Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart(Just like old times)

Chris couldn't help but grin as Kelica snuggled up into his fur. He started to simply walk instead of going into a full on gallop like he normally would. Looking back at Kelica, Chris saw that she was already dozing off. 'Yep, that's Kelica...hasn't changed at all.' Was the first that went through Chris' mind as he continued to carefully walk down the street, trying his best to ensure that his passenger didn't wake up.

After a short while, Chris finally made it home. He changed to his human form and was now carrying Kelica in more of a piggyback style. He reached into his pants pocket and removed his key before placing it into the lock and heading on inside. Chris' house looked all nice and cozy for the holidays, multiple Christmas decorations strung about and surprisingly seemed to pull everything together. Chris walked carefully to the sofa as he gently placed Kelica down before heading into his room, picking up a bright red blanket, and bundling up Kelica to keep her warm. Chris went over the fireplace and put in a few logs before using an internal takeover to breath a bit of fire onto the logs to get the flame going. He let out a small yawn before heading into the kitchen and making two cups of hot cocoa. He placed one on the table in front of Kelica and took a seat on his recliner before taking a few sips and looking into the fire as it crackled and popped. When Kelica wakes up, she'd notice that Chris' hair was actually longer. It just hung wildly at his sides, not really being done all that well. 

Once Kelica was all warmed up, Chris would probably just end up taking her back to the guildhall and parting ways for the next couple of months. That's honestly the way it felt. They hadn't talk for the past couple of months, and never saw each other until now. Hopefully, that would change and they'd at least start talking again.


Kelica Zefara of Fairytail

Magnolia City


The slow, gentle sway of the beast was doing nothing but causing Kelica to fall more and more and it was only lucky she had fallen asleep countless times not only on Chris's back but on the backs of animals in her Father's mythical Forest when she was younger did she naturally continue to hold on gently to his mane and her thighs stayed steady around his back. She nuzzled her entire face into the thicker part of his mane and without another word the girl was once again fast asleep. In fact, she was in an even deeper sleep then before like the rocking, soothing motion was similar to that of a baby or child and a tiny whistle escaped her noise. Even when he changed into his human form she didn't even move a muscle, arms hung loosely around his neck and shoulders as her head dragged over with her face swooshed up against his neck. Burying underneath his brown hair.

As she was placed against the couch the girl started to shiver gently but was then wrapped in a huge red blanket that made a soft and genuine smile cross her face even while she was half asleep. She wasn't sure how long she snoozed there, but eventually she nuzzled in under the blanket but popped her head out just enough to have two beady little green eyes slowly slip open, her mouth still buried under the blanket. Her gaze drifting around in a half haze before the warm of the fire really started to awaken her. She blinked as she peered to the burning wood for a moment, and for a moment she could almost see her mother with flowing brown hair, standing by the fire like she always used to when she was younger. Tending to it with a warm smile. Almost but that body seemed decidedly bigger then her mother had been. Blinking more awake by the second the girl slowly sat up and peering around the room as the blanket slipped off, completely missing the hot cocoa on the table as she struggled for a moment to get her bearings.

The house looked similar. She'd stayed in here for a few weeks, though the last time she remember it was decorated in flowers from the Magnolia Festival. Her gaze finally spotting Chris as he was seated in a recliner idly watching the fire she had but a moment ago. Her gaze turned down finally to the hot drink as she swung her legs out to place her toes on the now warmed up floor, wordlessly grasping at the drink and sipping it slowly. After a sort time, her gaze slipped to the side at him. "You've grown your hair out..." She mentioned idly, her words not a complete slurr as they had been before. She peered down to the last of her warm drink as she moved her hands slightly watching the liquid swirl. "Thanks for keeping me warm Chris. I'm not sure what happened... I was fast asleep and then.. I dunno I was in the snow. My body goes weird during the seasons heh..." She said softly, not that he wouldn't already be aware. Or maybe he didn't? It was hard to tell who she had told what about. "A hundred days of training and you'd think I get it right by now..."

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"Well you may not think that you're great and yes you're still learning but...you've got potential, you'll be a master at this." Shiro finally let out a small laugh, she had just used his own words against him and decided right then that she would at least try and get to know the wonderful pianist who had managed to put her in a good mood. The music was suddenly interrupted by the concussion wave and the slamming of Ferra and Nikolas across the hall and knew only one person who could do that, a very angry Grace which caused her to back up slightly, not wanting to get in the middle. Then she knew her good mood was about to change again because Valken had sent a chair missile straight at Emmerich and the wood fragments were sent scattering, she wrapped herself in her White Shield lightly touching Phin's arm to wrap it around him too and prevent the splinters from digging into either of their skin, "Excuse me Phineas, but I'm going to escape before I get drawn into the fight, I suggest you do the same." Just as she warned him she was quickly darting off to her corner after grabbing her book, feeling a little bad she had been so distracted previously.

As Shiro hid in her corner of the hall she watched the chaos ensue, if she didn't watch she would probably get hit and dragged in though it might give her an excuse  to talk to someone else. As she sat she had nothing but time to think, and it occurred to her maybe the reason she couldn't get any stronger was a lack of 'friends', it was a dumb idle thought though and she brushed it off, before placing her wind reader glasses on and reading bits of her book at a time. Well and maybe she was keeping an eye on them just in case someone needed her protection, well...aside from Ferra and Nikolas, Shiro had avoided Grace's wrath so far and planned to keep it that way.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @Maki @Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98

Mizuki Kohaku

Crocus Back Alley


Mizuki began to blush slightly as they started to kiss. The dark mage wasn't used to so much physical contact, let alone kissing. It was a new and interesting experience, one that she was getting into. When the cold hands of Draneri rested against her cheeks her own hands found their way to her hips, falling onto them and holding her softly. As the two broke away for a moment just barely Mizuki slowly opened her eyes to stare at Draneri. She wanted to ask if it worked, but before she could speak their lips connected once again, more stronger than ever. This time she felt the energy slowly draining from her body, yet it didn't feel sinister. Despite this being one of the first times kissing someone, she knew that there was no trickery behind it. 

When Draneri wrapped her wings around her body Mizuki believed that she was passing out and almost shoved her away. Yet the ruffle of the feathers was enough to tell her what was happening. This actually put the black haired woman at a lot of ease. It made her feel more secure and safe at the mercy of Draneri. The amount of energy that was being drained was really taking a toll on her. Mizuki's legs were shaking heavily and her arms were wrapped around her waist for support. She didn't know how much energy the siren needed, but she hoped that she was almost full. Yet at the same time she didn't. The kissing was wonderful, exciting, and new. It gave her a glimpse into the world of love, and she couldn't get enough. But the more she kissed the closer she came to death. 

Suddenly Mizuki was pushed away from Draneri, the weakened girl falling back onto the ground. She stared up at the siren with a flustered face, mouth open to take in deep breaths of air. "What...now?" The dark Mage asked while attempting to get up, using the wall as a support. "Will you go back to killing for food? Or will you seek me from here on out...?"

Draneri - The Siren

Crocus Side Alley


Draneri was still hunched over but as her breathing started to slow down and relax, her wings suddenly curled to tuck themselves in against her thighs, coiling about her lower body as the tips hovered over the ground unlike the drag she had them doing before. Slowly her chest arched forward as her back straightened, looking as good if not a fraction better then she had been when Mizuki first met her during the Dark Guild some months ago. She held her gaze onto the girl as she collapsed against the ground, but it was only as she struggled to get to her feet and use the wall for support, that the Siren looked genuinely concerned, reaching forward to grasp at her arm and slowly pull her up to a more steady stand. Brushing off her clothes gently in much the same way a Mother might though kept her hand onto her shoulder to center her sense of gravity. "I....I don't know..." She said honestly as her golden orbs glanced to the side into the darkness  of the shadows as a weary sigh escaped her lips. "I.. have been a thing of wonder and beauty wrapped around a nightmare for many years...centuries. A beacon of light in the dark, dragging innocents to their ends. I draw attention from everyone and yet, in the end, I am always alone."

The Siren placed a soft hand on her own chin as she glanced to her wings, wrapped snugly around her waist. "I...am not sure I can kill again...there is a bitterness to Death I never noticed before. Oh, it is sweet when I first take it but...the dark taste lingers long afterwards..." Looking to the sky for a moment before peering back to Mizuki. "Please Dear, I have drained so much of your energy...you will need to rest before you can continue on with your day... Please allow me to take you home and then, I shall leave if you wish me to..."

Wordlessly The Siren grasped onto the presents Mizuki had loaded herself with and idly hooked them into the points of her wings while the tall Siren simply scooped Mizuki as if she weighed nothing. Being at full strength the Siren was more then capable of supporting her and did just that as she started to lead her home. Continuing the back streets in case someone asked or spotted her appearance.
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Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

It had been a few months since she joined Fairy Tail, a surprisingly easy task looking back on it. While she had been fairly reserved at the start she very quickly fell into her usual ways. Even after all these months she still did her jobs alone as she was unable to make any friends, that was hardly a surprise given her personality. The steady supply of jobs she was able to get allowed her to pay off her bills and actually start making a decent wage, although she could hardly be considered wealthy despite that fact. It was one such job that she found herself returning from on this snowy day before Christmas. She had received more than a few looks given her attire. Due to her magic she wasn't one to change outfits to go with the seasons and a girl walking around in such an outfit as hers during such a cold day was bound to draw attention. Nevertheless she paid the gawkers no mind as she was simply content with a job well done and the compensation that went along with it. On top of the monetary payment she also got some fancy gem necklace. If nothing else she could pawn it off for some more cash but the thought of giving it to someone also passed through her mind. "Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll do some Secret Santa sorta thing..." A faint grin tugged at her lips at the thought of being so lucky. If she threw that necklace in the lot she was sure to have the best present and she did enjoy being the best. Nevertheless her little delusion came to an end as she approached the guild hall.

Upon reaching the hall she came to a stop as she stared up at the structure. It was still difficult getting use to the fact that this had become her home away from home. Now days she spent more time within the the guild hall than anywhere else. After only taking a brief pause she pushed her way through the doors, closing them quickly behind her so as not to to freeze out the occupants. Overall the place seemed fairly empty, likely most of the members were at home with their families. Probably a good idea, but she could always go and visit some other time. For now there were more important issues and with that she made her way over towards the bar. She never had much spending money but she did now and she was going to make use of it. She swiped a cookie from a nearby platter and ordered up a drink, if there was a time to get drunk it was Christmas eve.
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Chi Cho Kai - Magnolia Square/Fairy Tail Guildhall

Chi stops on a building he was standing on. He turns around, staring over Magnolia, which is decorated beautifully with Christmas lights and trees. Snow is falling pleasantly onto the rooftops of buildings. He finds the buildings so peaceful. Kuro then turns his attention to the Guildhall, seeing people beginning to walk in. Chi's heart skips a beat at this. 

Yes ! People are finally in the guildhall! I should go say hello, and wish them a marry Christmas.

Chi would then press his feet on the roof, and jump off of the roof he was on, landing right in front of the guildhall. Chi pushed the doors open, immediately hearing conversation. The guildhall had a few members inside, Chi's attention mainly focused on the people near the bar. 

"Merry Christmas, everyone", Chi says with a smile on his face. His voice would reach across the guildhall, making both his presence known, and his words heard. Chi then sits down at the bar, following up from his greeting. "You guys probably don't remember me. I wouldn't be surprised, after all, I've been gone for at least a year". Chi takes off his coolie hat, setting it on the counter. "It's me, Chi Cho Kai; Remember?", he says to them, trying to see if he can get anyone to remember.

@Colt556 @Britt-21 @TheSecretSorcerer
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Kenya clapped impressed by how cleaver Tokine was using a hot cookie to wake up Eric. She then realized he was right as there certainly were some unfamiliar faces in the guild hall but Kenya wasn't very social so she just never noticed. Kenya then reached for a cookie on the plate Tokine had taking one for herself it was indeed hot but she didn't think it was hot enough to whine about like Eric did. Eating the cookie she was once again impressed by Tokine this time it was her cooking that had impressed her. "He's right these cookies are amazing." Before Kenya had realized what she was doing she had already eaten three cookies. "Sorry forgive me for letting my gluttony get the best of me." She apologized to Tokine.

Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Ever since the group had gotten back and Grace had been seperated from Masaki, she had pretty much attached herself to her lost friend Mikado. She had to make up two years time that they lost due to her stupid dark guild hunting adventure. Mikado couldn't just ditch her best friend and get away with it. She was currently sitting up at the Lamia Scale bar, a rather unusual place for her to be. The short girl didn't drink alcohol, but mikado had decided to sit up there with Valken, so she obviously followed. She sat up there with a glass of cola, a bored expression on her face despite the cheerful environment. Things were pretty calm and nice earlier in the day, until the two brothers arrived and began making a mess of the place. Grace didn't like them very much since they were new, loud, and had bigger breasts than her despite being male. It was so unfair that people who weren't even supposed to have a bust managed to be better than her. It just really rustled her jimmies. To make matters Millie came vaulting over to Valken wearing a skimp outfit that showed off all her curves. Grace couldn't help but growl slightly at the sight. 

Fortunately for her Mikado had piped up, asking her what she'd do for Christmas. Her answer was a no brainier, her fellow short friend already guessing the correct answer. "Yeah, I plan on taking the train down to Crocus tomorrow morning. I haven't told him though, because I want to surprise him! I'd invite you along but I think he'd want it to be just the two of us, so you're stuck here with dumb and dumber." She said, referring to Nikolas and Phineas. Just then she heard a knock on the door and Maya's booming voice saying that it was for her. Instantly she hopped out of her seat, excited to see what it was. Perhaps it was a present for her, or maybe her parents coming to visit. She hoped it was the present over her parents due to their different beliefs on where Grace should be right now, but her parents would be nice nonetheless. However, before she could even take a step Nikolas was at the door talking to someone. This just put a sour expression on her face seeing that he ruined whatever surprise awaited her at the door. "Nikolas what the hell!? Your name isn't Grace so why are you answering the door!? You're ruining my surprise!" She snapped at the newcomer, watching as Ferra came in and began ushering him away. Where did they think they were going? No one escaped an angry Grace, no one! Letting out another growl she fired a concussion blast at them, a spell that would only knock them away from where it hit rather than explode and hurt them. It was only meant for Nikolas, but Ferra deserved it for having a bigger chest. They should be within blast radius if her calculations were correct, but only time would tell. Besides, there were more important things to do instead of shooting her guildmates with explosives, like looking at what arrived for her at the door. The flat chested girl stomped over to the door, peering up and gasping at what she saw. It was Masaki! His arrival was unexpected but extremley welcomed. "Masaki!~" She cheered as she jumped into his body, arms wrapping around his body and face pressing into his chest. All signs of anger and annoyance just disappeared into thin air, the joy of seeing her love overcoming all of that. "I didn't expect to see you here! And from the looks of it you brought enough stuff to move in! Come on in Masaki, I'll introduce you to everyone." 

@Colt556 @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Zuka

Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Valken watched the defeated look on her face which as a consequence his suddenly paled. Did that sound harsh? In hindsight, yeah that was pretty dickish of him. He knew how much she adored Christmas, her bubbly nature still surprised him to this day. He just couldn't seem to wrap his head around why Christmas was so important to her. But ultimately if she was happy, he was happy. Still brooding on his near miss, the bundle that would have seen a tsunami of tears flood the Guild Hall reminiscing of a Water Mage, he turned as low and behold his best mate Frosty appeared as if outta thin air and he went to talk to him when he noticed a commotion at the front door. Someone knocked, a neko boy answered the door (which he could have sworn had a huge rack a moment ago but maybe he missed something while his focus was on Millie). Ferra pulled him away, to which Valken's eyes narrowed in a curious manner. She'd spent an awful lot of time around that boy, maybe she had a cru-

CRASH! Valken tensed up and had already slung a dagger out as Grace came out of no where and threw both Ferra and that boy across the room. He probably could have stopped it, but one look to Grace's face confirmed he reallllyyy didn't need to get between that. So reminiscent of any partial Parental figure he simply made a offhanded face, slung his dagger back away and completely ignored it. If he 'sees' it he has to deal with it, right?

And on that note as he spun around, that was the exact moment he saw Frosty drinking HIS expensive Scotch. And not just a small amount, the guy was Damn near trying to finish it off! 

Well it wouldn't be a day in Lamia Scale if those two older (and supposedly wiser) boys didn't fight so completely turning from Millie he hooked his foot into a nearby chair,  kicking it up into the air before spinning in a 360 kick and sending the Chair Missile straight at his back. 

And like a hundred times before, the chair slammed and suddenly exploded like it had simply hit a brick wall, literally the floor around him was covered in wooden fragments and Emmerich didn't even flinch. 

"You know that's mine right? I don't remember you asking for it..." He said in a deathly tone, but a grin was already flooding his face as he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. Pushing the balls of his feet into the ground though he otherwise looked composed.

Another day in paradise....

@Mykinkaiser @Maki @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mitchs98 @Arius LaVari @LeSoraAmari @Colt556

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Masaki was kind of taken aback when some strangers came running over to the door, opening it, and greeting him rather enthusiastically. "Oh! Uhm.. Hi?" He said, a nervous smile filling his face as a chuckle escaped his mouth. It was then that Ferra arrived and also greeting him, Masaki smiled at her for a brief moment as Ferra was quick to drag Nikolas away from the door. These people seemed nice so far, but slightly in your face a bit. Perhaps they just liked new people? Masaki sighed then as Grace sent a concussion blast towards the boy who opened the door and then to Ferra also. Judging from the look on her face, Grace was absolutely livid and there was most definitely no escaping that. 

After that was done, Grace approached him and seemingly jumped into him, her arms wrapping around him and in response, his eyes wrapping around her. Masaki smiled to Grace as she spoke to him, the two not having seen each other since the events of the Grimoire Heart kidnapping. Or was it before that? Either way it felt like a decade had gone by since he last saw her. When Grace spoke to him, Masaki smiled to her, the smile albeit nervous in its appearance. "Sure, that'd be nice I suppose." Before Grace could move any further, Masaki quickly lifted up the sleeve of his jacket in order to show Grace the mark that donned his body. "The guild master and I struck an arrangement, she offered me a place here so I took it. Merry Christmas!" He said enthusiastically as he hugged Grace once more before letting her lead him into the guild.

The Hall seemed to be descending slowly into total chaos by the second. "This is very different to Sabertooth." He spoke, quietly to himself before continuing to follow Grace into his new guild. 

@Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Maki @Colt556 @Arius LaVari @Mitchs98

"Well you may not think that you're great and yes you're still learning but...you've got potential, you'll be a master at this." Shiro finally let out a small laugh, she had just used his own words against him and decided right then that she would at least try and get to know the wonderful pianist who had managed to put her in a good mood. The music was suddenly interrupted by the concussion wave and the slamming of Ferra and Nikolas across the hall and knew only one person who could do that, a very angry Grace which caused her to back up slightly, not wanting to get in the middle. Then she knew her good mood was about to change again because Valken had sent a chair missile straight at Emmerich and the wood fragments were sent scattering, she wrapped herself in her White Shield lightly touching Phin's arm to wrap it around him too and prevent the splinters from digging into either of their skin, "Excuse me Phineas, but I'm going to escape before I get drawn into the fight, I suggest you do the same." Just as she warned him she was quickly darting off to her corner after grabbing her book, feeling a little bad she had been so distracted previously.

As Shiro hid in her corner of the hall she watched the chaos ensue, if she didn't watch she would probably get hit and dragged in though it might give her an excuse  to talk to someone else. As she sat she had nothing but time to think, and it occurred to her maybe the reason she couldn't get any stronger was a lack of 'friends', it was a dumb idle thought though and she brushed it off, before placing her wind reader glasses on and reading bits of her book at a time. Well and maybe she was keeping an eye on them just in case someone needed her protection, well...aside from Ferra and Nikolas, Shiro had avoided Grace's wrath so far and planned to keep it that way.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @Maki @Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98

  Nikolas was about to utter an apology, but then Grace blasted him backwards. He looked to Phineas for help, but his twin appeared to be amused. He glared at Phineas, who innocently stared back and continued his playing of jazzy Jingle Bells. Nik scoffed. 

  "Yeah, yeah, I get it, Mr. Goody-Two Shoes. Now can you stop rubbing it in?"



  Phineas didn't respond to that; he just nodded at Shiro's comment, answering to her first. "Understood, ma'am."

  Nik's face turned red with anger; he aimed a punch at his brother, who leapt to the side, still playing. This time, he really was glaring. The music stopped abruptly. "Nikolas Rodolphus Saedor!" he half-shouted indignantly, before letting out a sigh and lowering his voice. Nikolas's ear twitched. You know someone's about to tell you off when they use your full name. "I'm trying to play and yet you're being too loud. Shut up, sit down, and try to have a civil conversation without going into hyperactive mode," he said coolly before slamming his hands on the piano and continuing to play. 

  Nikolas fell silent for once, then, defeated, he trudged over to a table, grumbling under his breath. His face really was burning now, thanks to Phineas telling him off in front of the entire guild. Talk about embarrassing. 

@Mitchs98 (@anyoneinthelamiascaleguildhallthatimissed)

Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Ever since the group had gotten back and Grace had been seperated from Masaki, she had pretty much attached herself to her lost friend Mikado. She had to make up two years time that they lost due to her stupid dark guild hunting adventure. Mikado couldn't just ditch her best friend and get away with it. She was currently sitting up at the Lamia Scale bar, a rather unusual place for her to be. The short girl didn't drink alcohol, but mikado had decided to sit up there with Valken, so she obviously followed. She sat up there with a glass of cola, a bored expression on her face despite the cheerful environment. Things were pretty calm and nice earlier in the day, until the two brothers arrived and began making a mess of the place. Grace didn't like them very much since they were new, loud, and had bigger breasts than her despite being male. It was so unfair that people who weren't even supposed to have a bust managed to be better than her. It just really rustled her jimmies. To make matters Millie came vaulting over to Valken wearing a skimp outfit that showed off all her curves. Grace couldn't help but growl slightly at the sight. 

Fortunately for her Mikado had piped up, asking her what she'd do for Christmas. Her answer was a no brainier, her fellow short friend already guessing the correct answer. "Yeah, I plan on taking the train down to Crocus tomorrow morning. I haven't told him though, because I want to surprise him! I'd invite you along but I think he'd want it to be just the two of us, so you're stuck here with dumb and dumber." She said, referring to Nikolas and Phineas. Just then she heard a knock on the door and Maya's booming voice saying that it was for her. Instantly she hopped out of her seat, excited to see what it was. Perhaps it was a present for her, or maybe her parents coming to visit. She hoped it was the present over her parents due to their different beliefs on where Grace should be right now, but her parents would be nice nonetheless. However, before she could even take a step Nikolas was at the door talking to someone. This just put a sour expression on her face seeing that he ruined whatever surprise awaited her at the door. "Nikolas what the hell!? Your name isn't Grace so why are you answering the door!? You're ruining my surprise!" She snapped at the newcomer, watching as Ferra came in and began ushering him away. Where did they think they were going? No one escaped an angry Grace, no one! Letting out another growl she fired a concussion blast at them, a spell that would only knock them away from where it hit rather than explode and hurt them. It was only meant for Nikolas, but Ferra deserved it for having a bigger chest. They should be within blast radius if her calculations were correct, but only time would tell. Besides, there were more important things to do instead of shooting her guildmates with explosives, like looking at what arrived for her at the door. The flat chested girl stomped over to the door, peering up and gasping at what she saw. It was Masaki! His arrival was unexpected but extremley welcomed. "Masaki!~" She cheered as she jumped into his body, arms wrapping around his body and face pressing into his chest. All signs of anger and annoyance just disappeared into thin air, the joy of seeing her love overcoming all of that. "I didn't expect to see you here! And from the looks of it you brought enough stuff to move in! Come on in Masaki, I'll introduce you to everyone." 

@Colt556 @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Zuka

  Nikolas was about to utter an apology, but then Grace blasted him backwards. He looked to Phineas for help, but his twin appeared to be amused. He glared at Phineas, who innocently stared back and continued his playing of jazzy Jingle Bells. Nik scoffed. 

  "Yeah, yeah, I get it, Mr. Goody-Two Shoes. Now can you stop rubbing it in?"



  Phineas didn't respond to that; he just nodded at Shiro's comment, answering to her first. "Understood, ma'am."

  Nik's face turned red with anger; he aimed a punch at his brother, who leapt to the side, still playing. This time, he really was glaring. The music stopped abruptly. "Nikolas Rodolphus Saedor!" he half-shouted indignantly, before letting out a sigh and lowering his voice. Nikolas's ear twitched. You know someone's about to tell you off when they use your full name. "I'm trying to play and yet you're being too loud. Shut up, sit down, and try to have a civil conversation without going into hyperactive mode," he said coolly before slamming his hands on the piano and continuing to play. 

  Nikolas fell silent for once, then, defeated, he trudged over to a table, grumbling under his breath. His face really was burning now, thanks to Phineas telling him off in front of the entire guild. Talk about embarrassing. 

@Mitchs98 (@anyoneinthelamiascaleguildhallthatimissed)

Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Valken watched the defeated look on her face which as a consequence his suddenly paled. Did that sound harsh? In hindsight, yeah that was pretty dickish of him. He knew how much she adored Christmas, her bubbly nature still surprised him to this day. He just couldn't seem to wrap his head around why Christmas was so important to her. But ultimately if she was happy, he was happy. Still brooding on his near miss, the bundle that would have seen a tsunami of tears flood the Guild Hall reminiscing of a Water Mage, he turned as low and behold his best mate Frosty appeared as if outta thin air and he went to talk to him when he noticed a commotion at the front door. Someone knocked, a neko boy answered the door (which he could have sworn had a huge rack a moment ago but maybe he missed something while his focus was on Millie). Ferra pulled him away, to which Valken's eyes narrowed in a curious manner. She'd spent an awful lot of time around that boy, maybe she had a cru-

CRASH! Valken tensed up and had already slung a dagger out as Grace came out of no where and threw both Ferra and that boy across the room. He probably could have stopped it, but one look to Grace's face confirmed he reallllyyy didn't need to get between that. So reminiscent of any partial Parental figure he simply made a offhanded face, slung his dagger back away and completely ignored it. If he 'sees' it he has to deal with it, right?

And on that note as he spun around, that was the exact moment he saw Frosty drinking HIS expensive Scotch. And not just a small amount, the guy was Damn near trying to finish it off! 

Well it wouldn't be a day in Lamia Scale if those two older (and supposedly wiser) boys didn't fight so completely turning from Millie he hooked his foot into a nearby chair,  kicking it up into the air before spinning in a 360 kick and sending the Chair Missile straight at his back. 

And like a hundred times before, the chair slammed and suddenly exploded like it had simply hit a brick wall, literally the floor around him was covered in wooden fragments and Emmerich didn't even flinch. 

"You know that's mine right? I don't remember you asking for it..." He said in a deathly tone, but a grin was already flooding his face as he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. Pushing the balls of his feet into the ground though he otherwise looked composed.

Another day in paradise....

@Mykinkaiser @Maki @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mitchs98 @Arius LaVari @LeSoraAmari @Colt556

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Masaki was kind of taken aback when some strangers came running over to the door, opening it, and greeting him rather enthusiastically. "Oh! Uhm.. Hi?" He said, a nervous smile filling his face as a chuckle escaped his mouth. It was then that Ferra arrived and also greeting him, Masaki smiled at her for a brief moment as Ferra was quick to drag Nikolas away from the door. These people seemed nice so far, but slightly in your face a bit. Perhaps they just liked new people? Masaki sighed then as Grace sent a concussion blast towards the boy who opened the door and then to Ferra also. Judging from the look on her face, Grace was absolutely livid and there was most definitely no escaping that. 

After that was done, Grace approached him and seemingly jumped into him, her arms wrapping around him and in response, his eyes wrapping around her. Masaki smiled to Grace as she spoke to him, the two not having seen each other since the events of the Grimoire Heart kidnapping. Or was it before that? Either way it felt like a decade had gone by since he last saw her. When Grace spoke to him, Masaki smiled to her, the smile albeit nervous in its appearance. "Sure, that'd be nice I suppose." Before Grace could move any further, Masaki quickly lifted up the sleeve of his jacket in order to show Grace the mark that donned his body. "The guild master and I struck an arrangement, she offered me a place here so I took it. Merry Christmas!" He said enthusiastically as he hugged Grace once more before letting her lead him into the guild.

The Hall seemed to be descending slowly into total chaos by the second. "This is very different to Sabertooth." He spoke, quietly to himself before continuing to follow Grace into his new guild. 

@Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Maki @Colt556 @Arius LaVari @Mitchs98

Ferra: Lamia Scale GH

Ferra tensed as she heard Grace shouting, immediately knowing the hot headed little cutting board was going to do something. But what she wasn't sure. She soon found out as the concussive blast hit, knocking both Nikolas and herself to the ground. She groaned lightly and sat up, looking between Nikolas and Phineas as they argued with a slight grin on her face. She giggled lightly and followed him over to the table before sitting down beside him. "Don't worry Nik, all you gotta do to get back at her is compare her chest to a cutting board. It'll shut her up." She told him before shrugging. "Always works for me at-least. Even better do it in your female form....though that might actually piss her off instead of help." She said. "She's just mad she didn't get to see Masaki before anyone else....speaking of watch this." She told him, elbowing him in the shoulder lightly to get his attention before donning a wide grin. "Hey Grace! You and Masaki do it yet or did he say your chest was to flat?" She called out to her, loud enough for everyone in the hall to easily hear her.



Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Nervous



"Oh I am sorry if I disturbed you. I just um... I just wanted to spend some time with you is all. I haven't been home in several years now and I couldn't bring my self to do it." He was staring at the cookies not knowing what to do. He wanted to take one but he didn't want to if it meant that she was going to have to do more work to get everything done. Also did she want him to leave? He thought that she knew that he had stayed in town. Although he wasn't on bad terms with his family he felt guilty about leaving them and having to spend his father's money when he couldn't take care of himself. When ever he used any of his father's money he made sure to skip town as soon as he could so that he father couldn't find him to bring him back. "Can I help you with anything?" He picked up a cookie nervously and took a bit out of it. "This taste like heaven." He broke off small pieces and gave it to the few birds that were with him. "Caroline, what do you think? Should I get her something to cook with." The bird looked at him with angry eyes, seeming to not like that idea as though it was to simple. "Yeah you are right I should try to figure something else out."


"Hey after we are done cooking do you want to go hang out and do something? We could find some ice to skate on or go to the park. I still have some Christmas shopping I need to do if you will come with me." He was hopping that she wouldn't catch on to him since he was only buy presents for a few people since he hadn't talked to many others. He looked around the kitchen for the things he needed to make cookies. "What was that recipe, one cup of butter, one and a half cups of sugar, one egg. Okay I think I know what I am doing."  Quickly he started to go to work making his favorite sugar cookies recipe that he hadn't made in some time. At first the cookie down was to sticky and he had to mix in more flower. Soon the cookies were coming together and he began to form little balls in his hand.


Loud stomping rumbled through a small magic shop, the shop bell making its traditional ring. A panicked Aiden hurried into the quiet shop, he had left the apartment about 30 minutes ago. Thanks to him begin an idiot he forgot to actually get a gift for Ashley. He fucked up, he fucked up bad. He walked around looking for an item that he could give to her as a gift, nothing caught his eye. A loud grunt escaped from the tall male, he picked up a vile full of quicksilver. It was pretty but really didn't have any use for her magic. A familiar green glow formed around Aiden's neck, a small emerald snake hissed into life"So, out finding Ashley a gift? It seems a little late for something like this." Aiden slightly tapped the snakes head, an annoyed expression painted his face. "Oh shush, Shen you know how much she means to me. I'm just an idiot. Now I have no idea what to do." 


At this point, Aiden had expanded almost of the shops' items. The only thing left was the jewelry section, necklaces with odd jewels and powers. That was till he found two necklaces, both had a similar ring attached to a thin gold chain. The two rings had writing etched into the silver metal, ending with a blue and red gem respectively. The shopkeeper perked up once Aiden took an interest, a small slime spread across their aged features. " A fine piece you see there, They are physic communication necklaces. When two people wear them they can talk to each other through their magic connection. It's worth about 5,000 Jewels." That price was rather large, but it seemed like a perfect gift for her. Aiden coughed up the money and walked out of the shop with a wrapped gift. He opened the door to Ashley's house sheepishly.  "I'm home Ashley." He went to quickly hide the gift under the couch where she couldn't see it. 


Chi Cho Kai - Magnolia Square/Fairy Tail Guildhall

Chi stops on a building he was standing on. He turns around, staring over Magnolia, which is decorated beautifully with Christmas lights and trees. Snow is falling pleasantly onto the rooftops of buildings. He finds the buildings so peaceful. Kuro then turns his attention to the Guildhall, seeing people beginning to walk in. Chi's heart skips a beat at this. 

Yes ! People are finally in the guildhall! I should go say hello, and wish them a marry Christmas.

Chi would then press his feet on the roof, and jump off of the roof he was on, landing right in front of the guildhall. Chi pushed the doors open, immediately hearing conversation. The guildhall had a few members inside, Chi's attention mainly focused on the people near the bar. 

"Merry Christmas, everyone", Chi says with a smile on his face. His voice would reach across the guildhall, making both his presence known, and his words heard. Chi then sits down at the bar, following up from his greeting. "You guys probably don't remember me. I wouldn't be surprised, after all, I've been gone for at least a year". Chi takes off his coolie hat, setting it on the counter. "It's me, Chi Cho Kai; Remember?", he says to them, trying to see if he can get anyone to remember.

@Colt556 @Britt-21 @TheSecretSorcerer


Ashley's Home

Ashely heard the door and scuffling around at her front door. When a voice had come from over there, she smiled as she was pulling out the cookies "Welcome back home, Aiden. I was a little worried since you were gone for a long while." she placd the cookie sheet on the counter and allowed them to cool as she took off her oven mitts and grabbed a tube of icing as she looked towards the doorway where she was sure he'd walk through "What were you doing out so long? I was hoping you didnt get lost." she teased with a soft giggle as she moved to the oven and turned it off. "I also made fresh cookies! I'm gonna decorate them, wanna help?" christmas was her favorite time of year. Despite the cold and chilly weather, she always had fun making cookies, cakes, and drinking hot cocoa by the fire, even playing in the snow and having snowball fights.





FT Guild Hall Kitchen

Lavender smiled softly as she glanced at Wyeth "I dont mind you hanging out with me." she said before adding "I'm sorry to hear that you couldnt bring yourself home... I wish one day that you may." she started to decorate the cookies just as he asked if she needed help "No, i'm good." though it didnt take him long to pretty much ask her out "I'm sorry Wyeth... I'm too busy here to really go anywhere.." she admitted. As much as she wanted to hang out with one of her friends, she had to take care of her guild from the kitchen. When he began to make cookies and the batter, The warrior stopped him "Wyeth, why are you making cookies?" she asked "That is not the recipie i'm using..." she informed him with a frown before she went back to decorating the cookies "Why dont you go into the hall and talk with my fellow guild mates. I'm sure they are willing to make friends with you."


Wyeth kind of threw her off onto an edge and made her edgy in the kitchen now. As much as she loved being his friend, the way he seemed to act around her made her worry about him. She was afraid her friend wouldnt be able to do much due to him being so shy or nervous. "Once I am finished here I shall join you in the hall. Right now I must finish up so everyone is content and that there is plenty of treats for everyone." it didnt take her long to pick up the sound of a familiar voice which made the warrior pause she was doing and head to the door where she poked her head out and spotted Chi "Mr Chi!" Lavender said with delight "It's so great to see you once again! Welcome home, please sit down and have some hot cocoa! I shall be out once i'm finished."


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~Blue Pegasus Guild Hall~ ~Celestia Corona~

Excitement, that was her first thought, she stood just outside the hall of the guild she had only joined a few days ago, she wasn't unfamiliar with the place, no she visited regularly as she had traveled because the town was practically like her home base. Now, after studying for so long she felt she could join a guild and Blue Pegasus just made sense to her. So to say she was excited was an understatement, she was thrilled and it was Christmas, her favorite holiday because it gave her an excuse to spoil people. Deep breath in, out, after calming down slightly she pushed the door open to notice the decorations and she squealed out loud, she loved it, absolutely and would have to be sure to help next time. Being the cheerful person she was as soon as she was inside she waved to the guild, "Hey everyone! How are you today?" She giggled as she practically skipped into the guild hall plunking down on a stool which she immediately started to precariously balance on two legs, shifting her weight every time the thing would try and tip. At least she did this for the time being, until she noticed Rosaline sulking off in a corner by herself, and she homed in on the taller girl, Celestia was older but Rosaline was much bigger than her, and Celestia was really friendly anyway, so noticing the lightning users mood she wandered over and sat on the floor right in front of her grinning brightly, her green and bright yellow eyes focused on the woman. "Well heya Rosaline, don't know if you knew this or not but I often visited this guild and I've seen you a few times. I'm Celestia Corona! Nice to meetcha~" She thrust her hand at the other woman still grinning, though the hand she offered was her left instead of her right hand and anyone could see the small bit of electricity sparking from her hand. The cheerful blonde wanted to see if she could cheer up the obviously annoyed and upset mage, as a member of the guild she wanted to treat this place like home, and she always tried to talk to everyone anyway.


Chris Lengheart(Faburous hair)

Chris continued to stare at the flames, occasionally get up to tend the the flames with one of the little pokers. He took a seat and decided to take a few little sips from the cocoa, it was the perfect way to warm up on the inside. Chris looked over to Kelica as he watched her nuzzle into the blanket before slowly waking up. He watched her look around the newly decorated house for a short while before fixating her gaze onto him. "Morning there sunshine." He said as he took yet another sip out of his glass of hot cocoa. As she mentioned his hair, Chris bared his teeth like false fangs and brought up his hands like a set of claws before shaking his hair about wildly as he snorted and joked,"It's makes me look more animal like. Like a wild beast ready to pounce at any minute!"  as he soon began to laugh and started to settle back down into his recliner. As Kelica thanked him for heating her up, Chris simply smiled and responded, "Don't mention it, anything to help out a friend and a guildmate." At the mention of all the training, Chris grinned and said,"Yeah, it does that to ya. Be lucky you don't wake up wishing you were dead after the immense training you have to go through. Luckily, it isn't that bad anymore."

Then, Chris rose like a giant and walked over to the rest of the cocoa. He looked over to Kelica and raised the small jug. "You want any for the road?" Chris asked as he went ahead and poured himself some more. Chris stayed behind the kitchen counter in case Kelica wanted some, but stared at her with his scarf and coat on. He couldn't help but chuckle, she looked so comfortable with everything on. They'd be heading out soon, At least Chris would be able to visit the guild for a while. He could always swing by and pick up his gifts later, he still had a good while before all the shops and whatnot closed. 


Kelica Zefara of Fairytail

Magnolia City

The slow, gentle sway of the beast was doing nothing but causing Kelica to fall more and more and it was only lucky she had fallen asleep countless times not only on Chris's back but on the backs of animals in her Father's mythical Forest when she was younger did she naturally continue to hold on gently to his mane and her thighs stayed steady around his back. She nuzzled her entire face into the thicker part of his mane and without another word the girl was once again fast asleep. In fact, she was in an even deeper sleep then before like the rocking, soothing motion was similar to that of a baby or child and a tiny whistle escaped her noise. Even when he changed into his human form she didn't even move a muscle, arms hung loosely around his neck and shoulders as her head dragged over with her face swooshed up against his neck. Burying underneath his brown hair.

As she was placed against the couch the girl started to shiver gently but was then wrapped in a huge red blanket that made a soft and genuine smile cross her face even while she was half asleep. She wasn't sure how long she snoozed there, but eventually she nuzzled in under the blanket but popped her head out just enough to have two beady little green eyes slowly slip open, her mouth still buried under the blanket. Her gaze drifting around in a half haze before the warm of the fire really started to awaken her. She blinked as she peered to the burning wood for a moment, and for a moment she could almost see her mother with flowing brown hair, standing by the fire like she always used to when she was younger. Tending to it with a warm smile. Almost but that body seemed decidedly bigger then her mother had been. Blinking more awake by the second the girl slowly sat up and peering around the room as the blanket slipped off, completely missing the hot cocoa on the table as she struggled for a moment to get her bearings.

The house looked similar. She'd stayed in here for a few weeks, though the last time she remember it was decorated in flowers from the Magnolia Festival. Her gaze finally spotting Chris as he was seated in a recliner idly watching the fire she had but a moment ago. Her gaze turned down finally to the hot drink as she swung her legs out to place her toes on the now warmed up floor, wordlessly grasping at the drink and sipping it slowly. After a sort time, her gaze slipped to the side at him. "You've grown your hair out..." She mentioned idly, her words not a complete slurr as they had been before. She peered down to the last of her warm drink as she moved her hands slightly watching the liquid swirl. "Thanks for keeping me warm Chris. I'm not sure what happened... I was fast asleep and then.. I dunno I was in the snow. My body goes weird during the seasons heh..." She said softly, not that he wouldn't already be aware. Or maybe he didn't? It was hard to tell who she had told what about. "A hundred days of training and you'd think I get it right by now..."


Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

She watched as Grace made her way towards the door, giving Nikolas and Ferra a quick blast as she went. As Grace excitedly threw her arms around Masaki she let her gaze wander, taking in the entire guild hall. Her eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly as she looked upon the various people within the hall before spinning around to face back towards the bar. She glanced to her side at Valken as he was still dealing with Millie. However that changed as he got to his feet, complaining about Emmerich swiping his stash. Given how Valken acquired the alcohol she didn't really think he had the right to complain about someone stealing it but she wasn't about to actually say that out loud. With Grace gone to fawn over Masaki and Valken gone to do whatever it is he wanted to do she now found herself sitting alone. While not exactly making her comfortable at the very least Emmerich was still a seat down so there was that at least.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard a loud crash beside her. Before she could even react wooden shrapnel flew at her from the exploding chair, chips of wood covering her cap and jacket and even going so far as to get into her drink. The threatening voice of the shadow mage soon followed behind her, immediately cluing her in as to who was responsible. Her gaze fell as she reached up and tugged her cap down slightly, a rather foreboding feeling flowing from her. She spun around on her stool and hopped to her feet, shoving her hands into her jacket as she slowly made her way over to Valken. All the while the combination of her scarf and cap worked to obscure her face as she kept her head downcast. The only obvious sign that something was amiss was the wooden pieces covering her head and shoulders. She finally came to a stop a few feet in front of Valken and cast her gaze up at him. The cap did well to overshadow her face giving her an almost eerie look as the glare that filled her eyes was now visible to the shadow mage. "Valken...." The tone of her voice did little to hide the anger that welled up within her and even as she spoke the man's name she pulled her hands from her jacket as blue magic particles coalesced within her hands before taking the shape of her customary handguns. She trained the weapons upon the man who had thrown the chair and again spoke up, her voice mimicking the coldness of Valken's own only without the cheeky grin to accompany it. "Apologize."

Haruhi was currently sitting eagerly by the door of her home, waiting for her lovely wife to walk up and knock on the door. She was so excited to see Ciel once again, the two finding it difficult to see one another. Haruhi was in Sabertooth while Ciel was in Fairytail. Neither of them wanted to leave their guilds which made settling down together extremely hard. Yet they managed, and every visit was a special one. This time the blue haired girl had managed to convince her to come up to her place. 

The moment Ciel knocked the door swung inwards to reveal a jolly looking Haruhi clad in an ugly snowman sweater. Almost instantly she wrapped her arms around the girls and rubbed their cheeks together in glee. "Hello honey! Welcome to my home. Come on in and make yourself comfortable." She said happily, walking backwards and bringing both of them inside. The inside of her home had little snowmen decorations around, and well as an undecorated Christmas tree.  The smell of freshly baked cookies would hit her as well. "As you can see I've decorated for us, and I've baked you cookies! There's also some hot chocolate if you want it, next to the cookies."

@happy red mage 


Ciel blushed when her wife pulled herself close and made skin contact with her. "Glad to be here for you." She said as she stepped in. Her nose picked up the scent of cookies. The inside of her wife's house seemed very homely to her. Was this what a home was supposed to be? Maybe she should take up the offer she got for a piece of land where she could build on. Niur has been hinting that she could build a castle of sorts. "Thanks Haruhi, I'll give the cookies a try." She said.

She put down her pack on the ground in a gentle manner before she reached down to pluck a cookie and bring it into her mouth. With a soft 'munch' she took a bite out of it and chewed. It was sweet and delicious, she decided, before eating the rest of it. "That was good..." She said as she picked up a hot chocolate and cooled it a bit before washing the cookie with a long sip. "This is a nice place Haruhi." She said after drinking.

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

She had just gotten into her drink when someone else came up to the bar wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. She looked the boy over from head to toe as he sat down. He kind of reminded her of the boys she fought in the tournament a few months back. Based on what he said she wasn't suppose to recognize him as he'd been gone for a while which was good for her. "Heya, name's Tanari. I joined a few months back so I ain't gonna remember ya." She gave the boy a quick wave to go along with her introduction before taking another sip of her drink. However something he said stuck in her mind a bit, he had been gone for a year. The question was why? She had heard that S-ranks of guilds could take on high paying jobs that lasted for a long time. Letting curiosity get the better of her she set her drink down and once again spoke up. "So.... Chi..." She took longer than she wanted with the boy's name, figuring it would be easiest to just go with what she presumed to be his first name. "You were gone for a year, eh? What were you doing? A job or somethin'?"



Fairy Tail Guild Hall - Leaving: Hurt



More people began to enter the kitchen and Wyeth could tell by the way that Lavender was talking that he had upset her. All he wanted to do was help her. "I am sorry that I got in you way and waste supplies." He wore a frown on his face, he had heard one of the people question if they were going out and he had been blushing wishing that it was true but now it seemed that she needed her space. He reached into his pocket pulling out several hundred jewels. "Here, hopefully this will cover all of the supplies that I wasted. He said after he placed the money next to the batter he had made. He looked around at everyone that had gathered. He didn't want to go wait out in the hall. "Actually I am just going to go do my Christmas shopping."


He then began to head out, hoping that he wasn't being followed. Although he kind of hoped that some one would follow him and keep him company. Once he walked out of the guild he look back to see if anyone was following him. Caroline landed on his should and brought her body close to him trying to stay warm, the other birds on him were trying to hide under his jacket.



Chris Lengheart(Faburous hair)

Chris continued to stare at the flames, occasionally get up to tend the the flames with one of the little pokers. He took a seat and decided to take a few little sips from the cocoa, it was the perfect way to warm up on the inside. Chris looked over to Kelica as he watched her nuzzle into the blanket before slowly waking up. He watched her look around the newly decorated house for a short while before fixating her gaze onto him. "Morning there sunshine." He said as he took yet another sip out of his glass of hot cocoa. As she mentioned his hair, Chris bared his teeth like false fangs and brought up his hands like a set of claws before shaking his hair about wildly as he snorted and joked,"It's makes me look more animal like. Like a wild beast ready to pounce at any minute!"  as he soon began to laugh and started to settle back down into his recliner. As Kelica thanked him for heating her up, Chris simply smiled and responded, "Don't mention it, anything to help out a friend and a guildmate." At the mention of all the training, Chris grinned and said,"Yeah, it does that to ya. Be lucky you don't wake up wishing you were dead after the immense training you have to go through. Luckily, it isn't that bad anymore."

Then, Chris rose like a giant and walked over to the rest of the cocoa. He looked over to Kelica and raised the small jug. "You want any for the road?" Chris asked as he went ahead and poured himself some more. Chris stayed behind the kitchen counter in case Kelica wanted some, but stared at her with his scarf and coat on. He couldn't help but chuckle, she looked so comfortable with everything on. They'd be heading out soon, At least Chris would be able to visit the guild for a while. He could always swing by and pick up his gifts later, he still had a good while before all the shops and whatnot closed. 


Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Town


Kelica kept her gaze sideways towards Chris as he suddenly bared his 'fangs' and made claws and shook his hair out like some rabid beast. Despite their past transgressions the blonde girl couldn't help but hold in a stiff giggle which then turned into a full blow chuckle and then laugh. Tears seemingly welling in the corners of her eyes before she whipped them away with the back of her hand. "If you want to be more animal just random number a Beast Form and use that! But then again..." Her face falling a smidgen as she scratched at the side of her face. "I guess despite Fairytail being in this town as long as we have, the regular townsfolk would still be mildly freaked out with a giant Minotaur or Werewolf strolling around town..." Giving off a half smile.

When he commented on her training and stood up, she placed her empty mug on the table before getting up herself, though she winced as she got to a full stand, clutching at her shoulder momentarily as she rolled it to loosen the stiffness in her muscles. "..Yeah well.. the first few weeks were hell. Muscles hurt I didn't even know existed! Like I ran and ran and ran and when I collapsed Hibiki just told me to get back up and keep running... I swear even now every duel we have he constantly puts more and more magic into his punches and kicks..." Peeling open Chris's coat to expose a nasty bruise on her upper thigh just under her short hem. "This was one I got a week ago because he told me to dodge and I wasn't fast enough...He's a slave driver...It's been hard work." She said with an aspirated sigh and a half whimper. "But...I guess I can take a lot more hits and stuff now...and it's easier to connect to the forest with Ryu's meditation..." She re closed the cloak as he offered more hot cocoa and she shook her head with a smile. "No thank you, I've had more then enough." Patting at her belly in a full manner.

Here she put a hand on her chin with a thoughtful look to then ceiling. "Sora said she'd teach me so much more about being a lady but... she has been really distant and I haven't seen her anywhere near as much as I would have liked to..." Peering absentmindedly out the window with a thoughtful expression. "I hope she is Ok..." Then she clutched at the cloak and pulled it in tighter to her frame. Then she looked back to Chris with a warm smile. "Would...you mind if I borrowed this? And the hat? It's a pretty long walk back to the Guild Hall... Not that I mind if you want to take it back that is!... Are you coming then? I mean you don't have to! You can stay here it's pretty warm and stuff and.." Realizing she was rambling, again, she took a huge deep breath in as she clasped her hands together right under her rib cage, holding them steady as she closed her eyes. Just 5 huge deep breaths before she opened them again with another warm smile.

"Would you please accompany me to the FairyTail Guild Hall? Lavender mentioned wanting to see me, plus I'd like to see what everyone else is doing over the Christmas Break..." Her mouth sliding into one of her renowned beautiful, heart warming smiles.

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Rhodus @Britt-21


Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

reaming seated at the table as his little corner of the guild where he had gone mostly unnoticed for a number of days was quickly getting quite busy, seemingly un-phased by the blur of scales that plucked Dorian up into rafters. Not bothering to look and complaining in his native guttural tongue some common phrases came out about how Naga's are only good for belts and that even their meat is barely good for a stew. closing his flask and pocketing it as his hot headed drinking partner Rosa stormed of to another part of the guild. @Zuka@Mykinkaiser

sitting up to get a look at others seating at the guild his eyes peering over the table someone almost as small as himself and pleased to see no stranger to getting drink to come to them, raising his arm "hey there don't think I've met you yet there?" @hudhouse

The other pretty looking man he looked to but not seeing a drink in his hand being a little distrustful as he was always wary of those who didn't drink but still continued his greeting "or you either my good man" to him having warmed a little his mention of the possibility of eggnog. @Britt-21@Jackaboi
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Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

She looked down on the woman below seemingly unphased by the arcs of lightning dancing about. She merely continued to pet the man she was coiled about knowing full well what a magnificent shield he made. She could see the anger within the girl's eyes clear as day, there truly was no better way to get a rise out of the woman than messing with Dorian. However events did not unfold as she had foreseen as Rosa vented her anger and stormed off. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she watched the blonde-haired woman leave to a far corner of the hall. The change in reaction mentally threw her off balance as she almost felt bad, as if she had done something wrong. To help dislodge the thought she gave a gentle shake of her head, her tongue flickering out as she picked up on something else that demanded her attention.  She looked over her shoulder at the black-haired man elegantly floating within a bubble, a smirk spreading across her lips "My my Yamato, how many times has it been now? You would think you would learn that you can not sneak up on me. Not that I dislike stubborn men." She always endeavored to speak to the man before he could get a word out lest he believe himself successful in his attempt to catch her by surprise. The mention of food caused her eyes to light up subtly, were she less of a woman she might have even showed just how much she was looking forward to it. "With you as the cook I am sure the food will be lovely." However the subject quickly changed to what she was doing with Dorian in the rafters. As she took a moment to respond she looked down at the man within her coils, once again gently stroking his hair as if he were a child. "Our darling Rosa was picking on poor Dorian here, I figured I ought to intervene."


Sora Marvell - Magnolia Cemetery




A shiver coursed through Sora's entire body and almost in unison a hand had been placed upon her shoulder, shaking it to try to get her attention. The petite girl didn't react at first, still clutching at the poncho, fingers instinctively tightening furthermore. Timothy's voice finally snapped her out of the fixated trance that held her hostage and she inhaled sharply as if her lungs had been void of air for much too long. The crispness of the cold air caught her off guard and a series of coughs shortly followed, tears forcibly running down her cheeks due to her sudden jerking movement.


Sora dropped her head and acknowledged him in a small, timid voice. " Oh, Timothy... " She began feeling guilty almost immediately. How many letters had she missed and let pile up on the table by the door? How many had she not even bothered reading due to the sadness and emptiness she was drowning in? Lifeless hues rose upwards to gaze at his face before they quickly averted back towards the tombstone that laid before them. The cheerfulness and life that usually lived within Sora seemed to have been burnt out and all that was left was a destroyed vessel. Silence fell once again between them, the girl not bothering to remove Timothy's hand from her shoulder, though she felt so numb mentally and physically that it was barely felt. 


" I didn't make it in time. " The words were hushed out and her hands trembled as she spoke, violently shaking as the memories flooded back to the front of her mind to be recalled. " H-He.... I left his side for a few moments and I didn't get to him fast enough. They back fired his magic straight into his chest. His eyes, they still looked so trusting... He was still warm... his hands felt like they used to but he didn't squeeze mine back... " Each word caused tears to spill but she didn't bother moving. Her gaze glued itself to the snowy ground, taking in the absence of color as a sort of solace. It was an escape to focus on that was anything but the horrors that she saw every time she tried to think of his face and the blood splatter upon it. 


" I'm sorry I didn't write you back... I guess I'm failing everyone, huh? " Sora thought about how hard her guildmates had worked to try to cheer her up, her friends, and Nami. The sadness just wouldn't shake. It remained like a dark, cold, almost comforting blanket that wrapped around her tightly and wouldn't ease up. The cemetery was quiet and pleasant in its own way. It definitely allowed for freely being able to think but that probably wasn't the best thing for Sora at the moment; Sora didn't even know what was best for her at the moment. That much was evident from her iced over clothing and ghastly pale skin that hadn't felt a touch of warmth ever since late last night. Timothy's hand was the closest thing to anyone or anything that she had let close to her without freaking out as of late. 


" My heart feels empty Timothy... " Her tone sounded robotic as she lifted a hand and held it over where her heart would be, nails digging into the material of her coat. " How do I turn it all off? " She asked whilst choking back more tears, vision blurred to a completely obscured point. " Please tell me... " The words themselves dripped with the tone of defeat, hope nowhere to be found. 

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Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

She looked down on the woman below seemingly unphased by the arcs of lightning dancing about. She merely continued to pet the man she was coiled about knowing full well what a magnificent shield he made. She could see the anger within the girl's eyes clear as day, there truly was no better way to get a rise out of the woman than messing with Dorian. However events did not unfold as she had foreseen as Rosa vented her anger and stormed off. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she watched the blonde-haired woman leave to a far corner of the hall. The change in reaction mentally threw her off balance as she almost felt bad, as if she had done something wrong. To help dislodge the thought she gave a gentle shake of her head, her tongue flickering out as she picked up on something else that demanded her attention.  She looked over her shoulder at the black-haired man elegantly floating within a bubble, a smirk spreading across her lips "My my Yamato, how many times has it been now? You would think you would learn that you can not sneak up on me. Not that I dislike stubborn men." She always endeavored to speak to the man before he could get a word out lest he believe himself successful in his attempt to catch her by surprise. The mention of food caused her eyes to light up subtly, were she less of a woman she might have even showed just how much she was looking forward to it. "With you as the cook I am sure the food will be lovely." However the subject quickly changed to what she was doing with Dorian in the rafters. As she took a moment to respond she looked down at the man within her coils, once again gently stroking his hair as if he were a child. "Our darling Rosa was picking on poor Dorian here, I figured I ought to intervene."





Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

reaming seated at the table as his little corner of the guild where he had gone mostly unnoticed for a number of days was quickly getting quite busy, seemingly un-phased by the blur of scales that plucked Dorian up into rafters. Not bothering to look and complaining in his native guttural tongue some common phrases came out about how Naga's are only good for belts and that even their meat is barely good for a stew. closing his flask and pocketing it as his hot headed drinking partner Rosa stormed of to another part of the guild. @Zuka@Mykinkaiser

sitting up to get a look at others seating at the guild his eyes peering over the table someone almost as small as himself and pleased to see no stranger to getting drink to come to them, raising his arm "hey there don't think I've met you yet there?" @hudhouse

The other pretty looking man he looked to but not seeing a drink in his hand being a little distrustful as he was always wary of those who didn't drink but still continued his greeting "or you either my good man" to him having warmed a little his mention of the possibility of eggnog. @Britt-21@Jackaboi





~Blue Pegasus Guild Hall~ ~Celestia Corona~

Excitement, that was her first thought, she stood just outside the hall of the guild she had only joined a few days ago, she wasn't unfamiliar with the place, no she visited regularly as she had traveled because the town was practically like her home base. Now, after studying for so long she felt she could join a guild and Blue Pegasus just made sense to her. So to say she was excited was an understatement, she was thrilled and it was Christmas, her favorite holiday because it gave her an excuse to spoil people. Deep breath in, out, after calming down slightly she pushed the door open to notice the decorations and she squealed out loud, she loved it, absolutely and would have to be sure to help next time. Being the cheerful person she was as soon as she was inside she waved to the guild, "Hey everyone! How are you today?" She giggled as she practically skipped into the guild hall plunking down on a stool which she immediately started to precariously balance on two legs, shifting her weight every time the thing would try and tip. At least she did this for the time being, until she noticed Rosaline sulking off in a corner by herself, and she homed in on the taller girl, Celestia was older but Rosaline was much bigger than her, and Celestia was really friendly anyway, so noticing the lightning users mood she wandered over and sat on the floor right in front of her grinning brightly, her green and bright yellow eyes focused on the woman. "Well heya Rosaline, don't know if you knew this or not but I often visited this guild and I've seen you a few times. I'm Celestia Corona! Nice to meetcha~" She thrust her hand at the other woman still grinning, though the hand she offered was her left instead of her right hand and anyone could see the small bit of electricity sparking from her hand. The cheerful blonde wanted to see if she could cheer up the obviously annoyed and upset mage, as a member of the guild she wanted to treat this place like home, and she always tried to talk to everyone anyway.








Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Rosaline was fuming. She slowly placed the cup down against the table but only after Kazuo had placed down a sheet across the table, setting it obviously for some huge feast that Yamato was no doubt making and creating. At times she felt so out of place in this guild it hurt, but obviously their Guild Master for whatever reason saw something within her to allow her to stay. She knew deep down her antics would never even be thought of back at Fairytail, but this place just oozed smooth and sophistication she had never really been antiquated with and the tall girl was trying very, very hard to blend in. Though the hand that was holding her mug was starting to clench, the wood groaning under the pressure as lightning arced and danced around her very wrist and fingers. "You know as well as I do Kazuo, if Dorian were to nap now it wouldn't make a lick of difference later, he'd still find some corner to curl up in and fall straight back to sleep. I still say I give him a little power boost to get the nerves a running..."The idea alone sending a half way devious smile to cross her lips. Breaking the intensity of her stern look.

Rosaline wasn't always this stern after all, Pour a hearty amount of liquor into the girl and she might just be pleasant enough to laugh and smile more friendly. Though she did become louder as a consequence. Meanwhile if you wanted to shut her up, just send her on a wayward challenge to see if she could bench press a whole Lacrima vehicle or run around Town in 5 minutes flat. Training always silenced the girl after all. And just when the girl was starting to calm down, enough to not blow up the entirety of the Guild Hall in one of her uncontrollable Lighting Dome attacks... well... There was a fast movement as something striked down from the ceiling and snapped out at Dorian to hoist him high up into the rafters causing Rosaline to throw herself up from her seat with her hands slamming down against the table. Lightning had traveled by now to cover both her arms, from wrists all the way to her shoulders, her teeth gritted as her livid eyes landed on that hideous Snake woman Xira. Nothing really had happened between the two it was just a known rule they had never gotten along since Rosa had joined some months back.

Rosa's very fingers curl down to scrap into the wood of the table, bunching up the blanket Kazuo had placed down moment's earlier as a thunder clap or two snapped around her. She tried so hard to concentrate on Kirin's music in the background, to try and relax some. But Heaven help she was hell beat on making Fried Snake for dinner... at least she would have if the Damn thing hadn't coiled itself around Dorian making any attack towards her useless. If she shocked the snake, she'd shock Dorian and that only made her even more furious. She stood, death staring the stupid snake lady before her gaze drifted to Dorian's. Her eyes met him for only a second, her face half falling before her teeth gritted and she threw her mug across the room. The lightning that was coating her arms slowly dying down as she stormed away to a complete separate corner of the Guild Hall by herself taking a huge breath out as she laid into something akin to a bean bag, crossing her arms and legs once more and letting out a furious huff though she was trying to control her breathing like Hibiki had explained many many times before.

"Your powers are explosive..." She could almost hear him whisper in her mind. The younger brother, teaching the older sister, how ironic. "Your personality is just as explosive. Imagine how much stronger you could be, if you simply took a breath occasionally." Well it always sounded good in her head, but in the moment it wasn't as easy as that. And that vile snake woman always managed to get in under her skin.





Kirin screamed in pain and agony as she was electrocuted by Rosaline! The music stopped as she flopped to the ground as a light blue blob of energy. Then, it glowed blood red as it started to twirl around in a vortex. Her thick thighs formed, slightly covered by her immense gut. Her thick arms formed from the trace sparkles, which were connected to the now forming chest. Her chubby face formed with her teal eyes staring at Rosaline. Her eyes slowly filled with blood red light like someone poured boiling blood into her.She then formed pink eyes that stared right at Acus. She said, "My parents died when I was... I don't know 2? Blue Pegasus took me in, and I learned magic to make people happy. So, I've been here most of my life. How 'bout you friend?" Kirin had gained over a foot in height to the point she was close to Rosaline. 

Kirin would begin playing Jingle Bells subconsciously out of slight boredom...
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Chris Lengheart(Time to ride!)

Chris grinned as Kelica talked about her training. It was great to see her getting stronger, but as she showed him the bruises, Chris winced slightly. It was for the greater good though. Chris put the hot cocoa away and joked, "Your loss." as Kelica declined more hot cocoa. As she asked if she could keep the coat and hat for a bit, Chris was going to answer yes but then she kept going, and going, before suddenly stopping and asking if Chris would like to accompany her to the guildhall. Chris changed to centaur form as he trotted over to the door and opened it up for Kelica. "It'd be my pleasure," said Chris as he put on a equally regal sounding tone "I'd be more than happy to bring you to the guildhall myself. Does that sound fair to you lady Zefara?"

((sorry for the short post, my pizza hut is here!)) @Zuka

Chris Lengheart(Time to ride!)

Chris grinned as Kelica talked about her training. It was great to see her getting stronger, but as she showed him the bruises, Chris winced slightly. It was for the greater good though. Chris put the hot cocoa away and joked, "Your loss." as Kelica declined more hot cocoa. As she asked if she could keep the coat and hat for a bit, Chris was going to answer yes but then she kept going, and going, before suddenly stopping and asking if Chris would like to accompany her to the guildhall. Chris changed to centaur form as he trotted over to the door and opened it up for Kelica. "It'd be my pleasure," said Chris as he put on a equally regal sounding tone "I'd be more than happy to bring you to the guildhall myself. Does that sound fair to you lady Zefara?"

((sorry for the short post, my pizza hut is here!)) @Zuka

Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Town

Kelica blinked a number of times as he moved over to the doorway, watching him turn into his Centaur form even before he had left the house. "Ahh.. are you sure that big butt can fit out the door?" She said with an offhanded chuckle but amazingly the guy DID fit through the frame and kept the door open for her. Though she wasn't expecting him to start with the different words and tone, but she caught on regardless. "Why thank you Sir Christoph of Lengheart. What a grand day for a stroll through the snow!" Laughing despite herself. She couldn't remember smiling and laughing as carefree as this in a very long time. Maybe she really had been training for too long. It was nice to just enjoy the day as she had. Though once outside she started to walk still bare footed through the snow down the street. "You know... I always used to be bare foot. Even when I was a little girl... It's only because someone told me it wasn't decent as I traveled around Fiore that I started to wear boots. But you can't see my Guild mark that way..." Wriggling her toes in the snow. "Ryu mentioned maybe it would be better to not wear shoes again, so I can feel the Earth and the Seasons underneath my feet. So I can use my powers faster...that sounds pretty cool right? You think he's onto something?"


Draneri - The Siren

Crocus Side Alley

Draneri was still hunched over but as her breathing started to slow down and relax, her wings suddenly curled to tuck themselves in against her thighs, coiling about her lower body as the tips hovered over the ground unlike the drag she had them doing before. Slowly her chest arched forward as her back straightened, looking as good if not a fraction better then she had been when Mizuki first met her during the Dark Guild some months ago. She held her gaze onto the girl as she collapsed against the ground, but it was only as she struggled to get to her feet and use the wall for support, that the Siren looked genuinely concerned, reaching forward to grasp at her arm and slowly pull her up to a more steady stand. Brushing off her clothes gently in much the same way a Mother might though kept her hand onto her shoulder to center her sense of gravity. "I....I don't know..." She said honestly as her golden orbs glanced to the side into the darkness  of the shadows as a weary sigh escaped her lips. "I.. have been a thing of wonder and beauty wrapped around a nightmare for many years...centuries. A beacon of light in the dark, dragging innocents to their ends. I draw attention from everyone and yet, in the end, I am always alone."

The Siren placed a soft hand on her own chin as she glanced to her wings, wrapped snugly around her waist. "I...am not sure I can kill again...there is a bitterness to Death I never noticed before. Oh, it is sweet when I first take it but...the dark taste lingers long afterwards..." Looking to the sky for a moment before peering back to Mizuki. "Please Dear, I have drained so much of your energy...you will need to rest before you can continue on with your day... Please allow me to take you home and then, I shall leave if you wish me to..."

Wordlessly The Siren grasped onto the presents Mizuki had loaded herself with and idly hooked them into the points of her wings while the tall Siren simply scooped Mizuki as if she weighed nothing. Being at full strength the Siren was more then capable of supporting her and did just that as she started to lead her home. Continuing the back streets in case someone asked or spotted her appearance.

Mizuki Kohaku

Crocus Side Alley


Mizuki gave Draneri a thankful glance as she was helped up by the siren. As her hands began to swiftly brush off any snow or dirt from her clothes her own hands reached forward and rested just above her chest, leaning against the siren for support. The kissing really did take a lot out of her, much more than she thought. It's felt like years since the dark mage had felt this weak. Hopefully if this happened again she would be so frail afterwards. Mizuki listened as she spoke to her, limply falling forward into her body. She actually found herself relating with the girl, knowing first hand the feeling of being lost and alone. The feeling of causing death, and the burden that lasted long after your terrible deed. All of this was too familiar. It was surprising to know that others felt the same way she did many years ago. She thought she was the only one who was trapped in a personal hell, but she had been ignorant. Mizuki, while she still had her suspicions, truly believed that the Siren had changed. The lack bhaired girl despite not wanting it, let herself get scooped up into Draneri's arms, quick eyes glancing around to confirm that she had grabbed each and every gift bag. Leaving one behind was just a waste of money and happiness. 

As as the two began walking through the back alley's of Crocus, Mizuki folded her hands over her belly looked up to Draneri with tired eyes. "I understand what you are feeling, Draneri. I too experienced the feeling of lonlieness, the guilt of killing, but I've worked to overcome it. I've surrounded myself with people who care, people who I could call family. It was like nothing I experienced in Grimoire Heart. Find the ones who would care about you, and stick with them..." She said quietly, closing her eyes yet still barley conscious. All she wanted was a nice nap under the covers or a warm bath. 

Chris Lengheart(You're not alone)

Chris simply chuckled at Kelica's little quip about his massive rear somehow managing to squeeze through the door.It was a bit of a squeeze, but at least he made it out. As Kelica thanked him, Chris simply bowed with one hand under his chest, "Of course lady Zefara, my pleasure. This day is of acceptable standards for winter."

As Kelica brought up being barefoot, Chris changed back to normal and couldn't help but smile at his old memories. "Same here," He said as he remembered his days at the farm "I'd run everywhere without shoes one. My dad used to joke around with me and say that my feet were basically leather boots by now. The only reason I wear 'em now is...I'm not really sure. Just 'cause I guess." As she brought up what Ryu mentioned, Chris began to laugh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "By that logic, I shouldn't wear anything at all so I can use partial takeovers faster. But, if that works for you, go on ahead. Everyone's got their methods, right?"

It was about time they started going, so Chris turned over to Kelica and said, "Alright, I've been horse face long enough today. Got any recommendations for my next form? Draco, dragon, and centaur are all out since one's cold blooded and would probably just drop dead here and now, I've been the other for way too long, and I know you still hate dragons. That leaves werecat, werewolf, and minotaur. Your thoughts?"


Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

Rosaline had her eyes closed, though unlike Dorian it wasn't for any specific sleepy tenancies. She was more just brooding in her sternness and half contemplated how she would get that drink. While she was fit and could probably leap up in and zap over to the Bar to pour a drink and be back in a jiffy, there was a fair few more people in this Guild Hall she liked to admit, and it was a noisy process for her. And, although she never would admit it, she did enjoy the soft soothing noise that floated through the Guild Hall. Harps and strange plunking instruments reminisce of Asian style banjo's. "Yes, this is Dorian. If he woke up for more then two seconds of the day and actually wandered around people might actually know who he was." Sending Dorian a sharp glare as she did. And despite the dwarf glaring at her, when he laughed the girl couldn't help but have a half smile grow on hers as well. She glanced around in a half panic, before she twisted over the seat behind her and lunged at an empty mug, giving it a quick shake to get the droplets off before turning back around and offering it to the dwarf.

"I've long since stopped asking how you were able to keep pouring the drinks Ace, just keep them coming." She said sternly, and with one hand still outstretched as if for him to fill it, she noticed Dorian sit up against the table and start to clamber off, and in the blink of an eye and without breaking the gaze towards the dwarf, she snapped her hand out to fist into the back of the Archer's shirt and lifted him completely off his feet before throwing him to her other side beside her. In this way, she had shoved him into the side closest to the wall so he would have to scale either the wall, the roof or herself to escape again. "Not happening. If you want to sleep, you sleep there. Why don't you have a drink to wake up? Or... I could shock you awake..." Finally her eyes darting to the side to give him a look that said she meant business. And despite most people taking that as a joke, she was deadly serious.

@Mykinkaiser @Halffix

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

It was a fairly benign day within the Guild Hall as she was coiled up upon a rather large ornate couch in the corner of the main room. She simply read from a book, occasionally take a puff of her pipe from her homeland. As was too often the case the peace came to an end with an abrupt slamming of the front doors. A sudden wave of cold swept through the hall forcing her to coil tightly on top of herself and shoot a glare that could kill at the one responsible. Lo and behold Rosa had made her triumphant return and immediately the guild descended into rowdy chaos. Her piercing red eyes kept track of the blonde as she hauled her cargo to a table and unceremoniously dropped the sleeping man. No matter how often she witnessed this sight it never ceased to anger her, were it possible her blood would be boiling. Nevertheless she opted to ignore the display and instead chose to return her attention to the book within her hand. Rosa's rowdiness was nothing new and she could hardly afford to make a scene every time the brute did. However, try as she might she couldn't keep her gaze where it ought to be, her red eyes consistently darting between her book and the commotion at the table. Per the usual Dorian meekly tried to scamper off to go sleep somewhere while Rosa kept him firmly in place.

Seeing an opportunity to perhaps render some assistance while annoying the blonde-haired woman she closed her book and set it gently by her side before sliding from the couch and making her way up the nearby support beam. With silent grace she made her way through the rafters, snaking her way towards the table that housed the trio. She came to a stop directly above the table, slowly and silently coiling herself around the beams for support as she peered down at the trio below. Every muscle in her body tensed as she inched forward ready to strike at any moment. Her eyes were narrow, her tongue rapidly flicking out between her lips as she was absolutely focused on one individual in particular. After a few moments she finally struck, darting out at incredible speed to grab hold of the now-seated Dorian before quickly pulling him with her back up into the rafters. Without even giving the poor boy a chance to voice his complaints she was already coiling herself around him as she looked down on the obviously-upset blonde. "Now now, Rosa, you have to be nicer to poor Dorian. If he wants to sleep you should let him." She gently stroked the man's hair as she spoke, a rather smug look upon her face.


Blue Pegasus - Balsam Village



 Kirin was sitting as a 4 foot 7-inch tall midget on stage, reading a notebook as she provided the festive cheers for everyone. She was loving the peaceful, yet buzzing atmosphere with the support of her more Asian style of music. Took her a damn while to discover it, but once she did, oh boy it was added quickly to the inventory. Though out of the corner of her eye she saw a bit of trouble brewing. She smiled as she punched herself in the stomach as hard as she could. She was flung out of her chair, while an exact replica of herself sat on the chair, still playing the music tracks! Free of her responsibility for a bit, she hovered over the tables to land next to Rosaline and plop a hand on her shoulder. She would then take the now empty seat on the other side of her and comment, "Let a man sleep, Rosy! It's not like he's hurting anybody, is he?" 

She used her music to tap the tap open on the keg, floating over a glass to catch the dropping liquid. With another flick, her music closed the jug and floated it back to her palm. She raised her cup before offering a toast to Acus and Rosaline. Either way, she commented, "How long has it been since everyone has been like this? My little ones back home have been keeping me busy to actually know." She would take another sip before looking around for the only other person who could compete with her equally, Yamato... @Jackaboi

If she did spot the guy, she would call out, "Ey, Yam! Care for some Talkin' and drinkin'?" Though secretly in her head she prayed for him to, moaning out internally about how she has been so busy over the years she practically knew no one other than a 'Hi, whatever your name is!' level...

  Reveal hidden contents


Sabertooth Guild Hall


Katherine had been sitting at the bar. The bar had been her place to sit ever since she didnt have her best friend Miles to sit with. She may have not spoken much but she still listened and put in her input. Sitting on the bar itself was a mug of hot cocoa which had some marshmellows. This was only a replacement for her cold Maitai. Though those didnt last long due to Lionel -Her dragon- taking the marshmellows and eating them. Kathy didnt really care much and just allowed him to eat them whenever she had a mug of hot cocoa. Hearing the Guild hall doors open, the hooded mage looked over as chilly air made it's way over and made goosebumps run along her skin. It seemed there was a girl standing there. Katherine didnt say anything, just watched her ( @AtlannianSpy) She should just walk in..she's letting in cold air... the mage thought. It didnt take long for another person to walk in as well which made her eyes move towards the male.


I wonder what brings these people here... not many people -aside from the guild members-  walk in like this during winter. It's kind of annoying seeing as they leave the door open for a little bit, letting out the warm air and bringing in the cold.  she thought, tilting her head just a little bit before fixing her head again and taking her mug, bringing it to her lips and taking a sip before putting it back down. Pulling her eyes off the mage, she looked at the decorations. It seemed she couldnt get over the fact that it was almost Christmas day. A day of which she couldnt spend with her best friend since he was out on a mission. Though she'd still hang out with the friends she had in the guild hall. If they were around.


@Mykinkaiser(mentioned and noticed) @anyoneelseintheSabertoothhall




Abandoned house - Fairy Tail: Hiding out



It had been a while now since Wyeth had meet Lavender, Yama and Akane. He had kept in touch and he hadn't moved on to a new place like he tended to do, although he was no longer staying in the park. It had become far to cold for him and his birds to be able to sleep under the night time sky. It had been cold before but it was now unbearable for them. They had moved into an abandoned house, it was falling apart on the inside but on the out side it looked pretty good. The  majority of his birds slept on the rafters above him but Caroline, William and Mathew always sleep near him. He Slowly rose from the dusty floor boards he was sleeping on and his three companions joined him, quickly flying to his shoulders. He stood up tall and stretched popping every bone his body before throwing on some clothes, having been in only his underwear. Some how Wyeth had to figure out what to get his three new friends for Christmas . He wanted to get them something meaning full but he didn't actually have money to buy anything, unless he was to use his family's fortune which he was opposed to.


"Well Caroline, here goes nothing." He said addressing the only bird that actually cared about every small detail. He waved to some of his other birds and another five joined him but they weren't as fortunate as the three riding on him, they had to fly above him. He would make it up to them though, he would et them an extra treat, he even needed to get his flock some gifts. The other problem that he was experiencing with buy his new found friends was that he didn't actually know what to get them. They hadn't actually told him what they were in to and what they would like to have. He would have to meet up with the others and pay close attention to what they were looking at and what they were saying. "Now where might they all be?" He knew where Lavender would mostly likely be and he was hoping that Akane would be with her to. From what he knew about them they would be at the fairy tail guild hall and with some luck Yama was there trying to help them recover still. After thinking about it he walked out of the building and began to walk towards fairy tail.




Fairy Tail Guild Hall Kitchen: Making cookies and eggnog and hot cocoa


Lavender loved days like these simply because she was able to make cookies and drinks for all her guildmates. It was always fun to do so. She would make chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies and a custom cookie that most people voted for. This cookie happened to be a chocolate cookie with red and green eminems in it.  Not to mention she was making gingerbreads too so the kitchen smelt like christmas threw up in it. Standing by the large containers, she was filling both with hot cocoa ingredients. One which was made with water to make it less thick and creamy and one with milk which made it creamy. Everyone always preferred one of the other and Lavender wanted to make as much variety as she could. Placing the large metal containers on a moving cart, she then moved to the ovens where cookies were being baked perfectly "Perfect." the warrior said with a warm smile and gathered some cups before bringing out the moving cart into the hall by the bar "Hot chocolate is ready!" she called out to the guild hall "Enjoy! Cookies should be out shortly with the eggnog!"


Lavender was wearing a apron which had been covered in flower and some cocoa powder. Even her face had some flower sitting upon it. Her hair was up in a ponytail to keep hair from falling into anything and she looked almost like a true housewife. "Also, be careful,  the hot chocolate is very hot. Especially in these containers." metal containers which can burn anyone who touches them. Lucky for everyone, there was a small knob that had to be pushed down and would allow the drink to pour out. "One is milk and one is water. They're both labeled here." Lavender was slowly losing her sweet and formal words but she'd sometimes go back to them. Rushing back into the kitchen, she checked on the cookies and then began making eggnog. There had been a small project that she had been working on while in the kitchen. Off to the side there was a small rectangle cake which had tree cookies stuck on top like a forest as well as some icing flowers and a fondant pond in it. She thought maybe Keli would like to see some trees and flowers again along with some grass (Which had been green fondant covering the cake itself. Even if they were edible. @Zuka






Blue Pegasus - Balsam Village



 Kirin was sitting as a 4 foot 7-inch tall midget on stage, reading a notebook as she provided the festive cheers for everyone. She was loving the peaceful, yet buzzing atmosphere with the support of her more Asian style of music. Took her a damn while to discover it, but once she did, oh boy it was added quickly to the inventory. Though out of the corner of her eye she saw a bit of trouble brewing. She smiled as she punched herself in the stomach as hard as she could. She was flung out of her chair, while an exact replica of herself sat on the chair, still playing the music tracks! Free of her responsibility for a bit, she hovered over the tables to land next to Rosaline and plop a hand on her shoulder. She would then take the now empty seat on the other side of her and comment, "Let a man sleep, Rosy! It's not like he's hurting anybody, is he?" 

She used her music to tap the tap open on the keg, floating over a glass to catch the dropping liquid. With another flick, her music closed the jug and floated it back to her palm. She raised her cup before offering a toast to Acus and Rosaline. Either way, she commented, "How long has it been since everyone has been like this? My little ones back home have been keeping me busy to actually know." She would take another sip before looking around for the only other person who could compete with her equally, Yamato... @Jackaboi

If she did spot the guy, she would call out, "Ey, Yam! Care for some Talkin' and drinkin'?" Though secretly in her head she prayed for him to, moaning out internally about how she has been so busy over the years she practically knew no one other than a 'Hi, whatever your name is!' level...

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


"You do know shocking people isnt very nice. I'd have to agree with Kirin" said a navy blue-haired mage as he brought over a blanket and looking at Dorian who was just thrown around like a ragdoll "Nor is throwing tired people around." Kazuo pointed out, placing the blanket down on the table "Think about it, Rosa. If he were to nap now, he could party later with everyone else in the hall. Even though everyone is already doing that." Kazuo had made friends with just about everyone in the guild despite his personality and how closed off he could be. Kazuo had been wearing a black long sleeved shirt with one of his favorite black pants and shoes. He moved his golden eye over to Dorian who was against the wall "Are you alright, Dorian? That looked like it hurt." Dorian was one of Kazuo's best friends, he was almost like a little brother to the Takeover mage. "Also, Rosa, eggnog is being made so i'd make some room if I were you."

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

reaming seated at the table as his little corner of the guild where he had gone mostly unnoticed for a number of days was quickly getting quite busy, seemingly un-phased by the blur of scales that plucked Dorian up into rafters. Not bothering to look and complaining in his native guttural tongue some common phrases came out about how Naga's are only good for belts and that even their meat is barely good for a stew. closing his flask and pocketing it as his hot headed drinking partner Rosa stormed of to another part of the guild. @Zuka@Mykinkaiser

sitting up to get a look at others seating at the guild his eyes peering over the table someone almost as small as himself and pleased to see no stranger to getting drink to come to them, raising his arm "hey there don't think I've met you yet there?" @hudhouse

The other pretty looking man he looked to but not seeing a drink in his hand being a little distrustful as he was always wary of those who didn't drink but still continued his greeting "or you either my good man" to him having warmed a little his mention of the possibility of eggnog. @Britt-21@Jackaboi

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

She looked down on the woman below seemingly unphased by the arcs of lightning dancing about. She merely continued to pet the man she was coiled about knowing full well what a magnificent shield he made. She could see the anger within the girl's eyes clear as day, there truly was no better way to get a rise out of the woman than messing with Dorian. However events did not unfold as she had foreseen as Rosa vented her anger and stormed off. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she watched the blonde-haired woman leave to a far corner of the hall. The change in reaction mentally threw her off balance as she almost felt bad, as if she had done something wrong. To help dislodge the thought she gave a gentle shake of her head, her tongue flickering out as she picked up on something else that demanded her attention.  She looked over her shoulder at the black-haired man elegantly floating within a bubble, a smirk spreading across her lips "My my Yamato, how many times has it been now? You would think you would learn that you can not sneak up on me. Not that I dislike stubborn men." She always endeavored to speak to the man before he could get a word out lest he believe himself successful in his attempt to catch her by surprise. The mention of food caused her eyes to light up subtly, were she less of a woman she might have even showed just how much she was looking forward to it. "With you as the cook I am sure the food will be lovely." However the subject quickly changed to what she was doing with Dorian in the rafters. As she took a moment to respond she looked down at the man within her coils, once again gently stroking his hair as if he were a child. "Our darling Rosa was picking on poor Dorian here, I figured I ought to intervene."

Kirin screamed in pain and agony as she was electrocuted by Rosaline! The music stopped as she flopped to the ground as a light blue blob of energy. Then, it glowed blood red as it started to twirl around in a vortex. Her thick thighs formed, slightly covered by her immense gut. Her thick arms formed from the trace sparkles, which were connected to the now forming chest. Her chubby face formed with her teal eyes staring at Rosaline. Her eyes slowly filled with blood red light like someone poured boiling blood into her. She snarled and threw her index finger just barely above Rosaline's chest into her throat. Kirin snarled out, "Your Fairy Tail is showing little one..." Abruptly, Kirin's very flesh ignited! Teal flames made the room a ghastly color that drew eyes straight to her. She poked her finger deeper into Rosaline, to reveal that the flames weren't real. Kirin had heard the rumors and she had to get Rosaline to calm down, or else someone other than her who could take it might have their damned hearts stop.

Kirin roared out, "I challenge you to a duel outside so I can teach you a lesson for messing with the best, Drown-er." She marched out of the building before giving a quick wink to Xira, which would be the telltale sign that she was trying to save her hide. Kirin would punch the threshold of the room, causing a few notes from jingle bells to rattle through the wood. Operation 'Keep everyone alive and festive' was a go! Kirin screamed out, "You coming mentally crippled?"


Dorian was in the rafters, which wasn't anything new for him. Rather, what was new was how exactly he got there. One moment he was in danger of getting shocked, like usual, and the next a scaly blur had snatched him up. Welll, that wasn't really new either to be entirely honest, he had become somewhat used to being a tug-of-war rope in the ongoing feud between Xira and Rosa. Though, that didn't mean he particularly enjoyed it. On the one hand, Xira's coils did make for a comfortable place to sleep. But on the other, the banter between her and Rosa was annoying. Plus, while Rosa did get to be a bit much at times, or rather most of the time, he didn't hate her. If anything, he actually liked her for some unexplainable reason, and due to this it didn't really sit well with him when Xira riled her up like this. As such, he began to debate freeing himself to go talk to Rosa, weighing the notion against the fact that it would take effort to do it.

The tipping point came when someone else, whose name Dorian couldn't seem to remember, began to shout something about taking it outside to Rosa. Sighing at how troublesome the situation had become Dorian abruptly extracted himself from Xira's coils, dropping gracefully to the floor and beginning to make his way towards his volatile friend. Along the way he reached down to a table and transmuted himself a nice pair of rubber gloves to as to avoid being electrocuted via contact with Rosa, something he had learned to do from bitter past experience.

Upon reaching Rosa Dorian reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder, "You know... fighting sound pretty troublesome... so... why don't you come back to have a drink or something..." he said, yawing in-between a couple of words. He really hoped she'd listen, last time she fought she wrecked his favorite sleeping spot after all.
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