Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Dungeon ExitAlicia continued watching both fights as they raged on, not entirely sure what to do, nor sure if she could even do anything or should. She knew she couldn't help Ryu with his and that he'd hurt her if she did, but as far as Ethan fighting Eric she could help. But how she still wasn't sure. She smiled at Mizuki's words and hugged her once more. "It's okay Mizuki. I know you didn't do it on purpose." She replied, releasing her shortly after to resume watching the fight between Ryu and Draneri. She nodded in agreement with Mizuki when she said she hoped Ryu won, Draneri was nothing but evil and indeed did need to be destroyed; or at the very least incapacitated and imprisoned.

Soon though the entire room seemingly started to collapse, which prompted Mizuki to pick her up and carry her to and up the stairs. "I hope everyone'll be alright. We still haven't freed the others yet either." She told her. She really wanted to go help free everyone, however the thought of getting crushed below rubble didn't really appeal to her. She was of course worried about Eric who had opted to stay behind, but she figured he could hold his own.
Mizuki placed Alicia down on her feet once the duo had reached the top, reaching down and taking her smaller hand in hers. She had to reassure the girl that the others would be safe, and she was pretty sure they would be assuming they got out before the room collapsed. "Do not worry my sweet Alicia, they are safe and will be found. We are not the only team searching the grounds for them. We are only a small group representing the three light guilds. There are many more searching." She explained, reaching down with her other hand and patting her head lovingly. "Besides, I'm sure many of them have been found but haven't escaped yet, so don't worry your little heart."

When Chris appeared from the staircase Mizuki instantly pressed Alicia's face into her side and scooted back a few feet, not wanting the little girl to see him. He was covered in the blood of the one that he loved, and it was terrifying. It looked like he ripped her apart limb from limb, and that was something Alicia didn't need in her life. Fortunately for them he disappeared back from where he came from not long ago, which she was grateful for. "Did you see him Alicia?" She asked, releasing her head and getting onto her knees at eye level with the silver haired girl. "Never mind that. Do you wish to go back in and keep searching, or do you want a well deserved rest? You've been a very strong and brave girl today, I would understand if you wanted to sleep."

Hibiki Dreyar

-Dungeon Corridor-

(Siren Battle Scene)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.c382f5b0505219f6fd639ba9c877fa5e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146213" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.c382f5b0505219f6fd639ba9c877fa5e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

With Sora shooting off in the opposite direction, Hibiki continued down his path and continued to make his way towards the multiple magical signatures that seemed to flood the air. The majority of them all too familiar, whereas some of them not so much. It was evident that this group of mage's consisted nearly entirely of Fairy Tail mage's, and that fact in itself made him feel slightly relieved at the fact that they came- even though it wasn't needed. It showed that they cared, and Hibiki hoped that none of them had come to harm. In fact, Hibiki had still yet to receive any form of confirmation about Alicia's safety, and although he knew that she most likely did in fact escape, one couldn't be too sure, especially when Grimoire Heart was involved.

"Well, apparently whatever conflict that happened is finally over." Spoke the male as he walked down the dark corridor, hands in his pockets and with a calm demeanour. In the background, Hibiki could hear Adrian talking and what the man said didn't exactly please Hibiki all that well. Sighing, Hibiki spoke as he then turned a corner and arrived at the group a stern look in his eyes as if to show disappointment at what he heard. "Keep breathing? I should hope none of you thought about killing this woman. You'd be no more worse than one of Grimoire Heart themselves." Crossing his arms, he continued, turning to Kelica with a kind smile and a nod before talking to Adrian directly. "Please, let this woman go. There is no need to make her a slave. She's not even a dark mage. This woman, whatever her name is, was probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time." After finishing his small speech, Hibiki simply stood there with his arms crossed. It was good to see everyone again.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder



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LeSoraAmari said:

Hibiki Dreyar

-Dungeon Corridor-

(Siren Battle Scene)

View attachment 323724

With Sora shooting off in the opposite direction, Hibiki continued down his path and continued to make his way towards the multiple magical signatures that seemed to flood the air. The majority of them all too familiar, whereas some of them not so much. It was evident that this group of mage's consisted nearly entirely of Fairy Tail mage's, and that fact in itself made him feel slightly relieved at the fact that they came- even though it wasn't needed. It showed that they cared, and Hibiki hoped that none of them had come to harm. In fact, Hibiki had still yet to receive any form of confirmation about Alicia's safety, and although he knew that she most likely did in fact escape, one couldn't be too sure, especially when Grimoire Heart was involved.

"Well, apparently whatever conflict that happened is finally over." Spoke the male as he walked down the dark corridor, hands in his pockets and with a calm demeanour. In the background, Hibiki could hear Adrian talking and what the man said didn't exactly please Hibiki all that well. Sighing, Hibiki spoke as he then turned a corner and arrived at the group a stern look in his eyes as if to show disappointment at what he heard. "Keep breathing? I should hope none of you thought about killing this woman. You'd be no more worse than one of Grimoire Heart themselves." Crossing his arms, he continued, turning to Kelica with a kind smile and a nod before talking to Adrian directly. "Please, let this woman go. There is no need to make her a slave. She's not even a dark mage. This woman, whatever her name is, was probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time." After finishing his small speech, Hibiki simply stood there with his arms crossed. It was good to see everyone again.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
Before the siren could respond, Adrian heard Hibiki's voice coming down the hall. He was glad that he had escaped Grimoire Heart's clutches, and hoped they hadn't done anything to him. But then he started talking. "While I'm glad you got out of your cell, you're missing crucial context. This woman is a guildless siren who was on a job for Grimoire Heart. She got both Chris and Mizuki under her spell and tried to make them kill everyone here. Said victims would have included Alicia, who I should remind you is a preteen and views Mizuki as a parental guardian. Chris nearly succeeded at killing his girlfriend while under the siren's influence, biting off part of Kelica's neck and shoulder. The only reason Kelica is even alive right now is due to the timely intervention of that stranger over there," he said as he pointed to Noah.

"Thankfully, we managed to get everyone free of her spell, but sirens tend to develop an obsession with difficult prey. I unfortunately thought, at the time, that if we let her go, that she would simply spend her life trying to get at us when we least expected it, and advocated killing her out of pragmatism and the fact that she is basically a rapist, serial killer, cannibal, brainwasher, and other types of criminals all at once. Thankfully, Kelica convinced me otherwise. Ryu, however, seems to have some kind of grudge against all things immortal and went batshit crazy when he saw her, hence why I have him trapped in a barrier for this woman's protection. As it stands, her many, many crimes today alone could possibly merit a death sentence from the Magic Council, and once we report this incident she'll be hunted for the rest of her life even if we were to let her go, especially since sirens aren't afforded the same legal protections as humans. I'm offering her a chance to redeem herself, and if she doesn't take it I intend to bring her before the Magic Council and see what they have to say about it. She's not going to die here, but her future depends on what the authorities think and what she says right now."
Genon said:
Before the siren could respond, Adrian heard Hibiki's voice coming down the hall. He was glad that he had escaped Grimoire Heart's clutches, and hoped they hadn't done anything to him. But then he started talking. "While I'm glad you got out of your cell, you're missing crucial context. This woman is a guildless siren who was on a job for Grimoire Heart. She got both Chris and Mizuki under her spell and tried to make them kill everyone here. Said victims would have included Alicia, who I should remind you is a preteen and views Mizuki as a parental guardian. Chris nearly succeeded at killing his girlfriend while under the siren's influence, biting off part of Kelica's neck and shoulder. The only reason Kelica is even alive right now is due to the timely intervention of that stranger over there," he said as he pointed to Noah.
"Thankfully, we managed to get everyone free of her spell, but sirens tend to develop an obsession with difficult prey. I unfortunately thought, at the time, that if we let her go, that she would simply spend her life trying to get at us when we least expected it, and advocated killing her out of pragmatism and the fact that she is basically a rapist, serial killer, cannibal, brainwasher, and other types of criminals all at once. Thankfully, Kelica convinced me otherwise. Ryu, however, seems to have some kind of grudge against all things immortal and went batshit crazy when he saw her, hence why I have him trapped in a barrier for this woman's protection. As it stands, her many, many crimes today alone could possibly merit a death sentence from the Magic Council, and once we report this incident she'll be hunted for the rest of her life even if we were to let her go, especially since sirens aren't afforded the same legal protections as humans. I'm offering her a chance to redeem herself, and if she doesn't take it I intend to bring her before the Magic Council and see what they have to say about it. She's not going to die here, but her future depends on what the authorities think and what she says right now."
(Forgot to tag @Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder)
Raa and Niur, Get A Wife

The dynamic duo daringly departed to locate some of the others in the expedition party. "Haruuuuuuuhiiii!!!" Raa called out, his voice echoing down the halls in a creepy reverberation. "I'm not a ghost it's me Raa!" He added just in case someone thought he was some sort of spooky ghost. Raa was worried about his wife and was spending q good amount of effort in looking for her. He had only shown as much effort when it came to matters of his teammate and partner. "Haruuuuhiiii~!!!!" He shouted once more as they ventured deeper, he hoped that they could find them soon. @Kayzo
Kimberly Lock

What comes around goes around

The on slaut of attacks kept coming at her, lucky Kim had the size fibers from her back parry back most of the attacks. The second to last attack broke through all six of the fibers as they attempted to block. A large gash formed on the upper part of Kim's arm as the blade cut into her skin, small streams of blood started drip down her pale skin. The Mage let out a small whence when the pain caught up with her, she immediately put on her other hand to attempt to stop the flow of the crimson liquid. Ayano wasted no time in attacking once again, she seemed to go for the smal fatal spot each time she tried to finish Kim off. A final idea popped into Kim's mind, if it worked she could end this.

A small barrier formed before the targeted area, as the blade made contact the barrier held it in my place. The tip of the sword just mere inches away from Kim's body.
"You say that we are a plague, sometype of virus. That you are the only one to cure the world of us." Kim put both her palms on to the sword's fuller, wraping her fingers around its sharp edges. Blood started to dip to the ground, not the Mage's but the very blood that the sword was constructed from. "But it seems that you forget, You can never really get rid of a virus. It stays forever in your body, dormant, waiting for the right time to strike back." The swords scarlet's color began to turn a deathly purple, before in finally spilled to the ground. Ayano stood unarmed and within arms reach. Kim lunged at her, attempting to get her down to the stone floor.


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Ayano Soru: So this is how it is huh?

Ayano was confused that the sword never hit it's target... rather it just stopped as if something was blocking it... A barrier? Soon after stopping Kim grabbed the blade and it started dripping blood. Though it wasn't her own, the sword was deconstructing into it's original form but far more purple. A plague never dies? It wasn 't long before the sword just dropped on to the ground as a purple pool of blood. Kim lunged at Ayano in the confusion and got her down to the ground. The vampire stared her in the eyes and laughed... but it wasn't the same as before instead it was far more crazed and deranged. "A virus always waits for a time to strike back eh?" Her laughed calmed down and her smile... finally collapsed into a frown. "Then all I have to do is make sure it never strikes again... Right?"

Suddenly the whole room filled with an awful atmosphere. Every drop of blood within sight started to rumble and move. The massive pile of corpses were completely sucked dry as all the red liquid in the area gathered into a massive pool before being channelled underground. "Blood... Eruption!" Seconds after those words escaped her mouth. Gigantic geysers of blood burst out of the ground in completely random locations. Each drop of blood was channelled back under to add to each and every geyser creating and endless cycle. The sheer amount of rubble was a good enough example of the damage it could cause to a human. "I don't control where these appear... so... If I'm going to die you're coming with me..." Ayano had no concern for her own safety... Humanity has already abandoned her... She didn't want to stay in a world where she wasn't needed... Even the only human friend she had just up and left her. She doesn't care anymore... It's not as if Lucian is going to let her live anyway for her failure.

@Britt-21 @Bolts
[QUOTE="Happy Red Mage] Raa and Niur, Get A WifeThe dynamic duo daringly departed to locate some of the others in the expedition party. "Haruuuuuuuhiiii!!!" Raa called out, his voice echoing down the halls in a creepy reverberation. "I'm not a ghost it's me Raa!" He added just in case someone thought he was some sort of spooky ghost. Raa was worried about his wife and was spending q good amount of effort in looking for her. He had only shown as much effort when it came to matters of his teammate and partner. "Haruuuuhiiii~!!!!" He shouted once more as they ventured deeper, he hoped that they could find them soon. @Kayzo

Haruhi had been with her sister Honoka ever since the search had started. Ciel, or Raa, and Niur had ran off together as a sisterly duo, and it was only fitting that she did the same. The two were currently searching around the dark dungeon halls hoping to find any of the kidnapped mages. Unfortunately for Honoka, her sister was very on edge right now. She had been in tons of fights before, but she had never been so deep in enemy territory. It felt like an army of dark mages could jump out at any moment. Haruhi had her sisters arm pulled into her chest tightly, almost cowering behind her. All she wanted was for the dark haired girl to take lead, but the moment any combat happened she'd be the one in front.

The two girls had been walking for quite some time, and luckily nothing happened. Or that was until the ghostly voice of Raa echoed down the hall and emitted a squeak from Haruhi. She immediately thought the worst, that her newly wed was dead. But the follow up voice quickly calmed her worries. "Honoka! We have to find Ciel!" She said, releasing her arm and placing her hands on her shoulders. "Come with me!" She said before running off towards the sound of Raa's voice.

It didn't take long for Haruhi to find her wife, the blue haired girl catching sight of the unmistakable cloaked figure.
"Ciel!" She called out happily, stopping inches away from her and wrapping her arms around in a big hug, her head nuzzling into her neck. It had been forever si de the last time she saw her, about 4 hours to be exact. Haruhi reached up and pulled back the hood, revealing Ciel's warm, friendly face. "Why do you have to have this hood on all of the time? It doesn't let me see your cute face..."

-Ryu Miyamoto (??? >> Normal)-


Ryu stopped pacing as the empty space inside the dome slowly lessened, keeping his gaze fixed on the siren. He stood with his arms crossed, watching the siren as she frantically searched for a way to escape. For a second, he almost pitied her desperation, seeing her in that hopeless state. Almost. However, just as the flames were about to completely fill the dome, he and Draneri, as well as the miniature sun, were each put into their own separate barriers. He immediately knew Adrian was the one who had separated them, but he did not know why; he'd be so intensely focused on the fight inside the dome, that he'd tuned out everything transpiring outside of it. As he looked around, he noticed the blonde girl that he'd fallen into the underground spring with. What was her name again? Katherine? Kelly? So many different conflicting thoughts were running through his head, that as his concentration waned, a migrane slowly spread through his head. He clutched a hand to his forehead, grimacing from the pain. The headache was so intense, it made the one from a few hours ago seem insignificant. He sat down cross-legged in the new barrier he'd been confined to and closed his eyes, beginning to meditate. For now, his fight was over. Purifying the impure was important, but not at the cost of his sanity. He slowed his breathing and heart rate, fully tuning out the world around him. He'd let the other's deal with the siren.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder @Genon

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Kelica Zefara


The Forest mage was still staring up to Noah with tears swelling in the corners of her eyes. When he reached out to touch her head gently and gave her a warm smile she could almost feel her heart swelling. Someone would help! Someone believed in what she saw, there was light in everyone. Even beasts of nature only ever attacked on circumstances and this was no exception. People and animals were shaped by there environments, they could be changed. They could! She believed it! Even as Noah stepped over to Adrian who by his face alone looked to be considering her words at least partially, but she got distracted as a man came walking to her.

At least it looked like a man to her (Timothy).

Because he was directing his conversation at her, she turned to fully face him and give him her full attention, well as much as she was able to given the wailing of the Siren in the background. She completely missed Chris's glances and the weird tension that seemed to be between him and Noah. When she spotted tears in the corners of his eyes, her heart clenched a fraction as she got a sad look. "Please don't cry..." She whispered gently, not even knowing this man's name. He said she was sincere and a warm smile spread across her face. "I've seen the most ferocious of beasts be calmed if you just know the right way... to do so." She breathed in a voice barely above a whisper but her vision glanced over Timothy's shoulder as she spotted Chris with a sad look and start to walk away. She half held a hand out towards him but once again her attention was turned.

She turned back as she watched Adrian cover an Arcane Barrier over both The Siren, The Sun and Ryu effectively cancelling all them out at the same time. And she watched in slow motion as The Siren crashed heavily to her knees with wings burnt to nothing but the base spine of her bone structure. Her whole right side was charred, she was completely naked and taking shaking breaths as her vision blacked in and out. In fact because she had half turned away from the heat, the fire had been so intense there was nothing but a dangling, mutilated arm with skin peeling off in the most horrific of manners, as well as her entire right side and leg in a similar state of 3rd Degree burn. The right side of her face had her eye stuck together. But her regeneration meant she lived, just. Weak. But lived.

The smell was probably the worst part and made Kelica visibly pale and gag. Then she heard a voice to the side and it took all of her will power to simply look away from the creature. No one deserved that fate. No one.

"H...Hibiki?" She said in a soft voice, before she suddenly ran to him and threw her arms around his middle as the tears streamed down her face. "I....I'm so glad you're ok!! And Sora? Is she Ok to? Please tell me she's Ok..." She whispered in a weak voice, before slowly pulling back from him. "I...I tried to get here as fast as I could! I used the trees to tell me where the Hideout was...We found Alicia, wandering the Forest all alone...she said you got her out! But things went so bad, so quickly... I know that Siren has done so many bad things, she even made Chris attack me... I would have died if Noah didn't save me but... she doesn't deserve that!" Gesturing to the still dazed and mutilated woman.

"Hibiki... please... let me heal her... let me talk to her..."

rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: Bar of the Guild Hall


Mika has the side of his face flattened atop of the bar's counter. Slowly opening his shut eyes, the light crept in drastically through his dead red marbles. His sight slowly became stable but he's a little bit dizzy when he tried to sit up straight. In front of him a glass half empty with beer and a strong familiar presence on his left side. He turned to his apparent companion and he then was certain, it was Sera.

As his consciousness got back to his head, his features suddenly was filled with inquiry. Turning to Sera for a little bit of enlightenment, with a coarse and weak voice he managed to ask. "Wh... what did just happen?"

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo

Alicia: Dungeon Exit

When Mizuki had put her down and took her hand she smiled up at her, just happy to be by her side and that Draneri would likely be taken care of soon. She had used Mizuki and caused her to hurt people and most importantly not be the Mizuki she cared for. She listened as Mizuki explained that everyone would be found and that they were just one of the three groups who had been looking. Good. Everyone would be safe, the magic council would likely come, and everything would go back to normal. She smiled and nodded when she started patting her head, further assuring her everyone was going to be fine and not to worry. "If what you're saying is right then I'm sure they'll be fine." She replied. She was going to say more but her train of thought was interrupted by Chris coming up to them covered in blood asking what to do next. Her eyes widened in horror at the scene, and had Mizuki not pressed Alicia's face into her side that likely would of been her next action.

She wasn't sure if it was Kelica's, his, or something else's at this point. All she knew was it was disgusting and absolutely horrific. She didn't even pay attention to what was said at all, simply trying to block the image out of her poor mind. Out of all the things that had happened today she definitely didn't need to see that. When he was gone and she let go of her head kneeling down and asking if she saw she nodded slightly and shuddered a bit in response, not entirely sure how to verbally respond. At her next words she thought a bit, but really it was just that; a little bit. Sure, she was tired and would like to rest. But she really needed to help rescue everyone still, or rather wanted to. She also wanted to stay with Mizuki just in-case something happened and she needed her. She might not be that strong physically or offensively, but her barriers could hold up decently. If anything she could defend her.

"I wanna stay with you and help look. I promised Hibiki I'd help and I'm gunna." She replied, a determined yet somewhat sleepy look in her eyes. There was no way she was going to back down now just because she saw a bloodied Chris. It was tempting but she was decently sure in her line of work she would see things similar in the future, after all injuries were very real and could happen at any time. It was best she get somewhat used to seeing them and not freaking out now than being a complete wuss in the future, by her logic anyway. Ten year old logic wasn't really the best whatsoever.

That said she listened as both fights raged on, the fight between Ryu and Draneri seeming to stop. Not only that she heard Hibiki. If Hibiki was free Sora likely was too. If they were free that mean there was a very good chance everyone else was! "I hear Hibiki! Come on let's go check on them!" She insisted, excitedly tugging on Mizuki's shirt before her excitement ultimately got the better of her and she ran off down the stairs. "Hibiki! I'm glad you guys escaped! I told you I'd get help! Even though I kind of got lost and help came here..but..still!" She told him cheerfully. "Did everyone else make it out? What happen-" She began, speech halting when her eyes landed on Draneri's extremely injured and nude form.

Her mind wasn't exactly sure how to react at all. It was terrifying and definitely something a ten year old should never see in their life, especially one as innocent as Alicia. In the end she screamed at the sight, moved to run for the stairs and back to Mizuki, and ended up tripping over a rock and knocking herself out. It was probably for the best after what she had saw.
Chris Lengheart(Beast...boy do I know that word well)

Chris stayed out of Kelica and Noah's way, those two seemed to be doing fine on their own anyways. As Kelica spoke to yet another stranger, Chris heard her talk about how she had seen the most ferocious beasts be calmed. The mention of that alone brought back memories of the first time Chris had control over his takeovers. All thanks to Kelica, Alfie, and Sora. Tears started to form in the corners of Chris' eyes before rolling down his cheek as he continued to walk away from Kelica. But before he could get away, Chris heard Kelica mention the attack again...the attack Chris couldn't prevent. Seeing Draneri now, Chris couldn't help but pity her...well somewhat. Half of him saw this as justice for what she had done to him and Mizuki, what she almost made him do the Kelica. But, as the anger faded from Chris, he felt that sense of pity. Kelica made a good point, and she looked to be in terrible pain. Chris needed to get out of here, he just needed a moment to collect his thoughts.

Chris finally managed to find a small place to sit down and did just that. He finally had time to think of what he had done. First, the dragon thing. Then, the slap. And to top it all off, Chris attacked her. A few short, shuddering breaths let him as he didn't dare to go back any farther. He hurt her...sometimes of his own free will, why?

I broke my promise to you...I'm so sorry." Chris finally said to himself, completely unaware of anyone who was listening in. He let out another shuddering breath as a few more tears fell down and loosened up some of the now dried blood on his leg. From there, it was just silence. His breathing calmed down, a tear would fall every now and then, but Chris simply looked away from everyone. If he was needed, he'd be called.

@Embaga Elder @Zareh
Mysterious Woman

Science Laboratory

"My my, no wonder the intruders are causing so many problems." A cold yet eerily pleasant voice fluttered through the corridor. Mere moments later a snow-white magic circle appeared beneath the wounded Siren causing her body to sink into it. A second circle appeared in the air several paces down the corridor directly in front of a woman in a lab-coat. The Siren's naked and mutilated body emerged from the circle and collapsed to the ground with a thud. "Perhaps I should have intervened sooner. Yes, that would have been a good idea." The woman brought her hand up to rest on her chin, cupping her elbow in her free hand for support. Her gaze drifted from one mage to the next, looking each and every one of them over as if she were appraising meat at the market. "It truly is a shame I can not simply subdue you all."

The woman tapped her finger on her cheek rhythmically as her gaze finally landed on a familiar face. A very faint grin crept upon her lips as she looked over the purple-haired mage that had felled her creation. Perhaps she should have been as eager to leave the scene of battle as he had. Nevertheless what was done was done. Her finger came to a stop as she turned her attention to the young boy having an honorable duel with one of the intruders. Her faint grin soon left and her rather impassive expression once more adorned her features. "Ethan, perhaps it's time to put an end to your fun and realize this is a battle you can not win." As she spoke she gave a small nod to the numerous mages that filled the corridor. Even if the boy could defeat his opponent there was no hope for him against those that remained.

She turned her attention down at what was left of the Siren, truly a grotesque thing far removed from the seductive beauty she had been before. If she hadn't known better she would have assumed they were fighting a fellow Dark Guild given the sheer level of brutality and lust for blood they demonstrated. "The fact that you are even alive is impressive." She looked over the various mages before her before continuing. "I'm afraid I can not allow you to take her. I have lost enough valuable subjects today and I would rather appreciate not losing another one." With that another magic circle appeared beneath the Siren and again the unconscious woman was dragged into it's depths. This time she did not reappear as she was well and truly removed from the situation. By her count that left only Ethan and the little vampire girl still fighting within the facility. For now she would have to focus on Ethan as she again spoke up to him. "If you would rather stay and give your life to these intruders that is perfectly acceptable. Otherwise we should be on our way."

@Kayzo @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r
Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: So this is how it is huh?

Ayano was confused that the sword never hit it's target... rather it just stopped as if something was blocking it... A barrier? Soon after stopping Kim grabbed the blade and it started dripping blood. Though it wasn't her own, the sword was deconstructing into it's original form but far more purple. A plague never dies? It wasn 't long before the sword just dropped on to the ground as a purple pool of blood. Kim lunged at Ayano in the confusion and got her down to the ground. The vampire stared her in the eyes and laughed... but it wasn't the same as before instead it was far more crazed and deranged. "A virus always waits for a time to strike back eh?" Her laughed calmed down and her smile... finally collapsed into a frown. "Then all I have to do is make sure it never strikes again... Right?"

Suddenly the whole room filled with an awful atmosphere. Every drop of blood within sight started to rumble and move. The massive pile of corpses were completely sucked dry as all the red liquid in the area gathered into a massive pool before being channelled underground. "Blood... Eruption!" Seconds after those words escaped her mouth. Gigantic geysers of blood burst out of the ground in completely random locations. Each drop of blood was channelled back under to add to each and every geyser creating and endless cycle. The sheer amount of rubble was a good enough example of the damage it could cause to a human. "I don't control where these appear... so... If I'm going to die you're coming with me..." Ayano had no concern for her own safety... Humanity has already abandoned her... She didn't want to stay in a world where she wasn't needed... Even the only human friend she had just up and left her. She doesn't care anymore... It's not as if Lucian is going to let her live anyway for her failure.

@Britt-21 @Bolts

Ashley Hart

Ashley was pretty much useless in this situation and she was glad Adien was alive still. Despite what was going to happen. Though, the fight between the witch and another wizard was pretty interesting, but worrying as well as frightning because Ashley had no idea what was going to happen. Though, it didnt take long for the whole fight to take a turn and now Ayano had control of the blood in which gathered up and created gysers which was all blood. With widened eyes, she tried to stay out of the way of the blood but since the force was so strong, she was beginning to get splatters on her as she curled up a bit to cover her face. The smell of the blood starting to get to her as it gave her nose a sharp pang smell of metal.

This is horrible! I cant even breathe clean air right now! I just hope Aiden is okay. Probably not... after all he's chained and probably getting soaked in blood.... The blood was also really gross...having someone elses blood on her was quite gross... plus it didnt go well with her stomach which was turning and twisting. I wish I could get out of here and Ice make that witch to death.. she was just still useless at the moment.​
Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Forests of Magnolia

At the girl's mention of her rank he spared her another sidelong glance. Anything short of an S-rank and he'd be tasked with guarding them, but to have someone of such low status come to his aid... Nevertheless he would simply have to ensure her safety lest it tarnish his reputation. "Then let us begin, Miss. Grace." The large stone wall that shielded them suddenly fell forward, collapsing atop the nearest enemies and giving the girl free reign to begin her own assault. While not extraordinarily powerful the blasts were sufficient to take out the front line magicians. With his companion providing cover he made his way forward, charging headlong into the wave of enemies.

Upon reaching their ranks he slid to a halt and gave a mighty swing of his blade, augmenting it with wind magic to create a compressed blast of air that swept through dozens of combatants and tossed them high into the sky. An axe-wielding mage took this chance to charge up behind him, bringing the weapon down towards him. Shifting his leg he spun around and reached out his arm, gripping the young mage's face before hefting the lad up and over his head before slamming the boy into the ground with a rather sickening crunch. He had no time to spare as the enemy continued to close on him. As he got back to his feet he spared a glance back towards the young girl. While the majority of the forces were focused on him they had spared a few individuals to try and take out the girl.

He reached out his hand in their direction, about to deal with them when a rather large brawler descended upon him and forced him to refocus his attention on the more immediate fight at hand. He held the flat of his sword towards the brawler, using it as a shield against the man's attack before giving another swing of his weapon in order to force the man back. While the weaker mages were thrown from the ground the brawler managed to keep himself grounded. All the while he kept an eye on Grace, waiting to see if she truly needed his assistance. Even if she was B-rank he had hope that she could at least manage the few combatants that rapidly closed in on her.
Grace continued to fire volleys of her missiles into the crowd of attacking mages, careful not to hit the older mage. She was extremley amazed at what Gilad had in store for the dark mages. Yes he was a guildmaster and they usually had great power, but never before has she seen someone so cool. The way he combined his sword and his magic to absolutely destroy everything that came his way was amazing. He was everything that she wanted to be; cool, powerful, and popular. Really the only thing that she didn't want to be was old. "Good job Gramps! I'm surprised that you haven't broken a hip yet." She teased, winking at him even if his back was turned.

The short girl's attention was then focused on the stragglers that were coming her way. She wasn't that scared of them, assuming her attack worked, but if they made it through she'd have to actually move her feet. With a twirl of her flaming hand 8 small circles appeared around her, acting as land mines to blow away her foes.
"Heheheh, come get me you dogs." She said to the small group of dark mages, grinning slightly as they closed in. The moment they touched the circles they were blown away in a fiery explosion, all but one who was smart enough to see through her trick. Grace's grin slowly faded into a pouty, annoyed face , and fired a small cluster of missiles at the ground, causing her attacker the turn away. Using this chance she ran back a few feet and fired a much bigger missile, hitting the Grimoire Heart Mage and sent him flying, a small chuckle coming from her. "I've taken care of those nerds. How are you Gramps? Need any help!?" She asked Gilad, firing another volley at a group coming from his backside.
Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: So this is how it is huh?

Ayano was confused that the sword never hit it's target... rather it just stopped as if something was blocking it... A barrier? Soon after stopping Kim grabbed the blade and it started dripping blood. Though it wasn't her own, the sword was deconstructing into it's original form but far more purple. A plague never dies? It wasn 't long before the sword just dropped on to the ground as a purple pool of blood. Kim lunged at Ayano in the confusion and got her down to the ground. The vampire stared her in the eyes and laughed... but it wasn't the same as before instead it was far more crazed and deranged. "A virus always waits for a time to strike back eh?" Her laughed calmed down and her smile... finally collapsed into a frown. "Then all I have to do is make sure it never strikes again... Right?"

Suddenly the whole room filled with an awful atmosphere. Every drop of blood within sight started to rumble and move. The massive pile of corpses were completely sucked dry as all the red liquid in the area gathered into a massive pool before being channelled underground. "Blood... Eruption!" Seconds after those words escaped her mouth. Gigantic geysers of blood burst out of the ground in completely random locations. Each drop of blood was channelled back under to add to each and every geyser creating and endless cycle. The sheer amount of rubble was a good enough example of the damage it could cause to a human. "I don't control where these appear... so... If I'm going to die you're coming with me..." Ayano had no concern for her own safety... Humanity has already abandoned her... She didn't want to stay in a world where she wasn't needed... Even the only human friend she had just up and left her. She doesn't care anymore... It's not as if Lucian is going to let her live anyway for her failure.

@Britt-21 @Britt-21 @Jackaboi
Ayano Soru: I'm broken...

"Wha...?" That's all Ayano could say in response to Kim's whisper before she did some kind of spell to drain what remained of The vampire's magic. Ayano screeched in pain throughout the process but once her magic was near depletion the draining stopped. Kim only took enough magic away to put her out of commission. Ayano was simply lying on the ground while an eerie silence covered the room. That silence was broken however when she spoke. "Why didn't you just kill me...? You know I'm just going to come back and kill all of you... So why? Why do you let me live?" The geysers had completely stopped and all that remained of it was a pool of blood painting the floor of the room. "Also... That little comment about me being broken... You wouldn't be far from the truth." She laughed once more but it wasn't deranged at all... Not crazed or psychopathic but more like that is the last laugh they'll ever let out. "What? All you have to do is kill me... It's easy... I've done it all my life. It gets easier the more you do it... Then if you do kill me I'll no longer be a threat. All problems solved with just one swift action."

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Genon said:
Before the siren could respond, Adrian heard Hibiki's voice coming down the hall. He was glad that he had escaped Grimoire Heart's clutches, and hoped they hadn't done anything to him. But then he started talking. "While I'm glad you got out of your cell, you're missing crucial context. This woman is a guildless siren who was on a job for Grimoire Heart. She got both Chris and Mizuki under her spell and tried to make them kill everyone here. Said victims would have included Alicia, who I should remind you is a preteen and views Mizuki as a parental guardian. Chris nearly succeeded at killing his girlfriend while under the siren's influence, biting off part of Kelica's neck and shoulder. The only reason Kelica is even alive right now is due to the timely intervention of that stranger over there," he said as he pointed to Noah.
"Thankfully, we managed to get everyone free of her spell, but sirens tend to develop an obsession with difficult prey. I unfortunately thought, at the time, that if we let her go, that she would simply spend her life trying to get at us when we least expected it, and advocated killing her out of pragmatism and the fact that she is basically a rapist, serial killer, cannibal, brainwasher, and other types of criminals all at once. Thankfully, Kelica convinced me otherwise. Ryu, however, seems to have some kind of grudge against all things immortal and went batshit crazy when he saw her, hence why I have him trapped in a barrier for this woman's protection. As it stands, her many, many crimes today alone could possibly merit a death sentence from the Magic Council, and once we report this incident she'll be hunted for the rest of her life even if we were to let her go, especially since sirens aren't afforded the same legal protections as humans. I'm offering her a chance to redeem herself, and if she doesn't take it I intend to bring her before the Magic Council and see what they have to say about it. She's not going to die here, but her future depends on what the authorities think and what she says right now."
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto (??? >> Normal)-


Ryu stopped pacing as the empty space inside the dome slowly lessened, keeping his gaze fixed on the siren. He stood with his arms crossed, watching the siren as she frantically searched for a way to escape. For a second, he almost pitied her desperation, seeing her in that hopeless state. Almost. However, just as the flames were about to completely fill the dome, he and Draneri, as well as the miniature sun, were each put into their own separate barriers. He immediately knew Adrian was the one who had separated them, but he did not know why; he'd be so intensely focused on the fight inside the dome, that he'd tuned out everything transpiring outside of it. As he looked around, he noticed the blonde girl that he'd fallen into the underground spring with. What was her name again? Katherine? Kelly? So many different conflicting thoughts were running through his head, that as his concentration waned, a migrane slowly spread through his head. He clutched a hand to his forehead, grimacing from the pain. The headache was so intense, it made the one from a few hours ago seem insignificant. He sat down cross-legged in the new barrier he'd been confined to and closed his eyes, beginning to meditate. For now, his fight was over. Purifying the impure was important, but not at the cost of his sanity. He slowed his breathing and heart rate, fully tuning out the world around him. He'd let the other's deal with the siren.

@Kayzo @Kayzo

Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Fairy Tail BarAfter a morning of shopping, trying on clothes, and buying things for both of her friends Lavender had eventually parted ways with the group for reasons Sera can't quite remember. Regardless Sera had opted to stick with Mika and show him around Magnolia a bit, the two of them eventually ending up at the bar. About halfway through his first drink Mika had passed out on the bar, of course Sera wasn't entirely sure why. That was until she heard snickering from one of the mages in the hall. Turns out he had cast some sort of sleeping spell on the drink causing Mika to pass out after drinking some of it. Thus she was forced to sit there and drink alone while she waited for him to wake up. By the time he had she was slightly drunk, though mostly buzzed than anything. She giggled lightly as he sat up and asked what had happened. "One of the guild members more or less drugged your beer and you fell asleep. I really wouldn't recommend finishing that one." She replied, gesturing to his mug. "You should be fine though unless you're allergic to sleep and magic." She added before shrugging.

"I've just been sitting her drinking by myself, kind of boring, though I did beat up the guy that did that to you." She explained. "Soooo, what do you wanna do now?" She asked, staring at him with a somewhat goofy grin. Okay, maybe she was more drunk than initially stated.

Alicia: Dungeon Exit

When Mizuki had put her down and took her hand she smiled up at her, just happy to be by her side and that Draneri would likely be taken care of soon. She had used Mizuki and caused her to hurt people and most importantly not be the Mizuki she cared for. She listened as Mizuki explained that everyone would be found and that they were just one of the three groups who had been looking. Good. Everyone would be safe, the magic council would likely come, and everything would go back to normal. She smiled and nodded when she started patting her head, further assuring her everyone was going to be fine and not to worry. "If what you're saying is right then I'm sure they'll be fine." She replied. She was going to say more but her train of thought was interrupted by Chris coming up to them covered in blood asking what to do next. Her eyes widened in horror at the scene, and had Mizuki not pressed Alicia's face into her side that likely would of been her next action.

She wasn't sure if it was Kelica's, his, or something else's at this point. All she knew was it was disgusting and absolutely horrific. She didn't even pay attention to what was said at all, simply trying to block the image out of her poor mind. Out of all the things that had happened today she definitely didn't need to see that. When he was gone and she let go of her head kneeling down and asking if she saw she nodded slightly and shuddered a bit in response, not entirely sure how to verbally respond. At her next words she thought a bit, but really it was just that; a little bit. Sure, she was tired and would like to rest. But she really needed to help rescue everyone still, or rather wanted to. She also wanted to stay with Mizuki just in-case something happened and she needed her. She might not be that strong physically or offensively, but her barriers could hold up decently. If anything she could defend her.

"I wanna stay with you and help look. I promised Hibiki I'd help and I'm gunna." She replied, a determined yet somewhat sleepy look in her eyes. There was no way she was going to back down now just because she saw a bloodied Chris. It was tempting but she was decently sure in her line of work she would see things similar in the future, after all injuries were very real and could happen at any time. It was best she get somewhat used to seeing them and not freaking out now than being a complete wuss in the future, by her logic anyway. Ten year old logic wasn't really the best whatsoever.

That said she listened as both fights raged on, the fight between Ryu and Draneri seeming to stop. Not only that she heard Hibiki. If Hibiki was free Sora likely was too. If they were free that mean there was a very good chance everyone else was! "I hear Hibiki! Come on let's go check on them!" She insisted, excitedly tugging on Mizuki's shirt before her excitement ultimately got the better of her and she ran off down the stairs. "Hibiki! I'm glad you guys escaped! I told you I'd get help! Even though I kind of got lost and help came here..but..still!" She told him cheerfully. "Did everyone else make it out? What happen-" She began, speech halting when her eyes landed on Draneri's extremely injured and nude form.

Her mind wasn't exactly sure how to react at all. It was terrifying and definitely something a ten year old should never see in their life, especially one as innocent as Alicia. In the end she screamed at the sight, moved to run for the stairs and back to Mizuki, and ended up tripping over a rock and knocking herself out. It was probably for the best after what she had saw.
Colt556 said:
Mysterious WomanScience Laboratory

"My my, no wonder the intruders are causing so many problems." A cold yet eerily pleasant voice fluttered through the corridor. Mere moments later a snow-white magic circle appeared beneath the wounded Siren causing her body to sink into it. A second circle appeared in the air several paces down the corridor directly in front of a woman in a lab-coat. The Siren's naked and mutilated body emerged from the circle and collapsed to the ground with a thud. "Perhaps I should have intervened sooner. Yes, that would have been a good idea." The woman brought her hand up to rest on her chin, cupping her elbow in her free hand for support. Her gaze drifted from one mage to the next, looking each and every one of them over as if she were appraising meat at the market. "It truly is a shame I can not simply subdue you all."

The woman tapped her finger on her cheek rhythmically as her gaze finally landed on a familiar face. A very faint grin crept upon her lips as she looked over the purple-haired mage that had felled her creation. Perhaps she should have been as eager to leave the scene of battle as he had. Nevertheless what was done was done. Her finger came to a stop as she turned her attention to the young boy having an honorable duel with one of the intruders. Her faint grin soon left and her rather impassive expression once more adorned her features. "Ethan, perhaps it's time to put an end to your fun and realize this is a battle you can not win." As she spoke she gave a small nod to the numerous mages that filled the corridor. Even if the boy could defeat his opponent there was no hope for him against those that remained.

She turned her attention down at what was left of the Siren, truly a grotesque thing far removed from the seductive beauty she had been before. If she hadn't known better she would have assumed they were fighting a fellow Dark Guild given the sheer level of brutality and lust for blood they demonstrated. "The fact that you are even alive is impressive." She looked over the various mages before her before continuing. "I'm afraid I can not allow you to take her. I have lost enough valuable subjects today and I would rather appreciate not losing another one." With that another magic circle appeared beneath the Siren and again the unconscious woman was dragged into it's depths. This time she did not reappear as she was well and truly removed from the situation. By her count that left only Ethan and the little vampire girl still fighting within the facility. For now she would have to focus on Ethan as she again spoke up to him. "If you would rather stay and give your life to these intruders that is perfectly acceptable. Otherwise we should be on our way."

@Kayzo @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r

Hibiki Dreyar

-Grimoire Heart Base-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.31e610cb7f83fa79c0663f9c45c07d56.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146437" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.31e610cb7f83fa79c0663f9c45c07d56.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

"We're a Light Guild. Nearly killing a woman and then locking her away in a barrier is close to torture. This whole thing is barbaric. It is not right."

Listening to Adrian speak, Hibiki was still stood in the same position as he was earlier and with his arms crossed. After the other Fairy Tail mage had finished speaking, Hibiki sighed, and then he too began to speak but in response to Adrian. "The Magic Council do not believe in killing, they will just lock her up until she no longer breathes. This woman was only doing what she needed to do in order to survive, immortal or not, Grimoire Hearts Guild Master probably promised her quite the reward if she did was she was ordered to do. Like I said, she was simply just in the wrong place in the wrong time." Looking over at the wounded woman, Hibiki sighed. The fact that she had controlled his allies didn't sit well with him, but even then, she didn't deserve this treatment. Being trapped away incapable of standing up for herself, wounded and in the brink of death whilst being belittled by everyone around her. Turning to Adrian once more, he continued. "Weak minds are easily controlled. I heard about this Mizuki from Alicia, and I believe I'd be correct in assuming that the Sabertooth mage managed to break free from the sirens spell, hm?" Looking at Chris this time for a brief moment, a look of disappointment in his eyes, which then turned into a happy look as Kelica came running towards him.

The girl had tears streaming down her face, and really did look like she was in a terrible state. As Kelica hugged him, he did the same back to her and then smiled as he brought a hand up to her hair and began to run his fingers through it as if to comfort her. "Shhh, none of this is your fault. Kelica, you did an exceptional job, and for that I am proud of you. Well done." With a smile on his face, the S-Class mage then continued. "Me and Sora are both okay, in fact, she blasted off to find Lysander. She'll be fine, you have nothing to worry about." With that, he then looked at the nearly dead siren and then turned back to Kelica. "You dont need my blessing to do anything, Kelica. Heal her, but just remember that you need to recover from your own wounds as well." In that moment, Alicia had also arrived. Smiling at the sight of the young girl, Hibiki spoke. "I'll explain everything to you later. At the moment, I'm not sure who has escaped. All I know is that myself and Sora found our way out."

It was in that moment that a magical circle formed underneath the siren and then dragged her downwards and into it. She was gone. And with it, appeared a woman. She seemed to be a scientist of some kind, and was obviously affiliated with Grimoire Heart. Looking at the woman as she spoke out, stating that they can't take the wounded siren with them, Hibiki spoke. "You can have her, she's obviously valuable to you so I assume you'll heal her- in your way. Besides, I'm sure she'll be treated better than she was here." With that, Hibiki then nodded over to Noah. "I cannot express my gratitude to you, thank you for protecting Kelica in my absence, but you can rest easy knowing that she's in good hands now." Smiling, Hibiki continued. "If you want to, join us, we could use more like you. But if not, then just know that you are welcome to visit at any time, and that there will always be a bed there for you should you need it." With that, Hibiki turned to Kelica. "We can't help her now, but we have things to do. We can either leave this place, or go and find Sora and help her. I'll let you decide, you're definitely a capable woman. After today, you need to start believing in yourself more."

@Isune @Embaga Elder



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Noah Cross

Grimoire Heart Base <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Sinbad.full.1023745.jpg.58af66a1da22d26f83e8bf361f4ed806.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146340" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Sinbad.full.1023745.jpg.58af66a1da22d26f83e8bf361f4ed806.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sorry mate, I didn't know how you were going to react so to save time I tried to influence you. Please no hard feelings. He gave a friendly smile stopped using Zepar's voice allow Adrian to do his thing separating the sun from the siren, and the kimono guy. With that done the Siren dispute ended leaving the siren with terrible 3rd degree burns all on her right side. Seeing this caused Noah to regret ever finding Phenex, the Djinn of life. With that djinn he would've been able to heal Kelica, and probably would've been able to help her sooner. He turned his head looking at Chris sitting alone. He walks over towards him and sits down next to him. You good mate? He asked while looking around the scene, spotting another mage he haven't seen before. He was probably one of the captives here. The known as hibiki acknowledged him, thanking him and offering him a place in Fairy Tail. Thanks mate, I'll think about it. He stands up noticing the magic circle taking away the Siren. Then he heard a familiar voice. The sexy scientist was back. Noah turned towards her with a smirk and crossed arms as usual. Awww don't tell me you're still broken up about your whittle monster from before. I'm sure you're more than capable to make a new one. He chuckled then rubbed his hand through his hair. He then looked around and he realized he was seen Valken, and Emmerich since he left them. Hmm. He uses a partial take over to use Zepar's ears to listen. From what he could hear, there seems to be a fight going on against something huge. Luckily they were all alright, their heart beats are beating excitedly as if they're having fun. Sounds like its coming to an end. He thought to himself. He felt at ease knowing that this little epidemic is coming to an end. Who wants to get a drink when this shit is all over? Cause I know I do. Anyone with me? He looks around hoping someone would join him.

@Zuka @Necr0Danc3r

@Mykinkaiser @Zuka



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Jackaboi said:
Eric: Now it's just me and you bud!

Things seem to be calming down over on that side now. He was pretty glad about that but now Eric should be finishing things up here too. Ethan stood atop the boulder taunting him. There wasn't much Eric could do to him as a physical based fighter... Unless maybe... "Maybe I don't need my FULL force to beat you..." Eric transformed into an eagle. Using this kind of nimble form should help him avoid most of Ethan's attacks and it doesn't require much force to deal damage either. The Eagle flew towards the kid and started pecking and clawing him. He might be able to absorb force but he can't absorb cuts and bites!

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Zareh @Jackaboi
Timothy Harvard: Is this the end?

What exactly is Fairytail?

You don't need a reason to help people
Charles Dickens


Timothy felt relief as the battle seemed to come to an end and there were no causalities to say the least. However he soon slowly backed away as another mage appeared who is associated with this druid mage, he seemed to have the appearance of an S-Class Mage. They embrace with a hug which made Timothy smile but felt his non-existent heart drop due to feeling a bit of envy. "Fairytail must be an amazing guild with amazing people...which is why someone like me isn't able to join..." He thought to himself as he pulled out a piece of paper from his bag which is a hand drawn symbol of Fairytail that he drew in his spare time.


"I'm not worthy....but a man can still dream...right?" he thought as the memories began to flood his mind when his "father" was still alive and told him tales about this famous guild and the legacy that they left behind 100 years ago. He jammed the paper back into his backpack as he continued to listen in on the conversation between the 2 fairytail mages.

"We can't help her now, but we have things to do. We can either leave this place, or go and find Sora and help her. I'll let you decide, you're definitely a capable woman. After today, you need to start believing in yourself more."

"Sora?...Sora Marvell the S-Class Mage is here?!...Wow...." he thought as he searched his memory and remembered about the mage. She is the descendant of Wendy Marvell, the legendary mage who helped with the war against Zeref many years ago. "Maybe I can reunite them together and everything will go back to normal...after all I'm not needed here anymore..." he said as he jumped high into the air with a "Woosh" creating a small crater from his launch as he landed creating another crater along with a breeze of wind that spread across the whole corridor where he saw the S-class mage come from.

However little did he know that the paper flew out of his bag when he jumped. The breeze of wind directed the paper to land between the two fairytail mages: Hibiki and Kelica.

Timothy continued running across the path as his HUD directed him with possibilities of direction which led him to the next tunnel on the left. He entered the room and saw a young lady trying to heal 2 other mages, one man and one women. This is definitely her, he could tell by her lack....of...."mammary glands".

"Hello Miss Marvell, it's....really an honor to meet you. You don't know who I am but I know who you are...some of your friends are looking for you." he said politely while holding in his excitement.

@Zuka @Necr0Danc3r
Kayzo said:
Haruhi had been with her sister Honoka ever since the search had started. Ciel, or Raa, and Niur had ran off together as a sisterly duo, and it was only fitting that she did the same. The two were currently searching around the dark dungeon halls hoping to find any of the kidnapped mages. Unfortunately for Honoka, her sister was very on edge right now. She had been in tons of fights before, but she had never been so deep in enemy territory. It felt like an army of dark mages could jump out at any moment. Haruhi had her sisters arm pulled into her chest tightly, almost cowering behind her. All she wanted was for the dark haired girl to take lead, but the moment any combat happened she'd be the one in front.
The two girls had been walking for quite some time, and luckily nothing happened. Or that was until the ghostly voice of Raa echoed down the hall and emitted a squeak from Haruhi. She immediately thought the worst, that her newly wed was dead. But the follow up voice quickly calmed her worries. "Honoka! We have to find Ciel!" She said, releasing her arm and placing her hands on her shoulders. "Come with me!" She said before running off towards the sound of Raa's voice.

It didn't take long for Haruhi to find her wife, the blue haired girl catching sight of the unmistakable cloaked figure.
"Ciel!" She called out happily, stopping inches away from her and wrapping her arms around in a big hug, her head nuzzling into her neck. It had been forever si de the last time she saw her, about 4 hours to be exact. Haruhi reached up and pulled back the hood, revealing Ciel's warm, friendly face. "Why do you have to have this hood on all of the time? It doesn't let me see your cute face..."
Ciel and Niur, Waifu For Laifu

Ciel blushed under her hood as her new wife hugged her and nuzzled her neck. When Haruhi removed her hood her face was revealed to be tinted with a small blush. Niur giggled quietly from the side as she inched away to give the two some space. "The cloak is extremely useful. Aside from hiding what I really am, it's resistant to elements, woven with metallic threads for flexible armor, weighted, intimidating, aerodynamic, great wear for winter, easily repairable, when combined with my magic it makes me look like a ninja, makes people think I only have one magic style, and generally makes me feel very stylish." Ciel replied honestly. "And it's a gift from my mentor." She added. "Just thankful I didn't get the cape." She began to reach for the hood in an attempt to put it back on.
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after Joel made it to magnolia he decided it would be best if he found somewhere to rest he then began to think why a guild would attack the village that he lived at what had they done to make it happen he then could feel a tear on his face he quickly got rid of it hoping no one saw it he then found a nice shaded area to sit at he sat down and closed his eyes thinking why
Rasil, Brandheart

Magnolia, in the middle of town.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/HiroTitle_zps654c13cd.jpg.47ecfbe641ffe6263d343975cac97cdc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/HiroTitle_zps654c13cd.jpg.47ecfbe641ffe6263d343975cac97cdc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rasil moved through magnolia, his body aching. His face was red, and he wore a expression of exhaustion, and ecstasy. He moved slowly, his legs and arms bound. His arms in a pillory, and his legs in stocks. Modified so he could move around town, even if he had to waddle. He let out labored breaths as he continued waddling. He could hear people staring, and whispering as he passed." Yes....yes... keep looking," then he fell out right in the middle of town. Unable to move, or at this point really say much.




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[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]
Rasil, Brandheart
Magnolia, in the middle of town.

View attachment 324618

Rasil moved through magnolia, his body aching. His face was red, and he wore a expression of exhaustion, and ecstasy. He moved slowly, his legs and arms bound. His arms in a pillory, and his legs in stocks. Modified so he could move around town, even if he had to waddle. He let out labored breaths as he continued waddling. He could hear people staring, and whispering as he passed." Yes....yes... keep looking," then he fell out right in the middle of town. Unable to move, or at this point really say much.


Joel opens his eyes to see a man bound he was instantly thinking what happen to him after he saw people whispering about the person he got up to walk to the person to see if they were ok then stopping as soon as the person fell down and seeing that they were not moving he then looked around to see if anyone would help him since no one went to help the person Joel reequipped his fire gauntlets and walked over to the person and burning whatever bounded there arms and legs and handing the person his canteen "here you need to have some water" Joel said in a calm voice

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