Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Colt556 said:
That's silly because it's irrelevant. EVENTUALLY that B rank will have to fight that S rank. Whether you do so in round one or the finals it doesn't matter. The nature of having the tournament open to everyone guarantees it wont be fair, you knew this when you entered.
This changed my opinion.
LeSoraAmari said:
Have a good nap, and remember to message me when you wake up in like four hours. Nap.. Pfftt xD
I shall dearest!

Four hours... >gigglesnorts

You'll be lucky if my nap only lasts four hours. C;
Colt556 said:
That's silly because it's irrelevant. EVENTUALLY that B rank will have to fight that S rank. Whether you do so in round one or the finals it doesn't matter. The nature of having the tournament open to everyone guarantees it wont be fair, you knew this when you entered.
Eh. Fair point. K den.

The dice thingy colt was talking about or normal fighting thing? I'd prefer normal as I hate usint dice personally, but ye.
Mitchs98 said:
Eh. Fair point. K den.
The dice thingy colt was talking about or normal fighting thing? I'd prefer normal as I hate usint dice personally, but ye.
I'd prefer normal fighting but it requires people to know the limits of their characters and be willing to accept defeat.
Mitchs98 said:
Eh. Fair point. K den.
The dice thingy colt was talking about or normal fighting thing? I'd prefer normal as I hate usint dice personally, but ye.
I've never used dice role. I think it'd be okay if you as the GM declared the winner tbh xD with logical reason of course
Colt556 said:
I'd prefer normal fighting but it requires people to know the limits of their characters and be willing to accept defeat.
So far people seem to be doing a good job of it for the most part. *shrug*
@Kayzo @HuorSpinks

So Valken and Millie are in a fierce lip battle right now (kiss), did you want to post Millie getting ripped from Valkens arms to take Mayas hug? I can have valken all blushy then wander over to lysander
Honestly? I prefer dice rolling in general, but we'd have to come up with a convoluted system that decides modifiers based on a person's stats, which means we need to come up with character stats...

Yeah, I suppose normal fighting would be better for this roleplay.
HuorSpinks said:
Honestly? I prefer dice rolling in general, but we'd have to come up with a convoluted system that decides modifiers based on a person's stats, which means we need to come up with character stats...
Yeah, I suppose normal fighting would be better for this roleplay.
I also think normal fighting is the best method of doing this.
Arvis90 said:
IMO a stat system would fuck any tournament up completely. Sure S-Class are strong, but they aren't and shouldn't be unbeatable by lower classes.
That, and the fact I'm not willing nor do I have the time to come up with some complex stat system ^-^...
Arvis90 said:
IMO a stat system would fuck any tournament up completely. Sure S-Class are strong, but they aren't and shouldn't be unbeatable by lower classes.
Eeeehh, S-ranks pretty much are unbeatable by weaker people. That's why I dislike having almost all the characters being S-rank or higher. I can count on one hand the amount of times an S-rank was beaten by a weaker opponent.
Colt556 said:
Roll a 1d20 for attack, opponent rolls a 1d20 for defense. Whichever is higher wins. First to land three hits wins the match. For each rank above your opponent you get a +2.
I.E. If an S-rank is fighting an A-rank and rolls a 12 and the A-rank rolls a 13, the S-rank still wins because he gets a +2 added to his roll. If the S-rank is fighting a B-rank, he gets a +4. Etc etc etc.

Arvis90 said:
There needs to be a Gruvia love child in this RP
Zuka said:
@Kayzo @HuorSpinks
So Valken and Millie are in a fierce lip battle right now (kiss), did you want to post Millie getting ripped from Valkens arms to take Mayas hug? I can have valken all blushy then wander over to lysander
That'd be so awkward. But hilarious.
LeSoraAmari said:
Let's just say the combatants were all randomly chosen by some magic simulator by the tournament overseers? xD
Gotta remember that this isn't like the grand magic games or anything. This is, quite literally, just an entertainment event for the three-day long festival. It's way too light hearted for something like that. People signed up to get some punches in, that's it.
Arvis90 said:
So you're saying only the S-Class RPC should move onto the next rounds @Colt556 cause if that how it be I will be withdrawing both of my characters right now. lol
That's how it'll logically happen unless you get some convenient matchup like Elfman vs Bachuss. Like I've said before, S-ranks disrupt the power balance. For the majority of the fights, for the S-rank to lose it'd have to basically be them just going "I give up because I'm bored".
Colt556 said:
Gotta remember that this isn't like the grand magic games or anything. This is, quite literally, just an entertainment event for the three-day long festival. It's way too light hearted for something like that. People signed up to get some punches in, that's it.
I know that, I'm just trying to think of something that seems logical. Plus the people running the tournament need to sort out who goes up against who. The whole simulator thing seems logical to me.
Arvis90 said:
So you're saying only the S-Class RPC should move onto the next rounds @Colt556 cause if that how it be I will be withdrawing both of my characters right now. lol
I believe we've already decided, aside from wizard saints and Masters, ranks are mostly a title rather than a full measure of power. I thought so..anyway..
Why don't we have two parts of the tournament happening at once? One part where only S-Class mages are competing against each other and the other part consisting of A-Class and below? That seems like a good idea to me?
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