Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Timothy Harvard: The Heart that never Existed



Timothy looked at Sora's condition as a shocked and speechless expression washed over him. He stood there silent for a moment with only his hand on her shoulder. Her condition and heart were as cold as the snow that fell upon them which worried him since human beings aren't able to survive in the cold for very long. However one thing bothered him the most. The question which he knew he had the answer to. 

"How do I turn it all off? Please tell me..."

A being that has no true emotions, how can it relate to one that has a heart which can express itself with infinite ways. Timothy began to process the information through his circuits as two options appeared up on his H.U.D screen.

[H.U.D Display]


[Disassemble Coronary Artery to turn it all off]

[Terminate neutral connection between heart and lungs]

[Pressurize arm muscle to obliterate pain]

[Surgically remove hippocampus to eliminate chemical results]


These choices frightened him due to the fact that his computing would think of a logical and hurtful solution, of course this is only natural due to his Machias nature but Timothy refused to give in to his natural instinctive programming and decided to do what any other friend would do.

>(Give her love and support)


Timothy first lowered himself to Sora's level by kneeling on the ground and bringing himself closer to her by hugging Sora from behind to give her more body heat as it's levels are critically low, not recommended for any human to be in this state. He simply stayed silent as he continued to hug her before talking. "Sora...You did not fail me nor have you failed anyone. No one blames you for what happened." Timothy said. "What you are feeling right now is completely normal. You are only human." he said softly as his head snuggles closer in to try and maintain body heat. "I've lost many loved ones as well..it was never easy for me and no one was there to comfort me in my time of need...I was alone and lost." he continued as his arms embraced Sora. "Your heart is a beautiful thing and you should never wish it away. Some of us yearn for it..." he continued to think about what to say next. "I can't tell you to 'cheer up' or 'get better' no...I could never say something like that." he then tried to lift her up from the torso while shifting his arms so that he is able to carry her bridal style. "I honestly don't know what to say or what advice to give you but I want to let you know that you will not be alone, we will get through this pain together. You won't have to feel this burden alone." he says as he looks straight into her eyes. "Plus it's Christmas, no one deserves to be alone on Christmas." he said as he turned and started to walk. "I'm here for you and I'll do whatever I can to help you." he said in a calm voice.

"Hold on to the love not the loss, even the darkest nights will end and the sun will rise."


He continued walking and starting pacing a bit as he saw that her temperature was lowering with every second. "Let's go back to your house, the temperature levels within your body are low and you are in need of warmth." he said as he tries to bring Sora back to her house while hopefully arriving there while maintaining her with his body heat. "We are here." he said as he arrived at the two stories house at the edge of town. He opens the door and brings her inside. "I'll try and s-s-s-set y-y-y-y-you d-d-down on this warm c-c-c-couch." he spoke in a glitching like matter as his head twitched on the repeating syllables as he set her down slowly and softly. The glitching, which is probably a result of being taken from a cold environment to a much warmer environment. Condensation can be dangerous to his systems.




~Blue Pegasus Guild Hall~ ~Celestia Corona~

Excitement, that was her first thought, she stood just outside the hall of the guild she had only joined a few days ago, she wasn't unfamiliar with the place, no she visited regularly as she had traveled because the town was practically like her home base. Now, after studying for so long she felt she could join a guild and Blue Pegasus just made sense to her. So to say she was excited was an understatement, she was thrilled and it was Christmas, her favorite holiday because it gave her an excuse to spoil people. Deep breath in, out, after calming down slightly she pushed the door open to notice the decorations and she squealed out loud, she loved it, absolutely and would have to be sure to help next time. Being the cheerful person she was as soon as she was inside she waved to the guild, "Hey everyone! How are you today?" She giggled as she practically skipped into the guild hall plunking down on a stool which she immediately started to precariously balance on two legs, shifting her weight every time the thing would try and tip. At least she did this for the time being, until she noticed Rosaline sulking off in a corner by herself, and she homed in on the taller girl, Celestia was older but Rosaline was much bigger than her, and Celestia was really friendly anyway, so noticing the lightning users mood she wandered over and sat on the floor right in front of her grinning brightly, her green and bright yellow eyes focused on the woman. "Well heya Rosaline, don't know if you knew this or not but I often visited this guild and I've seen you a few times. I'm Celestia Corona! Nice to meetcha~" She thrust her hand at the other woman still grinning, though the hand she offered was her left instead of her right hand and anyone could see the small bit of electricity sparking from her hand. The cheerful blonde wanted to see if she could cheer up the obviously annoyed and upset mage, as a member of the guild she wanted to treat this place like home, and she always tried to talk to everyone anyway.


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Dorian was in the rafters, which wasn't anything new for him. Rather, what was new was how exactly he got there. One moment he was in danger of getting shocked, like usual, and the next a scaly blur had snatched him up. Welll, that wasn't really new either to be entirely honest, he had become somewhat used to being a tug-of-war rope in the ongoing feud between Xira and Rosa. Though, that didn't mean he particularly enjoyed it. On the one hand, Xira's coils did make for a comfortable place to sleep. But on the other, the banter between her and Rosa was annoying. Plus, while Rosa did get to be a bit much at times, or rather most of the time, he didn't hate her. If anything, he actually liked her for some unexplainable reason, and due to this it didn't really sit well with him when Xira riled her up like this. As such, he began to debate freeing himself to go talk to Rosa, weighing the notion against the fact that it would take effort to do it.

The tipping point came when someone else, whose name Dorian couldn't seem to remember, began to shout something about taking it outside to Rosa. Sighing at how troublesome the situation had become Dorian abruptly extracted himself from Xira's coils, dropping gracefully to the floor and beginning to make his way towards his volatile friend. Along the way he reached down to a table and transmuted himself a nice pair of rubber gloves to as to avoid being electrocuted via contact with Rosa, something he had learned to do from bitter past experience.

Upon reaching Rosa Dorian reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder, "You know... fighting sound pretty troublesome... so... why don't you come back to have a drink or something..." he said, yawing in-between a couple of words. He really hoped she'd listen, last time she fought she wrecked his favorite sleeping spot after all.

Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

The Lightning Mage found herself naturally clenching her own arms as she kept them crossed under her chest, eyebrows pressed down as her teeth remained gritted. Though the electricity was staying inside her body for now, so that was a plus. Small steps right? And other then a dent in the wall from her thrown mug, she hadn't really destroyed any property. To be honest the girl was probably even more riled up because she wanted to see her brother for Christmas but she had no idea what he was doing, and the last thing she wanted was to Lightning Strike all the way to Magnolia only to find him busy or not even there. Eventually, she would meet up with him but in the meantime... ( @LeSoraAmari )

She heard someone approach her and didn't even open her eyes, at least at first. The fact it was footsteps and not the slither of something else already kept her somewhat in a calmer mood. Though as the voice rang out she slowly opened her eyes to peer to the side. Her expression the same tough sternness that tended to scare most people away. Though as her gaze flowed down to the girl's outstretched hand, her eyes widened a fraction as her face softened, almost to the point one could call it bemused though that was still a long stretch for her. "Celestia huh?" And more for the benefit of her curiosity she stretched out her right hand and slipped her hand around hers, shaking it slowly as she did. However her grip tightened momentarily as she forced not a small amount of current through her palm and into the girl's, just to see how she would respond. "You use Lightning Magic then? How interesting..." She muttered more to herself. And despite how angry she had been, the girl's smile was somewhat addictive and an oddly soft expression covered her own.

Once again she heard footsteps approach and her expression darkened once more. It was just a known rule you didn't touch Rosaline, half the time she shocked people on simple defense before she realized who they were. So when a hand grasped her shoulder she took a sharp breath inwards as lightning arced across that very hand, but then simply rebounded and was absorbed straight back into her skin. Blinking momentarily she actually turned to see rubber gloves, her eyes drifting upwards to look to Dorian with a blank face. "Depends who you're fighting." She answered simply, her voice dark but oddly quiet for her. She glanced down to the girl still crouched before her as she mused over the options. And the idea of a drink was far outweighing any of her other inhibitions.

Finally coming to a decision, the girl closed her eyes and stood up again to her full height, shrugging off Dorian's hand. "Come on Cele, Kazuo promised Eggnog so it better be as good as they say...." And with that she turned and re approached the original table. Not before she scooped up her original mug from a heap on the ground, noting happily the thing survived her throw which automatically was a good thing in her books and ducking behind the counter to have her fill of a mug or three, finishing the third cup as she finally side stepped Kazuo and sat down beside Kirin once again.

Like nothing had even changed.

@Jackaboi @Colt556 @Halffix @hudhouse @Britt-21

Chris Lengheart(You're not alone)

Chris simply chuckled at Kelica's little quip about his massive rear somehow managing to squeeze through the door.It was a bit of a squeeze, but at least he made it out. As Kelica thanked him, Chris simply bowed with one hand under his chest, "Of course lady Zefara, my pleasure. This day is of acceptable standards for winter."

As Kelica brought up being barefoot, Chris changed back to normal and couldn't help but smile at his old memories. "Same here," He said as he remembered his days at the farm "I'd run everywhere without shoes one. My dad used to joke around with me and say that my feet were basically leather boots by now. The only reason I wear 'em now is...I'm not really sure. Just 'cause I guess." As she brought up what Ryu mentioned, Chris began to laugh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "By that logic, I shouldn't wear anything at all so I can use partial takeovers faster. But, if that works for you, go on ahead. Everyone's got their methods, right?"

It was about time they started going, so Chris turned over to Kelica and said, "Alright, I've been horse face long enough today. Got any recommendations for my next form? Draco, dragon, and centaur are all out since one's cold blooded and would probably just drop dead here and now, I've been the other for way too long, and I know you still hate dragons. That leaves werecat, werewolf, and minotaur. Your thoughts?"



Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Snow Covered Streets

Kelica blinked rapidly as her pace halted, peering to him momentarily as he used that same logic on his magic. I mean, without clothes he would actually be able to transform faster and with less restraints... in fact half the time she was unsure where his normal clothes went when he transformed, she'd never been one to be concentrating on what his clothes were doing... And the more she tried to remember the more her brain hurt, so cradling her head a little she sighed and forgot about it. Chris offered to turn into some of his other forms to which she put a hand on her chin in thought. "I know I was cold and half asleep before, and every muscle burns like I've run a thousand miles...which probably isn't far from the truth, but we can just walk like normal you know..." Peering up to the sky as she did a quick spin, kicking up some snow as she did. "Although, it's been a very long time since I've seen my Alpha Wolf friend sooo... I guess if you're forcing me pick one, and if it means he will get to the Guild Hall Faster....I guess Werewolf?"

At first she didn't know if it would be a great idea to rock up into Fairytail riding a Beast Form Chris after everything they had been through, but they were still Guild Mates right? And it would be faster then just walking yes? And she can't imagine Ryu or Hibiki being too impressed with her wandering around in the cold with her feet getting cold like this so...it would be fine right?... And despite that she wanted to check up on Lavender!

@Rhodus (mention)  @LeSoraAmari (mention) @Britt-21 (mention)

Chris Lengheart(Wolfie on the scene!)

Chris shrugged as Kelica mentioned them just walking like normal. "Old habits die hard, I suppose." He said while rubbing behind the nape of neck slightly. As Kelica said that she hadn't seen werewolf form in a while. Chris rubbed his hands together in an almost maniacal fashion before suddenly changing to werewolf form. The massive wolf's eyes darted about before he let out a fierce howl. He soon trotted towards Kelica and motioned with his head for her to hop on. "Come on, wolf express is leaving the station." He joked as he waited for her to mount up. This form had gotten its winter coat as well and even had slightly shaggier fur.

Once they got to the guildhall, Chris would most likely have Kelica hop off before heading in. To be completely honest, Chris wasn't really sure if he'd even head in. With his luck, Kelica would probably try to coax him in. Oh well, might be nice to see everyone at the guildhall, even if it'd be for a short while.

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Dusk got lost about fifty times looking for one guild and got side tracked by the amount of decorations around the area he finally found it but in a allyway near the guild hall and found a black trench coat he removed his coat and put on the trench coat and removed his mask before entering the guild hall knocking on the wall and saying hello and making a echo with his voice wondering if and one was there and wanting to know if there was any way he could help

Joel ended up being right in front of the town he was at before his rest he made his stop at a bench to rest thinking why do i need so much rest its winter i should be out traveling to somewhere but stops thinking after remembering about his stuff he left in front of fairy tail he quickly ran over there and picked up his stuff up his stuff dusting any snow that was on it but seeing that his tench coat was gone and replaced with a thick jacket he left the jacket and put on his silk long sleeve shirt and started walking around greeting people and not wearing his gloves 

Yamato Ren: Making Introductions



Xira seemed happy with Yama's mention of dinner being cooked. With that he simply smiled and said "Well to celebrate the coming festivities I will be making a meal like no other. I do hope that you and our guild mates will enjoy it." Dorian at this point has finally awoken and seemed to have no trouble freeing himself from the Lamia's coil. It was only after looking down he noticed a woman with blonde glittery hair (@Arius LaVari), he recognised her as he saw the girl visiting the hall a few times. So she finally decided to join eh? It wouldn't be good if he didn't go down to introduce himself. With that he floated down from the ceiling and popped the bubble suspending him in the air. He walked towards the blonde lady. "Why hello Madame~ I believe you are a new member of Blue Pegasus yes?" Since she was a member of the guild Yamato did not feel compelled to act formal. But rather he acted more as a friend. He extended his arm as an offering to shake hands. "I am Yamato Ren, S-Class mage of Blue Pegasus. I do hope we all get along." Looking over at Rosa she seems to have calmed down now which also relieved Yama. Although of course she did seem like Fairy Tail material he didn't see Blue Pegasus as a guild that discriminates. After all it was this specific guild that took him in even though he came from a poor area. True beauty is found within not what's on the outside (Even if that does help a little).

@Zuka @Colt556 @Britt-21 @hudhouse @Halffix
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~Celestia Corona: Sitting with Rosaline~


Celestia had shuddered when Rosaline had zapped her, but otherwise shook it off, including the harsh expression that Rosaline had sent her way, the blonde had seen far scarier things on her travels and never let that deter her from being friendly either. She had eyed Dorian when he approached and placed a hand on Rosa's shoulder, causing the still cross-legged girl to blink as she watched lightning arc across the hand wrapped in a rubber glove, offering a drink but what had surprised her was how quickly Rosaline had invited her along to go with them, and the nickname which she actually really loved because it was the first time someone had called her that, she usually got 'star girl' or things like that. "Yeah! I'd love that actually! As for my magic...well it's part lightning..." As if to demonstrate she held up her hands, her left hand having what could equate to a lightning orb sparking in her hand, while in her right hand an orb of earth, it was shaped in the form of Saturn, rings and all, after she showed them she grinned and made them vanish by closing her hands, "But it's earth magic as well, specifically I can mix the two together in maker style magic...if that makes sense." The cheerful girl giggled as she plopped down in a seat near but not exactly next to Rosaline, just so she didn't get into the other woman's space too much. Then she finally turned her attention to getting a bit of eggnog herself, she smiled brightly as she ordered it then sat back and drunk the stuff fairly quickly, getting another that she actually drunk slower. "This is delicious...Kazuo right? I could drink this stuff all day!" @Britt-21 @Zuka

As she sat there she had started dangerously balancing in her chair again, causing it to wobble quite a bit especially since she was doing it on one leg now, that's what she was doing, up until a man who introduced himself as Yamato Ren approached her, she kept her balance and grinned at him brightly, a wide infectious smile that always seemed present on her soft, almost child-like face, "You're an S-class wizard?! That's amazing! Even though I've been studying my magic all my life I can't even dream of S-Class." She laughed suddenly, again holding out her hand, with a lack of lightning, "Well I'm Celestia Corona! It's nice to meet you Yamato, I hope we can get along as well! You're pretty cute, you got a girl around here?" She changed her attitude just slightly, letting out the flirtatious side that she hadn't let others see too often before, but the man in front of her was quite pretty...though she wouldn't say he looked more like a girl and that was why she said 'cute' instead of 'handsome', nope she wouldn't say that at all, the now slightly more flirtatious smile, softened two colored eyes, stayed on the person she was speaking to, as she always did. @Jackaboi

~Shiro Ai: Lamia Scale guild hall~


Shiro snapped her head up upon hearing Ferra's comment towards Grace and as if in response she shrunk in on herself and now she noticed another girl standing threateningly in front of Valken and felt a chill run down her spine, that girl was really angry and all the white haired mage could do was shake her head, eyes once more not on her book and focused on the possible fight that was now threatening to ensue. Why was everyone in this guild so hot headed? She grumbled under her breath about 'ridiculous behavior' and a few choice curses before actually raising her voice so the ones nearing a fight could hear her, "If you all are going to fight, I think you should take it outside! I'd rather hear Phineas' music than your screams of agony when either Grace or the girl with the cap ends your life!" Her voice rose above the music for only a moment before she waved at Phineas, gesturing for him to come sit with her, since she was more out of the way and she wasn't sure the others would listen to her request of taking the fight outside...knowing them they'd just toss the people back into the building anyway. It would still be safest next to the protection mage though.

@Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98 @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Colt556


The guild master of Blue Pegasus sat in her office looking down her window that overlooked the guild hall. They seemed to be having fun but she wished that they toned down during the holidays like the others. Still it was glad to see that everyone was enjoying themselves. She walked away from the window and out her office door. Maybe she should let her presence known. She leaned into the railing of the hall that connected her office to a grandiose stairway. She cleared out her throat, calling the attention of everyone in the guild hall. "Merry Christmas, members of Blue Pegasus." She began. "I'd just like to remind everyone to take good care of themselves, don't stay up too late okay? If anyone ever needs anything I'll be in my office until late this evening. And try to keep yourselves behaved. I don't want anything inappropriate happening. That is all, and once again, Merry Christmas."  She said before returning to her office..


~Celestia Corona: Sitting with Rosaline~


Celestia had shuddered when Rosaline had zapped her, but otherwise shook it off, including the harsh expression that Rosaline had sent her way, the blonde had seen far scarier things on her travels and never let that deter her from being friendly either. She had eyed Dorian when he approached and placed a hand on Rosa's shoulder, causing the still cross-legged girl to blink as she watched lightning arc across the hand wrapped in a rubber glove, offering a drink but what had surprised her was how quickly Rosaline had invited her along to go with them, and the nickname which she actually really loved because it was the first time someone had called her that, she usually got 'star girl' or things like that. "Yeah! I'd love that actually! As for my magic...well it's part lightning..." As if to demonstrate she held up her hands, her left hand having what could equate to a lightning orb sparking in her hand, while in her right hand an orb of earth, it was shaped in the form of Saturn, rings and all, after she showed them she grinned and made them vanish by closing her hands, "But it's earth magic as well, specifically I can mix the two together in maker style magic...if that makes sense." The cheerful girl giggled as she plopped down in a seat near but not exactly next to Rosaline, just so she didn't get into the other woman's space too much. Then she finally turned her attention to getting a bit of eggnog herself, she smiled brightly as she ordered it then sat back and drunk the stuff fairly quickly, getting another that she actually drunk slower. "This is delicious...Kazuo right? I could drink this stuff all day!" @Britt-21 @Zuka

As she sat there she had started dangerously balancing in her chair again, causing it to wobble quite a bit especially since she was doing it on one leg now, that's what she was doing, up until a man who introduced himself as Yamato Ren approached her, she kept her balance and grinned at him brightly, a wide infectious smile that always seemed present on her soft, almost child-like face, "You're an S-class wizard?! That's amazing! Even though I've been studying my magic all my life I can't even dream of S-Class." She laughed suddenly, again holding out her hand, with a lack of lightning, "Well I'm Celestia Corona! It's nice to meet you Yamato, I hope we can get along as well! You're pretty cute, you got a girl around here?" She changed her attitude just slightly, letting out the flirtatious side that she hadn't let others see too often before, but the man in front of her was quite pretty...though she wouldn't say he looked more like a girl and that was why she said 'cute' instead of 'handsome', nope she wouldn't say that at all, the now slightly more flirtatious smile, softened two colored eyes, stayed on the person she was speaking to, as she always did. @Jackaboi

~Shiro Ai: Lamia Scale guild hall~


Shiro snapped her head up upon hearing Ferra's comment towards Grace and as if in response she shrunk in on herself and now she noticed another girl standing threateningly in front of Valken and felt a chill run down her spine, that girl was really angry and all the white haired mage could do was shake her head, eyes once more not on her book and focused on the possible fight that was now threatening to ensue. Why was everyone in this guild so hot headed? She grumbled under her breath about 'ridiculous behavior' and a few choice curses before actually raising her voice so the ones nearing a fight could hear her, "If you all are going to fight, I think you should take it outside! I'd rather hear Phineas' music than your screams of agony when either Grace or the girl with the cap ends your life!" Her voice rose above the music for only a moment before she waved at Phineas, gesturing for him to come sit with her, since she was more out of the way and she wasn't sure the others would listen to her request of taking the fight outside...knowing them they'd just toss the people back into the building anyway. It would still be safest next to the protection mage though.

@Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98 @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Colt556

Ferra: Lamia Scale GH

Ferra tensed as she heard Grace shouting, immediately knowing the hot headed little cutting board was going to do something. But what she wasn't sure. She soon found out as the concussive blast hit, knocking both Nikolas and herself to the ground. She groaned lightly and sat up, looking between Nikolas and Phineas as they argued with a slight grin on her face. She giggled lightly and followed him over to the table before sitting down beside him. "Don't worry Nik, all you gotta do to get back at her is compare her chest to a cutting board. It'll shut her up." She told him before shrugging. "Always works for me at-least. Even better do it in your female form....though that might actually piss her off instead of help." She said. "She's just mad she didn't get to see Masaki before anyone else....speaking of watch this." She told him, elbowing him in the shoulder lightly to get his attention before donning a wide grin. "Hey Grace! You and Masaki do it yet or did he say your chest was to flat?" She called out to her, loud enough for everyone in the hall to easily hear her.


Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

She watched as Grace made her way towards the door, giving Nikolas and Ferra a quick blast as she went. As Grace excitedly threw her arms around Masaki she let her gaze wander, taking in the entire guild hall. Her eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly as she looked upon the various people within the hall before spinning around to face back towards the bar. She glanced to her side at Valken as he was still dealing with Millie. However that changed as he got to his feet, complaining about Emmerich swiping his stash. Given how Valken acquired the alcohol she didn't really think he had the right to complain about someone stealing it but she wasn't about to actually say that out loud. With Grace gone to fawn over Masaki and Valken gone to do whatever it is he wanted to do she now found herself sitting alone. While not exactly making her comfortable at the very least Emmerich was still a seat down so there was that at least.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard a loud crash beside her. Before she could even react wooden shrapnel flew at her from the exploding chair, chips of wood covering her cap and jacket and even going so far as to get into her drink. The threatening voice of the shadow mage soon followed behind her, immediately cluing her in as to who was responsible. Her gaze fell as she reached up and tugged her cap down slightly, a rather foreboding feeling flowing from her. She spun around on her stool and hopped to her feet, shoving her hands into her jacket as she slowly made her way over to Valken. All the while the combination of her scarf and cap worked to obscure her face as she kept her head downcast. The only obvious sign that something was amiss was the wooden pieces covering her head and shoulders. She finally came to a stop a few feet in front of Valken and cast her gaze up at him. The cap did well to overshadow her face giving her an almost eerie look as the glare that filled her eyes was now visible to the shadow mage. "Valken...." The tone of her voice did little to hide the anger that welled up within her and even as she spoke the man's name she pulled her hands from her jacket as blue magic particles coalesced within her hands before taking the shape of her customary handguns. She trained the weapons upon the man who had thrown the chair and again spoke up, her voice mimicking the coldness of Valken's own only without the cheeky grin to accompany it. "Apologize."


  Nikolas grinned when Ferra made a comment about Grace's bust size and, for emphasis, performed the transformation spell into a girl, posing in front of her and winking. "Hey, she's got a point there," he said with a major grin, his tail flicking back and forth as he continued to pose in his female form. "Are~You~Jealous~Of~Us~?"

  Phineas let out a loud groan, halting the piano and burying his face in his hands. Now he really was embarrassed. If he didn't have a lick of common sense, he probably would have punched the daylights out of his brother by now, but nooooo. That sounded like a bad idea. So all he mumbled was, "Hey, Nik? Maybe you should back off...." Of course, it was hardly audible over all the racket. Sighing, Phineas heard Shiro speak. At least she seemed to understand. Then he noticed she offered him to sit by her. Phin nodded, picked up his piano, and moved to sit next to Shiro. "Talk about chaotic...."
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Masaki was kind of taken aback when some strangers came running over to the door, opening it, and greeting him rather enthusiastically. "Oh! Uhm.. Hi?" He said, a nervous smile filling his face as a chuckle escaped his mouth. It was then that Ferra arrived and also greeting him, Masaki smiled at her for a brief moment as Ferra was quick to drag Nikolas away from the door. These people seemed nice so far, but slightly in your face a bit. Perhaps they just liked new people? Masaki sighed then as Grace sent a concussion blast towards the boy who opened the door and then to Ferra also. Judging from the look on her face, Grace was absolutely livid and there was most definitely no escaping that. 

After that was done, Grace approached him and seemingly jumped into him, her arms wrapping around him and in response, his eyes wrapping around her. Masaki smiled to Grace as she spoke to him, the two not having seen each other since the events of the Grimoire Heart kidnapping. Or was it before that? Either way it felt like a decade had gone by since he last saw her. When Grace spoke to him, Masaki smiled to her, the smile albeit nervous in its appearance. "Sure, that'd be nice I suppose." Before Grace could move any further, Masaki quickly lifted up the sleeve of his jacket in order to show Grace the mark that donned his body. "The guild master and I struck an arrangement, she offered me a place here so I took it. Merry Christmas!" He said enthusiastically as he hugged Grace once more before letting her lead him into the guild.

The Hall seemed to be descending slowly into total chaos by the second. "This is very different to Sabertooth." He spoke, quietly to himself before continuing to follow Grace into his new guild. 

@Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Maki @Colt556 @Arius LaVari @Mitchs98

  Nikolas grinned when Ferra made a comment about Grace's bust size and, for emphasis, performed the transformation spell into a girl, posing in front of her and winking. "Hey, she's got a point there," he said with a major grin, his tail flicking back and forth as he continued to pose in his female form. "Are~You~Jealous~Of~Us~?"

  Phineas let out a loud groan, halting the piano and burying his face in his hands. Now he really was embarrassed. If he didn't have a lick of common sense, he probably would have punched the daylights out of his brother by now, but nooooo. That sounded like a bad idea. So all he mumbled was, "Hey, Nik? Maybe you should back off...." Of course, it was hardly audible over all the racket. Sighing, Phineas heard Shiro speak. At least she seemed to understand. Then he noticed she offered him to sit by her. Phin nodded, picked up his piano, and moved to sit next to Shiro. "Talk about chaotic...."

Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guildhall


Grace stared down at Masaki's arms with wide, bright eyes as she began to process the news she was given. He had the Lamia Scale Guildmark instead on the Sabertooth one. She quickly looked up at him and smiled happily. "Y-You left your guild and moved here? And it was for me? Wow Masaki!" She said in a stunned voice before letting out a loud and joyous squeal, leaping up and latching to his body, arms and legs tightly wrapped around his. "This is the BEST Christmas I've EVER had!" The short girl screamed, nuzzling Masaki's chest for a few moments before letting herself down and taking both of his hands. Today was one of the best days in her life. She could finally be with the love of her life for now and ever. They could visit every day instead of every few months. Their relationship can finally grow and blossom into something more wonderful! Unfortunately her happy behavior came to an end as her eyes saw the busty female version of Nikolas, showing off and teasing her about her chest. Her once wide and happy eyes turned into cold glares at the sight. Letting go of Masaki's hands she ignited a purple flame and angrily shot missiles at him and Ferra. Not her old concussion blasts but her actual explosion missiles. They had to learn a lesson, they had to fear her and her flat chest! "Will you two ever give me a break!?" She screeched, stomping her foot against the floor and crossing her arms across her chest. "I'll take off a limb the next time you do something like that! Or I'll get Mad Maya to beat you two up!" Once her message was said Grace turned around to Masaki, a less angry but still annoyed face. "Ignore those two, I'll show you my friends. They're over at the bar." Taking his hands she led the boy over to the bar where Valken, Mikado, Millie, and Frosty were all in some big fight. She had no idea what the hell it was about, but she could only assume it was about alcohol. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I want you to meet my boyfriend Masaki. You already know Mikado, but I don't know about the others." 

Millie was quick to react when Grace introduced her boyfriend Masaki. "Oh hello! My name is Millie!" She said excitedly, wrapping her arms around Masaki in a tight hug. "You got such a cute one Grace! And you're a very lucky boy, Gracie-Poo is just an absolute angel!" Grace wasn't too happy that Millie was hugging her boyfriend, her hands clenched into tight fist. "Back up you big boobed monster..."

@Zuka @Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98

Lamia Scale Guild Hall



Clank, clank. Clank, clank. foot steps could be heard approaching the Lamia Scale Guild Hall after having been gone for a year or so working on a mission. Laura was wearing her usual attire which wouldn't keep a sane person warm this time of year but she didn't seem to be bother by it any more than she was bother by people living. She pulled the door open, and looked at everyone inside. "I've returned." She said in her normal tone of voice which always sounded harsh and full of hatred. Most people would have heard it even if they were being loud and obnoxious, her voice was something that you heard even if she whispered only due to the fact that she scared most people. Her rank wasn't what scare people rather it was what she did to people's minds. Her eyes scanned the room, looking for all of the errors that her children were making. She would have to whip them into shape again.


She closed the door behind her and walked up to a man she saw transform into a women. He must be new, hopefully he will learn how I run things around here. Slowly made her way over the child not knowing if he was paying attention."Excuse me but what do you think you are doing? Mocking women in such a humiliating way." She never raise her voice but it was never necessary. She then turned to look at Mikado. "And who do you  think you are encouraging him? I thought you would know better, this is a disgrace!" She wasn't as mad as she usually was and she was considering giving them just a warning.




The park in Magnolia was sort off empty since it was the holidays and everyone was busy cooking stuff, wrapping stuff and the what not. However, in the cold, snowy depths of the park, there lies a black haired woman, asleep against a lamp post and a torn yet thick blanket covered her. She was using her backpack as a pillow and it wasn't exactly comfortable. She turned restlessly in the cold, curling up to get some warmth. She pulled her blanket a bit closer to try and stamp out the cold but to no avail. It looks like she'd have to deal with the cold. @Salt Lord
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      Kim, in a frenzy of panic, tried to get on her dress. They should of been at the guild Hall ages ago! But Kim had been stuck trying to finish the cakes and cookies for them to indulge in for the night. She had also in her arsenal a large bottle of Sake, clear and powerful just the way she liked it. "Eias I hope your ready! Get the gifts from the living room I'll be out in a few!" A loud crash followed a panicked yelp. Kim lifted her self off the from the ground, at last her dress was on. She looked her self over in the stand mirror to admire the fine work.

     Soft ebony fabric fell to her shins, delicately dancing as she moved about. Decretive white ribbon wrapped around her waist ending in three bows placed in a triangular positions on her back. Her sleeves stopped at her elbows, small Chinese characters for luck embellished edges of the fabric. She took a moment to inspect herself before she added a final touch, her mother's ever lasting flowers. At the touch the flowers felt cold, yet life still flurished in the petals. A final gift from her birth mother to her. Placing them at each side of her hair, Kim exited her room. The cakes she had made floated out from the kitchen and hovered over her. "I'm ready, sorry I took so long." 

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Ciel blushed when her wife pulled herself close and made skin contact with her. "Glad to be here for you." She said as she stepped in. Her nose picked up the scent of cookies. The inside of her wife's house seemed very homely to her. Was this what a home was supposed to be? Maybe she should take up the offer she got for a piece of land where she could build on. Niur has been hinting that she could build a castle of sorts. "Thanks Haruhi, I'll give the cookies a try." She said.

She put down her pack on the ground in a gentle manner before she reached down to pluck a cookie and bring it into her mouth. With a soft 'munch' she took a bite out of it and chewed. It was sweet and delicious, she decided, before eating the rest of it. "That was good..." She said as she picked up a hot chocolate and cooled it a bit before washing the cookie with a long sip. "This is a nice place Haruhi." She said after drinking.

Haruhi Refox


Haruhi watched with glee as Ciel began to snack on the cookies she had baked. She could tell that she liked it due to her facial expressions, and the fact that she kept eating. It was really reassuring to know that she had done a good job baking, and that her food was actually edible. "Aww, thank you Ciel! I put extra love into the cookies just for you. I hope you tasted it..." She said softly, reaching forward and taking her colder hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before speaking again. "I've also started a fire in the living room. There's a comfy carpet to sit on, or a couch if you're not up for that. There's also a blanket that we can wrap ourselves up in. Wouldn't it be fun to cuddle with eachother? No cloaks or armor on, just regular clothes? Of course we don't have to do that now. You're the guest here, so you can call the shots." Said the blue haired girl, giving her wife a gentle smile. It was such a nice  smile that they didn't need a fire to warm themselves up. Despite her happy and calm demeanor, Haruhi was actually very nervous that her home wasn't clean or friendly enough. She wanted to make it as inviting and comfortable as ever, and would hate it for her wife to be sad while staying. But her nice words made everything ok. She liked the house and that was all that mattered. "Thank you Ciel. I put a lot of work into making it clean for you. But of course we don't have to stay here if you wish. If you want to stay elsewhere, or go out anytime do not hesitate!" 

Eias Baole

While Kim was in her room finagling with her get up, Eias was looking herself in the mirror. More so her face. She had managed to put on makeup well enough to hid the minor, yet permanent burns from her desperate move to get the vampire clone off of her. She could see all the flaws since she knew where to look but for the most part, she couldn't tell from a few feet away. Her hair managed to be in order though so she didn't have to worry there. While the holidays started to come, Eias thought it was a good idea to clothing shop for the occasion. She got an array of different fabrics for herself so she didn't have the single adventuring get up. Not since she lived with Kim now. She was starting to get comfy with the idea now too. She had been on foot for so long, she almost felt like she forgot why she did wander around so. With her flute in a belt side pack, she wore greens and reds for the up coming Christmas holiday. Her green hair was accompanied by a red Santa hat and a red coat with white fluff around the edges. Her normal boots stayed the same however. Around her neck was a red scarf which covered a few small scars from the clone as well. She still lost a little sleep after that close call. 

She heard Kim crashing things in her room and shook her head with a smile. Blowing a bubble under her door. 

"Don't worry, I have them." She said looking over her shoulder to see a variety of gifts floating in bubbles. She had gotten pretty good at using her bubbles for other means. She even managed to last a little longer with her spells since the fight. Perhaps it was the fear of having such a close encounter again. She couldn't rely on Kim to save her every time. If Eias died in some fashion, Kim would kill her for sure. With Kim stepping out in her outfit, Eias's face was colored hot pink. She looked away with a happy grin. 

"Oh no no, it is okay. Looking good for sure. He..hehe... eeeh" She shook her head to focus back into the topic. "We ready to head out then?"




Sora Marvell - Her Residence





Timothy's words resonated within her head, igniting the smallest of sparks within her heart. It was enough, it had to be enough for now. " I would love to have your company for Christmas if you don't think I'll be too much of a downer... " She said halfheartedly, finally finding the courage to speak. Somehow he knew the right things to say, the tone he used seemed to capture her attention where others had recently failed. It wasn't personal or to say they were bad at cheering her up but his method was working somehow. Not everyone knew about what happened recently and personally she was slightly thankful for that. "I'm so sorry " and " that's so horrible but you'll push through it " had been the two things she had heard on repeat from those that approached her. The ones who didn't dare say a word whispered behind her back instead, thinking that they were out of earshot. Sora was so shut down though that she didn't even bother acknowledging it. 


Instead of others feeling like they should be there for her, the small slayer felt that instead she had to comfort them since they didn't know how to handle her when in a state of grief. So, Sora had simply pushed everyone away, tired of keeping up appearances. There was a moment that Timothy's childish eyes met hers and her own gaze averted quickly as a pain jabbed into her chest. Their eyes were so similar that it was haunting. They seemed to carry that same boyish and innocent trait, naive almost. His arms had wound themselves around her small frame and she didn't react until she found herself being lifted off the ground; the ground that she had sat upon for hours. She was being whisked away and it tore at her to leave her deceased beloved's side, eyes frantically taking in the image of the tombstone before it drifted out of view. " I'll come back to see you tomorrow... " The whisper was lost upon the winter winds, lips trembling shortly after as the cold started to grab her attention. 


Timothy's pace quickly picked up and the swaying motion was like a lullaby. One she couldn't resist and soon Sora dozed off, each step acting to keep her within a sleeping state. It'd been quite some time since she closed her eyes and wasn't met with haunting images so a smile of sorts soon drifted onto her now peaceful expression. The nap was short lived as they entered her house and the temperature change stirred her to waken. Thankfully the small amount of rest, regardless of how short it was in actuality, happened to feel like she had been out for hours. Definitely well needed and something she would need to thank her dear friend for later. Her eyelids fluttered open only to have her eyes be met with the scenery of her home. A home she had barely spent any time in during the last few weeks. The stacks of letters came into view as he carried her past the table, guilt building up once more at the sight of them. 


Timothy finally put her down to rest gently on the cushions of her couch and her lips parted to thank him before he begun to speak in a weird manner, only causing them to clamp shut. Sora tried to stand but didn't realize how weak her limbs were from her outside excursions. Instead she fell back upon the couch in a manner that was anything but graceful and reached her hands out to grasp at Timothy, worry washing over the sadness temporarily. " What's wrong? What's happening to you? " It wasn't like him to speak in such a manner and she suddenly found herself questioning why he had always smelled different than a normal person. " Did I do something? " Sora looked at him inquisitively with big fearful eyes, tugging on his coat whilst she did.

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Chris Lengheart(Wolfie on the scene!)

Chris shrugged as Kelica mentioned them just walking like normal. "Old habits die hard, I suppose." He said while rubbing behind the nape of neck slightly. As Kelica said that she hadn't seen werewolf form in a while. Chris rubbed his hands together in an almost maniacal fashion before suddenly changing to werewolf form. The massive wolf's eyes darted about before he let out a fierce howl. He soon trotted towards Kelica and motioned with his head for her to hop on. "Come on, wolf express is leaving the station." He joked as he waited for her to mount up. This form had gotten its winter coat as well and even had slightly shaggier fur.

Once they got to the guildhall, Chris would most likely have Kelica hop off before heading in. To be completely honest, Chris wasn't really sure if he'd even head in. With his luck, Kelica would probably try to coax him in. Oh well, might be nice to see everyone at the guildhall, even if it'd be for a short while.



Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall -  Magnolia

The Forest Mage blinked as Chris rubbed his hands together and instantly shifted into his werewolf form complete with howl and all. Had she not been aware of his transformations she might have figured he had to perform the sound to complete it but lucky enough for him she wasn't quite that dumb. Ditzy and hyperactive, but not altogether dumb. Her face brightened up as she spotted the huge shaggy breast, and she dived her fingers into his thick fur to run along his side in the same manner one might do to a really thick haired puppy dog. Only one that was insanely bigger then she was. She'd spent almost so much time with Hibiki, Ryu and her plants that she had forgotten just how exciting being near animals was again, and she looked to be almost bouncing on the spot as she leans in to nuzzle her face right into his shaggy fur. "Yes Sir Wolfsiburge!" And with that the girl without a second thought, hoisted herself up in much the same manner as she had with the Centaur form, tucking her legs around his neck and shoulders this time as her fingers threaded through the thickest part of his neck hair.

Despite how tired she had been earlier, she was bouncing like an excited little kid again as she teetered on Chris's shoulders, before giving a good ol scratch behind his ears. "ONWAAARRDDDSSSS!" She demanded with a huge laugh and before they knew it she was bounding down the streets of Magnolia. It had been....months! Months and months she had done this and her heart was already pounding in her chest as a grin plastered itself ear to ear. And when he slowed down at the Guild Entrance, she slipped from his back  and was back to bouncing on the spot. "Thank you Chris! Come inside and have some of Lavender's treats!" She blurted out, and like nothing had changed the hyperactive girl had already started to run inside with a joyful laughter.

It can be said the Guild Hall didn't really come alive till that girl would come running in, because almost the second she burst into the hall she was screaming out in a loud, excitable voice which automatically drew eyes her way. "HELLLOOO FAIRYTAIL! I took a little sleep walk but I'm back now!!!" And it wouldn't be a day in Fairytail if that very same, hyperactive girl didn't forget about the first two steps into the Guild Hall causing her feet to trip over themselves and with an equally high pitched scream the girl fell forward. Now, she had had some training so instinctively she tucked her arms and legs in to do a sort of barrel roll parkour move, the problem was she was still not exactly fully trained so now the girl was in something similar to a barrelling death roll and heading straight towards some lovely Guild Members probably just enjoying doing there thing. She wasn't sure who exactly because the world was blended into all shades as she tumbled and squealed.

@Genon @Salt Lord @LeSoraAmari @Colt556 @Kyuubey @Rhodus @TheSecretSorcerer @Britt-21 @Kojuen

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Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

There she was sat at the bar within the main room, a half-empty drink sat in front of her and a half-eaten cookie held within her grasp. The hall was unnaturally calm with the biggest source of commotion being Lavender pumping out sweets like she was a professional baker. Overall it was peaceful and that wasn't something she minded all that much. She spent a lot of time running about and getting into fights and it was nice to just sit and relax every once in a while. Everything changed when she arrived. The peace she enjoyed immediately evaporated into thin air, replaced now by the young feminine voice calling out her greeting. Well it wouldn't be Fairy Tail if peace and quiet was the norm and she didn't dislike the energy put out by the girl. Taking another bite of her cookie she turned just in time to see the girl trip as she often did, only this time she didn't land flat on her face.

Oh no, this time the girl decided to try and emulate one of those rock people from a game she played as a kid and come barrelling towards her and Chi. She couldn't help but cock a brow at the sight as it wasn't everyday you saw a ball of girl rolling towards you while squealing. However, it soon became apparent that the girl wasn't actually going to stop of her own accord and as such she raised her leg to put the flat of her boot directly in the girl's path. Probably wouldn't be the most comfortable or softest way of coming to a stop but her magic wasn't exactly useful in this situation and she'd be damned if she actually had to put in effort. One way or the other the girl would come to a stop and it was then that she spoke up while looking down on the blonde. "A for effort but you need to learn to stick the landing. Or just go back to falling on your face, I've gotten use to that one."


Mizuki Kohaku

Crocus Side Alley


Mizuki gave Draneri a thankful glance as she was helped up by the siren. As her hands began to swiftly brush off any snow or dirt from her clothes her own hands reached forward and rested just above her chest, leaning against the siren for support. The kissing really did take a lot out of her, much more than she thought. It's felt like years since the dark mage had felt this weak. Hopefully if this happened again she would be so frail afterwards. Mizuki listened as she spoke to her, limply falling forward into her body. She actually found herself relating with the girl, knowing first hand the feeling of being lost and alone. The feeling of causing death, and the burden that lasted long after your terrible deed. All of this was too familiar. It was surprising to know that others felt the same way she did many years ago. She thought she was the only one who was trapped in a personal hell, but she had been ignorant. Mizuki, while she still had her suspicions, truly believed that the Siren had changed. The black haired girl despite not wanting it, let herself get scooped up into Draneri's arms, quick eyes glancing around to confirm that she had grabbed each and every gift bag. Leaving one behind was just a waste of money and happiness. 

As as the two began walking through the back alley's of Crocus, Mizuki folded her hands over her belly looked up to Draneri with tired eyes. "I understand what you are feeling, Draneri. I too experienced the feeling of loneliness, the guilt of killing, but I've worked to overcome it. I've surrounded myself with people who care, people who I could call family. It was like nothing I experienced in Grimoire Heart. Find the ones who would care about you, and stick with them..." She said quietly, closing her eyes yet still barley conscious. All she wanted was a nice nap under the covers or a warm bath. 

Draneri: The Siren

Crocus Side Streets

Draneri's walk was steady and practiced, every step almost half suspended against the ground so Mizuki would feel barely a ripple from her grace. Feet silent as they traversed the backstreets and alleyways. Her white gown, tired and disheveled dragging along behind her. As the tall Siren walked, she glanced down to Mizuki and gave her an oddly soft smile as a sweep of her long purple hair came forward to brush over her shoulder and cascade right into Mizuki's folded hands. People to care about you? That was a novel concept, prey caring about a predator. A lamb looking after the wolf. What a strange ideal that was... Her footsteps took her to the girls apartment and she quickly reached down to her lower back to pull out a long sewing needle, before she effortlessly broke into the girl's house, sliding the door slowly closed behind her. Her wings stretched wide as she gently placed the bags and presents against the main hallway wall, then carried Mizuki all the way to her bedroom and laid the woman softly onto her back on her bed. Still bending over her, the Siren let her long fingers brush through her long black hair as she sat by her, in much the same way Mizuki probably did to Alicia on a number of occasions.

"I promise I will not drain so much from you next time..." She whispered in a soft, caring voice. Though she spoke to Mizuki it was more a promise to herself. Despite what this woman had told her, and what she had gone through as part of a Dark Guild she still allowed The Siren to feed, to survive. The Siren owed her life to her. And for that she was eternally grateful. "Please sleep well... I will watch over you..."

After she had said those soft words, her voice changed a tone. She didn't use perfumes as such but her voice naturally embodied the Motherly tone that one uses in lullabies to relax her further.
"Hush little baby~...

Don't say a word~...

Mumma's gunna buy you a Mockingbird~...." fingers idly brushing over her eyes to shut them if they were not already.

@Mitchs98 (Alicia mention)
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Timothy Harvard: Cold Burns


[Timothy's Point of View H.U.D]

As Timothy heard Sora ask about his condition and why he was speaking in such an odd manner, he stayed silent for a moment fearing that the same glitch would occur again. He noticed she was tugging at his coat which he tries to gently sway away. He pretended to take in a deep breathe before turning around and looking at her with a comforting smile on his face. "Ah! No worries! It's alright, you didn't do anything...it's all me. Sometimes when I stay in the cold too long, my mouth starts to freeze and ache a bit to the point where I repeat on my syllables! So don't worry, it happens sometimes and it's only temporary! See! No more silly speaking for m-m-m-me!" he lied before realizing that he repeated the first syllable on the last word. His expression turned from smiling to eerily blank as his head started twitching and turning likely the last recovery state from the cold to warm. His head turned away from Sora for a few moments with the same blank expression before returning to smiling and looking at her. "Don't worry about me! This happens a lot to me! It's normal, you should be more worried about yourself! I mean you must be freezing." he said as he scanned the living room for a nearby pillow, he walked towards the pillow on the floor however as he began walking, his joints began to creek with each step but this stops entirely as soon as Timothy grabs the pillow off the floor and walks back with no creaking at all.

He walks towards his bag and pulls out a flannel blanket which he brings both over to Sora. Timothy gently tucks the pillow underneath her head and lays the blanket over her and realizes that there are still tears in her eyes. He gently wipes them away while smiling at her. "Your body temperature is at 38 degrees Celsius, I advise you drink something warm so you'll at least maintain body temperature within."  he stood up and began to walk to his bag and took out a can with had a strange but cute symbol on it.



"Excuse me, I'll be right back." he said with a smile on his face as he headed into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate for the two of them. Timothy looked around for some cups and placed the powder into the two and added hot water.


He smiled as he took back the cups to Sora in the living room. "This is Hot Chocolate made from farm fresh cocoa beans! Very authentic." he handed a cup slowly to her as he continued talking "Funny thing is that most of the stuff there seems to specialize in marketing chibi fashioned items." he said trying to start up a conversation. As he looked outside the window at the snow, he thought about more things to talk about.

He turned back to Sora while bringing the cup up to his lips and taking a sip of the hot chocolate "You want to know something funny? It took me 3 days 16 hours and 49 minutes to get to Magnolia town all the way from Clover town in the snow and guess what? When I finally reached there, I jumped for joy and immediately fell into the snow. Admittedly it was embarrassing but hilarious nevertheless." he said taking another sip of his hot chocolate and looked towards the stacked letters and immediately realizes that Sora psychological scans were filled with grief. He immediately took his bag and took out a variety of interesting items. "Don't worry about the letters, it's really alright! I wouldn't have come here if you did respond so it's a great thing that I can spend Christmas eve with you."  he said in a comforting and excited expression as he went over the different items that he acquired during his adventures such as the weird statue that looked like a totem pole, the purple triangle, a lovely bell collar, a weird magic wand, some kind of color clothes changing orb and the lily flowers. He handed the lily flowers to Sora with a hopeful and calm face.

"Do you know that the lily is the flower most commonly associated with funeral services as they symbolize the innocence that has been restored to the soul of the departed? It's quite sorrowful." he said in a regretful tone. "You should lay these at his grave once you visit tomorrow, I'm sure he would appreciate it." he said.




Draneri: The Siren

Crocus Side Streets

Draneri's walk was steady and practiced, every step almost half suspended against the ground so Mizuki would feel barely a ripple from her grace. Feet silent as they traversed the backstreets and alleyways. Her white gown, tired and disheveled dragging along behind her. As the tall Siren walked, she glanced down to Mizuki and gave her an oddly soft smile as a sweep of her long purple hair came forward to brush over her shoulder and cascade right into Mizuki's folded hands. People to care about you? That was a novel concept, prey caring about a predator. A lamb looking after the wolf. What a strange ideal that was... Her footsteps took her to the girls apartment and she quickly reached down to her lower back to pull out a long sewing needle, before she effortlessly broke into the girl's house, sliding the door slowly closed behind her. Her wings stretched wide as she gently placed the bags and presents against the main hallway wall, then carried Mizuki all the way to her bedroom and laid the woman softly onto her back on her bed. Still bending over her, the Siren let her long fingers brush through her long black hair as she sat by her, in much the same way Mizuki probably did to Alicia on a number of occasions.

"I promise I will not drain so much from you next time..." She whispered in a soft, caring voice. Though she spoke to Mizuki it was more a promise to herself. Despite what this woman had told her, and what she had gone through as part of a Dark Guild she still allowed The Siren to feed, to survive. The Siren owed her life to her. And for that she was eternally grateful. "Please sleep well... I will watch over you..."

After she had said those soft words, her voice changed a tone. She didn't use perfumes as such but her voice naturally embodied the Motherly tone that one uses in lullabies to relax her further.
"Hush little baby~...

Don't say a word~...

Mumma's gunna buy you a Mockingbird~...." fingers idly brushing over her eyes to shut them if they were not already.

@Mitchs98 (Alicia mention)

Mizuki Kohaku

Crocus Side Streets -> Her own apartment


Mizuki, despite being in her weakened and sleepy state, couldn't help but wonder how Draneri knew where her home was. She had never met the girl before their encounter in Magnolia Town. Had she been followed before? Was their meet up today all planned out? It was rather sketchy but it didn't really matter. Miuki had done a lot of stalking herself, so any stalkers she had were deserved. The smooth ride to her little apartment was very quick and painless, the two girls standing outside her door. "My key is under the...doormat..." She said quietly, yet her advice didn't matter. Draneri broke into her home using a simple sewing needle. It was an impressive feet if she did say so herself. 

Soon Mizuki found herself laying down on her back, eyes only open to slits and her arms laying limply by her side. While most people would think that the presence of a siren watching over them while they slept would be an unnerving and dangerous thing, the dark Mage thought it was rather comforting. She had such a calm and caring aura and the black haired girl found great comfort in it. A small smile spread on her lips as her hair was gently stroked, as if she was Alicia in the situation. The change of roles was a rather strange one, but it was also nice to be the one being treated. "Thank you Draneri..." Muttered Mizuki before she slowly drifted off to her singing. She wished she could've had more of this as a child rather than despair and lonlieness, but getting it now was still nice. It made her feel happy. 

(Shieeee authors block)

Chris Lengheart(Arf!)

Chris waiting patiently for Kelica to hop on and immediately noticed her pacing around like a schoolgirl hyped up on sugar. When she finally got on and gave him the command to go onward, Chris simply nodded and responded,"As you wish Ms. Zafara." before rocketing off in the direction of the guildhall.

After a while, they were right outside the guild. Kelica was the first to go in, and of course she was already asking Chris to follow her in. Chris was a bit reluctant at first to head in, but finally decided to walk in with his normal form instead of going in there completely wolfed out. As Chris walked in, he got the witness Kelica's old habits coming back. She tripped and right as it looked as if she were about to land on her face, the girl started rolling. He watched as another woman from the guild simply held out her boot in an attempt to keep Kelica from rolling anywhere else. Kelica hadn't changed a bit, Chris was actually kinda glad. 


@Genon @Salt Lord @LeSoraAmari @Colt556 @Kyuubey @Rhodus @TheSecretSorcerer @Britt-21 @Kojuen

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Magnolia , Fairy Hills

Clair had stuck around briefly to see how the new recruit would do when faced with Ophelia and truth be told the mage did quite well. Ophelia's reaction to 'Tripple A' was surprising but ultimately Clair felt it was better that way , for the sake of the recruit anyway. Anyway after ensuring all was well Clair set off to walk through the town , maybe even do some last minute shopping.

The town/city of magnolia was always decorated beautifully around this time of year with fairy lights scattered all around the main street and small Christmas tress stood in random places around the town/city for those less fortunate. There were illuminated angels hanging from every third building and/or shop , there were even giant candy canes planted between most buildings. The whole thing just screamed Christmas , the snow , well the snow just added to the scene.  With a smile firmly placed upon her face Clair practically skipped from shop to shop , however despite her 'jolliness' Clair was still somewhat hurt inside. That was also probably the reason as to why Clair didn't spend much time in the town before returning to Fairy Hills.

Now Fairy hills itself was also well decorated both within and without but Clair's room(s) was not decorated in the slightest. While the room itself was lacking decoration , the pile of presents in her wardrobe were not. In fact it was as though the over rapped presents were compensating for the lack of decoration.

Upon entering her bedroom Clair quickly fell upon her bed and let out a sharp sigh "I should have already posted these , now they'll be late. Aww well nothing much I can do about that now , I suppose I can always just hand Sora hers tomorrow...... Hmmmm now that I think about it I haven't seen her around lately.

@Kyuubey mentioned


Fairy Tail Guild Hall - Leaving: Hurt



More people began to enter the kitchen and Wyeth could tell by the way that Lavender was talking that he had upset her. All he wanted to do was help her. "I am sorry that I got in you way and waste supplies." He wore a frown on his face, he had heard one of the people question if they were going out and he had been blushing wishing that it was true but now it seemed that she needed her space. He reached into his pocket pulling out several hundred jewels. "Here, hopefully this will cover all of the supplies that I wasted. He said after he placed the money next to the batter he had made. He looked around at everyone that had gathered. He didn't want to go wait out in the hall. "Actually I am just going to go do my Christmas shopping."


He then began to head out, hoping that he wasn't being followed. Although he kind of hoped that some one would follow him and keep him company. Once he walked out of the guild he look back to see if anyone was following him. Caroline landed on his should and brought her body close to him trying to stay warm, the other birds on him were trying to hide under his jacket.


  Reveal hidden contents

Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

The Lightning Mage found herself naturally clenching her own arms as she kept them crossed under her chest, eyebrows pressed down as her teeth remained gritted. Though the electricity was staying inside her body for now, so that was a plus. Small steps right? And other then a dent in the wall from her thrown mug, she hadn't really destroyed any property. To be honest the girl was probably even more riled up because she wanted to see her brother for Christmas but she had no idea what he was doing, and the last thing she wanted was to Lightning Strike all the way to Magnolia only to find him busy or not even there. Eventually, she would meet up with him but in the meantime... ( @LeSoraAmari )

She heard someone approach her and didn't even open her eyes, at least at first. The fact it was footsteps and not the slither of something else already kept her somewhat in a calmer mood. Though as the voice rang out she slowly opened her eyes to peer to the side. Her expression the same tough sternness that tended to scare most people away. Though as her gaze flowed down to the girl's outstretched hand, her eyes widened a fraction as her face softened, almost to the point one could call it bemused though that was still a long stretch for her. "Celestia huh?" And more for the benefit of her curiosity she stretched out her right hand and slipped her hand around hers, shaking it slowly as she did. However her grip tightened momentarily as she forced not a small amount of current through her palm and into the girl's, just to see how she would respond. "You use Lightning Magic then? How interesting..." She muttered more to herself. And despite how angry she had been, the girl's smile was somewhat addictive and an oddly soft expression covered her own.

Once again she heard footsteps approach and her expression darkened once more. It was just a known rule you didn't touch Rosaline, half the time she shocked people on simple defense before she realized who they were. So when a hand grasped her shoulder she took a sharp breath inwards as lightning arced across that very hand, but then simply rebounded and was absorbed straight back into her skin. Blinking momentarily she actually turned to see rubber gloves, her eyes drifting upwards to look to Dorian with a blank face. "Depends who you're fighting." She answered simply, her voice dark but oddly quiet for her. She glanced down to the girl still crouched before her as she mused over the options. And the idea of a drink was far outweighing any of her other inhibitions.

Finally coming to a decision, the girl closed her eyes and stood up again to her full height, shrugging off Dorian's hand. "Come on Cele, Kazuo promised Eggnog so it better be as good as they say...." And with that she turned and re approached the original table. Not before she scooped up her original mug from a heap on the ground, noting happily the thing survived her throw which automatically was a good thing in her books and ducking behind the counter to have her fill of a mug or three, finishing the third cup as she finally side stepped Kazuo and sat down beside Kirin once again.

Like nothing had even changed.

@Jackaboi @Colt556 @Halffix @hudhouse @Britt-21


FT Guild Hall Kitchen


Lavender turned her attention to Wyeth and she frowned as he thought that he had been in her way. Before the warrior could stop him, he pulled out Jewel and placed it on the counter which made her pick it up "Wait, mr Wyeth!" she called as she followed him, even to outside, bypassing the people who had walked into the hall. As the cold slapped her in the face, she ignored it just as she caught up to Wyeth and grabbed his wrist, putting the jewel back into his hand "You do not need to repay me." she also couldnt just take his money, besides, she'd just feel guilty. "I will make cookies out of what you had made. I apologize if I sounded quite rude while in the kitchen." that was the last thing she wanted to sound like. "I'm just very busy with making everythng for everyone." her hot breath made clouds within the air as she went and hugged herself "I wish you luck on your Christmas shopping, mr Wyeth.." a small smile planted on her lips before she backed up and turned back to the guild, heading back into the warmth. ( @TheSecretSorcerer )


When she had spotted Kelica rolling across the floor while Tanari stopped her, the blonde giggled softly "Well hello you two." she said "Tanari, Kelica, I have things for you inside the kitchen. Both of which you might very well enjoy." ( @Colt556 @Zuka ) when she glanced over at Chris ( @Isune ), she nodded to him in greeting and headed back into the warm kitchen where she resumed her cookie making and waited for the girls to come into the kitchen


Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Kazuo only watched what happened before his eye and let out a slight chuckle and shook his head as he slipped his hands into his pockets. It didnt take Rosa long to get up and mention the eggnog "I'm sure you'll like it." he stated as he watched the blonde move. Something about her always seemed to interest Kazuo but then drop him. Kind of like a rollercoaster that was never ending with surprises. Though he did have to admit, he was slightly attracted to her with how firey her spirit was. In his eyes he seen her as a true warrior despite being very short tempered and will be willing to shock just about everyone. Before he knew it, Rosa had been sitting next to Kirin once again. His attention was grabbed when a Dwarf decided to make himself known but by the sound of his words, he sounded drunk "I'm Kazuo Takara." he introduced with a slight bow of his head.


Mentioned @Zuka. Interacted with @Halffix



Ayano Soru: Magnolia Streets... Not really enjoying life...


Ayano wandered the whitened and crowded streets, blending in with the countless civilians attempting to remain hidden. She wore a heavy coat that everyone else wore to keep themselves shielded from the cold. Ayano didn't need it though, as a vampire she didn't feel the temperature, instead she used it as a sort of disguise so she didn't stick out. "Alone... So hopeless and alone..." It was weird wasn't it? Surrounded by so many people but yet she felt so alone. A feeling she was no stranger to. Ever since she became this monster she was by herself from then on. Strangers, friends, family... All of humanity has abandoned her. Because they're scared they act brave and drive the monsters away. They aren't scared of monsters, they're scared of what they could do. It has been over a month since the incident in the dungeons. Since then Ayano has been on the run from Grimoire Heart. She hated it there and everyone inside it. "Mizuki... (@Maki mentioned) Now I understand why you left that despicable guild... Where could you have gone I wonder..." Even now voices rang in her head mentally ripping her apart.

"You hate them don't you"

"They abandoned you"

"Tortured you"

"Decieved you"

"Humans are the worst"

She tried her best to ignore them but they just keep coming. She can never be rid of them, she can never hide them. It was like a ginormous scar deeply embedded inside her brain. She tried to think of her run in with Kim. (@purplepanda288 mentioned) The things she said, everything about no humans are the same.

"She's a liar"

"A deceiver"

"She wants you to go through that torture again"

"Don't let her do that"

The voices grew louder and clearer now filling her empty heart with negativity and hatred. "Shut up shut up shut up shut up."

"You want to kill them all don't you?"

"You want to torture them back"

"Especially Mizuki"

"Especially Kim..."



Ayano screamed to shut out the voices "SHUT UP!" Now... There was silence... The voices had finally stopped but now she felt eyes staring right at her. She caused a scene, everyone on the street was staring at her. So she decided to run and make for the nearest alleyway. Upon reaching one she hid behind a few crates and sat on the snow covered ground. The voices remained silent for a while until one last sentance whispered in her head.

"Alright do what you like..."

"You will soon come to realise..."

"We are all the company you will ever need."

@Anyone who hears the commotion on the streets

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