Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Kayzo said:
But if you don't choose one of us could pull a cheap move, like confessing our love in one roleplah day or something like that.
Never forget the number 1 rule of RP. Keep IC in IC, OOC in OOC. Your character has no reason to confess and his character has no reason to accept even if you do. You're both strangers after all. This is why I never even mention character relationships in OOC until they've already happened in rp. Either they happen in RP or they don't happen at all. They should never be engineered because the player wants it.
Colt556 said:
Never forget the number 1 rule of RP. Keep IC in IC, OOC in OOC. Your character has no reason to confess and his character has no reason to accept even if you do. You're both strangers after all. This is why I never even mention character relationships in OOC until they've already happened in rp. Either they happen in RP or they don't happen at all. They should never be engineered because the player wants it.
I..don't really care what they do either way in terms of relationships.
Meep. Anywho I'm going to hit the hay now, I need to be up early tomorrow to go to London. So! Goodnight my friends ^-^
WoodenZebra said:
Wow your like an rp master or something.
Well I have been RPing for over 15 years now. My crowning achievement was rping a blade of grass. Fun times were had.
Colt556 said:
Well I have been RPing for over 15 years now. My crowning achievement was rping a blade of grass. Fun times were had.
Oh my god lmao

The images.. That sounds so hilariously boring... Was it? ^-^
LeSoraAmari said:
Oh my god lmao
The images.. That sounds so hilariously boring... Was it? ^-^
After the first ten or so paragraphs, very much so. No matter how good of a rper you are there's only so much you can do with a blade of grass swaying in the summer afternoon.
WoodenZebra said:
So does anyone know a good way to jump in right now.
Say you were in the guild hall all along, make your intro post include your character watching all the events (mainly random dude breaking through the ceiling, being chased away, and fighting the guild master) and bam you are now officially caught up and part of the RP.

Bonus points: Say you were asleep/passed out drunk and just woke up.

Even more bonus points: Go to the mansion so we can actually progress the story.
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Meanwhile Ferra is walking back to the mansion, blissfully unaware of the portals exsistance. xD .

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