Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Wyeth liked the company of everyone at first but as more people were joining in he was feeling uncomfortable. His heart was racing and he felt like he was shacking all over. He was no longer blushing but he was fighting the urge to pace back and forth. It had been a while since he had been around so many people since he had left his family and started raising birds. His flock feeling his stress started to land on him and some were making small circles around him thinking that he was in some sort of danger. William was sitting on his shoulder watching everyone suspiciously. Caroline and Mathew sensing the change in the flock began to fly back to Wyeth having already found the store. After a moment the birds settled down some and what ever birds hadn't landed on Wyeth sat on the ground near. He had to really focus on what the man was saying in order to reply. "It's ni-nice to me-meet you Yama," He said weakly. Hearing Yama's words he knew that the mages probably didn't need help, especially after a weak since most guilds had healers of some or a way to heal them. Even if they did need help Wyeth didn't think there was a way he could help them. Then Akane Responded, that was really the person who the offer was meant for but it might still be fun to spare her. "Well.... Shall g-get going then?" He wanted to go by himself but he also wanted to stay with Lavender.

Yamato Ren: Yama chore services at your disposal


The blonde haired woman who identified herself as Akane declined his offer to take the coat. "I believe I overheard you say you come from the far northern mountains? That will explain your resistance to the cold then." Yamato nodded before putting his coat back on. The woman identifying herself as Lavender has mentioned that everyone else has now been treated for their injuries. But she did offer to take him to the Fairy Tail guild hall so that they might make use of his services there. "I see... I am very happy to hear that everyone is alive and well. In that case I shall accompany you for the time being. I have heard that over a hundred of years ago our guilds were on very good terms. So I am glad to finally have the chance to get to know all of you." Yama turned his attention to the silver haired male who seemed to be a little shy, Yamato could notice right away but didn't mention anything about it in the hopes helping him grow more comfortable with the crowd. "It is nice to meet you too. Ah! Since I'll be accompanying all of you, I'll be more than happy to help with any chores too~"

Lavender Gray


So many people were bumping into the young blonde and it made her wonder if she really was approachable. All she was wearing was summer stuff in the fall, and sure, it was chilly but that didnt stop lavender. She was pretty warm at the moment simply by letting her blood pump through her veins. Glancing at the man who had approached their small group "I'm Lavender Gray. I do appreciate your offer of assistance. But I am not quite sure if we need the help. I believe we managed to heal everyone. But while you are here, I shall bring you to the hall to see if your assistance is needed." a soft smile was planted on her face before glancing at Wyeth "The shop is not too far. It's in the marketplace where I have no problem bringing you to." then her eyes moved over to Akane "Northern mountain ranges? Well that sounds pretty far. Is there anything that you are looking for as well? I can bring all of you to your destinations if needed." it was nice to have met many mages in one go. But it was also a little worrying since they all were here approaching her out of all people. maybe it was because of her exposed guild mark on the outer thigh.

Akane, Fist Of The Mountain

Akane hummed for a bit, deep in thought. "They are, I can barely climb down it nowadays so I'm looking for a permanent residence...and a fight, as you can probably tell I really like fighting." She said after her thinking session. It was true, the teachers of the temple had kicked her out, sort off. It mostly involved her harsh method of throwing rookies into boulders to check their strength. None of them were actually hurt but several of them did cry upon landing. Wusses. "Sure. That's why I'm resistant." She said, not mentioning the arduous torture of temple training. However her eye did twitch lightly. "Also what's with the tattoo on your thigh Lavender?"

Akane, Fist Of The Mountain

Akane hummed for a bit, deep in thought. "They are, I can barely climb down it nowadays so I'm looking for a permanent residence...and a fight, as you can probably tell I really like fighting." She said after her thinking session. It was true, the teachers of the temple had kicked her out, sort off. It mostly involved her harsh method of throwing rookies into boulders to check their strength. None of them were actually hurt but several of them did cry upon landing. Wusses. "Sure. That's why I'm resistant." She said, not mentioning the arduous torture of temple training. However her eye did twitch lightly. "Also what's with the tattoo on your thigh Lavender?"


Streets of Magnolia: Feeling Anxious


Wyeth liked the company of everyone at first but as more people were joining in he was feeling uncomfortable. His heart was racing and he felt like he was shacking all over. He was no longer blushing but he was fighting the urge to pace back and forth. It had been a while since he had been around so many people since he had left his family and started raising birds. His flock feeling his stress started to land on him and some were making small circles around him thinking that he was in some sort of danger. William was sitting on his shoulder watching everyone suspiciously. Caroline and Mathew sensing the change in the flock began to fly back to Wyeth having already found the store. After a moment the birds settled down some and what ever birds hadn't landed on Wyeth sat on the ground near. He had to really focus on what the man was saying in order to reply. "It's ni-nice to me-meet you Yama," He said weakly. Hearing Yama's words he knew that the mages probably didn't need help, especially after a weak since most guilds had healers of some or a way to heal them. Even if they did need help Wyeth didn't think there was a way he could help them. Then Akane Responded, that was really the person who the offer was meant for but it might still be fun to spare her. "Well.... Shall g-get going then?" He wanted to go by himself but he also wanted to stay with Lavender.


Yamato Ren: Yama chore services at your disposal


The blonde haired woman who identified herself as Akane declined his offer to take the coat. "I believe I overheard you say you come from the far northern mountains? That will explain your resistance to the cold then." Yamato nodded before putting his coat back on. The woman identifying herself as Lavender has mentioned that everyone else has now been treated for their injuries. But she did offer to take him to the Fairy Tail guild hall so that they might make use of his services there. "I see... I am very happy to hear that everyone is alive and well. In that case I shall accompany you for the time being. I have heard that over a hundred of years ago our guilds were on very good terms. So I am glad to finally have the chance to get to know all of you." Yama turned his attention to the silver haired male who seemed to be a little shy, Yamato could notice right away but didn't mention anything about it in the hopes helping him grow more comfortable with the crowd. "It is nice to meet you too. Ah! Since I'll be accompanying all of you, I'll be more than happy to help with any chores too~"

@TheSecretSorcerer @Britt-21 @Happy Red Mage

Lavender Gray


Lavender was quite proud that she was able to help two of the three people out with places to head off to. "Alright, we shall go then." she said before taking the lead but stopping when Akane wasnt following. She walked over and took her arm "C'mon, I cant leave anyone behind." once she began walking on her own, Lavender released her and started leading the group "We'll be going to the shop that Wyeth needed to go to. Also, I dont believe there are many chores between us, Mr Yamato." @Jackaboi  Lavender was trying to be less medieval with her words and more present with the formal words. Her attention then moved to Akane @Happy Red Mage who asked about her Tattoo on her thigh "Oh, this?" she asked, pointing to it as they walked "That's my guild mark. My armor nor do most of my clothes expose much. The only thing that would be mostly exposed was my outer right thigh." she explained "I'm representing my guild and that I'm a part of Fairy Tail." many people had them in odd places "Some have the mark on their tounges, necks, inner thighs, feet... You can put your mark almost anywhere on your body and where you feel it'll be the most exposed. I'm sure if you join a guild you would put it where it's seen most."


The young warrior liked to represent her guild and sometimes be just as wreckless when in battle. Though she tends to avoid that. Looking around for the shop in which sold bags of seeds and other bags of items, she stopped right outside "Here we are, Mr Wyeth. I'm sure you will find what you are looking for. Plus this place is not super expensive like most vendors or shop keepers." @TheSecretSorcerer
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Kenya let out a deep breath as Eric yielded it had been fun then when Gilad had walked over she was sure she had passed. Gilad praised her but his eyes spoke something different this test wasn't over. Kenya didn't know what would come next but she knew it would be tough. Her right ankle was fine enough to hold her up but if she tried anything to crazy she'd definitely fall. Not to mention the palm of her hands were red as fire now from the sheer force of her attacks being blocked. Than Gilad told her he was the final test. Exploding with power, power Kenya had never seen nor felt before he was by far the strongest she had meet up to this point. 'This is what real power is this is what it feels like to be facing someone you know you can't beat.' Kenya thought to herself she met eyes with Tokine she could guess what she was trying to imply with her blank calm expression. But she had already known it was another conversation buried into her head. "Never turn your back to an enemy. But never get to full of yourself." Kenya held onto her natural calm expression as she meet eyes with Sabertooth's guild master this man too had earned her respect. She thought it only right even though she was low on stamina after using it the first time she had enough in her to do it one more time. "Yukimi Secret style Fallen Grace!"   

@Drakerus @Colt556 @Jackaboi
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Eric: Oh no...



Gilad has now dismissed Eric and told him to get his wounds treated, of course he didn't want to go just yet. Eric actually kinda liked Kenya so he decided to move out the way and see this too the end. He knew exactly what was coming up next. Gilad has now challenged Kenya and practically exploded with magic. Everyone in the guild hall excluding Tokine were all shoved back from the power. Eric is never gonna get used to this... He looked to see what Kenya's answer would be and was pretty disappointed with what she did. "No... no... What are you doing...?" Eric mumbled to him just barely loud enough so only himself could hear it. He had no place to reveal the answer, even though it's too late anyway. Eric himself hated what the answer was, even though it is clearly the correct one in a real battle he still hated it. Regardless though Eric waited anxiously to see how Gilad will respond to Kenya's answer. Although her chances aren't great Gilad might be in a good mood.

@Nenma Takashi @Colt556 @Drakerus
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Gilad Arcturus - Sabertooth Guild Hall: Crocus

He remained motionless, peering down at the girl before him as she seemed to hesitate. His gaze was piercing as it took in every subtle movement the girl made, waiting to see what course of action she took. The girl's shifting gaze was not lost on him and it seemed as if she would back down. That thought was soon discarded as she readied her blade and cried out the name of her move. For the briefest of moments a look of disappointment flashed across his features before the girl found her magic evaporating into nothingness and an incredible force slamming her into the ground before she could even take a single step. The weight that bearing down on her was enough to crater the floor as it pressed down upon her live a vice, almost squeezing the very life from her. A bright light encased his weapon as it vanished from his grasp as he took a step towards the subdued woman. Upon reaching her he simply gazed down on her body, the force that kept her pinned preventing all but the most basic of movements. After allowing for several more lingering moments the armor-clad man finally spoke up. "Tell me, Miss Yukimi, what compelled you to engage me? Was I not clear enough that doing so would cost you your life? Did you believe I was merely bluffing?" To emphasize this question the weight that bore down on her suddenly increased to the point where just the slightest amount of additional pressure would begin to snap the girl's bones. "Or perhaps you thought you were capable of besting me in combat?" With this he clasped his hands behind his back and begun to slowly pace around the girl, never once taking his cold gaze off her. "I have given this test to many over the years and most fail. They fail to grasp the true meaning that lay behind this test and do as you did. It would be at this point that I would explain your failure and send you away to join some other guild." Having completed a full circle he came to a stop at the girl's head, the force bearing down on her lessening slightly to give her room to speak. "However, it would seem my members were rooting for you quite heavily. Even going so far as to try and give you the right answer." He cast a sidelong glance over towards Tokine to ensure she knew he had caught on to the subtle hint she tried to give the girl before turning his full attention back to the blue-haired girl. "So I shall once again ask you, what compelled you to engage me?"

@Drakerus@Jackaboi@Nenma Takashi
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Kenya was silent for a moment she needed a moment to process what had happened. When she finally understood she hung her head in shame pain shot through her body as the very ground itself trapped her. She watched the man look at her with cold eyes as he spoke she chuckled a bit. "Don't mistake my actions I believed you completely. I really thought you'd take my life." She grit her teeth as pain shot through her body a second time looking at the large man, she said what she had been taught since the day she was born. "Never turn your back on an enemy, but never be too full of yourself. Those words have dug themselves into my very soul since my birth. It didn't matter to me if I was killed it didn't matter how strong you were, I was not going to run." She grit her teeth again this time in pure frustration. "I'm not stupid I understood the hint I knew what I was supposed to do, but I couldn't I knew I couldn't win but I would rather die then show you my back." Kenya thought for a moment was what her parents said really all that drove her to attack? Did she truly throw away Tokine's hint just because she didn't wanna feel like a coward? Kenya looked at Gilad her trademark smile on her face. "If I face an opponent whose fangs prove stronger than mine...I'll run but that doesn't mean I'm running away!" This was her choice she was determined sure he would not let her join at this point. She gave Tokine and apologetic look along with one to Eric as well. She had thrown both of their kindnesses away, Tokine's willingness to give her a hint and Eirc's kindness to not go easy on her. Even so she couldn't do it she could not swallow her pride for even a second all for some selfish reason. Kenya chuckled solely at herself she couldn't help it she really was pitiful. 

@Drakerus @Jackaboi @Colt556

Lavender Gray


Lavender was quite proud that she was able to help two of the three people out with places to head off to. "Alright, we shall go then." she said before taking the lead but stopping when Akane wasnt following. She walked over and took her arm "C'mon, I cant leave anyone behind." once she began walking on her own, Lavender released her and started leading the group "We'll be going to the shop that Wyeth needed to go to. Also, I dont believe there are many chores between us, Mr Yamato." @Jackaboi  Lavender was trying to be less medieval with her words and more present with the formal words. Her attention then moved to Akane @Happy Red Mage who asked about her Tattoo on her thigh "Oh, this?" she asked, pointing to it as they walked "That's my guild mark. My armor nor do most of my clothes expose much. The only thing that would be mostly exposed was my outer right thigh." she explained "I'm representing my guild and that I'm a part of Fairy Tail." many people had them in odd places "Some have the mark on their tounges, necks, inner thighs, feet... You can put your mark almost anywhere on your body and where you feel it'll be the most exposed. I'm sure if you join a guild you would put it where it's seen most."


The young warrior liked to represent her guild and sometimes be just as wreckless when in battle. Though she tends to avoid that. Looking around for the shop in which sold bags of seeds and other bags of items, she stopped right outside "Here we are, Mr Wyeth. I'm sure you will find what you are looking for. Plus this place is not super expensive like most vendors or shop keepers." @TheSecretSorcerer

Akane, Fist Of The Mountain

Akane hummed for a bit, deep in thought. "They are, I can barely climb down it nowadays so I'm looking for a permanent residence...and a fight, as you can probably tell I really like fighting." She said after her thinking session. It was true, the teachers of the temple had kicked her out, sort off. It mostly involved her harsh method of throwing rookies into boulders to check their strength. None of them were actually hurt but several of them did cry upon landing. Wusses. "Sure. That's why I'm resistant." She said, not mentioning the arduous torture of temple training. However her eye did twitch lightly. "Also what's with the tattoo on your thigh Lavender?"


Streets of Magnolia: Trying To Figure Out Life



Wyeth Didn't quite know what now, it didn't seem that Yama, Lavender or Akane were bad people but he had a hard time keeping what little composure he had left. Yama seemed to notice his fear but didn't say or do anything, which worried him some because he didn't know what was going through the man's head. Did the man look down on him for being afraid or did the man honor his struggle to try and socialize?  He said that he wanted to join them and help them with what ever chores they had so Wyeth felt obligated to join in and socialize even more then he already had. Akane seemed curious about what the guild mark on Lavender's leg was, this made Wyeth truly believe that she was from another time. Most people knew about wizard guilds and Akane had stopped dead in her tracks earlier talking about centuries and decades.


Soon Lavender lead him to the vendor who she said had cheap supplies, since she didn't give her any reason to think she had lied he believed her and bought a bag of seed. It was rather big bag and he cut it open setting it on the ground so that his birds could feast on it. Most of his birds surrounded the bag and began to eat the food, of course due to the size of the flock they had to take turns eating the food. Caroline was the only one who didn't feel like eating instead she rested on Wyeth's shoulders. "Thank you for all of the help would mind if we stayed together as a big group today? Also I think that Akane wanted to fight with me?" Wyeth had a big grin on his face as he waited for their replies, the thought of sparring revived him of some of his anxiety. He was confident in his abilities and even if he lost he would still have a good time fighting with her.


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Gilad Arcturus - Sabertooth Guild Hall: Crocus

His expression softened slightly, returning to his more customary stern look as he listened to the girl's explanation. As she spoke it brought up rather unpleasant memories of when he first met Mizuki. To have someone indoctrinated so thoroughly that they would happily throw their life away for something as empty as pride was truly disconcerting. He folded his arms over his chest and released the gravitational forces that had kept her pinned. "So you believe your life to be worth so little that you would throw it away due to pride? Having pride in one's accomplishments is necessary for our continued growth. Without pride we would simply stagnate, never striving to better ourselves. But excess pride is equally as damaging as no pride at all. Had I been truthful you would be dead right now. Your pride would have cost you everything you have, all that you had worked for would be gone in the blink of an eye because you let your pride consume you. There is no shame in living to fight another day." He closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath. Unlike most applicants this one hit a little too close to home. He allowed his arms to drop to his side as he turned to make his way back towards his stool at the bar, speaking as he went.

"You are a powerful warrior, Miss Yukimi, and with age you could even rival myself. But you will never achieve that strength if you are dead. Sabertooth is a guild founded on the principles of strength. To be a member of this guild you must be strong in both body and mind." Upon reaching the stool beside Tokine he turned back to face the girl before taking a seat. He resumed his earlier posture of resting his elbow upon the bar and his chin upon his fist as he gazed at the blue-haired girl. The cold expression he had before had long since vanished, his expression now much softer than he had demonstrated at any point during the exchange. "I will offer you a chance, Miss Yukimi, if you still wish to join Sabertooth I shall allow it. But I warn you here and now you will learn to control your pride. No mage bearing the mark of Sabertooth will ever foolishly throw away their lives." He held his gaze firmly on the girl, curious as to what her answer would be. Should she accept his offer it would likely be a long road to undo the conditioning she had been subjected to.

@Drakerus@Jackaboi@Nenma Takashi
Kenya was surprised to see his expression soften as he spoke she realized just how right he was. Never once did Kenya think of her own life she talked about pride like she was nothing without it. After all that was all she knew the fact she could repeat word for word every conversation she and her parents had about not disappointing them proved that. But he was right all the hours of training Kenya had gone through all the sleepless nights, all the blood and sweat and tears it took to get where she was. Just like that she was willing to throw it all away all because she didn't want to seem like a coward. She had nothing to prove to anyone in the guild nothing to prove to herself so why? Why did she not run why did she not pick the right choice? The question echoed in her mind over and over again but she couldn't find an answer. No it was more like she didn't want to believe what she thought was the answer was wrong. Since birth she was told to never disgrace the Yukimi family name Kenya had never been Kenya Yukimi the daughter in her parents eyes. She was Kenya Yukimi the sword to them maybe that was why she held so tightly onto her gender. Girl she never got to be a "girl" it dawned on her she had never once worn a dress or done anything girl like. 

Kenya balled up her fist she didn't understand the feeling swelling up inside her it was new and strange. But the feeling vanished when he offered her a chance she could join. Kenya looked up at him in bewilderment she could become stronger than him someday. She meant something here no one would turn their back on her if she messed up here. No one would abandon her if she showed fear no one would disown her if she didn't become who they wanted her to be. This was where she wanted to be, this was the place she wanted to call home, these were the people she wanted to call family. Kenya tried to stand but pain shot through her body blood had come from cuts she got from the ground poking her as it squeezed her. Using her sword as a cane she stood needing it thanks to the combined power of her Fallen Grace move and Gilad's last and only attack. Smiling a different smile than usual one that didn't seem forced one that came from Kenya herself not from Kenya the sword, Kenya the person the girl who found where she wanted to be. "If you would be so kind to accept me into your guild. I promise to not let my pride consume me again." As she said that she felt somewhere in her that she was somewhat lying like she shouldn't promise that. Because she wasn't sure if she could her fathers words of "Never turn you back on an enemy." Rang in her head but she toughed out the ringing in her ears she would do it to the best of her ability for the people that saw her life, as something that mattered. 

@Colt556 @Drakerus @Jackaboi  
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Ophelia -- Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ophelia had just gotten back from her meeting with a few of the Wizard Saints, and the news she had gotten was not good. They knew something was up with her status as a Guild Master, and while she was grateful they didn't do any further questioning, they told her she wasn't fit for such a high spot. If she didn't resign soon, they'd kick her out of the guild at the least, and force her into some sort of lawsuit at most... There had to be something she could do to get a bit more time. A few more wide-scale quests to prove her worth might work. Or was there something to it other than saving towns and warding off monsters?

She didn't have time to think, unfortunately, as a rather familiar nickname from an unfamiliar voice caught her ears. She broke into an irritated grimace and looked behind her before realizing the person shouting the insult might not have been in Fairy Tail. The newcomer looked like a younger (and hotter) version of Clair... Ophelia could only hope she wasn't as much as a prick.

The guild master took a breath and smiled, walking over to the redhead and tapping her back. "That would be me," she chuckled, though a certain glimmer in her eyes suggested she wasn't in the mood to joke around. "So you don't look very familiar... Only place I remember seeing you is the tournament. Here for any specific reason, or...?"

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia

She continued to scan across the guild inhabitants in search of someone that fit the redhead's description. For the most part the various mages went back to what they were doing previously. Soon enough she felt a small prod at her back and turned around to see who it was. Her gaze quickly fell to land on the short girl's face before continuing lower to take in her entire form. Flat chested, short and responding to the call, this was obviously the guild master. She was just a kid no matter how you looked at it, although that did help put the redhead's description into perspective. Of course why a child was the master of a Guild was still a question that she wanted answers for. Nonetheless she realized she was letting her surprised silence linger too long and was quick to respond. "Ah, yeah, I was there. Wish I had done a bit better though." The thought of her defeat at the hands of that blonde haired kid still left a sour taste in her mouth. However she was getting off track with that one. "I'm looking to join Fairy Tail. I've never been in a guild before but I thought the time was right to hop in one." She did her best to present herself well, even going so far as to offer the kid a smile as she spoke. "I don't know if you guys have some sort of entry requirements or anything though...." She let her sentence hang as she looked at the girl in an attempt to get a feel for what she should do to secure her spot within the guild.

Mikado Saris - Magnolia Hotel

She held her gaze on Millie as she clambered over Valken and down to the floor beside her and wrapped her arm around her. Seeing an opportunity emerge she leaned into Millie, resting her cheek on the woman's breasts while pulling the blanket up over her shoulders for a snug fit. As Millie spoke she looked up at Valken, a smug grin tugging at the corners of her lips as she shifted subtly to nuzzle into the woman. "I'm fine, Millie. It's just typical Valken after all." She never took her eyes off Valken, enjoying thoroughly making him watch her snuggle up to Millie. That is until she heard Grace's name mentioned. She hadn't seen the girl much what with the kidnapping and investigation and the thought of hanging out some more was a really enticing idea. She shifted slightly to look up at Millie, doing her best to maintain physical contact all the while. "Yeah, we should get her. I'd feel bad if we just ditched her." There was also the fact that she'd probably have to listen to a very upset Grace back home as well. She had already ditched Grace once to go on some dark guild hunt, if she ditched the girl again... A small shiver ran down her spine at the thought of an angry Grace.


Gilad Arcturus - Sabertooth Guild Hall: Crocus

He kept a close eye on the girl as she listened to his lecture. He could tell she was thinking carefully over things and that was precisely what she ought to be doing. As the girl attempted to stand he remained silent, merely observing her struggle to overcome the pain that afflicted her. It was only once she had finally gotten to her feet that he noticed the smile adorning her face. It was the first genuine smile he had seen from the girl and it heralded her response to his offer. With her reply he once more got to his feet and made his way towards her, a small light appearing in his hand as a rather large stamp materialized. He came to a stop directly before her, looking down on her with an expression only ever seen by those within his guild. "All that I ask of those who bear this mark is that they strive to be the best they can possibly be. So long as you work to live up to your potential you will never let me down."  With that he reached out and gently took her left hand, turning it so that her palm was facing up and bringing the stamp down upon it. After firmly applying it he pulled back, the stamp being consumed by light and leaving the mark of Sabertooth clearly visible upon her palm. "Welcome to Sabertooth, Kenya." He gave the girl a light pat on the shoulder, making sure his touch was rather light given what her body had been though. "Go get yourself patched up." As he spoke he looked over towards Eric who had disregarded a similar command to observe the outcome. "You too, Eric." With the events concluded he turned and made his way back to the bar, his mind filled with the fact that he now had another troublesome lady within his guild as well as the fact that he would have to fetch his own liquor.

@Drakerus@Jackaboi@Nenma Takashi

Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall

As Gilad returned to the bar, he would probably notice a conveniently placed bottle of liquor and an empty glass cup on the countertop in front of his seat. A certain quiet girl had been watching long enough to know what kinds of things her Guild Master liked to drink and thought that maybe a little thank you was in order for letting Kenya into the guild despite her technical failing marks. Coincidentally Tokine was gone from her seat and was walking towards Kenya and Eric with a happy expression although not quite smiling. As she approached her no doubt exhausted guild mates she gave them a small nod of acknowledgement before speaking.

"Congratulations Kenya. I was confident you would make a good impression on Master Gilad. You did well too Eric." she said lightly. After that, she gently used both of her hands to grasp Kenya's branded hand and looked at her straight in the eyes with a small but noticeable smile.

"Welcome to Sabertooth." she said simply before letting go and returning to her usual demeanor and stepping back a bit.

@Colt556@Nenma Takashi@Jackaboi
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Eric: Wait... Really!?


Eric simply sighed when Gilad pretty much instantly took Kenya down. Although it did look painful Eric knew that he wouldn't do any serious damage. After the fight had ended Gilad had actually noticed that we were rooting for her. Though Eric didn't notice Tokine giving any hints, she really is a clever girl. Surprisingly Kenya also knew the right answer but why did she attack anyway? Did she really think she could beat the guild master of Sabertooth? Fortunately his questions were answered when Kenya spoke up, she said stuff like her family prioritising pride over everything else. Although pride is an important thing to have, there's no point in giving up everything you've done just to preserve it. Still though Eric wasn't looking forward to seeing another promising member walk out those doors. The only times he did want to see that is when his guild mates are being sent on a mission.

Although completely and utterly taking Eric by surprise Gilad decided to give her a chance. "Whaaaa!?" Kenya also looking equally as surprised attempted to stand up and upon succeeding in doing so bore a genuine smile. Nothing scary, nothing sinister just a full blown smile. Upon seeing also caused him to do the same. Kenya of course accepted the offer and applied the mark of Sabertooth on her hand. "Congrats Kenya! You're one of us now!" Even though sometimes Gilad might not act like it he really does have a heart. Eric wondered if Kenya's story got through to him somehow? Well that doesn't matter now! Before long Gilad ended up having to remind Eric of his own wounds and told him to get patched up. "Oh! Right..." Soon after he left Tokine also congratulated Kenya and welcomed her into the guild. "Heh well it was nothing. All I did was get beat up a little. Hey Kenya follow me, I'll show you where the infirmiry is." With that Eric made his way to get his wounds treated, which also reminded him that he still hasn't been able to get properly treated for the ruckus inside that dungeon. He wondered how those mages are getting on after all of that.

@Colt556 @Drakerus @Nenma Takashi
Kenya took a long moment to look at the guild mark on her hand she held it close to her chest. 'I did it almost doesn't feel real.' She looked to Tokine and gave her a thankful look. For a brief moment Kenya wandered what her parents would say but then tossed away the idea that didn't matter now. Kenya was going to stay true to what Gilad said she'd get stronger and do her best. She was not going to let him down she wasn't going to let any of her fellow guild members. Eric said he'd show her the infirmary Kenya tried following him but her right ankle gave out. Dropping to the ground she could stand with her sword but walking was another story looking at both Eric and Tokine she sighed. "It would seem I have lost my ability to walk. I apologize for the burden but would one of you please help me."

@Colt556 @Drakerus @Jackaboi  
@TheSecretSorcerer@Kyuubey@Hanjizoe@LeSoraAmari@AtlannianSpy@Zareh@guardianshadow@Mr Swiftshots@Salt Lord@Happy Red Mage@Bolts@purplepanda288@hudhouse @NickTonCutter@Jackaboi@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Colt556@Isune@Zuka@Genon@Killorkiller@Drakerus@Solemn Jester@Embaga Elder@Britt-21@Maki@Kojuen@Arius LaVari@rbshinichi@Nenma Takashi@The Imperial Flame@TheWhiteScarf@Abdel featherfall@Four Eyes@Necr0Danc3r@Huor Spinks

Timeskip; Day Before Xmas Eve

After everything was wrapped up fully with the council the mages were sent on their way to do what they pleased, within reason of course. For the most part the mages prepared for the next major holiday, that being Christmas, and generally still trying to recover from the events. As the holidays grew closer life slowly returned to normal, everyone of course excited to spend time with friends and family over the next few days. Currently it's two days before Christmas, every guilds hall decorated in a festive manner while last minute preparations are made for some. Everyone was sure things would go well, Lucian wouldn't be risking another big move; not with the Council still on high alert to find him. Leaving everyone to focus on the festivities ahead.
- Nikolas and Phineas Saedor, Outside Lamia Scale Guild Hall, Margaret Town -

  "Okay, Phin, remember! Just as planned!" The brown haired Neko grinned mischievously at his brother, obviously just planning another dramatic entrance into the guild hall. Again. "Got your piano?"

  "....Mm-hm...." his brother, Phineas, said, holding his turquoise keyboard up. 

  "Great! Now play that Chopsticks song as slow as you can! This is gonna be priceless! I can't wait until I see the looks on their faces!" Nikolas Saedor chuckled with a smirk. 


  "Okay, Phin....3.....2....1!"

  Phineas's hands moved to the piano; Chopsticks slowly started playing. Slowly, Nikolas made a running movement at the door. Of course, since he was in slow motion, it took a full five minutes for him to actually reach the door and push it open. Phineas continued playing. He had practiced this spell so many times that he didn't even have to try. 

  The guild hall door slowly creaked open, which took another three minutes, then, still in slow motion, Nikolas leapt in the air, a stupid grin on his face, and said veeeeeeery slowly, "WWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'RRRRRRRRRRRRRE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! MEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRYYYYYYY CHRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSTMAAAAAAAAASSSSSS LAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAA SSSSSSSCAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLEEEEEE~!" After that, the song stopped and Nikolas landed face-first on the floor of the guild hall. Phineas's keyboard disappeared and he walked in, an indifferent expression on his face. 

  "......What Nikolas said."

 Mizuki was walking through the busy snow covered streets of Crocus city, head held high and eyes scanning the area. All of her arms were being used at the moment thanks to the many bags full of gifts hanging from them. It was hers and Alicia's first Christmas together and the first one since the little girl's parents passed away. She wanted to make this one a blast for her dear friend, and if it meant showering her in gifts then so be it. Thankfully due to her low spending and great saving techniques Mizuki managed to go on an absolute shopping spree this cold winter day, each bag containing many gifts for Alicia. Clothes, pajamas, various sweets and foods such as her favorite tea and little cakes. For once there was a small smile on the dark mage's, the thought of a happy Alicia making her even happier. She was rather proud of herself and her gift selection too. She chose all of her favorite flavors and colors, and even bought a Santa costume to dress up in and deliver the presents. There was only one last thing that she needed to get, and that was a present for Gilad. She planned on buying him an armor polishing kit for his beloved set. Once that was purchased she could finally get back to the guild and relax behind the bar. Wanting to take a shortcut to her destination Mizuki slipped into an empty side street. It looked very dark and sketchy, like a place where muggers would reside, but anyone in Crocus knew that she was the thing they should really fear...

Meanwhile back at Lamia Scale, Millie was getting extremley into the Christmas festivities. She was hanging around the guild hall helping out with decorating, baking, and spreading overall holiday cheer. Today she was dressed up in a cute little Santa suit, the ones that show legs and shoulders. She saw it in the store and she just had to buy it. Besides, the blonde girl knew that Valken would absolutely love it. Speaking of Valken, his girlfriend was currently on the hunt for him. She wanted to show off her cute new outfit, and he was the perfect person to show. Fortunately finding Valken wouldn't be much of a hassle. She quickly spotted the edgy boy by the bar, a typical hangout place for him. "VAAALKEEEEN!" She yelled happily, running towards her lover. Her chest crashed into his back as her arms wrapped around his neck. Leaning forward and further pressing her rack into his body Millie gave his cheek a quick kiss and rested her chin on his shoulder. "Baby look at me! This outfit is just so cute, don't you agree?" She asked, stepping back and spinning around in the tight Santa suit. "I chose it because it's Christmas time, and because I thought you'd like it. You like it, don't you?" If Valken didn't like her costume the S-Class would start crying. But if he liked it then she'd flaunt it. Perhaps if he was lucky he'd get to take it off later... 

Dusk first entered the town that had a guild hall its name was fairy tail he always found how odd it was for him to have to wear his mask in towns but he always knew that he needed it to feel safe because every time he was not wearing his mask he would always be ready to fight but he kept track of where he was going he went to fairy tail and thought about helping them if there was any way to help

 Joel woke up not knowing how long he was asleep for but he knew it was winter since there was some snow where he was but he also did not remember where he was he knew he was near a pond but since he was sleeping so long he forgot where he came from and did not know where to go and decided to go a random way into the forest 

Ursula Berrie - Outside the Sabertooth Hall


"Hmmm, it's pretty... well kinda," The small figure small figure was dwarfed by the looming structure before her, although it was decorated with cheery Christmas decorations they did little to alter the stern aesthetic of the imposing guild hall, the overall effect was rather like an immense, ancient beast, wearing a funny hat. Ursula smiled nervously and forced herself to breath slowly. She was here finally. Sabertooth wasn't exactly the closest guild to her old home but after hearing about its reputation (and seeing its cute logo) she felt like it was the guild she had to join. It was true that she was a little nervous about their entry requirements, but backing away felt like it would be admitting she wasn't good enough, more than that it felt like admitting the magic Erasmus had taught her wasn't good enough and that she wouldn't admit to anybody. He might be a grumpy old coot but he had taught and raised her for ten years and she wasn't going to let that go to waste. 

"Kreeee"  Suddenly Ursula's pack emitted and odd, screeching squeak and a bright, green snout poked its way out from under the flap, shortly followed by the rest of a dragon-ish head and a long, scaled neck. The pygmy wyvern looked around, blinking once and then looking up curiously at the large building in front of them. "Kree?" it said, its tone somehow curious.

"Yup, this is it," confirmed Ursula, reaching around to scratch the little head with one finger. "And yes there'll be food in there but you'll have to wait. I doubt we'll make a good impression if the first thing we do is try to score a meal. Ursula inhaled deeply again, there was no point putting off her entrance any longer, what if somebody turned up while she was just waiting at the door like a fool? Half eagerly, half afraid she leaned over and knocked on the solid looking door before pushing it open and poking her head through.

"Heeeelllllooooo?" She called gently,  scanning the room for inhabitants curiously.

Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall - Margaret Town



The Shadow Mage had himself facing towards the back of the bar with a wistful look on his face and a half empty glass of straight Scotch with no less and no more then 2 ice cubes floating within it. What time was it? Morning? Midday? Afternoon? Regardless he didn't seem to even blink at the time or his choice of beverage as he let the girls run about doing their own thing and covering the Guild Hall in all kinds of red and white regalia. Honestly he should have been more attuned to where Millie was and who she was with, but she was so buzzed and excited he literally could see nothing of her but a blur around the Guild Hall. He had his head resting in the palm of his hand as he peeked behind the bar and the bottle of 100year old Scotch just sitting within arms reach. It was like, the staff here didn't even care and assumed if it was in a position he could reach then he would be less likely to break their ACTUAL stash of liquor to feast himself on.

So still in a half bored state, he heard some strange music and the Guild Hall doors open and while he glanced over his shoulder in a half bored state, his ears and eyes were instantly assaulted by a blur of red and white as something delicious pressed itself into his back causing his mouth to half gape open. Well the voice was unmistakably his bouncing in every sense Girlfriend, then he felt the pressure of said huge rack into his back making a quick fluster come to his cheeks. Though he coughed and calmed himself long enough after she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and he did indeed turn to face her in his bar stool, one arm still bent back to rest against the Guild Bar, his face his usual cheeky grin.

"Yeah..." He answered in a half bored tone, as he glanced to the roof.

"The outfit is OK....I guess..." He answered in an offhanded manner. Then he slowly stood and reached forward to wrap an arm around her middle while his other hand grasped at her shoulder strap which insisted to fall down her shoulder and slowly peel it upwards into it's normal spot. Despite it almost definitely falling down again in about a minute time. "....But it isn't nearly as pretty as the Girl wearing it.." His grin only widening as he leaned down as if to give her a heavy kiss on her lips, but turned at the last second and kissed her cheek instead. And as with everything to do with Valken, he stepped back and away after teasing her, stretching his arms high above his head. "Anyone seen Frosty? I mean... it's a bar here, with Alcohol, and I can't see him out shopping specials..."

@Maki @Mitchs98 @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mykinkaiser
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Abandoned house - Fairy Tail: Hiding out



It had been a while now since Wyeth had meet Lavender, Yama and Akane. He had kept in touch and he hadn't moved on to a new place like he tended to do, although he was no longer staying in the park. It had become far to cold for him and his birds to be able to sleep under the night time sky. It had been cold before but it was now unbearable for them. They had moved into an abandoned house, it was falling apart on the inside but on the out side it looked pretty good. The  majority of his birds slept on the rafters above him but Caroline, William and Mathew always sleep near him. He Slowly rose from the dusty floor boards he was sleeping on and his three companions joined him, quickly flying to his shoulders. He stood up tall and stretched popping every bone his body before throwing on some clothes, having been in only his underwear. Some how Wyeth had to figure out what to get his three new friends for Christmas . He wanted to get them something meaning full but he didn't actually have money to buy anything, unless he was to use his family's fortune which he was opposed to.


"Well Caroline, here goes nothing." He said addressing the only bird that actually cared about every small detail. He waved to some of his other birds and another five joined him but they weren't as fortunate as the three riding on him, they had to fly above him. He would make it up to them though, he would et them an extra treat, he even needed to get his flock some gifts. The other problem that he was experiencing with buy his new found friends was that he didn't actually know what to get them. They hadn't actually told him what they were in to and what they would like to have. He would have to meet up with the others and pay close attention to what they were looking at and what they were saying. "Now where might they all be?" He knew where Lavender would mostly likely be and he was hoping that Akane would be with her to. From what he knew about them they would be at the fairy tail guild hall and with some luck Yama was there trying to help them recover still. After thinking about it he walked out of the building and began to walk towards fairy tail.


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Draneri: The Siren - Crocus City


Draneri was struggling with every step, she had a hand outstretched wide with fingers splayed against the wall of the alleyway, dragging her nails against the brick walls. She had finally escaped the clutches of the Scientist at Grimoire Heart's Dark Guild Hideout, and while it wasn't unpleasant for all the tests and random things she was subjected to (she had been subjected to far worse in her 300 odd years in this Earthland), she had nothing really to eat other then what she was force fed. Nothing tasted the same, everything was bland and weak and tasteless. She had fed mostly on innocents and bystanders, weak humans. She had very rarely tasted Mages, and of mages only the weakest of one's that would not be missed.

That was until she had tasted Mizuki.

She had never feasted on such a thing in her entire life, never tasted such a dark, raw power in her entire life. She just never had the need till then, she was a Siren but she was always smart. A Predator not dumb enough to stalk Prey stronger then herself. And yet she had tasted a bitter sweet candy and she could think of no other thing. No other person. Like a wave of exhaustion that made every single step ache, her eyes with bags underneath them, her posture bent like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Her skin paler, she even started to form wrinkles like the very lack of essence from her last feed however many weeks ago was aging her in a very short period of time. She looked dreadful... not as dreadful as being half buried alive from Ryu that is, but dreadful like a person under a consistent illness or flu.

Her golden eyes peering out as she could literally taste the very darkness of her energy so close, she had literally followed her for days but could not go any closer to her. Until fate shone on her and the very woman she would dream of since the Guild Hideout had rounded a Dark Alley and was striding straight towards her. At first she felt like she should run, what if Mizuki killed her without a word? It was risky, she had tried to change her and kill her own Guild Mates but... but it was a risk she had to take. There was no one else she wanted now, and she would die if she didn't feed regardless.

So she had to try.

Still half leaning against the wall with an outstretched arm, Draneri tried to straighten slowly though her knees shook. "M...Mi...Mizuki~..." She whispered out on outward breath, but she just didn't have anywhere near the energy she thought she had. And so as she tried to stand up tall to walk closer to her, the Siren only walked a pace before her knees buckled and she started to collapse.

@Maki @Rhodus(mention) @Mitchs98 @Colt556
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 Mizuki was walking through the busy snow covered streets of Crocus city, head held high and eyes scanning the area. All of her arms were being used at the moment thanks to the many bags full of gifts hanging from them. It was hers and Alicia's first Christmas together and the first one since the little girl's parents passed away. She wanted to make this one a blast for her dear friend, and if it meant showering her in gifts then so be it. Thankfully due to her low spending and great saving techniques Mizuki managed to go on an absolute shopping spree this cold winter day, each bag containing many gifts for Alicia. Clothes, pajamas, various sweets and foods such as her favorite tea and little cakes. For once there was a small smile on the dark mage's, the thought of a happy Alicia making her even happier. She was rather proud of herself and her gift selection too. She chose all of her favorite flavors and colors, and even bought a Santa costume to dress up in and deliver the presents. There was only one last thing that she needed to get, and that was a present for Gilad. She planned on buying him an armor polishing kit for his beloved set. Once that was purchased she could finally get back to the guild and relax behind the bar. Wanting to take a shortcut to her destination Mizuki slipped into an empty side street. It looked very dark and sketchy, like a place where muggers would reside, but anyone in Crocus knew that she was the thing they should really fear...

Meanwhile back at Lamia Scale, Millie was getting extremley into the Christmas festivities. She was hanging around the guild hall helping out with decorating, baking, and spreading overall holiday cheer. Today she was dressed up in a cute little Santa suit, the ones that show legs and shoulders. She saw it in the store and she just had to buy it. Besides, the blonde girl knew that Valken would absolutely love it. Speaking of Valken, his girlfriend was currently on the hunt for him. She wanted to show off her cute new outfit, and he was the perfect person to show. Fortunately finding Valken wouldn't be much of a hassle. She quickly spotted the edgy boy by the bar, a typical hangout place for him. "VAAALKEEEEN!" She yelled happily, running towards her lover. Her chest crashed into his back as her arms wrapped around his neck. Leaning forward and further pressing her rack into his body Millie gave his cheek a quick kiss and rested her chin on his shoulder. "Baby look at me! This outfit is just so cute, don't you agree?" She asked, stepping back and spinning around in the tight Santa suit. "I chose it because it's Christmas time, and because I thought you'd like it. You like it, don't you?" If Valken didn't like her costume the S-Class would start crying. But if he liked it then she'd flaunt it. Perhaps if he was lucky he'd get to take it off later... 


Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall - Margaret Town


The Shadow Mage had himself facing towards the back of the bar with a wistful look on his face and a half empty glass of straight Scotch with no less and no more then 2 ice cubes floating within it. What time was it? Morning? Midday? Afternoon? Regardless he didn't seem to even blink at the time or his choice of beverage as he let the girls run about doing their own thing and covering the Guild Hall in all kinds of red and white regalia. Honestly he should have been more attuned to where Millie was and who she was with, but she was so buzzed and excited he literally could see nothing of her but a blur around the Guild Hall. He had his head resting in the palm of his hand as he peeked behind the bar and the bottle of 100year old Scotch just sitting within arms reach. It was like, the staff here didn't even care and assumed if it was in a position he could reach then he would be less likely to break their ACTUAL stash of liquor to feast himself on.

So still in a half bored state, he heard some strange music and the Guild Hall doors open and while he glanced over his shoulder in a half bored state, his ears and eyes were instantly assaulted by a blur of red and white as something delicious pressed itself into his back causing his mouth to half gape open. Well the voice was unmistakably his bouncing in every sense Girlfriend, then he felt the pressure of said huge rack into his back making a quick fluster come to his cheeks. Though he coughed and calmed himself long enough after she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and he did indeed turn to face her in his bar stool, one arm still bent back to rest against the Guild Bar, his face his usual cheeky grin.

"Yeah..." He answered in a half bored tone, as he glanced to the roof.

"The outfit is OK....I guess..." He answered in an offhanded manner. Then he slowly stood and reached forward to wrap an arm around her middle while his other hand grasped at her shoulder strap which insisted to fall down her shoulder and slowly peel it upwards into it's normal spot. Despite it almost definitely falling down again in about a minute time. "....But it isn't nearly as pretty as the Girl wearing it.." His grin only widening as he leaned down as if to give her a heavy kiss on her lips, but turned at the last second and kissed her cheek instead. And as with everything to do with Valken, he stepped back and away after teasing her, stretching his arms high above his head. "Anyone seen Frosty? I mean... it's a bar here, with Alcohol, and I can't see him out shopping specials..."

@Maki @Mitchs98 @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mykinkaiser

- Nikolas and Phineas Saedor, Lamia Scale Guild Hall, Margaret Town -

  The plan would have gone a little better.....had Millie not ran in, hugging Valken. Nikolas pouted. 

  "My spotlight!" he whined, though he was grinning all the same. Phineas walked over and helped his brother up. The two boys then just....stared at the couple for a moment. Nikolas, still grinning, let out a loud wolf-whistle. "Ooh-la-la~!" he shouted across the room, where the bar was. Phineas didn't say much, but he did wiggle his eyebrows with a deadpan look on his face. 

  "......Love is in the air......by the way, have you told Fe—MPH!" He let out a squeak of alarm when a red-faced Nikolas clamped a hand on his mouth. 

  "No, I haven't told Ferra—" Shoot. He said that too loud. Nikolas had to think of an excuse now. And just like that, he grinned mischievously. "About this~. Transformation: Sexy Neko Chick!" Five seconds later, Nikolas was the ever-so-familiar, large-chested Neko that Phin had gotten used to, except in an overly revealing elf costume. In fact, Phineas didn't even flinch. He just stared at him with an expression that clearly said he wasn't turned on. Then he turned away. 


@Mitchs98 (Mentioned)

Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village


Clank clank clank clank.

Normally a beautiful and relaxing town filled with gorgeous people and a relaxed atmosphere. But striding though the people was a very tall woman with flowing blonde hair that was braided and pulled tight along her face and down the middle of her back, drawn away from a stern look. She reached a hand out and with a huge smack the Guild Hall burst open like something out of a Western Movie, with such force the door hinges actually groaned and creak under the sudden power underneath it. And if that wasn't the oddest of sights, Rosaline had the oddest looking bundle hoisted over her shoulder. Not just a little bundle, either, a fully human man sized bundle that if one were to focus on his face one might notice the bundle was fast asleep. Literally a man that was dead to the world except for the slow rise and fall of his chest. Though Rosaline didn't look amused in the slightly. The tall girl whose mere presence seemed make people back peddle or flinch a little, walked into relaxed guild hall where the music had momentarily halted and stomped her way to the very corner of the place and a table though it looked like it was seating no one at all.

However that quick halt in music momentarily fired back up again once again as things continued as normal. It certainly wasn't the first time Rosaline had walked in with a Dorian slung over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

With that the girl suddenly hoisted her Man Body Bag up and slammed him unceremoniously onto the table and quickly took a seat in the booth, crossing her legs as she crossed her arms. "So I found this guy just sleeping in some side alley, which I wouldn't care too much about, but to my surprise it was none other then our little Narcoleptic Dorian! He dresses nice enough I suppose but... can't be thinking Blue Pegasus is full of hobo's...."  Glancing over to the bar with an aspirated sigh. "And now I've gone and sat down without getting a drink...This day is not my day."

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