Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Lavender Gray


Lavender had gotten off the pile of bodies which had crushed one of her fellow allies. Poor guy didnt expect to be crushed by two woman and a very well-built man. ( @Mykinkaiser and @Zuka  ) When she looked at the scene before her, just about everyone was crushed into one room. Fighting this old looking man who seemed to have been kicking just about everyone's butt. Fists went, magic was thrown everywhere. Hell, even Valken stopped a large fire wall from slamming into them just by lifting shadows out from the ground. "I thank you, Sir Valken." Lavender said after Valken asked what they would do without him.Things were just happening all at once and when Lavender moved her eyes over to the shirtless old man once more, something told her that he was not some ordinary Wizard. He had the power of a S-Class... Maybe even a guild master. "This is not a very good situation." she said under her breath. People were getting knocked out, others were draining magic power. This was just turning into a party for the Man, but a horror for the wizards in the room. How are we going to move some of the wizards out of here? If they stay in the same room as this man...it's possible that we could lose them.  sure it was only 3 or 4 wizards that had been pretty much incapacitated. ( @Zuka @Colt556 @Mitchs98 )


The warrior looked towards Emmerich "Emmerich, if she cannot fight, take her out of this room. I fear that she is at greater risk in such a state." then she moved her gaze towards Chris "Please, get her out of here as well, Chris." she remembered seeing him in the guild hall multiple times and she had caught wind of his name "We do not need to lose anyone in this situation." meaning death.


(@LiterallyEveryoneInThisGuildMasterFightRightNowLOL )

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Ryu looked up slowly as the barrier around him shattered. It seemed that the Satan Soul user, Hibiki, had smashed the barrier to let him out, and then said something about helping to bring the old man, who was apparently the ringleader of all this. To be hadn't wanted to intervene; he'd been fine to just sit back and watch, trying to sort out his thoughts, and remember what had happened. However, Hibiki's words brought him back to reality. He was a member of Fairy Tail. It was his duty, his responsibility, to help his guildmates, no matter the situation. He stood up, dusting himself off, and took another look over at Lucian. While he appeared to be just an old man, it was clear that he wasn't. He had the same overbearing, suffocating presence that Gilad did, and he had shown very clearly that he was in no way weak. As he stood, he saw the old man throw off Chris like it was nothing. Suddenly, the old man summoned two large spheres of black flames, and he smashed them together to create a wall of flame. Without thinking, Ryu dove in front of the closest people, who happened to be Emmerich and Kelica, and extended his arm. They were only flames after all, dark or not, and he could absorb them. Right? But, as the flames touched his skin, he felt them burning him. In spite of himself, and the situation at hand, he smiled. How long had it been since he'd been able to be burned? Five years? Six years? He extended his other arm, concentrating harder, and shielding the other two from the flames. Slowly, he started to absorb the charcoal colored flames around him. It was by no mean painless, but he wasn't about to be beaten by some old man's fire. He continued to absorb the flames until the wall had been dispersed, thanks to his efforts, as well as those of the rest of the group. There was something about the old man's flames though, something odd. When he absorbed them, it didn't feel like absorbing normal fire. Not only was it somewhat painful, but it also gave him more energy, more power, than normal flames did. "Interesting," He mused, smiling again. "I will admit, your fire does have a bit of a kick to it." He said to Lucian. "But black is such a garish color. Don't you think?"

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @LeSoraAmari @Isune @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Colt556
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Chris Lengheart(Horsey tunnels ready)

Chris sighed as the girl obviously didn't wake up. After the crazy fire wall thing she pulled, Chris wasn't surprised that she'd be out of it. As Chris kept a close eye on the girl, he heard a voice call out to him. Lavender? Was that her name? As Chris looked at her, he tried to slap on a name on the face. He was pretty sure it was Lavender. As she told Chris to get the girl out of here, he simply nodded and picked her up once again. That's when he quickly got out of his small dome with the girl in his arms. He walked over to the man that Lavender had referred to as Emmerich. He looked over to Kelica and couldn't help but not only feel that same guilt he felt when he attacked her but a bit of remorse for her. She looked awful. Chris looked up at Emmerich as he finally asked,"You gonna carry her? Or do you just want to put her on my back. I can make a tunnel to slip out nice and easy. We just need to focus on getting these two to safety."

Hoping that Emmerich would say yes, Chris held out a hand towards the wall, ready to get a tunnel going in a moment's notice. As long as that dark guild man didn't try to chase after them, they'd be able to slip out with relative ease. If something went wrong, Chris could at least set up a tunnel and shove them in for protection.

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser@Colt556@Rhodus

Valken Truss

Dark Guild Entrance


The Shadow Mage looked behind him noticing easily that Millie was still fine which made a soft breath outwards escape his lips. And when Lavender offered her thanks in the way of calling him a Sir he couldn't help but grin even further. At least for a moment, but there was far too much going on at this point and as much as he wanted to say a wise crack or two he knew he was one of the few that had the powers to stop Lucian. Or, rather, as his mind was quick to assess the situation at hand, one of the only ones to draw The Grimoire Heart Guild Master's attention long enough for the others to escape. As an S-Class he owed it to everyone here. The old Lamia Scale Guild Master before Lloyd was appointed and Maya would never have promoted him if they didn't think him capable of protecting his own Guild Mates and the Guild Mates of his allies. He pulled his hands back to let the portal simply fall back down into the ground as his purple eyes narrowed down, taking a huge calming breath as he did. Almost slowing down time as he did, or rather he was that calm it seemed as if he were slowing down time in his own mind.

While in this state he heard Lavender start to take action to get the weakest member's to leave. His grin now gone and his back straightened to his full tall height. The darkness at his feet almost starting to seep outwards like a fog screen. He noticed almost instantly Ryu, the mage he had met at the Fairytail Guild Hall, dive in front of Emmerich and that silly blonde girl to literally absorb the very flames that Lucian spew out. Along with noticing Mizuki, the S-Rank mage from Sabertooth attack Lucian. Now his brain was in overdrive as he was literally formulating a brilliant idea in his mind. He turned then as he faced Millie and suddenly wrapped his arms around the girl, dragging her into a very tight and almost desperate hug. Kissing the top of her head. And before she would have time to respond, he pulled back slightly as he kept his hands on her arms, his attention 100% on her.

"Millie.... please listen to me very very carefully. Hibiki, Mizuki and I are the only S-classes apart from you in this room strong enough to hold out Lucian Grey. I need you to direct everyone in this room away." Glancing to the side as he overheard Chris offer to make a tunnel and lead the girls outside and away from the battle. His gaze returning to Millie. "Use that Take-Over man's tunnel to get everyone to safety; Ferra, Alicia, Eric, Emmerich, Alfie, Tanari.... everyone. I don't care if you have to knock them all out, but you need to get them to leave. All of them. It is too dangerous. I will hold Lucian away long enough for you all to escape. Outside there is a huge Forest Fire burning, but at the first sign you can and once everyone clears that, find the Magic Council and bring them here... I'll hold out as long as I am able to. We all will. All three Light Guild S-classes. Okay? Do you understand? I need you to get out of here and take everyone with you. " Here he stopped for a minute, his voice going deathly quite though he did lean in to kiss at her forehead gently. Holding her cheeks with his cold hands as he continued to peer to her face.

With that, the Shadow Mage stood tall and gave her a soft smile. A hollow smile as he brushed the strands of her blonde hair behind one ear. "I love you Millie."

Before she could response he was already turning and sprinting towards the fight, his deft fingers unhooking and slipping out his hooked and curved daggers with blades running parallel to his forearms. His black hair whistling slightly. Three S-classes against a Dark Guild Master was slim odds at best. But he wasn't about to let some Old Man get between him and his Guild. Not for the trust Maya, Lloyd and everyone else put in for him. He rolled the last pace or so before he suddenly came before Mizuki with his arms spread, literally standing in the way of her Shadow Beam. Facing her with arms still spread. It was too late for her pull back her attack but instead of blasting him as it should have, his whole body seemed to ripple for a second. An almost childish grin covering his face as he looked to the Dark Mage. "I love it when I'm right...Thanks for the Power Boost..." He said offhandedly, before he closed his eyes completely and turned around. Now Valken worked exclusively in the Shadow Realm but his powers while being able meld and morph into it were unable to spawn Shadows from nothing. He had to use the available Shadows in the area which put his Shadow abilities to mostly 2D forms. On the other hand the Dark Mage could literally birth the very darkness where ever she saw fit. And as such she was holding down Lucian while charging up her Shadow Blast. Slowly his eyes opened to reveal a dark purple glow and in a straight line Valken walked closer and closer towards Lucian. Arms half spread in a, come at me bro pose. Daring him to attack. A limb that was there one moment before disappearing only to return a moment later. Like a ghost.

Once he was within a pace of the man he only grinned further as his eyes belied his incredible hate at the man. "Black Flames Old Man? Well...Try and hit me. Go on, I dare you." The Shadows around him so thick, so dark, it was as if the very light and heat was being sucked straight in. Flicking his daggers like one might a flick knife in an absolutely blur at his hips. "While I stay in Mizuki's black beam, you can't hit me...A living, 3D Shadow Walk.... Here I am not alive, nor am I dead. Here, in the Dark, you can not kill me....."

"But. You can try." Smirking wildly at the end.

@Maki@Mitchs98@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@LeSoraAmari@Salt Lord@Isune@Colt556@Britt-21@Jackaboi

Kelica Zefara


The Forest Mage didn't know what to do, she spotted the wave of flames racing towards her and Emmerich. She knew Emmerich had flame magic but only on one of his arms, and only for his own flames, there was no way he could take on that blast without taking a massive hit as he did. But she knew he would step in front of the flames and would burn himself to protect her, that's just what he would do. She knew that. And he wouldn't say a thing in pain. He wouldn't worry her so. The girl's face scrunched up as if to scream but then another figure appeared before the two. She opened one eye then the other as she peered over Emmerich's shoulder, seeing Ryu of all people there with his arm outstretched. What was he doing? Lifting up a hand as if to rest onto Emmerich's shoulder but her eyes refused to look at him instead her gaze fixated on the Samurai's back. Was his body literally absorbing the fire? How was that even possible? She'd heard of people being able to conjure fire but absorb it into there body? She didn't even know if her other Mother, a Fire Mage, was even able to do that.

And besides that, where did he even come from? Last she checked he was holding his head after horribly burning that Siren....the wails echoing in her ears for a moment in her memories. Now he was here before them? Taking the brunt of the attack with little or no recoil. Her mouth opened as if to say something but then she turned and saw Chris approach carrying a girl she didn't recognize on his back. Or did she? She looked oddly familiar so maybe she had seen her sometime at the start of the Magnolia festival? Regardless she was out cold and Kelica couldn't help but feel a smidgen jealous. A blacked sleep sounded real good right about now even as her knees and legs shook more. "But....Ryu.... we can't leave here without him..." She whispered gently even as her eyes drifted to his back as he was still faced towards the Grimoire Heart Guild Master.

@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Isune@Maki@Mitchs98@Jackaboi@Colt556@LeSoraAmari@Britt-21@Salt Lord



How do you piss off a woman in the middle of a decent duel? You turn up the heat and threaten people. Kirin zoomed high into the air to attempt her burst symphony when she saw the crimson flames licking at the horizon, flooding the sky with a belching smoke that smothered life like a looming blanket. It was a putrid sight that got her blood boiling to the ends of the Earth, and as such, she looked back to the party of five. She shoved her rear back, pushing her chest forward and kissed out towards them, before standing upright. She tilted her hip to the right, arched her head around to the left with closed eyes and genuinely waved. She said, "Cya later muffin fluffers! I would love to keep teaching, but this monstah has got to keep the party going somewhere else!" She twirled around, forming a white magic circle in the air and propelled off it, zooming towards and past the edges of Magnolia.

The blazing inferno only made Kirin start laughing as she floated high in the sky. She dropped down to the ground, overlooking the path into Magnolia. The festival would still be going on if it wasn't for this damned blaze. She sighed, maybe that's why the sabertooths wanted a fight so bad? To weak to do a thing, so they are angry someone else who could couldn't? Why didn't they just tell her?! She moaned in anger before she knew what she had to do. She called out to the sky, "LET'S DROP THE BEAT!" She leaped up once, before activating her signature technique. She practically exploded with wrath, unleashing a massive sound wave that rumbled the trees, and stayed for a few seconds. High in the sky, this intensely vibrating explosive radius seemed to be an attack until the flames died out rapidly! She spoke the calculations to herself, "By adding in the layer of energy below the energy layer of the flame, it is disconnected from its fuel source. The rapidly approaching winds and pressure caused by the sound also proceeds to cool down the object underneath slightly, lowering it from ignition temperature, allowing for combustion to be unfeasible unless being under constant danger by a Pyro."

The surprisingly smart Kirin would unleash her wings, landing in the now flameless area. She decided to flop down onto her rear and rest for a moment just to make sure no more flames spout up. She sighed before saying to herself, "What would I do without magic~?" 

@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Isune@Maki@Mitchs98@Jackaboi@Colt556@LeSoraAmari@Britt-21@Salt Lord @Zuka
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Eric: You ain't gonna make me leave!


Eric was glad to hear that Mizuki was ready to fight. He watched as she sprouted tentacles from the ground in an attempt to restraint Lucian. Judging from the way she was fighting Eric may not need to jump in. Eric couldn't help but hear what Mr bond was saying. "Get the weakest Mages out?" Eric would definitely agree with that plan had Valken not mentioned him to run away too. "Yeah right I'm going to leave! I still gotta pay that old man back for trying to kidnap Alicia!" He noticed Valken jump in front of Mizuki's beam in order to get a power boost. Well since that attack ain't going to hit... guess Eric had better jump in too. Eric looked at Valken with a stare of determination, showing that he is NOT going to back down and without a moments hesitation he gave himself the arms and legs of a cheetah to sprint at Lucian and deliver strong lightning fast kicks and punches to any openings he could find while the old man was restrained. "What ya gonna do now huh?" Judging from the red haired girl's and Chris's attacks. The guild master seemed more vulnerable to hand-to-hand combat. Which is exactly what Eric excels at. He won't let his guard down though. Even if the old man is restrained he is still a guild master. Who knows what kind of tricks he could pull. He never noticed before but Eric could hear the sound distant explosions from above. "What is that?"

@Mykinkaiser @Rhodus @Isune @Maki @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Salt Lord @hudhouse
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Eric: You ain't gonna make me leave!


Eric was glad to hear that Mizuki was ready to fight. He watched as she sprouted tentacles from the ground in an attempt to restraint Lucian. Judging from the way she was fighting Eric may not need to jump in. Eric couldn't help but hear what Mr bond was saying. "Get the weakest Mages out?" Eric would definitely agree with that plan had Valken not mentioned him to run away too. "Yeah right I'm going to leave! I still gotta pay that old man back for trying to kidnap Alicia!" He noticed Valken jump in front of Mizuki's beam in order to get a power boost. Well since that attack ain't going to hit... guess Eric had better jump in too. Eric looked at Valken with a stare of determination, showing that he is NOT going to back down and without a moments hesitation he gave himself the arms and legs of a cheetah to sprint at Lucian and deliver strong lightning fast kicks and punches to any openings he could find while the old man was restrained. "What ya gonna do now huh?" Judging from the red haired girl's and Chris's attacks. The guild master seemed more vulnerable to hand-to-hand combat. Which is exactly what Eric excels at. He won't let his guard down though. Even if the old man is restrained he is still a guild master. Who knows what kind of tricks he could pull. He never noticed before but Eric could hear the sound distant explosions from above. "What is that?"

@Mykinkaiser @Rhodus @Isune @Maki @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Salt Lord @hudhouse

@Mykinkaiser @Rhodus  @Isune @Maki @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Salt Lord @hudhouse

(I really got to get used to these tags)

Lavender Gray


Lavender had gotten off the pile of bodies which had crushed one of her fellow allies. Poor guy didnt expect to be crushed by two woman and a very well-built man. ( @Mykinkaiser and @Zuka  ) When she looked at the scene before her, just about everyone was crushed into one room. Fighting this old looking man who seemed to have been kicking just about everyone's butt. Fists went, magic was thrown everywhere. Hell, even Valken stopped a large fire wall from slamming into them just by lifting shadows out from the ground. "I thank you, Sir Valken." Lavender said after Valken asked what they would do without him.Things were just happening all at once and when Lavender moved her eyes over to the shirtless old man once more, something told her that he was not some ordinary Wizard. He had the power of a S-Class... Maybe even a guild master. "This is not a very good situation." she said under her breath. People were getting knocked out, others were draining magic power. This was just turning into a party for the Man, but a horror for the wizards in the room. How are we going to move some of the wizards out of here? If they stay in the same room as this man...it's possible that we could lose them.  sure it was only 3 or 4 wizards that had been pretty much incapacitated. ( @Zuka @Colt556 @Mitchs98 )


The warrior looked towards Emmerich "Emmerich, if she cannot fight, take her out of this room. I fear that she is at greater risk in such a state." then she moved her gaze towards Chris "Please, get her out of here as well, Chris." she remembered seeing him in the guild hall multiple times and she had caught wind of his name "We do not need to lose anyone in this situation." meaning death.


(@LiterallyEveryoneInThisGuildMasterFightRightNowLOL )


Kelica Zefara


The Forest Mage was completely disorientated. Her eyes were seeing but taking nothing in, there were attacks everywhere and everyone seemed to be focusing in on Master Grey. She heard someone approach from one side with some words, but they went in one ear and out the other. She was literally frozen on the spot with her arms hung loosely at her sides. Mouth still partially open as her brain had completely shut down. Her eyes a blank feature as she just simply accepted she could do nothing. There was nothing she was worth doing for. She was useless, some random girl with passive Forest Abilities at best. She couldn't help anyone, even her heals would be her most useful ability at this point she was too drained of her magic to use them. She didn't have a single drop left to spare. She was useless, she was so very useless and there was not a single reason why she should have still lived. Why did the tree even bring her back to life? She should have died bleeding out by Chris's bite, her death fueling the other Fairytail Mages resolve. Making them fight harder, stronger.

But she lived? Why? For what purpose? To die again later?

She felt a warm spread over her shoulders as hands touched her their, it was the first time she blinked rapidly since her roots had been so effortlessly ignited by Lucian. Like her mind was trying to come to grips with reality once more. Staring at a face that peeked down at her, but her brain couldn't seem to come to grips with who it was or what they said. Still staring but not seeing. Expression still blank. That was till those same hands slid down her arms and wrapped her into a tight hug. The sheer warmth of his very frame and closeness of his hold starting to bring her mind back to. Blinking a few more times. Who even was that? Who was holding her like this? It felt familiar. Too familiar in fact. Turning her head slightly as her face found itself wedged behind his ear, into the strands of his blonde hair.

"I'm 'ere love, you'll be safe now." A voice echoed in her ears. An unmistakable accent. His words only bringing into focus the very man they seemed to belong to.

"Emmerich..." She breathed out softly, as the realization finally hit her like a freight train. Her oldest friend. Her first human friend since the moment she left the Forest. Those months, spent together. Every day. How many times on missions did he say that. How many missions did he keep her safe from harm? How many? Her knees growing weak like the only thing literally keeping her standing was the fear, the shock and now that that was removed the exhaustion kicked in. Her vest a complete torn mess exposing her shoulder now healed but clothes still covered in blood. Her own blood. Her arms slowly started to lift up. Her mouth opened as if to say something but her attention was finally broken as she looked over her shoulder at him. Seeing the Guild Master with arms spread charge two huge fires and realization dawned on her face. In an instant he had thrown out a huge fire wall and it was rocketing towards the two. "EMMERICH LOOK OUT!" She screamed even as she took a step back out of instinct.

@Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder @Maki@Colt556@Jackaboi@Rhodus@Britt-21@Isune @Salt Lord

Ryu looked up slowly as the barrier around him shattered. It seemed that the Satan Soul user, Hibiki, had smashed the barrier to let him out, and then said something about helping to bring the old man, who was apparently the ringleader of all this. To be hadn't wanted to intervene; he'd been fine to just sit back and watch, trying to sort out his thoughts, and remember what had happened. However, Hibiki's words brought him back to reality. He was a member of Fairy Tail. It was his duty, his responsibility, to help his guildmates, no matter the situation. He stood up, dusting himself off, and took another look over at Lucian. While he appeared to be just an old man, it was clear that he wasn't. He had the same overbearing, suffocating presence that Gilad did, and he had shown very clearly that he was in no way weak. As he stood, he saw the old man throw off Chris like it was nothing. Suddenly, the old man summoned two large spheres of purple flames, and he smashed them together to create a wall of flame. Without thinking, Ryu dove in front of the closest people, who happened to be Emmerich and Kelica, and extended his arm. They were only flames after all, purple or not, and he could absorb them. Right? But, as the flames touched his skin, he felt them burning him. In spite of himself, and the situation at hand, he smiled. How long had it been since he'd been able to be burned? Five years? Six years? He extended his other arm, concentrating harder, and shielding the other two from the flames. Slowly, he started to absorb the violet flames around him. It was by no mean painless, but he wasn't about to be beaten by some old man's fire. He continued to absorb the flames until the wall had been dispersed, thanks to his efforts, as well as those of the rest of the group. There was something about the old man's flames though, something odd. When he absorbed them, it didn't feel like absorbing normal fire. Not only was it somewhat painful, but it also gave him more energy, more power, than normal flames did. "Interesting," He mused, smiling again. "I will admit, your fire does have a bit of a kick to it." He said to Lucian. "But purple is such a garish color. Don't you think?"

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @LeSoraAmari @Isune @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Colt556

Kelica Zefara


The Forest Mage didn't know what to do, she spotted the wave of flames racing towards her and Emmerich. She knew Emmerich had flame magic but only on one of his arms, and only for his own flames, there was no way he could take on that blast without taking a massive hit as he did. But she knew he would step in front of the flames and would burn himself to protect her, that's just what he would do. She knew that. And he wouldn't say a thing in pain. He wouldn't worry her so. The girl's face scrunched up as if to scream but then another figure appeared before the two. She opened one eye then the other as she peered over Emmerich's shoulder, seeing Ryu of all people there with his arm outstretched. What was he doing? Lifting up a hand as if to rest onto Emmerich's shoulder but her eyes refused to look at him instead her gaze fixated on the Samurai's back. Was his body literally absorbing the fire? How was that even possible? She'd heard of people being able to conjure fire but absorb it into there body? She didn't even know if her other Mother, a Fire Mage, was even able to do that.

And besides that, where did he even come from? Last she checked he was holding his head after horribly burning that Siren....the wails echoing in her ears for a moment in her memories. Now he was here before them? Taking the brunt of the attack with little or no recoil. Her mouth opened as if to say something but then she turned and saw Chris approach carrying a girl she didn't recognize on his back. Or did she? She looked oddly familiar so maybe she had seen her sometime at the start of the Magnolia festival? Regardless she was out cold and Kelica couldn't help but feel a smidgen jealous. A blacked sleep sounded real good right about now even as her knees and legs shook more. "But....Ryu.... we can't leave here without him..." She whispered gently even as her eyes drifted to his back as he was still faced towards the Grimoire Heart Guild Master.

@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Isune@Maki@Mitchs98@Jackaboi@Colt556@LeSoraAmari@Britt-21@Salt Lord

Emmerich Faust

Emmerich was already turning to see the flames rushing towards them as Kelica shouted to warn him. Recognizing that there was no way to avoid the attack Emmerich's mind instead switched immediately to how he could best protect Kelica. Moving quickly he pulled her close to his chest, turning his back towards the flames and covering her with his body as much as he could. That done, he activated Mjolnir, covering his limbs with magic to provide as much extra defense for her as he could. Or at least that's what he would have done had  a redheaded man not stepped in and begun to absorb the flames, thus negating the need for Emmerich to protect Kelica. Emmerich would have been able to protect her, but not fully. Some of the flames would likely have still hurt her if he had done it whereas this way she remained entirely untouched by the attack, something that made Emmerich glad.

However, that mood was struck from him and replaced by anger as he saw the man who had hit Kelica earlier walking up with Tanari over his shoulder. Had he attacked her too? Well, whatever the case, and despite how much Emmerich wanted to punch the bastard, he was calm enough to realize that that wasn't the best plan given that they were still in the middle of battling the Guildmaster of Grimoire Heart. Speaking of that fight Emmerich watched as Valken ran forwards to enter into the combat, using a dark beam or some shit as cover, a mental battle of whether he should join in or stay to protect Kelica waging in his head. As much of a berserker as he was he did know his limits, if he entered into that fight he could very well die, which to be honest, wasn't something that particularly bothered him. However, he had promised to keep Kelica safe, and he couldn't do that if he died. The tipping point came when Lav spoke to him, telling him to get Kelica out of there if she wasn't in combat condition. Gritting his teeth in frustration Emmerich reached over and lifted the forest mage over his shoulder before making for the tunnel and ultimately outside.

@Rhodus  @Isune @Maki @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Salt Lord @hudhouse @Jackaboi
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A heavy expression set itself on to the Mage's face, one full of kindness and sadness. "I'm not going to turn you in to the magic council, that would send you deeper into the rabbit hole. And I couldn't imagine the pain they would put you through." A small pebble fell onto Kim's head, prompting to make her look up to the ceiling. Large cracks had spread over the once smoothly cut stones, a collapse seemed to be imminent. Panic coursed through her, they would all be killed by the amount of stone that would fall. "Crap, we can't move with two injured."

A low grunt of pain was followed by a small stir from the brown haired Mage. Their green eyes finally opening to see a very red women holding him up, a small smile spread across his face. "Good morning Ashley. Thanks for getting me out of there." Slowly Aiden began to carry his own weight. He held his right arm and let out a sneer. "Man that witch did a number on me." Kim readjusted Eias back to her shoulder "You three stay still a moment, I'm going to  teleport us to the entrance. When we do, do not let anything touch you." 

@Jackaboi @Bolts @Britt-21

((rushed this sorry, I have a test to day to I have to study and shit)) 

Tanari Varos - Dungeon Entrance

As soon as her punch landed the old man was sent stumbling back before being barraged by numerous attacks from the other mages. The combined assault seemed to do some damage as it forced the man even further back before throwing him to the ground. She slowly let her arm drop to her side as she waited to see if their efforts yielded any results. As the man got to his feet she couldn't help but click her tongue. For an old geezer he was way tougher than he had any right to be. She raised her hands as she prepared to lunge forward once more, he'd have to go down eventually after all. However a powerful surge of magic curbed that plan as the man stretched his hands out and conjured two orbs of black fire. She could feel the heat radiating out from the balls of flame as her eyes widened slightly. "Shit!" As a fire user herself she knew how deadly large scale attacks could be in cramped environments. She quickly reached back behind her, grasping the hilt of her sword as a small hydraulic hiss signified the clasp popped free. Pulling her sword free from it's sheath the sword glowed a brilliant crimson as wisps of fire danced along it's blade. Just as the old man slammed his hands together she brought her sword down and impaled the stone before her. A massive wall of fire erupted from the impact to form her own wall of vibrant blue fire.

She grit her teeth and poured as much magic as she could into her weapon, the blade's glow intensifying as the inferno she created met the old man's wall of black fire. The black flames overwhelmed the corners of her firewall, quickly surpassing them and crashing down upon her before continuing on to impact the barriers set up behind her. As the raging blaze died down she was left on her knees clutching the hilt of her sword. The ground around her was scorched pitch black while the immediate area behind her weapon was left relatively unscathed. The corners of her lips curled weakly into a small grin as the realization of her own survival dawned on her. However, the price of her survival was high and she had all but exhausted her supply of magic. Her sight blurred and faded as her grip on her weapon loosed. Mere moments later a dull thud signified her impact with the ground as she looked up towards Lucian who was still fit as could be. "I should have let them handle the golem..." A quiet whisper left her lips as her eyes closed and her consciousness left her.

@Rhodus @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Genon @Zareh @Isune @Embaga Elder @Maki @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Jackaboi


Kelica Zefara


The Forest Mage was completely disorientated. Her eyes were seeing but taking nothing in, there were attacks everywhere and everyone seemed to be focusing in on Master Grey. She heard someone approach from one side with some words, but they went in one ear and out the other. She was literally frozen on the spot with her arms hung loosely at her sides. Mouth still partially open as her brain had completely shut down. Her eyes a blank feature as she just simply accepted she could do nothing. There was nothing she was worth doing for. She was useless, some random girl with passive Forest Abilities at best. She couldn't help anyone, even her heals would be her most useful ability at this point she was too drained of her magic to use them. She didn't have a single drop left to spare. She was useless, she was so very useless and there was not a single reason why she should have still lived. Why did the tree even bring her back to life? She should have died bleeding out by Chris's bite, her death fueling the other Fairytail Mages resolve. Making them fight harder, stronger.

But she lived? Why? For what purpose? To die again later?

She felt a warm spread over her shoulders as hands touched her their, it was the first time she blinked rapidly since her roots had been so effortlessly ignited by Lucian. Like her mind was trying to come to grips with reality once more. Staring at a face that peeked down at her, but her brain couldn't seem to come to grips with who it was or what they said. Still staring but not seeing. Expression still blank. That was till those same hands slid down her arms and wrapped her into a tight hug. The sheer warmth of his very frame and closeness of his hold starting to bring her mind back to. Blinking a few more times. Who even was that? Who was holding her like this? It felt familiar. Too familiar in fact. Turning her head slightly as her face found itself wedged behind his ear, into the strands of his blonde hair.

"I'm 'ere love, you'll be safe now." A voice echoed in her ears. An unmistakable accent. His words only bringing into focus the very man they seemed to belong to.

"Emmerich..." She breathed out softly, as the realization finally hit her like a freight train. Her oldest friend. Her first human friend since the moment she left the Forest. Those months, spent together. Every day. How many times on missions did he say that. How many missions did he keep her safe from harm? How many? Her knees growing weak like the only thing literally keeping her standing was the fear, the shock and now that that was removed the exhaustion kicked in. Her vest a complete torn mess exposing her shoulder now healed but clothes still covered in blood. Her own blood. Her arms slowly started to lift up. Her mouth opened as if to say something but her attention was finally broken as she looked over her shoulder at him. Seeing the Guild Master with arms spread charge two huge fires and realization dawned on her face. In an instant he had thrown out a huge fire wall and it was rocketing towards the two. "EMMERICH LOOK OUT!" She screamed even as she took a step back out of instinct.

@Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder @Maki@Colt556@Jackaboi@Rhodus@Britt-21@Isune @Salt Lord

Valken Truss

Dark Guild Entrance



Valken made a loud groaning noise as all three of the bodies fell straight out of the wall and on top of him, making three consecutive groaning and wincing noises as he did. After Frosty had fumbled onto him you could almost see stars in his eyes as he struggled to breath and push everyone off. After all the guy was all about Evasion and Agility so he certainty didn't have the physical strength to lift off all of them. Millie, yeah, but the other two as well? Almost to answer his pleas Emmerich was quick to scramble off the pile, and Lavender a moment later leaving a still half naked Millie pressed up all nicely against the man's frame. Avoid touching anywhere too inappropriate, after all the man didn't want to get too excited, and have to deal with the awkwardness of the others had he actually touched Millie all over like he had wanted to. Slowly he came to his feet and helped Millie to hers a moment or two later. Wrapping an arm around his shoulders as he put a hand to her chin, tilting her face up to look to his as he gave her a quick kiss on her lips. "You Ok? Didn't hurt anything did you?" His purple eyes seeping with genuine concern. After all he was always concerned with anything to do with Millie and always had been. He turned then slightly as he felt a massive surge of energy, trying to glance around the room to where everyone was, before his eyes narrowed down dangerously as he spotted Guild Master Lucian Grey himself.

The Shadow Mage put on his work face, his stone cold gaze as he watched him charge his attack before flinging it out before them all, and in a heartbeat he had deftly yanked a Millie behind his body and snatched Lavender to do the same as he forced her behind his stance with his arms spread. He knew Ferra was not to far away either and really they were the only one's in this situation he was concerned about. Emmerich didn't even factor into his mind as he assumed he could defend himself. He slammed his palms hard into the very ground before he lifted them up sharply literally dragging the very Shadow along with him. Yanking it up over his head like a huge Shadow Portal doorway, which in theory it was probably pretty close to. The flames rocked towards them all but he kept his palms behind the wall to continually feed it his powers and as the flames hit the barrier they seeped straight into it. Absorbing it almost like a hungry beast. The Shadow Realm had no oxygen and as such the flames simply ceased to exist anymore. Keeping the black portal way open he glanced over his shoulder towards the rest of his Guild-mates with his childish grin. "What in the world would all you guys do without me eh?"

@Mitchs98@Mykinkaiser@Britt-21@Isune @Jackaboi@Salt Lord@Rhodus@Maki@Colt556@LeSoraAmari@Genon@Zareh@Kyuubey@Embaga Elder

Throughout the entire golem fight Millie was trying to find her clothes. She had no idea where her clothes were taken after she had been chained up, and she really wanted to find them. Being exposed in front of so many people wasn't exactly something she liked for obvious reasons. Luckily she had a cute pair of underwear on. Unfortunately due to the intensity of the fight and the size of the beast the blonde babe wasn't able to go far so instead she decided to watch and do any necessary healing. Her acid magic probably wouldn't be very effective against a giant monster made out of rock. Her eyes scanned the fight but couldn't help but keep drifting back to Valken. Not because he looked hot without his shirt on, but because she wanted to make sure he didn't get hurt. If she knew anything about Valken it was that he could be a bit reckless, and him getting hurt after they just reunited would be no good. Luckily the fight went rather smoothly, the group of mage's managed to take down the golem. Now all that was left to do was find Millie's clothes, but once again an obstacle was put in her way, one she couldn't get around. A small squeak escaped Millie's mouth as Valken suddenly grabbed her by the hips, spun her around, and tightly pressed against her back. "V-Valken! Do you really have to do something like that when there are so many people around? It's embarrassing..." She thought that he was doing his usual perverted antics just to get on her nerves, and because she was so invested in the search for clothes she had no idea that they were teleporting to the Lucian battle. However she slowly began to piece things together as the rest of the mage's got close and personal. A bright red blush grew on her face and the purple haired warrior was squished up against her front. The two ladies weren't cutting boards by any means, their big breasts only adding to the uncomfortableness at hand. "Oh, I wouldn't expect you to have any extra clothes anyways. Thank you though." She said the Lavender, not once making eye contact with her. Once Emmerich was positioned and primed behind lavender as Valken was to her, the four began to slowly sink into the shadows. Taking in a deep breath (which only pushed her chest out more onto Lavender) Millie waited for her least favorite mode of transportation to be over. 

After what felt like hours but was merely seconds, the group popped up in a different location, the four falling down into one big dog pile of almost naked people. Fortunately for Lavender it would be a soft landing, but for poor Valken he must've broken a bone or two. As the weight was lifted Millie rolled off Valken and landed on her back with an oomph. She didn't know where they were but she knew a fight was taking place, a big one too. Taking Valken's hands she rose up and leaned into his body, returning the kiss she was given. It was sweet to see him so worried about her wellbeing. "Don't worry Valken, I'm ok. No one hurt me while you were away, but I'm glad you found me. I missed you a lot..." But their sweet moment was interrupted by the dark man himself Lucian. With a sudden yank Millie found herself behind Valken, a large wall of shadows shielding them from the blow. Once again Valken had saved her life, the second time that day. He's definetly a keeper. 

@Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Britt-21@mitchs98

Chris Lengheart (I'm not about to become a medium-rare steak!)

Chris watched as that girl Chris had seemingly used as a distract began to fight back as well. She basically made her fist explode as the man was actually knocked back slightly. That's when the rest of the man's attackers got off little hits of their own. Chris was downright amazed by how this man was easily able to tank each of their attacks. There was hardly a scratch on him aside from a few from where Chris' claws had sunk into his shoulders. Chris just sat there with his tail swaying from right to left, almost as if he was trying to think of an angle to attack from. When the dark guild master shot a giant wall of flames with no sign of escape, Chris quickly changed back to human form and backed up against a wall.

Thinking quickly, Chris changed to centaur form and quickly created a tunnel for himself. Looking back at the girl as the tunnel closed behind him, Chris watched as she made her own inferno and basically battled with the dark flames that were launched at her. Once the tunnel was completely shut behind him, Chris could easy tell that the flames had struck the wall he was now in since there was a small glow radiating off of the cracks in the rocks which quickly died down.

Once he felt like it was safe, Chris exited the tunnel and looked over to the girl. She was out cold. Chris quickly picked her up and held her in his arms before galloping off from the battle. He looked over and noticed that another man was with Kelica. It was clear that he had protected her, which put Chris at ease slightly. Once he felt like he was far enough, Chris waved an arm as the earth formed a dome around Chris and the unconscious girl. He placed her gently on the ground and shook her slightly,"Hey,Chris said while trying to get the girl to wake up "You need to wake up.

Normally, Chris would try to keep his cool in situations like this. But when you have a man that could burn you alive not all that far away and no clue if he's planning an attack on you, keeping your cool is a much harder task. Looking at her a bit closer, Chris noticed that she didn't have any burns on her, so that was a good sign. That meant he wouldn't have to treat any burns. Chris tried his best to keep his eyes on the girl and his ears on whatever was going on outside of the dome. Once she woke up though, Chris had a few questions to ask. One of which being "What was that about money?".

@Rhodus @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Genon @Zareh @Isune @Embaga Elder @Maki @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Jackaboi

Mizuki seemed completely unphased by the battle against Lucian that raged around her, the girl fighting a battle of her own.  She had ran into the one person she never wished to see again, the man who took her under his wing and threw her into a world of despair and pain, forcing her to see and do things that no child should ever see or do. Her emotions were winning her over. Despite how much she hated Lucian the Dark Mage couldn't help but want his approval. She viewed him as such a strong individual, one who has seen her grow in a somewhat twisted way so it was only natural for her to want to fulfill his desires. Yet what he had planned for her was completely different from what she wanted. She didn't want to grow up and be some cold blooded killer who used her powers to help an evil guild. 

Although it it seemed like her little trance would never break, Mizuki finally looked up from the ground moments before Lucian let out a massive attack. Intinctevly she lunged forwards and pulled Alicia into her body, trying to shield her from the blast. Mizuki could be burned into a crisp but she wouldn't care if her little Alica was ok. However before any large blasts of flames could engulf her, Mizuki found herself covered by one of Alicia's barriers. The barrier wasn't the strongest, some of the intense heat breaking through the walls and burning parts of her suit, exposing her soft white skin. Looking down to her younger friend, who was exhausted, Mizuki gently laid her down, quickly removing her long black and red cloak and wrapping the silver haired girl up in it, making a soft cushion for her head and body. "Rest up sweet Alicia... A brave girl like you deserves a nap. If anything happens to you, just call..." She said, gently pressing her nose to her forehead before summoning a large shield of shadow to block Alicia from Lucian. 

Suddenly something struck the dark Mage; she was being useless. Everyone at the fight, including little Alicia, and helped out in one way or another while Mizuki sat around and moped. While being accused of being a coward by the man whom she seemed acceptance from she responded by being a coward. It only proved his point and made Lucian less and less proud. The only way she could possibly win any acceptance was through battle. If she could beat him, she would win. Turning to Eric the long haired girl nodded in agreement, h four shadowy arms growing from her back. "Yes Eric, let's make use of ourselves." As she finished the sentence long tentacles of black sprung out from the ground below Lucian, coiling tightly around his legs and slowly working up his body in an attempt restrain him. Her four shadowy arms shot out, forming a large fist about his head and slamming down. Finally her human arms began to charge a large beam of shadows, hoping to decimate the guild leader. Mizuki knew that her tentacles wouldn't hold him for long seeing as he was a powerful Mage, but she hoped that it'd be enough to allow others to get a few hits in. 

@Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Zuka @LeSoraAmari @Isune @whoeverelseishere

Lavender Gray


Lavender had gotten off the pile of bodies which had crushed one of her fellow allies. Poor guy didnt expect to be crushed by two woman and a very well-built man. ( @Mykinkaiser and @Zuka  ) When she looked at the scene before her, just about everyone was crushed into one room. Fighting this old looking man who seemed to have been kicking just about everyone's butt. Fists went, magic was thrown everywhere. Hell, even Valken stopped a large fire wall from slamming into them just by lifting shadows out from the ground. "I thank you, Sir Valken." Lavender said after Valken asked what they would do without him.Things were just happening all at once and when Lavender moved her eyes over to the shirtless old man once more, something told her that he was not some ordinary Wizard. He had the power of a S-Class... Maybe even a guild master. "This is not a very good situation." she said under her breath. People were getting knocked out, others were draining magic power. This was just turning into a party for the Man, but a horror for the wizards in the room. How are we going to move some of the wizards out of here? If they stay in the same room as this man...it's possible that we could lose them.  sure it was only 3 or 4 wizards that had been pretty much incapacitated. ( @Zuka @Colt556 @Mitchs98 )


The warrior looked towards Emmerich "Emmerich, if she cannot fight, take her out of this room. I fear that she is at greater risk in such a state." then she moved her gaze towards Chris "Please, get her out of here as well, Chris." she remembered seeing him in the guild hall multiple times and she had caught wind of his name "We do not need to lose anyone in this situation." meaning death.


(@LiterallyEveryoneInThisGuildMasterFightRightNowLOL )


Ryu looked up slowly as the barrier around him shattered. It seemed that the Satan Soul user, Hibiki, had smashed the barrier to let him out, and then said something about helping to bring the old man, who was apparently the ringleader of all this. To be hadn't wanted to intervene; he'd been fine to just sit back and watch, trying to sort out his thoughts, and remember what had happened. However, Hibiki's words brought him back to reality. He was a member of Fairy Tail. It was his duty, his responsibility, to help his guildmates, no matter the situation. He stood up, dusting himself off, and took another look over at Lucian. While he appeared to be just an old man, it was clear that he wasn't. He had the same overbearing, suffocating presence that Gilad did, and he had shown very clearly that he was in no way weak. As he stood, he saw the old man throw off Chris like it was nothing. Suddenly, the old man summoned two large spheres of purple flames, and he smashed them together to create a wall of flame. Without thinking, Ryu dove in front of the closest people, who happened to be Emmerich and Kelica, and extended his arm. They were only flames after all, purple or not, and he could absorb them. Right? But, as the flames touched his skin, he felt them burning him. In spite of himself, and the situation at hand, he smiled. How long had it been since he'd been able to be burned? Five years? Six years? He extended his other arm, concentrating harder, and shielding the other two from the flames. Slowly, he started to absorb the violet flames around him. It was by no mean painless, but he wasn't about to be beaten by some old man's fire. He continued to absorb the flames until the wall had been dispersed, thanks to his efforts, as well as those of the rest of the group. There was something about the old man's flames though, something odd. When he absorbed them, it didn't feel like absorbing normal fire. Not only was it somewhat painful, but it also gave him more energy, more power, than normal flames did. "Interesting," He mused, smiling again. "I will admit, your fire does have a bit of a kick to it." He said to Lucian. "But purple is such a garish color. Don't you think?"

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @LeSoraAmari @Isune @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Colt556

Chris Lengheart(Horsey tunnels ready)

Chris sighed as the girl obviously didn't wake up. After the crazy fire wall thing she pulled, Chris wasn't surprised that she'd be out of it. As Chris kept a close eye on the girl, he heard a voice call out to him. Lavender? Was that her name? As Chris looked at her, he tried to slap on a name on the face. He was pretty sure it was Lavender. As she told Chris to get the girl out of here, he simply nodded and picked her up once again. That's when he quickly got out of his small dome with the girl in his arms. He walked over to the man that Lavender had referred to as Emmerich. He looked over to Kelica and couldn't help but not only feel that same guilt he felt when he attacked her but a bit of remorse for her. She looked awful. Chris looked up at Emmerich as he finally asked,"You gonna carry her? Or do you just want to put her on my back. I can make a tunnel to slip out nice and easy. We just need to focus on getting these two to safety."

Hoping that Emmerich would say yes, Chris held out a hand towards the wall, ready to get a tunnel going in a moment's notice. As long as that dark guild man didn't try to chase after them, they'd be able to slip out with relative ease. If something went wrong, Chris could at least set up a tunnel and shove them in for protection.

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser@Colt556@Rhodus

Valken Truss

Dark Guild Entrance

The Shadow Mage looked behind him noticing easily that Millie was still fine which made a soft breath outwards escape his lips. And when Lavender offered her thanks in the way of calling him a Sir he couldn't help but grin even further. At least for a moment, but there was far too much going on at this point and as much as he wanted to say a wise crack or two he knew he was one of the few that had the powers to stop Lucian. Or, rather, as his mind was quick to assess the situation at hand, one of the only ones to draw The Grimoire Heart Guild Master's attention long enough for the others to escape. As an S-Class he owed it to everyone here. The old Lamia Scale Guild Master before Lloyd was appointed and Maya would never have promoted him if they didn't think him capable of protecting his own Guild Mates and the Guild Mates of his allies. He pulled his hands back to let the portal simply fall back down into the ground as his purple eyes narrowed down, taking a huge calming breath as he did. Almost slowing down time as he did, or rather he was that calm it seemed as if he were slowing down time in his own mind.

While in this state he heard Lavender start to take action to get the weakest member's to leave. His grin now gone and his back straightened to his full tall height. The darkness at his feet almost starting to seep outwards like a fog screen. He noticed almost instantly Ryu, the mage he had met at the Fairytail Guild Hall, dive in front of Emmerich and that silly blonde girl to literally absorb the very flames that Lucian spew out. Along with noticing Mizuki, the S-Rank mage from Sabertooth attack Lucian. Now his brain was in overdrive as he was literally formulating a brilliant idea in his mind. He turned then as he faced Millie and suddenly wrapped his arms around the girl, dragging her into a very tight and almost desperate hug. Kissing the top of her head. And before she would have time to respond, he pulled back slightly as he kept his hands on her arms, his attention 100% on her.

"Millie.... please listen to me very very carefully. Hibiki, Mizuki and I are the only S-classes apart from you in this room strong enough to hold out Lucian Grey. I need you to direct everyone in this room away." Glancing to the side as he overheard Chris offer to make a tunnel and lead the girls outside and away from the battle. His gaze returning to Millie. "Use that Take-Over man's tunnel to get everyone to safety; Ferra, Alicia, Eric, Emmerich, Alfie, Tanari.... everyone. I don't care if you have to knock them all out, but you need to get them to leave. All of them. It is too dangerous. I will hold Lucian away long enough for you all to escape. Outside there is a huge Forest Fire burning, but at the first sign you can and once everyone clears that, find the Magic Council and bring them here... I'll hold out as long as I am able to. We all will. All three Light Guild S-classes. Okay? Do you understand? I need you to get out of here and take everyone with you. " Here he stopped for a minute, his voice going deathly quite though he did lean in to kiss at her forehead gently. Holding her cheeks with his cold hands as he continued to peer to her face.

With that, the Shadow Mage stood tall and gave her a soft smile. A hollow smile as he brushed the strands of her blonde hair behind one ear. "I love you Millie."

Before she could response he was already turning and sprinting towards the fight, his deft fingers unhooking and slipping out his hooked and curved daggers with blades running parallel to his forearms. His black hair whistling slightly. Three S-classes against a Dark Guild Master was slim odds at best. But he wasn't about to let some Old Man get between him and his Guild. Not for the trust Maya, Lloyd and everyone else put in for him. He rolled the last pace or so before he suddenly came before Mizuki with his arms spread, literally standing in the way of her Shadow Beam. Facing her with arms still spread. It was too late for her pull back her attack but instead of blasting him as it should have, his whole body seemed to ripple for a second. An almost childish grin covering his face as he looked to the Dark Mage. "I love it when I'm right...Thanks for the Power Boost..." He said offhandedly, before he closed his eyes completely and turned around. Now Valken worked exclusively in the Shadow Realm but his powers while being able meld and morph into it were unable to spawn Shadows from nothing. He had to use the available Shadows in the area which put his Shadow abilities to mostly 2D forms. On the other hand the Dark Mage could literally birth the very darkness where ever she saw fit. And as such she was holding down Lucian while charging up her Shadow Blast. Slowly his eyes opened to reveal a dark purple glow and in a straight line Valken walked closer and closer towards Lucian. Arms half spread in a, come at me bro pose. Daring him to attack. A limb that was there one moment before disappearing only to return a moment later. Like a ghost.

Once he was within a pace of the man he only grinned further as his eyes belied his incredible hate at the man. "Black Flames Old Man? Well...Try and hit me. Go on, I dare you." The Shadows around him so thick, so dark, it was as if the very light and heat was being sucked straight in. Flicking his daggers like one might a flick knife in an absolutely blur at his hips. "While I stay in Mizuki's black beam, you can't hit me...A living, 3D Shadow Walk.... Here I am not alive, nor am I dead. Here, in the Dark, you can not kill me....."

"But. You can try." Smirking wildly at the end.

@Maki@Mitchs98@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@LeSoraAmari@Salt Lord@Isune@Colt556@Britt-21@Jackaboi

Kelica Zefara


The Forest Mage didn't know what to do, she spotted the wave of flames racing towards her and Emmerich. She knew Emmerich had flame magic but only on one of his arms, and only for his own flames, there was no way he could take on that blast without taking a massive hit as he did. But she knew he would step in front of the flames and would burn himself to protect her, that's just what he would do. She knew that. And he wouldn't say a thing in pain. He wouldn't worry her so. The girl's face scrunched up as if to scream but then another figure appeared before the two. She opened one eye then the other as she peered over Emmerich's shoulder, seeing Ryu of all people there with his arm outstretched. What was he doing? Lifting up a hand as if to rest onto Emmerich's shoulder but her eyes refused to look at him instead her gaze fixated on the Samurai's back. Was his body literally absorbing the fire? How was that even possible? She'd heard of people being able to conjure fire but absorb it into there body? She didn't even know if her other Mother, a Fire Mage, was even able to do that.

And besides that, where did he even come from? Last she checked he was holding his head after horribly burning that Siren....the wails echoing in her ears for a moment in her memories. Now he was here before them? Taking the brunt of the attack with little or no recoil. Her mouth opened as if to say something but then she turned and saw Chris approach carrying a girl she didn't recognize on his back. Or did she? She looked oddly familiar so maybe she had seen her sometime at the start of the Magnolia festival? Regardless she was out cold and Kelica couldn't help but feel a smidgen jealous. A blacked sleep sounded real good right about now even as her knees and legs shook more. "But....Ryu.... we can't leave here without him..." She whispered gently even as her eyes drifted to his back as he was still faced towards the Grimoire Heart Guild Master.

@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Isune@Maki@Mitchs98@Jackaboi@Colt556@LeSoraAmari@Britt-21@Salt Lord

Eric: You ain't gonna make me leave!


Eric was glad to hear that Mizuki was ready to fight. He watched as she sprouted tentacles from the ground in an attempt to restraint Lucian. Judging from the way she was fighting Eric may not need to jump in. Eric couldn't help but hear what Mr bond was saying. "Get the weakest Mages out?" Eric would definitely agree with that plan had Valken not mentioned him to run away too. "Yeah right I'm going to leave! I still gotta pay that old man back for trying to kidnap Alicia!" He noticed Valken jump in front of Mizuki's beam in order to get a power boost. Well since that attack ain't going to hit... guess Eric had better jump in too. Eric looked at Valken with a stare of determination, showing that he is NOT going to back down and without a moments hesitation he gave himself the arms and legs of a cheetah to sprint at Lucian and deliver strong lightning fast kicks and punches to any openings he could find while the old man was restrained. "What ya gonna do now huh?" Judging from the red haired girl's and Chris's attacks. The guild master seemed more vulnerable to hand-to-hand combat. Which is exactly what Eric excels at. He won't let his guard down though. Even if the old man is restrained he is still a guild master. Who knows what kind of tricks he could pull. He never noticed before but Eric could hear the sound distant explosions from above. "What is that?"

@Mykinkaiser @Rhodus @Isune @Maki @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Salt Lord @hudhouse



How do you piss off a woman in the middle of a decent duel? You turn up the heat and threaten people. Kirin zoomed high into the air to attempt her burst symphony when she saw the crimson flames licking at the horizon, flooding the sky with a belching smoke that smothered life like a looming blanket. It was a putrid sight that got her blood boiling to the ends of the Earth, and as such, she looked back to the party of five. She shoved her rear back, pushing her chest forward and kissed out towards them, before standing upright. She tilted her hip to the right, arched her head around to the left with closed eyes and genuinely waved. She said, "Cya later muffin fluffers! I would love to keep teaching, but this monstah has got to keep the party going somewhere else!" She twirled around, forming a white magic circle in the air and propelled off it, zooming towards and past the edges of Magnolia.

The blazing inferno only made Kirin start laughing as she floated high in the sky. She dropped down to the ground, overlooking the path into Magnolia. The festival would still be going on if it wasn't for this damned blaze. She sighed, maybe that's why the sabertooths wanted a fight so bad? To weak to do a thing, so they are angry someone else who could couldn't? Why didn't they just tell her?! She moaned in anger before she knew what she had to do. She called out to the sky, "LET'S DROP THE BEAT!" She leaped up once, before activating her signature technique. She practically exploded with wrath, unleashing a massive sound wave that rumbled the trees, and stayed for a few seconds. High in the sky, this intensely vibrating explosive radius seemed to be an attack until the flames died out rapidly! She spoke the calculations to herself, "By adding in the layer of energy below the energy layer of the flame, it is disconnected from its fuel source. The rapidly approaching winds and pressure caused by the sound also proceeds to cool down the object underneath slightly, lowering it from ignition temperature, allowing for combustion to be unfeasible unless being under constant danger by a Pyro."

The surprisingly smart Kirin would unleash her wings, landing in the now flameless area. She decided to flop down onto her rear and rest for a moment just to make sure no more flames spout up. She sighed before saying to herself, "What would I do without magic~?" 

@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Isune@Maki@Mitchs98@Jackaboi@Colt556@LeSoraAmari@Britt-21@Salt Lord @Zuka

Emmerich Faust

Emmerich was already turning to see the flames rushing towards them as Kelica shouted to warn him. Recognizing that there was no way to avoid the attack Emmerich's mind instead switched immediately to how he could best protect Kelica. Moving quickly he pulled her close to his chest, turning his back towards the flames and covering her with his body as much as he could. That done, he activated Mjolnir, covering his limbs with magic to provide as much extra defense for her as he could. Or at least that's what he would have done had  a redheaded man not stepped in and begun to absorb the flames, thus negating the need for Emmerich to protect Kelica. Emmerich would have been able to protect her, but not fully. Some of the flames would likely have still hurt her if he had done it whereas this way she remained entirely untouched by the attack, something that made Emmerich glad.

However, that mood was struck from him and replaced by anger as he saw the man who had hit Kelica earlier walking up with Tanari over his shoulder. Had he attacked her too? Well, whatever the case, and despite how much Emmerich wanted to punch the bastard, he was calm enough to realize that that wasn't the best plan given that they were still in the middle of battling the Guildmaster of Grimoire Heart. Speaking of that fight Emmerich watched as Valken ran forwards to enter into the combat, using a dark beam or some shit as cover, a mental battle of whether he should join in or stay to protect Kelica waging in his head. As much of a berserker as he was he did know his limits, if he entered into that fight he could very well die, which to be honest, wasn't something that particularly bothered him. However, he had promised to keep Kelica safe, and he couldn't do that if he died. The tipping point came when Lav spoke to him, telling him to get Kelica out of there if she wasn't in combat condition. Gritting his teeth in frustration Emmerich reached over and lifted the forest mage over his shoulder before making for the tunnel and ultimately outside.

@Rhodus  @Isune @Maki @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Salt Lord @hudhouse @Jackaboi

Lucian, Alicia, Ferra

Lucian Fight

Ferra herself had formed a wall of steel from the materials she'd eaten prior to shield herself. It was small and basically only covered herself seeing as she morphed her arm into it, but it worked. Painful, but she wasn't dead at-least. She was basically defenseless now though seeing as she'd exhausted her supply of materials to use for her magic. She looked around for Millie and the others to make sure they were okay, luckily it seemed Ryu had absorbed a great deal of the fire and fixed that issue for them. Shortly after Valken made his plan he walked over to Millie and the rest, trying her best to look everywhere but directly at her. "Sooo, what's the plan?" She asked.

Meanwhile Alicia was just happy that Mizuki and Eric were fine, she was mostly drained of her magic so she pretty much fell asleep as soon as she made sure they were fine and Mizuki bundled her up on the ground. She was worried she wouldn't of been able to help at all, but she had. Now all she could do was hope everything went okay from there.

Lucian, meanwhile, was simply observing the destruction brought on from the attack. He was expecting more, admittedly, but he had taken two mages out of the fight. Namely the girl who had been so foolish as to demand money from him in the situation she was in. Honestly, he would of attacked her anyway. But he still found it amusing she did that instead of outright attack. Lucky for him too, the girl was a fairly powerful fire mage, he'd give her that at-least. Not on par with himself, mind, but she would of posed a moderate threat. He was much more curious about the samurai-esque man who had absorbed his flames. He had heard about those who ate fire, the slayers, but never one that simply absorbed it into their body. He was most certainly a threat for the sole reason he could counter his magic, not to mention he seemed to get stronger from it.

He had little time to focus on it however before Mizuki finally decided to attack him, he smirked at her actions. He more or less allowed her shadows to restrain him, something of a test of the strength of her magic. He noticed her charging her beam attack, and at that point he started struggling against the shadowy tendrils a bit. "I must admit, you've grown stronger since we've last met." He told her. "Though...that strength extends to magic. Nothing else. You could of saved yourself, instead you protect others like you actually care about them. Like you think they care about you." He said, chuckling lowly and shaking his head. One arm was almost free by the time the beams fired, he intended on breaking out and suffering moderate damage from the attacks; however instead Valken appeared and seemed to absorb the shadowy beam.

At this Lucian arched a brow, not only did he basically protect him from the one attack other than Hibiki's that had caused him any real harm he also left himself wide open. However, he could tell the magic empowered him greatly, thus he didn't immediately jump to any conclusions of him being psychotic. Not only that...it didn't take him long to realize exactly who the boy was. At this he smiled maliciously, "Well well, I never thought I'd see you two in the same room...." He spoke, his voice laced with hate. "Interesting..." He mumbled. Neither Valken nor Mizuki seemed to recognize each other, it was obvious before now they'd never met and likely didn't know each others names. It amused him greatly to see his own grandchildren before him trying to kill him, a secret he'd never told Mizuki in the years she was with him. He had no intentions of telling them now either, it was obvious Maya had kept a lot of things secret from Valken. He had little time to say more until Eric came over kicking and punching him while he was restrained. He had to give the boy credit, he was smart to do so while he couldn't fight back.

After a few hits he was luckily able to teleport again, so with a snap of his fingers he did just that and teleported out of Mizuki's hold to end up behind Eric, an elbow aimed at the base of his skull. He doubted it hit, or if it did it'd do much damage. With his free hand he simultaneously shot a ball of fire at Valken, curious to see what would happen if it hit, or if it even would in his current state.
A heavy expression set itself on to the Mage's face, one full of kindness and sadness. "I'm not going to turn you in to the magic council, that would send you deeper into the rabbit hole. And I couldn't imagine the pain they would put you through." A small pebble fell onto Kim's head, prompting to make her look up to the ceiling. Large cracks had spread over the once smoothly cut stones, a collapse seemed to be imminent. Panic coursed through her, they would all be killed by the amount of stone that would fall. "Crap, we can't move with two injured."

A low grunt of pain was followed by a small stir from the brown haired Mage. Their green eyes finally opening to see a very red women holding him up, a small smile spread across his face. "Good morning Ashley. Thanks for getting me out of there." Slowly Aiden began to carry his own weight. He held his right arm and let out a sneer. "Man that witch did a number on me." Kim readjusted Eias back to her shoulder "You three stay still a moment, I'm going to  teleport us to the entrance. When we do, do not let anything touch you." 

@Jackaboi @Bolts @Britt-21

((rushed this sorry, I have a test to day to I have to study and shit)) 

Ashley Hart


Ashley looked up when Kim did, and noticed the crack "Well that isnt good..." she said before looking at Aiden who finally woke up. "You're welcome..." she said, only to hear that he was going to teleport them "You're joking right? You do realize you were chained up, hit with blood and recieved wounds from this one." she nodded towards Aya who seemed to be all... less murder-y "You cant use your magic power. I still have my own left. I can make an ice floor and we can just... skate across." looking at the wound on Aiden's arm again, she sighed and ripped some of her shirt -The part that didnt get blood on it- and moved to his arm, moving his hand and wrapping it "This is gonna hurt..." she suddenly pulled it tight but not too tight. Sadly, she knew that he would hurt more but it'd stop the bleeding.



Wyeth Fae

Magnolia Streets




Wyeth rubbed his sleepy eyes as he finally woke up in the middle of the park surround by the famous trees of the city. He hadn't been awoken by the commotion that had happened earlier that day with all of the mages going missing but his flock of birds were yelling it at him that something had gone wrong. He quickly jumped up from the ground and whipped the dirt of his clothes, not knowing if he actually cared about helping the others. His birds were yelling at him to go but he figured that a ton of other wizards had already gone to help them.

Ayano Soru : Hmm... I wonder if I should kill Lucian instead...


Kim isn't going to turn Ayano to the Magic Council? Why? Surely she wouldn't let someone like her free after all she's done. The kind voice Kim put on kinda annoyed Ayano. "So what do you want with me then? You surely wouldn't let me run away would you? You never know when I could end up stabbing you in the back." Although even after saying that she probably won't do it anyway. Right now she's just going with the flow to see how everything turns out. Pebble's are starting to fall from the ceiling. It seems that all the ruckus here and everywhere else is taking it's toll on the building. It probably won't last much longer. Ayano looked over at Ashley who seemed to be tending to Aiden's wounds and suggested that they skate out over teleporting. "I doubt we'd get out of here in time if we do that. I'd reckon it won't be long before this room collapses. Besides even if we do... Lucian would have finished all your friends by then." Ayano wasn't saying this to provoke them this time. It's just merely what she believes to be the truth. She doesn't really know how many mages are actually fighting him but from her knowledge the old man's chances of winning are pretty high. "If you want a chance to actually escape without any casualties, I'd recommend helping the mages fight Lucian, hell... Maybe I'll even tear his throat out for you. So you guys don't have to dirty your hands."

@purplepanda288 @Britt-21 @Bolts
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As Eias rested on Kim's shoulder, she went between hazy and clear vision. Getting nearly choked to death and then blasting yourself in the face with a bomb was probably the quickest way to die. Yet she was still there. She didn't even know what was going on anymore, her mind was far too boggled to have any decent plan. The pebble that fell on Kim's head bounced off and smacked Eias on hers. She let out a small quick whine from the discomfort. It was just enough to get her back into a more cognitive thought process. She rubbed the top of her head as she looked up at the cracking. Then there was talk about teleporting or fighting. She blew a small speech bubble. I-I don't know how useful I will be in a fight... but if we must, then I will do my best. I just hope there isn't another clone situation going on... She said before slumping back over Kim's shoulder. It was nice not having to move at the moment. 

  @Jackaboi  @purplepanda288  @Britt-21
Millie squeaked softly as she was suddenly pulled into a tight hug by he beloved Valken. She loved the feeling of their skin touching, and how tight his arms were wrapped around her. It really made the blonde girl feel safe and comfortable. She stared up into his eyes as he began to explain what he wanted her to do in the current situation. She was supposed to help the other mages escape before leaving herself, yet this isn't what she wanted to do. The S-Class healer wanted to stay and help out the most she could, after helping everyone escape. With if Valken or the others fighting Lucian got hurt? Who would be there to heal them? Besides, she could heal her own body up in a matter of seconds, as well as block attacks. She wasn't some completely worthless girl. "A-Alright Valken, I'll do just that for you..." she said to him, smiling back and giving him a quick kiss on his lips. It really felt like she was losing him right now, yet she knew that wouldn't be the outcome. Once Valken was off fighting Millie decided that the best course of action was to get the weakest out first, and that meant Alicia. The blonde girl quickly ran over to the small girl bundled up on the ground, picking her up gently and giving the younger girl a warm smile. "Don't mind me sweetie, I'm just getting you somewhere safe!" She cooed, running to the tunnel that Chris had found. Once outside she placed Alicia down in a safe place and went to help more people. 

Meanwhile Mizuki was locked in an intense battle with Lucian. Her shadowy tendrils had managed to wrap around the older mage and restrain him for the most part yet it wouldn't hold him for long. Lucian's powers didn't scare Mizuki at all, as she knew that she could withstand any physical attacks thrown at her. It was the words that would hurt. The man was evil, and he knew all the right words to say to discourage or anger her, and that's just what he was trying to do. Mizuki did her best to try and ignore him, but it was so hard. "No, I did save myself. I left that wretched guild you raised me in.  I'm actually happy, unlike my time with you. For the first time in my life I'm not alone, surrounded by people who actually care..." She growled to Lucian, the black orb in her hand growing larger and larger. However just as she fired it a sudden figure formed in its path, seemingly abosrbing the blast. Obviously this angered her as she put a lot of energy and magic into this attack and it seemed to be wasted. "What are you doing to my magic, boy?" She snapped, giving Valken a glare reminiscent of Maya's. Yet he wasn't blown away by the force, which was absolutely surprising. Perhaps this just powered him up, and the longer she held the beam on him the more powerful he'd get. 

Mizuki continued to charge Valken up with her shadow beam, energy quickly draining from her body. The stupid boy seemed to be taking his sweet time, taunting Lucian and slowly walking forward in the magic. She was tempted to stop the blast then and there to let him get his ass beat, but ultimately decided against it. He was in a light guild after all, and doing something like that would only hurt Sabertooth's reputation. "Hurry up you fool! I can't hold this forever!" The dark Mage was getting rather annoyed and exhausted. Though something did catch her attention. Lucian seemed surprised that the two of them were fighting together, yet she didn't know why. The two had never met before, so why was it surprising? Perhaps it was because they both used shadow magic? Only time could tell. 

The moment Lucian teleported away from the blAst Mizuki immediatley cut her feed to Valken. He should be powered up enough by now, and they didn't need to make it a 2v1. As Lucian struck Eric, the black haired girl used her shadowy arms to quickly throw slashes of darkness towards Lucian, her human arms conjuring a shield in front of Her fellow guildmate. The damage was done, but she wished to stop any more. "Boy, make yourself useful and attack him. I didn't waste my magic on you for nothing..."

(kinda got authors block. Sorry)

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @LeSoraAmari @Jackaboi

Lucian, Alicia, Ferra

Lucian Fight

Ferra herself had formed a wall of steel from the materials she'd eaten prior to shield herself. It was small and basically only covered herself seeing as she morphed her arm into it, but it worked. Painful, but she wasn't dead at-least. She was basically defenseless now though seeing as she'd exhausted her supply of materials to use for her magic. She looked around for Millie and the others to make sure they were okay, luckily it seemed Ryu had absorbed a great deal of the fire and fixed that issue for them. Shortly after Valken made his plan he walked over to Millie and the rest, trying her best to look everywhere but directly at her. "Sooo, what's the plan?" She asked.

Meanwhile Alicia was just happy that Mizuki and Eric were fine, she was mostly drained of her magic so she pretty much fell asleep as soon as she made sure they were fine and Mizuki bundled her up on the ground. She was worried she wouldn't of been able to help at all, but she had. Now all she could do was hope everything went okay from there.

Lucian, meanwhile, was simply observing the destruction brought on from the attack. He was expecting more, admittedly, but he had taken two mages out of the fight. Namely the girl who had been so foolish as to demand money from him in the situation she was in. Honestly, he would of attacked her anyway. But he still found it amusing she did that instead of outright attack. Lucky for him too, the girl was a fairly powerful fire mage, he'd give her that at-least. Not on par with himself, mind, but she would of posed a moderate threat. He was much more curious about the samurai-esque man who had absorbed his flames. He had heard about those who ate fire, the slayers, but never one that simply absorbed it into their body. He was most certainly a threat for the sole reason he could counter his magic, not to mention he seemed to get stronger from it.

He had little time to focus on it however before Mizuki finally decided to attack him, he smirked at her actions. He more or less allowed her shadows to restrain him, something of a test of the strength of her magic. He noticed her charging her beam attack, and at that point he started struggling against the shadowy tendrils a bit. "I must admit, you've grown stronger since we've last met." He told her. "Though...that strength extends to magic. Nothing else. You could of saved yourself, instead you protect others like you actually care about them. Like you think they care about you." He said, chuckling lowly and shaking his head. One arm was almost free by the time the beams fired, he intended on breaking out and suffering moderate damage from the attacks; however instead Valken appeared and seemed to absorb the shadowy beam.

At this Lucian arched a brow, not only did he basically protect him from the one attack other than Hibiki's that had caused him any real harm he also left himself wide open. However, he could tell the magic empowered him greatly, thus he didn't immediately jump to any conclusions of him being psychotic. Not only that...it didn't take him long to realize exactly who the boy was. At this he smiled maliciously, "Well well, I never thought I'd see you two in the same room...." He spoke, his voice laced with hate. "Interesting..." He mumbled. Neither Valken nor Mizuki seemed to recognize each other, it was obvious before now they'd never met and likely didn't know each others names. It amused him greatly to see his own grandchildren before him trying to kill him, a secret he'd never told Mizuki in the years she was with him. He had no intentions of telling them now either, it was obvious Maya had kept a lot of things secret from Valken. He had little time to say more until Eric came over kicking and punching him while he was restrained. He had to give the boy credit, he was smart to do so while he couldn't fight back.

After a few hits he was luckily able to teleport again, so with a snap of his fingers he did just that and teleported out of Mizuki's hold to end up behind Eric, an elbow aimed at the base of his skull. He doubted it hit, or if it did it'd do much damage. With his free hand he simultaneously shot a ball of fire at Valken, curious to see what would happen if it hit, or if it even would in his current state.

Millie squeaked softly as she was suddenly pulled into a tight hug by he beloved Valken. She loved the feeling of their skin touching, and how tight his arms were wrapped around her. It really made the blonde girl feel safe and comfortable. She stared up into his eyes as he began to explain what he wanted her to do in the current situation. She was supposed to help the other mages escape before leaving herself, yet this isn't what she wanted to do. The S-Class healer wanted to stay and help out the most she could, after helping everyone escape. With if Valken or the others fighting Lucian got hurt? Who would be there to heal them? Besides, she could heal her own body up in a matter of seconds, as well as block attacks. She wasn't some completely worthless girl. "A-Alright Valken, I'll do just that for you..." she said to him, smiling back and giving him a quick kiss on his lips. It really felt like she was losing him right now, yet she knew that wouldn't be the outcome. Once Valken was off fighting Millie decided that the best course of action was to get the weakest out first, and that meant Alicia. The blonde girl quickly ran over to the small girl bundled up on the ground, picking her up gently and giving the younger girl a warm smile. "Don't mind me sweetie, I'm just getting you somewhere safe!" She cooed, running to the tunnel that Chris had found. Once outside she placed Alicia down in a safe place and went to help more people. 

Meanwhile Mizuki was locked in an intense battle with Lucian. Her shadowy tendrils had managed to wrap around the older mage and restrain him for the most part yet it wouldn't hold him for long. Lucian's powers didn't scare Mizuki at all, as she knew that she could withstand any physical attacks thrown at her. It was the words that would hurt. The man was evil, and he knew all the right words to say to discourage or anger her, and that's just what he was trying to do. Mizuki did her best to try and ignore him, but it was so hard. "No, I did save myself. I left that wretched guild you raised me in.  I'm actually happy, unlike my time with you. For the first time in my life I'm not alone, surrounded by people who actually care..." She growled to Lucian, the black orb in her hand growing larger and larger. However just as she fired it a sudden figure formed in its path, seemingly abosrbing the blast. Obviously this angered her as she put a lot of energy and magic into this attack and it seemed to be wasted. "What are you doing to my magic, boy?" She snapped, giving Valken a glare reminiscent of Maya's. Yet he wasn't blown away by the force, which was absolutely surprising. Perhaps this just powered him up, and the longer she held the beam on him the more powerful he'd get. 

Mizuki continued to charge Valken up with her shadow beam, energy quickly draining from her body. The stupid boy seemed to be taking his sweet time, taunting Lucian and slowly walking forward in the magic. She was tempted to stop the blast then and there to let him get his ass beat, but ultimately decided against it. He was in a light guild after all, and doing something like that would only hurt Sabertooth's reputation. "Hurry up you fool! I can't hold this forever!" The dark Mage was getting rather annoyed and exhausted. Though something did catch her attention. Lucian seemed surprised that the two of them were fighting together, yet she didn't know why. The two had never met before, so why was it surprising? Perhaps it was because they both used shadow magic? Only time could tell. 

The moment Lucian teleported away from the blAst Mizuki immediatley cut her feed to Valken. He should be powered up enough by now, and they didn't need to make it a 2v1. As Lucian struck Eric, the black haired girl used her shadowy arms to quickly throw slashes of darkness towards Lucian, her human arms conjuring a shield in front of Her fellow guildmate. The damage was done, but she wished to stop any more. "Boy, make yourself useful and attack him. I didn't waste my magic on you for nothing..."

(kinda got authors block. Sorry)

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @LeSoraAmari @Jackaboi


Valken Truss

Grimoire Heart Entrance


As Valken was striding forth with the same level of hate towards Lucian as he seemed to be pouring out towards everyone else, the Shadow Mage couldn't help but start to grin. Normally so oddly cold and composed during his fights, there was something about this Grimoire Heart Guild Master that just got him all riled up. Valken had been searching for this Old Man for months, literally months, to gather any information before or after the Malina Dragon debacle and could gather very little Intel at all. He had to give the man credit, he was almost as illusive and sneaky as the Shadow Mage was. In a way he admired him for that, and in a way he hated him with the same passion for it. And yet here he was, after all this time, just appeared as if out of thin air. If only Valken could see the same twisted Malicious smile coating his face as Lucian Grey had. That over confident but calm exterior that made people hold their breath. The young man raised an eyebrow as he mentioned being surprised about Mizuki and him working together, and as such the Shadow mage had to glance over his shoulder for a split second to look to her. Of course he knew of her, he knew of everyone. And it was true they had never worked together. He remembered passing her very momentarily on his way through Crocus when the girl had supposedly cursed Grace with an inability to stand every time someone mentioned the name Masaki.

Was it really that unusual to have strong Light Guild Mages work together? Even as he peered behind him he noticed she shot him a cold, stern glare that instantly made the hair's on the back of his neck stand up. 'Damn witches...' He thought more to himself. Why were women here so scary? Why couldn't more be like his adorable Millie? Along with that stern look she seemed to demand him to start to use the power source of her Dark magic and he had to lean up almost casually with a wave of his arm. "Yeah Yeah, I hear ya, don't worry the Big Boy has got this all covered..." He said in a rather arrogant manner. It was all a front of course because in the back of his mind he still was trying to draw Lucian's attention so he wouldn't be tempted to try and attack the fleeing mages. As his head turned back around he noticed Eric try and attack Lucian close quarters and his eyes narrowed down. 'Idiot...' He hissed, the guy obviously wanted a death wish if he got in that close without a way to evade or escape as Valken had. As Lucian offhandedly fired a ball of fire towards him, normally Valken would pull some tricky evasion maneuver however with his body not unlike a living Shadow Ghost he simply grinned wider as the blast hit his very chest and stomach, before the very darkness simply absorbed it in. Snuffing the light and oxygen in much the same way as his Shadow Portal door had.

The embrace of the Shadows all around him, touching him and caressing him while he walked in the real world left an almost manic smile over his face. All of a sudden and after Eric had finished his attack Valken had charged the last few feet, attempting to shoulder charge the man to unbalance him. The next few motions were fluid as with everything Valken ever did. He was fast. Incredibly so. Even as he charged and even before knowing if Lucian as taken the hit or stepped away, Valken adjusted his balance and kicked out to slam his foot into his shin to further unsettle him, pulling a fist back to launch it straight into the guys gut then his other fist slammed just slightly higher right into the Old Man's solar-plexus. Winding him hopefully. Spinning on the heel of his back foot to strike out in a full 360 Round House kick even as his very leg wrapped around the man's neck and vaulted himself off the ground in a similar manner to what a Wrestler might, trying to use his very body weight to twist and tackle the man to the ground. As there bodies slammed, Valken putting himself at an advantage by forcing Lucian to land chest and face first into the ground, the Shadow Mage with the reflexes second to none forced his knee square into the Old Man's lower spine while fisting his hair and yanking his head back, arching his back in an incredibly uncomfortable manner. Then Valken slammed his Dagger hard into his right shoulder.

Even as Valken held the Old Man, he knew had he used any of his Fire Attacks Valken would be at an extreme disadvantage and even now he only got this far from his sheer element of surprise. Valken lifted his purple gaze to Hibiki floating to the side of the battle area his voice bellowing out. "I hear Fairytail is supposedly the strongest Guild in all of Fiore!! SO, if you want to be useful, why don't you show us all what your capable of, Fairy!"

Valken knew Hibiki was smart. Hibiki would have watched this entire scene, and even though Valken continued his hard words and cocky nature, his eyes forwent his real emotions. The Shadow Mage could only hold him down for so long and Hibiki needed to be the one to fire the shot. He needed to be the one to take The Grimoire Heart Guild Master out and Valken could only hold him for so long. Mizuki in a similar way could only keep him distracted so long.

They needed to end this, and now. And Valken wasn't even 100% sure if he could escape whatever attack it was that Hibiki planned on throwing out if they wanted to be 100% sure it hit the Old Man.

@LeSoraAmari@Isune@Jackaboi@Mykinkaiser@Britt-21@Rhodus@Salt Lord
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Hibiki watched the fight unfold before him from an aerial view, not attacking, but just watching the battle scene and seeing all of the other mage's attack, watching their every move and figuring out each of their fighting styles. Mizuki, the S-Class Mage of Sabertooth but better known to him as Alicia’s friend, launched a beam of black energy towards Lucian which was only then intercepted and absorbed by Valken, Lamia Scale’s S-Class. Upon the absorption of Mizuki’s attack, that would've most definitely caused Lucian some damage, Valken became shrouded in shadow. In fact, it would've been more accurate to say that Valken had actually melding with, and became the shadows. Moments earlier, Lucian launched a massive fire attack that was completely absorbed by Ryu, Hibiki smiled as the red haired swordsman finally listened to his words and joined in the fight. 


As both Mizuki and Valken continued the assault, Hibiki entered the fray once more. He still had a whole ton of magic waiting to be used, and figured he'd pour quite a bit of it into this attack. Darting around the area at breakneck speeds, Hibiki noticed that Lucian was being held in place and Valken signalled him to attack. "Just make sure you get away, shadow man, I don't want to be held accountable for injuring you." He said, a kind smile on his face as he directed it towards Valken, a playful tone in the males voice that obviously showed Hibiki was joking. The fact that Lucian was trapped was a good thing, it meant that they could potentially snag a direct hit on the old man. And, Hibiki had the perfect idea and was quick to turn toRyu as he charged up the magical energy in his hands. “Ryu, try and focus your flames into my next attack, if successful, we could end this. We’ll only have one chance of making a direct hit whilst he's restrained, so be quick!” Raising both arms and pointing his palms towards Lucian, a large sphere of cosmic energy appeared in his palms which got bigger and bigger until it seemingly exploded and was sent blasting towards Lucian. The blast much more powerful than last time, and the receding explosion would reflect that fact as well. After the attack was executed, he waited to see if Ryu could successfully meld his fire with his cosmic beam. Which if successful, would deal massive damage to Lucian. 


Now, it was a matter of waiting. Was this all going to end now, or would there still be more fighting to be done? Hibiki stared at his beam waiting to see what Ryu would do, and whether his plan would work or not. 


@Rhodus @Zuka @Maki @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @Isune @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Mykinkaiser
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Chris Lengheart(Horsey excavation services)

Chris created his tunnel and followed behind Emmerich as he entered. Chris slowly created the rest as the two walked. He watched as another person joined them, but didn't really say much. In fact, Chris remained completely silent as he held Tanari. After a while, they were finally out of the cave. Remembering that they were supposed to put out  fire, Chris listened for any sort of crackling and looked for any kind of smoke but was a bit surprised to find none. Perhaps someone else had already taken care of the fire. He looked at Emmerich slightly before raising up both arms to create two smooth stone slabs that looked almost like beds. Chris slowly lifted Tanari up onto the slab and laid her down, she needed some rest...and to be frank, so did Chris.

He turned his gaze to Kelica for a moment, and couldn't help but feel bad. Chris released his takeover and slowly walked away from the group to lean up against a tree. Looking behind him, Chris noticed all of the ash that stained the ground. Looking even farther back, he could see the remnants of some of the trees that had burned. Someone had definitely put out the flames, but that didn't mean a good section of the forest wasn't burned. Once again looking back to Kelica, Chris couldn't help but feel sorry for her. It also didn't help that Chris still had that overwhelming sense of guilt. From that point, Chris just stared at the ground, this entire day had taken both a physical and emotional toll on Chris.


Eric: I kinda deserved that hit...


The attack was going great so far, at this point Eric started to get a little over-confident about the fact that Lucian was restrained and failed to notice the free hand he used to teleport away. Eric was caught completely off guard which was a completely shameful thing to happen to him, while trying to figure out what happened he looked around and noticed an elbow heading straight for his head but it was too late to dodge or even block by then. The blow caused Eric to be knocked back and landed on the ground. He tried his best to get his mind set straight but right when he was ready to jump back in Mizuki already placed a shield to stop him from going back in. "Hey! What are you doing? 'm not done with him yet!" Although thanks to the shield it helped him look around and find Valken is already fighting Lucian. The old man looked like he was getting pretty badly beat up, "Yeah that's right! You can't beat us!"

After Valken finished and pinned him to the ground, a blonde mage started charging what looks to be some sort of sphere in his hands asking the kimono guy to merge his magic with theirs. Eric swore that he heard someone call him Hibiki? So that's the one that rescued Alicia from the dungeons? If that's the case Eric's gotta go thank him later. In the meantime he waited in anticipation for Hibiki and Ryu to execute their attack. They may only have one shot at this but if it lands then we could probably win the fight! Sure Eric wanted to deal the finishing blow but he's satisfied that he landed a few hits.

@Rhodus @Maki @Zuka @Isune @Colt556 @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @Britt-21 @LeSoraAmari @Mykinkaiser

Lucian and Alicia

Lucian Battle



Lucian grunted as Chris dug his claws into the back of his shoulder and flipped over him, buckling only slightly and that was from the sudden sharp pain more than Chris' actual weight. Lucian may look like your average frail old man but the same thing could be said about Gilad depending on how he decided to dress. Lucian himself was actually quite strong and skilled in hand to hand fighting, just not enough to take on Hibiki. Take on a Chris? Likely. He dodged Chris' attacks with relative ease, netting a few light cuts on his face but beyond that nothing serious at all. He was about to attack him himself, that was until Tanari came over and punched him in the stomach. He coughed from the impact as he was actually forced back a few feet, a burned patch on his clothes from the punch all the way to his skin which wasn't burned at all. He staggered a bit but managed to remain standing upright. Once again he was interrupted by wind blades cutting into him, it wasn't anything serious but they did some damage. Finally Hibiki's wisps started exploding on the ground around him, the explosions finally forcing the man off his feet to land a foot or two from the impact.

He stood up slowly, a bit shaken from the series of attacks but far from to wounded to fight. He took off the top of his now ruined suit and tossed it to the side, revealing his actually quite muscular and scarred form underneath, before brushing himself off. "I'm impressed." He commented. "You all fight so bravely against impossible odds, it's as if you think you can actually win." He told them, looking between each of them slowly. He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Foolish, you should of ran while you had the chance." That said he brought his arms slowly out to his side in a dramatic fashion, balls of fire slowly forming in each of them and growing larger. Slowly at first and then quickly, eventually they were the size of small boulders. Once this was done he quickly slammed his palms together, a circular wall of fire the height of the room washing out from him. Alicia had no time to respond to Eric, instead she repeatedly casted barriers over the three of them. She would try to help the others but she didn't have the magic nor the time. She managed to keep the three of them relatively safe, maybe a few light burns here and there, but she held out until the fire burned past them. She looked to Mizuki and Eric to make sure they were fine before laying back down to rest, she was basically out of the fight and completely exhausted. But she had helped like she was determined to do, at-least.

Mysterious Woman - Dungeon Entrance

The young woman remained perched up against the stone wall, her gaze flickering around the battlefield as she kept tabs on the movements of the various mages involved. Despite an almost constant barrage of attacks it seemed that many of the mages took a fair bit of down-time between their assaults. Given the sheer number of mages from an assortment of guilds all crammed into the fairly narrow corridor she couldn't exactly blame them. Nevertheless their combined efforts did seem to push Lucian back, even if only slightly. She allowed her gaze to linger on the blonde girl who seemed to shut down after her opening attack failed so miserably. The girl was not one of the kidnapped mages and she clearly lacked the power necessary to fight. She turned her attention on the kid beside Mizuki before continuing to look over at the other child brought through the wall by Valken. It truly baffled her why the light guilds would bring such individuals into the such a dangerous situation. Her focus was redirected back at the action of another combined assault sent Lucian back. A faint smile tugged at her lips as she watched the man conjure up flames in his hands. It was about time he actually did something beyond act as the light guild's training dummy.

A resounding clap filled the corridor as a wall of black flame crashed down upon them. The many mages around all did their best to shield themselves and their comrades in whatever way they could. Even the children managed to put up some form of resistance. As the wall of fire bore down upon her a simple white magic sigil appeared before her. On impact the wall of fire sharply changed color and ceased all movement, a snow white racing through the flames and seemingly turning them solid. Mere moments later the solid mass of white crumbled apart and dissipated into the air leaving the young woman entirely unscathed. During the attack one particular mage caught her eye. The red-haired man managed to do what none of the other mages could, he managed to devour Lucian's flames. Even those with slayer magic would find such a task difficult and yet he managed to not only devour the flames but seemed to be empowered by them. She made a mental note on that fact before allowing herself to survey the damage done by Lucian's attack.

While some of the weaker mages were taken out the blast seemed to have little effect on the majority of the cast. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked towards Lucian. She knew the man's power, she knew what he was capable of. Those facts did nothing but cause her agitation as she couldn't help but feel the man was not giving this fight the devotion it deserved. The counter-attack by the mages quickly reinforced this idea as Valken empowered himself with Mizuki's magic and brought Lucian to the ground with a surprising burst of speed and agility. Soon enough Fairy Tail's mage along with the redheaded boy seemed to do their own joint attack. How quickly the tide of battle could turn as even Lucian would have a difficult time with such a coordinated attack. As if that wasn't bad enough for the old man she watched as numerous mages slipped out through a tunnel made by the centaur. With his hands full there was no chance for Lucian to stop them, their freedom assured.

Seeing the end drawing near she pushed herself from the wall and looked over at the small holographic display hovering before her. As before she had managed to obtain valuable data from the conflict and with a quick tap of her finger the display minimized into nothingness. An explosion rang out and a powerful blast of air rushed through the corridor drawing her attention from her display back towards Lucian. A small sigh slipped past her lips as she folded her arms beneath her chest. "Had you simply given it your all from the start you wouldn't have been defeated so pathetically."  She casually made her way forward, stepping past the mages in the rear such as the pink haired boy and armor-clad female knight. She came to a stop at the end of the corridor, ignoring the mages that now found themselves behind her. Her brow was furrowed as she held a disapproving glare towards the old man, her demeanor seeming as if she didn't even recognize the group of mages' existence.

@Rhodus @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Genon @Zareh @Isune @Embaga Elder @Maki @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Jackaboi
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Cool Text - Miyamoto Ryu 198930987043650.pngCool Text - Dungeons 199230865577629.png

Ryu watched as Valken charged towards Lucian after absorbing the energy of Mizuki's beam attack. The shadow mage then proceeded to launch a flurry of attacks against the old man, relentlessly keeping up the onslaught of punches and kicks. The barrage was finished with a tackle as well as a strike from Valken's dagger. Then, as Valken held the old man down, he called for Hibiki to launch an attack of his own. As Hibiki raised his arms and started readying his magic, Ryu did the same, extending his right arm and building his concentration. His arm began to heat up, and red flames could be seen building up in his hand, of a slightly darker hue than they usually were. When Hibiki's attack finally shot towards Lucian, the flames in Ryu's palm also launched forwards, elongating into a stream and wrapping around the sphere of cosmic energy to form a spiraling wreath of fire along the surface of the sphere. With any luck, Lucian wouldn't be able to just shrug that off.

@LeSoraAmari @Maki @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @Isune @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Mykinkaiser

Kelica Zefara

Dark Guild Entrance


The Forest Mage was still stunned as she watched the Battle Field. That Shadow Mage fellow as somehow managed to start attacking Lucian Grey in a burst of attacks that left her dizzy to even watch, so she was even more surprised when there was a sudden force that lifted her up and off her feet, her eyes widening in shock as she glanced behind her to see the back of Emmerich's head. It only took her a moment to realize he had lifted her up and was already running towards Chris as his arm outstretched and made a tunnel, pure shock covering her face. "Em....EMMERICH WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Put me down!! We can't leave them in there, He'll Kill them all! Emmy!! Listen to me that's the Grimoire Heart GUILD MASTER! None of them will LIVE do you understand?! He will kill them all, just like the Dragon, just like at Malina! Emmy!!! PUT ME DOWN!" By now she was kicking and screaming out as she struggled with all her might against his hold. Even if he looked casual enough the guy could easily support a boulder with no problem, so even an offhanded lift such as he was doing currently was more then enough to contain her no matter how much the girl kicked and screamed and slammed her hands onto his back. It was only as she stopped screaming for one second did she spot Hibiki charge up a massive Cosmic Blast and Ryu extended his hand out a moment later, fire twirling and coiling around the beam in an incredible manner. Headed straight for The Dark Guild Master.

That's all she could see before a sharp turn prevented her vision anymore. She didn't know what had happened?! Did it connect? Did it back fire? They were going to die, all of them in there, every one of them! No one understood how powerful Lucian was, she had seen what he was capable of, with her own two eyes! A man, capable of controlling two huge Dragon beasts and furthermore Mages strong enough to tackle the strongest of their group. The Fire Dragon that had killed the Forest at Malina, the one she couldn't protect, the one she couldn't save!

Her breathing by this stage was past hyperventilation, she was seeing spots and her vision was blacking in at the sides. They were all dead and she couldn't help, she couldn't! She was too weak, she had nothing left, she had no magic, no strength, nothing! The girl's body finally, after all this time, caved in on itself. The shock, the magic drain, finally her body told her, enough was enough. Every muscle completely let go and the girl suddenly slipped and completely slumped onto Emmerich's shoulder, even falling from it in it's sudden weightless causing Emmerich to have to catch her. A complete dead weight as her blonde hair blew in the breeze of his quickened steps. 

@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Isune@Colt556@Mitchs98@Maki@Jackaboi@LeSoraAmari@Britt-21@Salt Lord

Chris Lengheart(Horsey excavation services)

Chris created his tunnel and followed behind Emmerich as he entered. Chris slowly created the rest as the two walked. He watched as another person joined them, but didn't really say much. In fact, Chris remained completely silent as he held Tanari. After a while, they were finally out of the cave. Remembering that they were supposed to put out  fire, Chris listened for any sort of crackling and looked for any kind of smoke but was a bit surprised to find none. Perhaps someone else had already taken care of the fire. He looked at Emmerich slightly before raising up both arms to create two smooth stone slabs that looked almost like beds. Chris slowly lifted Tanari up onto the slab and laid her down, she needed some rest...and to be frank, so did Chris.

He turned his gaze to Kelica for a moment, and couldn't help but feel bad. Chris released his takeover and slowly walked away from the group to lean up against a tree. Looking behind him, Chris noticed all of the ash that stained the ground. Looking even farther back, he could see the remnants of some of the trees that had burned. Someone had definitely put out the flames, but that didn't mean a good section of the forest wasn't burned. Once again looking back to Kelica, Chris couldn't help but feel sorry for her. It also didn't help that Chris still had that overwhelming sense of guilt. From that point, Chris just stared at the ground, this entire day had taken both a physical and emotional toll on Chris.


Kelica Zefara

Dark Guild Entrance

The Forest Mage was still stunned as she watched the Battle Field. That Shadow Mage fellow as somehow managed to start attacking Lucian Grey in a burst of attacks that left her dizzy to even watch, so she was even more surprised when there was a sudden force that lifted her up and off her feet, her eyes widening in shock as she glanced behind her to see the back of Emmerich's head. It only took her a moment to realize he had lifted her up and was already running towards Chris as his arm outstretched and made a tunnel, pure shock covering her face. "Em....EMMERICH WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Put me down!! We can't leave them in there, He'll Kill them all! Emmy!! Listen to me that's the Grimoire Heart GUILD MASTER! None of them will LIVE do you understand?! He will kill them all, just like the Dragon, just like at Malina! Emmy!!! PUT ME DOWN!" By now she was kicking and screaming out as she struggled with all her might against his hold. Even if he looked casual enough the guy could easily support a boulder with no problem, so even an offhanded lift such as he was doing currently was more then enough to contain her no matter how much the girl kicked and screamed and slammed her hands onto his back. It was only as she stopped screaming for one second did she spot Hibiki charge up a massive Cosmic Blast and Ryu extended his hand out a moment later, fire twirling and coiling around the beam in an incredible manner. Headed straight for The Dark Guild Master.

That's all she could see before a sharp turn prevented her vision anymore. She didn't know what had happened?! Did it connect? Did it back fire? They were going to die, all of them in there, every one of them! No one understood how powerful Lucian was, she had seen what he was capable of, with her own two eyes! A man, capable of controlling two huge Dragon beasts and furthermore Mages strong enough to tackle the strongest of their group. The Fire Dragon that had killed the Forest at Malina, the one she couldn't protect, the one she couldn't save!

Her breathing by this stage was past hyperventilation, she was seeing spots and her vision was blacking in at the sides. They were all dead and she couldn't help, she couldn't! She was too weak, she had nothing left, she had no magic, no strength, nothing! The girl's body finally, after all this time, caved in on itself. The shock, the magic drain, finally her body told her, enough was enough. Every muscle completely let go and the girl suddenly slipped and completely slumped onto Emmerich's shoulder, even falling from it in it's sudden weightless causing Emmerich to have to catch her. A complete dead weight as her blonde hair blew in the breeze of his quickened steps. 

@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Isune@Colt556@Mitchs98@Maki@Jackaboi@LeSoraAmari@Britt-21@Salt Lord

Emmerich Faust

Emmerich ignored Kelica's kicking and screaming with gritted teeth, it was taking all of his willpower to not rush in there to try and help like she wanted to do. However, he was rational enough to realize that he would better serve helping here, even if doing that ate him up inside with frustration and anger. Still, he had vowed to protect her and he was doing that by taking her away from the guild master. He had to trust that Valken and the others would do their part, that they would hold him off at least. He had to believe that or else he'd be in there with them, where he would only get in the way. It was infuriating, but it was also the truth.

Soon enough, the manic energy sustaining Kelica petered out and she slumped against him, unconscious. It was probably for the best to be honest. The girl had been through a hell of a lot today and she needed the rest. Hell, he could do with a drink, and a smoke for that matter. Setting Kelica down under the shade of a nearby tree Emmerich pulled a battered, but miraculously intact, box of cigarettes from a pocket and shook one of the few remaining ones out. He then put it in his mouth and lit it with his usual snap of the fingers while he replaced the box in his pocket. Taking a pull on the cigarette he looked around momentarily at the burned trees before catching sight of Chris again, his brow contracting into a scowl. Walking over he gritted his teeth again, quite obviously angry at the other man. Upon reaching him he wordlessly hauled closer before unleashing a swift, heavy punch straight at his face.

Chris Lengheart(Bitch I hope the fuck you do, you're gonna be dead son of a bitch I'll tell you that!)

Chris watched as Emmerich slowly approached him, that didn't matter right now. What mattered more as of this moment was the constant guilt that was slowly eating away at him. Emmerich's number on Chris' priority list soon shot up as the man launched a punch heading straight for his face. Chris easily blocked the blow using his left arm before hitting Emmerich with a open-handed strike to the chest that was meant more so to push him away than to deal any damage.

At this point, Chris wanted to charge the man and relentless beat the ever-loving shit out of him for trying to sucker punch him, but he didn't. Chris let out a sharp exhale as he got into a more relaxed stance. It looked as if Chris was going to stay and fight, but soon he dropped his hands as a set of wings that belonged to his dragon form shot out of his back. Chris suddenly took the the skies. At first, it looked like Chris would go for some sort of aerial based attack but surprisingly, he perched in a tree that was slightly burned. He found a limb sturdy enough to support his weight and sat down. Chris had actually restrained himself for once by not running in, guns blazing. Now, Chris wished that he could of used this self restraint when him and Kelica got into that fight. Instead of slapping her, maybe he could of just disarmed her, or kept her locked down in a hug. But he didn't, the past was in the past and Chris needed to stop letting things like that happen. He never meant to hurt Kelica, it was just instinct. "Someone hits you, you hit them back twice as hard" Chris could almost hear his dad saying. Maybe that wasn't always the case.

It'd defenately take some time, but Chris would have to start learning to better restrain himself. He didn't want to be some crazy brawler, he wanted to be a loving person.

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