Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guildhall


Grace stared down at Masaki's arms with wide, bright eyes as she began to process the news she was given. He had the Lamia Scale Guildmark instead on the Sabertooth one. She quickly looked up at him and smiled happily. "Y-You left your guild and moved here? And it was for me? Wow Masaki!" She said in a stunned voice before letting out a loud and joyous squeal, leaping up and latching to his body, arms and legs tightly wrapped around his. "This is the BEST Christmas I've EVER had!" The short girl screamed, nuzzling Masaki's chest for a few moments before letting herself down and taking both of his hands. Today was one of the best days in her life. She could finally be with the love of her life for now and ever. They could visit every day instead of every few months. Their relationship can finally grow and blossom into something more wonderful! Unfortunately her happy behavior came to an end as her eyes saw the busty female version of Nikolas, showing off and teasing her about her chest. Her once wide and happy eyes turned into cold glares at the sight. Letting go of Masaki's hands she ignited a purple flame and angrily shot missiles at him and Ferra. Not her old concussion blasts but her actual explosion missiles. They had to learn a lesson, they had to fear her and her flat chest! "Will you two ever give me a break!?" She screeched, stomping her foot against the floor and crossing her arms across her chest. "I'll take off a limb the next time you do something like that! Or I'll get Mad Maya to beat you two up!" Once her message was said Grace turned around to Masaki, a less angry but still annoyed face. "Ignore those two, I'll show you my friends. They're over at the bar." Taking his hands she led the boy over to the bar where Valken, Mikado, Millie, and Frosty were all in some big fight. She had no idea what the hell it was about, but she could only assume it was about alcohol. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I want you to meet my boyfriend Masaki. You already know Mikado, but I don't know about the others." 

Millie was quick to react when Grace introduced her boyfriend Masaki. "Oh hello! My name is Millie!" She said excitedly, wrapping her arms around Masaki in a tight hug. "You got such a cute one Grace! And you're a very lucky boy, Gracie-Poo is just an absolute angel!" Grace wasn't too happy that Millie was hugging her boyfriend, her hands clenched into tight fist. "Back up you big boobed monster..."

@Zuka @Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98


Lamia Scale Guild Hall



Clank, clank. Clank, clank. foot steps could be heard approaching the Lamia Scale Guild Hall after having been gone for a year or so working on a mission. Laura was wearing her usual attire which wouldn't keep a sane person warm this time of year but she didn't seem to be bother by it any more than she was bother by people living. She pulled the door open, and looked at everyone inside. "I've returned." She said in her normal tone of voice which always sounded harsh and full of hatred. Most people would have heard it even if they were being loud and obnoxious, her voice was something that you heard even if she whispered only due to the fact that she scared most people. Her rank wasn't what scare people rather it was what she did to people's minds. Her eyes scanned the room, looking for all of the errors that her children were making. She would have to whip them into shape again.


She closed the door behind her and walked up to a man she saw transform into a women. He must be new, hopefully he will learn how I run things around here. Slowly made her way over the child not knowing if he was paying attention."Excuse me but what do you think you are doing? Mocking women in such a humiliating way." She never raise her voice but it was never necessary. She then turned to look at Mikado. "And who do you  think you are encouraging him? I thought you would know better, this is a disgrace!" She wasn't as mad as she usually was and she was considering giving them just a warning.


~Shiro Ai : LS Guild Hall~


Shiro had been into the music playing next to her, perfectly fine with the fact that Phineas still stayed nearby and out of the way, she had been enjoying it at least until she heard the quiet voice of an overly familiar woman, one that sent chills down even her spine. Laura sounded angry but not too upset, thankfully, now Shiro wasn't normally one to attempt to hide away from someone but the woman over by Emmerich and the others was a whole other story so she slid just a little closer to the boy playing music, keeping her hands in her lap despite wanting to grab the bottom of his shirt and she whispered quietly to him, "Be wary of Laura, she's really scary to be honest so...I suggest finding a way to save your brother." The build up to chaos seemed to settle down once Laura spoke up though, but she was still tense which only got worse when she jumped slightly at a female looking Emmerich walked into the hall only to be hugged by the Ragnarok mage she had been keeping an eye on; the new arrival had made her jump a bit. Being as quiet as she was normally she tilted her head only a little while watching the interactions going on over by the others and she wanted to actually try and talk to them, but found her nerves preventing exactly that. She opted to stay seated right beside Phineas letting out a small sigh of defeat before letting her head fall onto her arms which rested on the table, still watching the others talk.

  Nikolas's tail fluffed up when a bunch of missiles got shot at him and Ferra; he couldn't miss them, of course, so BOOM. Now Nik needed to see a Phinea—doctor. He meant doctor, obviously. His female self now didn't have many clothes on, and, to top it off, a chick came in and started telling him off for turning into a girl and mocking women. Oh snap. Nik guiltily turned back to his normal self, his arms crossed. He opened his mouth, looking towards Phineas, who rolled his eyes. 

  "For the millionth time, Nik, no. You were wrong, so don't go running to me for help. Apologize," he added, his voice much louder than normal. 

  "Whaaaaat?! Even you're taking their sides?!"

  "I'm your twin, not your Number One Fan." At this point, Phineas sounded on the verge of screaming his ears out, except he sounded much calmer, almost bored. 

  "So? What's the difference?"

  "There's a huge difference; I feel embarrassed by you. I'm not helping you out unless you have a detailed plan or if it's an emergency. Besides, she's right. You're acting offensive. So apologize and keep me out of it. End of lecture."


  "....Also, please apologize to Miss Grace. You were being rude to her as well."

  Nikolas glared daggers at his brother, then, grumbling, turned to the woman. "I'm sorry for offending you," he mumbled, then turned to Grace. "I'm sorry for making fun of you." Meanwhile, Phineas let out a sigh, returning to the piano playing of Carol of the Bells. 

Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guildhall


Grace stared down at Masaki's arms with wide, bright eyes as she began to process the news she was given. He had the Lamia Scale Guildmark instead on the Sabertooth one. She quickly looked up at him and smiled happily. "Y-You left your guild and moved here? And it was for me? Wow Masaki!" She said in a stunned voice before letting out a loud and joyous squeal, leaping up and latching to his body, arms and legs tightly wrapped around his. "This is the BEST Christmas I've EVER had!" The short girl screamed, nuzzling Masaki's chest for a few moments before letting herself down and taking both of his hands. Today was one of the best days in her life. She could finally be with the love of her life for now and ever. They could visit every day instead of every few months. Their relationship can finally grow and blossom into something more wonderful! Unfortunately her happy behavior came to an end as her eyes saw the busty female version of Nikolas, showing off and teasing her about her chest. Her once wide and happy eyes turned into cold glares at the sight. Letting go of Masaki's hands she ignited a purple flame and angrily shot missiles at him and Ferra. Not her old concussion blasts but her actual explosion missiles. They had to learn a lesson, they had to fear her and her flat chest! "Will you two ever give me a break!?" She screeched, stomping her foot against the floor and crossing her arms across her chest. "I'll take off a limb the next time you do something like that! Or I'll get Mad Maya to beat you two up!" Once her message was said Grace turned around to Masaki, a less angry but still annoyed face. "Ignore those two, I'll show you my friends. They're over at the bar." Taking his hands she led the boy over to the bar where Valken, Mikado, Millie, and Frosty were all in some big fight. She had no idea what the hell it was about, but she could only assume it was about alcohol. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I want you to meet my boyfriend Masaki. You already know Mikado, but I don't know about the others." 

Millie was quick to react when Grace introduced her boyfriend Masaki. "Oh hello! My name is Millie!" She said excitedly, wrapping her arms around Masaki in a tight hug. "You got such a cute one Grace! And you're a very lucky boy, Gracie-Poo is just an absolute angel!" Grace wasn't too happy that Millie was hugging her boyfriend, her hands clenched into tight fist. "Back up you big boobed monster..."

@Zuka @Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98

  Nikolas grinned when Ferra made a comment about Grace's bust size and, for emphasis, performed the transformation spell into a girl, posing in front of her and winking. "Hey, she's got a point there," he said with a major grin, his tail flicking back and forth as he continued to pose in his female form. "Are~You~Jealous~Of~Us~?"

  Phineas let out a loud groan, halting the piano and burying his face in his hands. Now he really was embarrassed. If he didn't have a lick of common sense, he probably would have punched the daylights out of his brother by now, but nooooo. That sounded like a bad idea. So all he mumbled was, "Hey, Nik? Maybe you should back off...." Of course, it was hardly audible over all the racket. Sighing, Phineas heard Shiro speak. At least she seemed to understand. Then he noticed she offered him to sit by her. Phin nodded, picked up his piano, and moved to sit next to Shiro. "Talk about chaotic...."


Lamia Scale Guild Hall



Clank, clank. Clank, clank. foot steps could be heard approaching the Lamia Scale Guild Hall after having been gone for a year or so working on a mission. Laura was wearing her usual attire which wouldn't keep a sane person warm this time of year but she didn't seem to be bother by it any more than she was bother by people living. She pulled the door open, and looked at everyone inside. "I've returned." She said in her normal tone of voice which always sounded harsh and full of hatred. Most people would have heard it even if they were being loud and obnoxious, her voice was something that you heard even if she whispered only due to the fact that she scared most people. Her rank wasn't what scare people rather it was what she did to people's minds. Her eyes scanned the room, looking for all of the errors that her children were making. She would have to whip them into shape again.


She closed the door behind her and walked up to a man she saw transform into a women. He must be new, hopefully he will learn how I run things around here. Slowly made her way over the child not knowing if he was paying attention."Excuse me but what do you think you are doing? Mocking women in such a humiliating way." She never raise her voice but it was never necessary. She then turned to look at Mikado. "And who do you  think you are encouraging him? I thought you would know better, this is a disgrace!" She wasn't as mad as she usually was and she was considering giving them just a warning.


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Masaki simply stood there and watched with a happy smile on his face as Grace reacted to the guild mark on his arm. She was so happy that he was now officially a member of Lamia Scale and it too, made Masaki extremely happy for it meant that they could be with each other all the time now, something Masaki has wanted for a very long time. When the smaller girl wrapped her arms around him, he did the same to her and with a smile on his face as he did so. Grace was really, to him, the only other person that really made him feel whole, and it was wonderful. His reason to live, and the definition of everything beautiful. To him, that was Grace. Masaki stood there quietly as all of the chaos unfolded before him, however his demeanour changed completely when everyone began to tease Grace, and his eyes formed daggers as the young S-Class seemingly stared into the very depths of their beings before stopping moments later. 

When Grace started to introduce him to everyone, Masaki couldn't help but gasp slightly as everyone looked at him. The nervous and slightly terrified look forming on his face as he stood there. All Masaki wanted to do was become fully immersed inside the contents of a book, but Grace insisted he get to know everyone. First up was Millie, who seemed to be very nice. However just before he could say anything the woman wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug, his face seemingly being squashed by the girls rather large and bouncy breasts. Gasping for breath, the sight was actually rather comical but was over in seconds. Once Masaki freed himself, he smiled at Millie, "Uh- It's a pleasure to meet you, Millie. Grace has told me a lot about you." He said, a nervous tone in his voice. Next, it was Valken who greeted and addressed him. The male was one of the S-Class mages of this guild just like Millie was, and thus he was known to him somewhat. When Valken asked if Masaki was the one who used Crystal Magic, Masaki simply nodded and then looked over to Grace, smiling at her kindly. 

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Colt556 @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mykinkaiser @Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra giggled when Nikolas transformed and started posing. If that didn't set her off nothing would, "Yeah you're just jealo-WAH!" She began, immediately getting silenced by getting blasted back with Grace's magic. She groaned and picked herself up off the floor, brushing debris from the now very exploded table off of her. Meh, she'd make a new one later. She laughed at the state of Nikola and at the fact of what Grace said. She'd like to see the little midget try. She didn't say anything though as Laura soon came into the room, cause her to shrink away from her when she confronted Nikolas. She had a crush on him and all, but she was the one person she wouldn't be saving him from anytime soon. Her magic was honestly to terrible, she doubted she'd use it on any of them unless she had to....but still. "Y-Yeah we're sorry Laura." She apologized alongside Nik, ignoring the petty sibling squabble in favor of saving her own skin. "Welcome back though! It's been a while. How have you been?" She asked with a smile, trying to change the subject subtly.

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall - Balsam Village

after taking a drink from his mug and an arm reached up to place the tankard upon the table "that's a rather sad to hear but good too see it isn't keeping ya down then eh? I would toast but the height is a bit of an issue" in regards to his own rather than hers "going well the underground gets boring rather quickly the weather and terrain on the surface is vastly different luckily I have encountered snow before that mountain entrance it always covered in it", his eyes tracking as her form grew much taller close to that of Rosa "well now you're just full of tricks ain't you." Rosa had finally made her way back to the table after the little interruption from the scaled menace before  "Ah welcome back to the table, why is your mug still empty" with some minor grunting the dwarf hauled himself onto the table and began to pour from the impossible flask once again filling the tankard within a few short moments, before slapping her hand in a friendly manner and taking his seat on the bench once again. His eyes and the top of his head peering over

looking to the well presented man also seated "Kazuo Takara eh? well it's very nice you meet good sir" giving a half bow but without looking over the table all one would see would be the top of his head and eyes dip forward and disappear for a moment or two.


  Reveal hidden contents

Dorian sighed again, though this one was more in relief than the proceeding ones. This was due to the fact that Rosa had decided to not escalate the situation and to simply go back to the table and have a drink. This was honestly the best outcome for the man, as it meant that his sleeping spots were not going to be destroyed, well...at least not for the moment they weren't. With that he began to follow Rosa, overhearing Kazuo and some others talk about eggnog and introductions or something. This sparked a short-lived debate within the man as he decided whether or not he wanted any eggnog at the moment. He had to admit that the drink did hold a certain appeal, but he ultimately decided against it due to the fact that he couldn't drink while he slept.

When he reached the table Dorian sat down next to Rosa, essentially tuning out what everyone else was saying as he closed his eyes. Predictably, as soon as he did this be began to doze off before falling completely asleep. This really wouldn't have posed an issues, as this was normal behavior for the archer, save for one detail. Once he had fallen asleep Dorian could no longer maintain his sitting position and fell sideways, his head landing directly on Rosa's lap. Then, as if to make it worse, he moved in his sleep, snuggling further up to her as he sought the most comfortable position possible, his arm coming up to rest on her legs in front of his face.


Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


Kazuo smiled a bit as he listened to her and nodded "I probably should... No worries, even if there is none left I can always go out to a bar and get some or just drop down and get regular drinks." it wasnt a big deal to him to miss out on a drink within his guild. Besides, even if he was in the mood for an aloholic drink, it would probably be something other than the eggnog. Maybe whisky or scotch to hype him up. Either way he was planning on getting drunk and having a good time with his friends. Kazuo looked down towards Rosa and Dorian, watching as his best friend fell asleep in Rosa's lap You're going to regret doing that, Dorian. She's going to shock you into the next universe. he thought to himself, waiting to see what would happen in the scene before him. Dorian probably wouldnt care if he got shocked, he would leave it as is.


"I believe we'll have some entertainment within the next few seconds." He nodded down to the group.


mentioned: @Mykinkaiser @Zuka Interacted with: @Colt556


Blue Pegasus Guild Hall


Rosaline had her legs crossed as her fingers idly looked down to her wooden ale mug. She had had her fill of an Eggnog or three before she had sat back down, however now she was currently sitting at the table staring down to the bottom of her empty mug with an angry frown dotting her face.

Her mug was empty.

Why was her mug empty exactly?

This was a significant problem for the very stern and stiff girl, because she liked to drink almost as much as she liked to challenge and test herself, and if her mug was empty then she wasn't drinking. She licked her lips as she realized just how dry they were, eyes very slowly slipping upwards with a wistful look on her face as they drew back to the bar. And almost to echo her thoughts she heard the voice of someone asking her why her mug was empty. "Why indeed?" She answered. That was when the Dwarf filled her mug to brim, watching the liquid dance around the rim and a huge smile broke it's way onto her normal frowning face. She was so excited she didn't even flinch from his tap to her hand, though almost before the Dwarf had sat back down she had lifted the mug to her lips and drunk quickly from it, in a gulp she had sculled the entire thing.

With a resounding smack she placed the now empty mug to the table and used a hand to brush against her mouth gently. Even before the Dwarf had sat back down she had a bemused smile cross her face. "You going to be up and down quite a lot there as I don't drink slowly... why not just leave the flask on the table and I'll drink straight from that... Or I'm sure Yamato or Kazuo might be gracious enough to procure some Eggnog in something bigger then a tiny child size mug for me..."

To be fair the child sized mug was actually a decent size for a normal human, but the girl was tall and she could drink. So something closer to a fishbowl or even a tap straight from the keg might be more to her favor. She noticed Kirin stand up and as she watched her leave she pondered for a moment to follow her and see what she was up to, but before she could do anything Dorian had just as quickly taken up Kirin's spot. On instinct Rosaline shuffled down the bench closest to the the wall without looking at him, effectively trapping her in her spot. Which was fine as long as the others kept the drinks a coming. She was so focused on her Not!drink that her eyes blinked in a surprised fashion as she noticed a movement in the corner of her eyes. Dorian's whole frame slumped and her arms half threw up basically allowing the Archer to crash his head right there into her lap.

Her mouth half opened as the color completely drained from her face. Her legs were still crossed so that was a plus, but the angle of her legs caused a not uncomfortable pillow position for him to lay on. Her thighs strong but skin soft. In fact she was still staring down to him with her blue eyes huge as she kept her arms held aloft. Her body looked as tense as one could possibly be, almost shaking as she had no idea what to do! Her first instinct was to grab the man and throw a Million volts into his frame to send him careening off in an opposite direction. But she had literally only JUST CALMED DOWN. And she heard the voice of their Guild Master from up above on a separate level call out to have a Happy Christmas and behave.... Well she couldn't go doing a thing like that with the Guild Master so close could she?

He rolled over in his sleep and placed a hand covering his face and at this point Rosaline had stopped breathing altogether. She reached forward with a trembling hand as she grasped her mug and lifted it up slowly, holding it half in the air as her terrified face still peered down to Dorian. "D...D...Drink? M...More drinks please...More..." If she distracted herself with Alcohol it would be fine.... right?

@Happy Red Mage @Colt556 @Jackaboi @hudhouse@Arius LaVari
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Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

the dwarf was hardly seated a few seconds before the tankard was drained and slammed back to the table "ah hah well then in that case i might have just the thing for you then," turning to rummage through a metal banded trunk behind him for a few moments producing a solid granite mug similar in size to a small keg hefting the object up and down onto the table with a heavy thud "that would probably be a better size then we make these for trolls and giants sometimes when the more intelligent less destructive ones come around and give us quite a decent price for them."

producing a different flash with a bigger nozzle on it and hefting himself across the table simply seating himself on the edge of the table rather than sitting back on the bench and not being able to see as much, seeing as there was a great deal more happening over in this area now than in the past few days. his legs unconsciously swung as he opened the large mouthed flash and set about filling the granite troll mug a sigil on the bottom of the flask glowed "this flask is a little more conspicuous than the other smaller one but i would rather get back to drinking too myself," having finished pouring Rosa now appropriately sized mug "you can go ahead and keep that one just dont throw it around it'll probably kill someone or put large holes through the guild hall since it is essentially a boulder har har!" he chuckled grasping his own mug and holding up for a toast with her newly

gifted mug.

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Masaki simply stood there and watched with a happy smile on his face as Grace reacted to the guild mark on his arm. She was so happy that he was now officially a member of Lamia Scale and it too, made Masaki extremely happy for it meant that they could be with each other all the time now, something Masaki has wanted for a very long time. When the smaller girl wrapped her arms around him, he did the same to her and with a smile on his face as he did so. Grace was really, to him, the only other person that really made him feel whole, and it was wonderful. His reason to live, and the definition of everything beautiful. To him, that was Grace. Masaki stood there quietly as all of the chaos unfolded before him, however his demeanour changed completely when everyone began to tease Grace, and his eyes formed daggers as the young S-Class seemingly stared into the very depths of their beings before stopping moments later. 

When Grace started to introduce him to everyone, Masaki couldn't help but gasp slightly as everyone looked at him. The nervous and slightly terrified look forming on his face as he stood there. All Masaki wanted to do was become fully immersed inside the contents of a book, but Grace insisted he get to know everyone. First up was Millie, who seemed to be very nice. However just before he could say anything the woman wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug, his face seemingly being squashed by the girls rather large and bouncy breasts. Gasping for breath, the sight was actually rather comical but was over in seconds. Once Masaki freed himself, he smiled at Millie, "Uh- It's a pleasure to meet you, Millie. Grace has told me a lot about you." He said, a nervous tone in his voice. Next, it was Valken who greeted and addressed him. The male was one of the S-Class mages of this guild just like Millie was, and thus he was known to him somewhat. When Valken asked if Masaki was the one who used Crystal Magic, Masaki simply nodded and then looked over to Grace, smiling at her kindly. 

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Colt556 @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mykinkaiser @Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer

Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

The shadow mage standing before her was quick to defend himself and attempt to appease her. However his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as that cold glare remained in her eye. She looked as if she would open fire at any moment as despite all his words Valken never actually said he was sorry. There were plenty of excuses and justifications but no apology was ever given and that upset her almost as much as the shrapnel that adorned her cap... almost. Alas her fury would be sidelined as Valken's attention was diverted elsewhere and Emmerich came up behind her and shoved her to the side. She was so entirely focused on Valken that the shove left her surprised and stumbling a few feet before she went falling back to land on her butt with a light thud. The unexpected interruption served an unintended purpose of knocking the bloodlust from the girl.

While still quite miffed at Valken's actions and lack of apology she still allowed her weapons to dissipate into nothingness as she took stock of the situation within the hall from her position on the ground. Emmerich had continued on to attack Valken and end up pinned to the ground for his efforts. Maya had gone on some official business leaving Valken of all people in charge. Laura had returned at some point which sent a small shiver down her spine. The smoke was still settling from Grace's assault on Ferra and Nikolas and there was a female Emmerich that had shown up and introduced herself. All in all it was a bit too chaotic, and not the good kind at that. She finally got to her feet and brushed the splinters and dust from her clothing before making her way back to the bar. Everyone seemed inclined to introduce themselves to Masaki and while they had met in Magnolia it was no different than seeing the same person passing by on the street, he was as much a stranger as one could be and that was enough to keep her away.

Approaching the bar she noticed the rather expensive scotch that had been the cause of the conflict between Valken and Emmerich. Alcohol wasn't exactly her thing but even so a small wolfish grin crossed her lips as she sat down upon the seat Emmerich was previously occupying. "Stupid Valken... didn't even say he was sorry." The words were quiet and mumbled as she reached out and took the bottle, swirling the liquid within a few times before quickly downing the contents. She wasn't after the drink for it's taste, this was revenge for Valken messing with her hat and not even apologizing. If Emmerich wouldn't let her shoot the edgy bastard then she'd just swipe the liquor they both were after. She tipped the bottle completely vertically and leaned back slightly as she downed the entire thing in one go. Once it ran dry she released it from her lips with a sharp intake of air followed by a coughing fit. No matter how many times she tried it she never could come to like the taste of alcohol, but sometimes it was worth the sacrifice of drinking it.

  Reveal hidden contents

Emmerich barely even noticed when he got thrown as something else had entirely taken his attention. That something was a voice he hadn't heard of for a while, but that he'd been thinking about not long ago, his sister's. Hardly had the blonde man hit the ground and Valken's words left his lips when Emmerich grabbed his friend by the collar and hurled him off to the side. He had meant to simply move his friend off from on top of him but, in his excitement, he forgot to hold back at all, unintentionally throwing his friend with close to his full strength. Having done that, and not caring about the consequences for the moment, Emmerich sprung to his feet, a massive, happy grin on his face as he made his way swiftly over to his sister. "Ev! You shoulda told me you were coming!" he exclaimed, picking her up in an affectionate bear hug and spinning her around, "I was just thinking of coming to visit you lot! 'Ow are mun and dad? Still doing well and all? Why'd you come all the way 'ere anyway? Not that I mind. It's good to see you Ev!"  

After a moment of hugging her Emmerich finally set Evelyn down, though he was still beaming. He had always had a good relationship with his sister, even from when they were kids. When he wasn't training or developing Ragnarok he could generally be found spending his time with her. As one could guess by knowing this, he was extremely fond of , and fiercely protective of, her. Due to this, he was overjoyed when he saw her and in his eyes she had just given him the best Christmas present he could have hoped for, and a day early at that.



@Mykinkaiser @Zuka (since valk was kinda involved Lolz)

LS Guild Hall



Evelyn watched as the fight began to unfold with Emmerich being on bottom while the dark-haired male was pinning him down. Emmy got a boyfriend eh?  she thought to herself as she stifled a laugh. It didnt take Emmerich long to throw the guy off and rush over to her and pull her into a bearhug which made her actually release her laugh. She wasnt able to hug him back simply because his bearhug restricted her arms.  "If I told you I was on my way 'ere it wouldnt 'ave been a surprise!" once she was put down, she gave him a tight hug in return and began to answer his questions "Mom and Dad are great. Though dad got 'imself sick again by working like a dog by shoveling snow. Woulda thought by now 'e would be used to the cold." the blonde pulled away from the hug and shook her head before jumping onto his next question "I came all the way 'ere just to see you! I've 'eard word you were around. Mostly in bars you practially claimed." her smile turned into her grin "Good job on doing that."


Evelyn was so glad to see her brother again "It's good to see you too, Em." she lifted her fist and punched his arm playfully. She always looked up to Emmerich and always hoped that one day she can follow in his footsteps and be a beserker just like him. "The biggest reason why I came 'ere  was because I wanted to spend Christmas Day with my awesome brother. It gets boring back at 'ome when you arent around plus there is no one to teach a lesson or give knuckle sandwhiches to." she began to lose her grin but it instantly came back when a thought popped into her head "I was 'owever greeted by wizards who allowed me to kick their asses outside the guild 'all! I made a 'uge mess though." she laughed after telling her brother the short but sweet story and rubbed the back of her head


The young Faust was more than happy to see Emmerich. He was the only person who really brightened up her mood and had truely had fun with. She had friends, yeah, and would have fun and have happy moments but those moments couldnt add up to what Emmerich brought to her. Put it in simple terms: She adored Emmerich.


"Soo, is your friend over there gonna live?" she asked, tilting her body a little bit to look at the mage who was thrown with such strenth.




~Shiro Ai : LS Guild Hall~


Shiro had been into the music playing next to her, perfectly fine with the fact that Phineas still stayed nearby and out of the way, she had been enjoying it at least until she heard the quiet voice of an overly familiar woman, one that sent chills down even her spine. Laura sounded angry but not too upset, thankfully, now Shiro wasn't normally one to attempt to hide away from someone but the woman over by Emmerich and the others was a whole other story so she slid just a little closer to the boy playing music, keeping her hands in her lap despite wanting to grab the bottom of his shirt and she whispered quietly to him, "Be wary of Laura, she's really scary to be honest so...I suggest finding a way to save your brother." The build up to chaos seemed to settle down once Laura spoke up though, but she was still tense which only got worse when she jumped slightly at a female looking Emmerich walked into the hall only to be hugged by the Ragnarok mage she had been keeping an eye on; the new arrival had made her jump a bit. Being as quiet as she was normally she tilted her head only a little while watching the interactions going on over by the others and she wanted to actually try and talk to them, but found her nerves preventing exactly that. She opted to stay seated right beside Phineas letting out a small sigh of defeat before letting her head fall onto her arms which rested on the table, still watching the others talk.

  Nikolas's tail fluffed up when a bunch of missiles got shot at him and Ferra; he couldn't miss them, of course, so BOOM. Now Nik needed to see a Phinea—doctor. He meant doctor, obviously. His female self now didn't have many clothes on, and, to top it off, a chick came in and started telling him off for turning into a girl and mocking women. Oh snap. Nik guiltily turned back to his normal self, his arms crossed. He opened his mouth, looking towards Phineas, who rolled his eyes. 

  "For the millionth time, Nik, no. You were wrong, so don't go running to me for help. Apologize," he added, his voice much louder than normal. 

  "Whaaaaat?! Even you're taking their sides?!"

  "I'm your twin, not your Number One Fan." At this point, Phineas sounded on the verge of screaming his ears out, except he sounded much calmer, almost bored. 

  "So? What's the difference?"

  "There's a huge difference; I feel embarrassed by you. I'm not helping you out unless you have a detailed plan or if it's an emergency. Besides, she's right. You're acting offensive. So apologize and keep me out of it. End of lecture."


  "....Also, please apologize to Miss Grace. You were being rude to her as well."

  Nikolas glared daggers at his brother, then, grumbling, turned to the woman. "I'm sorry for offending you," he mumbled, then turned to Grace. "I'm sorry for making fun of you." Meanwhile, Phineas let out a sigh, returning to the piano playing of Carol of the Bells. 

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra giggled when Nikolas transformed and started posing. If that didn't set her off nothing would, "Yeah you're just jealo-WAH!" She began, immediately getting silenced by getting blasted back with Grace's magic. She groaned and picked herself up off the floor, brushing debris from the now very exploded table off of her. Meh, she'd make a new one later. She laughed at the state of Nikola and at the fact of what Grace said. She'd like to see the little midget try. She didn't say anything though as Laura soon came into the room, cause her to shrink away from her when she confronted Nikolas. She had a crush on him and all, but she was the one person she wouldn't be saving him from anytime soon. Her magic was honestly to terrible, she doubted she'd use it on any of them unless she had to....but still. "Y-Yeah we're sorry Laura." She apologized alongside Nik, ignoring the petty sibling squabble in favor of saving her own skin. "Welcome back though! It's been a while. How have you been?" She asked with a smile, trying to change the subject subtly.


Lamia Scale Guild Hall



Valken figured he had the situation completely under control with Frosty, but obviously the new girl who appeared must have been someone important because the man snatched out a hand to grasp his collar and suddenly completely lifted him off his frame and sent him flying with a huge force towards the opposite wall. Valken placed a hand on his chin in thought as he careened towards the wall, upside down no less, seemingly completely unaffected by the wall closing in at breakneck speed. She sounded just like Frosty.... she looked just like Frosty...The resemblance was uncanny. Obviously she was a younger, more attractive Lady Emmerich. Sister most likely. He came to this realization right as his body hit the opposite wall of the building but rather then splatter as most people was assume, he simple slid and melted right into the Shadows on the wall, still cross legged and hand on chin with a thoughtful expression. He completely vanished for a moment before he silently stepped out hand on chin right next to the bar and where Mikado was drinking his scotch.

Slowly he pulled his hand away as he looked to Mikado as she finished the last of his Scotch and at first he was angry because that was the second person to be drinking his drink. However he overheard exactly what she said as he was within a few feet of her once again, and he let out a soft outward breath. She was right, she did get caught in collateral and he didn't exactly apologize for it. So he waited till her alcohol induced coughing fit had subsided as he moved to stand beside her, leaning casually against the bar as he did. "I'm... Sorry that my attack hit you. Honestly I was only paying attention on Frosty, you'd think after all these years I'd actually learn to take in everything else that is happening in a room. Normally I do I just...my mind is a bit preoccupied right now..." Glancing over to Millie momentarily then his eyes falling on Masaki once again. He reached out and put a hand on her shoulder for a moment with a soft smile. "I'll be back later alright?"

So the dark haired Shadow Mage lifted up from his spot and wandered towards the other side of the room but not before his eyes spotted Shiro and Phineas sitting to the side. As he walked he came up beside Millie and slide his arm around her waist as he pulled her in, leaning into her ear. "Millie... can you make sure those two are alright? I'll go check on the others..." He gave her a soft grin as he kissed her temple before he just as quickly pulled away. His stride silent but back straight, not a patch on his happy-go-lucky attitude from earlier. He came up behind Laura as he crossed his arms, peering down to Ferra and Nicolas as they laid against the ground, just in time to hear Nicolas apologize to Grace. "You should think twice before starting a fight with Grace. She may be a B-rank but you'd be best not to get on her bad side. She fought with Master Arcturus of Sabertooth during the Dark Guild debacle and decimated countless forces alongside him. So yeah. I wouldn't pick a fight unless you are fully intending to not get your butts kicked." Grinning slowly before he turned to look to Laura with a face that seemed unfazed. Her sternness didn't affect him in the slightest though he held out a hand towards her and bowed his head just a fraction. "Welcome back Miss Jones..." Grasping her hand as he lifted it up and kissed the top momentarily before he let his fingers slip back down and stood tall once more. "How was your mission? There is a lot you missed while you were away." His voice as smooth and charming as it always was.

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Yamato Ren: Can't wait to see everyone's face at dinner time


Yamato was always happy to see that the guild was growing. Although they aren't exactly the number one guild in Fiore he had no problem with that. Celestia said that she could never dream of being an S-Class mage. Honestly she'd be more than surprised at what a mage is fully capable of. One thing he certainly didn't expect Celestia to ask him if was going out with anyone. Actually... Now that he thinks about it he's been asked that quite recently. "No I am indeed single." He didn't know her motive for asking a question like that but didn't think much of it. Later on the Guild Master Aleria Feathersaint called out to say Merry Christmas to everyone in the hall and reminding them to stay well behaved. "We wish you a merry Christmas too Master." With that he turned his attention to the table were everyone is located. Rosa seemed dissatisfied with the size of the mug she was given. Yamato was just about to go fetch a keg from the storage room but Acus was already one step ahead of him. Dorian had also seemed to have fallen back asleep again and on Rosa's lap no less! He chuckled slightly at the sight. "Feeling comfortable Dorian?" While Yama was expecting the man to shocked to the other side of the room, Rosa surprisingly was able to control herself, albeit barely. Regardless he was happy to see that everyone was having fun. As for the food in the oven, that will take a while before it's ready. He made sure to time it just right so that it was ready by dinner time.

@Britt-21 @Zuka @Halffix @Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @hudhouse

~Celestia Corona: BP Hall~


The chipper blonde nodded upon hearing his answer before tilting her head back and noticing the snake lady in the rafters above her, a chill ran down her spine but it was no where near as bad as it would have been if the lamia had several hundred legs, no then she probably would have passed out to be honest, still she simply gave a bright smile and wave to the woman then turned her attention back to Yamato, "Interesting...I didn't expect that one." She didn't have any particular motive, except maybe attempting to make him a victim of her nature, but that would ruin all the fun so she laughed hearing the guild master wish everyone a Merry Christmas, which she heartily returned, "Merry Christmas to everyone as well!" Her attention returned to Yamato, who she spotted looking at a slightly panicked looking Rosa and a sleeping Dorian on her lap and simply snickered, nearly expecting a shock for her giggling, she however was more interested in continuing to chat with the one she had inquired about, "Hey Yama, got a question...the meals I've eaten here; few and far between though they may be...you made them correct? Well anyway, I figure you've been working on it already but I only just joined so I didn't get the chance to offer my help before so I'll do so now. I'm pretty good in the kitchen myself, if you ever need help ask me yeah? If there's things you still need to do today I'm here to help!" She softened a little, not being quite as exuberant as she had been previously but still cheerful while she lifted the mug of eggnog she had and sipped at it some more, the stuff was a little too sweet for her tastes, she normally preferred strong drinks, the stuff that burns as it goes down but this was really delicious and didn't want to let a drop go to waste, besides it was a holiday and she was in a wonderful mood.

@Jackaboi @Zuka 


Lamia Scale Guild Hall


The two took a while to reply and in the time that they where taking she observed Valken along with some other people. Maya had even gone somewhere, leaving Valken in charge. Before the women left she gave Laura a death stare. She knew that the women hated her but the stare for some reason began to turn the wheels in her head as a thought came to mind. Her eyes gleamed with the thought she had. When two children replied and apologized she gave them a smile with every ounce of what ever it took to make a smile. It was a weak have smile thing but she felt like her child deserved it at least. Due to the idea she had in her head she was in a good mood. "Thank you child, please don't act up again. You two shouldn't take what you have for granted, some day it might be there later on and using you powers in such a wasteful manor is disgraceful." With that she turned her attention to Valken who had taken her hand.


His fighting had been irritating her but she tried to pick her fights and she would only chose to talk to Valken if he did something serious. When  Valken began kissing her hand she didn't mind since it was a formal greeting of sorts, even if it was just a joke to tease her. "Hello Valken, once I again he slipped through my grasp but I don't want to hurt him. I did manage to take down some more bandits and earn a handful of jewels but it is only good for paying for my housing and food. Also, I know you don't like me or my criticisms but could try to be more careful. Try fighting somewhere you won't hurt innocent bystanders." Nobody knew who this he was that she referred to but she was always trying to find him for some reason and no one could figure out why. Who was he to her? And why was she so determined to capture him? "So tell me what did I mess?"


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Sora Marvell - Residence/Magnolia Streets




Sora's eyes remained glued to Timothy as he tried convincing her that everything was alright. His explanations almost settled her suspicions and brought her mind to ease until he glitched on the last word. Pale lips scrunched to the side then as she held back a retort, finding it best to simply let the subject go. Clearly something was off or different about Timothy but if he wasn't comfortable disclosing that information then Sora felt it best that she didn't pry too much. It was after all personal and he seemed to be going to great lengths to keep it a secret. " Thank you Timothy, but I'm fine really... I'll warm up eventually. " Her own words were hardly of reassurance and she watched him go into the kitchen with curious eyes. The smell reached her before he even returned, hot chocolate being one of her more favored drinks. The eagerness in her eyes was masked but her hands quickly shooting out to grasp the cup probably gave her excitement away.


Sora scooted up upon the couch to sit cross legged with the blanket still hanging loosely upon her shoulders. A small smile tugged at her lips as he showed her things from his adventures, hues peering at them rather closely. It was then that he pulled out the flowers and explained which caused a tinge of sadness to cross her features once more. She put the hot chocolate she had been sipping on down so that she could grab the held out flowers with a delicate grasp, pulling them close to her chest. " Thank you so much for everything... The hot chocolate, the flowers, the kindness you're showing me, and your friendship. " Sora wished she could offer him a bigger smile but a faint one was all she could muster up as her gaze locked into his. " It means so much to me... " Her voice trailed off to a quieter tone as a more peaceful vibe befell the two, blanketing the room in silence. The flowers were carefully placed upon the table beside her cup and she exhaled audibly. Warmth was slowly starting to help raise her temperature to a safer one, as was noticeable by the healthy pink adorning her cheeks once again.


" You shouldn't have traveled here by foot... though I would've loved to see you plop down into the snow like that. " Though she didn't laugh, her eyes had brightened to where they looked like they were doing the laughing for her. " You can stay here if you'd like. I have an extra room and before you try to argue, I would like to insist you accept my offer. It's the least I could do since I know I worried you. " Sora continued as a finger extended to make contact with his cheek, poking it with each word of her final sentence. Perhaps it was time to go see the others in the guildhall and at least let them know she was still breathing. She was sure that Hibiki, Clair, Lyra, Kelica, Ryu and a bunch of the others were past worried about her at this point. They were all wonderful friends and it was about time to stop pushing them away. It'd also be a good opportunity to introduce Timothy because even though he'd never admit it, Sora knew he wanted to join a guild. She was determined to help him do so and she just knew he'd fit into the weird little family they all had in Fairy Tail. " Say! Let's visit the guildhall later or tomorrow, alright? " She leaned forward, blanket slipping down behind her as she rested her chin upon interlaced fingers. Everything was in a manner of tranquility for the first time in months and it was unknown to Sora that it was about to become hectic once more.


A scream nearby caused her head to quickly swivel towards the sound, petite frame already jumping up from the couch. " Did you hear that? We have to go make sure nothing is wrong! " Sora exclaimed, footsteps already leading her out the door and into the white powdery snow. Each step felt heavy from the sluggishness that still plagued her from how long she had stayed freezing at the cemetery. Now wasn't the time to stop now, someone could be in trouble. Stray footprints remained in the snow that led into an alley and Sora's own pace became slower as she followed them detective style. It seemed the right direction of the sound that had previously been let out so it was worth checking out. Everything had looked normal so far but a weird yet familiar smell soon reached her and her eyes instinctively flashed dangerously.  " It can't be.... " Sora's voice hitched in her throat as she walked past the crates to confront the person hiding behind them. And there she was.... Ayano Soru. The demonic and twisted child whom had been so malicious and conniving. The girl who had betrayed Sora's trust and brought out a more angry side that Sora had been unaware even lived within her. That sinister smile that had been etched into her memory popped up once again and Sora stared down at her with a look that closely resembled enmity.


If Timothy had bothered to follow, he was about to see a side of Sora that was frightening but brought on by people who were corrupt and evil, one of which was Ayano. " You should've never shown your face back here! Why did you? " Her voice quivered and burst into a frenzy as the crates beside them went flying into the nearby alley wall, exploding upon contact. The wind began picking up to cause the snow to feel like needles jabbing into their skin but Sora closed the distance between them as her hand grabbed onto Ayano's top and she plucked her up off the ground to slam her back against the wall she had once been sitting against. " ANSWER ME! " Sora shook Ayano's body much too roughly and if the girl didn't resist, it would seem to appear like she was a flimsy rag-doll. Too much emotion had been stirring within Sora and it felt amazing to let it out like this, even if she would deny it out loud. Ayano had hurt her friends and Sora felt a burning desire to make her hurt just as much. The innocent slayer who hated fighting was itching for one now. Just looking at the girl was flaring up a bunch of previously buried negativity. Nobody she loved would get hurt again.





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Ayano Soru: We meet again... Dragon Slayer...

This was Ayano's element... Darkness, isolation, quietness... Everything a vampire could ever need right? "Stalk your prey from the alleyways, pounce when they are alone, then feed." Due to what's happened recently she hasn't tasted human blood in months. Keeping a low profile she had to resort to feeding on animals and now here she was... Stuck hiding behind some crates with voices ripping her brain apart. For now it was quiet, her eyes stared blankly into the darkness of the empty side side streets. In doing so she failed to notice a familiar face, Sora Marvel. Ayano has been skulking around Magnolia for a while, she didn't know how she wouldn't expect meet the dragon slayer again. In fact it's actually more surprising the vampire didn't see her for over a month. Sora clearly wasn't happy to see her again, made obvious by the crates smashing into the nearby wall. "Wow... Did I really make that much of a lasting impression since the last time we met?"

Sora picked up the vampire by the shirt slamming her on the wall clearly showing the she isn't messing around. Ayano looked into her eyes and noticed something... Those are the eyes of anger, hatred and remorse. If that isn't enough then the face tells the rest of the story. Sora is furious, but Ayano didn't kill anyone close to her to cause such emotions to rise. Still this is even worst than her encounter with Kim. Sora wanted her question answered, though there is far too much to explain. "That look...That's the look of someone who's lost somebody dear to them. I'd know, I've seen it time and time again." Why was Ayano provoking her? Not only is she ignoring Sora's question but she's also stepping on some forbidden territory. Unless... She was intentionally provoking her, fuelling the fire just enough to attack with the intent to kill. "I'd guess the reason I'm here now would be thanks to your friend... The naive little fairy spared my life because she refused to kill..." It's only a matter of time before the voices cause Ayano to start killing again. If Kim will refuse to kill her, maybe the dragon slayer will.

@Kyuubey @Zareh

Mizuki Kohaku

Crocus Side Streets -> Her own apartment


Mizuki, despite being in her weakened and sleepy state, couldn't help but wonder how Draneri knew where her home was. She had never met the girl before their encounter in Magnolia Town. Had she been followed before? Was their meet up today all planned out? It was rather sketchy but it didn't really matter. Miuki had done a lot of stalking herself, so any stalkers she had were deserved. The smooth ride to her little apartment was very quick and painless, the two girls standing outside her door. "My key is under the...doormat..." She said quietly, yet her advice didn't matter. Draneri broke into her home using a simple sewing needle. It was an impressive feet if she did say so herself. 

Soon Mizuki found herself laying down on her back, eyes only open to slits and her arms laying limply by her side. While most people would think that the presence of a siren watching over them while they slept would be an unnerving and dangerous thing, the dark Mage thought it was rather comforting. She had such a calm and caring aura and the black haired girl found great comfort in it. A small smile spread on her lips as her hair was gently stroked, as if she was Alicia in the situation. The change of roles was a rather strange one, but it was also nice to be the one being treated. "Thank you Draneri..." Muttered Mizuki before she slowly drifted off to her singing. She wished she could've had more of this as a child rather than despair and loneliness, but getting it now was still nice. It made her feel happy. 

(Shieeee authors block)


Crocus City - Mizuki's Apartment


The Siren watched Mizuki's eyes grow heavier and heavier, the slow rise and fall of her chest signalling she was slowly drifting way into a gentle sleep. Being how much of her energy the Siren drained, she would have a dreamless sleep. No nightmares, no terrors, no memories or even happy dreams. Just a dull, peaceful sleep to allow her body and magic to recover in due time. When she muttered thank you the Siren couldn't help but have a tiny smile cross her own lips. She'd heard that same line countless times, thousands, as her prey would mutter the very same love and adoration before she would drink the last of their life and see their deaths. Despite what how people accuse Siren's of being murderers, kidnappers and torturers, a Siren death was actually one of the most humane. Draneri will hold your head, and stroke your hair and sing to you. She will kiss you and nuzzle you and make you feel good. Then she will breath the very life from your veins till her prey's eyes would simply close and never awaken once more. A terrified or otherwise angry prey released toxins that tasted terrible after all, so it wouldn't do to spoil the meat so to speak.

But this time she knew the girl would awaken again as she made sure to leave her enough magical essence to see her survive. Once she was aware the girl was asleep, she slowly stood from her bed and gracefully made her way into the bathroom. Wordlessly she undressed and ran herself a hot bath to which she soaked and washed each inch of her frame, paying particular attention to see all her wrinkles and aged spots had indeed cleared from the recent feed. Wings idly floating in the water to relax the muscles in her joints. After some time she slipped out and wrapped her long purple hair into a towel bun up-top her head before she wandered over to Mizuki's cupboard. Here she flicked through her clothing with idly curiosity. She even glanced over her shoulder to peer to the sleeping girl, bemused. Her outfits were so...tight. And see through...The more she learned about this girl the more intrigued she was.

She picked out one, not caring which as they were all the same, before she settled herself in a seat in the corner of the room and withdrew her sewing needles as she began idly readjusting it and altering it. She adored this sort of simple work, the silence invigorating. Before long she had ripped her old torn white dress and had altered it in such a way to Mizuki's new outfit so that a white fabric crossed across her chest and bigger bust, while another she turned into a ruffled white skirt that covered her hips and upper thighs. Happy with the end product, the Siren slowly stepped into the new outfit, twisting to make a whole at her lower back for her two huge raven wings to poke through, before she pulled it up and over her chest and shoulder. She stood before the mirror with a twirl, before grasping at the towel and peeling it away from her head, making her long purple locks cascade down along her back and shoulders in something reminiscent of a Shampoo Commercial.

She turned to see if Mizuki had awoken yet, and if she hadn't she was thinking of perhaps starting some sort of Chicken soup or stock for the girl to help with her strength. In fact, she liked that idea a lot, so she wordlessly turned and headed towards her kitchen and started on making it. Helping herself to practically everything in the poor girl's house, hoping she wouldn't mind.

Chris Lengheart(An idea, huh?)

Chris took a seat at a stall as Kelica was caught but what he assumed was Alfie's magic. Tassels were related to ribbons, right? As Kelica got up like nothing had happened and started going off like a small child hyped up on sugar, Chris simply grinned and began to chuckle. As she brought up her "idea" about making a change to the guildhall, Chris simply responded,"An idea? What might this idea be Ms. Zefara?" as he leaned back in his stall. 

To be entirely honest, Kelica having an idea partially scared Chris. Knowing her, she might want to have the entire guildhall engulfed by plants and animals. He wasn't sure how everyone else would feel, but Chris didn't exactly know how he'd feel about a group of birds nesting on the job board while squirrels managed to find their way into Chris' new hair. Another thing that was going through Chris' head was something that involved him. He wasn't exactly sure since his forms were extremely versatile, but knowing Kelica, it'd probably involve riding on his back or doing something either extremely dangerous or something incredibly stupid. Whatever it was, Chris at least wanted to hear Kelica out before he decided to interject on anything.

Forgive me for short posts. I've been having writer's block)) 

@Genon @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98 @Kojuen


Crocus City - Mizuki's Apartment


The Siren watched Mizuki's eyes grow heavier and heavier, the slow rise and fall of her chest signalling she was slowly drifting way into a gentle sleep. Being how much of her energy the Siren drained, she would have a dreamless sleep. No nightmares, no terrors, no memories or even happy dreams. Just a dull, peaceful sleep to allow her body and magic to recover in due time. When she muttered thank you the Siren couldn't help but have a tiny smile cross her own lips. She'd heard that same line countless times, thousands, as her prey would mutter the very same love and adoration before she would drink the last of their life and see their deaths. Despite what how people accuse Siren's of being murderers, kidnappers and torturers, a Siren death was actually one of the most humane. Draneri will hold your head, and stroke your hair and sing to you. She will kiss you and nuzzle you and make you feel good. Then she will breath the very life from your veins till her prey's eyes would simply close and never awaken once more. A terrified or otherwise angry prey released toxins that tasted terrible after all, so it wouldn't do to spoil the meat so to speak.

But this time she knew the girl would awaken again as she made sure to leave her enough magical essence to see her survive. Once she was aware the girl was asleep, she slowly stood from her bed and gracefully made her way into the bathroom. Wordlessly she undressed and ran herself a hot bath to which she soaked and washed each inch of her frame, paying particular attention to see all her wrinkles and aged spots had indeed cleared from the recent feed. Wings idly floating in the water to relax the muscles in her joints. After some time she slipped out and wrapped her long purple hair into a towel bun up-top her head before she wandered over to Mizuki's cupboard. Here she flicked through her clothing with idly curiosity. She even glanced over her shoulder to peer to the sleeping girl, bemused. Her outfits were so...tight. And see through...The more she learned about this girl the more intrigued she was.

She picked out one, not caring which as they were all the same, before she settled herself in a seat in the corner of the room and withdrew her sewing needles as she began idly readjusting it and altering it. She adored this sort of simple work, the silence invigorating. Before long she had ripped her old torn white dress and had altered it in such a way to Mizuki's new outfit so that a white fabric crossed across her chest and bigger bust, while another she turned into a ruffled white skirt that covered her hips and upper thighs. Happy with the end product, the Siren slowly stepped into the new outfit, twisting to make a whole at her lower back for her two huge raven wings to poke through, before she pulled it up and over her chest and shoulder. She stood before the mirror with a twirl, before grasping at the towel and peeling it away from her head, making her long purple locks cascade down along her back and shoulders in something reminiscent of a Shampoo Commercial.

She turned to see if Mizuki had awoken yet, and if she hadn't she was thinking of perhaps starting some sort of Chicken soup or stock for the girl to help with her strength. In fact, she liked that idea a lot, so she wordlessly turned and headed towards her kitchen and started on making it. Helping herself to practically everything in the poor girl's house, hoping she wouldn't mind.

Mizuki Kohaku

Her Apartment



The moment Mizuki fell asleep she was lost in a calm, dreamless world. Everything was warm and uneventful, just the way she liked it. Yet her subconscious wouldn't allow her to get the rest she desperately needed. Despite thinking that Draneri was a changed person having a siren wander your house while you slept wasn't something she was ok with, not yet. The dark Mage unfortunately woke up after what felt like seconds, but in reality was about half an hour. She felt like trash and it showed. Her face was heavy and tired, her skin a bit more pale than usual. Her body felt weak too, but she had to move. With a brief grunt she threw her legs off the bed and slowly rose to her feet. She was able to walk luckily, but barely. She had to move slow and carefully or risk falling down and hurting herself. 


As Mizuki made her way out of the bedroom a sweet and delicious aroma filled her nose, causing her to take a deep breath in. It seemed that Draneri was still inside her home, and was perhaps cooking a meal for them? That was a rather sweet thing to do. In exchange for feeding Draneri, Draneei would feed her. The dark Mage finally made it to the kitchen area after a long few minutes of attempting to walk, her tired eyes catching sight of the siren. "What are you doing..?" She asked in a quiet and monotone voice, falling onto a nearby chair and taking a seat. 

Timothy Harvard: The Will of Windy Woes



Timothy smiled at Sora and laughed a bit as he saw her mood rise up to a much better state. He laughed even harder when he heard her response on how it would be funny to see him plop into the snow. He felt happy that she was enjoying herself and felt at peace even if his feelings weren't truly real, he still felt something within him that made him feel this way. His scans shown that her body temperatures are returning back to normal health and her signs were completely healthy for the most part physically.

When he heard about the offer she made before he could say anything, Sora insisted which Timothy did not refuse at all. He simply smiled gratefully as a sign of acceptance to her offer. However he was unsure why she was poking him on the cheek. "Is this how girls show their affection to people? I never knew that, perhaps its a sign of some sorts?" Timothy though while computing the information and observation. Sora suggested that they visit Fairy Tail later today or tomorrow which made Timothy jerk a bit of the thought but simply smiled since it would be a good change for Sora to visit her friends again. "Yes, that's a wonderful idea! Lets 'visit' Fairytail, that would be fun." he replied mostly focusing on empathizing "visit" not "join" of course. He was a visitor and not someone who is looking to join Fairytail or any guild like that for the matter.  He simply let the silence flow in when suddenly she busted out the door exclaiming something about screaming which made Timothy follow behind "Sora! Wait for me! Don't rush out, you just got done recovering from the cold!" he said while running after her back into the cold which Timothy did not approve of but nevertheless followed her as fast as his feet would take them. He realized that Sora was completely focused on this search which made it seem that she was not aware of his presense. She simply sniffed and ran which Timothy followed behind. "It can't be..." he heard her mumble before running off again. 

Timothy finally reached some sort of alley where he saw another girl who appeared to be a...vampire? According to his physical scanner however his psychological scanners had odd...readings. It was a mix of happy, sad, depressed, agony, lust, joy and a mixture of other feelings that confused him to this point, it was almost like this vampire had a million brains or something...or souls plaguing her mind...but his scanners were soon interrupted by the intense dispute between Sora and the Vampire, upon scanning Sora's psychological state it seemed to be filled with rage and hatred which shocked Timothy since he never knew someone like her could be this angry. He stayed silent while covering his mouth in shock and analyzing the situation before making his move. His shocked face soon turned into compassion and a feeling of zen as he rushed up to Sora and slowly placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Sora...please, there's no need to fight...I know you are mad at her and you have the right to be mad at whatever she did to you but listen...you are better than her. You know you are, we don't have to resort to violence please...it's Christmas Eve, a time where we share love and joy not war and pain. Let this go, we can just turn her into the authorities and they can deal with her...plus you've been through so much...we can solve this peacefully. Please? Holding a grudge doesn't make you strong; it makes you bitter. Forgiving doesn't make you weak; it sets you free. You are stronger than her." he said in a calm and comforting manner.



Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall

Kazuo smiled a bit as he listened to her and nodded "I probably should... No worries, even if there is none left I can always go out to a bar and get some or just drop down and get regular drinks." it wasnt a big deal to him to miss out on a drink within his guild. Besides, even if he was in the mood for an aloholic drink, it would probably be something other than the eggnog. Maybe whisky or scotch to hype him up. Either way he was planning on getting drunk and having a good time with his friends. Kazuo looked down towards Rosa and Dorian, watching as his best friend fell asleep in Rosa's lap You're going to regret doing that, Dorian. She's going to shock you into the next universe. he thought to himself, waiting to see what would happen in the scene before him. Dorian probably wouldnt care if he got shocked, he would leave it as is.

"I believe we'll have some entertainment within the next few seconds." He nodded down to the group.

mentioned: @Mykinkaiser @Zuka Interacted with: @Colt556

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

"That is a fair point. Even with this guild they will not down the entire bar." Their guild, like so many others, often had a fully-stocked bar and as much alcohol as their members could consume they never drained the entirety of their stock before. Even so she still thought herself fortunate that she was not a heavy drinker as the thought of competing with everyone else over drinks was hardly a pleasant one. She noted the small pause in the conversation and followed Kazuo's gaze down towards the sleeping Dorian just as her companion spoke up. "My my..." A small smile spread across her lips at Kazuo's comment. "That we will, however I do believe it will not be what you are expecting." Given how Rosa usually conducts herself it wasn't hard to imagine what kind of entertainment her companion had in mind, however she knew better. She knew that Rosa wouldn't resort to her usual tactics, not in a situation such as this. Sure enough Dorian remained unscathed as Rosa became exceedingly flustered, her entire body shaking and her voice stammering. At the display she brought her hand up to rest against her cheek as she looked down on the pair like a disappointed mother. "If only Rosa could be that cute all the time."

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse

Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

As soon as she placed the bottle back onto the counter she jumped slightly as the voice beside her startled her. It wasn't often that Valken's ability to just appear startled her, but then it wasn't often she was stealing his alcohol either. Even if he did deserve it she knew it was entirely possible he wouldn't see it that way. However his words showed her that he did see it that way. She looked up at the man from beneath her cap as he apologized and explained himself. As he spoke she brought her hand up to rub the top of her cap, it wasn't like it was actually damaged or anything. She was about to speak up and tell him not to worry about, that her hat was fine. Fortunately she caught herself at the last moment and reminded herself not to be so lenient on the man. "I forgive you, just don't do it again." She pointed her finger accusingly at the shadow mage to drive her point home, content that that was the proper response for a problem child like him. Even so a small smile formed upon her lips as she spoke, this wasn't the first time Valken did something to her hat and it likely wouldn't be the last.

After stating her forgiveness she noted that the shadow mage seemed to have his mind elsewhere as his justification sort of drifted off. She shifted in her seat and looked over her shoulder, following his gaze to find out what had him occupied. As expected his gaze was firmly planted on Millie. She felt the man's hand pat her shoulder before taking his leave to rejoin the group. Her gaze followed after him as he made his way up to Millie and slung an arm around her. She brought her hand to the rim of her cap and pulled it down slightly as she turned back to face the bar. Placing her arms atop it's surface she leaned forward and rested her head on her makeshift pillow, the tip of her cap resting on the counter top to help hide her features.

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Masaki simply stood there and watched with a happy smile on his face as Grace reacted to the guild mark on his arm. She was so happy that he was now officially a member of Lamia Scale and it too, made Masaki extremely happy for it meant that they could be with each other all the time now, something Masaki has wanted for a very long time. When the smaller girl wrapped her arms around him, he did the same to her and with a smile on his face as he did so. Grace was really, to him, the only other person that really made him feel whole, and it was wonderful. His reason to live, and the definition of everything beautiful. To him, that was Grace. Masaki stood there quietly as all of the chaos unfolded before him, however his demeanour changed completely when everyone began to tease Grace, and his eyes formed daggers as the young S-Class seemingly stared into the very depths of their beings before stopping moments later. 

When Grace started to introduce him to everyone, Masaki couldn't help but gasp slightly as everyone looked at him. The nervous and slightly terrified look forming on his face as he stood there. All Masaki wanted to do was become fully immersed inside the contents of a book, but Grace insisted he get to know everyone. First up was Millie, who seemed to be very nice. However just before he could say anything the woman wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug, his face seemingly being squashed by the girls rather large and bouncy breasts. Gasping for breath, the sight was actually rather comical but was over in seconds. Once Masaki freed himself, he smiled at Millie, "Uh- It's a pleasure to meet you, Millie. Grace has told me a lot about you." He said, a nervous tone in his voice. Next, it was Valken who greeted and addressed him. The male was one of the S-Class mages of this guild just like Millie was, and thus he was known to him somewhat. When Valken asked if Masaki was the one who used Crystal Magic, Masaki simply nodded and then looked over to Grace, smiling at her kindly. 

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Colt556 @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mykinkaiser @Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer

Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guildhall


Grace seemed to relax a bit as Millie stepped away from her boyfriend, seemingly not offended by her mean little comment. Either she didn't hear or she didn't care, but it turned out to be a happy ending. Mikado didn't much to say, and neither did Valken or Emmerich. They were off in their own little butt buddy world and couldn't be bothered to say hello to their newest member. The short girl was a little annoyed by that, but by no means was she angry. No comments about her chest were made so the bar folks were off the hook. Besides, they were friendly people. They'd talk to Masaki all in good time. And fortunately that time was now! Just as she had given up hope Valken finally addressed the two, commenting about how she went on and on about him. A small blush stung her face and the flustered girl quickly looked away. "S-shut up Valken. We don't talk about that little curse that was put on me, ok? It was really embarrassing. But not as embarrassing as you in bed!" She teased, a grin smug on her face before she held her hand up to high five Masaki. But almost immediately her eyes widened at what she said. "N-Not that I know that or anything! It was just an assumption, ya know? Trying to take a jab at your masculinity. Don't worry Masaki, nothing happened on the train or any other time, I'm loyal to you baby..." She explained quickly, taking his hand and pulling him away, hoping to defuse the situation by not talking about it. 

Grace's bright eyes quickly caught sight of a girl she hadn't seen in quite awhile. Laura Jones hadn't been around in about a year, but did she really miss her? The girl was only a year older than her yet treated her like a baby. She figured it had to do with her chest, unaware that she treated everyone like this. Luckily this time around she was defending her, calling out Nikolas and Ferra for their teasing. Making sure that she was out of Laura's sight, Grace stuck her tongue out at her and grinned. "Wow, thank you Laura! I always knew that you'd have my back! And it's nice to see you again." She said happily, glancing up to Laura and then to Masaki, completely ignoring Nik and Ferra's apology. "There are some others around here, but I just showed you my favorites. The ones who don't tease me about my chest... But now that introductions are over what should we do?" 

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @Mykinkaiser @TheSecretSorcerer @Fem the Huffling Riceball
Sora Marvell - Magnolia Alley


Sora's grip only tightened on Ayano as she begun to speak, clearly avoiding the question and being rather conniving with her wordplay. An annoyed noise left the slayers lips, eyes glazing over at the mention of having lost someone. "Do not talk to me about knowing what losing someone is like. You suck the very life out of people. You're a parasite and you hurt everything you touch. You don't hold back... you're cruel and you revel in it. " The words were harsh and nearly spat out but Sora refrained from going that far. Blue strands began flying about, caught in the maelstrom she had created around the two. Nothing else mattered, or so she thought. Timothy intervened with a simple touch and words but they were almost lost upon the winds spiraling visibly out of control. The only acknowledgement that perhaps she had even heard him was her fingers slowly easing up on the material they'd clutched onto. Her hues remained glued fiercely to the girl before her, narrowed to a scary and uncharacteristic point.

The smaller girl didn't know which road to take and it was becoming hard to concentrate. Timothy's words had softly played into her ears, restoring hope, but it was hard to ignore the face of the vampire before them. Ayano had tortured her and Hibiki. It was unforgivable. It was not something she could walk away from. Not this time. " She deserves whatever is coming to her. " Sora spoke the thought out loud, canine-like teeth being bared as if she were speaking through them clenched, clearly struggling in her own mind. " Timothy, if I let this monster go, then someone's holiday is going to be ruined. Who knows who she will go after... A guildmate of mine? A child no younger than she looks? How could you even suggest that? She isn't reserved and kind like Sera. She won't feel remorse, she won't resent herself for hurting others. This is justice and she deserves every bit of it. " Sora's eyes steeled over as she spoke, strands of hair flowing like ribbon within her vision as a light enveloped each curled fist. " Fight me! I won't prey on a defenseless person like you do. Let's see how strong you really are when you're not hiding on the other side of bars. " Sora had leaned in rather recklessly towards Ayano's face, eyes daring her to try. 

@Zareh @Jackaboi Mention; @Mitchs98  @LeSoraAmari
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Mizuki Kohaku

Her Apartment



The moment Mizuki fell asleep she was lost in a calm, dreamless world. Everything was warm and uneventful, just the way she liked it. Yet her subconscious wouldn't allow her to get the rest she desperately needed. Despite thinking that Draneri was a changed person having a siren wander your house while you slept wasn't something she was ok with, not yet. The dark Mage unfortunately woke up after what felt like seconds, but in reality was about half an hour. She felt like trash and it showed. Her face was heavy and tired, her skin a bit more pale than usual. Her body felt weak too, but she had to move. With a brief grunt she threw her legs off the bed and slowly rose to her feet. She was able to walk luckily, but barely. She had to move slow and carefully or risk falling down and hurting herself. 


As Mizuki made her way out of the bedroom a sweet and delicious aroma filled her nose, causing her to take a deep breath in. It seemed that Draneri was still inside her home, and was perhaps cooking a meal for them? That was a rather sweet thing to do. In exchange for feeding Draneri, Draneei would feed her. The dark Mage finally made it to the kitchen area after a long few minutes of attempting to walk, her tired eyes catching sight of the siren. "What are you doing..?" She asked in a quiet and monotone voice, falling onto a nearby chair and taking a seat. 



Mizuki's Apartment


"One potato, two potato, three potato four!~" Her humming, sing song voice echoing within the kitchen. The Chicken Soup was looking wonderful and the aroma was to die for. It was hearty, with all kinds of ground vegetables, corn and left over chicken. It had been simmering for quite some time and Draneri had just managed to raid the girl's kitchen cupboard in search of noodles to throw in when a movement came into her vision. Her deft long fingers tosses the partially cooked noodles into the broth to simmer further, and as she turned she spotted Mizuki slumping into a chair. The Siren blinked several times in amazement, she didn't expect the girl to surface for hours yet... had she really not drained as much energy as she had first assumed?... To be fair Draneri had never actually feed from as powerful a Mage as Mizuki was... then again the tiredness in her eyes and way her body was slumped made her think otherwise. The Siren put her hands on her hips with a stern look flashing across her soft face before it broke and she sighed, walking more casually as she hooked her arm and wing underneath the girl slowly rising her to her feet.


"While I commend your ability to walk around so soon after I had fed upon you, you are only delaying your recovery by wandering around when you should be resting... I promised I would see to your recovery and I am doing just that. I'm preparing a well home-cooked Chicken Soup, I hear that your kind likes those things when one is unwell..." Without another word the Siren marched Mizuki straight back into her bedroom and laid her back down. "Stay right there." She exited the room for a few minutes before returning with a steaming bowl and spoon already placed in it. She slowly sat beside Mizuki as she had herself half propped against the bedhead, and held out the bowl with a broad, wide smile on her face. "Here. Perhaps a nice, warm tummy will see you rest easier..."


To be honest Draneri was enjoying having someone to look after and adore. The most attention she could give her Prey was a few hours before she killed them, a glorious few hours but few hours at the most. It was a nice sensation to be helping in this manner for a longer period of time. "So which Guild do you reside from, young Mizuki?' Her voice curious but not pushy, simply inviting conversation if the lady was willing to indulge her. Or she could just as easily allow her to fall asleep once more depending on her mood.

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

the dwarf was hardly seated a few seconds before the tankard was drained and slammed back to the table "ah hah well then in that case i might have just the thing for you then," turning to rummage through a metal banded trunk behind him for a few moments producing a solid granite mug similar in size to a small keg hefting the object up and down onto the table with a heavy thud "that would probably be a better size then we make these for trolls and giants sometimes when the more intelligent less destructive ones come around and give us quite a decent price for them."

producing a different flash with a bigger nozzle on it and hefting himself across the table simply seating himself on the edge of the table rather than sitting back on the bench and not being able to see as much, seeing as there was a great deal more happening over in this area now than in the past few days. his legs unconsciously swung as he opened the large mouthed flash and set about filling the granite troll mug a sigil on the bottom of the flask glowed "this flask is a little more conspicuous than the other smaller one but i would rather get back to drinking too myself," having finished pouring Rosa now appropriately sized mug "you can go ahead and keep that one just dont throw it around it'll probably kill someone or put large holes through the guild hall since it is essentially a boulder har har!" he chuckled grasping his own mug and holding up for a toast with her newly

gifted mug.


Yamato Ren: Can't wait to see everyone's face at dinner time


Yamato was always happy to see that the guild was growing. Although they aren't exactly the number one guild in Fiore he had no problem with that. Celestia said that she could never dream of being an S-Class mage. Honestly she'd be more than surprised at what a mage is fully capable of. One thing he certainly didn't expect Celestia to ask him if was going out with anyone. Actually... Now that he thinks about it he's been asked that quite recently. "No I am indeed single." He didn't know her motive for asking a question like that but didn't think much of it. Later on the Guild Master Aleria Feathersaint called out to say Merry Christmas to everyone in the hall and reminding them to stay well behaved. "We wish you a merry Christmas too Master." With that he turned his attention to the table were everyone is located. Rosa seemed dissatisfied with the size of the mug she was given. Yamato was just about to go fetch a keg from the storage room but Acus was already one step ahead of him. Dorian had also seemed to have fallen back asleep again and on Rosa's lap no less! He chuckled slightly at the sight. "Feeling comfortable Dorian?" While Yama was expecting the man to shocked to the other side of the room, Rosa surprisingly was able to control herself, albeit barely. Regardless he was happy to see that everyone was having fun. As for the food in the oven, that will take a while before it's ready. He made sure to time it just right so that it was ready by dinner time.

@Britt-21 @Zuka @Halffix @Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @hudhouse

~Celestia Corona: BP Hall~


The chipper blonde nodded upon hearing his answer before tilting her head back and noticing the snake lady in the rafters above her, a chill ran down her spine but it was no where near as bad as it would have been if the lamia had several hundred legs, no then she probably would have passed out to be honest, still she simply gave a bright smile and wave to the woman then turned her attention back to Yamato, "Interesting...I didn't expect that one." She didn't have any particular motive, except maybe attempting to make him a victim of her nature, but that would ruin all the fun so she laughed hearing the guild master wish everyone a Merry Christmas, which she heartily returned, "Merry Christmas to everyone as well!" Her attention returned to Yamato, who she spotted looking at a slightly panicked looking Rosa and a sleeping Dorian on her lap and simply snickered, nearly expecting a shock for her giggling, she however was more interested in continuing to chat with the one she had inquired about, "Hey Yama, got a question...the meals I've eaten here; few and far between though they may be...you made them correct? Well anyway, I figure you've been working on it already but I only just joined so I didn't get the chance to offer my help before so I'll do so now. I'm pretty good in the kitchen myself, if you ever need help ask me yeah? If there's things you still need to do today I'm here to help!" She softened a little, not being quite as exuberant as she had been previously but still cheerful while she lifted the mug of eggnog she had and sipped at it some more, the stuff was a little too sweet for her tastes, she normally preferred strong drinks, the stuff that burns as it goes down but this was really delicious and didn't want to let a drop go to waste, besides it was a holiday and she was in a wonderful mood.

@Jackaboi @Zuka 

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

"That is a fair point. Even with this guild they will not down the entire bar." Their guild, like so many others, often had a fully-stocked bar and as much alcohol as their members could consume they never drained the entirety of their stock before. Even so she still thought herself fortunate that she was not a heavy drinker as the thought of competing with everyone else over drinks was hardly a pleasant one. She noted the small pause in the conversation and followed Kazuo's gaze down towards the sleeping Dorian just as her companion spoke up. "My my..." A small smile spread across her lips at Kazuo's comment. "That we will, however I do believe it will not be what you are expecting." Given how Rosa usually conducts herself it wasn't hard to imagine what kind of entertainment her companion had in mind, however she knew better. She knew that Rosa wouldn't resort to her usual tactics, not in a situation such as this. Sure enough Dorian remained unscathed as Rosa became exceedingly flustered, her entire body shaking and her voice stammering. At the display she brought her hand up to rest against her cheek as she looked down on the pair like a disappointed mother. "If only Rosa could be that cute all the time."

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse




Blue Pegasus Guild Hall



Rosaline was convinced her heart had completely stopped. She had stopped breathing and her face was completely void of any sort of color. She had no idea what to do! She had never in her entire life been in a situation as absurd and crazy as the one she currently found herself in. Try as she might to ignore Dorian having a good old snooze in her lap, how could she when he was right there in her little personal bubble. No one got in her personal bubble! And certainty not some Lazy, Narcoleptic, good for nothing Archer. In fact, did he even shoot his bow? Did he even know how to? Maybe he just carried the bow around to make it seem like he was actually Proficient in something. Kazuo seemed to take a liking to him, Lord Knows why. In fact they had gone on some missions together had they not?... Wait, Dorian on a Mission? The concept alone was laughable!

He was laughable!


Her mental musing halted as she spotted the Dwarf rummaging through his keep sacks and suddenly procure an item that made her face instantly light up and completely forget about the foreign body now using her lap as a pillow. She reached up and grasped the handle of the mug, lifting it with ease as she looked it over. A mug for Giants?! It was her lucky day after all! A mug worthy of her! (Though she still had a soft spot for the mug which survived her throw against an opposite wall.) "This is..." She started as Ace filled it to the top. She glanced to the Dwarf with a wide smile crossing her normally stern face. "Thank you! I... I love it!" And almost instantly she was test riding it, sculling this one in the much the same manner as the last but this one took almost 5 whole gulps to finish! As it emptied she did a hearty burp, but then her eyes went wide and she threw a hand up to cover her lips with an almost embarrassed redness donning her cheeks. " 'cuse me..." She whispered gently.


It was at that time the Lady Laxus glanced up in time to see Cele have a good old chuckle and as her gaze hardened she glanced between her and Yamato as both their eyes were glued to Dorian having a right snooze in her lap. Almost instantly she lifted her spare hand and flicked her finger in much the same way one does when flicking a bug off your shoulder, or a snot, only the action causes a lightning spark to careen and smack straight into Glitter Girl's chest. The bolt tiny, and none-deadly, but with enough force to send her crashing back no doubt if she weren't prepared for it. "Something funny? And judging by the fact he hasn't awoken, I'm sure our Sleepy Head is right comfortable..." Glancing down as if to confirm, his eyes shut and his expression still soft. How did he even sleep that easily? Her voice alone was enough to stir the dead, but she unconsciously found herself lowering it a fraction to avoid waking him up for some reason. "And I'm sure you had things to cook Yamato, so hop to it!" She frowned at him, trying to force the staring gazes away. Both probably just jealous they didn't have their heads in her lap.


Her eyes rolling up to glance to Xira as she was looking at her funny, her frown only deepening even more as her piercing gaze flitted between the Snake-woman and Kazuo. Now she hadn't be concentrating on their conversation, nor could she hear it anyway, but their eyes on her were making her uncomfortable still. "LIKE WHAT YOU SEE HUH?! GO FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO LOOK AT!" She bellowed suddenly, but then took a sharp breath inwards as her gaze slowly lowered back to a no doubt awakening Dorian. He couldn't have possibly slept through that.... right? She'd practically screamed across the room.









Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Acus sitting as he watched the tall blonde Rosa grasp the finely hammered and polished metal handle of his recently gifted cup "I'm Glad yah like it, made it me-self the finding and hollowing out the stone without the use of magic was the hard part." leaning closer to whisper "it gets into the stone and spoils the flavor of your drink" leaning back speaking normally "and we cant have that now can we?" laughing one again stopping mid laugh as she necked the mug "aye now that's what I'm talking about!" grasping his tankard of a more normal size finishing it himself flask at the ready, to begin pouring before she had rested her stone mug back on the bench.

looking around as the lightning show started and bellowing voice began, his beard a bit frazzled from the energy in the air but still somewhat unphased "Jeez remind me not to get on yer bad side eh?" having finished pouring their drinks already. looking down into her lap leaning over again to whisper to her "you know you could just pick him up out of your lap there and rest him on the table like you did when you first walked in? man can sleep like the dead. in fact might he be?"


Lamia Scale Guild Hall


The two took a while to reply and in the time that they where taking she observed Valken along with some other people. Maya had even gone somewhere, leaving Valken in charge. Before the women left she gave Laura a death stare. She knew that the women hated her but the stare for some reason began to turn the wheels in her head as a thought came to mind. Her eyes gleamed with the thought she had. When two children replied and apologized she gave them a smile with every ounce of what ever it took to make a smile. It was a weak have smile thing but she felt like her child deserved it at least. Due to the idea she had in her head she was in a good mood. "Thank you child, please don't act up again. You two shouldn't take what you have for granted, some day it might be there later on and using you powers in such a wasteful manor is disgraceful." With that she turned her attention to Valken who had taken her hand.


His fighting had been irritating her but she tried to pick her fights and she would only chose to talk to Valken if he did something serious. When  Valken began kissing her hand she didn't mind since it was a formal greeting of sorts, even if it was just a joke to tease her. "Hello Valken, once I again he slipped through my grasp but I don't want to hurt him. I did manage to take down some more bandits and earn a handful of jewels but it is only good for paying for my housing and food. Also, I know you don't like me or my criticisms but could try to be more careful. Try fighting somewhere you won't hurt innocent bystanders." Nobody knew who this he was that she referred to but she was always trying to find him for some reason and no one could figure out why. Who was he to her? And why was she so determined to capture him? "So tell me what did I mess?"


Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

As soon as she placed the bottle back onto the counter she jumped slightly as the voice beside her startled her. It wasn't often that Valken's ability to just appear startled her, but then it wasn't often she was stealing his alcohol either. Even if he did deserve it she knew it was entirely possible he wouldn't see it that way. However his words showed her that he did see it that way. She looked up at the man from beneath her cap as he apologized and explained himself. As he spoke she brought her hand up to rub the top of her cap, it wasn't like it was actually damaged or anything. She was about to speak up and tell him not to worry about, that her hat was fine. Fortunately she caught herself at the last moment and reminded herself not to be so lenient on the man. "I forgive you, just don't do it again." She pointed her finger accusingly at the shadow mage to drive her point home, content that that was the proper response for a problem child like him. Even so a small smile formed upon her lips as she spoke, this wasn't the first time Valken did something to her hat and it likely wouldn't be the last.

After stating her forgiveness she noted that the shadow mage seemed to have his mind elsewhere as his justification sort of drifted off. She shifted in her seat and looked over her shoulder, following his gaze to find out what had him occupied. As expected his gaze was firmly planted on Millie. She felt the man's hand pat her shoulder before taking his leave to rejoin the group. Her gaze followed after him as he made his way up to Millie and slung an arm around her. She brought her hand to the rim of her cap and pulled it down slightly as she turned back to face the bar. Placing her arms atop it's surface she leaned forward and rested her head on her makeshift pillow, the tip of her cap resting on the counter top to help hide her features.


Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guildhall


Grace seemed to relax a bit as Millie stepped away from her boyfriend, seemingly not offended by her mean little comment. Either she didn't hear or she didn't care, but it turned out to be a happy ending. Mikado didn't much to say, and neither did Valken or Emmerich. They were off in their own little butt buddy world and couldn't be bothered to say hello to their newest member. The short girl was a little annoyed by that, but by no means was she angry. No comments about her chest were made so the bar folks were off the hook. Besides, they were friendly people. They'd talk to Masaki all in good time. And fortunately that time was now! Just as she had given up hope Valken finally addressed the two, commenting about how she went on and on about him. A small blush stung her face and the flustered girl quickly looked away. "S-shut up Valken. We don't talk about that little curse that was put on me, ok? It was really embarrassing. But not as embarrassing as you in bed!" She teased, a grin smug on her face before she held her hand up to high five Masaki. But almost immediately her eyes widened at what she said. "N-Not that I know that or anything! It was just an assumption, ya know? Trying to take a jab at your masculinity. Don't worry Masaki, nothing happened on the train or any other time, I'm loyal to you baby..." She explained quickly, taking his hand and pulling him away, hoping to defuse the situation by not talking about it. 

Grace's bright eyes quickly caught sight of a girl she hadn't seen in quite awhile. Laura Jones hadn't been around in about a year, but did she really miss her? The girl was only a year older than her yet treated her like a baby. She figured it had to do with her chest, unaware that she treated everyone like this. Luckily this time around she was defending her, calling out Nikolas and Ferra for their teasing. Making sure that she was out of Laura's sight, Grace stuck her tongue out at her and grinned. "Wow, thank you Laura! I always knew that you'd have my back! And it's nice to see you again." She said happily, glancing up to Laura and then to Masaki, completely ignoring Nik and Ferra's apology. "There are some others around here, but I just showed you my favorites. The ones who don't tease me about my chest... But now that introductions are over what should we do?" 

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @Mykinkaiser @TheSecretSorcerer @Fem the Huffling Riceball


Lamia Scale Guild Hall



As Laura began to speak Valken slowly put a hand on her shoulder behind her as the other held her hand, leading her almost in a gentlemanly way away from Dumb and Dumberina as he nodded his head focusing his dark purple hues on her. As he listened intently, he looked over her shoulder at Ferra and Nic, shooting them a frosty glare that almost said, aren't cha glad I'm here to save both your behinds? Though at first he was only pretending to listen, her conversation all of a sudden actually intrigued him greatly and his false enthusiasm was replaced with a genuine look of intrigue. "He slipped through your grasp? Which he, exactly, are you looking for?... You should know the type of Guild Work I do... I'm sure a man that alludes your grasp should be easy enough for me to locate..." To be honest Valken didn't mean the statement to sound so harsh, but he really was the best as getting in and out unseen, Clients often times approaching him with requests of information or to deal with people rather then him seeking out missions himself. You don't make S rank after all by simple sitting on your bottom around the Guild Hall. He casually lead the girl to the Bar and offered a seat for her to sit on next to Mikado, flashing Laura a cheeky grin as he did. "Ahh yes, I will concede, that fight was my doing. But alls well that ends well, or something like that?"


He turned then as he head Grace pipe up about not telling Masaki about the curse but the cat was already out of the bag by then. His grin widened even further, that was until he heard her mention his quality in bed. His face completely paled at that point, hearing the words slip from her mouth. He opened his mouth as if to defend his position, that he hadn't even sleep in the same room as the girl! That's just what he needed, everyone to start to think him and Grace were a thing... she was no where near big enough for his tastes anyway....Though her sassy attitude did entertain him. As she suddenly stammered with explaining her words, the grin and color returned to his face as he called out to her. "Nah nothing happened! I mean, we crossed paths between showers, and I'm certain I ate dinner in nothing but a towel... and I'm sure her eyes stayed true on the food..." Grinning even wider.


Valken's eyes narrowed down a fraction as his earlier idea was cementing further and further in his mind. What was once a passing fancy he realized he now wanted to see into fruition so slowly he stepped away from Laura as he approached Grace and Masaki and gave his damn near, picture perfect, butter wouldn't melt smile as he wrapped his arm lazily around the boy and slowly peeled him from Grace. "Seeing as you have an entire lifetime together, and have every minute of every day from here on out... I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I borrow Masaki for a little bit? I figure, being In Charge of Lamia Scale right now and him being a brand new member, it is my duty to show him around the Guild Hall and I'm sure he would be most impressed to see our extensive Library and Maya's own personal collection of scrolls and archives... So why don't you stay here and be a Dear, I'm sure Mikado could use your company?" Gesturing with his head in the cap girl's direction, while he simultaneously pulled backwards, moon walking almost as he tugged Masaki friendly but firmly away from the group. "We'll be back before you know it!" He said cheerful, as he spun him around to face the other direction and was already dragging him through a back corridor leaving the two alone.


Once he had traversed hallway after hallway, he came before a normal looking wall. He let a finger tip make a box shape in the normal looking wall, before the black line pressed inwards revealing a brick shape that opened a completely hidden doorway, hustling the boy inside and the door way closed in behind them. Magical glowing aura lights suddenly filled the hallway as Valken took him to Lamia Scale's secret library, the one only Maya, Millie and himself knew about. He glanced down with a cheeky grin. "I wanted to talk and I know how much you like books... so I figured we could talk while you look over all these 100 year plus works....Don't ask how I know you like books, I just do."



Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

"That is a fair point. Even with this guild they will not down the entire bar." Their guild, like so many others, often had a fully-stocked bar and as much alcohol as their members could consume they never drained the entirety of their stock before. Even so she still thought herself fortunate that she was not a heavy drinker as the thought of competing with everyone else over drinks was hardly a pleasant one. She noted the small pause in the conversation and followed Kazuo's gaze down towards the sleeping Dorian just as her companion spoke up. "My my..." A small smile spread across her lips at Kazuo's comment. "That we will, however I do believe it will not be what you are expecting." Given how Rosa usually conducts herself it wasn't hard to imagine what kind of entertainment her companion had in mind, however she knew better. She knew that Rosa wouldn't resort to her usual tactics, not in a situation such as this. Sure enough Dorian remained unscathed as Rosa became exceedingly flustered, her entire body shaking and her voice stammering. At the display she brought her hand up to rest against her cheek as she looked down on the pair like a disappointed mother. "If only Rosa could be that cute all the time."

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse

  Reveal hidden contents



Blue Pegasus Guild Hall



Rosaline was convinced her heart had completely stopped. She had stopped breathing and her face was completely void of any sort of color. She had no idea what to do! She had never in her entire life been in a situation as absurd and crazy as the one she currently found herself in. Try as she might to ignore Dorian having a good old snooze in her lap, how could she when he was right there in her little personal bubble. No one got in her personal bubble! And certainty not some Lazy, Narcoleptic, good for nothing Archer. In fact, did he even shoot his bow? Did he even know how to? Maybe he just carried the bow around to make it seem like he was actually Proficient in something. Kazuo seemed to take a liking to him, Lord Knows why. In fact they had gone on some missions together had they not?... Wait, Dorian on a Mission? The concept alone was laughable!

He was laughable!


Her mental musing halted as she spotted the Dwarf rummaging through his keep sacks and suddenly procure an item that made her face instantly light up and completely forget about the foreign body now using her lap as a pillow. She reached up and grasped the handle of the mug, lifting it with ease as she looked it over. A mug for Giants?! It was her lucky day after all! A mug worthy of her! (Though she still had a soft spot for the mug which survived her throw against an opposite wall.) "This is..." She started as Ace filled it to the top. She glanced to the Dwarf with a wide smile crossing her normally stern face. "Thank you! I... I love it!" And almost instantly she was test riding it, sculling this one in the much the same manner as the last but this one took almost 5 whole gulps to finish! As it emptied she did a hearty burp, but then her eyes went wide and she threw a hand up to cover her lips with an almost embarrassed redness donning her cheeks. " 'cuse me..." She whispered gently.


It was at that time the Lady Laxus glanced up in time to see Cele have a good old chuckle and as her gaze hardened she glanced between her and Yamato as both their eyes were glued to Dorian having a right snooze in her lap. Almost instantly she lifted her spare hand and flicked her finger in much the same way one does when flicking a bug off your shoulder, or a snot, only the action causes a lightning spark to careen and smack straight into Glitter Girl's chest. The bolt tiny, and none-deadly, but with enough force to send her crashing back no doubt if she weren't prepared for it. "Something funny? And judging by the fact he hasn't awoken, I'm sure our Sleepy Head is right comfortable..." Glancing down as if to confirm, his eyes shut and his expression still soft. How did he even sleep that easily? Her voice alone was enough to stir the dead, but she unconsciously found herself lowering it a fraction to avoid waking him up for some reason. "And I'm sure you had things to cook Yamato, so hop to it!" She frowned at him, trying to force the staring gazes away. Both probably just jealous they didn't have their heads in her lap.


Her eyes rolling up to glance to Xira as she was looking at her funny, her frown only deepening even more as her piercing gaze flitted between the Snake-woman and Kazuo. Now she hadn't be concentrating on their conversation, nor could she hear it anyway, but their eyes on her were making her uncomfortable still. "LIKE WHAT YOU SEE HUH?! GO FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO LOOK AT!" She bellowed suddenly, but then took a sharp breath inwards as her gaze slowly lowered back to a no doubt awakening Dorian. He couldn't have possibly slept through that.... right? She'd practically screamed across the room.








Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Kazuo let out a soft chuckle "You are indeed correct. She reacted quite differently from what I had expected." It was nice to see Rosa all flustered and quite lost on what to do. But watching that vanish as soon as she drank from a large mug, he shook his head just a bit She can drink... then she let out the loudest burp to ever come out of a girl and just seeing her get all embarassed about that made his smile turn to a soft smile. Though it didnt take her long to yell up at them and he raised his eyebrow at her "You do realise you dont need to yell." he called from above, knowing he might be struck down "I will admit, I do like what I see." he blurted out, willing to see what would happen since she's flustered about a man laying in her lap. "Is it wrong to enjoy what I see?" he added.


Kazuo didnt care what were to happen. He was a daring son of a bitch and didnt care what happened. If she did strike him down, he'd be hurt but he'd still get up and not be angered about it. He did what he wanted when he wanted no matter the consequences.


@Zuka (Sorry for posts being short >.<) @Mykinkaiser @Colt556

Celestia: Blue Pegasus Guild Hall


Thankfully the blonde had been prepared for the zap and immediately stopped moving and held her balance firm having been forced to place all four legs back on the floor, though she did shiver as the lightning flitted across her skin, it stung to be sure but thankfully the magic was similar to hers, she was soon sitting back up and grinning again, laughing even more once she heard Rosa bellow at the snake woman and the other man in the rafters. "Yes you. It's funny to watch you. Seems the boy sleeps like death though." Curiously though Celestia tilted her head at the giant mug placed before Rosa, part of her, the mischief maker in her, was tempted to pull it towards her using the earthen half of her magic but decided to best not, she didn't really feel like finding out how much the woman's lightning hurt if she was truly angry. Instead she turned to the dwarf looking fellow and smiled brightly as she greeted everyone with before turning back to Rosa. "Look if you don't want him there I can move him with a little soft dirt bed, that can't be comfortable Rosa." Of course she was very observant but didn't want to say that it seemed like the woman she was talking to liked the guy on her lap, no that would be being nosy and possibly irritating, she wouldn't push too much obviously so she just kept drinking with an ear turned toward Yamato.


Shiro Ai: Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Shiro knew she probably could have protected Nikolas from the blast that Grace had sent her way, she had almost done it too her hand having twitched slightly before she set her hand back down in her lap and started humming along with the music once more, her eyes flicked over Valken as he seemed to drag the newest member away from the main room. Eventually she grew bored of just watching everyone and turned her attention to Phineas, no longer singing along to the music she was enjoying. "So here's a question for you Phin...Do you like it here? You've been here for a little while so...I was just wondering." Shiro glances at him and gives her head a slight tilt, bright violet eyes looking honestly curious at this point. She was sitting with him so she may as well talk to work on her social issues by trying to talk to him instead of just listening to his music, she actually wasn't too sure she had talked to him yet, just little gestures here and there.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @Zuka @Anyone else in either of the halls

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


The two took a while to reply and in the time that they where taking she observed Valken along with some other people. Maya had even gone somewhere, leaving Valken in charge. Before the women left she gave Laura a death stare. She knew that the women hated her but the stare for some reason began to turn the wheels in her head as a thought came to mind. Her eyes gleamed with the thought she had. When two children replied and apologized she gave them a smile with every ounce of what ever it took to make a smile. It was a weak have smile thing but she felt like her child deserved it at least. Due to the idea she had in her head she was in a good mood. "Thank you child, please don't act up again. You two shouldn't take what you have for granted, some day it might be there later on and using you powers in such a wasteful manor is disgraceful." With that she turned her attention to Valken who had taken her hand.


His fighting had been irritating her but she tried to pick her fights and she would only chose to talk to Valken if he did something serious. When  Valken began kissing her hand she didn't mind since it was a formal greeting of sorts, even if it was just a joke to tease her. "Hello Valken, once I again he slipped through my grasp but I don't want to hurt him. I did manage to take down some more bandits and earn a handful of jewels but it is only good for paying for my housing and food. Also, I know you don't like me or my criticisms but could try to be more careful. Try fighting somewhere you won't hurt innocent bystanders." Nobody knew who this he was that she referred to but she was always trying to find him for some reason and no one could figure out why. Who was he to her? And why was she so determined to capture him? "So tell me what did I mess?"


Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

As soon as she placed the bottle back onto the counter she jumped slightly as the voice beside her startled her. It wasn't often that Valken's ability to just appear startled her, but then it wasn't often she was stealing his alcohol either. Even if he did deserve it she knew it was entirely possible he wouldn't see it that way. However his words showed her that he did see it that way. She looked up at the man from beneath her cap as he apologized and explained himself. As he spoke she brought her hand up to rub the top of her cap, it wasn't like it was actually damaged or anything. She was about to speak up and tell him not to worry about, that her hat was fine. Fortunately she caught herself at the last moment and reminded herself not to be so lenient on the man. "I forgive you, just don't do it again." She pointed her finger accusingly at the shadow mage to drive her point home, content that that was the proper response for a problem child like him. Even so a small smile formed upon her lips as she spoke, this wasn't the first time Valken did something to her hat and it likely wouldn't be the last.

After stating her forgiveness she noted that the shadow mage seemed to have his mind elsewhere as his justification sort of drifted off. She shifted in her seat and looked over her shoulder, following his gaze to find out what had him occupied. As expected his gaze was firmly planted on Millie. She felt the man's hand pat her shoulder before taking his leave to rejoin the group. Her gaze followed after him as he made his way up to Millie and slung an arm around her. She brought her hand to the rim of her cap and pulled it down slightly as she turned back to face the bar. Placing her arms atop it's surface she leaned forward and rested her head on her makeshift pillow, the tip of her cap resting on the counter top to help hide her features.


Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guildhall


Grace seemed to relax a bit as Millie stepped away from her boyfriend, seemingly not offended by her mean little comment. Either she didn't hear or she didn't care, but it turned out to be a happy ending. Mikado didn't much to say, and neither did Valken or Emmerich. They were off in their own little butt buddy world and couldn't be bothered to say hello to their newest member. The short girl was a little annoyed by that, but by no means was she angry. No comments about her chest were made so the bar folks were off the hook. Besides, they were friendly people. They'd talk to Masaki all in good time. And fortunately that time was now! Just as she had given up hope Valken finally addressed the two, commenting about how she went on and on about him. A small blush stung her face and the flustered girl quickly looked away. "S-shut up Valken. We don't talk about that little curse that was put on me, ok? It was really embarrassing. But not as embarrassing as you in bed!" She teased, a grin smug on her face before she held her hand up to high five Masaki. But almost immediately her eyes widened at what she said. "N-Not that I know that or anything! It was just an assumption, ya know? Trying to take a jab at your masculinity. Don't worry Masaki, nothing happened on the train or any other time, I'm loyal to you baby..." She explained quickly, taking his hand and pulling him away, hoping to defuse the situation by not talking about it. 

Grace's bright eyes quickly caught sight of a girl she hadn't seen in quite awhile. Laura Jones hadn't been around in about a year, but did she really miss her? The girl was only a year older than her yet treated her like a baby. She figured it had to do with her chest, unaware that she treated everyone like this. Luckily this time around she was defending her, calling out Nikolas and Ferra for their teasing. Making sure that she was out of Laura's sight, Grace stuck her tongue out at her and grinned. "Wow, thank you Laura! I always knew that you'd have my back! And it's nice to see you again." She said happily, glancing up to Laura and then to Masaki, completely ignoring Nik and Ferra's apology. "There are some others around here, but I just showed you my favorites. The ones who don't tease me about my chest... But now that introductions are over what should we do?" 

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @Mykinkaiser @TheSecretSorcerer @Fem the Huffling Riceball

Celestia: Blue Pegasus Guild Hall


Thankfully the blonde had been prepared for the zap and immediately stopped moving and held her balance firm having been forced to place all four legs back on the floor, though she did shiver as the lightning flitted across her skin, it stung to be sure but thankfully the magic was similar to hers, she was soon sitting back up and grinning again, laughing even more once she heard Rosa bellow at the snake woman and the other man in the rafters. "Yes you. It's funny to watch you. Seems the boy sleeps like death though." Curiously though Celestia tilted her head at the giant mug placed before Rosa, part of her, the mischief maker in her, was tempted to pull it towards her using the earthen half of her magic but decided to best not, she didn't really feel like finding out how much the woman's lightning hurt if she was truly angry. Instead she turned to the dwarf looking fellow and smiled brightly as she greeted everyone with before turning back to Rosa. "Look if you don't want him there I can move him with a little soft dirt bed, that can't be comfortable Rosa." Of course she was very observant but didn't want to say that it seemed like the woman she was talking to liked the guy on her lap, no that would be being nosy and possibly irritating, she wouldn't push too much obviously so she just kept drinking with an ear turned toward Yamato.


Shiro Ai: Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Shiro knew she probably could have protected Nikolas from the blast that Grace had sent her way, she had almost done it too her hand having twitched slightly before she set her hand back down in her lap and started humming along with the music once more, her eyes flicked over Valken as he seemed to drag the newest member away from the main room. Eventually she grew bored of just watching everyone and turned her attention to Phineas, no longer singing along to the music she was enjoying. "So here's a question for you Phin...Do you like it here? You've been here for a little while so...I was just wondering." Shiro glances at him and gives her head a slight tilt, bright violet eyes looking honestly curious at this point. She was sitting with him so she may as well talk to work on her social issues by trying to talk to him instead of just listening to his music, she actually wasn't too sure she had talked to him yet, just little gestures here and there.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @Zuka @Anyone else in either of the halls

  Nikolas breathed a sigh of relief when he wasn't blasted out of the air and considered asking Phineas to join him, but that look on his brother's face from earlier said that he wanted no part on his schemes. Which left someone who probably would; Ferra. Hmm....maybe now would be a good time to seduce her? He glanced at Phineas, who always seemed to know what he was thinking. Phineas only nodded at him. Now what would be the best way to start off?

  "Hey, Ferra, watch this!" Nikolas stupidly shouted in a childish tone of voice. "Transformation: Exceed!" With that, he slowly shrunk down to the size and shape of his Exceed form, before unfurling the wings that came with Exceed and floating so he was able to look her in the eyes. "Pretty cool, huh?"


  Phineas watched his brother for a little while, before hearing Shiro speak, asking if he liked it here. "Mm-hm," Phineas responded awkwardly, looking away from the Exceed Nikolas. "It kind of feels like I have a chance to do something right. My parents, they....they went through a lot just to make sure that Nik and I would be born in a good, safe family....Father even went as far as protecting us from out grandma when we were little. I know that he's scared for us....we both still have a lot to learn, and things can be dangerous sometimes. There was this one mission where Nik nearly got beaten to death, and when I saw it....I realized what Mother and Father did to protect us. What better than to pass the favor on to my brother?" Phineas paused, hesitating, before continuing. "He's an idiot, a douchebag, a pervert, and an asshole, but....we're twins. We have to look out for each other."

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