Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

  Phineas had returned to full concentration on the piano , a mark where his brother had thrown his boot still clear on his face. Suddenly, a rather pretty alto voice joined into the carol. Phineas looked curiously at her, continuing to play. He wasn't the best at showing expression on his face, but there was some curiosity in his blue eyes. The half-Neko (though he was often mistaken for a human due to the lack of ears...before people actually saw his cat side in action) cocked his head curiously. 

  "....You've got a nice singing voice," he said, always stating what he truthfully thought first. The song slowly shifted from We Wish You a Merry Christmas to the Ukranian Bells song, but he still looked curiously at the girl. After a moment, he continued playing. "Ah....please excuse my brother, Nikolas," Phineas added, watching his fingers touch the keys with the precision and speed that he wanted. "He's quite the hyper one."


  Nikolas chuckled when Ferra reminded him that she was an only child. She had a point. Still, he could empathize with his friends with twin siblings. Having a twin was kinda weird. Phineas looked a lot like Nik if he didn't have ears and grew his hair a little longer. And got a tad taller. Ah, if only Nikolas could have grown a couple more inches, then he would be pleased. 

  "The hall looks awesome!" Nik said eagerly, looking around it. "You and Millie did a great job decorating it. Meanwhile, Phin and I were visiting the family for a bit. Dad's fine, he told us alllll about his adventures when he was younger, then summoned a real live phoenix from a book! The neighbors totally freaked! It was hilarious. Then Grandma came to visit and Phin sent her speeding out the house!" At this point, Nik was laughing really hard. "D'you remember, Phin? The old man was like, 'no, don't kill me!' And you were like, 'fuck that lady, I have a piano' and started playing chopsticks. Remember that?"

  Phineas looked up from his piano, still playing, then he sweatdropped. "Ah, yes....how could I forget....didn't you go chasing after her wearing nothing but your underwear?"

  "Ohhh yeah! With a broom, if I remember correctly."

  "....It was a frying pan."

  "It WAS?"

  Phineas rolled his eyes. "...Of course. Knowing you, you wouldn't settle for a broom. You just had to go all out. We still have to replace all those dishes you broke, you know."

  "Pssssh! Dad's pretty easygoing, he wouldn't get mad 'cuz I broke some glass dishes."

  ".....Okay....? What about Mom, then....?" 

 "Um...I'm sure she won't blow her top? As long as Dad didn't get hurt—"

 "Dude, he tried to pick up the glass and started bleeding everywhere. You were too drunk to notice." Phineas rolled his eyes again and returned his focus to the piano. 

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Masaki had been on his journey all the way to Margaret Town from Crocus City after having left Sabertooth and selling his house, buying a new place in Margaret Town that was actually right on the edge of the town. After having struck an arrangement with Lamia Scale's new guild master, Maya Morne, Masaki was going to join the ranks of Lamia Scale and be there in time for Christmas! All of this however, was planned between the two of them for secret. After all, it's a surprise for Grace.  The events of the previous day saddened Masaki, due to the fact that he had to say goodbye to  what had been his family for so long, but In his eyes it was all for the greater good. Saying goodbye to Zeryph however, hurt him the most. But, with his head held up high, Masaki was excited for the change. 

After setting out from Crocus in the early hours of the morning, Masaki was now on the outskirts of Margaret Town. From what he could see, the town was beautiful, and so very quiet. What place was better than this? At least now Masaki could read his books in peace... That would be nice, anyway. The young teenager sighed with relief as he continued on to the entrance of the town, finding himself totally captivated in its contents. It was a very simplistic town, it's people seemed to keep to themselves a lot too, and to actually see that in person and not in a book for a change was actually quite nice. 

As as he continued through the town, Masaki looked at his arm at the spot of where his new guild mark was located, and smiled ever so slightly. Eventually, Masaki got to the beautiful guild building, and knocked on its large wooden doors. The red head would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, but it'd be hard for anyone to even tell. And Masaki didn't know how they'd react to it all, what if they didn't like him? He gulped at the thought. 

"How bad can it be?" He thought. Masaki really had no idea what he was getting himself into. 

From inside of the guild, Grace would hear the kind shouts of Maya which said 'That'll be for you Grace!' Practically as soon as he knocked on the door. 


  "....Tell me about it," Phineas said in response to Shiro's comment, watching his brother, who was grinning like an idiot, before letting the song shift once again to Jingle Bells. Shiro herself really seemed to enjoy the music, so Phineas brought the song up a notch by making it sound more jazzy. He was so focused on playing that he didn't even hear the knock on the door. 

  But Nikolas, with his big cat ears, did. His ears perked up, and, much like a cat, he leapt over to the door before opening it. He examined the person for a second. A new member of Lamia Scale? Slowly, Nikolas's expression rose to an enormous grin; he opened the door all the way for the man. "Welcome to Lamia Scale!" he said quite loudly, practically announcing his entrance. Phineas, who was still in the middle of Jazzy Jingle Bells, was incredibly wrapped up in his playing, so he wasn't really paying attention to anything else. 

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @Maki

Ferra: Lamia Scale GH

Ferra grinned widely when Nikolas mentioned the guild hall being nice, "Thanks! We worked really hard on it." She replied cheerfully. After she grew silent to listen to Nikolas' and Phineas' story about them visiting their parents. She had to admit, their family did sound pretty interesting. When Phineas mentioned Nikolas chasing his grandma out of the house with a frying pan in his underwear she couldn't help but laugh. "Nice work Nik. Really scary with that frying pan I bet." She told him teasingly, still giggling a bit from the story. When she heard a light knock at the door and Nikolas went over to open said door she to walked over to see who it was. "Oooh! Hi Masaki!" She told him excitedly upon realizing who it was. "Here to see Grace huh?" She asked with a grin. "She's around here somewhere, I figured you stop by since it's almost Christmas after all." She said. Then she realized he was likely trying to surprise her, "Oh.....uhh....sorry for announcing your exsistance? We uh, we should go before Grace comes and gets mad." She said, looking between Masaki and Nikolas with a sheepish grin before grabbing Nikolas by the sleeve and walking off. "If anyone asks the door opened itself." She told him, somewhat scared as to what Grace would do, if anything. Never could tell with Grace if she'd get mad or just simply pout.


Ashley's Home - Kitchen - Baking


It was already Chrismas eve and every place she would visit, the place would be decorated nicely and smell like fresh Gingerbread cookies. At the moment, she was standing in the kitchen making her own cookies for both herself and Aiden. She allowed him to stay with her and they became pretty good friends and would always play around, tease eachother. Heck, she made him work to stay in her home so that meant him cleaning or cooking in some form. As she stood in her kitchen, she began to wonder where the heck Aiden even was. He was missing for quite a while and he did tell her he would only be out for about 15 minutes to go get something that she had assumed was a gift.


It didnt take her long to think about what he had told her on that day of their picnic..The week after the kidnapping. She felt sorry for him that he went through what he did when he was younger. Being kidnapped twice, seeing death before his eyes... But lucky for him he found Shen and his other celestial spirits he had gained at the time. "At least he gets a nice christmas and a nice slap in the face with the smell of cookies and hot cocoa.." a smile spreaded on her lips as she released a giggle


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Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall

As everyone proceeded to have a jolly time in the main hall, Tokine was uling out a fresh batch of cookies from the oven in the kitchen. After placing the baking tray on the counter, she removed her mittens and proceeded to move the cooies onto a large plate. Shortly after, she emerged from the kitchen carrying the plate before setting it down on the bar, ready for anyone who wanted some to come and grab one of their own volition. Taking one for herself, Tokine proceeded to wander around the guild hall content to watch everyone enjoying themselves. That was until she noticed Kenya trying to wake up a knocked out Eric. She calmly walked over and slowly knelt down next to Kenya so she could more closely observe him.

"Let me handle this." she said simply before forcefully shoving the extremely hot cookie directly into Eric's open mouth. Hopefully that would wake him up. She retained her stoic expression during all of this. As she waited for Eric to react, Tokine noticed Sakura sitting at a table nearby. Tokine gave a greeting in the form of a small wave.

@Mitchs98@Jackaboi@Nenma Takashi

Draneri The Siren

Crocus City Side Alley


The Siren wasn't sure exactly what she was expecting when the dark mage approached her, a swift death perhaps? She probably deserved it for the hundreds if not thousands of lives she had taken over the past centuries merely to survive, to continue on and live as long as she was able to. She half winced as the girl approached closer to her, though she only received words. A dark arm reaching out, tilting her head up slightly and half drawing the Siren to a slightly more upright position. To roughly Mizuki's height rather then her normal 6' height. Though her wings still draped and dragged against the ground like they were made of lead, even the odd feather was falling and landing against the cold white ground. She opened her mouth to speak but found even words difficult. She held her gaze for quite some time, golden orbs shifting from one of her eyes to the other slowly before she glanced down and to the side gently, almost in a shy fashion though that concept was new for her. At least new in the sense of it being real and not a fabricated shyness to draw in her suitors.

"That...Guild.." She started, her voice still soothing and running gently like a flowing river despite it being softer and weaker then normal. "I only worked with...that guild because Lucian Grey... promised me Prey I could not refuse..he was right....I escaped there..but...I have not eaten...not for weeks. Everything is stale...bland...flavorless...colorless...the whole world has turned grey..."

She found herself drawing closer to the girl, coming somewhat uncomfortably into her personal bubble as she peered up to her. Her very eyelids lowered as she could almost see the Dark Energy swirling around her, almost taste it on her lips and on her tongue, even her mouth parted slowly. "I...know I have done so much wrong...so much but...please...I beg of you...I just...want to taste you one last time. Just one more kiss..just one...and then I will leave. I know I ask so much and give back so little...And afterward I will leave forever I just...need to know. I need to know if what I feel, this aching in my heart is real..." Her soft hands reaching as if to cup and slide her fingers across the girl's cheek. "Just once. Then I will leave you." Her voice oddly void of her normal seduction, no perfumes. What she said, for the first time, was the truth and she hoped she believed her. Though she understood if she didn't. She even understood if the girl turned and killed her. She was ready to accept her fate, her punishment. The consequences.


Mizuki Kohaku

Side Street Alleyway


Mizuki stood patiently as Draneri struggled to find her words. It was understandable really, she was most likely afraid that the dark mage would strike her down if she said the wrong things. She watched as she rose to her feet thanks to the help of her shadowy arms, and took note of how defeated she looked. Her wings looked heavy and as weak as everything else, and the black haired woman knew that this wasn't some plot to try and seduce her. She was prepared this time for such an attack, and she would not let herself fall victim to her spells once again, but it seemed that this wouldn't be an attack. She listened intently as the Siren explained her situation. It seemed that she only helped because of the promise of food, most likely the mages she attempted to kill, and that Lucian Grey had held the girl there against her will and starved her. This was a believable story, it wasn't the first time that the Dark Guild Master had captured and tortured someone. It happened on a daily basis back in her Dark Guild days, and sometimes she had to watch. "I'm sorry that happened to you, but you deserved it for trusting such a monster..." She said sourly at the mention of Lucian. Suddenly Draneri began stepping forward, not in an aggressive way that startled Mizuki but rather a way that seemed like she was in a trance. Their bodies were only inches apart and she was getting rather uncomfortable, but she couldn't back away, not until she knew what the Siren wanted. Her eyes widened slightly at her request, a kiss from Mizuki to feed herself. It all seemed sketchy, yet the way she spoke gave no indication of trickery or deception, just honesty and desperation. Mizuki straightened her body up and stared down at Draneri, bringing a hand up to the one that was on her chin. She didn't want to give the girl a kiss after everything she had done, yet by refusing her she'd be killing the poor thing. Mizuki couldn't break her vow of no killing, even if it was for a monster. "If you plan to use this opportunity to kill me, or turn me against my friend, please wait until after the holidays. I have many gifts I need to give, and a someone will be very disappointed if they don't get them..." The Dark mage said before leaning her head down and sealing their lips, waiting for Draneri to do her thing. If she felt the sudden urge to devote her life to the Siren she'd back away immediately, but if not then she could feast as much as she wanted.

Sera: FT Guild Hall

Sera had been in the guild hall for most of the past few days helping out with the decorations. Or rather, sitting around and putting a few up while telling everyone else where the best place to put them was. She was very much co-coordinating rather than actually doing anything useful. Currently she was near drunk at the bar, still shouting orders for the finishing touches; orders most people tended to ignore. "No no no, put that over there! Not there!" She whined, groaning when she was further ignored. Her advice was good, right? Right! Of course it was. These people were just being assholes. Or at-least, that's what the beer-mug in her hand was saying.



Alara: ST Guild Hall

Rather than deciding to spend the holidays with her guild, or at-least for now; she'd likely go back for the actual holiday, she decided to visit Kasumi. In her opinion it was much better than sitting around while everyone prepared for the holidays, besides she liked seeing Kasumi anyway; not to mention she had to make sure no one was trying to steal her from her or anything. Finally reaching the hall she pushed the door open, "Heyy!" She called out cheerfully as she entered. "Is Kasumi around? I came to see her and give her an early Christmas Present." She asked, holding up the box. She did have an actual present that wasn't herself...this time.

@Drakerus@Jackaboi@Nenma Takashi@Mykinkaiser@everyoneelsethere


Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall

As everyone proceeded to have a jolly time in the main hall, Tokine was uling out a fresh batch of cookies from the oven in the kitchen. After placing the baking tray on the counter, she removed her mittens and proceeded to move the cooies onto a large plate. Shortly after, she emerged from the kitchen carrying the plate before setting it down on the bar, ready for anyone who wanted some to come and grab one of their own volition. Taking one for herself, Tokine proceeded to wander around the guild hall content to watch everyone enjoying themselves. That was until she noticed Kenya trying to wake up a knocked out Eric. She calmly walked over and slowly knelt down next to Kenya so she could more closely observe him.

"Let me handle this." she said simply before forcefully shoving the extremely hot cookie directly into Eric's open mouth. Hopefully that would wake him up. She retained her stoic expression during all of this. As she waited for Eric to react, Tokine noticed Sakura sitting at a table nearby. Tokine gave a greeting in the form of a small wave.

@Mitchs98@Jackaboi@Nenma Takashi

Sakura: ST Guild Hall

Sakura had been sitting at a table in the guild hall pretty much all day drawing presents for everyone. Who needed to pay for presents when you could just draw them for people? As long as she didn't draw any weapons she could just have them summoned forever. She looked up from her drawing to see Tokine jamming a cookie in Eric's mouth, raising a brow she got up and walked over to them after she waved at her with a slight grin on her face. "What are you guys doing to Eric?" She asked, looking from Eric to Tokine. "Also, hey Tokine!" She told her cheerfully. Shortly after that Alara entered the guild hall, Sakura giving her little more than a shrug. She had no clue where most of the guild was, she'd been drawing all day so she wasn't paying much if any attention to anything.


Alicia: Crocus Streets

Alicia, much like Mizuki, had actually been in Crocus shopping for presents. Though she had gotten something for everyone she'd bought multiple things for Mizuki, among them being a new bar rag seeing as hers was kind of destroyed looking. Seeing as she only had to pay a few expenses at the hall like everyone else she had more than enough money to buy presents. She was pretty much loaded down with bags in each arm at this point slowly making her way back to the guild hall humming softly to herself as she walked. She hoped everyone would like what she got them, though she wouldn't be to upset if they didn't. After all she didn't exactly know everyone incredibly well other than Mizuki and Gilad, so it was incredibly possible she got the exact thing they didn't want.



Eric seemed to be having the best dream of his life until someone started pulling on his ear. Although even at the moment they shouted Eric simply replied. "No master I don't wanna go on any missions..." That was until somebody else shoved some kind of food in his mouth... It tasted like... A cookie... But something was different. Suddenly he sprang up from the table looking to be in pain. "OW! OW! TOO HOT!!! TOO HOT!!!" Still though he managed to eat it and used what remaining beer remained in his mug to cool down his mouth. "(pant) (pant...) Ok! Who did that?! Don't get me wrong the cookie was delicious but you could at least cool it down first." His eyes scanned around the room and found Kenya, Tokine and Sakura surrounding him. "Oh! Hey guys! Uh... What just happened?" Soon his eyes fell on yet another person he hasn't seen before, A girl with silver hair. "Also who are all these people!? Did they see my great taste for Christmas decor or something?" Of course only he thought the decorations were great.

@Nenma Takashi @Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Britt-21

Chris Lengheart(Merry Christmas to all, and to all...you know the rest)

Chris strolled down the street with a goofy looking santa hat on and his massive coat that had an abundant amount of fur in it to keep any man his size warm. It was a novelty he couldn't help but buy. His family would be visiting tomorrow, so Chris thought it'd be best if he picked up a few things. He got a few bags of marshmallows for hot coco and a few little gifts for his dad and Damion. As Chris was walking, he noticed someone just staring at a dew covered bench. She had nothing on that was appropriate for this weather. As Chris started walking their way however, he noticed it was Kelica! About a month or so ago Chris and Kelica took a break from one another, whether they got back together or not was an entirely separate story that had yet to be told. 

Chris quickly approached Kelica, already stripping his coat off before calling out to her. "Kelica!" Chris shouted as he soon standing face to face with the blonde. "What are you doing out here like this? It's freezing cold out here!"

And without saying another word, Chris draped Kelica in his coat and put the santa on her in an attempt to keep her warm before wraping her up in his grey and blue scarf. He then started to take her in the direction of his house where it was a lot warmer. "Come on," Chris said as he suddenly switched to centaur form "We'll go back to my place for a bit until you warm up, and then we'll take you back to the guild."

If Kelica decided to hop on, she'd be able to tell that Chris had just gotten his winter coat since his fur was much thicker and actually quite warm and comfy. He was like a big electric blanket.


Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Snow Covered Streets


Kelica took another huge yawn that shook her to her very foundation as a hand half covered her lips. In fact her lips were probably a smidgen blue, and her lips had goosebumps everywhere. But her eyes were way too droopy to notice. She heard a voice that felt vaguely familiar and in an almost drunken stupor she half turned to face him as another yawn escaped. "...mmmm....C..Chris?" She said in an equally confused and sleepy manner. She glanced only momentarily as she felt a coat draped around her shoulders and a hat get plonked onto her head, along with a scarf which she naturally snuggled warmly into. Though her toes still curled gently into the snow. "What am I doing out here?" She said in a mumbled tone, glancing around with a finger to her chin. "I'm...not sure. I was all comfy warm in my bed, and then next thing I'm out here..." Well that just about explained it, the girl had literally rolled straight out of bed and started to walk the Magnolia streets. She followed along without question or a moment's hesitation as her subconscious was just going with the flow so to speak while her brain was hibernating more then usual. And as such the girl wordlessly hooked her foot in against the back of his front leg, while she threaded her fingers into the thicker part of his mane traveling down his back and hoisted up onto his back, smooshing her whole face in against his furry human back while her eyes naturally started to lower down again like she were falling straight back to sleep.

The thicker coat not going completely unnoticed and now she was warmer her body was even more inclined to just...sleep. Not caring why a Centaur was walking down the middle of the street or why a blonde girl was seemingly sleeping right there on his back.


Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

She was sat upon a stool directly beside Valken, a cup of cola in her hand as she gently sipped from it. The guild had received a plethora of new faces since her return and even though a few months had past she was still far from easy around them. Ever since returning home she had been fairly clingy to those she was comfortable around and at this moment that happened to be Valken and Grace. She had been sat between the two for god knows how long, her eyes closed most of the time as she simply enjoyed the buzz of the hall. With all the commotion and strangers that flittered around it gave her a sense of comfort and security to have family members surrounding her. The two of them acting as barriers against all the new people that had joined Lamia Scale since her departure. The familiar buzz was soon interrupted by faint music coming from outside the hall. She paid it no heed until the doors crashed open and one of the newer members came barreling in shouting his greeting. She turned her attention from her drink to the two brothers as they made their entrance, while not overly friendly with them she certainly knew who they were. However the pair of brothers were soon eclipsed as Millie made her entrance and practically threw herself upon Valken in search of approval of her skimpy outfit. Just the sight of the revealing costume caused her to tug her scarf slightly higher to hide her face as she tilted her head down. How people could wear such clothing in public was something she could never understand.

Even so she wasn't about to gawk at everyone and thus turned her attention back to her drink, taking another slow sip of it as yet another newface made his appearance. Given the closeness between Emmerich and Valken she had gotten more accustomed to him than the others but even so she was still fairly reserved around the man. Upon hearing Emmerich's question she turned her attention towards Grace. "That's a good question, what do you have planned Grace? Going to see Masaki again or something?" As if summoned by her uttering his name there was a knock upon the guild's doors and a familiar voice calling out to suggest that it was for Grace. Curious as to who would be knocking for Grace, although she had her suspicions, she gave the silver-haired girl a knowing look before turning her attention to the door. Alas it was not Grace that opened the door, it was Nikolas. Standing within the door was the target of Grace's affection and despite Ferra's attempt to pull Nikolas away the damage had been done, the surprise ruined. Looking back towards Grace she had a small grin upon her face. "Guess you are going to see Masaki again."

@Zuka@Maki@Mitchs98@Fem the Huffling Riceball@LeSoraAmari

Mizuki Kohaku

Side Street Alleyway


Mizuki stood patiently as Draneri struggled to find her words. It was understandable really, she was most likely afraid that the dark mage would strike her down if she said the wrong things. She watched as she rose to her feet thanks to the help of her shadowy arms, and took note of how defeated she looked. Her wings looked heavy and as weak as everything else, and the black haired woman knew that this wasn't some plot to try and seduce her. She was prepared this time for such an attack, and she would not let herself fall victim to her spells once again, but it seemed that this wouldn't be an attack. She listened intently as the Siren explained her situation. It seemed that she only helped because of the promise of food, most likely the mages she attempted to kill, and that Lucian Grey had held the girl there against her will and starved her. This was a believable story, it wasn't the first time that the Dark Guild Master had captured and tortured someone. It happened on a daily basis back in her Dark Guild days, and sometimes she had to watch. "I'm sorry that happened to you, but you deserved it for trusting such a monster..." She said sourly at the mention of Lucian. Suddenly Draneri began stepping forward, not in an aggressive way that startled Mizuki but rather a way that seemed like she was in a trance. Their bodies were only inches apart and she was getting rather uncomfortable, but she couldn't back away, not until she knew what the Siren wanted. Her eyes widened slightly at her request, a kiss from Mizuki to feed herself. It all seemed sketchy, yet the way she spoke gave no indication of trickery or deception, just honesty and desperation. Mizuki straightened her body up and stared down at Draneri, bringing a hand up to the one that was on her chin. She didn't want to give the girl a kiss after everything she had done, yet by refusing her she'd be killing the poor thing. Mizuki couldn't break her vow of no killing, even if it was for a monster. "If you plan to use this opportunity to kill me, or turn me against my friend, please wait until after the holidays. I have many gifts I need to give, and a someone will be very disappointed if they don't get them..." The Dark mage said before leaning her head down and sealing their lips, waiting for Draneri to do her thing. If she felt the sudden urge to devote her life to the Siren she'd back away immediately, but if not then she could feast as much as she wanted.


Draneri: The Siren

Crocus Side Street

The Siren couldn't help but smile up towards Mizuki as she said she deserved it for trusting the Old Man. Granted the girl was probably right, though Draneri was unaware who the Old Man was when he offered his services for the first time. Despite being 300 odd years she very rarely followed the ideals of mortals, and the Guilds as a general rule going where ever she pleased. Until today that is. She'd never tasted or dreamed of a power force as strong and as alluring as this girl was giving out. Draneri simply shook her head side to side gently as she pulled herself even closer, feeling Mizuki grasping her chin and holding her face there in place of where her dark hand was. She shook her head more as she asked not to use this opportunity to kill her. She couldn't even if she wanted to, even if she had the power. She was too sweet. Bitter sweet. Like a burning liquor that was sweet but tingled the mouth. Sour but addictive. And unlike the hundreds of times before her, Mizuki was the one to actually close the gap and kiss her instead.

At first it was just a normal kiss, warm lips pressing against one another, gently like a lover's caress. But slowly Draneri lifted her hands to press in against Mizuki's cheeks, fingers holding tightly to her head to keep her steady as a soft moan escaped her throat. The Siren's lips pulled back for a moment, but only barely, leaving their mouth still touching her as lips parted while she breathed into her very mouth, heavily, her chest rising and falling fast. She only rested like that for a second before she tilted her head and kissed her much harder, more desperately, more passionately. Like her hunger was driving her and she realized just how hungry she actually was. Stepping a foot between the girls as her hair started to agitate a fraction, her wings slowly rising from the ground to wrap around the girl, keeping her close and warm, like their own private black feathered wall. And as every second passed she leeched just a little part of her energy at a time. Each second a strange golden mist would flow from her mouth when she broke the kiss momentarily before she would come back for more. And as each second passed the Siren would straighten, her skin while still pale started to glow once more, the wrinkles smoothing out as the bags from her eyes ceased.

Her feathers suddenly burst outwards almost as the very bone and matter looked stronger in her wings, the pressure tightening around the girl in an almost fever pitch. She was...she was delicious. She couldn't stop herself, The Siren's hair gaining a shine and gloss to the long black locks and slowly as she stood the tables turned, making the Siren now the one to cradle and support Mizuki as her energy was drained. And she wasn't even sure she could stop but...She couldn't could she? Just one more second...one more one more... But if she drained her dry, she could never taste this again, never have this again and so The Siren in a brash move threw her hands up to shove Mizuki back away from her as her wings snapped out, thrusting her back into the cold as her chest continued to heave. She even took a step back as a fluster was worked over her entire cheeks.

Never had she stopped so close to the brink. Never. At least...not for many centuries. Once before, she had stopped as she had now, once more had she let someone go. And the consequences she faced because of that very action.. but she couldn't think of that right now. Still panting the Siren licked her lips momentarily more on instinct as an almost whimper escaped. Torturing herself in her need and in her restraint. "...Just one Kiss..." She muttered more to herself. To remind herself.


Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

It was a fairly benign day within the Guild Hall as she was coiled up upon a rather large ornate couch in the corner of the main room. She simply read from a book, occasionally take a puff of her pipe from her homeland. As was too often the case the peace came to an end with an abrupt slamming of the front doors. A sudden wave of cold swept through the hall forcing her to coil tightly on top of herself and shoot a glare that could kill at the one responsible. Lo and behold Rosa had made her triumphant return and immediately the guild descended into rowdy chaos. Her piercing red eyes kept track of the blonde as she hauled her cargo to a table and unceremoniously dropped the sleeping man. No matter how often she witnessed this sight it never ceased to anger her, were it possible her blood would be boiling. Nevertheless she opted to ignore the display and instead chose to return her attention to the book within her hand. Rosa's rowdiness was nothing new and she could hardly afford to make a scene every time the brute did. However, try as she might she couldn't keep her gaze where it ought to be, her red eyes consistently darting between her book and the commotion at the table. Per the usual Dorian meekly tried to scamper off to go sleep somewhere while Rosa kept him firmly in place.

Seeing an opportunity to perhaps render some assistance while annoying the blonde-haired woman she closed her book and set it gently by her side before sliding from the couch and making her way up the nearby support beam. With silent grace she made her way through the rafters, snaking her way towards the table that housed the trio. She came to a stop directly above the table, slowly and silently coiling herself around the beams for support as she peered down at the trio below. Every muscle in her body tensed as she inched forward ready to strike at any moment. Her eyes were narrow, her tongue rapidly flicking out between her lips as she was absolutely focused on one individual in particular. After a few moments she finally struck, darting out at incredible speed to grab hold of the now-seated Dorian before quickly pulling him with her back up into the rafters. Without even giving the poor boy a chance to voice his complaints she was already coiling herself around him as she looked down on the obviously-upset blonde. "Now now, Rosa, you have to be nicer to poor Dorian. If he wants to sleep you should let him." She gently stroked the man's hair as she spoke, a rather smug look upon her face.


Blue Pegasus - Balsam Village



 Kirin was sitting as a 4 foot 7-inch tall midget on stage, reading a notebook as she provided the festive cheers for everyone. She was loving the peaceful, yet buzzing atmosphere with the support of her more Asian style of music. Took her a damn while to discover it, but once she did, oh boy it was added quickly to the inventory. Though out of the corner of her eye she saw a bit of trouble brewing. She smiled as she punched herself in the stomach as hard as she could. She was flung out of her chair, while an exact replica of herself sat on the chair, still playing the music tracks! Free of her responsibility for a bit, she hovered over the tables to land next to Rosaline and plop a hand on her shoulder. She would then take the now empty seat on the other side of her and comment, "Let a man sleep, Rosy! It's not like he's hurting anybody, is he?" 

She used her music to tap the tap open on the keg, floating over a glass to catch the dropping liquid. With another flick, her music closed the jug and floated it back to her palm. She raised her cup before offering a toast to Acus and Rosaline. Either way, she commented, "How long has it been since everyone has been like this? My little ones back home have been keeping me busy to actually know." She would take another sip before looking around for the only other person who could compete with her equally, Yamato... @Jackaboi

If she did spot the guy, she would call out, "Ey, Yam! Care for some Talkin' and drinkin'?" Though secretly in her head she prayed for him to, moaning out internally about how she has been so busy over the years she practically knew no one other than a 'Hi, whatever your name is!' level...

  Reveal hidden contents


Sabertooth Guild Hall


Katherine had been sitting at the bar. The bar had been her place to sit ever since she didnt have her best friend Miles to sit with. She may have not spoken much but she still listened and put in her input. Sitting on the bar itself was a mug of hot cocoa which had some marshmellows. This was only a replacement for her cold Maitai. Though those didnt last long due to Lionel -Her dragon- taking the marshmellows and eating them. Kathy didnt really care much and just allowed him to eat them whenever she had a mug of hot cocoa. Hearing the Guild hall doors open, the hooded mage looked over as chilly air made it's way over and made goosebumps run along her skin. It seemed there was a girl standing there. Katherine didnt say anything, just watched her ( @AtlannianSpy) She should just walk in..she's letting in cold air... the mage thought. It didnt take long for another person to walk in as well which made her eyes move towards the male.


I wonder what brings these people here... not many people -aside from the guild members-  walk in like this during winter. It's kind of annoying seeing as they leave the door open for a little bit, letting out the warm air and bringing in the cold.  she thought, tilting her head just a little bit before fixing her head again and taking her mug, bringing it to her lips and taking a sip before putting it back down. Pulling her eyes off the mage, she looked at the decorations. It seemed she couldnt get over the fact that it was almost Christmas day. A day of which she couldnt spend with her best friend since he was out on a mission. Though she'd still hang out with the friends she had in the guild hall. If they were around.


@Mykinkaiser(mentioned and noticed) @anyoneelseintheSabertoothhall




Abandoned house - Fairy Tail: Hiding out



It had been a while now since Wyeth had meet Lavender, Yama and Akane. He had kept in touch and he hadn't moved on to a new place like he tended to do, although he was no longer staying in the park. It had become far to cold for him and his birds to be able to sleep under the night time sky. It had been cold before but it was now unbearable for them. They had moved into an abandoned house, it was falling apart on the inside but on the out side it looked pretty good. The  majority of his birds slept on the rafters above him but Caroline, William and Mathew always sleep near him. He Slowly rose from the dusty floor boards he was sleeping on and his three companions joined him, quickly flying to his shoulders. He stood up tall and stretched popping every bone his body before throwing on some clothes, having been in only his underwear. Some how Wyeth had to figure out what to get his three new friends for Christmas . He wanted to get them something meaning full but he didn't actually have money to buy anything, unless he was to use his family's fortune which he was opposed to.


"Well Caroline, here goes nothing." He said addressing the only bird that actually cared about every small detail. He waved to some of his other birds and another five joined him but they weren't as fortunate as the three riding on him, they had to fly above him. He would make it up to them though, he would et them an extra treat, he even needed to get his flock some gifts. The other problem that he was experiencing with buy his new found friends was that he didn't actually know what to get them. They hadn't actually told him what they were in to and what they would like to have. He would have to meet up with the others and pay close attention to what they were looking at and what they were saying. "Now where might they all be?" He knew where Lavender would mostly likely be and he was hoping that Akane would be with her to. From what he knew about them they would be at the fairy tail guild hall and with some luck Yama was there trying to help them recover still. After thinking about it he walked out of the building and began to walk towards fairy tail.




Fairy Tail Guild Hall Kitchen: Making cookies and eggnog and hot cocoa


Lavender loved days like these simply because she was able to make cookies and drinks for all her guildmates. It was always fun to do so. She would make chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies and a custom cookie that most people voted for. This cookie happened to be a chocolate cookie with red and green eminems in it.  Not to mention she was making gingerbreads too so the kitchen smelt like christmas threw up in it. Standing by the large containers, she was filling both with hot cocoa ingredients. One which was made with water to make it less thick and creamy and one with milk which made it creamy. Everyone always preferred one of the other and Lavender wanted to make as much variety as she could. Placing the large metal containers on a moving cart, she then moved to the ovens where cookies were being baked perfectly "Perfect." the warrior said with a warm smile and gathered some cups before bringing out the moving cart into the hall by the bar "Hot chocolate is ready!" she called out to the guild hall "Enjoy! Cookies should be out shortly with the eggnog!"


Lavender was wearing a apron which had been covered in flower and some cocoa powder. Even her face had some flower sitting upon it. Her hair was up in a ponytail to keep hair from falling into anything and she looked almost like a true housewife. "Also, be careful,  the hot chocolate is very hot. Especially in these containers." metal containers which can burn anyone who touches them. Lucky for everyone, there was a small knob that had to be pushed down and would allow the drink to pour out. "One is milk and one is water. They're both labeled here." Lavender was slowly losing her sweet and formal words but she'd sometimes go back to them. Rushing back into the kitchen, she checked on the cookies and then began making eggnog. There had been a small project that she had been working on while in the kitchen. Off to the side there was a small rectangle cake which had tree cookies stuck on top like a forest as well as some icing flowers and a fondant pond in it. She thought maybe Keli would like to see some trees and flowers again along with some grass (Which had been green fondant covering the cake itself. Even if they were edible. @Zuka






Blue Pegasus - Balsam Village



 Kirin was sitting as a 4 foot 7-inch tall midget on stage, reading a notebook as she provided the festive cheers for everyone. She was loving the peaceful, yet buzzing atmosphere with the support of her more Asian style of music. Took her a damn while to discover it, but once she did, oh boy it was added quickly to the inventory. Though out of the corner of her eye she saw a bit of trouble brewing. She smiled as she punched herself in the stomach as hard as she could. She was flung out of her chair, while an exact replica of herself sat on the chair, still playing the music tracks! Free of her responsibility for a bit, she hovered over the tables to land next to Rosaline and plop a hand on her shoulder. She would then take the now empty seat on the other side of her and comment, "Let a man sleep, Rosy! It's not like he's hurting anybody, is he?" 

She used her music to tap the tap open on the keg, floating over a glass to catch the dropping liquid. With another flick, her music closed the jug and floated it back to her palm. She raised her cup before offering a toast to Acus and Rosaline. Either way, she commented, "How long has it been since everyone has been like this? My little ones back home have been keeping me busy to actually know." She would take another sip before looking around for the only other person who could compete with her equally, Yamato... @Jackaboi

If she did spot the guy, she would call out, "Ey, Yam! Care for some Talkin' and drinkin'?" Though secretly in her head she prayed for him to, moaning out internally about how she has been so busy over the years she practically knew no one other than a 'Hi, whatever your name is!' level...

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


"You do know shocking people isnt very nice. I'd have to agree with Kirin" said a navy blue-haired mage as he brought over a blanket and looking at Dorian who was just thrown around like a ragdoll "Nor is throwing tired people around." Kazuo pointed out, placing the blanket down on the table "Think about it, Rosa. If he were to nap now, he could party later with everyone else in the hall. Even though everyone is already doing that." Kazuo had made friends with just about everyone in the guild despite his personality and how closed off he could be. Kazuo had been wearing a black long sleeved shirt with one of his favorite black pants and shoes. He moved his golden eye over to Dorian who was against the wall "Are you alright, Dorian? That looked like it hurt." Dorian was one of Kazuo's best friends, he was almost like a little brother to the Takeover mage. "Also, Rosa, eggnog is being made so i'd make some room if I were you."

Yamato Ren: Also enjoying life at Blue Pegasus Guild Hall


Yamato was in the kitchen preparing a feast like no other for the coming days towards the most festive holiday of the year... Christmas. He spent several hours preparing the food such as the turkey, the stuffing, brussel sprouts and all other kinds of Christmas food. Of course he knew that this kind of food was meant to be saved FOR Christmas not a few days before... Which is exactly why he's saving the best dinner for last. He was sure that everyone in the guild would love it. Finally after the preparations were finished he put all the food into separate ovens and walked out of the kitchen to see his guild mates. The food will probably take a few hours at max so that is plenty of time for him to relax while he can. Upon entering the main hall he spotted some sort of commotion that seemed to centre around Dorian who was being as sleepy as usual. "*Sigh* There are certainly some things that'll never change around here." With a kind smile on his face he surrounded himself with a bubble and floated upwards towards Xira whom currently had Dorian in her grips and probably completely unaware of Yamato's whereabouts. After making it up to the roof he was pretty much behind the Lamia and spoke up. "Why hello Xira~ I have prepared the dinner for tonight and it's now cooking as we speak. Though I must ask... Why are you Holding Dorian all the way up here?"

@Britt-21 @hudhouse @Colt556 @Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Halffix


Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Rosaline was fuming. She slowly placed the cup down against the table but only after Kazuo had placed down a sheet across the table, setting it obviously for some huge feast that Yamato was no doubt making and creating. At times she felt so out of place in this guild it hurt, but obviously their Guild Master for whatever reason saw something within her to allow her to stay. She knew deep down her antics would never even be thought of back at Fairytail, but this place just oozed smooth and sophistication she had never really been antiquated with and the tall girl was trying very, very hard to blend in. Though the hand that was holding her mug was starting to clench, the wood groaning under the pressure as lightning arced and danced around her very wrist and fingers. "You know as well as I do Kazuo, if Dorian were to nap now it wouldn't make a lick of difference later, he'd still find some corner to curl up in and fall straight back to sleep. I still say I give him a little power boost to get the nerves a running..."The idea alone sending a half way devious smile to cross her lips. Breaking the intensity of her stern look.

Rosaline wasn't always this stern after all, Pour a hearty amount of liquor into the girl and she might just be pleasant enough to laugh and smile more friendly. Though she did become louder as a consequence. Meanwhile if you wanted to shut her up, just send her on a wayward challenge to see if she could bench press a whole Lacrima vehicle or run around Town in 5 minutes flat. Training always silenced the girl after all. And just when the girl was starting to calm down, enough to not blow up the entirety of the Guild Hall in one of her uncontrollable Lighting Dome attacks... well... There was a fast movement as something striked down from the ceiling and snapped out at Dorian to hoist him high up into the rafters causing Rosaline to throw herself up from her seat with her hands slamming down against the table. Lightning had traveled by now to cover both her arms, from wrists all the way to her shoulders, her teeth gritted as her livid eyes landed on that hideous Snake woman Xira. Nothing really had happened between the two it was just a known rule they had never gotten along since Rosa had joined some months back.

Rosa's very fingers curl down to scrap into the wood of the table, bunching up the blanket Kazuo had placed down moment's earlier as a thunder clap or two snapped around her. She tried so hard to concentrate on Kirin's music in the background, to try and relax some. But Heaven help she was hell beat on making Fried Snake for dinner... at least she would have if the Damn thing hadn't coiled itself around Dorian making any attack towards her useless. If she shocked the snake, she'd shock Dorian and that only made her even more furious. She stood, death staring the stupid snake lady before her gaze drifted to Dorian's. Her eyes met him for only a second, her face half falling before her teeth gritted and she threw her mug across the room. The lightning that was coating her arms slowly dying down as she stormed away to a complete separate corner of the Guild Hall by herself taking a huge breath out as she laid into something akin to a bean bag, crossing her arms and legs once more and letting out a furious huff though she was trying to control her breathing like Hibiki had explained many many times before.

"Your powers are explosive..." She could almost hear him whisper in her mind. The younger brother, teaching the older sister, how ironic. "Your personality is just as explosive. Imagine how much stronger you could be, if you simply took a breath occasionally." Well it always sounded good in her head, but in the moment it wasn't as easy as that. And that vile snake woman always managed to get in under her skin.

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  "....Tell me about it," Phineas said in response to Shiro's comment, watching his brother, who was grinning like an idiot, before letting the song shift once again to Jingle Bells. Shiro herself really seemed to enjoy the music, so Phineas brought the song up a notch by making it sound more jazzy. He was so focused on playing that he didn't even hear the knock on the door. 

  But Nikolas, with his big cat ears, did. His ears perked up, and, much like a cat, he leapt over to the door before opening it. He examined the person for a second. A new member of Lamia Scale? Slowly, Nikolas's expression rose to an enormous grin; he opened the door all the way for the man. "Welcome to Lamia Scale!" he said quite loudly, practically announcing his entrance. Phineas, who was still in the middle of Jazzy Jingle Bells, was incredibly wrapped up in his playing, so he wasn't really paying attention to anything else. 

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @Maki

-Lamia Scale Guild Hall-

Shiro sighed in defeat as Phineas began playing a jazzy version of jingle bells, she couldn't exactly help it, jazz tunes were her favorite, though no one actually knew that. So with a hum low in her throat she set her book down and started singing again, her movements changing to reflect the Jazz beat coming from the pianist. "You're good a this. You're Phineas yes? Glad to see you can play something besides your spells. You're wonderful." She gave another small smile before getting up, standing so she could project her voice better and started singing louder, just enough that her voice sort of drifted through the hall. Now she didn't have much of a choice but to feel the spirit. Her purple eyes floated over towards the door as Nikolas answered it, raising a curious brow even though she kept singing. She was quickly being put into a good mood by the whole situation her attention focused in a few different everything, she was good at multitasking, and was curious about the person at the door.


Sabertooth Guild Hall


Katherine had been sitting at the bar. The bar had been her place to sit ever since she didnt have her best friend Miles to sit with. She may have not spoken much but she still listened and put in her input. Sitting on the bar itself was a mug of hot cocoa which had some marshmellows. This was only a replacement for her cold Maitai. Though those didnt last long due to Lionel -Her dragon- taking the marshmellows and eating them. Kathy didnt really care much and just allowed him to eat them whenever she had a mug of hot cocoa. Hearing the Guild hall doors open, the hooded mage looked over as chilly air made it's way over and made goosebumps run along her skin. It seemed there was a girl standing there. Katherine didnt say anything, just watched her ( @AtlannianSpy) She should just walk in..she's letting in cold air... the mage thought. It didnt take long for another person to walk in as well which made her eyes move towards the male.


I wonder what brings these people here... not many people -aside from the guild members-  walk in like this during winter. It's kind of annoying seeing as they leave the door open for a little bit, letting out the warm air and bringing in the cold.  she thought, tilting her head just a little bit before fixing her head again and taking her mug, bringing it to her lips and taking a sip before putting it back down. Pulling her eyes off the mage, she looked at the decorations. It seemed she couldnt get over the fact that it was almost Christmas day. A day of which she couldnt spend with her best friend since he was out on a mission. Though she'd still hang out with the friends she had in the guild hall. If they were around.


@Mykinkaiser(mentioned and noticed) @anyoneelseintheSabertoothhall




Abandoned house - Fairy Tail: Hiding out



It had been a while now since Wyeth had meet Lavender, Yama and Akane. He had kept in touch and he hadn't moved on to a new place like he tended to do, although he was no longer staying in the park. It had become far to cold for him and his birds to be able to sleep under the night time sky. It had been cold before but it was now unbearable for them. They had moved into an abandoned house, it was falling apart on the inside but on the out side it looked pretty good. The  majority of his birds slept on the rafters above him but Caroline, William and Mathew always sleep near him. He Slowly rose from the dusty floor boards he was sleeping on and his three companions joined him, quickly flying to his shoulders. He stood up tall and stretched popping every bone his body before throwing on some clothes, having been in only his underwear. Some how Wyeth had to figure out what to get his three new friends for Christmas . He wanted to get them something meaning full but he didn't actually have money to buy anything, unless he was to use his family's fortune which he was opposed to.


"Well Caroline, here goes nothing." He said addressing the only bird that actually cared about every small detail. He waved to some of his other birds and another five joined him but they weren't as fortunate as the three riding on him, they had to fly above him. He would make it up to them though, he would et them an extra treat, he even needed to get his flock some gifts. The other problem that he was experiencing with buy his new found friends was that he didn't actually know what to get them. They hadn't actually told him what they were in to and what they would like to have. He would have to meet up with the others and pay close attention to what they were looking at and what they were saying. "Now where might they all be?" He knew where Lavender would mostly likely be and he was hoping that Akane would be with her to. From what he knew about them they would be at the fairy tail guild hall and with some luck Yama was there trying to help them recover still. After thinking about it he walked out of the building and began to walk towards fairy tail.




Fairy Tail Guild Hall Kitchen: Making cookies and eggnog and hot cocoa


Lavender loved days like these simply because she was able to make cookies and drinks for all her guildmates. It was always fun to do so. She would make chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies and a custom cookie that most people voted for. This cookie happened to be a chocolate cookie with red and green eminems in it.  Not to mention she was making gingerbreads too so the kitchen smelt like christmas threw up in it. Standing by the large containers, she was filling both with hot cocoa ingredients. One which was made with water to make it less thick and creamy and one with milk which made it creamy. Everyone always preferred one of the other and Lavender wanted to make as much variety as she could. Placing the large metal containers on a moving cart, she then moved to the ovens where cookies were being baked perfectly "Perfect." the warrior said with a warm smile and gathered some cups before bringing out the moving cart into the hall by the bar "Hot chocolate is ready!" she called out to the guild hall "Enjoy! Cookies should be out shortly with the eggnog!"


Lavender was wearing a apron which had been covered in flower and some cocoa powder. Even her face had some flower sitting upon it. Her hair was up in a ponytail to keep hair from falling into anything and she looked almost like a true housewife. "Also, be careful,  the hot chocolate is very hot. Especially in these containers." metal containers which can burn anyone who touches them. Lucky for everyone, there was a small knob that had to be pushed down and would allow the drink to pour out. "One is milk and one is water. They're both labeled here." Lavender was slowly losing her sweet and formal words but she'd sometimes go back to them. Rushing back into the kitchen, she checked on the cookies and then began making eggnog. There had been a small project that she had been working on while in the kitchen. Off to the side there was a small rectangle cake which had tree cookies stuck on top like a forest as well as some icing flowers and a fondant pond in it. She thought maybe Keli would like to see some trees and flowers again along with some grass (Which had been green fondant covering the cake itself. Even if they were edible. @Zuka






Blue Pegasus - Balsam Village



 Kirin was sitting as a 4 foot 7-inch tall midget on stage, reading a notebook as she provided the festive cheers for everyone. She was loving the peaceful, yet buzzing atmosphere with the support of her more Asian style of music. Took her a damn while to discover it, but once she did, oh boy it was added quickly to the inventory. Though out of the corner of her eye she saw a bit of trouble brewing. She smiled as she punched herself in the stomach as hard as she could. She was flung out of her chair, while an exact replica of herself sat on the chair, still playing the music tracks! Free of her responsibility for a bit, she hovered over the tables to land next to Rosaline and plop a hand on her shoulder. She would then take the now empty seat on the other side of her and comment, "Let a man sleep, Rosy! It's not like he's hurting anybody, is he?" 

She used her music to tap the tap open on the keg, floating over a glass to catch the dropping liquid. With another flick, her music closed the jug and floated it back to her palm. She raised her cup before offering a toast to Acus and Rosaline. Either way, she commented, "How long has it been since everyone has been like this? My little ones back home have been keeping me busy to actually know." She would take another sip before looking around for the only other person who could compete with her equally, Yamato... @Jackaboi

If she did spot the guy, she would call out, "Ey, Yam! Care for some Talkin' and drinkin'?" Though secretly in her head she prayed for him to, moaning out internally about how she has been so busy over the years she practically knew no one other than a 'Hi, whatever your name is!' level...

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


"You do know shocking people isnt very nice. I'd have to agree with Kirin" said a navy blue-haired mage as he brought over a blanket and looking at Dorian who was just thrown around like a ragdoll "Nor is throwing tired people around." Kazuo pointed out, placing the blanket down on the table "Think about it, Rosa. If he were to nap now, he could party later with everyone else in the hall. Even though everyone is already doing that." Kazuo had made friends with just about everyone in the guild despite his personality and how closed off he could be. Kazuo had been wearing a black long sleeved shirt with one of his favorite black pants and shoes. He moved his golden eye over to Dorian who was against the wall "Are you alright, Dorian? That looked like it hurt." Dorian was one of Kazuo's best friends, he was almost like a little brother to the Takeover mage. "Also, Rosa, eggnog is being made so i'd make some room if I were you."


Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Seeking Lavender and Terrified



"Alright Caroline since you were the one who had the flock vote on whether or not I should stay you have keep a close eye on her since you were the one who forced me to stay here." The bird let out a sort of sigh, something that only a bird would be able to do. He held his coat close so that he would be warm and after walking from where he was staying to the fairy tail guild hall. He put his fist up as though to knock on the door but he decided against it. Instead he pull the door open and he rushed into get out of the cold. He wasn't meant for this type of weather and should have made his way as far south as he could have. Inside the guild all was some much better, he felt like he could like hell had frozen over. Caroline flew off of his shoulders searching the room for Lavender. It felt odd for Wyeth to be in the fairy tail guild hall since this was his first time, he felt as though he would be obligated to join even though he didn't really want to be part of a guild at the moment. His lift style just didn't allow it.


He took a step very carefully, almost as though he were trying to maneuver a great canyon and if he took a wrong step he would fall to his death. Then he took another step, almost spending more effort then he had in the first step. When he wasn't looking at his feet he was looking at everyone else, he felt as though a thousand eyes were glaring at him. His hair was standing on end and he once again felt cold due to all of the anxiety he was feeling. "Just pretend like they aren't really there." He continued to look around the room, all seemed to be quiet as he moved away from the door. His hear was pounding and he felt nauseous. "Come on a one noble born shouldn't be so cowardly. Come on Wyeth, push your self. She has to be here, right?"  He wanted to pull his jacket over his face so that no one could see him but he restrained him self.


Even though Wyeth's eye's were jumping from person to person he didn't see Lavender. Luckily Caroline wasn't losing her mind and was reliable, she could smell something good cooking in the kitchen and made her way to the door being able to see some one moving about in there. It wasn't long before she recognized the person inside as being Lavender. "She's in here Wyeth, in the kitchen." Seeing his bird Wyeth ran the rest of the way trying to keep his eyes away from everyone else and focusing on the ground as he ran to the door. He stopped just short of the door not looking back to see if they were judging him for barging in unannounced and without introducing him self. He placed his hand on the door nob but wasn't sure if he should turn it, instead he lifted his hand and nocked once on the door. "Lavender? It's me Wyeth."


@Britt-21 @anyoneelseinthefairytailguildhall

Ferra: Lamia Scale GH

Ferra grinned widely when Nikolas mentioned the guild hall being nice, "Thanks! We worked really hard on it." She replied cheerfully. After she grew silent to listen to Nikolas' and Phineas' story about them visiting their parents. She had to admit, their family did sound pretty interesting. When Phineas mentioned Nikolas chasing his grandma out of the house with a frying pan in his underwear she couldn't help but laugh. "Nice work Nik. Really scary with that frying pan I bet." She told him teasingly, still giggling a bit from the story. When she heard a light knock at the door and Nikolas went over to open said door she to walked over to see who it was. "Oooh! Hi Masaki!" She told him excitedly upon realizing who it was. "Here to see Grace huh?" She asked with a grin. "She's around here somewhere, I figured you stop by since it's almost Christmas after all." She said. Then she realized he was likely trying to surprise her, "Oh.....uhh....sorry for announcing your exsistance? We uh, we should go before Grace comes and gets mad." She said, looking between Masaki and Nikolas with a sheepish grin before grabbing Nikolas by the sleeve and walking off. "If anyone asks the door opened itself." She told him, somewhat scared as to what Grace would do, if anything. Never could tell with Grace if she'd get mad or just simply pout.

Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

She was sat upon a stool directly beside Valken, a cup of cola in her hand as she gently sipped from it. The guild had received a plethora of new faces since her return and even though a few months had past she was still far from easy around them. Ever since returning home she had been fairly clingy to those she was comfortable around and at this moment that happened to be Valken and Grace. She had been sat between the two for god knows how long, her eyes closed most of the time as she simply enjoyed the buzz of the hall. With all the commotion and strangers that flittered around it gave her a sense of comfort and security to have family members surrounding her. The two of them acting as barriers against all the new people that had joined Lamia Scale since her departure. The familiar buzz was soon interrupted by faint music coming from outside the hall. She paid it no heed until the doors crashed open and one of the newer members came barreling in shouting his greeting. She turned her attention from her drink to the two brothers as they made their entrance, while not overly friendly with them she certainly knew who they were. However the pair of brothers were soon eclipsed as Millie made her entrance and practically threw herself upon Valken in search of approval of her skimpy outfit. Just the sight of the revealing costume caused her to tug her scarf slightly higher to hide her face as she tilted her head down. How people could wear such clothing in public was something she could never understand.

Even so she wasn't about to gawk at everyone and thus turned her attention back to her drink, taking another slow sip of it as yet another newface made his appearance. Given the closeness between Emmerich and Valken she had gotten more accustomed to him than the others but even so she was still fairly reserved around the man. Upon hearing Emmerich's question she turned her attention towards Grace. "That's a good question, what do you have planned Grace? Going to see Masaki again or something?" As if summoned by her uttering his name there was a knock upon the guild's doors and a familiar voice calling out to suggest that it was for Grace. Curious as to who would be knocking for Grace, although she had her suspicions, she gave the silver-haired girl a knowing look before turning her attention to the door. Alas it was not Grace that opened the door, it was Nikolas. Standing within the door was the target of Grace's affection and despite Ferra's attempt to pull Nikolas away the damage had been done, the surprise ruined. Looking back towards Grace she had a small grin upon her face. "Guess you are going to see Masaki again."

@Zuka@Maki@Mitchs98@Fem the Huffling Riceball@LeSoraAmari

-Lamia Scale Guild Hall-

Shiro sighed in defeat as Phineas began playing a jazzy version of jingle bells, she couldn't exactly help it, jazz tunes were her favorite, though no one actually knew that. So with a hum low in her throat she set her book down and started singing again, her movements changing to reflect the Jazz beat coming from the pianist. "You're good a this. You're Phineas yes? Glad to see you can play something besides your spells. You're wonderful." She gave another small smile before getting up, standing so she could project her voice better and started singing louder, just enough that her voice sort of drifted through the hall. Now she didn't have much of a choice but to feel the spirit. Her purple eyes floated over towards the door as Nikolas answered it, raising a curious brow even though she kept singing. She was quickly being put into a good mood by the whole situation her attention focused in a few different everything, she was good at multitasking, and was curious about the person at the door.

  Nikolas blinked when Ferra dragged him away from the door. Guess that there was some sort of surprise that he didn't know about. Then again, he always dragged his brother on random missions ever since they had joined, which hardly left time for him to understand anything that was going on. However, since Ferra was apologizing, he assumed that he had ruined the surprise, a habit of the Neko boy. "Ah....sorry 'bout that...." He said with a nervous chuckle. "Got a little overly excited there."

  Phineas, meanwhile, reddened a bit at mention of him being a good pianist, still playing. "I'm not that great....I'm still learning, after all. And yes, I am Phineas Saedor. My brother and I joined a few months ago. And sorry about Nik, by the way. He's got a habit of being a total butthead."

  "I heard that," Nikolas called from across the room. Phineas ignored his brother, like always. 

  "....But he's got potential," Phin continued, closing his eyes as he played. "He could become a master at Transformation Magic if he tried."


Fairy Tail Guild Hall Kitchen: Making cookies and eggnog and now talking with Wyeth



Lavender looked over at the door as she heard a soft knock "Hm?" she said to herself as she looked at the door and when the voice had come through, it was Wyeth's voice. This made her raise her eyebrow and wonder why he was in the hall. Putting down the tool she had been using to mix the Eggnog, she walked to the door and pulled it open to see the male in front of her. From the looks of it, flower seemed to have gotten into her hair now and there was a lot more on her apron and face. "What brings you here, mr Wyeth? I thought you had headed home for the holidays." she asked, her head tilting as her blue eyes studied him for a moment before hearing the oven beep which made her rush over and grab gloves along the way and pull the oven  door open and pulled the tray of gingerbreads out and placed them on the counter before closing up the oven again "Sorry, i'm quite busy today. Making holiday treats for my whole guild. I also have another project going on for Kelica - One of my favored friends- and i'm sure she'd like it."


A smile spreaded upon her lips as she took a hand fan and began to fan the gingerbreads to cool so she could decorate them "You may take a cookie off that plate if you would like to." she said "Just one. I cant have you eating up all of the sweets and leaving nothing to my guild." she teased with a giggle as she tossed off one of her oven mitts. Taking a deep breath and looking at the time "Time flies when you are baking, does it not?" her eyes moved over back to Wyeth



Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Ever since the group had gotten back and Grace had been seperated from Masaki, she had pretty much attached herself to her lost friend Mikado. She had to make up two years time that they lost due to her stupid dark guild hunting adventure. Mikado couldn't just ditch her best friend and get away with it. She was currently sitting up at the Lamia Scale bar, a rather unusual place for her to be. The short girl didn't drink alcohol, but mikado had decided to sit up there with Valken, so she obviously followed. She sat up there with a glass of cola, a bored expression on her face despite the cheerful environment. Things were pretty calm and nice earlier in the day, until the two brothers arrived and began making a mess of the place. Grace didn't like them very much since they were new, loud, and had bigger breasts than her despite being male. It was so unfair that people who weren't even supposed to have a bust managed to be better than her. It just really rustled her jimmies. To make matters Millie came vaulting over to Valken wearing a skimp outfit that showed off all her curves. Grace couldn't help but growl slightly at the sight. 

Fortunately for her Mikado had piped up, asking her what she'd do for Christmas. Her answer was a no brainier, her fellow short friend already guessing the correct answer. "Yeah, I plan on taking the train down to Crocus tomorrow morning. I haven't told him though, because I want to surprise him! I'd invite you along but I think he'd want it to be just the two of us, so you're stuck here with dumb and dumber." She said, referring to Nikolas and Phineas. Just then she heard a knock on the door and Maya's booming voice saying that it was for her. Instantly she hopped out of her seat, excited to see what it was. Perhaps it was a present for her, or maybe her parents coming to visit. She hoped it was the present over her parents due to their different beliefs on where Grace should be right now, but her parents would be nice nonetheless. However, before she could even take a step Nikolas was at the door talking to someone. This just put a sour expression on her face seeing that he ruined whatever surprise awaited her at the door. "Nikolas what the hell!? Your name isn't Grace so why are you answering the door!? You're ruining my surprise!" She snapped at the newcomer, watching as Ferra came in and began ushering him away. Where did they think they were going? No one escaped an angry Grace, no one! Letting out another growl she fired a concussion blast at them, a spell that would only knock them away from where it hit rather than explode and hurt them. It was only meant for Nikolas, but Ferra deserved it for having a bigger chest. They should be within blast radius if her calculations were correct, but only time would tell. Besides, there were more important things to do instead of shooting her guildmates with explosives, like looking at what arrived for her at the door. The flat chested girl stomped over to the door, peering up and gasping at what she saw. It was Masaki! His arrival was unexpected but extremley welcomed. "Masaki!~" She cheered as she jumped into his body, arms wrapping around his body and face pressing into his chest. All signs of anger and annoyance just disappeared into thin air, the joy of seeing her love overcoming all of that. "I didn't expect to see you here! And from the looks of it you brought enough stuff to move in! Come on in Masaki, I'll introduce you to everyone." 

@Colt556 @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Zuka


Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Nervous



"Oh I am sorry if I disturbed you. I just um... I just wanted to spend some time with you is all. I haven't been home in several years now and I couldn't bring my self to do it." He was staring at the cookies not knowing what to do. He wanted to take one but he didn't want to if it meant that she was going to have to do more work to get everything done. Also did she want him to leave? He thought that she knew that he had stayed in town. Although he wasn't on bad terms with his family he felt guilty about leaving them and having to spend his father's money when he couldn't take care of himself. When ever he used any of his father's money he made sure to skip town as soon as he could so that he father couldn't find him to bring him back. "Can I help you with anything?" He picked up a cookie nervously and took a bit out of it. "This taste like heaven." He broke off small pieces and gave it to the few birds that were with him. "Caroline, what do you think? Should I get her something to cook with." The bird looked at him with angry eyes, seeming to not like that idea as though it was to simple. "Yeah you are right I should try to figure something else out."


"Hey after we are done cooking do you want to go hang out and do something? We could find some ice to skate on or go to the park. I still have some Christmas shopping I need to do if you will come with me." He was hopping that she wouldn't catch on to him since he was only buy presents for a few people since he hadn't talked to many others. He looked around the kitchen for the things he needed to make cookies. "What was that recipe, one cup of butter, one and a half cups of sugar, one egg. Okay I think I know what I am doing."  Quickly he started to go to work making his favorite sugar cookies recipe that he hadn't made in some time. At first the cookie down was to sticky and he had to mix in more flower. Soon the cookies were coming together and he began to form little balls in his hand.



Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall - Margaret Town


The Shadow Mage had himself facing towards the back of the bar with a wistful look on his face and a half empty glass of straight Scotch with no less and no more then 2 ice cubes floating within it. What time was it? Morning? Midday? Afternoon? Regardless he didn't seem to even blink at the time or his choice of beverage as he let the girls run about doing their own thing and covering the Guild Hall in all kinds of red and white regalia. Honestly he should have been more attuned to where Millie was and who she was with, but she was so buzzed and excited he literally could see nothing of her but a blur around the Guild Hall. He had his head resting in the palm of his hand as he peeked behind the bar and the bottle of 100year old Scotch just sitting within arms reach. It was like, the staff here didn't even care and assumed if it was in a position he could reach then he would be less likely to break their ACTUAL stash of liquor to feast himself on.

So still in a half bored state, he heard some strange music and the Guild Hall doors open and while he glanced over his shoulder in a half bored state, his ears and eyes were instantly assaulted by a blur of red and white as something delicious pressed itself into his back causing his mouth to half gape open. Well the voice was unmistakably his bouncing in every sense Girlfriend, then he felt the pressure of said huge rack into his back making a quick fluster come to his cheeks. Though he coughed and calmed himself long enough after she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and he did indeed turn to face her in his bar stool, one arm still bent back to rest against the Guild Bar, his face his usual cheeky grin.

"Yeah..." He answered in a half bored tone, as he glanced to the roof.

"The outfit is OK....I guess..." He answered in an offhanded manner. Then he slowly stood and reached forward to wrap an arm around her middle while his other hand grasped at her shoulder strap which insisted to fall down her shoulder and slowly peel it upwards into it's normal spot. Despite it almost definitely falling down again in about a minute time. "....But it isn't nearly as pretty as the Girl wearing it.." His grin only widening as he leaned down as if to give her a heavy kiss on her lips, but turned at the last second and kissed her cheek instead. And as with everything to do with Valken, he stepped back and away after teasing her, stretching his arms high above his head. "Anyone seen Frosty? I mean... it's a bar here, with Alcohol, and I can't see him out shopping specials..."

@Maki @Mitchs98 @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mykinkaiser

Millie Tllaloc

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


The cheerful and happy look on Millie's quickly changed into a disappointed one when Valken said that her outfit was just ok. She had chose the outfit just for him and he didn't like it. Her fashion sense and dignity felt absolutely crushed as did her confidence. She thought that he'd think it was cute and fun, but no, it was just ok. He could've said something like "I like it, but it's not really your style" or "baby, it's good but it's not you", but instead he said it was just ok. "O-oh. I see that you don't like it that much. I'll go change it I guess..." She said sadly, turning around and letting out a defeated sigh. However before she could go anywhere the blonde girl felt an are tightly wrap around her waist, spinning her around and pulling her swiftly into Valken's body. She stared up into his eyes and blushed as he spoke, finally getting what he meant. He did like the outfit, but her own beauty outshone the other! He was so poetic with his words and it made her bright smile come back. "Oh baby, you're so sweet. I thought for a second that you didn't like the outfit..." She said happily, leaning in for a kiss only to be tricked into a cheek kiss. That was pretty embarrassing, but it was a kiss. When the situation was turned to Emmerich, Millie simply shrugged and stepped back. She had no clue as to what Frosty's whereabouts were, but she assumed he was close by. And close by he was as the blonde man soon came into the scene, making a rather lewdcomment about her and Valken. "Oh my~"


Haruhi was currently sitting eagerly by the door of her home, waiting for her lovely wife to walk up and knock on the door. She was so excited to see Ciel once again, the two finding it difficult to see one another. Haruhi was in Sabertooth while Ciel was in Fairytail. Neither of them wanted to leave their guilds which made settling down together extremely hard. Yet they managed, and every visit was a special one. This time the blue haired girl had managed to convince her to come up to her place. 

The moment Ciel knocked the door swung inwards to reveal a jolly looking Haruhi clad in an ugly snowman sweater. Almost instantly she wrapped her arms around the girls and rubbed their cheeks together in glee. "Hello honey! Welcome to my home. Come on in and make yourself comfortable." She said happily, walking backwards and bringing both of them inside. The inside of her home had little snowmen decorations around, and well as an undecorated Christmas tree.  The smell of freshly baked cookies would hit her as well. "As you can see I've decorated for us, and I've baked you cookies! There's also some hot chocolate if you want it, next to the cookies."

@happy red mage 


Loud stomping rumbled through a small magic shop, the shop bell making its traditional ring. A panicked Aiden hurried into the quiet shop, he had left the apartment about 30 minutes ago. Thanks to him begin an idiot he forgot to actually get a gift for Ashley. He fucked up, he fucked up bad. He walked around looking for an item that he could give to her as a gift, nothing caught his eye. A loud grunt escaped from the tall male, he picked up a vile full of quicksilver. It was pretty but really didn't have any use for her magic. A familiar green glow formed around Aiden's neck, a small emerald snake hissed into life"So, out finding Ashley a gift? It seems a little late for something like this." Aiden slightly tapped the snakes head, an annoyed expression painted his face. "Oh shush, Shen you know how much she means to me. I'm just an idiot. Now I have no idea what to do." 


At this point, Aiden had expanded almost of the shops' items. The only thing left was the jewelry section, necklaces with odd jewels and powers. That was till he found two necklaces, both had a similar ring attached to a thin gold chain. The two rings had writing etched into the silver metal, ending with a blue and red gem respectively. The shopkeeper perked up once Aiden took an interest, a small slime spread across their aged features. " A fine piece you see there, They are physic communication necklaces. When two people wear them they can talk to each other through their magic connection. It's worth about 5,000 Jewels." That price was rather large, but it seemed like a perfect gift for her. Aiden coughed up the money and walked out of the shop with a wrapped gift. He opened the door to Ashley's house sheepishly.  "I'm home Ashley." He went to quickly hide the gift under the couch where she couldn't see it. 



Chris Lengheart(Just like old times)

Chris couldn't help but grin as Kelica snuggled up into his fur. He started to simply walk instead of going into a full on gallop like he normally would. Looking back at Kelica, Chris saw that she was already dozing off. 'Yep, that's Kelica...hasn't changed at all.' Was the first that went through Chris' mind as he continued to carefully walk down the street, trying his best to ensure that his passenger didn't wake up.

After a short while, Chris finally made it home. He changed to his human form and was now carrying Kelica in more of a piggyback style. He reached into his pants pocket and removed his key before placing it into the lock and heading on inside. Chris' house looked all nice and cozy for the holidays, multiple Christmas decorations strung about and surprisingly seemed to pull everything together. Chris walked carefully to the sofa as he gently placed Kelica down before heading into his room, picking up a bright red blanket, and bundling up Kelica to keep her warm. Chris went over the fireplace and put in a few logs before using an internal takeover to breath a bit of fire onto the logs to get the flame going. He let out a small yawn before heading into the kitchen and making two cups of hot cocoa. He placed one on the table in front of Kelica and took a seat on his recliner before taking a few sips and looking into the fire as it crackled and popped. When Kelica wakes up, she'd notice that Chris' hair was actually longer. It just hung wildly at his sides, not really being done all that well. 

Once Kelica was all warmed up, Chris would probably just end up taking her back to the guildhall and parting ways for the next couple of months. That's honestly the way it felt. They hadn't talk for the past couple of months, and never saw each other until now. Hopefully, that would change and they'd at least start talking again.


Chi Cho Kai - Fairy Tail Guildhall

Chi would walk into the guildhall, breathing in the wonderful air of eggnog and cookies. He smiles to himself, happy to see people have the Christmas spirit about the guildhall. And for once, no one's fighting each other, or drinking (heavily). Chi takes his coolie hat off, and hangs it around the back of his neck. Chi hasn't been back in the guildhall for a long time. It's been forever, and today he chooses to come to the guildhall? Chi slaps his head, in means of the terrible idea of his.

GAH! Everyone's probably either on missions, or visiting family, I forgot!

Chi rubs his head slightly, pulling his coolie hat back on his head, and beginning to walk out the door. He should have thought about this, after all, holidays are usually the only day the Guildhalls are completely empty. Once Chi was outside, he would push his foot into the ground, which would crack the stone beneath his feet like styrofoam, before jumping onto the nearest building, and running back to his bungalow in the woods to meditate. Maybe he should visit on another day.

(In case you guys are open for RP with him)

Timothy Harvard: The Cold Walk on Christmas Eve

Timothy was restless and felt worried, why? Because his friend Sora who he became friends a while back stopped responding to all of his letters. The train was unable to get to Magnolia due to the current snow storms that were happening in the region. He did not take this as an answer, if he wasn't able to get there by train then he would go by foot alone. Timothy remembered everything that happened a while back as it was yesterday.

*Flash Back*


Timothy had helped Sora reunite with her friends and guild mates before running off to give the flowers to the old man. He did and saved the old man's date with his wife. He was happy he was able to get those flowers. However despite this, he felt a hole in his non-existent heart because was unable to join a guild in the town of Magnolia. That night he sat near a tree in the middle of town wondering what will happen next. He sat there with his head down until he heard a voice "Um...hello? Are you alright?" the voice asked as he looked up.

"Oh! It's you!" he said in a pleased voice.


*Flash Back End*


Timothy ever since has been keeping in contact with Sora through the use of letters ever since he left town in search of a new guild. He would write in his letters about the crazy adventures he had, fighting monsters and random villians, finding new places and visiting unknown sites, eating good food and trying out new things. The lone wanderer had a lot to talk about but he never felt lonely because of the letters he would write and receive back from Sora. However when the letters stopped, Timothy felt the urgent need to figure out why they stopped. He wrote approximately 183 letters after she stopped replying and was surprised that she did not receive a single one.  

Timothy trekked through the snowy fields, walked pass the lush forests and climbed the steep mountains for days disregarding his own safety as he battled other wild creatures on the way with only one thought on his mind.

"What happened to Sora?"


He continued even covered in snow and wearing nothing more than his regular attire. When he finally reached Magnolia, Timothy had a huge smile on his face as he jumped with joy before plummeting down into the snow. He felt a bit embarrassed by this and continued walking towards Magnolia. He first visited the guild but didn't see her anywhere in site, he walked through the town and into the shops where she might be, he then decided to visit other complexes and housing areas to see if she was around but hardly any luck. 

His last stop was at the cemetery which is the least expected place he would visit according to his calculations, he walked through the very creepy and cold place until he spotted a petite figure which matched the body results with Wendy. He immediately rushed to her due to his scanners results.

[H.U.D:Psychological Scans]


[High Levels of Depression, Sadness and Grief detected within scanned subject: Sora]



This gave Timothy the signal that something was seriously not right, he rushed over there with a huge concerned look on his face as his hand shaked Sora's shoulder. "Sora? Sora?! Are you ok?! Speak to me!" he said in a frightened voice as he continued shaking his hand while still covered in snow.



Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Valken watched the defeated look on her face which as a consequence his suddenly paled. Did that sound harsh? In hindsight, yeah that was pretty dickish of him. He knew how much she adored Christmas, her bubbly nature still surprised him to this day. He just couldn't seem to wrap his head around why Christmas was so important to her. But ultimately if she was happy, he was happy. Still brooding on his near miss, the bundle that would have seen a tsunami of tears flood the Guild Hall reminiscing of a Water Mage, he turned as low and behold his best mate Frosty appeared as if outta thin air and he went to talk to him when he noticed a commotion at the front door. Someone knocked, a neko boy answered the door (which he could have sworn had a huge rack a moment ago but maybe he missed something while his focus was on Millie). Ferra pulled him away, to which Valken's eyes narrowed in a curious manner. She'd spent an awful lot of time around that boy, maybe she had a cru-

CRASH! Valken tensed up and had already slung a dagger out as Grace came out of no where and threw both Ferra and that boy across the room. He probably could have stopped it, but one look to Grace's face confirmed he reallllyyy didn't need to get between that. So reminiscent of any partial Parental figure he simply made a offhanded face, slung his dagger back away and completely ignored it. If he 'sees' it he has to deal with it, right?

And on that note as he spun around, that was the exact moment he saw Frosty drinking HIS expensive Scotch. And not just a small amount, the guy was Damn near trying to finish it off! 

Well it wouldn't be a day in Lamia Scale if those two older (and supposedly wiser) boys didn't fight so completely turning from Millie he hooked his foot into a nearby chair,  kicking it up into the air before spinning in a 360 kick and sending the Chair Missile straight at his back. 

And like a hundred times before, the chair slammed and suddenly exploded like it had simply hit a brick wall, literally the floor around him was covered in wooden fragments and Emmerich didn't even flinch. 

"You know that's mine right? I don't remember you asking for it..." He said in a deathly tone, but a grin was already flooding his face as he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. Pushing the balls of his feet into the ground though he otherwise looked composed.

Another day in paradise....

@Mykinkaiser @Maki @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mitchs98 @Arius LaVari @LeSoraAmari @Colt556
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Masaki was kind of taken aback when some strangers came running over to the door, opening it, and greeting him rather enthusiastically. "Oh! Uhm.. Hi?" He said, a nervous smile filling his face as a chuckle escaped his mouth. It was then that Ferra arrived and also greeting him, Masaki smiled at her for a brief moment as Ferra was quick to drag Nikolas away from the door. These people seemed nice so far, but slightly in your face a bit. Perhaps they just liked new people? Masaki sighed then as Grace sent a concussion blast towards the boy who opened the door and then to Ferra also. Judging from the look on her face, Grace was absolutely livid and there was most definitely no escaping that. 

After that was done, Grace approached him and seemingly jumped into him, her arms wrapping around him and in response, his eyes wrapping around her. Masaki smiled to Grace as she spoke to him, the two not having seen each other since the events of the Grimoire Heart kidnapping. Or was it before that? Either way it felt like a decade had gone by since he last saw her. When Grace spoke to him, Masaki smiled to her, the smile albeit nervous in its appearance. "Sure, that'd be nice I suppose." Before Grace could move any further, Masaki quickly lifted up the sleeve of his jacket in order to show Grace the mark that donned his body. "The guild master and I struck an arrangement, she offered me a place here so I took it. Merry Christmas!" He said enthusiastically as he hugged Grace once more before letting her lead him into the guild.

The Hall seemed to be descending slowly into total chaos by the second. "This is very different to Sabertooth." He spoke, quietly to himself before continuing to follow Grace into his new guild. 

@Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Maki @Colt556 @Arius LaVari @Mitchs98
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Draneri: The Siren

Crocus Side Street

The Siren couldn't help but smile up towards Mizuki as she said she deserved it for trusting the Old Man. Granted the girl was probably right, though Draneri was unaware who the Old Man was when he offered his services for the first time. Despite being 300 odd years she very rarely followed the ideals of mortals, and the Guilds as a general rule going where ever she pleased. Until today that is. She'd never tasted or dreamed of a power force as strong and as alluring as this girl was giving out. Draneri simply shook her head side to side gently as she pulled herself even closer, feeling Mizuki grasping her chin and holding her face there in place of where her dark hand was. She shook her head more as she asked not to use this opportunity to kill her. She couldn't even if she wanted to, even if she had the power. She was too sweet. Bitter sweet. Like a burning liquor that was sweet but tingled the mouth. Sour but addictive. And unlike the hundreds of times before her, Mizuki was the one to actually close the gap and kiss her instead.

At first it was just a normal kiss, warm lips pressing against one another, gently like a lover's caress. But slowly Draneri lifted her hands to press in against Mizuki's cheeks, fingers holding tightly to her head to keep her steady as a soft moan escaped her throat. The Siren's lips pulled back for a moment, but only barely, leaving their mouth still touching her as lips parted while she breathed into her very mouth, heavily, her chest rising and falling fast. She only rested like that for a second before she tilted her head and kissed her much harder, more desperately, more passionately. Like her hunger was driving her and she realized just how hungry she actually was. Stepping a foot between the girls as her hair started to agitate a fraction, her wings slowly rising from the ground to wrap around the girl, keeping her close and warm, like their own private black feathered wall. And as every second passed she leeched just a little part of her energy at a time. Each second a strange golden mist would flow from her mouth when she broke the kiss momentarily before she would come back for more. And as each second passed the Siren would straighten, her skin while still pale started to glow once more, the wrinkles smoothing out as the bags from her eyes ceased.

Her feathers suddenly burst outwards almost as the very bone and matter looked stronger in her wings, the pressure tightening around the girl in an almost fever pitch. She was...she was delicious. She couldn't stop herself, The Siren's hair gaining a shine and gloss to the long black locks and slowly as she stood the tables turned, making the Siren now the one to cradle and support Mizuki as her energy was drained. And she wasn't even sure she could stop but...She couldn't could she? Just one more second...one more one more... But if she drained her dry, she could never taste this again, never have this again and so The Siren in a brash move threw her hands up to shove Mizuki back away from her as her wings snapped out, thrusting her back into the cold as her chest continued to heave. She even took a step back as a fluster was worked over her entire cheeks.

Never had she stopped so close to the brink. Never. At least...not for many centuries. Once before, she had stopped as she had now, once more had she let someone go. And the consequences she faced because of that very action.. but she couldn't think of that right now. Still panting the Siren licked her lips momentarily more on instinct as an almost whimper escaped. Torturing herself in her need and in her restraint. "...Just one Kiss..." She muttered more to herself. To remind herself.


Mizuki Kohaku

Crocus Back Alley


Mizuki began to blush slightly as they started to kiss. The dark mage wasn't used to so much physical contact, let alone kissing. It was a new and interesting experience, one that she was getting into. When the cold hands of Draneri rested against her cheeks her own hands found their way to her hips, falling onto them and holding her softly. As the two broke away for a moment just barely Mizuki slowly opened her eyes to stare at Draneri. She wanted to ask if it worked, but before she could speak their lips connected once again, more stronger than ever. This time she felt the energy slowly draining from her body, yet it didn't feel sinister. Despite this being one of the first times kissing someone, she knew that there was no trickery behind it. 

When Draneri wrapped her wings around her body Mizuki believed that she was passing out and almost shoved her away. Yet the ruffle of the feathers was enough to tell her what was happening. This actually put the black haired woman at a lot of ease. It made her feel more secure and safe at the mercy of Draneri. The amount of energy that was being drained was really taking a toll on her. Mizuki's legs were shaking heavily and her arms were wrapped around her waist for support. She didn't know how much energy the siren needed, but she hoped that she was almost full. Yet at the same time she didn't. The kissing was wonderful, exciting, and new. It gave her a glimpse into the world of love, and she couldn't get enough. But the more she kissed the closer she came to death. 

Suddenly Mizuki was pushed away from Draneri, the weakened girl falling back onto the ground. She stared up at the siren with a flustered face, mouth open to take in deep breaths of air. "What...now?" The dark Mage asked while attempting to get up, using the wall as a support. "Will you go back to killing for food? Or will you seek me from here on out...?"

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