Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Lamia Scale Guild Hall


When Grace spoke to her she turned her head and was unpleased because it didn't sounded genuine. It sounded like the girl was poking some fun at her. Laura decided not to say anything to the girl just to save her breath. "Um... I don't mean to insult you Valken but I don't want to take any more risk then I have to." She didn't mean to insult Valken just like she said but she was afraid that he might be hurt or that they would do worse to him. It did warm Laura's heart to hear him apologize for the fight, she didn't think that she would ever hear something like that come out of his mouth. She began to pick up on the other conversations around her and it was easy to see that she wasn't to please by it. She was sitting in the chair unhappy with everyone.

Ayano Soru: About time...


Ayano wasn't expecting someone else to intervene. It was a boy that looked and smelled very different from your normal human. Regardless he was interrupting this little moment and Ayano wasn't too pleased by it. "Who is this? A friend? If you don't want him getting hurt I'd advise sending him away." Sora certainly didn't hold back with her words. She deserves whatever's coming to her eh? Well... she wouldn't be wrong. After all that she has done it's only suitable that the vampire would fall to a human. "Sora is right you know... I have hurt people, killed them, destroyed families and slaughtered villages... You never know what could be next. Magnolia maybe? I've never tried purging a city before. Wouldn't hurt to try though would it? Oh right! It would hurt you wouldn't it?" As Ayano continued to provoke them, something started to talk within her again. Something she wasn't looking forward too.

"How much longer do you plan to hold back?"
"Just kill her already."

"Kill everything"
They're the one's who deserve it."

"Not you."

Ayano spent so much time alone. Over a hundred years have passed and the only thing that kept her company were the voices in her head. It wasn't long before those voices were practically controlling her life. It was them that made decisions for her, even though they were all wrong they were solutions nonetheless. Kill, torture, slaughter, lie...

"Why don't you just accept it already."

"Kim lied to you."

"Humans are all the same."

"Scared of anything that's not one of them."

"And they don't want you breathing their air."

The vampire's eyes were turning pitch black again. Showing the primal side of her nature. Feed... Animals aren't good enough, Only humans will quench her thirst. She bared her fangs followed by a hungry grin. Sora wasn't messing around. She wanted to have a real fight. No bars to keep them separated. Ayano waited for this moment and finally it has arrived. No more wizard saint to ruin this chance.

"That's right... You're hungry."

"Feed on the dragon slayer."

"Maybe you could spare her life afterwards?"

"Let the disease spread."

"Show her the true pain of becoming a lonely little vampire."

"Of course... No more interruptions... We shall have our fight! But first... Mind if I have a little drink first?" Without a moments hesitation Ayano lunged straight for the side of Sora's neck attempting to bite her.

@Kyuubey @Zareh

Timothy Harvard: Another one bites the "blood"


As soon as Timothy saw Ayano lunge for Sora, attempting to bite her, his reflexes immediately letting him spring into action "SORA! LOOK OUT!" he warns her as he pushes Sora out of the way replacing her posture and getting himself bit in the neck which as soon as her fangs jabbed into his "skin" and "muscle" it caused a huge amount of "blood" leaking out from the side of his neck which flowed all the way to his shoulder turning a part of his jacket crimson red. "UGHGHGHGAHHHH" he cried in order to emulate how a human would react to the pain of being bit. His head twitched as he tried to pry Ayano off "Please get off me!!!" he shouted as he grabbed Ayano by the hips and tried to throw her out of the alleyway into the streets.

People saw the fight going on along with the blood which made them panic and fled the streets. Timothy was covering up his bite wounds as he kneel to the ground. "Damage Report..." he said quietly as screens flashed up on his display and informing him of the single music nerve have been damaged at 68%. He stood up and ran outside the alleyway "Sora! Stay here! It's too dangerous, she feeds on blood and you are full of it. I'll be right back!" he reassured Sora about handling this as he rushed out to the streets to see people running away in fear. He saw Ayano still down as he tries to approach her slowly. "Please don't make me do this...I don't want to hurt you...." he slowly says as he approaches her with his hands out.

@Kyuubey @Jackaboi



Mizuki's Apartment


"One potato, two potato, three potato four!~" Her humming, sing song voice echoing within the kitchen. The Chicken Soup was looking wonderful and the aroma was to die for. It was hearty, with all kinds of ground vegetables, corn and left over chicken. It had been simmering for quite some time and Draneri had just managed to raid the girl's kitchen cupboard in search of noodles to throw in when a movement came into her vision. Her deft long fingers tosses the partially cooked noodles into the broth to simmer further, and as she turned she spotted Mizuki slumping into a chair. The Siren blinked several times in amazement, she didn't expect the girl to surface for hours yet... had she really not drained as much energy as she had first assumed?... To be fair Draneri had never actually feed from as powerful a Mage as Mizuki was... then again the tiredness in her eyes and way her body was slumped made her think otherwise. The Siren put her hands on her hips with a stern look flashing across her soft face before it broke and she sighed, walking more casually as she hooked her arm and wing underneath the girl slowly rising her to her feet.


"While I commend your ability to walk around so soon after I had fed upon you, you are only delaying your recovery by wandering around when you should be resting... I promised I would see to your recovery and I am doing just that. I'm preparing a well home-cooked Chicken Soup, I hear that your kind likes those things when one is unwell..." Without another word the Siren marched Mizuki straight back into her bedroom and laid her back down. "Stay right there." She exited the room for a few minutes before returning with a steaming bowl and spoon already placed in it. She slowly sat beside Mizuki as she had herself half propped against the bedhead, and held out the bowl with a broad, wide smile on her face. "Here. Perhaps a nice, warm tummy will see you rest easier..."


To be honest Draneri was enjoying having someone to look after and adore. The most attention she could give her Prey was a few hours before she killed them, a glorious few hours but few hours at the most. It was a nice sensation to be helping in this manner for a longer period of time. "So which Guild do you reside from, young Mizuki?' Her voice curious but not pushy, simply inviting conversation if the lady was willing to indulge her. Or she could just as easily allow her to fall asleep once more depending on her mood.

Mizuki Kohaku



Mizuki was suddenly struck with a little pang of guilt as Draneri gave her a stern look. She was usually the one to give people looks that asserted her dominance, but having someone else do it to her made the girl feel bad. Fortunately it went away just as quick as it appeared, the siren putting on a much kinder face while helping her up. The dark Mage wished to stay in the seat she was in, to keep a watchful eye of Draneri, but she wouldn't allow her to do that. Mizuki fell slightly into her body, an alarm wrapped around her waist for support. Despite the somewhat foul look on her face, the dark mage was actually craving the chicken soup that was prepared for her. If it tasted as good as it smelled then she'd be the happiest person in Fiore. Without a word but a growl here and then, she obediently walked back to the bedroom and crawled into the bed. 


As Draneri exited the bedroom the dark Mage lazily threw the covers over her cold and exposed legs before rested her hands in her lap, leaning slightly against the bedhead, purple eyes fixed intensely on the door. She knew exactly what she was getting, and was very eager to receive it. As Draneri sat down beside her Mizuki was quick to reach out and grab it, placing the warm bowl where here hands were before bringing the spoon up to her mouth and sipping away at it. If the siren paid close attention she could physically see Mizuki's body relax, the girl slumping back again with a somewhat happy look on her face. The soup gave her energy and excited her, as if it had some sort of magic in it. "This soup is very good. Perhaps a warm stomach would help out..." She muttered, glancing up at Draneri before continuing to work at the soup. When asked what guild she belonged to, the black haired girl paused her souping to respond, taking one last big slurp. "I reside in Sabertooth, the strongest guild in all the lands... Why do you ask Draneri?"

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

The mention of 'something she'd like' did well to pique her interest. "Oh?" She stepped forward as Lavender made her way over to a nearby cabinet to fetch whatever it was she wished to give. Soon enough the mystery item was revealed to be a small cake elaborately decorated with a flame motif. As far as she knew she was one of only two fire mages in the entire guild so having a cake decorated in something she had a near monopoly over caused a smile to form on her lips. "It looks great, Lavy. Besides I'm not that much of a glutton for cake, it's the other redhead you have to worry about making more for." If she were to get a gift of sweets she'd have much preferred her beloved sundae, but a cake was fine too. She made her way over to her edible gift and quickly snatched it up in one hand and nabbing a fork with the other. She gave no hesitation to appreciate the hard work that must have gone in to the decor, instead opting to simply dig right in and take a nice big bite. The moment the cake entered her mouth her eyes lit up as a small moan slipped past her lips. Without even swallowing she turned to look at Lavender, beaming her praise. "Lavy, this is fantastic! You should open a bakery or something!" After singing her praise she quickly swallowed down the bite and went for another, the idea of sharing this with anyone immediately cast from her mind.


Ayano Soru: This isn't blood...


After lunging at Sora the boy shoved her out the way and took the bite for her. Although after tasting the blood it wasn't what she was expecting. "What... Is this...?" The taste was revolting. What ever it was it wasn't blood, in fact this boy wasn't even human. It wasn't long before she was thrown away again. It was then she sat up with an angered look on her face and shouted. "What even are you!?" Almost immediately after seeing him approach Ayano she formed a sword out of her own blood prepared to attack. "You know what? I don't even want to know... You denied my meal and I'll stop at nothing to get it." Her glance changed to Sora again and started charging at her at full speed. The streets looked empty too, just perfect for a fight to occur there. Ayano was going to try and bite Sora again but if that "boy" gets in the way again she'll have no choice but to kill him first.

@Zareh @Kyuubey

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

She flashed a quick smile at her companion as he acknowledged her accurate assumption. "Rosa just can't be honest with herself." Turning her attention back down to the group below the smile soon turned into a frown as the golden-haired woman let out a rather impressive burp. She brought her hand to rub her eyes as she let out a small sigh. One step forward and two steps back was quite possibly the most apt idiom for their dear Rosa. The woman's unladylike behavior was soon followed by her shouting angrily up at the two of them which prompted Kazuo to offer a swift response. As Kazuo spoke down towards the woman she took another sip of her eggnog to finish it off before offering her own reply. "If only we could do something about that temper of yours you might actually be able to become a proper lady." As much as she loathed Rosa's behavior there was always the belief that the woman could be fixed and set straight. Whether that would ever actually happen however....

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse

Mikado Saris - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Margaret Town

As she sat there in silence the familiar voice of Valken drew nearer accompanied by a voice she had not heard in a long time. Looking out of the corner of her eye she noticed Laura take a seat beside her while continuing to speak with Valken. She shifted her head to the side slightly, turning away from the woman. She never did like the older girl. Unlike most other people she had no fear of what the woman could do with her magic. No, it was the woman's personality that she didn't like. The overbearing strictness didn't exactly meld well with her love of chaos and destruction and being treated like a child by someone only two years older than you did well to grate on her patience. Dealing with the woman was bad enough on a good day but with everything else she certainly didn't want to bother with it now. As such she made sure her movements were slow and subtle as she pretended to be asleep. Only a monster would disrupt a cute girl sleeping after all.


Timothy Harvard: Cyborg vs Vampire

Timothy looked at her and frowned with some compassion in his eyes, if what his scans say is true then this "young" girl really isn't in control of herself. He takes a boxing stance preparing for the worst. "It doesn't matter what I am...only who I am truly matters." he said in fierce but regretful tone. He observed her powers as Ayano summoned a sword made out of blood. "Her powers are based around the concept of blood?...this is an unusual but terrifying kind of magic...if I don't do something, she is going to drain Sora dry..." he thought and prioritized Sora's safety. "Please...I really don't want to hurt you....you don't have to do this..." he said trying to use his compassion one last time to convince Ayano but...it's no use. There's too many variables to play out but as soon as he saw Ayano rush in for Sora so she could take a bite again. 

"I'm sorry...forgive me for this..."


He side steps to shield Sora from Ayano's grasp by trying to block her blood sword with his left hand, upon impact the blade made a deep cut into his skin and his blood starts leaking from his hand. He tries to grab her shoulder and runs in a straight line without stopping. Trying to grab her, he rushes straight into the walls of shops and tries to slam her into wall upon another wall. Until they were finally far away from Sora where Timothy could keep her safe from Ayano. He attempts to let go as more blood starts dripping and his rational side kicks in. His once regretful and fierce face turns into one that is devoid of emotion. He simply ignores the bleeding as he stares at Ayano from a distance with his blank eyes. He turns around and looks at the magic four wheeler and lifts it up with his one hand and tries throws it at Ayano hoping it would be enough to crush her.

@Kyuubey @Jackaboi





Gilad Arcturus - Sabertooth Guild Hall: Crocus

It had been a long few months since the incident in Magnolia. Search as he did he still could not find even a trace of Lucian. It was like a repeat of the events at Malnia and just like then he would simply have to continue his search and hope the illusive bastard slipped up. Nevertheless time chugged on and the seasons changed as snow began to cover the ground. Finally Christmas Eve had arrived and yet there he was, sat behind his desk doing mundane paperwork for the Council. There was much pomp and circumstance surrounding the elevation to Guild Master and a lifetime of recognition and respect, yet behind closed doors all there was, was desk work. Even secluded in his office he could hear the commotion coming from the main hall as his guild enjoyed the holidays. Sabertooth was never a particularly rowdy guild but it had it's occasions and Christmas was certainly one of them. With a press of a stamp and the filing of one final paper he was finally done with his long day of tedious work. He leaned back in his chair and stretched his tired muscles with a groan before bringing his hands behind his head and gazing up at the ceiling. It had been many years since he truly enjoyed the holiday season. Sure he put in the effort for the sake of his members but if he had his way he would much prefer to spend the days alone.

Alas being there for your guild was one of the duties of being a Guild Master and as such he brought his hands down and got up from his chair. As he made his way for the door he took a brief moment to look over at a rather ornate box with a glass lid encapsulating a pair of golden keys. With that brief moment over he continued out the door of his office and made his way down the hallway towards the main hall. As he drew nearer the commotion became louder and louder until he finally arrived on the balcony overlooking the large room below. There were many familiar faces as expected, however there were also many who were absent. While many were gone for the holidays there was one that was absent for an entirely different reason. It was never easy for a Guild to lose a member, especially not to a rival guild and especially not one of their S-ranks. Had he not fought alongside Miss Rey he likely never would have allowed Masaki to leave for such a reason. Fortunately for the two of them she had made a good impression during the crisis in Magnolia. Even so couldn't help but feel it would have been better for her to join Sabertooth rather than lose Masaki, but what was done was done.

After finishing his survey of the hall he made his way down the stairs as per usual when around the Guild Hall he was clad in fairly casual clothing, a far cry from his usual armored form. The holiday spirit was strong in those who were around as there wasn't even the slightest drop in commotion as he entered. As he made his way towards his favored seat at the bar he glanced over at one new face within his Guild. While he could appreciate absentees he was always watchful of those he did not know. Nothing went on within his Guild without his knowledge as long as he could help it and allowing strangers to roam freely was not exactly something he enjoyed. Even so he already had an idea for why the man was there. There weren't many reasons for someone to come wandering into Sabertooth after all. Dealing with the man wasn't something he was looking forward to but that was just another part of being Guild Master, you had to spend a lot of time rejecting naive individuals. Upon reaching the bar he took a seat and rested his hands atop the counter and almost instinctively called out for Mizuki to fetch him a drink before quickly checking himself. The dark mage was nowhere to be seen which was something to note as well. It was rare for Mizuki to be absent, however with Alicia gone as well it was likely they were off enjoying Christmas Eve together.

@Mykinkaiser @Nenma Takashi @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Drakerus @Mitchs98
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FT Kitchen @Colt556


Looking over as she heard the door open, the blonde smiled "I want to give you something you might like." pausing what she was doing, she moved towards a cabinet and opened it before pulling out a red cake which was covered in black fondant followed by red, yellow and orange flames along the outside of the cake. It almost looked like a piece of coal covered in fire "This is for you. I had some extra time upon my hands so I made this for you and I had made a cake for miss Keli." she placed the cake on the cleaner end of the table "I hope that you enjoy this cake... I wish I could have made more but as you can see... I dont have enough time right now." Lavender then went back to where she had been and began loading cookies onto a plate to bring outside into the hall for many to enjoy. She also poured some eggnog into a canister and covered the top "You may share it if you'd like as well... It's your cake now. You do what you want."


Chris Lengheart(An idea, huh?)

Chris took a seat at a stall as Kelica was caught but what he assumed was Alfie's magic. Tassels were related to ribbons, right? As Kelica got up like nothing had happened and started going off like a small child hyped up on sugar, Chris simply grinned and began to chuckle. As she brought up her "idea" about making a change to the guildhall, Chris simply responded,"An idea? What might this idea be Ms. Zefara?" as he leaned back in his stall. 

To be entirely honest, Kelica having an idea partially scared Chris. Knowing her, she might want to have the entire guildhall engulfed by plants and animals. He wasn't sure how everyone else would feel, but Chris didn't exactly know how he'd feel about a group of birds nesting on the job board while squirrels managed to find their way into Chris' new hair. Another thing that was going through Chris' head was something that involved him. He wasn't exactly sure since his forms were extremely versatile, but knowing Kelica, it'd probably involve riding on his back or doing something either extremely dangerous or something incredibly stupid. Whatever it was, Chris at least wanted to hear Kelica out before he decided to interject on anything.

Forgive me for short posts. I've been having writer's block)) 

@Genon @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98 @Kojuen

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

The mention of 'something she'd like' did well to pique her interest. "Oh?" She stepped forward as Lavender made her way over to a nearby cabinet to fetch whatever it was she wished to give. Soon enough the mystery item was revealed to be a small cake elaborately decorated with a flame motif. As far as she knew she was one of only two fire mages in the entire guild so having a cake decorated in something she had a near monopoly over caused a smile to form on her lips. "It looks great, Lavy. Besides I'm not that much of a glutton for cake, it's the other redhead you have to worry about making more for." If she were to get a gift of sweets she'd have much preferred her beloved sundae, but a cake was fine too. She made her way over to her edible gift and quickly snatched it up in one hand and nabbing a fork with the other. She gave no hesitation to appreciate the hard work that must have gone in to the decor, instead opting to simply dig right in and take a nice big bite. The moment the cake entered her mouth her eyes lit up as a small moan slipped past her lips. Without even swallowing she turned to look at Lavender, beaming her praise. "Lavy, this is fantastic! You should open a bakery or something!" After singing her praise she quickly swallowed down the bite and went for another, the idea of sharing this with anyone immediately cast from her mind.


Kelica zefara.png


Fairytail Guild Hall - Magnolia




The Forest Mage blinked as she was straddled right over a poor Ryu, words flooding like a tsunami from her lips as she grasped at his paper and reefed it down to make doubly, triply sure he was focusing in on her despite her voice being loud and her presence right there in his face. "Hey! Hey Ryu Senpai! You listening to me? Did you hear what I said?" That was when she heard Lavender call out to her to come to the kitchen, and judging by the delicious and beautiful smells coming from that direction she could envision all sorts of sweets, and baking goods that already had the girl's mouth a watering. The blonde girl turned her head slightly as she heard Chris in another booth chuckling, and her gaze fell to him as he asked what idea she had in mind. A devious smile floating across her red lips as she placed her finger there and made a ssshhhhhhh noise. With that finger still held onto her lip, she tapped it momentarily. Maybe she could tell Chris? He might be able to help...


The girl slipped from her position all up in Ryu's grill, to literally run all the way over to Chris as she thrust her body and face all up into his, to the point her nose actually touched his as her eyelashes practically smooshed right up in against his own. "It's a secret and you can't tell another living or non-living soul....... But I am going to grow a huuuggeeeeeeeeee Christmas tree, right in the middle of the Hall! And I'm gunna let everyone decorate it... Alfie's ribbons, Adrian can make arcane bauble's... I'm sure you can help me decorate it too! And we need a shiny star on top! But I'm sure someone has magic to make a magical star..." Giggling as she reefed her frame back slightly but made another sshhh noise as she peered to him, eyes squeezing up tightly. She glanced over her shoulder as she remembered Lavender calling her so without a word she was already leaping off Chris's frame and running full tilt into the back kitchen of the Fairytail Guild Hall, spotting Tanari hooking into a cake that looked absolutely delicious!  She jumped around right in-front of Tanari, head popping up and over her shoulder visible from Lavender's angle. "Is.... that a...cake I see? Tanari...got...a cake? Oh wow Cake! I... want cake now!" Each part of her sentence delayed from her jumping and her head popping up and over Tanari's shoulder. She ducked with a surprising speed around the girl before appearing suddenly and fast beside Lavender as she snatched a cookie and plopped it into her mouth.


Chewing audible as she licked her lips. "You....mmm....you made all these? Oh gosh Lavender!! You should have asked me to help! I would have helped! I love helping! Let me heeeelllppp!" sliding the oven mitten on her hands and waving them around enthusiastically.


Honestly by this stage the bags under Kelica's eyes were so heavy, anyone could tell instantly she was far past being over tired that her body was even more hyperactive then usual. Like a little kid fighting with their body, which was screaming for sleep. Give her 5 more minutes and she will be out like a light...




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Sora Marvell - Magnolia Streets




Both hues went instinctively wide and the series of events that followed were quite a blur. Ayano had furthermore closed the distance between them, a look dancing in her eyes that only resembled a lust of sorts. Timothy had shouted to warn her and his voice sounded so far away in that moment. It almost felt like time had slowed to an agonizing point and before she knew it Timothy's hands were shoving her to the ground. The landing upon the ground warranted a small noise to leave her from the impact, though it sounded more surprised than one of pain. This surely wasn't going as planned, in fact it had become quite chaotic. Sora scrambled onto her feet, ignoring the complaints and cries that her limbs were aching out and she darted forward with the intent to help her friend.


However, soon, Ayano's words acted as confirmation to her own suspicions of Timothy not being human and Sora stopped in her tracks. She didn't know if surprise was something coursing through her. It wasn't a secret that he was different but hearing it from someone else was another story. Blue strands danced about as she suddenly shook her head to whisk away those thoughts. Timothy was her friend no matter what! No matter what he may or may not be. That didn't and wouldn't change anything. Ayano's eyes had once again fallen onto her but that gaze was soon blocked by Timothy whom had stepped between them. Part of her felt relieved and rather grateful to have such an amazing friend that he was so readily willing to protect her. The other part of her felt anger and remorse that she was viewed as someone who needed to be saved. A hand stretched out towards the ongoing bloodshed, fingers curling as they soon disappeared out of view, legs giving out to drop her into a kneeling position in the snow.


" This needs to stop.. " Sora spoke under her breath but the words compelled her to stand and run after them, traversing through man made holes in the walls to once again get them in her sights. The two were almost frightening to watch and what was once a fight now almost seemed simply acting on the instinct to destroy. " Timothy, this isn't like you.. " Sora meant to call this out to him but the words could barely be heard even as they slipped past her lips. Truthfully Ayano wasn't a priority or concern but the way her friend looked was starting to instill worry within her. Her wide eyes seemed to shake along with her small frame at the realization that she probably had appeared quite similar when Ayano had been within her grasp. It was nearly impossible to imagine that this was the guy whom had been trying to keep the peace with sincerity and kindness only minutes before. Everyone is capable of harboring many sides... I guess I'm just surprised because I've never witnessed this side of him.. Sora thought to herself.


A hand flung itself out to the side as she called out to him, using the wind to project her voice. " Timothy please, I already lost someone close to me and I can't handle you getting hurt because of me... it will shatter me.. " Sora knew she could handle Ayano but she didn't care if the vampire hurt her in the process. If Timothy continued getting hurt and bleeding the way he was then Sora was about to unleash a lot more than just simple pent up frustration. 


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Lamia Scale Guild Hall


As Laura began to speak Valken slowly put a hand on her shoulder behind her as the other held her hand, leading her almost in a gentlemanly way away from Dumb and Dumberina as he nodded his head focusing his dark purple hues on her. As he listened intently, he looked over her shoulder at Ferra and Nic, shooting them a frosty glare that almost said, aren't cha glad I'm here to save both your behinds? Though at first he was only pretending to listen, her conversation all of a sudden actually intrigued him greatly and his false enthusiasm was replaced with a genuine look of intrigue. "He slipped through your grasp? Which he, exactly, are you looking for?... You should know the type of Guild Work I do... I'm sure a man that alludes your grasp should be easy enough for me to locate..." To be honest Valken didn't mean the statement to sound so harsh, but he really was the best as getting in and out unseen, Clients often times approaching him with requests of information or to deal with people rather then him seeking out missions himself. You don't make S rank after all by simple sitting on your bottom around the Guild Hall. He casually lead the girl to the Bar and offered a seat for her to sit on next to Mikado, flashing Laura a cheeky grin as he did. "Ahh yes, I will concede, that fight was my doing. But alls well that ends well, or something like that?"


He turned then as he head Grace pipe up about not telling Masaki about the curse but the cat was already out of the bag by then. His grin widened even further, that was until he heard her mention his quality in bed. His face completely paled at that point, hearing the words slip from her mouth. He opened his mouth as if to defend his position, that he hadn't even sleep in the same room as the girl! That's just what he needed, everyone to start to think him and Grace were a thing... she was no where near big enough for his tastes anyway....Though her sassy attitude did entertain him. As she suddenly stammered with explaining her words, the grin and color returned to his face as he called out to her. "Nah nothing happened! I mean, we crossed paths between showers, and I'm certain I ate dinner in nothing but a towel... and I'm sure her eyes stayed true on the food..." Grinning even wider.


Valken's eyes narrowed down a fraction as his earlier idea was cementing further and further in his mind. What was once a passing fancy he realized he now wanted to see into fruition so slowly he stepped away from Laura as he approached Grace and Masaki and gave his damn near, picture perfect, butter wouldn't melt smile as he wrapped his arm lazily around the boy and slowly peeled him from Grace. "Seeing as you have an entire lifetime together, and have every minute of every day from here on out... I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I borrow Masaki for a little bit? I figure, being In Charge of Lamia Scale right now and him being a brand new member, it is my duty to show him around the Guild Hall and I'm sure he would be most impressed to see our extensive Library and Maya's own personal collection of scrolls and archives... So why don't you stay here and be a Dear, I'm sure Mikado could use your company?" Gesturing with his head in the cap girl's direction, while he simultaneously pulled backwards, moon walking almost as he tugged Masaki friendly but firmly away from the group. "We'll be back before you know it!" He said cheerful, as he spun him around to face the other direction and was already dragging him through a back corridor leaving the two alone.


Once he had traversed hallway after hallway, he came before a normal looking wall. He let a finger tip make a box shape in the normal looking wall, before the black line pressed inwards revealing a brick shape that opened a completely hidden doorway, hustling the boy inside and the door way closed in behind them. Magical glowing aura lights suddenly filled the hallway as Valken took him to Lamia Scale's secret library, the one only Maya, Millie and himself knew about. He glanced down with a cheeky grin. "I wanted to talk and I know how much you like books... so I figured we could talk while you look over all these 100 year plus works....Don't ask how I know you like books, I just do."


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After Grace was finishing introducing him to 'her favourite people', the pair were quick to link arms and start heading towards the guild door so as to explore Margaret Town and potentially find something to do. The boy sighed as he remembered that he still had  to bring all of his things to his new place, the house being right on the edge of the town, it'd take a fair bit to even get there. Sighing again, Masaki then turned his attention to Grace and simply chuckled, a smile on his face as he spoke with a kind tone in his voice. "We can do whatever you want, Grace. I don't min-" and before he could say anything else, the young boy was practically stolen away from Grace and by Valken, who had broke Masaki away from Grace and dragged him away by his shirt. The red head struggled for freedom for a moment but in the end just let Valken get on with it. Obviously, Valken wanted to speak with him for some reason. And Masaki felt obliged to listen to it, seeing as the man had been nice to him so far. 

After the two males had finished walking through a few hallways, Valken took him to a strange wall. Masaki could tell right off the bat that this wasn't just an ordinary wall, and that much was confirmed when Valken pushed a brick back and the wall opened up to reveal a library. The place didn't look that well kept, but it's contents were vast. Masaki stood there with grin on his face and a look similar to that of a child on Christmas Day. "All of these works... They're so ancient, I can't see all of them, but on this shelf I recognise all of them!" And with that, the boy walked towards the shelf and pulled out a book from its contents, flicking through ever page rather rapidly. After a minute or so, Masaki turned to look at Valken as he said. "Thank you, for this. But I know you didn't just come here to show me the secret library, what can I do for you? I'll be happy to help" A smile on his face as he did so. Masaki was extremely sharp, and he knew that Valken dragged him away from Grace to tell him something the moment he used the whole 'showing him around' charade. He just wondered what it was Valken wanted, and Masaki would do his best to help the man whatever that may be.


Mizuki Kohaku



Mizuki was suddenly struck with a little pang of guilt as Draneri gave her a stern look. She was usually the one to give people looks that asserted her dominance, but having someone else do it to her made the girl feel bad. Fortunately it went away just as quick as it appeared, the siren putting on a much kinder face while helping her up. The dark Mage wished to stay in the seat she was in, to keep a watchful eye of Draneri, but she wouldn't allow her to do that. Mizuki fell slightly into her body, an alarm wrapped around her waist for support. Despite the somewhat foul look on her face, the dark mage was actually craving the chicken soup that was prepared for her. If it tasted as good as it smelled then she'd be the happiest person in Fiore. Without a word but a growl here and then, she obediently walked back to the bedroom and crawled into the bed. 


As Draneri exited the bedroom the dark Mage lazily threw the covers over her cold and exposed legs before rested her hands in her lap, leaning slightly against the bedhead, purple eyes fixed intensely on the door. She knew exactly what she was getting, and was very eager to receive it. As Draneri sat down beside her Mizuki was quick to reach out and grab it, placing the warm bowl where here hands were before bringing the spoon up to her mouth and sipping away at it. If the siren paid close attention she could physically see Mizuki's body relax, the girl slumping back again with a somewhat happy look on her face. The soup gave her energy and excited her, as if it had some sort of magic in it. "This soup is very good. Perhaps a warm stomach would help out..." She muttered, glancing up at Draneri before continuing to work at the soup. When asked what guild she belonged to, the black haired girl paused her souping to respond, taking one last big slurp. "I reside in Sabertooth, the strongest guild in all the lands... Why do you ask Draneri?"





Draneri peered to Mizuki with a bated breath, she even clutched her hands in under her chin as she peered to her with her golden eyes. Hoping the soup she had literally prepared with such low knowledge on human food and with whatever she could scrounge up within her cupboards and fridge was eatable. More then eatable, that it would satisfy Mizuki and help the dear recover even faster! Despite the blank look on her face and the monotone of her voice, the fact the girl said the soup was good made the Siren give a breath out in relief. Always happy to keep her Prey....no she mustn't think like that anymore, her company in happiness! "I am most certain a warm tummy will help out." Draneri reached forward to place her warm hands outside of Mizuki's clutching at the bowl and by extension her fingers, before she slipped it and moved it onto the side table out of the way. She rested her hands back into her lap as she half fell onto the bed onto her tummy, leaning up on her elbows as she crossed her legs at the ankles and peered to Mizuki curiously with a tilt of her head. (Picture as above.)


"Well... I have never encountered a Mage of such strong Magical essence before..." She answered honestly as she tapped a finger onto her lip. "To...be honest I have not be affiliated with any Guild before... Not really... I mostly wandered alone. I worked for what one might call a Dark Guild once or twice with the promise of fine food. Like at Grimoire Heart, I believe it was called? The Guild I meet you!" Making a wistful smile as she did, recalling it. Though her face fell as she didn't want to bring up any unnecessary bad memories of turning Mizuki against her guild. "Is... there others as strong as you? Stronger even?..." She said with a face of half awe. "And... a girl. There was a little girl with you as well... She pulled you from my spell." Turning her gaze to peer to the roof. "Children... so innocent... so...pure. You must love her very much to break my spell as you did..." She said honestly before looking back to her. "I... would love to see this Guild you are from some day!..." Letting one hand lower to drag a finger tip in swirls on top of her blanket. Creating soft hills in the material.
Kenya walked over to the bar where her guild master was sitting. Kenya had been thinking about it for a long time now and it suddenly dawned on her.....she had no idea what to get someone for Christmas. In all her life with her parents all her gifts was mostly were in total her sword, some sword sharping tools, and change of clothes so she had no clue what to get anyone. She wanted to get all her guild mates something good so she decided to ask Gilad what he thought she should get everyone. "Master Gilad I'd like to ask a few questions if it's not too much trouble." She asked as she walked over to him with her arms folded across her chest, a face of absolute confusion on her face as she continued to try and think of good gifts for her guild mates. "What gifts do you think would be good to get for everyone? Or maybe just Eric and Tokine?" She wanted to get something for those two the most also Gilad but she had heard the surprise of getting a gift is part of the tradition so she didn't want him to know. Although it did seemed to somewhat show on her face that she was mostly excited to give him a gift as well.

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

The mention of 'something she'd like' did well to pique her interest. "Oh?" She stepped forward as Lavender made her way over to a nearby cabinet to fetch whatever it was she wished to give. Soon enough the mystery item was revealed to be a small cake elaborately decorated with a flame motif. As far as she knew she was one of only two fire mages in the entire guild so having a cake decorated in something she had a near monopoly over caused a smile to form on her lips. "It looks great, Lavy. Besides I'm not that much of a glutton for cake, it's the other redhead you have to worry about making more for." If she were to get a gift of sweets she'd have much preferred her beloved sundae, but a cake was fine too. She made her way over to her edible gift and quickly snatched it up in one hand and nabbing a fork with the other. She gave no hesitation to appreciate the hard work that must have gone in to the decor, instead opting to simply dig right in and take a nice big bite. The moment the cake entered her mouth her eyes lit up as a small moan slipped past her lips. Without even swallowing she turned to look at Lavender, beaming her praise. "Lavy, this is fantastic! You should open a bakery or something!" After singing her praise she quickly swallowed down the bite and went for another, the idea of sharing this with anyone immediately cast from her mind.


  Reveal hidden contents


Fairytail Guild Hall - Magnolia




The Forest Mage blinked as she was straddled right over a poor Ryu, words flooding like a tsunami from her lips as she grasped at his paper and reefed it down to make doubly, triply sure he was focusing in on her despite her voice being loud and her presence right there in his face. "Hey! Hey Ryu Senpai! You listening to me? Did you hear what I said?" That was when she heard Lavender call out to her to come to the kitchen, and judging by the delicious and beautiful smells coming from that direction she could envision all sorts of sweets, and baking goods that already had the girl's mouth a watering. The blonde girl turned her head slightly as she heard Chris in another booth chuckling, and her gaze fell to him as he asked what idea she had in mind. A devious smile floating across her red lips as she placed her finger there and made a ssshhhhhhh noise. With that finger still held onto her lip, she tapped it momentarily. Maybe she could tell Chris? He might be able to help...


The girl slipped from her position all up in Ryu's grill, to literally run all the way over to Chris as she thrust her body and face all up into his, to the point her nose actually touched his as her eyelashes practically smooshed right up in against his own. "It's a secret and you can't tell another living or non-living soul....... But I am going to grow a huuuggeeeeeeeeee Christmas tree, right in the middle of the Hall! And I'm gunna let everyone decorate it... Alfie's ribbons, Adrian can make arcane bauble's... I'm sure you can help me decorate it too! And we need a shiny star on top! But I'm sure someone has magic to make a magical star..." Giggling as she reefed her frame back slightly but made another sshhh noise as she peered to him, eyes squeezing up tightly. She glanced over her shoulder as she remembered Lavender calling her so without a word she was already leaping off Chris's frame and running full tilt into the back kitchen of the Fairytail Guild Hall, spotting Tanari hooking into a cake that looked absolutely delicious!  She jumped around right in-front of Tanari, head popping up and over her shoulder visible from Lavender's angle. "Is.... that a...cake I see? Tanari...got...a cake? Oh wow Cake! I... want cake now!" Each part of her sentence delayed from her jumping and her head popping up and over Tanari's shoulder. She ducked with a surprising speed around the girl before appearing suddenly and fast beside Lavender as she snatched a cookie and plopped it into her mouth.


Chewing audible as she licked her lips. "You....mmm....you made all these? Oh gosh Lavender!! You should have asked me to help! I would have helped! I love helping! Let me heeeelllppp!" sliding the oven mitten on her hands and waving them around enthusiastically.


Honestly by this stage the bags under Kelica's eyes were so heavy, anyone could tell instantly she was far past being over tired that her body was even more hyperactive then usual. Like a little kid fighting with their body, which was screaming for sleep. Give her 5 more minutes and she will be out like a light...






FT Kitchen @Colt556 @Zuka


Lavender watched Tanari with a giggle as she ate the cake that she had given her "I'm glad you are enjoying yourself." she said "I'm also very surprised that you think that I should be a baker. I had never really thought of being one before since my life is here with everyone." and kicking some butt and gaining some jewel. Before she knew it, Kelica was inside the room too but looking over Tanari's shoulder and then soon moved to look from behind Lavender before she began going on a small rant on how she should have let her help "Well, Kelica, if I let you help me you probably would have ate the cookies that had come out of the oven." the blonde laughed softly "You look as if you've woken from the dead." like a mother, she leaned down and cupped the felllow blonde's face and ran her thumbs over the bags "When was the last time you had gotten sleep, kelica?"


Being the worrying motherly figure, she couldnt help but worry about Kelica's health. She could pass out any minute with such lack of sleep. Maybe it's best that she didnt mention the cake that she had made for Kelica... And give it to her tomorrow. "No matter, let's get you back with Ryu ( @Rhodus ) so you can nap for a while. I refuse to see you in such a horrible state on Christmas eve." Knowing Kelica, she might fight back "If you take a nap I promise to give you your christmas gift I have nice and ready for you." bribing her had to have worked, right? Especially someone of her nature who was similar to a child. Oh I pray that this bribery works...if it does not I would have to visit Sabertooth to grab the smoke user there in order to knock her out...




Fairytail Guild Hall - Magnolia




The Forest Mage blinked as she was straddled right over a poor Ryu, words flooding like a tsunami from her lips as she grasped at his paper and reefed it down to make doubly, triply sure he was focusing in on her despite her voice being loud and her presence right there in his face. "Hey! Hey Ryu Senpai! You listening to me? Did you hear what I said?" That was when she heard Lavender call out to her to come to the kitchen, and judging by the delicious and beautiful smells coming from that direction she could envision all sorts of sweets, and baking goods that already had the girl's mouth a watering. The blonde girl turned her head slightly as she heard Chris in another booth chuckling, and her gaze fell to him as he asked what idea she had in mind. A devious smile floating across her red lips as she placed her finger there and made a ssshhhhhhh noise. With that finger still held onto her lip, she tapped it momentarily. Maybe she could tell Chris? He might be able to help...


The girl slipped from her position all up in Ryu's grill, to literally run all the way over to Chris as she thrust her body and face all up into his, to the point her nose actually touched his as her eyelashes practically smooshed right up in against his own. "It's a secret and you can't tell another living or non-living soul....... But I am going to grow a huuuggeeeeeeeeee Christmas tree, right in the middle of the Hall! And I'm gunna let everyone decorate it... Alfie's ribbons, Adrian can make arcane bauble's... I'm sure you can help me decorate it too! And we need a shiny star on top! But I'm sure someone has magic to make a magical star..." Giggling as she reefed her frame back slightly but made another sshhh noise as she peered to him, eyes squeezing up tightly. She glanced over her shoulder as she remembered Lavender calling her so without a word she was already leaping off Chris's frame and running full tilt into the back kitchen of the Fairytail Guild Hall, spotting Tanari hooking into a cake that looked absolutely delicious!  She jumped around right in-front of Tanari, head popping up and over her shoulder visible from Lavender's angle. "Is.... that a...cake I see? Tanari...got...a cake? Oh wow Cake! I... want cake now!" Each part of her sentence delayed from her jumping and her head popping up and over Tanari's shoulder. She ducked with a surprising speed around the girl before appearing suddenly and fast beside Lavender as she snatched a cookie and plopped it into her mouth.


Chewing audible as she licked her lips. "You....mmm....you made all these? Oh gosh Lavender!! You should have asked me to help! I would have helped! I love helping! Let me heeeelllppp!" sliding the oven mitten on her hands and waving them around enthusiastically.


Honestly by this stage the bags under Kelica's eyes were so heavy, anyone could tell instantly she was far past being over tired that her body was even more hyperactive then usual. Like a little kid fighting with their body, which was screaming for sleep. Give her 5 more minutes and she will be out like a light...





Adrian entered the Guild Hall, a pile of gifts carried in a huge knapsack twice his size. The money from the translation job had been a lot higher than a normal job, and so Adrian was able to get a bunch of gifts. He didn't go overboard, but Fairy Tail was a pretty big guild, so he had to get over a dozen gifts just to accommodate everyone. To celebrate the Christmas spirit, he had shown up wearing a Santa hat, and while he was rather muscular, he struggled to carry the load, dropping it down on the floor, huffing and puffing.

He looked up, sweat dripping down his forehead despite the chilly air outside, he noticed there was no Christmas tree. No Christmas tree!? On Christmas Eve!? Creating an Arcane barrier, with writing on it reading "Christmas Tree goes here" standing upright in the center of the Guild Hall, he emptied the knapsack and put the pile of gifts around it, and went to go see Kelica.

Hearing her incoherent yelling coming from the kitchen, he opened the door, saying, "Hey, Kelica, there's no Christmas tree--" only to see Kelica currently being a hyperactive mess. The bags under her eyes were especially troubling. "Hey, uh...you alright there?"

@Zuka @Salt Lord @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Rhodus


Just roleplay the gift you got, and try to make it something that makes sense. Don't make Adrian give you coal or manure, try to make it something appropriate to the character. For example, the only gift that CAN'T be changed is that Adrian got Kelica a bonsai kit. That's something that would work.


Fairy Tail Guild Hall





Hibiki had woke up early this morning in order to resume his usual training routine. The past few months being so hectic, he never really had any time to take a  break and actual train like he usually does, however the Christmas period was a great time to knuckle down and get on with things, especially since there were less jobs flowing into the guild and there wasn't anything important to do for the time being anyway. Training was, as always, a very vital practice for nearly every single mage out there, even for the S-Class wizards. Wizard Saints didn't get their strength from no where after all. With continuous training, one would get stronger, in all aspects, all in good time, and some mages didn't even train one bit which was very bad in Hibiki's opinion. A few weeks back, Kelica came to Hibiki, Ryu, and Sora respectively and requested that they tutor and train her so as for her to grow stronger and more powerful come the Grand Magic Games. Of course, they all happily agreed, however it was beyond hard work. Hibiki trained her in combat, Ryu trained her in restraint and in the mind and Sora, would teach Kelica social etiquette and how to behave how a respectable woman and Fairy Tail mage should.


(Un)fortunately for Kelica, Hibikis training routines were very strict and incredibly draining for those not used to it, and the forest mage would usually find herself with some kind of wound at the end of nearly every single training session be it a light graze or a large bruise on her chest. The other day, Hibiki could've sworn he nearly took off the girls head but even then Kelica was as bubbly and excited as ever, her willingness to grow and improve was empowering and her refusal to stop was admirable, even for someone as crazy as her. 


After training in the S-Class training grounds for a few hours, Hibiki left and returned to the main guild hall. As he entered, it was a bustling as ever. Members of the guild filled its contents and it was loud, cheerfully so. Being so close to Christmas, it was a nice atmosphere, seeing everyone so happy really did put a smile on the males face. The whole Grimoire Heart brought everyone closer, it seemed. But for some, it was the catalyst for a bad turn of events. Sora was never the same after the incident, and especially after the events of last month, she became totally closeted and sealed away from everyone else. Her boyfriend, Lysander, was killed during a mission and it tore the poor girls heart in two. In fact, Hibiki was meant to be checking in on her later, as he was really the only one that still tried making her smile again. Lyra seemed to be out on missions a lot recently too, and Hibiki was very excited for her return indeed. Looking through the guild hall, Hibiki saw Kelica running around the place like some child lunatic. And it was in that moment that his eyes befell Ryu, and thus he slowly walked towards him. The two had gotten very close ever since the Grimoire Heart incident, and it was actually quite nice, Ryu was great to be around. Hibiki put a hand on the pyromancers shoulder as he spoke, a kind and calm tone in his voice. "It's nice seeing the guild like this again, isn't it?"


@EveryoneElse(Won't let me tag any more for some reason :/)
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Lamia Scale Guild Hall


The two took a while to reply and in the time that they where taking she observed Valken along with some other people. Maya had even gone somewhere, leaving Valken in charge. Before the women left she gave Laura a death stare. She knew that the women hated her but the stare for some reason began to turn the wheels in her head as a thought came to mind. Her eyes gleamed with the thought she had. When two children replied and apologized she gave them a smile with every ounce of what ever it took to make a smile. It was a weak have smile thing but she felt like her child deserved it at least. Due to the idea she had in her head she was in a good mood. "Thank you child, please don't act up again. You two shouldn't take what you have for granted, some day it might be there later on and using you powers in such a wasteful manor is disgraceful." With that she turned her attention to Valken who had taken her hand.


His fighting had been irritating her but she tried to pick her fights and she would only chose to talk to Valken if he did something serious. When  Valken began kissing her hand she didn't mind since it was a formal greeting of sorts, even if it was just a joke to tease her. "Hello Valken, once I again he slipped through my grasp but I don't want to hurt him. I did manage to take down some more bandits and earn a handful of jewels but it is only good for paying for my housing and food. Also, I know you don't like me or my criticisms but could try to be more careful. Try fighting somewhere you won't hurt innocent bystanders." Nobody knew who this he was that she referred to but she was always trying to find him for some reason and no one could figure out why. Who was he to her? And why was she so determined to capture him? "So tell me what did I mess?"


Grace Rey

Lamia Scale Guildhall


Grace seemed to relax a bit as Millie stepped away from her boyfriend, seemingly not offended by her mean little comment. Either she didn't hear or she didn't care, but it turned out to be a happy ending. Mikado didn't much to say, and neither did Valken or Emmerich. They were off in their own little butt buddy world and couldn't be bothered to say hello to their newest member. The short girl was a little annoyed by that, but by no means was she angry. No comments about her chest were made so the bar folks were off the hook. Besides, they were friendly people. They'd talk to Masaki all in good time. And fortunately that time was now! Just as she had given up hope Valken finally addressed the two, commenting about how she went on and on about him. A small blush stung her face and the flustered girl quickly looked away. "S-shut up Valken. We don't talk about that little curse that was put on me, ok? It was really embarrassing. But not as embarrassing as you in bed!" She teased, a grin smug on her face before she held her hand up to high five Masaki. But almost immediately her eyes widened at what she said. "N-Not that I know that or anything! It was just an assumption, ya know? Trying to take a jab at your masculinity. Don't worry Masaki, nothing happened on the train or any other time, I'm loyal to you baby..." She explained quickly, taking his hand and pulling him away, hoping to defuse the situation by not talking about it. 

Grace's bright eyes quickly caught sight of a girl she hadn't seen in quite awhile. Laura Jones hadn't been around in about a year, but did she really miss her? The girl was only a year older than her yet treated her like a baby. She figured it had to do with her chest, unaware that she treated everyone like this. Luckily this time around she was defending her, calling out Nikolas and Ferra for their teasing. Making sure that she was out of Laura's sight, Grace stuck her tongue out at her and grinned. "Wow, thank you Laura! I always knew that you'd have my back! And it's nice to see you again." She said happily, glancing up to Laura and then to Masaki, completely ignoring Nik and Ferra's apology. "There are some others around here, but I just showed you my favorites. The ones who don't tease me about my chest... But now that introductions are over what should we do?" 

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @Mykinkaiser @TheSecretSorcerer @Fem the Huffling Riceball

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


As Laura began to speak Valken slowly put a hand on her shoulder behind her as the other held her hand, leading her almost in a gentlemanly way away from Dumb and Dumberina as he nodded his head focusing his dark purple hues on her. As he listened intently, he looked over her shoulder at Ferra and Nic, shooting them a frosty glare that almost said, aren't cha glad I'm here to save both your behinds? Though at first he was only pretending to listen, her conversation all of a sudden actually intrigued him greatly and his false enthusiasm was replaced with a genuine look of intrigue. "He slipped through your grasp? Which he, exactly, are you looking for?... You should know the type of Guild Work I do... I'm sure a man that alludes your grasp should be easy enough for me to locate..." To be honest Valken didn't mean the statement to sound so harsh, but he really was the best as getting in and out unseen, Clients often times approaching him with requests of information or to deal with people rather then him seeking out missions himself. You don't make S rank after all by simple sitting on your bottom around the Guild Hall. He casually lead the girl to the Bar and offered a seat for her to sit on next to Mikado, flashing Laura a cheeky grin as he did. "Ahh yes, I will concede, that fight was my doing. But alls well that ends well, or something like that?"


He turned then as he head Grace pipe up about not telling Masaki about the curse but the cat was already out of the bag by then. His grin widened even further, that was until he heard her mention his quality in bed. His face completely paled at that point, hearing the words slip from her mouth. He opened his mouth as if to defend his position, that he hadn't even sleep in the same room as the girl! That's just what he needed, everyone to start to think him and Grace were a thing... she was no where near big enough for his tastes anyway....Though her sassy attitude did entertain him. As she suddenly stammered with explaining her words, the grin and color returned to his face as he called out to her. "Nah nothing happened! I mean, we crossed paths between showers, and I'm certain I ate dinner in nothing but a towel... and I'm sure her eyes stayed true on the food..." Grinning even wider.


Valken's eyes narrowed down a fraction as his earlier idea was cementing further and further in his mind. What was once a passing fancy he realized he now wanted to see into fruition so slowly he stepped away from Laura as he approached Grace and Masaki and gave his damn near, picture perfect, butter wouldn't melt smile as he wrapped his arm lazily around the boy and slowly peeled him from Grace. "Seeing as you have an entire lifetime together, and have every minute of every day from here on out... I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I borrow Masaki for a little bit? I figure, being In Charge of Lamia Scale right now and him being a brand new member, it is my duty to show him around the Guild Hall and I'm sure he would be most impressed to see our extensive Library and Maya's own personal collection of scrolls and archives... So why don't you stay here and be a Dear, I'm sure Mikado could use your company?" Gesturing with his head in the cap girl's direction, while he simultaneously pulled backwards, moon walking almost as he tugged Masaki friendly but firmly away from the group. "We'll be back before you know it!" He said cheerful, as he spun him around to face the other direction and was already dragging him through a back corridor leaving the two alone.


Once he had traversed hallway after hallway, he came before a normal looking wall. He let a finger tip make a box shape in the normal looking wall, before the black line pressed inwards revealing a brick shape that opened a completely hidden doorway, hustling the boy inside and the door way closed in behind them. Magical glowing aura lights suddenly filled the hallway as Valken took him to Lamia Scale's secret library, the one only Maya, Millie and himself knew about. He glanced down with a cheeky grin. "I wanted to talk and I know how much you like books... so I figured we could talk while you look over all these 100 year plus works....Don't ask how I know you like books, I just do."


  Nikolas breathed a sigh of relief when he wasn't blasted out of the air and considered asking Phineas to join him, but that look on his brother's face from earlier said that he wanted no part on his schemes. Which left someone who probably would; Ferra. Hmm....maybe now would be a good time to seduce her? He glanced at Phineas, who always seemed to know what he was thinking. Phineas only nodded at him. Now what would be the best way to start off?

  "Hey, Ferra, watch this!" Nikolas stupidly shouted in a childish tone of voice. "Transformation: Exceed!" With that, he slowly shrunk down to the size and shape of his Exceed form, before unfurling the wings that came with Exceed and floating so he was able to look her in the eyes. "Pretty cool, huh?"


  Phineas watched his brother for a little while, before hearing Shiro speak, asking if he liked it here. "Mm-hm," Phineas responded awkwardly, looking away from the Exceed Nikolas. "It kind of feels like I have a chance to do something right. My parents, they....they went through a lot just to make sure that Nik and I would be born in a good, safe family....Father even went as far as protecting us from out grandma when we were little. I know that he's scared for us....we both still have a lot to learn, and things can be dangerous sometimes. There was this one mission where Nik nearly got beaten to death, and when I saw it....I realized what Mother and Father did to protect us. What better than to pass the favor on to my brother?" Phineas paused, hesitating, before continuing. "He's an idiot, a douchebag, a pervert, and an asshole, but....we're twins. We have to look out for each other."

Ferra; Lamia Scale Hall

When Laura smiled at her she sighed in relief; crisis averted. She honestly would of ditched and left Nikolas to take the heat if things had gotten much worse, but it hadn't, so she could refrain from looking like a total ass. She smiled and nodded at Laura's words nonetheless however. When she was finally gone she sighed heavily and relaxed fully, she never really could stand that woman. She was nice enough and all but in a way she was scarier than Maya. When Grace started teasing Valken about him in bed a wide noticeably evil grin formed on her face as she continued speaking. "They totally banged on the train!" She called out as Masaki was escorted off, laughing to herself, knowing full well Grace would retaliate. She looked over to Nikolas when he called for her attention, watching as he transformed into an exceed.

When he flew up to her she smiled wide at his current form before instantly snatching him out of the air and hugging him, "Oh my gosh you're so cute!" She cheered, nuzzling him heavily and hugging him almost tight enough to crush the air out of his lungs; right between her chest(YAY FOR RIPPING OFF FT). Though that didn't last long as she soon realized what she was doing and where exactly Nikolas' face was, she blushed heavily and moved him back, though still held him by his sides. "I mean...Yeah that's pretty neat!" She told him hastily, a bright pink blush and a sheepish grin on her face after she spoke.
  Nikolas breathed a sigh of relief when he wasn't blasted out of the air and considered asking Phineas to join him, but that look on his brother's face from earlier said that he wanted no part on his schemes. Which left someone who probably would; Ferra. Hmm....maybe now would be a good time to seduce her? He glanced at Phineas, who always seemed to know what he was thinking. Phineas only nodded at him. Now what would be the best way to start off?

  "Hey, Ferra, watch this!" Nikolas stupidly shouted in a childish tone of voice. "Transformation: Exceed!" With that, he slowly shrunk down to the size and shape of his Exceed form, before unfurling the wings that came with Exceed and floating so he was able to look her in the eyes. "Pretty cool, huh?"


  Phineas watched his brother for a little while, before hearing Shiro speak, asking if he liked it here. "Mm-hm," Phineas responded awkwardly, looking away from the Exceed Nikolas. "It kind of feels like I have a chance to do something right. My parents, they....they went through a lot just to make sure that Nik and I would be born in a good, safe family....Father even went as far as protecting us from out grandma when we were little. I know that he's scared for us....we both still have a lot to learn, and things can be dangerous sometimes. There was this one mission where Nik nearly got beaten to death, and when I saw it....I realized what Mother and Father did to protect us. What better than to pass the favor on to my brother?" Phineas paused, hesitating, before continuing. "He's an idiot, a douchebag, a pervert, and an asshole, but....we're twins. We have to look out for each other."

Shiro Ai: Talking to Phineas


Shiro listened carefully to Phin's story, her violet eyes softening the more he talked, the more desire she had to help him watch out for his brother...and to watch out for him as well, she frowned while listening almost as if in thought before suddenly giving him a smile that could be considered bright by Shiro's standards, more than just a quirk of her lips. "You're a wonderful person Phineas...and I suppose your brother is too. Oh but don't tell him I said that yeah?" She giggled softly before suddenly reaching around him and giving him a small hug, the most she had dared interact with those in her guild ever, or people ever to be honest so she wasn't sure if he would be uncomfortable or not but she spoke up anyway, "Well you're here now...and you don't have to just look out for each other, you've got a guild to fall back on sometimes, just don't forget to ask for our help. I mean...come on...can't get much better protected than being in a guild with a mage that only defends people right? Lemme dare catch someone trying to beat either of you up; if it's not well deserved. If you ever want to take a mission with me just let me know...normally I go solo." She released him and sat back down, "Thank you for sharing, I'm glad you two seem to be fitting in quite well." Smile now gone she felt sort of accomplished for having spoken so much and freely, but well...Shiro wasn't one to just beat around the bush, nope she was brutally honest about what she thought and she definitely wasn't lying

Ferra; Lamia Scale Hall

When Laura smiled at her she sighed in relief; crisis averted. She honestly would of ditched and left Nikolas to take the heat if things had gotten much worse, but it hadn't, so she could refrain from looking like a total ass. She smiled and nodded at Laura's words nonetheless however. When she was finally gone she sighed heavily and relaxed fully, she never really could stand that woman. She was nice enough and all but in a way she was scarier than Maya. When Grace started teasing Valken about him in bed a wide noticeably evil grin formed on her face as she continued speaking. "They totally banged on the train!" She called out as Masaki was escorted off, laughing to herself, knowing full well Grace would retaliate. She looked over to Nikolas when he called for her attention, watching as he transformed into an exceed.

When he flew up to her she smiled wide at his current form before instantly snatching him out of the air and hugging him, "Oh my gosh you're so cute!" She cheered, nuzzling him heavily and hugging him almost tight enough to crush the air out of his lungs; right between her chest(YAY FOR RIPPING OFF FT). Though that didn't last long as she soon realized what she was doing and where exactly Nikolas' face was, she blushed heavily and moved him back, though still held him by his sides. "I mean...Yeah that's pretty neat!" She told him hastily, a bright pink blush and a sheepish grin on her face after she spoke.

Shiro Ai: Talking to Phineas


Shiro listened carefully to Phin's story, her violet eyes softening the more he talked, the more desire she had to help him watch out for his brother...and to watch out for him as well, she frowned while listening almost as if in thought before suddenly giving him a smile that could be considered bright by Shiro's standards, more than just a quirk of her lips. "You're a wonderful person Phineas...and I suppose your brother is too. Oh but don't tell him I said that yeah?" She giggled softly before suddenly reaching around him and giving him a small hug, the most she had dared interact with those in her guild ever, or people ever to be honest so she wasn't sure if he would be uncomfortable or not but she spoke up anyway, "Well you're here now...and you don't have to just look out for each other, you've got a guild to fall back on sometimes, just don't forget to ask for our help. I mean...come on...can't get much better protected than being in a guild with a mage that only defends people right? Lemme dare catch someone trying to beat either of you up; if it's not well deserved. If you ever want to take a mission with me just let me know...normally I go solo." She released him and sat back down, "Thank you for sharing, I'm glad you two seem to be fitting in quite well." Smile now gone she felt sort of accomplished for having spoken so much and freely, but well...Shiro wasn't one to just beat around the bush, nope she was brutally honest about what she thought and she definitely wasn't lying

  Nikolas reddened when he found himself squished against Ferra's chest; This. Was. Wow. Was this how Dad always felt when Mom teased him? He couldn't exactly breathe, but it still felt....kinda nice. Of course, the moment was very brief and he was moved away from Ferra's chest, his furry face blushing heavily. 

  "Yeah.....n-neat...." he repeated stupidly, his eyes wide. "Uhh....Ferra? I was actually wanting to ask you something...." Nikolas then remembered they were in public. And that Grace would probably find a way to seek revenge if he said it here. "....But it's kind of a private thing, soooo.....uh.....wanna come over to my place? Or something?"


 Phineas shrugged when he was told he was wonderful, along with his brother. "I'm not really all that great," he responded before getting hugged. By a girl. Just like what his parents did to show affection. Does not compute, Phineas thought nervously. He looked to the always-such-a-playboy Nikolas for help, but Ferra was hugging HIM! WITH HER CHEST! His eyes wide, Phin looked away. Never mind. Nikolas was a lost cause with that. He did smile, relieved, at Shiro's words. So it was a friendly hug. Okay. Whew. She did move away, eventually, but now that Phineas had experienced the hug, he wanted more of the hug. The hug felt interesting, therefore he wanted to feel what it felt like. Just for statistic reasons. What was he doing, he sounded like a robot. So he just moved to hug Shiro. 

  "Thank you...for the offer. It means a lot."

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Acus sitting as he watched the tall blonde Rosa grasp the finely hammered and polished metal handle of his recently gifted cup "I'm Glad yah like it, made it me-self the finding and hollowing out the stone without the use of magic was the hard part." leaning closer to whisper "it gets into the stone and spoils the flavor of your drink" leaning back speaking normally "and we cant have that now can we?" laughing one again stopping mid laugh as she necked the mug "aye now that's what I'm talking about!" grasping his tankard of a more normal size finishing it himself flask at the ready, to begin pouring before she had rested her stone mug back on the bench.

looking around as the lightning show started and bellowing voice began, his beard a bit frazzled from the energy in the air but still somewhat unphased "Jeez remind me not to get on yer bad side eh?" having finished pouring their drinks already. looking down into her lap leaning over again to whisper to her "you know you could just pick him up out of your lap there and rest him on the table like you did when you first walked in? man can sleep like the dead. in fact might he be?"


  Reveal hidden contents

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


Kazuo let out a soft chuckle "You are indeed correct. She reacted quite differently from what I had expected." It was nice to see Rosa all flustered and quite lost on what to do. But watching that vanish as soon as she drank from a large mug, he shook his head just a bit She can drink... then she let out the loudest burp to ever come out of a girl and just seeing her get all embarassed about that made his smile turn to a soft smile. Though it didnt take her long to yell up at them and he raised his eyebrow at her "You do realise you dont need to yell." he called from above, knowing he might be struck down "I will admit, I do like what I see." he blurted out, willing to see what would happen since she's flustered about a man laying in her lap. "Is it wrong to enjoy what I see?" he added.


Kazuo didnt care what were to happen. He was a daring son of a bitch and didnt care what happened. If she did strike him down, he'd be hurt but he'd still get up and not be angered about it. He did what he wanted when he wanted no matter the consequences.


@Zuka (Sorry for posts being short >.<) @Mykinkaiser @Colt556

Celestia: Blue Pegasus Guild Hall


Thankfully the blonde had been prepared for the zap and immediately stopped moving and held her balance firm having been forced to place all four legs back on the floor, though she did shiver as the lightning flitted across her skin, it stung to be sure but thankfully the magic was similar to hers, she was soon sitting back up and grinning again, laughing even more once she heard Rosa bellow at the snake woman and the other man in the rafters. "Yes you. It's funny to watch you. Seems the boy sleeps like death though." Curiously though Celestia tilted her head at the giant mug placed before Rosa, part of her, the mischief maker in her, was tempted to pull it towards her using the earthen half of her magic but decided to best not, she didn't really feel like finding out how much the woman's lightning hurt if she was truly angry. Instead she turned to the dwarf looking fellow and smiled brightly as she greeted everyone with before turning back to Rosa. "Look if you don't want him there I can move him with a little soft dirt bed, that can't be comfortable Rosa." Of course she was very observant but didn't want to say that it seemed like the woman she was talking to liked the guy on her lap, no that would be being nosy and possibly irritating, she wouldn't push too much obviously so she just kept drinking with an ear turned toward Yamato.


Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

She flashed a quick smile at her companion as he acknowledged her accurate assumption. "Rosa just can't be honest with herself." Turning her attention back down to the group below the smile soon turned into a frown as the golden-haired woman let out a rather impressive burp. She brought her hand to rub her eyes as she let out a small sigh. One step forward and two steps back was quite possibly the most apt idiom for their dear Rosa. The woman's unladylike behavior was soon followed by her shouting angrily up at the two of them which prompted Kazuo to offer a swift response. As Kazuo spoke down towards the woman she took another sip of her eggnog to finish it off before offering her own reply. "If only we could do something about that temper of yours you might actually be able to become a proper lady." As much as she loathed Rosa's behavior there was always the belief that the woman could be fixed and set straight. Whether that would ever actually happen however....

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse




Pro: Got a huge stone mug filled to the brim with alcohol. Alcohol which amazingly keeps refilling itself from an equally amazing metal flask owned by the Dwarf Ace.


Con: Everyone in Blue Pegasus are pushing Rosa's buttons and she has half a mind to electrify every single one of them at this rate.


Her blue gaze turned to Ace as he mentioned not getting on her bad side and she had to do a hearty smirk towards him. At least someone took the girl seriously.. this other lot however.... Rosaline wasn't all that surprised that her small attack did nothing but flow over Cele's frame, to be honest she wasn't really trying all that hard to hurt her. She could adjust the current as she saw fit and had she wanted to she could have flooded her with a million volts with enough current to see her heart stop completely. At first Rosa was impressed and took a liking to Cele but she was very fast going into her bad books with the constant giggles and side comments. "Won't be funny if I send you flying through a wall with a lightning charged fist..." She grumbled more to herself. Where people just not intimidated by her anymore? Maybe she had grown too soft around this lot. Maybe she had to assert her Dominance once again. Take charge. Yes... that sounded like a good idea. It seemed both Cele and Ace had an idea to shovel the man off her frame, even commenting to say that it wasn't comfortable for her. She made another tsc noise and turned to her head to face the wall avoiding looking at them all. "You think I can't handle being a little uncomfortable? This is nothing to what I train on a daily basis. If the stupid man is stupid enough to fall asleep on me, then so be it."


First it was Kazuo's comment that he liked what he saw and she mouth half dropped open with her eyes going huge again. What the Hell did he mean by that? And if that wasn't bad enough he challenged her by having the audacity to ask if it were wrong to watch! Her fingers by this point had gripped so tightly around the mug her knuckles were white. And then... the snake woman decided to question her being a lady. Rosaline was a lady! A fine lady indeed! She was fit, and strong and trained every day! She was the embodiment of the perfect, strongest woman in town!! It never occurred to her there was a difference between being a lady and being feminine. The latter something the girl had never ever ever been acquainted with.


Her rage by this point has escalated. And like a reactor that was on the brink, her teeth gritted and her whole frame trembled. But it was Kazuo's words oddly enough that was ringing around in her head the most. She needed something to punch and he seemed the perfect candidate with his calm and smug attitude. She could attack Xira of course, but that fight had been done to death. Slowly her hand lowered from the mug as her blue gaze kept onto the man in the Rafters. She slammed a hand down onto the table as she jumped up frighteningly fast (snatching a hand out to catch Dorian's head as it fell in the process, setting it down gently against the bench). The next minute the whole girl's frame sparked and licked with lightning as she jumped up onto the table, making it shake and possibly cause the Dwarf to fall off the edge if he didn't tense himself, then she lept up with arms high, grasping onto a beam and then swinging her legs back then forward to throw herself up onto the top of the beam in much the same way as a gymnast might. Crouched down low with a hand holding steady before her, an almighty grin crossed the girl's normal stern face.


"I'll give you something worth looking at..." She hissed and on the last word her whole body exploded in a yellow and blue blur of lightning as she lunged forward in an attempt to throw her fist right into his stomach. Not holding back at all compared to the flick of a bolt she sent Cele's way earlier.


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Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Rosa had grown quite and he caught her mumbling a few times paying little mind to it, everyone does that from time to time. sipping from his mug Rosa went off on her spat his beard frazzling even more his arm bracing him from falling over as you cant spill good drink of course! "Steady on there luv.." as she launched herself up into the rafters some of the drink making its way into his almost afro like red beard now, placing his tankard down and producing a strange fine toothed comb made from some kind of bone to try and tame the frazzle.

"hrmm I'll have to find an actual place to stay soon," he mentioned to himself "but as to where? Maybe somewhere had a basement near a hot spring or something, that would certainly be nice" considering what the town of balsam mainly catered for. leaving that trail of thought be as he simply continued drinking looking up to rosa as she mounted the railing "your falling behind lass," finishing his drink before pouring himself another. @Zuka
  Reveal hidden contents


Pro: Got a huge stone mug filled to the brim with alcohol. Alcohol which amazingly keeps refilling itself from an equally amazing metal flask owned by the Dwarf Ace.


Con: Everyone in Blue Pegasus are pushing Rosa's buttons and she has half a mind to electrify every single one of them at this rate.


Her blue gaze turned to Ace as he mentioned not getting on her bad side and she had to do a hearty smirk towards him. At least someone took the girl seriously.. this other lot however.... Rosaline wasn't all that surprised that her small attack did nothing but flow over Cele's frame, to be honest she wasn't really trying all that hard to hurt her. She could adjust the current as she saw fit and had she wanted to she could have flooded her with a million volts with enough current to see her heart stop completely. At first Rosa was impressed and took a liking to Cele but she was very fast going into her bad books with the constant giggles and side comments. "Won't be funny if I send you flying through a wall with a lightning charged fist..." She grumbled more to herself. Where people just not intimidated by her anymore? Maybe she had grown too soft around this lot. Maybe she had to assert her Dominance once again. Take charge. Yes... that sounded like a good idea. It seemed both Cele and Ace had an idea to shovel the man off her frame, even commenting to say that it wasn't comfortable for her. She made another tsc noise and turned to her head to face the wall avoiding looking at them all. "You think I can't handle being a little uncomfortable? This is nothing to what I train on a daily basis. If the stupid man is stupid enough to fall asleep on me, then so be it."


First it was Kazuo's comment that he liked what he saw and she mouth half dropped open with her eyes going huge again. What the Hell did he mean by that? And if that wasn't bad enough he challenged her by having the audacity to ask if it were wrong to watch! Her fingers by this point had gripped so tightly around the mug her knuckles were white. And then... the snake woman decided to question her being a lady. Rosaline was a lady! A fine lady indeed! She was fit, and strong and trained every day! She was the embodiment of the perfect, strongest woman in town!! It never occurred to her there was a difference between being a lady and being feminine. The latter something the girl had never ever ever been acquainted with.


Her rage by this point has escalated. And like a reactor that was on the brink, her teeth gritted and her whole frame trembled. But it was Kazuo's words oddly enough that was ringing around in her head the most. She needed something to punch and he seemed the perfect candidate with his calm and smug attitude. She could attack Xira of course, but that fight had been done to death. Slowly her hand lowered from the mug as her blue gaze kept onto the man in the Rafters. She slammed a hand down onto the table as she jumped up frighteningly fast (snatching a hand out to catch Dorian's head as it fell in the process, setting it down gently against the bench). The next minute the whole girl's frame sparked and licked with lightning as she jumped up onto the table, making it shake and possibly cause the Dwarf to fall off the edge if he didn't tense himself, then she lept up with arms high, grasping onto a beam and then swinging her legs back then forward to throw herself up onto the top of the beam in much the same way as a gymnast might. Crouched down low with a hand holding steady before her, an almighty grin crossed the girl's normal stern face.


"I'll give you something worth looking at..." She hissed and on the last word her whole body exploded in a yellow and blue blur of lightning as she lunged forward in an attempt to throw her fist right into his stomach. Not holding back at all compared to the flick of a bolt she sent Cele's way earlier.


Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Kazuo kept his eye on the lightning user as she reacted without hesitation. Before he knew it, she was up on the rafters with him and he rose up to his feet "Rosa you are one-" he was cut off when she charged at him, he stepped to the side and dropped from sight before grasping onto the beam with his one hand. Kazuo lifted his head to look at Rosa "Fiesty woman, arent you?" he chuckled and dropped off before landing on his feet "Let's see if you can land a hit on me. Even if you had, I wouldnt mind. I have a thing for women who talk with their fists." he was just going to keep pushing all the wrong buttons. But in doing so could cause the guild hall to be destoryed unless someone had gotten between the mages.


"Though if you keep charging me like that you'll keep missing and become even more angrier which could cloud your judgement." lucky for her, he didnt have his blade on him. Only his experience with fighting and dodging had been equipped "Not that'd you listen to me, you'll just keep doing it anyway." Kazuo fully turned towards the Rafter she had been on and backed up to create distance between both of them and give him time to dodge if needed "I honestly dont see what's so wrong with saying I like something I see." even though he was mostly conflicted about what he felt, he just played on what was there in his 'Feelings' bank.


I'm sure she's going to beat me senseless. I'm just stepping on all the wrong plates and only making her want to kill me all the more. Is it really worth it?.....Yeah, it is. he thought to himself as a grin began to grow on his lips. Though no words had escaped as he awaited for her move.

  Nikolas reddened when he found himself squished against Ferra's chest; This. Was. Wow. Was this how Dad always felt when Mom teased him? He couldn't exactly breathe, but it still felt....kinda nice. Of course, the moment was very brief and he was moved away from Ferra's chest, his furry face blushing heavily. 

  "Yeah.....n-neat...." he repeated stupidly, his eyes wide. "Uhh....Ferra? I was actually wanting to ask you something...." Nikolas then remembered they were in public. And that Grace would probably find a way to seek revenge if he said it here. "....But it's kind of a private thing, soooo.....uh.....wanna come over to my place? Or something?"


 Phineas shrugged when he was told he was wonderful, along with his brother. "I'm not really all that great," he responded before getting hugged. By a girl. Just like what his parents did to show affection. Does not compute, Phineas thought nervously. He looked to the always-such-a-playboy Nikolas for help, but Ferra was hugging HIM! WITH HER CHEST! His eyes wide, Phin looked away. Never mind. Nikolas was a lost cause with that. He did smile, relieved, at Shiro's words. So it was a friendly hug. Okay. Whew. She did move away, eventually, but now that Phineas had experienced the hug, he wanted more of the hug. The hug felt interesting, therefore he wanted to feel what it felt like. Just for statistic reasons. What was he doing, he sounded like a robot. So he just moved to hug Shiro. 

  "Thank you...for the offer. It means a lot."

Ferra; Lamia Scale Hall

Ferra only grinned when she noticed the evident blush on Nikolas' chest, her own blush persisting. Just because he was in exceed form didn't really make him not Nikolas, so it was pretty embarrassing what just happened; in her opinion anyway. At his question she arched a brow, not sure what he could mean. Then he mentioned it being private and going over to his house. She nodded slowly before sitting him down on the table, "Uh...yeah, sure." She replied, genuinely curious to see what he could possibly be asking her, before standing up. "Not really sure where you live at all sooo...lead the way?" She asked, gesturing to the door. There weren't really too many things it could be that she could think of, though it could also be some kind of plan to prank Grace she doubted it. It was likely something more personal or something he needed help with.

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