Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Conway Nile
Basic Info



"Conway Nile! Flows off the tongue!"


"I wasn't built fer' countin', but wit' a bit a struggling, I got ta seventeen years..."


"A healthy young boy I am!"


"If a seafarer counts as not-a-human, that's me!"


"A cannon and a quarter!" (5'4)


"Four cannonballs!" (168lbs)

Guild and Guild Mark Location

"Lamia Scale is my sea, but I still chat wit' tha Captain an' her daughter. Oh, the mark be right over there on my shoulder."


"Stuck as a B but staying strong!"
Personal Things

Conway, despite being older than Ophelia, acts less his age. He's one who lives for the thought of trouble, jumping at any chance he can get to cause it. And trouble can be a lot of things. Fighting, stealing, cheating, hiding, and even flirting are things Conway excels in, showing no signs of fear or much else during the activity and outputting a child's level of glee when he succeeds.

This is not to say the young sailor is childish and only childish. After all, he's a teenage human, and he has soft spots for more things than one could imagine; one of these simply being people. Although he's skilled in dodging or blocking in fights, he can never bring himself to throw a real hit, and because of this, he ends up running away from them.

On top of this, if you've managed to gain his complete respect, he can show to be as loyal as a dog, and what's even better is that he'll end up acting like one too.


Conway's story is nearly the same as Ophelia's besides the fact that he didn't have a single parent to fall back on. The crew was his family, and a good one at that. What was also surprising to the crew was that he was one of the few to have magical abilities. However, the crewmates that were experienced in their magic were busy with the captain's daughter, Ophelia, leaving Conway to practice magic on his own. Eventually, he got pretty good with it, but when the ship went down and he found that he was one of the few survivors besides Ophelia and the captain, he lost the want to train himself further. Of course, he still uses it... just rarely for combat purposes.


>The ocean

>The constant motion of a ship

>The smell of saltwater and the wind blowing through his hair

>Causing trouble


>Getting caught causing trouble

>People flirting back


>Hurting people and getting hurt by people
Magical Things

Kinetic Movement Magic

Kinetic Movement is a rather tricky school of magic that involves the manipulation of kinetic energy. If used right, it can be quite a scary experience to throw a hit, and even if it is magical, if it involves sending him flying, all you're doing is hurting yourself.

Example: You swing at him with an axe. No matter how much force you swing with, Conway will redirect that force back at you and remain unhurt at the same time.

The only real way to counter this is to be smart by not getting his and not sending him flying. Life draining might be a good idea.


Conway excels in stealing, cheating, lying, flirting, hiding... you name it.


One the things that fill Conway's soft spots are other boys, and while he may not physically show it, he gets nervous around every one he comes across.

I'm going to have to deny this magic. It's basically a form of vector control that was already denied.
Mitchs98 said:
Thanx :P I'll have clair amd Genon's gag char go after Sera doe
I should mention for everyone here, the character isn't really funny. She's honestly more of a tear jerker.
@Mitchs98 Perhaps it's a good idea to set up a 'Notes' tab? I mean, it'd be useful to keep important information and stuff in there, so it doesn't get lost in the hell that is OOC xD
Wyatt said:
Name: VezieVarks Magona (Nicknames: Vex, Varks, or Vick)
Age: 17

Gender: Male (Most likely)

Race: Fae (Man of the east)

Height: 5 foot 8

Weight: 150

Guild and Guild Mark Location: Guildless


View attachment 241553

Class: A


Sixth Sense: By using magic he can see all around him self and even behind objects for a mile. This takes a lot of focus so it can be hard to do in battle.

Light barrier: Forms a barrier of pure light, almost like a wall that can sustain several powerful blast.

Light blast: Summons balls if intense light light that explode on contact. This is a weaker attack

Light Sword: Creates a sword if pure light that acts like any other swords. If it cuts some one it burns and hurts worse than a normal cut.

Light's Judgment: This is his most powerful light attack and he can obly preform it while he is in sun light. He creates hundreds of light spears that constantly shoot at his foes. This is also very draining.

Encourage Growth: This is a passive ability that constantly encourages plants to grow although he can focus harder to make plants grown according to his needs.

Plant Manipulate: This allows him to control the movement of plants, it is almost as though the plants walking creatures some times.

Poison Spores: This forces the plants to release poisonous pollen into the air.

Spirit Release: Vex is capable of sending his spirit out for short periods of time to either possess something or to temporally weaken someone's spirit .

The Six Paths of the Fae:

The Animal Path: This path allows him to understand animals.

The Magic path: This allows him to see magic and what it can do.

The Spirit path: This allows him to see and speak to the dead. Sometimes he can ask for help in a fight.

The Body path: this helps him heal himself and others.

The Love path: this gives him an angelic voice, and gives him supernatural beauty.

The Lost path: this path allows him to shape shift into an animal for a short period of time.

Personality: He is kind and generous, treating others with love and respect. He fights on the behalf of others, and hates it when people are being bullied. While for the most part Vex is calm and well collected he is mentally unstable.

Bio: Vex was born to the fae tribe of humans. He was born in a forest that rarely has interaction with other people. He parents both had the love path, and we madly in love with each other. They were excited to have a child to share their love with. When Vex was born it was the happiest day of their lives. They taught him everything they could about music as well as how to read and write.

When he was ten his parents sent him to the high priestess of their people to learn magic. The high priest were know for their magical abilities. He soon excelled in his training and his powers matched that of the hight priestesses. Sometime during his fifteenth year of life his people were attacked. Few people were kill but his eyes had been badly damaged and he was made blind. He used his magic and a bird he befriended to see.

When he was six teen he was tested to see which path he had acquired because most people only acquire one. Most thought ge would get the love path since both of his parents had it but ge acquired all six which had never happened. In fear he fleed his home land thinking he would be shunned.




Storng willed people




Self centered assholes



Skills: He can play the guitar beautifully, and he has the voice of an angel. He is also very good with animals, understanding then to an extent.

Other: He has a guitar that seems like it can not be destroyed, it sometimes makes for a good weapon. He also has a pet bird that helps him see.
I'm gunna have to say either he has to 1. Be apprentice level with literally the majority of his spells or 2. Not have as many schools of magic. That's just nuts how much he has, tbh.

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