Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Forests of Magnolia

Those that had not been caught in the blast were quick to recover and resume their charge. As they neared him they were suddenly slammed into the ground, a powerful force weighing down on them. The force was so great that it cratered the ground beneath them, the sound of shattering bones filling the air. With the entire charge brought to a halt he turned his attention towards the mages that still stood in his way. It was at that moment that the lanky man began to laugh maniacally. After a few moments he calmed down and promptly swept his arm across his abdomen as he extended a gracious bow towards the Guild Master.

As he straightened up he brought his hand up to his face and swept his long black hair back into place. "I apologize, Master Arcturus. I know full well that such an attack would do nothing against someone such as yourself. I just wanted a meager demonstration of your powers." The man extended his arms to his side, gesturing to the several individuals beside him. "Unfortunately, Grimoire Heart is well aware of your reputation. Territory Control!" As the man screamed out his words he rose his hands into the air, magical energy flowing skywards from within him as it formed to create a large dome that encased the battlefield. Once in place the magical energy faded from view and soon there was no trace there was anything at all.

As his opponents acted he narrowed his eyes and attempted to neutralize the man's magic. However one of the man's comrades, a young woman, was quick to intervene as she took up position between him and his target. As she got into positions she held her hands out to her sides as a magic circle formed before her. In rapid succession a series of magic circles surrounded the man behind her, one on each side as well as above him. Once the duo finished their setup it became abundantly clear to him what it was they were doing causing his features to darken even further. He should have expected as much from Grimoire Heart but it aggravated him all the same.

Emboldened by their leaders the second wave of mages charged his position. Like before their attacks were diverse as the front line of melee combatants rushed forward while an array of range-focused mages took up position behind them. If they believed this enough to win they were sorely mistaken. He ripped the large sword from the ground and held it skyward, the clouds above swirling and darkening by the second as flashes of light began to spread within them. A bolt of lightning emerged from one such flash and lanced down to impact upon his sword, temporarily blinding those closest to him. Electricity danced across the blade as it illuminated his surroundings. He gripped the handle with both of his hands and swung the blade down, leveling it towards the charging mages as a powerful blast of electricity arced forwards and slammed through the enemy's ranks. Those too slow or ill-equipped to handle the blast fell to the ground in convulsing heaps as others still were able to continue their attack.

The mages in the back unleashed a torrent of spells in his direction in the hopes of softening him up for their comrades. He hefted his sword up before slamming it down into the ground once again. A low rumble shook the ground as the very earth beneath him was torn asunder as massive slabs of stones rose forth to provide a barrier between him and his opponents. The sound of explosions once more rocked the clearing as the myriad of spells impacted upon his impromptu barricade. It was at this time that he took note of a rather peculiar individual approaching from behind. Based on her attire it was unlikely she was a member of Grimoire Heart, or at the very least not one of their foot soldiers.

He was about to deal with her when she identified herself as a member of Lamia Scale. He could see no mark on the girl to validate her claims and the only thing allowing her to remain standing was the fact that she had visited his Hall once before. He closed his eyes as he mulled over how to handle the girl. While not exactly pleased with having to deal with a member of another guild it was true that his opponents had robbed him of his most valuable assets. Seeing as how it was too late to turn her away the only option was to accept her offer. He opened his eyes and looked down towards the girl as she came to a stop beside him and offered her a small nod. "Well, Miss Grace, I shall accept your offer." He again pulled his sword from the ground and leveled it forward, pointing at the stone barrier before him and the man that lay beyond. "There are two powerful Grimoire Heart members that we must neutralize. If we can do that we shall win this battle."

Just as Grace caught up to Gilad a sudden dome trapped them in the area with the army of dark mages. There was no turning back now, and although it scared her she couldn't run away, figuratively and literally. Her blue eyes looked up to her only ally Gilad as he gave her a quick nod, stating how they'd have to fight together. "Alright Mr. Gilad, I'll do my best to whoop their asses! I'll blow them into another world!" She said with a big grin, igniting her hand in a purple flame. The two targets were in the very back, a rather large fighting force standing between her and them. "Hey, you guys should just surrender now! There is no winning against the troublesome and powerful duo of Guildmaster Gilad and me, B-Class Mage Grace!" She called out to the opposing forces, getting a quick pre-battle stretch in before starting. Almost immediately she fired a volley of magical missiles into the crowd of dark mages, hoping to thin the ranks and give them an opportunity to destroy the big boys in charge. When the missiles connected with the ground or their targets they exploded, leaving small craters in the ground. "Beat them up Mr. Gilad! Knock them down and I'll blow them out of the way."
Aiden and Kim

Kim's face was static as she went on with her small monologue, only a tinge of fear sparked in her eyes as she spoke. "Your a vile creature, who thrives on the suffering of others? You enjoy seeing people die don't you?" The spikes shot past her, into the cell and pierced Aidens arms. Aiden couldn't hold back the loud scream that escaped him, tears started to form in the corners of his eyes. His breathing became heavy, the pain making his vision blank over. "K-Kim...Ashley."

Kim had started to move to the cells to help Aiden out, to save him form dying at Ayano's hand. What she hadn't noticed was the bubbles that had been floating around the cell bars. Before she could even get close to them they exploded, taking out the blood spike that was on it way to kill Aiden. Eias was in the ground, knocked out by her own explosive.
"Eias? Eias!" The Flux Mage ran up to her loved one, kneeling down to cup her face in her hand. "Your right." Kim turned her head to Ayano, her eyes Bled with seathing hate. "I am holding back, I always hold back. And I fail when I do." She stood up from her kneeling position, head and arms slumped down. "But I won't hold back anymore, you've hurt my friends and you have to pay." The ground began to become overgrown with small Fiberous plants, the same orbs of lights began to fill the room. A small sadistic small began to speard across the Mage's face. "I've had enough of you." Six long threads sported out of her back, each long and ready to attack.

@Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Bolts
Ayano Soru: Here we go!

Ayano's smile only grew wider as she watched the events unfold. It's too bad she didn't kill Aiden but it seems Eias was out for the count. Although things started to change once Kim spoke up. The vampire could see the hate and resentment in her eyes, plants started to grow from the stone cold ground, the magic draining orbs came back again and some thread like strands sprouted from Kim's back. looking at the situation Ayano was in now she started laughing uncontrollably. "This is it! Exactly what I've been waiting for! Now it's time to finally finish this!" The vampire darted towards Kim still laughing as she hacked and slashed Kim with an insatiable blood-lust. "All you humans are all the same in my eyes! A plague! A disease that only I can cure! So why don't you do me a favour and just die!" Ayano followed up an attempt to stab Kim in the gut.

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Eias was going in and out of consciousness. She felt her head being held for a moment and small pockets of voice from Kim. She could breath easy now. The clone was gone and nothing was wrong other than the burning feeling on her face. It probably had a burn mark somewhere on it. She wasn't sure how she felt about that thought. Her first ever big fight and this happened? She was pretty weak it seemed. She heard yelling and had the feeling of magic draining from her body slowly. Through hazy vision, she saw the two figures. Their words becoming louder and clearer as she tried to focus. She felt terrible now. Her body ached already and Kim was going berserk. The very idea was sad to her but she understood. This was going too far though. This senseless fighting has to stop. Eias started to try and gain strength to stand up while they fought.

Zuka said:
Draneri - The Siren


The Siren had a weird shiver roll down over her entire frame as this Red-Haired Sword wielding mage jumped backwards out of reach of a heavy hit from her claws. A flesh wound and nothing more. Disappointed, at least at first, but this Prey was proving to be a good deal faster then she had first anticipated. Faster and stronger. While it
was a nuisance she couldn't help but get excited. After all killing a skillful Prey was far more exciting then one that would automatically bow down to her feet. And this one had practice killing Immortals? Well that was interesting. Siren's as a whole didn't live for very long, most only till 50 years or so, getting caught in a stupid situation with no escape. But she was no Junior. And his threats did little to faze her. "Ahh... fought many Immortals? Alas you probably have.... but you have yet to face me, Prey." She said in that condescending tone with a breath that was partially laced with yellow. Rage. Designed to try and rile him up, flare his angry, so that he might become slack and disorientated.

She watched him idly as he sprung up right to the top of the doom Adrian had created, wings already snapping out at a fast pace to ready herself for an attack, and attack he did. She felt the resurgence of Magic in the very air beneath her, not knowing he was capable of flame based attacks and only assuming his strength lay in that long Sword of his. The Siren had literally moments to leap backwards with a heavy flap of her wings to dodge it, feeling the very heat itself wash over her front and face, wincing as the heat was intense. Even burning her skin despite not being encased in it. She missed but only narrowly, though now she was behind the pillar the very edges of her dress starting to burn and singe. The Siren drew her Raven wings back before throwing them down and to the side creating a huge gust of wind in the process that snuffed the very pillar out.

"I certainly hope you have more to offer then that, young Prey." She teased, finger to her chin as a soft merry laugh escaped her lips. Out of place except knowing her personality and calm soothing nature to ensnare her enemies. "Is it my turn then?" She whispered almost with a yawn, her clothing barely holding together but her skin already completely healed to it's normal creamy complexion. She tilted her head back and filled her lungs with air, wings stretching high behind her, before throwing them down along with letting out another huge Screech. "Sonic Boom!" She called, though this was far stronger with the combined action of her wings as a huge rounded headed blast rocked straight for him that was birthed literally from her entire frame. 6' tall and 5' wide at least.

Unfortunately the structural integrity of the Corridor was shaking and groaning under the sheer weight of the physical Magical presence of the energies here, and the constant physical use of The Siren's voice was sending the walls and roof to shake and crack slowly, pieces starting to break away and fall down as a sickening sound of walls loosing their strength was starting to echo to all except the two far to busy fighting within the Arcane Dome.

@Mitchs98 @Isune @Zareh @Necr0Danc3r @purplepanda288 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey

-Ryu Miyamoto (???)-


Ryu's eyes narrowed as the siren avoided his attack, but he showed no other visible reaction. Instead, he continued to fix his ice cold gaze on the siren, locking eyes with her. "Really?" He asked exasperatedly as the siren exhaled her perfume. "Did you honestly think that making me angry would really give you any advantage? Well, it wont." he stated bluntly "There are two reasons why. The first is that when I get angrier it just makes me more focused." he folded his arms, his icy glare still directed at the siren. "And the second, is that I'm already as pissed off as I can get. Simply being in the presence of one as disgusting as you is enough to wake the endless burning rage that dwells within me." As the siren launched her sonic attack, he shot a burst of flames from beneath his feet. He soared over the compression wave effortlessly, and it continued on to impact the dome. "It is the flames of that rage that will consume you." He landed gracefully, having used his jump to close about a third of the distance between himself and the siren. Slowly, a mass of flames began to coalesce in his hand. It started of small, only about the size of an apple, but it continued to steadily grow. Once the diameter of the mass had grown to roughly half his height, he quickly extended his arm with his palm facing outwards, sending the ball of flame to rest at the direct center of the dome. It continued to become larger, its growth slowly accelerating. "Now then," He said coldly, his face displaying no emotion. "As durable as your kind may be, there is always a limit. That miniature sun will only keep increasing, until it fills this entire dome, and let's be honest, it's not very big. I can easily survive the flames, especially considering they're mine. It'll be nothing more than a warm breeze to me." He started pacing slowly as he continued to talk. "For you though, it'll be a different story. Do you think you'll last long enough for the flames themselves to kill you? Or perhaps the heat will claim you before then?"


Lavender Gray

Lavender was having no problems defending herself. That was until she was getting surrounded. This made her golden eyes narrow as she prepared her sword. Before she knew it, Emmerich was attacking Mages just to get to her. This caught her attention and made her think Do I have to be worried as to why he's coming over? Or should I be glad he's coming to help? When she saw what he had done along the way to get to her, her eyes had went from narrow to wide as he was covered in blood from head to toe. Not to mention he just ripped a head off a mage. As her own eyes met his, she couldnt help but think This man is no man at all. He is a beast, A monster who doesnt care about human life. His eyes make him seem as if he is on a high. Eyes of a Savage.

If Lavender had a weak stomach, she probably would have ran out of the room. Luckily she had a strong stomach and was forced to defend off a mage who also had a sword. This took her mind off Emmerich but it still bothered her. Him being her savior and him now were two different beings. He seemed kind when she had first met him. But then again, Looks can be decieving. Focus. All I must do is make the wizards I fight unable to get back up again but still be alive.

Lavender Lifted her sword and blocked the other mage's sword "Do not do this. I fear you will lose your life if you do not back down." she told the mage as he grunted and said 'Never' before backing up and doing a series of attacks with his sword and the Warrior trying to block each and every one. "You shall regret this." dodging the attack that came forth, she ducked down and knocked his legs out from under him, listening as his blade hit the floor, the purple haired mage ran at his blade and kicked it away before looking at the male "I did warn you, sir... I also did not wish to do this." taking her sword, she drove it down right into his thigh, hearing the scream of agony escape the male's lips. Lavender pulled the sword back out, rendering the man now down but alive.

I'm very sorry...

@Kayzo @Britt\-21 @Kayzo @Britt\-21

Mitchs98 said:
@Britt\-21 @Kayzo
Emmerich Faust Emmerich kept on fighting, and killing, oblivious to Lavender's thoughts. Though, he wouldn't have been fazed had he heard them. Monster, brute, murderer, savage, he had been called all of those names and more. However, none of them bothered him. He was who he was and he wasn't going to apologize for that.
Emmerich Faust

Abruptly, the lights in the tunnel exploded and a new air of bloodthrist surfaced. This one was cold and hard, and Emmerich knew immediately who the source was even through his rage. Someone had done something to make Valken angry and now they were paying the price.

Using his arm for light Emmerich continued his rampage, Valken's rage only serving to fuel his frenzy. Where another person might cower Emmerich only grew more excited. To put it into the terms that Lavender had used, Emmerich was on a high, violence and danger being his drugs, of which he had an abundant supply at the moment.

Noting that Valken, as well as the small girl and the redhead, had run off, the latter two following the former, Emmerich nevertheless remained where he was with Lavender. The simple reason behind this being that there were still enemies there whereas he didn't know about where the trio was headed. However, this soon changed due to two reasons. The first being that he ran out of mages to fight. Between him and Valken a large portion of them lay dead in various states of mutilation, with the others unconscious or wounded by the hands of Ferra, Tanari, or Lavender. The second, and more compelling, reason was that Emmerich heard a roar eminating from the passage Valken had run to,the kind of roar something big and mean made.

Without so much as a second thought Emmerich was off and sprinting towards the sound, leaving Lavender behind with the fallen enemy mages. He reached the others in time to see them confronting a giant stone golem, Tanari standing a bit back and Valken climbing on it, probably looking for a weakness or the like. He changed in, building speed before leaping at the golem and drop kicking it in the chest hard enough to unbalance it and send it crashing to the ground at the same time that Emmerich himself did the same.

Wasting no time the brawler scrambled to his feet and leapt onto the golem's neck to begin hammering punches into its face. He managed to land three before the golem reached up and threw him across the cavern into a wall, the impact of which would have killed or heavily injured your average person. Fortunately Emmerich was not your average person, far from it in fact, and as such he simply got back to his feet, seemingly unhurt, despite the fact that he place where he hit the wall was cracked, and faced the giant once more.

Sorry this took so long ;-;

Also, if anything's unreasonable here just let me know and I'll edit.

Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust Emmerich kept on fighting, and killing, oblivious to Lavender's thoughts. Though, he wouldn't have been fazed had he heard them. Monster, brute, murderer, savage, he had been called all of those names and more. However, none of them bothered him. He was who he was and he wasn't going to apologize for that.
Emmerich Faust
Abruptly, the lights in the tunnel exploded and a new air of bloodthrist surfaced. This one was cold and hard, and Emmerich knew immediately who the source was even through his rage. Someone had done something to make Valken angry and now they were paying the price.

Using his arm for light Emmerich continued his rampage, Valken's rage only serving to fuel his frenzy. Where another person might cower Emmerich only grew more excited. To put it into the terms that Lavender had used, Emmerich was on a high, violence and danger being his drugs, of which he had an abundant supply at the moment.

Noting that Valken, as well as the small girl and the redhead, had run off, the latter two following the former, Emmerich nevertheless remained where he was with Lavender. The simple reason behind this being that there were still enemies there whereas he didn't know about where the trio was headed. However, this soon changed due to two reasons. The first being that he ran out of mages to fight. Between him and Valken a large portion of them lay dead in various states of mutilation, with the others unconscious or wounded by the hands of Ferra, Tanari, or Lavender. The second, and more compelling, reason was that Emmerich heard a roar eminating from the passage Valken had run to,the kind of roar something big and mean made.

Without so much as a second thought Emmerich was off and sprinting towards the sound, leaving Lavender behind with the fallen enemy mages. He reached the others in time to see them confronting a giant stone golem, Tanari standing a bit back and Valken climbing on it, probably looking for a weakness or the like. He changed in, building speed before leaping at the golem and drop kicking it in the chest hard enough to unbalance it and send it crashing to the ground at the same time that Emmerich himself did the same.

Wasting no time the brawler scrambled to his feet and leapt onto the golem's neck to begin hammering punches into its face. He managed to land three before the golem reached up and threw him across the cavern into a wall, the impact of which would have killed or heavily injured your average person. Fortunately Emmerich was not your average person, far from it in fact, and as such he simply got back to his feet, seemingly unhurt, despite the fact that he place where he hit the wall was cracked, and faced the giant once more.

Sorry this took so long ;-;

Also, if anything's unreasonable here just let me know and I'll edit.
(Honestly your post helped me a ton <3 )

Lavender Gray

Half the team had run off and away from the battlefield, leaving bodies laying around either dead or knocked out. They had also left Lavender and Emmerich to finish off the rest and that didnt take very long. "That was a very interesting fight..." muttered Lavender before hearing a roar which came from the passage where Valken, and the girls had run off to. Emmerich had raced off before Lavender could say anything to him "Well he sure does not waste time." Lavender then took off after him, only to come across a large monster made of tough rock. Emmerich jumped in and managed to knock it down.

Of course it caused a pretty decent shake of the ground and made lavender almost lose her balance. Valken had tried to climb the Golem beforehand and well..She was sure he retreated before Emmerich tackled the thing. The golem wasted no time in tossing Emmerich into a wall which most likely hurt. But watching as he got back to his feet, it looked like there was nothing wrong. No broken bones, no screaming in agony or anything of that matter really. It seems we have a Guardian on our side. to her, Guardians were well armored and pretty damn strong opponents. They could block just about anything and are able to withstand anything. Or almost anything.

Lavender knew that her sword would not be enough to fight a Golem. She'd break the blade if she even tried to swing at it. Putting the sword away, she thought of maybe requipping. "Requip: Purgatory Armor!" Lavender shouted out as a light engolfed her and soon died down to reveal a set of black armor and a large sword which had a sharp blade on one side while the other side held sharp black spikes "Surely this shall penetrate the rock or at least cause cracks." that's when the warrior dashed fowards towards the Giant and leaping into the air, lifting her sword above her head and swinging downward.

Of course, she made sure not to hit Valken or Emmerich who had been hitting the Golem.

@Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Colt556
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Mikael La Viere

Location: Bar of the Guild Hall


Mika has the side of his face flattened atop of the bar's counter. Slowly opening his shut eyes, the light crept in drastically through his dead red marbles. His sight slowly became stable but he's a little bit dizzy when he tried to sit up straight. In front of him a glass half empty with beer and a strong familiar presence on his left side. He turned to his apparent companion and he then was certain, it was Sera.

As his consciousness got back to his head, his features suddenly was filled with inquiry. Turning to Sera for a little bit of enlightenment, with a coarse and weak voice he managed to ask. "Wh... what did just happen?"


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Kayzo said:
Just as Grace caught up to Gilad a sudden dome trapped them in the area with the army of dark mages. There was no turning back now, and although it scared her she couldn't run away, figuratively and literally. Her blue eyes looked up to her only ally Gilad as he gave her a quick nod, stating how they'd have to fight together. "Alright Mr. Gilad, I'll do my best to whoop their asses! I'll blow them into another world!" She said with a big grin, igniting her hand in a purple flame. The two targets were in the very back, a rather large fighting force standing between her and them. "Hey, you guys should just surrender now! There is no winning against the troublesome and powerful duo of Guildmaster Gilad and me, B-Class Mage Grace!" She called out to the opposing forces, getting a quick pre-battle stretch in before starting. Almost immediately she fired a volley of magical missiles into the crowd of dark mages, hoping to thin the ranks and give them an opportunity to destroy the big boys in charge. When the missiles connected with the ground or their targets they exploded, leaving small craters in the ground. "Beat them up Mr. Gilad! Knock them down and I'll blow them out of the way."
Gilad Arcturus - Forests of Magnolia

At the girl's mention of her rank he spared her another sidelong glance. Anything short of an S-rank and he'd be tasked with guarding them, but to have someone of such low status come to his aid... Nevertheless he would simply have to ensure her safety lest it tarnish his reputation. "Then let us begin, Miss. Grace." The large stone wall that shielded them suddenly fell forward, collapsing atop the nearest enemies and giving the girl free reign to begin her own assault. While not extraordinarily powerful the blasts were sufficient to take out the front line magicians. With his companion providing cover he made his way forward, charging headlong into the wave of enemies.

Upon reaching their ranks he slid to a halt and gave a mighty swing of his blade, augmenting it with wind magic to create a compressed blast of air that swept through dozens of combatants and tossed them high into the sky. An axe-wielding mage took this chance to charge up behind him, bringing the weapon down towards him. Shifting his leg he spun around and reached out his arm, gripping the young mage's face before hefting the lad up and over his head before slamming the boy into the ground with a rather sickening crunch. He had no time to spare as the enemy continued to close on him. As he got back to his feet he spared a glance back towards the young girl. While the majority of the forces were focused on him they had spared a few individuals to try and take out the girl.

He reached out his hand in their direction, about to deal with them when a rather large brawler descended upon him and forced him to refocus his attention on the more immediate fight at hand. He held the flat of his sword towards the brawler, using it as a shield against the man's attack before giving another swing of his weapon in order to force the man back. While the weaker mages were thrown from the ground the brawler managed to keep himself grounded. All the while he kept an eye on Grace, waiting to see if she truly needed his assistance. Even if she was B-rank he had hope that she could at least manage the few combatants that rapidly closed in on her.
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Entrance to Forest


The forest mage took a deep sigh, she wasn't crying over her guilt so that was an improvement and probably had something to do with the lingering effects of the his relaxation voice. Though if anything her dull gaze was probably more disturbing for it's overwhelming sheer mehness. She felt a bop on the back of her head that made her half wince, turning to look back to him while she rubbed her head.

She listened silently, she didn’t think he'd let her interrupt anyway. As he moved to stand tall before her and peer down to her, she couldn't help by hold her breath a fraction. But when he actually explained it like she was a seed growing into a tree her whole face seemed to light up. She'd never even considered it like that, leaning forward a fraction like she was drinking in every word.

"...I..." She didn't even know what to say anymore. She thought back on her Father and how powerful and commanding his whole presence was. Realising that could be her one day. Maybe. If she trained really hard.

"Thank you Noah..." she whispered with happy little tears in the corners of her eyes.

"I'd like to go back and help my friends now...but...if things goes south...you'll keep me safe, right?"

To be honest she was nervous, she didn't know if Chris was under control again, what more damage the Siren had done to Adrian or Ryu and she was certain she had seen little Alicia there in the background... and Mizuki? She needed to help even if it was just with general First Aid and not her Cell Regeneration.

Gaining more enthusiasm by the second, she held a finger out in a wait a second pose, before she lept up and dashed in a purposeful fashion around the immediate area, plunking an assortment of leaves, herbs, vines, flowers and bark which she tucked into her tactical military belt she had looped on her hips.

She was actually very knowledgeable in Herbal Remedies for healing, and could use that first before her magical heals... returning minutes later with pockets filled with all manner of plants.
Noah Cross

Forest Entrance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/beginnings__sinbad_x_reader_by_akatsukidragonrose-d897co1.jpg.53a8cb37c26ad534e5c9d4523aa2d02b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145755" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/beginnings__sinbad_x_reader_by_akatsukidragonrose-d897co1.jpg.53a8cb37c26ad534e5c9d4523aa2d02b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

From what he can tell from Kelica's reaction, is that she took his words to heart, actually making her feel better. He nodded as she asked to go back, and held his right hand out helping her up. He wrapped his left arm around her pulling her close. Of course I'll protect you, and your magic will help. He spoke while looking into her eyes. Saying that her magic will help was a simple way for him to tell her to rely on her magic to protect her as well.

Coming back from gathering her herbs, Noah lifted her up, holding her wedding style and gazing upon her face. Are you ready? When she says yes, he looks at her and whispers one word. Bararaq. Lightning strikes down on the two magically transporting then to the area her guild members were fighting the siren.

A lightning blue spell circle appears on the ceiling, having a lightning bolt strike the ground soon after. When the smoke clears and the circle disappears the group can see Noah holding Kelica in his arms. Noah looks straight ahead seeing the siren still fighting against the swordsman. The siren was trapped in a dome with a sun that's gradually increasing in size. The flame mage might survive but he doubts that the siren will.
Hey Keli, looks like your friend over there might be wrapping this thing up. Looks like we didn't need to come back. He chuckled still holding her in his arms.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Isune @Zareh @Necr0Danc3r @purplepanda288 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Rhodus



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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Team Bravado


The Shadow Mage kept his gaze on the creature, like a hawk, talking in every tiny creak it was making, his pushed in shoulders and uncomfortable position. Like Tanari, he had to wonder who thought summoning such a huge creature in such a tiny confined space was a good idea. Did Dark Guild's have Interns? He didn't even need to glance sideways to see her ignite her fists. "You read my mind Tani.." He didn't exactly want to stay here any longer then necessary, especially considering the sad state of the roof and walls from some ruckus happening on-top of their level. He kept back as she charged forward, watching intently. Not on her technique, he figured anyone brave enough to dash forward onto a creature looking about a strong as a cement pad would be well equipped at offense and defense.

So he took this movement not to focus on Tanari, but on the Golem itself. Watching the very way it's fist slammed down (in slow motion for him, perhaps, but in real time for everyone else). He seemed tight, comfortably so. But regardless his moves were still impressively fast for it's size. The fire spewing from Tanari didn't even faze it. Whole's where it's eyes should be, soullessly peering outwards. Face a blank state, void of pain.

This posed a very serious problem. And Valken had to know the truth why the creature itself wasn't feeling pain. He had a suspicion what it appeared to be made of, but, things had surprised him before. Getting pulled from his thoughts, as Tanari called out something about Your Highness, he quickly pieced one and two together and had to smirk. He even did an overly exaggerated bow, nose almost touching the ground as his hand crossed his chest. "If My Lady Varos wishes it..." curious to see if she might be surprised to him knowing of her last name. Then again, Valken knew almost everything. He straightened as he started a very slow steady pace towards the creature, drawing it's attention even if his moves were not aggressive or outwardly showy in the slightest. Simply walking forward like one might a stroll through the park.

The Golem's vision turned (without eyes, so one had to wonder how he was even able to see in the first place), to stare at the strange Dark man as he approached. Half taken aback by how calmly he walked. And like something was triggered the huge beast slammed a fist down towards him in much the same manner it had Tanari. It would have grinned in a triumphant manner (had it been able to) as a crater was forced under the sheer weight of the attack, but as it's arm slowly lifted, that strange man was simply dangling with an arm hooked around one of it's huge fingers, with not a single injury on him. Like he had simply vanished from existence when the fist landed. With wasn't too far from the shadow truth.

Valken smirked. The creature was definitely made of Stone as he had summarized, meaning pin points with daggers would do absolutely nothing. Neither would slash wounds to vitals. However joints could be an acceptable attack strategy...if it's limbs were not the size of a small person in themselves. Even as he was tactically working out a plan the creature suddenly tossing it's fist into the roof to try and throw off the dangling man, but Valken had already swung himself up and skated down one it's long arms to land somewhat onto his shoulder. Causing the creature to only roar more violently and reach up to try and grasp him and throw him off, but Valken only jumped from shoulder to shoulder to try and discover any weird weakness gems, or anything really he could use to kill it.

His nimbleness obvious as the creature could barely lay a single hand on him. Hoping Tanari would see the picture that she could attack as she wished and Valken was smart enough to simply escape her attack. Maybe she figured out some crazy attack that might damage this Stone Golem? Valken buzzing around his head like an annoying mosquito.

Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust Emmerich kept on fighting, and killing, oblivious to Lavender's thoughts. Though, he wouldn't have been fazed had he heard them. Monster, brute, murderer, savage, he had been called all of those names and more. However, none of them bothered him. He was who he was and he wasn't going to apologize for that.
Emmerich Faust
Abruptly, the lights in the tunnel exploded and a new air of bloodthrist surfaced. This one was cold and hard, and Emmerich knew immediately who the source was even through his rage. Someone had done something to make Valken angry and now they were paying the price.

Using his arm for light Emmerich continued his rampage, Valken's rage only serving to fuel his frenzy. Where another person might cower Emmerich only grew more excited. To put it into the terms that Lavender had used, Emmerich was on a high, violence and danger being his drugs, of which he had an abundant supply at the moment.

Noting that Valken, as well as the small girl and the redhead, had run off, the latter two following the former, Emmerich nevertheless remained where he was with Lavender. The simple reason behind this being that there were still enemies there whereas he didn't know about where the trio was headed. However, this soon changed due to two reasons. The first being that he ran out of mages to fight. Between him and Valken a large portion of them lay dead in various states of mutilation, with the others unconscious or wounded by the hands of Ferra, Tanari, or Lavender. The second, and more compelling, reason was that Emmerich heard a roar eminating from the passage Valken had run to,the kind of roar something big and mean made.

Without so much as a second thought Emmerich was off and sprinting towards the sound, leaving Lavender behind with the fallen enemy mages. He reached the others in time to see them confronting a giant stone golem, Tanari standing a bit back and Valken climbing on it, probably looking for a weakness or the like. He changed in, building speed before leaping at the golem and drop kicking it in the chest hard enough to unbalance it and send it crashing to the ground at the same time that Emmerich himself did the same.

Wasting no time the brawler scrambled to his feet and leapt onto the golem's neck to begin hammering punches into its face. He managed to land three before the golem reached up and threw him across the cavern into a wall, the impact of which would have killed or heavily injured your average person. Fortunately Emmerich was not your average person, far from it in fact, and as such he simply got back to his feet, seemingly unhurt, despite the fact that he place where he hit the wall was cracked, and faced the giant once more.

Sorry this took so long ;-;

Also, if anything's unreasonable here just let me know and I'll edit.
@Mykinkaiser[/URL] @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Colt556
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

At the mention of 'Lady Varos' she simply gave a small smirk as she watched the man move forward. Given the situation he sure didn't seem like he was in that much of a rush. Soon enough the shadow-mage was crawling along the Golem's body, nimbly avoiding it's probing hands as he did... whatever it was he was doing. She gave a small shrug not really concerned with what he was doing as long as he didn't get in the way. She was about to go in for another attack when the blonde guy made his appearance, charging in and kicking the golem to the ground. "Wai-! Hey!" She barely managed to get the words out as she dove out of the way, somersaulting across the ground before quickly kicking back to her feet. The golem lay just feet away clearly occupying the space where she once stood. Had she been any slower she'd very likely be a pancake right now. She shot a glare at the berserker as he pummeled the golem's face before being promptly thrown away like discarded trash. A small 'hmph' sound escaped her lips as she grumbled to herself. "Serves you right you reckless bastard."

Her near-death experience aside she focused back on the golem. She very much doubted she could brute force her way through magically-controlled and enhanced stone so that left her only one option. The flames around her fists slowly shifted hues, going from red to orange to blue all the while growing in size to encase her entire body. She brought her arms out in front of her and clasped her hands together, aiming her interlaced fists towards the golem's head. The fire that whipped around her was drawn in towards her fists, swirling about in a frenzy until hands alone radiated her blue flames. Looking over at the others she finally called out loud enough for them to all hear. "This is gonna take a bit so stay out of the way!" Turning her attention back to the golem she was about to unleash her attack when she paused and then quickly looked back in the direction of her fellow mages. "Oh and make sure to guard me!"

With her warning and demand given she finally focused on the golem for the final time. Taking a deep breath she channeled her magic into her fire and called out. "Incineration!" The blue flames lanced out from her fists in a constant stream, crashing upon the golem's head. The heat radiated out making even going near her stream of fire more than a little uncomfortable. Nevertheless she kept her assault trained squarely on the same spot no matter how the golem might move. The others would soon be able to see the stone of the golem's head begin to glow brighter the longer she maintained her attack.
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto (???)-


Ryu's eyes narrowed as the siren avoided his attack, but he showed no other visible reaction. Instead, he continued to fix his ice cold gaze on the siren, locking eyes with her. "Really?" He asked exasperatedly as the siren exhaled her perfume. "Did you honestly think that making me angry would really give you any advantage? Well, it wont." he stated bluntly "There are two reasons why. The first is that when I get angrier it just makes me more focused." he folded his arms, his icy glare still directed at the siren. "And the second, is that I'm already as pissed off as I can get. Simply being in the presence of one as disgusting as you is enough to wake the endless burning rage that dwells within me." As the siren launched her sonic attack, he shot a burst of flames from beneath his feet. He soared over the compression wave effortlessly, and it continued on to impact the dome. "It is the flames of that rage that will consume you." He landed gracefully, having used his jump to close about a third of the distance between himself and the siren. Slowly, a mass of flames began to coalesce in his hand. It started of small, only about the size of an apple, but it continued to steadily grow. Once the diameter of the mass had grown to roughly half his height, he quickly extended his arm with his palm facing outwards, sending the ball of flame to rest at the direct center of the dome. It continued to become larger, its growth slowly accelerating. "Now then," He said coldly, his face displaying no emotion. "As durable as your kind may be, there is always a limit. That miniature sun will only keep increasing, until it fills this entire dome, and let's be honest, it's not very big. I can easily survive the flames, especially considering they're mine. It'll be nothing more than a warm breeze to me." He started pacing slowly as he continued to talk. "For you though, it'll be a different story. Do you think you'll last long enough for the flames themselves to kill you? Or perhaps the heat will claim you before then?"

Last edited by a moderator:
Chris Lengheart(Kelica...is that you?)

Chris was still waiting from Mizuki until he heard the unmistakable sound of thunder clapping. His eyes widened as it was soon accompanied by a familiar voice. "Kelica!" Chris said as he began to run towards her. He embraced Kelica in a famous bear hug, almost completely disregarding what she was yelling about. He nuzzled into her hair with a bit of a shudder as he finally said,"Thank Fiore you're alright...I...I don't know what I would have done if I had killed you."

After finally calming down and releasing Kelica from the death hug, Chris reran what he was yelling about in his head. Kelica wanted to let the siren go!? Even after she had sent Chris to kill her? Chris grabbed Kelica and shot her a "Are you sure you want to do this?" look as he turned back to the barrier. The screech that the siren emitted actually made Chris feel somewhat bad for her. She was basically burning to death, he had heard that if you were ever caught in a fire with no escape, you'd better hope the smoke kills you before the flames reach you.

@Genon @Jackaboi @Mitchs98 @Necr0Danc3r ((Sorry for the blehh post))
Zuka said:

Kelica Zefara
and Draneri The Siren

Dark Guild Entrance

Kelica squealed as Noah practically lifted her up from the ground, curling up into his strong arms with a blush flooding her cheeks. He said he would protect her...and the Forest to. That gave her hope. That gave her a burning in her chest, a power to help.

She had to.

And she would.

She wouldn't let this second chance at life be in vain.

She owed that to the very Forest that saved her.

Her green eyes growing in a feciousness she had yet to shown to anyone in Fairytail or outside.

"I'm ready."

In a thunderclap they had appeared inside the Dark Guild Corridor. It took her a moment to gaze around to take in the chaos, there was Eric and that Grimoire Heart boy fighting. Ryu and the Siren in a death battle with Adrian holding an Arcane Barrier. Her eyes spotted the weak support beams that had strengthen the walls.

Chris? She thought, did that mean he was well again? But where even was he? And Mizuki or Alicia? But what frightened her the most was Ryu. He was so cold, the sheer rage he was emitting was terrifying. His miniature sun was accelerating, filling the dome.

The dome a prison cell for the Siren's death.

Kelica squirmed out of Noah's arms before she ran straight at the Arcane Shield. "ADRIAN DROP IT NOW! DROP THE BARRIER!" She screamed, before slamming her fists on the Dome itself. "RYU DON'T DO THIS! This isn't what Fairytail does! As a member of Fairytail we see the strength in people!! We can all change and so can she! LISTEN TO ME; STOP THIS NOW!"


Meanwhile inside the dome Draneri hissed as Ryu jumped clear out of the way then created a ball in his hand. He shot it to hover in the centre of the Dome. It started to get bigger and bigger and already she was feeling the intense heat washing over her, gradually stepping back further and further till her back pressed into the wall, wings spreading wide. Her eyes narrowed down.

She had to escape she had to. She was in too deep.

Then her golden vision flicked as some girl slammed her hands on the Dome. Wait...wasn't she the bleeding one? Her shirt was torn but she was fine despite that... eyes sliding backwards to rest on a completely new mage she had only seen in passing.

Her eyes widened just a fraction. Why was his features so oddly familar? Purple hair and Golden eyes?

Her attention turned again as the heat was becoming unbearable. Her clothes were starting to burn and turn to ash for the sheer heat washing off it, folding her wings before her but even they were burning. She started a shrill pained screech. Like a wounded bird crying out.


Kelica's heart was pounding, the screech was crushing her. Very fingers scrapping against the Arcane Barrier as her teeth gritted. "RYU! IF YOU DON'T STOP THIS I WILL STOP YOU MYSELF!" Even as she spoke the Forest Mage's power was building. While a C-rank most of the time, when animals or the tree's were hurt...

...the ground shaking at her feet...

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Genon @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zareh @LeSoraAmari @Isune
Adrian was absorbed in the battle, watching Ryu finally purge this deranged monster. But just when it seemed like it would finally be over, Kelica screamed at him. He was glad she was alive, but her naivete knew no bounds. Adrian, still holding the barrier tight, walked over to Chris and Kelica.

"Kelica," he said, calm and quiet but also concerned, "Do you know what a siren is? They are rapists, murderers, cannibals, sexual predators, brainwashers, kidnappers, and slavers, all rolled into one monster. Sirens are one of the few living species not protected under human law, for precisely this reason. Their entire culture is based around preying on innocent people and turning them into love slaves for the purpose of eating their life force. Furthermore, sirens tend to develop an obsession with prey that escapes their clutches. If we let her go, she'll spend the rest of her days stalking us, seducing the people close to us, and devise new perfumes to get the few among us who aren't normally susceptible to her charms. She's an enemy who doesn't want to and can't possibly be redeemed due to the atrocities she's committed, and even if she were to attempt to do so, sirens are masters of deceit and manipulation, and none of her words could be trusted."

"Plus," Adrian added, "Ryu isn't exactly in his right mind right now, and there's a miniature sun in that barrier. If I release the barrier, all that'll happen is that Ryu's spell will cook us all equally, siren included, and Ryu will probably A) go crazy and attack us because we let an immortal get away or B) not release the spell as an extension of option A, therefore cooking us all anyway. If you can find a way to undo Ryu's fire spell, be my guest, but it'd be a waste of magic power. There's nothing we can do for her right now, unless he comes around."

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zareh @LeSoraAmari @Isune
Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust Emmerich kept on fighting, and killing, oblivious to Lavender's thoughts. Though, he wouldn't have been fazed had he heard them. Monster, brute, murderer, savage, he had been called all of those names and more. However, none of them bothered him. He was who he was and he wasn't going to apologize for that.
Emmerich Faust
Abruptly, the lights in the tunnel exploded and a new air of bloodthrist surfaced. This one was cold and hard, and Emmerich knew immediately who the source was even through his rage. Someone had done something to make Valken angry and now they were paying the price.

Using his arm for light Emmerich continued his rampage, Valken's rage only serving to fuel his frenzy. Where another person might cower Emmerich only grew more excited. To put it into the terms that Lavender had used, Emmerich was on a high, violence and danger being his drugs, of which he had an abundant supply at the moment.

Noting that Valken, as well as the small girl and the redhead, had run off, the latter two following the former, Emmerich nevertheless remained where he was with Lavender. The simple reason behind this being that there were still enemies there whereas he didn't know about where the trio was headed. However, this soon changed due to two reasons. The first being that he ran out of mages to fight. Between him and Valken a large portion of them lay dead in various states of mutilation, with the others unconscious or wounded by the hands of Ferra, Tanari, or Lavender. The second, and more compelling, reason was that Emmerich heard a roar eminating from the passage Valken had run to,the kind of roar something big and mean made.

Without so much as a second thought Emmerich was off and sprinting towards the sound, leaving Lavender behind with the fallen enemy mages. He reached the others in time to see them confronting a giant stone golem, Tanari standing a bit back and Valken climbing on it, probably looking for a weakness or the like. He changed in, building speed before leaping at the golem and drop kicking it in the chest hard enough to unbalance it and send it crashing to the ground at the same time that Emmerich himself did the same.

Wasting no time the brawler scrambled to his feet and leapt onto the golem's neck to begin hammering punches into its face. He managed to land three before the golem reached up and threw him across the cavern into a wall, the impact of which would have killed or heavily injured your average person. Fortunately Emmerich was not your average person, far from it in fact, and as such he simply got back to his feet, seemingly unhurt, despite the fact that he place where he hit the wall was cracked, and faced the giant once more.

Sorry this took so long ;-;

Also, if anything's unreasonable here just let me know and I'll edit.
@Mykinkaiser[/URL] @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Colt556
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

At the mention of 'Lady Varos' she simply gave a small smirk as she watched the man move forward. Given the situation he sure didn't seem like he was in that much of a rush. Soon enough the shadow-mage was crawling along the Golem's body, nimbly avoiding it's probing hands as he did... whatever it was he was doing. She gave a small shrug not really concerned with what he was doing as long as he didn't get in the way. She was about to go in for another attack when the blonde guy made his appearance, charging in and kicking the golem to the ground. "Wai-! Hey!" She barely managed to get the words out as she dove out of the way, somersaulting across the ground before quickly kicking back to her feet. The golem lay just feet away clearly occupying the space where she once stood. Had she been any slower she'd very likely be a pancake right now. She shot a glare at the berserker as he pummeled the golem's face before being promptly thrown away like discarded trash. A small 'hmph' sound escaped her lips as she grumbled to herself. "Serves you right you reckless bastard."

Her near-death experience aside she focused back on the golem. She very much doubted she could brute force her way through magically-controlled and enhanced stone so that left her only one option. The flames around her fists slowly shifted hues, going from red to orange to blue all the while growing in size to encase her entire body. She brought her arms out in front of her and clasped her hands together, aiming her interlaced fists towards the golem's head. The fire that whipped around her was drawn in towards her fists, swirling about in a frenzy until hands alone radiated her blue flames. Looking over at the others she finally called out loud enough for them to all hear. "This is gonna take a bit so stay out of the way!" Turning her attention back to the golem she was about to unleash her attack when she paused and then quickly looked back in the direction of her fellow mages. "Oh and make sure to guard me!"

With her warning and demand given she finally focused on the golem for the final time. Taking a deep breath she channeled her magic into her fire and called out. "Incineration!" The blue flames lanced out from her fists in a constant stream, crashing upon the golem's head. The heat radiated out making even going near her stream of fire more than a little uncomfortable. Nevertheless she kept her assault trained squarely on the same spot no matter how the golem might move. The others would soon be able to see the stone of the golem's head begin to glow brighter the longer she maintained her attack.
Valken Truss

Team Bravado


Valken kept looking for any parts of the Golem he could see that held some sort of weakness other then the fact it was Stone and he made a half grunt when he discovered there didn't seemed to be any quick and easy fix to kill it. Truthfully that was clever on the Dark Guild's account as over complication leads to more flaws in overall design, however a simple design combining brute strength and an unwavering constitution seemed to fit the bill for this group of Mages. It was only his keen eye vision that whirled oddly in time with the actual Golem as he spotted Emmerich charging in like a fist flaming missile, did Valken have to grin. Better late then never eh Frosty? He mused.

His kick working a treat and as the Golem was sent crashing with Emmerich following suit, Valken, crouched down before vaulting himself up into the air into somewhat of a beautiful somersault. As he spun he deftly reached down to clasp at the hilts of her daggers to slip them from his hip holsters, and with barely a thud the man landed on the ground like he had been standing there the whole time. He saw the creature grasp at Frosty before throwing him unceremoniously at the wall, and he might have shown more concern if he figured the guy couldn't take the hit. Landing pretty much right behind Lavender with his jump. Having a half grin, the guy slung his arm around her like they were best pals as he leans in to whisper into her ear. "You know, if you're scared you can let the big kids take this one..." His voice soft like a passing breeze. And before she could respond he had side stepped her to walk back towards the creature. But before he could do anything else the girl Damn near ran straight past him with some heavy set armor and a black whip? Well...to each their own he assumed. He wasn't one to talk with the Sadist tenancies that got him all fired up.

She seemed to get a few hits in that damaged it but then the Golem's attention turned towards her. Or at least it would have if not a moment later something really bright and pretty was aimed straight at his face and like a bug drawn to a lantern he fully turned to face Tanari now. Valken only assumed her attack would do damage considering the time, effort and demands she gave before firing it and frankly at this point it was the only sensible solution he could think of to destroy it apart from dragging the whole thing under the Shadows as he had Millie's guard.

Thus when the Golem's statue turned to her, Valken realized he had to hold the Damn thing still long enough that her attack would do some damage. Already Valken was bent low to the ground and was dashing at an unbelievable speed coming right up underneath the creatures huge set legs. Now this creature was BIG. With an equally huge Shadow for him to control. So he thrust a Dagger down into the ground right behind the creature's foot, the blade sinking half into the deepest Shadow behind it before in another instant he had barrel rolled to the other huge set foot and slammed his second Dagger in much the same way as the first.

With those two points secured, he flipped back onto his hands then onto his legs much like a Gymnast before squatting down at the very top of his elongated Shadow, made longer by Tanari's flame attack... like it needed to be any bigger or longer really. He thrust his arms out with fingertips sliding into the ground, before they clenched, like he were literally fisting the edge of a carpet rug. Even despite Valken's control over the Shadow Realm he could already feel his muscles bulging to keep the damn thing in place.

The Golem made as if to take a huge step towards Tanari but instead made a half roar as it realized he couldn't step anywhere. Like his feet were planted solid somehow. Though that didn't stop him trying desperately to lift his feet to try and charge forward more to attack her.

"Emmerich! Lavender! He can't move his feet so now would be a great time to Wail into that Stone Golem to distract him while Tanari finishes her attack! So hop to it Princesses!!" All said in a light tone, but already sweat was rolling down his face.

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Kelica...is that you?)

Chris was still waiting from Mizuki until he heard the unmistakable sound of thunder clapping. His eyes widened as it was soon accompanied by a familiar voice. "Kelica!" Chris said as he began to run towards her. He embraced Kelica in a famous bear hug, almost completely disregarding what she was yelling about. He nuzzled into her hair with a bit of a shudder as he finally said,"Thank Fiore you're alright...I...I don't know what I would have done if I had killed you."

After finally calming down and releasing Kelica from the death hug, Chris reran what he was yelling about in his head. Kelica wanted to let the siren go!? Even after she had sent Chris to kill her? Chris grabbed Kelica and shot her a "Are you sure you want to do this?" look as he turned back to the barrier. The screech that the siren emitted actually made Chris feel somewhat bad for her. She was basically burning to death, he had heard that if you were ever caught in a fire with no escape, you'd better hope the smoke kills you before the flames reach you.

@Kayzo @Kayzo
@Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zareh @LeSoraAmari @Isune

Kelica Zefara

Siren Battle


The Forest Mage couldn't believe what she was seeing. Ryu had hardly even looked at her, like her presence didn't even register in his vision. He was just pacing in that Dome, like some sort of cold-hearted killer. The Siren's wails didn't even effect him at all. She'd seen him around the Guild Hall, mostly sitting by himself, but she never dreamed he could be so cold as to kill something so easily! Not something screaming in pain as that woman was! Her thoughts only momentarily taken aback when a heavy set of arms wrapped around her and lifted her completely off her feet, emerald eyes going massive as panic dawned on her face.

It was Chris still covered head to toe in her own blood, but she didn't know he was still functioning normally! Wincing as per usual his hug was far to strong for her petite frame. "
C...Chris let me go!" Though the nuzzle into her hair took her aback. Still his hot breath washing over her neck brought back bad memories, memories of when he had that sickening sharp teeth grin and he was literally drooling over her before he slammed his jaws around her neck. The second her feet touched the floor, Kelica thrust her hands out to create some space between them. At least till he grabbed her shoulders and she took another sharp intake of breath, fear still half flooding her face. But his eyes vision seem to be focusing on the Siren who's screeching only seemed to intensify with every passing moment.

Kelica looked to face Adrian now as he spoke, though his calm words did little to calm her. How could everyone just stand around without even acknowledging that she was being tortured! Did they not hear her very screams? Did they not care? She listened to every word her resolve slowly dwindling, but it didn't feel right. Fairytail didn't just kill people like this.

"Yes I know what a Siren is... a creature not protected under Human law.... But need I remind you that Fairytail's own Guild has a S-Class wizard who is a Vampire. A creature, but definition, who sucks the blood from it's victims in much the same way that a Siren does? So... a vampire in our own ranks is acceptable, but a Siren is not? Why? What difference is there? Sera has learned to control her urges, over many many years.... but long ago she was not much different from this creature!! But someone took pity on her and she changed! She has to feed to survive! If she does not feed she dies... would you not eat simply because herbivore's may look at you as some sort of disgusting Meat-Eating Monster? How is this different! You say she doesn't want to change.... that she can't be redeemed but I disagree!! How do you KNOW that?! Maybe she has known no other way! Maybe she had killed for her own survival!"

"Her words may not be trusted but they could very well be... will you sentence her to a Painful Death on maybes and conjecture? Guilty till proven Innocent, am I right!?!? WHO MADE YOU JUDGE AND EXECUTIONER! THAT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT, AND I'll BE DAMNED IF I ALLOW ANYONE OF FAIRYTAIL BE THE KILLING BLOW ON ANYONE!"

Oh she was well aware of the growing Sun inside the Dome, and she was aware if the Arcane Barrier broke they would be hit with the full force of that heat. She was aware Ryu probably didn't give a Damn about anyone else here other then some sick and twisted revenge. One creature doing one bad thing in his past condemned an entire race of Immortals. NOT ALL IMMORTALS WERE THE SAME! Just as no two humans, or no two creatures were the same. Did they not see that? How did they turn a blind eye to this! Did they feel no remorse at all! Kelica had tears in the corners of her eyes. She didn't know what to do! She slammed a fist against the Dome. Finally her gaze turned as she faced Noah with a hopeless in her eyes. What could she do? Sit here and let some creature screech in agony? How could she?
"This isn't right...." She whispered but her eyes kept locked to the Djinn Mage, like she hoped he might see her reasoning. If he agreed with the others.... then there was nothing more she could do...

A weak C-class mage out ranked and out numbered.

@Embaga Elder @Rhodus @Mitchs98 (mention) @LeSoraAmari
Eric: Surely that boulder didn't finish him...

Eric watched the boulder not entirely convinced that it beat Ethan. "C'mon kid surely you're not done yet..." Eric noticed a bright light shining behind him. He looked to see a giant ball of flame inside the dome growing in size. The Siren was screeching in pain as it seemed to be burned by it's very presence. The kimono on the other hand was showing no remorse. "Hey ain't that a little overkill?" Suddenly there was a clap of thunder and Kelica had reappeared again with no visible injuries and standing beside someone else with long purple hair. (@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Zareh
Noah Cross

Siren Battle

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20160711_101206.png.bf9de4c9c76a7d32ad8b9caf85da001b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146125" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20160711_101206.png.bf9de4c9c76a7d32ad8b9caf85da001b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Watching this take place before his very eyes brought back memories when he was tortured for stealing and just trying to survive and everyone just stood there watching. TO his ears the siren's wails sounded much more like his. He grits his teeth, and crosses his arms with the right hand on his left grabbing it tightly. He broke his gaze from the siren when he heard Kelica yelling to be released. He snapped his head towards her seeing Chris bear hugging her. Noah simply walks towards, by the time he arrived, she was already on her feet. But he was still too close. Noah pushes Chris back a few steps standing in between him and Kelica. He cuts his eyes towards him with a hint of disgust. He then turns to Kelica and Adrian as they went into a rant.

Both had valid points, but Kelica's argument came from a reason which was more righteous. As she looked at Noah with hopeless eyes, he simply places his hand on her head and gave her a light smile. I know, that's why I have a plan. He looks towards Eric. And it's all thanks to you. Whoever you are. Noah turned his gaze upon Adrian and walked towards him with a grin on his face. Noah used an internal partial take over using the voice of Zepar. Hey why don't you do as your friend said place the dome around the sun. Which helps us and the Siren. If she has to die, it doesn't have to be by torture. That's never the way to go. So please, place the barrier around the sun and keep it there. Noah's voice, if it worked, his voice should sound soft and echoey to Adrian as he enters a mild trance being compelled to place the barrier around the sun. If it works, once Adrian completed the task he will return to normal.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Isune @Zareh @Necr0Danc3r @purplepanda288 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Rhodus @Zuka



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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Team Bravado


Valken kept looking for any parts of the Golem he could see that held some sort of weakness other then the fact it was Stone and he made a half grunt when he discovered there didn't seemed to be any quick and easy fix to kill it. Truthfully that was clever on the Dark Guild's account as over complication leads to more flaws in overall design, however a simple design combining brute strength and an unwavering constitution seemed to fit the bill for this group of Mages. It was only his keen eye vision that whirled oddly in time with the actual Golem as he spotted Emmerich charging in like a fist flaming missile, did Valken have to grin. Better late then never eh Frosty? He mused.

His kick working a treat and as the Golem was sent crashing with Emmerich following suit, Valken, crouched down before vaulting himself up into the air into somewhat of a beautiful somersault. As he spun he deftly reached down to clasp at the hilts of her daggers to slip them from his hip holsters, and with barely a thud the man landed on the ground like he had been standing there the whole time. He saw the creature grasp at Frosty before throwing him unceremoniously at the wall, and he might have shown more concern if he figured the guy couldn't take the hit. Landing pretty much right behind Lavender with his jump. Having a half grin, the guy slung his arm around her like they were best pals as he leans in to whisper into her ear. "You know, if you're scared you can let the big kids take this one..." His voice soft like a passing breeze. And before she could respond he had side stepped her to walk back towards the creature. But before he could do anything else the girl Damn near ran straight past him with some heavy set armor and a black whip? Well...to each their own he assumed. He wasn't one to talk with the Sadist tenancies that got him all fired up.

She seemed to get a few hits in that damaged it but then the Golem's attention turned towards her. Or at least it would have if not a moment later something really bright and pretty was aimed straight at his face and like a bug drawn to a lantern he fully turned to face Tanari now. Valken only assumed her attack would do damage considering the time, effort and demands she gave before firing it and frankly at this point it was the only sensible solution he could think of to destroy it apart from dragging the whole thing under the Shadows as he had Millie's guard.

Thus when the Golem's statue turned to her, Valken realized he had to hold the Damn thing still long enough that her attack would do some damage. Already Valken was bent low to the ground and was dashing at an unbelievable speed coming right up underneath the creatures huge set legs. Now this creature was BIG. With an equally huge Shadow for him to control. So he thrust a Dagger down into the ground right behind the creature's foot, the blade sinking half into the deepest Shadow behind it before in another instant he had barrel rolled to the other huge set foot and slammed his second Dagger in much the same way as the first.

With those two points secured, he flipped back onto his hands then onto his legs much like a Gymnast before squatting down at the very top of his elongated Shadow, made longer by Tanari's flame attack... like it needed to be any bigger or longer really. He thrust his arms out with fingertips sliding into the ground, before they clenched, like he were literally fisting the edge of a carpet rug. Even despite Valken's control over the Shadow Realm he could already feel his muscles bulging to keep the damn thing in place.

The Golem made as if to take a huge step towards Tanari but instead made a half roar as it realized he couldn't step anywhere. Like his feet were planted solid somehow. Though that didn't stop him trying desperately to lift his feet to try and charge forward more to attack her.

"Emmerich! Lavender! He can't move his feet so now would be a great time to Wail into that Stone Golem to distract him while Tanari finishes her attack! So hop to it Princesses!!" All said in a light tone, but already sweat was rolling down his face.


Lavender Gray

Lavender jumped back from the Golem to take a breath as she took a look at her sword "My blade has taken a good amount of damage. But I am sure can still use it." she said softly as Valken did hat he had to do which was pretty much nailing the golem tot he floor before hearing his words "Emmerich! Lavender! He can't move his feet so now would be a great time to Wail into that Stone Golem to distract him while Tanari finishes her attack!" This made Lavender look towards him and nod before looking back at the Golem "Here we go." with that, the warrior charged foward and jumped up, attacking the large rock monster with swift movements.

Her sword may have been getting weaker and weaker but she still had her other two requip forms if her sword were to break "I believe we are the ones who are fighting you!" she yelled to the golem, trying to make sure it had his attention on her and away from Tanari. Also, by we, she meant her and Emmerich.

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Colt556 (I just wanted to post before I dont get any ideas xD )​
Jackaboi said:
Eric: You think you're too so...? Wait is that a boulder?

He knew it... All those attacks Eric just did we're redirected elsewhere, made obvious by the multiple dents appearing on the walls. Although trying to push away so many punches at once must've paid quite a toll on Ethan. Trying to maintain such momentum was hard though. The kid mast have saw an opening and used it to launch a counter attack. Eric took multiple blows to the arm and chest. He took a step back trying to regain what air he lost. "Too soft? Do you really think your in any position to go soft on me?" Ethan jumped out of Eric's way for some reason. He didn't even launch an attack for him to dodge. That was until he noticed a shadow at his feet growing larger and larger. "W-wait your joking right?" He reluctantly looked up to notice a giant boulder about to land on him. "Oh dear god... (SMASH!)"

The boulder hit it's target and was sat there for a few moments in silence until it started rumbling. It started slowly lifting off the ground to reveal Eric using the strength of his gorilla arms to free himself from the boulder. "I said it before and I ain't gonna say it again... AIN'T NO PILE OF ROCKS STOPPING ME NOW!!!" Eric launched the boulder directly at Ethan with some impressive velocity. "Let's see you try and stop that one!"

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Isune @Necr0Danc3r @Rhodus @Zuka
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Surely that boulder didn't finish him...

Eric watched the boulder not entirely convinced that it beat Ethan. "C'mon kid surely you're not done yet..." Eric noticed a bright light shining behind him. He looked to see a giant ball of flame inside the dome growing in size. The Siren was screeching in pain as it seemed to be burned by it's very presence. The kimono on the other hand was showing no remorse. "Hey ain't that a little overkill?" Suddenly there was a clap of thunder and Kelica had reappeared again with no visible injuries and standing beside someone else with long purple hair. (@Embaga Elder) Eric listened as Kelica and Adrien both put up a good argument about what we should do. Sirens do indeed prey on us humans but they are only natural creatures... But besides that point even if the barrier was taken down the sun would also have to be dealt with. "Hey Adrien! Would it not just be more simple to wrap the barrier around the sun alone? That way we wouldn't be burnt to a crisp." Still Eric stared at the boulder waiting for Ethan to suddenly shoot out and attack.

@Necr0Danc3r @Zuka @Genon @Rhodus @Isune @Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Zareh
Ethan: Grimoire Heart

Ethan wasn't able to roll out of the way of the chunk of rock. Instead, he outstretched his arms and caught it. It took very precise timing to divert the force behind the thrown boulder and store it, but it still pushed him to the wall. Jeez, this guy was not pulling his punches much. Ethan then pushed the rock back and jumped on top of it. He looked back toward Eric, and grinned. "Is that all you got?" he said, trying to get a rise out of Eric. This fight had gone on too long, and he needed to get out before the place collapsed. That went double since his friends were back. Just great.

@Zuka @Genon @Rhodus @Isune @Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Zareh @Jackaboi
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Siren Battle


The Forest Mage couldn't believe what she was seeing. Ryu had hardly even looked at her, like her presence didn't even register in his vision. He was just pacing in that Dome, like some sort of cold-hearted killer. The Siren's wails didn't even effect him at all. She'd seen him around the Guild Hall, mostly sitting by himself, but she never dreamed he could be so cold as to kill something so easily! Not something screaming in pain as that woman was! Her thoughts only momentarily taken aback when a heavy set of arms wrapped around her and lifted her completely off her feet, emerald eyes going massive as panic dawned on her face.

It was Chris still covered head to toe in her own blood, but she didn't know he was still functioning normally! Wincing as per usual his hug was far to strong for her petite frame. "C...Chris let me go!" Though the nuzzle into her hair took her aback. Still his hot breath washing over her neck brought back bad memories, memories of when he had that sickening sharp teeth grin and he was literally drooling over her before he slammed his jaws around her neck. The second her feet touched the floor, Kelica thrust her hands out to create some space between them. At least till he grabbed her shoulders and she took another sharp intake of breath, fear still half flooding her face. But his eyes vision seem to be focusing on the Siren who's screeching only seemed to intensify with every passing moment.

Kelica looked to face Adrian now as he spoke, though his calm words did little to calm her. How could everyone just stand around without even acknowledging that she was being tortured! Did they not hear her very screams? Did they not care? She listened to every word her resolve slowly dwindling, but it didn't feel right. Fairytail didn't just kill people like this.

"Yes I know what a Siren is... a creature not protected under Human law.... But need I remind you that Fairytail's own Guild has a S-Class wizard who is a Vampire. A creature, but definition, who sucks the blood from it's victims in much the same way that a Siren does? So... a vampire in our own ranks is acceptable, but a Siren is not? Why? What difference is there? Sera has learned to control her urges, over many many years.... but long ago she was not much different from this creature!! But someone took pity on her and she changed! She has to feed to survive! If she does not feed she dies... would you not eat simply because herbivore's may look at you as some sort of disgusting Meat-Eating Monster? How is this different! You say she doesn't want to change.... that she can't be redeemed but I disagree!! How do you KNOW that?! Maybe she has known no other way! Maybe she had killed for her own survival!"

"Her words may not be trusted but they could very well be... will you sentence her to a Painful Death on maybes and conjecture? Guilty till proven Innocent, am I right!?!? WHO MADE YOU JUDGE AND EXECUTIONER! THAT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT, AND I'll BE DAMNED IF I ALLOW ANYONE OF FAIRYTAIL BE THE KILLING BLOW ON ANYONE!"

Oh she was well aware of the growing Sun inside the Dome, and she was aware if the Arcane Barrier broke they would be hit with the full force of that heat. She was aware Ryu probably didn't give a Damn about anyone else here other then some sick and twisted revenge. One creature doing one bad thing in his past condemned an entire race of Immortals. NOT ALL IMMORTALS WERE THE SAME! Just as no two humans, or no two creatures were the same. Did they not see that? How did they turn a blind eye to this! Did they feel no remorse at all! Kelica had tears in the corners of her eyes. She didn't know what to do! She slammed a fist against the Dome. Finally her gaze turned as she faced Noah with a hopeless in her eyes. What could she do? Sit here and let some creature screech in agony? How could she? "This isn't right...." She whispered but her eyes kept locked to the Djinn Mage, like she hoped he might see her reasoning. If he agreed with the others.... then there was nothing more she could do...

A weak C-class mage out ranked and out numbered.

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Isune @Necr0Danc3r @purplepanda288 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Rhodus[/size][/color][/font]
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Siren Battle


The Forest Mage couldn't believe what she was seeing. Ryu had hardly even looked at her, like her presence didn't even register in his vision. He was just pacing in that Dome, like some sort of cold-hearted killer. The Siren's wails didn't even effect him at all. She'd seen him around the Guild Hall, mostly sitting by himself, but she never dreamed he could be so cold as to kill something so easily! Not something screaming in pain as that woman was! Her thoughts only momentarily taken aback when a heavy set of arms wrapped around her and lifted her completely off her feet, emerald eyes going massive as panic dawned on her face.

It was Chris still covered head to toe in her own blood, but she didn't know he was still functioning normally! Wincing as per usual his hug was far to strong for her petite frame. "C...Chris let me go!" Though the nuzzle into her hair took her aback. Still his hot breath washing over her neck brought back bad memories, memories of when he had that sickening sharp teeth grin and he was literally drooling over her before he slammed his jaws around her neck. The second her feet touched the floor, Kelica thrust her hands out to create some space between them. At least till he grabbed her shoulders and she took another sharp intake of breath, fear still half flooding her face. But his eyes vision seem to be focusing on the Siren who's screeching only seemed to intensify with every passing moment.

Kelica looked to face Adrian now as he spoke, though his calm words did little to calm her. How could everyone just stand around without even acknowledging that she was being tortured! Did they not hear her very screams? Did they not care? She listened to every word her resolve slowly dwindling, but it didn't feel right. Fairytail didn't just kill people like this.

"Yes I know what a Siren is... a creature not protected under Human law.... But need I remind you that Fairytail's own Guild has a S-Class wizard who is a Vampire. A creature, but definition, who sucks the blood from it's victims in much the same way that a Siren does? So... a vampire in our own ranks is acceptable, but a Siren is not? Why? What difference is there? Sera has learned to control her urges, over many many years.... but long ago she was not much different from this creature!! But someone took pity on her and she changed! She has to feed to survive! If she does not feed she dies... would you not eat simply because herbivore's may look at you as some sort of disgusting Meat-Eating Monster? How is this different! You say she doesn't want to change.... that she can't be redeemed but I disagree!! How do you KNOW that?! Maybe she has known no other way! Maybe she had killed for her own survival!"

"Her words may not be trusted but they could very well be... will you sentence her to a Painful Death on maybes and conjecture? Guilty till proven Innocent, am I right!?!? WHO MADE YOU JUDGE AND EXECUTIONER! THAT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT, AND I'll BE DAMNED IF I ALLOW ANYONE OF FAIRYTAIL BE THE KILLING BLOW ON ANYONE!"

Oh she was well aware of the growing Sun inside the Dome, and she was aware if the Arcane Barrier broke they would be hit with the full force of that heat. She was aware Ryu probably didn't give a Damn about anyone else here other then some sick and twisted revenge. One creature doing one bad thing in his past condemned an entire race of Immortals. NOT ALL IMMORTALS WERE THE SAME! Just as no two humans, or no two creatures were the same. Did they not see that? How did they turn a blind eye to this! Did they feel no remorse at all! Kelica had tears in the corners of her eyes. She didn't know what to do! She slammed a fist against the Dome. Finally her gaze turned as she faced Noah with a hopeless in her eyes. What could she do? Sit here and let some creature screech in agony? How could she? "This isn't right...." She whispered but her eyes kept locked to the Djinn Mage, like she hoped he might see her reasoning. If he agreed with the others.... then there was nothing more she could do...

A weak C-class mage out ranked and out numbered.

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Isune @Zareh @Necr0Danc3r @purplepanda288 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Rhodus @Zuka
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Eric: Now it's just me and you bud!

Things seem to be calming down over on that side now. He was pretty glad about that but now Eric should be finishing things up here too. Ethan stood atop the boulder taunting him. There wasn't much Eric could do to him as a physical based fighter... Unless maybe... "Maybe I don't need my FULL force to beat you..." Eric transformed into an eagle. Using this kind of nimble form should help him avoid most of Ethan's attacks and it doesn't require much force to deal damage either. The Eagle flew towards the kid and started pecking and clawing him. He might be able to absorb force but he can't absorb cuts and bites!

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Zareh
Chris Lengheart(...)

Chris was taken aback by Kelica pushing him away slightly followed by her shuddering breaths when he put his hand on her shoulder. Chris quickly removed his hand and tried to apologize before suddenly being pushed again by another man who he recognized as the one who picked up Kelica. He was about to thank the man for saving Kelica's life. A saddened look soon fell onto Chris' face as the man shot him a disgusted look. Normally, Chris would of shoved this guy back and told him to back off, but he couldn't bring himself to do it right now. He gave Kelica one more glance and then finally decided to talk to the man. "Thank you..." Chris said as he averted the other man's gaze "I failed at my one job...I couldn't protect the one I loved...I'm sorry."

After saying this, Chris suddenly turned around and started to walk away from the two, he obviously wasn't wanted there and knew that his words would likely fall onto deaf ears. As Kelica went on her rant, Chris simply stared at Adrian as he heard something that brought shivers down his spine. That same soft voice...the one Chris despised so. That same voice, it was similar to Draneri's. Chris looked and saw that it was the stranger talking. Was he...trying to "influence" Adrian. It didn't help that he straight up said to stop with the mind control. This guy was a bigger jerk than Chris thought. He looked at the stranger with that same look of disgust that he had given Chris. Controlling people was
NOT the way to go!

Chris kept his eyes on Adrian for any sort of changes or odd behaviors, but it seemed as if he removed the barrier of his own free will. He watched as the mini-sun was stuffed into its own barrier while Draneri and Ryu were both separated. As Adrian went over the options with Draneri, Chris simply crossed his arms and looked over to Eric and the other boy as their slugfest continued. Chris watched the eagle as he finally shouted over,"
Eric, you got things under control? I can help if you need it."

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