Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Mitchs98 said:
Alfie thinks otherwise. xD
He will see. All in good time (Tbh with the way they're acting, it seems like they'll never become a thing).
Kayzo said:
He will see. All in good time (Tbh with the way they're acting, it seems like they'll never become a thing).
Inb4 I have Alicia get injured by the both of them and some cliche anime bs ensues.
LeSoraAmari said:
@Angeliquie Perry
I've been reading through the in character and I've noticing that you're making posts that lead up to pretty much nothing and I just wanted to take the time to say something, don't worry it isn't horrible :3

I've noticed that you have only just joined yesterday? And you seem to be posting pretty much like I did when I joined. I found it awkward roleplaying with those who had been on the sight longer than me purely because I felt they had more experience and plus, were better writers than myself. It's something you ease into, and I wouldn't have stayed if I didn't enjoy it here or find everybody here pretty cool.

Usually, people on this site don't actually like roleplaying with those that make filler posts with no character interaction. Posts that portray the character to be a huge social introvert who just WILL NOT talk to anyone. That isn't something anyone can work with, and will deter people from interacting with the character. In my experience, users who have done that are very quick to leave the roleplay without a second thought either because they didn't enjoy it or they felt as though they just weren't welcome. I don't want that to happen to you.

As everyone here knows, character interaction is necessary to roleplay. And you need to do it, otherwise it's more of a one-sided roleplay and nobody likes that.

There's a lot of us in this roleplay, find someone to communicate with. No one here will turn you away if you asked, or just sent your character their characters way. None of us here are like that.

Essentially, if the effort is made on your behalf then the same effort will be given to you by others. Throw yourself out there, make your character go and talk to people. Because from my experience, if you don't do that then you won't find it enjoyable. And that's the most important thing.

I do hope I didn't overstep my mark or say anything out of line, but there you go. c:
That was very good advice, and oh so true. To me, the best part about forum roleplaying is the character interactions. Otherwise you might as well just work on your own story.

At the same time, it is not impossible to play characters who are recluses or social introverts. Like my two characters in this roleplay for example. Lloyd is extremely introverted to the point that he pretty much wanders around alone or holed up in his office barely interacting with people. The main reason why he is forced to interact with others is because he's a Guild Master. Lysander is extremely shy to the point that he pretty much stands around and watches everybody else interact without joining in, unless someone invites him in. Yet these two characters still get a decent amount of character interaction, and even a budding romance in Lysander's case.

Usually, what I do with introverted characters is have my first post in each new scene to be a solo post, that is, my character pretty much enters the scene and does nothing except think and observe. And then after that, I make it a point to tag at least one person in each subsequent post. That's pretty much a personal rule of mine in any roleplay I take part in.

@Angeliquie Perry
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.aa6dcfd74d553885d2520b831d7e64d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108759" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.aa6dcfd74d553885d2520b831d7e64d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I'm pooped and I only just woke up



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So is there a roster for the tournament? I can make one likety splitz :D

Also to everyone. Your posts have been entertaining to read. I will be posting more often during the tournament and thereafter...
Arvis90 said:
I am a machina, my emotional protocols were deleted to provide perfect guest service at my hotel... :P
If you make the roster, make Alfie and Mizuki fight
I just need a list of the character names and guild affiliations of all that plan to fight.

Example: Jaymes (FT), Hunter (ST)

Once I have that it shouldn't be too long to make the bracket. Also any desired match ups will be considered. Though not all can be done considering first round would be a first-come-first served requests, then it depends on whom wins and loses those rounds.
Course they can enter silly person!! Lol, its open to all. The guild affiliation is just to keep track of who is where. So yeah Huor is right, no guild affiliation would be Name (NG) or (N/A)
HuorSpinks said:
'Cept Guild Masters. Guild Masters would wipe the floor with everybody. Especially Gilad.
Yes Wizard Saints and Guild Masters will be limited to battling their ranks and such, to be fair. Unless we had an exhibition match one guild master against a whole rival guild....oh the possibilities of shame....
Arvis90 said:
Yes Wizard Saints and Guild Masters will be limited to battling their ranks and such, to be fair. Unless we had an exhibition match one guild master against a whole rival guild....oh the possibilities of shame....
Totally nominating Gilad for an exhibition match against Fairy Tail then.
And choosing to post a character to be in the tournament means that you can lose, even against a lower class wizard.

This is the difficult part, finding a way to fight without each match being drawn the f!@# out of "I got slammed af but I just shrug it off and attack, landing the blow instantly." As I have seen before here T.T

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