. Sometimes he can ask for help in a fight.

The Body path: this helps him heal himself and others.

The Love path: this gives him an angelic voice, and gives him supernatural beauty.

The Lost path: this path allows him to shape shift into an animal for a short period of time.
ThatSideCharacter said:
Well I was planning on having magic that utilizes the bones of animals. but reading up on the oc Bashult Sarto that magic is very similar so i will pass on it
Oh. That definitely is a cool one to have. ~ I hope you figure one out that you like that isn't overlapping in a way.
ThatSideCharacter said:
Well I was planning on having magic that utilizes the bones of animals. but reading up on the oc Bashult Sarto that magic is very similar so i will pass on it
Do IT!!! I command you to!!!

Kyuubey said:
Oh. That definitely is a cool one to have. ~ I hope you figure one out that you like that isn't overlapping in a way.
This ^
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
View attachment 287892

Valken was quite happily making out with his gorgeous Millie, slipping his hands behind her head to cradle her almost to his face. Well he WAS enjoying it until he felt a shadow out of place. How to put it to words... You see Valken had a connection with the Shadows, he could keenly sense all of them, like his feet were the tiny little feet of a spider as they balanced gently on their own web. And just like a spider, he could feel the tiniest of a ripple on the web with a bug were to flutter to close or land on it. And this was precisely what had happened. He stilled in his kiss as his dark purple eyes slipped open, almost if one were to focus very solidly on his face under the cover of the dark strands of his hair, might they see the tiniest of a glow, a shimmering of purple while only occurred when he was in pitch blackness and taping into his powers.

Here he slowly pulled away from Millie's face and gave her the gentlest of smile's, masking his tenseness as his 'spidey senses' were tingling. A shadow just appeared... No, that wasn't right, it hadn't just appeared shadows didn't do that...they were either there, or they were not. It was more....it had always been there but...was hidden? And now he had become aware of it? Valken turned then as he heard a voice approach, breaking apart from Millie with that same confusion plastered on his face, his gaze met with the same girl from across the room. "Aren't I always?" He casually responded as that same part confused, part intrigue frown still crossed his face. "And you might be?"

Valken wanted to keep his eyes on the girl but his attention was being pulled elsewhere. He felt like if he glanced away once more she might vanish, but it was a risk he had to take. Besides.. if he put his mind to it he would be able to find her again...

The dark haired tall man turned back to face the boy he hadn't gotten a name for, noticing almost instantly in this posture and the way he wasn't looking in any particular conscious direct that he was blind. He shot a glare at Ferra, almost to say, did you really introduce everyone by pointing when clearly he could not see? Valken actually bend down, putting a gloved hand on his shoulder so at least the boy knew he was facing Valken as he spoke. "VexieVics is it? May I call you Vex?" A smile actually tugging on his normally cheeky face, it might have seemed strange to smile to a blind person but Valken was fully aware just how much facial expression could be conveyed through words alone. Here he glanced as he introduced his bird who was still out to get at Millie it seemed. Valken looked back to him warmly. "Would you mind telling your faithful companions Horus to avoid Millie for awhile? Since you arrived he has done nothing but get in her personal space, and I was only just now aware she had a fear of birds..."

Not a moment later and while Valken was just starting to straighten, though he kept a hand on Vex's shoulder, did Guild Master Lloyd's voice carry to his ear and Valken meerly grinned to him. "Fancy seeing you here!!" It was in his usual, cheeky tone and had more then one meaning... afterall he was one of the few that Lloyd would attend the festival in the beginning and the two had seen each other only the day previously.

Before he could respond with something along the lines of, Millie gave me a wonderful Fashion show the night before, he noticed Maya introduce the girl (she sure looked like it from his angle) And as he always did with Mages of higher rank or statue he immediately stepped forward to approach her. Before her now, the tall man actually bent down onto a knee, and bowed his head, grasping her hand and peeling it towards him to kiss the outside of it before his eyes slowly peeled open and he tilted his head up to her. "A pleasure, Aria." His words like always liquid smooth. He pulled himself back then to his full height, turning slightly to face Maya now.

Clip clip clip.

He could hear her approach even before he fully faced her and it seemed every pace closer made his shoulders sag a portion, his head bend a fraction, hands lifting to his chest in almost a scared boy fashion. It was a rather hilarious thing to see, because Valken was only every boisterous, egotistical and downright full of himself. On the outside, at least. The accusation flying from her lips along with the stern look actually had Valken's purple eyes fly open and his hands spread up almost as if to protect himself from a physical attack. "No! I...mean...maybe...Yes!!" Gesturing in an accusing fashion towards Noah and Talon. "T..those two! They wanted to join Lamia Scale, and that one in particular, the one that looks almost like my brother, he tried to hit on Millie! We worked it out in the end! Didn't even break the Train Station, see?!" Having a half panicked laugh as he did. He could only image if she were still annoyed she might through that old, wrinkly, naked illusion at him again... and lord knows it took hours to get that scary thought from his head... Even with Millie's new clothing!

Once she settled down the stern expression and posture, Valken took a deep releasing breath out... Crisis averted.

Then Emmerich piped up.... Valken looked to him with huge, fearful eyes, suddenly waving his arms as if to say, Don't say that! Anything but that! Not only telling Lloyd how drunk he got, but the destruction was not something the Guild Master was too keen on... they weren't Fairytail Afterall!! Valken actually legitimately face palmed before jogging back over to Fraust and punching him none to lightly right on the side of his rib cage, making sure to dig the knuckles in painfully while he sneakily stepped a foot in behind his own, stamping his shadow to prevent him from pulling away from the painful twist of his wrist as he buried his knuckles in deeper. "HHAHAHAHhahahah oh Frausty you're so funny! Hilarious even! You know how much Lloyd loves drunks...hHhahahahhhaah..." His eyes pretty much glaring at him while he said all this.

I had just fix my post, I had to correct his name VezieVarks Magona '.'
Just a question, are all of these new kidnappings going to be related to the fog? Because as far as I'm aware Kelica is still trapped inside of it so I'm not sure how that's going to get resolved.

Unless it's a.... seeeeecret ;)
[QUOTE="Chat Noir]Just a question, are all of these new kidnappings going to be related to the fog? Because as far as I'm aware Kelica is still trapped inside of it so I'm not sure how that's going to get resolved.
Unless it's a.... seeeeecret ;)

Is forever a part of the mist, she will become a man eating cat and consume our souls
That moment when you're a detailed poster on a Mobile, and have just moved to a laptop with a full keyboard, so you're posts turn from...

Kinda big to...

Zuka said:
That moment when you're a detailed poster on a Mobile, and have just moved to a laptop with a full keyboard, so you're posts turn from...
Kinda big to...

From mistake filled night mare to okay I can live with this
I'll skip on mine and just keep Kelica kidnapped because I kind of want to be the savour rather then always the victim xD

Mitchs98 said:
That's enough people to capture then.. @Kazehana Do you want one of yours to be as well? If not we have plenty.

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