Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Ferra, Lamia Scale Hall, Margaret Town

Ferra had been busy helping Millie with the decorations all day. In her opinion they looked fairly good though they weren't quite done, they had a tree to decorate after all. She sat down at a table after a bit to rest, grinning at the scene between Millie and Valken. She was extremely satisfied with herself for bringing those two together and very happy they were still together. Of course her own relationship didn't work out, Ferra having been unable to find Talon after the kidnapping incident...but Millie and everyone had been there to comfort her. It wasn't like it was a serious relationship anyway, it was just somewhat special since it was her first.

During the few months between then and now some neko guy and his brother had joined the guild, of course she'd quickly made friends with the both of them; even developing a crush on Nikolas himself. She hadn't said anything, though it was somewhat obvious she liked him if he paid attention. When they entered the hall she smiled and looked over, giggling when Nikolas face-planted. She listened to their argument as best she could, tilting her head slightly in question when she was mentioned. 

When Nikolas used his transformation magic and turned into his 'sexy neko' form she blinked, giggling again at the festive costume. She soon hopped up from the table and walked over to them, "Hey Nik, Hey Phin." She said, waving cheerfully as she walked over. "Merry Christmas!" She added excitedly.




Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

Laying on one of the least used bench seats in the guild hall tucked away lay a dwarf happily snoozing from a night of consumption and rough housing albeit it only with two others so far but that suited the little man just fine. The guild halls doors burst inwards with force and the cold air from outside swept through the room making it difficult to not notice the entrance of the tall woman, who was carrying something over her shoulder. Having made her way over to what he claims as 'his' table the dwarf slowly stirred, he scarcely moving to her unceremoniously dumping the lump on the table as he set up from his seat the top of his head and set of eye peered over the table at Rosaline with a mixed look "Ugh so this is that one yer were talkin' about earlier" rubbing his head and looking to the few mugs still left on the table half filled with stale drink from the night before.

Finding the least full glass finishing it's contents and shaking his head "that stuff when it's warm and stale will wake most folk from the dead and certainly put hair on yer chest" he chuckled blinking for a moment "hey who are you calling a hobo young miss!" point the mug in her direction angrily with a stern look on his face for a few moments before he burst out laughing placing the mug back down producing a flask from his pocket and began to pour. The mug quickly filling from a small flask which didn't seem to empty even though the mug was much greater in size and it looked to be ale pouring from the flask rather than straight liquor as one would expect "get yer mug Roz and ill sort your drink problems out quick smart we cant have yer drying out on us." 

Ferra, Lamia Scale Hall, Margaret Town

Ferra had been busy helping Millie with the decorations all day. In her opinion they looked fairly good though they weren't quite done, they had a tree to decorate after all. She sat down at a table after a bit to rest, grinning at the scene between Millie and Valken. She was extremely satisfied with herself for bringing those two together and very happy they were still together. Of course her own relationship didn't work out, Ferra having been unable to find Talon after the kidnapping incident...but Millie and everyone had been there to comfort her. It wasn't like it was a serious relationship anyway, it was just somewhat special since it was her first.

During the few months between then and now some neko guy and his brother had joined the guild, of course she'd quickly made friends with the both of them; even developing a crush on Nikolas himself. She hadn't said anything, though it was somewhat obvious she liked him if he paid attention. When they entered the hall she smiled and looked over, giggling when Nikolas face-planted. She listened to their argument as best she could, tilting her head slightly in question when she was mentioned. 

When Nikolas used his transformation magic and turned into his 'sexy neko' form she blinked, giggling again at the festive costume. She soon hopped up from the table and walked over to them, "Hey Nik, Hey Phin." She said, waving cheerfully as she walked over. "Merry Christmas!" She added excitedly.


@Zuka @Maki

  "Why, HELLO, Ferra~!" Nikolas said, perhaps a little too loudly and posing in his female form. Phineas let out a snort of laughter, which resulted in the cotton ball on Nikolas's head getting thrown in his face once he turned around. "Nice to see ya! It's been a while! And Merry Christmas to you, too!" he added. 

  ".....I'll be at the piano if anyone needs me," Phineas muttered, walking away from the scene and sending his keyboard back into his hands. He only knew two spells with it so far, but that didn't mean he couldn't play anything other than Chopsticks and Merry-Go-Round of Life. He placed his fingers on the keys, beginning a rather lighthearted round of We Wish You a Merry Christmas. All while enjoying his brother's hilarious attempt at flirting. 

  "Sooo....Ferra, glad to see you've been doing well," Nik said casually, a small blush forming on his face. Phin slowly turned his head towards his brother, continuing to play. 

  ".....Ooh la la....." he said with a coy grin. With that, a sparkly green boot hit him in the face. Nikolas took a deep breath, then transformed back to his normal self, embarrassed. 

  "Heh....brothers! Amirite?" Nik joked, very red-faced. For a stoic guy, Phin sure knew how to be a complete and total wise guy. Ha ha. Very funny, but nobody was going to steal Nik's position as the wisecracking Half-Neko of Lamia Scale!
~Lamia Scale Guild Hall, Magaret Town~

Shiro Ai was used to the mess that came with being in Lamia Scale, she'd been around for a long time at this point and could just sense when certain people were in the hall. It was a side effect of her magic, those she protects she becomes hyper aware of, as long as they're mages, she had just arrived in the hall when those neko brothers came barging in, and she had side stepped the more rambunctious one. No point in worrying about it too much, they were about her age and they had adapted far better than she had. Shiro sighed as she approached the bar, ordering a drink before making her way to the table in the left corner of the hall, it was where she always sat. Her nearly glowing purple eyes flicked across the hall, noting the couple at the bar and the two neko brothers fussing about something together, she'd only heard 'Ferra' but it didn't really concern the older mage. As it was since Shiro had no friends to speak of she wasn't feeling the Christmas vibe that was blatant through the rest of the hall, she was weaker than pretty much all of them anyway, so she honestly had insecurity issues and felt she wasn't worth the time. Did it prevent her magic from working? No not at all, she kept trying harder to get better, though sighing her eyes drift across those in the hall just blankly watching everyone. She really was far too quiet, she knew it would be hard to use her magic if she didn't try at least but she just couldn't find the desire to talk to any of them, eventually leaning back in her chair, balancing on two legs and pulling out one of her tactics history books to read through.

Her thoughts drift off as she reads, though she hasn't been able to focus for some reason, she didn't know why, a glance around the hall didn't answer her question either. Then she heard it, We Wish You a Merry Christmas playing, it distracted her and she really just wanted to sing to it, badly, music was one of the few things that had a chance at turning her somewhat social at least. Shiro sighs and stands up closing her book and walking over towards Phineas, she sat down beside him, in four years and this was her first attempt at being social, instead of saying anything though she started singing along to the light hearted melody in a beautiful alto tone, deeper than most women's voice she just sang along. It was faint, barely there but the normally anti-social protection mage smiled at the neko brother with the piano, almost apologetically, with an 'I hope you don't mind' sentiment behind the barely there smile.
@Zuka @Maki

  "Why, HELLO, Ferra~!" Nikolas said, perhaps a little too loudly and posing in his female form. Phineas let out a snort of laughter, which resulted in the cotton ball on Nikolas's head getting thrown in his face once he turned around. "Nice to see ya! It's been a while! And Merry Christmas to you, too!" he added. 

  ".....I'll be at the piano if anyone needs me," Phineas muttered, walking away from the scene and sending his keyboard back into his hands. He only knew two spells with it so far, but that didn't mean he couldn't play anything other than Chopsticks and Merry-Go-Round of Life. He placed his fingers on the keys, beginning a rather lighthearted round of We Wish You a Merry Christmas. All while enjoying his brother's hilarious attempt at flirting. 

  "Sooo....Ferra, glad to see you've been doing well," Nik said casually, a small blush forming on his face. Phin slowly turned his head towards his brother, continuing to play. 

  ".....Ooh la la....." he said with a coy grin. With that, a sparkly green boot hit him in the face. Nikolas took a deep breath, then transformed back to his normal self, embarrassed. 

  "Heh....brothers! Amirite?" Nik joked, very red-faced. For a stoic guy, Phin sure knew how to be a complete and total wise guy. Ha ha. Very funny, but nobody was going to steal Nik's position as the wisecracking Half-Neko of Lamia Scale!

Ferra grinned at his pose and loud greeting, nodding when he mentioned it had been a while. "Mhm! Glad you guys could make it back for Christmas." She replied. When Phineas walked off to ply the piano she listened for a little bit before turning her attention back to Nikolas. Her grin widened slightly at his comment, Phineas' causing her to giggle, his reaction to Phineas' comment causing her to laugh.

"Wouldn't know myself, only child remember?" She told him before shrugging. "But, yeah! I've been doing pretty well." She said. "I've been helping Millie and the rest decorate the hall all day yesterday and today, what do you think?" She asked, gesturing to the decor. 
~Lamia Scale Guild Hall, Magaret Town~

Shiro Ai was used to the mess that came with being in Lamia Scale, she'd been around for a long time at this point and could just sense when certain people were in the hall. It was a side effect of her magic, those she protects she becomes hyper aware of, as long as they're mages, she had just arrived in the hall when those neko brothers came barging in, and she had side stepped the more rambunctious one. No point in worrying about it too much, they were about her age and they had adapted far better than she had. Shiro sighed as she approached the bar, ordering a drink before making her way to the table in the left corner of the hall, it was where she always sat. Her nearly glowing purple eyes flicked across the hall, noting the couple at the bar and the two neko brothers fussing about something together, she'd only heard 'Ferra' but it didn't really concern the older mage. As it was since Shiro had no friends to speak of she wasn't feeling the Christmas vibe that was blatant through the rest of the hall, she was weaker than pretty much all of them anyway, so she honestly had insecurity issues and felt she wasn't worth the time. Did it prevent her magic from working? No not at all, she kept trying harder to get better, though sighing her eyes drift across those in the hall just blankly watching everyone. She really was far too quiet, she knew it would be hard to use her magic if she didn't try at least but she just couldn't find the desire to talk to any of them, eventually leaning back in her chair, balancing on two legs and pulling out one of her tactics history books to read through.

Her thoughts drift off as she reads, though she hasn't been able to focus for some reason, she didn't know why, a glance around the hall didn't answer her question either. Then she heard it, We Wish You a Merry Christmas playing, it distracted her and she really just wanted to sing to it, badly, music was one of the few things that had a chance at turning her somewhat social at least. Shiro sighs and stands up closing her book and walking over towards Phineas, she sat down beside him, in four years and this was her first attempt at being social, instead of saying anything though she started singing along to the light hearted melody in a beautiful alto tone, deeper than most women's voice she just sang along. It was faint, barely there but the normally anti-social protection mage smiled at the neko brother with the piano, almost apologetically, with an 'I hope you don't mind' sentiment behind the barely there smile.

Ferra grinned at his pose and loud greeting, nodding when he mentioned it had been a while. "Mhm! Glad you guys could make it back for Christmas." She replied. When Phineas walked off to ply the piano she listened for a little bit before turning her attention back to Nikolas. Her grin widened slightly at his comment, Phineas' causing her to giggle, his reaction to Phineas' comment causing her to laugh.

"Wouldn't know myself, only child remember?" She told him before shrugging. "But, yeah! I've been doing pretty well." She said. "I've been helping Millie and the rest decorate the hall all day yesterday and today, what do you think?" She asked, gesturing to the decor. 

  Phineas had returned to full concentration on the piano , a mark where his brother had thrown his boot still clear on his face. Suddenly, a rather pretty alto voice joined into the carol. Phineas looked curiously at her, continuing to play. He wasn't the best at showing expression on his face, but there was some curiosity in his blue eyes. The half-Neko (though he was often mistaken for a human due to the lack of ears...before people actually saw his cat side in action) cocked his head curiously. 

  "....You've got a nice singing voice," he said, always stating what he truthfully thought first. The song slowly shifted from We Wish You a Merry Christmas to the Ukranian Bells song, but he still looked curiously at the girl. After a moment, he continued playing. "Ah....please excuse my brother, Nikolas," Phineas added, watching his fingers touch the keys with the precision and speed that he wanted. "He's quite the hyper one."


  Nikolas chuckled when Ferra reminded him that she was an only child. She had a point. Still, he could empathize with his friends with twin siblings. Having a twin was kinda weird. Phineas looked a lot like Nik if he didn't have ears and grew his hair a little longer. And got a tad taller. Ah, if only Nikolas could have grown a couple more inches, then he would be pleased. 

  "The hall looks awesome!" Nik said eagerly, looking around it. "You and Millie did a great job decorating it. Meanwhile, Phin and I were visiting the family for a bit. Dad's fine, he told us alllll about his adventures when he was younger, then summoned a real live phoenix from a book! The neighbors totally freaked! It was hilarious. Then Grandma came to visit and Phin sent her speeding out the house!" At this point, Nik was laughing really hard. "D'you remember, Phin? The old man was like, 'no, don't kill me!' And you were like, 'fuck that lady, I have a piano' and started playing chopsticks. Remember that?"

  Phineas looked up from his piano, still playing, then he sweatdropped. "Ah, yes....how could I forget....didn't you go chasing after her wearing nothing but your underwear?"

  "Ohhh yeah! With a broom, if I remember correctly."

  "....It was a frying pan."

  "It WAS?"

  Phineas rolled his eyes. "...Of course. Knowing you, you wouldn't settle for a broom. You just had to go all out. We still have to replace all those dishes you broke, you know."

  "Pssssh! Dad's pretty easygoing, he wouldn't get mad 'cuz I broke some glass dishes."

  ".....Okay....? What about Mom, then....?" 

 "Um...I'm sure she won't blow her top? As long as Dad didn't get hurt—"

 "Dude, he tried to pick up the glass and started bleeding everywhere. You were too drunk to notice." Phineas rolled his eyes again and returned his focus to the piano. 

Kelica Zefara of Fairytail

Magnolia Snow-Covered Streets



Kelica looked like a down right mess. The Forest Mage had her long blonde hair cascading down her back in bouncing curls to somewhere near her lower back and brushing her hips and wrists gently (unlike her normal high set ponytail). She had a hand covering her mouth as she did a huge, sleepy yawn with strange portions of her hair dangling up into the air like they simply voided the normal forces of gravity. And to add to the complexity and strangeness the girl was wandering the snow-covered streets of Magnolia in nothing but a simple singlet and shorts, she didn't even wear socks, or shoes like she had simply rolled straight out of bed and was wandering around in the cold of day. Her Fairytail mark completely visible as it rested on her ankle. Normally one might stop the girl in her drowsy lumber through the streets, but as she was obviously a member of Fairytail the regular citizens simply stepped past her. Assuming she was a Ice Wizard or something.

For you see Kelica was attuned to the Seasons as part of her magic, and being it was Winter the girl was in a half hibernation state. Her eyes were half dipped and droopy. And if the Seasons were not havoc enough, the girl had literally been training from Sun up till Sun-down for the past complete of months in something close to the hardest training of her life. One full day was spent with Hibiki Dreyar to teach her offensive and defensive magic to protect herself, while the other day was spent with Ryu Miyamoto training her in Meditation and relaxation techniques to curb her hyperactivity and to try and connect deeper with the Forest's she had grown to love and protect. Sora she saw to as she could between this time to learn what she could on how to act like a proper lady, though in the current state she was in the poor dear was far to tired to even contemplate any of those teachings. In fact the only thing she was holding onto was how much seemingly every muscle in her body ached and burned as she was slowly getting stronger, tougher and and faster in her own right. And as such, she was sore. Idly she rubbed her shoulder before a shiver worked throughout her entire body from the chill Winter air, lazily peering around Magnolia. That winter dew covered seat looked awfully comfortable and she had half a mind to just curl up right there and take a nap.

@Isune @Rhodus @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey
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Mizuki Kohaku

Sketchy Alleyway

Mizuki strode down the dark alleyway, her long steps making quick work through the shady place.  The snow below her was very cold, and since she had no shoes on it made sense for her to walk fast, a thin layer of clothing being the only thing between her and the cold ground. Her purple eyes locked onto a shambling figure draped in a dirty white gown. The girl believed the thing to be a poor homeless person stuck outside in such cold weather, no family to take her in during the holidays, yet at the same time there was a familiar aura. She almost felt bad for the beaten thing until she saw who it really was. The figure turned out to be the siren Draneri, the same one who brainwashed her into killing all of her guildmates. What was the beast doing here, so close to a light guild? Did she want to die or something? It might be that way since the monster looked so ill. Her skin was so pale and aged, her body weak and frail. Instinctively she placed down some bags on top of a dry dumpster, wanting to make sure she would be able to fight before walking closer to Draneri. "What are you doing, showing your face around here after making corrupting me?" She said sharply, the small smile fading from her face. A dark arm reached out and tilted Draneri's head up so that they were staring at one another. "What could you possibly want? Shouldn't you be with your dark guild friends?" The dark Mage was quite curious to know why she decided to come around, especially to the one whom she brainwashed. Fortunately for the siren, her life would be spared. Mizuki couldn't take the life of anyone, be it evil or good. She had done enough killing in her lifetime, and she wouldn't break the vow she took. 



On The Way To Haruhi's House In Crocus

Ciel felt a bit saddened that NIur had decided to stay in Magnolia for the holidays. She was a bit worried of what trouble she might get up to but relented at her confidence that each of her half should be able to handle the other, they had also managed to force her not to wear the cloak by hiding it just before she left. The way to her wife's house was cold but she had promised to get there. She looked up at the house's front door and gently moved to knock on the door before she paused abruptly. She checked her pack to make sure everything she needed was there, including her present to her. The telltale glint of something precious ensured its safe location. She lifted a knuckle and gently knocked on the door. "Haruhi! I'm here!" She called out.

 Mizuki was walking through the busy snow covered streets of Crocus city, head held high and eyes scanning the area. All of her arms were being used at the moment thanks to the many bags full of gifts hanging from them. It was hers and Alicia's first Christmas together and the first one since the little girl's parents passed away. She wanted to make this one a blast for her dear friend, and if it meant showering her in gifts then so be it. Thankfully due to her low spending and great saving techniques Mizuki managed to go on an absolute shopping spree this cold winter day, each bag containing many gifts for Alicia. Clothes, pajamas, various sweets and foods such as her favorite tea and little cakes. For once there was a small smile on the dark mage's, the thought of a happy Alicia making her even happier. She was rather proud of herself and her gift selection too. She chose all of her favorite flavors and colors, and even bought a Santa costume to dress up in and deliver the presents. There was only one last thing that she needed to get, and that was a present for Gilad. She planned on buying him an armor polishing kit for his beloved set. Once that was purchased she could finally get back to the guild and relax behind the bar. Wanting to take a shortcut to her destination Mizuki slipped into an empty side street. It looked very dark and sketchy, like a place where muggers would reside, but anyone in Crocus knew that she was the thing they should really fear...

Meanwhile back at Lamia Scale, Millie was getting extremley into the Christmas festivities. She was hanging around the guild hall helping out with decorating, baking, and spreading overall holiday cheer. Today she was dressed up in a cute little Santa suit, the ones that show legs and shoulders. She saw it in the store and she just had to buy it. Besides, the blonde girl knew that Valken would absolutely love it. Speaking of Valken, his girlfriend was currently on the hunt for him. She wanted to show off her cute new outfit, and he was the perfect person to show. Fortunately finding Valken wouldn't be much of a hassle. She quickly spotted the edgy boy by the bar, a typical hangout place for him. "VAAALKEEEEN!" She yelled happily, running towards her lover. Her chest crashed into his back as her arms wrapped around his neck. Leaning forward and further pressing her rack into his body Millie gave his cheek a quick kiss and rested her chin on his shoulder. "Baby look at me! This outfit is just so cute, don't you agree?" She asked, stepping back and spinning around in the tight Santa suit. "I chose it because it's Christmas time, and because I thought you'd like it. You like it, don't you?" If Valken didn't like her costume the S-Class would start crying. But if he liked it then she'd flaunt it. Perhaps if he was lucky he'd get to take it off later... 


Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall - Margaret Town


The Shadow Mage had himself facing towards the back of the bar with a wistful look on his face and a half empty glass of straight Scotch with no less and no more then 2 ice cubes floating within it. What time was it? Morning? Midday? Afternoon? Regardless he didn't seem to even blink at the time or his choice of beverage as he let the girls run about doing their own thing and covering the Guild Hall in all kinds of red and white regalia. Honestly he should have been more attuned to where Millie was and who she was with, but she was so buzzed and excited he literally could see nothing of her but a blur around the Guild Hall. He had his head resting in the palm of his hand as he peeked behind the bar and the bottle of 100year old Scotch just sitting within arms reach. It was like, the staff here didn't even care and assumed if it was in a position he could reach then he would be less likely to break their ACTUAL stash of liquor to feast himself on.

So still in a half bored state, he heard some strange music and the Guild Hall doors open and while he glanced over his shoulder in a half bored state, his ears and eyes were instantly assaulted by a blur of red and white as something delicious pressed itself into his back causing his mouth to half gape open. Well the voice was unmistakably his bouncing in every sense Girlfriend, then he felt the pressure of said huge rack into his back making a quick fluster come to his cheeks. Though he coughed and calmed himself long enough after she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and he did indeed turn to face her in his bar stool, one arm still bent back to rest against the Guild Bar, his face his usual cheeky grin.

"Yeah..." He answered in a half bored tone, as he glanced to the roof.

"The outfit is OK....I guess..." He answered in an offhanded manner. Then he slowly stood and reached forward to wrap an arm around her middle while his other hand grasped at her shoulder strap which insisted to fall down her shoulder and slowly peel it upwards into it's normal spot. Despite it almost definitely falling down again in about a minute time. "....But it isn't nearly as pretty as the Girl wearing it.." His grin only widening as he leaned down as if to give her a heavy kiss on her lips, but turned at the last second and kissed her cheek instead. And as with everything to do with Valken, he stepped back and away after teasing her, stretching his arms high above his head. "Anyone seen Frosty? I mean... it's a bar here, with Alcohol, and I can't see him out shopping specials..."

@Maki @Mitchs98 @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mykinkaiser


"What's the saying? 'Speak of the devil' right?" The man in question as he walked into the room and plopped down on a barstool next to Valken and Mille, waving in greeting to them as he did so. When he was thus situated he caught sight of the bottle and, reaching over to grab it, took a long swig straight from the source before grinning contentedly at the quality. In answer to his friend's question he hadn't been out shopping, unless you counted bar hopping, and brawling, as shopping. It wasn't anything new, but that's what he'd been doing. Well, not entirely, he had actually just taken a normal walk for once. This was due to the fact that the village that he hailed from was a mountain village, and as such it received a lot of snow which subsequently made him think of his home and his family. He hadn't seen his family in a while, and he was thinking about going to visit them soon, see how they were doing. He did always send them a part of the payment he received for jobs, and that he didn't spend on alcohol, but he still wanted to check in with them in person, as well as just spend some time with them, his sister especially. Last he had heard she was training to be a mage herself and might be looking to join a guild in the future, something that made him happy, especially since that meant he might be able to spend more time with her throughout the year. As he had continued walking he wondered if his parents still lived in that same house or if they had renovated it at all with the money he sent, he really didn't mind either way, but it still made for an interesting topic to muse on. His dad wouldn't want to change anything, he was stubborn that way, but his mom would probably add some things for continence, such as some lacrima for household chores. Well, he could see what they did when he saw them after all.

Returning to the present Emmerich took another swig from the bottle of scotch before addressing Valken once more, "So, anything you're planning on doing this Christmas? Besides 'er that is," he asked, jerking his head at Mille with a grin.

Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

Clank clank clank clank.

Normally a beautiful and relaxing town filled with gorgeous people and a relaxed atmosphere. But striding though the people was a very tall woman with flowing blonde hair that was braided and pulled tight along her face and down the middle of her back, drawn away from a stern look. She reached a hand out and with a huge smack the Guild Hall burst open like something out of a Western Movie, with such force the door hinges actually groaned and creak under the sudden power underneath it. And if that wasn't the oddest of sights, Rosaline had the oddest looking bundle hoisted over her shoulder. Not just a little bundle, either, a fully human man sized bundle that if one were to focus on his face one might notice the bundle was fast asleep. Literally a man that was dead to the world except for the slow rise and fall of his chest. Though Rosaline didn't look amused in the slightly. The tall girl whose mere presence seemed make people back peddle or flinch a little, walked into relaxed guild hall where the music had momentarily halted and stomped her way to the very corner of the place and a table though it looked like it was seating no one at all.

However that quick halt in music momentarily fired back up again once again as things continued as normal. It certainly wasn't the first time Rosaline had walked in with a Dorian slung over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

With that the girl suddenly hoisted her Man Body Bag up and slammed him unceremoniously onto the table and quickly took a seat in the booth, crossing her legs as she crossed her arms. "So I found this guy just sleeping in some side alley, which I wouldn't care too much about, but to my surprise it was none other then our little Narcoleptic Dorian! He dresses nice enough I suppose but... can't be thinking Blue Pegasus is full of hobo's...."  Glancing over to the bar with an aspirated sigh. "And now I've gone and sat down without getting a drink...This day is not my day."



Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

Laying on one of the least used bench seats in the guild hall tucked away lay a dwarf happily snoozing from a night of consumption and rough housing albeit it only with two others so far but that suited the little man just fine. The guild halls doors burst inwards with force and the cold air from outside swept through the room making it difficult to not notice the entrance of the tall woman, who was carrying something over her shoulder. Having made her way over to what he claims as 'his' table the dwarf slowly stirred, he scarcely moving to her unceremoniously dumping the lump on the table as he set up from his seat the top of his head and set of eye peered over the table at Rosaline with a mixed look "Ugh so this is that one yer were talkin' about earlier" rubbing his head and looking to the few mugs still left on the table half filled with stale drink from the night before.

Finding the least full glass finishing it's contents and shaking his head "that stuff when it's warm and stale will wake most folk from the dead and certainly put hair on yer chest" he chuckled blinking for a moment "hey who are you calling a hobo young miss!" point the mug in her direction angrily with a stern look on his face for a few moments before he burst out laughing placing the mug back down producing a flask from his pocket and began to pour. The mug quickly filling from a small flask which didn't seem to empty even though the mug was much greater in size and it looked to be ale pouring from the flask rather than straight liquor as one would expect "get yer mug Roz and ill sort your drink problems out quick smart we cant have yer drying out on us." 



Dorian really didn't understand why Rosa had to wake him up all the time. What did it matter where he slept to her? He had been comfortable in that back alley, or at least until she showed up, loud as usual. If he wanted to he could probably have run off before she could pick him up, but that would defeat the entire purpose wouldn't it? Why would he expend more effort, waking up in the process, to avoid her waking him up? It just didn't make any sense.

He grunted slightly as he hit the table, Rosa wasn't exactly being gentle with him after all. That said, she never was so he didn't expect her to be. Even so, bracing took effort and it didn't hurt that much so the archer didn't bother doing that. Instead he simply stayed where she dropped him, his half-open eyes beginning to close once more as he began to drift off. That was when he heard another voice and realized that whomever the new person was and Rosa were probably going to have a conversation, over drinks no less. Now, if he knew Rosa at all, he knew that alcohol would likely make her even louder than usual, if that was even possible, which would make it all the harder for him to get any sort of sleep. Therefore, he mustered up his willpower and forced his eyes open before slowly sitting up, groaning slightly as he did so, to scrutinize the new person with tired eyes. What he saw wasn't all that encouraging as the empty mugs, and the fact that the man was a dwarf, pointed to the fact that a lot of alcohol would be consumed shortly, meaning that he should probably find somewhere else to sleep for the moment. As such, he began to drowsily clamber off the table with the aforementioned intent. "...you two... have fun... I'll be over there," he said, yawning hugely and pointing to a more deserted corner of the guild hall, his intentions obvious.


He was finally there, at the guild hall belonging to Sabertooth, the guild he was planning on trying to join. Things had recently calmed down enough for Nicolas to start moving around, a situation he took advantage of. That said, he'd still need to be careful, the council might think him dead, but one slip-up on his part could reveal the truth to them and restart the manhunt all over again. That said, it wasn't like he was going to continue the same kind of work he did for Oroborous. Rather, he fully intended to join Sabertooth and act as a member of a light guild should, thus integrating into society. He doubted that this would prove to be an easy task but he wanted to do it regardless, if only to try something new.

Thinking thusly he walked up to the doors to the building and, pushing them open, entered into the hall. Once inside he began to look around for someone he could ask to help him join, or at least someone who could point him in the right direction. He had to admit as he surveyed the building, that it was very different from what he was used to in Ouroborous. There people merely went about their tasks in silence, only speaking when necessary, the very picture of discipline. This was in stark contrast to the situation he currently found himself in, where people mingled freely, chatting amongst themselves and having a good time. To be entirely honest, he found the whole thing rather disconcerting as he wondered if this was normal, and if it was, whether or not he would be expected to participate. If he was, it would seem that the black-haired man had found his first hurdle in regards to assimilating into normal society.

@Colt556 @AnyoneElseInTheSabertoothGuildHall
@Fem the Huffling Riceball 

Shiro glanced at Phineas as he finished the song before humming lightly while rubbing the back of her head. "Well thank you...I hope it wasn't a bother. Also you're brother doesn't bother me, but he is rather predictable." She said it softly, hoping Nikolas hadn't heard before going quiet and fetching her book only to return a minute later and sit next to him once more, she liked music and if it was closer and she had gotten the singing out of her system she would be able to to focus again. She listened to the music, humming even as she read, but otherwise she wasn't very talkative. Quite possibly she was the most boring person in this particular guild and she knew it, honestly she didn't even know how to talk to people. Maybe she didn't want to learn how, until she could hear the conversation in the background from the pair of brothers, and she had to stifle a giggle, biting her lip suddenly to suppress it. However, as she sat there, her eyes skittered over to Faust as he entered the hall before letting her gaze drop back to the book, only occasionally looking up but since she now had on wind reader glasses it was impossible to tell where she was looking, as they were tinted.

Draneri The Siren

Crocus City Side Alley


The Siren wasn't sure exactly what she was expecting when the dark mage approached her, a swift death perhaps? She probably deserved it for the hundreds if not thousands of lives she had taken over the past centuries merely to survive, to continue on and live as long as she was able to. She half winced as the girl approached closer to her, though she only received words. A dark arm reaching out, tilting her head up slightly and half drawing the Siren to a slightly more upright position. To roughly Mizuki's height rather then her normal 6' height. Though her wings still draped and dragged against the ground like they were made of lead, even the odd feather was falling and landing against the cold white ground. She opened her mouth to speak but found even words difficult. She held her gaze for quite some time, golden orbs shifting from one of her eyes to the other slowly before she glanced down and to the side gently, almost in a shy fashion though that concept was new for her. At least new in the sense of it being real and not a fabricated shyness to draw in her suitors.

"That...Guild.." She started, her voice still soothing and running gently like a flowing river despite it being softer and weaker then normal. "I only worked with...that guild because Lucian Grey... promised me Prey I could not refuse..he was right....I escaped there..but...I have not eaten...not for weeks. Everything is stale...bland...flavorless...colorless...the whole world has turned grey..."

She found herself drawing closer to the girl, coming somewhat uncomfortably into her personal bubble as she peered up to her. Her very eyelids lowered as she could almost see the Dark Energy swirling around her, almost taste it on her lips and on her tongue, even her mouth parted slowly. "I...know I have done so much wrong...so much but...please...I beg of you...I just...want to taste you one last time. Just one more kiss..just one...and then I will leave. I know I ask so much and give back so little...And afterward I will leave forever I just...need to know. I need to know if what I feel, this aching in my heart is real..." Her soft hands reaching as if to cup and slide her fingers across the girl's cheek. "Just once. Then I will leave you." Her voice oddly void of her normal seduction, no perfumes. What she said, for the first time, was the truth and she hoped she believed her. Though she understood if she didn't. She even understood if the girl turned and killed her. She was ready to accept her fate, her punishment. The consequences.

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Masaki had been on his journey all the way to Margaret Town from Crocus City after having left Sabertooth and selling his house, buying a new place in Margaret Town that was actually right on the edge of the town. After having struck an arrangement with Lamia Scale's new guild master, Maya Morne, Masaki was going to join the ranks of Lamia Scale and be there in time for Christmas! All of this however, was planned between the two of them for secret. After all, it's a surprise for Grace.  The events of the previous day saddened Masaki, due to the fact that he had to say goodbye to  what had been his family for so long, but In his eyes it was all for the greater good. Saying goodbye to Zeryph however, hurt him the most. But, with his head held up high, Masaki was excited for the change. 

After setting out from Crocus in the early hours of the morning, Masaki was now on the outskirts of Margaret Town. From what he could see, the town was beautiful, and so very quiet. What place was better than this? At least now Masaki could read his books in peace... That would be nice, anyway. The young teenager sighed with relief as he continued on to the entrance of the town, finding himself totally captivated in its contents. It was a very simplistic town, it's people seemed to keep to themselves a lot too, and to actually see that in person and not in a book for a change was actually quite nice. 

As as he continued through the town, Masaki looked at his arm at the spot of where his new guild mark was located, and smiled ever so slightly. Eventually, Masaki got to the beautiful guild building, and knocked on its large wooden doors. The red head would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, but it'd be hard for anyone to even tell. And Masaki didn't know how they'd react to it all, what if they didn't like him? He gulped at the thought. 

"How bad can it be?" He thought. Masaki really had no idea what he was getting himself into. 

From inside of the guild, Grace would hear the kind shouts of Maya which said 'That'll be for you Grace!' Practically as soon as he knocked on the door. 


Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

Rosaline had her eyes closed, though unlike Dorian it wasn't for any specific sleepy tenancies. She was more just brooding in her sternness and half contemplated how she would get that drink. While she was fit and could probably leap up in and zap over to the Bar to pour a drink and be back in a jiffy, there was a fair few more people in this Guild Hall she liked to admit, and it was a noisy process for her. And, although she never would admit it, she did enjoy the soft soothing noise that floated through the Guild Hall. Harps and strange plunking instruments reminisce of Asian style banjo's. "Yes, this is Dorian. If he woke up for more then two seconds of the day and actually wandered around people might actually know who he was." Sending Dorian a sharp glare as she did. And despite the dwarf glaring at her, when he laughed the girl couldn't help but have a half smile grow on hers as well. She glanced around in a half panic, before she twisted over the seat behind her and lunged at an empty mug, giving it a quick shake to get the droplets off before turning back around and offering it to the dwarf.

"I've long since stopped asking how you were able to keep pouring the drinks Ace, just keep them coming." She said sternly, and with one hand still outstretched as if for him to fill it, she noticed Dorian sit up against the table and start to clamber off, and in the blink of an eye and without breaking the gaze towards the dwarf, she snapped her hand out to fist into the back of the Archer's shirt and lifted him completely off his feet before throwing him to her other side beside her. In this way, she had shoved him into the side closest to the wall so he would have to scale either the wall, the roof or herself to escape again. "Not happening. If you want to sleep, you sleep there. Why don't you have a drink to wake up? Or... I could shock you awake..." Finally her eyes darting to the side to give him a look that said she meant business. And despite most people taking that as a joke, she was deadly serious.

@Mykinkaiser @Halffix
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Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

It was a fairly benign day within the Guild Hall as she was coiled up upon a rather large ornate couch in the corner of the main room. She simply read from a book, occasionally take a puff of her pipe from her homeland. As was too often the case the peace came to an end with an abrupt slamming of the front doors. A sudden wave of cold swept through the hall forcing her to coil tightly on top of herself and shoot a glare that could kill at the one responsible. Lo and behold Rosa had made her triumphant return and immediately the guild descended into rowdy chaos. Her piercing red eyes kept track of the blonde as she hauled her cargo to a table and unceremoniously dropped the sleeping man. No matter how often she witnessed this sight it never ceased to anger her, were it possible her blood would be boiling. Nevertheless she opted to ignore the display and instead chose to return her attention to the book within her hand. Rosa's rowdiness was nothing new and she could hardly afford to make a scene every time the brute did. However, try as she might she couldn't keep her gaze where it ought to be, her red eyes consistently darting between her book and the commotion at the table. Per the usual Dorian meekly tried to scamper off to go sleep somewhere while Rosa kept him firmly in place.

Seeing an opportunity to perhaps render some assistance while annoying the blonde-haired woman she closed her book and set it gently by her side before sliding from the couch and making her way up the nearby support beam. With silent grace she made her way through the rafters, snaking her way towards the table that housed the trio. She came to a stop directly above the table, slowly and silently coiling herself around the beams for support as she peered down at the trio below. Every muscle in her body tensed as she inched forward ready to strike at any moment. Her eyes were narrow, her tongue rapidly flicking out between her lips as she was absolutely focused on one individual in particular. After a few moments she finally struck, darting out at incredible speed to grab hold of the now-seated Dorian before quickly pulling him with her back up into the rafters. Without even giving the poor boy a chance to voice his complaints she was already coiling herself around him as she looked down on the obviously-upset blonde. "Now now, Rosa, you have to be nicer to poor Dorian. If he wants to sleep you should let him." She gently stroked the man's hair as she spoke, a rather smug look upon her face.

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Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

Laying on one of the least used bench seats in the guild hall tucked away lay a dwarf happily snoozing from a night of consumption and rough housing albeit it only with two others so far but that suited the little man just fine. The guild halls doors burst inwards with force and the cold air from outside swept through the room making it difficult to not notice the entrance of the tall woman, who was carrying something over her shoulder. Having made her way over to what he claims as 'his' table the dwarf slowly stirred, he scarcely moving to her unceremoniously dumping the lump on the table as he set up from his seat the top of his head and set of eye peered over the table at Rosaline with a mixed look "Ugh so this is that one yer were talkin' about earlier" rubbing his head and looking to the few mugs still left on the table half filled with stale drink from the night before.

Finding the least full glass finishing it's contents and shaking his head "that stuff when it's warm and stale will wake most folk from the dead and certainly put hair on yer chest" he chuckled blinking for a moment "hey who are you calling a hobo young miss!" point the mug in her direction angrily with a stern look on his face for a few moments before he burst out laughing placing the mug back down producing a flask from his pocket and began to pour. The mug quickly filling from a small flask which didn't seem to empty even though the mug was much greater in size and it looked to be ale pouring from the flask rather than straight liquor as one would expect "get yer mug Roz and ill sort your drink problems out quick smart we cant have yer drying out on us." 





Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

It was a fairly benign day within the Guild Hall as she was coiled up upon a rather large ornate couch in the corner of the main room. She simply read from a book, occasionally take a puff of her pipe from her homeland. As was too often the case the peace came to an end with an abrupt slamming of the front doors. A sudden wave of cold swept through the hall forcing her to coil tightly on top of herself and shoot a glare that could kill at the one responsible. Lo and behold Rosa had made her triumphant return and immediately the guild descended into rowdy chaos. Her piercing red eyes kept track of the blonde as she hauled her cargo to a table and unceremoniously dropped the sleeping man. No matter how often she witnessed this sight it never ceased to anger her, were it possible her blood would be boiling. Nevertheless she opted to ignore the display and instead chose to return her attention to the book within her hand. Rosa's rowdiness was nothing new and she could hardly afford to make a scene every time the brute did. However, try as she might she couldn't keep her gaze where it ought to be, her red eyes consistently darting between her book and the commotion at the table. Per the usual Dorian meekly tried to scamper off to go sleep somewhere while Rosa kept him firmly in place.

Seeing an opportunity to perhaps render some assistance while annoying the blonde-haired woman she closed her book and set it gently by her side before sliding from the couch and making her way up the nearby support beam. With silent grace she made her way through the rafters, snaking her way towards the table that housed the trio. She came to a stop directly above the table, slowly and silently coiling herself around the beams for support as she peered down at the trio below. Every muscle in her body tensed as she inched forward ready to strike at any moment. Her eyes were narrow, her tongue rapidly flicking out between her lips as she was absolutely focused on one individual in particular. After a few moments she finally struck, darting out at incredible speed to grab hold of the now-seated Dorian before quickly pulling him with her back up into the rafters. Without even giving the poor boy a chance to voice his complaints she was already coiling herself around him as she looked down on the obviously-upset blonde. "Now now, Rosa, you have to be nicer to poor Dorian. If he wants to sleep you should let him." She gently stroked the man's hair as she spoke, a rather smug look upon her face.





Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

Rosaline had her eyes closed, though unlike Dorian it wasn't for any specific sleepy tenancies. She was more just brooding in her sternness and half contemplated how she would get that drink. While she was fit and could probably leap up in and zap over to the Bar to pour a drink and be back in a jiffy, there was a fair few more people in this Guild Hall she liked to admit, and it was a noisy process for her. And, although she never would admit it, she did enjoy the soft soothing noise that floated through the Guild Hall. Harps and strange plunking instruments reminisce of Asian style banjo's. "Yes, this is Dorian. If he woke up for more then two seconds of the day and actually wandered around people might actually know who he was." Sending Dorian a sharp glare as she did. And despite the dwarf glaring at her, when he laughed the girl couldn't help but have a half smile grow on hers as well. She glanced around in a half panic, before she twisted over the seat behind her and lunged at an empty mug, giving it a quick shake to get the droplets off before turning back around and offering it to the dwarf.

"I've long since stopped asking how you were able to keep pouring the drinks Ace, just keep them coming." She said sternly, and with one hand still outstretched as if for him to fill it, she noticed Dorian sit up against the table and start to clamber off, and in the blink of an eye and without breaking the gaze towards the dwarf, she snapped her hand out to fist into the back of the Archer's shirt and lifted him completely off his feet before throwing him to her other side beside her. In this way, she had shoved him into the side closest to the wall so he would have to scale either the wall, the roof or herself to escape again. "Not happening. If you want to sleep, you sleep there. Why don't you have a drink to wake up? Or... I could shock you awake..." Finally her eyes darting to the side to give him a look that said she meant business. And despite most people taking that as a joke, she was deadly serious.

@Mykinkaiser @Halffix


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"What's the saying? 'Speak of the devil' right?" The man in question as he walked into the room and plopped down on a barstool next to Valken and Mille, waving in greeting to them as he did so. When he was thus situated he caught sight of the bottle and, reaching over to grab it, took a long swig straight from the source before grinning contentedly at the quality. In answer to his friend's question he hadn't been out shopping, unless you counted bar hopping, and brawling, as shopping. It wasn't anything new, but that's what he'd been doing. Well, not entirely, he had actually just taken a normal walk for once. This was due to the fact that the village that he hailed from was a mountain village, and as such it received a lot of snow which subsequently made him think of his home and his family. He hadn't seen his family in a while, and he was thinking about going to visit them soon, see how they were doing. He did always send them a part of the payment he received for jobs, and that he didn't spend on alcohol, but he still wanted to check in with them in person, as well as just spend some time with them, his sister especially. Last he had heard she was training to be a mage herself and might be looking to join a guild in the future, something that made him happy, especially since that meant he might be able to spend more time with her throughout the year. As he had continued walking he wondered if his parents still lived in that same house or if they had renovated it at all with the money he sent, he really didn't mind either way, but it still made for an interesting topic to muse on. His dad wouldn't want to change anything, he was stubborn that way, but his mom would probably add some things for continence, such as some lacrima for household chores. Well, he could see what they did when he saw them after all.

Returning to the present Emmerich took another swig from the bottle of scotch before addressing Valken once more, "So, anything you're planning on doing this Christmas? Besides 'er that is," he asked, jerking his head at Mille with a grin.

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Dorian really didn't understand why Rosa had to wake him up all the time. What did it matter where he slept to her? He had been comfortable in that back alley, or at least until she showed up, loud as usual. If he wanted to he could probably have run off before she could pick him up, but that would defeat the entire purpose wouldn't it? Why would he expend more effort, waking up in the process, to avoid her waking him up? It just didn't make any sense.

He grunted slightly as he hit the table, Rosa wasn't exactly being gentle with him after all. That said, she never was so he didn't expect her to be. Even so, bracing took effort and it didn't hurt that much so the archer didn't bother doing that. Instead he simply stayed where she dropped him, his half-open eyes beginning to close once more as he began to drift off. That was when he heard another voice and realized that whomever the new person was and Rosa were probably going to have a conversation, over drinks no less. Now, if he knew Rosa at all, he knew that alcohol would likely make her even louder than usual, if that was even possible, which would make it all the harder for him to get any sort of sleep. Therefore, he mustered up his willpower and forced his eyes open before slowly sitting up, groaning slightly as he did so, to scrutinize the new person with tired eyes. What he saw wasn't all that encouraging as the empty mugs, and the fact that the man was a dwarf, pointed to the fact that a lot of alcohol would be consumed shortly, meaning that he should probably find somewhere else to sleep for the moment. As such, he began to drowsily clamber off the table with the aforementioned intent. "...you two... have fun... I'll be over there," he said, yawning hugely and pointing to a more deserted corner of the guild hall, his intentions obvious.

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He was finally there, at the guild hall belonging to Sabertooth, the guild he was planning on trying to join. Things had recently calmed down enough for Nicolas to start moving around, a situation he took advantage of. That said, he'd still need to be careful, the council might think him dead, but one slip-up on his part could reveal the truth to them and restart the manhunt all over again. That said, it wasn't like he was going to continue the same kind of work he did for Oroborous. Rather, he fully intended to join Sabertooth and act as a member of a light guild should, thus integrating into society. He doubted that this would prove to be an easy task but he wanted to do it regardless, if only to try something new.

Thinking thusly he walked up to the doors to the building and, pushing them open, entered into the hall. Once inside he began to look around for someone he could ask to help him join, or at least someone who could point him in the right direction. He had to admit as he surveyed the building, that it was very different from what he was used to in Ouroborous. There people merely went about their tasks in silence, only speaking when necessary, the very picture of discipline. This was in stark contrast to the situation he currently found himself in, where people mingled freely, chatting amongst themselves and having a good time. To be entirely honest, he found the whole thing rather disconcerting as he wondered if this was normal, and if it was, whether or not he would be expected to participate. If he was, it would seem that the black-haired man had found his first hurdle in regards to assimilating into normal society.

@Colt556 @AnyoneElseInTheSabertoothGuildHall


Blue Pegasus - Balsam Village



 Kirin was sitting as a 4 foot 7-inch tall midget on stage, reading a notebook as she provided the festive cheers for everyone. She was loving the peaceful, yet buzzing atmosphere with the support of her more Asian style of music. Took her a damn while to discover it, but once she did, oh boy it was added quickly to the inventory. Though out of the corner of her eye she saw a bit of trouble brewing. She smiled as she punched herself in the stomach as hard as she could. She was flung out of her chair, while an exact replica of herself sat on the chair, still playing the music tracks! Free of her responsibility for a bit, she hovered over the tables to land next to Rosaline and plop a hand on her shoulder. She would then take the now empty seat on the other side of her and comment, "Let a man sleep, Rosy! It's not like he's hurting anybody, is he?" 

She used her music to tap the tap open on the keg, floating over a glass to catch the dropping liquid. With another flick, her music closed the jug and floated it back to her palm. She raised her cup before offering a toast to Acus and Rosaline. Either way, she commented, "How long has it been since everyone has been like this? My little ones back home have been keeping me busy to actually know." She would take another sip before looking around for the only other person who could compete with her equally, Yamato... @Jackaboi

If she did spot the guy, she would call out, "Ey, Yam! Care for some Talkin' and drinkin'?" Though secretly in her head she prayed for him to, moaning out internally about how she has been so busy over the years she practically knew no one other than a 'Hi, whatever your name is!' level...
Kenya was in the middle of another one of her daily jogs in the time she had join Sabertooth she had began this daily routine. While doing so she gathered somewhat of a fan club of other joggers she didn't know they were following her she thought they were simply jogging as well. She didn't mind them at all she liked to think they paced her a bit more, yep she didn't mind them until she heard a bunch of them talking to one another. "Hey don't you think he's kinda cute?" "Yeah he jogs everyday he must be super fit." Kenya didn't want to believe they were talking about her but then again as she looked at the group she was the only one who could be mistaken for a boy. She took a deep breath and decided against simply beating them up. So she turned a corner quickly kicking a small rock behind her as she did tripping one of the joggers causing a domino effect. As she got back to the Sabertooth guild she entered through the door wiping away some sweat from her brow. "Ahh that was a nice jog."
Chi sits down as the cool breeze sets in above his bungalow. His small Christmas tree sits by his lamp, which is on his bed. He shivers slightly, as snow falls in Magnolia. Quickly standing up, and twists the dial on the thermostat, turning up the heat slightly to help him meditate. He then smiles to himself, as he is happy it's Xmas. After all, he was born on it. Maybe he'll go by the Fairy Tail guildhall later today to pick up a mission or two. Or, he could just hang out. It's Xmas, the day could go just about anywhere! He sits down, and enjoys himself a cup of hot chocolate. Looking up from his cup, he takes a glance at his chessboard. For some strange reason, this appeared in his house one day. A peice moves everyday, so he's basically playing chess with someone he doesn't know. He scratches his chin at what peice to move next. He then grins to himself, and moves the rook forward 4 spaces, going in line with the king. He then says 'Check' out loud. He doesn't know why, the guy isn't here, but he feels it to be necessary. He then pops his knuckles, and goes back to meditating.
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Chris Lengheart(Merry Christmas to all, and to all...you know the rest)

Chris strolled down the street with a goofy looking santa hat on and his massive coat that had an abundant amount of fur in it to keep any man his size warm. It was a novelty he couldn't help but buy. His family would be visiting tomorrow, so Chris thought it'd be best if he picked up a few things. He got a few bags of marshmallows for hot coco and a few little gifts for his dad and Damion. As Chris was walking, he noticed someone just staring at a dew covered bench. She had nothing on that was appropriate for this weather. As Chris started walking their way however, he noticed it was Kelica! About a month or so ago Chris and Kelica took a break from one another, whether they got back together or not was an entirely separate story that had yet to be told. 

Chris quickly approached Kelica, already stripping his coat off before calling out to her. "Kelica!" Chris shouted as he soon standing face to face with the blonde. "What are you doing out here like this? It's freezing cold out here!"

And without saying another word, Chris draped Kelica in his coat and put the santa on her in an attempt to keep her warm before wraping her up in his grey and blue scarf. He then started to take her in the direction of his house where it was a lot warmer. "Come on," Chris said as he suddenly switched to centaur form "We'll go back to my place for a bit until you warm up, and then we'll take you back to the guild."

If Kelica decided to hop on, she'd be able to tell that Chris had just gotten his winter coat since his fur was much thicker and actually quite warm and comfy. He was like a big electric blanket.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia Cemetary




A cloak rippled about in the cold crisp air that was chilling enough to cause ones skin to crawl, the hairs on their limbs to stand, and have each breath be a clouded memory that only disappeared seconds after it'd been exhaled. Two small hands remained clutched within mounds of snow, not paying any attention to the numbness that had befallen each finger. Sora's hues remained fixated on the tombstone before her, knowing it was more than just a name on a stone. It was a grim reminder, a replay of haunting memories, and a place where the one she'd learn to trust and love now rested. How long had she been like this? Hours? Days? Almost gargoyle-like as her petite frame didn't dare to move, eyes refusing to break away as they bore each letter engraved before her into her mind. The things she was putting herself through closely resembled torture and many of her guild members had slowly begun to give her space, realizing that this mental affliction was not one that would pass anytime soon. Even Nami had eventually sulked away after many failed attempts to cheer the blue haired slayer up.


Sora felt frozen in time. Stuck in a horrifying memory that replayed itself like a broken record. It had taken an immense amount of will power not to just cave and store it within her memory book so it wouldn't haunt her and render her unable to sleep. For each time sleep came, so did the clear images of the recent ghastly event. And so sleep was soon lost, soon a luxury, soon unobtainable. A hand suddenly shattered the statued appearance she'd held, fingers shooting upwards to desperately cling to the poncho adorning her shoulders, clutching it so tightly that it felt and seemed like the only thing keeping her from falling apart. It did more than caress her shoulders or offer a small amount of warmth. It held her together. If that clasp be undone, Sora feared that so would her own sanity. For that reason, the cloak remained since she had slipped it around her small frame upon receiving it.


" I failed you... " Those words came out shakily, said so slowly that they were almost incomprehensible. Tears began to once again find their way spilling from wide eyes, trailing along pale skin and being the only source of warmth that she'd received in hours. Sora hadn't even registered that she'd once again started to cry. It all seemed like clockwork at this point. 
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@Fem the Huffling Riceball 

Shiro glanced at Phineas as he finished the song before humming lightly while rubbing the back of her head. "Well thank you...I hope it wasn't a bother. Also you're brother doesn't bother me, but he is rather predictable." She said it softly, hoping Nikolas hadn't heard before going quiet and fetching her book only to return a minute later and sit next to him once more, she liked music and if it was closer and she had gotten the singing out of her system she would be able to to focus again. She listened to the music, humming even as she read, but otherwise she wasn't very talkative. Quite possibly she was the most boring person in this particular guild and she knew it, honestly she didn't even know how to talk to people. Maybe she didn't want to learn how, until she could hear the conversation in the background from the pair of brothers, and she had to stifle a giggle, biting her lip suddenly to suppress it. However, as she sat there, her eyes skittered over to Faust as he entered the hall before letting her gaze drop back to the book, only occasionally looking up but since she now had on wind reader glasses it was impossible to tell where she was looking, as they were tinted.

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Masaki had been on his journey all the way to Margaret Town from Crocus City after having left Sabertooth and selling his house, buying a new place in Margaret Town that was actually right on the edge of the town. After having struck an arrangement with Lamia Scale's new guild master, Maya Morne, Masaki was going to join the ranks of Lamia Scale and be there in time for Christmas! All of this however, was planned between the two of them for secret. After all, it's a surprise for Grace.  The events of the previous day saddened Masaki, due to the fact that he had to say goodbye to  what had been his family for so long, but In his eyes it was all for the greater good. Saying goodbye to Zeryph however, hurt him the most. But, with his head held up high, Masaki was excited for the change. 

After setting out from Crocus in the early hours of the morning, Masaki was now on the outskirts of Margaret Town. From what he could see, the town was beautiful, and so very quiet. What place was better than this? At least now Masaki could read his books in peace... That would be nice, anyway. The young teenager sighed with relief as he continued on to the entrance of the town, finding himself totally captivated in its contents. It was a very simplistic town, it's people seemed to keep to themselves a lot too, and to actually see that in person and not in a book for a change was actually quite nice. 

As as he continued through the town, Masaki looked at his arm at the spot of where his new guild mark was located, and smiled ever so slightly. Eventually, Masaki got to the beautiful guild building, and knocked on its large wooden doors. The red head would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, but it'd be hard for anyone to even tell. And Masaki didn't know how they'd react to it all, what if they didn't like him? He gulped at the thought. 

"How bad can it be?" He thought. Masaki really had no idea what he was getting himself into. 

From inside of the guild, Grace would hear the kind shouts of Maya which said 'That'll be for you Grace!' Practically as soon as he knocked on the door. 


  "....Tell me about it," Phineas said in response to Shiro's comment, watching his brother, who was grinning like an idiot, before letting the song shift once again to Jingle Bells. Shiro herself really seemed to enjoy the music, so Phineas brought the song up a notch by making it sound more jazzy. He was so focused on playing that he didn't even hear the knock on the door. 

  But Nikolas, with his big cat ears, did. His ears perked up, and, much like a cat, he leapt over to the door before opening it. He examined the person for a second. A new member of Lamia Scale? Slowly, Nikolas's expression rose to an enormous grin; he opened the door all the way for the man. "Welcome to Lamia Scale!" he said quite loudly, practically announcing his entrance. Phineas, who was still in the middle of Jazzy Jingle Bells, was incredibly wrapped up in his playing, so he wasn't really paying attention to anything else. 

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @Maki
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He was finally there, at the guild hall belonging to Sabertooth, the guild he was planning on trying to join. Things had recently calmed down enough for Nicolas to start moving around, a situation he took advantage of. That said, he'd still need to be careful, the council might think him dead, but one slip-up on his part could reveal the truth to them and restart the manhunt all over again. That said, it wasn't like he was going to continue the same kind of work he did for Oroborous. Rather, he fully intended to join Sabertooth and act as a member of a light guild should, thus integrating into society. He doubted that this would prove to be an easy task but he wanted to do it regardless, if only to try something new.

Thinking thusly he walked up to the doors to the building and, pushing them open, entered into the hall. Once inside he began to look around for someone he could ask to help him join, or at least someone who could point him in the right direction. He had to admit as he surveyed the building, that it was very different from what he was used to in Ouroborous. There people merely went about their tasks in silence, only speaking when necessary, the very picture of discipline. This was in stark contrast to the situation he currently found himself in, where people mingled freely, chatting amongst themselves and having a good time. To be entirely honest, he found the whole thing rather disconcerting as he wondered if this was normal, and if it was, whether or not he would be expected to participate. If he was, it would seem that the black-haired man had found his first hurdle in regards to assimilating into normal society.

@Colt556 @AnyoneElseInTheSabertoothGuildHall


Sabertooth Guild Hall


Katherine had been sitting at the bar. The bar had been her place to sit ever since she didnt have her best friend Miles to sit with. She may have not spoken much but she still listened and put in her input. Sitting on the bar itself was a mug of hot cocoa which had some marshmellows. This was only a replacement for her cold Maitai. Though those didnt last long due to Lionel -Her dragon- taking the marshmellows and eating them. Kathy didnt really care much and just allowed him to eat them whenever she had a mug of hot cocoa. Hearing the Guild hall doors open, the hooded mage looked over as chilly air made it's way over and made goosebumps run along her skin. It seemed there was a girl standing there. Katherine didnt say anything, just watched her ( @AtlannianSpy) She should just walk in..she's letting in cold air... the mage thought. It didnt take long for another person to walk in as well which made her eyes move towards the male.


I wonder what brings these people here... not many people -aside from the guild members-  walk in like this during winter. It's kind of annoying seeing as they leave the door open for a little bit, letting out the warm air and bringing in the cold.  she thought, tilting her head just a little bit before fixing her head again and taking her mug, bringing it to her lips and taking a sip before putting it back down. Pulling her eyes off the mage, she looked at the decorations. It seemed she couldnt get over the fact that it was almost Christmas day. A day of which she couldnt spend with her best friend since he was out on a mission. Though she'd still hang out with the friends she had in the guild hall. If they were around.


@Mykinkaiser(mentioned and noticed) @anyoneelseintheSabertoothhall




Abandoned house - Fairy Tail: Hiding out



It had been a while now since Wyeth had meet Lavender, Yama and Akane. He had kept in touch and he hadn't moved on to a new place like he tended to do, although he was no longer staying in the park. It had become far to cold for him and his birds to be able to sleep under the night time sky. It had been cold before but it was now unbearable for them. They had moved into an abandoned house, it was falling apart on the inside but on the out side it looked pretty good. The  majority of his birds slept on the rafters above him but Caroline, William and Mathew always sleep near him. He Slowly rose from the dusty floor boards he was sleeping on and his three companions joined him, quickly flying to his shoulders. He stood up tall and stretched popping every bone his body before throwing on some clothes, having been in only his underwear. Some how Wyeth had to figure out what to get his three new friends for Christmas . He wanted to get them something meaning full but he didn't actually have money to buy anything, unless he was to use his family's fortune which he was opposed to.


"Well Caroline, here goes nothing." He said addressing the only bird that actually cared about every small detail. He waved to some of his other birds and another five joined him but they weren't as fortunate as the three riding on him, they had to fly above him. He would make it up to them though, he would et them an extra treat, he even needed to get his flock some gifts. The other problem that he was experiencing with buy his new found friends was that he didn't actually know what to get them. They hadn't actually told him what they were in to and what they would like to have. He would have to meet up with the others and pay close attention to what they were looking at and what they were saying. "Now where might they all be?" He knew where Lavender would mostly likely be and he was hoping that Akane would be with her to. From what he knew about them they would be at the fairy tail guild hall and with some luck Yama was there trying to help them recover still. After thinking about it he walked out of the building and began to walk towards fairy tail.




Fairy Tail Guild Hall Kitchen: Making cookies and eggnog and hot cocoa


Lavender loved days like these simply because she was able to make cookies and drinks for all her guildmates. It was always fun to do so. She would make chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies and a custom cookie that most people voted for. This cookie happened to be a chocolate cookie with red and green eminems in it.  Not to mention she was making gingerbreads too so the kitchen smelt like christmas threw up in it. Standing by the large containers, she was filling both with hot cocoa ingredients. One which was made with water to make it less thick and creamy and one with milk which made it creamy. Everyone always preferred one of the other and Lavender wanted to make as much variety as she could. Placing the large metal containers on a moving cart, she then moved to the ovens where cookies were being baked perfectly "Perfect." the warrior said with a warm smile and gathered some cups before bringing out the moving cart into the hall by the bar "Hot chocolate is ready!" she called out to the guild hall "Enjoy! Cookies should be out shortly with the eggnog!"


Lavender was wearing a apron which had been covered in flower and some cocoa powder. Even her face had some flower sitting upon it. Her hair was up in a ponytail to keep hair from falling into anything and she looked almost like a true housewife. "Also, be careful,  the hot chocolate is very hot. Especially in these containers." metal containers which can burn anyone who touches them. Lucky for everyone, there was a small knob that had to be pushed down and would allow the drink to pour out. "One is milk and one is water. They're both labeled here." Lavender was slowly losing her sweet and formal words but she'd sometimes go back to them. Rushing back into the kitchen, she checked on the cookies and then began making eggnog. There had been a small project that she had been working on while in the kitchen. Off to the side there was a small rectangle cake which had tree cookies stuck on top like a forest as well as some icing flowers and a fondant pond in it. She thought maybe Keli would like to see some trees and flowers again along with some grass (Which had been green fondant covering the cake itself. Even if they were edible. @Zuka






Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

Rosaline had her eyes closed, though unlike Dorian it wasn't for any specific sleepy tenancies. She was more just brooding in her sternness and half contemplated how she would get that drink. While she was fit and could probably leap up in and zap over to the Bar to pour a drink and be back in a jiffy, there was a fair few more people in this Guild Hall she liked to admit, and it was a noisy process for her. And, although she never would admit it, she did enjoy the soft soothing noise that floated through the Guild Hall. Harps and strange plunking instruments reminisce of Asian style banjo's. "Yes, this is Dorian. If he woke up for more then two seconds of the day and actually wandered around people might actually know who he was." Sending Dorian a sharp glare as she did. And despite the dwarf glaring at her, when he laughed the girl couldn't help but have a half smile grow on hers as well. She glanced around in a half panic, before she twisted over the seat behind her and lunged at an empty mug, giving it a quick shake to get the droplets off before turning back around and offering it to the dwarf.

"I've long since stopped asking how you were able to keep pouring the drinks Ace, just keep them coming." She said sternly, and with one hand still outstretched as if for him to fill it, she noticed Dorian sit up against the table and start to clamber off, and in the blink of an eye and without breaking the gaze towards the dwarf, she snapped her hand out to fist into the back of the Archer's shirt and lifted him completely off his feet before throwing him to her other side beside her. In this way, she had shoved him into the side closest to the wall so he would have to scale either the wall, the roof or herself to escape again. "Not happening. If you want to sleep, you sleep there. Why don't you have a drink to wake up? Or... I could shock you awake..." Finally her eyes darting to the side to give him a look that said she meant business. And despite most people taking that as a joke, she was deadly serious.

@Mykinkaiser @Halffix

Blue Pegasus - Balsam Village



 Kirin was sitting as a 4 foot 7-inch tall midget on stage, reading a notebook as she provided the festive cheers for everyone. She was loving the peaceful, yet buzzing atmosphere with the support of her more Asian style of music. Took her a damn while to discover it, but once she did, oh boy it was added quickly to the inventory. Though out of the corner of her eye she saw a bit of trouble brewing. She smiled as she punched herself in the stomach as hard as she could. She was flung out of her chair, while an exact replica of herself sat on the chair, still playing the music tracks! Free of her responsibility for a bit, she hovered over the tables to land next to Rosaline and plop a hand on her shoulder. She would then take the now empty seat on the other side of her and comment, "Let a man sleep, Rosy! It's not like he's hurting anybody, is he?" 

She used her music to tap the tap open on the keg, floating over a glass to catch the dropping liquid. With another flick, her music closed the jug and floated it back to her palm. She raised her cup before offering a toast to Acus and Rosaline. Either way, she commented, "How long has it been since everyone has been like this? My little ones back home have been keeping me busy to actually know." She would take another sip before looking around for the only other person who could compete with her equally, Yamato... @Jackaboi

If she did spot the guy, she would call out, "Ey, Yam! Care for some Talkin' and drinkin'?" Though secretly in her head she prayed for him to, moaning out internally about how she has been so busy over the years she practically knew no one other than a 'Hi, whatever your name is!' level...

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


"You do know shocking people isnt very nice. I'd have to agree with Kirin" said a navy blue-haired mage as he brought over a blanket and looking at Dorian who was just thrown around like a ragdoll "Nor is throwing tired people around." Kazuo pointed out, placing the blanket down on the table "Think about it, Rosa. If he were to nap now, he could party later with everyone else in the hall. Even though everyone is already doing that." Kazuo had made friends with just about everyone in the guild despite his personality and how closed off he could be. Kazuo had been wearing a black long sleeved shirt with one of his favorite black pants and shoes. He moved his golden eye over to Dorian who was against the wall "Are you alright, Dorian? That looked like it hurt." Dorian was one of Kazuo's best friends, he was almost like a little brother to the Takeover mage. "Also, Rosa, eggnog is being made so i'd make some room if I were you."

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Eric: Enjoying life at Sabertooth's Guild Hall

Today was a good day for the transformation mage. With Christmas just around the corner he certainly didn't waste any time helping out with the decorations and buying presents for his guild mates. Not only that but winter was his favourite season of the year! In other words Eric was just genuinely in a great mood today and now as happy as anything, He sat at the bar drinking to his hearts content. What? You can't have Christmas without a little booze! After emptying a few dozen pints he grabbed one more and stumbled around the hall quite obviously drunk. "This... is the *hic* life!" Before long the doors began to swing open to reveal some people he didn't recognise. Or did he? Things were a little too fuzzy for him to confirm at the moment. "Aha ha ha! we have new comers! Come in come in! *Hic* there's no reson to be scared! I don't see the guild master anywhere! Ha ha ha!" While Eric babbled on with his drunken words he took a moment to take a large swig from his flagon and sat on a chair to rest. "Ya know what...? DRINKS ARE ON ME! EVEN FOR THE VISITORS! AHA HA HA HA HA *flop*" At this point Eric's body finally decided to give up and face planted the table... hard. He was in complete silence for a while, so silent in fact that some people would think he was dead. That was until he started making really deep snores. Eric was probably going to deeply regret making that statement. It was now a competition of what was going to hurt more when he wakes up. His head... Or his wallet...

(Feel free to try and wake him up... If you can...)

@Britt-21 @Nenma Takashi @Mykinkaiser @AtlannianSpy @ANYONE ELSE IN SABERTOOTH GUILDHALL
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Yamato Ren: Also enjoying life at Blue Pegasus Guild Hall


Yamato was in the kitchen preparing a feast like no other for the coming days towards the most festive holiday of the year... Christmas. He spent several hours preparing the food such as the turkey, the stuffing, brussel sprouts and all other kinds of Christmas food. Of course he knew that this kind of food was meant to be saved FOR Christmas not a few days before... Which is exactly why he's saving the best dinner for last. He was sure that everyone in the guild would love it. Finally after the preparations were finished he put all the food into separate ovens and walked out of the kitchen to see his guild mates. The food will probably take a few hours at max so that is plenty of time for him to relax while he can. Upon entering the main hall he spotted some sort of commotion that seemed to centre around Dorian who was being as sleepy as usual. "*Sigh* There are certainly some things that'll never change around here." With a kind smile on his face he surrounded himself with a bubble and floated upwards towards Xira whom currently had Dorian in her grips and probably completely unaware of Yamato's whereabouts. After making it up to the roof he was pretty much behind the Lamia and spoke up. "Why hello Xira~ I have prepared the dinner for tonight and it's now cooking as we speak. Though I must ask... Why are you Holding Dorian all the way up here?"

@Britt-21 @hudhouse @Colt556 @Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Halffix
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Kenya felt bad that Eric would awake to find he owed a very large sum of money so she decided to try and help him. "He was not in the right mind when he said that. Please ignore him!" She told everyone earning her a couple of boos from some in the guild. She made her way to him seeing he was very quickly out, first she pat on his back. "Eric wake up." When she got no response she tried patting a bit harder making sure he would wake up she pulled a bit on his ear. "Eric wake up!" She called close into his ear trying to wake him from his deep sleep.

@Jackaboi @All in Sabertooth

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