Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC



Tokine responded to Kenya's blank gaze with her own. This wasn't because she was mean or anything. It was just her usual demeanor. In fact, she was quite happy that Sabertooth would potentially be getting a new member. Then again, that would require her to make a good impression on Gilad which wasn't the easiest thing in the world to do. By looks alone though, Kenya seemed quite strong so maybe she had a shot.

"I see. Unfortunately, Master Gilad is out on an important mission right now. He should be back fairly soon so you're welcome to wait here at the guild until then. My name is Tokine by the way, and as you may have guessed, a member of Sabertooth. Would you like some tea while you wait?"
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Pegasus Guild

Seto was actually somewhat impressed when Moses suplexed through the table he even found himself applauding. "That was awesome. But onto important matters the liar game is simple! We each play a card going from one to thirteen. Ace as one and jacks as eleven, then queen then king. You have to go in order so if you don't have the right number you'll have to lie. If your caught by someone then you get all the cards in the middle first to get rid of all their cards wins." Seto smiled confident in his skills at this game he'd never lost except every time he played against his old master but that was different.

Outside of Sabertooth Guild

Kenya was thankful to hear he'd be back soon she nodded. "Yes I'd like some tea if it's not too much trouble." Her stomach growled and it was then that Kenya realized she hadn't eaten since leaving home. "And if food isn't too much I'd like that as well thank you." She picked up her katana wrapping it onto her side.

@Drakerus @Jackaboi @Solemn Jester
@Nenma Takashi[/URL] @Jackaboi @Four Eyes
Tstsuya looked at the two "Uh... Im guessing thats normal?" He smiled and put his hands together in front of him then gave a curt bow to Moses "Nice to meet you, Im Tatsuya, Im actually interested In joining Blue Pegasus" He brushed some hair away from his face, tucking it behind his ear. "Im not very good with combat, but Im actually a pretty decent sleuth" He
Jackaboi said:
Yamato Ren: Another new face?

It's seems Seto has now arrived. He made a suggestion that we all play the liar game. Although he's never heard of it he could always learn on the spot. "That would sound like fun. I haven't had much to do recently so this should be a nice change of pace." The man had introduced himself as Moses but that smile he put on didn't sit right with him. Yamato didn't think too much about it though. Before long another man came running through the doors and called out to Moses calling him his brother who then shouted something else and suplexed through another table. "Excuse me are you alright?" Moses stood again and fixed himself asking about that card game. "Ah yes of course we should try that now" Something was off about Moses. Yamato would have to keep an eye on him.

@Nenma Takashi @Solemn Jester
[QUOTE="Four Eyes]Tstsuya looked at the two "Uh... Im guessing thats normal?" He smiled and put his hands together in front of him then gave a curt bow to Moses "Nice to meet you, Im Tatsuya, Im actually interested In joining Blue Pegasus" He brushed some hair away from his face, tucking it behind his ear. "Im not very good with combat, but Im actually a pretty decent sleuth" He

Rasil, and Moses

Inside Blue Pegasus HQ

Rasil laid on the broken table, that his wonderful brother had just supplexed him through." My big brother gives the best punishment. I can't wait for some more, to bad we have to be in different guilds. Otherwise this would be my day everyday." Rasil head was aching, along with most of torso. But he quickly recovered, and followed his elder brother like a dog. He looked at Tatsuya, and then to his elder brother."Oh yes this is normal for us, it's how we usually say hello." Rasils replied in a cheerful tone, as he sat on the floor.

Moses listened to the rules then smiled, and considered the game for a moment."Sounds fun, but how about we make it more intresting? I could use my magic to make things alot more challenging, and fun if you'd like?" Moses offered a mischievous glint in his eye. He wasn't sure how he'd change the game with his powers, but he knew that it'd be fun to do. So he waited for the others answers, and began contemplating how he'd change the game.

Kayzo said:
Haruhi smiled slightly at the sight of Ciel's small blush, a small laugh escaping her lips. She must've been embarrassing her in front of her sister, which was just cute. If Ciel had done something like this in front of Honoka, she surely wouldn't have minded. The blue hair girl listened as her wife went on and on about how useful her scary cloak was. It was crazy to think that such a simple piece of clothing could provide so much use. "Hide what you are? Ciel, you say that like you're a monster, which you aren't. You're a very pretty lady who should be proud of that." She explained, glancing over at her hands as she tried to put the cloak back on. Quickly Haruhi's hands shot up and intercepted them, repositioning Ciel's hands on her hips. "Hey, no hiding your face when you're around me. I want to see the real you, not some faceless man."
Raa and Niur, Okay

Ciel blushed after hearing her wife's words and let her bring her hands to her hips. "Ah...okay then, I won't put on my hood around you..." She said, relaxing her stance and leaning slightly on her wife. She quickly landed a s swift kiss on her wife's lips and pulled back with a small smile. "So, any idea where we're going? We've kinda been just wandering around and blowing up their resources." Ciel said, taking the cloak off and morphing it into a cape before putting it on again.
Yamato Ren: Oh! That does seem interesting.

Yamato listened carefully to Seto's explanation to the game. He never noticed before but there was someone else that wanted to join Blue Pegasus. He introduced himself as Tatsuya. "Hello Tatsuya! I'm Yamato Ren. We are always willing to accept new members to our guild. If you wish to Join you will have to consult our Guild Master Aleria Feathersaint. (@Happy Red Mage) Unfortunately I am unaware of her current location so you are free to wait here if you like." Moses made an unexpected suggestion that he can use his magic to make the game more "challenging." Interested Yamato nodded with a smile and said. "You have caught my interest Moses, I would like to hear you out."

@Solemn Jester @Four Eyes @Nenma Takashi
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]
Rasil, and Moses
Inside Blue Pegasus HQ

Rasil laid on the broken table, that his wonderful brother had just supplexed him through." My big brother gives the best punishment. I can't wait for some more, to bad we have to be in different guilds. Otherwise this would be my day everyday." Rasil head was aching, along with most of torso. But he quickly recovered, and followed his elder brother like a dog. He looked at Tatsuya, and then to his elder brother."Oh yes this is normal for us, it's how we usually say hello." Rasils replied in a cheerful tone, as he sat on the floor.

Moses listened to the rules then smiled, and considered the game for a moment."Sounds fun, but how about we make it more intresting? I could use my magic to make things alot more challenging, and fun if you'd like?" Moses offered a mischievous glint in his eye. He wasn't sure how he'd change the game with his powers, but he knew that it'd be fun to do. So he waited for the others answers, and began contemplating how he'd change the game.

Tatsuya noticed two things. One, that Rasil might be some king of masochist, brother complex pervert, and two, he wasent part of blue pegasus. He decided to ignore the first observation, for now. "Wait, so your not part of Blue pegasus?" he asked Rasil cocking his head again. he looked over to the older brother "And you are.."
Jackaboi said:
Yamato Ren: Oh! That does seem interesting.

Yamato listened carefully to Seto's explanation to the game. He never noticed before but there was someone else that wanted to join Blue Pegasus. He introduced himself as Tatsuya. "Hello Tatsuya! I'm Yamato Ren. We are always willing to accept new members to our guild. If you wish to Join you will have to consult our Guild Master Aleria Feathersaint. (@Happy Red Mage) Unfortunately I am unaware of her current location so you are free to wait here if you like." Moses made an unexpected suggestion that he can use his magic to make the game more "challenging." Interested Yamato nodded with a smile and said. "You have caught my interest Moses, I would like to hear you out."

@Solemn Jester @Four Eyes @Nenma Takashi
Tatsuya smiled at the man and gave another small bow "Thanks, Ill do just that" when He stood straight again he crossed over to a stool at a table and sat down. pulling his legs up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. The position made him look very feminine and dainty. He knew exactly what he was doing, he was trying to Garner favor by appearing innocent and cute. I would probably work on anyone who had yet to figure out his gender.
Jackaboi said:
Yamato Ren: Oh! That does seem interesting.

Yamato listened carefully to Seto's explanation to the game. He never noticed before but there was someone else that wanted to join Blue Pegasus. He introduced himself as Tatsuya. "Hello Tatsuya! I'm Yamato Ren. We are always willing to accept new members to our guild. If you wish to Join you will have to consult our Guild Master Aleria Feathersaint. (@Happy Red Mage) Unfortunately I am unaware of her current location so you are free to wait here if you like." Moses made an unexpected suggestion that he can use his magic to make the game more "challenging." Interested Yamato nodded with a smile and said. "You have caught my interest Moses, I would like to hear you out."

@Solemn Jester @Four Eyes @Nenma Takashi
Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Fairy Tail BarAlicia: Dungeon Exit

When Mizuki had put her down and took her hand she smiled up at her, just happy to be by her side and that Draneri would likely be taken care of soon. She had used Mizuki and caused her to hurt people and most importantly not be the Mizuki she cared for. She listened as Mizuki explained that everyone would be found and that they were just one of the three groups who had been looking. Good. Everyone would be safe, the magic council would likely come, and everything would go back to normal. She smiled and nodded when she started patting her head, further assuring her everyone was going to be fine and not to worry. "If what you're saying is right then I'm sure they'll be fine." She replied. She was going to say more but her train of thought was interrupted by Chris coming up to them covered in blood asking what to do next. Her eyes widened in horror at the scene, and had Mizuki not pressed Alicia's face into her side that likely would of been her next action.

She wasn't sure if it was Kelica's, his, or something else's at this point. All she knew was it was disgusting and absolutely horrific. She didn't even pay attention to what was said at all, simply trying to block the image out of her poor mind. Out of all the things that had happened today she definitely didn't need to see that. When he was gone and she let go of her head kneeling down and asking if she saw she nodded slightly and shuddered a bit in response, not entirely sure how to verbally respond. At her next words she thought a bit, but really it was just that; a little bit. Sure, she was tired and would like to rest. But she really needed to help rescue everyone still, or rather wanted to. She also wanted to stay with Mizuki just in-case something happened and she needed her. She might not be that strong physically or offensively, but her barriers could hold up decently. If anything she could defend her.

"I wanna stay with you and help look. I promised Hibiki I'd help and I'm gunna." She replied, a determined yet somewhat sleepy look in her eyes. There was no way she was going to back down now just because she saw a bloodied Chris. It was tempting but she was decently sure in her line of work she would see things similar in the future, after all injuries were very real and could happen at any time. It was best she get somewhat used to seeing them and not freaking out now than being a complete wuss in the future, by her logic anyway. Ten year old logic wasn't really the best whatsoever.

That said she listened as both fights raged on, the fight between Ryu and Draneri seeming to stop. Not only that she heard Hibiki. If Hibiki was free Sora likely was too. If they were free that mean there was a very good chance everyone else was! "I hear Hibiki! Come on let's go check on them!" She insisted, excitedly tugging on Mizuki's shirt before her excitement ultimately got the better of her and she ran off down the stairs. "Hibiki! I'm glad you guys escaped! I told you I'd get help! Even though I kind of got lost and help came here..but..still!" She told him cheerfully. "Did everyone else make it out? What happen-" She began, speech halting when her eyes landed on Draneri's extremely injured and nude form.

Her mind wasn't exactly sure how to react at all. It was terrifying and definitely something a ten year old should never see in their life, especially one as innocent as Alicia. In the end she screamed at the sight, moved to run for the stairs and back to Mizuki, and ended up tripping over a rock and knocking herself out. It was probably for the best after what she had saw.
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Beast...boy do I know that word well)

Chris stayed out of Kelica and Noah's way, those two seemed to be doing fine on their own anyways. As Kelica spoke to yet another stranger, Chris heard her talk about how she had seen the most ferocious beasts be calmed. The mention of that alone brought back memories of the first time Chris had control over his takeovers. All thanks to Kelica, Alfie, and Sora. Tears started to form in the corners of Chris' eyes before rolling down his cheek as he continued to walk away from Kelica. But before he could get away, Chris heard Kelica mention the attack again...the attack Chris couldn't prevent. Seeing Draneri now, Chris couldn't help but pity her...well somewhat. Half of him saw this as justice for what she had done to him and Mizuki, what she almost made him do the Kelica. But, as the anger faded from Chris, he felt that sense of pity. Kelica made a good point, and she looked to be in terrible pain. Chris needed to get out of here, he just needed a moment to collect his thoughts.

Chris finally managed to find a small place to sit down and did just that. He finally had time to think of what he had done. First, the dragon thing. Then, the slap. And to top it all off, Chris attacked her. A few short, shuddering breaths let him as he didn't dare to go back any farther. He hurt her...sometimes of his own free will, why?

I broke my promise to you...I'm so sorry." Chris finally said to himself, completely unaware of anyone who was listening in. He let out another shuddering breath as a few more tears fell down and loosened up some of the now dried blood on his leg. From there, it was just silence. His breathing calmed down, a tear would fall every now and then, but Chris simply looked away from everyone. If he was needed, he'd be called.

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo
@Necr0Danc3r @Colt556

Kayzo said:
When Alicia made it known that she had seen the bloodied Chris a dark glare was shot his way. Mizuki knew that a little girl like her shouldn't be exposed to something like that, and she was sure that he knew that, yet he didn't do anything to help. First he almost kills his girlfriend and then he scars a young girl. Something really needed to be done with him. Mizuki let out an irritate sigh before looking back to Alicia, leaning forward and pressing her forehead against hers. Since there wasn't anyone around she could show a little more emotion. "My poor girl... If he scared you please tell, and I'll go make him scared of me." She explained, standing back up straight. It seemed that she wanted to stay and help, which was good, but she didn't want to overwork the girl or expose her to anything else that is gruesome. Her head nodded slightly her her eyes followed quickly as she ran off towards her Hibiki friend.
Mizuki waited a few moments before following Alicia down towards the fight. She was curious to find out who this Hibiki fellow was, and if Alicia should be allowed to be around him. Although the dark Mage didn't seem like a worthy candidate to be around a little girl 24/7, but she cared very deeply about her. If this man was some scum bag who just wanted to use Alicia, she'd just have to hurt him. But if he was a nice, good role model, then he could stay.

Mizuki's pace quickened as she heard the scream of Alicia. All of her worst fears came rushing to her mind, afraid that she was getting hurt or killed. The black haired girl flew down the stairs and stopped only inches away from the unconscious Alicia. She quickly dropped onto her knees and held the small girl's head up into her lap, eyes glancing around the room. It didn't look like anyone attacked her, which was good, but what could've caused this? Her eyes then fell upon Draneri and her horribly disfigured form. It was so disgusting that it made Mizuki choke up, and she was used to this stuff. Who knows what affect this could have on Alicia...
"Wake up Alicia..."

(This was a shitty post lmao. I just wanted to get it out.)

Kelica Zefara

Grimoire Heart Base Entrance

The forest mage almost couldn't believe what she was hearing. Hibiki was not only alive, but well. She had to rub her eyes a moment just to make sure it wasn't just a dream. Did someone just say she did a good job? She certainty didn't feel like she had, everything was just one hiccup to another. If she were stronger she would have gotten here faster...she would have found Alicia sooner, she would have helped disable that Siren before she could change Chris or Mizuki or anyone really... she could have done so much more, so much. But her guilt stricken thoughts abruptly halted when Hibiki actually ran his hands through her hair and her whole face seemed to come alive. The warmth and happiness she felt seemed to leech from her very frame.

He said he was proud of her!

An S-Class in Fairytail, proud of what she had accomplished! She felt a new wave of tears start to form but hurried took a deep breath to contain them. "
T...Thank you Hibiki...thank you so much...I am glad that Sora is well." The Forest Guardian nodded when he told her she could heal Draneri, but also told her to be careful. She hadn't even considered at what level her own powers were at, especially after losing such a huge fraction of her blood and leeching the essence she needed from the Forest to heal herself before.

That was when some strange woman appeared down the hallway and Kelica turned gently to face her as the Siren was dropped into a Magic Circle. She half stepped forward then, not really liking the idea of Grimoire Heart taking the creature away but... Her emerald gaze turned to look to Hibiki and he told her to take The Siren, especially considering the treatment she received from Ryu. Honestly it wasn't her place to argue and in all honesty he was probably right. So with a deep breath she straightened her back a little. There was still a fair bit of chaos despite the Siren having been taken away. In the confusion she heard a high pitched scream and whirled to see Alicia standing as horrified as she had been moments ago. She tripped and then Mizuki appeared only moments later to cradle her head. Her vision turning to see Ryu still contained in Adrian's Arcane Barrier. Though he was sitting down cross-legged he was holding his head in what one could only assume was a migraine.

Adrian had scratches all over him from Chris trying to attack him, and Eric looked beat up as well from his fight. There was literally bodies needing First Aid everywhere. The Forest Mage slowly looked up to Hibiki after surveying the scene with a half smile. She looked thoroughly exhausted, the emotional roller coaster enough for her to sleep for a week alone if not also including the huge blood loss and magical drain. "
.... I would love nothing more then to leave this place and the horrible memories it has left.... It has been a very very long year..." she whispered in a soft tone. The words slipping before she even realized they had, memories of an eternity spent in a Darkness and Despair driven realm flooding back. Cold and alone. Before being suddenly tossed before an oncoming Train. That was before she was taken back to the Guild Hall by Noah only to realize Hibiki and Sora were missing... The more she remembered the more exhausted the girl felt, the bags under her eyes only increasing.

However, I can not leave just yet. You assured me Sora would be Ok, and I trust you. So for now, I have to help where I can... I have to help where I was not able too before." Her tone oddly calm now.

She gave him another weak smile, before turning and moving with a slow and an unbalanced stride towards Alicia and Mizuki. Completely missing the piece of paper Timothy had dropped as she surveyed all the injuries. She had two High priorities. The first was Ryu, as his emotional burst and seeming personality shift to the point of badly disfiguring the Siren was a sure sign of a Psychotic episode. He was merely sitting there and she desperately wanted to make sure he could respond to reality. To check his mental state. However Alicia had hit her head very hard, and had yet to resume consciousness so she chose to administer her first. Healer's were always never needed or needed too much, as Sora would have been more then well aware. When it rained it poured. She crashed rather heavily and wearily to her knees before Mizuki as the Dark Mage cradled the little girl's head and Kelica gave her a warm smile.

Mizuki~.... Please allow me to check on Alicia..." Leaving her hands outstretched and palms upwards even as they glowed a soft green along with her necklace. Her voice soothing but concerned. "I promise I will not harm her... But she is my First Priority and I wish to help..."


@Genon @Rhodus

Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall

Tokine nodded in acknowledgement to Kenya's request and pointed in the general direction of the lounge area.

"Take a seat anywhere you like and I'll return with your refreshments shortly." she stated and proceeded to walk back into the kitchen.She felt a little bad for outright telling Kenya that Gilad would be back soon. In reality, she wasn't sure how long a rescue mission of this magnitude would take. One thing she did know though, is that their guild master was unbelievably powerful so it was definitely more likely than not that he would return on time. She also wondered what Sakura was doing at the moment. She hadn't heard from her in a while. Perhaps Tokine would look for her when Gilad got back. As she continued to get lost in her thoughts, Tokine gathered the necessary ingredients for the guest's meal and set about preparing the dish, opting to forge the tools she needed with magic rather than using the ones in the rack. Mostly because she didn't feel like doing extra dishwashing.
Kayzo said:
When Alicia made it known that she had seen the bloodied Chris a dark glare was shot his way. Mizuki knew that a little girl like her shouldn't be exposed to something like that, and she was sure that he knew that, yet he didn't do anything to help. First he almost kills his girlfriend and then he scars a young girl. Something really needed to be done with him. Mizuki let out an irritate sigh before looking back to Alicia, leaning forward and pressing her forehead against hers. Since there wasn't anyone around she could show a little more emotion. "My poor girl... If he scared you please tell, and I'll go make him scared of me." She explained, standing back up straight. It seemed that she wanted to stay and help, which was good, but she didn't want to overwork the girl or expose her to anything else that is gruesome. Her head nodded slightly her her eyes followed quickly as she ran off towards her Hibiki friend.
Mizuki waited a few moments before following Alicia down towards the fight. She was curious to find out who this Hibiki fellow was, and if Alicia should be allowed to be around him. Although the dark Mage didn't seem like a worthy candidate to be around a little girl 24/7, but she cared very deeply about her. If this man was some scum bag who just wanted to use Alicia, she'd just have to hurt him. But if he was a nice, good role model, then he could stay.

Mizuki's pace quickened as she heard the scream of Alicia. All of her worst fears came rushing to her mind, afraid that she was getting hurt or killed. The black haired girl flew down the stairs and stopped only inches away from the unconscious Alicia. She quickly dropped onto her knees and held the small girl's head up into her lap, eyes glancing around the room. It didn't look like anyone attacked her, which was good, but what could've caused this? Her eyes then fell upon Draneri and her horribly disfigured form. It was so disgusting that it made Mizuki choke up, and she was used to this stuff. Who knows what affect this could have on Alicia...
"Wake up Alicia..."

(This was a shitty post lmao. I just wanted to get it out.)
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Grimoire Heart Base Entrance

The forest mage almost couldn't believe what she was hearing. Hibiki was not only alive, but well. She had to rub her eyes a moment just to make sure it wasn't just a dream. Did someone just say she did a good job? She certainty didn't feel like she had, everything was just one hiccup to another. If she were stronger she would have gotten here faster...she would have found Alicia sooner, she would have helped disable that Siren before she could change Chris or Mizuki or anyone really... she could have done so much more, so much. But her guilt stricken thoughts abruptly halted when Hibiki actually ran his hands through her hair and her whole face seemed to come alive. The warmth and happiness she felt seemed to leech from her very frame.

He said he was proud of her!

An S-Class in Fairytail, proud of what she had accomplished! She felt a new wave of tears start to form but hurried took a deep breath to contain them. "T...Thank you Hibiki...thank you so much...I am glad that Sora is well." The Forest Guardian nodded when he told her she could heal Draneri, but also told her to be careful. She hadn't even considered at what level her own powers were at, especially after losing such a huge fraction of her blood and leeching the essence she needed from the Forest to heal herself before.

That was when some strange woman appeared down the hallway and Kelica turned gently to face her as the Siren was dropped into a Magic Circle. She half stepped forward then, not really liking the idea of Grimoire Heart taking the creature away but... Her emerald gaze turned to look to Hibiki and he told her to take The Siren, especially considering the treatment she received from Ryu. Honestly it wasn't her place to argue and in all honesty he was probably right. So with a deep breath she straightened her back a little. There was still a fair bit of chaos despite the Siren having been taken away. In the confusion she heard a high pitched scream and whirled to see Alicia standing as horrified as she had been moments ago. She tripped and then Mizuki appeared only moments later to cradle her head. Her vision turning to see Ryu still contained in Adrian's Arcane Barrier. Though he was sitting down cross-legged he was holding his head in what one could only assume was a migraine.

Adrian had scratches all over him from Chris trying to attack him, and Eric looked beat up as well from his fight. There was literally bodies needing First Aid everywhere. The Forest Mage slowly looked up to Hibiki after surveying the scene with a half smile. She looked thoroughly exhausted, the emotional roller coaster enough for her to sleep for a week alone if not also including the huge blood loss and magical drain. ".... I would love nothing more then to leave this place and the horrible memories it has left.... It has been a very very long year..." she whispered in a soft tone. The words slipping before she even realized they had, memories of an eternity spent in a Darkness and Despair driven realm flooding back. Cold and alone. Before being suddenly tossed before an oncoming Train. That was before she was taken back to the Guild Hall by Noah only to realize Hibiki and Sora were missing... The more she remembered the more exhausted the girl felt, the bags under her eyes only increasing.

"However, I can not leave just yet. You assured me Sora would be Ok, and I trust you. So for now, I have to help where I can... I have to help where I was not able too before." Her tone oddly calm now.

She gave him another weak smile, before turning and moving with a slow and an unbalanced stride towards Alicia and Mizuki. Completely missing the piece of paper Timothy had dropped as she surveyed all the injuries. She had two High priorities. The first was Ryu, as his emotional burst and seeming personality shift to the point of badly disfiguring the Siren was a sure sign of a Psychotic episode. He was merely sitting there and she desperately wanted to make sure he could respond to reality. To check his mental state. However Alicia had hit her head very hard, and had yet to resume consciousness so she chose to administer her first. Healer's were always never needed or needed too much, as Sora would have been more then well aware. When it rained it poured. She crashed rather heavily and wearily to her knees before Mizuki as the Dark Mage cradled the little girl's head and Kelica gave her a warm smile.

"Mizuki~.... Please allow me to check on Alicia..." Leaving her hands outstretched and palms upwards even as they glowed a soft green along with her necklace. Her voice soothing but concerned. "I promise I will not harm her... But she is my First Priority and I wish to help..."


@Genon @Rhodus
@Genon @Rhodus @Isune @Colt556 @Jackaboi @Zareh @LeSoraAmari @Embaga Elder @Necr0Danc3r @literallyanyoneelsethere

Alicia and Lucian

Alicia remained unconscious through-out everything that happened, a small cut on her head where she had fell and hit her head on a rock. Thankfully she'd only briefly seen Draneri as well as Chris so neither horrifying images plagued her mind while she slept. Though, it still wasn't peaceful by far. Rather than dreams of the injuries she dreamt of Draneri successfully controlling Mizuki and making her slaughter everyone there aside from her. Rather than killing her she simply let her live and abandoned her alone in the cave, which to her was significantly worse. Thus by the time Mizuki had gotten to her she was whining lowly in her sleep with a tear rolling down her cheek. She knew it was a dream and that Mizuki would never leave her, but still.

Up above Lucian had had enough of the incompetence shown by those he hired, let alone his own guild members. They could all rest assured they'd be in for a very bad time for failing to keep people in magic nullifying cells detained. Honestly, how could you fail that? They were obviously dumb enough to let them out and play with them, which he wasn't against...so long as they were actually strong enough to win. Nevertheless he sighed as he walked towards the hut, casually lighting a tree on fire as he did. If all else failed a burning forest should trap them in and kill them all while he could simply teleport away unscathed. Shortly after footsteps started echoing down the staircase, and soon enough Lucian appeared. Out of the group there the only ones that would know him would be Mizuki and Kelica, only his higher up members knowing his face, himself preferring to operate in secret even to his guild.

Of course at the exact same time one of his brave, or rather stupid, members had decided to appear. Of course they were smart enough to target the two weakest in the group, Alicia and Kelica, however they stopped before they attacked to stare dumb-founded at Lucian. "HEY! Old man, who the hell are yo-" He began to shout, only to be cut off by a strong jet of black fire to the everywhere which safe to say blasted him off his feet and into a nearby wall. "How nice of everyone to group up close together like this for me." Lucian spoke, smiling between all of them. Other than the fact he just fried some random person he gave off the air of an innocent old man.

That said his gaze rested firmly on Mizuki, and for once his smile broke, his expression turning somewhat sour as he glared at her. "Ah, Mizuki. Good to see you after all this time. Never would of taken you as one to care about some brat." He told her, his words somewhat kind yet laced with subtle malevolence. "I take it these weaklings are your friends then?" He asked, eyebrow raised as he looked towards everyone. His gaze then turned to Ethan, sighing at the boy. At-least he tried. "My question now would be...how are you all here and not in cages? Was that vampire brat and 'God Slayer' truly that weak? Or did you all manage to get hilariously lucky?"

Shortly after Lucian had blasted the random person with fire Alicia had awoken with a whine and a confused expression on her face as she looked around, not entirely sure where she was to begin with until Lucian started speaking. She remained quiet until he finished before looking up at Mizuki, curious who he was since he seemed to know her. "Who is that?" She whispered lowly, glancing up at Lucian.
Pegasus Guild

Seto shrugged since Yama seemed ok with it he figured it'd be fine besides it sounded interesting. "Sure man use your magic sounds cool!" He sat down at an unsuplexed through table and began equally dividing the deck to the three of them. When he was done he put the cards up to his face to hide them then smiled at Yama. "After you my good sir." He joked at Yama chuckling a bit.

Sabertooth Guild

Kenya sat down laying her sword against her chair on the ground she sat quietly then asked a question. "May I ask just what kind of people are here in the guild?" She had heard Sabertooth was a strong guild but she wondered exactly the kind of people that were here, no doubt battle hunger warriors. But she decided that probably wasn't true judging by the kind girl who was now making her a meal.

@Drakerus @Jackaboi @Solemn Jester
Joel decided to remove his trench coat and fold it and place his bag beside it a went to take a walk around the area not carrying what anyone thought but always kept one thing on his mind why has no one came out of the hall maybe theirs just no one his train of thought stopped when he saw a child crying and realized that the kid had lost his shoe so Joel looked around for a tiny bit and found a shoe when he returned to the child there was someone with him Joel guessed it must have been the kids mother when he got closer they both saw him and look a tiny bit afraid "i found his shoe" Joel said with a calm voice and a smile when he handed it to the two people they said "thank you" Joel then waved goodbye and kept walking around
Yamato Ren: Ok! I... think I've got this.

Not entirely sure about the rules Yamato had a good idea on how this game works. It was rather odd for Moses to be grinding his shoe in his brother's face. But he's okay with it? It was weird but he'd let it slide for now. As for Tatsuya he seemed to be sitting in a rather feminine pose for some reason. Not to mention he actually looks like a girl, but Yamato knew better, he just wondered if anyone else would realise. Seto has now gave Yamato his cards and suggested he'd go first. "Alright then." Suddenly Yamato's face had turned straight and unreadable, planning to keep this expression throughout the game. He took a single card and placed it face-down on the table. "One Ace."
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Genon said:
Adrian had followed the news and the wanted lists. He knew of Mizuki's past. And he knew that Mizuki had done everything in her power to redeem herself. Whether her good deeds outweighed the bad, only the gods could say, but she did everything he could possibly ask of her to prove herself worthy of being a Light Guild member. Something that he had failed to do when he advocated killing the siren out of some misplaced pragmatism. He thought back to only a few months ago, when out of the same pragmatism he had killed an entire fortress filled with Plague Magic infectees to prevent their violent psychosis from spreading into the countryside and had been detained for his trouble. The law seemed to think the deaths were accidental, but he knew he could never forgive himself for murdering those bandits. Could he forgive himself for murdering Draneri? No, he couldn't. Mizuki was darkness mostly turned to the light. Adrian was light rapidly turning to the darkness. He resolved to make sure he would never complete the fall, and drag himself out of the black pit of hatred.
He would not kill in cold blood. If killing was the only way to solve a problem, he would do so with a heavy heart. If there was even a chance to let the enemy run away, or if they wanted to be redeemed, he would give them that chance. He would not let the incident with Draneri repeat itself, and on this he would stake his right to call himself a member of Fairy Tail.

But listening to Lucian's words, he knew that if someone didn't act, Alicia would find out about Mizuki's past. If Alicia found out, she might leave Mizuki. If Mizuki's charge left her, she might snap. And a snapped former S-class dark mage would be disastrous.

Thus, Adrian winked to Mizuki and stepped forward to defuse the situation. Making himself more prominent in the crowd of mages, he said to Lucian, "Enough with the trash talk, Lucian. What the hell were you even thinking? You kidnapped a bunch of light mages from three different guilds immediately after a festival that brought mages from dozens of cities to the same location, put your base in roughly the same patch of land (making it realistic for us to get there in a timely manner), and didn't even bother to use them as a bargaining chip. The only other motivations i could think of would be to press them into recruitment or simply killing them to send a message." Adrian's eyes narrowed dangerously. "What's your game, old man? Or are you and your guild so woefully incompetent that you don't even have a long-term plan other than abducting people for shits and giggles?" Adrian knew full well that Lucian would probably attack him for that, but the sooner the fighting began, the sooner they could get this over with. He didn't want to give Lucian room to try any more mind games, and provoking him was the best way to do that. He was ready to cast a barrier should Lucian try anything funny.

If Alicia was to discover Mizuki's past, that would be in a calm place where they could discuss it in peace and quiet. It would not be in an underground Dark Guild headquarters steeped in the blood of countless innocent victims.
(Tagging @Kayzo @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Colt556)
Jackaboi said:
Yamato Ren: Ok! I... think I've got this.

Not entirely sure about the rules Yamato had a good idea on how this game works. It was rather odd for Moses to be grinding his shoe in his brother's face. But he's okay with it? It was weird but he'd let it slide for now. As for Tatsuya he seemed to be sitting in a rather feminine pose for some reason. Not to mention he actually looks like a girl, but Yamato knew better, he just wondered if anyone else would realise. Seto has now gave Yamato his cards and suggested he'd go first. "Alright then." Suddenly Yamato's face had turned straight and unreadable, planning to keep this expression throughout the game. He took a single card and placed it face-down on the table. "One Ace."
Rasil, and Moses

Rasils smiled tears still flowing down his face, as the jabbing pain slowly faded away."Oh why must the pain fade? Why can't it linger just a bit longer, so I can truely feel my brothers affections for me?" Rasil said now rubbing his cheek affectionately, in a dreamy gaze. Then at the mention of the game starting his attention immediately turned serious.

Moses cracked his knuckles as the game began. His machine gun hanging from his back, and his scarf wrapped around his neck.
" Alright, so I guess I'll find a way to make this interest. So let me show you my abilities shall I?" Moses then held his hand out, and his eyes began to glow a beautiful blue color." World open, boundary set, welcome to the kings realm." With these words a orb surrounded the entire room, and replaced it with a blank white area. Nothing was missing, the tables and everyone else was still there. The room was now just completely white, as if they had all been transported to a empty dimension." Alright, so how can I make this game more intresting? Any suggestions? My ability isn't that difficult to comprehend. You see I set my territory, and anyone inside it has to follow the rules I set up. This of course includes myself, so if any of use break these rules then we'll be meet with a punishment of some sort. That of course is also set by me, so I suppose I'll set the rules to those of the game. Any idea what other rules I could set? Or how I could make the game more intresting? Maybe everytime someone's caught lying the lose a finger aswell. Of course the finger will be returned after the game, but that would make it harder to hold your cards." Moses said with a satisfied smile on his face. This should be a good passer of time regardless of the rules.

@Four Eyes @Nenma Takashi @Jackaboi
Mysterious Woman

Science Laboratory

It seemed this group was equally as disinterested in her as the previous one. She cast her gaze downward, shifting slightly as she examined herself. Perhaps she simply didn't come off as threatening as the others. "I should probably work on that." She mumbled quietly to herself before turning her attention back to the group who were now discussing alcoholic beverages. It was then that she noticed Ethan laying on the ground with a rather sizable rock near his head. "I suppose that will suffice for an answer." And with that another magic circle appeared beneath the unconscious boy, slowly dragging him into the ground and whisking him off to wherever. She was about to take her leave and go collect the remaining sack of garbage when her attention was drawn towards the surface.

She resumed her rhythmic tapping of her finger as a slight frown crossed her lips. "Oh my." Turning her gaze back on the group of mages it seemed they were entirely unaware of what was about to transpire. Soon enough the older gentleman emerged from the stairs and made his way down the corridor towards the little gathering, torching a poor subordinate along the way. Once again her finger came to a halt as Lucian made his presence known to everyone. "Well well, this was quite unexpected. Although I suppose it is better late than never. Perhaps I should have left the Siren and the boy had I known you were going to grace us with your presence." Her tone was hardly respectful as it was more unimpressed than anything else. The fear that Lucian normally instilled in his subordinates was utterly lacking from her.

The question now became what the older man was doing there. If he had any interest in safe-guarding the base he wouldn't just saunter in now. Her train of thought was interrupted as a young man stepped forward, shouting at Lucian and poking holes in the plan. She couldn't help but agree with the facility's location. It was entirely too close to Magnolia, it's discovery was but all but inevitable. However the poor boy seemed unaware of their plans, or at least her plans. That put her at ease as the idea of the light guilds learning what she was up to was almost as upsetting as Lucian himself learning the full details. Nevertheless it seemed that the kid had a death-wish as he seemed to know who Lucian was. And knowing who the man was meant the kid had to know what he was capable of. Figuring this might prove useful she made her way over to a nearby wall and leaned back upon it, folding her arms under her chest as she silently watched the situation unfold.

@Kayzo @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r
Christina Sol

The wind swayed the trees gently, and blew Christina's hair in the wind. She sat on her knees, eyes closed under a Cherry blossom tree. She wore stark white robes, and had a cherry blossom nestled in her hair. Her eyes snapped open as she heard the door to the monastery fling open, and heard a man call. "Madame Sol, My daughter. She is Ill." She stood and strode down the steps that lead to the main building . "When did it start?" She asked as she picked up the red headed girl. Her face was gaunt and pale, and she was very skinny. "Around midnight last night." Her father said, as he followed Christina closely. Christina carried her to the Cherry Blossom Tree, and laid her on it's roots. Her father stood close by, his face plagued by worry and curiosity. Christina put her forehead on the girls and above the girl a dark version of herself stood, it was scared and crying. Then above Christina a Spectral Christina pulled the girls chin up and where her hand touched her chin the dark girl evaporated, and was replaced by a girl the same color as Christina.'s spectral form. They dissipated and the red headed girls eyes fluttered open, and Christina passed out.

When she awoke, she was in a small hobble. There was a fire and a pot boiling over on it. Christina smiled as she stood, and then noticed something was wrong, The door was slightly ajar and the cabin was completely silent apart from the Boiling soup. She silently made her way to the door, and looked out the crack, what she saw made her stomach turn. Outside, the girls father laid on his back; His eyes wide with terror. he was missing an arm and his entrails were scattered about. The girl laid in a pool of her own blood, she was still alive. Christina hurried to her side, and knelt beside her. In her hand she clutched a dagger, and Christina tried her best to seem strong. The girl spoke but as she did so her voice grew ever fainter. "Attacked... Wanted you... We fought... They ran..." She paused, and smiled at her. "You saved me, Thank you." She said as a tear fell down her face. "Don't try to save me now, Just make the pain stop please." she said as she placed the dagger in Christina's hand. Christina sobbed aloud and took it her face twisting in a mix of rage and sadness. "You fought for me, I will find who did this." She said as she gripped the knife tightly. The girl smiled and replied. "When you healed me, did you do it for love or for money?" She said, as she gasped, and coughed up blood. Christina's face was emotionless as she slid the knife into her heart. "Love, And I will kill for love too." She stood, her robes dripping in blood. She wiped her face and strode into the forest.
after Joel returns to where his stuff was he realized how much people did not trust him even sometime hearing them say "is he in a dark guild"

he started to smirk by seeing how much these people really trusted him after packing his trench coat into his pack he instantly started walking to the exit and heading for the forest looking for a area that has water so he can refill his canteen at but the more he wandered in the forest he soon realized how much his magic would affect it since wind would blow the tree away it would seem like he would be attacking soon after some thought Joel removed his gloves and was now bare handed he soon found a water source and decided to make his stop here for a tiny bit and enjoying the silence
Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Fairy Tail BarAfter a morning of shopping, trying on clothes, and buying things for both of her friends Lavender had eventually parted ways with the group for reasons Sera can't quite remember. Regardless Sera had opted to stick with Mika and show him around Magnolia a bit, the two of them eventually ending up at the bar. About halfway through his first drink Mika had passed out on the bar, of course Sera wasn't entirely sure why. That was until she heard snickering from one of the mages in the hall. Turns out he had cast some sort of sleeping spell on the drink causing Mika to pass out after drinking some of it. Thus she was forced to sit there and drink alone while she waited for him to wake up. By the time he had she was slightly drunk, though mostly buzzed than anything. She giggled lightly as he sat up and asked what had happened. "One of the guild members more or less drugged your beer and you fell asleep. I really wouldn't recommend finishing that one." She replied, gesturing to his mug. "You should be fine though unless you're allergic to sleep and magic." She added before shrugging.

"I've just been sitting her drinking by myself, kind of boring, though I did beat up the guy that did that to you." She explained. "Soooo, what do you wanna do now?" She asked, staring at him with a somewhat goofy grin. Okay, maybe she was more drunk than initially stated.

Mika shook his head turned his head around the hall and then back to Sera who was looking at him funny. He was still confused, so that was what sleep feels like. It feels... like... nothing at all. "I see, so I was asleep." he exclaimed with a huge smile on his face out of the big realization. Though he didn't feel anything special he was feeling kind of refreshed all of a sudden. "I was really asleep, aren't I? That's awesome!" he told Sera with a certain glitter on his eyes. And then he was aware of how she was looking and smiling at him. "Hm... are you okay? You seemed a little odd Sera. Don't tell me you're drunk?" he said hesitantly, he wasn't really in the position to make such assumption, as he was the one passing out on half a glass of beer.

"Say? You wanna go back to your place now?"
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

At the mention of 'Lady Varos' she simply gave a small smirk as she watched the man move forward. Given the situation he sure didn't seem like he was in that much of a rush. Soon enough the shadow-mage was crawling along the Golem's body, nimbly avoiding it's probing hands as he did... whatever it was he was doing. She gave a small shrug not really concerned with what he was doing as long as he didn't get in the way. She was about to go in for another attack when the blonde guy made his appearance, charging in and kicking the golem to the ground. "Wai-! Hey!" She barely managed to get the words out as she dove out of the way, somersaulting across the ground before quickly kicking back to her feet. The golem lay just feet away clearly occupying the space where she once stood. Had she been any slower she'd very likely be a pancake right now. She shot a glare at the berserker as he pummeled the golem's face before being promptly thrown away like discarded trash. A small 'hmph' sound escaped her lips as she grumbled to herself. "Serves you right you reckless bastard."

Her near-death experience aside she focused back on the golem. She very much doubted she could brute force her way through magically-controlled and enhanced stone so that left her only one option. The flames around her fists slowly shifted hues, going from red to orange to blue all the while growing in size to encase her entire body. She brought her arms out in front of her and clasped her hands together, aiming her interlaced fists towards the golem's head. The fire that whipped around her was drawn in towards her fists, swirling about in a frenzy until hands alone radiated her blue flames. Looking over at the others she finally called out loud enough for them to all hear. "This is gonna take a bit so stay out of the way!" Turning her attention back to the golem she was about to unleash her attack when she paused and then quickly looked back in the direction of her fellow mages. "Oh and make sure to guard me!"

With her warning and demand given she finally focused on the golem for the final time. Taking a deep breath she channeled her magic into her fire and called out. "Incineration!" The blue flames lanced out from her fists in a constant stream, crashing upon the golem's head. The heat radiated out making even going near her stream of fire more than a little uncomfortable. Nevertheless she kept her assault trained squarely on the same spot no matter how the golem might move. The others would soon be able to see the stone of the golem's head begin to glow brighter the longer she maintained her attack.
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Team Bravado


Valken kept looking for any parts of the Golem he could see that held some sort of weakness other then the fact it was Stone and he made a half grunt when he discovered there didn't seemed to be any quick and easy fix to kill it. Truthfully that was clever on the Dark Guild's account as over complication leads to more flaws in overall design, however a simple design combining brute strength and an unwavering constitution seemed to fit the bill for this group of Mages. It was only his keen eye vision that whirled oddly in time with the actual Golem as he spotted Emmerich charging in like a fist flaming missile, did Valken have to grin. Better late then never eh Frosty? He mused.

His kick working a treat and as the Golem was sent crashing with Emmerich following suit, Valken, crouched down before vaulting himself up into the air into somewhat of a beautiful somersault. As he spun he deftly reached down to clasp at the hilts of her daggers to slip them from his hip holsters, and with barely a thud the man landed on the ground like he had been standing there the whole time. He saw the creature grasp at Frosty before throwing him unceremoniously at the wall, and he might have shown more concern if he figured the guy couldn't take the hit. Landing pretty much right behind Lavender with his jump. Having a half grin, the guy slung his arm around her like they were best pals as he leans in to whisper into her ear. "You know, if you're scared you can let the big kids take this one..." His voice soft like a passing breeze. And before she could respond he had side stepped her to walk back towards the creature. But before he could do anything else the girl Damn near ran straight past him with some heavy set armor and a black whip? Well...to each their own he assumed. He wasn't one to talk with the Sadist tenancies that got him all fired up.

She seemed to get a few hits in that damaged it but then the Golem's attention turned towards her. Or at least it would have if not a moment later something really bright and pretty was aimed straight at his face and like a bug drawn to a lantern he fully turned to face Tanari now. Valken only assumed her attack would do damage considering the time, effort and demands she gave before firing it and frankly at this point it was the only sensible solution he could think of to destroy it apart from dragging the whole thing under the Shadows as he had Millie's guard.

Thus when the Golem's statue turned to her, Valken realized he had to hold the Damn thing still long enough that her attack would do some damage. Already Valken was bent low to the ground and was dashing at an unbelievable speed coming right up underneath the creatures huge set legs. Now this creature was BIG. With an equally huge Shadow for him to control. So he thrust a Dagger down into the ground right behind the creature's foot, the blade sinking half into the deepest Shadow behind it before in another instant he had barrel rolled to the other huge set foot and slammed his second Dagger in much the same way as the first.

With those two points secured, he flipped back onto his hands then onto his legs much like a Gymnast before squatting down at the very top of his elongated Shadow, made longer by Tanari's flame attack... like it needed to be any bigger or longer really. He thrust his arms out with fingertips sliding into the ground, before they clenched, like he were literally fisting the edge of a carpet rug. Even despite Valken's control over the Shadow Realm he could already feel his muscles bulging to keep the damn thing in place.

The Golem made as if to take a huge step towards Tanari but instead made a half roar as it realized he couldn't step anywhere. Like his feet were planted solid somehow. Though that didn't stop him trying desperately to lift his feet to try and charge forward more to attack her.

"Emmerich! Lavender! He can't move his feet so now would be a great time to Wail into that Stone Golem to distract him while Tanari finishes her attack! So hop to it Princesses!!" All said in a light tone, but already sweat was rolling down his face.

@Zuka[/URL] @Mykinkaiser @Colt556 (I just wanted to post before I dont get any ideas xD )[/CENTER]
Emmerich Faust

Emmerich wasted no time in returning to the action when he was Tanari unleash her flames upon the golem. Even before Valken had called out he was up and sprinting towards the stone giant, wrapping his arms around its left leg as soon as he reached it. Barely registering the heat from Tanari's attack or what Valken and Lavender were doing the brawler began to squeeze the leg, his muscles bulging with the effort. Soon, cracks began to form in the stone as he applied more and more pressure. Not long after that the golem's leg fully shattered, causing stone pieces to shower down over Emmerich and the giant itself to topple over on top of him.

Rather than moving to try to dodge the massive weight that was about to hit him Emmerich instead braces himself and catches it, holding it up before heaving it back up the opposite direction as it awkwardly tried to regain its balance on one immobile leg.

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