Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

guardianshadow said:
Joel opens his eyes to see a man bound he was instantly thinking what happen to him after he saw people whispering about the person he got up to walk to the person to see if they were ok then stopping as soon as the person fell down and seeing that they were not moving he then looked around to see if anyone would help him since no one went to help the person Joel reequipped his fire gauntlets and walked over to the person and burning whatever bounded there arms and legs and handing the person his canteen "here you need to have some water" Joel said in a calm voice
Rasils vision was blurry, when suddenly he felt his bindings burn off. He sat up and looked at his wrist in shock."Gone......gone." Rasil muttered to himself, then turned to the man offering him a canister. He took it and gazed at it for a second before pouring the water all over himself. He then looked at the man with tears in his eyes," you destroyed it....brothers gift to me..you destroyed it. Why?" Rasil said before he began wailing uncontrollably, in the middle of everyone in town.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Rasils vision was blurry, when suddenly he felt his bindings burn off. He sat up and looked at his wrist in shock."Gone......gone." Rasil muttered to himself, then turned to the man offering him a canister. He took it and gazed at it for a second before pouring the water all over himself. He then looked at the man with tears in his eyes," you destroyed it....brothers gift to me..you destroyed it. Why?" Rasil said before he began wailing uncontrollably, in the middle of everyone in town.

Joel wondering why someone would do this to there brother "what kind of person would do this to there own brother" Joel says Joel then brings the man to his feet "where is your brother now i need to talk to him" Joel says with a determined face and still thinking who would do this to there own brother
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guardianshadow said:
Joel wondering why someone would do this to there brother "what kind of person would do this to there own brother" Joel says Joel then brings the man to his feet "where is your brother now i need to talk to him" Joel says with a determined face and still thinking who would do this to there own brother
Rasils pulled away from Joel, making a pouty face at him."No! Why should I? You just destroyed big brothers gift to me, so why should I do anything for you? I may be no better than dirt, but brother is the greatest!" Rasils said standing with his hands on his waist, and laughing heartily.

Moses, Bandheart

Blue Pegasus guild hall

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/95e56e6b61403265f946840b5cd9c3e07eae93fe_hq.gif.4b93e16ea3426136ee96f95b0d981fb0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146620" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/95e56e6b61403265f946840b5cd9c3e07eae93fe_hq.gif.4b93e16ea3426136ee96f95b0d981fb0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Meanwhile, back at the blue Pegasus guild."Hey, where is everyone?" Moses called as he entered the guild hall. He looked around, and adjusted his glasses ever so slightly."This is so boring, isn't there anything to do? Maybe a game of cards or something?" Moses suggested as he took a seat at a random chair.

(Anyone In the blue Pegasus guild)



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Eric: I won...? Yay?

Eric had Ethan on the ropes! But... Pecking and clawing weren't exactly the most effective way to win a fight... Surely there has to be another way. His question was answered when a completely random rock came flying out of no where and hit Ethan on the head utterly knocking him out. Could birds make a confused face? If not then Eric would be the first. "Uhh... Ok? I guess I'll roll with it?" Eric looked to Chris and (tried) to give him a thumbs up with his feathers. "See? I had it under control!"

Now that Eric finally has time to look around he transformed back into his human form and noticed that the Siren was in VERY bad shape. That kimono guy really doesn't know how to hold back huh? Suddenly Eric heard the voice of another woman down the corridor, runes appeared underneath the Siren and was sucked into the ground only to pop back up again next to the woman he heard. There's no doubt about it... She's definitely Grimoire Heart. But she doesn't seem to be giving off any blood lust or intent to kill. In fact she came to take Ethan and the Siren away. "So you've come to collect you're allies? Go right ahead... Just know that none of us will hold back if you decide to capture us again."

Eric turned away to join the rest of the group. Admittedly he felt somewhat concerned for both Ethan and the siren. Afterall this was a dark guild they were dealing with. Gilad's punishments may not even compare to what Grimoire Heart would do to guild mates. Eh... Best not to think about that now. That's their problem, not his. Of course the purple-haired mage caught Eric's Attention at the mention of joining him for a drink. After all that's transpired here... He'd drink an entire bar dry at this point. "You mind if I join? I could really use a little booze right about now... The name's Eric. Nice to meet ya." Again Eric looked at Chris. He seemed depressed and honestly Eric wouldn't blame him. "Yo Chris you wanna come too?"

@Kayzo @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Colt556
still looking at the man "can i at least know your name and can i have my canteen back?" Joel says with a calmer face then last knowing that this man will not trust him yet but is still thinking what guild would his brother be at and why would this man think those binds as a gift and why would this man come here "also would you mind telling me what guild you are in?" asking this may help me find his brother
Tatsuya wandered around magnoila. It was just another stop on his travles to find a guild. Thus far all the ones he had visited had turned him away. He had gotten a few offers from dark guilds that wanted information brokers, but he had no desire to work for a dark guild. dark guilds wernt usually in the businesses of helping people
guardianshadow said:
still looking at the man "can i at least know your name and can i have my canteen back?" Joel says with a calmer face then last knowing that this man will not trust him yet but is still thinking what guild would his brother be at and why would this man think those binds as a gift and why would this man come here "also would you mind telling me what guild you are in?" asking this may help me find his brother
Rasil gave the man a annoyed look, and tossed him the canister before walking off."Hmm, so where is it," Rasil mumbled to himself ignoring the guys questions. He had no intention of giving him information on him nor his brother. Besides, it would only start a fight, and as great as that sounded, he didn't want to deal with that right now."Okay, where is it...Hmmm where could it be...Hmmm" all of a sudden Rasil found himself bumping into someone."Oh, I apologize are you okay?" Rasils asked Tatsuya, rubbing his head sore from the impact.

@Four Eyes


<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#ff0000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Chris Lengheart(why do you care?)</span></span></p></div>

<p> <span style="color:#000000;">Chris watched as Noah approached and asked if he was alright. At first, Chris just wanted to turn away and not say a word, but he decided that'd just be stood. What Chris was feeling right now is hard to put into words. Trying to explain that to a complete stranger would be even harder. To make things easier, he simply shrugged since he had no clue on how to respond. Chris suddenly came to attention however as</span><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);"> he heard some talking. He soon stood up and peeked out as he looked at a lady who was taking away the siren. Everyone seemed to be allowing it, and Chris decided it'd be best not to butt in.</span> <span style="color:#000000;"> Chris then turned his attention to the fight between Eric and Ethan as he heard the sound of the ceiling crumbling. He watched as a rock fell down and smashed into the boy's head and winced slightly. That looked like it'd hurt like hell. As Eric said he had everything under control, Chris simply shook his head,"</span><span style="color:#ff0000;">Nice one bird brain.</span><span style="color:#000000;">" At the mention of drinking after all of this, Chris simply muttered,"</span><span style="color:#ff0000;">After today, I just want to forget. Yeah, I can definitely go for a drink after the hell I've been through.</span><span style="color:#000000;">"</span> @Kayzo @Necr0Danc3r @Colt556

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@Four Eyes[/URL]
At a glance The person appeared to be a young girl, She gave him a darling smile and stood up. "No worries, Im fine" Her voice was the give away that she was a he, It was smooth and melodic, very feminine, but with the rich deeper tone of a males voice. He bowed to the man who had knocked him over and introduced himself "Im Tatsuya, Im Visiting town for a bit. Do you think you could tell me where I might find any Wizard guilds around? Ive been looking to join up with one for a while" he sighed then puting one hand on his cheek and placing the other on his elbow, The pose was adorable, and would have been irresistible except for the fact that he was a guy. "So far no luck though" he pouted.
Kayzo said:
Grace continued to fire volleys of her missiles into the crowd of attacking mages, careful not to hit the older mage. She was extremley amazed at what Gilad had in store for the dark mages. Yes he was a guildmaster and they usually had great power, but never before has she seen someone so cool. The way he combined his sword and his magic to absolutely destroy everything that came his way was amazing. He was everything that she wanted to be; cool, powerful, and popular. Really the only thing that she didn't want to be was old. "Good job Gramps! I'm surprised that you haven't broken a hip yet." She teased, winking at him even if his back was turned.
The short girl's attention was then focused on the stragglers that were coming her way. She wasn't that scared of them, assuming her attack worked, but if they made it through she'd have to actually move her feet. With a twirl of her flaming hand 8 small circles appeared around her, acting as land mines to blow away her foes.
"Heheheh, come get me you dogs." She said to the small group of dark mages, grinning slightly as they closed in. The moment they touched the circles they were blown away in a fiery explosion, all but one who was smart enough to see through her trick. Grace's grin slowly faded into a pouty, annoyed face , and fired a small cluster of missiles at the ground, causing her attacker the turn away. Using this chance she ran back a few feet and fired a much bigger missile, hitting the Grimoire Heart Mage and sent him flying, a small chuckle coming from her. "I've taken care of those nerds. How are you Gramps? Need any help!?" She asked Gilad, firing another volley at a group coming from his backside.
Gilad Arcturus - Forests of Magnolia

He held the flat of his sword towards the brawler, using it as a shield to stave off the brute's punches. He allowed the man to push forward slightly before violently thrusting forward, throwing the brawler back into a few of his comrades. Not about to allow them to recover he let go of his blade with one hand and pointed at the downed brawler before giving a flick of his wrist upward. Without warning a flaming tornado tore out of the ground and lifted the brawler and those around him skyward before turning to slam them down into another group of mages with a powerful explosion. It was not often he fought alongside someone who dared make a mockery of his age. The question was whether this was the girl's natural personality or if she was putting on airs due to his presence. He was given little time to think over the possibilities as more Grimoire Heart mages were quick to descend upon him.

He parried one of the mage's swings before overpowering the poor boy, shattering the kid's sword and slamming him into the ground with a gut wrenching scream of pain. A series of explosions rank out behind him quickly followed by the girl's continuing banter and another large blast. As expected mages of this caliber were no match for even a B-rank such as her. Flames crept along his blade, swirling around in a cyclonic rotation as he took a step back before giving another mighty swing. Unlike before the flaming tornado raced across the ground tearing up the earth and throwing the mages around like rag-dolls. Cracks begun to form along his blade, making his weapon's fragility known to those more observant mages. It was at that moment that another series of explosions rang out, this time right behind him causing his cape to flutter in the wind.

The girl continued her banter, even going so far as to ask if he needed help. Without warning he spun around bringing his arm up over his head. As if pitching a ball he brought his hand down, throwing his sword at breakneck speeds towards the young girl. The blade careened through the air and covered the distance in mere seconds, giving the lass no time to react. The weapon whipped past Grace and slammed into the ground behind her with such force that it seemed as if a bomb had detonated. Screams of pain rang out as dirt flew up only to rain down on the girl. As the dust settled a dagger-wielding mage was laying unconscious on the ground a ways away from her, a large crater and shards of metal resting between the two of them. "Do not let your guard down, Miss Grace. The moment you underestimate your opponent is the very moment you lose your life."

A bright light formed around his hand as he spoke before quickly shifting into the shape of his trusty great axe. With his replacement weapon in hand he turned back to overlook the battlefield. The two of them had done great work in thinning the herd as there was now only small pockets of mages still standing among the field of groaning and motionless bodies. Nevertheless the two of them would have to remain vigilant. The biggest threat when dealing with hordes of weak enemies was becoming complacent, and given who they would have to face complacency was not an option.
guardianshadow said:
walks over to where the two men stood making sure no one would get into a fight but is thinking is that his brother and then saying "is everything ok here?" asking in a confused voice and reequipping into his black gloves and putting his canteen in his bag and wondering whats going to happen
Four Eyes]At a glance The person appeared to be a young girl said:


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Yamato Ren: Blue Pegasus HQ

It was a beautiful day outside. Yamato sat at the window staring out lost in his own world until he heard a voice at the entrance. When he checked he saw a black-haired man calling out to anyone still here. "A vistor?" Yamato descended the stairs to greet the new face. He approached the table the man was sitting at and said. "I don't believe I've seen your face before. Are you perhaps a visitor here? Or a new member?" Yamato looked at the man with a friendly smile and sat down with him at the table. "If you do not mind may I ask you're name? Mine is Yamato Ren. A pleasure to meet you."

@Solemn Jester
[QUOTE="Happy Red Mage]Ciel and Niur, Waifu For LaifuCiel blushed under her hood as her new wife hugged her and nuzzled her neck. When Haruhi removed her hood her face was revealed to be tinted with a small blush. Niur giggled quietly from the side as she inched away to give the two some space. "The cloak is extremely useful. Aside from hiding what I really am, it's resistant to elements, woven with metallic threads for flexible armor, weighted, intimidating, aerodynamic, great wear for winter, easily repairable, when combined with my magic it makes me look like a ninja, makes people think I only have one magic style, and generally makes me feel very stylish." Ciel replied honestly. "And it's a gift from my mentor." She added. "Just thankful I didn't get the cape." She began to reach for the hood in an attempt to put it back on.

Haruhi smiled slightly at the sight of Ciel's small blush, a small laugh escaping her lips. She must've been embarrassing her in front of her sister, which was just cute. If Ciel had done something like this in front of Honoka, she surely wouldn't have minded. The blue hair girl listened as her wife went on and on about how useful her scary cloak was. It was crazy to think that such a simple piece of clothing could provide so much use. "Hide what you are? Ciel, you say that like you're a monster, which you aren't. You're a very pretty lady who should be proud of that." She explained, glancing over at her hands as she tried to put the cloak back on. Quickly Haruhi's hands shot up and intercepted them, repositioning Ciel's hands on her hips. "Hey, no hiding your face when you're around me. I want to see the real you, not some faceless man."
Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Fairy Tail BarAfter a morning of shopping, trying on clothes, and buying things for both of her friends Lavender had eventually parted ways with the group for reasons Sera can't quite remember. Regardless Sera had opted to stick with Mika and show him around Magnolia a bit, the two of them eventually ending up at the bar. About halfway through his first drink Mika had passed out on the bar, of course Sera wasn't entirely sure why. That was until she heard snickering from one of the mages in the hall. Turns out he had cast some sort of sleeping spell on the drink causing Mika to pass out after drinking some of it. Thus she was forced to sit there and drink alone while she waited for him to wake up. By the time he had she was slightly drunk, though mostly buzzed than anything. She giggled lightly as he sat up and asked what had happened. "One of the guild members more or less drugged your beer and you fell asleep. I really wouldn't recommend finishing that one." She replied, gesturing to his mug. "You should be fine though unless you're allergic to sleep and magic." She added before shrugging.

"I've just been sitting her drinking by myself, kind of boring, though I did beat up the guy that did that to you." She explained. "Soooo, what do you wanna do now?" She asked, staring at him with a somewhat goofy grin. Okay, maybe she was more drunk than initially stated.

Alicia: Dungeon Exit

When Mizuki had put her down and took her hand she smiled up at her, just happy to be by her side and that Draneri would likely be taken care of soon. She had used Mizuki and caused her to hurt people and most importantly not be the Mizuki she cared for. She listened as Mizuki explained that everyone would be found and that they were just one of the three groups who had been looking. Good. Everyone would be safe, the magic council would likely come, and everything would go back to normal. She smiled and nodded when she started patting her head, further assuring her everyone was going to be fine and not to worry. "If what you're saying is right then I'm sure they'll be fine." She replied. She was going to say more but her train of thought was interrupted by Chris coming up to them covered in blood asking what to do next. Her eyes widened in horror at the scene, and had Mizuki not pressed Alicia's face into her side that likely would of been her next action.

She wasn't sure if it was Kelica's, his, or something else's at this point. All she knew was it was disgusting and absolutely horrific. She didn't even pay attention to what was said at all, simply trying to block the image out of her poor mind. Out of all the things that had happened today she definitely didn't need to see that. When he was gone and she let go of her head kneeling down and asking if she saw she nodded slightly and shuddered a bit in response, not entirely sure how to verbally respond. At her next words she thought a bit, but really it was just that; a little bit. Sure, she was tired and would like to rest. But she really needed to help rescue everyone still, or rather wanted to. She also wanted to stay with Mizuki just in-case something happened and she needed her. She might not be that strong physically or offensively, but her barriers could hold up decently. If anything she could defend her.

"I wanna stay with you and help look. I promised Hibiki I'd help and I'm gunna." She replied, a determined yet somewhat sleepy look in her eyes. There was no way she was going to back down now just because she saw a bloodied Chris. It was tempting but she was decently sure in her line of work she would see things similar in the future, after all injuries were very real and could happen at any time. It was best she get somewhat used to seeing them and not freaking out now than being a complete wuss in the future, by her logic anyway. Ten year old logic wasn't really the best whatsoever.

That said she listened as both fights raged on, the fight between Ryu and Draneri seeming to stop. Not only that she heard Hibiki. If Hibiki was free Sora likely was too. If they were free that mean there was a very good chance everyone else was! "I hear Hibiki! Come on let's go check on them!" She insisted, excitedly tugging on Mizuki's shirt before her excitement ultimately got the better of her and she ran off down the stairs. "Hibiki! I'm glad you guys escaped! I told you I'd get help! Even though I kind of got lost and help came here..but..still!" She told him cheerfully. "Did everyone else make it out? What happen-" She began, speech halting when her eyes landed on Draneri's extremely injured and nude form.

Her mind wasn't exactly sure how to react at all. It was terrifying and definitely something a ten year old should never see in their life, especially one as innocent as Alicia. In the end she screamed at the sight, moved to run for the stairs and back to Mizuki, and ended up tripping over a rock and knocking herself out. It was probably for the best after what she had saw.
When Alicia made it known that she had seen the bloodied Chris a dark glare was shot his way. Mizuki knew that a little girl like her shouldn't be exposed to something like that, and she was sure that he knew that, yet he didn't do anything to help. First he almost kills his girlfriend and then he scars a young girl. Something really needed to be done with him. Mizuki let out an irritate sigh before looking back to Alicia, leaning forward and pressing her forehead against hers. Since there wasn't anyone around she could show a little more emotion. "My poor girl... If he scared you please tell, and I'll go make him scared of me." She explained, standing back up straight. It seemed that she wanted to stay and help, which was good, but she didn't want to overwork the girl or expose her to anything else that is gruesome. Her head nodded slightly her her eyes followed quickly as she ran off towards her Hibiki friend.

Mizuki waited a few moments before following Alicia down towards the fight. She was curious to find out who this Hibiki fellow was, and if Alicia should be allowed to be around him. Although the dark Mage didn't seem like a worthy candidate to be around a little girl 24/7, but she cared very deeply about her. If this man was some scum bag who just wanted to use Alicia, she'd just have to hurt him. But if he was a nice, good role model, then he could stay.

Mizuki's pace quickened as she heard the scream of Alicia. All of her worst fears came rushing to her mind, afraid that she was getting hurt or killed. The black haired girl flew down the stairs and stopped only inches away from the unconscious Alicia. She quickly dropped onto her knees and held the small girl's head up into her lap, eyes glancing around the room. It didn't look like anyone attacked her, which was good, but what could've caused this? Her eyes then fell upon Draneri and her horribly disfigured form. It was so disgusting that it made Mizuki choke up, and she was used to this stuff. Who knows what affect this could have on Alicia...
"Wake up Alicia..."

(This was a shitty post lmao. I just wanted to get it out.)
Pegasus Guild

Seto was taking a nap when he heard voices he decided to check it out. When he got to the stairs he slid on the railing smiling. "Yo Yama we got a guest or something?" He asked as he reached the bottom of the stairs. He did hear some of what the new guy had said and chuckled. "I hear ya wanna play cards I'll have you know I kill at the liar game, what do you say Yama we should play. Cards is a great way to get to know someone."

@Jackaboi @Solemn Jester

In front of the Sabertooth Guild

Kenya's eyes shot open and she yawned a bit she didn't remember falling asleep, but who could blame her she'd been waiting for the guild master to come back. She didn't know the time then a thought crossed her mind. 'What if while asleep I missed the guild master entirely!' She stood up mad at herself people around began to move away from her as she glared forward, at no really but others were still scared.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Azuma-Tokaku-akuma-no-riddle-37118791-610-343.jpeg.1c97e2e26f5953e3b21c36cef9394f54.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Azuma-Tokaku-akuma-no-riddle-37118791-610-343.jpeg.1c97e2e26f5953e3b21c36cef9394f54.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Pay no attention to the phone in her hand!)



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Kimberly Lock

Im part of Fairytail

With a heavy exhale Kim pulled back her hands from Ayano's chest, small arcs of purple static pulsed around her body. No Magic, no Flux. The light from Kim's eyes started to fade, soon followed the glow of her stains. A silence had been fallen over the room, so thick that a movement of a sword would be stoped. A small glance was given to Ayano, had Kim fallen into her anger the vampire would of been killed. Ayano was the first to speak, she said the obligatory thing. Death would be the only stoping point for her, that she would come back to kill them. "Life is something that we can't simple throw away." She stopped to evaluate her next words. "Some one hurt you didn't they, they took your heart in their hands. Squeezed. And now your broken." Kim stood, for a moment she seemed to have lost her balance but quickly recovered. She looked back at The fallen blood Mage, sympathy crossed her soft brown eyes. The soft movement of her head said that she wouldn't, not now not ever. "I don't care if your a threat. Murder is not my game, something that I can't do." From the way that Ayano seemed to react on the subject of humans, Kim decided to continue her questions. " Have you ever thought of somehow forgive them? You hate humanity because of some event that happened to you?"

Tokine- Sabertooth Hall

Tokine was in the kitchen preparing treats for when everyone returned from the rescue mission. She herself, had wanted to go but she had been ordered to stay behind and look after the guild with the other remaining members. After placing the next batch of cookies in the oven she decided to walk around the guild hall for a bit. Almost immediately upon leaving, she spotted the out of place person, and the fearful gazes she was inspiring. Tokine paid no mind to the stranger's intimidating aura and calmly approached them before tapping them on the shoulder.

"Excuse me. Is there something I can assist you with?" She said calmly to the...was it a male or female? Hmmm. She would play it safe and use gender neutral pronouns.
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Drakerus said:
Tokine- Sabertooth Hall

Tokine was in the kitchen preparing treats for when everyone needs returned from the rescue mission. She herself, had wanted to go but she had been ordered to stay behind and look after the guild with the other remaining members. After placing the next batch of cookies in the oven she decided to walk around the guild hall for a bit. Almost immediately upon leaving, she spotted the out of place person, and the fearful gazes she was inspiring. Tokine paid no mind to the stranger's intimidating aura and calmly approached them before tapping them on the shoulder.

"Excuse me. Is there something I can assist you with?" She said calmly to the...was it a male or female? Hmmm. She would play it safe and use gender neutral pronouns.
@Nenma Takashi
Ayano Soru: Such naivety...

Ayano's face was completely emotionless. Life is something Ayano can't simply throw away? That kind of mercy usually would piss Ayano off but for some reason she didn't feel anything towards Kim. Not resentment nor happiness, just nothing. At this point it would be pretty clear that something happened to cause Ayano to hate humanity as Kim has gotten close to the source. She just got one minor point wrong. "It wasn't one person that hurt me. Rather it was everyone..." Ayano has never told anyone this story before. Mainly because she didn't anyone to feel sorry for her. Hence the reason for her wanting to kill Aiden. But now... Why not? Lucian wasn't going to let her live anyway.

"Over 100 Years ago... Back when I first turned into a vampire... I was scared. I didn't know what to do. I made my first mistake going to my family for help. I could see the look of fear in their eye's as soon as they saw me. They wafted a torch in my face trying to scare me away. So I ran away from home. I visited several villages and towns in hopes of finding a cure but I was always greeted the same way no matter where I went. I was attacked with pitchforks and fire I was never accepted anywhere. The same thing kept happening until one day I visited one last town. It was there I realised. That humans were really hopeless. I finally snapped and slaughtered the whole town. No trace of survivors."

That was enough of an answer to Kim's question. Ayano sighed and sat up, Preparing to bid her farewells "So there. That's the reason I cannot forgive humanity. They do not care for anything that isn't also human. I've lost my place around them the moment I turned into this monster." It seems Kim is really insistent to let Ayano live. Something about that seemed familiar to her. "How can a guild keep such Naivety for over 100 years I wonder... By the way I lied about me coming back. Because it's likely that after this. Lucian will just kill me anyway and in the most slowest and painful way possible. So if you're as merciful as you say you are. You'd give me a quick and painless death."

@Britt-21 @Bolts
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[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]
Rasil Brandheart
Magnolia, in town

Heading to the Blue Pegasus Guild

View attachment 324873

Rasil looked back at the stranger who continued to follow him."No offense buddy, but your kind of freaking me out. Could ya go bothersome else?" Rasil said his voice irritated, then turned back to Tatsuya with a smile."Actually I was just heading to a guild myself! It's called blue Pegasus if your interested." Rasils leaned in and whispered into Tatsuyas ear," it's my brothers guild but don't tell the stalker, I think he's trying to start a fight." Rasils then grabbed Tatsuya by the hand, and pulled him down towards the blue Pegasus guild. (Going to bed reply tomorrow)

Tatsuya cocked his head and gave a small smile, God he was adorable!"I would like that very much." He yelped a bit when Rasils grabbed his hand and led him towards the guild. Tatsuya thought to himself as they walked "Blue pegasus, I think ive heard of them. This guy is alwful nice to take me there, I should find out his name at least"
Joel standing confused by what just happen looks around to see that everyone continued what they were doing Joel then started walking around looking if there was a guild he was then thinking i hope this guild is not a dark one he then looked down to see a piece of the binds did not get burned he then thought maybe i could fix this and give it to that man if i find him again Joel then started looking for a area to sit down at he found a place that looked like a guild with a strange symbol on it he decided to sit near the front of it wondering if anyone was there
Drakerus said:

Tokine- Sabertooth Hall

Tokine was in the kitchen preparing treats for when everyone returned from the rescue mission. She herself, had wanted to go but she had been ordered to stay behind and look after the guild with the other remaining members. After placing the next batch of cookies in the oven she decided to walk around the guild hall for a bit. Almost immediately upon leaving, she spotted the out of place person, and the fearful gazes she was inspiring. Tokine paid no mind to the stranger's intimidating aura and calmly approached them before tapping them on the shoulder.

"Excuse me. Is there something I can assist you with?" She said calmly to the...was it a male or female? Hmmm. She would play it safe and use gender neutral pronouns.

In Front of Sabertooth Guild

Kenya stopped her glaring when someone tapped her shoulder or at least she thought she did. Her face just seemed to naturally form a glare as she turned to the girl. When basically asked what she was doing Kenya clicked her tongue annoyed at herself again. "I'm waiting for the Guild master to return so that I may ask to join. My name is Kenya Yukimi sorry for the trouble." She bowed to the woman her anger towards herself eased up a little so she stopped glaring, going back to her blank stare.

Jackaboi said:
Yamato Ren: Blue Pegasus HQ

It was a beautiful day outside. Yamato sat at the window staring out lost in his own world until he heard a voice at the entrance. When he checked he saw a black-haired man calling out to anyone still here. "A vistor?" Yamato descended the stairs to greet the new face. He approached the table the man was sitting at and said. "I don't believe I've seen your face before. Are you perhaps a visitor here? Or a new member?" Yamato looked at the man with a friendly smile and sat down with him at the table. "If you do not mind may I ask you're name? Mine is Yamato Ren. A pleasure to meet you."

@Solemn Jester
@Jackaboi[/URL] @Solemn Jester

In front of the Sabertooth Guild

Kenya's eyes shot open and she yawned a bit she didn't remember falling asleep, but who could blame her she'd been waiting for the guild master to come back. She didn't know the time then a thought crossed her mind. 'What if while asleep I missed the guild master entirely!' She stood up mad at herself people around began to move away from her as she glared forward, at no really but others were still scared.

View attachment 324928

(Pay no attention to the phone in her hand!)
@Nenma Takashi[/URL] @Jackaboi @Four Eyes



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Yamato Ren: Another new face?

It's seems Seto has now arrived. He made a suggestion that we all play the liar game. Although he's never heard of it he could always learn on the spot. "That would sound like fun. I haven't had much to do recently so this should be a nice change of pace." The man had introduced himself as Moses but that smile he put on didn't sit right with him. Yamato didn't think too much about it though. Before long another man came running through the doors and called out to Moses calling him his brother who then shouted something else and suplexed through another table. "Excuse me are you alright?" Moses stood again and fixed himself asking about that card game. "Ah yes of course we should try that now" Something was off about Moses. Yamato would have to keep an eye on him.

@Nenma Takashi @Solemn Jester
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