Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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[QUOTE="The Dinkster]I have a 4 hour exam tomorrow. Had one today too. And one on Monday. So, yeah, sleep at 9:30 or at least getting off RPN at 9:30

Good luck!
[QUOTE="The Dinkster]I have a 4 hour exam tomorrow. Had one today too. And one on Monday. So, yeah, sleep at 9:30 or at least getting off RPN at 9:30

>wiggles for the both of us once again
WrathSama17 said:
I am so lost. xD but I do wanna rp fairy tail. I worked pretty hard on my character
Then don't bail out after you get ignored! Maybe said person was already interacting with someone else and missed your post, or they dropped out entirely! You need to keep trying! :o
WrathSama17 said:
Name: Kameal
Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race(PM Me before making a race that hasn't been accepted): homunculi

Height: 6'3

Weight: 250

Guild and Guild Mark Location: N/A


Class(C, B, A, S, etc.): A

Magic: Black crystal make - summons and manipulates black crystals as hard ad Ethron crystals. He can create these crystals in any shape or form. This technique requires a lot of imagination.

Personality: Kameal is a quiet and spiteful person. He doesn't say much and holds a lot of hate for humanity. When he does speak it'd usually to say something rude or spiteful. He's a bit arrogant. There is some kindness in him though.

Bio: Kameal was created by an alchemist. The alchemist was a scientists and a former marital artists who believed that dark forces were stirring and decided that today's mages wouldn't be able to Stop it. His solution was to create an artificial being that would be able to combat the darkness. After years of research, years of hidding out in his cabin in the woods going through trail and error, he finally created Kameal. Kameal hadn't been a baby. When he was born, Kameal had been around the age of 13. Since his creation, he'd had a talent for combat. He was made for it after all. The scientist started training Kameal, not only in combat but human culture as well.

As time passed, Kameal grew in knowledge and age. He was finally ready to interact with other people. The scientist took Kameal out into the town. The people of the town instantly strayed away from Kameal. Not only was his eyes unusual but he gave off an aura that didn't seem human. One day when he was out shopping for his creator, he was attacked by some treasure hunters. They said his jade eyes would fetch a hefty price. Kameal could've handled two or three of them easily but going up against 5 at a time was too much for the inexperienced Kameal. Even though he was only a kid compared to these hunters, no one lifted a finger to help him. Kameal was cornered. No were to run with I deep gash running down his right thigh. That's when he discovered his blacl Crystal magic. He slaughtered the hunters with one attack. He even accidentally ruined a home, killing the family inside. Kameal limped home and told the scientist all about his day as he patched him up. Later that night, the towns folk surrounded their home demanding that Kameal be held accountable for killing those hunters as well as the family. Kameal's creator knew that the people of the town had mistaken Kameal for a demon. By Kameal killing and using ominous magic had only raised their suspicion. The scientists blamed himself. The townsfolk became restless and demanded Kameal be handed over or he'd be charge for aiding a criminal. The scientist knew he wouldn't be tried fairly and neither would Kameal. He told Kameal to take the hidden tunnel under the cabin that lead deep into the forest. Kameal refused but finally gave in to his wish. Kameal left just as the townsfolk stormed the house. The boy knew his creator had been murdered.

After spending some time on his own and training himself in his magic, Kameal ran into a wizard of a not so known guild. Full of hate and anger, Kameal attacked. He attack with killing intent. If the wizard had been below A rank, Kameal would've ripped them apart, but this wizard was S ranked. She was way stronger than Kameal. The wizard could've killed Kameal. She should have, Kameal knew it. But instead, she just hugged him tightly, tears running down her face. Kameal was confused. Then it dawned on him. He recalled the pictures his creator had in his cabin. Pictures of him and a woman. This woman. The young boy realized this was his creator's sister. She cried and sobbed saying, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The whole time. Kameal soon found himself crying too, hugging her back

The woman, Zelinna, had taken Kameal back to her guild. She'd explained that her brother was once apart of this guild but left because of his paranoia of some dark force. Zelinna had know of her brother's experiments in creating life but kept it secret. He'd send her letters telling her about his progress. She only just recently found out of her brother's death once the letters stopped coming. She'd been on her way to his cabin when she ran into Kameal. Kameal explained what happened and why the townsfolked attacked. The homunculus noticed that Zelinna tended not look him in the eyes and when she did, she choked back a sob. Kameal figured she hated him. She must think its his fault like he did. Zelinna hugged him again. She hugged him and said, "You're the only thing I have left of my beloved brother. I will not let anything happen to you for as long as I live." Kameal choked up at her words, and hugged her back. He held on to get warmth.

Years later, Zelinna had taken the homunculus under her wing. He'd joined her guild and only guild members knew of his secret. They all accepted him with open arms. He was happy. He even managed to become an A rank wizard. Then trouble found him again. A guild of hunters, the same guild of the member's he'd killed years ago had been tracking him all this time. They'd grew in numbers too. They attacked his guild in the dead of night when his guild had just finished celebrating a him and Zelinna completing a job that would get them recognized in the wizard world. Everyone was caught off gaurd. The guild managed to fight back but it was useless. Everyone was too out of it. Kameal tried his hardest to protect everyone but he saw that he couldn't. He rushed to Zelinna's side. Trying to protect her but they were too great in numbers. Zelinna, weak from their mission had ordered Kameal to flee. Of course he'd refused but she'd resorted to mind control. Again, she ordered Kameal to flee and live. This time he obeyed against his will. Kameal has been on his own ever since. Hating humans but living up to his creaters wish and his teachers example. To protect. At all cost.


-fighting strong opponents

-testing his strength




-hunter/hunter guilds

Skills: Kameal is an excellent swordsman.

Other: He's very agile and quick with good instincts and heightened awareness. He carries a black katana that was given too him by Zelinna.
He is very shiny :o

Just curious, what are black crystals even?
Mitchs98 said:
Depends on how lazy I am c:
Is it weird that I put the kittens on a big pillow and walk around the house with them pretending they are on a magic carpet ride while I sing the Aladdin song?
Kyuubey said:
Is it weird that I put the kittens on a big pillow and walk around the house with them pretending they are on a magic carpet ride while I sing the Aladdin song?
Yes. Yes it is. Film it and put it on youtube.

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