Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Mizuki continued to fire her PCP beam of death towards Adrian and Draneri until a sudden, smaller body clung to her side. Her attack cut off abruptly and her gaze whipped down to see the little girl from before. She seemed to recognize the dark Mage, calling out her name, begging for her to remember Alicia. She spoke so passionately, like she truly cared about her, something she thought only Draneri could do. It was rather sweet and comforting, to a point where she wanted to stop fighting. Her lustful eyes seemed to clear up and her arms wrapped around her tightly. The trance had been broken thanks to the power of love~. "Don't cry Alicia, I'm sorry." She said, running a hand through her hair slightly. "That girl brainwashed me into thinking that I loved her. But then I remembered the genuine love that you gave me, and now I'm free...." However their sweet moment was cut short as some raging robot attempted to punch her face. Fortunately before the punch could connect a barrier was placing over her head, blocking the blow but shattering in the process. Mizuki took this as a personal attack on her and Alicia. Her four shadowy arms shot out quickly and attempted to slam his head into the ground following her younger counterparts attack.

@Mitchs98 @Zareh
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Kelica!? What have I done!?)

The moment Chris tasted that bitter flavor of blood in his mouth, a smile fell onto his face. He watched as the barrier fell and decided that he had to go for the kill. Right as he was about to finish the girl off, a loud scream filled his ears. It stopped him just as he was about to snap around Kelica's throat. As he tried to replay what the hell just happened, he heard her words ringing in the back of his head "You promised me...love and protect me." was all Chris could hear in his head.

Suddenly, Chris let out a roar of pain as he held his head. What was this feeling!? He rolled around in agony before suddenly snapping back to reality. He looked over to Kelica and saw the damage that he had cause. Chris immediately released his takeover and crawled over to Kelica. He pressed down on the wound to try and slow down the bleeding while holding her close. For once, tears were actually streaming down Chris' face as he wiped a hand across his mouth, only smearing the blood that was there. "
I-I'm....so sorry! Kelica, I-I...forgive me! I d-don't want to lose you, come on...stay with me...stay with me!!" Chris cried out as he held Kelica close to him. "please...please be okay....this is my fault...she was right." He muttered to himself, his voice growing hoarser with ever sentence.

@Kayzo @Kayzo
@Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder @Zareh @Rhodus @purplepanda288 @Necr0Danc3r
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Draneri - The Siren


Draneri was in a state similar to an emotional high as she clutched at her cheeks, watching as Mizuki had turned to her side and was her Prey alone. In the distance she heard a high pitched scream which only raised her eyebrow in a confused manner, after all she had made much higher and louder pitches of tone then that blonde girl seemed to be capable of. The blood running down her neck made an almost Sadist grin spread across her red lips. She was dead. She had minutes at most, and judging by this crowd of fighters there didn't seem to be a single person here capable to save her. One mage down! And that beast of a man was cradling and crying so he would be out of commission as well. While this was slightly annoying, and gladly she still had bound Mizuki to her will....

Before she knew it that smug Arcane Mage Adrian had covered himself head to toe in magical armor with a shield and sword, and had dashed behind her with the full intent to stab her through and cover her mouth.


Did he really assume no one had tried to physically get in close to her and behind her? Sharp bird-like eyes following him similar to a hawk as she allowed him nearby. After all if she could make it look like he was attacking her surely her new Prey Mizuki would take care of the smug mage first? So with a strange agility the Siren lifted up a wing to distract him so that his sword torn through her feathers rather then her flesh with no damage to herself. That was when she felt a weird force hit her, a chaotic energy that was making her entire body and differing limbs react in strange ways, burning, freezing, electrocuted stone. For every limb that was being affected, her natural passive regeneration was draining her precious and delicious life force to keep it at bay. Taking off years of her life in seconds. Forcing her to feed sooner. A nuisance.

She heard a screech and whirled her vision to the side to see Mizuki firing a huge dark death beam but she was so focused on Adrian she completely failed to notice that Draneri herself was partially in the way. The Siren's teeth became gritted and her face became one of an absolute terrifying fury, suddenly snapping like a dragon to bite angrily into Adrian's hand to free her mouth, however she only had enough time to twist her body as the beam torn her very right wing and clashed hard into his Arcane Shield. Black feathers were sent flying in all directions as her wing joint cracked and lowered at a sickening dislocation, having half been blown away in the process.

Not even a moment after Adrian had rolled away did three massive boulder's come hurling at her in quick succession causing The Siren's one good wing spread out in an aggressive manner as she tilted her head back for a moment taking in a huge breath of air as she did. Then she screeched in a pitch much higher and more forceful then anyone up till that point had used, causing a massive Sonic Boom to hit and destroy the three huge boulders, turning it to crumbles on the dirt ground. Although she failed to notice the very roof and walls were shaking and shuddering, a testament to the unsafe structural integrity of the corridor itself.

Eric decided to try attacking her as well, only to end with the Grimoire Heart boy to kick him away, which was good and left the odds slightly less against her. As she stood there half hunched over she watched her first and best suitor suddenly bend to hug into that cute girl from earlier....

Both prey WEAK.

Both prey USELESS.

Her dream of acquiring high end prey turning into something of a nightmare as they just kept coming. She had lost all sense of adorableness, of motherly love or soothing expression. It was a haunting sight of something close to a monster now with teeth bared and her pupils fully dilated to slits. She threw her hands out as she arched her chest forward, both wings spreading out far, despite it being agony for the right wing which was half blown away. But with a sickening creak and groan, snap and whirl, that very wing was realigning, rejoining, feathers bursting over it to look as good as new in less then seconds.

More precious years she was wasting on this prey. She was the Predator!

That was when she turned to the red haired Samurai with the earlier death threat as he shouted some nonsense about disposing of her. The notion laughable!! She, a Siren for over 300 years, meet with countless men, women, children she fed, mages and innocents alike. All had fallen to her, all she had stolen their very life force to increase her own. Every single one! He was dashing towards to her with a look of pure fury and the same was etched in on her once beautiful face. Even her voice was breaking into something of a screech, hissing angrily. "I will kill you just as I have killed the rest! If I can not drink from you, I shall end your life and take pleasure in it! Just as I have the men, women and children who have come before you! You are nothing but PREY! But FODDER! FOOD to eat and then discarded like trash!!"

He had closed the distance in record time, and before she knew it he was before her with weapon drawn, her hands before her like imitation claws. Feet spread a fraction and her very wings tensed as if ready to pounce at any time.

Barely noticing a barrier had sprung up to isolate the two. The earlier notice of running away now a thing of the past as she intended to tear this man limb by limb and tear his heart from his very chest as some sort of trophy!

The siren watched in slow motion as he thrust his blade forward and aimed straight for her heart, barely managing to dodge it as it scrapped her shoulder and she hissed as it burned as well, tearing through her dress. Being in close proximity she let out a high pitched Sonic Boom right before his face, using the distraction to slash with nails almost as hard as steel.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zareh
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purplepanda288 said:
Aiden and Kimberly lock Cell|Team Beta|Hall way of cells

Aiden breathed in and out, desperately trying to calm his nerves. Ashley was right he needed to calm down a soon as possible. "Ashely, thanks for the encouraging words. I really needed that." He froze, there were foot steps coming down the hall towards them. He prayed that is was Kim or Aidren, but what ever god up there wasn't in the mood for a petty wish. Ayano approached his cell, her dead eyes boreing a hole into his soul. She came to know if her had read her memories. It was in his best interest to tell the truth, for he knew she ment business. "Look, What ever your hiding I don't know. My magic doesn't allow me to keep memories after I get out of a copy. So basically, I don't know anything about your messed up past." Aiden saw his keys dangling on a wall in side his cell, crap! There was no way that he could possibly reach them with his arms chained to the wall.

Kim's aliments began to melt away the farther away to moved into the maze, most of the magic signatures had faded away into the distance. Her face relaxed, she straightened up and began to pull her own weight. "I feel much better dear, thank you." With their arrival she spotted two Cells that held Ashley and Aiden, her first instinct was to yell out his name. But she suppressed that urge for she saw a rather dangerous Magic Signature coming from the out side Aiden's Cell. She listened to him speak, who was that woman? Kim had quite enough seeing her stare at him through the bars of the cell. "Eias, I'm going to fight her. When you get the chance open the two cell doors with your bubbles."

The smell of acid started to fill the hall way, Kim's own Taint stains began to flruish with their usual purple hue. "Hey bitch! Over here!" She began to walk to the Blood sucking abomination, her eyes trained on her figure. She raised her left hand, small violet plants stared to take root around her. " Taint Swarm." The room started to fill up with the small purple lights, each one starting to suck the energy right out of Ayano.


Ashley Hart

Ashley smiled softly hearing Aiden "Of course." from being in a cell in which had him decieve the vampire and call her stupid (I forgot what he actuallt said so im going with that) to them being in seprate cells but right next to eachother and encouraging him. Though, the sounds of footsteps made her nervous as to who was approaching. Going up to her bars, she watched as Ayano stood in front of Aiden's cell. This little witch! I need to get her attention off him. Just as she opened her mouth, words escaped her lips but when she closed her mouth, the words were not her own I figured as much that wasnt my voice... Hopefully it grabbed the attention of the vampire.

The redhead didnt hesitate to glance at who had yelled out. Though she couldnt help but return her gaze back towards Ayano

Ayano Soru: Finally I get to have some fun!

Ayano was pretty annoyed when he mentioned "messed up past." He must clearly know something if he knew her past was "Messed up!" Before Ayano could get a word in she heard a girl taunting her from behind. "Ah... You must be one of the mages who came to save their precious friends!" Finally Ayano can do a little killing for once! She laughed in a crazed manner as she taunted back. "You want your friends back? Your going to have to go through me first..." The room filled with purple lights that seemed to be draining Ayano of her strength and also heard the marching of the useless guards growing closer. About 10 or 20 of them stood guard between Ayano and her new playmate. "What do you guys think your doing..."

"We're here to do our jo..." The guard was interrupted as a sword made entirely of blood was stabbed through his back. "Nobody gets between me and my prey..." The vampire created multiple blood spikes that shot in all directions slaughtering all the remaining guards in the immediate area. Her eyes turned pitch black and her pupils were completely red. "Don't worry I'll be sure to put your blood to good use." Now there was nothing but a morbid pile of dead bodies that Ayano used for her source of blood. A small portion of which was sent to individually destroy all the purple lights. "Heh heh heh... I'm afraid you won't be leaving these dungeons alive... Blood Splatter..." She formed a ball that she rolled towards the purple mage. Upon getting closer it started rumbling and exploded covering anyone in it's radius in blood. While the vampire's foes were disorientated she seemingly disappeared but in reality she was right behind the mage. She sneakily walked up behind her and whispered into her ear. "My name's Ayano... What's yours?"

@Britt-21 @Bolts

Sora Marvell - Tunnels


As Maya's combat interaction came to a not so surprising conclusion, Sora had looked up towards Hibiki, almost prideful. It wasn't in a sense that was boastful, she simply felt proud to be so close to such an amazing woman, and Maya certainly was nothing short of that. The layers of emotions she'd cemented onto her face previously had dissipated as tears began to build up with the threat of spilling over. A hasty need to be close to the woman brought her stumbling forward, arms outstretched to catch onto Maya's waist whilst those arms proceeded to wrap themselves there for stability and comfort. It was a consoling moment, face burying into her gown as she tried desperately to wipe away the dampness that had come to stain her pale cheeks.

A few minutes passed as she held onto the Saint, motionless, breathing slowly coming to a steady rhythm with each impending addition of weight that came with the eerie silence. "
I was afraid I wouldn't get to tell you how much you mean to me. You're like... " Her words trailed off then, vaguely muffled by the material brushing against her lips, but still comprehensible. Both hues slid upwards to rest upon Maya's face as she pulled away only enough to accomplish this, tears began to well up once more though these ones were not characterized with fear but instead with an overwhelming happiness. " I love you, Maya. You're like a mother to me. " A smile spread itself across her face, so wide in fact that her eyes were forced closed, cheeks lightly being sprinkled with a tint of pink.

Those arms tightened for a moment before she took a hesitant step back and peered around the dungeon, only pausing for a moment to stare at the cell she'd recently occupied with a hint of disdain. A light throb brought her wandering attention to the wound on her head and with it her fingers followed suit, lightly tugging the cloth she'd wound there off completely and depositing it carelessly upon the ground. A green light began to emit from her tiny frame before the entirety of the slayers body was covered in it. It slowly subsided to a dull aura within seconds and then disappeared, taking the wound she'd acquired with it. Her small hands curled into fists, clearly satisfied with the success, as she turned to the two with a beaming smile and began walking down the dark corridor the way Maya had entered. She even detoured over to the side a bit so she could childishly hop over Rodwen's body, grinning down at her and procuring a wink as well.

C'mon, we have to find the others! " Her voice called out to them, filled with determination since now she could finally do something about the situation at hand. Being stuck behind those bars had given her one of the worst possible feelings; helplessness. Her almost silent footsteps came to a standstill suddenly, eyes flashing as concern washed over her. " Do you know if Lysander is here? " She inquired towards Maya, almost afraid of the answer. It's not that she didn't think he was capable of fending for himself, it was the sheer idea of anything happening to him that trickled immobilizing fear into her mind. No, if he is here then he certainly didn't come alone and he'll be okay.. She thought optimistically, steps beginning once again with a sense of haste to them as she circled around to grab Maya's hand and literally drag her down the tunnel.

As they walked, Sora's gaze slid over to peer at Hibiki , grinning with her canine-like teeth visible. "
You were super brave and composed! I'm so glad you got pushed up to S-Rank, you deserve it Hibiki, you only proved that more today. We will have to team up sometime if Lyra would stop hogging you! " Sora let out a small laugh that echoed through the caverns surrounding them. It was completely like her to find reasons to smile and laugh even in the darkest of situations and she only hoped that it'd provide solace of some sort. Her footsteps slowed when they came to a split off in the tunnels but didn't come to a full halt until the very last second, eyes narrowing as she concentrated.

There's a lot of commotion coming from both passageways. Which way do you want to go? " Her fingers squeezed Maya's lightly as she spoke. " Something strange is in the air that way... " She pointed to the right with her free hand before slipping it to the left and continuing. " And a blanketing quiet that way but the air is thicker. " That was all that the slayer could pick up, the many maze like tunnels dampening her enhanced abilities to almost being ineffective; almost.

@LeSoraAmari @Huor Spinks (mention)
Kayzo said:
Mizuki continued to fire her PCP beam of death towards Adrian and Draneri until a sudden, smaller body clung to her side. Her attack cut off abruptly and her gaze whipped down to see the little girl from before. She seemed to recognize the dark Mage, calling out her name, begging for her to remember Alicia. She spoke so passionately, like she truly cared about her, something she thought only Draneri could do. It was rather sweet and comforting, to a point where she wanted to stop fighting. Her lustful eyes seemed to clear up and her arms wrapped around her tightly. The trance had been broken thanks to the power of love~. "Don't cry Alicia, I'm sorry." She said, running a hand through her hair slightly. "That girl brainwashed me into thinking that I loved her. But then I remembered the genuine love that you gave me, and now I'm free...." However their sweet moment was cut short as some raging robot attempted to punch her face. Fortunately before the punch could connect a barrier was placing over her head, blocking the blow but shattering in the process. Mizuki took this as a personal attack on her and Alicia. Her four shadowy arms shot out quickly and attempted to slam his head into the ground following her younger counterparts attack.
@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zuka[/size][/color][/font]

Lysander Connell

Creepy Room

Lysander's face did not loose any of it's grim expression as he watched the woman summon the monster. Neither did it change in expression when the woman seemed flustered about diplomacy having failed, though he had to admit to himself that he did feel a tiny bit bad about how flustered she seemed. If anything though, the monster's appearance only made his lips press into a thin line, even as at the same time he pulled out both his pistols. Standing calmly, his hands gripping his two pistols at each side, he stood ready to counter any move that the creature might make.

At the same time, he could not help feeling rather frustrated. Fighting this creature and then fighting the woman after that was only going to waste valuable time when really what he wanted to do was defeat the woman as soon as possible and then demand his answers from her. Yet this was not going to be the case. They were going to have to make it a quick one. Any delay now mean that their enemies had a longer time to subdue their captives, something he did not want to think about right now. Especially after seeing all that equipment in this and the other room.

It was the roar, however, that Lysander finally reacted to. As it's roar reached it's full crescendo, Lysander wanted nothing better than to jam his hands over his ears and cringe away. His hands were, however, holding his guns, and there was no way he was dropping his guns. Instead, he backed away as much as he could, until his back hit the wall with a gentle thump, jarring his bruises once again, which sent out an ache. He gritted his teeth, determined not to cry out. He had forgotten that he had been wounded earlier during the fall. But if anything, the pain actually gave him something to hold on to, something which helped him to concentrate against the seemingly all consuming roar of the creature. Much to his relief, the roar soon died away.

He looked up, only to see the creature spewing a large blast of fire in their direction. Immediately, he jumped out of the way, his back jarring once more as his feet landed on the ground, some distance away from the creature. Bullets did not seem to do the trick, so Lysander settled for his usual trick; distraction first, then he'd take the advantage that would allow him to have. He watched as the other man took on another form, managing to slice his sword into the creature, before making his own move. "Gun Magic: Spark Shot!" he snapped, using the gun clutched in his right hand to fire his shot off. A bullet lauched itself straight in the direction of the creature's face; if contact was made a blinding light would immediately flash from the bullet. It was in the hopes that the creature would be stunned and blinded.

@Colt556 @Embaga Elder
Eias nodded at Kim at her request. It should be rather easy to break those with an explosive bubble. They seemed rather weak compared to the things she has had to break while on the road in her adventures. Once she broke the doors, she would help Kim out with the fight. She couldn't let her friend do it alone while she was here. She was pretty much a support wizard anyway! She watched as Kim turned the corner and created lights. Eias was nestled easily behind the corner as she blew her explosive bubbles. With Kim distracting the vampire for a moment, she let the bubbles float to the bars. Just as she was about to make them explode, she noticed the very same trick Kim tried to play on her during the tournament. Always check your back side! Eias went into a full sprint right towards the vampire and tried smashing her shoulder right into it to try and throw it off guard so it couldn't get a cheap shot on Kim.

@Britt-21 @Jackaboi
Chris Lengheart(Don't leave me! Not yet!)

Chris watched as Kelica talked about letting everyone down and not being able to help. This only made more tears roll down Chris' cheeks as he began to heave and hic as he brought Kelica up to him. Chris felt the blood dripping onto his shoulder as he once again tried to put pressure on the wound. Nothing seemed to be working.

Chris quickly placed Kelica down onto the ground as his hand turned into a ice dragon claw. He then used a internal takeover to breathe ice onto the claw. It was then Chris placed the claw to her neck and pressed the ice as tightly as he could against her neck.

For a while, Chris remained silent. He would occasionally remove his hand to breathe more ice onto it, but that was the only time he'd let go of her. It seemed to be slowing the bleeding somewhat, but who knew at this point. Chris refused to let Kelica go, he didn't want her to go. That same feeling of guilt continued to loom over Chris as he looked at Kelica.

Finally, Chris leaned over to Kelica as he finally started to talk. "
A-at this point, I don't know i-if you can even h-hear me. I'm s-so sorry Kelica! Y-y-you were right! You-r-'re safer away from me. Please forgive me...I don't deserve to be, but I'm asking anyways."

@Huor Spinks[/URL]
Mysterious Woman

Science Laboratory

The woman took a few steps back until she was next to the wall and subsequently leaned back on it, folding her arms under her chest as she watched the exchange between her creation and the creature. The purple-haired man was the first to strike with any real vigor, utilizing some variation of take-over magic by the looks of it. His speed and power caught her creation by surprise and the man was able to successfully puncture the creature's skin, albeit it barely. A pain cry echoed out from the creature as electrical shocks wracked through it's body. After a few seconds it flexed it's wings and a burst of magical energy exploded out in every direction, knocking the purple-haired mage back. The creature was quick to capitalize on this as it swiped a powerful claw at the man.

As the creature was distracted by the purple-haired mage's assault a handful of rounds bypassed it, aimed directly at her. It seemed the girl thought it best to take out the puppeteer rather than the puppet. Just before the shots reached her a bright ice-white magic circle appeared before her, acting as a shield. The rounds impacted the sigil, harmlessly falling to the ground before her. She cast her gaze down at the rounds before looking up and past her creation at the girl who had re-positioned herself. "He is guarding me even while fighting you, if you wish to deal with me directly you must first defeat him." She pause momentarily before continuing softly to herself. "Although I suppose I did mislead you by remaining..." Her focus was brought back to the combat at hand as the male gunmage took this opportunity to fire off a round at the creature. The shot impacted near the creatures head, detonating in a blinding light that seemed to disorient the creature.

The woman's face seemed to sour ever so slightly at this tactic, however she made no move to directly intervene. The creature was quick to respond as it again flexed it's wings over it's head, energy flickering between the wing-tips. The energy arced back and forth before coalescing into the space between the creatures wings, forming a large ball of swirling purple particles. A small beam of energy lanced out from the orb striking the ground before the gunmage and racing skyward, leaving a trail of explosions in it's wake. The beam slowly arced back around, coming for another pass at the gunmage as it tore up the laboratory, cutting a swath through everything it touched.

The beam of energy abruptly stopped as a large explosion ripped through the creature's wings and back. The force of the blast required yet another magic sigil to protect her but even so it worked in shredding her creation's wings. The creature again recoiled in pain as it sent out another shockwave of energy in an attempt to keep it's enemies from closing in on it. The creature opened it's mouth, yet again sucking in the magical properties floating through the air as it charged up it's attack. As it prepared to breathe out it's deadly attack a magical circle formed directly in front of it's mouth. The magic sigil served as a filter, altering the creature's breath attack from one solid fiery blast into a barrage of small missiles that raced towards each of the mages. While individually they were lacking in power there were numerous bolts of energy for each of them looking to overwhelm them.

As the creature attacked she looked up and to the side as a small magical holographic display appeared floating in mid-air. She suspected as much given the way the battle had been proceeding but to see the exact number was still unsettling. If it was already at 63 then she clearly had much more work to do.

Mikado Saris - Dungeon

She slowly pushed herself to her feet, wincing slightly at the pain in her shoulder. Perhaps just nonchalantly traveling down a trap-filled corridor wasn't the smartest thing as the laser wound to her shoulder was only made worse by the various physical activities she had undergone down there. As long as the pain didn't prevent her from fighting it was fine, she could deal with it. Finally getting to her feet she looked over as Noah said he was fine and began to channel his own magic. Looking over to the side she noted Lysander had also made it out of harms way. Content that her comrades were safe she turned her excited gaze back on the creature standing before them. It was at that moment that Noah finished his transformation and spoke up, causing her grin to widen even further as she gave him a quick salute. "I like the way you think." She watched as he bolted forward towards the creature and began moving herself.

The fastest way to end this would be to take out the scientist herself so while the creature was occupied with Noah she kept down and quickly made her way around the tables and shelves to get line of sight on the strange woman. She could hear the sounds of combat as the creature let out a pained cry, apparently Noah's attack had found it's mark. As she reached her destination behind a cabinet she peeked over the top of it and sure enough Noah had his sword firmly embedded in the creature's neck. Her window of opportunity was closing quickly as the creature threw Noah back. Raising both of her pistols she took aim at the woman and opened fire with a flurry of shots. She was surprised to see a magic circle form to block her shots. So not only were her weapons ineffective against the creature but the woman herself as well.

Hearing what the woman said she simply gave a shrug as the pistols dissipated into blue magical particles. "Fine by me, lady!" She stood fully and took a step back making room as she held out her arms, magical particles were drawn in and began to take shape. Within a few seconds the particles seemed to solidify into the shape of a large cannon. As she was doing this it seemed Lysander was also making himself useful as he proceeded to draw the creature's attention away from her and Noah with his shot. Although the response he got was a bit much as the energy beam began to tear across his part of the room. Worried about where this might lead she hefted up her cannon and took aim at the creature's wings, setting a proximity detonation on her round as she lined up her shot.

She pulled the trigger, the force of the round leaving the barrel creating a small shockwave that knocked over the various objects strewn about on the cabinet and even threatening to knock the cabinet itself over. The round raced forward, tearing through the wing closest to her and detonating once it reached the space between the creature's two wings. The explosion rippled out, shredding the creature's wings and scalding it's back. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh as she surveyed the damage her round had done, the cry of anguish from her target music to her ears that elicited a small shudder. Her joy didn't last long as the creature was quick to respond, sending out a blast that forced her to duck back down behind the cabinet for cover.

As the blast died down she peeked over the cabinet once again, noting the creature doing another one of it's breath attacks. Although she couldn't help but notice this one seemed a bit different as it had the magic circle this time. Her curiosity was soon answered as the creature unleashed it's attack and as it's breath passed the circle it was transformed into numerous small energy missiles that veered off in the direction of her and her companions. "Oh, so that's how ya wanna play it!" She hopped to her feet and let her cannon drop from her hands as she shifted her right leg back slightly, raising her arms as the cannon dissipated into thin air before even hitting the ground. The blue magical particles again took shape in her hands, leaving her with a vibrantly red rifle already aimed up in the direction of the missiles.

She opened fire on the incoming missiles, a spray of bullets flying out to detonate the attack mid-air. A cascade of explosions rumbled through the air towards her as the stream of missiles inched ever closer despite her efforts. She grit her teeth as the recoil from her weapon agitated her shoulder wound further, throwing her aim off. Try as she might she was unable to hit every missile as the very last one managed to get through her onslaught and slam right into her, detonating as it sent her flying backwards with a cry of pain.

@Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder
Noah Cross


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n3264wY2Pe1sq911yo2_500.gif.2768ea826ae439cd53470837ff4b7cb2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n3264wY2Pe1sq911yo2_500.gif.2768ea826ae439cd53470837ff4b7cb2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah grinned as he witnessed his attack working, enjoying the sound of the beast roaring in pain. Though he also heard an ear piece scream coming from somewhere else with the hideout. He lost his focus allowing himself to be knocked off the creature being sent back, though before he hits anything he catches himself with his flight. He looks in the direction the scream originated from. Kelica?? He thought being distracted from the fight. He turned back to the creature right as he was about to attack Lysander. I'll be there soon. He said softly.

When the creature blasted a breath attack towards Lysander, Noah moved out the way waiting for the right time to strike with full intentions to end it. He saw as the creature charged another breath attack forcing him to put up his guard. He released a breath attack which turned into a full barrage of small energy missiles. Noah stuck out his sword towards the energy missiles.
Bararaq. The sword becomes charged with lightning then releases it in a chain lightning form, striking one missile to another. Noah heard Mikado's cry of pain and asked. You alright!? Still having taking out his missiles. When the last missile was destroyed he eyed down the creature. Your time here is up. He flew towards the creature firing his chain lightning at it to keep it stun. Noah landed on the head of the beast, stopping his attack. He took in a deep breath focusing his magic. He brought the sword up to his face, with the hilt leveled to his face and the blade pointing at the creature.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n3941toteL1rml8xqo7_r1_500.gif.9c8567d5b82f2663d5c0977c4ee3d4fc.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n3941toteL1rml8xqo7_r1_500.gif.9c8567d5b82f2663d5c0977c4ee3d4fc.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Secret Art: Bararaq Inqerad-Saiqa. The sword glows as and Noah jabs the sword into the beast head releasing a giant version of his sword made completely from lightning. The attack should've went through and through and into the ground beneath the beast.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n3941toteL1rml8xqo8_r2_500.gif.f3fce5024cca6ed04f6c014f6eb6499b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n3941toteL1rml8xqo8_r2_500.gif.f3fce5024cca6ed04f6c014f6eb6499b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Colt556 @Huor Spinks



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.d8e6537585ca3352e3a386bfdf79dfcb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143296" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.d8e6537585ca3352e3a386bfdf79dfcb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> TAKATSU SHIRO

Shiro made his way through the countryside nearing Magnolia. The journey had been long and he was ready to take it easy for a couple of days, however he was on a job and couldn't afford the luxury of relaxation just yet. Each step was quiet even on the well worn path leading to the city. He was decked out in almost fully black gear, The studded leather on his chest, arms, and shoulders was stained a dark brown nearing black. His cloak, scarf, and hood caught and fluttered in the wind, the swords at his hip bounced noiselessly against his thighs. Despite his darkened clothing and armor. His eyes glowed a bright crystal blue, a result of his passive magic. The hood remained up despite the wind, and coupled with his illuminated eyes created a rather eerie effect.

Dusk would be apon him soon so he picked up the pace to a light jog. Preferring to avoid the suspicion of a dark clothed and armed man entering the city by night by simply arriving before it got dark. There was no mistaking he wasn't quite normal, what with his eyes and all. Once at the city gates a few smiles and a well spun tale got him in without a hitch. He'd pull his hood back off his head letting his short to medium length raven black hair fall back into place. His pace of course slowed as he walked the bustling streets toward the Fairy Tail Guild Hall.

He checked the bounty poster once again and sighed. "This will be a fun job." He thought to himself as he folded the notice up and tucked it away before he gave the door a solid knock before entering. He strode up to the bar and gave the Tender a nod. "Evening. I'm looking for Leon? I'm an old friend I thought I'd stop by since I'm nearby." He gave a warm smile as he spoke. His eyes despite their normally unsettling glow crinkled gently at the edges as though it were a genuine smile.

( just kinda made up the name)



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Zareh said:
Timothy Harvard: A Misunderstanding
Why do I look like the bad guy?

Timothy was about to launch a series of punches onto the brain washed mage. However what he didn't notice was that there was a little girl (Mitchs98) next to her who was trying to talk some sense into her. "Oh crud! LOOK OUT!" he warned the little girl as he tried to withdraw his punch but it his momentum didn't allow him to do that and almost punched her head until the girl shouted some sort of spell. He noticed that a small box appearance which he smashes it accidentally. His second punch destroyed a summoned barrier which shocked him "I'm sorry!" . This was followed by some flying beads that enlarged into boulders which then were set on fire. The beads crashed into his chest followed by a shock wave that sent him flying backwards. "Ahhhh! OW, OW....OW! Ah crap! MUMUMUM." he said as his body landed on the floor and rolled away hilariously. "What did I do to deserve this....well...there goes my leg." he said in a humorous tone however to make matters worse, four shadow like arms shot out and slammed his head into the ground. More arms came out and tried to restrain him. He got a bit worried however he looked up and saw that she wasn't brain washed anymore. He tried to reason with her and let her know it was a misunderstanding. "Hey wait! This is all a misunderstanding! I didn't mean to hurt you!" he said trying to explain while struggling in some kind of shadowy arms. "Ok...maybe I did try to hurt you but you were brainwashed and stuff! You know what I mean?" he said. "Can you please let me go? Pretty please?" he asked very nicely.

@Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zuka
Zuka said:
Draneri - The Siren

Draneri was in a state similar to an emotional high as she clutched at her cheeks, watching as Mizuki had turned to her side and was her Prey alone. In the distance she heard a high pitched scream which only raised her eyebrow in a confused manner, after all she had made much higher and louder pitches of tone then that blonde girl seemed to be capable of. The blood running down her neck made an almost Sadist grin spread across her red lips. She was dead. She had minutes at most, and judging by this crowd of fighters there didn't seem to be a single person here capable to save her. One mage down! And that beast of a man was cradling and crying so he would be out of commission as well. While this was slightly annoying, and gladly she still had bound Mizuki to her will....

Before she knew it that smug Arcane Mage Adrian had covered himself head to toe in magical armor with a shield and sword, and had dashed behind her with the full intent to stab her through and cover her mouth.


Did he really assume no one had tried to physically get in close to her and behind her? Sharp bird-like eyes following him similar to a hawk as she allowed him nearby. After all if she could make it look like he was attacking her surely her new Prey Mizuki would take care of the smug mage first? So with a strange agility the Siren lifted up a wing to distract him so that his sword torn through her feathers rather then her flesh with no damage to herself. That was when she felt a weird force hit her, a chaotic energy that was making her entire body and differing limbs react in strange ways, burning, freezing, electrocuted stone. For every limb that was being affected, her natural passive regeneration was draining her precious and delicious life force to keep it at bay. Taking off years of her life in seconds. Forcing her to feed sooner. A nuisance.

She heard a screech and whirled her vision to the side to see Mizuki firing a huge dark death beam but she was so focused on Adrian she completely failed to notice that Draneri herself was partially in the way. The Siren's teeth became gritted and her face became one of an absolute terrifying fury, suddenly snapping like a dragon to bite angrily into Adrian's hand to free her mouth, however she only had enough time to twist her body as the beam torn her very right wing and clashed hard into his Arcane Shield. Black feathers were sent flying in all directions as her wing joint cracked and lowered at a sickening dislocation, having half been blown away in the process.

Not even a moment after Adrian had rolled away did three massive boulder's come hurling at her in quick succession causing The Siren's one good wing spread out in an aggressive manner as she tilted her head back for a moment taking in a huge breath of air as she did. Then she screeched in a pitch much higher and more forceful then anyone up till that point had used, causing a massive Sonic Boom to hit and destroy the three huge boulders, turning it to crumbles on the dirt ground. Although she failed to notice the very roof and walls were shaking and shuddering, a testament to the unsafe structural integrity of the corridor itself.

Eric decided to try attacking her as well, only to end with the Grimoire Heart boy to kick him away, which was good and left the odds slightly less against her. As she stood there half hunched over she watched her first and best suitor suddenly bend to hug into that cute girl from earlier....

Both prey WEAK.

Both prey USELESS.

Her dream of acquiring high end prey turning into something of a nightmare as they just kept coming. She had lost all sense of adorableness, of motherly love or soothing expression. It was a haunting sight of something close to a monster now with teeth bared and her pupils fully dilated to slits. She threw her hands out as she arched her chest forward, both wings spreading out far, despite it being agony for the right wing which was half blown away. But with a sickening creak and groan, snap and whirl, that very wing was realigning, rejoining, feathers bursting over it to look as good as new in less then seconds.

More precious years she was wasting on this prey. She was the Predator!

That was when she turned to the red haired Samurai with the earlier death threat as he shouted some nonsense about disposing of her. The notion laughable!! She, a Siren for over 300 years, meet with countless men, women, children she fed, mages and innocents alike. All had fallen to her, all she had stolen their very life force to increase her own. Every single one! He was dashing towards to her with a look of pure fury and the same was etched in on her once beautiful face. Even her voice was breaking into something of a screech, hissing angrily. "I will kill you just as I have killed the rest! If I can not drink from you, I shall end your life and take pleasure in it! Just as I have the men, women and children who have come before you! You are nothing but PREY! But FODDER! FOOD to eat and then discarded like trash!!"

He had closed the distance in record time, and before she knew it he was before her with weapon drawn, her hands before her like imitation claws. Feet spread a fraction and her very wings tensed as if ready to pounce at any time.

Barely noticing a barrier had sprung up to isolate the two. The earlier notice of running away now a thing of the past as she intended to tear this man limb by limb and tear his heart from his very chest as some sort of trophy!

The siren watched in slow motion as he thrust his blade forward and aimed straight for her heart, barely managing to dodge it as it scrapped her shoulder and she hissed as it burned as well, tearing through her dress. Being in close proximity she let out a high pitched Sonic Boom right before his face, using the distraction to slash with nails almost as hard as steel.

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Britt-21 @Mitchs98

((This is the post that never ends.... it goes on and on my friends... some people, started reading it not knowing what it was, but then it just keep going on and on because this is the post that never ends .."

Things had been going ok for Millie. Yes she had been caught and isolated from the others during the attempted escape. But really after that she was left alone, not bothered by the dark guild except for the occasional guard that passed by to see if she was still there. Although she was very nervous and scared, she remained rather calm on the outside. She knew that Valken would get to her any minute now/ No amount of mages would be able to get in-between him and her thanks to the power of love~. So there she sat in the corner of the cell, knees brought up tightly to her chest. She wondered what was going on with Sora, Lysander, and all of her other friends that were captured or searching. The blonde prayed that nothing bad befell them, especially little Sora. She was so young and innocent, nothing bad deserved to happen to her. Plus they'd have an angry Maya on their hands and all of Fiore would be in trouble. She'd probably tear up entire cities looking for her family.

Things went well until a lone guard stood in front of her cage and began chanting stuff. Millie didn't know what he was saying or trying to do, but it didn't take a fool to know that it was something bad. It only took a minute before darkness washed over her and she was out. When the mage woke up she was rather surprised to find herself chained up to a wall in almost nothing. The same guard from before was standing there with a rather cheeky, excited grin, and Millie knew what he planned on doing. When it clicked in her mind a loud screech came from her mouth. She really had nothing to lose by screaming as he'd do unspeakable things with her no matter what. She just hoped that she was lucky enough to be heard.
"What'd you do that for?" He snapped at her, getting up from his seat and stalking towards Millie, giving her a hard slap on the cheek. "You weren't supposed to scream that way. That really cut down my time with you, so that means I'll just have to start early." His own hand began to drift down her arm and onto her hip, but before he could actually do anything to her he disappeared into the shadows, the evil man replaced by a wonderful one. In the blink of an eye Millie found herself in the arms of Valken, her hands clutching tightly at the back of his shirt. She was so happy to finally be reunited with the man she loved, and he really came at the perfect time. "V-Valken!" She cried out, burying her face into his shoulder, trying to pull him closer. She had never been so happy to see him. "I knew you'd find me..."

(Ew self roleplaying. Also I kinda rushed this post, sorry)
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Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: Finally I get to have some fun!

Ayano was pretty annoyed when he mentioned "messed up past." He must clearly know something if he knew her past was "Messed up!" Before Ayano could get a word in she heard a girl taunting her from behind. "Ah... You must be one of the mages who came to save their precious friends!" Finally Ayano can do a little killing for once! She laughed in a crazed manner as she taunted back. "You want your friends back? Your going to have to go through me first..." The room filled with purple lights that seemed to be draining Ayano of her strength and also heard the marching of the useless guards growing closer. About 10 or 20 of them stood guard between Ayano and her new playmate. "What do you guys think your doing..."

"We're here to do our jo..." The guard was interrupted as a sword made entirely of blood was stabbed through his back. "Nobody gets between me and my prey..." The vampire created multiple blood spikes that shot in all directions slaughtering all the remaining guards in the immediate area. Her eyes turned pitch black and her pupils were completely red. "Don't worry I'll be sure to put your blood to good use." Now there was nothing but a morbid pile of dead bodies that Ayano used for her source of blood. A small portion of which was sent to individually destroy all the purple lights. "Heh heh heh... I'm afraid you won't be leaving these dungeons alive... Blood Splatter..." She formed a ball that she rolled towards the purple mage. Upon getting closer it started rumbling and exploded covering anyone in it's radius in blood. While the vampire's foes were disorientated she seemingly disappeared but in reality she was right behind the mage. She sneakily walked up behind her and whispered into her ear. "My name's Ayano... What's yours?"

@Britt\-21 @Britt\-21
Zuka said:
Draneri - The Siren

Draneri was in a state similar to an emotional high as she clutched at her cheeks, watching as Mizuki had turned to her side and was her Prey alone. In the distance she heard a high pitched scream which only raised her eyebrow in a confused manner, after all she had made much higher and louder pitches of tone then that blonde girl seemed to be capable of. The blood running down her neck made an almost Sadist grin spread across her red lips. She was dead. She had minutes at most, and judging by this crowd of fighters there didn't seem to be a single person here capable to save her. One mage down! And that beast of a man was cradling and crying so he would be out of commission as well. While this was slightly annoying, and gladly she still had bound Mizuki to her will....

Before she knew it that smug Arcane Mage Adrian had covered himself head to toe in magical armor with a shield and sword, and had dashed behind her with the full intent to stab her through and cover her mouth.


Did he really assume no one had tried to physically get in close to her and behind her? Sharp bird-like eyes following him similar to a hawk as she allowed him nearby. After all if she could make it look like he was attacking her surely her new Prey Mizuki would take care of the smug mage first? So with a strange agility the Siren lifted up a wing to distract him so that his sword torn through her feathers rather then her flesh with no damage to herself. That was when she felt a weird force hit her, a chaotic energy that was making her entire body and differing limbs react in strange ways, burning, freezing, electrocuted stone. For every limb that was being affected, her natural passive regeneration was draining her precious and delicious life force to keep it at bay. Taking off years of her life in seconds. Forcing her to feed sooner. A nuisance.

She heard a screech and whirled her vision to the side to see Mizuki firing a huge dark death beam but she was so focused on Adrian she completely failed to notice that Draneri herself was partially in the way. The Siren's teeth became gritted and her face became one of an absolute terrifying fury, suddenly snapping like a dragon to bite angrily into Adrian's hand to free her mouth, however she only had enough time to twist her body as the beam torn her very right wing and clashed hard into his Arcane Shield. Black feathers were sent flying in all directions as her wing joint cracked and lowered at a sickening dislocation, having half been blown away in the process.

Not even a moment after Adrian had rolled away did three massive boulder's come hurling at her in quick succession causing The Siren's one good wing spread out in an aggressive manner as she tilted her head back for a moment taking in a huge breath of air as she did. Then she screeched in a pitch much higher and more forceful then anyone up till that point had used, causing a massive Sonic Boom to hit and destroy the three huge boulders, turning it to crumbles on the dirt ground. Although she failed to notice the very roof and walls were shaking and shuddering, a testament to the unsafe structural integrity of the corridor itself.

Eric decided to try attacking her as well, only to end with the Grimoire Heart boy to kick him away, which was good and left the odds slightly less against her. As she stood there half hunched over she watched her first and best suitor suddenly bend to hug into that cute girl from earlier....

Both prey WEAK.

Both prey USELESS.

Her dream of acquiring high end prey turning into something of a nightmare as they just kept coming. She had lost all sense of adorableness, of motherly love or soothing expression. It was a haunting sight of something close to a monster now with teeth bared and her pupils fully dilated to slits. She threw her hands out as she arched her chest forward, both wings spreading out far, despite it being agony for the right wing which was half blown away. But with a sickening creak and groan, snap and whirl, that very wing was realigning, rejoining, feathers bursting over it to look as good as new in less then seconds.

More precious years she was wasting on this prey. She was the Predator!

That was when she turned to the red haired Samurai with the earlier death threat as he shouted some nonsense about disposing of her. The notion laughable!! She, a Siren for over 300 years, meet with countless men, women, children she fed, mages and innocents alike. All had fallen to her, all she had stolen their very life force to increase her own. Every single one! He was dashing towards to her with a look of pure fury and the same was etched in on her once beautiful face. Even her voice was breaking into something of a screech, hissing angrily. "I will kill you just as I have killed the rest! If I can not drink from you, I shall end your life and take pleasure in it! Just as I have the men, women and children who have come before you! You are nothing but PREY! But FODDER! FOOD to eat and then discarded like trash!!"

He had closed the distance in record time, and before she knew it he was before her with weapon drawn, her hands before her like imitation claws. Feet spread a fraction and her very wings tensed as if ready to pounce at any time.

Barely noticing a barrier had sprung up to isolate the two. The earlier notice of running away now a thing of the past as she intended to tear this man limb by limb and tear his heart from his very chest as some sort of trophy!

The siren watched in slow motion as he thrust his blade forward and aimed straight for her heart, barely managing to dodge it as it scrapped her shoulder and she hissed as it burned as well, tearing through her dress. Being in close proximity she let out a high pitched Sonic Boom right before his face, using the distraction to slash with nails almost as hard as steel.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zareh
Zareh said:
Timothy Harvard: A Misunderstanding
Why do I look like the bad guy?

Timothy was about to launch a series of punches onto the brain washed mage. However what he didn't notice was that there was a little girl (Mitchs98) next to her who was trying to talk some sense into her. "Oh crud! LOOK OUT!" he warned the little girl as he tried to withdraw his punch but it his momentum didn't allow him to do that and almost punched her head until the girl shouted some sort of spell. He noticed that a small box appearance which he smashes it accidentally. His second punch destroyed a summoned barrier which shocked him "I'm sorry!" . This was followed by some flying beads that enlarged into boulders which then were set on fire. The beads crashed into his chest followed by a shock wave that sent him flying backwards. "Ahhhh! OW, OW....OW! Ah crap! MUMUMUM." he said as his body landed on the floor and rolled away hilariously. "What did I do to deserve this....well...there goes my leg." he said in a humorous tone however to make matters worse, four shadow like arms shot out and slammed his head into the ground. More arms came out and tried to restrain him. He got a bit worried however he looked up and saw that she wasn't brain washed anymore. He tried to reason with her and let her know it was a misunderstanding. "Hey wait! This is all a misunderstanding! I didn't mean to hurt you!" he said trying to explain while struggling in some kind of shadowy arms. "Ok...maybe I did try to hurt you but you were brainwashed and stuff! You know what I mean?" he said. "Can you please let me go? Pretty please?" he asked very nicely.

@Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zuka
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Don't leave me! Not yet!)

Chris watched as Kelica talked about letting everyone down and not being able to help. This only made more tears roll down Chris' cheeks as he began to heave and hic as he brought Kelica up to him. Chris felt the blood dripping onto his shoulder as he once again tried to put pressure on the wound. Nothing seemed to be working.

Chris quickly placed Kelica down onto the ground as his hand turned into a ice dragon claw. He then used a internal takeover to breathe ice onto the claw. It was then Chris placed the claw to her neck and pressed the ice as tightly as he could against her neck.

For a while, Chris remained silent. He would occasionally remove his hand to breathe more ice onto it, but that was the only time he'd let go of her. It seemed to be slowing the bleeding somewhat, but who knew at this point. Chris refused to let Kelica go, he didn't want her to go. That same feeling of guilt continued to loom over Chris as he looked at Kelica.

Finally, Chris leaned over to Kelica as he finally started to talk. "
A-at this point, I don't know i-if you can even h-hear me. I'm s-so sorry Kelica! Y-y-you were right! You-r-'re safer away from me. Please forgive me...I don't deserve to be, but I'm asking anyways."

Kayzo said:
Mizuki continued to fire her PCP beam of death towards Adrian and Draneri until a sudden, smaller body clung to her side. Her attack cut off abruptly and her gaze whipped down to see the little girl from before. She seemed to recognize the dark Mage, calling out her name, begging for her to remember Alicia. She spoke so passionately, like she truly cared about her, something she thought only Draneri could do. It was rather sweet and comforting, to a point where she wanted to stop fighting. Her lustful eyes seemed to clear up and her arms wrapped around her tightly. The trance had been broken thanks to the power of love~. "Don't cry Alicia, I'm sorry." She said, running a hand through her hair slightly. "That girl brainwashed me into thinking that I loved her. But then I remembered the genuine love that you gave me, and now I'm free...." However their sweet moment was cut short as some raging robot attempted to punch her face. Fortunately before the punch could connect a barrier was placing over her head, blocking the blow but shattering in the process. Mizuki took this as a personal attack on her and Alicia. Her four shadowy arms shot out quickly and attempted to slam his head into the ground following her younger counterparts attack.
@Mitchs98 @Zareh
Kayzo said:
Mizuki held down the strangers head against the hard floor of the dungeon, fierce eyes piercing through him. Perhaps he did have good intentions in hurting her, and she was brainwashed by the succubitch so it was reasonable to try and knock some sense into her. Really she just believed that he was trying to hurt Alicia which was a big no no. The Dark mage slowly released three of her arms holding Timothy down, the fourth one lifting him up by his head and bringing him so that he was only a foot or two away. Her purple eyes menacingly stared into his for a few moments before placing him on the ground. "Don't attack me or Alicia again. I won't hold back next time..." She growled, reaching down and taking Alicia's hand and crouching down to her level. "You were very strong today Alicia. I'll be sure to inform Master Gilad about how well you did. I'm sure he will be just as proud as I am." She said in a much softer tone before pressing her head to the younger girls and standing back up. With that all taken care of the only threat was Draneri. Fortunately Chris also broke free from his mind control spell but at the cost of Kelica, which actually made her rather sad. It also didn't surprise her that Chris was the one to hurt her this bad. Howeverever she had no healing spells, and couldn't do anything to really help. All she could do was hope that another, more equipped mage could reach her in time. That meant her full attention went back to the succubus that caused the whole mess. Ryu was already on the attack, attempting to put her down once and for all, but missed only to be attacked back. They were locked in a cage together, and it was better that way. "Alicia, did I hurt you while I was being controlled? Please be honest..."
@Mitchs98 @Genon

Things had been going ok for Millie. Yes she had been caught and isolated from the others during the attempted escape. But really after that she was left alone, not bothered by the dark guild except for the occasional guard that passed by to see if she was still there. Although she was very nervous and scared, she remained rather calm on the outside. She knew that Valken would get to her any minute now/ No amount of mages would be able to get in-between him and her thanks to the power of love~. So there she sat in the corner of the cell, knees brought up tightly to her chest. She wondered what was going on with Sora, Lysander, and all of her other friends that were captured or searching. The blonde prayed that nothing bad befell them, especially little Sora. She was so young and innocent, nothing bad deserved to happen to her. Plus they'd have an angry Maya on their hands and all of Fiore would be in trouble. She'd probably tear up entire cities looking for her family.

Things went well until a lone guard stood in front of her cage and began chanting stuff. Millie didn't know what he was saying or trying to do, but it didn't take a fool to know that it was something bad. It only took a minute before darkness washed over her and she was out. When the mage woke up she was rather surprised to find herself chained up to a wall in almost nothing. The same guard from before was standing there with a rather cheeky, excited grin, and Millie knew what he planned on doing. When it clicked in her mind a loud screech came from her mouth. She really had nothing to lose by screaming as he'd do unspeakable things with her no matter what. She just hoped that she was lucky enough to be heard.
"What'd you do that for?" He snapped at her, getting up from his seat and stalking towards Millie, giving her a hard slap on the cheek. "You weren't supposed to scream that way. That really cut down my time with you, so that means I'll just have to start early." His own hand began to drift down her arm and onto her hip, but before he could actually do anything to her he disappeared into the shadows, the evil man replaced by a wonderful one. In the blink of an eye Millie found herself in the arms of Valken, her hands clutching tightly at the back of his shirt. She was so happy to finally be reunited with the man she loved, and he really came at the perfect time. "V-Valken!" She cried out, burying her face into his shoulder, trying to pull him closer. She had never been so happy to see him. "I knew you'd find me..."

(Ew self roleplaying. Also I kinda rushed this post, sorry)
Alicia: Draneri Fight

Alicia glanced to the fighting and chaos around her and wished she could help, but in reality she couldn't do anything. They needed a healer, not a barrier or beads to the face. And right now they had the issue of Timothy. She was extremely happy she had managed to snap Mizuki out of it though, she wasn't sure if she could of let the others hurt her to stop her or not. She would of likely attacked them and basically force them to let her handle it. She glared at Timothy as he started speaking, though slowly calmed down as he explained why he attacked. Really she couldn't blame him, even she had initially considered knocking her out to begin with but quickly decided against it. Once he was threatened and let go and the situation was over her beads returned to her side and she quickly placed them back in her hair.

She smiled at Mizuki's words and hugged her tightly, "
You didn't hurt me, I promise. Even when she was controlling you you seemed to remember me." She replied. "If anything you scared me a little. But its okay, I know you couldn't help it." She explained, smiling up at her. Really she couldn't stay mad at her or hate her even if she had hurt her, after all it wouldn't of been her fault. Mizuki though...she was sure it would of devastated her if she had. She glanced over to the fight between Ryu and Draneri, "Who do you thinks gunna win?" She asked, genuinely worried Draneri might kill Ryu and come for them next.
[QUOTE="Abdel featherfall]
View attachment 316572 TAKATSU SHIRO

[/QUOTE][QUOTE="Abdel featherfall]

Shiro made his way through the countryside nearing Magnolia. The journey had been long and he was ready to take it easy for a couple of days, however he was on a job and couldn't afford the luxury of relaxation just yet. Each step was quiet even on the well worn path leading to the city. He was decked out in almost fully black gear, The studded leather on his chest, arms, and shoulders was stained a dark brown nearing black. His cloak, scarf, and hood caught and fluttered in the wind, the swords at his hip bounced noiselessly against his thighs. Despite his darkened clothing and armor. His eyes glowed a bright crystal blue, a result of his passive magic. The hood remained up despite the wind, and coupled with his illuminated eyes created a rather eerie effect.

Dusk would be apon him soon so he picked up the pace to a light jog. Preferring to avoid the suspicion of a dark clothed and armed man entering the city by night by simply arriving before it got dark. There was no mistaking he wasn't quite normal, what with his eyes and all. Once at the city gates a few smiles and a well spun tale got him in without a hitch. He'd pull his hood back off his head letting his short to medium length raven black hair fall back into place. His pace of course slowed as he walked the bustling streets toward the Fairy Tail Guild Hall.

He checked the bounty poster once again and sighed. "
This will be a fun job." He thought to himself as he folded the notice up and tucked it away before he gave the door a solid knock before entering. He strode up to the bar and gave the Tender a nod. "Evening. I'm looking for Leon? I'm an old friend I thought I'd stop by since I'm nearby." He gave a warm smile as he spoke. His eyes despite their normally unsettling glow crinkled gently at the edges as though it were a genuine smile.

( just kinda made up the name)

Alfie -- FT Guild Hall

Guild Hall had been fairly... quiet, these past few days. Only one or two people were ever there besides Alfie himself, and because he had collected all the energy he needed a few weeks ago, he had absolutely nothing to do outside of sitting there and sipping mercury casually. Which he really thought he should stop, as that all might start pooling up inside of his body and begin weighing him down... then he might need to dig up a grave and get a new body to possess. Or cut a hole in his current one to let the mercury out... The peculiar mage's thoughts would go on as he sat completely motionless until he heard the Guild Hall's large doors squeak open.

Alfie's head turned to stare at the unfamiliar face who didn't seem all too surprised that nearly no one was there. He said he wanted to greet a Leon... That mage had been out a while too.
"I apologize," he spoke softly as he took another small sip of the liquid metal in his ceramic travel mug, "But it's been a few days since anyone's last seen him. Actually, in case you haven't noticed, next to no one besides the Guild Master and myself have been here, and neither of us know where anyone's went." Alfie let out a small sigh before giving a warm smile. "But if you have the time, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to sit down and chat for a little?"
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.6b5f13155565161cd70a2e698b62a557.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.6b5f13155565161cd70a2e698b62a557.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

SHIRO glanced over as he was spoken to by the only other person in the room, his almost unsettlingly blue eyes seemed to scan the gentleman over while he listened carefully. Looking to the mug noting what the man was drinking wasn't exactly standard fare, though he made no actual remark about it as his eyes shifted back to his face.

There was a pause after the man had finished talking where Shiro got up without saying a word closed the distance of about 5 chairs to sit one over from the man who had spoken. He kept one chair between them as he spoke. "He's gone? Everybody else too? Damn I was really hoping to see him." He paused for a moment as he raised his hand for a drink before continuing. "No idea where they went? Even the guild leader doesn't know? I just arrived in town so I didn't notice a lack of activity.. Though I suppose I could spare time to chat." He didn't smile or really show much of any real emotion right now but he didn't quite come across as unfriendly. His ears seemed to twitch gently as if listening to something else.



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Eric: Hey! Who put that barrier there!?

Eric was kicked away from the Siren by the same kid again. "Seriously do you not know how to give up?" He then asked what Eric would know about a crappy past. Even if it was just for a few seconds Eric made a surprisingly serious face "What do I know about a crappy past...? Buddy... Crappy Isn't a strong enough word do describe mines..." Although he was interrupted by some kind of barrier pushing him aside. From where he was standing he could see that kimono guy from before charging at the Siren. "Sirens are immortal creatures... Can he really take one down?" Even though Eric had his doubts, it's not like he could do anything else but root for him at this point. But as for the kid... "Hey! You said you never shy away from a fight? That's pretty big talk coming from a brat like you, but I can respect that. Oh well... no more holding back on both sides." Eric gestured the kid towards him challenging him. "Give it your worst."

Ayano Soru: Oh... So we have two playmates then!

Well looks like this'll be twice as fun! Despite being pretty much tackled Ayano was having a good time. Upon making contact with the ground all Ayano did was look at the green haired mage right in the eye's as she smiled. "So I'm guessing you're supposed to free the mages while your friend distracted me..." She looked at the bubbles floating towards the cells. Ayano threw her blood spikes making it look like they were going to hit the mages but they were actually aiming for the bubble's. They exploded far before reaching the cells leaving them perfectly intact. "You know had you ignored your friend you could have saved the others pretty easily. Why did you come back I wonder? Oh well too late now... Time to die!" She formed a sword made out of blood and started slashing at the bubble mage in a wild yet controlled manner while laughing uncontrollably.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Zareh @Necr0Danc3r @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Bolts (Sorry this post is MUCH later than I intended it to be... if there's anything I missed let me know and I'll fix it when I can)
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Zuka said:
Draneri - The Siren

Draneri was in a state similar to an emotional high as she clutched at her cheeks, watching as Mizuki had turned to her side and was her Prey alone. In the distance she heard a high pitched scream which only raised her eyebrow in a confused manner, after all she had made much higher and louder pitches of tone then that blonde girl seemed to be capable of. The blood running down her neck made an almost Sadist grin spread across her red lips. She was dead. She had minutes at most, and judging by this crowd of fighters there didn't seem to be a single person here capable to save her. One mage down! And that beast of a man was cradling and crying so he would be out of commission as well. While this was slightly annoying, and gladly she still had bound Mizuki to her will....

Before she knew it that smug Arcane Mage Adrian had covered himself head to toe in magical armor with a shield and sword, and had dashed behind her with the full intent to stab her through and cover her mouth.


Did he really assume no one had tried to physically get in close to her and behind her? Sharp bird-like eyes following him similar to a hawk as she allowed him nearby. After all if she could make it look like he was attacking her surely her new Prey Mizuki would take care of the smug mage first? So with a strange agility the Siren lifted up a wing to distract him so that his sword torn through her feathers rather then her flesh with no damage to herself. That was when she felt a weird force hit her, a chaotic energy that was making her entire body and differing limbs react in strange ways, burning, freezing, electrocuted stone. For every limb that was being affected, her natural passive regeneration was draining her precious and delicious life force to keep it at bay. Taking off years of her life in seconds. Forcing her to feed sooner. A nuisance.

She heard a screech and whirled her vision to the side to see Mizuki firing a huge dark death beam but she was so focused on Adrian she completely failed to notice that Draneri herself was partially in the way. The Siren's teeth became gritted and her face became one of an absolute terrifying fury, suddenly snapping like a dragon to bite angrily into Adrian's hand to free her mouth, however she only had enough time to twist her body as the beam torn her very right wing and clashed hard into his Arcane Shield. Black feathers were sent flying in all directions as her wing joint cracked and lowered at a sickening dislocation, having half been blown away in the process.

Not even a moment after Adrian had rolled away did three massive boulder's come hurling at her in quick succession causing The Siren's one good wing spread out in an aggressive manner as she tilted her head back for a moment taking in a huge breath of air as she did. Then she screeched in a pitch much higher and more forceful then anyone up till that point had used, causing a massive Sonic Boom to hit and destroy the three huge boulders, turning it to crumbles on the dirt ground. Although she failed to notice the very roof and walls were shaking and shuddering, a testament to the unsafe structural integrity of the corridor itself.

Eric decided to try attacking her as well, only to end with the Grimoire Heart boy to kick him away, which was good and left the odds slightly less against her. As she stood there half hunched over she watched her first and best suitor suddenly bend to hug into that cute girl from earlier....

Both prey WEAK.

Both prey USELESS.

Her dream of acquiring high end prey turning into something of a nightmare as they just kept coming. She had lost all sense of adorableness, of motherly love or soothing expression. It was a haunting sight of something close to a monster now with teeth bared and her pupils fully dilated to slits. She threw her hands out as she arched her chest forward, both wings spreading out far, despite it being agony for the right wing which was half blown away. But with a sickening creak and groan, snap and whirl, that very wing was realigning, rejoining, feathers bursting over it to look as good as new in less then seconds.

More precious years she was wasting on this prey. She was the Predator!

That was when she turned to the red haired Samurai with the earlier death threat as he shouted some nonsense about disposing of her. The notion laughable!! She, a Siren for over 300 years, meet with countless men, women, children she fed, mages and innocents alike. All had fallen to her, all she had stolen their very life force to increase her own. Every single one! He was dashing towards to her with a look of pure fury and the same was etched in on her once beautiful face. Even her voice was breaking into something of a screech, hissing angrily. "I will kill you just as I have killed the rest! If I can not drink from you, I shall end your life and take pleasure in it! Just as I have the men, women and children who have come before you! You are nothing but PREY! But FODDER! FOOD to eat and then discarded like trash!!"

He had closed the distance in record time, and before she knew it he was before her with weapon drawn, her hands before her like imitation claws. Feet spread a fraction and her very wings tensed as if ready to pounce at any time.

Barely noticing a barrier had sprung up to isolate the two. The earlier notice of running away now a thing of the past as she intended to tear this man limb by limb and tear his heart from his very chest as some sort of trophy!

The siren watched in slow motion as he thrust his blade forward and aimed straight for her heart, barely managing to dodge it as it scrapped her shoulder and she hissed as it burned as well, tearing through her dress. Being in close proximity she let out a high pitched Sonic Boom right before his face, using the distraction to slash with nails almost as hard as steel.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zareh

-Ryu Miyamoto (???)-



Ryu felt his blade connect with the siren's shoulder and barely managed to dodge her claws, his kimono as well as the top of his skin being slashed. He kicked off the ground, leaping backwards and readying his blade once again. Who the hell did this siren think she was dealing with? An amateur? "Do you think my words to be hollow, demon?" He asked coldly, sending an icy glare towards the siren. "I have fought many immortals throughout my journey. To me, you are the most recent in a long line of many others. Just another zero among a sea of zeroes." While his words were not overtly false, they weren't necessarily one hundred percent true. He'd only managed to find a few immortals along his travels, and most of them had been by chance. However, he had still learned a great deal from those fights, and he was well versed on tactics against immortals. He took a deep breath, calming both his mind and body, before charging back towards the siren. However, just before he reached her, he leaped upwards, jumping almost all the way to the ceiling of the dome. He extended his blade, pointing it directly at the siren's feet, and a large jet of flame erupted from the ground underneath her. "Heaven's Warmth: Pillar of Flame"

Eias got up rather slowly only to see the vampire staring directly at her. A visible shiver wen't over her whole body. The voice was rather creepy to her as well. It was much too calm and collected. She pushed off from the ground and away from the vampire but in doing so, left her bubbles in full view to get shot down. The explosions weren't close enough for the bars to break. She would need to try again. K-kim... She stuttered. Soon, slices from a weapon were trying to reach Eias. A few of her clothing was sliced and a small cut on her cheek formed. She managed to back up to Kim before blowing sound bubbles towards the vampire in hopes she would pop them and unleash the terrible loud screams held inside.

@Jackaboi @purplepanda288
Kimberly Lock

Team beta| Vapid Vampire

Kim watched in pure horror as the one she held dear tried to scramble up form the grounds. The words that cascaded out of the vile creature were poision to her, killing Eias? She reached fowards to catch her in her arms, she saw the cut that had formed on her white cheek. Small amounts of blood threatening to escape the wound. Kim struggled to keep Eias held up, she was smaller then her after all. "Tainted teleportation." Eias was the only thing to have actually moved through space, she ended up far from the two. At the other end of the hall way, just in the view of what was about to happen.

Both of Kims eyes started to glow an abnormal violet color.
"You ask of who I am?" She put reached her hand, purple aura began to flood around it forming a crude sword shape. She firmly grasped the hilt of the phantom blade, making a point to aim the blade at Ayano. "I am Kimberly Lock. But that doesn't matter to you does it?" Kim glanced at the bubbles that had been put into play, even with that glance she could tell that they were sound bubbles. A barrier erected around Kim, blocking out all external sound. A single urple tendril sprouted out of the floor, hitting all of the sound bubbles. Multiple ear piercing screams blasted out of them, Kim was semi safe from the effects behind her barrier.


Lysander Connell

Creepy Room

@Colt556 @Embaga Elder

Well, that made things even worse. Lysander barely had time to duck and roll before the creature directly launched a beam of energy in his direction. There was no time to fire a countershot; instead, he leaped away, hitting the ground and rolling away, getting up only to see that the beam of energy was headed straight in his direction, utterly disintegrating anything in it's wake. Lysander winced, wiping at his forehead as sweat merged with the dust particles on his face, creating an extremely grimy appearance. And then he rolled away again, looking up only to see the beam disappear as something attacked the creature. At that point in time, he was not even sure of where his other companions were, or who had been responsible for that latest attack on that creature.

His eyes widened as the creature sent a barrage of missiles in his direction. "Guns Magic: Tornado Shot," he snapped, shooting a bullet from his right gun that turned into a tornado, sweeping up the energy bolts within it's winds and slamming into the creature. If it had been two shots fired from duel guns, it would have done a lot more damange to the creature, but as it stood, only half the damage would have been carried out with only one bullet. He was not sure how much manage the tornado and the energy blasts would have done to the creature.

Or at least most of the bolts had been caught up in the winds. Two of the bolts had been too far away from the tornado to be swept up in it's winds, and now the two bolts slammed directly into him with the force of five hammers. He let out a strangled yelp as pain wrecked his body, as he slammed into the wally directly behind him. His back was screaming in agony and he just barely remained standing, desperately trying to get his breath back. This was no joke. He was going to have to get serious now. "Guns Magic: Omnidirectional Expansion," he just barely managed to gasp out as he aimed both his pistols at the creature, letting loose two bullets at the same time. Both bullets directly multiplied into a whole field of bullets, aimed directly at the creature. As one of his mid-level moves, each bullet would have done a significant deal of damage if they had been able to hit.

The tornado and the bullets: he hoped it would be enough. Otherwise it would be time to pull out the big bombs.
[QUOTE="Abdel featherfall]View attachment 317551
SHIRO glanced over as he was spoken to by the only other person in the room, his almost unsettlingly blue eyes seemed to scan the gentleman over while he listened carefully. Looking to the mug noting what the man was drinking wasn't exactly standard fare, though he made no actual remark about it as his eyes shifted back to his face.

There was a pause after the man had finished talking where Shiro got up without saying a word closed the distance of about 5 chairs to sit one over from the man who had spoken. He kept one chair between them as he spoke. "He's gone? Everybody else too? Damn I was really hoping to see him." He paused for a moment as he raised his hand for a drink before continuing. "No idea where they went? Even the guild leader doesn't know? I just arrived in town so I didn't notice a lack of activity.. Though I suppose I could spare time to chat." He didn't smile or really show much of any real emotion right now but he didn't quite come across as unfriendly. His ears seemed to twitch gently as if listening to something else.


Alfie -- FT Guild Hall

Alfie smiled (again) and drank the last few drops of his signature drink before setting the empty mug on a nearby table and leaning back. The man before him didn't quite seem to smile or show any outward emotion, especially because there was no energy to be sensed. Despite this, he didn't seem to have any hostile intentions, so maybe he wasn't unfriendly...?

"Yes, it's unfortunate, but there's not much we can do about it but pray they're safe. I'm sure they'll be back sometime soon though, so maybe you will get to speak with Leon," the mage said warmly, crossing his legs to appear a bit less statue-like. "Anyway... Are you a traveler, and where did you travel from to get here? I've always been interested in other places, so it would help out immensely for you to tell me about things of the sort." All of it was a lie; as Alfie couldn't care less about anything that didn't involve him. It did make for a good conversation, though...

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