Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Lavender Gray


Lavender had only stood in silence just like everyone else. The air was odd, uncomfortable and almost dark. This threw off the blonde warrior but she didnt mention anything of it. Emmerich -Her rescuer- went off to smoke a cigarette but then soon came back with a scowl on his face before he threw a swift punch right towards Chris. This made her eyes widen and almost had her jump in but Chris was quick to react and block the blow. Do these two know that now is not the time to turn against eachother?  she thought to herself before looking at Emmerich "Sir Emmerich, now is not the time to start brawling with an ally." Lavender then glanced at Chris "And you, Sir Chris,  what did you do to recieve a punch into your face?" clearly she hadnt been paying attention if she was there during the time.  But with so much going on she couldnt focus on every detail. Just one target. Did Chris insult someone very dear to Emmerich? Or do they both have bad blood between them?



Chris Lengheart(Bitch I hope the fuck you do, you're gonna be dead son of a bitch I'll tell you that!)

Chris watched as Emmerich slowly approached him, that didn't matter right now. What mattered more as of this moment was the constant guilt that was slowly eating away at him. Emmerich's number on Chris' priority list soon shot up as the man launched a punch heading straight for his face. Chris easily blocked the blow using his left arm before hitting Emmerich with a open-handed strike to the chest that was meant more so to push him away than to deal any damage.

At this point, Chris wanted to charge the man and relentless beat the ever-loving shit out of him for trying to sucker punch him, but he didn't. Chris let out a sharp exhale as he got into a more relaxed stance. It looked as if Chris was going to stay and fight, but soon he dropped his hands as a set of wings that belonged to his dragon form shot out of his back. Chris suddenly took the the skies. At first, it looked like Chris would go for some sort of aerial based attack but surprisingly, he perched in a tree that was slightly burned. He found a limb sturdy enough to support his weight and sat down. Chris had actually restrained himself for once by not running in, guns blazing. Now, Chris wished that he could of used this self restraint when him and Kelica got into that fight. Instead of slapping her, maybe he could of just disarmed her, or kept her locked down in a hug. But he didn't, the past was in the past and Chris needed to stop letting things like that happen. He never meant to hurt Kelica, it was just instinct. "Someone hits you, you hit them back twice as hard" Chris could almost hear his dad saying. Maybe that wasn't always the case.

It'd defenately take some time, but Chris would have to start learning to better restrain himself. He didn't want to be some crazy brawler, he wanted to be a loving person.

Lavender Gray


Lavender had only stood in silence just like everyone else. The air was odd, uncomfortable and almost dark. This threw off the blonde warrior but she didnt mention anything of it. Emmerich -Her rescuer- went off to smoke a cigarette but then soon came back with a scowl on his face before he threw a swift punch right towards Chris. This made her eyes widen and almost had her jump in but Chris was quick to react and block the blow. Do these two know that now is not the time to turn against eachother?  she thought to herself before looking at Emmerich "Sir Emmerich, now is not the time to start brawling with an ally." Lavender then glanced at Chris "And you, Sir Chris,  what did you do to recieve a punch into your face?" clearly she hadnt been paying attention if she was there during the time.  But with so much going on she couldnt focus on every detail. Just one target. Did Chris insult someone very dear to Emmerich? Or do they both have bad blood between them?


Emmerich Faust

Emmerich simply ignored Lavender, along with Chris' push that barely moved him, as he watched Chris flying up to the tree, his glare challenging the other man to attack him like he seemed he was going to. He didn't know what was going through Chris' head but even if he did it wouldn't have changed his intent in the slightest. So what if he wanted to become a better person? That amounted to jack shit if he didn't actually work to change that, instead of just running away from problems feeling sorry for himself. He needed to properly atone for his mistakes and then move forwards from there, by running away he would only stagnate.

Walking over to the tree Emmerich cracked his neck before wrapping his arms around the trunk. He then set his feet and heaved upwards, ripping the tree from the ground with Chris still on it before slamming it into the ground. He then began to make his way towards the other man, his brow still contracted in anger. "So, you gonna keep running like you did with Kelica? Or are you going to actually grow a pair and face your fucking problems ?" he asked, taking another pull from his cigarette and glaring down at Chris.
Millie squeaked softly as she was suddenly pulled into a tight hug by he beloved Valken. She loved the feeling of their skin touching, and how tight his arms were wrapped around her. It really made the blonde girl feel safe and comfortable. She stared up into his eyes as he began to explain what he wanted her to do in the current situation. She was supposed to help the other mages escape before leaving herself, yet this isn't what she wanted to do. The S-Class healer wanted to stay and help out the most she could, after helping everyone escape. With if Valken or the others fighting Lucian got hurt? Who would be there to heal them? Besides, she could heal her own body up in a matter of seconds, as well as block attacks. She wasn't some completely worthless girl. "A-Alright Valken, I'll do just that for you..." she said to him, smiling back and giving him a quick kiss on his lips. It really felt like she was losing him right now, yet she knew that wouldn't be the outcome. Once Valken was off fighting Millie decided that the best course of action was to get the weakest out first, and that meant Alicia. The blonde girl quickly ran over to the small girl bundled up on the ground, picking her up gently and giving the younger girl a warm smile. "Don't mind me sweetie, I'm just getting you somewhere safe!" She cooed, running to the tunnel that Chris had found. Once outside she placed Alicia down in a safe place and went to help more people. 

Meanwhile Mizuki was locked in an intense battle with Lucian. Her shadowy tendrils had managed to wrap around the older mage and restrain him for the most part yet it wouldn't hold him for long. Lucian's powers didn't scare Mizuki at all, as she knew that she could withstand any physical attacks thrown at her. It was the words that would hurt. The man was evil, and he knew all the right words to say to discourage or anger her, and that's just what he was trying to do. Mizuki did her best to try and ignore him, but it was so hard. "No, I did save myself. I left that wretched guild you raised me in.  I'm actually happy, unlike my time with you. For the first time in my life I'm not alone, surrounded by people who actually care..." She growled to Lucian, the black orb in her hand growing larger and larger. However just as she fired it a sudden figure formed in its path, seemingly abosrbing the blast. Obviously this angered her as she put a lot of energy and magic into this attack and it seemed to be wasted. "What are you doing to my magic, boy?" She snapped, giving Valken a glare reminiscent of Maya's. Yet he wasn't blown away by the force, which was absolutely surprising. Perhaps this just powered him up, and the longer she held the beam on him the more powerful he'd get. 

Mizuki continued to charge Valken up with her shadow beam, energy quickly draining from her body. The stupid boy seemed to be taking his sweet time, taunting Lucian and slowly walking forward in the magic. She was tempted to stop the blast then and there to let him get his ass beat, but ultimately decided against it. He was in a light guild after all, and doing something like that would only hurt Sabertooth's reputation. "Hurry up you fool! I can't hold this forever!" The dark Mage was getting rather annoyed and exhausted. Though something did catch her attention. Lucian seemed surprised that the two of them were fighting together, yet she didn't know why. The two had never met before, so why was it surprising? Perhaps it was because they both used shadow magic? Only time could tell. 

The moment Lucian teleported away from the blAst Mizuki immediatley cut her feed to Valken. He should be powered up enough by now, and they didn't need to make it a 2v1. As Lucian struck Eric, the black haired girl used her shadowy arms to quickly throw slashes of darkness towards Lucian, her human arms conjuring a shield in front of Her fellow guildmate. The damage was done, but she wished to stop any more. "Boy, make yourself useful and attack him. I didn't waste my magic on you for nothing..."

(kinda got authors block. Sorry)

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @LeSoraAmari @Jackaboi


Valken Truss

Grimoire Heart Entrance


As Valken was striding forth with the same level of hate towards Lucian as he seemed to be pouring out towards everyone else, the Shadow Mage couldn't help but start to grin. Normally so oddly cold and composed during his fights, there was something about this Grimoire Heart Guild Master that just got him all riled up. Valken had been searching for this Old Man for months, literally months, to gather any information before or after the Malina Dragon debacle and could gather very little Intel at all. He had to give the man credit, he was almost as illusive and sneaky as the Shadow Mage was. In a way he admired him for that, and in a way he hated him with the same passion for it. And yet here he was, after all this time, just appeared as if out of thin air. If only Valken could see the same twisted Malicious smile coating his face as Lucian Grey had. That over confident but calm exterior that made people hold their breath. The young man raised an eyebrow as he mentioned being surprised about Mizuki and him working together, and as such the Shadow mage had to glance over his shoulder for a split second to look to her. Of course he knew of her, he knew of everyone. And it was true they had never worked together. He remembered passing her very momentarily on his way through Crocus when the girl had supposedly cursed Grace with an inability to stand every time someone mentioned the name Masaki.

Was it really that unusual to have strong Light Guild Mages work together? Even as he peered behind him he noticed she shot him a cold, stern glare that instantly made the hair's on the back of his neck stand up. 'Damn witches...' He thought more to himself. Why were women here so scary? Why couldn't more be like his adorable Millie? Along with that stern look she seemed to demand him to start to use the power source of her Dark magic and he had to lean up almost casually with a wave of his arm. "Yeah Yeah, I hear ya, don't worry the Big Boy has got this all covered..." He said in a rather arrogant manner. It was all a front of course because in the back of his mind he still was trying to draw Lucian's attention so he wouldn't be tempted to try and attack the fleeing mages. As his head turned back around he noticed Eric try and attack Lucian close quarters and his eyes narrowed down. 'Idiot...' He hissed, the guy obviously wanted a death wish if he got in that close without a way to evade or escape as Valken had. As Lucian offhandedly fired a ball of fire towards him, normally Valken would pull some tricky evasion maneuver however with his body not unlike a living Shadow Ghost he simply grinned wider as the blast hit his very chest and stomach, before the very darkness simply absorbed it in. Snuffing the light and oxygen in much the same way as his Shadow Portal door had.

The embrace of the Shadows all around him, touching him and caressing him while he walked in the real world left an almost manic smile over his face. All of a sudden and after Eric had finished his attack Valken had charged the last few feet, attempting to shoulder charge the man to unbalance him. The next few motions were fluid as with everything Valken ever did. He was fast. Incredibly so. Even as he charged and even before knowing if Lucian as taken the hit or stepped away, Valken adjusted his balance and kicked out to slam his foot into his shin to further unsettle him, pulling a fist back to launch it straight into the guys gut then his other fist slammed just slightly higher right into the Old Man's solar-plexus. Winding him hopefully. Spinning on the heel of his back foot to strike out in a full 360 Round House kick even as his very leg wrapped around the man's neck and vaulted himself off the ground in a similar manner to what a Wrestler might, trying to use his very body weight to twist and tackle the man to the ground. As there bodies slammed, Valken putting himself at an advantage by forcing Lucian to land chest and face first into the ground, the Shadow Mage with the reflexes second to none forced his knee square into the Old Man's lower spine while fisting his hair and yanking his head back, arching his back in an incredibly uncomfortable manner. Then Valken slammed his Dagger hard into his right shoulder.

Even as Valken held the Old Man, he knew had he used any of his Fire Attacks Valken would be at an extreme disadvantage and even now he only got this far from his sheer element of surprise. Valken lifted his purple gaze to Hibiki floating to the side of the battle area his voice bellowing out. "I hear Fairytail is supposedly the strongest Guild in all of Fiore!! SO, if you want to be useful, why don't you show us all what your capable of, Fairy!"

Valken knew Hibiki was smart. Hibiki would have watched this entire scene, and even though Valken continued his hard words and cocky nature, his eyes forwent his real emotions. The Shadow Mage could only hold him down for so long and Hibiki needed to be the one to fire the shot. He needed to be the one to take The Grimoire Heart Guild Master out and Valken could only hold him for so long. Mizuki in a similar way could only keep him distracted so long.

They needed to end this, and now. And Valken wasn't even 100% sure if he could escape whatever attack it was that Hibiki planned on throwing out if they wanted to be 100% sure it hit the Old Man.

@LeSoraAmari@Isune@Jackaboi@Mykinkaiser@Britt-21@Rhodus@Salt Lord

Hibiki watched the fight unfold before him from an aerial view, not attacking, but just watching the battle scene and seeing all of the other mage's attack, watching their every move and figuring out each of their fighting styles. Mizuki, the S-Class Mage of Sabertooth but better known to him as Alicia’s friend, launched a beam of black energy towards Lucian which was only then intercepted and absorbed by Valken, Lamia Scale’s S-Class. Upon the absorption of Mizuki’s attack, that would've most definitely caused Lucian some damage, Valken became shrouded in shadow. In fact, it would've been more accurate to say that Valken had actually melding with, and became the shadows. Moments earlier, Lucian launched a massive fire attack that was completely absorbed by Ryu, Hibiki smiled as the red haired swordsman finally listened to his words and joined in the fight. 


As both Mizuki and Valken continued the assault, Hibiki entered the fray once more. He still had a whole ton of magic waiting to be used, and figured he'd pour quite a bit of it into this attack. Darting around the area at breakneck speeds, Hibiki noticed that Lucian was being held in place and Valken signalled him to attack. "Just make sure you get away, shadow man, I don't want to be held accountable for injuring you." He said, a kind smile on his face as he directed it towards Valken, a playful tone in the males voice that obviously showed Hibiki was joking. The fact that Lucian was trapped was a good thing, it meant that they could potentially snag a direct hit on the old man. And, Hibiki had the perfect idea and was quick to turn toRyu as he charged up the magical energy in his hands. “Ryu, try and focus your flames into my next attack, if successful, we could end this. We’ll only have one chance of making a direct hit whilst he's restrained, so be quick!” Raising both arms and pointing his palms towards Lucian, a large sphere of cosmic energy appeared in his palms which got bigger and bigger until it seemingly exploded and was sent blasting towards Lucian. The blast much more powerful than last time, and the receding explosion would reflect that fact as well. After the attack was executed, he waited to see if Ryu could successfully meld his fire with his cosmic beam. Which if successful, would deal massive damage to Lucian. 


Now, it was a matter of waiting. Was this all going to end now, or would there still be more fighting to be done? Hibiki stared at his beam waiting to see what Ryu would do, and whether his plan would work or not. 


@Rhodus @Zuka @Maki @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @Isune @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Mykinkaiser

Chris Lengheart(Horsey excavation services)

Chris created his tunnel and followed behind Emmerich as he entered. Chris slowly created the rest as the two walked. He watched as another person joined them, but didn't really say much. In fact, Chris remained completely silent as he held Tanari. After a while, they were finally out of the cave. Remembering that they were supposed to put out  fire, Chris listened for any sort of crackling and looked for any kind of smoke but was a bit surprised to find none. Perhaps someone else had already taken care of the fire. He looked at Emmerich slightly before raising up both arms to create two smooth stone slabs that looked almost like beds. Chris slowly lifted Tanari up onto the slab and laid her down, she needed some rest...and to be frank, so did Chris.

He turned his gaze to Kelica for a moment, and couldn't help but feel bad. Chris released his takeover and slowly walked away from the group to lean up against a tree. Looking behind him, Chris noticed all of the ash that stained the ground. Looking even farther back, he could see the remnants of some of the trees that had burned. Someone had definitely put out the flames, but that didn't mean a good section of the forest wasn't burned. Once again looking back to Kelica, Chris couldn't help but feel sorry for her. It also didn't help that Chris still had that overwhelming sense of guilt. From that point, Chris just stared at the ground, this entire day had taken both a physical and emotional toll on Chris.


Eric: I kinda deserved that hit...


The attack was going great so far, at this point Eric started to get a little over-confident about the fact that Lucian was restrained and failed to notice the free hand he used to teleport away. Eric was caught completely off guard which was a completely shameful thing to happen to him, while trying to figure out what happened he looked around and noticed an elbow heading straight for his head but it was too late to dodge or even block by then. The blow caused Eric to be knocked back and landed on the ground. He tried his best to get his mind set straight but right when he was ready to jump back in Mizuki already placed a shield to stop him from going back in. "Hey! What are you doing? 'm not done with him yet!" Although thanks to the shield it helped him look around and find Valken is already fighting Lucian. The old man looked like he was getting pretty badly beat up, "Yeah that's right! You can't beat us!"

After Valken finished and pinned him to the ground, a blonde mage started charging what looks to be some sort of sphere in his hands asking the kimono guy to merge his magic with theirs. Eric swore that he heard someone call him Hibiki? So that's the one that rescued Alicia from the dungeons? If that's the case Eric's gotta go thank him later. In the meantime he waited in anticipation for Hibiki and Ryu to execute their attack. They may only have one shot at this but if it lands then we could probably win the fight! Sure Eric wanted to deal the finishing blow but he's satisfied that he landed a few hits.

@Rhodus @Maki @Zuka @Isune @Colt556 @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @Britt-21 @LeSoraAmari @Mykinkaiser

Mysterious Woman - Dungeon Entrance

The young woman remained perched up against the stone wall, her gaze flickering around the battlefield as she kept tabs on the movements of the various mages involved. Despite an almost constant barrage of attacks it seemed that many of the mages took a fair bit of down-time between their assaults. Given the sheer number of mages from an assortment of guilds all crammed into the fairly narrow corridor she couldn't exactly blame them. Nevertheless their combined efforts did seem to push Lucian back, even if only slightly. She allowed her gaze to linger on the blonde girl who seemed to shut down after her opening attack failed so miserably. The girl was not one of the kidnapped mages and she clearly lacked the power necessary to fight. She turned her attention on the kid beside Mizuki before continuing to look over at the other child brought through the wall by Valken. It truly baffled her why the light guilds would bring such individuals into the such a dangerous situation. Her focus was redirected back at the action of another combined assault sent Lucian back. A faint smile tugged at her lips as she watched the man conjure up flames in his hands. It was about time he actually did something beyond act as the light guild's training dummy.

A resounding clap filled the corridor as a wall of black flame crashed down upon them. The many mages around all did their best to shield themselves and their comrades in whatever way they could. Even the children managed to put up some form of resistance. As the wall of fire bore down upon her a simple white magic sigil appeared before her. On impact the wall of fire sharply changed color and ceased all movement, a snow white racing through the flames and seemingly turning them solid. Mere moments later the solid mass of white crumbled apart and dissipated into the air leaving the young woman entirely unscathed. During the attack one particular mage caught her eye. The red-haired man managed to do what none of the other mages could, he managed to devour Lucian's flames. Even those with slayer magic would find such a task difficult and yet he managed to not only devour the flames but seemed to be empowered by them. She made a mental note on that fact before allowing herself to survey the damage done by Lucian's attack.

While some of the weaker mages were taken out the blast seemed to have little effect on the majority of the cast. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked towards Lucian. She knew the man's power, she knew what he was capable of. Those facts did nothing but cause her agitation as she couldn't help but feel the man was not giving this fight the devotion it deserved. The counter-attack by the mages quickly reinforced this idea as Valken empowered himself with Mizuki's magic and brought Lucian to the ground with a surprising burst of speed and agility. Soon enough Fairy Tail's mage along with the redheaded boy seemed to do their own joint attack. How quickly the tide of battle could turn as even Lucian would have a difficult time with such a coordinated attack. As if that wasn't bad enough for the old man she watched as numerous mages slipped out through a tunnel made by the centaur. With his hands full there was no chance for Lucian to stop them, their freedom assured.

Seeing the end drawing near she pushed herself from the wall and looked over at the small holographic display hovering before her. As before she had managed to obtain valuable data from the conflict and with a quick tap of her finger the display minimized into nothingness. An explosion rang out and a powerful blast of air rushed through the corridor drawing her attention from her display back towards Lucian. A small sigh slipped past her lips as she folded her arms beneath her chest. "Had you simply given it your all from the start you wouldn't have been defeated so pathetically."  She casually made her way forward, stepping past the mages in the rear such as the pink haired boy and armor-clad female knight. She came to a stop at the end of the corridor, ignoring the mages that now found themselves behind her. Her brow was furrowed as she held a disapproving glare towards the old man, her demeanor seeming as if she didn't even recognize the group of mages' existence.

@Rhodus @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Genon @Zareh @Isune @Embaga Elder @Maki @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Jackaboi

Ryu watched as Valken charged towards Lucian after absorbing the energy of Mizuki's beam attack. The shadow mage then proceeded to launch a flurry of attacks against the old man, relentlessly keeping up the onslaught of punches and kicks. The barrage was finished with a tackle as well as a strike from Valken's dagger. Then, as Valken held the old man down, he called for Hibiki to launch an attack of his own. As Hibiki raised his arms and started readying his magic, Ryu did the same, extending his right arm and building his concentration. His arm began to heat up, and red flames could be seen building up in his hand, of a slightly darker hue than they usually were. When Hibiki's attack finally shot towards Lucian, the flames in Ryu's palm also launched forwards, elongating into a stream and wrapping around the sphere of cosmic energy to form a spiraling wreath of fire along the surface of the sphere. With any luck, Lucian wouldn't be able to just shrug that off.

@LeSoraAmari @Maki @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @Isune @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Mykinkaiser

Kelica Zefara

Dark Guild Entrance


The Forest Mage was still stunned as she watched the Battle Field. That Shadow Mage fellow as somehow managed to start attacking Lucian Grey in a burst of attacks that left her dizzy to even watch, so she was even more surprised when there was a sudden force that lifted her up and off her feet, her eyes widening in shock as she glanced behind her to see the back of Emmerich's head. It only took her a moment to realize he had lifted her up and was already running towards Chris as his arm outstretched and made a tunnel, pure shock covering her face. "Em....EMMERICH WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Put me down!! We can't leave them in there, He'll Kill them all! Emmy!! Listen to me that's the Grimoire Heart GUILD MASTER! None of them will LIVE do you understand?! He will kill them all, just like the Dragon, just like at Malina! Emmy!!! PUT ME DOWN!" By now she was kicking and screaming out as she struggled with all her might against his hold. Even if he looked casual enough the guy could easily support a boulder with no problem, so even an offhanded lift such as he was doing currently was more then enough to contain her no matter how much the girl kicked and screamed and slammed her hands onto his back. It was only as she stopped screaming for one second did she spot Hibiki charge up a massive Cosmic Blast and Ryu extended his hand out a moment later, fire twirling and coiling around the beam in an incredible manner. Headed straight for The Dark Guild Master.

That's all she could see before a sharp turn prevented her vision anymore. She didn't know what had happened?! Did it connect? Did it back fire? They were going to die, all of them in there, every one of them! No one understood how powerful Lucian was, she had seen what he was capable of, with her own two eyes! A man, capable of controlling two huge Dragon beasts and furthermore Mages strong enough to tackle the strongest of their group. The Fire Dragon that had killed the Forest at Malina, the one she couldn't protect, the one she couldn't save!

Her breathing by this stage was past hyperventilation, she was seeing spots and her vision was blacking in at the sides. They were all dead and she couldn't help, she couldn't! She was too weak, she had nothing left, she had no magic, no strength, nothing! The girl's body finally, after all this time, caved in on itself. The shock, the magic drain, finally her body told her, enough was enough. Every muscle completely let go and the girl suddenly slipped and completely slumped onto Emmerich's shoulder, even falling from it in it's sudden weightless causing Emmerich to have to catch her. A complete dead weight as her blonde hair blew in the breeze of his quickened steps. 

@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Isune@Colt556@Mitchs98@Maki@Jackaboi@LeSoraAmari@Britt-21@Salt Lord

Emmerich Faust

Emmerich ignored Kelica's kicking and screaming with gritted teeth, it was taking all of his willpower to not rush in there to try and help like she wanted to do. However, he was rational enough to realize that he would better serve helping here, even if doing that ate him up inside with frustration and anger. Still, he had vowed to protect her and he was doing that by taking her away from the guild master. He had to trust that Valken and the others would do their part, that they would hold him off at least. He had to believe that or else he'd be in there with them, where he would only get in the way. It was infuriating, but it was also the truth.

Soon enough, the manic energy sustaining Kelica petered out and she slumped against him, unconscious. It was probably for the best to be honest. The girl had been through a hell of a lot today and she needed the rest. Hell, he could do with a drink, and a smoke for that matter. Setting Kelica down under the shade of a nearby tree Emmerich pulled a battered, but miraculously intact, box of cigarettes from a pocket and shook one of the few remaining ones out. He then put it in his mouth and lit it with his usual snap of the fingers while he replaced the box in his pocket. Taking a pull on the cigarette he looked around momentarily at the burned trees before catching sight of Chris again, his brow contracting into a scowl. Walking over he gritted his teeth again, quite obviously angry at the other man. Upon reaching him he wordlessly hauled closer before unleashing a swift, heavy punch straight at his face.

Chris Lengheart(Bitch I hope the fuck you do, you're gonna be dead son of a bitch I'll tell you that!)

Chris watched as Emmerich slowly approached him, that didn't matter right now. What mattered more as of this moment was the constant guilt that was slowly eating away at him. Emmerich's number on Chris' priority list soon shot up as the man launched a punch heading straight for his face. Chris easily blocked the blow using his left arm before hitting Emmerich with a open-handed strike to the chest that was meant more so to push him away than to deal any damage.

At this point, Chris wanted to charge the man and relentless beat the ever-loving shit out of him for trying to sucker punch him, but he didn't. Chris let out a sharp exhale as he got into a more relaxed stance. It looked as if Chris was going to stay and fight, but soon he dropped his hands as a set of wings that belonged to his dragon form shot out of his back. Chris suddenly took the the skies. At first, it looked like Chris would go for some sort of aerial based attack but surprisingly, he perched in a tree that was slightly burned. He found a limb sturdy enough to support his weight and sat down. Chris had actually restrained himself for once by not running in, guns blazing. Now, Chris wished that he could of used this self restraint when him and Kelica got into that fight. Instead of slapping her, maybe he could of just disarmed her, or kept her locked down in a hug. But he didn't, the past was in the past and Chris needed to stop letting things like that happen. He never meant to hurt Kelica, it was just instinct. "Someone hits you, you hit them back twice as hard" Chris could almost hear his dad saying. Maybe that wasn't always the case.

It'd defenately take some time, but Chris would have to start learning to better restrain himself. He didn't want to be some crazy brawler, he wanted to be a loving person.

Lucian Grey


Lucian had very little time to react to Valken after making note of his attack doing quite literally nothing. The shoulder and the foot to the shin staggered him, the punches effectively knocking the wind out of him and causing him to cough and clutch his stomach as Valken expected. He gritted his teeth and tried to right himself, though found himself getting a foot to the face and being slammed to the ground, the air once more being knocked out of him. He grunted when he felt a knee being rammed into his spine, glaring at Valken with grit teeth as he pulled his head back by his hair. He let out a short cry of pain when the dagger was thrust into his shoulder. Even still he smirked, impressed by Valken's skill. "Mm...you'd be a perfect assassin in Grimoire Heart." He told him. "Contact me if you ever decide you're interested....I'm sure I could find some work for you." He said, chuckling lowly.

Of course, given his position he was un-able to block the Unison Raid attack between Hibiki and Ryu, the flaming swirl hitting him head on and causing a small crater from the impact. With any luck it damaged Valken as well. He groaned, stunned from the attack as he laid their. His glasses were destroyed and the wounds were visible on his body from the attack, seared flesh and bleeding burns all over his body. Even still he persisted, with a grunt he shakily forced himself off the ground, rolling Valken off in the process. He removed the dagger from his shoulder and tossed it aside. He calmly looked between them all, a subtle smile on his face as he did. He coughed slightly but otherwise remained upright, "Well done you two, you've exceeded expectations by far." He said, referring to Valken and Mizuki. He offered no more words to anyone, not risking any further attacks on his person. He was to wounded to fight, and as the woman said he could of won if he tried.

Instead he simply snapped his fingers and stepped back into a portal once more, appearing in one of his safe houses admist a few doctors. He intended on getting wounded, but not to this degree. Nevertheless he made his way to a chair and leaned back while they worked, a subtle grin on his face as he wondered what both Valken and Mizuki were thinking, and if they'd ever figure it out.

Valken Truss

Dark Guild Hideout Entrance

The Shadow Mage held on to the Dark Guild Master, honestly expecting some sort of Dome of Flames, or Fire Ball or something. But he didn't do anything to even suggest resisting Valken or trying to get away from Hibiki and similarly Ryu as they charged their attacks. WHY?! Was he that over confident, was he that certain he could escape unharmed, or escape at all for that matter? Valken had a momentary look of panic on his face as the Old Man refused to struggle even slightly, his own gaze flicking to the huge ball of light. What should he do? If he stays, Lucian gets hit but he isn't even sure he can survive a combined attack that strong. And certaintly not a combined Fire/Light ball like that. Not with his magic afterall. But if he moves it gives Master Grey a chance to withdraw. Is that what he was waiting for? Valken to chicken out? He had another thing coming if he expected to outsmart Valken Truss of Lamia Scale! Still keeping his fingers entwined painfully in the Old Man's hair, he was again half taken aback as he grinned over his shoulder to him. Then his mouth actually dropped open in a pure surprise as here the Old Man was, on Death's door or so it appeared, and he was asking Valken if he wanted to join Grimoire Heart?

His brain blanked out for a second or two as he tried to digest this information. While he had considered joining a Dark Guild when he was very young, it had been Maya that had forced him to join Lamia Scale instead. It was she who had convinced him that his powers were not Evil as he had always assumed, that the Shadows did not automatically lead to a damnation of Death and Despair but rather his powers could be used to subdue or prevent those very dark forces from attacking in the first place. Even so... He still took pleasure from torturing his victims, bad guys or not, and would kill without hesitation. Did that make him a Bad person? Was he really designed to be an Assassin this whole time? A guild with no rules...no regulation to slow him down. To do with as he pleased, when he saw fit. To laugh manically while his victims screamed in terror! The thought along sent a happy shiver down his spine....


Maya came into his mind as a visual, and he wasn't even sure why that was. She had offered him something more then the Darkness that always seemed to draw him in. She offered him a Guild and something he had never had before in his life. A family. A group of Mages sticking together through thick and thin, protecting and loving one another equally. They put their trust in him and he wasn't about to let them down. Not for Maya, not for Millie or Lloyd. Or Frosty, Mikado or Lysander. He owed that to all of them, if they put their faith in him. "Sorry Old Man....You couldn't pay me anywhere near enough for my Services." A hollow smile floating over his face. He slowly slipped his hand from the man's hair but still kept him pinned to the ground. "Besides, after this, neither of us are going anywhere."

The whole area managed to light up around him as the blast connected, sending pain like Valken had never experienced in his entire life. He had been cut, tortured, bruised, beaten up and burned but it wasn't a patch on the sheer agony that cursed through his entire frame. Though he didn't cry out, he owed that to his Guild. And once the blast subsided Valken was left in a disgusting heap. Much as Lucian was, he was burned all over, his whole body being pushed off and landing in a bloody heap as Lucian pushed him off to stand. The Shadow Mage was out cold, his clothes all but torn off and blood seeping from the corner of his mouth. After years and years of being untouchable, this one blast he couldn't escape. Or rather, he didn't want to escape. And it was probably a good thing he didn't realise Master Grey had stood and left the battle scene, because Valken had been convinced had he stayed he would have been in the same state if not worse. His pride couldn't take letting the Old Man escape once again not after almost killing himself in the process.

@Mitchs98@Maki@LeSoraAmari@Rhodus@Jackaboi @Colt556
@NickTonCutter@Jackaboi@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Colt556@Isune@Zuka@Genon@Killorkiller@Drakerus@Solemn Jester@Embaga Elder@Britt-21@Maki@Kojuen@Arius LaVari@thesecretsorcerer @kyuubey @Hanjizoe @LeSoraAmari @AtlannianSpy @Zareh @guardianshadow @Mr Swiftshots @Salt Lord @Happy Red Mage @Bolts @purplepanda288 @hudhouse

One Week Timeskip

It's been exactly one week since the mages were kidnapped. So far most of that time had been spent trying to forget about the event. The magic council of course questioned everyone that was there, especially those involved in the massacre of the Grimoire Heart underlings. In the end it had been deemed justifiable self defense, everyone being let off with a threat of punishment should killing get out of hand again. Lucian Grey was unable to be tracked down though the Council continues to search for him little traces could be found. However around a fifty bodies of undetermined origin were found in the various areas of the tunnels of the dungeon, the Council still studying the remains to figure out who the bodies were and if they were associated with Grimoire Heart. Said bodies are different than the group of mages Valken and Co killed, those bodies being readily identified as Grimoire Heart members with some form of drug in their system, the drug being analyzed as well.

Outside of the investigation everyone's lives continued as normal for the most part, relatively uneventful for most outside of everything else.


Streets of Magnolia



Wyeth again was sleeping in the park of Magnolia. He enjoyed being under the trees and it gave his birds shelter. He was happy he hadn't gotten involved with the dark guild thing, if he had help recuse the other mages he could have ended up dead and it seemed that in the end everything resolved it's self. When he sat up Mathew landed on his shoulder, pulling on his shirt. "Hold on Mathew I just woke up, I will go get you and everyone else food here in a minute, but we are starting to run low on money again. We are going have to do some jobs." Soon two more birds landed on Wyeth before his whole flock was covering him from head to two. "Guys, I can't walk when I am covered in you." He attempted to take a step and several of the birds flew away understanding that Wyeth was finally getting food for them. Usually he could get away with waiting until mid day before getting them anything but they were being demanding today. It was as though they had a group meeting and decided to pick on him. "Hey William and Caroline, would you fly ahead and scoot out the market." He could hear the negativity coming from the two bird. "Why? Well Caroline rode with me last time and William rode on me the time before last." The pair of birds than flew off and his flock remained ahead of him whill Mathew rode on him. With in moments they we strolling down the streets of the magical city.


Lavender Gray


The kidnapping, the aftermath, and the interrogations. Over and over she would explain what she was doing there, what she did, and what that bloodbath of mages were in that one room. The warrior had explained that she had left her victims alive but incapacitated. She couldnt kill unless it was needed and she knew at that moment that it was not needed to kill those mages. A week had passed since then and Lavender was almost stress free just by stopping at a cafe which sold her favorite tea and working on her capacity of her magic power. At this very moment, the warrior was roaming the streets of Magnolia in shorts and a tanktop as well as running shoes. Her sword hung from her waist which was attatched to a belt, while she left her shield and armor at home. Lavender was trying to teach herself to wear other things rather than her usual dresses or fancy wear. So far it had been working as long as the clothes werent restrictive. The blonde had no current destination and planned nothing this day. She had been free to do anything from sleeping till whenever to hanging out in the guild hall with all of her friends.


I wonder how everyone else is doing... Especially those who had been kidnapped that day. she thought to herself as she began to walk while drowning herself in her thoughts Those who were injured... I hope they are not scarred from that mess. Lavender knew some people got out without bad scratches or anything that could put them in danger. A sigh escaped her lips "I should probably stop stressing out over every one else. I'm sure they are fine and recovering well." the blonde muttered to herself




Streets of Magnolia: Being mislead



Caroline was more enthusiastically searching for food, while William was just following her around. William had a thing for Caroline but Caroline wasn't interested in him. She wasn't the type of bird that wanted to have a family. She was interested in food and some one she saw wandering the streets. She had seen this girl serval times since the even in the dungeons. The little bird had been stalking them trying to learn more about them. As fast as she could flap her wings she dived into the girl and landed on her shoulders. I found fond food, it is just around the corner. Of course Caroline was lying, she just wanted to get Wyeth to meet some knew people and of course she had to approve of the people but she didn't want her human to be surrounded by her kind all of the time. Soon enough Wyeth turned the corner and spotted his bird on the shoulders of the fair maiden. At least that was how he would address her.


"I am sorry Madame about my bird, she was suppose to be looking for food. I need to feed my flock, would you happen to know where I could find some?" He was trying to hide his blushing, this was the first girl he had talked to for a while and he thought she was beautiful. He looked at his shoulder to the one bird who always seemed to be have. "Mathew could you start looking, I might be a while." He then looked to Caroline and William. "This is why I keep you two separated, it seems that Mathew is the only one who ever does what I ask him. Maybe you two can go entertain the flock for a while?" The flock was of course flying over. "Do you come here often?"


It's been one week since the disaster following the festival. Millie had taken her horribly burnt and disfigured Valken into her care, and the two had been recovering throughout the week. She was so concerned about his wellbeing that she wouldn't let him out of the bed, even when her magic had almost fully healed him. She was afraid that he'd go out and get in a fight, hurting himself badly in the process, or have some dark mages come to finish him off, yet he kept insisting that he'd be ok. Fortunately Maya was there to give them company and keep Valken in check. It was great to have such a stern and wonderful woman by her side. She was really the only one who could control Valken as he walked all over Millie. But honestly, why would he want to get up? He had a beautiful nurse of a girlfriend who would do anything for him. 

It it was now morning, and Millie decided to bring her injured boyfriend some breakfast in bed. The latter contained rather typical breakfast foods: eggs, sausage, some milk, and a few pancakes. The blond her cooked it all up by herself and she was rather proud to present it to Valken. Opening the door to his resting room she walked over to the bedside and used one hand to gently shake him awake, her face donning a warm smile. "Wake up Valken, I've brought you a homemade meal!" She cheered, placing the tray on his lap and giving his forehead a big smooch"Be careful getting up honeybun, I don't want you to spill the wonderful meal I've mad for you!" 

Meanwhile Mizuki had picked up Alicia immediatley the fight, making sure she didn't see the horrendous sight of Valken's crispy body. The little one has seen too many horrible things in just a day, and that was an image she didn't want her seeing. Draneri was bad enough, but Valken was human. After the whole Grimoire Heart situation was resolved the two girls were forced to stay in Magnolia due to the magic council trying to put together a report. They needed eye witnesses and interviews in hopes of finding Lucian and any other still missing mages. It was a hassle, and she just wanted to go back home with her favorite person in all of Earthland. 

In in her time since the final fight with Lucian, Mizuki's mind couldn't help but wonder why the Guildmaster was so surprised by seeing her and the other shadow Mage fighting together. The two have never talked prior to that battle, she didn't even know his name. And Lucian wasn't the only one who intrigued her. A wizard Saint, Maya Morne, had taken interest in her too. She was her main interviewer, and even outside of their serious time together she still was seen giving the dark Mage looks. It was rather annoying, and Mizuki assumed that it was because she wasn't trusted due to her background, but she really didn't care what she thought. As long as she didn't take Alicia away. 

(Don't know what to do with Mizuki tbh. Also I had BAD authors block, sorry)

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Zuka

Mysterious Woman - Dungeon Entrance

The Dark Guild Master gave one final quip to Valken and Mizuki before departing on his own. She knew not what his overall plan was just as he did not know her own, all the same his actions here caused her more than a little grief. Had she not been able to salvage the situation there would have been a fair bit more destruction within these halls. She brought her hand up to rest on her cheek, supporting her arm with her freehand as she surveyed the damage done. The majority of the more valuable Grimoire Heart members had been safely whisked away leaving only the disposable ones within the facility. Her gaze drifted along the remaining light mages before settling back on the redhead from Fairy Tail. She gently tapped her finger against her cheek as she looked the boy over. The temptation to simply take him then and there was great, but with so many powerful mages around she thought better of such a course of action and instead simply made her way down the corridor. As she left she spoke up for them all to hear. "I thank you all for your contributions. Until we meet again." An ice-white magic sigil appeared before her, acting as a door-way for her own escape as she left the light mages to tend to their own.There was still much work to be done and the data she had gathered during this little event would go a long way in helping her realize her dream.


Gilad Arcturus - Sabertooth Guild Hall: Crocus

The fight against the forces of Grimoire Heart had, ultimately, proven futile. Even with the assistance of Miss. Grace the major players still managed to escape. By the time he had reached the facility proper the fighting was over and Lucian had once again slipped through his fingers. Even so, Lucian would surely make his presence known once again so his search would simply continue as it had for so long now. After ensuring the well-being of his guild he spent several days dealing with the Council. Given his position he was no stranger to such bureaucracy but nevertheless he still found it to be quite tiresome. This simple meeting of guild leaders ended up being far more than he had planned for and as such he was quite eager to return home. After filling in his guild he left them to return back to the guild hall. After an uneventful trip he found himself standing before the all too familiar Guild Hall. As he looked up at the large building he felt as if it had been months since he last laid eyes upon it. One brief pause later he pushed open the doors and made his way inside. The Hall, while never uncomfortably rowdy, was still fairly loud as various groups conversed with one another. They spoke of missions, regaled each other with tales, filled the entire hall with laughter and commotion. While it quieted down upon his entrance they knew better than to make a significant deal out of his appearance.

He began making his way over to the bar before he forced himself to stop, reminding himself that his favorite barmaid was yet to return home. As he pondered over his next course of action an unfamiliar face caught his attention. A young blue-haired boy was sat alone at one of the tables. A quick look around didn't seem to turn up anyone who seemed to take responsibility for the stranger's presence. Curiosity compelled him forward as he approached the young man, the heavy clank of his steeled boots signalling his approach. Upon reaching the table he came to a stop and looked down on the lad with a stern gaze. "I have not seen you here before, did you have business with someone?" Despite his look his voice remained calm and neutral. He did not know the boy's circumstances and wasn't about to pull out the usual intimidation tactic. Even so the tone of his voice made it clear that he expected a prompt response.

@Nenma Takashi

Akane, Fist Of The Mountain


"Wow..." Akane muttered as she wandered around Magnolia. The area looked different from how she remembered it hundreds of years ago. So much had changed for her during her time in the temple. People looked different nowadays, streets no longer lead to where she thought they went. Shops had come and gone, she'd particularly miss the bakery that had served her tea bread and cream of mushroom soup on a bread bowl. Just thinking about it made her hungry. Her half robes fluttered slightly in the cold wind as a gentle breeze blew past her. She shrugged off the cold. The temple was much colder and the air was much thinner, adapt or fail and all that. Onlookers of her little walk looked on in worry, to them it seemed like she would get sick from no wearing any proper clothing for cold weather. To her it was they who wore too much clothing.

As she walked she bumped into a girl in shorts and a tanktop. A sword hung neatly on her side and connected to a belt. "Oh, sorry about that." She said with a small bow. @Britt-21


"...Tell me can a heart be turned to stone?" The words sang out echoless against the vast space, a woman hiding in darkness with only her voice and fingers blazing the world. Her voice illuminated the room with its presence, the stage the last lonely thing in an ocean of black within the theatre. "Mirror, tell me something.... tell me who's the loneliest of all...." Her fingers blazed on the piano, playing the accelerated soft tune to accept the loneliness of the piece, "Mirror, what's inside me? Tell me can a heart be turned to stone?" The music turned down to a near silence, and a few began to question if it was all over... until the reason why Kirin was playing happened!

The music kicked up, her fingers now hammering down into the piano! She sang with intense emotion, befitting the newest change of desperate pace. "Mirror, mirror, what's behind you? Save me from the things I see!" Her fingertips kept on going across the piano, hitting note after note. Her words came out again, "I can keep it from the world... Why won't you let me hide from me?" She slammed her fingers down in a show of horror, before ending it all, "Mirror, mirror, tell me something... Whos the loneliest of all?" She stopped, playing a few last notes to the now slow, empty song, "I'm the loneliest... of... all..."

Kirin floated out silently, letting the lights turn on without her. She grasped her own throat, silently crying to herself in the darkness...

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia

By the time she finally came to the fight had long been over and several days had already passed. A quick look around filled her in, albeit slightly, on her situation. She was obviously in some hospital room and had been treated for her wounds and magic exhaustion. She flexed her hand a few times while staring at it, her entire body ached and felt slow and weak. As much as she enjoyed sleeping it was obvious she had been out for a while. Shortly after waking up several Council officials came to speak with her, filling in the blanks and informing her that she would be subjected to an inquiry on what exactly took place. The thought of escaping was prominent in her mind, however the absence of her clothes and weapons forced her to reconsider that option. As much as she didn't want to deal with the council she wasn't about to leave her sword behind. With a groan of frustration she flopped back onto her bed. There never was anything to do in a hospital except wait, and so wait she did. The day came and went and after what seemed like thousands of years she was finally seated at a table in a simple room with an investigator sat across from her. As she expected the majority of the investigation centered around all the dead mages that the edgelord and berserker had left in their wake. She clicked her tongue in frustration and glared down at the table at the thought of being subjected to all this hassle because those two were a couple of psychopaths.

Nevertheless time ticked on and she was eventually cut loose, the council finding that all traces of her attacks were on those few mages fortunate to be alive. Free of the hospital and the council's grasp she now found herself standing outside of the hospital. A full week had passed and she was finally free. She looked up at the sky and let out a long, tired sigh. Who knew a simple festival would turn into such a headache. It was then that realization dawned on her. A week had passed. One full week. Seven days. She let out a cry of anguish as she brought her hands up to her head. "Shit! I never paid rent!" That old hag already hated her, that much was obvious the moment she walked into the joint. There was no way she would have kept the room for her. Even so she sprinted off back towards the inn in the desperate hope that all her stuff was at least still available. Upon reaching the inn she barreled in through the front door, her eyes locked firmly with the old woman's as a look of surprise filled the old woman's features. Without even giving the old bat a chance to speak up she quickly rambled off an apology. "I'm so sorry! I was caught up in those kidnappings and had to deal with the Council so it wasn't my fault that I couldn't get you the money but I swear I'll get you the money as quickly as possible please tell me you didn't throw out my stuff!" The words were fired out like a machine gun, bombarding the old woman who was sat behind the counter.

As she finished her long-winded explanation she fell silent, her pleading eyes remaining locked on the old woman as she waited for some kind of response. The look of shock quickly faded from the old woman's face as a look of amusement took it's place. The old woman let the silence linger uncomfortably long, seemingly taking great joy in the squirming of the redhead. Finally she spoke up as she thumbed the stairs. "Your stuffs where you left it. The authorities informed me of your situation." A wave of relief washed over her as she was about to speak up and profess her gratitude when the old woman again spoke up, cutting her off. "The late fee for your payment will be an additional 5,000 Jewel." In the blink of an eye her relief turned to anger. Five grand? The room itself was only three! If she could afford a 8,000 Jewel payment she wouldn't be staying in this dump to begin with! "What the hell!? That's way too-!" A sharp glare from the old woman immediately shut her up. She knew if she continued her resistance the price would only go up. After a few moments of struggling with what to say or do she finally slumped forward in resignation and solemnly made her way up the stairs towards her room. A proper change of clothes and a nice hot shower would do her good.

While getting properly ready for the day her mind continued to swirl with ideas. She'd have to make that money soon or she'd be out on the street. But as a freelancer there was no way to get that much money so quickly. She held her arms on the shower wall and allowed the hot water to flow over her. As heavenly as taking her first shower in over a week felt the current situation prevented her from enjoying it properly. No matter how hard she tried she simply couldn't think of a way to get that kind of money. She was barely scraping by before this whole situation to begin with. "Unless...." She reached down and turned off the shower and stepped out to dry herself off and get dressed for the day. There was only one way to get a decent amount of money and that was with a steady supply of jobs, and the only way to get a steady supply of jobs was to join a guild. It wasn't as if she hadn't thought about it already, she had toyed with the idea of joining Fairy Tail when she arrived in the city. As she finished getting dressed she made up her mind. "Nothing ventured nothing gained, right?" She had always heard that Fairy Tail was fairly exclusive but it certainly didn't hurt to try. There were some Fairy Tail mages at the dungeon, maybe she left a good impression?

Making her way out of her room and down the stairs she refused to even glance over at the old bat behind the counter. She could almost feel the smirk on the woman's face and it would have made her far too mad to actually see it with her own eyes. Upon exiting the building she let out a breath she hadn't even realized she was holding. While she made her way down the street it all seemed sort of surreal. It seemed like just yesterday there were stalls selling foods and toys and yet now the streets were perfectly clear. There wasn't even a trace of the festival. Nothing really hit home how much time she had spent out of action like seeing this before and after scenario. At least it had only been a week, things would be far far worse if she had been out longer than that. Losing herself in her thoughts the walk towards Fairy Tail's hall was quick and before she knew it she had arrived at her destination. Standing before the structure she wasn't sure how to go about asking to join. Did guilds have some kind of application process? Try as she might to suppress them butterflies bubbled up in her stomach. She had never joined a guild before in her life, let alone the most powerful one in all of Fiore. What if they rejected her? Not only would that be rather embarrassing but it'd also leave her up a creek without a paddle.

A small slapping sound filled the area around her as she brought her hands to her cheeks in some kind of courage-building exorcise. "Let's just get it over with, Tanari. Don't waste time." Taking a deep breath she made her way up towards the open doors and peaked her head inside. As expected it was a rather rowdy place with boisterous laughing and a lot of shouting. She couldn't make out anyone that seemed to be the leader or anything and she wasn't about to call out and grab the attention of the entire guild. How were you even suppose to contact a guild anyways? Were you even allowed to walk in if you weren't a member? If she just strolled in without permission it'd probably hurt her chances of getting accepted so ultimately she decided to wait out front to try and flag someone down and ask them directly. She made her way over to the wall and leaned back on it, her eyes glued on the door beside her as she waited for someone to either come out or go in.
Aiden Stone

Many days have passed since the kidnapping incident. Many of the other Mages had tried to forget their parts after they had been interrogated, well Aiden had a small reminder. Ashley, thank the lord for her, had taken in him to recover from the large wound he had received. Some healers tried their best to get rid of the scar that appered after the first few sessions, but it reminded. Ashley had convinced him to go out on a picnic seeing as he has fully recovered. 

Aiden sat on a red and white checkered blanket, with food spread across infront if him. "Hey, thanks for taking care of me for the last week. I really don't have anywhere to stay seeing as Kim has a flatmate now." He picked a sandwich which he had packed before they left. He peered at Ashley with curious eyes, he had developed a slight crush on her since she dragged him out the cell and taken care of him. He caught him self staring and peeled his eye off her, all the while a smudge of red painted his features.


Akane, Fist Of The Mountain


"Wow..." Akane muttered as she wandered around Magnolia. The area looked different from how she remembered it hundreds of years ago. So much had changed for her during her time in the temple. People looked different nowadays, streets no longer lead to where she thought they went. Shops had come and gone, she'd particularly miss the bakery that had served her tea bread and cream of mushroom soup on a bread bowl. Just thinking about it made her hungry. Her half robes fluttered slightly in the cold wind as a gentle breeze blew past her. She shrugged off the cold. The temple was much colder and the air was much thinner, adapt or fail and all that. Onlookers of her little walk looked on in worry, to them it seemed like she would get sick from no wearing any proper clothing for cold weather. To her it was they who wore too much clothing.

As she walked she bumped into a girl in shorts and a tanktop. A sword hung neatly on her side and connected to a belt. "Oh, sorry about that." She said with a small bow. @Britt-21


Streets of Magnolia: Being mislead



Caroline was more enthusiastically searching for food, while William was just following her around. William had a thing for Caroline but Caroline wasn't interested in him. She wasn't the type of bird that wanted to have a family. She was interested in food and some one she saw wandering the streets. She had seen this girl serval times since the even in the dungeons. The little bird had been stalking them trying to learn more about them. As fast as she could flap her wings she dived into the girl and landed on her shoulders. I found fond food, it is just around the corner. Of course Caroline was lying, she just wanted to get Wyeth to meet some knew people and of course she had to approve of the people but she didn't want her human to be surrounded by her kind all of the time. Soon enough Wyeth turned the corner and spotted his bird on the shoulders of the fair maiden. At least that was how he would address her.


"I am sorry Madame about my bird, she was suppose to be looking for food. I need to feed my flock, would you happen to know where I could find some?" He was trying to hide his blushing, this was the first girl he had talked to for a while and he thought she was beautiful. He looked at his shoulder to the one bird who always seemed to be have. "Mathew could you start looking, I might be a while." He then looked to Caroline and William. "This is why I keep you two separated, it seems that Mathew is the only one who ever does what I ask him. Maybe you two can go entertain the flock for a while?" The flock was of course flying over. "Do you come here often?"



Lavender Gray


The warrior looked on her shoulder as a bird had landed on her shoulder and it seemed to be cute "To what do I have this honor?" she asked as she lifted her hand and took her finger, scratching the bird's chin. Though, her attention was brought to a silver haired male who was apologizing for his bird and that he had been looking for food for his flock. His flock?  Does he raise birds? she thought to herself before speaking "It's quite alright. I will ask, what kind of food you're looking for? Seeds, Corn?" this man seemed to be turning a little pink just by talking her. Lavender tilted her head a bit as she placed her hands on her hips I've never seen his face before... I'm sure he's new to magnolia... Is he part of a guild?  she doubted it. He didnt look much like a fighter. Then again, there were wizards who didnt even look like they had a magic or didnt look like they fought at all!


Feeling someone bump into her from behind, she looked over her shoulder and turned to see a woman who's chest was wrapped in bandages -Which did no justice seeing as her breasts were pretty much popping out of the damn thing- and her waist held something similar to a Gi, though the warrior could not tell at the moment. "Dont worry." she warrior said as she spoke "You werent paying attention now were you?" a smile spreaded upon her lips with a gentle laugh before looking at the silver haired boy to see if he would respond. Two new faces that she had never seen before. Lavender didnt mind meeting new people, that meant more allies and friends.




Aiden Stone

Many days have passed since the kidnapping incident. Many of the other Mages had tried to forget their parts after they had been interrogated, well Aiden had a small reminder. Ashley, thank the lord for her, had taken in him to recover from the large wound he had received. Some healers tried their best to get rid of the scar that appered after the first few sessions, but it reminded. Ashley had convinced him to go out on a picnic seeing as he has fully recovered. 

Aiden sat on a red and white checkered blanket, with food spread across infront if him. "Hey, thanks for taking care of me for the last week. I really don't have anywhere to stay seeing as Kim has a flatmate now." He picked a sandwich which he had packed before they left. He peered at Ashley with curious eyes, he had developed a slight crush on her since she dragged him out the cell and taken care of him. He caught him self staring and peeled his eye off her, all the while a smudge of red painted his features.


Ashley Hart


After the kidnapping, so many things happened at once. When she found out what was actually going on, it was a much bigger problem. There was a guild master trying to fight off wizards while others were injured or fighting others. Everything was thrown up into the air. It's been a week since then and Ashley brought in Aiden to care for him. With the best of her ability, she tried to care for him and get healing mages to get rid of a scar that wont disappear. Now it would be something he'd have to live with and probably be reminded every time he would look at it of when he had been chained and tortured...


The Ice Make mage was currently sitting on a red and white checkered blanket with Aiden, various foods placed around the blanket. From lunch items, to fruits to desserts. As she picked a grape, her eyes moved over to Aiden who thanked her for taking care of him. A small smile appeared on her lips "You're welcome." she said "It was the least I could do. You went through a lot on that one day. I wanted to repay you somehow." though, her taking care of him might have brought them a little closer "What matters now, is that you're fully healed and back outside where you're having a picnic. I dont think anything could get better than this, right?" she then popped the grape into her mouth and looked up to the sky, closing her eyes and feeling the warm sun hit her skin "Just looking up to the sky and feeling the sun hit your skin... It feels so nice. Better than that dark dungeon."



Eric: I can't believe he got away...


Before the timeskip:

The attack went fully according to plan, (well... almost.) The fiery ball of cosmic energy had hit it's target causing a great deal of damage to Lucian and regrettably Valken. "To think he'd sacrifice himself just to guarantee the attack will hit. Guess he really does deserve the title of Mr Bond huh?" Thankfully he survived the attack but Eric was unsure if those wounds would properly heal. Eric noticed Mizuki grab Alicia and take her leave which prompted Eric to do the same but first he went over to talk to Hibiki. "Hey there... Hibiki right? My name's Eric. Alicia told me you were the one who rescued her from this hellish place so I just wanted to say thanks. If not for you she could've suffered some serious torture and we probably wouldn't have made it here in time. It still sucks that old man got away though... Oh well we'll get him next time. Hope we meet again!" With that he took his leave, Mizuki must have gone on further ahead so looks like he's gonna have to find his... own... way....... back.......... "Wait a minute... HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO GET BACK HOME!"

After the timeskip:

Finally after a daunting journey Eric finally managed to get back home after several days of expert tracking and navigation. (Cue flashback of Eric shamefully going back to ask Hibiki for directions) Standing before his beloved guild he opened the doors expecting to walk in to a bunch of rambunctious guild mates but was instead met with a deathly silence. Eric looked around and found the reason why, Gilad had got here before him. Then again that was to be expected what he didn't expect though was to be met with a new face. A blue haired boy with a scary look in his eyes. Although that didn't really bother him much, so he confidently walked up to greet him and Gilad. "Hey master! What's with the new guy here? He want to join the guild or something?"

@Colt556 @Nenma Takashi @LeSoraAmari 
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Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall


Tokine was in the kitchen finishing up cleaning the dishes like usual. After the kidnaping incident was over, she was questioned just like every other mage in the area was but it went by relatively smoothly seeing as how she had very little information to offer and she showed no signs of visible tension in her demeanor. In fact, she was sure the person asking the questions felt a bit uncomfortable at her stoicness. She mentaly shruged and settled for the good news that things were starting to calm down. When she finished with the last dish, Tokine dried off her hands and walked ut into the main  room where everyone seemed to have gotten quite a bit quieter since the last time she had heard them. She looked around for the cause until her eyes settled upon Master Gilad. Well, that explains it. He seemed to be talking to Kenya, albeit with an inappropriate gender pronoun.  Another guild member jumped into the conversation as wel, seemingly unfazed by Gilad's dominating aura like many of the other people present. Of course, Tokine wasn't really afraid of Gilad either but she did hold a high respect for him. As the two continued to refer to Kenya as a 'he', Tokine debated whether or not to correct them but eventually decided against it, certain that Kenya would do so herself. Although Tokine didn't want to intrude into the conversation, she was curious to see the master's first impression of her so she took a seat nearby to listen in on them.

@Colt556 @Jackaboi

Lavender Gray


The warrior looked on her shoulder as a bird had landed on her shoulder and it seemed to be cute "To what do I have this honor?" she asked as she lifted her hand and took her finger, scratching the bird's chin. Though, her attention was brought to a silver haired male who was apologizing for his bird and that he had been looking for food for his flock. His flock?  Does he raise birds? she thought to herself before speaking "It's quite alright. I will ask, what kind of food you're looking for? Seeds, Corn?" this man seemed to be turning a little pink just by talking her. Lavender tilted her head a bit as she placed her hands on her hips I've never seen his face before... I'm sure he's new to magnolia... Is he part of a guild?  she doubted it. He didnt look much like a fighter. Then again, there were wizards who didnt even look like they had a magic or didnt look like they fought at all!


Feeling someone bump into her from behind, she looked over her shoulder and turned to see a woman who's chest was wrapped in bandages -Which did no justice seeing as her breasts were pretty much popping out of the damn thing- and her waist held something similar to a Gi, though the warrior could not tell at the moment. "Dont worry." she warrior said as she spoke "You werent paying attention now were you?" a smile spreaded upon her lips with a gentle laugh before looking at the silver haired boy to see if he would respond. Two new faces that she had never seen before. Lavender didnt mind meeting new people, that meant more allies and friends.



Akane, Fist Of The Mountain

"No I really wasn't." She said, back straightening from the bow. "It's just amazing how much things can change in centuri-I mean years. Yep, years. Don't mind that." She dismissed nervously. "I'm sorry for bothering the two of you... my name is Akane." She introduced herself. "I haven't been to this area in quite some time so I got a bit distracted with everything here." She explained. "I hear that people in this area are strong, do you know where I could find someone who could confirm that?" She asked politely.
Adrian Bell -- Reading! Like a NERD!

Adrian sat at a desk in the Fairy Tail Guild Hall library, peering at the faded pages of an ancient book and painstakingly typing out a translation on a nearby monitor. He was currently doing a translation job for the Fiore Archeological Society on a historical text called The Three Queens of Jaza. Jaza, recently discovered on a series of archeological digs, was an ancient kingdom that existed within the bounds of modern-day northeastern Fiore. In the ruins, archaeologists had discovered a large magical apparatus in the royal palace, of unknown purpose. The device was seemingly beyond repair, but given the tendency for the activation of large magical devices to be huge, world-changing events, it was likely for the best. More worrying still, the archaeologists had discovered preserved blood within the tubes of the construct, indicating that the Jazans used the blood of sacrifices to power the device.

The text known as The Three Queens of Jaza had rested in the Fiore National Library in good condition for centuries, but no-one had uncovered physical evidence of Jaza until now. No-one had been able to read its text until part-Jazan, part-Old-Fioran text was discovered within Jaza's ruins that allowed the archaeologists to decipher Jazan, but they needed someone to do the grunt work of translating the text. The Three Queens of Jaza, as it turned out, was a drama recounting a struggle for succession between three powerful noblewomen distantly-related to the royal bloodline once the royal family was slain, resulting in Jaza being broken up into three factions with their own territories. In the text, their power struggles cause a more powerful conqueror to strike when Jaza is weakened and take the Jazan throne for himself, and all three factions are dissolved when their own ruling families are killed.

He was almost at the end of the book, and there was no mention of the blood-using device so far. However, much of the magic performed within the text made use of blood. Each faction leader had their own specialty: Crystal Blood-Make Magic, Liquid Blood-Make Magic, and Blood Puppeteer Magic. The spells used were described in great and horrifying detail, and it was quite a struggle to get through the battle scenes. He had no idea what the Society would make of this, but it probably wouldn't be good. At least he was getting paid a decent amount of Jewel for this.
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Streets of Magnolia



Wyeth's heart was pounding his chest, the women his bird had lead him to wasn't just beautiful but she was also kind. He didn't really know what to say, he didn't want to be weird and ask her out and he didn't want to lose her. All he would manage to say was, "I am looking for seeds at the moment, I am a little low on money so I can't buy very expensive food." He could hear Caroline and her gloating before it even started. That little bird loved to be right, and she would talk his ear off when they went back to their camp. However, his little bird would be devastated to know that he wasn't planning to stick around much longer since they had already be in Magnolia for over a week. The least he could do was ask for the women's name. "My name is Wyeth by the way, what's yours?"


He didn't even notice the women bump in to the one he was talking to. She seemed a little off and disoriented. The women even backtracked what she was saying, starting off say centuries and then changing it to years. Did really matter either way? "I am pretty strong wizard my self, although I don't have a guild. I been told that I am an A class wizard before." Wyeth hoped that was all she needed and that she wasn't going to challenged him. He didn't know if his birds were up for something like. William usually was the one did the sort of thing for him, the bird loved to be changed and fight humans on the same planning flied. It wasn't because he was made but because it was fun for him.



  Reveal hidden contents

Akane, Fist Of The Mountain

"No I really wasn't." She said, back straightening from the bow. "It's just amazing how much things can change in centuri-I mean years. Yep, years. Don't mind that." She dismissed nervously. "I'm sorry for bothering the two of you... my name is Akane." She introduced herself. "I haven't been to this area in quite some time so I got a bit distracted with everything here." She explained. "I hear that people in this area are strong, do you know where I could find someone who could confirm that?" She asked politely.


Streets of Magnolia



Wyeth's heart was pounding his chest, the women his bird had lead him to wasn't just beautiful but she was also kind. He didn't really know what to say, he didn't want to be weird and ask her out and he didn't want to lose her. All he would manage to say was, "I am looking for seeds at the moment, I am a little low on money so I can't buy very expensive food." He could hear Caroline and her gloating before it even started. That little bird loved to be right, and she would talk his ear off when they went back to their camp. However, his little bird would be devastated to know that he wasn't planning to stick around much longer since they had already be in Magnolia for over a week. The least he could do was ask for the women's name. "My name is Wyeth by the way, what's yours?"


He didn't even notice the women bump in to the one he was talking to. She seemed a little off and disoriented. The women even backtracked what she was saying, starting off say centuries and then changing it to years. Did really matter either way? "I am pretty strong wizard my self, although I don't have a guild. I been told that I am an A class wizard before." Wyeth hoped that was all she needed and that she wasn't going to challenged him. He didn't know if his birds were up for something like. William usually was the one did the sort of thing for him, the bird loved to be changed and fight humans on the same planning flied. It wasn't because he was made but because it was fun for him.




Lavender Gray


Lavender nodded at the boy "I know just the place to find them. I'm Lavender Gray, wizard of Fairy tail." she introduced to both of them before her Golden-like eyes  looked over at the female who had bumped into her "It is very nice to meet you, Akane." Lavender rested her hand upon the end of her sword. The warrior found it odd that the woman was possibly hiding something.. If she changed centuries into years... Clearly she had been alive longer than the warrior. I'm not sure why people like sir mika have been appearing...those who have lived far longer than anyone.  The blonde nodded softly to Akane "I do know many people are strong here. The strongest guild here is Fairy Tail which holds powerful wizards. And if you are lucky, you can run into people such as Sir Wyeth here. I may not know his own power but it seems others have been calling him a Class A wizard. Or so he claims." Lavender looked between both wizards, wondering where they had come from "Though I do ask you both, where have you come from? What part of earthland?" they must have come a long way if one was looking for food for his flock and the other would be looking for the strongest wizards




Streets of Magnolia: Taking to two ladies



(Don't mind the person's hair and the crying)

Great, he was talking to some one in a guild which probably meant that he wouldn't have any real luck with her. It was a sad thought to him because he wanted to collect her and make her part of his flock metaphorically speaking. "Well maybe after I buy food for my flock I can show just how strong I am, how does that sound?" Wyeth didn't know if the other girl would stick around. He half didn't want her to so that he could get to know Lavender better but he wouldn't mind her company. It might be cool to be able to see what her powers were. "So just how close is that store?"


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Miyamoto Ryu (Artist's Brush; Shadow; Molten).png

Magnolia (Amaranth; Stone).png


Ryu walked aimlessly through the busy streets of Magnolia. The past week had been a long, drawn out conclusion to the events surrounding the kidnapping and the subsequent rescue mission that he had taken part in. The Rune Knights had decided to do a full (and extensively thorough) investigation into everything that had transpired, both in Magnolia, as well as the Grimoire Heart base they had discovered. They looked into every detail, no matter how insignificant, leaving no stone unturned. The Grimoire Heart base was deemed a crime zone, and no one outside the Rune Knights was let inside. And the questions. The monotonous, repetitive, mind-numbing, seemingly endless stream of questions. They wanted to know where he was before the kidnappings, what he was doing before the kidnappings, how he learned of the kidnappings, the list felt like it went on forever. Finally, after a full week of questioning by the Rune Knights, his statement on the whole incident was finally recorded and put on file. After he'd been dismissed by the Rune Knights, Ryu had gone to a store, and picked up a get well card as well as a small bouquet of flowers. He had heard from Hibiki (@LeSoraAmari) that Kelica was still in the infirmary, and he still felt bad about how he had acted back at the Grimoire Heart base, so he wanted to stop by and apologize. Unfortunately, Kelica had still been asleep when he'd visited, and he didn't want to wake her up for something so trivial, so he left the card and flowers on the table beside her hospital bed. Now, having left the infirmary, Ryu headed towards Magnolia Park. Right now, he needed to sort out his thoughts, and the calm, natural atmosphere of the park would help with that. When he reached the park, he walked over to the large Cherry Blossom tree located there, and sat down cross-legged underneath it. He let out a sigh of relief as the tension left his body, and his muscles relaxed. Ahhh. Much better.

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Yamato Ren: Wandering the streets of Magnolia


Yamato has heard the news of the missing mages being captured and rescued by multiple guilds. If only he heard sooner, he'd have been more than happy to help. Oh well that was the reason he was here anyway. Although he doesn't know many people outside his respective guild, he knew from stories that Blue Pegasus and Fairy Tail had always been on good terms with one another. So now he has gone to wish them well and provide any help needed for the injured. It wasn't long before he stumbled upon a group of people, one person that specifically caught his eye was a blonde woman with Fairy Tail's guildmark. Finally able to find someone from that guild he approached the group. "Excuse me lady? I believe you are part of Fairy Tail yes? I have heard the news about the missing mages so I have come here to provide any help for the injured if any is needed."

Yamato's gaze has drifted along the group of people who probably looked confused from him abruptly making his entrance. Realising his mistake he adjusted his glasses and formally introduced himself. "Oh! I apologise. I forgot my manners. My name is Yamato Ren. Class S mage of Blue Pegasus, you may call me Yama for short." His gaze soon fell on another woman who was not wearing much in terms of clothing. "Ma'am are you not cold wearing that?" Yamato removed his jacket and offered it to her so she may warm up. "Here you may wear this if you like. You need not return it, I have more anyway."

@TheSecretSorcerer @Britt-21 @Happy Red Mage

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