Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Valken Truss

Magnolia Hotel

The Shadow Mage had made a right mess of himself after his battle with Guild Master Lucian Grey. To be honest, he could very well have avoided the whole scenario of him being basically burnt alive but he wanted to see that Old Man in the same if not a worse condition then he was, so that he would either A. Be captured or B. Die, preferably the latter where his morals were considered. Valken didn't like spending months on a lead of information to find so little about his Target and frankly his appearing and disappearing acts were starting to really piss him off. As Millie was a healer her magic had healed him up instantly but she had taken it upon herself to Nurse him for the entire week after the Dark Guild. While it was frustrating at times, Valken actually didn't mind being mothered and smothered by his girlfriend. And her warm healing hands always touching him and checking on him was a nice pick me up from the dreary boredom of being stuck in his bed all day long.

He remembered seeing Frosty once or twice, or rather the Berserker would walk in, laugh his ass off, then turn around and walk straight out. His loss really, what man wouldn't want to be doted on with Millie's rack practically in his face all day every day as he checked on his arms and chest. In fact she must have really been in a panic when she found him, because some days in as Valken was peering to his arms he noticed with a start the scars covering his inner forearms and wrists were completely gone. Like they simply didn't exist. In a way it was a nice to see them go, but in another that was a whole lot of years of training with his daggers, a testament to just how strong and fast he can come over the years, now seemingly vanished. He was somewhat saddened to see them go, but change wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Between Millie doting on him, the Magic Council and high end officials spent a very long portion of their time discussing some very disturbing dead bodies within the Dark Guild Facility. And with everything to do with Valken he gave them his heart-felt and charming smile as he worded away the real situations. His explanations sound enough to ward anyway any real defense. There was literally dead bodies all throughout that facility from unexplained injuries so what would a few dozen or so more hurt? Dark Guilds were Dark Guilds for a reason after all. Between Millie seeing him, Frosty laughing and the Council Men it was actually Maya he saw to on quite a number of occasions. The first time he laid eyes on her after the HideOut his normal cheeky expression quickly turned sour as she explained from reports that Lucian Grey had not only stood from the combined blast that Hibiki and Ryu set against him, but had simply created a portal and vanished without a trace.


This set Valken into a foul mood and almost instantly he was up off his feet throwing a vase across the room before punching a whole in a wall. And rightfully so. He was convinced the man would be captured, or killed, but instead he had just run away again without a trace. Like a fly that could never be caught. And once again it was Maya that put a hand on the man's shoulder and sat him back down on the bed before he started to calm down again. He should have seen the older woman struggling with something. The woman always so closed off, and stern, had moments were she looked like she would speak but said nothing, but Valken unlike his normal self never noticed as he was too busy being frustrated at his own inadequacy. A right example he showed for Lamia Scale, couldn't even keep the Bastard down long enough for the Fairies to kill him. Though his anger only ever surfaced while alone, the second Millie walked into the room, he'd offer her his ever normal charming smile and warm eyes as he wordlessly took her food on let him check over his body one last time.

And so here Valken was rolled onto his side as he stared at a far wall. He had been up for quite a long time, actually, had heard Millie awaken and disappear probably to go make some breakfast while his thoughts remained dark and angered. But as per usual she strode in and shook his shoulder telling him to wake up, so he did a fairly obvious big yawn and rolled over, rubbing his eye in a sleepy manner. The poor dear. She really was so gullible sometimes. He'd barely even sat up when she plonked the tray right there on his lap and kissed his forehead and lucky for them both one plate which had been vaulted from a sudden knee movement of his he snatched out of the air with one hand and rested back softly against the plate. "I could never spoil anything your hands touch Millie... you bless everything with those wonderful hands of yours." Cracking her a sneaky smile as he reached his head forward before she had fully backed away and pressed his lips back against her own. Holding it for a second. His hand reaching forward to touch at her thigh and slide upwards a fraction before deft little fingers reached into her pocket to snatch out a knife and fork she must have forgotten. Making sure to tug her shorts down just a fraction, by accident of course. As he pulled back he leaned in quickly to kiss at her nose before he was already hunkering down to eat his breakfast with a fast pace.

"mmm...omnomnnomnom...hey Ba...mm..be...I was finking...we should probably head back to Margaret Town today, I'm sure...wow this pancake is delicious! Anyway...we should probably get on the train and go back to the Guild Hall today. I'm certain Mad Maya has finished up all her council work so we should find her soon and head on out...This Magnolia is ok I guess....but it certainly ain't no Lamia Scale..." licking his lips in probably a very ungentlemanly fashion.

@LeSoraAmari@Maki@Mykinkaiser@Mitchs98 @Rhodus
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Ayano Soru: So that old man lost?


Before the timeskip:

Ayano and the rest of the mages found their way to the exit of the dungeons at last. What she wasn't expecting though was the place to still be bustling with light guild mages and no sight of Lucian. Then again he certainly left his mark as shown by the several injured mages. No one was dead though which came as a surprise. This was a problem though... There was also a few people here that would instantly remember Ayano from their cells, So waltzing past was definitely a no if she decides to run away the mages ahead would not let her off easy, on the other hand she could remain with Kim for the time being. But who knows what she has in plan for her, she may not want to turn the vampire in but she also wouldn't let a mass murderer go free... right? "Hey Kim... you say that you won't turn me in to the council but I'm pretty sure your friends will. How do you plan to get me past them?"

@purplepanda288 (Sry for the short post. I couldn't think of much to put in, also feel free to decide what happens for after the timeskip cuz I don't have a clue...)

Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Fairytail Infirmary

The blonde haired Forest Mage slept. For so long. A blackened sleep void of dreams, both good and bad. She merely slept. She felt like her body needed the entire week just to catch up with the crazy world that she had been thrust into. She couldn't remember how she got here, where even here was. Though as the days progressed she would wake up for moments at a time as she watched people pass. The first image she could really remember was blue hair leaning over her as her body felt oddly soothed and relaxed in a way. Like the tension merely disappeared. @Kyuubey She also remembered one night she half rolled over but felt a weird resistance as her hand with fingers entwined stopped her fully rolling away. Hazy emerald eyes focusing in and she made a soft murmured "E...Emmy?" Before just as quickly she fell back to sleep. @Mykinkaiser In a half dream world she could have sworn a brown haired man came to visit her as well but he didn't stay very long, at least to what she remembered. Almost as if to check up on her. Touch her forehead once maybe but again she fell asleep once more. @Isune It wasn't until somewhere near the 5th or 6th day did she half come to and turn towards the doorway as some big, official looking men were looking as if to barge there way in, shouting something about Questions that needed answering, how they were busy people and how they couldn't keep waiting around for some girl to come to. But no matter how much they tried to come in, there was a figure just simply standing there with his arms cross like a wall to prevent them in. He said some words which she couldn't quite make out, and while the Councilmen seemed very frustrated they did turn to leave. The man turned for moment and gave her a quick smile, and it was then she recognized it as Hibiki. @LeSoraAmari She gave him the same quick smile back before she rolled over and went back to sleep.

It was on one morning her eyelids slowly peeled open at odd angles as she stared blankly outside of the Infirmary window did she half sit up and rub at her eye gently. She turned from that spot with that still half asleep and messy hair expression when she saw some flowers on her bedside and a note beside it. This made the girl's brain start to come into gear as she reached over to the bouquet of flowers and pulled them from their vase to put her face into the soft petals and take a deep breath before leaning back. The scent of fresh air, the scent of nature so much better then the stuffiness of this room she had been cooped up in for a week and instantly she was starting to smile and look better then she had. "Now... who would bring you here Little Ones?" She murmured gently as she started to unravel the cord and outer plastic away from them before wrapping her fingers around the stalks, her fingers glowing a soft green as did her necklace. Her smile only becoming more happy as she realized she could still tap into her Magic as the very flowers bobbed and swayed before they curled in among themselves. She flooded a bigger portion of her magic as her fingers started to weave, literally turning the very flower bunch into a wreath of sorts. "A red haired Mage, you say? Long hair? And a sword...Ahh...you must be talking about Ryu... but why would he get me flowers I wonder.." She glanced over and finally picked up the note which pretty much had her eyebrow press down in confused. He was apologizing for his attitude towards her in the Spring at the Dark Guild Hideout and she turned the note back and forth before re-reading the words a few times. "So...he's upset about being cold shouldered but the note doesn't even make a mention of the..." The girl's face drew down more seriously. The Siren battle, the one with his dead expression and the mini-sun that caused the Siren to wail in agony. The one she begged him to stop, but he didn't even look to her. And afterwards he simply slumped and held his head. @Rhodus

It occurred to the Forest Mage, that maybe he didn't even remember. She hurriedly slipped the note into her pocket as she slid her legs out from under the sheets, reefing on her boots and slinging the wreath into her belt loop not unlike a coil of rope. She made to walk towards the door but as she reached for the handle she heard a whole bunch of voices, stuffy old grumpy men, the frustration evident even through the door. She kept her hand held aloft there, before she quickly turned and dashed to the other end of the room towards the window. She clambered onto the windowsill as she unhooked the wreath once more, hooking an end around an outside support and tugging it once before she unraveled it to let it fall down the floor. The girl leaped out of the window and landed with a soft thud before she tugged the flower/vine rope and recoiled it, slotting it back onto her belt. "Okay Forest...let's go find our Mysterious Samurai..." Here the girl was already jogging as her necklace grew a soft green. She heard some distinct voices of the tree's in her head, but one seemed to call out more to her then the others so the girl jogged through the streets of Magnolia and before long she came to the start of the Magnolia Park. Her pace slowed down but not much before her visual caught up with Ryu simply sitting under a tree. Slowly she came to a stop before him, hand on her chin in half thought as she peered down to him.

"Thanks for the flowers and card Ryu." Kelica blurted out almost instantly then tensed up eyes wide. That's not what she wanted to ask at all! Or even say! "Um..I don't suppose you have a minute to talk then...I guess?" The words tumbling out again before she bit her tongue. She really had to learn to think before she spoke. "I mean you look busy..." She added inside kicking herself a few times because clearly, anyone just sitting under a tree looked very busy. Flat out in fact. "It's about the Dark Guild Hideout..." She continued, wishing for once she could put a leash onto her mouth to just stop the words for one moment. "I'm worried about you.." She added finally as her face became serious. And to be honest, she was. A complete psychotic breakdown was not something light after all. "What do you remember?....."
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Kenya was simply "meditating" as she called it but it was really her taking a light nap when someone began talking to her. She opened her eyes to see a large man from what she had heard this was the leader of Sabertooth the man she had been waiting for. Gilad he had a face and aura many others would be scared of but she was used to both these things coming from her home. She stood up as a sign she wasn't frightened if that was his goal which she doubted but one could never be too sure. Then gave a proper bow to him. "My name is Kenya Yukimi of the Yukimi family. I am here to ask to join your guild I admire the guilds overall feeling. My gut tells me it would be the perfect place for me." Then another guy who she figured was also a member walked over she was fine with that what she wasn't fine with was the words that came out of his mouth. Kenya looked up at him and glared poking his chest with her finger. "I'll have you know I am a woman and will kindly ask you to not mistake me for otherwise got it!" She didn't mean to get so mad but that was just how it was for her when people mistook her for a boy. It was how it's always been she hoped her losing her temper a bit wasn't going to ruin her chances of joining the guild. 

@Jackaboi @Colt556
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Miyamoto Ryu (Artist's Brush; Molten).png

Magnolia (Amaranth; Stone).png

Ryu opened his eyes and looked up lazily as he heard someone say his name. The particular someone turned out to be Kelica, who seemed a fair bit more anxious than she usually was. He didn't interrupt her as she stumbled over her words, instead listening quietly and patiently. When she was finished, he stood up slowly, taking the time to brush the dirt off his clothes. "Hmmmm, let's see," he said in response to Kelica's final question regarding his memory. "Well, I remember entering the Grimoire Heart base, and I remember falling down into the underground spring.  I remember climbing out of it, but..." As he tried to unearth the subsequent memories of what had happened after the climb out of the spring, the pain in his head exploded back into existence, twice as potent as before. He clutched a hand to his forehead, wincing and tensing up from the intense pain. "If I try to remember what happened right after that," He said slowly, his teeth clenched from the pain. "I get the worst headache. The next thing I'm able to remember after the climb out is standing in a dome with the siren defeated and the Guild Master of Grimoire Heart present." He leaned back against the large Cherry Blossom tree, the pain slowly diminishing as he massaged his forehead. "But please don't worry about me too much, miss Kelica. This isn't the first time I've experienced memory loss, and I don't think that it will be the last. At this point, I've more or less gotten used to it."

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Lavender Gray


Lavender nodded at the boy "I know just the place to find them. I'm Lavender Gray, wizard of Fairy tail." she introduced to both of them before her Golden-like eyes  looked over at the female who had bumped into her "It is very nice to meet you, Akane." Lavender rested her hand upon the end of her sword. The warrior found it odd that the woman was possibly hiding something.. If she changed centuries into years... Clearly she had been alive longer than the warrior. I'm not sure why people like sir mika have been appearing...those who have lived far longer than anyone.  The blonde nodded softly to Akane "I do know many people are strong here. The strongest guild here is Fairy Tail which holds powerful wizards. And if you are lucky, you can run into people such as Sir Wyeth here. I may not know his own power but it seems others have been calling him a Class A wizard. Or so he claims." Lavender looked between both wizards, wondering where they had come from "Though I do ask you both, where have you come from? What part of earthland?" they must have come a long way if one was looking for food for his flock and the other would be looking for the strongest wizards


Streets of Magnolia: Taking to two ladies


(Don't mind the person's hair and the crying)

Great, he was talking to some one in a guild which probably meant that he wouldn't have any real luck with her. It was a sad thought to him because he wanted to collect her and make her part of his flock metaphorically speaking. "Well maybe after I buy food for my flock I can show just how strong I am, how does that sound?" Wyeth didn't know if the other girl would stick around. He half didn't want her to so that he could get to know Lavender better but he wouldn't mind her company. It might be cool to be able to see what her powers were. "So just how close is that store?"

Yamato Ren: Wandering the streets of Magnolia


Yamato has heard the news of the missing mages being captured and rescued by multiple guilds. If only he heard sooner, he'd have been more than happy to help. Oh well that was the reason he was here anyway. Although he doesn't know many people outside his respective guild, he knew from stories that Blue Pegasus and Fairy Tail had always been on good terms with one another. So now he has gone to wish them well and provide any help needed for the injured. It wasn't long before he stumbled upon a group of people, one person that specifically caught his eye was a blonde woman with Fairy Tail's guildmark. Finally able to find someone from that guild he approached the group. "Excuse me lady? I believe you are part of Fairy Tail yes? I have heard the news about the missing mages so I have come here to provide any help for the injured if any is needed."

Yamato's gaze has drifted along the group of people who probably looked confused from him abruptly making his entrance. Realising his mistake he adjusted his glasses and formally introduced himself. "Oh! I apologise. I forgot my manners. My name is Yamato Ren. Class S mage of Blue Pegasus, you may call me Yama for short." His gaze soon fell on another woman who was not wearing much in terms of clothing. "Ma'am are you not cold wearing that?" Yamato removed his jacket and offered it to her so she may warm up. "Here you may wear this if you like. You need not return it, I have more anyway."


Akane, Fist Of The Mountain

Akane nodded. "Ah, of course, wandering around is always a great way to find strong combatants...Fairy Tail huh...hm...although I am not familiar with these...Classes?" She said. "I come from the far northern mountain ranges." She said after some careful thought. It wasn't a lie, it was just not specific. She couldn't reveal the temple's existence. She turned her attention to the bird man. "I suppose that sounds wonderful. I look forward to fighting with you." She replied to him. Then another man came and introduced himself as Yamato Ren. "I am not, Sir Ren. I have no need for clothing against the cold." This weather was nothing compared to one of the trial chambers.

The Forest Mage watched Ryu stand slowly and brush himself off, she was glad in a way her ditzy nature didn't seem to deter him any. She listened but it was only as he mentioned after the Spring that she sprang forward suddenly as he clutched at his head, hands suddenly cupping either side of his temple as she kept his head steady as her palms glowed a soft green. It was more on instinct then anything as he winced further, not knowing exactly why but he looked to be having a migraine, so she kept his neck steady to stop any unnecessary movements to worsen his condition. She bent down only a fraction as she looked to his face, trying to look into his eyes and his pupils but his eyes remained closed so she was unable to judge exactly what his neural function was. Though he was still speaking, that was a plus. His words, while pained, weren't slurred which was another plus. So instead the normally ditzy blonde simply listened with a serious look on her face. Memory loss... well clearly something triggered it, and she was starting to get a feeling it was something to do with that Siren after all. Still keeping her palms onto his temples and holding his head steady, she gestured with her eyes downwards before slowly pulling him down to sit back to the ground. Kneeling before him while keeping his visual she spoke gently. She didn't even know if what she was about to say would trigger another episode, or if he might faint. Either way she was taking extra precautions.

"Ryu.... The reason I ask is because you changed. And not just a little either. When we got to the top of the staircase, you spotted the Siren and you just... you flipped. I've never seen you like that before at all. You basically unsheathed your sword and started screaming at her, and told everyone to get out of the way or you'd kill them to. Thing's got real messy but after I returned, you both were trapped in some Dome thing...and...Ryu you'd made this miniature sun...you were pacing like some sort of Killer! She was screaming in agony, and you just stood there, like you didn't even care. Like you couldn't even hear her! I tried to talk to you but you couldn't even see me or hear me either! Like I was invisible!.... She was screaming Ryu...and you would have killed her without a thought..." By now the Forest Mage's throat had practically closed over as her hands started to slip slowly downwards, like she were holding back tears herself. That sound...that screaming. She couldn't take it. She couldn't take anyone killing or torturing a creature so violently. She couldn't understand it at all.



Streets of Magnolia: Taking to two ladies


(Don't mind the person's hair and the crying)

Great, he was talking to some one in a guild which probably meant that he wouldn't have any real luck with her. It was a sad thought to him because he wanted to collect her and make her part of his flock metaphorically speaking. "Well maybe after I buy food for my flock I can show just how strong I am, how does that sound?" Wyeth didn't know if the other girl would stick around. He half didn't want her to so that he could get to know Lavender better but he wouldn't mind her company. It might be cool to be able to see what her powers were. "So just how close is that store?"


Yamato Ren: Wandering the streets of Magnolia


Yamato has heard the news of the missing mages being captured and rescued by multiple guilds. If only he heard sooner, he'd have been more than happy to help. Oh well that was the reason he was here anyway. Although he doesn't know many people outside his respective guild, he knew from stories that Blue Pegasus and Fairy Tail had always been on good terms with one another. So now he has gone to wish them well and provide any help needed for the injured. It wasn't long before he stumbled upon a group of people, one person that specifically caught his eye was a blonde woman with Fairy Tail's guildmark. Finally able to find someone from that guild he approached the group. "Excuse me lady? I believe you are part of Fairy Tail yes? I have heard the news about the missing mages so I have come here to provide any help for the injured if any is needed."

Yamato's gaze has drifted along the group of people who probably looked confused from him abruptly making his entrance. Realising his mistake he adjusted his glasses and formally introduced himself. "Oh! I apologise. I forgot my manners. My name is Yamato Ren. Class S mage of Blue Pegasus, you may call me Yama for short." His gaze soon fell on another woman who was not wearing much in terms of clothing. "Ma'am are you not cold wearing that?" Yamato removed his jacket and offered it to her so she may warm up. "Here you may wear this if you like. You need not return it, I have more anyway."

@TheSecretSorcerer @Britt-21 @Happy Red Mage
  Reveal hidden contents


Akane, Fist Of The Mountain

Akane nodded. "Ah, of course, wandering around is always a great way to find strong combatants...Fairy Tail huh...hm...although I am not familiar with these...Classes?" She said. "I come from the far northern mountain ranges." She said after some careful thought. It wasn't a lie, it was just not specific. She couldn't reveal the temple's existence. She turned her attention to the bird man. "I suppose that sounds wonderful. I look forward to fighting with you." She replied to him. Then another man came and introduced himself as Yamato Ren. "I am not, Sir Ren. I have no need for clothing against the cold." This weather was nothing compared to one of the trial chambers.

Lavender Gray


So many people were bumping into the young blonde and it made her wonder if she really was approachable. All she was wearing was summer stuff in the fall, and sure, it was chilly but that didnt stop lavender. She was pretty warm at the moment simply by letting her blood pump through her veins. Glancing at the man who had approached their small group "I'm Lavender Gray. I do appreciate your offer of assistance. But I am not quite sure if we need the help. I believe we managed to heal everyone. But while you are here, I shall bring you to the hall to see if your assistance is needed." a soft smile was planted on her face before glancing at Wyeth "The shop is not too far. It's in the marketplace where I have no problem bringing you to." then her eyes moved over to Akane "Northern mountain ranges? Well that sounds pretty far. Is there anything that you are looking for as well? I can bring all of you to your destinations if needed." it was nice to have met many mages in one go. But it was also a little worrying since they all were here approaching her out of all people. maybe it was because of her exposed guild mark on the outer thigh.




Streets of Magnolia: Feeling Anxious



Wyeth liked the company of everyone at first but as more people were joining in he was feeling uncomfortable. His heart was racing and he felt like he was shacking all over. He was no longer blushing but he was fighting the urge to pace back and forth. It had been a while since he had been around so many people since he had left his family and started raising birds. His flock feeling his stress started to land on him and some were making small circles around him thinking that he was in some sort of danger. William was sitting on his shoulder watching everyone suspiciously. Caroline and Mathew sensing the change in the flock began to fly back to Wyeth having already found the store. After a moment the birds settled down some and what ever birds hadn't landed on Wyeth sat on the ground near. He had to really focus on what the man was saying in order to reply. "It's ni-nice to me-meet you Yama," He said weakly. Hearing Yama's words he knew that the mages probably didn't need help, especially after a weak since most guilds had healers of some or a way to heal them. Even if they did need help Wyeth didn't think there was a way he could help them. Then Akane Responded, that was really the person who the offer was meant for but it might still be fun to spare her. "Well.... Shall g-get going then?" He wanted to go by himself but he also wanted to stay with Lavender.


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Gilad Arcturus - Sabertooth Guild Hall: Crocus

Before the blue-haired boy could speak up as to why he was there a familiar voice rang out. One of his members from Magnolia had apparently arrived back home and decided to inject himself into the conversation. He glanced down at Eric, an unamused look in his eye before the newcomer's voice drew back his gaze. Sabertooth was no stranger to new recruits even if most of them never gained entry so her desire to join was to be expected. What he did not expect, however, was what she said in response to Eric. While he was careful not to show it he was quite surprised at the mention of her being female. He was certain she was a boy from the moment he laid eyes on her. Nevertheless that surprising fact would have to be put to the side for now. He held his gaze on the girl and allowed silence to linger for several awkward moments as he liked to do. Finally he folded his arms over his chest and spoke up. "Sabertooth is not a place for the weak. If you wish to join our ranks you will have to prove yourself worthy." Unfortunately Mizuki was likely still back in Magnolia as was Masaki. Indeed it seemed all of his S-ranks were otherwise unavailable. It was at that moment that his gaze drifted to his side, peering down on the boy that had invoked the new girl's ire. "Eric, I want you to have a brief duel with Miss Yukimi. We shall see how capable she is." Not allowing either of the two to get a word in he abruptly turned and made his way over towards the bar. The others in the hall were quick to vacate the center of the room and make space for the two soon-to-be combatants. Upon reaching his favored stool he took a seat, resting an elbow upon the counter and using his hand to support his chin as he kept steady watch on the two.

@Nenma Takashi @Jackaboi @Drakerus

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia

By the time she finally came to the fight had long been over and several days had already passed. A quick look around filled her in, albeit slightly, on her situation. She was obviously in some hospital room and had been treated for her wounds and magic exhaustion. She flexed her hand a few times while staring at it, her entire body ached and felt slow and weak. As much as she enjoyed sleeping it was obvious she had been out for a while. Shortly after waking up several Council officials came to speak with her, filling in the blanks and informing her that she would be subjected to an inquiry on what exactly took place. The thought of escaping was prominent in her mind, however the absence of her clothes and weapons forced her to reconsider that option. As much as she didn't want to deal with the council she wasn't about to leave her sword behind. With a groan of frustration she flopped back onto her bed. There never was anything to do in a hospital except wait, and so wait she did. The day came and went and after what seemed like thousands of years she was finally seated at a table in a simple room with an investigator sat across from her. As she expected the majority of the investigation centered around all the dead mages that the edgelord and berserker had left in their wake. She clicked her tongue in frustration and glared down at the table at the thought of being subjected to all this hassle because those two were a couple of psychopaths.

Nevertheless time ticked on and she was eventually cut loose, the council finding that all traces of her attacks were on those few mages fortunate to be alive. Free of the hospital and the council's grasp she now found herself standing outside of the hospital. A full week had passed and she was finally free. She looked up at the sky and let out a long, tired sigh. Who knew a simple festival would turn into such a headache. It was then that realization dawned on her. A week had passed. One full week. Seven days. She let out a cry of anguish as she brought her hands up to her head. "Shit! I never paid rent!" That old hag already hated her, that much was obvious the moment she walked into the joint. There was no way she would have kept the room for her. Even so she sprinted off back towards the inn in the desperate hope that all her stuff was at least still available. Upon reaching the inn she barreled in through the front door, her eyes locked firmly with the old woman's as a look of surprise filled the old woman's features. Without even giving the old bat a chance to speak up she quickly rambled off an apology. "I'm so sorry! I was caught up in those kidnappings and had to deal with the Council so it wasn't my fault that I couldn't get you the money but I swear I'll get you the money as quickly as possible please tell me you didn't throw out my stuff!" The words were fired out like a machine gun, bombarding the old woman who was sat behind the counter.

As she finished her long-winded explanation she fell silent, her pleading eyes remaining locked on the old woman as she waited for some kind of response. The look of shock quickly faded from the old woman's face as a look of amusement took it's place. The old woman let the silence linger uncomfortably long, seemingly taking great joy in the squirming of the redhead. Finally she spoke up as she thumbed the stairs. "Your stuffs where you left it. The authorities informed me of your situation." A wave of relief washed over her as she was about to speak up and profess her gratitude when the old woman again spoke up, cutting her off. "The late fee for your payment will be an additional 5,000 Jewel." In the blink of an eye her relief turned to anger. Five grand? The room itself was only three! If she could afford a 8,000 Jewel payment she wouldn't be staying in this dump to begin with! "What the hell!? That's way too-!" A sharp glare from the old woman immediately shut her up. She knew if she continued her resistance the price would only go up. After a few moments of struggling with what to say or do she finally slumped forward in resignation and solemnly made her way up the stairs towards her room. A proper change of clothes and a nice hot shower would do her good.

While getting properly ready for the day her mind continued to swirl with ideas. She'd have to make that money soon or she'd be out on the street. But as a freelancer there was no way to get that much money so quickly. She held her arms on the shower wall and allowed the hot water to flow over her. As heavenly as taking her first shower in over a week felt the current situation prevented her from enjoying it properly. No matter how hard she tried she simply couldn't think of a way to get that kind of money. She was barely scraping by before this whole situation to begin with. "Unless...." She reached down and turned off the shower and stepped out to dry herself off and get dressed for the day. There was only one way to get a decent amount of money and that was with a steady supply of jobs, and the only way to get a steady supply of jobs was to join a guild. It wasn't as if she hadn't thought about it already, she had toyed with the idea of joining Fairy Tail when she arrived in the city. As she finished getting dressed she made up her mind. "Nothing ventured nothing gained, right?" She had always heard that Fairy Tail was fairly exclusive but it certainly didn't hurt to try. There were some Fairy Tail mages at the dungeon, maybe she left a good impression?

Making her way out of her room and down the stairs she refused to even glance over at the old bat behind the counter. She could almost feel the smirk on the woman's face and it would have made her far too mad to actually see it with her own eyes. Upon exiting the building she let out a breath she hadn't even realized she was holding. While she made her way down the street it all seemed sort of surreal. It seemed like just yesterday there were stalls selling foods and toys and yet now the streets were perfectly clear. There wasn't even a trace of the festival. Nothing really hit home how much time she had spent out of action like seeing this before and after scenario. At least it had only been a week, things would be far far worse if she had been out longer than that. Losing herself in her thoughts the walk towards Fairy Tail's hall was quick and before she knew it she had arrived at her destination. Standing before the structure she wasn't sure how to go about asking to join. Did guilds have some kind of application process? Try as she might to suppress them butterflies bubbled up in her stomach. She had never joined a guild before in her life, let alone the most powerful one in all of Fiore. What if they rejected her? Not only would that be rather embarrassing but it'd also leave her up a creek without a paddle.

A small slapping sound filled the area around her as she brought her hands to her cheeks in some kind of courage-building exorcise. "Let's just get it over with, Tanari. Don't waste time." Taking a deep breath she made her way up towards the open doors and peaked her head inside. As expected it was a rather rowdy place with boisterous laughing and a lot of shouting. She couldn't make out anyone that seemed to be the leader or anything and she wasn't about to call out and grab the attention of the entire guild. How were you even suppose to contact a guild anyways? Were you even allowed to walk in if you weren't a member? If she just strolled in without permission it'd probably hurt her chances of getting accepted so ultimately she decided to wait out front to try and flag someone down and ask them directly. She made her way over to the wall and leaned back on it, her eyes glued on the door beside her as she waited for someone to either come out or go in.

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail , Wizard Saint

Magnolia , Fairy Tail guild hall

It had been a solid week since the 'incident' with Lucian ,and his rag tag team of brutes, had ended. Yet questions were still being asked at almost every damn turnabout, heck Clair didn't even go to the dungeon and she was still interrogated for over an hour ! In all honesty the magic council had to have been taking the piss at this point , alas they weren't the type to do so which only made the whole situation worse.

Anyway Clair herself was just after finishing a slice of cake when she spotted one of the 'council frog people' eying her up. Needless to say this sent a nasty shiver down her spine and prompted her to leave before he/he/it could question her even more so. Moving swiftly through the guild hall , dodging and weaving through both the dancing and fighting , Clair made her way outside. Slamming the wooden doors tightly behind her with a loud bang.

Upon taking a breath of fresh air Clair realized she wasn't the only one outside the guild hall entrance , no there was yet another mage. A mage Clair had seen once before , but where ? "You , your the girl from the portal ! Long time no see !"

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail , Wizard Saint

Magnolia , Fairy Tail guild hall

It had been a solid week since the 'incident' with Lucian ,and his rag tag team of brutes, had ended. Yet questions were still being asked at almost every damn turnabout, heck Clair didn't even go to the dungeon and she was still interrogated for over an hour ! In all honesty the magic council had to have been taking the piss at this point , alas they weren't the type to do so which only made the whole situation worse.

Anyway Clair herself was just after finishing a slice of cake when she spotted one of the 'council frog people' eying her up. Needless to say this sent a nasty shiver down her spine and prompted her to leave before he/he/it could question her even more so. Moving swiftly through the guild hall , dodging and weaving through both the dancing and fighting , Clair made her way outside. Slamming the wooden doors tightly behind her with a loud bang.

Upon taking a breath of fresh air Clair realized she wasn't the only one outside the guild hall entrance , no there was yet another mage. A mage Clair had seen once before , but where ? "You , your the girl from the portal ! Long time no see !"

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia

The wait for someone to pass by quickly took it's toll on her and she let out a low yawn as she allowed her gaze to drift up towards the sky. She wasn't exactly the waiting type so even spending just a few minutes with nothing to do triggered her desire to sleep. Fortunately a voice broke her out of her revere and brought her gaze towards the redhead that spoke up. 'Long time no see'? She did her best to hide the confusion as she stared at the woman, quickly pushing herself off the wall and offering a reply. "Huh? Ah, yeah.... Uh.. it's been a while..." A million thoughts raced through her mind, the chief among them being who was this girl? They had obviously met in the past at some point but where? Try as she might she couldn't recall and her internal struggle was beginning to show itself in her expression. Realizing she had to act quick she brought a hand up and offered a quick cough to clear her throat before continuing. "I'm glad to see you're doing well." She gave a small nod, more to herself than to the other girl. That was a good follow-up. But the question still remained... It was then that the rest of what the redhead said clicked into place, she had mentioned a portal. The only portal she's dealt with was that one that took her to the mansion in Clover. Her face lit up as she gently smacked her fist into a palm. "Oh, right, you were at Malnia!" The very moment the words left her mouth a look of dread spread across her face. There was no way the redhead wouldn't realize that she had forgotten all about her. Well it's not like it was her fault, the two barely interacted! If anything it's this girl's fault for having an excessively good memory. Even so she still had to recover and moved quickly. "Ahem.. anyways, due to recent events I've finally decided to see what guild life was like, so I was going to try and join Fairy Tail." She turned her attention from the redhead up towards the Fairy Tail logo above them before continuing. "But I've never joined a guild before so I wasn't sure who to talk to and I didn't really want to disturb everyone...." She brought her hand up to rub the back of her head while offering a small laugh at the thought. Even she knew how absurd her little fears were, especially given how rowdy and open Fairy Tail was.

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia

The wait for someone to pass by quickly took it's toll on her and she let out a low yawn as she allowed her gaze to drift up towards the sky. She wasn't exactly the waiting type so even spending just a few minutes with nothing to do triggered her desire to sleep. Fortunately a voice broke her out of her revere and brought her gaze towards the redhead that spoke up. 'Long time no see'? She did her best to hide the confusion as she stared at the woman, quickly pushing herself off the wall and offering a reply. "Huh? Ah, yeah.... Uh.. it's been a while..." A million thoughts raced through her mind, the chief among them being who was this girl? They had obviously met in the past at some point but where? Try as she might she couldn't recall and her internal struggle was beginning to show itself in her expression. Realizing she had to act quick she brought a hand up and offered a quick cough to clear her throat before continuing. "I'm glad to see you're doing well." She gave a small nod, more to herself than to the other girl. That was a good follow-up. But the question still remained... It was then that the rest of what the redhead said clicked into place, she had mentioned a portal. The only portal she's dealt with was that one that took her to the mansion in Clover. Her face lit up as she gently smacked her fist into a palm. "Oh, right, you were at Malnia!" The very moment the words left her mouth a look of dread spread across her face. There was no way the redhead wouldn't realize that she had forgotten all about her. Well it's not like it was her fault, the two barely interacted! If anything it's this girl's fault for having an excessively good memory. Even so she still had to recover and moved quickly. "Ahem.. anyways, due to recent events I've finally decided to see what guild life was like, so I was going to try and join Fairy Tail." She turned her attention from the redhead up towards the Fairy Tail logo above them before continuing. "But I've never joined a guild before so I wasn't sure who to talk to and I didn't really want to disturb everyone...." She brought her hand up to rub the back of her head while offering a small laugh at the thought. Even she knew how absurd her little fears were, especially given how rowdy and open Fairy Tail was.

Clair took the girls hand in hers and gave it a firm shake , it was more than obvious that the mage before her knew little of what Clair was talking about , in fact it wasn't until the girl brought up Malina that Clair felt somewhat at ease. With an awkward laugh Clair broke the shake and brought her hand to the back of her head "'Well' isn't how I'd describe my current situation...." However before Clair could finish her sentence the fire mage seemed to swap the topic.

Apparently , from what Clair could gather , the girl was hoping to join Fairy Tail but didn't know how to go about doing so. Hopefully that was right , the girl really could speak fast. With a soft sigh Clair moved her hands to her hips and focused her gaze upon the girl "Well I think Fairy Tail is the right choice , however I'm not sure where 'Tripple A' stands on the matter. I mean to my knowledge she hasn't even accepted a single applicant yet , besides that the S rank trials were placed on hold under her rule as well. Honestly it's a mess at the moment."

With a rather long pause and quite some time to think Clair soon came to an amazing/not so amazing Idea !  With a devilish grin plastered upon her face and a look of mischief present in her eyes Clair broke the silence "Say are you any good at keeping secrets ?"
Clair took the girls hand in hers and gave it a firm shake , it was more than obvious that the mage before her knew little of what Clair was talking about , in fact it wasn't until the girl brought up Malina that Clair felt somewhat at ease. With an awkward laugh Clair broke the shake and brought her hand to the back of her head "'Well' isn't how I'd describe my current situation...." However before Clair could finish her sentence the fire mage seemed to swap the topic.

Apparently , from what Clair could gather , the girl was hoping to join Fairy Tail but didn't know how to go about doing so. Hopefully that was right , the girl really could speak fast. With a soft sigh Clair moved her hands to her hips and focused her gaze upon the girl "Well I think Fairy Tail is the right choice , however I'm not sure where 'Tripple A' stands on the matter. I mean to my knowledge she hasn't even accepted a single applicant yet , besides that the S rank trials were placed on hold under her rule as well. Honestly it's a mess at the moment."

With a rather long pause and quite some time to think Clair soon came to an amazing/not so amazing Idea !  With a devilish grin plastered upon her face and a look of mischief present in her eyes Clair broke the silence "Say are you any good at keeping secrets ?"

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia

She looked down as the redhead grabbed her hand, giving her a shake which she was quick to return. Once free she dropped her hand to her side and turned her attention back on the redhead as she spoke. Having a member of the guild seemingly speak so low of their Guild Master didn't exactly imbue her with confidence. But, at the end of the day she didn't need a good guild master to get some jobs and pay her debts. So even if the guild master hasn't accepted any new applicants that doesn't automatically mean she'd be rejected, right? Her interest was piqued as the redhead asked if she could keep a secret. She tilted her head to the side slightly and narrowed her eyes, confused as to what the girl was getting at. Nevertheless she could... kind of... sometimes.. keep a secret so why not. "Yeah, I'm great at keeping secrets. Wouldn't have a job if I wasn't. Why do you ask?"

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia

She looked down as the redhead grabbed her hand, giving her a shake which she was quick to return. Once free she dropped her hand to her side and turned her attention back on the redhead as she spoke. Having a member of the guild seemingly speak so low of their Guild Master didn't exactly imbue her with confidence. But, at the end of the day she didn't need a good guild master to get some jobs and pay her debts. So even if the guild master hasn't accepted any new applicants that doesn't automatically mean she'd be rejected, right? Her interest was piqued as the redhead asked if she could keep a secret. She tilted her head to the side slightly and narrowed her eyes, confused as to what the girl was getting at. Nevertheless she could... kind of... sometimes.. keep a secret so why not. "Yeah, I'm great at keeping secrets. Wouldn't have a job if I wasn't. Why do you ask?"

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail , Wizard Saint

Magnolia , Fairy Tail guild hall

Clair turned her back to the girl and pointed up towards the guild hall sign as she spoke in a somewhat hushed tone "' 'Tripple A' , well she gets all kinds of flustered around the Sabertooth master. Hehe I mean she'd piratically do anything to stop rumors of a crush from spreading , if you know what I mean.". With that being said Clair quickly spun on her heels and stared seriously into the mage's eyes "However he can have quite a bad mood at times so I suggest you keep that card close to your chest unless you absolutely need it. Oh and don't bring up her chest , no that won't get you anywhere unless you can beat her in a fight !".

Eric: Why am I always surrounded by the scary ones...


Wait... HE'S A SHE!? This was surprising to say the least and not only that but she has the scariest look in her eye's too... "Heh... I-I see... heh heh... My bad..." Eric had better be careful to not make any mistakes like that again. This girl had that kind of stare... It's almost scary enough to rival Mizuki or Kasumi. Eric then looked at Gilad who also gave him that same stare. yup no one beats him though. The place was silent for a while before Gilad ordered Eric to have a duel with Yukimi. "Wait wha...?" Before he knew it the centre of the room was empty, just enough space for a fight. It seemed he really didn't have a say in the matter. "Well in that case." Eric transformed his arms into dragon claws ready for combat. "Just so you know I'm not the type to hold back. Whether it be a Girl or a new recruit I believe anyone can be strong." Eric gestured Yukimi towards him challenging her "So show me what ya got!"

@Nenma Takashi @Colt556 @Drakerus

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail , Wizard Saint

Magnolia , Fairy Tail guild hall

Clair turned her back to the girl and pointed up towards the guild hall sign as she spoke in a somewhat hushed tone "' 'Tripple A' , well she gets all kinds of flustered around the Sabertooth master. Hehe I mean she'd piratically do anything to stop rumors of a crush from spreading , if you know what I mean.". With that being said Clair quickly spun on her heels and stared seriously into the mage's eyes "However he can have quite a bad mood at times so I suggest you keep that card close to your chest unless you absolutely need it. Oh and don't bring up her chest , no that won't get you anywhere unless you can beat her in a fight !".

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia

Her gaze drifted around awkwardly as the redhead turned her back on her. This mention of 'Triple A' had her terribly confused, she could only imagine the redhead was referring to the guild master of Fairy Tail. Must just be some kind of nickname or something. Based on the fact that the redhead was sharing this information it must have to do with the whole refusal to accept applicants thing. "I see..." She wasn't sure how well blackmailing a guild master would go, but at least she now had the option.... The redhead even gave a warning not to mention the guild master's chest. "Thanks for the information, I'll be careful with it." She gave the redhead a small nod before turning her gaze towards the large doors of the guild hall. However there was still one rather significant issue remaining. She turned her attention back towards the redhead before continuing. "Um... what does 'Triple A' look like? I've never actually seen Fairy Tail's guild master, how do I find her?"

Gilad Arcturus - Sabertooth Guild Hall: Crocus

Before the blue-haired boy could speak up as to why he was there a familiar voice rang out. One of his members from Magnolia had apparently arrived back home and decided to inject himself into the conversation. He glanced down at Eric, an unamused look in his eye before the newcomer's voice drew back his gaze. Sabertooth was no stranger to new recruits even if most of them never gained entry so her desire to join was to be expected. What he did not expect, however, was what she said in response to Eric. While he was careful not to show it he was quite surprised at the mention of her being female. He was certain she was a boy from the moment he laid eyes on her. Nevertheless that surprising fact would have to be put to the side for now. He held his gaze on the girl and allowed silence to linger for several awkward moments as he liked to do. Finally he folded his arms over his chest and spoke up. "Sabertooth is not a place for the weak. If you wish to join our ranks you will have to prove yourself worthy." Unfortunately Mizuki was likely still back in Magnolia as was Masaki. Indeed it seemed all of his S-ranks were otherwise unavailable. It was at that moment that his gaze drifted to his side, peering down on the boy that had invoked the new girl's ire. "Eric, I want you to have a brief duel with Miss Yukimi. We shall see how capable she is." Not allowing either of the two to get a word in he abruptly turned and made his way over towards the bar. The others in the hall were quick to vacate the center of the room and make space for the two soon-to-be combatants. Upon reaching his favored stool he took a seat, resting an elbow upon the counter and using his hand to support his chin as he kept steady watch on the two.

@Nenma Takashi @Jackaboi @Drakerus

Eric: Why am I always surrounded by the scary ones...


Wait... HE'S A SHE!? This was surprising to say the least and not only that but she has the scariest look in her eye's too... "Heh... I-I see... heh heh... My bad..." Eric had better be careful to not make any mistakes like that again. This girl had that kind of stare... It's almost scary enough to rival Mizuki or Kasumi. Eric then looked at Gilad who also gave him that same stare. yup no one beats him though. The place was silent for a while before Gilad ordered Eric to have a duel with Yukimi. "Wait wha...?" Before he knew it the centre of the room was empty, just enough space for a fight. It seemed he really didn't have a say in the matter. "Well in that case." Eric transformed his arms into dragon claws ready for combat. "Just so you know I'm not the type to hold back. Whether it be a Girl or a new recruit I believe anyone can be strong." Eric gestured Yukimi towards him challenging her "So show me what ya got!"

@Nenma Takashi @Colt556 @Drakerus

Kenya understood completely a guild couldn't be asked to babysit weak members so they had to check her strength. She turned to the boy she was told to fight with to test her strength, he had apologized somewhat for mistaking her for a boy but that didn't mean she wasn't still pissed. When his arm turned to that of a dragon she was somewhat impressed by it. "That's an interesting magic." Then she reached for her sword shifting her feet so she was ready to lung at him. "I too will not hold back it'd be insulting to the both of us if either one of us held back. So be ready I will aim to kill you." She decided to start simple with false step she fainted that she'd step forward. But those around would see her actually moving forward as if she was going to attack him. 

Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall


When everyone moved to make room for the duel, Tokine moved to the kitchen to grab a cup of tea before, coming back out to sit a stool over from Gilad. She was pretty interested in watching the duel since she had never seen either of the two fight before. Eric seemed to possess the ability to transform parts of his body similar to takeover magic while Kenya had yet to display actual magic. Although, Tokine could tell by looking at her that her combat prowess was nothing to scoff at. She took a peek at the guildmaster and as expected, he was studying the two intently. It was then she thought about the repercussions of amking them fight each other all out and she voiced her thoughts.

"Master, are you certain it's wise to let them fight with killing intent? What if one of them gets hurt?" she asked, slightly worried for the two...mostly Eric, but her voice came out as more curious than actually worried.

@Colt556@Nenma Takashi@Jackaboi

Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall

When everyone moved to make room for the duel, Tokine moved to the kitchen to grab a cup of tea before, coming back out to sit a stool over from Gilad. She was pretty interested in watching the duel since she had never seen either of the two fight before. Eric seemed to possess the ability to transform parts of his body similar to takeover magic while Kenya had yet to display actual magic. Although, Tokine could tell by looking at her that her combat prowess was nothing to scoff at. She took a peek at the guildmaster and as expected, he was studying the two intently. It was then she thought about the repercussions of amking them fight each other all out and she voiced her thoughts.

"Master, are you certain it's wise to let them fight with killing intent? What if one of them gets hurt?" she asked, slightly worried for the two...mostly Eric, but her voice came out as more curious than actually worried.

@Colt556@Nenma Takashi@Jackaboi

Gilad Arcturus - Sabertooth Guild Hall: Crocus

He kept a close eye on the newcomer, curious as to what she was capable of. It was obvious that her magic involved her sword but beyond that she had given no indication of what she could do. His thoughts drifted off to the last time a situation such as this had arose. He could only hope this girl did not make the same mistakes as her predecessor. A light voice pulled his attention to the white haired girl now seated by his side. After a simple look of acknowledgement he turned his gaze back on the two combatants. "We are a Light Guild first and foremost, we do not kill. Part of being strong is being able to control your power. Strength without control is merely chaos." As he watched the two make their opening moves the corner of his lips curled into a small smirk, his tone softening somewhat as he spoke to the girl. "That said, what kind of Guild Master would I be if I allowed harm to come to my members?" He left it at that, his gaze firmly locked on the duo so he could deal with any situation that might arise.
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Yamato Ren: Yama chore services at your disposal


The blonde haired woman who identified herself as Akane declined his offer to take the coat. "I believe I overheard you say you come from the far northern mountains? That will explain your resistance to the cold then." Yamato nodded before putting his coat back on. The woman identifying herself as Lavender has mentioned that everyone else has now been treated for their injuries. But she did offer to take him to the Fairy Tail guild hall so that they might make use of his services there. "I see... I am very happy to hear that everyone is alive and well. In that case I shall accompany you for the time being. I have heard that over a hundred of years ago our guilds were on very good terms. So I am glad to finally have the chance to get to know all of you." Yama turned his attention to the silver haired male who seemed to be a little shy, Yamato could notice right away but didn't mention anything about it in the hopes helping him grow more comfortable with the crowd. "It is nice to meet you too. Ah! Since I'll be accompanying all of you, I'll be more than happy to help with any chores too~"

@TheSecretSorcerer @Britt-21 @Happy Red Mage
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Eric: Fight with the intent to kill? Oh boy...


Eric was glad to hear Yukimi won't be holding back either. She seemed to have confidence and dignity. But did she have the strength to top it off? Eric would soon see, though he wasn't expecting to hear the words "aim to kill." This girl seemed relentless to say the least but he nodded anyway to show he understood. Eric waited for her to make the first move, Yukimi took a step forward which prompted him to do the same... Multiple times... At an accelerated pace... He was basically running in for the hit. He wondered if this would put her off guard but he was ready for any counter-attacks. As Eric closed the gap between both of them he went in for a simple but effective punch to the face. He doubted it would connect but that was not what he was aiming for anyway. Instead he waited for her reaction so he could adjust his attack to fit.

@Colt556 @Drakerus @Nenma Takashi

Mikado Saris - Magnolia Hotel

A low groan of discontent filled the hotel room before quickly being followed up by a yawn. The sound of rustling blankets could be heard coming from the end of the bed before a small clump of blonde hair peaked out over the bedframe. It wobbled to and fro like a blade of grass dancing in the wind. Soon enough a pair of arms joined it as they stretched high overhead, a satisfied sigh accompanying the movements. The arms suddenly dropped back down to their hiding place behind the bedframe only to be replaced by a sleep-filled voice. "You guys are too noisy...." One more low yawn later Mikado finally pulled herself to her feet, stretching out more parts of her body to help wake herself up. Her customary cap, jacket, and scarf were missing as she was clad only in a simple white shirt and a pair of short shorts. Her hair could only be described as a mess and her face still betrayed her tiredness, her half-closed eyes giving the indication she may very well fall over and go back to sleep right then and there. Nevertheless she persevered in her endeavor to stay awake as she slowly made her way over towards the couple at the head of the bed. With neither word nor ceremony she plopped herself on the bed beside Valken and quickly plucked a sausage from his plate to nibble on. She looked at the two of them while chewing her stolen food and after a moment spoke up. "With the newlywed routine I guess you're all better then?"

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orokana shedo || Location: Streets of magnolia 


It wasn't to bad outside, it seemed as if it was summer, with the breeze felling incredibly nice on the males legs, and arms. His long blonde hair swaying through the wind, or is it really his real hair? this society had grown from the looks of it, as it reaches towards the technology phase. This was good for both him, and his father as well, as they're dominant in the field of technology. The streets of magnolia was quite crowded as he was walking through it. Orokana didn't know what to do, to kick start his day off, he felt like he didn't want to be stuck inside his mansion all day, and decided to go out for some fresh air.


Orokana wore a punk rock like outfit that consisted a dark dress, high boots with long blonde pony tail hair. 

He began to fiddle through his phone, going through his feeds, and checking out what's going on right now,

which there is a lot of things happening.  

Eric: Fight with the intent to kill? Oh boy...


Eric was glad to hear Yukimi won't be holding back either. She seemed to have confidence and dignity. But did she have the strength to top it off? Eric would soon see, though he wasn't expecting to hear the words "aim to kill." This girl seemed relentless to say the least but he nodded anyway to show he understood. Eric waited for her to make the first move, Yukimi took a step forward which prompted him to do the same... Multiple times... At an accelerated pace... He was basically running in for the hit. He wondered if this would put her off guard but he was ready for any counter-attacks. As Eric closed the gap between both of them he went in for a simple but effective punch to the face. He doubted it would connect but that was not what he was aiming for anyway. Instead he waited for her reaction so he could adjust his attack to fit.

@Colt556 @Drakerus @Nenma Takashi

Gilad Arcturus - Sabertooth Guild Hall: Crocus

He kept a close eye on the newcomer, curious as to what she was capable of. It was obvious that her magic involved her sword but beyond that she had given no indication of what she could do. His thoughts drifted off to the last time a situation such as this had arose. He could only hope this girl did not make the same mistakes as her predecessor. A light voice pulled his attention to the white haired girl now seated by his side. After a simple look of acknowledgement he turned his gaze back on the two combatants. "We are a Light Guild first and foremost, we do not kill. Part of being strong is being able to control your power. Strength without control is merely chaos." As he watched the two make their opening moves the corner of his lips curled into a small smirk, his tone softening somewhat as he spoke to the girl. "That said, what kind of Guild Master would I be if I allowed harm to come to my members?" He left it at that, his gaze firmly locked on the duo so he could deal with any situation that might arise.

Kenya Yukimi-Sabertooth Guild

The punch would simply move through Kenya since the real one had not moved from her spot, this didn't mean she wasn't a bit surprised he rushed in so quickly. He was indeed fast but she was as well she drew her sword as she did wind whipped around the blade. As she let out a deep breath slashing upwards at the boy aim to slash him across his chest. She figured this was an easy attack to dodge or block depending on the opponent but the real strength of the move was the mobility. She kicked off the ground with boy feet so it was like an uppercut but with a sword so a swordercut, uppersword, a jump with a slash mixed in. She could feel the guild master's eyes on her in fact many were watching but it was not a first for her. She had to perform her attacks many times in front of others from her parents to bandits who thought she was an easy target. Along with sorry souls who mistook her for a boy either way she was determined to show him she was capable of being a member of the guild. 
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