Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC



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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:36px;">Tanari Varos - Dungeon</span></span></strong></p></div>

<p> The blue flames pouring forth seemed to pulse as wave after wave streamed into the Golem. The heated radiated throughout the corridor as the battle continued on making the entire area rather insufferable. The golem's entire upper-body glowed a bright crimson as it's body continued to heat up. Immobilized by the combined efforts of the other mages it was incapable of shielding itself from the torrent of fire. Cracks began to form along it's stony surface as the shape of it's head began to distort from the heat. Soon enough the stone of the golem's head began to form into molten rock that slowly dripped down along it's body to form smoldering pools on the floor below. At this point even the crystal within was no longer shielded and even it began to crack under the sweltering inferno. The cracks ran along the crystal, growing in size before an audible shattering could be heard. With it's source of power destroyed the golem slumped forward, unable to fully fall due to the mages holding it in place. As the golem slumped the stream of fire petered out with it's source falling to her knees. Her breathing was ragged and sweat covered her body. It wasn't often she had to work this hard and here she was draining herself dry multiple times in just a few days. Through her gasps for air she looked over towards her companions, offering them a weak thumbs up before allowing herself to fall back onto the ground. The rising and falling of her chest began to slow as she began to recover from her exertion. In hindsight she probably should have let the others do more than just hold the golem in place but what's done is done. All she wanted to do was close her eyes and doze off, she had earned it right? As tempting as the thought was she was still in the middle of a dark guild's lair. So while a nap was out of the question she was sure going to milk every second she had until the others pressed onwards.</p>



<p> <span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#330066;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#330066;"><strong>Valken Truss</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#330066;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#330066;"><strong>Team Bravado</strong></span></span> The Shadow Mage let his eyes follow Lavender as she attacked and hoped dearly she could defend himself because frankly he was using quite a large portion of his energy to simply keep this giant thing still then he would kindly like to admit. His gaze following Emmerich as he ran forward to bear hug one of the creatures legs and his eyes widened when he finally realized what the Berserker was trying to do. "<strong>EMMERICH!! DON'T DO THAT OTHERWISE IT'LL BREAK THE-</strong>" Too late. His leg completely shattered into itself causing the Golem to now lean precariously onto one leg. Valken let out a string of rather un-lady like words before his right hand let go of the shadow in preference to thrust both his hands into the Shadows at the top left hand side, to grip and hold onto the Shadow harder. His hands and arms sinking to there elbows now to keep the stupid thing on one leg in time as Emmerich pushed the thing up to a very wobbly stand. <strong> "TANARI ANY </strong><strong><em>BLOODY</em></strong><strong> DAY NOW!!!!" </strong>The heat by now was insufferable for Valken who preferred the cool and darkness of his shadows, wincing visibly as he turned away to tuck his face into his inner shoulder. Valken heard the shatter and tensed up expecting, well Lord knows what, probably an explosion knowing a Dark Guild. Thankfully it didn't and slowly Valken eased his aching muscles and let his arms and fingers slip from the shadows, but not before reefing the creature as hard as he could to aim it away from a slumped Tanari as well as everyone else. With a resounding crash it landed in a heap against the wall and slid down in a pile. Valken was panting and as much as he wanted to lie down in a similar fashion to Tanari he had to make sure the girl was Ok, so he stood up slowly, rolling his shoulders slightly before wandering to land on his butt right by her, knees rested up and his arms on his legs. Panting harder but glancing sideways and giving a half grin. "<strong>You took entirely too long to take that thing out you know....</strong>" He poked a jab at but even as he said it, his face seemed oddly warm. <strong>"Sooooo.... you going give me that Cat walk now or-?</strong>" A grin spreading ear to ear even as he said it, Valken's strange way of saying he was impressed and thanks. Even as he said it however his eyes narrowed down a portion as he felt an entirely new and very menacing Shadow entering the facility. And he didn't much like the weird chill he was getting down his spine. @Britt\-21 @Kayzo

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<div class="ipsQuote_contents"><p> <span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#330066;"><strong>Valken Truss</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#330066;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#330066;"><strong>Team Bravado</strong></span></span> The Shadow Mage let his eyes follow Lavender as she attacked and hoped dearly she could defend himself because frankly he was using quite a large portion of his energy to simply keep this giant thing still then he would kindly like to admit. His gaze following Emmerich as he ran forward to bear hug one of the creatures legs and his eyes widened when he finally realized what the Berserker was trying to do. "<strong>EMMERICH!! DON'T DO THAT OTHERWISE IT'LL BREAK THE-</strong>" Too late. His leg completely shattered into itself causing the Golem to now lean precariously onto one leg. Valken let out a string of rather un-lady like words before his right hand let go of the shadow in preference to thrust both his hands into the Shadows at the top left hand side, to grip and hold onto the Shadow harder. His hands and arms sinking to there elbows now to keep the stupid thing on one leg in time as Emmerich pushed the thing up to a very wobbly stand. <strong> "TANARI ANY </strong><strong><em>BLOODY</em></strong><strong> DAY NOW!!!!" </strong>The heat by now was insufferable for Valken who preferred the cool and darkness of his shadows, wincing visibly as he turned away to tuck his face into his inner shoulder. Valken heard the shatter and tensed up expecting, well Lord knows what, probably an explosion knowing a Dark Guild. Thankfully it didn't and slowly Valken eased his aching muscles and let his arms and fingers slip from the shadows, but not before reefing the creature as hard as he could to aim it away from a slumped Tanari as well as everyone else. With a resounding crash it landed in a heap against the wall and slid down in a pile. Valken was panting and as much as he wanted to lie down in a similar fashion to Tanari he had to make sure the girl was Ok, so he stood up slowly, rolling his shoulders slightly before wandering to land on his butt right by her, knees rested up and his arms on his legs. Panting harder but glancing sideways and giving a half grin. "<strong>You took entirely too long to take that thing out you know....</strong>" He poked a jab at but even as he said it, his face seemed oddly warm. <strong>"Sooooo.... you going give me that Cat walk now or-?</strong>" A grin spreading ear to ear even as he said it, Valken's strange way of saying he was impressed and thanks. Even as he said it however his eyes narrowed down a portion as he felt an entirely new and very menacing Shadow entering the facility. And he didn't much like the weird chill he was getting down his spine. @Britt\-21 @Kayzo </p></div>


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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:36px;">Tanari Varos - Dungeon</span></span></strong></p></div>

<p> A loud crash filled the hallway and she could only assume by the lack of shouting and warnings that it was the golem being dealt with rather than a new enemy. A few moments later she noticed a presence approach her as the shadow mage plonked himself down behind her. At the mention of taking too long she weakly brought her hand up and gave him the finger. <strong>"I didn't see you turning a magically enhanced stone golem into lava..." </strong>With her retort out of the way she allowed her hand to flop down onto her stomach. The longer she laid there the more she really did feel like just taking a well-deserved nap. Alas the shadow mage was quick to continue and presented her with yet another thing to retort to. She allowed a weak laugh to escape her lips before she rose her arms up towards the ceiling. <strong>"Only if you carry me through it." </strong>She didn't even wanna get up and he expected her to strut around like some fashion model? Not likely. She glanced over at the shadow mage, barely noticing the subtle change in his expression. She didn't know what was the cause of the change but hey, if it was important he'd tell them, right? That said she knew her break had to come to an end and with a tired groan she forced herself up into a sitting position as she looked over the small group.<strong>"Well I don't know about you guys but I feel like it's time we go home. You rescued the princess, we beat the bad guys, defeated the boss. Dungeon cleared." </strong>As much as she didn't want to she got to her feet and dusted off the back of her pants. Out of habit she began blindly walking down the corridor only to stop after a few feet once she remembered she had absolutely no clue what the dungeon's layout was or how these people even got in here. She turned slightly and looked over her shoulder at her companions before asking out to no one in particular. <strong>"How'd you guys even get down here anyways? Where's the exit?" </strong>

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rbshinichi said:
"Yeah, sleeping is great." he replied with a dreamy look on his face and glistening flicker in his eyes. "That was my first time to really sleep. As you know, I am a full bred vampire." There was something in Sera's tone, something different and quite odd, but years of experience Mika knew exactly what it was, a flirtatious jab, fueled by alcohol. After taking care of their bill, he helped her to her feet and he was almost dragging his company out of the bar. "Wh... w what do you mean what I plan on doing? I... i.. it's just right to take you home in this state. I think it's a good idea that I put you to bed at once, you shall rest and recover." he said bashfully. A few more paces and he reached her apartment where he was currently taking cover too. The door flung opened before them and he let himself in, with her on his shoulder. He put her down on the couch and went to the kitchen to grab a cold towel and a glass of water. "I think this should help...." and with that the glass filled with water soared high up on the air as he tripped on the lose carpet's corner. The glass landed perfectly empty on the floor and Sera was wet from head to her chest. "I.... I'm sorry. Let me clean that up." with an unwittingly action from reflex he used the cold towel to wipe Sera, but stopped completely still as his hand hover on her voluptuous rack. "I.... I didn't mean to..."
Sera: FT Hall > Sera's House

Sera laughed at his nervous response as he drug her out of the bar and to her house. "Put me to bed huh~? That sounds good." She replied, giggling at the thought. A part of her knew it was completely innocent, however she clearly didn't mean it that way at all. She knew it was unlikely that Mika would actually do anything, however that wouldn't stop her comments. If anything it'd just make her try harder, really. Soon enough they reached her house and she was put down on the couch. She grinned as he walked off, "Don't take too long~." She told him lowly before laughing some more. Soon he came back holding a towel and a glass of water, she arched a brow not entirely sure what it was for. Though, she'd never find out the original purpose as soon the water from the glass completely soaked her. She coughed slightly and stared at Mika, a slight grin on her face as she wiped water off of it. Before she could say much else Mika had moved to dry off, stopping with his hand above her chest. She chuckled at his words and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I don't mind at all, it's fine. I was getting a little hot anyway." She said. "It is kind of sticking to me now though...maybe I should just take it off?" She asked, grinning seductively and placing her hands on the bottom of her shirt. She likely wasn't going to actually do it, but that didn't stop her from teasing him at all.
@Zuka[/URL] @purplepanda288 [/color]
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara

Dark Guild Entrance


The Forest Mage had a blank expression as her vines covered in heavy set and sharp thorns wrapped around the Guild Master and slammed him into the ground. It was frightening just how little expression the girl had now as she took another step closer, cutting down on the distance even more. However with a simple wave of his hand he sent a on mass fire to burn up every one of her vines and roots, leaving dust and ash literally the entire walkway. Her eyes widened then as very slowly her eyes started to come to once more, the pupils filling in slowly before her emerald gaze returned, hands half lifted and fingers splayed in a surprised manner. The sheer ease he destroyed her full blow attack left her shocked enough her connection to the forest completely slipped away. She was stuck, like a deer in headlights.

"Be a good girl and give up, Hmm?" He had asked.

She couldn't believe it, she had used every last piece of strength she had at him and he completely shrugged it off like it were nothing...He was no different to the Dragon at Malina. No different. Coming in and destroying everything in it's wake. And she could do nothing. Her eyes becoming hollow as her arms dropped by her sides. He threw a fist sized ball towards her and she didn't move a single muscle. Her whole posture telling him she'd simply given up at that point. What point was there, he would kill them all.

The blast tore towards her and this time she didn't even raise her arms or flinch. Accepting her fate. However the fire ball stopped moments before hitting her and was surrounded by a wind ball which literally sucked the very oxygen from it and extinguished it in seconds. One might expect her to cry or scream but the girl did nothing but still have that half shock, dead expression.

At this point Kelica was watching but not seeing, her eyes were open but her expression blank and void. If an attack headed towards her she wouldn't even bat an eyelash, loosing herself in her own pointlessness. In fact the whole world seemed to tune out by that stage. What use was she? She couldn't attack, defend, nor even heal. She was literally exhausted and completely drained of energy. She could barely stand at this point.

"We can't win this..." She whispered on a vague outward breath, still watching Hibiki charge and Adrian attack. "We can't..." She muttered. Guilt swallowing her to the point she had almost given up on life itself.

Alicia and Lucian

Lucian glared at Noah momentarily as he dispersed his attack. He'd be troublesome to deal with, not nearly as so as Mizuki or Hibiki, but he had a slight advantage due to wind magic. However, Lucian would simply pour more power into his attacks if it came down to it. When Adrian spoke he turned to face him, having little time to answer before being surrounded by some sort of barrier, which was soon being thrashed around the room. Lucian grunted slightly as he was continually smacked into the barrier, a moment later he surrounded his fist in fire and punched the barrier repeatedly with full force, shattering it before it shot off down the hallway. He landed with a thud and skidded across the ground slightly, the action doing little more than jarring him a bit and scraping up his arm and suit a bit.

Calmly he stood up and brushed himself off before addressing Adrian, "Perhaps I do, however, it was likely my own members' self confidence that caused all of this. The both of them are both a bit blood thirsty...literal in the case of the brat..." He replied, trailing off slightly at the end. "I suppose it was my fault for getting them to do it rather than doing things myself, I'll give you that." He said, walking slowly towards him. He only smirked at Kelica as he realized he'd completely broken her will to even try; good. One less opponent right off the bat.

He intended on attacking Adrian, however, Hibiki had decided to charge at him. Ah, right. He used demon takeovers, Lucian remembered now. He had information on so many people he forgot at times. He didn't know what his forms did, he did however know his magic at its base. While Lucian was no pushover when it came to physical fighting himself, he knew he wouldn't be able to beat Hibiki if he attempted it; Guild Master or not his prowess was mostly his magic and nothing more. Just before the blow could connect at the last second he snapped his fingers and stepped backwards into a portal, barely managing to escape a blow that would of actually done fairly significant damage, the exit appearing directly behind Hibiki. Rather than try to hit him he opened his palm and shot a jet of fire at him. If that didn't work he'd have to fight him physically as he couldn't simply rapid fire his portals.

He paid no mind to Alfie suddenly appearing, however Alicia noticed and so she smiled over at him but otherwise remained where she was with Mizuki.
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The entire square was lit up with light. Crimson hues danced into the sky, accompanied by blues and escorted by silvers. It was a spontaneous rave lead by a handsome young adult on a stage with no musical equipment. They thrusted their hips forward before floating back, fixing their position to the other way. They slammed a hand to the floor, kicking down to do a handstand. They collapsed onto their rear, tucking in and spinning like a top. They would end up laying out like a starfish when it ended, flying up into the air. They formed a golden staircase of light, stepping on it but in truth using their ability to fly. The stairs would form and dissipate like neon gas. They stomped, forming a golden disk above the stage and flew to it. They formed a black mike with a teal stand in it. They screamed out in a female voice, singing to the high action song playing to the crowd around...

"LISTEN UP!" They stomped their feet

"STRAP IN!" They flew a thumb across their throat to signify death


You're about to take a ride,

a little on the blazing side!"
They twirled, erupting a show of blood red energy to make it rain light. They leaned into their almost grounded mike.

"Guzzle down your red bull,

Your gonna need a room full!"
They then proceeded to fly around the stage holding onto the mike with a single hand.

"You're watching me accelerate,

And tear apart the interstate!"
They landed on the platform and put two fingers to their forehead and ducked their heads. They shot out an arm sideways as they kept on singing,

"I'm a certified monster I'm an absolute trip,

Like Otis Redding hard to handle, so you better get a grip!

Super fast, super fly, bonafide wise guy!

Call the morgue and say goodbye,

Write your will it's time to die!



@Kayzo @Britt-21 <span style="color:#660066;">Ferra: Team Bravado</span> <span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;">Ferra honestly hadn't noticed the golem until Emmerich burst in and kicked the hell out if it and a massive fight ensued. At that point Ferra just kind of formed her arm back to normal and sat down to watch. She wasn't strong enough nor good enough in melee fighting to take on a golem, plus it looked pretty crowded. And outside of running up and stabbing it a bit her attacks would be basically useless unless she completely drained her magic to make her bullets or whatever she shot have enough power to even dent the behemoth. Besides they seemed to be handling it just fine anyway! The didn't really need her help anyways. Soon though Tanari finished the thing off, the fight finally over. She nodded in agreement with Tanari, "</span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;">Yeah, c'mon Valken let's go.</span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;">" She whined, she'd really had enough of this dungeon for well...ever really. If she ever went anywhere similar again it'd be too soon.</span></span></span></span> </p>

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<div class="ipsQuote_contents"><p><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;">Magnolia The entire square was lit up with light. Crimson hues danced into the sky, accompanied by blues and escorted by silvers. It was a spontaneous rave lead by a handsome young adult on a stage with no musical equipment. They thrusted their hips forward before floating back, fixing their position to the other way. They slammed a hand to the floor, kicking down to do a handstand. They collapsed onto their rear, tucking in and spinning like a top. They would end up laying out like a starfish when it ended, flying up into the air. They formed a golden staircase of light, stepping on it but in truth using their ability to fly. The stairs would form and dissipate like neon gas. They stomped, forming a golden disk above the stage and flew to it. They formed a black mike with a teal stand in it. They screamed out in a female voice, singing to the high action song playing to the crowd around... </span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#ff8000;"><strong><em>"LISTEN UP!"</em></strong></span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#ff8000;"> </span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;">They stomped their feet </span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#ff8000;"><em><strong>"STRAP IN!"</strong></em></span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"> They flew a thumb across their throat to signify death </span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#ff8000;"><em><strong>"NOTIFY YOUR NEXT OF KIN!</strong></em></span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#ff8000;"><em> You're about to take a ride, a little on the blazing side!" </em></span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;">They twirled, erupting a show of blood red energy to make it rain light. They leaned into their almost grounded mike. </span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#ff8000;"><em>"Guzzle down your red bull, Your gonna need a room full!"</em></span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"> They then proceeded to fly around the stage holding onto the mike with a single hand. </span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#ff8000;"><em>"You're watching me accelerate, And tear apart the interstate!"</em></span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"> They landed on the platform and put two fingers to their forehead and ducked their heads. They shot out an arm sideways as they kept on singing, </span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#ff8000;"><em>"I'm a certified monster I'm an absolute trip, Like Otis Redding hard to handle, so you better get a grip! Super fast, super fly, bonafide wise guy! Call the morgue and say goodbye, Write your will it's time to die! </em></span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#ff8000;"><em><strong>CAFFEINE!"</strong></em></span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"> @Mitchs98</span></span></span></span></p></div>


<p><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#59b300;">Sakura: Magnolia S</span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#59b300;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#59b300;">quare</span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"></span></span> <span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#59b300;"><span style="color:#000000;">After the events of yesterday Sakura had stayed in the hotel room she had rented for the festival. She kind of didn't feel like roaming after nearly getting kidnapped and all. Today was entirely different though, today she was wandering around trying to find her guild mates. She had literally no clue where they had gone and was honestly beginning to suspect they had abandoned her or something. The thought they had gotten kidnapped DID go through her mind, but she highly doubted it. Her roaming was soon halted as she entered the square, apparently some kind of party was going on. Rather than participate she simply listened from the sidelines. The effects were pretty but she really hated the song, a lot. Plus it was interrupting her thinking. "</span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#59b300;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#59b300;">Hey! If you're gunna sing sing something else! Preferably quieter!</span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#59b300;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#59b300;"><span style="color:#000000;">" She shouted, not even sure if he could hear or, though she also doubted he pay attention to some random little girl.</span></span></span></span></span></span>

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Mitchs98 said:
Alicia and LucianLucian glared at Noah momentarily as he dispersed his attack. He'd be troublesome to deal with, not nearly as so as Mizuki or Hibiki, but he had a slight advantage due to wind magic. However, Lucian would simply pour more power into his attacks if it came down to it. When Adrian spoke he turned to face him, catching the cube in his palm after getting smacked with a few times and burning it with flame until it dispersed. "Perhaps I do, however, it was likely my own members' self confidence that caused all of this. The both of them are both a bit blood thirsty...literal in the case of the brat..." He replied, trailing off slightly at the end. "I suppose it was my fault for getting them to do it rather than doing things myself, I'll give you that." He said, walking slowly towards him. He only smirked at Kelica as he realized he'd completely broken her will to even try; good. One less opponent right off the bat.

He intended on attacking Adrian, however, Hibiki soon charged at him after transforming. Ah, right. He used demon takeovers, Lucian remembered now. He had information on so many people he forgot at times. He didn't know what his forms did, he did however know his magic at its base. While Lucian was no pushover when it came to physical fighting himself, he knew he wouldn't be able to beat Hibiki if he attempted it; Guild Master or not his prowess was mostly his magic and nothing more. Just before the blow could connect he snapped his fingers and stepped backwards into a portal, the exit appearing directly behind Hibiki. Rather than try to hit him he opened his palm and shot a jet of fire at him. If that didn't work he'd have to fight him physically as he couldn't simply rapid fire his portals.

He paid no mind to Alfie suddenly appearing, however Alicia noticed and so she smiled over at him but otherwise remained where she was with Mizuki.

Hibiki Dreyar

-Lucian Battle-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.c1aabadd4f7dd7bd4c803012d187d0e2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.c1aabadd4f7dd7bd4c803012d187d0e2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hibiki kept his gaze totally glued onto Lucian as he came blasting towards him at a demonic speed. His blue wings spread out to their maximum length as he neared Lucian by each closing second. When the two were practically a foot apart, the S-Class clenched his fist tighter and thrusted his punch towards Lucian's chest, however just before the attack could connect with the man, he opened a portal and stepped into it. Lucian vanished from sight, only to appear behind him moments later and then proceeding to send a gout of fire his way. The flames were hotter than your usual flame and their heat could be felt even though they hadn't made contact with him yet, and they were a black in colour, which further signified just how hot they were.

In mere moments, Hibiki flew upwards and evaded the attack, the flames hitting the ground below him. Whilst floating in mid air, Hibiki opened up the palm of his hand and pointed it towards Lucian. Then, a large ball of pink energy gathered in its centre before seemingly exploding into a large blast of cosmic energy sent blasting towards Lucian. The attack would receed into an explosion of cosmic energy. After that was done, Hibiki noticed that Kelica had practically frozen in place. Waving his hand, Hibiki encased Kelica inside a cosmic barrier so that she wouldn't get hurt during the battle. Then, he simply waited for Lucian's next move. Not lowering his guard once, Hibiki kept his focus directly on Lucian even now. Their opponent was obviously incredibly strong, and to lower your guard would simply be foolish.

@Kayzo @Salt Lord @theorhersthers



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Mitchs98 said:
@Kayzo @Britt-21
Ferra: Team Bravado

Ferra honestly hadn't noticed the golem until Emmerich burst in and kicked the hell out if it and a massive fight ensued. At that point Ferra just kind of formed her arm back to normal and sat down to watch. She wasn't strong enough nor good enough in melee fighting to take on a golem, plus it looked pretty crowded. And outside of running up and stabbing it a bit her attacks would be basically useless unless she completely drained her magic to make her bullets or whatever she shot have enough power to even dent the behemoth. Besides they seemed to be handling it just fine anyway! The didn't really need her help anyways. Soon though Tanari finished the thing off, the fight finally over. She nodded in agreement with Tanari, "Yeah, c'mon Valken let's go." She whined, she'd really had enough of this dungeon for well...ever really. If she ever went anywhere similar again it'd be too soon.

Sakura: Magnolia Square

After the events of yesterday Sakura had stayed in the hotel room she had rented for the festival. She kind of didn't feel like roaming after nearly getting kidnapped and all. Today was entirely different though, today she was wandering around trying to find her guild mates. She had literally no clue where they had gone and was honestly beginning to suspect they had abandoned her or something. The thought they had gotten kidnapped DID go through her mind, but she highly doubted it. Her roaming was soon halted as she entered the square, apparently some kind of party was going on. Rather than participate she simply listened from the sidelines. The effects were pretty but she really hated the song, a lot. Plus it was interrupting her thinking. "Hey! If you're gunna sing sing something else! Preferably quieter!" She shouted, not even sure if he could hear or, though she also doubted he pay attention to some random little girl.
hudhouse said:
The entire square was lit up with light. Crimson hues danced into the sky, accompanied by blues and escorted by silvers. It was a spontaneous rave lead by a handsome young adult on a stage with no musical equipment. They thrusted their hips forward before floating back, fixing their position to the other way. They slammed a hand to the floor, kicking down to do a handstand. They collapsed onto their rear, tucking in and spinning like a top. They would end up laying out like a starfish when it ended, flying up into the air. They formed a golden staircase of light, stepping on it but in truth using their ability to fly. The stairs would form and dissipate like neon gas. They stomped, forming a golden disk above the stage and flew to it. They formed a black mike with a teal stand in it. They screamed out in a female voice, singing to the high action song playing to the crowd around...

"LISTEN UP!" They stomped their feet

"STRAP IN!" They flew a thumb across their throat to signify death


You're about to take a ride,

a little on the blazing side!"
They twirled, erupting a show of blood red energy to make it rain light. They leaned into their almost grounded mike.

"Guzzle down your red bull,

Your gonna need a room full!"
They then proceeded to fly around the stage holding onto the mike with a single hand.

"You're watching me accelerate,

And tear apart the interstate!"
They landed on the platform and put two fingers to their forehead and ducked their heads. They shot out an arm sideways as they kept on singing,

"I'm a certified monster I'm an absolute trip,

Like Otis Redding hard to handle, so you better get a grip!

Super fast, super fly, bonafide wise guy!

Call the morgue and say goodbye,

Write your will it's time to die!



Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine had taken the train into Magnolia once everything at the guild hall had been taken care of. She also sort of wanted to see if she could get away with checking up on her guild mates on their mission. She was confident they could handle themselves but...she had a bad feeling. Anyways she felt better being close by just in case as she walked around the streets aimlessly. That's when she heard loud music coming from somewhere nearby. Curious, she walked over to the area and sure enough, there was some kind of performance going on albeit a tad inappropriate for Tokine's tastes. At least it looked pretty. Speaking of which, Tokine wondered where the music and effects were coming from. There were no noticeable contraptions or instruments. As she pondered, tokine heard a familiar voice shouting at the performer and, as luck would have it, it was Sakura telling them to keep it down. Not wanting to interrupt Tokine decided to watch passively while she dealt with her business. She was quite happy to see Sakura again though.
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Drakerus said:
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine had taken the train into Magnolia once everything at the guild hall had been taken care of. She also sort of wanted to see if she could get away with checking up on her guild mates n their mission. She was confident they could handle themselves but...she had a bad feeling. Anyways she felt better being close by just in case as she walked around the streets aimlessly. That's when she heard loud music coming from somewhere nearby. Curious, she walked over to the area and sure enough, there was some kind of performance going on albeit a tad inappropriate for Tokine's tastes. At least it looked pretty. Speaking of which, Tokine wondered where the music and effects were coming from. There were no noticeable contraptions or instruments. As she pondered, tokine heard a familiar voice shouting at the performer and, as luck would have it, it was Sakura telling them to keep it down. Not wanting to interrupt Tokine decided to watch passively while she dealt with her business. She was quite happy to see Sakura again though.
Mitchs98 said:
@Kayzo @Britt-21
Ferra: Team Bravado

Ferra honestly hadn't noticed the golem until Emmerich burst in and kicked the hell out if it and a massive fight ensued. At that point Ferra just kind of formed her arm back to normal and sat down to watch. She wasn't strong enough nor good enough in melee fighting to take on a golem, plus it looked pretty crowded. And outside of running up and stabbing it a bit her attacks would be basically useless unless she completely drained her magic to make her bullets or whatever she shot have enough power to even dent the behemoth. Besides they seemed to be handling it just fine anyway! The didn't really need her help anyways. Soon though Tanari finished the thing off, the fight finally over. She nodded in agreement with Tanari, "Yeah, c'mon Valken let's go." She whined, she'd really had enough of this dungeon for well...ever really. If she ever went anywhere similar again it'd be too soon.

Sakura: Magnolia Square

After the events of yesterday Sakura had stayed in the hotel room she had rented for the festival. She kind of didn't feel like roaming after nearly getting kidnapped and all. Today was entirely different though, today she was wandering around trying to find her guild mates. She had literally no clue where they had gone and was honestly beginning to suspect they had abandoned her or something. The thought they had gotten kidnapped DID go through her mind, but she highly doubted it. Her roaming was soon halted as she entered the square, apparently some kind of party was going on. Rather than participate she simply listened from the sidelines. The effects were pretty but she really hated the song, a lot. Plus it was interrupting her thinking. "Hey! If you're gunna sing sing something else! Preferably quieter!" She shouted, not even sure if he could hear or, though she also doubted he pay attention to some random little girl.
Kirin spoke through all the Caffeine stuff just to respond to the little lass they saw, "Oh how sweet deary, but this has been scheduled for about a few weeks! I got popular locally so, why not play? If you want me to stop little one..." They would zoom forward to within inches of her and attempt to pinch her cheeks. Their female voice would get replaced by a man's, stating, "you would have to fight me off this stage..." They would back flip, hovering in mid air as black wings of light formed around them. The music stopped as they realized they skipped part of the chorus. They moaned out, "Shoot..." They put two fingers to their chin before attempting to snap. Their music manipulation made it sound out even if they really didn't. Their voice changed to more of a royal prince's, even the dialect changed! They began to nearly ooze style and glamour as they twirled, picking up their false-light mike.

They announced, "Actually, I am kinda getting bored of just amusing all of you with my hip, hop, float like a bee... so why not make this fun? Any A or S class wizards here? I would love to do a bit of a brawl. Hell, send everyone at me! I'll amuse all of ya with the beats that could tear down the Heavens!" They thrusted a hand to the sky, forming a sign that any Fairy Tail member would know. It was more of a form of them trying to get a challange out to 'em, but who cared? A guitar rift was starting to kick up. He looked straight towards Sakura for a challenge... opening up the stage for her. He said, "Well, bring a few friends if ya got some. I will shut this whole thing down if ya win little lass! You'll even get the first move..."
Yamato Ren: Man I'm so unlucky at card games.

Moses decided to call out Yamato's bluff. When he revealed the card it wasn't an ace, rather it was a two of hearts, Yamato picked up the remaining cards on the table and placed them all on the table waiting on the Moses' order. "As we agreed on, your wish is my command." He said as he performed a formal bow. Weirdly enough Yamato showed no signs of hesitation, in fact he was smiling as if he did this sort of thing everyday. Although it was mostly for the women this probably won't be so different.

@Nenma Takashi @Solemn Jester @Four Eyes
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Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

The blue flames pouring forth seemed to pulse as wave after wave streamed into the Golem. The heated radiated throughout the corridor as the battle continued on making the entire area rather insufferable. The golem's entire upper-body glowed a bright crimson as it's body continued to heat up. Immobilized by the combined efforts of the other mages it was incapable of shielding itself from the torrent of fire. Cracks began to form along it's stony surface as the shape of it's head began to distort from the heat. Soon enough the stone of the golem's head began to form into molten rock that slowly dripped down along it's body to form smoldering pools on the floor below. At this point even the crystal within was no longer shielded and even it began to crack under the sweltering inferno. The cracks ran along the crystal, growing in size before an audible shattering could be heard. With it's source of power destroyed the golem slumped forward, unable to fully fall due to the mages holding it in place.

As the golem slumped the stream of fire petered out with it's source falling to her knees. Her breathing was ragged and sweat covered her body. It wasn't often she had to work this hard and here she was draining herself dry multiple times in just a few days. Through her gasps for air she looked over towards her companions, offering them a weak thumbs up before allowing herself to fall back onto the ground. The rising and falling of her chest began to slow as she began to recover from her exertion. In hindsight she probably should have let the others do more than just hold the golem in place but what's done is done. All she wanted to do was close her eyes and doze off, she had earned it right? As tempting as the thought was she was still in the middle of a dark guild's lair. So while a nap was out of the question she was sure going to milk every second she had until the others pressed onwards.
Zuka said:

Valken Truss

Team Bravado

The Shadow Mage let his eyes follow Lavender as she attacked and hoped dearly she could defend himself because frankly he was using quite a large portion of his energy to simply keep this giant thing still then he would kindly like to admit. His gaze following Emmerich as he ran forward to bear hug one of the creatures legs and his eyes widened when he finally realized what the Berserker was trying to do. "EMMERICH!! DON'T DO THAT OTHERWISE IT'LL BREAK THE-"

Too late.

His leg completely shattered into itself causing the Golem to now lean precariously onto one leg. Valken let out a string of rather un-lady like words before his right hand let go of the shadow in preference to thrust both his hands into the Shadows at the top left hand side, to grip and hold onto the Shadow harder. His hands and arms sinking to there elbows now to keep the stupid thing on one leg in time as Emmerich pushed the thing up to a very wobbly stand.

BLOODY DAY NOW!!!!" The heat by now was insufferable for Valken who preferred the cool and darkness of his shadows, wincing visibly as he turned away to tuck his face into his inner shoulder. Valken heard the shatter and tensed up expecting, well Lord knows what, probably an explosion knowing a Dark Guild. Thankfully it didn't and slowly Valken eased his aching muscles and let his arms and fingers slip from the shadows, but not before reefing the creature as hard as he could to aim it away from a slumped Tanari as well as everyone else. With a resounding crash it landed in a heap against the wall and slid down in a pile.

Valken was panting and as much as he wanted to lie down in a similar fashion to Tanari he had to make sure the girl was Ok, so he stood up slowly, rolling his shoulders slightly before wandering to land on his butt right by her, knees rested up and his arms on his legs. Panting harder but glancing sideways and giving a half grin. "You took entirely too long to take that thing out you know...." He poked a jab at but even as he said it, his face seemed oddly warm. "Sooooo.... you going give me that Cat walk now or-?" A grin spreading ear to ear even as he said it, Valken's strange way of saying he was impressed and thanks.

Even as he said it however his eyes narrowed down a portion as he felt an entirely new and very menacing Shadow entering the facility. And he didn't much like the weird chill he was getting down his spine.

@Britt\-21 @Kayzo
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

A loud crash filled the hallway and she could only assume by the lack of shouting and warnings that it was the golem being dealt with rather than a new enemy. A few moments later she noticed a presence approach her as the shadow mage plonked himself down behind her. At the mention of taking too long she weakly brought her hand up and gave him the finger. "I didn't see you turning a magically enhanced stone golem into lava..." With her retort out of the way she allowed her hand to flop down onto her stomach. The longer she laid there the more she really did feel like just taking a well-deserved nap. Alas the shadow mage was quick to continue and presented her with yet another thing to retort to. She allowed a weak laugh to escape her lips before she rose her arms up towards the ceiling. "Only if you carry me through it." She didn't even wanna get up and he expected her to strut around like some fashion model? Not likely. She glanced over at the shadow mage, barely noticing the subtle change in his expression. She didn't know what was the cause of the change but hey, if it was important he'd tell them, right?

That said she knew her break had to come to an end and with a tired groan she forced herself up into a sitting position as she looked over the small group."Well I don't know about you guys but I feel like it's time we go home. You rescued the princess, we beat the bad guys, defeated the boss. Dungeon cleared." As much as she didn't want to she got to her feet and dusted off the back of her pants. Out of habit she began blindly walking down the corridor only to stop after a few feet once she remembered she had absolutely no clue what the dungeon's layout was or how these people even got in here. She turned slightly and looked over her shoulder at her companions before asking out to no one in particular. "How'd you guys even get down here anyways? Where's the exit?"
Mitchs98 said:
@Kayzo @Britt\-21
Ferra: Team Bravado

Ferra honestly hadn't noticed the golem until Emmerich burst in and kicked the hell out if it and a massive fight ensued. At that point Ferra just kind of formed her arm back to normal and sat down to watch. She wasn't strong enough nor good enough in melee fighting to take on a golem, plus it looked pretty crowded. And outside of running up and stabbing it a bit her attacks would be basically useless unless she completely drained her magic to make her bullets or whatever she shot have enough power to even dent the behemoth. Besides they seemed to be handling it just fine anyway! The didn't really need her help anyways. Soon though Tanari finished the thing off, the fight finally over. She nodded in agreement with Tanari, "Yeah, c'mon Valken let's go." She whined, she'd really had enough of this dungeon for well...ever really. If she ever went anywhere similar again it'd be too soon.

Sakura: Magnolia Square

After the events of yesterday Sakura had stayed in the hotel room she had rented for the festival. She kind of didn't feel like roaming after nearly getting kidnapped and all. Today was entirely different though, today she was wandering around trying to find her guild mates. She had literally no clue where they had gone and was honestly beginning to suspect they had abandoned her or something. The thought they had gotten kidnapped DID go through her mind, but she highly doubted it. Her roaming was soon halted as she entered the square, apparently some kind of party was going on. Rather than participate she simply listened from the sidelines. The effects were pretty but she really hated the song, a lot. Plus it was interrupting her thinking. "Hey! If you're gunna sing sing something else! Preferably quieter!" She shouted, not even sure if he could hear or, though she also doubted he pay attention to some random little girl.
Emmerich Faust The golem was dead, Tanari had melted its head. This fact sent an intense wave of disappointment through Emmerich. He had been looking forwards to fighting the giant and to find that it would be defeated in such an anticlimactic manner was rather a letdown for the brawler. However, this, along with the lack of other enemies, did calm the man down somewhat, allowing him to once more have some rational thoughts. Make no mistake, he was still raring for blood, but at least he could now assess the situation a bit, which he promptly did.
Emmerich Faust

Due to this he took note of the exhaustion evident from both Tanari and Valken as he walked over to the two of them, Tanari heaving herself to her feet to wander off before he got there. Furthermore, Valken's eyes narrowing did not escape Emmerich, who, knowing Valken, figured that that wasn't likely to herald sunshine, happiness, and rainbows. Rather, it more likely meant that they had yet to see their full share of bloodshed, which suited the blonde man just fine. As he reached a hand down to help his friend to his feet he heard Tanari ask how they had gotten down into this area after failing to locate an exit.
"We fell down a chute into a pile of corpses and shit," he replied to her, traces of bloodlust still left in his voice. After all he was calmer than he was, but he was by no means calm yet.
Jackaboi said:
Yamato Ren: Man I'm so unlucky at card games.

Moses decided to call out Yamato's bluff. When he revealed the card it wasn't an ace, rather it was a two of hearts, Yamato picked up the remaining cards on the table and placed them all on the table waiting on the Moses' order. "As we agreed on, your wish is my command." He said as he performed a formal bow. Weirdly enough Yamato showed no signs of hesitation, in fact he was smiling as if he did this sort of thing everyday. Although it was mostly for the women this probably won't be so different.

@Nenma Takashi @Solemn Jester @Four Eyes
The Brandheart brothers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/large.png.a55bdb7280bdddee578662b582059b89.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/large.png.a55bdb7280bdddee578662b582059b89.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Moses stared at Yamato thinking hard, then a eerie smile spread across his face. He aimed a finger at Yamato as spoke clearly," I dare you to walk over this!" All of a sudden a huge pit opened up in the room. The pit was filled with jagged rocks at the bottom, and only a tight rope to walk across with."You have to walk across the tight rope, If you fall to your death you lose." Moses said as if it would matter if he lost at that point.

Meanwhile Rasil was looking at the death contraption in Aww. He moved over to his brother and whispered something in his ear."Oh yes, good point I'll be sure to stomp you extra hard next time for that one. You can't use any magical powers either." Moses said with a satisfactory smirk on his face. He crossed his arms, and waited for Yamato decision.

@Jackaboi @Nenma Takashi @Four Eyes



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Seto laughed as Yama was caught he leaned back in his chair. "Geez Yama the first card of the game and you were already caught?" He chuckled more at the thought of Yama having to do something embarrassing but then a pit appeared and he was told to walk across it. Seto sighed resting his head on his head looking at Moses.

"You clearly have no idea who your talking to do ya." He sighed again looking at Yama who was a bit well known for his more extravagant ways of impressing the waifus. Knowing him he probably had done something similar in the past to show off in front of a bunch of girls, heck could've been a bunch of guys too Seto wouldn't had been surprised.

@Jackaboi @Solemn Jester
Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust The golem was dead, Tanari had melted its head. This fact sent an intense wave of disappointment through Emmerich. He had been looking forwards to fighting the giant and to find that it would be defeated in such an anticlimactic manner was rather a letdown for the brawler. However, this, along with the lack of other enemies, did calm the man down somewhat, allowing him to once more have some rational thoughts. Make no mistake, he was still raring for blood, but at least he could now assess the situation a bit, which he promptly did.
Emmerich Faust
Due to this he took note of the exhaustion evident from both Tanari and Valken as he walked over to the two of them, Tanari heaving herself to her feet to wander off before he got there. Furthermore, Valken's eyes narrowing did not escape Emmerich, who, knowing Valken, figured that that wasn't likely to herald sunshine, happiness, and rainbows. Rather, it more likely meant that they had yet to see their full share of bloodshed, which suited the blonde man just fine. As he reached a hand down to help his friend to his feet he heard Tanari ask how they had gotten down into this area after failing to locate an exit.
"We fell down a chute into a pile of corpses and shit," he replied to her, traces of bloodlust still left in his voice. After all he was calmer than he was, but he was by no means calm yet.
Lavender Gray

Lavender had jumped back just as Tanari released her power upon the Golem which started to look like it was going to shatter, instead, he turned into molten rock which began to ooze out and soon have the golem on the floor. This let Tanari as well as Valken go down to the ground. Lavender switched back to her regular armor and walked over to Tanari and Valken. Of course the warrior had been quiet the whole time before Tanari began to walk, only to turn around and asked how they got down to where they were "I infiltrated this place. Unfortunately I had gotten drugged and brought down here." there wasnt much explaining to do since everyone was pretty much there.

Glancing at Emmerich, he looked a little more human than wild and crazy At least he seems less terrifying now. she thought before looking at Valken who seemed a little off which made Lavender put up her guard. Why does his expression worry me so? Does he know something we do not? it was a lot to think about but it made her want to get everyone moving and trying to find a way out of the dungeon of the dark guild. If anyone else is in this structure... I wish them the best of luck. Glancing at Ferra, she smiled a bit. Something with children always seemed to brighten her mood.

@Mitchs98 (Smiled at ferra) @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Colt556 (answered to)​
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Yamato Ren: A pit, sharp spikes and a tight rope... Easy.

Honestly Yamato thought that it was just going to be an innocent dare. But this looks like it's going to be an interesting game of cards. A pit with spikes and a tight rope formed in the middle of the room as Moses dared him to walk across it. Yamato showed no signs of hesitation as he approached the pit while Seto spoke. "So all I have to do is walk across this rope right?" He fixed his glasses then put one foot on the tight rope, then another took a step ahead. The cycle continued as it started to grow more stylish with the more progress he made. The excited screams of women could be heard from a nearby window. Before long he was walking on the rope as if it was actually just a floor and drinking tea along the way. (Don't question where he got it.) Then he reached the end and bowed as if he just finished a performance then took his seat at the table. "Well I have completed your challenge. Shall we continue? It's you're turn to place a card."

@Nenma Takashi @Solemn Jester @Four Eyes
Jackaboi said:
Yamato Ren: A pit, sharp spikes and a tight rope... Easy.

Honestly Yamato thought that it was just going to be an innocent dare. But this looks like it's going to be an interesting game of cards. A pit with spikes and a tight rope formed in the middle of the room as Moses dared him to walk across it. Yamato showed no signs of hesitation as he approached the pit while Seto spoke. "So all I have to do is walk across this rope right?" He fixed his glasses then put one foot on the tight rope, then another took a step ahead. The cycle continued as it started to grow more stylish with the more progress he made. The excited screams of women could be heard from a nearby window. Before long he was walking on the rope as if it was actually just a floor and drinking tea along the way. (Don't question where he got it.) Then he reached the end and bowed as if he just finished a performance then took his seat at the table. "Well I have completed your challenge. Shall we continue? It's you're turn to place a card."

@Nenma Takashi @Solemn Jester @Four Eyes
Tatsuya clapped at the end of the tight walk. He was grinning, it wasent everyday that you saw somthing like this. He dident want to wait to long for the guild master but at least he wouldent be bored while he did.
Jackaboi said:
Yamato Ren: A pit, sharp spikes and a tight rope... Easy.

Honestly Yamato thought that it was just going to be an innocent dare. But this looks like it's going to be an interesting game of cards. A pit with spikes and a tight rope formed in the middle of the room as Moses dared him to walk across it. Yamato showed no signs of hesitation as he approached the pit while Seto spoke. "So all I have to do is walk across this rope right?" He fixed his glasses then put one foot on the tight rope, then another took a step ahead. The cycle continued as it started to grow more stylish with the more progress he made. The excited screams of women could be heard from a nearby window. Before long he was walking on the rope as if it was actually just a floor and drinking tea along the way. (Don't question where he got it.) Then he reached the end and bowed as if he just finished a performance then took his seat at the table. "Well I have completed your challenge. Shall we continue? It's you're turn to place a card."

@Nenma Takashi @Solemn Jester @Four Eyes
The Brandheart brothers

Moses frowned, and sighed as he watched Yamato walk across the tight rope with ease."That was boring, alright then okay here Ace of clubs." Moses said playing down a card, his face Emotionless. He have them all a unnerving glare." So, are you going to call it, please do. I'd love to see the heart crushing look in your eyes as I reveal my card to be true." Moses said with a sinister look at them. If he was good at one thing it was psyching people out.

Rasils watched as the man went across the tight rope. He frowned disappointed that he didn't get to experience the joys of excruciating agony.
"Aww no fun, well maybe I can enjoy the exquisite death trap oniisan has devised." Rasil ran towards the pit and attempted to leap into it. Only for it to disappear before he could talk in. He face planted, and looked up a smile on his face, and his nose bleeding."Oh I love being teased, hehehe." He said before laying down and enjoying his hurting face.

@Nenma Takashi @Jackaboi
Valken Truss

Team Brava-woah

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/200_s.gif.6fe761f3495588bb37fc656d3a666fa4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/200_s.gif.6fe761f3495588bb37fc656d3a666fa4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Valken was sitting still with his arms looped around his knees. His expression obviously not going unnoticed but then again he wasn't trying to hide it anyway. He let his dark purple eyes slip closed slowly. He wasn't trying to ignore the others at all or seem rude, and he lifted a hand up to wave Emmerich off for a minute. He hoped Frosty could explain to the others why he was taking a long, solid breath and calming himself to do some Shadow Research. He just needed a moment to figure things out and Emmerich could explain in the meantime while he ignored Ferra, Tanari, Lavender and Millie. (@Britt-21 )

He slipped both hands into the shadows surrounding his body as his eyes stayed closed, literally merging his very mind with the Shadows so he could see and get a better look over the entire facility. His eyes scanned everything from the corridors, the battles, seeing a small group with a few prisoners having just escaped (@Jackaboi @purplepanda288). Then his gaze was drawn to a huge magical energy source, the chilling Shadow that had made his spine crawl and gave him that feeling of reprehension from the second it stepped into his little Shadow Spider web.

Grimoire Heart's Guild Master

There was a battle commencing, the Shadows moving and flowing too much for him to get a good visual on anything, however the last thing he spotted was Hibiki, S-Class to Fairytail burst into one of his Ultimate Forms and rush the Guild Master himself. A burst of light illuminated and Valken's visual was gone.

Valken slowly slipped his fingers and palms from the Shadows in the floor as he calmly stood to his feet, his expression none to pleased. "I carelessly assumed we could infiltrate this facility, grab the Kidnapped Mages and escape without detection. While regular grunts don't concern me much, as far as I can see there is only one Main entrance and exit, and Grimoire Hear's Guild Master is standing baring it's exit." His voice as dark as the look in his eyes, all sense of earlier cheekiness disappeared.

He looked to Emmerich for a moment, before his eyes rolled over the remained of the group. "We need to get up there ASAP..." Running his fingers through his black hair as he peered to the roof. "The quickest way is Shadow Walk...but with this many...." His gaze lowering. He didn't even know if it was possible to do it the FIRST time with Millie, and he then did it AGAIN with Mikado and that blind boy. To do this many...

"I will have to do two trips. But we can not delay; even at this moment The Dark Guild Master is engaged in a battle with a Fairytail S-Class and even he stands no chance." In a moment he strides over to Ferra and hoisted the girl rather unceremoniously over his shoulder, ignoring her screams if she made any, before hooking an arm around Tanari and bringing her body uncomfortably close. He peers over her shoulder to look to Millie, Emmerich and Lavender as they stand there. "Wait one minute and I'll return." He stepped forward then, using his body to herd Tanari as he did before he pressed the girl's back hard into the wall and made a soft grin down to her. "Hold your Breath..." pushing her body up somewhat off her feet against the wall before he forced all three into the Shadow Realm he liked to call home.

Not even seconds had passed before Valken and the two girls slipped out, right beside Alfie of all people and he slowly withdrew his arm from Tanari and dropped Ferra from his shoulder. He didn't have time to look over the Battle Scene before he had stepped back and fell back into the Shadows and was roaring back to the original party. @Salt Lord

Once again he stepped out again and rolled his shoulder, his eyes flowed over Lavender, Millie and Emmerich, a hand on his chin in thought.

"Now how am I going to accomplish this....Three is awkward enough but Four......."



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<p> </p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;">Hibiki Dreyar -Lucian Battle- View attachment 328489 </span></p></div>

<p> Hibiki kept his gaze totally glued onto Lucian as he came blasting towards him at a demonic speed. His blue wings spread out to their maximum length as he neared Lucian by each closing second. When the two were practically a foot apart, the S-Class clenched his fist tighter and thrusted his punch towards Lucian's chest, however just before the attack could connect with the man, he opened a portal and stepped into it. Lucian vanished from sight, only to appear behind him moments later and then proceeding to send a gout of fire his way. The flames were hotter than your usual flame and their heat could be felt even though they hadn't made contact with him yet, and they were a black in colour, which further signified just how hot they were. In mere moments, Hibiki flew upwards and evaded the attack, the flames hitting the ground below him. Whilst floating in mid air, Hibiki opened up the palm of his hand and pointed it towards Lucian. Then, a large ball of pink energy gathered in its centre before seemingly exploding into a large blast of cosmic energy sent blasting towards Lucian. The attack would receed into an explosion of cosmic energy. After that was done, Hibiki noticed that Kelica had practically frozen in place. Waving his hand, Hibiki encased Kelica inside a cosmic barrier so that she wouldn't get hurt during the battle. Then, he simply waited for Lucian's next move. Not lowering his guard once, Hibiki kept his focus directly on Lucian even now. Their opponent was obviously incredibly strong, and to lower your guard would simply be foolish. @Kayzo @Britt-21 ) He slipped both hands into the shadows surrounding his body as his eyes stayed closed, literally merging his very mind with the Shadows so he could see and get a better look over the entire facility. His eyes scanned everything from the corridors, the battles, seeing a small group with a few prisoners having just escaped (@Jackaboi @purplepanda288). Then his gaze was drawn to a huge magical energy source, the chilling Shadow that had made his spine crawl and gave him that feeling of reprehension from the second it stepped into his little Shadow Spider web. Grimoire Heart's Guild Master There was a battle commencing, the Shadows moving and flowing too much for him to get a good visual on anything, however the last thing he spotted was Hibiki, S-Class to Fairytail burst into one of his Ultimate Forms and rush the Guild Master himself. A burst of light illuminated and Valken's visual was gone. Valken slowly slipped his fingers and palms from the Shadows in the floor as he calmly stood to his feet, his expression none to pleased. "I carelessly assumed we could infiltrate this facility, grab the Kidnapped Mages and escape without detection. While regular grunts don't concern me much, as far as I can see there is only one Main entrance and exit, and Grimoire Hear's Guild Master is standing baring it's exit." His voice as dark as the look in his eyes, all sense of earlier cheekiness disappeared. He looked to Emmerich for a moment, before his eyes rolled over the remained of the group. "We need to get up there ASAP..." Running his fingers through his black hair as he peered to the roof. "The quickest way is Shadow Walk...but with this many...." His gaze lowering. He didn't even know if it was possible to do it the FIRST time with Millie, and he then did it AGAIN with Mikado and that blind boy. To do this many... "I will have to do two trips. But we can not delay; even at this moment The Dark Guild Master is engaged in a battle with a Fairytail S-Class and even he stands no chance." In a moment he strides over to Ferra and hoisted the girl rather unceremoniously over his shoulder, ignoring her screams if she made any, before hooking an arm around Tanari and bringing her body uncomfortably close. He peers over her shoulder to look to Millie, Emmerich and Lavender as they stand there. "Wait one minute and I'll return." He stepped forward then, using his body to herd Tanari as he did before he pressed the girl's back hard into the wall and made a soft grin down to her. "Hold your Breath..." pushing her body up somewhat off her feet against the wall before he forced all three into the Shadow Realm he liked to call home. Not even seconds had passed before Valken and the two girls slipped out, right beside Alfie of all people and he slowly withdrew his arm from Tanari and dropped Ferra from his shoulder. He didn't have time to look over the Battle Scene before he had stepped back and fell back into the Shadows and was roaring back to the original party. @Salt Lord Once again he stepped out again and rolled his shoulder, his eyes flowed over Lavender, Millie and Emmerich, a hand on his chin in thought. "Now how am I going to accomplish this....Three is awkward enough but Four......."</p></div>


<p> </p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:36px;">Tanari Varos - Dungeon Entrance</span></span></strong></p></div>

<p> <strong>"A chute into a pile of corpses n shit, eh?"</strong> She rested her hands on her hips as she repeated the brawler's rather vague and crude explanation. <strong>"And I assume by the fact that we're still here that that way isn't an option or something?"</strong> Wouldn't be the first time she had to scramble over corpses to get somewhere and getting up a chute didn't seem all that difficult. But judging by the fact that none of them seemed to put forth the suggestion so far it seemed like there might be more to it than she thought. Her attention drifted over to the grape knight as she somehow managed to provide an even more useless explanation. Her gaze slowly drifted over the grape knight's body. She couldn't help but think that wearing 'armor' like that it was obvious that the only viable outcome was being drugged and captured. Who wears metal armor when trying to sneak into somewhere? Either way her silent mulling didn't last long as the shadow mage finally spoke up and addressed the class. The mention that there was only one exit and it was being guarded by a Guild Master wasn't exactly the news she wanted to hear. Even at her best she probably wasn't much help against a dark guild's master. The mention of 'shadow walk' and 'two trips' piqued her interest, however, as it seemed Valken had some means of transportation to help get them where they needed to go. She watched as the shadow mage unceremoniously hoisted up the kid before making his way towards her and hooking his arm around her and pulling her close. <strong>"H-hey, I didn't..."</strong> The man didn't seem to care as he maneuvered her towards the nearby wall, her face reddening ever-so-slightly as she felt the cool stone against her back. <strong>"I didn't agree to this..."</strong> Even so her protests fell on deaf ears as the man lifted her slightly off her feet and told her to hold her breath. She was about to question the command when she felt herself suddenly sinking backwards into the very wall itself. Surprise and panic overtook her as she quickly began to squirm. Alas there was no time and right at the last second she quickly took in a deep breath and screwed her eyes shut as if she were being thrown into a pool. The trip didn't last long, only a few seconds. But within those seconds was the single most uncomfortable and disgusting experience she had ever had in her entire life. It felt like the very environment itself was trying to violate her and drag her into an empty abyss. She had even attempted to light herself ablaze only for her efforts to prove utterly fruitless. After those long, agonizing seconds came to an end she felt as if she passed through a layer and was back in a normal environment. Feeling the man's hand slide from her waist she tentatively opened her eyes, letting out a sigh of relief once she realized she was back somewhere normal. She was about to chew Valken out before he disappeared back into the shadows. <strong>"Whatever..."</strong> Another sigh slipped out as she turned to face her newfound situation. There were quite a few mages standing around. One was meditating in some kind of barrier while another seemed to be just standing in another. A few mages were just standing as they looked down the corridor. Following their gaze she spotted a few more mages. As her gaze fell on one such individual her eyes widened in surprise. Before she could even think she sprinted forward, running past the various mages as she made her way towards the grey-haired man. Once close enough she leapt into the air, planting a firm kick into the blonde-haired boy to knock him out of the way before landing nimbly on her feet directly before the older man. She stared up at the man, an accusing glare in her eyes as she pointed up at him. <strong>"You! You owe me money! I went to Malnia just like you wanted, even fought some crazy religious bitch and found dragons just like you wanted! Yet you were nowhere to be found. You can't just flake out after someone does a job for you!" </strong>She held her index finger mere inches from the man's face, her anger all but pouring from her. That was suppose to be her big payday and this rich old bastard screwed her over.

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hudhouse said:
Kirin spoke through all the Caffeine stuff just to respond to the little lass they saw, "Oh how sweet deary, but this has been scheduled for about a few weeks! I got popular locally so, why not play? If you want me to stop little one..." They would zoom forward to within inches of her and attempt to pinch her cheeks. Their female voice would get replaced by a man's, stating, "you would have to fight me off this stage..." They would back flip, hovering in mid air as black wings of light formed around them. The music stopped as they realized they skipped part of the chorus. They moaned out, "Shoot..." They put two fingers to their chin before attempting to snap. Their music manipulation made it sound out even if they really didn't. Their voice changed to more of a royal prince's, even the dialect changed! They began to nearly ooze style and glamour as they twirled, picking up their false-light mike.
They announced, "Actually, I am kinda getting bored of just amusing all of you with my hip, hop, float like a bee... so why not make this fun? Any A or S class wizards here? I would love to do a bit of a brawl. Hell, send everyone at me! I'll amuse all of ya with the beats that could tear down the Heavens!" They thrust a hand to the sky, forming a sign that any Fairy Tail member would know. It was more of a form of them trying to get a challenge out to 'em, but who cared? A guitar rift was starting to kick up. He looked straight towards Sakura for a challenge... opening up the stage for her. He said, "Well, bring a few friends if ya got some. I will shut this whole thing down if ya win little lass! You'll even get the first move..."
hudhouse said:
The entire square was lit up with light. Crimson hues danced into the sky, accompanied by blues and escorted by silvers. It was a spontaneous rave lead by a handsome young adult on a stage with no musical equipment. They thrust their hips forward before floating back, fixing their position to the other way. They slammed a hand to the floor, kicking down to do a handstand. They collapsed onto their rear, tucking in and spinning like a top. They would end up playing out like a starfish when it ended, flying up into the air. They formed a golden staircase of light, stepping on it but in truth using their ability to fly. The stairs would form and dissipate like neon gas. They stomped, forming a golden disk above the stage and flew to it. They formed a black mike with a teal stand in it. They screamed out in a female voice, singing to the high action song playing to the crowd around...

"LISTEN UP!" They stomped their feet

"STRAP IN!" They flew a thumb across their throat to signify death


You're about to take a ride,

a little on the blazing side!"
They twirled, erupting a show of blood red energy to make it rain light. They leaned into their almost grounded mike.

"Guzzle down your red bull,

Your gonna need a room full!"
They then proceeded to fly around the stage holding onto the mike with a single hand.

"You're watching me accelerate,

And tear apart the interstate!"
They landed on the platform and put two fingers to their forehead and ducked their heads. They shot out an arm sideways as they kept on singing,

"I'm a certified monster I'm an absolute trip,

Like Otis Redding hard to handle, so you better get a grip!

Super fast, super fly, bonafide wise guy!

Call the morgue and say goodbye,

Write your will it's time to die!


Alice Liddell


Steam rose from a small elegant tea cup, Alice was having her usual tea with the older orphans teens. " It's nice to finally relax with a cup of tea, after all of that drama with the collectors." And so she jinxed her evening like always, blasting sound came from Magnolia square. Just a single block away from her relaxation point. "Why must this happen when I'm trying to relax, excuse me my dears." She stood from her seat, eyes trained on the direction of the disturbance. Alice arrived at the site, she looked completely uninterested in what the 'musician' had to offer. She much prefered classical music, the tones soothed her restless mind to a soft lull. Alice rose her hand into the air, her lips parted allowing her to speak. "I will take your challenge. Then maybe I can finally have my cake and eat it too." Alice's body turned into a cloud of cyan smoke and butterflies, the cloud bolted up to the stage and settled calmly over the stage. The cloud reformed into Alice, her emerald eye trained on the loud nuisance. "I'm Alice Liddell, if I manage to take you down you will stop with this tomfoolery. And I do hope you will keep your end of the bargain."

Drakerus said:
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine had taken the train into Magnolia once everything at the guild hall had been taken care of. She also sort of wanted to see if she could get away with checking up on her guild mates on their mission. She was confident they could handle themselves but...she had a bad feeling. Anyways she felt better being close by just in case as she walked around the streets aimlessly. That's when she heard loud music coming from somewhere nearby. Curious, she walked over to the area and sure enough, there was some kind of performance going on albeit a tad inappropriate for Tokine's tastes. At least it looked pretty. Speaking of which, Tokine wondered where the music and effects were coming from. There were no noticeable contraptions or instruments. As she pondered, tokine heard a familiar voice shouting at the performer and, as luck would have it, it was Sakura telling them to keep it down. Not wanting to interrupt Tokine decided to watch passively while she dealt with her business. She was quite happy to see Sakura again though.
hudhouse said:
Kirin spoke through all the Caffeine stuff just to respond to the little lass they saw, "Oh how sweet deary, but this has been scheduled for about a few weeks! I got popular locally so, why not play? If you want me to stop little one..." They would zoom forward to within inches of her and attempt to pinch her cheeks. Their female voice would get replaced by a man's, stating, "you would have to fight me off this stage..." They would back flip, hovering in mid air as black wings of light formed around them. The music stopped as they realized they skipped part of the chorus. They moaned out, "Shoot..." They put two fingers to their chin before attempting to snap. Their music manipulation made it sound out even if they really didn't. Their voice changed to more of a royal prince's, even the dialect changed! They began to nearly ooze style and glamour as they twirled, picking up their false-light mike.
They announced, "Actually, I am kinda getting bored of just amusing all of you with my hip, hop, float like a bee... so why not make this fun? Any A or S class wizards here? I would love to do a bit of a brawl. Hell, send everyone at me! I'll amuse all of ya with the beats that could tear down the Heavens!" They thrusted a hand to the sky, forming a sign that any Fairy Tail member would know. It was more of a form of them trying to get a challange out to 'em, but who cared? A guitar rift was starting to kick up. He looked straight towards Sakura for a challenge... opening up the stage for her. He said, "Well, bring a few friends if ya got some. I will shut this whole thing down if ya win little lass! You'll even get the first move..."
Sakura Hayano

Sakura rolled her eyes and moved to swat his hand away when he tried to pinch her cheeks. She certainly hadn't heard about it, though she'd only really been to Magnolia for 3 days so she had no clue, nor cared. What she did know however was he was blocking the entire freaking square and she needed through to find her friends whom she was incredibly worried about. When he mentioned her having to fight him she glared slightly. She didn't want to fight, but finding her guild mates was very important. Plus she still had to do something nice for that Kelica girl who had healed her too. She scoffed lightly as he tried to get multiple A and S-Class wizards to fight him, honestly Sakura thought he was nuts. She soon spotted Tokine, smiling at her when she saw her. Perfect timing as he told her to bring her friends to the fight. "
Ya kno', I think I'll take you up on that. Just a sec." She replied, turning to walk over to Tokine. "Hey! Tokine, this guys' a jerk. Wanna kick his butt with me?" She asked, a somewhat excited grin on her face.
Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Forests of Magnolia

He held the flat of his sword towards the brawler, using it as a shield to stave off the brute's punches. He allowed the man to push forward slightly before violently thrusting forward, throwing the brawler back into a few of his comrades. Not about to allow them to recover he let go of his blade with one hand and pointed at the downed brawler before giving a flick of his wrist upward. Without warning a flaming tornado tore out of the ground and lifted the brawler and those around him skyward before turning to slam them down into another group of mages with a powerful explosion. It was not often he fought alongside someone who dared make a mockery of his age. The question was whether this was the girl's natural personality or if she was putting on airs due to his presence. He was given little time to think over the possibilities as more Grimoire Heart mages were quick to descend upon him.

He parried one of the mage's swings before overpowering the poor boy, shattering the kid's sword and slamming him into the ground with a gut wrenching scream of pain. A series of explosions rank out behind him quickly followed by the girl's continuing banter and another large blast. As expected mages of this caliber were no match for even a B-rank such as her. Flames crept along his blade, swirling around in a cyclonic rotation as he took a step back before giving another mighty swing. Unlike before the flaming tornado raced across the ground tearing up the earth and throwing the mages around like rag-dolls. Cracks begun to form along his blade, making his weapon's fragility known to those more observant mages. It was at that moment that another series of explosions rang out, this time right behind him causing his cape to flutter in the wind.

The girl continued her banter, even going so far as to ask if he needed help. Without warning he spun around bringing his arm up over his head. As if pitching a ball he brought his hand down, throwing his sword at breakneck speeds towards the young girl. The blade careened through the air and covered the distance in mere seconds, giving the lass no time to react. The weapon whipped past Grace and slammed into the ground behind her with such force that it seemed as if a bomb had detonated. Screams of pain rang out as dirt flew up only to rain down on the girl. As the dust settled a dagger-wielding mage was laying unconscious on the ground a ways away from her, a large crater and shards of metal resting between the two of them. "Do not let your guard down, Miss Grace. The moment you underestimate your opponent is the very moment you lose your life."

A bright light formed around his hand as he spoke before quickly shifting into the shape of his trusty great axe. With his replacement weapon in hand he turned back to overlook the battlefield. The two of them had done great work in thinning the herd as there was now only small pockets of mages still standing among the field of groaning and motionless bodies. Nevertheless the two of them would have to remain vigilant. The biggest threat when dealing with hordes of weak enemies was becoming complacent, and given who they would have to face complacency was not an option.
Grace began to snicker as Master Gilad never responded to her teasing. She assumed that the older man accepted these jokes and truths and was a little hurt by it, which was understandable. It was funny yet sad because she hurt and old guy's feelings. However she might have triggered him a little too hard. Her red eyes widened into plates as the a large gust of wind nearly threw her away. Before the short girl could even move a muscle an extreme shock wave scared the pants off of her and made her fall to the ground. She had no clue that there had been an enemy behind her, and assumed that Gilad was out to kill her. She was strong for her rank, but there was no way she could take out Gilad. Hell, no one could take out Gilad. "I-I'm sorry Guild Master Gilad! I really didn't mean what I said, it was just to lighten the mood!" She said with shut eyes, opening them slightly just to peer back at the Mage who had attempted to kill her. His words and motive actually surprised her. She was saving her rather than killing her, like what a Guild Master should do. "Oh... Thank you for saving me then. I won't let my guard down anymore!"

Grace soon recovered from her little surprise and focused her attention on the two big baddies. Taking out those two would cause the rest to run, so they should really focus on those two. "Master Gilad, we should focus on the other mages, the leaders. Can you rush them with a big weapon? Or start throwing weapons at them? I can provide cover fire from here, but I can't fight up close." She asked, firing another volley of small rockets at an attacking Mage.
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The Redds

Miles Redd

As Miles walked the streets of magnolia with his brother, he started to get angered by someones singing. It wasn't the singing that angered him, it was the type of song that person was singing. Without announcing it to his brother, he walked towards the source of the music knowing that his elder brother will follow. Upon his arrival he spotted two of their young guild mates, Sakura and Tokine. Looks like they were the first to confront the person about their singing. Miles stood back and watched them, but when the singer asked for a fight, Miles raised an eyebrow and looked at his brother with a grin. He then turned back when he heard a girl saying she'll take up on the challenge followed by Sakura asking Tokine if she wanted to help. He looked at his brother then straight ahead. His aura started flowing calmly off of him, he then released a quick burst of aura, releasing a small pressure, and sending a gust of wind, just to get everyone's attention. He started walking forward as his aura started to calm again. He stood on the stage with the singer. We will take your challenge. He said lazily showing no form of enthusiasm.

@Solemn Jester @Mitchs98 @Drakerus @purplepanda288 @hudhouse
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Tyson, Redd

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/1a2c436903051747bf428d92d094b926.jpg.132d0ee84a9166ba281cd786b872c824.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149250" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/1a2c436903051747bf428d92d094b926.jpg.132d0ee84a9166ba281cd786b872c824.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tyson walked with his younger brother, his expression completely indifferent to what was going on. He heard singing, but paid no attention to it. That was until his brother turned, and headed towards the singing. He rolled his eyes, his brother was always quick to get annoyed by something. Although this usually ended up in a battle of some sort. So Tyson didn't mind in the least, and followed behind his brother.

Then he watched along with his brother, as the source of the music came into view. He was short, colourful, and he seemed very malnourished. To be perfect honest Tyson didn't care whether he was a male or female. Especially not when they mentioned fighting, and Tysons face....didn't change at all. He remained with his indifferent expression, and nodded towards his little brother. Then followed as his brother approached the person. Then nodded in response to Miles words flexing his thick wrist,"Sounds fun." He replied to his brothers word, his voice as emotionless as ever.

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @purplepanda288 @hudhouse @Embaga Elder



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<p><img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/angelbeats/images/6/63/Ab_character_tensi_image.png/revision/latest?cb=20150203163350&key=8db5182443078483b3af5b75a642742a83a19fec21c011abfa49bc46258cd1d6" class="ipsImage" alt="latest?cb=20150203163350" /> </p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Tokine - Magnolia Streets</strong></span></p></div>

<p> <span style="font-size:14px;">Tokine had taken the train into Magnolia once everything at the guild hall had been taken care of. She also sort of wanted to see if she could get away with checking up on her guild mates on their mission. She was confident they could handle themselves but...she had a bad feeling. Anyways she felt better </span>being<span style="font-size:14px;"> close by just in case as she walked around the streets aimlessly. That's when she heard loud music coming from somewhere nearby. Curious, she walked over to the area and sure enough, there was some kind of performance going on albeit a tad inappropriate for Tokine's tastes. At least it looked pretty. Speaking of which, Tokine wondered where the music and effects were coming from. There were no noticeable contraptions or instruments. As she pondered, tokine heard a familiar voice shouting at the performer and, as luck would have it, it was Sakura telling them to keep it down. Not wanting to interrupt Tokine decided to watch passively while she dealt with her business. She was quite </span>happy<span style="font-size:14px;"> to see Sakura again though.</span></p>



<p> </p>

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<div class="ipsQuote_citation"></div>

<div class="ipsQuote_contents"><p><img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/39600000/Suoh-Mikoto-full-1672120-suoh-mikoto-39650382-1150-750.jpg&key=30eaf36565b77a699d24b60886fe611b52811282f962ef3ec57e054cd51b5cd1" class="ipsImage" alt="Suoh-Mikoto-full-1672120-suoh-mikoto-396" /> <span style="color:#b30000;">The Redds</span> <span style="color:#b30000;">Miles Redd</span> As Miles walked the streets of magnolia with his brother, he started to get angered by someones singing. It wasn't the singing that angered him, it was the type of song that person was singing. Without announcing it to his brother, he walked towards the source of the music knowing that his elder brother will follow. Upon his arrival he spotted two of their young en guild mates, Sakura and Tokine. Looks like they were the first to confront the person about their singing. Miles stood back and watched them, but when the singer asked for a fight, Miles raised an eyebrow and looked at his brother with a grin. He then turn back when he heard a girl saying she'll take up on the challenge followed by Sakura asking Tokine if she wanted to help. He looked at his brother then straight ahead. His aura started flowing calmly off of him, he then he released a quick burst of aura, releasing a small pressure, and sending a gust of wind, just to get everyone's attention. He started walking forward as his aura started to calm again. He stood on the stage with the singer. <span style="color:#b30000;">We will take your challenge. </span> @Solemn Jester @Mitchs98 @Drakerus @purplepanda288 @hudhouse</p></div>


<p> </p>

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<div class="ipsQuote_citation"></div>

<div class="ipsQuote_contents"><p><span style="color:#59b300;">Sakura Hayano</span> <span style="color:#000000;"> Sakura rolled her eyes and moved to swat his hand away when he tried to pinch her cheeks. She certainly hadn't heard about it, though she'd only really been to Magnolia for 3 days so she had no clue, nor cared. What she did know however was he was blocking the entire freaking square and she needed through to find her friends whom she was incredibly worried about. When he mentioned her having to fight him she glared slightly. She didn't want to fight, but finding her guild mates was very important. Plus she still had to do something nice for that Kelica girl who had healed her too. She scoffed lightly as he tried to get multiple A and S-Class wizards to fight him, honestly Sakura thought he was nuts. She soon spotted Tokine, smiling at her when she saw her. Perfect timing as he told her to bring her friends to the fight. "</span><span style="color:#59b300;">Ya kno', I think I'll take you up on that. Just a sec.</span><span style="color:#000000;">" She replied, turning to walk over to Tokine. "</span><span style="color:#59b300;">Hey! Tokine, this guys' a jerk. Wanna kick his butt with me?</span><span style="color:#000000;">" She asked, a somewhat excited grin on her face.</span></p></div>


<p> </p>

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<div class="ipsQuote_citation"></div>

<div class="ipsQuote_contents"><p><span style="color:#b30000;"> Alice Liddell THE CHILDREN </span> <span style="color:#000000;">Steam rose from a small elegant tea cup, Alice was having her usual tea with the older orphans teens. </span><span style="color:#b30000;">" It's nice to finally relax with a cup of tea, after all of that drama with the collectors." </span><span style="color:#000000;">And so she jinxed her evening like always, blasting sound came from Magnolia square. Just a single block away from her relaxation point. </span><span style="color:#b30000;">"Why must this happen when I'm trying to relax, excuse me my dears." </span><span style="color:#000000;">She stood from her seat, eyes trained on the direction of the disturbance. Alice arrived at the site, she looked completely uninterested in what the 'musician' had to offer. She much prefered classical music, the tones soothed her restless mind to a soft lull. Alice rose her hand into the air, her lips parted allowing her to speak. </span><span style="color:#b30000;">"I will take your challenge. Then maybe I can finally have my cake and eat it too." </span><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">Alice's body turned into a cloud of cyan smoke and butterflies, the cloud bolted up to the stage and settled calmly over the stage. The cloud reformed into Alice, her emerald eye trained on the loud nuisance. </span><span style="color:#b30000;">"I'm Alice Liddell, if I manage to take you down you will stop with this tomfoolery. And I do hope you will keep your end of the bargain." </span> </p></div>


<p> </p>

<blockquote class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote="">

<div class="ipsQuote_citation"></div>

<div class="ipsQuote_contents"><p><span style="color:rgb(179,179,0);"><span style="font-size:36px;">Tyson, Redd View attachment 329676</span></span> Tyson walked with his younger brother, his expression completely indifferent to what was going on. He heard singing, but paid no attention to it. That was until his brother turned, and headed towards the singing. He rolled his eyes, his brother was always quick to get annoyed by something. Although this usually ended up in a battle of some sort. So Tyson didn't mind in the least, and followed behind his brother. Then he watched along with his brother, as the source of the music came into view. He was short, colourful, and he seemed very malnourished. To be perfect honest Tyson didn't care whether he was a male or female. Especially not when they mentioned fighting, and Tysons face....didn't change at all. He remained with his indifferent expression, and nodded towards his little brother. Then followed as his brother approached the person. Then nodded in response to Miles words flexing his thick wrist,<span style="color:rgb(179,179,0);">"Sounds fun." </span><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">He replied to his brothers word, his voice as emotionless as ever. </span> @Mitchs98 @Drakerus @purplepanda288 @hudhouse @Embaga Elder</p></div>


<p> Kirin smiled as five warriors stepped up to the plate. They began pumping his legs, loosening up, shuffling side to side as they spoke their words with a natural flow, <em><span style="color:#006600;">"So my friends, it is good to hear ya'll wish to fight! This way, either way, someone is crawling out of a morgue, and I pray it ain't me but I am not knocking your talent! So... time for introductions.."</span></em> They suddenly flew high into the air, music kicking up! They spoke with malice dripping out of their maw. They snickered before they let out their acidic spew, <strong><em><span style="color:#b30000;">"I am Kirin, the S rank wizard of Blue Pegasus, keeper of the beat! I pray all of you can keep up to my sick beats! So...",</span></em></strong> They suddenly clapped with feminine charm. They smiled before tilting their head, closing their eyes. They squeaked out in a soft, cute voice, <em><span style="color:#ff8000;"><strong>"let us begin!"</strong></span></em> Their body erupted into a shower of red light. Music began flying out of them as they went into a cocoon of wrath. A pitch black cylinder rippled forth from the top of the Cylinder, followed closely behind by two notes that popped out. The stalks looked like notes, crimson symbols forming from inside glowing out. A white puff ball erupted from the center of the ball, followed by two golden lines. The ball erupted in the front, caving in before exploding into a shower of gore. The thick coat of the monster hung out, ending with golden bolts. The golden lines had developed into golden chains similar to that of a pocket watch. The white necktie poofed out, clearly inspired by a more ancient or royal culture. Their spine erupted into feathery black wings that seemed to envelop the sun like an Eclipse. The bright, glowing reds of their face and few lines in their body shined like a daemon's unholy grace. Underneath each feather was a light blue glow, giving a cyber-like look to the wings. Their overdeveloped armored thighs were a cherry red that caught the eye. Looking back up to the face revealed their glowing maw like formation. The same for their eyes, which seemed to almost never move. Adorning their head was the tallest top hat in history... probably. They floated on wings of valor, singing out with a majestic male singing voice... </p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://orig02.deviantart.net/b669/f/2015/178/b/b/arsene_study_by_yuururuyul-d8yytwr.png&key=6cf61cfa7fa43cc826c71b709258e83e70ee0d81573f161a920bd48b208db127" class="ipsImage" alt="arsene_study_by_yuururuyul-d8yytwr.png" /></p></div>

<p> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#ff0000;">FIGHT</span></span></em></strong> [media]

<p> The 8-foot tall monster immediately swept down into the Earth, forming a crater that gave them human sized slaps. They sang with a deep, clear singing voice that could be found unnerving, yet still sounded a bit unnerving with how calm it was, <em><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">"Welcome to the bloodbath jump into the tub!"</span></strong></em> They would zoom forward, grasping two giant stones and attempting to sandwich Alice! They would beat their wings, sending themselves straight for Miles! They would try to tackle him like a football player, floating into the sky a bit before coming down with sharp claws aimmed for his chest. They kept on going without missing a beat, <em><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">"Fist-fight, death-match come and join the club!"</span></strong></em> They would back flip before looking at as many targets as possible. Perfect...! They slammed their feet together, standing tall. They tensed their claws, bringing it close to their demented face. Their wings surrounded them a bit before they unleashed a wide blast of pure sonic wrath towards the party, trying to send all of them flying! The song kept on going as they would rush forward. They would spin, slamming to to another foot before trying to side ways kick Tyson to the face! <em><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">"Kick-start your face with a metal-clad boot, you should give up now your retaliation's moot!" (Time - 12 seconds)</span></strong></em>

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