Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Ayano Soru: Challenging opponents...

Some more bubbles... were they going to explode? Ayano would rather not take the chance, She tried to create as much ground as possible between her and the bubbles but little to her knowledge, Kimberly burst them herself and screams filled the room. They were really loud and hurt her ears but... She's somewhat used to them. Of course there is no need for an explanation why. "Heh... You two are pretty well coordinated... clearly this isn't your first time fighting together. You said your name is Kimberly right?" Even after suffering some damage to her ears Ayano's smile never moved. "Do you mind if I call you kim?" She sprinted towards Kim throwing blood spikes as she ran and created a copy of herself to fight the green haired mage too, of course since the real Ayano is fighting, her shadow won't be as effective but it should keep her mage busy while Ayano fights kim. She started laughing like a psychopath. "Now... let's have some fun shall we?"

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Huor Spinks][side=left][IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_liuh1m7LJj1qgfqst.jpg&hash=dfff6b5250cb65b9bc582dcd4cd628b4[/IMG] [h=OPTION]Lysander Connell[/h] [sh=OPTION]Creepy Room[/sh] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26825-colt556/ said:
@Colt556[/URL] @Embaga Elder


Well, that made things even worse. Lysander barely had time to duck and roll before the creature directly launched a beam of energy in his direction. There was no time to fire a countershot; instead, he leaped away, hitting the ground and rolling away, getting up only to see that the beam of energy was headed straight in his direction, utterly disintegrating anything in it's wake. Lysander winced, wiping at his forehead as sweat merged with the dust particles on his face, creating an extremely grimy appearance. And then he rolled away again, looking up only to see the beam disappear as something attacked the creature. At that point in time, he was not even sure of where his other companions were, or who had been responsible for that latest attack on that creature.

His eyes widened as the creature sent a barrage of missiles in his direction. "Guns Magic: Tornado Shot," he snapped, shooting a bullet from his right gun that turned into a tornado, sweeping up the energy bolts within it's winds and slamming into the creature. If it had been two shots fired from duel guns, it would have done a lot more damange to the creature, but as it stood, only half the damage would have been carried out with only one bullet. He was not sure how much manage the tornado and the energy blasts would have done to the creature.

Or at least most of the bolts had been caught up in the winds. Two of the bolts had been too far away from the tornado to be swept up in it's winds, and now the two bolts slammed directly into him with the force of five hammers. He let out a strangled yelp as pain wrecked his body, as he slammed into the wally directly behind him. His back was screaming in agony and he just barely remained standing, desperately trying to get his breath back. This was no joke. He was going to have to get serious now. "Guns Magic: Omnidirectional Expansion," he just barely managed to gasp out as he aimed both his pistols at the creature, letting loose two bullets at the same time. Both bullets directly multiplied into a whole field of bullets, aimed directly at the creature. As one of his mid-level moves, each bullet would have done a significant deal of damage if they had been able to hit.

The tornado and the bullets: he hoped it would be enough. Otherwise it would be time to pull out the big bombs.
Mysterious Woman

Science Laboratory

The creature let out another roar as it's attacks were dealt with. The biggest immediate threat was the sword-wielding mage however it was forced to protect itself as an artificial tornado swept towards it, carrying a destructive payload of it's very own magic. With it's wings out of commission the creature was forced to utilize another appendage, quickly spinning around and swiping it's tail in the direction of the tornado. An arc of energy was flung forward, impacting the tornado and detonating the energy projectiles held within. Completing it's spin it came back to face the sword mage once more, readying another attack when it was suddenly pelted by numerous rounds, each one punching through it's armored hide and riddling it with holes. A pained screech filled the room as the creature thrashed about.

The attack served as a wonderful distraction as the creature was too preoccupied to do anything about the incoming attack. Electricity coursed through it's body as it continued to thrash about, feeling a presence on the back of it's head. Another pained roar filled the room as the sword was driven into it's neck. It's thrashing served no purpose as it's life was soon brought to an end by the large blade of lightning that cleanly severed it's head from it's body. The hulking mass collapsed to the ground with a tremendous thud, the only life still lingering being the slight twitching of it's limbs. It was at that moment that a faint clapping sound could be heard from the wall behind the creature.

"I had such high exceptions for him and yet you three killed him with such ease." The woman pushed herself from the wall, giving a few more claps before folding her arms under her chest. "It would appear I still have much work to do. However I must thank you for the valuable data you provided me." She calmly made her way towards the carcass, the faint click of her shoes against the floor filling the now quiet room. Upon reaching the body she reached out, gently running her hand across the beast's skin. As she did this a large magic circle appeared on the ground beneath the creature, it's body slowly sinking into it as it vanished from view leaving Noah to stand solely on firm ground. With all trace of the creature gone she turned her attention back to the three mages, her gaze lingering on the man who ultimately felled her creation.

She held her gaze on the mage for a few moments before allowing a sigh to escape her lips as she turned her focus up towards the ceiling. "Given the situation elsewhere this facility is already lost. My attempt at subduing you was ultimately a worthless gesture. Such a pity, even with the data I collected this will still be a set-back." She brought her hand up to rest on her chin, looking down at the ground thoughtfully as she spoke. "Even so I can still make use of this, this is not a total loss." It was then that she looked back at the sword mage, entirely unconcerned with the proximity of the two. "I suppose it's only right that I answer your question. As the loser it is my obligation. Let's see.. You wanted your comrades, yes? I believe that was it."

She held her hand out, palm up as a small magic circle appeared in the air directly above her palm. A small blue crystal fell from the sigil into her hand which she promptly offered towards Noah. "For reasons I can not understand Grimoire Heart constructed this facility to be as maze-like as possible. For that reason it is far too cumbersome to give you directions. This crystal contains a map of the facility, you should be able to us it to locate the cells." With the facility guaranteed to fall if those magic signatures were anything to go by then rewarding her unwitting test subjects would do no harm. After all she was going to lose those captured mages anyways.

Mikado Saris - Dungeon

The force of the explosion sent her careening into the wall, her mouth agape in a pained expression as the wind was knocked out of her. She fell to the floor on her hands and knees, coughing violently as she tried to regain her breath. She shook her head before calling out in a strained voice. "I'm fine...!" Her attempt to reassure her comrade only brought on another violent fit of coughs as she struggled to her feet. Any sort of physical confrontation was way out of her comfort zone and even just that one hit left her entire body screaming in agony. Using the wall for support she turned her attention back to the creature, catching the tail-end of Lysanders attack as well as Noah's finishing move. She watched intently as the man outright severed the creature's head eliciting a smile from her. While getting hit did put a damper on her mood seeing the way the fight ended was a good way of counter-balancing it.

With the fight seemingly over she made her way towards Noah. While she had been fairly close to Noah for the majority of the fight she hadn't seen much of Lysander and was curious at how he was doing. As she approached the creature's body she looked around, finally spotting Lysander. He certainly looked like he'd seen better days, but then with how much the creature focused on him it wasn't exactly surprising. She flashed him an apologetic smile, figuring she probably should have been more aggressive to help keep the creature from focusing on Lysander so much. Regardless the fight was over and they were all alive, so that left just the strange woman.

She came to a stop next to Noah, the creature's body now gone and the woman offering some weird crystal to the man. Her grip on her rifle tightened as she couldn't help but be suspicious at how cooperative the woman was being. She looked up at Noah, then over at Lysander, not exactly sure how to handle the situation. For all they knew this could be some kind of trap or something. Was it really alright to trust someone just because they say they lost? Well one way or the other she wasn't about to have that responsibility on her hands. If it was a trap she firmly wanted the ability to ridicule whoever was responsible for getting them into it.

@Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder
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Salt Lord] [CENTER] [h][COLOR=#ff4da6]Alfie -- FT Guild Hall[/COLOR][/h] [/CENTER] [COLOR=#000000]Alfie smiled (again) and drank the last few drops of his signature drink before setting the empty mug on a nearby table and leaning back. The man before him didn't quite seem to smile or show any outward emotion said:


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Raa and Niur, Valuables Extraction Specialists For Hire

Raa closed off the corridor by bringing together the walls. There wasn't much to be done in a fight if he could be doing something else. Niur waved at him as he neared her. "So how'd the fight go?" She asked, prompting Raa to shrug. "Eh, ended it as fast as possible, I don't want to stay around in an open corridor for too long, might get ambushed." He said. They continued their journey through the halls and rooms until they came across a vault door. "Hmm, Ruin." Raa said. Ruin surfaced from Niur's mind and giddily planted her bombs at the seams and with a casual throw of a nearby rock the Gifts broke and blew the vault door off. Another gift flew in and exploded, draining away any magic that would've been in there.

"Well, well, well. It looks like we stumbled into the treasury." Raa stated as he peeked inside the room. Piles of precious metals, gems, and now drained artifacts littered the room in large heaps. "Niur we're rich!" Ruin cheered happily as she grabbed some gems and stuffed them into her pocket. Raa, being the smart person he was, started to work fast to loot. He approached the heaps of metals and found some titanium he could work with. The metal flowed into the shape of decently sized pushcarts and they started to take as much as they can.

Moments later, Raa and Ruin exited the treasury, whistling happily as they pushed their cart back to the entrance to hide it in something. Ruin tossed another Gift into the room as they left and set off all the other gifts, causing a chain reaction of explosions. They neared the part where the entrance and intended to park it right outside before heading back to help with the search.
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Kimberly Lock

It seemed that the sound had little affect on her opponent. Alright sound was off the table, Ayano could easily destroy the swarms. Time to take things in a more direct way. The spikes shot at her, but before they reached their mark Kim's barrier blocked the spikes. This slightly distracted her from Ayano gaining ground on her, the barrier went down as soon as she was about to take a slash at Kim. She caught the blood sword with her own, she looked down at the small female. With pure Posion in her mouth she yelled out "You blood sucking bitch! You hurt Eias!"

@Bolts @Jackaboi
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Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: Challenging opponents...

Some more bubbles... were they going to explode? Ayano would rather not take the chance, She tried to create as much ground as possible between her and the bubbles but little to her knowledge, Kimberly burst them herself and screams filled the room. They were really loud and hurt her ears but... She's somewhat used to them. Of course there is no need for an explanation why. "Heh... You two are pretty well coordinated... clearly this isn't your first time fighting together. You said your name is Kimberly right?" Even after suffering some damage to her ears Ayano's smile never moved. "Do you mind if I call you kim?" She sprinted towards Kim throwing blood spikes as she ran and created a copy of herself to fight the green haired mage too, of course since the real Ayano is fighting, her shadow won't be as effective but it should keep her mage busy while Ayano fights kim. She started laughing like a psychopath. "Now... let's have some fun shall we?"

purplepanda288 said:
Kimberly Lock

It seemed that the sound had little affect on her opponent. Alright sound was off the table, Ayano could easily destroy the swarms. Time to take things in a more direct way. The spikes shot at her, but before they reached their mark Kim's barrier blocked the spikes. This slightly distracted her from Ayano gaining ground on her, the barrier went down as soon as she was about to take a slash at Kim. She caught the blood sword with her own, desperately trying not to be over powered by the taller female. "You blood sucking bitch! You hurt Eias!"

@Bolts @Jackaboi
Oh sugar. She said to herself as she noticed the copy coming to her. The distance Kim put between them was just enough to prepair. She placed her flute on her lips as she aimed the end to the copy. She felt her magic drain quicker than normal but this was not a situation where she could continue doing the same moves. from the tip of her flute came foam. At first it started as a blob but soon came to be a large hand. Eias raised up her own fist and thrust it forward. The foam hand shot forward towards the clone.
Kayzo said:
Things had been going ok for Millie. Yes she had been caught and isolated from the others during the attempted escape. But really after that she was left alone, not bothered by the dark guild except for the occasional guard that passed by to see if she was still there. Although she was very nervous and scared, she remained rather calm on the outside. She knew that Valken would get to her any minute now/ No amount of mages would be able to get in-between him and her thanks to the power of love~. So there she sat in the corner of the cell, knees brought up tightly to her chest. She wondered what was going on with Sora, Lysander, and all of her other friends that were captured or searching. The blonde prayed that nothing bad befell them, especially little Sora. She was so young and innocent, nothing bad deserved to happen to her. Plus they'd have an angry Maya on their hands and all of Fiore would be in trouble. She'd probably tear up entire cities looking for her family.

Things went well until a lone guard stood in front of her cage and began chanting stuff. Millie didn't know what he was saying or trying to do, but it didn't take a fool to know that it was something bad. It only took a minute before darkness washed over her and she was out. When the mage woke up she was rather surprised to find herself chained up to a wall in almost nothing. The same guard from before was standing there with a rather cheeky, excited grin, and Millie knew what he planned on doing. When it clicked in her mind a loud screech came from her mouth. She really had nothing to lose by screaming as he'd do unspeakable things with her no matter what. She just hoped that she was lucky enough to be heard.
"What'd you do that for?" He snapped at her, getting up from his seat and stalking towards Millie, giving her a hard slap on the cheek. "You weren't supposed to scream that way. That really cut down my time with you, so that means I'll just have to start early." His own hand began to drift down her arm and onto her hip, but before he could actually do anything to her he disappeared into the shadows, the evil man replaced by a wonderful one. In the blink of an eye Millie found herself in the arms of Valken, her hands clutching tightly at the back of his shirt. She was so happy to finally be reunited with the man she loved, and he really came at the perfect time. "V-Valken!" She cried out, burying her face into his shoulder, trying to pull him closer. She had never been so happy to see him. "I knew you'd find me..."
Valken Truss

Team Bravado


The Shadow Mage couldn't believe after all the running around, all the chasing and mind numbing bad moments had finally ended and he had found Millie alive. That was honestly the thing that he was worried about the most, second to her being tortured or.... well luckily he had arrived when he had, a minute or two later and he would have walked in during or just after Option Three and that thought alone had his whole body tense up in a shaking rage, teeth gritted. But he took a huge, deep breath inwards to try and calm himself as he cradled her as close as he was able to, his arms a warm embrace to soothe her and keep her safe. As she tried to grasp at his shirt she may have realized he was wearing nothing but his pants and boots, not that it mattered. The skin on skin contact with her frame only cemented how much he had missed it and was glad it was safe with him again.

"... I'm sorry I couldn't have found you sooner..." He said in a deep voice right against her ear before squeezing his eyes and burying his face deep within the strands of her soft hair. "But I'm here now... I'll always find you...always." He moved his face then to bring his nose to brush and wash over her cheek before he slipped a hand up to cup at her face, bringing his mouth to her to kiss her. With an intensity he didn't realized he possessed. He broke away almost as quickly as he had kissed her, his deep purple eyes switching from one of hers to the other before he slipped his face up to kiss at her forehead tenderly. And without a word the Shadow Mage slung his daggers back into the holsters on his hips, before scooping her up in his strong hold, an arm under her knees and the other around her back, curling her very body in closer to his chest. He had nothing to offer her to re-clothe her just yet, but he hoped the hold might cover up her decency. Perhaps when he found Maya she could Illusion her something. At least to stop everyone else gawking at her, not that they would gawk long if he had anything to say about it.

And despite the turmoil of emotions he was already feeling, after seeing her in such a state and then removing the man to rescue her, the Shadow Mage couldn't help but briefly be smug at the thought that is was him and not that Casa-Noah that had saved her. Lord knows he'd never live it down then.... he slowly started to walk out of the room holding her close, seeing someone walking towards him through the sea of people.

A red-headed girl if he was not mistaken.

Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Team Bravado


The Shadow Mage couldn't believe after all the running around, all the chasing and mind numbing bad moments had finally ended and he had found Millie alive. That was honestly the thing that he was worried about the most, second to her being tortured or.... well luckily he had arrived when he had, a minute or two later and he would have walked in during or just after Option Three and that thought alone had his whole body tense up in a shaking rage, teeth gritted. But he took a huge, deep breath inwards to try and calm himself as he cradled her as close as he was able to, his arms a warm embrace to soothe her and keep her safe. As she tried to grasp at his shirt she may have realized he was wearing nothing but his pants and boots, not that it mattered. The skin on skin contact with her frame only cemented how much he had missed it and was glad it was safe with him again.

"... I'm sorry I couldn't have found you sooner..." He said in a deep voice right against her ear before squeezing his eyes and burying his face deep within the strands of her soft hair. "But I'm here now... I'll always find you...always." He moved his face then to bring his nose to brush and wash over her cheek before he slipped a hand up to cup at her face, bringing his mouth to her to kiss her. With an intensity he didn't realized he possessed. He broke away almost as quickly as he had kissed her, his deep purple eyes switching from one of hers to the other before he slipped his face up to kiss at her forehead tenderly. And without a word the Shadow Mage slung his daggers back into the holsters on his hips, before scooping her up in his strong hold, an arm under her knees and the other around her back, curling her very body in closer to his chest. He had nothing to offer her to re-clothe her just yet, but he hoped the hold might cover up her decency. Perhaps when he found Maya she could Illusion her something. At least to stop everyone else gawking at her, not that they would gawk long if he had anything to say about it.

And despite the turmoil of emotions he was already feeling, after seeing her in such a state and then removing the man to rescue her, the Shadow Mage couldn't help but briefly be smug at the thought that is was him and not that Casa-Noah that had saved her. Lord knows he'd never live it down then.... he slowly started to walk out of the room holding her close, seeing someone walking towards him through the sea of people.

A red-headed girl if he was not mistaken.

Tanari Varos - Dungeon

She made her way down the corridor, one hand tucked away in her pants pocket while the other was busy scratching the back of her head as she looked around. The shadow mage couldn't have gone that far, it was a fairly linear corridor after all. Maybe he was just a really fast runner or something, or he found some secret entrance that she passed. Her mind started to trail off on thoughts of getting lost alone inside Grimoire Heart's base. She certainly had no idea how to get out of there and based on what she'd seen thus far it seemed the dark guild wasn't exactly keen on straight forward design. She dropped her free hand to her side as a frustrated groan slipped past her lips. As if summoned by her own agitation she heard the sound of footsteps ahead of and lo and behold, there was the shadow mage she was after. Upon closer inspection it became apparent that the man wasn't alone and was in fact carrying a rather under-dressed woman in his arms.

As she neared the two she came to a stop, looking the woman over from head to toe. "I see you rescued another one..." Given the way he was holding her and treating her it seemed like she wasn't some random somebody he picked up. Did he say he was looking for someone specific? She brought her free hand up to her chin, tilting her head slightly as she tried to remember if any of her rescuers made mention of it. After a few moments she shrugged and let her hand return to her side. If they did say something she didn't remember it, so it probably wasn't important anyways. "If you'd like some alone time I can always go back and help the others." She thumbed over her shoulder back down the corridor, the faint sounds of battle gently echoing throughout the halls.
Lysander Connell

Creepy Room


It was over. Lysander sagged, sinking to the ground on his knees, just barely able to prop himself up with his hands, which were still holding his pistols in something akin to a death grip. His body was wracked with pain, and for a moment he could only slump there, desperately forcing breath into his lungs, focusing on one breath after another. That was all he could focus on at that point in time, to just keep breathing, even as he watched the strange woman hand Noah something. That, at least, forced him to his feet. The woman was still a threat, and he still breathed, and he still had his grip on his guns. It did not matter that he staggered like a drunk man as he made his way over to the two of them, using his left arm to prop himself up against the wall. At least he could still move. And he could still fight, if the situation called for it. He had not even gone all out against the creature; he had not even used his highest level spells yet.

Much to his relief, he spotted Mikado soon enough. She looked pretty injured as well, but she was alive, and she was smiling in his direction, so his lips quirked upwards in response as well. He had not even been able to focus on Mikado or Noah; he was too busy trying to defend himself against the creature's onslaught, which had been directed mainly at him for some reason. Noah was still alive too, and Lysander could only assume that he had struck the killing blow; either that or the bullets had, or perhaps it was ultimately both that felled the creature. He had no way of telling, as there was no trace of the creature left.

Soon, he joined Mikado at Noah's side, facing off against the strange woman. His guns were still gripped at his sides, any strange move on her part and his guns would be the first thing up. He did not think it was necessary though, the woman had conceded her defeat, and she was now handing over what was, according to her, a map of the facility. He paid careful attention as she mentioned the cells. So in the end, they had succeeded after all in getting a map. Somewhat. They still had to navigate the place, and there was no telling whether the traps showed up on the map. They would still have to proceed cautiously. But at least they now knew in which direction to proceed cautiously in.

He let out a breath. "Thank you," he said finally, the exhaustion showing through it.

@Colt556 @Embaga Elder
Ayano Soru: Slashing and stabbing

Oh! It seems Kim knows her way with a sword! This just becomes more fun with each passing minute! "Eias? So that's your friend's name? Well I'll be sure to remember it. Also I believe it was my intention to hurt her... Why? You feeling left out? I can chop off a few of your limbs if you like!" The clone wouldn't be able to do much except dodge and throw in a few occasional punches. If Ayano wasn't busy focusing on Kim then maybe the clone would've beat Eias by now. It saw the giant foam hand flying towards it and jumped out the way to deliver a quick kick to Eias. Ayano probably shouldn't be toying with them but this is pretty amusing, either way at least the clone won't let any of the mages out f their cage. Ayano pushed herself away from Kim using her sword but went dashing back in with the point of her blade aiming for the mage attempting to stab her.

[QUOTE="Abdel featherfall]View attachment 318448
Shiro tilted his head ever so slightly at the man as if reading him. He knew the line of questioning wasn't genuine interest. Nobody who smiles that much to someone whom they just met is ever genuine. However his composure remained and he leaned one elbow on the table. " I just came from the capital on a delivery actually. Apparently there's a Spook from the special regiment in town, dunno why though." His words came easily. All a complete lie, however he delivered it in the same manner that he has said everything else before without any real difference.

Shiro put down a couple of coins and took the drink he had ordered a moment ago, however he didn't drink from it quite yet. His eyes flicked from the mug to the man infront of him. " What do you do within the guild?" He asked inquiring about his roll with a level of interest Equal to Alfies own interest in other lands. That is to say very little. His heels rested on the cross bar connecting his chairs legs as he twisted slightly to face him a bit more directly.

Alfie scanned for legitimate interest in the man's voice and, unsurprisingly, found none. Who would be interested in a conversation so simple...? Of course, he wasn't going to end it any time soon, as it was better than doing nothing but looking at the unfamiliar emptiness of the Guild Hall. "A Spook...? I don't get around much, so could you explain to me what that is...? And... well." The mage paused for a moment to look down into his mug, hoping there was some liquid, any liquid in there so he had an excuse to pause more often. There was none, obviously, so Alfie would have to resort to glancing at other things.

"All I do is sit around in this very chair and silently judge my other guild mates. When there is hardly anyone around to judge, I sit here and think about things other than judging. Things like if there are tiny universes in the air particles we breathe, with a countless number of Earth Lands where different events took place. Questioning the integrity of reality, for short. What do you do outside of delivering for the capital?"
Eias saw how the clone dodged her large foam hand. That was alright though. She grinned to herself as she flicked her fingers just ever so slightly. The Foam hand was now on course to punch the real Ayano. As Eias was concentrating on getting it to move right, she didn't have time to account for the clone coming to kick her. She took a swift kick right to the stomach. You could hear her as the air from her lungs escaped and desperately trying to make it come back. She was sent backwards tumbling on the ground and struggling to get up. Her shaky hands and the spittle around her lips were proof enough she wasn't much of a fighter. Spit? She thought to herself as she felt it. She hatched a plan in that moment. First, she blew two mirror bubbles. She kept one by her side as the other flew up in the air. Now she had a 360 degree view of everything around her.

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto (???)-



Ryu felt his blade connect with the siren's shoulder and barely managed to dodge her claws, his kimono as well as the top of his skin being slashed. He kicked off the ground, leaping backwards and readying his blade once again. Who the hell did this siren think she was dealing with? An amateur? "Do you think my words to be hollow, demon?" He asked coldly, sending an icy glare towards the siren. "I have fought many immortals throughout my journey. To me, you are the most recent in a long line of many others. Just another zero among a sea of zeroes." While his words were not overtly false, they weren't necessarily one hundred percent true. He'd only managed to find a few immortals along his travels, and most of them had been by chance. However, he had still learned a great deal from those fights, and he was well versed on tactics against immortals. He took a deep breath, calming both his mind and body, before charging back towards the siren. However, just before he reached her, he leaped upwards, jumping almost all the way to the ceiling of the dome. He extended his blade, pointing it directly at the siren's feet, and a large jet of flame erupted from the ground underneath her. "Heaven's Warmth: Pillar of Flame"

Draneri - The Siren


The Siren had a weird shiver roll down over her entire frame as this Red-Haired Sword wielding mage jumped backwards out of reach of a heavy hit from her claws. A flesh wound and nothing more. Disappointed, at least at first, but this Prey was proving to be a good deal faster then she had first anticipated. Faster and stronger. While it
was a nuisance she couldn't help but get excited. After all killing a skillful Prey was far more exciting then one that would automatically bow down to her feet. And this one had practice killing Immortals? Well that was interesting. Siren's as a whole didn't live for very long, most only till 50 years or so, getting caught in a stupid situation with no escape. But she was no Junior. And his threats did little to faze her. "Ahh... fought many Immortals? Alas you probably have.... but you have yet to face me, Prey." She said in that condescending tone with a breath that was partially laced with yellow. Rage. Designed to try and rile him up, flare his angry, so that he might become slack and disorientated.

She watched him idly as he sprung up right to the top of the doom Adrian had created, wings already snapping out at a fast pace to ready herself for an attack, and attack he did. She felt the resurgence of Magic in the very air beneath her, not knowing he was capable of flame based attacks and only assuming his strength lay in that long Sword of his. The Siren had literally moments to leap backwards with a heavy flap of her wings to dodge it, feeling the very heat itself wash over her front and face, wincing as the heat was intense. Even burning her skin despite not being encased in it. She missed but only narrowly, though now she was behind the pillar the very edges of her dress starting to burn and singe. The Siren drew her Raven wings back before throwing them down and to the side creating a huge gust of wind in the process that snuffed the very pillar out.

"I certainly hope you have more to offer then that, young Prey." She teased, finger to her chin as a soft merry laugh escaped her lips. Out of place except knowing her personality and calm soothing nature to ensnare her enemies. "Is it my turn then?" She whispered almost with a yawn, her clothing barely holding together but her skin already completely healed to it's normal creamy complexion. She tilted her head back and filled her lungs with air, wings stretching high behind her, before throwing them down along with letting out another huge Screech. "Sonic Boom!" She called, though this was far stronger with the combined action of her wings as a huge rounded headed blast rocked straight for him that was birthed literally from her entire frame. 6' tall and 5' wide at least.

Unfortunately the structural integrity of the Corridor was shaking and groaning under the sheer weight of the physical Magical presence of the energies here, and the constant physical use of The Siren's voice was sending the walls and roof to shake and crack slowly, pieces starting to break away and fall down as a sickening sound of walls loosing their strength was starting to echo to all except the two far to busy fighting within the Arcane Dome.

@Mitchs98 @Isune @Zareh @Necr0Danc3r @purplepanda288 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey

Colt556 said:
Mysterious WomanScience Laboratory

The creature let out another roar as it's attacks were dealt with. The biggest immediate threat was the sword-wielding mage however it was forced to protect itself as an artificial tornado swept towards it, carrying a destructive payload of it's very own magic. With it's wings out of commission the creature was forced to utilize another appendage, quickly spinning around and swiping it's tail in the direction of the tornado. An arc of energy was flung forward, impacting the tornado and detonating the energy projectiles held within. Completing it's spin it came back to face the sword mage once more, readying another attack when it was suddenly pelted by numerous rounds, each one punching through it's armored hide and riddling it with holes. A pained screech filled the room as the creature thrashed about.

The attack served as a wonderful distraction as the creature was too preoccupied to do anything about the incoming attack. Electricity coursed through it's body as it continued to thrash about, feeling a presence on the back of it's head. Another pained roar filled the room as the sword was driven into it's neck. It's thrashing served no purpose as it's life was soon brought to an end by the large blade of lightning that cleanly severed it's head from it's body. The hulking mass collapsed to the ground with a tremendous thud, the only life still lingering being the slight twitching of it's limbs. It was at that moment that a faint clapping sound could be heard from the wall behind the creature.

"I had such high exceptions for him and yet you three killed him with such ease." The woman pushed herself from the wall, giving a few more claps before folding her arms under her chest. "It would appear I still have much work to do. However I must thank you for the valuable data you provided me." She calmly made her way towards the carcass, the faint click of her shoes against the floor filling the now quiet room. Upon reaching the body she reached out, gently running her hand across the beast's skin. As she did this a large magic circle appeared on the ground beneath the creature, it's body slowly sinking into it as it vanished from view leaving Noah to stand solely on firm ground. With all trace of the creature gone she turned her attention back to the three mages, her gaze lingering on the man who ultimately felled her creation.

She held her gaze on the mage for a few moments before allowing a sigh to escape her lips as she turned her focus up towards the ceiling. "Given the situation elsewhere this facility is already lost. My attempt at subduing you was ultimately a worthless gesture. Such a pity, even with the data I collected this will still be a set-back." She brought her hand up to rest on her chin, looking down at the ground thoughtfully as she spoke. "Even so I can still make use of this, this is not a total loss." It was then that she looked back at the sword mage, entirely unconcerned with the proximity of the two. "I suppose it's only right that I answer your question. As the loser it is my obligation. Let's see.. You wanted your comrades, yes? I believe that was it."

She held her hand out, palm up as a small magic circle appeared in the air directly above her palm. A small blue crystal fell from the sigil into her hand which she promptly offered towards Noah. "For reasons I can not understand Grimoire Heart constructed this facility to be as maze-like as possible. For that reason it is far too cumbersome to give you directions. This crystal contains a map of the facility, you should be able to us it to locate the cells." With the facility guaranteed to fall if those magic signatures were anything to go by then rewarding her unwitting test subjects would do no harm. After all she was going to lose those captured mages anyways.

Mikado Saris - Dungeon

The force of the explosion sent her careening into the wall, her mouth agape in a pained expression as the wind was knocked out of her. She fell to the floor on her hands and knees, coughing violently as she tried to regain her breath. She shook her head before calling out in a strained voice. "I'm fine...!" Her attempt to reassure her comrade only brought on another violent fit of coughs as she struggled to her feet. Any sort of physical confrontation was way out of her comfort zone and even just that one hit left her entire body screaming in agony. Using the wall for support she turned her attention back to the creature, catching the tail-end of Lysanders attack as well as Noah's finishing move. She watched intently as the man outright severed the creature's head eliciting a smile from her. While getting hit did put a damper on her mood seeing the way the fight ended was a good way of counter-balancing it.

With the fight seemingly over she made her way towards Noah. While she had been fairly close to Noah for the majority of the fight she hadn't seen much of Lysander and was curious at how he was doing. As she approached the creature's body she looked around, finally spotting Lysander. He certainly looked like he'd seen better days, but then with how much the creature focused on him it wasn't exactly surprising. She flashed him an apologetic smile, figuring she probably should have been more aggressive to help keep the creature from focusing on Lysander so much. Regardless the fight was over and they were all alive, so that left just the strange woman.

She came to a stop next to Noah, the creature's body now gone and the woman offering some weird crystal to the man. Her grip on her rifle tightened as she couldn't help but be suspicious at how cooperative the woman was being. She looked up at Noah, then over at Lysander, not exactly sure how to handle the situation. For all they knew this could be some kind of trap or something. Was it really alright to trust someone just because they say they lost? Well one way or the other she wasn't about to have that responsibility on her hands. If it was a trap she firmly wanted the ability to ridicule whoever was responsible for getting them into it.

@Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder
Noah Cross


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n3264wY2Pe1sq911yo2_500.gif.0e06f4396f6b29d3e09adf819e6e610f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144368" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n3264wY2Pe1sq911yo2_500.gif.0e06f4396f6b29d3e09adf819e6e610f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah grinned as his attack was a success, killing the monster with a clean decapitation. When his attack died down he places his sword on his shoulder and sits down on the creature, relaxing. Though when the creature's body collapsed to the ground he did bounce up a bit, falling back on the creatures body still sitting. He turned his head towards the clapping noise, remembering that the sexy scientist was still here. He stood back up looking down at her as she clapped and spoke, raising an eyebrow questioning the valuable data part. As the monster's body sunk into the magic circle, Noah stood on top until it was completely gone and he was on the ground. He removed the sword from his shoulder placing it in front of him and jamming it into the ground, placing his hands on the hilt. As the scientist spoke Noah's eyes wondered examining the scientist frame from head to toe. His most favorable feature on her is her eyes. It "sadden" him that she was affiliated with a dark guild, so he couldn't at least get to any type of base without think she'll try to kill him without hesitation. Sad.

His comrades gathered around both looking at the scientist, both ready to shoot if something goes down. Noah smiles and sticks his right hand out grabbing the crystal. Thank you. Noah turned towards Lysander and holding out the crystal to him. Here go find your people, I'm going back up to see if there's anyone else who needs help. He grabs his sword, pulling it out the ground, then exits his Baal take over in a lightning blue light. He sheathes his sword walking back to the hole they fell in. Reaching the hole Noah looks up. His body starts glowing as he enters his Zepar take over form. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Zepar_Djinn_Equip_Full.png.ed1ca2bdd3c47682ba77eb61be17d977.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144289" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Zepar_Djinn_Equip_Full.png.ed1ca2bdd3c47682ba77eb61be17d977.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Noah ascends up the hole landing on the other side. Alright let's see what's going on. He starts walking through the maze using Zepar's passive ability of extreme hearing. Using this ability he hears, gears from active traps, Maya's footsteps, and Valken's voice. Hmm interesting he's already found his girlfriend. Though throughout the various sounds, one stood out. A loud screech. Noah flaps his wings rising him off the floor then flies in the direction of the screech. Flying down any corridor he has to in order to reach his destination.

Reaching his destination, two things caught his eye. One of them was a fine siren fighting the kimono dude he say before, he second thing was Chris crying over you Kelica. A bright green light emits from his body as he turns back to normal. He looks at the siren spotting out her hair and eye features. Both were similar to Noah's, purple hair and golden eyes. Never have he's seen anyone like that before. He then looks at Chris crying over a bleeding Kelica. Normally he would've helped the kimono guy fight the siren, but the wounded was more important. By the amount of blood on the ground, it was only safe for him to assume the she lost a lot of it. He rushed over towards Kelica, moving Chris out the way.
Damn I wished I actually found Phenex. As he looks at her wound, he grows angry at the fact that this was caused by the one who's suppose to protect her, but a theory also forms in his head. He lifts Kelica up off the floor holding her wound. He turns towards the siren. Nice body. He then looks up. Bararaq. A lightning blue spell appears over his head, then a lightning bolt strikes him transporting him someplace else. Another lightning bolt strikes at the entrance of the forest. As the smoke clears Noah is revealed holding Kelica. He rushes over towards the nearest tree and places her on the ground. He places both of her hands on the tree, and stands back hoping he's theory will work.

@Isune @Huor Spinks @Colt556 @Zuka



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Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Tunnels


As Maya's combat interaction came to a not so surprising conclusion, Sora had looked up towards Hibiki, almost prideful. It wasn't in a sense that was boastful, she simply felt proud to be so close to such an amazing woman, and Maya certainly was nothing short of that. The layers of emotions she'd cemented onto her face previously had dissipated as tears began to build up with the threat of spilling over. A hasty need to be close to the woman brought her stumbling forward, arms outstretched to catch onto Maya's waist whilst those arms proceeded to wrap themselves there for stability and comfort. It was a consoling moment, face burying into her gown as she tried desperately to wipe away the dampness that had come to stain her pale cheeks.

A few minutes passed as she held onto the Saint, motionless, breathing slowly coming to a steady rhythm with each impending addition of weight that came with the eerie silence. "
I was afraid I wouldn't get to tell you how much you mean to me. You're like... " Her words trailed off then, vaguely muffled by the material brushing against her lips, but still comprehensible. Both hues slid upwards to rest upon Maya's face as she pulled away only enough to accomplish this, tears began to well up once more though these ones were not characterized with fear but instead with an overwhelming happiness. " I love you, Maya. You're like a mother to me. " A smile spread itself across her face, so wide in fact that her eyes were forced closed, cheeks lightly being sprinkled with a tint of pink.

Those arms tightened for a moment before she took a hesitant step back and peered around the dungeon, only pausing for a moment to stare at the cell she'd recently occupied with a hint of disdain. A light throb brought her wandering attention to the wound on her head and with it her fingers followed suit, lightly tugging the cloth she'd wound there off completely and depositing it carelessly upon the ground. A green light began to emit from her tiny frame before the entirety of the slayers body was covered in it. It slowly subsided to a dull aura within seconds and then disappeared, taking the wound she'd acquired with it. Her small hands curled into fists, clearly satisfied with the success, as she turned to the two with a beaming smile and began walking down the dark corridor the way Maya had entered. She even detoured over to the side a bit so she could childishly hop over Rodwen's body, grinning down at her and procuring a wink as well.

C'mon, we have to find the others! " Her voice called out to them, filled with determination since now she could finally do something about the situation at hand. Being stuck behind those bars had given her one of the worst possible feelings; helplessness. Her almost silent footsteps came to a standstill suddenly, eyes flashing as concern washed over her. " Do you know if Lysander is here? " She inquired towards Maya, almost afraid of the answer. It's not that she didn't think he was capable of fending for himself, it was the sheer idea of anything happening to him that trickled immobilizing fear into her mind. No, if he is here then he certainly didn't come alone and he'll be okay.. She thought optimistically, steps beginning once again with a sense of haste to them as she circled around to grab Maya's hand and literally drag her down the tunnel.

As they walked, Sora's gaze slid over to peer at Hibiki , grinning with her canine-like teeth visible. "
You were super brave and composed! I'm so glad you got pushed up to S-Rank, you deserve it Hibiki, you only proved that more today. We will have to team up sometime if Lyra would stop hogging you! " Sora let out a small laugh that echoed through the caverns surrounding them. It was completely like her to find reasons to smile and laugh even in the darkest of situations and she only hoped that it'd provide solace of some sort. Her footsteps slowed when they came to a split off in the tunnels but didn't come to a full halt until the very last second, eyes narrowing as she concentrated.

There's a lot of commotion coming from both passageways. Which way do you want to go? " Her fingers squeezed Maya's lightly as she spoke. " Something strange is in the air that way... " She pointed to the right with her free hand before slipping it to the left and continuing. " And a blanketing quiet that way but the air is thicker. " That was all that the slayer could pick up, the many maze like tunnels dampening her enhanced abilities to almost being ineffective; almost.

@LeSoraAmari @Huor Spinks (mention)

Maya Morne

-Dungeon Corridor-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.30eec4398dddb545a5f36302ec5a7642.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.30eec4398dddb545a5f36302ec5a7642.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

For a brief moment, the trio silently grew to a halt and stood there in an eerie silence. Sounds of battle and cries of pain screeching through the entire complex and dragging a rather demented aura with it. It was by all means unpleasant, however the woman knew that she had to endure. With a smile on her face, she gazed at Sora briefly as the blue haired dragon slayer then rushed towards her and wrapped her arms around her waist almost like a child, bringing her into an embrace, Maya too wrapped her arms around the girl. "I'm just so relived to find you okay and unharmed." It was in that moment that Sora old the woman that she was like a mother to her, which resulted in Maya smiling kindly at the girl. Her love for the girl was near unrivalled, and the Saint was glad that Sora said what she did- it meant that she was doing a good job. But to Maya, it meant so much more than that.

For a moment, Maya looked around at the scenery before the three, especially the two separate pathways that both undoubtedly led to different places. Sora was the first to point out the unnerving and thick blanketing of unkind air that Maya herself had noticed minutes ago, and much like herself, Sora wanted to investigate it. "The commotion coming from both passageways will obviously lead us into some kind of battle, so be ready for combat." With a sigh, the woman closed her eyes before continuing, "Some of your friends may also be injured, facing opponents such as the scum of Grimoire Heart injury is only inevitable." Before she could say anything else, Maya felt a sheer magical pressure tearing away at the very stone that held this complex in place. Judging from it's aura, it was a relatively high and belonged to a Mage of A-Class calibur. "We should hurry." She said simply, before placing her hands at her front and waiting for the two S-Class mage's to make their move.

Hibiki Dreyar

-Dungeon Corridor-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.8d030cbb7729cd878a4a85900ad5b380.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144412" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.8d030cbb7729cd878a4a85900ad5b380.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hibiki couldn't help but smile at Sora as she spoke, the blue haired girl in complete awe with the Wizard Saint present. It was as if the dragon slayer was in some kind of hypnotic trance, but it was nice to finally see the girl with a happy look on her face rather than one filled with despair. The man would be lying if Sora's glum look whilst in the cells didn't bother him even in the slightest way, as it did. The girl certainly did keep her cool though, and that in itself was a major accomplishment that he'd most definitely reward her for when they got back to Magnolia. As the S-Class Mage stood there silently, watching Sora and Maya's reunion with a happy smile on his face, he smiled when Sora proceeded to praise him for acting so calmly and composed. Smiling at the blue haired girl, Hibiki spoke with a kind and thankful tone in his voice. "There's no need to thank me, I was just acting accordingly. I did want to snap her spine in two you know". He said, chuckling as he did so. It was in that moment that he felt a strong magical presence in the air and a loud screech coming from one of the pathways, the ground and ceiling around him began to shake and even crack in some places. Sighing, Hibiki turned to Maya and Sora. "With that in mind, I feel like we should go that way. And I feel like we should move with haste, so let's go." As Hibiki started to walk once more, he held a smile on his face as he slowly walked down the corridor, knowing that Sora and Maya would follow behind him.



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Chris Lengheart(Kelica...no, my guildmates!)

Chris continued trying to keep Kelica alive with what little tools he had at his disposal. That was when another mage moved Chris off to the side and picked up Kelica. He had to be using some kind of takeover magic, but before Chris could say anything they had both vanished to Fiore knows where. He wanted to follow, he wanted to be sure that Kelica would be okay, but that's when the walls started shaking.

Chris looked up and saw a few small pebbles drop down from the ceiling. That's when the realization hit him, this place was going to collapse if he, or anyone else didn't do something soon. Thinking quickly, Chris took over his centaur form and got to work on keeping this place from going out on everyone. With a forceful upward push of his arms, multiple pillars formed that touched the roof of the cave while some formed the touched the side walls of the cave. At this point, Chris had reinforced the cave but had yet to know if it would hold or not. All the magic he used to create all of these pillars had honestly drained Chris as he released the takeover.

At this point, Chris sat down on the ground and caught his breath. His newly created support beams seemed to be holding, for how long? Chris had no clue. He looked over to the arcane barrier and watched Ryu attempt to kill the siren. Who knew what that crazy bitch would try next. Chris stared down at his own body as things seemed to be calming down. Right away, he noticed all the blood that had stained his body. It was on his hands, chest, and his upper legs. This, was a constant reminder that he had almost killed the one he loved...not just that, a guildmate, a friend. Chris just hoped that she could forgive him, he should of be mentally prepared...he should of known!

First and foremost, Chris needed to worry about his guildmates and the others. Afterwords, Chris could figure out where Kelica and that over mage went. It was clear that he wasn't going to hurt her, but where could he have possibly taken her?

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @Zareh @Necr0Danc3r @purplepanda288 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Embaga Elder
Kelica Zefara


Kelica was slipping away she could feel it, the coldness was almost soothing in a way like it could simply take the pain away. Her own body seemed to call out to her, to beg her to simply close her eyes and rest. Rest forever, it seemed to say. Let the pain be no more. And she wanted to. Her very heart seemed to be slowing down and sounds were all distorted. Like the world was playing in a monotone and the volume was set very low. Sounds surrounding her were slurred almost out of time with the rest of what was happening. Was that the sounds though or her own head starting to loose control. Again she had that weird sense of weightlessly but by then she honestly couldn't tell what gravity was going. Her legs and arms dangling as her head cradled back in a limp fashion. Long curls of blonde hair almost brushing the ground now.

And then a thunder clap.

This made her eyebrows push down a fraction though her eyes remained closed, the loud noise enough to keep her just out of that deep dark pit that beckoned closer, keeping her here in agony. But then something started to happen. She felt a warm breeze blow through her hair, a very recognizable scent wafting through her nose... flowers; Rose's, Marigolds and Lavender. The voices started up, keeping her with it, whispering in a soft tone. Many voices that were laying over one another, almost leap frogging to the point it was hard to distinguish one from the other.

Our Queen~

Our beautiful Queen~

It is not time~

You can not leave~

You must stay~

You must nurture us~

Us and them~

All of us~

They need you~

We need you~

Stay Queen~

Please, stay~

The second she was laid under the tree with fingers resting weakly against a giant Tree Root half exposed from the ground, the voices halted. Then a loud creak and groaning as the huge tree itself had long tendrils of vines and branches that swung down. The vines slipped in around the girl, coiling about her frame that may have seemed disturbing or aggressive to an outsider, but instead the tree was simply cradling her petite frame. Pulling her limp body up into the air as wide drooping leaves draped over the very wound on her neck. The Forest had a vast energy source to tap into, that Kelica was able to tap into on a daily basis. The Forest shared it's very life energy within itself. Plants died, there nutrients soaking the soil to be absorbed by other plants and so the cycle continues. Thin green tendrils coiling about her wrists, palms and fingers as they dangled down. And then her necklace started a soft green glow. The intensity growing with each passing second with an equal green glow that seemed to be coming from her very palms.

Even the wound on her neck was visibly tightening, muscles and tendons strengthening and drawing together as blood clotted, skin scarring at first before even the scar soon healed and left her with almost pristine skin once more but still shredded and torn clothing. After a few moments, the tree groaned and very gently placed the blonde girl's limp frame before Noah's feet. Her eyes still closed though her facial expression was more serene then carved in agony. The forest did all it was capable of doing, the question was now if she could be woken up. Her heart beat weak but still there and a shallow breath still flowing through her lungs.

@Isune @Embaga Elder
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Jackaboi said:
Eric: Hey! Who put that barrier there!?

Eric was kicked away from the Siren by the same kid again. "Seriously do you not know how to give up?" He then asked what Eric would know about a crappy past. Even if it was just for a few seconds Eric made a surprisingly serious face "What do I know about a crappy past...? Buddy... Crappy Isn't a strong enough word do describe mines..." Although he was interrupted by some kind of barrier pushing him aside. From where he was standing he could see that kimono guy from before charging at the Siren. "Sirens are immortal creatures... Can he really take one down?" Even though Eric had his doubts, it's not like he could do anything else but root for him at this point. But as for the kid... "Hey! You said you never shy away from a fight? That's pretty big talk coming from a brat like you, but I can respect that. Oh well... no more holding back on both sides." Eric gestured the kid towards him challenging him. "Give it your worst."

Ayano Soru: Oh... So we have two playmates then!

Well looks like this'll be twice as fun! Despite being pretty much tackled Ayano was having a good time. Upon making contact with the ground all Ayano did was look at the green haired mage right in the eye's as she smiled. "So I'm guessing you're supposed to free the mages while your friend distracted me..." She looked at the bubbles floating towards the cells. Ayano threw her blood spikes making it look like they were going to hit the mages but they were actually aiming for the bubble's. They exploded far before reaching the cells leaving them perfectly intact. "You know had you ignored your friend you could have saved the others pretty easily. Why did you come back I wonder? Oh well too late now... Time to die!" She formed a sword made out of blood and started slashing at the bubble mage in a wild yet controlled manner while laughing uncontrollably.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Zareh @Necr0Danc3r @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Bolts (Sorry this post is MUCH later than I intended it to be... if there's anything I missed let me know and I'll fix it when I can)

Ethan:Grimoire Heart

"I suppose it's time I should then." Ethan said, sighing. It was unavoidable now, her have to finish this. Ethan pushed off and dashed toward Eric quicker than before and punched out with his left hand. As it made contact with Eric's armored form, a more subtle use of Ethan's magic allowed three force of the blow to bypass the form's scaly armor, redirecting it to the innermost, fleshy, skin layer. Ethan might not have been the strongest person physically, but anyone would feel a blow if it went directly to their muscles .
Noah Cross

Forest Entrance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/magi_aos_46__sinbad_by_ar_ua-d8gt8f6.jpg.b3def725df4fb2e0c01885926edcf89c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/magi_aos_46__sinbad_by_ar_ua-d8gt8f6.jpg.b3def725df4fb2e0c01885926edcf89c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah took another step back when long tendrils of vines and branches came down from the tree. He watched in awe as the vines coiled her body and lifted her into the air. He smiled as he saw his theory working right before his eyes. The bright glowing green lights forced Noah to slightly cover his eyes with his hand. When the process was over, Noah placed his hand at his side and looked down at Kelica, smiling. He looks up at the trees, with the same smile. I think I speak for the Fairy Tail guild and her friends when I say thank you for saving her. He said thanking the forest. Noah then sits down on the ground facing the town, and places his sword down next to him. He maneuvers his and Kelica's body so she'll be laying down with her head rested against his stretched out legs. He placed a hand on her neck checking for her pulse. Weak but it's there. He leans back against the tree, and looks down at Kelica placing a hand on her forehead. Hey Forest Girl, I don't know if you can hear me, but just rest for now. You've been through a lot, you deserve some rest.




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Necr0Danc3r said:

Ethan:Grimoire Heart

"I suppose it's time I should then." Ethan said, sighing. It was unavoidable now, her have to finish this. Ethan pushed off and dashed toward Eric quicker than before and punched out with his left hand. As it made contact with Eric's armored form, a more subtle use of Ethan's magic allowed three force of the blow to bypass the form's scaly armor, redirecting it to the innermost, fleshy, skin layer. Ethan might not have been the strongest person physically, but anyone would feel a blow if it went directly to their muscles .
Eric: This place ain't gonna last much longer.

Eric could hear the walls rumbling and shaking, pebbles and a few occasional rocks were falling from the roof, there's no doubt about it, this corridors about to collapse. He noticed that Chris finally came to his senses and decided to do something about the unstable walls by lifting pillars from the ground. Sure it may work but for how long? The kid attacked with more speed than before, looks like he's finally gotten serious. Although unexpectedly he managed to punch through Eric's scales directly applying the force to the muscles instead. He coughed a little blood from the force but it's gonna take a lot more than that to take him down.

"Heh... You know scales don't JUST make good armour..." Eric clasped both his hands together and slammed them right on the back of the kids neck. Even if that doesn't knock him out it's sure to stun him for a little while. Using this chance he shouted across the corridor trying to grab everyone's attention. "Listen! This place ain't gonna stay up forever, we should get outta this corridor right now!" He looked down at the kid staring him right in the eye's for a moment. On any other circumstance Eric would run too but he'd sooner die than turn his back on a challenge. "I'm gonna stay behind for a while. I got something to settle with this kid... Don't worry I don't plan on dying anytime soon. I'll catch up later." He turned his attention to the kid once again. "Hey! What's your name? I don't wanna have to constantly call ya kid."

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Zareh @Necr0Danc3r @purplepanda288 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Embaga Elder
Mysterious Woman

Science Laboratory

With the hand-off completed she once again folded her arms under her chest, watching the trio with a blank expression upon her face. Her stoic features were chipped away slightly as she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as the sword-wielding mage quickly passed the crystal off and took off in a hurry. It was odd indeed that he would so readily abandon his comrades, did he not think her a threat? Probably. Most assumed her only power lay in her creations. Alas now was not the time to prove the man wrong as these were not the only intruders. Once the purple-haired man was fully gone she turned her gaze back onto the two injured mages before her. "It truly is a shame your friends have caused such havoc elsewhere, I could have made great use of you."

It was then that she abruptly turned her back on the duo, walking a few paces to a nearby table. "But then again I suppose they already helped enough. Either way Lucian will have to reimburse me for this." As she reached the table she began to pick out pieces of paper and equipment, tossing things to and fro as she searched for something. After a few moments the sound of shattering glass and fluttering paper came to an end as she let out a small 'Aha!' and plucked a baseball sized glowing gem from beneath the mess. After obtaining the item she looked up towards the ceiling once again, a small frown curling across her lips. Paying the two remaining mages no heed she held her free hand before her. A sizeable magic circle appeared vertically before her which she promptly walked into as if walking through a door. As soon as she passed through the circle vanished from existence and she was gone as abruptly as she had appeared.

Mikado Saris - Dungeon

She frowned as she watched Noah pass off the crystal to Lysander and book it. Goes to show the only ones you can trust are your guild mates. With their ranks thinned and the two of them already injured she took a step back, holding an intense gaze on the strange woman. If there was going to be a round two it wouldn't likely be a cake-walk for the two of them. She narrowed her eyes slightly as the woman mentioned their friends causing trouble elsewhere in the base, it seemed that the woman truly had no intention of continuing the fight. She held her rifle on the woman as she went about her business searching for something. She never lowered her guard up until the moment the woman fled into the magic circle, finally leaving them in peace. Once the woman was gone she gave a sigh of relief, lowering her rifle before it dissipated completely.

There was an awkward silence that fell upon the room now that they were alone causing her to bring her hand up to her cap and pull it down slightly.
"I guess we should use that thing to go and find the others then." She nodded down at the crystal as she spoke. From what the woman had said it seemed like the others were doing pretty well for themselves and the kidnapped mages may actually be rescued already. Regardless she wasn't exactly about to sit around in some spooky lab. Shoving her hands back into her jacket pocket she looked up at Lysander from beneath her cap, an expectant look on her face. "Lead the way."

@Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder
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Kelica Zefara


The forest tree made a loud, groaning creak noise as Noah thanked it, slowly slipping into it's normal position like it had never even moved in the first place. Leaves rustling as a soft breeze blew through it gently. If it were possible for tree's to smile it probably would have. Kelica felt like she was still half swimming in her mind. She was fully healed but her brain was taking a short break to try and regain it's composure from a near-death experience. She got shuffled so the back of her head was nestled in against Noah's thigh, vaguely feeling a contact on her neck. She felt an oddly different pressure resting against her forehead which made her naturally give out a half smile. Just the very edges of her lips turning up.

She heard some words that were slowly piecing together, and the voice sounded vaguely familiar though she couldn't place from exactly where. She felt like she still needed to rest, but there was this overwhelming feeling of dread in the very corner of her mind. Like she should be somewhere, doing something more important then just sleeping.

Her chest rose momentarily as she took in a huge breath inwards, her nose whistling loudly as she did and her face scrunching up a portion as one leg dragged up so her knee was bent. Very slowly her eyelashes started to slide upwards but she had to blink a few times to get her bearings and her vision to focus in. She made a oddly weird mrr noise as her brain started to function more clearly, glancing around in a confused fashion before finally her gaze drifted up to a face peering down to her. She had to blink for a few seconds for her memory to jog and it may never have if she didn't spot the golden eyes and purple hair.

"...Noah-?..." She asked in a soft voice before her eyebrows furrowed down further.

"W..What are you doing here-? Where IS here? Where am I-? Why am I here-?" Panic starting to flood her face like it usually did in situations she wasn't fully to grips with. Sitting up suddenly as she started to hyperventilate, something was wrong and she couldn't put her finger on it. The movement causing her head to swirl so she grasped at it to try and stop her spinning vision.

@Embaga Elder
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Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

She made her way down the corridor, one hand tucked away in her pants pocket while the other was busy scratching the back of her head as she looked around. The shadow mage couldn't have gone that far, it was a fairly linear corridor after all. Maybe he was just a really fast runner or something, or he found some secret entrance that she passed. Her mind started to trail off on thoughts of getting lost alone inside Grimoire Heart's base. She certainly had no idea how to get out of there and based on what she'd seen thus far it seemed the dark guild wasn't exactly keen on straight forward design. She dropped her free hand to her side as a frustrated groan slipped past her lips. As if summoned by her own agitation she heard the sound of footsteps ahead of and lo and behold, there was the shadow mage she was after. Upon closer inspection it became apparent that the man wasn't alone and was in fact carrying a rather under-dressed woman in his arms.

As she neared the two she came to a stop, looking the woman over from head to toe. "I see you rescued another one..." Given the way he was holding her and treating her it seemed like she wasn't some random somebody he picked up. Did he say he was looking for someone specific? She brought her free hand up to her chin, tilting her head slightly as she tried to remember if any of her rescuers made mention of it. After a few moments she shrugged and let her hand return to her side. If they did say something she didn't remember it, so it probably wasn't important anyways. "If you'd like some alone time I can always go back and help the others." She thumbed over her shoulder back down the corridor, the faint sounds of battle gently echoing throughout the halls.
Valken Truss


The Shadow Mage was indeed right when a red-haired girl came striding his way. The same red-haired girl from earlier, Tanari. His eyes had to narrow a fraction as she looked the girl up and down and he answered the question she didn't even need to fully ask. "Her name is Millie. She is the reason why I came here in the first place. And the reason I'm about to high-tail it out of here. Well after I make sure Mikado and Lysander are ok...And Maya, but she seems capable of looking after herself." Realising he was rambling about Guild Mates she wouldn't even know of. He made as to side step her. "No it's fine I was just about to check on Frosty, but knowing him even in the thick of battle I'm sure he is fi-"

Valken stopped mid sentence, even the ball of his foot was lifted completely off the ground as if to take another step. His body visible tensed. He didn't even need to turn around to feel the shadows parting, making way for something massive further down the corridor in the opposite direction to where the others were. A huge magic circle appearing and some giant grey looking creature was being birthed from the very ground. It's frame so massive it took the entire passage and had to curl inwards to fit in the small space.

Valken rather calmly dropped Millie to her feet before he turned and stood to face the huge creature. Voice light, but his eyes no where near as humorous. "I should have know Grimoire Heart wouldn't just let me walk away...." shoulders squared.

Then the beast clenched it's fists and made a huge, defying roar that echoed and surged forward, making Valken's hair rustle and shirt sway, if he was wearing one. Though his face remained unfazed and expressionless.

If anything the roar relaxed him, and in a soft voice he whispered.

"Frosty incoming in....




@Kayzo @Britt-21
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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara

The forest tree made a loud, groaning creak noise as Noah thanked it, slowly slipping into it's normal position like it had never even moved in the first place. Leaves rustling as a soft breeze blew through it gently. If it were possible for tree's to smile it probably would have. Kelica felt like she was still half swimming in her mind. She was fully healed but her brain was taking a short break to try and regain it's composure from a near-death experience. She got shuffled so the back of her head was nestled in against Noah's thigh, vaguely feeling a contact on her neck. She felt an oddly different pressure resting against her forehead which made her naturally give out a half smile. Just the very edges of her lips turning up.

She heard some words that were slowly piecing together, and the voice sounded vaguely familiar though she couldn't place from exactly where. She felt like she still needed to rest, but there was this overwhelming feeling of dread in the very corner of her mind. Like she should be somewhere, doing something more important then just sleeping.

Her chest rose momentarily as she took in a huge breath inwards, her nose whistling loudly as she did and her face scrunching up a portion as one leg dragged up so her knee was bent. Very slowly her eyelashes started to slide upwards but she had to blink a few times to get her bearings and her vision to focus in. She made a oddly weird mrr noise as her brain started to function more clearly, glancing around in a confused fashion before finally her gaze drifted up to a face peering down to her. She had to blink for a few seconds for her memory to jog and it may never have if she didn't spot the golden eyes and purple hair.

"...Noah-?..." She asked in a soft voice before her eyebrows furrowed down further.

"W..What are you doing here-? Where IS here? Where am I-? Why am I here-?" Panic starting to flood her face like it usually did in situations she wasn't fully to grips with. Sitting up suddenly as she started to hyperventilate, something was wrong and she couldn't put her finger on it. The movement causing her head to swirl so she grasped at it to try and stop her spinning vision.

@Embaga Elder
Noah Cross

Forest Entrance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20160711_101206.png.245cc3b8a0d9115997273b4aed1fc438.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144695" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20160711_101206.png.245cc3b8a0d9115997273b4aed1fc438.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah was looking at Magnolia out in the distance reminiscing about his past time there. He chuckled as he looked at the cathedral, thinking about what he did there the last time he was here. Damn was he drunk. He looked down at Kelica as she started to wake. Her leg readjusted to the point her leg was up bent at the knee. He smiled down at her as her eyes slowly opened. Yep the one and only. He said responding her questioning who he was. As Kelica started to hyperventilate, panicking, Noah simply places his hands on her arms. Kelica, relax okay. I'm here because you're here. Here is the entrance to the forest. The why is because I brought you here to heal. Just relax, alright. I'm pretty sure you're dizzy especially since you sat up so fast. His hands moved from her shoulder to her hands on her head, placing his hands on top of hers, holding her head. You should lay back down and relax. Your body needs some rest. You lost a lot of blood. Your guild mates are alright. I'm pretty sure they all are more than capable of beating that Siren. His hands moved back to her arms and he pulls her back laying her back down. @Zuka



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Jackaboi said:
Eric: This place ain't gonna last much longer.

Eric could hear the walls rumbling and shaking, pebbles and a few occasional rocks were falling from the roof, there's no doubt about it, this corridors about to collapse. He noticed that Chris finally came to his senses and decided to do something about the unstable walls by lifting pillars from the ground. Sure it may work but for how long? The kid attacked with more speed than before, looks like he's finally gotten serious. Although unexpectedly he managed to punch through Eric's scales directly applying the force to the muscles instead. He coughed a little blood from the force but it's gonna take a lot more than that to take him down.

"Heh... You know scales don't JUST make good armour..." Eric clasped both his hands together and slammed them right on the back of the kids neck. Even if that doesn't knock him out it's sure to stun him for a little while. Using this chance he shouted across the corridor trying to grab everyone's attention. "Listen! This place ain't gonna stay up forever, we should get outta this corridor right now!" He looked down at the kid staring him right in the eye's for a moment. On any other circumstance Eric would run too but he'd sooner die than turn his back on a challenge. "I'm gonna stay behind for a while. I got something to settle with this kid... Don't worry I don't plan on dying anytime soon. I'll catch up later." He turned his attention to the kid once again. "Hey! What's your name? I don't wanna have to constantly call ya kid."

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Zareh @purplepanda288 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Embaga Elder @Mitchs98[/color]

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