Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC



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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;">Hibiki Dreyar -Lucian Battle- View attachment 328489 </span></p></div>

<p> Hibiki kept his gaze totally glued onto Lucian as he came blasting towards him at a demonic speed. His blue wings spread out to their maximum length as he neared Lucian by each closing second. When the two were practically a foot apart, the S-Class clenched his fist tighter and thrusted his punch towards Lucian's chest, however just before the attack could connect with the man, he opened a portal and stepped into it. Lucian vanished from sight, only to appear behind him moments later and then proceeding to send a gout of fire his way. The flames were hotter than your usual flame and their heat could be felt even though they hadn't made contact with him yet, and they were a black in colour, which further signified just how hot they were. In mere moments, Hibiki flew upwards and evaded the attack, the flames hitting the ground below him. Whilst floating in mid air, Hibiki opened up the palm of his hand and pointed it towards Lucian. Then, a large ball of pink energy gathered in its centre before seemingly exploding into a large blast of cosmic energy sent blasting towards Lucian. The attack would receed into an explosion of cosmic energy. After that was done, Hibiki noticed that Kelica had practically frozen in place. Waving his hand, Hibiki encased Kelica inside a cosmic barrier so that she wouldn't get hurt during the battle. Then, he simply waited for Lucian's next move. Not lowering his guard once, Hibiki kept his focus directly on Lucian even now. Their opponent was obviously incredibly strong, and to lower your guard would simply be foolish. @Kayzo @Britt-21 ) He slipped both hands into the shadows surrounding his body as his eyes stayed closed, literally merging his very mind with the Shadows so he could see and get a better look over the entire facility. His eyes scanned everything from the corridors, the battles, seeing a small group with a few prisoners having just escaped (@Kayzo @Genon @Embaga Elder @Isune @anyonelese <span style="color:#000000;">Lucian and </span><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;">Ferra</span></span><span style="color:#000000;"> </span><span style="color:#000000;"> </span><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;">Ferra actually hadn't fought Valken putting her on his shoulders at all, heavily curious to see what he was doing. She held her breath as instructed and soon they were somewhere else near Alfie. She shrugged as she was sat down and turned to Alfie smiling, "</span></span></span><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;">Hey I remember you from Malnia!</span></span></span></span><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;">" She told him cheerfully. She hadn't even noticed Tanari walk off or she likely would of stopped her.</span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#000000;"> </span> Lucian sighed lightly as his attack did little more than char the floor, oh well. It seemed it had at the least put Hibiki on the defensive, and now that that was done the only person he considered having to watch out for was Mizuki and Adrian. Adrian, while he wasn't sure if he had any offensive magic, made fairly strong barriers. Those would become troublesome. When Hibiki fired off his attack he shot a blast of flames at it to reduce the impact, eventually halting and crossing his arms in front of him to block the beam, grunting as it hit his arms and sent him skidding back a few feet from the explosive force. "Impressive.." Lucian mumbled to himself as he stood up straight. He was about to attack him again when Tanari walked up to him demanding money. He turned to face him, his gaze met with her finger, before he looked down at her with a bewildered look on his face. Did..she really not recognize the situation at hand? "You're...kidding, right?" He asked in disbelief, a slight frown on his face. He pinched his nose and sighed heavily, shaking his head as he did so. "You're as dumb as my members who failed if you still think that was a real mission." He told her. "You're even dumber not to realize what's going on." He added, not pausing for a second before sending a hook towards her face, not even bothering to add fire for extra impact.

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<span style="color:#ff0000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Chris Lengheart(I'll put my life on the line to protect those I care about)</span></span>






Chris watched in complete terror as an elderly looking man very easily obliterated a mage. He just sat there, completely dumbfounded as everything unfolded before him. That was when Kelica suddenly snapped and attacked the man with vines that had thorns strewn across. Then the old the man tried to attack Kelica, Chris tried to run over as fast as he could in a attempt to protect her, but Noah stepped in right on time to save her once again. Chris let out a sigh of relief as he gave Noah a thumbs up before watching as Adrian put the man into multiple barriers and sent him fly back. Then, Hibiki used some kind of satan soul and went straight up ballistic.





Waiting for the perfect chance to join the frey, Chris watched closely like a predator waiting for the perfect chance to kill its prey. When the oppertunity persented itself in the form of Lucian attempting to hook some girl Chris didn't really know, Chris came in charging at the man before suddenly switching to werecat form. He looked at himself for a brief moment, having a strong sense of guilt in this form. Now wasn't the time to feel sorry for himself, Chris had to help in anyway he could. As he ran up behind Lucian, Chris dug his claws deep into the man's shoulders before flipping over them. He was honestly surprised by how much muscles the claws dug into. He was even more surprised that this eledery man could support his weight on his shoulder like that. As Chris landed in front of the man, he took a wild slash at his  face with his claws before attempting a quick sweep. He knew that this was possibly one of the most idiotic ideas he had ever thought of, but for all he knew it could possibly pay off. 



<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/26922-zuka/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="26922" href="<___base_url___>/profile/26922-zuka/" rel="">@Zuka</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/24115-mitchs98/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="24115" href="<___base_url___>/profile/24115-mitchs98/" rel="">@Mitchs98</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/11325-lesoraamari/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="11325" href="<___base_url___>/profile/11325-lesoraamari/" rel="">@LeSoraAmari</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/20265-maki/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="20265" href="<___base_url___>/profile/20265-maki/" rel="">@Maki</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/22515-genon/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="22515" href="<___base_url___>/profile/22515-genon/" rel="">@Genon</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/24628-embaga-elder/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="24628" href="<___base_url___>/profile/24628-embaga-elder/" rel="">@Embaga Elder</a>

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hudhouse said:
Kirin smiled as five warriors stepped up to the plate. They began pumping his legs, loosening up, shuffling side to side as they spoke their words with a natural flow, "So my friends, it is good to hear ya'll wish to fight! This way, either way, someone is crawling out of a morgue, and I pray it ain't me but I am not knocking your talent! So... time for introductions.." They suddenly flew high into the air, music kicking up! They spoke with malice dripping out of their maw. They snickered before they let out their acidic spew, "I am Kirin, the S rank wizard of Blue Pegasus, keeper of the beat! I pray all of you can keep up to my sick beats! So...", They suddenly clapped with feminine charm. They smiled before tilting their head, closing their eyes. They squeaked out in a soft, cute voice, "let us begin!"
Their body erupted into a shower of red light. Music began flying out of them as they went into a cocoon of wrath. A pitch black cylinder rippled forth from the top of the Cylinder, followed closely behind by two notes that popped out. The stalks looked like notes, crimson symbols forming from inside glowing out. A white puff ball erupted from the center of the ball, followed by two golden lines. The ball erupted in the front, caving in before exploding into a shower of gore. The thick coat of the monster hung out, ending with golden bolts. The golden lines had developed into golden chains similar to that of a pocket watch. The white necktie poofed out, clearly inspired by a more ancient or royal culture. Their spine erupted into feathery black wings that seemed to envelop the sun like an Eclipse. The bright, glowing reds of their face and few lines in their body shined like a daemon's unholy grace. Underneath each feather was a light blue glow, giving a cyber-like look to the wings. Their overdeveloped armored thighs were a cherry red that caught the eye. Looking back up to the face revealed their glowing maw like formation. The same for their eyes, which seemed to almost never move. Adorning their head was the tallest top hat in history... probably. They floated on wings of valor, singing out with a majestic male singing voice...






The 8-foot tall monster immediately swept down into the Earth, forming a crater that gave them human sized slaps. They sang with a deep, clear singing voice that could be found unnerving, yet still sounded a bit unnerving with how calm it was, "Welcome to the bloodbath jump into the tub!" They would zoom forward, grasping two giant stones and attempting to sandwich Alice! They would beat their wings, sending themselves straight for Miles! They would try to tackle him like a football player, floating into the sky a bit before coming down with sharp claws aimmed for his chest. They kept on going without missing a beat, "Fist-fight, death-match come and join the club!" They would back flip before looking at as many targets as possible. Perfect...! They slammed their feet together, standing tall. They tensed their claws, bringing it close to their demented face. Their wings surrounded them a bit before they unleashed a wide blast of pure sonic wrath towards the party, trying to send all of them flying! The song kept on going as they would rush forward. They would spin, slamming to to another foot before trying to side ways kick Tyson to the face! "Kick-start your face with a metal-clad boot, you should give up now your retaliation's moot!"

(Time - 12 seconds)
Tyson watched as the fool flew up into the air, and informed him he was S rank. Tyson cracked his neck, and watched as they transformed."Hmm, good a challenge." He said watching them with his cold calculating eyes, the eyes of a predator.He didn't bother to react until they went after Miles. This was something you didn't want to do when Tyson was around.

Tyson crouched down, and the ground cracked beneath his feet as he jetted at the enemy. He used his momentum from his charge to power up his kicks. He leaped into the air as he came close enough to the enemy, and slammed his foot into them.(or at least attempted to) Then he dragged his feet on the hard ground, dragging up tile, dirt and other things as he did. He another crouching position once more ready to attack, but before he could the enemy was coming at him with a kick. He would have moved had he had time to, but unfortunately his feet where stuck in the ground. He grunted in frustration, and put his arms together in an attempt to block.

@Embaga Elder @hudhouse @Drakerus @Mitchs98 @purplepanda288
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<span style="font-size:22px;"><span style="color:#0000ff;">Eric: Seriously! Where are these mages coming from!?!?</span></span>




Eric stood in awe as the mages fought. Especially the blond haired one. (@LeSoraAmari) He was on an entirely different level from the A-class mage, but even with the combined forces of all of us would it be enough to defeat a guild master? Eric sat there considering his options until more mages appeared out of no-where. A pink haired mage (@Salt Lord), A small looking girl (@Mitchs98), A red haired girl (@Colt556) and... wait a minute... <span style="color:#0000ff;">"Oh god don't tell me that's 'Mr Bond' again..."</span> (@Zuka) Well there was no point in being picky, either way that is four more mages to fight Lucian with, which means our chances of winning just increased ten-fold.Thankfully it seems Chris decided to stop moping around and start fighting. This was great! Eric's confidence about winning the fight was growing more and more as each mage stood up and took arms against the Guild Master. All of this reminded him that he should probably do the same, unfortunatly he's never fought with anyone before except those in Sabertooth so he'd rather not get in anyone's way.





The purple haired mage looked like he was protecting Kelica from harm since she couldn't fight right now, Eric then decided to do the same for Mizuki and Alicia. With that in mind he thought of the best defensive/offensive form he could transform into and covered his entire body in dragon scales then stood guard in between Lucian and his guild mates ready to take any attack head on, even though his armour may not be enough He'll do what he can. <span style="color:#0000ff;">"Mizuki, Alicia... Until both of you feel like fighting I'm going to stand guard here. Don't worry about me, In this form I should be able to take most of that old man's attacks. So for now take all the time you need to recover your energy." </span><span style="color:#000000;">Eric's tone was much darker than usual, But this was normal for him, If any of his guild mates were to be put in any kind of danger. He'd turn into a completly different person, this was his serious side. Faster, stronger but unfortunatly far more reckless. He made a vow that he would never allow himself to lose what family he has left... Even if he ends up dieing doing so... </span>



@Kayzo @Isune @Genon @Rhodus @Anyone else I forgot

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<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/18115-salt-lord/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="18115" href="<___base_url___>/profile/18115-salt-lord/" rel="">@Salt Lord</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/20265-maki/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="20265" href="<___base_url___>/profile/20265-maki/" rel="">@Maki</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/22515-genon/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="22515" href="<___base_url___>/profile/22515-genon/" rel="">@Genon</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/24628-embaga-elder/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="24628" href="<___base_url___>/profile/24628-embaga-elder/" rel="">@Embaga Elder</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/11417-isune/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="11417" href="<___base_url___>/profile/11417-isune/" rel="">@Isune</a> @anyonelese <span style="color:#000000;">Lucian and </span><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;">Ferra</span></span> <span style="color:#000000;"> </span><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;">Ferra actually hadn't fought Valken putting her on his shoulders at all, heavily curious to see what he was doing. She held her breath as instructed and soon they were somewhere else near Alfie. She shrugged as she was sat down and turned to Alfie smiling, "</span></span></span><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;">Hey I remember you from Malnia!</span></span></span></span><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="color:#000000;">" She told him cheerfully. She hadn't even noticed Tanari walk off or she likely would of stopped her.</span></span></span></span></span><span style="color:#000000;"> </span> Lucian sighed lightly as his attack did little more than char the floor, oh well. It seemed it had at the least put Hibiki on the defensive, and now that that was done the only person he considered having to watch out for was Mizuki and Adrian. Adrian, while he wasn't sure if he had any offensive magic, made fairly strong barriers. Those would become troublesome. When Hibiki fired off his attack he shot a blast of flames at it to reduce the impact, eventually halting and crossing his arms in front of him to block the beam, grunting as it hit his arms and sent him skidding back a few feet from the explosive force. "Impressive.." Lucian mumbled to himself as he stood up straight. He was about to attack him again when Tanari walked up to him demanding money. He turned to face him, his gaze met with her finger, before he looked down at her with a bewildered look on his face. Did..she really not recognize the situation at hand? "You're...kidding, right?" He asked in disbelief, a slight frown on his face. He pinched his nose and sighed heavily, shaking his head as he did so. "You're as dumb as my members who failed if you still think that was a real mission." He told her. "You're even dumber not to realize what's going on." He added, not pausing for a second before sending a hook towards her face, not even bothering to add fire for extra impact.




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<span style="color:#ff0000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Chris Lengheart(I'll put my life on the line to protect those I care about)</span></span>




<span style="color:#000000;">Chris watched in complete terror as an elderly looking man very easily obliterated a mage. He just sat there, completely dumbfounded as everything unfolded before him. That was when Kelica suddenly snapped and attacked the man with vines that had thorns strewn across. That was when the man tried to attack Kelica, Chris tried to run over as fast as he could in a attempt to protect her, but Noah stepped in right on time to save her once again. Chris let out a sigh of relief as he gave Noah a thumbs up before watching as Adrian put the man into multiple barriers and sending him fly back. He then watched as Hibiki used some kind of satan soul and went straight up ballistic. Waiting for the perfect chance to join the frey, Chris watched closely like a predator waiting for the perfect chance to kill its prey. When the oppertunity persented itself in the form of Lucian attempting to hook some girl Chris didn't really know. In a matter of seconds, Chris was charging at the man before suddenly switching to werecat form. He looked at himself for a brief moment, having a strong sense of guilt in this form. Now wasn't the time to feel sorry for himself, Chris had to help in anyway he could. As he ran up behind Lucian, Chris dug his claws deep into the man's shoulders before flipping over them. He was honestly surprised by how much muscles the claws dug into. He was even more surprised that this eledery man could support his weight on his shoulder like that. As Chris landed in front of the man, he took a wild slash at the man's face with his claws before attempting a quick sweep. He knew that this was possibly one of the most idiotic ideas he had ever thought of, but for all he knew it could possibly pay off. <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/26922-zuka/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="26922" href="<___base_url___>/profile/26922-zuka/" rel="">@Zuka</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/24115-mitchs98/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="24115" href="<___base_url___>/profile/24115-mitchs98/" rel="">@Mitchs98</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/11325-lesoraamari/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="11325" href="<___base_url___>/profile/11325-lesoraamari/" rel="">@LeSoraAmari</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/20265-maki/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="20265" href="<___base_url___>/profile/20265-maki/" rel="">@Maki</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/22515-genon/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="22515" href="<___base_url___>/profile/22515-genon/" rel="">@Genon</a> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/24628-embaga-elder/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="24628" href="<___base_url___>/profile/24628-embaga-elder/" rel="">@Embaga Elder</a></span>




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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:36px;">Tanari Varos - Dungeon Entrance</span></span></strong>




She narrowed her eyes as the old man addressed her, why wouldn't she think it was a legitimate mission? He said to go investigate dragons, she went and investigated dragons. Clearly this old bastard was just a jewel-pincher and thought he could get away with not paying. She was about to call him on his nonsense when the old man suddenly sucker-punched her. Despite his old age the man was strong and the force of the blow coupled with her surprise sent her stumbling back before finally landing on her ass. Her hand instinctively shot up to hold her face where the man had hit her as she glared daggers up at him, tears welling up in her eyes. She grit her teeth as rage swept through her, little wisps of flame flickering around her as they grew in intensity. The fire quickly spread across her entire form as she got to her feet, shifting in color from a bright crimson into a deep blue. As if using her as a distraction a large werecat leapt overhead and pounced upon the old guy and begun clawing at him. Well if he was going to use her as a distraction then she'll simply have to return the favor. She brought an arm up to wipe away the tears and clear her version before bolting towards the man at an incredible speed. The sheer force she put into her lunge cratered the floor beneath her feet as the fire encasing her whipped about in a frenzy. Upon reaching Lucian she slid to a halt and shifted her weight, bringing her arm back before putting all her momentum and magical power into a punch aimed squarely at the old man's gut. On impact there would be a powerful explosion as if a shape-charge was detonated directly upon Lucian's stomach. The sheer force of the blast being more than enough to throw any normal mage careening down the corridor.

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Mitchs98 said:
@Kayzo @Genon @Embaga Elder @Isune @anyonelese
Lucian and Ferra

Ferra actually hadn't fought Valken putting her on his shoulders at all, heavily curious to see what he was doing. She held her breath as instructed and soon they were somewhere else near Alfie. She shrugged as she was sat down and turned to Alfie smiling, "Hey I remember you from Malnia!" She told him cheerfully. She hadn't even noticed Tanari walk off or she likely would of stopped her.

Lucian sighed lightly as his attack did little more than char the floor, oh well. It seemed it had at the least put Hibiki on the defensive, and now that that was done the only person he considered having to watch out for was Mizuki and Adrian. Adrian, while he wasn't sure if he had any offensive magic, made fairly strong barriers. Those would become troublesome. When Hibiki fired off his attack he shot a blast of flames at it to reduce the impact, eventually halting and crossing his arms in front of him to block the beam, grunting as it hit his arms and sent him skidding back a few feet from the explosive force. "Impressive.." Lucian mumbled to himself as he stood up straight. He was about to attack him again when Tanari walked up to him demanding money. He turned to face him, his gaze met with her finger, before he looked down at her with a bewildered look on his face.

Did..she really not recognize the situation at hand? "You're...kidding, right?" He asked in disbelief, a slight frown on his face. He pinched his nose and sighed heavily, shaking his head as he did so. "You're as dumb as my members who failed if you still think that was a real mission." He told her. "You're even dumber not to realize what's going on." He added, not pausing for a second before sending a hook towards her face, not even bothering to add fire for extra impact.
Alfie -- Lucian Battle

Alfie noticed Alicia not too far away from him and decided to return her smile and wave... but he had to focus on the matter at hand: the battle.

So much had been happening around the poor pink-haired mage that he started having trouble comprehending what was even happening at this point. Nearly everyone that was on the battlefield was attacking Lucian with all their might, including a few people he'd never even seen before, but the old man just didn't seem like he wanted to die today. Yet neither did his assailants... Alfie decided he'd wait until someone got really hurt to come in and replace them. But for now, he'd sit there and stay confused. Unless something or someone came to take his mind off of everything else... which it did. In the form of a small, kind-of familiar voice.

The mage looked behind him and saw a little blonde girl about the same age as Ophelia. She might have been right about them meeting at Malnia... but he couldn't remember much about her. "Do you really..." Alfie asked, giving a little smile so as to not make her feel like he was bored or something else that probably wasn't good. "Well that's nice." He ended it there, not sure what else to say.


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<p>Kirin smiled as five warriors stepped up to the plate. They began pumping his legs, loosening up, shuffling side to side as they spoke their words with a natural flow, <em><span style="color:#006600;">"So my friends, it is good to hear ya'll wish to fight! This way, either way, someone is crawling out of a morgue, and I pray it ain't me but I am not knocking your talent! So... time for introductions.."</span></em> They suddenly flew high into the air, music kicking up! They spoke with malice dripping out of their maw. They snickered before they let out their acidic spew, <strong><em><span style="color:#b30000;">"I am Kirin, the S rank wizard of Blue Pegasus, keeper of the beat! I pray all of you can keep up to my sick beats! So...",</span></em></strong> They suddenly clapped with feminine charm. They smiled before tilting their head, closing their eyes. They squeaked out in a soft, cute voice, <em><span style="color:#ff8000;"><strong>"let us begin!"</strong></span></em> Their body erupted into a shower of red light. Music began flying out of them as they went into a cocoon of wrath. A pitch black cylinder rippled forth from the top of the Cylinder, followed closely behind by two notes that popped out. The stalks looked like notes, crimson symbols forming from inside glowing out. A white puff ball erupted from the center of the ball, followed by two golden lines. The ball erupted in the front, caving in before exploding into a shower of gore. The thick coat of the monster hung out, ending with golden bolts. The golden lines had developed into golden chains similar to that of a pocket watch. The white necktie poofed out, clearly inspired by a more ancient or royal culture. Their spine erupted into feathery black wings that seemed to envelop the sun like an Eclipse. The bright, glowing reds of their face and few lines in their body shined like a daemon's unholy grace. Underneath each feather was a light blue glow, giving a cyber-like look to the wings. Their overdeveloped armored thighs were a cherry red that caught the eye. Looking back up to the face revealed their glowing maw like formation. The same for their eyes, which seemed to almost never move. Adorning their head was the tallest top hat in history... probably. They floated on wings of valor, singing out with a majestic male singing voice... </p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://orig02.deviantart.net/b669/f/2015/178/b/b/arsene_study_by_yuururuyul-d8yytwr.png&key=6cf61cfa7fa43cc826c71b709258e83e70ee0d81573f161a920bd48b208db127" class="ipsImage" alt="arsene_study_by_yuururuyul-d8yytwr.png" /></p></div>

<p> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#ff0000;">FIGHT</span></span></em></strong> [media]

<p> The 8-foot tall monster immediately swept down into the Earth, forming a crater that gave them human sized slaps. They sang with a deep, clear singing voice that could be found unnerving, yet still sounded a bit unnerving with how calm it was, <em><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">"Welcome to the bloodbath jump into the tub!"</span></strong></em> They would zoom forward, grasping two giant stones and attempting to sandwich Alice! They would beat their wings, sending themselves straight for Miles! They would try to tackle him like a football player, floating into the sky a bit before coming down with sharp claws aimmed for his chest. They kept on going without missing a beat, <em><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">"Fist-fight, death-match come and join the club!"</span></strong></em> They would back flip before looking at as many targets as possible. Perfect...! They slammed their feet together, standing tall. They tensed their claws, bringing it close to their demented face. Their wings surrounded them a bit before they unleashed a wide blast of pure sonic wrath towards the party, trying to send all of them flying! The song kept on going as they would rush forward. They would spin, slamming to to another foot before trying to side ways kick Tyson to the face! <em><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">"Kick-start your face with a metal-clad boot, you should give up now your retaliation's moot!" (Time - 12 seconds)</span></strong></em></p>



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<div class="ipsQuote_contents"><p>Tyson watched as the fool flew up into the air, and informed him he was S rank. Tyson cracked his neck, and watched as they transformed.<span style="color:#b3b300;">"Hmm, good a challenge."</span><span style="color:#000000;"> He said watching them with his cold calculating eyes, the eyes of a predator.He didn't bother to react until they went after Miles. This was something you didn't want to do when Tyson was around. Tyson crouched down, and the ground cracked beneath his feet as he jetted at the enemy. He used his momentum from his charge to power up his kicks. He leaped into the air as he came close enough to the enemy, and slammed his foot into them.(or at least attempted to) Then he dragged his feet on the hard ground, dragging up tile, dirt and other things as he did. He another crouching position once more ready to attack, but before he could the enemy was coming at him with a kick. He would have moved had he had time to, but unfortunately his feet where stuck in the ground. He grunted in frustration, and put his arms together in an attempt to block. @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Colt556 @Rhodus

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Tatsuya sighed and stired the drink he had ordered. It was a mix of cranberry juice, apple cider, and club soda. He enjoyed the tangyness of the cranberrys, mixed with the sweet starchy flavor of the apple juice, along with the tingle of the soda water. He especially liked the chioce because it was non-alchaholic. Tatsuya dident care for things that muddled his sense or dulled his mind. He preffered to be sharp and observant at all times. Any information could be useful, especially in a guild of wizards, the more he could learn the better, but he wasent about to go asking questions either. Observing would most likely tell him what he needed to know, though this group so far seemed like a bunch of odd balls, then again he hadent expected any diffrent


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<p><span style="font-size:24px;">Hibiki Dreyar -Lucian Battle:-


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<p> <span style="font-size:14px;">Hibiki stayed afloat in the air as Lucian was directly hit by the cosmic beam, which as a result, send him back a few feet but with no real injuries. The old man muttered something that of which Hibiki couldn't quite make out, but in all honesty it didn't really bother him that much. Before he could do anything, however, some crazy girl had quite literally barrelled in from no where and with her entrance, proceeded to jump up into the air and kick him so as to get him out of the way. Hibiki didn't really move that far, and of course was still afloat, however she had a bloodthirsty lookin her eyes and it seemed as though her and Lucian had some unfinished business she wanted to take care of. Which is fair enough. It wasn't until that moment that he recognised who she was, and simply waited to see what would happen. Lucian had sent her flying with a punch, and in retaliation Tanari charged in with the attempt to strike a blow against the old man.</span> <span style="font-size:14px;">Scanning around the room before him, Hibiki was pleased to see the new arrivals. They actually joined in on the fight, and didn't stand there like lemons like the others had. It was sad really, but it can't be helped. When Noah and Chris launched their attacks, and then Noah proceeded to tell Adrian to release Ryu, Hibiki simply sighed. The group needed all the help they could get, and Ryu was a capable warrior. Without a second thought, Hibiki soared towards the barrier that Ryu was encased within in a blink and slammed his fist into it, shattering the barrier and setting Ryu free. "Help bring down that man, he's the ringleader behind all of this." And then once again, Hibiki went airborn. Appearing a few feet away from Lucian but in midair, Hibiki raised a hand as five rather small will-o-wisps of cosmic energy appeared above his thumb and each finger. With a wave of said hand, the will-o-wisps of cosmic flame were sent cannoning towards Lucian as they grew larger in size and would aim to either hit Lucian directly, or surround him with the receding explosion of cosmic energy that would occur from each blast hitting whatever it did. </span> @Kayzo @Isune @Jackaboi @Rhodus @Genon @Zuka @Kyuubey </p>

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<strong><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#330066;">Valken Truss Team Bravado</span></span></strong> The Shadow Mage still held his chin in his hand and a soft sigh escaped his lips. Purple eyes rolling over the two girls and Emmerich. "<span style="color:#330066;"><strong>Looks like... it can't be help then.....</strong></span><span style="color:#330066;">" </span>he answered more to himself before he walked over and grasped at his girlfriend, spinning her around a fraction before pressing his entire front to her back, hip to hip, feet either side of her own. Once he was immitating what the couple had done a few nights previously, Valken grasped onto Frosty's arm and with little concern slammed his back to the nearest wall. A momemt later he bowed his head and snatched at Lavender's arm with a soft smile before moving her so she wedged herself back to Emmerich’s chest. "I<strong><span style="color:#330066;">'m sorry Miss Lavender... but we need to get to the Entrance as fast as possible which requires us to Shadow Walk... things are about to get intense so just... Try to relax..." </span></strong> It was here he moved Millie to have her entire mostly naked frame smoosh and caress right up in Lavenders front with a barechested Frosty as her back and a barechested Valken behind Millie. The Shadow Mage placed his hands and arms forward either side of Emmerich’s head, literally eclipsing the two women between the boys. Slowly his eyes closed as her fingers started to melt into the Shadow, Frosty's back the next to go. "<strong><span style="color:#330066;">Everyone hold your breath....we will be there soon." </span></strong>And without another second he stepped forward and forced all three along with him into the cool, dark, eager embrace of the Shadow Realm. Like swimming through a pitch black honey substance that literally tries to grab the very air from your lungs and pull you under forever. In a few moments Valken was the first to shoot out at a fast pace at the Grimoire Heart Guild Entrance, miss balancing then landing with a loud <em>oof</em> onto his back, before two girls and a Emmerich landed piggy on top on the weird half naked pile. Getting quite the odd stares had anyone looked to them. @Kayzo @Britt\-21

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<strong><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#330066;">Valken Truss Team Bravado</span></span></strong> The Shadow Mage still held his chin in his hand and a soft sigh escaped his lips. Purple eyes rolling over the two girls and Emmerich. "<span style="color:#330066;"><strong>Looks like... it can't be help then.....</strong></span><span style="color:#330066;">" </span>he answered more to himself before he walked over and grasped at his girlfriend, spinning her around a fraction before pressing his entire front to her back, hip to hip, feet either side of her own. Once he was immitating what the couple had done a few nights previously, Valken grasped onto Frosty's arm and with little concern slammed his back to the nearest wall. A momemt later he bowed his head and snatched at Lavender's arm with a soft smile before moving her so she wedged herself back to Emmerich’s chest. "I<strong><span style="color:#330066;">'m sorry Miss Lavender... but we need to get to the Entrance as fast as possible which requires us to Shadow Walk... things are about to get intense so just... Try to relax..." </span></strong> It was here he moved Millie to have her entire mostly naked frame smoosh and caress right up in Lavenders front with a barechested Frosty as her back and a barechested Valken behind Millie. The Shadow Mage placed his hands and arms forward either side of Emmerich’s head, literally eclipsing the two women between the boys. Slowly his eyes closed as her fingers started to melt into the Shadow, Frosty's back the next to go. "<strong><span style="color:#330066;">Everyone hold your breath....we will be there soon." </span></strong>And without another second he stepped forward and forced all three along with him into the cool, dark, eager embrace of the Shadow Realm. Like swimming through a pitch black honey substance that literally tries to grab the very air from your lungs and pull you under forever. In a few moments Valken was the first to shoot out at a fast pace at the Grimoire Heart Guild Entrance, miss balancing then landing with a loud <em>oof</em> onto his back, before two girls and a Emmerich landed piggy on top on the weird half naked pile. Getting quite the odd stares had anyone looked to them. @Kayzo @Britt\-21




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<span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#330066;"><strong>Lavender Gray</strong></span></span></span>



Valken was definitely in thought with the way he had his hand to his chin before grabbing Millie and holding him to his chest. Then it followed with Emmerich getting slammed into a wall and then she was grabbed and pushed against Emmerich's chest and soon sandwhiched with Millie who was pretty much naked <span style="color:#5900b3;">"I-If it cannot be helped... I have no complaints..." </span>if he wanted to take just one trip, that was fine. Even if the situation was the most of Awkward. Looking down at Millie, she spoke <span style="color:#5900b3;">"I apologise for not having extra clothes... I would have lended you my own."</span> Lavender felt sorry for Millie and hoped that she wasnt too embarassed. Lavender's cheeks however were a gentle pink due to the fact that Emmerich was pressed against her back. His body heat radiating off and hitting her lower back -which was exposed- and upper back. <span style="color:#5900b3;"><em>This has to be the most awkward situation I have ever been. </em></span>The warrior thought to herself as the group had been pushed through the shadows. As this happened, Lavender closed her eyes and tried to keep her mind clear. But that soon was disturbed by the sudden push which had her eyes shoot open to show that she was falling with Millie and Emmerich and the pile pretty much landed on Valken. The weight between Millie, Lavender and Emmerich.. It might have been too much for him and possibly K.Oed him. <span style="color:#8000ff;"><em>This situation cannot get any worse, can it...?</em></span>


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Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine smiled a ittle bit when Sakura approached her but only for a moment. When Sakura suggested they fight the strange performer, Tokine hesitated for a moment. She didn't want to hurt someone just because they were mildly irritating.

"I'm not sure that's a good-" she started but was cut off when Kirin announced that he would actually like to fight and that apparently he was an S-Class wizard. Still though, Tokine decided not to act just yet. She was a little skeptical about him being that high of a class by looks alone. It was then that the stranger underwent a radical transformation into some kind of demonic monster and began assailing the participants of the battle with a constant stream of devastating attacks. okay, maybe he WAS actually an S-class wizard. Luckily, he seemed to be focusing on attacking other battle participants at the moment,
especially those two boys who appeared to be brothers.

"Okay, maybe we should help." Tokine corrected herself and was about to take her battle stance when Kirin
unleashed a widespread sonic wave attack that was quickly coming their way. With lightning fast reflexes, Tokine moved to stand between Sakura and the oncoming attack. Without even blinking, she spoke.


"Guard Skill: Distortion" as soon as she uttered those words, a barrier of super hardened Etherano particles materialized directly in front of the two girls and blocked the attack. Afterwards, Tokine turned to face Sakura to assess her condition.

"Are you alright?" Tokine asked in a slightly worried tone. It was then that she realized she was holding Sakura's hand rather tightly and quickly let go, silently apologizing. She didn't even remember doing that. Huh...weird.
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Drakerus said:
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine smiled a ittle bit when Sakura approached her but only for a moment. When Sakura suggested they fight the strange performer, Tokine hesitated for a moment. She didn't want to hurt someone just because they were mildly irritating.

"I'm not sure that's a good-" she started but was cut off when Kirin announced that he would actually like to fight and that apparently he was an S-Class wizard. Still though, Tokine decided not to act just yet. She was a little skeptical about him being that high of a class by looks alone. It was then that the stranger underwent a radical transformation into some kind of demonic monster and began assailing the participants of the battle with a constant stream of devastating attacks. okay, maybe he WAS actually an S-class wizard. Luckily, he seemed to be focusing on attacking other battle participants at the moment,
especially those two boys who appeared to be brothers.

"Okay, maybe we should help." Tokine corrected herself and was about to take p her battle stance when Kirin
unleashed a widespread sonic wave attack that was quickly coming their way. With lightning fast reflexes, Tokine moved to stand between Sakura and the oncoming attack. Withotu even blinking, she spoke.


"Guard Skill: Distortion" as soon as she uttered those words, a barrier of super hardened Etherano particles materialized directly in front of the two girls and blocked the attack. Afterwards, Tokine turned to face Sakura to assess her condition.

"Are you alright?" Tokine asked in a slightly worried tone. It was then that she realized she was holding Sakura's hand rather tightly and quickly let go, silently apologizing. She didn't even remember doing that. Huh...weird.
@Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder @Solemn Jester @hudhouse
Kirin's eyes snapped wide open, for now, she knew exactly what she had to do. She ripped out of her cloaked form, leaping high over Tyson's kick. She hid behind Tyson as she unleashed her beam, trying to use him as a body shield against Miles! Kirin twirled around, manipulating her magic to create twenty glowing orbs of energy around herself. They were unleashed like chain guns, constantly blasting bursts of magic at Tyson! @Solemn Jester Their eyes turned to their next target, Sakura and the armored girl. She stomped, unleashing massive waves of magic that flooded the stage. Strangely, all of her attacks weren't designed to harm. They hit hard and disoriented the brain and senses, but they did little to no damage. Hell, some felt like they were soothing! She called out in her true voice, "Feel it everywhere?" She leaned her head in, their eyes darting around. They leaned in a bit closer, an inquisitive look burned into their near panicking face, "and you See it growing?" Her body erupted into an after image as they silently formed behind the impenetrable defenses of robo-girl Xeref-Jarvus 9.  @Drakerus

She raised her hands up as she took a few steps close to Sakura, @Mitchs98 "Enemies arise and the hate is flowing!" They clapped, opening their connected palms to unleash a fast moving orb that glowed a vibrant white close to her face, slowing down to a hovering specter of death. "Shattering the moon and bloodying the sky..."  The orb, still in its spot, exploded into a vast malice designed to KO! The explosion would hit the air just above the stage, ending up as firework colors to woo the audience to Kirin's side. All the while, Kirin's magic walls of disco pop begin forming, rippling the ground over! @purplepanda288 The warm up is done, and as the song is called... it's time to die~!

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Gilad Arcturus - Forests of Magnolia

He held the flat of his sword towards the brawler, using it as a shield to stave off the brute's punches. He allowed the man to push forward slightly before violently thrusting forward, throwing the brawler back into a few of his comrades. Not about to allow them to recover he let go of his blade with one hand and pointed at the downed brawler before giving a flick of his wrist upward. Without warning a flaming tornado tore out of the ground and lifted the brawler and those around him skyward before turning to slam them down into another group of mages with a powerful explosion. It was not often he fought alongside someone who dared make a mockery of his age. The question was whether this was the girl's natural personality or if she was putting on airs due to his presence. He was given little time to think over the possibilities as more Grimoire Heart mages were quick to descend upon him. He parried one of the mage's swings before overpowering the poor boy, shattering the kid's sword and slamming him into the ground with a gut wrenching scream of pain. A series of explosions rank out behind him quickly followed by the girl's continuing banter and another large blast. As expected mages of this caliber were no match for even a B-rank such as her. Flames crept along his blade, swirling around in a cyclonic rotation as he took a step back before giving another mighty swing. Unlike before the flaming tornado raced across the ground tearing up the earth and throwing the mages around like rag-dolls. Cracks begun to form along his blade, making his weapon's fragility known to those more observant mages. It was at that moment that another series of explosions rang out, this time right behind him causing his cape to flutter in the wind. The girl continued her banter, even going so far as to ask if he needed help. Without warning he spun around bringing his arm up over his head. As if pitching a ball he brought his hand down, throwing his sword at breakneck speeds towards the young girl. The blade careened through the air and covered the distance in mere seconds, giving the lass no time to react. The weapon whipped past Grace and slammed into the ground behind her with such force that it seemed as if a bomb had detonated. Screams of pain rang out as dirt flew up only to rain down on the girl. As the dust settled a dagger-wielding mage was laying unconscious on the ground a ways away from her, a large crater and shards of metal resting between the two of them. "Do not let your guard down, Miss Grace. The moment you underestimate your opponent is the very moment you lose your life." A bright light formed around his hand as he spoke before quickly shifting into the shape of his trusty great axe. With his replacement weapon in hand he turned back to overlook the battlefield. The two of them had done great work in thinning the herd as there was now only small pockets of mages still standing among the field of groaning and motionless bodies. Nevertheless the two of them would have to remain vigilant. The biggest threat when dealing with hordes of weak enemies was becoming complacent, and given who they would have to face complacency was not an option.
Grace began to snicker as Master Gilad never responded to her teasing. She assumed that the older man accepted these jokes and truths and was a little hurt by it, which was understandable. It was funny yet sad because she hurt and old guy's feelings. However she might have triggered him a little too hard. Her red eyes widened into plates as the a large gust of wind nearly threw her away. Before the short girl could even move a muscle an extreme shock wave scared the pants off of her and made her fall to the ground. She had no clue that there had been an enemy behind her, and assumed that Gilad was out to kill her. She was strong for her rank, but there was no way she could take out Gilad. Hell, no one could take out Gilad. "I-I'm sorry Guild Master Gilad! I really didn't mean what I said, it was just to lighten the mood!" She said with shut eyes, opening them slightly just to peer back at the Mage who had attempted to kill her. His words and motive actually surprised her. She was saving her rather than killing her, like what a Guild Master should do. "Oh... Thank you for saving me then. I won't let my guard down anymore!" Grace soon recovered from her little surprise and focused her attention on the two big baddies. Taking out those two would cause the rest to run, so they should really focus on those two. "Master Gilad, we should focus on the other mages, the leaders. Can you rush them with a big weapon? Or start throwing weapons at them? I can provide cover fire from here, but I can't fight up close." She asked, firing another volley of small rockets at an attacking Mage.

Gilad Arcturus - Forests of Magnolia

There were only a handful of mages left including the duo still holding their positions at the top of the steps. His gaze slowly drifted from one side to the other as a bolt of lightning arced down from the cloudy sky above to impact upon a couple mages trying to make names for themselves by attacking him. Grace's words caused the corner of his lips to curl slightly. While he already knew the result it was still beneficial to utilize the girl's suggestions and as such he held his hand out to his side as light formed within it. Within moments a long spear was clutched in his grasp as he shifted his stance, taking a step back and bringing his arm up. Again he he brought his arm forward, launching the spear directly towards the two Grimoire Heart mages. Upon reaching the two of them the spear exploded from the sheer kinetic energy, shrouding their enemies in a cloud of dust and debris. As the dust settled the flickering of some kind of barrier could be seen as an armored-clad woman was now standing before the two mages, her shield raised and emanating a faint glow. As he suspected their two primary targets were focused entirely on their act and had to be guarded. While keeping his gaze locked firmly upon their foe he spoke up to address his companion, pointing his axe towards the three mages that now stood in their way. "Those two are focusing all of their magic into canceling my own. If we can defeat their guards it will be our victory."

As if on cue a purple mist formed and swirled behind the knight before quickly being blown away to reveal another young woman in modernized wizard outfit and wielding a polearm. The wizard gave a smirk as she gave her staff a twirl before planting it firmly into the ground. "Sorry but we can't let you go any further. If we don't stop you our boss'll kill us, you understand." A large magic circle appeared above the wizard and mere moments later it unleashed a torrent of small purple orbs that careened out towards both himself as well as Grace. Numerous orbs of water formed around him appearing as if the moisture from the air was being pulled in and coalescing into baseball sized projectiles. Once formed they launched forward, each orb of water destined for one of the wizard's bolts of energy. While he did this he charged forward, making his way towards the knight and those she protected. Many of the energy bolts impacted the orbs of water and detonated into large plumes of mist. However many managed to slip by as the wizard had her hand dance around before her, directing many of the orbs to bypass the obstacles set upon them. Those orbs that managed to break through mostly impacted the ground around him, many more deflected by his mighty axe. Alas not all of the energy bolts were directed at him as dozens of them went far overhead and towards Grace.
Kelica Zefara Dark Guild Entrance
The Forest Mage was kneeling next to little Alicia with her arms outstretched still though her gaze was firmly to Mizuki. She wouldn't dare touch the girl unless the Dark Mage allowed it, but she hoped dearly she would help. As if to remember there conversation earlier, Kelica made another soft few words to reassure her. "I know I told you I do painful heals, but I am also a First Aid officer of sorts... I dabble in herbal remedies so I promise I won't do anything else to harm her..." Of course even as she reached out her hands towards her suddenly her emerald eyes went huge. She knelt there with hands still outstretched as her face completely paled, the palms of her hands visibly shaking. Her whole chest seemed to tense up and not even a second later she heard a high pitched scream in her head, so loud and so painful Kelica suddenly threw her hands over her ears like that might stop the sound. It was like Draneri, only worse. Much much worse. And not just one, but two, three, ten, endlessly screaming in her head that made her whole body haunch down as she held onto her ears. The sound was unbearable, mouth parted in shock. She had curled herself to the point her forehead almost touched the ground, eyelids slammed shut. Gasping in agony. The Forest was burning and it was screaming for her. Moments later a man strode down the stairs in the Grimoire Heart base but she didn't move from her spot or even acknowledge him, her whole body trembling. Her own fingers curled up into her blonde hair to the point she almost started to rip it out. Triggering her fight or flight mechanic. Her heart thundering to the point of excessive in her chest. And oddly, this time it was not flight that her body chose over. The voice of the Forest echoing, telling her 'It was him. It was him. He did it. He did it.' Even as the screaming continued. Facing away from the group as she curled down they would see nothing of her face. Only her shaking shoulders. Her body fully tensed. For a moment she almost looked like she were crying. But she wasn't. She turned slowly as her face remained hidden under the shadows of her blonde hair, to look to the man the forest had described. It wasn't just any man. This...this man was Lucian Grey. The same man who gave all those Mage's a warm dinner and a place to stay the day before the Mission. The same man who orchestrated the whole Trap to gather all the mages. To enlist the help of not one but TWO dragons. The same man who use a Mighty Red Dragon that in one breath had destroyed so much of the Forest there. Leaving it screaming in much the same way it was now. The same man who organized the attack at Malina that left her with nightmares every single day since. ~ The ground started to rumble once more, like a miniature Earthquake that only started to get louder and more intense. The very walls seemed to shake and shudder and groan. Slowly, in an almost creepy fashion Kelica pushed a knee underneath her body to come to a slow stand. Her shoulders remained tensed and her head bowed, though her fingers were clenched to the point her nails actually cut into the skin of her flesh. Fight or flight. Fight or flight. Fight or flight. Her body still tossing between the two. She was weak, so weak so frail. Or was she? Finally her posture straightened as her gaze finally slipped to the Dark Guild Master, her eyes nothing but a colorless Grey as her necklace swirled a deep green to the point of almost black. He would not recognize her, the girl one of the few that was concerned of his nature from the moment she had laid eyes on him at that dinner party, had felt for his emotion and found nothing. A Predator under the guise of Prey. But she knew now. His heart as black as his soul. She stepped forward slowly, her blonde hair was swirling around her as she grasped at Hibiki's arm and guiding him to turn and step aside as she walked past him. Even if Adrian spoke up, she didn't hear him. She stopped a few paces away from Lucian Grey, face blank. It happened so fast no one would have been able to prepare for it. In seemingly an instance the entire corridor seemingly exploded with roots and vines covered in razor sharp thorns, bursting from the floor, the sides, the roofs, quickly filling the all ready small space with so many roots that some Mages may have had to dodge though most would be unable to move more then arm around them. Like a 3D spiders web that was alive. She hadn't even lifted a hand as she normally would for her attacks, like she had connected with the Forest on such a deep scale she literally barely had to think and the barbed vines were there. But while the roots were compacted they mostly avoided the people in the corridor. The full brute of her attack came straight for Lucian Grey himself, coiling around him before attempting to lift the man completely off his feet and slam him into the ground. @Embaga Elder @Isune
Kelica Zefara Dark Guild Entrance
The Forest Mage had a blank expression as her vines covered in heavy set and sharp thorns wrapped around the Guild Master and slammed him into the ground. It was frightening just how little expression the girl had now as she took another step closer, cutting down on the distance even more. However with a simple wave of his hand he sent a on mass fire to burn up every one of her vines and roots, leaving dust and ash literally the entire walkway. Her eyes widened then as very slowly her eyes started to come to once more, the pupils filling in slowly before her emerald gaze returned, hands half lifted and fingers splayed in a surprised manner. The sheer ease he destroyed her full blow attack left her shocked enough her connection to the forest completely slipped away. She was stuck, like a deer in headlights. "Be a good girl and give up, Hmm?" He had asked. She couldn't believe it, she had used every last piece of strength she had at him and he completely shrugged it off like it were nothing...He was no different to the Dragon at Malina. No different. Coming in and destroying everything in it's wake. And she could do nothing. Her eyes becoming hollow as her arms dropped by her sides. He threw a fist sized ball towards her and she didn't move a single muscle. Her whole posture telling him she'd simply given up at that point. What point was there, he would kill them all. The blast tore towards her and this time she didn't even raise her arms or flinch. Accepting her fate. However the fire ball stopped moments before hitting her and was surrounded by a wind ball which literally sucked the very oxygen from it and extinguished it in seconds. One might expect her to cry or scream but the girl did nothing but still have that half shock, dead expression. At this point Kelica was watching but not seeing, her eyes were open but her expression blank and void. If an attack headed towards her she wouldn't even bat an eyelash, loosing herself in her own pointlessness. In fact the whole world seemed to tune out by that stage. What use was she? She couldn't attack, defend, nor even heal. She was literally exhausted and completely drained of energy. She could barely stand at this point. "We can't win this..." She whispered on a vague outward breath, still watching Hibiki charge and Adrian attack. "We can't..." She muttered. Guilt swallowing her to the point she had almost given up on life itself. @Rhodus
Emmerich Faust The golem was dead, Tanari had melted its head. This fact sent an intense wave of disappointment through Emmerich. He had been looking forwards to fighting the giant and to find that it would be defeated in such an anticlimactic manner was rather a letdown for the brawler. However, this, along with the lack of other enemies, did calm the man down somewhat, allowing him to once more have some rational thoughts. Make no mistake, he was still raring for blood, but at least he could now assess the situation a bit, which he promptly did. Due to this he took note of the exhaustion evident from both Tanari and Valken as he walked over to the two of them, Tanari heaving herself to her feet to wander off before he got there. Furthermore, Valken's eyes narrowing did not escape Emmerich, who, knowing Valken, figured that that wasn't likely to herald sunshine, happiness, and rainbows. Rather, it more likely meant that they had yet to see their full share of bloodshed, which suited the blonde man just fine. As he reached a hand down to help his friend to his feet he heard Tanari ask how they had gotten down into this area after failing to locate an exit.
Emmerich Faust "We fell down a chute into a pile of corpses and shit," he replied to her, traces of bloodlust still left in his voice. After all he was calmer than he was, but he was by no means calm yet.

Lavender Gray

Lavender had jumped back just as Tanari released her power upon the Golem which started to look like it was going to shatter, instead, he turned into molten rock which began to ooze out and soon have the golem on the floor. This let Tanari as well as Valken go down to the ground. Lavender switched back to her regular armor and walked over to Tanari and Valken. Of course the warrior had been quiet the whole time before Tanari began to walk, only to turn around and asked how they got down to where they were "I infiltrated this place. Unfortunately I had gotten drugged and brought down here." there wasnt much explaining to do since everyone was pretty much there. Glancing at Emmerich, he looked a little more human than wild and crazy At least he seems less terrifying now. she thought before looking at Valken who seemed a little off which made Lavender put up her guard. Why does his expression worry me so? Does he know something we do not? it was a lot to think about but it made her want to get everyone moving and trying to find a way out of the dungeon of the dark guild. If anyone else is in this structure... I wish them the best of luck. Glancing at Ferra, she smiled a bit. Something with children always seemed to brighten her mood. @Mitchs98 (Smiled at ferra) @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Colt556 (answered to)

Emmerich Faust The golem was dead, Tanari had melted its head. This fact sent an intense wave of disappointment through Emmerich. He had been looking forwards to fighting the giant and to find that it would be defeated in such an anticlimactic manner was rather a letdown for the brawler. However, this, along with the lack of other enemies, did calm the man down somewhat, allowing him to once more have some rational thoughts. Make no mistake, he was still raring for blood, but at least he could now assess the situation a bit, which he promptly did. Due to this he took note of the exhaustion evident from both Tanari and Valken as he walked over to the two of them, Tanari heaving herself to her feet to wander off before he got there. Furthermore, Valken's eyes narrowing did not escape Emmerich, who, knowing Valken, figured that that wasn't likely to herald sunshine, happiness, and rainbows. Rather, it more likely meant that they had yet to see their full share of bloodshed, which suited the blonde man just fine. As he reached a hand down to help his friend to his feet he heard Tanari ask how they had gotten down into this area after failing to locate an exit.
Emmerich Faust "We fell down a chute into a pile of corpses and shit," he replied to her, traces of bloodlust still left in his voice. After all he was calmer than he was, but he was by no means calm yet.

Lavender Gray

Lavender had jumped back just as Tanari released her power upon the Golem which started to look like it was going to shatter, instead, he turned into molten rock which began to ooze out and soon have the golem on the floor. This let Tanari as well as Valken go down to the ground. Lavender switched back to her regular armor and walked over to Tanari and Valken. Of course the warrior had been quiet the whole time before Tanari began to walk, only to turn around and asked how they got down to where they were "I infiltrated this place. Unfortunately I had gotten drugged and brought down here." there wasnt much explaining to do since everyone was pretty much there. Glancing at Emmerich, he looked a little more human than wild and crazy At least he seems less terrifying now. she thought before looking at Valken who seemed a little off which made Lavender put up her guard. Why does his expression worry me so? Does he know something we do not? it was a lot to think about but it made her want to get everyone moving and trying to find a way out of the dungeon of the dark guild. If anyone else is in this structure... I wish them the best of luck. Glancing at Ferra, she smiled a bit. Something with children always seemed to brighten her mood. @Mitchs98 (Smiled at ferra) @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Colt556 (answered to)

Valken Truss Team Brava-woah

View attachment 149144

Valken was sitting still with his arms looped around his knees. His expression obviously not going unnoticed but then again he wasn't trying to hide it anyway. He let his dark purple eyes slip closed slowly. He wasn't trying to ignore the others at all or seem rude, and he lifted a hand up to wave Emmerich off for a minute. He hoped Frosty could explain to the others why he was taking a long, solid breath and calming himself to do some Shadow Research. He just needed a moment to figure things out and Emmerich could explain in the meantime while he ignored Ferra, Tanari, Lavender and Millie. (@Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98 @Britt-21 ) He slipped both hands into the shadows surrounding his body as his eyes stayed closed, literally merging his very mind with the Shadows so he could see and get a better look over the entire facility. His eyes scanned everything from the corridors, the battles, seeing a small group with a few prisoners having just escaped (@Jackaboi @purplepanda288). Then his gaze was drawn to a huge magical energy source, the chilling Shadow that had made his spine crawl and gave him that feeling of reprehension from the second it stepped into his little Shadow Spider web. Grimoire Heart's Guild Master There was a battle commencing, the Shadows moving and flowing too much for him to get a good visual on anything, however the last thing he spotted was Hibiki, S-Class to Fairytail burst into one of his Ultimate Forms and rush the Guild Master himself. A burst of light illuminated and Valken's visual was gone. Valken slowly slipped his fingers and palms from the Shadows in the floor as he calmly stood to his feet, his expression none to pleased. "I carelessly assumed we could infiltrate this facility, grab the Kidnapped Mages and escape without detection. While regular grunts don't concern me much, as far as I can see there is only one Main entrance and exit, and Grimoire Hear's Guild Master is standing baring it's exit." His voice as dark as the look in his eyes, all sense of earlier cheekiness disappeared. He looked to Emmerich for a moment, before his eyes rolled over the remained of the group. "We need to get up there ASAP..." Running his fingers through his black hair as he peered to the roof. "The quickest way is Shadow Walk...but with this many...." His gaze lowering. He didn't even know if it was possible to do it the FIRST time with Millie, and he then did it AGAIN with Mikado and that blind boy. To do this many... "I will have to do two trips. But we can not delay; even at this moment The Dark Guild Master is engaged in a battle with a Fairytail S-Class and even he stands no chance." In a moment he strides over to Ferra and hoisted the girl rather unceremoniously over his shoulder, ignoring her screams if she made any, before hooking an arm around Tanari and bringing her body uncomfortably close. He peers over her shoulder to look to Millie, Emmerich and Lavender as they stand there. "Wait one minute and I'll return." He stepped forward then, using his body to herd Tanari as he did before he pressed the girl's back hard into the wall and made a soft grin down to her. "Hold your Breath..." pushing her body up somewhat off her feet against the wall before he forced all three into the Shadow Realm he liked to call home. Not even seconds had passed before Valken and the two girls slipped out, right beside Alfie of all people and he slowly withdrew his arm from Tanari and dropped Ferra from his shoulder. He didn't have time to look over the Battle Scene before he had stepped back and fell back into the Shadows and was roaring back to the original party. @Salt Lord Once again he stepped out again and rolled his shoulder, his eyes flowed over Lavender, Millie and Emmerich, a hand on his chin in thought. "Now how am I going to accomplish this....Three is awkward enough but Four......."

Hibiki Dreyar -Lucian Battle- View attachment 328489

Hibiki kept his gaze totally glued onto Lucian as he came blasting towards him at a demonic speed. His blue wings spread out to their maximum length as he neared Lucian by each closing second. When the two were practically a foot apart, the S-Class clenched his fist tighter and thrusted his punch towards Lucian's chest, however just before the attack could connect with the man, he opened a portal and stepped into it. Lucian vanished from sight, only to appear behind him moments later and then proceeding to send a gout of fire his way. The flames were hotter than your usual flame and their heat could be felt even though they hadn't made contact with him yet, and they were a black in colour, which further signified just how hot they were. In mere moments, Hibiki flew upwards and evaded the attack, the flames hitting the ground below him. Whilst floating in mid air, Hibiki opened up the palm of his hand and pointed it towards Lucian. Then, a large ball of pink energy gathered in its centre before seemingly exploding into a large blast of cosmic energy sent blasting towards Lucian. The attack would receed into an explosion of cosmic energy. After that was done, Hibiki noticed that Kelica had practically frozen in place. Waving his hand, Hibiki encased Kelica inside a cosmic barrier so that she wouldn't get hurt during the battle. Then, he simply waited for Lucian's next move. Not lowering his guard once, Hibiki kept his focus directly on Lucian even now. Their opponent was obviously incredibly strong, and to lower your guard would simply be foolish. @Zuka @Genon @Isune @Embaga Elder @Kayzo @Salt Lord @theorhersthers
Emmerich Faust The golem was dead, Tanari had melted its head. This fact sent an intense wave of disappointment through Emmerich. He had been looking forwards to fighting the giant and to find that it would be defeated in such an anticlimactic manner was rather a letdown for the brawler. However, this, along with the lack of other enemies, did calm the man down somewhat, allowing him to once more have some rational thoughts. Make no mistake, he was still raring for blood, but at least he could now assess the situation a bit, which he promptly did. Due to this he took note of the exhaustion evident from both Tanari and Valken as he walked over to the two of them, Tanari heaving herself to her feet to wander off before he got there. Furthermore, Valken's eyes narrowing did not escape Emmerich, who, knowing Valken, figured that that wasn't likely to herald sunshine, happiness, and rainbows. Rather, it more likely meant that they had yet to see their full share of bloodshed, which suited the blonde man just fine. As he reached a hand down to help his friend to his feet he heard Tanari ask how they had gotten down into this area after failing to locate an exit. "We fell down a chute into a pile of corpses and shit," he replied to her, traces of bloodlust still left in his voice. After all he was calmer than he was, but he was by no means calm yet.
Lavender Gray Lavender had jumped back just as Tanari released her power upon the Golem which started to look like it was going to shatter, instead, he turned into molten rock which began to ooze out and soon have the golem on the floor. This let Tanari as well as Valken go down to the ground. Lavender switched back to her regular armor and walked over to Tanari and Valken. Of course the warrior had been quiet the whole time before Tanari began to walk, only to turn around and asked how they got down to where they were "I infiltrated this place. Unfortunately I had gotten drugged and brought down here." there wasnt much explaining to do since everyone was pretty much there. Glancing at Emmerich, he looked a little more human than wild and crazy At least he seems less terrifying now. she thought before looking at Valken who seemed a little off which made Lavender put up her guard. Why does his expression worry me so? Does he know something we do not? it was a lot to think about but it made her want to get everyone moving and trying to find a way out of the dungeon of the dark guild. If anyone else is in this structure... I wish them the best of luck. Glancing at Ferra, she smiled a bit. Something with children always seemed to brighten her mood. @Mitchs98 (Smiled at ferra) @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Colt556 (answered to)
Valken Truss Team Brava-woah View attachment 329478 Valken was sitting still with his arms looped around his knees. His expression obviously not going unnoticed but then again he wasn't trying to hide it anyway. He let his dark purple eyes slip closed slowly. He wasn't trying to ignore the others at all or seem rude, and he lifted a hand up to wave Emmerich off for a minute. He hoped Frosty could explain to the others why he was taking a long, solid breath and calming himself to do some Shadow Research. He just needed a moment to figure things out and Emmerich could explain in the meantime while he ignored Ferra, Tanari, Lavender and Millie. (@Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98 @Britt-21 ) He slipped both hands into the shadows surrounding his body as his eyes stayed closed, literally merging his very mind with the Shadows so he could see and get a better look over the entire facility. His eyes scanned everything from the corridors, the battles, seeing a small group with a few prisoners having just escaped (@Jackaboi @purplepanda288). Then his gaze was drawn to a huge magical energy source, the chilling Shadow that had made his spine crawl and gave him that feeling of reprehension from the second it stepped into his little Shadow Spider web. Grimoire Heart's Guild Master There was a battle commencing, the Shadows moving and flowing too much for him to get a good visual on anything, however the last thing he spotted was Hibiki, S-Class to Fairytail burst into one of his Ultimate Forms and rush the Guild Master himself. A burst of light illuminated and Valken's visual was gone. Valken slowly slipped his fingers and palms from the Shadows in the floor as he calmly stood to his feet, his expression none to pleased. "I carelessly assumed we could infiltrate this facility, grab the Kidnapped Mages and escape without detection. While regular grunts don't concern me much, as far as I can see there is only one Main entrance and exit, and Grimoire Hear's Guild Master is standing baring it's exit." His voice as dark as the look in his eyes, all sense of earlier cheekiness disappeared. He looked to Emmerich for a moment, before his eyes rolled over the remained of the group. "We need to get up there ASAP..." Running his fingers through his black hair as he peered to the roof. "The quickest way is Shadow Walk...but with this many...." His gaze lowering. He didn't even know if it was possible to do it the FIRST time with Millie, and he then did it AGAIN with Mikado and that blind boy. To do this many... "I will have to do two trips. But we can not delay; even at this moment The Dark Guild Master is engaged in a battle with a Fairytail S-Class and even he stands no chance." In a moment he strides over to Ferra and hoisted the girl rather unceremoniously over his shoulder, ignoring her screams if she made any, before hooking an arm around Tanari and bringing her body uncomfortably close. He peers over her shoulder to look to Millie, Emmerich and Lavender as they stand there. "Wait one minute and I'll return." He stepped forward then, using his body to herd Tanari as he did before he pressed the girl's back hard into the wall and made a soft grin down to her. "Hold your Breath..." pushing her body up somewhat off her feet against the wall before he forced all three into the Shadow Realm he liked to call home. Not even seconds had passed before Valken and the two girls slipped out, right beside Alfie of all people and he slowly withdrew his arm from Tanari and dropped Ferra from his shoulder. He didn't have time to look over the Battle Scene before he had stepped back and fell back into the Shadows and was roaring back to the original party. @Salt Lord Once again he stepped out again and rolled his shoulder, his eyes flowed over Lavender, Millie and Emmerich, a hand on his chin in thought. "Now how am I going to accomplish this....Three is awkward enough but Four......."

Tanari Varos - Dungeon Entrance

"A chute into a pile of corpses n shit, eh?" She rested her hands on her hips as she repeated the brawler's rather vague and crude explanation. "And I assume by the fact that we're still here that that way isn't an option or something?" Wouldn't be the first time she had to scramble over corpses to get somewhere and getting up a chute didn't seem all that difficult. But judging by the fact that none of them seemed to put forth the suggestion so far it seemed like there might be more to it than she thought. Her attention drifted over to the grape knight as she somehow managed to provide an even more useless explanation. Her gaze slowly drifted over the grape knight's body. She couldn't help but think that wearing 'armor' like that it was obvious that the only viable outcome was being drugged and captured. Who wears metal armor when trying to sneak into somewhere? Either way her silent mulling didn't last long as the shadow mage finally spoke up and addressed the class. The mention that there was only one exit and it was being guarded by a Guild Master wasn't exactly the news she wanted to hear. Even at her best she probably wasn't much help against a dark guild's master. The mention of 'shadow walk' and 'two trips' piqued her interest, however, as it seemed Valken had some means of transportation to help get them where they needed to go. She watched as the shadow mage unceremoniously hoisted up the kid before making his way towards her and hooking his arm around her and pulling her close. "H-hey, I didn't..." The man didn't seem to care as he maneuvered her towards the nearby wall, her face reddening ever-so-slightly as she felt the cool stone against her back. "I didn't agree to this..." Even so her protests fell on deaf ears as the man lifted her slightly off her feet and told her to hold her breath. She was about to question the command when she felt herself suddenly sinking backwards into the very wall itself. Surprise and panic overtook her as she quickly began to squirm. Alas there was no time and right at the last second she quickly took in a deep breath and screwed her eyes shut as if she were being thrown into a pool. The trip didn't last long, only a few seconds. But within those seconds was the single most uncomfortable and disgusting experience she had ever had in her entire life. It felt like the very environment itself was trying to violate her and drag her into an empty abyss. She had even attempted to light herself ablaze only for her efforts to prove utterly fruitless. After those long, agonizing seconds came to an end she felt as if she passed through a layer and was back in a normal environment. Feeling the man's hand slide from her waist she tentatively opened her eyes, letting out a sigh of relief once she realized she was back somewhere normal. She was about to chew Valken out before he disappeared back into the shadows. "Whatever..." Another sigh slipped out as she turned to face her newfound situation. There were quite a few mages standing around. One was meditating in some kind of barrier while another seemed to be just standing in another. A few mages were just standing as they looked down the corridor. Following their gaze she spotted a few more mages. As her gaze fell on one such individual her eyes widened in surprise. Before she could even think she sprinted forward, running past the various mages as she made her way towards the grey-haired man. Once close enough she leapt into the air, planting a firm kick into the blonde-haired boy to knock him out of the way before landing nimbly on her feet directly before the older man. She stared up at the man, an accusing glare in her eyes as she pointed up at him. "You! You owe me money! I went to Malnia just like you wanted, even fought some crazy religious bitch and found dragons just like you wanted! Yet you were nowhere to be found. You can't just flake out after someone does a job for you!" She held her index finger mere inches from the man's face, her anger all but pouring from her. That was suppose to be her big payday and this rich old bastard screwed her over.

Valken Truss Team Bravado The Shadow Mage still held his chin in his hand and a soft sigh escaped his lips. Purple eyes rolling over the two girls and Emmerich. "Looks like... it can't be help then....." he answered more to himself before he walked over and grasped at his girlfriend, spinning her around a fraction before pressing his entire front to her back, hip to hip, feet either side of her own. Once he was immitating what the couple had done a few nights previously, Valken grasped onto Frosty's arm and with little concern slammed his back to the nearest wall. A momemt later he bowed his head and snatched at Lavender's arm with a soft smile before moving her so she wedged herself back to Emmerich’s chest. "I'm sorry Miss Lavender... but we need to get to the Entrance as fast as possible which requires us to Shadow Walk... things are about to get intense so just... Try to relax..." It was here he moved Millie to have her entire mostly naked frame smoosh and caress right up in Lavenders front with a barechested Frosty as her back and a barechested Valken behind Millie. The Shadow Mage placed his hands and arms forward either side of Emmerich’s head, literally eclipsing the two women between the boys. Slowly his eyes closed as her fingers started to melt into the Shadow, Frosty's back the next to go. "Everyone hold your breath....we will be there soon." And without another second he stepped forward and forced all three along with him into the cool, dark, eager embrace of the Shadow Realm. Like swimming through a pitch black honey substance that literally tries to grab the very air from your lungs and pull you under forever. In a few moments Valken was the first to shoot out at a fast pace at the Grimoire Heart Guild Entrance, miss balancing then landing with a loud oof onto his back, before two girls and a Emmerich landed piggy on top on the weird half naked pile. Getting quite the odd stares had anyone looked to them. @Kayzo @Mykinkaiser @Britt-21

Lavender Gray

Valken was definitely in thought with the way he had his hand to his chin before grabbing Millie and holding him to his chest. Then it followed with Emmerich getting slammed into a wall and then she was grabbed and pushed against Emmerich's chest and soon sandwhiched with Millie who was pretty much naked "I-If it cannot be helped... I have no complaints..." if he wanted to take just one trip, that was fine. Even if the situation was the most of Awkward. Looking down at Millie, she spoke "I apologise for not having extra clothes... I would have lended you my own." Lavender felt sorry for Millie and hoped that she wasnt too embarassed. Lavender's cheeks however were a gentle pink due to the fact that Emmerich was pressed against her back. His body heat radiating off and hitting her lower back -which was exposed- and upper back. This has to be the most awkward situation I have ever been. The warrior thought to herself as the group had been pushed through the shadows. As this happened, Lavender closed her eyes and tried to keep her mind clear. But that soon was disturbed by the sudden push which had her eyes shoot open to show that she was falling with Millie and Emmerich and the pile pretty much landed on Valken. The weight between Millie, Lavender and Emmerich.. It might have been too much for him and possibly K.Oed him. This situation cannot get any worse, can it...?


Emmerich Faust

Emmerich didn't resist as Valken sandwiched the two women between them before pressing him into the wall, allowing himself to melt into the shadows after taking a breath to hold. Once on the other side the blond man quickly extracted himself from the pile of bodies to take stock of the situation, immediately noticing the ongoing battle between some mages and an old man who seemed to radiate power whom he assumed to be Grimoire Heart's guild master. Instead of feeling fear as some might have Emmerich's face broke out in another wolfish grin as he grew more and more excited and he prepared to join the battle himself. However, before that could happen he noticed something that poured cold water on his emotions. He noticed Kelica standing with a hollow expression, as if she had given up on life itself. Gritting his teeth he changed his focus, trusting the other mages to take care of the situation while he hopefully dealt with Kelica. He made his way quickly across the room over to the forest mage,  taking hold of her shoulders once he reached her. "Oi, Kelica, you alright there?" He asked, leaning down to bring her face level with hers before pulling her into a hug, "I'm 'ere love, you'll be safe now." Internally the man was seething with rage at Lucian but, in a rare moment of restraint, he kept those feelings from showing as he comforted his oldest friend.
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Chris Lengheart(I'll put my life on the line to protect those I care about)

Chris watched in complete terror as an elderly looking man very easily obliterated a mage. He just sat there, completely dumbfounded as everything unfolded before him. That was when Kelica suddenly snapped and attacked the man with vines that had thorns strewn across. Then the old the man tried to attack Kelica, Chris tried to run over as fast as he could in a attempt to protect her, but Noah stepped in right on time to save her once again. Chris let out a sigh of relief as he gave Noah a thumbs up before watching as Adrian put the man into multiple barriers and sent him fly back. Then, Hibiki used some kind of satan soul and went straight up ballistic.

Waiting for the perfect chance to join the frey, Chris watched closely like a predator waiting for the perfect chance to kill its prey. When the oppertunity persented itself in the form of Lucian attempting to hook some girl Chris didn't really know, Chris came in charging at the man before suddenly switching to werecat form. He looked at himself for a brief moment, having a strong sense of guilt in this form. Now wasn't the time to feel sorry for himself, Chris had to help in anyway he could. As he ran up behind Lucian, Chris dug his claws deep into the man's shoulders before flipping over them. He was honestly surprised by how much muscles the claws dug into. He was even more surprised that this eledery man could support his weight on his shoulder like that. As Chris landed in front of the man, he took a wild slash at his  face with his claws before attempting a quick sweep. He knew that this was possibly one of the most idiotic ideas he had ever thought of, but for all he knew it could possibly pay off. 

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Maki @Genon @Embaga Elder

Eric: Seriously! Where are these mages coming from!?!?

Eric stood in awe as the mages fought. Especially the blond haired one. (@LeSoraAmari) He was on an entirely different level from the A-class mage, but even with the combined forces of all of us would it be enough to defeat a guild master? Eric sat there considering his options until more mages appeared out of no-where. A pink haired mage (@Salt Lord), A small looking girl (@Mitchs98), A red haired girl (@Colt556) and... wait a minute... "Oh god don't tell me that's 'Mr Bond' again..." (@Zuka) Well there was no point in being picky, either way that is four more mages to fight Lucian with, which means our chances of winning just increased ten-fold.Thankfully it seems Chris decided to stop moping around and start fighting. This was great! Eric's confidence about winning the fight was growing more and more as each mage stood up and took arms against the Guild Master. All of this reminded him that he should probably do the same, unfortunatly he's never fought with anyone before except those in Sabertooth so he'd rather not get in anyone's way.

The purple haired mage looked like he was protecting Kelica from harm since she couldn't fight right now, Eric then decided to do the same for Mizuki and Alicia. With that in mind he thought of the best defensive/offensive form he could transform into and covered his entire body in dragon scales then stood guard in between Lucian and his guild mates ready to take any attack head on, even though his armour may not be enough He'll do what he can. "Mizuki, Alicia... Until both of you feel like fighting I'm going to stand guard here. Don't worry about me, In this form I should be able to take most of that old man's attacks. So for now take all the time you need to recover your energy." Eric's tone was much darker than usual, But this was normal for him, If any of his guild mates were to be put in any kind of danger. He'd turn into a completly different person, this was his serious side. Faster, stronger but unfortunatly far more reckless. He made a vow that he would never allow himself to lose what family he has left... Even if he ends up dieing doing so...

@Kayzo @Isune @Genon @Rhodus @Anyone else I forgot

Tanari Varos - Dungeon Entrance

She narrowed her eyes as the old man addressed her, why wouldn't she think it was a legitimate mission? He said to go investigate dragons, she went and investigated dragons. Clearly this old bastard was just a jewel-pincher and thought he could get away with not paying. She was about to call him on his nonsense when the old man suddenly sucker-punched her. Despite his old age the man was strong and the force of the blow coupled with her surprise sent her stumbling back before finally landing on her ass. Her hand instinctively shot up to hold her face where the man had hit her as she glared daggers up at him, tears welling up in her eyes. She grit her teeth as rage swept through her, little wisps of flame flickering around her as they grew in intensity. The fire quickly spread across her entire form as she got to her feet, shifting in color from a bright crimson into a deep blue. As if using her as a distraction a large werecat leapt overhead and pounced upon the old guy and begun clawing at him. Well if he was going to use her as a distraction then she'll simply have to return the favor. She brought an arm up to wipe away the tears and clear her version before bolting towards the man at an incredible speed. The sheer force she put into her lunge cratered the floor beneath her feet as the fire encasing her whipped about in a frenzy. Upon reaching Lucian she slid to a halt and shifted her weight, bringing her arm back before putting all her momentum and magical power into a punch aimed squarely at the old man's gut. On impact there would be a powerful explosion as if a shape-charge was detonated directly upon Lucian's stomach. The sheer force of the blast being more than enough to throw any normal mage careening down the corridor.


Miles Redd Miles patiently watched as kirin ascended into the air introducing himself as an S class, from Blue Pegasus. He simply shrugged his shoulders as he spoke. He pulled a cigarette from the box in his pocket it and lights it with his lighter. He watched as Kirin took another form, causing Miles to only grin. When Kirin tried attacking the with boulders, Miles willed his aura to create big fist and burst through them shattering them and protecting the girl. When Kirin came for him, he chuckled willing his aura to manifest wings, flapping them sending him back, just was fast as she came towards him. He turned to the side as he saw his brother launching his way towards her. Miles planted his feet on the ground as Tyson attacker her. Protective as always brother. During Tyson's attack Kirin was able to catching him slipping and attempted to kick him, luckily Miles saw it coming and willed his aura to grab Kirin's ankle. He raised the temperature of his aura burning her ankle, causing a small first degree burn. His aura lifted Kirin up by the ankle as a big crimson fist made of Miles' aura attempted to hit her. If the hit made contact the aura holding her ankle will release her at the same time his punch made contact knocking her off the stage. @Drakerus @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288 @hudhouse


Noah Cross First Hibiki attacked head on resulting in Lucian to be pushed back only a few steps. He looked towards Kelica was Hibiki placed a shield around her. She looked as if she was down. Noah wanted to cheer her up he also had to help Hibiki against Lucian. Noah started his walk towards Kelica standing beside the dome around her watching Lucian carefully. Kelica why are you so negative. At first you were talking down about yourself, and now you saying we can't win. I mean come on girl, wheres your positivity. Yeah he's Lucian but come on there's a bunch of us and one of him. We might not be able to kill him, but we may be able to force him to leave. Noah spoke with a grin. He planned to continue but then a girl came from nowhere and marched her way up to him demanding money. Lucian didn't seem to like that, and sucker punched the girl. Before Noah could do anything a Werecat came from nowhere and attack Lucian, after the Werecat finish, the girl got her revenge and punched Lucian in the gut releasing an explosion. Noah pulled both his hand back then pushed them forward releasing tornado winds towards Lucian trying to force him back. He stopped the attack just so it cant be used against him, then pulled his hands back and swung them forward in a horizontal fashion sending razor winds at Lucian, to cut his body. Noah looked around at the group. Anyone else want to attack? He said grinning as usual. He then spots Ryu still in a dome. He looks at Adrian. Uh, mate I think its about time you release your friend over there. He seems calm to me. @Genon @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Isune @Jackaboi @Kayzo @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Colt556 @Rhodus

Hibiki Dreyar -Lucian Battle:-

View attachment 149299

Hibiki stayed afloat in the air as Lucian was directly hit by the cosmic beam, which as a result, send him back a few feet but with no real injuries. The old man muttered something that of which Hibiki couldn't quite make out, but in all honesty it didn't really bother him that much. Before he could do anything, however, some crazy girl had quite literally barrelled in from no where and with her entrance, proceeded to jump up into the air and kick him so as to get him out of the way. Hibiki didn't really move that far, and of course was still afloat, however she had a bloodthirsty lookin her eyes and it seemed as though her and Lucian had some unfinished business she wanted to take care of. Which is fair enough. It wasn't until that moment that he recognised who she was, and simply waited to see what would happen. Lucian had sent her flying with a punch, and in retaliation Tanari charged in with the attempt to strike a blow against the old man. Scanning around the room before him, Hibiki was pleased to see the new arrivals. They actually joined in on the fight, and didn't stand there like lemons like the others had. It was sad really, but it can't be helped. When Noah and Chris launched their attacks, and then Noah proceeded to tell Adrian to release Ryu, Hibiki simply sighed. The group needed all the help they could get, and Ryu was a capable warrior. Without a second thought, Hibiki soared towards the barrier that Ryu was encased within in a blink and slammed his fist into it, shattering the barrier and setting Ryu free. "Help bring down that man, he's the ringleader behind all of this." And then once again, Hibiki went airborn. Appearing a few feet away from Lucian but in midair, Hibiki raised a hand as five rather small will-o-wisps of cosmic energy appeared above his thumb and each finger. With a wave of said hand, the will-o-wisps of cosmic flame were sent cannoning towards Lucian as they grew larger in size and would aim to either hit Lucian directly, or surround him with the receding explosion of cosmic energy that would occur from each blast hitting whatever it did. @Colt556 @Embaga Elder @Mitchs98 @Kayzo @Isune @Jackaboi @Rhodus @Genon @Zuka @Kyuubey

Lucian and Alicia

Lucian Battle



Lucian grunted as Chris dug his claws into the back of his shoulder and flipped over him, buckling only slightly and that was from the sudden sharp pain more than Chris' actual weight. Lucian may look like your average frail old man but the same thing could be said about Gilad depending on how he decided to dress. Lucian himself was actually quite strong and skilled in hand to hand fighting, just not enough to take on Hibiki. Take on a Chris? Likely. He dodged Chris' attacks with relative ease, netting a few light cuts on his face but beyond that nothing serious at all. He was about to attack him himself, that was until Tanari came over and punched him in the stomach. He coughed from the impact as he was actually forced back a few feet, a burned patch on his clothes from the punch all the way to his skin which wasn't burned at all. He staggered a bit but managed to remain standing upright. Once again he was interrupted by wind blades cutting into him, it wasn't anything serious but they did some damage. Finally Hibiki's wisps started exploding on the ground around him, the explosions finally forcing the man off his feet to land a foot or two from the impact.

He stood up slowly, a bit shaken from the series of attacks but far from to wounded to fight. He took off the top of his now ruined suit and tossed it to the side, revealing his actually quite muscular and scarred form underneath, before brushing himself off. "I'm impressed." He commented. "You all fight so bravely against impossible odds, it's as if you think you can actually win." He told them, looking between each of them slowly. He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Foolish, you should of ran while you had the chance." That said he brought his arms slowly out to his side in a dramatic fashion, balls of fire slowly forming in each of them and growing larger. Slowly at first and then quickly, eventually they were the size of small boulders. Once this was done he quickly slammed his palms together, a circular wall of fire the height of the room washing out from him. Alicia had no time to respond to Eric, instead she repeatedly casted barriers over the three of them. She would try to help the others but she didn't have the magic nor the time. She managed to keep the three of them relatively safe, maybe a few light burns here and there, but she held out until the fire burned past them. She looked to Mizuki and Eric to make sure they were fine before laying back down to rest, she was basically out of the fight and completely exhausted. But she had helped like she was determined to do, at-least.

Eric: I wanna fight too...


Eric was very impressed with everyone's magic. They are all capable of so much yet he was here standing guard. Right now Eric was itching to get in and fight but he didn't want to abandon his guild mates. Hopefully soon Alicia and Mizuki will be up and ready to fight soon. The other guilds might be powerful but just wait until Sabertooth joins in. Although even after taking so many hits Lucian doesn't seem very phased at all. Eric knew he's a guild master but come on! He's got to at least be a little threatened! Lucian looked to be casting a spell of his own now, he created black spheres of flame in his hands. Eric's eye's widened as Lucian smashed the spheres together and a wall of flame started engulfing the room.

Eric panicked as he outstretched his arms to guard his friends behind him before some familiar barriers shielded them all from damage. He looked behind to notice Alicia was now resting after blocking such a massive attack. "Heh feel free to rest. You deserve it after blocking that kind of attack." Eric really meant that too. He could already feel the sheer heat of the flames as it approached him. He wasn't certain that his dragon scales would be enough to repel something like that, but yet Alicia managed to do his job for him instead. He soon turned his attention to Mizuki making sure she was alright too. "Alright I think that's enough resting. How about we go show the other guilds how Sabertooth fights eh?"
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Lucian and Alicia

Lucian Battle



Lucian grunted as Chris dug his claws into the back of his shoulder and flipped over him, buckling only slightly and that was from the sudden sharp pain more than Chris' actual weight. Lucian may look like your average frail old man but the same thing could be said about Gilad depending on how he decided to dress. Lucian himself was actually quite strong and skilled in hand to hand fighting, just not enough to take on Hibiki. Take on a Chris? Likely. He dodged Chris' attacks with relative ease, netting a few light cuts on his face but beyond that nothing serious at all. He was about to attack him himself, that was until Tanari came over and punched him in the stomach. He coughed from the impact as he was actually forced back a few feet, a burned patch on his clothes from the punch all the way to his skin which wasn't burned at all. He staggered a bit but managed to remain standing upright. Once again he was interrupted by wind blades cutting into him, it wasn't anything serious but they did some damage. Finally Hibiki's wisps started exploding on the ground around him, the explosions finally forcing the man off his feet to land a foot or two from the impact.

He stood up slowly, a bit shaken from the series of attacks but far from to wounded to fight. He took off the top of his now ruined suit and tossed it to the side, revealing his actually quite muscular and scarred form underneath, before brushing himself off. "I'm impressed." He commented. "You all fight so bravely against impossible odds, it's as if you think you can actually win." He told them, looking between each of them slowly. He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Foolish, you should of ran while you had the chance." That said he brought his arms slowly out to his side in a dramatic fashion, balls of fire slowly forming in each of them and growing larger. Slowly at first and then quickly, eventually they were the size of small boulders. Once this was done he quickly slammed his palms together, a circular wall of fire the height of the room washing out from him. Alicia had no time to respond to Eric, instead she repeatedly casted barriers over the three of them. She would try to help the others but she didn't have the magic nor the time. She managed to keep the three of them relatively safe, maybe a few light burns here and there, but she held out until the fire burned past them. She looked to Mizuki and Eric to make sure they were fine before laying back down to rest, she was basically out of the fight and completely exhausted. But she had helped like she was determined to do, at-least.

Tanari Varos - Dungeon Entrance

As soon as her punch landed the old man was sent stumbling back before being barraged by numerous attacks from the other mages. The combined assault seemed to do some damage as it forced the man even further back before throwing him to the ground. She slowly let her arm drop to her side as she waited to see if their efforts yielded any results. As the man got to his feet she couldn't help but click her tongue. For an old geezer he was way tougher than he had any right to be. She raised her hands as she prepared to lunge forward once more, he'd have to go down eventually after all. However a powerful surge of magic curbed that plan as the man stretched his hands out and conjured two orbs of black fire. She could feel the heat radiating out from the balls of flame as her eyes widened slightly. "Shit!" As a fire user herself she knew how deadly large scale attacks could be in cramped environments. She quickly reached back behind her, grasping the hilt of her sword as a small hydraulic hiss signified the clasp popped free. Pulling her sword free from it's sheath the sword glowed a brilliant crimson as wisps of fire danced along it's blade. Just as the old man slammed his hands together she brought her sword down and impaled the stone before her. A massive wall of fire erupted from the impact to form her own wall of vibrant blue fire.

She grit her teeth and poured as much magic as she could into her weapon, the blade's glow intensifying as the inferno she created met the old man's wall of black fire. The black flames overwhelmed the corners of her firewall, quickly surpassing them and crashing down upon her before continuing on to impact the barriers set up behind her. As the raging blaze died down she was left on her knees clutching the hilt of her sword. The ground around her was scorched pitch black while the immediate area behind her weapon was left relatively unscathed. The corners of her lips curled weakly into a small grin as the realization of her own survival dawned on her. However, the price of her survival was high and she had all but exhausted her supply of magic. Her sight blurred and faded as her grip on her weapon loosed. Mere moments later a dull thud signified her impact with the ground as she looked up towards Lucian who was still fit as could be. "I should have let them handle the golem..." A quiet whisper left her lips as her eyes closed and her consciousness left her.

@Rhodus @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Genon @Zareh @Isune @Embaga Elder @Maki @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Jackaboi


Emmerich Faust

Emmerich didn't resist as Valken sandwiched the two women between them before pressing him into the wall, allowing himself to melt into the shadows after taking a breath to hold. Once on the other side the blond man quickly extracted himself from the pile of bodies to take stock of the situation, immediately noticing the ongoing battle between some mages and an old man who seemed to radiate power whom he assumed to be Grimoire Heart's guild master. Instead of feeling fear as some might have Emmerich's face broke out in another wolfish grin as he grew more and more excited and he prepared to join the battle himself. However, before that could happen he noticed something that poured cold water on his emotions. He noticed Kelica standing with a hollow expression, as if she had given up on life itself. Gritting his teeth he changed his focus, trusting the other mages to take care of the situation while he hopefully dealt with Kelica. He made his way quickly across the room over to the forest mage,  taking hold of her shoulders once he reached her. "Oi, Kelica, you alright there?" He asked, leaning down to bring her face level with hers before pulling her into a hug, "I'm 'ere love, you'll be safe now." Internally the man was seething with rage at Lucian but, in a rare moment of restraint, he kept those feelings from showing as he comforted his oldest friend.


Kelica Zefara


The Forest Mage was completely disorientated. Her eyes were seeing but taking nothing in, there were attacks everywhere and everyone seemed to be focusing in on Master Grey. She heard someone approach from one side with some words, but they went in one ear and out the other. She was literally frozen on the spot with her arms hung loosely at her sides. Mouth still partially open as her brain had completely shut down. Her eyes a blank feature as she just simply accepted she could do nothing. There was nothing she was worth doing for. She was useless, some random girl with passive Forest Abilities at best. She couldn't help anyone, even her heals would be her most useful ability at this point she was too drained of her magic to use them. She didn't have a single drop left to spare. She was useless, she was so very useless and there was not a single reason why she should have still lived. Why did the tree even bring her back to life? She should have died bleeding out by Chris's bite, her death fueling the other Fairytail Mages resolve. Making them fight harder, stronger.

But she lived? Why? For what purpose? To die again later?

She felt a warm spread over her shoulders as hands touched her their, it was the first time she blinked rapidly since her roots had been so effortlessly ignited by Lucian. Like her mind was trying to come to grips with reality once more. Staring at a face that peeked down at her, but her brain couldn't seem to come to grips with who it was or what they said. Still staring but not seeing. Expression still blank. That was till those same hands slid down her arms and wrapped her into a tight hug. The sheer warmth of his very frame and closeness of his hold starting to bring her mind back to. Blinking a few more times. Who even was that? Who was holding her like this? It felt familiar. Too familiar in fact. Turning her head slightly as her face found itself wedged behind his ear, into the strands of his blonde hair.

"I'm 'ere love, you'll be safe now." A voice echoed in her ears. An unmistakable accent. His words only bringing into focus the very man they seemed to belong to.

"Emmerich..." She breathed out softly, as the realization finally hit her like a freight train. Her oldest friend. Her first human friend since the moment she left the Forest. Those months, spent together. Every day. How many times on missions did he say that. How many missions did he keep her safe from harm? How many? Her knees growing weak like the only thing literally keeping her standing was the fear, the shock and now that that was removed the exhaustion kicked in. Her vest a complete torn mess exposing her shoulder now healed but clothes still covered in blood. Her own blood. Her arms slowly started to lift up. Her mouth opened as if to say something but her attention was finally broken as she looked over her shoulder at him. Seeing the Guild Master with arms spread charge two huge fires and realization dawned on her face. In an instant he had thrown out a huge fire wall and it was rocketing towards the two. "EMMERICH LOOK OUT!" She screamed even as she took a step back out of instinct.

@Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder @Maki@Colt556@Jackaboi@Rhodus@Britt-21@Isune @Salt Lord
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Valken Truss

Dark Guild Entrance



Valken made a loud groaning noise as all three of the bodies fell straight out of the wall and on top of him, making three consecutive groaning and wincing noises as he did. After Frosty had fumbled onto him you could almost see stars in his eyes as he struggled to breath and push everyone off. After all the guy was all about Evasion and Agility so he certainty didn't have the physical strength to lift off all of them. Millie, yeah, but the other two as well? Almost to answer his pleas Emmerich was quick to scramble off the pile, and Lavender a moment later leaving a still half naked Millie pressed up all nicely against the man's frame. Avoid touching anywhere too inappropriate, after all the man didn't want to get too excited, and have to deal with the awkwardness of the others had he actually touched Millie all over like he had wanted to. Slowly he came to his feet and helped Millie to hers a moment or two later. Wrapping an arm around his shoulders as he put a hand to her chin, tilting her face up to look to his as he gave her a quick kiss on her lips. "You Ok? Didn't hurt anything did you?" His purple eyes seeping with genuine concern. After all he was always concerned with anything to do with Millie and always had been. He turned then slightly as he felt a massive surge of energy, trying to glance around the room to where everyone was, before his eyes narrowed down dangerously as he spotted Guild Master Lucian Grey himself.

The Shadow Mage put on his work face, his stone cold gaze as he watched him charge his attack before flinging it out before them all, and in a heartbeat he had deftly yanked a Millie behind his body and snatched Lavender to do the same as he forced her behind his stance with his arms spread. He knew Ferra was not to far away either and really they were the only one's in this situation he was concerned about. Emmerich didn't even factor into his mind as he assumed he could defend himself. He slammed his palms hard into the very ground before he lifted them up sharply literally dragging the very Shadow along with him. Yanking it up over his head like a huge Shadow Portal doorway, which in theory it was probably pretty close to. The flames rocked towards them all but he kept his palms behind the wall to continually feed it his powers and as the flames hit the barrier they seeped straight into it. Absorbing it almost like a hungry beast. The Shadow Realm had no oxygen and as such the flames simply ceased to exist anymore. Keeping the black portal way open he glanced over his shoulder towards the rest of his Guild-mates with his childish grin. "What in the world would all you guys do without me eh?"

@Mitchs98@Mykinkaiser@Britt-21@Isune @Jackaboi@Salt Lord@Rhodus@Maki@Colt556@LeSoraAmari@Genon@Zareh@Kyuubey@Embaga Elder
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Throughout the entire golem fight Millie was trying to find her clothes. She had no idea where her clothes were taken after she had been chained up, and she really wanted to find them. Being exposed in front of so many people wasn't exactly something she liked for obvious reasons. Luckily she had a cute pair of underwear on. Unfortunately due to the intensity of the fight and the size of the beast the blonde babe wasn't able to go far so instead she decided to watch and do any necessary healing. Her acid magic probably wouldn't be very effective against a giant monster made out of rock. Her eyes scanned the fight but couldn't help but keep drifting back to Valken. Not because he looked hot without his shirt on, but because she wanted to make sure he didn't get hurt. If she knew anything about Valken it was that he could be a bit reckless, and him getting hurt after they just reunited would be no good. Luckily the fight went rather smoothly, the group of mage's managed to take down the golem. Now all that was left to do was find Millie's clothes, but once again an obstacle was put in her way, one she couldn't get around. A small squeak escaped Millie's mouth as Valken suddenly grabbed her by the hips, spun her around, and tightly pressed against her back. "V-Valken! Do you really have to do something like that when there are so many people around? It's embarrassing..." She thought that he was doing his usual perverted antics just to get on her nerves, and because she was so invested in the search for clothes she had no idea that they were teleporting to the Lucian battle. However she slowly began to piece things together as the rest of the mage's got close and personal. A bright red blush grew on her face and the purple haired warrior was squished up against her front. The two ladies weren't cutting boards by any means, their big breasts only adding to the uncomfortableness at hand. "Oh, I wouldn't expect you to have any extra clothes anyways. Thank you though." She said the Lavender, not once making eye contact with her. Once Emmerich was positioned and primed behind lavender as Valken was to her, the four began to slowly sink into the shadows. Taking in a deep breath (which only pushed her chest out more onto Lavender) Millie waited for her least favorite mode of transportation to be over. 

After what felt like hours but was merely seconds, the group popped up in a different location, the four falling down into one big dog pile of almost naked people. Fortunately for Lavender it would be a soft landing, but for poor Valken he must've broken a bone or two. As the weight was lifted Millie rolled off Valken and landed on her back with an oomph. She didn't know where they were but she knew a fight was taking place, a big one too. Taking Valken's hands she rose up and leaned into his body, returning the kiss she was given. It was sweet to see him so worried about her wellbeing. "Don't worry Valken, I'm ok. No one hurt me while you were away, but I'm glad you found me. I missed you a lot..." But their sweet moment was interrupted by the dark man himself Lucian. With a sudden yank Millie found herself behind Valken, a large wall of shadows shielding them from the blow. Once again Valken had saved her life, the second time that day. He's definetly a keeper. 

@Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Britt-21@mitchs98

Chris Lengheart (I'm not about to become a medium-rare steak!)

Chris watched as that girl Chris had seemingly used as a distract began to fight back as well. She basically made her fist explode as the man was actually knocked back slightly. That's when the rest of the man's attackers got off little hits of their own. Chris was downright amazed by how this man was easily able to tank each of their attacks. There was hardly a scratch on him aside from a few from where Chris' claws had sunk into his shoulders. Chris just sat there with his tail swaying from right to left, almost as if he was trying to think of an angle to attack from. When the dark guild master shot a giant wall of flames with no sign of escape, Chris quickly changed back to human form and backed up against a wall.

Thinking quickly, Chris changed to centaur form and quickly created a tunnel for himself. Looking back at the girl as the tunnel closed behind him, Chris watched as she made her own inferno and basically battled with the dark flames that were launched at her. Once the tunnel was completely shut behind him, Chris could easy tell that the flames had struck the wall he was now in since there was a small glow radiating off of the cracks in the rocks which quickly died down.

Once he felt like it was safe, Chris exited the tunnel and looked over to the girl. She was out cold. Chris quickly picked her up and held her in his arms before galloping off from the battle. He looked over and noticed that another man was with Kelica. It was clear that he had protected her, which put Chris at ease slightly. Once he felt like he was far enough, Chris waved an arm as the earth formed a dome around Chris and the unconscious girl. He placed her gently on the ground and shook her slightly,"Hey,Chris said while trying to get the girl to wake up "You need to wake up.

Normally, Chris would try to keep his cool in situations like this. But when you have a man that could burn you alive not all that far away and no clue if he's planning an attack on you, keeping your cool is a much harder task. Looking at her a bit closer, Chris noticed that she didn't have any burns on her, so that was a good sign. That meant he wouldn't have to treat any burns. Chris tried his best to keep his eyes on the girl and his ears on whatever was going on outside of the dome. Once she woke up though, Chris had a few questions to ask. One of which being "What was that about money?".

@Rhodus @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Genon @Zareh @Isune @Embaga Elder @Maki @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Jackaboi
Mizuki seemed completely unphased by the battle against Lucian that raged around her, the girl fighting a battle of her own.  She had ran into the one person she never wished to see again, the man who took her under his wing and threw her into a world of despair and pain, forcing her to see and do things that no child should ever see or do. Her emotions were winning her over. Despite how much she hated Lucian the Dark Mage couldn't help but want his approval. She viewed him as such a strong individual, one who has seen her grow in a somewhat twisted way so it was only natural for her to want to fulfill his desires. Yet what he had planned for her was completely different from what she wanted. She didn't want to grow up and be some cold blooded killer who used her powers to help an evil guild. 

Although it it seemed like her little trance would never break, Mizuki finally looked up from the ground moments before Lucian let out a massive attack. Intinctevly she lunged forwards and pulled Alicia into her body, trying to shield her from the blast. Mizuki could be burned into a crisp but she wouldn't care if her little Alica was ok. However before any large blasts of flames could engulf her, Mizuki found herself covered by one of Alicia's barriers. The barrier wasn't the strongest, some of the intense heat breaking through the walls and burning parts of her suit, exposing her soft white skin. Looking down to her younger friend, who was exhausted, Mizuki gently laid her down, quickly removing her long black and red cloak and wrapping the silver haired girl up in it, making a soft cushion for her head and body. "Rest up sweet Alicia... A brave girl like you deserves a nap. If anything happens to you, just call..." She said, gently pressing her nose to her forehead before summoning a large shield of shadow to block Alicia from Lucian. 

Suddenly something struck the dark Mage; she was being useless. Everyone at the fight, including little Alicia, and helped out in one way or another while Mizuki sat around and moped. While being accused of being a coward by the man whom she seemed acceptance from she responded by being a coward. It only proved his point and made Lucian less and less proud. The only way she could possibly win any acceptance was through battle. If she could beat him, she would win. Turning to Eric the long haired girl nodded in agreement, h four shadowy arms growing from her back. "Yes Eric, let's make use of ourselves." As she finished the sentence long tentacles of black sprung out from the ground below Lucian, coiling tightly around his legs and slowly working up his body in an attempt restrain him. Her four shadowy arms shot out, forming a large fist about his head and slamming down. Finally her human arms began to charge a large beam of shadows, hoping to decimate the guild leader. Mizuki knew that her tentacles wouldn't hold him for long seeing as he was a powerful Mage, but she hoped that it'd be enough to allow others to get a few hits in. 

@Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Zuka @LeSoraAmari @Isune @whoeverelseishere

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