Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Miyamoto Ryu (Artist's Brush; Shadow; Molten).png

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ryu yawned lazily as he sat in the guildhall, reading that day's paper. Today was a much more laid-back than usual. Over the last few months, he'd spent every other day teaching, well trying to teach, Kelica how to focus and how to be less hyperactive. Unfortunately, that had turned out to be a much more daunting task than he'd imagined it would, and progress these last few months had been slow. However, over the past few days, Kelica's attendance had gone sharply downhill. Either she would come very late, or sometimes, she wouldn't come at all. And even when she did come, she was sluggish and low energy, with an even greater inability to focus. Because of that, and because it was the holiday season, he'd given her a few weeks off her training, to rest up, and to ride out whatever it was she was going through. 

He cast a look around the guild hall as he sat there, reading his paper. It was quite a bit less rowdy and chaotic than usual, as a lot of the guild members were either away to visit family, or getting ready for the holiday festivities. Not that he minded of course. The peace and quiet that filled the normally disastrous guild hall was a godsend to Ryu, since he finally was able to hear himself think. When he heard the door to the guild hall open, he turned  in the direction of the sound, hoping that it was Sora, as she had been gone for quite a while and he was starting to get worried about her. Unfortunately, it was not Sora, but instead Kelica, who had brought Chris with her (Or had it been the other way around?). She burst into the hall, shattering the peace and quiet that Ryu had been appreciating. Oh well he thought to himself. I guess Kelica's going to do, what Kelica's going to to. Whether we like it or not. He smiled, in spite of himself, at the situation. Even in the dead of winter, and while she was going through whatever it was that had afflicted her, Kelica still made an effort to be enthusiastic and chipper. Although, at a certain point, he had to admit, her chipperness and over enthusiasm could get a bit annoying and grate on his nerves. He couldn't help but sigh as Kelica entered the guild hall and subsequently tripped. She did try to tuck and roll with the fall, but ended up just barreling into some of the other guild members. It seemed that, no matter how much training she'd gone through, Kelica was still Kelica.

@Britt-21 @Zuka @Colt556 @Isune @Kyuubey @TheSecretSorcerer @Kojuen @LeSoraAmari @Salt Lord @Genon
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Millie Tllaloc

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


The cheerful and happy look on Millie's quickly changed into a disappointed one when Valken said that her outfit was just ok. She had chose the outfit just for him and he didn't like it. Her fashion sense and dignity felt absolutely crushed as did her confidence. She thought that he'd think it was cute and fun, but no, it was just ok. He could've said something like "I like it, but it's not really your style" or "baby, it's good but it's not you", but instead he said it was just ok. "O-oh. I see that you don't like it that much. I'll go change it I guess..." She said sadly, turning around and letting out a defeated sigh. However before she could go anywhere the blonde girl felt an are tightly wrap around her waist, spinning her around and pulling her swiftly into Valken's body. She stared up into his eyes and blushed as he spoke, finally getting what he meant. He did like the outfit, but her own beauty outshone the other! He was so poetic with his words and it made her bright smile come back. "Oh baby, you're so sweet. I thought for a second that you didn't like the outfit..." She said happily, leaning in for a kiss only to be tricked into a cheek kiss. That was pretty embarrassing, but it was a kiss. When the situation was turned to Emmerich, Millie simply shrugged and stepped back. She had no clue as to what Frosty's whereabouts were, but she assumed he was close by. And close by he was as the blonde man soon came into the scene, making a rather lewdcomment about her and Valken. "Oh my~"



Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Valken watched the defeated look on her face which as a consequence his suddenly paled. Did that sound harsh? In hindsight, yeah that was pretty dickish of him. He knew how much she adored Christmas, her bubbly nature still surprised him to this day. He just couldn't seem to wrap his head around why Christmas was so important to her. But ultimately if she was happy, he was happy. Still brooding on his near miss, the bundle that would have seen a tsunami of tears flood the Guild Hall reminiscing of a Water Mage, he turned as low and behold his best mate Frosty appeared as if outta thin air and he went to talk to him when he noticed a commotion at the front door. Someone knocked, a neko boy answered the door (which he could have sworn had a huge rack a moment ago but maybe he missed something while his focus was on Millie). Ferra pulled him away, to which Valken's eyes narrowed in a curious manner. She'd spent an awful lot of time around that boy, maybe she had a cru-

CRASH! Valken tensed up and had already slung a dagger out as Grace came out of no where and threw both Ferra and that boy across the room. He probably could have stopped it, but one look to Grace's face confirmed he reallllyyy didn't need to get between that. So reminiscent of any partial Parental figure he simply made a offhanded face, slung his dagger back away and completely ignored it. If he 'sees' it he has to deal with it, right?

And on that note as he spun around, that was the exact moment he saw Frosty drinking HIS expensive Scotch. And not just a small amount, the guy was Damn near trying to finish it off! 

Well it wouldn't be a day in Lamia Scale if those two older (and supposedly wiser) boys didn't fight so completely turning from Millie he hooked his foot into a nearby chair,  kicking it up into the air before spinning in a 360 kick and sending the Chair Missile straight at his back. 

And like a hundred times before, the chair slammed and suddenly exploded like it had simply hit a brick wall, literally the floor around him was covered in wooden fragments and Emmerich didn't even flinch. 

"You know that's mine right? I don't remember you asking for it..." He said in a deathly tone, but a grin was already flooding his face as he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. Pushing the balls of his feet into the ground though he otherwise looked composed.

Another day in paradise....

@Mykinkaiser @Maki @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mitchs98 @Arius LaVari @LeSoraAmari @Colt556

Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

She watched as Grace made her way towards the door, giving Nikolas and Ferra a quick blast as she went. As Grace excitedly threw her arms around Masaki she let her gaze wander, taking in the entire guild hall. Her eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly as she looked upon the various people within the hall before spinning around to face back towards the bar. She glanced to her side at Valken as he was still dealing with Millie. However that changed as he got to his feet, complaining about Emmerich swiping his stash. Given how Valken acquired the alcohol she didn't really think he had the right to complain about someone stealing it but she wasn't about to actually say that out loud. With Grace gone to fawn over Masaki and Valken gone to do whatever it is he wanted to do she now found herself sitting alone. While not exactly making her comfortable at the very least Emmerich was still a seat down so there was that at least.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard a loud crash beside her. Before she could even react wooden shrapnel flew at her from the exploding chair, chips of wood covering her cap and jacket and even going so far as to get into her drink. The threatening voice of the shadow mage soon followed behind her, immediately cluing her in as to who was responsible. Her gaze fell as she reached up and tugged her cap down slightly, a rather foreboding feeling flowing from her. She spun around on her stool and hopped to her feet, shoving her hands into her jacket as she slowly made her way over to Valken. All the while the combination of her scarf and cap worked to obscure her face as she kept her head downcast. The only obvious sign that something was amiss was the wooden pieces covering her head and shoulders. She finally came to a stop a few feet in front of Valken and cast her gaze up at him. The cap did well to overshadow her face giving her an almost eerie look as the glare that filled her eyes was now visible to the shadow mage. "Valken...." The tone of her voice did little to hide the anger that welled up within her and even as she spoke the man's name she pulled her hands from her jacket as blue magic particles coalesced within her hands before taking the shape of her customary handguns. She trained the weapons upon the man who had thrown the chair and again spoke up, her voice mimicking the coldness of Valken's own only without the cheeky grin to accompany it. "Apologize."


~Celestia Corona: Sitting with Rosaline~


Celestia had shuddered when Rosaline had zapped her, but otherwise shook it off, including the harsh expression that Rosaline had sent her way, the blonde had seen far scarier things on her travels and never let that deter her from being friendly either. She had eyed Dorian when he approached and placed a hand on Rosa's shoulder, causing the still cross-legged girl to blink as she watched lightning arc across the hand wrapped in a rubber glove, offering a drink but what had surprised her was how quickly Rosaline had invited her along to go with them, and the nickname which she actually really loved because it was the first time someone had called her that, she usually got 'star girl' or things like that. "Yeah! I'd love that actually! As for my magic...well it's part lightning..." As if to demonstrate she held up her hands, her left hand having what could equate to a lightning orb sparking in her hand, while in her right hand an orb of earth, it was shaped in the form of Saturn, rings and all, after she showed them she grinned and made them vanish by closing her hands, "But it's earth magic as well, specifically I can mix the two together in maker style magic...if that makes sense." The cheerful girl giggled as she plopped down in a seat near but not exactly next to Rosaline, just so she didn't get into the other woman's space too much. Then she finally turned her attention to getting a bit of eggnog herself, she smiled brightly as she ordered it then sat back and drunk the stuff fairly quickly, getting another that she actually drunk slower. "This is delicious...Kazuo right? I could drink this stuff all day!" @Britt-21 @Zuka

As she sat there she had started dangerously balancing in her chair again, causing it to wobble quite a bit especially since she was doing it on one leg now, that's what she was doing, up until a man who introduced himself as Yamato Ren approached her, she kept her balance and grinned at him brightly, a wide infectious smile that always seemed present on her soft, almost child-like face, "You're an S-class wizard?! That's amazing! Even though I've been studying my magic all my life I can't even dream of S-Class." She laughed suddenly, again holding out her hand, with a lack of lightning, "Well I'm Celestia Corona! It's nice to meet you Yamato, I hope we can get along as well! You're pretty cute, you got a girl around here?" She changed her attitude just slightly, letting out the flirtatious side that she hadn't let others see too often before, but the man in front of her was quite pretty...though she wouldn't say he looked more like a girl and that was why she said 'cute' instead of 'handsome', nope she wouldn't say that at all, the now slightly more flirtatious smile, softened two colored eyes, stayed on the person she was speaking to, as she always did. @Jackaboi

~Shiro Ai: Lamia Scale guild hall~


Shiro snapped her head up upon hearing Ferra's comment towards Grace and as if in response she shrunk in on herself and now she noticed another girl standing threateningly in front of Valken and felt a chill run down her spine, that girl was really angry and all the white haired mage could do was shake her head, eyes once more not on her book and focused on the possible fight that was now threatening to ensue. Why was everyone in this guild so hot headed? She grumbled under her breath about 'ridiculous behavior' and a few choice curses before actually raising her voice so the ones nearing a fight could hear her, "If you all are going to fight, I think you should take it outside! I'd rather hear Phineas' music than your screams of agony when either Grace or the girl with the cap ends your life!" Her voice rose above the music for only a moment before she waved at Phineas, gesturing for him to come sit with her, since she was more out of the way and she wasn't sure the others would listen to her request of taking the fight outside...knowing them they'd just toss the people back into the building anyway. It would still be safest next to the protection mage though.

@Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98 @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Colt556

Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guildhall


Grace stared down at Masaki's arms with wide, bright eyes as she began to process the news she was given. He had the Lamia Scale Guildmark instead on the Sabertooth one. She quickly looked up at him and smiled happily. "Y-You left your guild and moved here? And it was for me? Wow Masaki!" She said in a stunned voice before letting out a loud and joyous squeal, leaping up and latching to his body, arms and legs tightly wrapped around his. "This is the BEST Christmas I've EVER had!" The short girl screamed, nuzzling Masaki's chest for a few moments before letting herself down and taking both of his hands. Today was one of the best days in her life. She could finally be with the love of her life for now and ever. They could visit every day instead of every few months. Their relationship can finally grow and blossom into something more wonderful! Unfortunately her happy behavior came to an end as her eyes saw the busty female version of Nikolas, showing off and teasing her about her chest. Her once wide and happy eyes turned into cold glares at the sight. Letting go of Masaki's hands she ignited a purple flame and angrily shot missiles at him and Ferra. Not her old concussion blasts but her actual explosion missiles. They had to learn a lesson, they had to fear her and her flat chest! "Will you two ever give me a break!?" She screeched, stomping her foot against the floor and crossing her arms across her chest. "I'll take off a limb the next time you do something like that! Or I'll get Mad Maya to beat you two up!" Once her message was said Grace turned around to Masaki, a less angry but still annoyed face. "Ignore those two, I'll show you my friends. They're over at the bar." Taking his hands she led the boy over to the bar where Valken, Mikado, Millie, and Frosty were all in some big fight. She had no idea what the hell it was about, but she could only assume it was about alcohol. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I want you to meet my boyfriend Masaki. You already know Mikado, but I don't know about the others." 

Millie was quick to react when Grace introduced her boyfriend Masaki. "Oh hello! My name is Millie!" She said excitedly, wrapping her arms around Masaki in a tight hug. "You got such a cute one Grace! And you're a very lucky boy, Gracie-Poo is just an absolute angel!" Grace wasn't too happy that Millie was hugging her boyfriend, her hands clenched into tight fist. "Back up you big boobed monster..."

@Zuka @Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98


To be entirely honest, Emmerich realized he had been hit by the chair more by the fact that it splintered around him rather than by the actual impact itself. Predictably, he didn't so much as flinch, let alone stagger, under the hit either, which ended up being a very good thing due to the fact that it prevented him from spilling the very high quality scotch in his hand, truly a blessing. Carefully setting the bottle down Emmerich turned to his friend with his usual wolfish grin, not paying any heed to what was going on in the background with the short girl and Ferra. After all, he had something that was much more interesting happening right in front of him.

He was about to take action when Mika stepped between them. It appeared as though the splinters from the chair had in some way inconvenienced her as she was currently training two handguns straight at Valken's face. Now, this was a problem, not because of the danger his friend was in, but because the girl was getting in the way of their fight. As such, Emmerich placed his left hand on her shoulder, thrusting her off to the side as he simultaneously stepped forwards to throw a right handed jab at Valken's gut, the punch moving much too fast for your average person to dodge. That said, Valken wasn't your average person. Eh, either way, Emmerich was going to have himself some fun.
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Walking through Margaret Town -> Is about to come up to Lamia Scale guild hall


Christmas eve. The day before christmas and the day she went out to go find Emmerich. The young Faust found herself in the the area of Margaret Town where the Lamia Scale guild hall had been sitting and protecting said town. Evelyn's hands had been shoved into her coat pockets as the cold breeze began to brush against her reddened cheeks "Where the 'ell is this guild?" she muttered to herself in her brother's accent as the snow crunched beneath her boots while she walked down the street. Clearly she hadnt spotted the hall yet simply because she hadnt been down the right street but that didnt stop the young blonde to keep searching for the Lamia Scale hall. The cold air brushed her pale cheeks which had turned red from the cold as well as the tip of her nose. "If that's the 'all then I better get my ass inside." she said as she pulled her hands from her jacket and jogged up to the guild hall and stopped a few feet in front of the large building and looked up to see the flag draped over the front " 'ere it is. Let's 'ope you're still 'ere Emmerich. I didnt come all this way to 'ave you out on a mission." especially on the Eve of christmas.


Just as she was about to approach the front doors of the guild hall, she heard a whistle which caused her to turn her head the source and see a man in a dark hood. "Well by the way you're dressed. I assume you arent 'ere to escort me inside." sarcasm dripped on her words as the young Faust heard multiple footsteps behind her which caused her to turn and see a small group of men trying to surround her  " 'ey 'ey! Where's the Eggnog! We cant have a party without that now can we?" she asked with a grin planted on her lips as one of the men charged at her to which had her sidestep and slam her elbow into his spine with force like no other, sending him face first into the cold snow "Attacking a woman isnt very nice." said Ev as she looked at the other guys who seemed to close in "I guess this party is over?" she asked just as all of them jumped her.


Of course, she was causing massive distruction in front of the guild hall, throwing guys into walls and causing debris to fly everywhere, slamming them into the ground and causing the pavement to come upfrom the ground "Who even thought that this 'ad been a good idea on Christmas Eve? You should be with your families... If you even 'ave any." she released the man she had slammed into the pavement. Hewas knocked out by the impact. Before the blonde knew it, a fire spell hit her from behind and sent her flying into a building and caused debris to fly everywhere and smoke to emmit from the impact. A laughbegan to escape through the smoke as it cleared up, revealing Evelyn standing there as her hands were covered in flames "You just made a bad choice." she said before dashing towards the mage and throwing a heated punch up into his jaw (uppercut) and then did a roundhouse kick sending him flying through a few walls of a nearby building as well as causing a explosion due to the fire magic she ampedand sent back through him. Surprisingly she managed to keep Lamia Scale's guild hall unharmed.


Standing in the intersection, she dusted off her hands and began to walk off towards the hall "I 'ad a good time! Thanks for the warm up!" waving her hand, she approached the doors and let out a sigh "You better be in 'ere Emmerich." she would fight him even though she knew he'd win. Especially from all the word spreading about his destructiveness within bars. Pulling open the door, she poked her head in and then slipped her whole body inside while closing the door behind her. The first thing she saw was a blonde-haired man throwing a punch at a dark haired male. A grin planted on her face as she approached the two " 'ey! Arent you forgetting about little ol' me? Maybe I want to throw a few punches 'ere and there!" called out Evelyn. If anyone were to pay attention to her grin, it was almost like her brothers, but more feminine.


@Mykinkaiser Mentioned @Zuka
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Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

after taking a drink from his mug and an arm reached up to place the tankard upon the table "that's a rather sad to hear but good too see it isn't keeping ya down then eh? I would toast but the height is a bit of an issue" in regards to his own rather than hers "going well the underground gets boring rather quickly the weather and terrain on the surface is vastly different luckily I have encountered snow before that mountain entrance it always covered in it", his eyes tracking as her form grew much taller close to that of Rosa "well now you're just full of tricks ain't you." Rosa had finally made her way back to the table after the little interruption from the scaled menace before  "Ah welcome back to the table, why is your mug still empty" with some minor grunting the dwarf hauled himself onto the table and began to pour from the impossible flask once again filling the tankard within a few short moments, before slapping her hand in a friendly manner and taking his seat on the bench once again. His eyes and the top of his head peering over

looking to the well presented man also seated "Kazuo Takara eh? well it's very nice you meet good sir" giving a half bow but without looking over the table all one would see would be the top of his head and eyes dip forward and disappear for a moment or two.

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Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

As she spoke to Yamato she could feel the man within her coils begin to stir. Not inclined to keep him against his well at the moment she loosened her grip and allowed him to drop to the floor below to go and deal with Rosa. It was then that Yamato continued, explaining that they were to have a feast like no other which caused her eyes to light up. As a Lamia her appetite was quite large and it was always a delight to be filled with Yamato's cooking. Nevertheless she couldn't allow herself to lose her composure. "I am certainly looking forward to it." It seemed as if Yamato was distracted by something down below and a quick flick of her tongue clued her in as to what it was that had captured his gaze. Her piercing red gaze followed the man as he drifted elegantly to the ground to introduce himself to the new member. The girl's scent was something she had noticed before but she had never actually met the blonde-haired beauty. She shifted her position slightly to rest her back against the wall as the end of her tail swayed to and fro above the group seated below. Pulling her pipe out she dropped in a sprinkle of some kind of substance before taking a gentle puff.

The conversation below kept most of her attention as she listened carefully, the exchange between Celestia and Yamato providing her with ample amusement. "Now now, Yamato, do let the girl settle in before you lay on your charm." Her voice drifted down from the rafters above the table. She saw no reason to vacate her new-found position, especially given the rather crowded nature around the table. There was also the ever present safety factor of never being too close to Rosa lest the girl decide to fly off as she often did. However the mention of eggnog nearly brought her down from her position only to be staved off by her will at the last moment. Even so she was not about to give up on the liquid treat. "Kazuo, do be a dear and give me a share." Try as she might she could not fully suppress the desire for the drink from displaying upon her face. She adored all things western and that most assuredly extended to their food and drink. The rarity of Eggnog being only available in the winter months made it all that more tantalizing.

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse

Ophelia Kaiser -- Magnolia Outskirts

The former guild master had been in the middle of nowhere, snowflakes falling onto her blue hair as she hurriedly walked to a place she hoped no one would ever find her. She'd noticed that with each Magic Council meeting, the elders seemed to get more and more suspicious of her, as if she had an aura that screamed out her many, many sins yet only she was unable to hear it... 


The snowfall continued and even became harsher, Ophelia having to wrap her cape so tight around herself that it began to rip in her hands... Of all the seasons she would have to make an escape, it had to be winter. A hopelessly unfortunate turn of events yet again, just like with how her ship crashed, and how most of her friends had drowned along with it... Her dad made it out alive, but she hadn't spoken to him in months. And with the whole situation, it might turn out that he'd think she were dead... How would he react to hearing that his daughter went missing?

Nothing past the destruction of the ship would have happened had she not made that stupid contract with Alfie. It all started with him and his glorious pink hair.


Maybe Ophelia could have lived with just sinking her life and having to live on land. At least then it would have been easier to deal with, because it had been her own fault. But someone who tricked people into thinking they'd get wishes though knowing they could never hold their end of the deal... She deserved none of this. 


She drew her cold steel blade at an attempt to summon something, anything to get her out of Magnolia, be it a train cart or even a sled, but the girl just couldn't focus. A few droplets of water feebly formed in the air before freezing and falling into the rest of the blindingly white snow. Ophelia still had the extra power Alfie burdened her with, she knew it... but it was useless without a calm mind to control it. And right now, the former guild master had no such thing.


She continued to push through the falling snowflakes and icy air that all seemed to go against her, away from the responsibility that wanted to pull her back.



Alfie Roderick -- Fairy Tail Guild Hall

The past few months for Alfie had been surprisingly... Simple.

Ever since the sudden disappearance of a certain looming pressure on literally all of Earth Land, he's been able to be a lot more at peace with himself. It had been hundreds of years since there was fun to be found in anything, let alone purpose in festivities.

But this Christmas had been different from the rest, especially considering there were people around to actually enjoy it with. Like Kelica, whom had decided it would be a good idea to drop in and barrel roll over the floor. How did she even keep momentum like that...? Surely there had to be some

force working against her... Or she jumped down a hill Alfie didn't know about.


Nonetheless, she was about to hurt a lot of people, and more importantly, herself, if she kept on going. With the flick of a wrist (which had a tree ornament wrapped around it), he summoned a complex web of gold and silver tinsel to stop her fall completely, only one or two strands breaking, and maybe her back depending on how she hit it.

"Having fun?" Alfie asked when he was sure Kelica hadn't snapped her spine, allowing the many patterns of angel hair seep back into the cracks between the wooden floorboards.



Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

As she spoke to Yamato she could feel the man within her coils begin to stir. Not inclined to keep him against his well at the moment she loosened her grip and allowed him to drop to the floor below to go and deal with Rosa. It was then that Yamato continued, explaining that they were to have a feast like no other which caused her eyes to light up. As a Lamia her appetite was quite large and it was always a delight to be filled with Yamato's cooking. Nevertheless she couldn't allow herself to lose her composure. "I am certainly looking forward to it." It seemed as if Yamato was distracted by something down below and a quick flick of her tongue clued her in as to what it was that had captured his gaze. Her piercing red gaze followed the man as he drifted elegantly to the ground to introduce himself to the new member. The girl's scent was something she had noticed before but she had never actually met the blonde-haired beauty. She shifted her position slightly to rest her back against the wall as the end of her tail swayed to and fro above the group seated below. Pulling her pipe out she dropped in a sprinkle of some kind of substance before taking a gentle puff.

The conversation below kept most of her attention as she listened carefully, the exchange between Celestia and Yamato providing her with ample amusement. "Now now, Yamato, do let the girl settle in before you lay on your charm." Her voice drifted down from the rafters above the table. She saw no reason to vacate her new-found position, especially given the rather crowded nature around the table. There was also the ever present safety factor of never being too close to Rosa lest the girl decide to fly off as she often did. However the mention of eggnog nearly brought her down from her position only to be staved off by her will at the last moment. Even so she was not about to give up on the liquid treat. "Kazuo, do be a dear and give me a share." Try as she might she could not fully suppress the desire for the drink from displaying upon her face. She adored all things western and that most assuredly extended to their food and drink. The rarity of Eggnog being only available in the winter months made it all that more tantalizing.

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


Kazuo nodded at the dwarf ( @Halffix ) and then lifted his head as he heard a woman's voice come from above. When he looked up, he seen Xira hanging around on it and he nodded "Of course." he said, walking off and grabbing a decent sized cup and filling it with eggnog. Before he returned to her, he went and grabbed something which could cover the top and keep it spill free from what he was about to do. He then dashed towards the general direction of where Xira was and then jumped up onto the rafter with ease and gracefully. He then pulled off the cover and handed her the eggnog "Here you are." he said "I made sure not to spill it on my way up here." he informed her with a small smile on his lips "I do hope you enjoy your drink." once she had taken the drink from his hand, he sat on the rafter as well, looking down at the rest of the guild hall and the members "I see why you choose to stay up here."

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall

Kazuo nodded at the dwarf ( @Halffix ) and then lifted his head as he heard a woman's voice come from above. When he looked up, he seen Xira hanging around on it and he nodded "Of course." he said, walking off and grabbing a decent sized cup and filling it with eggnog. Before he returned to her, he went and grabbed something which could cover the top and keep it spill free from what he was about to do. He then dashed towards the general direction of where Xira was and then jumped up onto the rafter with ease and gracefully. He then pulled off the cover and handed her the eggnog "Here you are." he said "I made sure not to spill it on my way up here." he informed her with a small smile on his lips "I do hope you enjoy your drink." once she had taken the drink from his hand, he sat on the rafter as well, looking down at the rest of the guild hall and the members "I see why you choose to stay up here."

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

Her gaze followed after the man as she went off to procure her a drink as asked. A small look of surprise flashed across her features as he cleanly leapt up to where she was seated. She had fully expected him to merely hand it up to her, her tail was more than long enough to reach down for it after all. That look of surprise quickly morphed into a grin as she took great joy when others went to such lengths for her. Reaching out she took hold of the cup and quickly brought it to her lips, savoring the taste as the liquid flowed down her throat. The end of her tail swayed back and forth with increased speed as she happily took to her drink. After a few gulps she lowered the glass and let out a contented sigh. "Thank you, Kazuo." Another surprise soon followed as the man moved to take a seat upon the rafters rather than make his way back down to join everyone else. She followed his gaze down to the group below as they chatted and drank. While they weren't exactly far away the height gave a fairly unique perspective and sense of isolation. With the man's comment she flashed him a delicate smile accompanied by a nod. "After seeing Dorian asleep up here so often I opted to see what it was like for myself. It turned out that resting up here provided numerous advantages, chiefly the rising heat, although the view certainly doesn't hurt."

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse
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Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


Kazuo listened to Xira as she spoke. She spoke so highly of the spot that had always been available to everyone. "Perhaps Hammocks up here would be a good idea, dont you think?" he asked, looking over at her with a light chuckle "Dorian always seems to find odd places to sleep. This is one of those places as you have mentioned." he looked back down at the group he had once been standing with "I think you could claim up here as yours and use it as a possible ambush point if something were to go wrong within the guild such as an attack." Kazuo got up onto his feet and jumped onto the other rafter with ease before sitting down once more and facing her  "Is the eggnog good?" he asked "I havent had a taste for myself yet though I plan to have some soon." he just didnt feel like drinking yet. When he was in the mood, he would drink as much as he'd like. Kazuo noticed he was also talking more than he usually does... Maybe it's the holiday spirit making him talk more than he should. @Colt556

The rustling of paper could be heard from within the office of Maya Morne, the new Guild Master of Lamia Scale. After Lloyd's disappearance, Maya was forced to retire from the council and take up the mantle as the guilds master, as per the request of the chairman himself. Apparently, Lloyd was last seen heading to the west - his motives unknown to everyone, even those closest to him. However, right now, Lloyd's whereabouts was the least of her concerns, she had a job to do and she intending to do it. "Ophelia Kaiser.." Spoke Maya, quietly to herself as she sat at her desk and looked through the series of paperwork on it. From pictures to written reports, everything was there, even the location of her current whereabouts was detailed on the findings. After a long research period, Maya proceeded to head over towards a cabinet that had a strange teleportation device inside of it. Thanks to the many meetings the council held, one of the mage's on council managed to take a strand of Ophelia's hair and create a teleportation device that'd teleport the user to her exact location. With the chairmans permission, Maya was granted ownership of this device. 

Without cracking a smile, Maya put the miniature device in her pocket as she headed out of her office and onto the second level of the guild, atop of the Guild Masters balcony. Eyes gleaming down at the guild members, her eyes shifting into a deadly stare as the woman's gaze befell Laura. The sounds of her heels connecting with the ground filled the whole hall with an ominous and dense feeling to it. Eventually, as she reached the main floor, Maya spoke aloud to everyone present. "I have some business to attend to, I won't be gone for too long." Turning to Valken personally, she continued, "I expect you to manage things while I'm gone." And with that, Maya smiled to everyone present before leaving the guild and heading out back into an open space. The same space used by the guild members to train, in fact. 

Upon her arrival, Maya pulled out the strange device from her pocket and crushed it in her hands. Upon scattering it across the ground, a magical portal opened that of which was similar to the one she had used to arrive in Magnolia during the Fantasia Festival. Stepping inside of it, a bright blue light seemingly shot up into the sky with a loud crackling sound to it before it simply vanished. No doubt, the whole of Margaret Town would've seen an heard it. 

It was then that Maya appeared in a forest, the surrounding area covered in snow as the sounds of footsteps could be heard not too far away. Using her telekinesis magic to levitate, Maya roamed the forests until she came across a trail of footprints and a magical signature to follow, following these two things, it wasn't long until she found who she was looking for. 

'I've found you.' 

Maya stopped levitating as she landed softly on the ground, the sound of snow crunching beneath her. "Ophelia Kaiser." She called out, her hands by her side and her posture imposing. The wind brushed through Maya's hair and made it flow with the breeze as her gown too, flowed gracefully with the breeze. However, Maya's glare pierced Ophelia's soul, and her tone was as stern as ever.  "You cannot escape the forever watchful eye of the council, no one does. Your vile secret has been brought to the surface, and it is only a matter of time before everyone knows of it. Ophelia Kaiser of Grimoire Heart, murderer of Cece Tutin, you, will be brought to the light." Maya's glare sharpened at that very moment as she continued, "The Magic Council has instructed me to bring you to them- alive. Do not make this any harder than it already is."

With that, the wind picked up and grew much more violent, seemingly in reaction to the sudden surge of power that left Maya's body. The air grew dense, suffocating even, and it would all weigh down on Ophelia. 

"Come quietly, my dear."

@Salt Lord @Kyuubey

Blood rushed to the young Celestial Mage's face, small areas of his hair were covered in snow. He walked into the kitchen feeling the heat radiating from the oven. "Hey! It's not my fault that this place is confusing to travel through, it's worse then my home town!" He answered to her. He set down the groceries for his side of the dinner on the counter. "Wow you made a lot of stuff while I was gone." At that moment he saw the cookies and fell into a glee ful smile. " Ashley I would love to help you." Aiden picked up an icing bag full of green paste. "Ready when you are red head!" 


Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

She watched as Grace made her way towards the door, giving Nikolas and Ferra a quick blast as she went. As Grace excitedly threw her arms around Masaki she let her gaze wander, taking in the entire guild hall. Her eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly as she looked upon the various people within the hall before spinning around to face back towards the bar. She glanced to her side at Valken as he was still dealing with Millie. However that changed as he got to his feet, complaining about Emmerich swiping his stash. Given how Valken acquired the alcohol she didn't really think he had the right to complain about someone stealing it but she wasn't about to actually say that out loud. With Grace gone to fawn over Masaki and Valken gone to do whatever it is he wanted to do she now found herself sitting alone. While not exactly making her comfortable at the very least Emmerich was still a seat down so there was that at least.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard a loud crash beside her. Before she could even react wooden shrapnel flew at her from the exploding chair, chips of wood covering her cap and jacket and even going so far as to get into her drink. The threatening voice of the shadow mage soon followed behind her, immediately cluing her in as to who was responsible. Her gaze fell as she reached up and tugged her cap down slightly, a rather foreboding feeling flowing from her. She spun around on her stool and hopped to her feet, shoving her hands into her jacket as she slowly made her way over to Valken. All the while the combination of her scarf and cap worked to obscure her face as she kept her head downcast. The only obvious sign that something was amiss was the wooden pieces covering her head and shoulders. She finally came to a stop a few feet in front of Valken and cast her gaze up at him. The cap did well to overshadow her face giving her an almost eerie look as the glare that filled her eyes was now visible to the shadow mage. "Valken...." The tone of her voice did little to hide the anger that welled up within her and even as she spoke the man's name she pulled her hands from her jacket as blue magic particles coalesced within her hands before taking the shape of her customary handguns. She trained the weapons upon the man who had thrown the chair and again spoke up, her voice mimicking the coldness of Valken's own only without the cheeky grin to accompany it. "Apologize."


Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guildhall


Grace stared down at Masaki's arms with wide, bright eyes as she began to process the news she was given. He had the Lamia Scale Guildmark instead on the Sabertooth one. She quickly looked up at him and smiled happily. "Y-You left your guild and moved here? And it was for me? Wow Masaki!" She said in a stunned voice before letting out a loud and joyous squeal, leaping up and latching to his body, arms and legs tightly wrapped around his. "This is the BEST Christmas I've EVER had!" The short girl screamed, nuzzling Masaki's chest for a few moments before letting herself down and taking both of his hands. Today was one of the best days in her life. She could finally be with the love of her life for now and ever. They could visit every day instead of every few months. Their relationship can finally grow and blossom into something more wonderful! Unfortunately her happy behavior came to an end as her eyes saw the busty female version of Nikolas, showing off and teasing her about her chest. Her once wide and happy eyes turned into cold glares at the sight. Letting go of Masaki's hands she ignited a purple flame and angrily shot missiles at him and Ferra. Not her old concussion blasts but her actual explosion missiles. They had to learn a lesson, they had to fear her and her flat chest! "Will you two ever give me a break!?" She screeched, stomping her foot against the floor and crossing her arms across her chest. "I'll take off a limb the next time you do something like that! Or I'll get Mad Maya to beat you two up!" Once her message was said Grace turned around to Masaki, a less angry but still annoyed face. "Ignore those two, I'll show you my friends. They're over at the bar." Taking his hands she led the boy over to the bar where Valken, Mikado, Millie, and Frosty were all in some big fight. She had no idea what the hell it was about, but she could only assume it was about alcohol. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I want you to meet my boyfriend Masaki. You already know Mikado, but I don't know about the others." 

Millie was quick to react when Grace introduced her boyfriend Masaki. "Oh hello! My name is Millie!" She said excitedly, wrapping her arms around Masaki in a tight hug. "You got such a cute one Grace! And you're a very lucky boy, Gracie-Poo is just an absolute angel!" Grace wasn't too happy that Millie was hugging her boyfriend, her hands clenched into tight fist. "Back up you big boobed monster..."

@Zuka @Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98


Lamia Scale Guild Hall



Clank, clank. Clank, clank. foot steps could be heard approaching the Lamia Scale Guild Hall after having been gone for a year or so working on a mission. Laura was wearing her usual attire which wouldn't keep a sane person warm this time of year but she didn't seem to be bother by it any more than she was bother by people living. She pulled the door open, and looked at everyone inside. "I've returned." She said in her normal tone of voice which always sounded harsh and full of hatred. Most people would have heard it even if they were being loud and obnoxious, her voice was something that you heard even if she whispered only due to the fact that she scared most people. Her rank wasn't what scare people rather it was what she did to people's minds. Her eyes scanned the room, looking for all of the errors that her children were making. She would have to whip them into shape again.


She closed the door behind her and walked up to a man she saw transform into a women. He must be new, hopefully he will learn how I run things around here. Slowly made her way over the child not knowing if he was paying attention."Excuse me but what do you think you are doing? Mocking women in such a humiliating way." She never raise her voice but it was never necessary. She then turned to look at Mikado. "And who do you  think you are encouraging him? I thought you would know better, this is a disgrace!" She wasn't as mad as she usually was and she was considering giving them just a warning.


  Reveal hidden contents
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To be entirely honest, Emmerich realized he had been hit by the chair more by the fact that it splintered around him rather than by the actual impact itself. Predictably, he didn't so much as flinch, let alone stagger, under the hit either, which ended up being a very good thing due to the fact that it prevented him from spilling the very high quality scotch in his hand, truly a blessing. Carefully setting the bottle down Emmerich turned to his friend with his usual wolfish grin, not paying any heed to what was going on in the background with the short girl and Ferra. After all, he had something that was much more interesting happening right in front of him.

He was about to take action when Mika stepped between them. It appeared as though the splinters from the chair had in some way inconvenienced her as she was currently training two handguns straight at Valken's face. Now, this was a problem, not because of the danger his friend was in, but because the girl was getting in the way of their fight. As such, Emmerich placed his left hand on her shoulder, thrusting her off to the side as he simultaneously stepped forwards to throw a right handed jab at Valken's gut, the punch moving much too fast for your average person to dodge. That said, Valken wasn't your average person. Eh, either way, Emmerich was going to have himself some fun.


Walking through Margaret Town -> Is about to come up to Lamia Scale guild hall


Christmas eve. The day before christmas and the day she went out to go find Emmerich. The young Faust found herself in the the area of Margaret Town where the Lamia Scale guild hall had been sitting and protecting said town. Evelyn's hands had been shoved into her coat pockets as the cold breeze began to brush against her reddened cheeks "Where the 'ell is this guild?" she muttered to herself in her brother's accent as the snow crunched beneath her boots while she walked down the street. Clearly she hadnt spotted the hall yet simply because she hadnt been down the right street but that didnt stop the young blonde to keep searching for the Lamia Scale hall. The cold air brushed her pale cheeks which had turned red from the cold as well as the tip of her nose. "If that's the 'all then I better get my ass inside." she said as she pulled her hands from her jacket and jogged up to the guild hall and stopped a few feet in front of the large building and looked up to see the flag draped over the front " 'ere it is. Let's 'ope you're still 'ere Emmerich. I didnt come all this way to 'ave you out on a mission." especially on the Eve of christmas.


Just as she was about to approach the front doors of the guild hall, she heard a whistle which caused her to turn her head the source and see a man in a dark hood. "Well by the way you're dressed. I assume you arent 'ere to escort me inside." sarcasm dripped on her words as the young Faust heard multiple footsteps behind her which caused her to turn and see a small group of men trying to surround her  " 'ey 'ey! Where's the Eggnog! We cant have a party without that now can we?" she asked with a grin planted on her lips as one of the men charged at her to which had her sidestep and slam her elbow into his spine with force like no other, sending him face first into the cold snow "Attacking a woman isnt very nice." said Ev as she looked at the other guys who seemed to close in "I guess this party is over?" she asked just as all of them jumped her.


Of course, she was causing massive distruction in front of the guild hall, throwing guys into walls and causing debris to fly everywhere, slamming them into the ground and causing the pavement to come upfrom the ground "Who even thought that this 'ad been a good idea on Christmas Eve? You should be with your families... If you even 'ave any." she released the man she had slammed into the pavement. Hewas knocked out by the impact. Before the blonde knew it, a fire spell hit her from behind and sent her flying into a building and caused debris to fly everywhere and smoke to emmit from the impact. A laughbegan to escape through the smoke as it cleared up, revealing Evelyn standing there as her hands were covered in flames "You just made a bad choice." she said before dashing towards the mage and throwing a heated punch up into his jaw (uppercut) and then did a roundhouse kick sending him flying through a few walls of a nearby building as well as causing a explosion due to the fire magic she ampedand sent back through him. Surprisingly she managed to keep Lamia Scale's guild hall unharmed.


Standing in the intersection, she dusted off her hands and began to walk off towards the hall "I 'ad a good time! Thanks for the warm up!" waving her hand, she approached the doors and let out a sigh "You better be in 'ere Emmerich." she would fight him even though she knew he'd win. Especially from all the word spreading about his destructiveness within bars. Pulling open the door, she poked her head in and then slipped her whole body inside while closing the door behind her. The first thing she saw was a blonde-haired man throwing a punch at a dark haired male. A grin planted on her face as she approached the two " 'ey! Arent you forgetting about little ol' me? Maybe I want to throw a few punches 'ere and there!" called out Evelyn. If anyone were to pay attention to her grin, it was almost like her brothers, but more feminine.


@Mykinkaiser Mentioned @Zuka


Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall - Margret Town


Valken still had his heels pressed into the ground, waiting for a lightning fast jump or fist punch or whatever Emmerich had to give out to him. Of course the guy didn't even move. I mean, yeah, Valken didn't actually expect Frosty to get hurt being the tank he was, but still. It took at least a soft blow to his ego he didn't even stop drinking at first. Somewhat defeated the man let his arms drop slowly only just in time to see Mikado stride on him. He should have felt the aura coming from her but he didn't till the last moment and as she finally looked up to him he immediately threw up his hands and arms in a defensive gesture, a weak smile plastered his normal cheeky face. "Awwww Come on Mika! You know it wasn't meant to hit you, I mean...I can see it did though... it was an accident!...so ahhh...put the guns down and chill out girl?" Even as he reached forward to flick a wood chip that had landed precariously onto the very brim of her cap and had stayed there so far. Frosty and him fighting was one thing, but he didn't want her to flip a switch and destroy the ENTIRE Guild Hall. Maya wouldn't much like that, after  all, and Valken didn't much like annoying Maya.

His attention on Mika and Frosty, he didn't even notice Laura enter nor did he notice Ferra and Nic taking jabs at Grace, in fact he almost missed Masaki walking it if it weren't for the momentary lapse in the situation between Frosty and himself. But when he did notice he smiled warmly as he came over behind Grace. "Oh yes, Masaki, he's the boy you kept going on and on and on and on about on the train to Crocus.... you know, that time that Mizuki cursed you and made you fall every time someone in the room said his name... this is the boy then?" Valken of course knew all about Masaki, being he had been an S-class of Sabertooth and Valken just knew all these things, that didn't stop him teasing her endlessly because of it. "He works in Crystal Magic if I'm not mistaken?" He said as he peered down to Masaki, an interesting glint in his eyes even though he said it in an offhanded manner. Then he watched his adorable girlfriend push her very nice rack right up in against Masaki... the poor boy, would he even survive holding his breath with those huge melons all up in his face? It wouldn't look good to kill a member of Lamia Scale before the end of his first day. Grace mentioned something about Millie which instantly made him glance to her with a raised eyebrow. "Hey now Shorty, don't be mean when introducing our Guild Mates..."

And the situation pretty much devolved from there as Emmerich finally awoke from his not daze and came over with a wolfish grin. He pulled Mikado out of the way but Valken was so focused on Masaki and Grace and Millie that he only glanced back at the very last minute to watch him jab him right in the gut. Even only noticing at the last minute, he twisted and saw the punch completely brush past him though it did make his vest flutter from how close it was. As he was still mid momentum, Valken grasped his wrist and forearm, dropped down and hoisted Frosty up and over his shoulder before slamming him right into the ground. Which wouldn't have hurt. Though he did straddle the man against the ground as he twisted his arm up and across his own neck, pinning him with his own arm against his throat while Valken sat on top of him, victorious. It was at that moment Maya wandered up and already the man tensed over Frosty and even loosened his grip a fraction at the sound, a feeling of dread working it's way up his back. He slowly looked up to see Maya and before he had time to shuffle off Emmerich's frame she had told him to look after the place. With his spare hand, he gave her a quick salute. "Aye Aye Ma'am!" Though despite how jolly his voice was his eyes were deadly serious.

Half subdued, Valken heard a voice call out and blinked once or twice as a girl with a clear accent not unlike Frosty's appeared. He glanced down to Emmerich's face, before looking back up to the new girl with a raised eyebrow. "Who's this then? I'd say you could join in but I got this all handed Little Lady...."

@LeSoraAmari @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mitchs98 @Arius LaVari
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Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guildhall


Grace stared down at Masaki's arms with wide, bright eyes as she began to process the news she was given. He had the Lamia Scale Guildmark instead on the Sabertooth one. She quickly looked up at him and smiled happily. "Y-You left your guild and moved here? And it was for me? Wow Masaki!" She said in a stunned voice before letting out a loud and joyous squeal, leaping up and latching to his body, arms and legs tightly wrapped around his. "This is the BEST Christmas I've EVER had!" The short girl screamed, nuzzling Masaki's chest for a few moments before letting herself down and taking both of his hands. Today was one of the best days in her life. She could finally be with the love of her life for now and ever. They could visit every day instead of every few months. Their relationship can finally grow and blossom into something more wonderful! Unfortunately her happy behavior came to an end as her eyes saw the busty female version of Nikolas, showing off and teasing her about her chest. Her once wide and happy eyes turned into cold glares at the sight. Letting go of Masaki's hands she ignited a purple flame and angrily shot missiles at him and Ferra. Not her old concussion blasts but her actual explosion missiles. They had to learn a lesson, they had to fear her and her flat chest! "Will you two ever give me a break!?" She screeched, stomping her foot against the floor and crossing her arms across her chest. "I'll take off a limb the next time you do something like that! Or I'll get Mad Maya to beat you two up!" Once her message was said Grace turned around to Masaki, a less angry but still annoyed face. "Ignore those two, I'll show you my friends. They're over at the bar." Taking his hands she led the boy over to the bar where Valken, Mikado, Millie, and Frosty were all in some big fight. She had no idea what the hell it was about, but she could only assume it was about alcohol. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I want you to meet my boyfriend Masaki. You already know Mikado, but I don't know about the others." 

Millie was quick to react when Grace introduced her boyfriend Masaki. "Oh hello! My name is Millie!" She said excitedly, wrapping her arms around Masaki in a tight hug. "You got such a cute one Grace! And you're a very lucky boy, Gracie-Poo is just an absolute angel!" Grace wasn't too happy that Millie was hugging her boyfriend, her hands clenched into tight fist. "Back up you big boobed monster..."

@Zuka @Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98


Masaki simply stood there and watched with a happy smile on his face as Grace reacted to the guild mark on his arm. She was so happy that he was now officially a member of Lamia Scale and it too, made Masaki extremely happy for it meant that they could be with each other all the time now, something Masaki has wanted for a very long time. When the smaller girl wrapped her arms around him, he did the same to her and with a smile on his face as he did so. Grace was really, to him, the only other person that really made him feel whole, and it was wonderful. His reason to live, and the definition of everything beautiful. To him, that was Grace. Masaki stood there quietly as all of the chaos unfolded before him, however his demeanour changed completely when everyone began to tease Grace, and his eyes formed daggers as the young S-Class seemingly stared into the very depths of their beings before stopping moments later. 

When Grace started to introduce him to everyone, Masaki couldn't help but gasp slightly as everyone looked at him. The nervous and slightly terrified look forming on his face as he stood there. All Masaki wanted to do was become fully immersed inside the contents of a book, but Grace insisted he get to know everyone. First up was Millie, who seemed to be very nice. However just before he could say anything the woman wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug, his face seemingly being squashed by the girls rather large and bouncy breasts. Gasping for breath, the sight was actually rather comical but was over in seconds. Once Masaki freed himself, he smiled at Millie, "Uh- It's a pleasure to meet you, Millie. Grace has told me a lot about you." He said, a nervous tone in his voice. Next, it was Valken who greeted and addressed him. The male was one of the S-Class mages of this guild just like Millie was, and thus he was known to him somewhat. When Valken asked if Masaki was the one who used Crystal Magic, Masaki simply nodded and then looked over to Grace, smiling at her kindly. 

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Colt556 @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mykinkaiser @Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer


FT Guild Hall Kitchen


Lavender turned her attention to Wyeth and she frowned as he thought that he had been in her way. Before the warrior could stop him, he pulled out Jewel and placed it on the counter which made her pick it up "Wait, mr Wyeth!" she called as she followed him, even to outside, bypassing the people who had walked into the hall. As the cold slapped her in the face, she ignored it just as she caught up to Wyeth and grabbed his wrist, putting the jewel back into his hand "You do not need to repay me." she also couldnt just take his money, besides, she'd just feel guilty. "I will make cookies out of what you had made. I apologize if I sounded quite rude while in the kitchen." that was the last thing she wanted to sound like. "I'm just very busy with making everythng for everyone." her hot breath made clouds within the air as she went and hugged herself "I wish you luck on your Christmas shopping, mr Wyeth.." a small smile planted on her lips before she backed up and turned back to the guild, heading back into the warmth. ( @TheSecretSorcerer )


When she had spotted Kelica rolling across the floor while Tanari stopped her, the blonde giggled softly "Well hello you two." she said "Tanari, Kelica, I have things for you inside the kitchen. Both of which you might very well enjoy." ( @Colt556 @Zuka ) when she glanced over at Chris ( @Isune ), she nodded to him in greeting and headed back into the warm kitchen where she resumed her cookie making and waited for the girls to come into the kitchen


Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Kazuo only watched what happened before his eye and let out a slight chuckle and shook his head as he slipped his hands into his pockets. It didnt take Rosa long to get up and mention the eggnog "I'm sure you'll like it." he stated as he watched the blonde move. Something about her always seemed to interest Kazuo but then drop him. Kind of like a rollercoaster that was never ending with surprises. Though he did have to admit, he was slightly attracted to her with how firey her spirit was. In his eyes he seen her as a true warrior despite being very short tempered and will be willing to shock just about everyone. Before he knew it, Rosa had been sitting next to Kirin once again. His attention was grabbed when a Dwarf decided to make himself known but by the sound of his words, he sounded drunk "I'm Kazuo Takara." he introduced with a slight bow of his head.


Mentioned @Zuka. Interacted with @Halffix




Magnolia Streets



Wyeth clutched his hands around the jewel that was put back into his hands. He didn't expect Lavender return his money and he really felt bad for putting her in a position where she had to apologize to him. She hadn't done anything wrong, he was the one who had just started making cookies without waiting for her to respond to him. It did make him feel better to know that she was going to use the batter he had made and that it wouldn't go to waste like he thought it would. He wanted to chase after her and she if she would come with him after all, but she had made her point that she had to make cookies and things for others. He had really hoped that when she was done she would go with him. All he had to buy was something special for her and his birds, it wasn't like he would have taken long. "Hey Caroline will you and watch after her. Tell me if you see anything she might like for Christmas." His small little bird flew of back into the guild and land on the rafter above everyone keeping a close eye.

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

There she was sat at the bar within the main room, a half-empty drink sat in front of her and a half-eaten cookie held within her grasp. The hall was unnaturally calm with the biggest source of commotion being Lavender pumping out sweets like she was a professional baker. Overall it was peaceful and that wasn't something she minded all that much. She spent a lot of time running about and getting into fights and it was nice to just sit and relax every once in a while. Everything changed when she arrived. The peace she enjoyed immediately evaporated into thin air, replaced now by the young feminine voice calling out her greeting. Well it wouldn't be Fairy Tail if peace and quiet was the norm and she didn't dislike the energy put out by the girl. Taking another bite of her cookie she turned just in time to see the girl trip as she often did, only this time she didn't land flat on her face.

Oh no, this time the girl decided to try and emulate one of those rock people from a game she played as a kid and come barrelling towards her and Chi. She couldn't help but cock a brow at the sight as it wasn't everyday you saw a ball of girl rolling towards you while squealing. However, it soon became apparent that the girl wasn't actually going to stop of her own accord and as such she raised her leg to put the flat of her boot directly in the girl's path. Probably wouldn't be the most comfortable or softest way of coming to a stop but her magic wasn't exactly useful in this situation and she'd be damned if she actually had to put in effort. One way or the other the girl would come to a stop and it was then that she spoke up while looking down on the blonde. "A for effort but you need to learn to stick the landing. Or just go back to falling on your face, I've gotten use to that one."


Chris Lengheart(Arf!)

Chris waiting patiently for Kelica to hop on and immediately noticed her pacing around like a schoolgirl hyped up on sugar. When she finally got on and gave him the command to go onward, Chris simply nodded and responded,"As you wish Ms. Zafara." before rocketing off in the direction of the guildhall.

After a while, they were right outside the guild. Kelica was the first to go in, and of course she was already asking Chris to follow her in. Chris was a bit reluctant at first to head in, but finally decided to walk in with his normal form instead of going in there completely wolfed out. As Chris walked in, he got the witness Kelica's old habits coming back. She tripped and right as it looked as if she were about to land on her face, the girl started rolling. He watched as another woman from the guild simply held out her boot in an attempt to keep Kelica from rolling anywhere else. Kelica hadn't changed a bit, Chris was actually kinda glad. 


@Genon @Salt Lord @LeSoraAmari @Colt556 @Kyuubey @Rhodus @TheSecretSorcerer @Britt-21 @Kojuen


  Reveal hidden contents


FT Guild Hall Kitchen


Lavender turned her attention to Wyeth and she frowned as he thought that he had been in her way. Before the warrior could stop him, he pulled out Jewel and placed it on the counter which made her pick it up "Wait, mr Wyeth!" she called as she followed him, even to outside, bypassing the people who had walked into the hall. As the cold slapped her in the face, she ignored it just as she caught up to Wyeth and grabbed his wrist, putting the jewel back into his hand "You do not need to repay me." she also couldnt just take his money, besides, she'd just feel guilty. "I will make cookies out of what you had made. I apologize if I sounded quite rude while in the kitchen." that was the last thing she wanted to sound like. "I'm just very busy with making everythng for everyone." her hot breath made clouds within the air as she went and hugged herself "I wish you luck on your Christmas shopping, mr Wyeth.." a small smile planted on her lips before she backed up and turned back to the guild, heading back into the warmth. ( @TheSecretSorcerer )


When she had spotted Kelica rolling across the floor while Tanari stopped her, the blonde giggled softly "Well hello you two." she said "Tanari, Kelica, I have things for you inside the kitchen. Both of which you might very well enjoy." ( @Colt556 @Zuka ) when she glanced over at Chris ( @Isune ), she nodded to him in greeting and headed back into the warm kitchen where she resumed her cookie making and waited for the girls to come into the kitchen


Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Kazuo only watched what happened before his eye and let out a slight chuckle and shook his head as he slipped his hands into his pockets. It didnt take Rosa long to get up and mention the eggnog "I'm sure you'll like it." he stated as he watched the blonde move. Something about her always seemed to interest Kazuo but then drop him. Kind of like a rollercoaster that was never ending with surprises. Though he did have to admit, he was slightly attracted to her with how firey her spirit was. In his eyes he seen her as a true warrior despite being very short tempered and will be willing to shock just about everyone. Before he knew it, Rosa had been sitting next to Kirin once again. His attention was grabbed when a Dwarf decided to make himself known but by the sound of his words, he sounded drunk "I'm Kazuo Takara." he introduced with a slight bow of his head.


Mentioned @Zuka. Interacted with @Halffix



Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ryu yawned lazily as he sat in the guildhall, reading that day's paper. Today was a much more laid-back than usual. Over the last few months, he'd spent every other day teaching, well trying to teach, Kelica how to focus and how to be less hyperactive. Unfortunately, that had turned out to be a much more daunting task than he'd imagined it would, and progress these last few months had been slow. However, over the past few days, Kelica's attendance had gone sharply downhill. Either she would come very late, or sometimes, she wouldn't come at all. And even when she did come, she was sluggish and low energy, with an even greater inability to focus. Because of that, and because it was the holiday season, he'd given her a few weeks off her training, to rest up, and to ride out whatever it was she was going through. 

He cast a look around the guild hall as he sat there, reading his paper. It was quite a bit less rowdy and chaotic than usual, as a lot of the guild members were either away to visit family, or getting ready for the holiday festivities. Not that he minded of course. The peace and quiet that filled the normally disastrous guild hall was a godsend to Ryu, since he finally was able to hear himself think. When he heard the door to the guild hall open, he turned  in the direction of the sound, hoping that it was Sora, as she had been gone for quite a while and he was starting to get worried about her. Unfortunately, it was not Sora, but instead Kelica, who had brought Chris with her (Or had it been the other way around?). She burst into the hall, shattering the peace and quiet that Ryu had been appreciating. Oh well he thought to himself. I guess Kelica's going to do, what Kelica's going to to. Whether we like it or not. He smiled, in spite of himself, at the situation. Even in the dead of winter, and while she was going through whatever it was that had afflicted her, Kelica still made an effort to be enthusiastic and chipper. Although, at a certain point, he had to admit, her chipperness and over enthusiasm could get a bit annoying and grate on his nerves. He couldn't help but sigh as Kelica entered the guild hall and subsequently tripped. She did try to tuck and roll with the fall, but ended up just barreling into some of the other guild members. It seemed that, no matter how much training she'd gone through, Kelica was still Kelica.

@Britt-21 @Zuka @Colt556 @Isune @Kyuubey @TheSecretSorcerer @Kojuen @LeSoraAmari @Salt Lord @Genon

Ophelia Kaiser -- Magnolia Outskirts

The former guild master had been in the middle of nowhere, snowflakes falling onto her blue hair as she hurriedly walked to a place she hoped no one would ever find her. She'd noticed that with each Magic Council meeting, the elders seemed to get more and more suspicious of her, as if she had an aura that screamed out her many, many sins yet only she was unable to hear it... 


The snowfall continued and even became harsher, Ophelia having to wrap her cape so tight around herself that it began to rip in her hands... Of all the seasons she would have to make an escape, it had to be winter. A hopelessly unfortunate turn of events yet again, just like with how her ship crashed, and how most of her friends had drowned along with it... Her dad made it out alive, but she hadn't spoken to him in months. And with the whole situation, it might turn out that he'd think she were dead... How would he react to hearing that his daughter went missing?

Nothing past the destruction of the ship would have happened had she not made that stupid contract with Alfie. It all started with him and his glorious pink hair.


Maybe Ophelia could have lived with just sinking her life and having to live on land. At least then it would have been easier to deal with, because it had been her own fault. But someone who tricked people into thinking they'd get wishes though knowing they could never hold their end of the deal... She deserved none of this. 


She drew her cold steel blade at an attempt to summon something, anything to get her out of Magnolia, be it a train cart or even a sled, but the girl just couldn't focus. A few droplets of water feebly formed in the air before freezing and falling into the rest of the blindingly white snow. Ophelia still had the extra power Alfie burdened her with, she knew it... but it was useless without a calm mind to control it. And right now, the former guild master had no such thing.


She continued to push through the falling snowflakes and icy air that all seemed to go against her, away from the responsibility that wanted to pull her back.



Alfie Roderick -- Fairy Tail Guild Hall

The past few months for Alfie had been surprisingly... Simple.

Ever since the sudden disappearance of a certain looming pressure on literally all of Earth Land, he's been able to be a lot more at peace with himself. It had been hundreds of years since there was fun to be found in anything, let alone purpose in festivities.

But this Christmas had been different from the rest, especially considering there were people around to actually enjoy it with. Like Kelica, whom had decided it would be a good idea to drop in and barrel roll over the floor. How did she even keep momentum like that...? Surely there had to be some

force working against her... Or she jumped down a hill Alfie didn't know about.


Nonetheless, she was about to hurt a lot of people, and more importantly, herself, if she kept on going. With the flick of a wrist (which had a tree ornament wrapped around it), he summoned a complex web of gold and silver tinsel to stop her fall completely, only one or two strands breaking, and maybe her back depending on how she hit it.

"Having fun?" Alfie asked when he was sure Kelica hadn't snapped her spine, allowing the many patterns of angel hair seep back into the cracks between the wooden floorboards.



Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall - Magnolia

The Forest Mage felt like she wanted to puke. Round and round and round and why was the world spinning so Damn much? She came in like a wrecking ball right towards Tanari and Chi and she tensed up even as she came hurtling towards them, but at the very last moment and just before Tanari's boot could connect there was a rustle when the girl was scooped up in some sort of tinsel spider web... thing she wasn't sure what it was, but regardless it slowed down her flow enough to only get a soft bump on the very tip of her forehead from Tanari's boot. She glanced over as she attempted to scramble back away but only managed to tangle herself further in the tinsel, web, thing making herself into a tightly bound ball. She glanced around the room spotting Alfie as he pipped up. "THANKS ALFIE BUT ahhh.. I think I'm stuck..." Her arm shot a way in one direction as her leg was suspended above her somehow. How the girl even got that tangled up was a complete mystery really.

She glanced over among the rustle of shiny ribbon to Lavender as she popped her head out and offered to draw her into the kitchen. "OOOhhhhkay Lavy will be there real soon once I ahh...figure out how to um..." Struggling for a moment before the tinsel slowly subsided back into the floorboards and she was left sprawled against the ground now facing up towards Tanari upside down. "I think you have gum on the bottom of your shoe..." She said off offhandedly before she rolled up and was already sprinting across the room and towards Ryu. And with that the girl hoisted herself over a booth seat and threw herself at the Fire Mage with a laugh. "Hellllooo Ryu!!! I'm not sleepy right now see? SEE??? I rode on Chris's werewolf back and it was super fast and we raced across Magnolia and I haven't done that in months and months and months...how are you? Whatcha reading? That looks interesting...Lavender is making snacks! Have you seen Hibiki? Or lyra? Or Sora? Actually I haven't seen Sora either I hope she is okay... And Adrian where is he? I need to show him something!" Words slurring out like a fire hose. "I have A GREAT IDEA FOR THE GUILD HALL! Wanna know?! You'll love it! Everyone will love it!"

@Genon @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98 @Kojuen

Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

The shadow mage standing before her was quick to defend himself and attempt to appease her. However his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as that cold glare remained in her eye. She looked as if she would open fire at any moment as despite all his words Valken never actually said he was sorry. There were plenty of excuses and justifications but no apology was ever given and that upset her almost as much as the shrapnel that adorned her cap... almost. Alas her fury would be sidelined as Valken's attention was diverted elsewhere and Emmerich came up behind her and shoved her to the side. She was so entirely focused on Valken that the shove left her surprised and stumbling a few feet before she went falling back to land on her butt with a light thud. The unexpected interruption served an unintended purpose of knocking the bloodlust from the girl.

While still quite miffed at Valken's actions and lack of apology she still allowed her weapons to dissipate into nothingness as she took stock of the situation within the hall from her position on the ground. Emmerich had continued on to attack Valken and end up pinned to the ground for his efforts. Maya had gone on some official business leaving Valken of all people in charge. Laura had returned at some point which sent a small shiver down her spine. The smoke was still settling from Grace's assault on Ferra and Nikolas and there was a female Emmerich that had shown up and introduced herself. All in all it was a bit too chaotic, and not the good kind at that. She finally got to her feet and brushed the splinters and dust from her clothing before making her way back to the bar. Everyone seemed inclined to introduce themselves to Masaki and while they had met in Magnolia it was no different than seeing the same person passing by on the street, he was as much a stranger as one could be and that was enough to keep her away.

Approaching the bar she noticed the rather expensive scotch that had been the cause of the conflict between Valken and Emmerich. Alcohol wasn't exactly her thing but even so a small wolfish grin crossed her lips as she sat down upon the seat Emmerich was previously occupying. "Stupid Valken... didn't even say he was sorry." The words were quiet and mumbled as she reached out and took the bottle, swirling the liquid within a few times before quickly downing the contents. She wasn't after the drink for it's taste, this was revenge for Valken messing with her hat and not even apologizing. If Emmerich wouldn't let her shoot the edgy bastard then she'd just swipe the liquor they both were after. She tipped the bottle completely vertically and leaned back slightly as she downed the entire thing in one go. Once it ran dry she released it from her lips with a sharp intake of air followed by a coughing fit. No matter how many times she tried it she never could come to like the taste of alcohol, but sometimes it was worth the sacrifice of drinking it.

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


Kazuo listened to Xira as she spoke. She spoke so highly of the spot that had always been available to everyone. "Perhaps Hammocks up here would be a good idea, dont you think?" he asked, looking over at her with a light chuckle "Dorian always seems to find odd places to sleep. This is one of those places as you have mentioned." he looked back down at the group he had once been standing with "I think you could claim up here as yours and use it as a possible ambush point if something were to go wrong within the guild such as an attack." Kazuo got up onto his feet and jumped onto the other rafter with ease before sitting down once more and facing her  "Is the eggnog good?" he asked "I havent had a taste for myself yet though I plan to have some soon." he just didnt feel like drinking yet. When he was in the mood, he would drink as much as he'd like. Kazuo noticed he was also talking more than he usually does... Maybe it's the holiday spirit making him talk more than he should. @Colt556

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

"I am not sure either Dorian nor myself would appreciate this becoming a very popular area." A hammock for Dorian might be appropriate however she herself did not require one, and the prospect of even more people making these rafters their resting place was not exactly a delightful prospect in her mind. Some temporary company now and then is one thing, having an assortment of guildmates resting within hammocks was quite another. However she couldn't help but smile at the mention of Dorian's choice of sleeping spots. "I suppose when you are hounded relentlessly one must learn to be creative to achieve their rest." She took another puff of her pipe as she watched Kazuo get to his feet. A brief flash of disappointment crossed her face before she watched him hop over to another rafter and re-position himself to speak with her more directly. "The thought of using these rafters for combat has crossed my mind however I doubt the day will ever come when such a thing happens." Lowering the pipe to her side she opted to take a sip of her eggnog this time, the sway of her tail increasing every time she did. With the cup still to her lips she heard her conversational companion ask whether it was good. "It's ama-" She quickly began to give emphatic praise before catching herself and offering a small cough. "I mean yes, it is quite delightful, thank you. Knowing this Guild you might want to fetch some for yourself before you find it all gone."

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse
  Reveal hidden contents

Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

The Lightning Mage found herself naturally clenching her own arms as she kept them crossed under her chest, eyebrows pressed down as her teeth remained gritted. Though the electricity was staying inside her body for now, so that was a plus. Small steps right? And other then a dent in the wall from her thrown mug, she hadn't really destroyed any property. To be honest the girl was probably even more riled up because she wanted to see her brother for Christmas but she had no idea what he was doing, and the last thing she wanted was to Lightning Strike all the way to Magnolia only to find him busy or not even there. Eventually, she would meet up with him but in the meantime... ( @LeSoraAmari )

She heard someone approach her and didn't even open her eyes, at least at first. The fact it was footsteps and not the slither of something else already kept her somewhat in a calmer mood. Though as the voice rang out she slowly opened her eyes to peer to the side. Her expression the same tough sternness that tended to scare most people away. Though as her gaze flowed down to the girl's outstretched hand, her eyes widened a fraction as her face softened, almost to the point one could call it bemused though that was still a long stretch for her. "Celestia huh?" And more for the benefit of her curiosity she stretched out her right hand and slipped her hand around hers, shaking it slowly as she did. However her grip tightened momentarily as she forced not a small amount of current through her palm and into the girl's, just to see how she would respond. "You use Lightning Magic then? How interesting..." She muttered more to herself. And despite how angry she had been, the girl's smile was somewhat addictive and an oddly soft expression covered her own.

Once again she heard footsteps approach and her expression darkened once more. It was just a known rule you didn't touch Rosaline, half the time she shocked people on simple defense before she realized who they were. So when a hand grasped her shoulder she took a sharp breath inwards as lightning arced across that very hand, but then simply rebounded and was absorbed straight back into her skin. Blinking momentarily she actually turned to see rubber gloves, her eyes drifting upwards to look to Dorian with a blank face. "Depends who you're fighting." She answered simply, her voice dark but oddly quiet for her. She glanced down to the girl still crouched before her as she mused over the options. And the idea of a drink was far outweighing any of her other inhibitions.

Finally coming to a decision, the girl closed her eyes and stood up again to her full height, shrugging off Dorian's hand. "Come on Cele, Kazuo promised Eggnog so it better be as good as they say...." And with that she turned and re approached the original table. Not before she scooped up her original mug from a heap on the ground, noting happily the thing survived her throw which automatically was a good thing in her books and ducking behind the counter to have her fill of a mug or three, finishing the third cup as she finally side stepped Kazuo and sat down beside Kirin once again.

Like nothing had even changed.

@Jackaboi @Colt556 @Halffix @hudhouse @Britt-21

Yamato Ren: Making Introductions



Xira seemed happy with Yama's mention of dinner being cooked. With that he simply smiled and said "Well to celebrate the coming festivities I will be making a meal like no other. I do hope that you and our guild mates will enjoy it." Dorian at this point has finally awoken and seemed to have no trouble freeing himself from the Lamia's coil. It was only after looking down he noticed a woman with blonde glittery hair (@Arius LaVari), he recognised her as he saw the girl visiting the hall a few times. So she finally decided to join eh? It wouldn't be good if he didn't go down to introduce himself. With that he floated down from the ceiling and popped the bubble suspending him in the air. He walked towards the blonde lady. "Why hello Madame~ I believe you are a new member of Blue Pegasus yes?" Since she was a member of the guild Yamato did not feel compelled to act formal. But rather he acted more as a friend. He extended his arm as an offering to shake hands. "I am Yamato Ren, S-Class mage of Blue Pegasus. I do hope we all get along." Looking over at Rosa she seems to have calmed down now which also relieved Yama. Although of course she did seem like Fairy Tail material he didn't see Blue Pegasus as a guild that discriminates. After all it was this specific guild that took him in even though he came from a poor area. True beauty is found within not what's on the outside (Even if that does help a little).

@Zuka @Colt556 @Britt-21 @hudhouse @Halffix

~Celestia Corona: Sitting with Rosaline~


Celestia had shuddered when Rosaline had zapped her, but otherwise shook it off, including the harsh expression that Rosaline had sent her way, the blonde had seen far scarier things on her travels and never let that deter her from being friendly either. She had eyed Dorian when he approached and placed a hand on Rosa's shoulder, causing the still cross-legged girl to blink as she watched lightning arc across the hand wrapped in a rubber glove, offering a drink but what had surprised her was how quickly Rosaline had invited her along to go with them, and the nickname which she actually really loved because it was the first time someone had called her that, she usually got 'star girl' or things like that. "Yeah! I'd love that actually! As for my magic...well it's part lightning..." As if to demonstrate she held up her hands, her left hand having what could equate to a lightning orb sparking in her hand, while in her right hand an orb of earth, it was shaped in the form of Saturn, rings and all, after she showed them she grinned and made them vanish by closing her hands, "But it's earth magic as well, specifically I can mix the two together in maker style magic...if that makes sense." The cheerful girl giggled as she plopped down in a seat near but not exactly next to Rosaline, just so she didn't get into the other woman's space too much. Then she finally turned her attention to getting a bit of eggnog herself, she smiled brightly as she ordered it then sat back and drunk the stuff fairly quickly, getting another that she actually drunk slower. "This is delicious...Kazuo right? I could drink this stuff all day!" @Britt-21 @Zuka

As she sat there she had started dangerously balancing in her chair again, causing it to wobble quite a bit especially since she was doing it on one leg now, that's what she was doing, up until a man who introduced himself as Yamato Ren approached her, she kept her balance and grinned at him brightly, a wide infectious smile that always seemed present on her soft, almost child-like face, "You're an S-class wizard?! That's amazing! Even though I've been studying my magic all my life I can't even dream of S-Class." She laughed suddenly, again holding out her hand, with a lack of lightning, "Well I'm Celestia Corona! It's nice to meet you Yamato, I hope we can get along as well! You're pretty cute, you got a girl around here?" She changed her attitude just slightly, letting out the flirtatious side that she hadn't let others see too often before, but the man in front of her was quite pretty...though she wouldn't say he looked more like a girl and that was why she said 'cute' instead of 'handsome', nope she wouldn't say that at all, the now slightly more flirtatious smile, softened two colored eyes, stayed on the person she was speaking to, as she always did. @Jackaboi

~Shiro Ai: Lamia Scale guild hall~


Shiro snapped her head up upon hearing Ferra's comment towards Grace and as if in response she shrunk in on herself and now she noticed another girl standing threateningly in front of Valken and felt a chill run down her spine, that girl was really angry and all the white haired mage could do was shake her head, eyes once more not on her book and focused on the possible fight that was now threatening to ensue. Why was everyone in this guild so hot headed? She grumbled under her breath about 'ridiculous behavior' and a few choice curses before actually raising her voice so the ones nearing a fight could hear her, "If you all are going to fight, I think you should take it outside! I'd rather hear Phineas' music than your screams of agony when either Grace or the girl with the cap ends your life!" Her voice rose above the music for only a moment before she waved at Phineas, gesturing for him to come sit with her, since she was more out of the way and she wasn't sure the others would listen to her request of taking the fight outside...knowing them they'd just toss the people back into the building anyway. It would still be safest next to the protection mage though.

@Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98 @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Colt556


FT Guild Hall Kitchen


Lavender turned her attention to Wyeth and she frowned as he thought that he had been in her way. Before the warrior could stop him, he pulled out Jewel and placed it on the counter which made her pick it up "Wait, mr Wyeth!" she called as she followed him, even to outside, bypassing the people who had walked into the hall. As the cold slapped her in the face, she ignored it just as she caught up to Wyeth and grabbed his wrist, putting the jewel back into his hand "You do not need to repay me." she also couldnt just take his money, besides, she'd just feel guilty. "I will make cookies out of what you had made. I apologize if I sounded quite rude while in the kitchen." that was the last thing she wanted to sound like. "I'm just very busy with making everythng for everyone." her hot breath made clouds within the air as she went and hugged herself "I wish you luck on your Christmas shopping, mr Wyeth.." a small smile planted on her lips before she backed up and turned back to the guild, heading back into the warmth. ( @TheSecretSorcerer )


When she had spotted Kelica rolling across the floor while Tanari stopped her, the blonde giggled softly "Well hello you two." she said "Tanari, Kelica, I have things for you inside the kitchen. Both of which you might very well enjoy." ( @Colt556 @Zuka ) when she glanced over at Chris ( @Isune ), she nodded to him in greeting and headed back into the warm kitchen where she resumed her cookie making and waited for the girls to come into the kitchen


Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Kazuo only watched what happened before his eye and let out a slight chuckle and shook his head as he slipped his hands into his pockets. It didnt take Rosa long to get up and mention the eggnog "I'm sure you'll like it." he stated as he watched the blonde move. Something about her always seemed to interest Kazuo but then drop him. Kind of like a rollercoaster that was never ending with surprises. Though he did have to admit, he was slightly attracted to her with how firey her spirit was. In his eyes he seen her as a true warrior despite being very short tempered and will be willing to shock just about everyone. Before he knew it, Rosa had been sitting next to Kirin once again. His attention was grabbed when a Dwarf decided to make himself known but by the sound of his words, he sounded drunk "I'm Kazuo Takara." he introduced with a slight bow of his head.


Mentioned @Zuka. Interacted with @Halffix



Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

after taking a drink from his mug and an arm reached up to place the tankard upon the table "that's a rather sad to hear but good too see it isn't keeping ya down then eh? I would toast but the height is a bit of an issue" in regards to his own rather than hers "going well the underground gets boring rather quickly the weather and terrain on the surface is vastly different luckily I have encountered snow before that mountain entrance it always covered in it", his eyes tracking as her form grew much taller close to that of Rosa "well now you're just full of tricks ain't you." Rosa had finally made her way back to the table after the little interruption from the scaled menace before  "Ah welcome back to the table, why is your mug still empty" with some minor grunting the dwarf hauled himself onto the table and began to pour from the impossible flask once again filling the tankard within a few short moments, before slapping her hand in a friendly manner and taking his seat on the bench once again. His eyes and the top of his head peering over

looking to the well presented man also seated "Kazuo Takara eh? well it's very nice you meet good sir" giving a half bow but without looking over the table all one would see would be the top of his head and eyes dip forward and disappear for a moment or two.


Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

As she spoke to Yamato she could feel the man within her coils begin to stir. Not inclined to keep him against his well at the moment she loosened her grip and allowed him to drop to the floor below to go and deal with Rosa. It was then that Yamato continued, explaining that they were to have a feast like no other which caused her eyes to light up. As a Lamia her appetite was quite large and it was always a delight to be filled with Yamato's cooking. Nevertheless she couldn't allow herself to lose her composure. "I am certainly looking forward to it." It seemed as if Yamato was distracted by something down below and a quick flick of her tongue clued her in as to what it was that had captured his gaze. Her piercing red gaze followed the man as he drifted elegantly to the ground to introduce himself to the new member. The girl's scent was something she had noticed before but she had never actually met the blonde-haired beauty. She shifted her position slightly to rest her back against the wall as the end of her tail swayed to and fro above the group seated below. Pulling her pipe out she dropped in a sprinkle of some kind of substance before taking a gentle puff.

The conversation below kept most of her attention as she listened carefully, the exchange between Celestia and Yamato providing her with ample amusement. "Now now, Yamato, do let the girl settle in before you lay on your charm." Her voice drifted down from the rafters above the table. She saw no reason to vacate her new-found position, especially given the rather crowded nature around the table. There was also the ever present safety factor of never being too close to Rosa lest the girl decide to fly off as she often did. However the mention of eggnog nearly brought her down from her position only to be staved off by her will at the last moment. Even so she was not about to give up on the liquid treat. "Kazuo, do be a dear and give me a share." Try as she might she could not fully suppress the desire for the drink from displaying upon her face. She adored all things western and that most assuredly extended to their food and drink. The rarity of Eggnog being only available in the winter months made it all that more tantalizing.

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse



Dorian sighed again, though this one was more in relief than the proceeding ones. This was due to the fact that Rosa had decided to not escalate the situation and to simply go back to the table and have a drink. This was honestly the best outcome for the man, as it meant that his sleeping spots were not going to be destroyed, well...at least not for the moment they weren't. With that he began to follow Rosa, overhearing Kazuo and some others talk about eggnog and introductions or something. This sparked a short-lived debate within the man as he decided whether or not he wanted any eggnog at the moment. He had to admit that the drink did hold a certain appeal, but he ultimately decided against it due to the fact that he couldn't drink while he slept.

When he reached the table Dorian sat down next to Rosa, essentially tuning out what everyone else was saying as he closed his eyes. Predictably, as soon as he did this be began to doze off before falling completely asleep. This really wouldn't have posed an issues, as this was normal behavior for the archer, save for one detail. Once he had fallen asleep Dorian could no longer maintain his sitting position and fell sideways, his head landing directly on Rosa's lap. Then, as if to make it worse, he moved in his sleep, snuggling further up to her as he sought the most comfortable position possible, his arm coming up to rest on her legs in front of his face.
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Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

Right before the blonde-haired girl collided with her boot a web of ribbons sprouted forth providing a cushion to bring the girl to a halt. Rather than a heavy crash her boot met with only a light tap as the girl came to a stop only to squirm and get herself entangled within the web that had just saved her. The mention of gum on her shoe caused her to frown as she hefted her foot over her leg and examined her boot for herself. Sure enough there was a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of her boot. Within moments the gum burst into flame before quickly crumbling away into ash and falling harmlessly to the floor. She looked back down on the blonde a triumphant and rather smug smirk tugging at her lips. "No there's not." With her immediate crisis resolved she looked over at the kitchen as Lavender called out for her. She tilted her head to the side slightly as she thought over what the woman could possibly have for her that required her to be summoned by name. Especially since it seemed to coincide with Kelica also getting something. Her thoughts were interrupted as Kelica finally freed herself and made her way over to Ryu. The girl's boundless energy was all fine and dandy in small doses but her endless shouting was beginning to get annoying. "S'pose I better go check that out." Figuring it was as good a time as any and using it as an excuse she hopped off her bar stool and made her way to the kitchen to see what Lavender wanted. Upon entering the kitchen she was immediately assaulted with heat and the smell of holiday treats, two things she definitely didn't mind. She leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms under her chest as she looked at Lavender baking like a housewife. "So whatdya wanna give me, Lavy?"


Haruhi Refox


Haruhi watched with glee as Ciel began to snack on the cookies she had baked. She could tell that she liked it due to her facial expressions, and the fact that she kept eating. It was really reassuring to know that she had done a good job baking, and that her food was actually edible. "Aww, thank you Ciel! I put extra love into the cookies just for you. I hope you tasted it..." She said softly, reaching forward and taking her colder hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before speaking again. "I've also started a fire in the living room. There's a comfy carpet to sit on, or a couch if you're not up for that. There's also a blanket that we can wrap ourselves up in. Wouldn't it be fun to cuddle with eachother? No cloaks or armor on, just regular clothes? Of course we don't have to do that now. You're the guest here, so you can call the shots." Said the blue haired girl, giving her wife a gentle smile. It was such a nice  smile that they didn't need a fire to warm themselves up. Despite her happy and calm demeanor, Haruhi was actually very nervous that her home wasn't clean or friendly enough. She wanted to make it as inviting and comfortable as ever, and would hate it for her wife to be sad while staying. But her nice words made everything ok. She liked the house and that was all that mattered. "Thank you Ciel. I put a lot of work into making it clean for you. But of course we don't have to stay here if you wish. If you want to stay elsewhere, or go out anytime do not hesitate!" 


Ciel smiled softly at her precious Haruhi. "Of course I did, its what made it taste even better." She said, squeezing her other's hand when she did. "Sorry, I'm nor sure what to do, the only thing Niur and I have ever done during this time was exchange gifts then sleep the rest of the day...sometimes if there was a festival we would join in..." She said nervously. "I know! Why don't you take the lead? I'm confident that you know exactly what to do." She encouraged Haruhi with a smile. 'Maybe I'll bring it up later...no...I have to do this now.' She took a deep breath. "So Haruhi...do you know where I could buy some large land here in Crocus? I'm thinking of settling somewhere close..." She started.
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Walking through Margaret Town -> Is about to come up to Lamia Scale guild hall


Christmas eve. The day before christmas and the day she went out to go find Emmerich. The young Faust found herself in the the area of Margaret Town where the Lamia Scale guild hall had been sitting and protecting said town. Evelyn's hands had been shoved into her coat pockets as the cold breeze began to brush against her reddened cheeks "Where the 'ell is this guild?" she muttered to herself in her brother's accent as the snow crunched beneath her boots while she walked down the street. Clearly she hadnt spotted the hall yet simply because she hadnt been down the right street but that didnt stop the young blonde to keep searching for the Lamia Scale hall. The cold air brushed her pale cheeks which had turned red from the cold as well as the tip of her nose. "If that's the 'all then I better get my ass inside." she said as she pulled her hands from her jacket and jogged up to the guild hall and stopped a few feet in front of the large building and looked up to see the flag draped over the front " 'ere it is. Let's 'ope you're still 'ere Emmerich. I didnt come all this way to 'ave you out on a mission." especially on the Eve of christmas.


Just as she was about to approach the front doors of the guild hall, she heard a whistle which caused her to turn her head the source and see a man in a dark hood. "Well by the way you're dressed. I assume you arent 'ere to escort me inside." sarcasm dripped on her words as the young Faust heard multiple footsteps behind her which caused her to turn and see a small group of men trying to surround her  " 'ey 'ey! Where's the Eggnog! We cant have a party without that now can we?" she asked with a grin planted on her lips as one of the men charged at her to which had her sidestep and slam her elbow into his spine with force like no other, sending him face first into the cold snow "Attacking a woman isnt very nice." said Ev as she looked at the other guys who seemed to close in "I guess this party is over?" she asked just as all of them jumped her.


Of course, she was causing massive distruction in front of the guild hall, throwing guys into walls and causing debris to fly everywhere, slamming them into the ground and causing the pavement to come upfrom the ground "Who even thought that this 'ad been a good idea on Christmas Eve? You should be with your families... If you even 'ave any." she released the man she had slammed into the pavement. Hewas knocked out by the impact. Before the blonde knew it, a fire spell hit her from behind and sent her flying into a building and caused debris to fly everywhere and smoke to emmit from the impact. A laughbegan to escape through the smoke as it cleared up, revealing Evelyn standing there as her hands were covered in flames "You just made a bad choice." she said before dashing towards the mage and throwing a heated punch up into his jaw (uppercut) and then did a roundhouse kick sending him flying through a few walls of a nearby building as well as causing a explosion due to the fire magic she ampedand sent back through him. Surprisingly she managed to keep Lamia Scale's guild hall unharmed.


Standing in the intersection, she dusted off her hands and began to walk off towards the hall "I 'ad a good time! Thanks for the warm up!" waving her hand, she approached the doors and let out a sigh "You better be in 'ere Emmerich." she would fight him even though she knew he'd win. Especially from all the word spreading about his destructiveness within bars. Pulling open the door, she poked her head in and then slipped her whole body inside while closing the door behind her. The first thing she saw was a blonde-haired man throwing a punch at a dark haired male. A grin planted on her face as she approached the two " 'ey! Arent you forgetting about little ol' me? Maybe I want to throw a few punches 'ere and there!" called out Evelyn. If anyone were to pay attention to her grin, it was almost like her brothers, but more feminine.


@Mykinkaiser Mentioned @Zuka

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The rustling of paper could be heard from within the office of Maya Morne, the new Guild Master of Lamia Scale. After Lloyd's disappearance, Maya was forced to retire from the council and take up the mantle as the guilds master, as per the request of the chairman himself. Apparently, Lloyd was last seen heading to the west - his motives unknown to everyone, even those closest to him. However, right now, Lloyd's whereabouts was the least of her concerns, she had a job to do and she intending to do it. "Ophelia Kaiser.." Spoke Maya, quietly to herself as she sat at her desk and looked through the series of paperwork on it. From pictures to written reports, everything was there, even the location of her current whereabouts was detailed on the findings. After a long research period, Maya proceeded to head over towards a cabinet that had a strange teleportation device inside of it. Thanks to the many meetings the council held, one of the mage's on council managed to take a strand of Ophelia's hair and create a teleportation device that'd teleport the user to her exact location. With the chairmans permission, Maya was granted ownership of this device. 

Without cracking a smile, Maya put the miniature device in her pocket as she headed out of her office and onto the second level of the guild, atop of the Guild Masters balcony. Eyes gleaming down at the guild members, her eyes shifting into a deadly stare as the woman's gaze befell Laura. The sounds of her heels connecting with the ground filled the whole hall with an ominous and dense feeling to it. Eventually, as she reached the main floor, Maya spoke aloud to everyone present. "I have some business to attend to, I won't be gone for too long." Turning to Valken personally, she continued, "I expect you to manage things while I'm gone." And with that, Maya smiled to everyone present before leaving the guild and heading out back into an open space. The same space used by the guild members to train, in fact. 

Upon her arrival, Maya pulled out the strange device from her pocket and crushed it in her hands. Upon scattering it across the ground, a magical portal opened that of which was similar to the one she had used to arrive in Magnolia during the Fantasia Festival. Stepping inside of it, a bright blue light seemingly shot up into the sky with a loud crackling sound to it before it simply vanished. No doubt, the whole of Margaret Town would've seen an heard it. 

It was then that Maya appeared in a forest, the surrounding area covered in snow as the sounds of footsteps could be heard not too far away. Using her telekinesis magic to levitate, Maya roamed the forests until she came across a trail of footprints and a magical signature to follow, following these two things, it wasn't long until she found who she was looking for. 

'I've found you.' 

Maya stopped levitating as she landed softly on the ground, the sound of snow crunching beneath her. "Ophelia Kaiser." She called out, her hands by her side and her posture imposing. The wind brushed through Maya's hair and made it flow with the breeze as her gown too, flowed gracefully with the breeze. However, Maya's glare pierced Ophelia's soul, and her tone was as stern as ever.  "You cannot escape the forever watchful eye of the council, no one does. Your vile secret has been brought to the surface, and it is only a matter of time before everyone knows of it. Ophelia Kaiser of Grimoire Heart, murderer of Cece Tutin, you, will be brought to the light." Maya's glare sharpened at that very moment as she continued, "The Magic Council has instructed me to bring you to them- alive. Do not make this any harder than it already is."

With that, the wind picked up and grew much more violent, seemingly in reaction to the sudden surge of power that left Maya's body. The air grew dense, suffocating even, and it would all weigh down on Ophelia. 

"Come quietly, my dear."

@Salt Lord @Kyuubey

  Reveal hidden contents


Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall - Margret Town

Valken still had his heels pressed into the ground, waiting for a lightning fast jump or fist punch or whatever Emmerich had to give out to him. Of course the guy didn't even move. I mean, yeah, Valken didn't actually expect Frosty to get hurt being the tank he was, but still. It took at least a soft blow to his ego he didn't even stop drinking at first. Somewhat defeated the man let his arms drop slowly only just in time to see Mikado stride on him. He should have felt the aura coming from her but he didn't till the last moment and as she finally looked up to him he immediately threw up his hands and arms in a defensive gesture, a weak smile plastered his normal cheeky face. "Awwww Come on Mika! You know it wasn't meant to hit you, I mean...I can see it did though... it was an accident!...so ahhh...put the guns down and chill out girl?" Even as he reached forward to flick a wood chip that had landed precariously onto the very brim of her cap and had stayed there so far. Frosty and him fighting was one thing, but he didn't want her to flip a switch and destroy the ENTIRE Guild Hall. Maya wouldn't much like that, after  all, and Valken didn't much like annoying Maya.

His attention on Mika and Frosty, he didn't even notice Laura enter nor did he notice Ferra and Nic taking jabs at Grace, in fact he almost missed Masaki walking it if it weren't for the momentary lapse in the situation between Frosty and himself. But when he did notice he smiled warmly as he came over behind Grace. "Oh yes, Masaki, he's the boy you kept going on and on and on and on about on the train to Crocus.... you know, that time that Mizuki cursed you and made you fall every time someone in the room said his name... this is the boy then?" Valken of course knew all about Masaki, being he had been an S-class of Sabertooth and Valken just knew all these things, that didn't stop him teasing her endlessly because of it. "He works in Crystal Magic if I'm not mistaken?" He said as he peered down to Masaki, an interesting glint in his eyes even though he said it in an offhanded manner. Then he watched his adorable girlfriend push her very nice rack right up in against Masaki... the poor boy, would he even survive holding his breath with those huge melons all up in his face? It wouldn't look good to kill a member of Lamia Scale before the end of his first day. Grace mentioned something about Millie which instantly made him glance to her with a raised eyebrow. "Hey now Shorty, don't be mean when introducing our Guild Mates..."

And the situation pretty much devolved from there as Emmerich finally awoke from his not daze and came over with a wolfish grin. He pulled Mikado out of the way but Valken was so focused on Masaki and Grace and Millie that he only glanced back at the very last minute to watch him jab him right in the gut. Even only noticing at the last minute, he twisted and saw the punch completely brush past him though it did make his vest flutter from how close it was. As he was still mid momentum, Valken grasped his wrist and forearm, dropped down and hoisted Frosty up and over his shoulder before slamming him right into the ground. Which wouldn't have hurt. Though he did straddle the man against the ground as he twisted his arm up and across his own neck, pinning him with his own arm against his throat while Valken sat on top of him, victorious. It was at that moment Maya wandered up and already the man tensed over Frosty and even loosened his grip a fraction at the sound, a feeling of dread working it's way up his back. He slowly looked up to see Maya and before he had time to shuffle off Emmerich's frame she had told him to look after the place. With his spare hand, he gave her a quick salute. "Aye Aye Ma'am!" Though despite how jolly his voice was his eyes were deadly serious.

Half subdued, Valken heard a voice call out and blinked once or twice as a girl with a clear accent not unlike Frosty's appeared. He glanced down to Emmerich's face, before looking back up to the new girl with a raised eyebrow. "Who's this then? I'd say you could join in but I got this all handed Little Lady...."

@LeSoraAmari @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mitchs98 @Arius LaVari

Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

The shadow mage standing before her was quick to defend himself and attempt to appease her. However his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as that cold glare remained in her eye. She looked as if she would open fire at any moment as despite all his words Valken never actually said he was sorry. There were plenty of excuses and justifications but no apology was ever given and that upset her almost as much as the shrapnel that adorned her cap... almost. Alas her fury would be sidelined as Valken's attention was diverted elsewhere and Emmerich came up behind her and shoved her to the side. She was so entirely focused on Valken that the shove left her surprised and stumbling a few feet before she went falling back to land on her butt with a light thud. The unexpected interruption served an unintended purpose of knocking the bloodlust from the girl.

While still quite miffed at Valken's actions and lack of apology she still allowed her weapons to dissipate into nothingness as she took stock of the situation within the hall from her position on the ground. Emmerich had continued on to attack Valken and end up pinned to the ground for his efforts. Maya had gone on some official business leaving Valken of all people in charge. Laura had returned at some point which sent a small shiver down her spine. The smoke was still settling from Grace's assault on Ferra and Nikolas and there was a female Emmerich that had shown up and introduced herself. All in all it was a bit too chaotic, and not the good kind at that. She finally got to her feet and brushed the splinters and dust from her clothing before making her way back to the bar. Everyone seemed inclined to introduce themselves to Masaki and while they had met in Magnolia it was no different than seeing the same person passing by on the street, he was as much a stranger as one could be and that was enough to keep her away.

Approaching the bar she noticed the rather expensive scotch that had been the cause of the conflict between Valken and Emmerich. Alcohol wasn't exactly her thing but even so a small wolfish grin crossed her lips as she sat down upon the seat Emmerich was previously occupying. "Stupid Valken... didn't even say he was sorry." The words were quiet and mumbled as she reached out and took the bottle, swirling the liquid within a few times before quickly downing the contents. She wasn't after the drink for it's taste, this was revenge for Valken messing with her hat and not even apologizing. If Emmerich wouldn't let her shoot the edgy bastard then she'd just swipe the liquor they both were after. She tipped the bottle completely vertically and leaned back slightly as she downed the entire thing in one go. Once it ran dry she released it from her lips with a sharp intake of air followed by a coughing fit. No matter how many times she tried it she never could come to like the taste of alcohol, but sometimes it was worth the sacrifice of drinking it.



Emmerich barely even noticed when he got thrown as something else had entirely taken his attention. That something was a voice he hadn't heard of for a while, but that he'd been thinking about not long ago, his sister's. Hardly had the blonde man hit the ground and Valken's words left his lips when Emmerich grabbed his friend by the collar and hurled him off to the side. He had meant to simply move his friend off from on top of him but, in his excitement, he forgot to hold back at all, unintentionally throwing his friend with close to his full strength. Having done that, and not caring about the consequences for the moment, Emmerich sprung to his feet, a massive, happy grin on his face as he made his way swiftly over to his sister. "Ev! You shoulda told me you were coming!" he exclaimed, picking her up in an affectionate bear hug and spinning her around, "I was just thinking of coming to visit you lot! 'Ow are mun and dad? Still doing well and all? Why'd you come all the way 'ere anyway? Not that I mind. It's good to see you Ev!"  

After a moment of hugging her Emmerich finally set Evelyn down, though he was still beaming. He had always had a good relationship with his sister, even from when they were kids. When he wasn't training or developing Ragnarok he could generally be found spending his time with her. As one could guess by knowing this, he was extremely fond of , and fiercely protective of, her. Due to this, he was overjoyed when he saw her and in his eyes she had just given him the best Christmas present he could have hoped for, and a day early at that.

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

"I am not sure either Dorian nor myself would appreciate this becoming a very popular area." A hammock for Dorian might be appropriate however she herself did not require one, and the prospect of even more people making these rafters their resting place was not exactly a delightful prospect in her mind. Some temporary company now and then is one thing, having an assortment of guildmates resting within hammocks was quite another. However she couldn't help but smile at the mention of Dorian's choice of sleeping spots. "I suppose when you are hounded relentlessly one must learn to be creative to achieve their rest." She took another puff of her pipe as she watched Kazuo get to his feet. A brief flash of disappointment crossed her face before she watched him hop over to another rafter and re-position himself to speak with her more directly. "The thought of using these rafters for combat has crossed my mind however I doubt the day will ever come when such a thing happens." Lowering the pipe to her side she opted to take a sip of her eggnog this time, the sway of her tail increasing every time she did. With the cup still to her lips she heard her conversational companion ask whether it was good. "It's ama-" She quickly began to give emphatic praise before catching herself and offering a small cough. "I mean yes, it is quite delightful, thank you. Knowing this Guild you might want to fetch some for yourself before you find it all gone."

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

Right before the blonde-haired girl collided with her boot a web of ribbons sprouted forth providing a cushion to bring the girl to a halt. Rather than a heavy crash her boot met with only a light tap as the girl came to a stop only to squirm and get herself entangled within the web that had just saved her. The mention of gum on her shoe caused her to frown as she hefted her foot over her leg and examined her boot for herself. Sure enough there was a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of her boot. Within moments the gum burst into flame before quickly crumbling away into ash and falling harmlessly to the floor. She looked back down on the blonde a triumphant and rather smug smirk tugging at her lips. "No there's not." With her immediate crisis resolved she looked over at the kitchen as Lavender called out for her. She tilted her head to the side slightly as she thought over what the woman could possibly have for her that required her to be summoned by name. Especially since it seemed to coincide with Kelica also getting something. Her thoughts were interrupted as Kelica finally freed herself and made her way over to Ryu. The girl's boundless energy was all fine and dandy in small doses but her endless shouting was beginning to get annoying. "S'pose I better go check that out." Figuring it was as good a time as any and using it as an excuse she hopped off her bar stool and made her way to the kitchen to see what Lavender wanted. Upon entering the kitchen she was immediately assaulted with heat and the smell of holiday treats, two things she definitely didn't mind. She leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms under her chest as she looked at Lavender baking like a housewife. "So whatdya wanna give me, Lavy?"


  Reveal hidden contents

Emmerich barely even noticed when he got thrown as something else had entirely taken his attention. That something was a voice he hadn't heard of for a while, but that he'd been thinking about not long ago, his sister's. Hardly had the blonde man hit the ground and Valken's words left his lips when Emmerich grabbed his friend by the collar and hurled him off to the side. He had meant to simply move his friend off from on top of him but, in his excitement, he forgot to hold back at all, unintentionally throwing his friend with close to his full strength. Having done that, and not caring about the consequences for the moment, Emmerich sprung to his feet, a massive, happy grin on his face as he made his way swiftly over to his sister. "Ev! You shoulda told me you were coming!" he exclaimed, picking her up in an affectionate bear hug and spinning her around, "I was just thinking of coming to visit you lot! 'Ow are mun and dad? Still doing well and all? Why'd you come all the way 'ere anyway? Not that I mind. It's good to see you Ev!"  

After a moment of hugging her Emmerich finally set Evelyn down, though he was still beaming. He had always had a good relationship with his sister, even from when they were kids. When he wasn't training or developing Ragnarok he could generally be found spending his time with her. As one could guess by knowing this, he was extremely fond of , and fiercely protective of, her. Due to this, he was overjoyed when he saw her and in his eyes she had just given him the best Christmas present he could have hoped for, and a day early at that.

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Blood rushed to the young Celestial Mage's face, small areas of his hair were covered in snow. He walked into the kitchen feeling the heat radiating from the oven. "Hey! It's not my fault that this place is confusing to travel through, it's worse then my home town!" He answered to her. He set down the groceries for his side of the dinner on the counter. "Wow you made a lot of stuff while I was gone." At that moment he saw the cookies and fell into a glee ful smile. " Ashley I would love to help you." Aiden picked up an icing bag full of green paste. "Ready when you are red head!" 




@Mykinkaiser @Zuka (since valk was kinda involved Lolz)

LS Guild Hall




Evelyn watched as the fight began to unfold with Emmerich being on bottom while the dark-haired male was pinning him down. Emmy got a boyfriend eh?  she thought to herself as she stifled a laugh. It didnt take Emmerich long to throw the guy off and rush over to her and pull her into a bearhug which made her actually release her laugh. She wasnt able to hug him back simply because his bearhug restricted her arms.  "If I told you I was on my way 'ere it wouldnt 'ave been a surprise!" once she was put down, she gave him a tight hug in return and began to answer his questions "Mom and Dad are great. Though dad got 'imself sick again by working like a dog by shoveling snow. Woulda thought by now 'e would be used to the cold." the blonde pulled away from the hug and shook her head before jumping onto his next question "I came all the way 'ere just to see you! I've 'eard word you were around. Mostly in bars you practially claimed." her smile turned into her grin "Good job on doing that."


Evelyn was so glad to see her brother again "It's good to see you too, Em." she lifted her fist and punched his arm playfully. She always looked up to Emmerich and always hoped that one day she can follow in his footsteps and be a beserker just like him. "The biggest reason why I came 'ere  was because I wanted to spend Christmas Day with my awesome brother. It gets boring back at 'ome when you arent around plus there is no one to teach a lesson or give knuckle sandwhiches to." she began to lose her grin but it instantly came back when a thought popped into her head "I was 'owever greeted by wizards who allowed me to kick their asses outside the guild 'all! I made a 'uge mess though." she laughed after telling her brother the short but sweet story and rubbed the back of her head


The young Faust was more than happy to see Emmerich. He was the only person who really brightened up her mood and had truely had fun with. She had friends, yeah, and would have fun and have happy moments but those moments couldnt add up to what Emmerich brought to her. Put it in simple terms: She adored Emmerich.


"Soo, is your friend over there gonna live?" she asked, tilting her body a little bit to look at the mage who was thrown with such strenth.



Ashley's Home

Ashley giggled and decorated the cookie she had begun on "I tend to bake quickly. Especially on Holidays. We need the cookies and hot cocoa so we can sit by the fire and talk about

christmas...or something." she shrugged "But i'm glad you're willing to help me." she looked over at him "Decorate however you would like to decorate. Make it look silly or something." Ashley allowed Aiden the freedom to do what he would like to do with the cookie "These cookies are going in our tummies anyway." a grin spreaded across her lips as she grabbed some sprinkles and put it on the cookie. "I hope they taste as good as they smell"




FT Kitchen @Colt556


Looking over as she heard the door open, the blonde smiled "I want to give you something you might like." pausing what she was doing, she moved towards a cabinet and opened it before pulling out a red cake which was covered in black fondant followed by red, yellow and orange flames along the outside of the cake. It almost looked like a piece of coal covered in fire "This is for you. I had some extra time upon my hands so I made this for you and I had made a cake for miss Keli." she placed the cake on the cleaner end of the table "I hope that you enjoy this cake... I wish I could have made more but as you can see... I dont have enough time right now." Lavender then went back to where she had been and began loading cookies onto a plate to bring outside into the hall for many to enjoy. She also poured some eggnog into a canister and covered the top "You may share it if you'd like as well... It's your cake now. You do what you want."


(Dis is to say im sowwi Colt ;-; I felt bad so..I did this ^-^ )

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Kazuo smiled a bit as he listened to her and nodded "I probably should... No worries, even if there is none left I can always go out to a bar and get some or just drop down and get regular drinks." it wasnt a big deal to him to miss out on a drink within his guild. Besides, even if he was in the mood for an aloholic drink, it would probably be something other than the eggnog. Maybe whisky or scotch to hype him up. Either way he was planning on getting drunk and having a good time with his friends. Kazuo looked down towards Rosa and Dorian, watching as his best friend fell asleep in Rosa's lap You're going to regret doing that, Dorian. She's going to shock you into the next universe. he thought to himself, waiting to see what would happen in the scene before him. Dorian probably wouldnt care if he got shocked, he would leave it as is.


"I believe we'll have some entertainment within the next few seconds." He nodded down to the group.


mentioned: @Mykinkaiser @Zuka Interacted with: @Colt556
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Ophelia -- Middle of Nowhere

It had felt like too long since Ophelia had left her guild hall silently to take her leave, and the cold was beating down on her relentlessly. It wasn't something she'd enjoyed... but now, with Maya Morne standing behind her, knowing what she'd done and even going so far as to taunt her about it... She had only wished there was more time. The girl wouldn't mind spending an eternity trapped in an icy haze as long as that haze belonged to her.

Ophelia came to a halt and reluctantly spun around to face Maya, releasing her torn cape to flow along with the wind that didn't seem to sting so much anymore. With only the sounds of winter and snow filling the air, she looked down at her feet and sheathed her blade, seemingly ready to admit defeat. As much as one would hate to admit it, almost no one stood much chance against a Wizard Saint, even if they were former, and for Ophelia to try as she was now would only be wasting time. Time that could be savored before she would be kept in a prison cell... 

Slowly and silently, allowing her hands to fall to her sides and her cape to continue flowing, she made her way to the woman standing before her, snow crunching under her boots. Maybe it would be easier this way... Maybe there was a chance for redemption. They'd let her out early, and she'd be able to meet up with Alicia and Mizuki, who had probably missed her already, and most importantly, some miracle would happen that Alfie got what he deserved...

As she did near Maya, however, Ophelia had begun to rethink her choices. She didn't even need to go to prison, did she? Why would she need to wait for forgiveness when no one knew she needed to be forgiven? After all, she didn't implant super-charged Lacrima into her bloodstream for nothing. She wasn't a pathetic little girl like almost everyone assumed her to be. She was far more than capable of taking lives, so why not do that one last time? 

It could have been a possibility that Alfie didn't make deals with people who couldn't hold their end. Everything happened for a reason, and he promised her he'd grant her wish... 

Ophelia let out a few small giggles and stopped in her tracks, realizing she felt sorry for blaming him for the problems he might have actually solved.


Almost instantly, she drew her blade and stabbed it into the snow, from which hundreds of blue, rapidly spinning and steaming rings of water violently rose and quickly directed themselves toward Maya, melting nearly all of the snow in that immediate area... and almost heating up that whole section of the forest.

To a powerful mage, Ophelia's sudden and unstable spike of pure and malevolent power was... Underwhelming. At this rate, she unsurprisingly was still no where near close to being worthy of actually gaining a title as a Wizard Saint.

But to her, it was the strongest she'd ever been. She was unstoppable now, and anything that would dare stand in her way to being happy again would be boiled alive.





Kirin sighed as her body transformed back to her pressured version. She flew straight out of the door, deciding to deal with home issues instead of guild issues...

Kirin came to her private building, a two story tall blue house. She could feel them behind the door, squirming around in joy. She hadn't seen them in so long that it kinda scared her. She pushed the doors softly open with her eyes closed, singing softly, "To all of my children whom life flows abundant... To all of my children whom death hath passed his judgment... Look at those who walked before to lead those who walk after..." The tide of little feet charging ahead was intense. Five tiny bodies flung into her hips, six arms wrapped around her stomach, and a single pair of eyes were her greeting back home. "Mommy's here!" "Howdy..." "Mom!" Kirin snickered at all her kids running around before they gave her some space to breath. She awkwardly hovered next to Octavian, asking, "Sooo... Supplies? Issues?" Octavian counted in his head for a few moments, "Sonata and Allegro got into a tug of war with Allegros wings..." "He started it!" "She called me twitchy!" "Tallis needs more of his dandruff shampoo..." "Heh heh... Please..?" "And Vivace and Ariana are going on a double date with the Violet Brothers." "Hey! Why did you have to tell Mom about that?!" "She would know sooner or later. What's so wrong with having a crush?" Octavian sighed, used to all the comments between his words. Hell, he always left a void between sentences just to make sure no one talked over him. It was like an internet message board...


Allegro, Melody,  Sonata, Ariana, Vivace, TallisOctavian


Allegro - M

Age - 9 Months



Melody - F

Age - 9 Months



Sonata - F

Age - 9 Months



Ariana - F

Age - 1 Year



Vivace - F

Age - 1 Year



Tallis - M

- Age 1 Year



Octavian - M

Age - 2 Years




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~Shiro Ai : LS Guild Hall~


Shiro had been into the music playing next to her, perfectly fine with the fact that Phineas still stayed nearby and out of the way, she had been enjoying it at least until she heard the quiet voice of an overly familiar woman, one that sent chills down even her spine. Laura sounded angry but not too upset, thankfully, now Shiro wasn't normally one to attempt to hide away from someone but the woman over by Emmerich and the others was a whole other story so she slid just a little closer to the boy playing music, keeping her hands in her lap despite wanting to grab the bottom of his shirt and she whispered quietly to him, "Be wary of Laura, she's really scary to be honest so...I suggest finding a way to save your brother." The build up to chaos seemed to settle down once Laura spoke up though, but she was still tense which only got worse when she jumped slightly at a female looking Emmerich walked into the hall only to be hugged by the Ragnarok mage she had been keeping an eye on; the new arrival had made her jump a bit. Being as quiet as she was normally she tilted her head only a little while watching the interactions going on over by the others and she wanted to actually try and talk to them, but found her nerves preventing exactly that. She opted to stay seated right beside Phineas letting out a small sigh of defeat before letting her head fall onto her arms which rested on the table, still watching the others talk.

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