Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Blue Pegasus Guild Hall


As all this transpired Acus hopped off the bench the grumpy Dorian stirring along with the good for nothing belt 'casting' some paper magic or something really dis-interested the music was oddly nice to his ears regardless, walking around to the other side of the table he had been using for the past week or so grasping the handle and wheeling out to the door "bah this place needs a tree for this christmas thing I've been hearing so much about, everyone likes a good brawl but all this control and rules just 'spoils' the fun and gets in the way" he grumbled moving around the spikes as they began to emerge from the floor reaching upwards. kicking his way past the snakes tail gruffly "you're just as much fault as the party in the first place all she wanted was a drink, lousy belts these days" not stopping to allow for an argument.

getting to the guild hall entrance and looking around out the into the town listening for the telltale sounds of metal ringing on anvil and making his way towards the noise. As he did before in the BP Pegasus Hall he merely start setting up like he was meant to be there and didn't draw attention to himself. Knowing his way around a forge and metal the basic frame took very little time to erect, and the prefabricated pipework he found made the fire delivery system cladding the while thing in plate metal and riveting it all in place together, a quick hunt around finding a good source of lamp oil to fill the 'tree' with. Fastening an assortment of hooks to hang what ever this baubles where from the tree as well, managing to pull a large covering tarp over the tree and began to wheel it back towards the guildhall once again.

@Zuka @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser @Colt556


Lavender looked over as Adrian popped in and surprised Keli. Though, she seemed to have grown even more tired than before even though her hyperactivity and soon left with Adrian. The blonde looked at Tanari ( @Colt556 ) and then went back to working on the eggnog. It didnt take her long to finish and give it a taste test "Woah..." she said before giggling "This is wonderful!" she then grabbed multiple mugs and put them on another rolling cart  along with the canister of eggnog before heading towards the door "I shall be right back, miss Tanari." with that, the warrior left the kitchen and pulled the cart by the hot cocoa "Alright everyone, the eggnog has been completed! Come grab your drinks and Enjoy!" she was glad to have made many of things for her very large family. The cookies had to be brought out as well. So lavender hurried into the kitchen and grabbed two large plates of cookies and walked out into the hall as she placed the cookies on a long empty table "Here are more cookies!" she called out as she caught a glimpse of snow falling outside "It's snowing.." she said softly.


It didnt take her long to jog over to the door and open it. She did not expect to see this one thing outside the door in such a state... And it had been a girl who was curled up and shivering. Her eyes widen as she quickly dropped to her knees and scooped up the girl before hurrying inside and rushing past anyone who had been standing around. She moved towards the fireplace and placed her close enough to where she wouldnt freese "Miss?" she asked, lifting her hand and cupping the small girl's cheek and gently pating it to make her open her eyes "Come on now, open your eyes..." Lavender then looked around for someone who could get her a mug of hot cocoa for the girl "Can someone please get me a mug of hot cocoa? Milk version please." she called out to just about anyone who was quick enough



Antares slowly and weakly opened her eyes when she felt sudden gentle warmth and someone patting her face. "Mmmh?" She mumbled wearily  as her vision focused at the girl who had carried her. "So...cold..." She said as she curled tighter in her torn blanket. "So...hungry...so..." She said before her eyes began to close once more to carry her off. The fireplace was doing its work of warming her up. "Don't eat...me..." She mumbled through closed eyes as she started nodding off.

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

After she successfully bound the electrified Rosa she was about to address the issue when a series of stone spikes emerged from the ground around the two combatants, cutting off even the slightest movement lest they impale themselves. As if that weren't enough Kirin decided now to be a grand time to return and further encased Rosa. Even the new girl was threatening to throw her hat into the ring, although her anger was directed at Kazuo rather than Rosa. An audible sigh escaped her lips at the intervention. This had escalated far beyond any reasonable proportion as several individuals allowed their anger to get the better of them. Sure enough Rosa channeled the remainder of her magic to make her get-away, the girl's eyes moist as she made her hasty departure. The dozens of talismans that had once held the blonde in place fell harmlessly to the ground before quickly vaporizing in a mystical blue fire. She directed her gaze towards Dorian and then towards Kirin. "This is why you let me handle Rosa. All of you jumping in and ganging up on her did nothing but hurt the situation." She cast an even colder glare towards Kirin as she spoke. The girl may be S-rank but her age still shone vibrantly, as it did with Dorian. "You two need to control your emotions just as our dear Rosa must." With that she turned to look at the new girl, that same disapproving glare still firmly within her piercing red eyes. "And you as well. This guild has little need for overly emotional individuals who would escalate such a benign situation into something such as this."


Her features softened as she let out a deep breath. When did Blue Pegasus gain so many problem children? She had half a mind to go after Rosa, for all her jabs at the girl this situation had certainly gone beyond what she was comfortable with. Alas their feud ensured any attempt she made would end in failure. She turned her attention back towards Kazuo, flashing him a look of sympathy for how things had transpired. "Kazuo, you should likely apologize to Rosa once she calms down." It was clear that anger wasn't the only emotion churning within their dear Rosa and while she knew it was probably best to give the girl some space she couldn't help but worry. As such she looked back to one of the few who had not involved themselves. "Yamato, Acus, perhaps one of you should go talk with her?" In situations such as these it never helped to have those involved go immediately chasing after the person. Emotions ran rampant and the last thing they needed was to see it flare back up.

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Kazuo didnt like the whole situation he was standing in with Rosa. By the looks of it, everyone was starting to gang up on her which really pissed him off. She wasnt the only one in this whole mess, he was too! It didnt take long for Rosa to burst her way out and he watched with a golden eye. The lightning mage also did not waste time leaving the guild hall and leaving him still trapped within spikes and a bubble. Looking towards Xira, he spoke "Leave her be. I'll talk to her. I'm the one who prevoked her and i'm the one who should fix it and calm her down." he didnt want anyone else to go and try to talk to her. This was his mess and he planned to clean it up. "I would very much appreciate being released from this death trap. I refuse to use my transformation magic for something like this."


There was nothing he could do. One move could result in a jab where he didnt need one. He would much rather be punched by Rosa a few times than be stuck in a trap like this. It was like an Iron maiden except he wasnt in a human shaped death trap. He actually had a choice weather to live or die in this situation. Of course, he chose to live. I can catch up to Rosa far quicker.  Once i'm released i'm going to  grab a mug of Eggnog for her and try to track her down. I shouldnt have done something as stupid as this. he had regreted his actions greatly and hoped he didnt ruin what friendship he had with her.



Lavender looked over at Chris "Thanks. Also,I have no found any wounds on her, so I would assume she's okay...I did find her outside in the cold and noticed she was in nothing but this." she said as she looked at the girl again, she noticed her opening her eyes but then closed them again with a remark of not eating her. The blonde giggled softly "I do not eat other humans such as myself. Though I think Chris would eat you if he was in the proper form." she joked as she pulled a straw from her apron and put it into the mug. The blonde brought it to the girls lips "here, open up just a little and take a sip. It'll warm you up." she said, before glancing at Chris "Again, I thank you for being so quick." her lips were in a soft smile and her blue eyes held their own kindness to them. Though the flour on her face made her look a little silly and like a mother since her hair had been up in a ponytail and she was dressed in an apron and some long sleeved shirt. "Could you do me one more favor and get me a blanket for her?"


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Chris Lengheart(Hey!)

Chris simply nodded and smiled as Lavender thanked him. "Of course," He said as he stared down at the girl "She looks in bad shape, we as Fairytail members can't turn a blind eye to someone in need."

As Lavender brought up Chris eating people, Chris simply socked Lavender in the shoulder playfully as he began to chuckle. "I would never do such a thing!" Chris said in a surprised yet comedic tone. "Hmph, well I suppose I'm far too untameable, even for Ms. Knight herself. Who I'm sure wouldn't even be able to make me do so much as sit. Unless of course, she'd dare to tame me like so many had tried before? Unfortunately for them, their efforts were found to be futile." He said while putting on a whole facade about being an untameable beast that'd kill all who dare to oppose him.

As he was thanked once again, Chris merely nodded as he continued to look at the girl. As he was asked to go grab a blanket, he immediately rose up and walked off to go find one. After a short while, Chris returned with a bright red blanket and carefully placed it over the girl's shoulders and attempted to bundle her up in it. He sat back down and looked at the girl. Hopefully, she'd be willing to tell them what had happened and how she ended up outside the guild.

@Happy Red Mage @Britt-21 @EVERYONE ELSE ((Sorry for short post, RPN is being a jackass to me))

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

After she successfully bound the electrified Rosa she was about to address the issue when a series of stone spikes emerged from the ground around the two combatants, cutting off even the slightest movement lest they impale themselves. As if that weren't enough Kirin decided now to be a grand time to return and further encased Rosa. Even the new girl was threatening to throw her hat into the ring, although her anger was directed at Kazuo rather than Rosa. An audible sigh escaped her lips at the intervention. This had escalated far beyond any reasonable proportion as several individuals allowed their anger to get the better of them. Sure enough Rosa channeled the remainder of her magic to make her get-away, the girl's eyes moist as she made her hasty departure. The dozens of talismans that had once held the blonde in place fell harmlessly to the ground before quickly vaporizing in a mystical blue fire. She directed her gaze towards Dorian and then towards Kirin. "This is why you let me handle Rosa. All of you jumping in and ganging up on her did nothing but hurt the situation." She cast an even colder glare towards Kirin as she spoke. The girl may be S-rank but her age still shone vibrantly, as it did with Dorian. "You two need to control your emotions just as our dear Rosa must." With that she turned to look at the new girl, that same disapproving glare still firmly within her piercing red eyes. "And you as well. This guild has little need for overly emotional individuals who would escalate such a benign situation into something such as this."


Her features softened as she let out a deep breath. When did Blue Pegasus gain so many problem children? She had half a mind to go after Rosa, for all her jabs at the girl this situation had certainly gone beyond what she was comfortable with. Alas their feud ensured any attempt she made would end in failure. She turned her attention back towards Kazuo, flashing him a look of sympathy for how things had transpired. "Kazuo, you should likely apologize to Rosa once she calms down." It was clear that anger wasn't the only emotion churning within their dear Rosa and while she knew it was probably best to give the girl some space she couldn't help but worry. As such she looked back to one of the few who had not involved themselves. "Yamato, Acus, perhaps one of you should go talk with her?" In situations such as these it never helped to have those involved go immediately chasing after the person. Emotions ran rampant and the last thing they needed was to see it flare back up.

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser


Blue Pegasus Guild Hall


Rosaline felt the electricity charging within her body to the point it was spilling out like a Battery over-charged. She was furious and rightly so. There were a few reasons, and Kazuo stealing a kiss was only half of it. The fact he was still dodging and side stepping her rage induced hits were making her livid, he didn't even have his sword with him while she did. She lifted a hand up to grasp at the hilt of her sword strapped to her back, fingers tightening around the metal as she started to slide it from it's holster. She was so focused on attacking him with the full brunt of her magic that her whole frame tensed. But then everything happened so suddenly. She glanced down as she felt paper coating her arms and body to anchor her down, stripping her of her excess electricity to the point at least she wasn't sparking anymore.


And if that wasn't surprise the girl visibly straightened as her head lifted up, a huge breath inwards as stone spikes appeared out of no where to surround her. Most noticeably pointed directly at her neck and face, the rest of her body didn't concern her too much. Just who had created that? She heard a voice moment later as her vision swung to the right, towards that voice. Dorian was up! Or sort of up, he was awake at least but he was crouched with a hand against the ground. Was he...the one controlling the spikes? She had a strange look cover her face, it was like terror but intrigue all in one. She had no idea he was capable of that magic, if it was indeed him that was the one that summoned the spikes. Her suspicions were confirmed when Kazuo apologized to Dorian about waking him, which meant he really was able to turn the very ground into stone spikes. Her eyes meet with Kazuo as she realized that perhaps she HAD been a bit loud and a bit to forward when she had thrown a punch straight at him. She could have asked him to fight outside in hindsight, but rage is rage after all and no one expects to think coherently when their temper flares.


She was surrounded by a bubble which was somewhat of a mote point really, Rosaline had been stripped of her excess energy from Xira, she had spikes angled at her vitals so she couldn't move, Cele was yelling at them both and now Kirin had sealed her into a magical bubble? Rosaline was tense but she couldn't move, not really. Not without getting skewered. As she was stuck with no where to go it was dawning on her just what had transpired, her heart rate slowing down as her eyes started burn, almost growing glossy though her teeth gritted while she stared at Kazuo, before drifting more towards Dorian. "ENOUGH!" She bellowed as she kept her chin held high, eyelashes snapping closed as water pooled more in the corners of her eyes. Her whole body glowed like she were a miniature sun, and in one thunder clap she had transformed her body using her remaining Magical energy into that of a single lighting bolt. The lightning not being a physical form slipped past both spikes and magical music bubble alike before clapping somewhere more towards the entrance of the Guild Hall. She melded straight back into her human form facing away from them all, turning her head slightly so her stern voice would carry though she kept looking forward. "I'm sorry for ruining your Christmas party.... I'm going to go train." And with that the girl left the building without another word.


Though she did reach up a hand and found her cheek wet. She frowned harder as she strolled down the street to somewhere quieter she could distract herself from the whole debacle.





Yamato Ren: I guess I could use some help in the kitchen.


Rosa obviously wasn't happy with the events happening around her. Dorian sleeping on her lap, Kazuo and Xira toying with her from above. Lately this has become a norm in the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall. Though Celestia grabbed his intention when she offered to help in the kitchen. "You want to help? Well... I guess cooking for a guild is a pretty daunting task. Especially at this time of year when feasts are being served rather than meals. It certainly wouldn't hurt to have some assistance. Right now all the food is in the oven so once it's ready I know there's something you could help with." Suddenly Rosa took off and charged at Kazuo. Did Yamato miss something? Clearly Kaz did something to really tick Rosa off. Yama was about to intervene before Kazuo made a pretty bold move. He simply took Rosa's hand and gave her a quick kiss. It wasn't long before he decided to run off again. Yamato witnessed this event and was not too pleased about it either.

A man does not simply steal a kiss from a woman like that. Yamato keeps to the highest standards of Blue Pegasus and expects his guild mates to do the same. Celestia too didn't seem very happy with the man's actions either. It also looks like they woke up Dorian too. Which of course is an impressive feat to accomplish. Not that many live to tell the tale anyway. Yama was glad to see Kirin come in and quickly deal with the situation at hand. "Ah welcome back Kirin! I do hope that that your children are faring well?" He realised that was a pointless question when he saw Kirin's children following her from behind. Rosa will have to calm down soon though Xira mind have her held for now but there's always a risk that one day this whole building could blow up. He looked at Kazuo with the look of disappointment on his face. "I'm glad you admit to your mistakes but I do hope I won't have to witness my guild mate doing something like that again will I?"

@Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser @Britt-21 @Zuka @Colt556 @Halffix


Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Well her reaction was really unexpected. She had just stood there but calling her name had snapped her out of the trance she was put into. Rosa began to charge up and it didnt seem like she was going to hold back on her lightning. Now he could say she was actually going to kill him. Though with the light blush on his cheeks - barely visable on the right cheek- it was hard to deny the fact that he liked the kiss. Liked her lips... Liked her... it didnt take long for Xira ( @Colt556 )to jump down and use her talismans to trap Rosa in her own little bubble. Unlike her, he didnt use magic -like his titan soul- against her. He only merely used words and dodging.


Not only did Xira get involved but so did an angry Dorian ( @Mykinkaiser ) who sent spikes towards himself and Rosa. Though the spike did some dangerously close to his throat which made him sweatdrop "Sorry Dorian. I wont make any excuses but I did make some noise." he glanced at Rosa  who was also within spikes before the doors of the guild hall were kicked open to reveal Kirin who also had used her magic to put him in a bubble with music as well as everyone who got involved. A sigh escaped the golden-eyed man's lips as he carefully kept his head still to keep him from stabbing himself. "Celestia, please do not add more to what is already happening..." he said softly as he closed his eye @Arius LaVari


Why did so many people have to get involved with this? Not only Xira, but Dorian,Kirin and  Celestia too. Just listening to Kirin made him open up his eye and speak up "You should not be scolding Rosa so much, Kirin." he said "I'm the one who erked her on. Pushed buttons which shouldnt have been pressed. During this we had awoken Dorian as well." he was going to take the blame since it was mostly his fault. But he wasnt one to be a coward and he was one to accept any punishment given to him. From the looks of it, Kazuo had nothing else to add seeing as he went back into his quiet state rather than pushing Rosa's buttons. Lifting his hand, her coughed slightly into the back of it and looked off to the side, trying to rid the light redness of his cheeks.


Lucky for him, it began to fade.


Kirin with her red eyes stared straight into Kazuo's. She transformed into a wave of music to fly straight next to him, staring him down with her tiny 4'7 foot size. She looked up to him and said, "Look buddy. I just didn't want my children, brothers and sisters to DIE because of her explosion. You all might take it for granted, but most people here are C ranks. All of us are big shots at B, A and S. An A rank wizard can destroy a town if they wanted to, and do you honestly believe that Rosaline with her temper wouldn't do the same to just a pretty big building? Look, why don't you work with me, Yamato, my kids, and maybe Acus to make it up to her? We can maybe toast with her or something while I play a drinking song or something. But she just blew her damn temper, and if you go after her now she would be an emotional backlash. Not all of us are extroverts, and I haven't personally met her, but she seems to be the small group of close friends introvert type by how quickly a group made her feel uncomfortable. So, do I bring up a decent point? Actually, hold that thought..." As Kirin was finally calming down, her rage spiked towards Xira and Dorian...

Kirin looked back at her group of munchkins, all of whom knew what she was waiting for. They all screamed in one mob except for the obvious Octavian, "SECRET SANTA!" They ran outside to pull out a rather big sack for all of her friends. Kirin shyly admit, "I was spending the last two months building and buying gifts with 'em to try and keep all of you guys happy. But one of you is getting your gift early..." She reached into the bag, stumbling around a bit as she pulled out a wrench covered in wrapping paper. She quickly put it back before an obvious oversized gun came up, which was quickly returned back to the sack. She then found exactly what she was looking for! An upside down 'u' in wrapping paper. She offered the gift to Dorian, saying with a displeased look on her face, "You're only getting this early so that you can sleep better. Merry Christmas." The gift inside would be, Lacrima Headphones! It had a lot of extra stuffing around the headphones to make sure it was soft and good for sleeping, or possibly even acting as a pillow itself. It looked more like a hat than headphones, but its design was clear enough.

With that out of the way, she starred straight at Xira. Kirin scraped into her own face, leaving dark blue flames of fake flame that passed over quickly to make sure the snake was looking at her. She dug straight into her with her words, "So miss perfect shoe shandy! What were you doing on the sidelines right next to her during this whole mess? Egging her on? I see no good will from you, only selfish need hidden behind layers of scales and parfoom. I did something, my words are not void because of my actions, they are instead amplified and backed up by them. Emotions are human, and mine are only proving that I care about my brothers and sisters. Be them older, be them younger, be them only a sister for a day, or a brother for a lifetime, it matters not. What does matter is how poorly you handled the situation and shifted blame like you did nothing when you were a catalyst for the situation. So tell me sister, how did you do anything meaniful in the past hour, or are you still talking out of your ass?"

Celestia Corona: Leaving the Hall


Celestia frowned as she was suddenly bubbled in an orb of magic music, she'd spoken her mind as she had a tendency to do and it got everyone just as angry at her, and it seemed as if everyone was confused and thought she was yelling at both of them, no she'd only been upset with Kazuo but her mood was done for, she didn't really have any friends in the guild anyway so why she had bothered to come...she didn't know. Her two colored eyes darken slightly as she feels the rising wave of blackness tugging at her heart. Instead of frowning though she simply smiled brightly at the woman with all the children while pulling a communication lacrima from her bag, "I've got something to give to Yamato. I wasn't too far involved but I apologize for speaking my mind." She didn't plan on doing it again if everyone was just going to think she was a bad person for it, that's the key just bury it all beneath the surface. The dissonant music sounded awful to her, it grated her ears and she really wished she had a way to block it out, she didn't like the stuff in the first place. There had to be a way to disrupt the musical bubble around her and her eyes flickered over it and all around several times while trying to find a weak point. It was sound at it's core...magic sound but only sound once again a louder sound could possibly open it up. She waited though and eventually, the annoying woman seemed to turn her attention away from holding the magic then Celestia was released. She quickly hopped off her chair and tossed the communication lacrima to Yamato, "Call me if you need help!" She said it cheerfully before jumping over the mass of spikes that Dorian had made to land on the other side by the door, with a wave over her shoulder she also left the hall.

Her smile never faded, she was good at keeping it together when she was upset, so cheerfully she skipped down the path making her way to her home at the edge of town, glad no one knew where she lived, she planned to just avoid the hall for awhile. She would try and straighten it out with Rosa later, the woman obviously didn't want to be bothered right now and since the other seemed to think she was yelling at both of the instigators, best to let her chill out. It was probably best to just keep her distance anyway, she was already angry at herself for having opened her big mouth. Only once she was in her small little cottage did she sink to the floor and let her dark feelings bury her in black while she leaned against her locked door, just praying for the day to end...or her existence to end, at the moment she wasn't sure which and while most would call her selfish but it wasn't something she could control, she could bury it but it always came back.

Timothy Harvard: Super Sharp Stuff



Remember all those times when you were alone on Christmas

for those past three years? Lonely wasn't it but you aren't able to

feel that..you're just a machine.

Timothy saw Ayano roll back from his attack and starting shooting what appears to be spikes made out of blood. He did not move a single muscle and took all of the spikes to his body. The projectiles pierced his skin and muscles easily however did no damage to his chassis. As soon as the projectiles stopped coming, Timothy ended up bleeding even more, eventually making it impossible to imagine that he would be "alive" at this point. Blood leaking almost everywhere on his body with spikes all over his frontal end even on his legs as well. However the most noticeable thing and probably the most goriest was the fact that one spike managed to pierce his eye directly causing it to bleed tremendously from the . You could say that Timothy is now a "bloody" mess (Sorry bad pun). 

Still having the same emotionless stare, Timothy slowly pulled the spike out from his eye socket which a massive squirt of blood gushes out and falls onto the cold floor of the road. The blood spike drops to the floor. Inside of the socket reveal to be a stabbed eyeball which didn't even function properly anymore, the scene was so gory to the point where it was unbearable to just watch. However the fighting did not stop there, Ayano rushed in and continued her assault on Timothy by using her blood sword. Slashing and clashing with blood and metal. More cuts and bruises as she cuts the arms, legs, torso and even she tried to aim for the head. He stood his ground despite the onslaught and tried to minimize as much damage to his skin and muscle as possible by putting his arms up as a shield from her sword. His scanners indicated that Ayano is getting tired with every swing possibly from the lack of blood. As soon as she started slowing down, Timothy slowly controlled his strength to a setting where his punch would just stun her but not kill her. He attempts to punch Ayano in the body hoping it would be enough to put her down, the air pressure from his punch created a shockwave which blew away the air and snow. "I'm sorry, please do not hold any grudges against me...I'll try and find a place where you would be able to get a blood donation." he said trying to calm down the situation. He takes a look around at the collateral damage and hoping that no one was hurt in the process. As he kneel down, he tried to pull out the spikes from his body, one by one slowly and steadily until all of them were gone from his body.

He turned around to see Sora in the distance, his emotionless one eyeless face turns into one of concern as he tries to shout out "Sora! Are you ok!? Stay there! I'll come to you soon." he shouted in a worried tone. He looks at Ayano hoping that she would be finally down so he could take her to a place where she could get help and possibly a blood transfusion.

@Kyuubey @Jackaboi @Anyone in the Magnolia shopping district.



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Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

She had thought things to be settling down, alas Kirin didn't seem to agree as she laid into Kazuo for the fight. She rolled her eyes at the mention of people dying to the skirmish. As angry as Rosa got the idea of her killing anyone was laughable at best.She would have taken it directly to Master herself if she thought a member of Blue Pegasus could not be trusted in such a way. The S-rank mage seemed to be going down the line as she switched her focus from Kazuo to Dorian. After a brief gift-giving it was finally her turn to deal with the irate sound mage. As the now-short girl ranted she simply narrowed her eyes as she glared down at Kirin. The girl may have been S-rank but she was still a child in her eyes and she was very much solidifying that position in her mind. She folded her arms under her chest as she silently listened, waiting patiently for the girl to finish her tirade.


"My quarrel with Rosa does not concern you, Kirin. Nor did this entire situation concern anyone but those involved. You act as if this is the first time Rosa has entered a fight and let her anger get the better of her. I have personally entertained the girl more times than I care to count and while I was not her target there was little difference between then and now. I am not Rosa's mother nor her caretaker, it is not my responsibility to care for the girl. My only responsibility is ensuring things do not get out of hand. Something I had already accomplished before you and Dorian decided to follow in Rosa's footsteps and let your anger get the better of you." She held her cold gaze on the little girl before her. Her voice was calm and collected but her own anger and dissatisfaction were clear in her tone as she spoke. "You may be an S-rank, Kirin, but you are still nothing more than a child. If you are to wield such power you need to better understand the situations that you find yourself in. Your intervention was unneeded here, as was Dorian's. You merely made matters worse by escalating the situation."


While she was already upset with the way the others had handled the situation she now felt anger consuming her as it had the others. Being talked down to was something she couldn't tolerate on the best of days. To be lectured by one of those responsible for the murky situation was just pouring salt in the wound. Not willing to deal with the girl further she simply turned and began to make her way towards the couch she had originally been resting on. As she went she cast one final glance over her shoulder. "You are an S-rank of Blue Pegasus, Kirin. It is high time you start acting it."

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser
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Mizuki Kohaku



Mizuki was a bit saddened when the empty bowl of delicious soup was taken from her hands and placed on the table beside her. It was so tasty and she couldn't help but wonder if this is what Draneri tasted when she fed. If human energy tasted this good she wouldn't mind being a siren for a day.  "Thank you again, Draneri. That soup was exceptional..." She said, rolling on her side to face her. The dark Mage was still surprised at how comfortable Draneri acted in her home, as if it was her own. Really Mizuki wouldn't care unless things got out of hand, or if it affected Alicia. As the winged girl began to talk she listened to her words, nodding slightly as she went along. Honestly Mizuki wouldn't get mad or upset if someone mentioned her previous guild. Yes, it really left a bad impact on her life, but she's learned to live with the existence of the guild. Though the compliment of her strength rooted out any sadness.   Yes, the guild is called Grimoire Heart. But they are more of a cult if anything. I'm surprised that they let you walk off Alife after failing to kill any of us..." She didn't mean to sound so mean, but was just trying to be honest. All that guild cared about was their own personal gang. They usually held enemies captive, or made deals only to break them later. The fact that Draneri had both of her wings was just a miracle. When the topic of stronger mage's came up Mizuki really had to think. Sure, Gilad and the other guildmaster' were much stronger than her, but what about the others? Gilad always said she was his to Mage, but did that mean she was the strongest? Her strength was undeniably powerful, but she wouldn't say that she's the strongest. "Yes, there are other mage's that are stronger than me, one of which is in the same guild as me. But do not try to feed off them. Unlike myself, they might attack you. That would be rather unpleasant to have Master Gilad attack you..." Draneri then moved into the topic of Alicia, and the dark haired girl didn't know where to start. There was just so much good things about Alicia that she couldn't list them all if she tried. "Yes... Her name is Alicia. She is my everything in this world. My little angel. My bond with hers in the strongest I have with anyone... Perhaps once I am rested I can bring you to the guild to meet everyone. Thought hey might be unhappy to see you, especially Eric. But I'm sure he can suck it up for a bit...



Mizuki's Apartment - Crocus City


As Mizuki said she was surprised Grimoire Heart allowed the Siren to walk free, Draneri couldn't help but give her a short, unabashed laugh. "Allowed me? Ahh Dear Mizuki.. I may not have have that much experience with Guilds, but I have had my fair share of them. No one allowed me to walk freely, the last few months a Scientist observed me with a number of tests both torture like in aspect as well as simply leaving me in a white room to do with as I pleased. Had Lucian had his way he probably would have killed me, but my regeneration is exceptional depending on how and what I have fed from. A lab rat so to speak, for the amusement of that Scientist Woman's endless research. It wasn't all that bad. I have certainly been in worse situations. Some days she even brought me tea while we talked about Politics. " She explained with an ever present smile on her face. "When I had my fill, and I grew bored, I simply escaped. They are probably still trying to track me down, not that it would matter. A few months here or there is really nothing when you are 399 years old..." She said gently, then blinked and laughed softly. "You're the first I've told my real age to.." She said in a soft, bemused voice.


"Master Gilad?" She said as she rapped a finger on her chin in thought. "Gilad...Gilad...mm... Boy Arcturus? Really? Has it been that long..." She thought more so to herself. She remembered passing through Crocus once before, and remembered a very determined young boy training with some interesting magic. Is this the same boy then? How interesting! A Master no less! He seemed stubborn enough as a boy, that the situation seemed plausible. She looked back to Mizuki as she reached out and patted her hand gently. "You need not worry, Miss Mizuki... I will not feed for quite some days yet, I don't think you are yet aware just how much I drained from you... Well depending if I need to use that magic on anything here on out.." That Red-haired Samurai's sun suddenly coming to mind as she half flinched.


She heard of Mizuki praise about the little girl who's name was Alicia and she had a soft and beautiful smile cross her face as she placed her chin into her hands softly. "Alicia... she sounds wonderful." She said with a genuine smile still on her face. She looked back to Mizuki as her eyes closed up gently in happiness. "There is no rush Miss Mizuki, we shall make sure you are well rested first." Her mind pondering on just who this Eric was... Was that that boy who was fighting the even younger boy? The whole reason Draneri thought to step in and help? Ethan... that was what the younger boy's name was. How interesting... Well it didn't matter, she wasn't planning on barging her way into the Guild Hall by herself, she maybe a Predator but she wasn't stupid. You don't become hundreds of years old by putting oneself into difficult positions... the except was that Miniature Sun debacle.


Draneri rolled onto her side as she scooted closer to Mizuki, wrapped her arms around her head as she ran her fingers through her long black hair. "Shh sh sh... Just sleep for a little longer, and then... once you are fully well, we shall see this 'Tooth of the Saber' you are from."


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Lavender looked over at Chris "Thanks. Also,I have no found any wounds on her, so I would assume she's okay...I did find her outside in the cold and noticed she was in nothing but this." she said as she looked at the girl again, she noticed her opening her eyes but then closed them again with a remark of not eating her. The blonde giggled softly "I do not eat other humans such as myself. Though I think Chris would eat you if he was in the proper form." she joked as she pulled a straw from her apron and put it into the mug. The blonde brought it to the girls lips "here, open up just a little and take a sip. It'll warm you up." she said, before glancing at Chris "Again, I thank you for being so quick." her lips were in a soft smile and her blue eyes held their own kindness to them. Though the flour on her face made her look a little silly and like a mother since her hair had been up in a ponytail and she was dressed in an apron and some long sleeved shirt. "Could you do me one more favor and get me a blanket for her?"

Chris Lengheart(Hey!)

Chris simply nodded and smiled as Lavender thanked him. "Of course," He said as he stared down at the girl "She looks in bad shape, we as Fairytail members can't turn a blind eye to someone in need."

As Lavender brought up Chris eating people, Chris simply socked Lavender in the shoulder playfully as he began to chuckle. "I would never do such a thing!" Chris said in a surprised yet comedic tone. "Hmph, well I suppose I'm far too untameable, even for Ms. Knight herself. Who I'm sure wouldn't even be able to make me do so much as sit. Unless of course, she'd dare to tame me like so many had tried before? Unfortunately for them, their efforts were found to be futile." He said while putting on a whole facade about being an untameable beast that'd kill all who dare to oppose him.

As he was thanked once again, Chris merely nodded as he continued to look at the girl. As he was asked to go grab a blanket, he immediately rose up and walked off to go find one. After a short while, Chris returned with a bright red blanket and carefully placed it over the girl's shoulders and attempted to bundle her up in it. He sat back down and looked at the girl. Hopefully, she'd be willing to tell them what had happened and how she ended up outside the guild.

Antares took the straw into her mouth and slowly drank the hot cocoa through it. Warmth filled her as she took in the sweet chocolate drink. The brown liquid settled onto her stomach and she felt a little bit better considering her little fiasco before getting here. She slowly opened her eyes and got a better view of her saviors. Then the man brought her a blanket and wrapped her around it. "Thank...you..." She managed to say. "Been...lost...beasts...ran..." She said before nodding off again for a bit.

Chris Lengheart(Hey!)

Chris simply nodded and smiled as Lavender thanked him. "Of course," He said as he stared down at the girl "She looks in bad shape, we as Fairytail members can't turn a blind eye to someone in need."

As Lavender brought up Chris eating people, Chris simply socked Lavender in the shoulder playfully as he began to chuckle. "I would never do such a thing!" Chris said in a surprised yet comedic tone. "Hmph, well I suppose I'm far too untameable, even for Ms. Knight herself. Who I'm sure wouldn't even be able to make me do so much as sit. Unless of course, she'd dare to tame me like so many had tried before? Unfortunately for them, their efforts were found to be futile." He said while putting on a whole facade about being an untameable beast that'd kill all who dare to oppose him.

As he was thanked once again, Chris merely nodded as he continued to look at the girl. As he was asked to go grab a blanket, he immediately rose up and walked off to go find one. After a short while, Chris returned with a bright red blanket and carefully placed it over the girl's shoulders and attempted to bundle her up in it. He sat back down and looked at the girl. Hopefully, she'd be willing to tell them what had happened and how she ended up outside the guild.

@Happy Red Mage @Britt-21 @EVERYONE ELSE ((Sorry for short post, RPN is being a jackass to me))

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Antares took the straw into her mouth and slowly drank the hot cocoa through it. Warmth filled her as she took in the sweet chocolate drink. The brown liquid settled onto her stomach and she felt a little bit better considering her little fiasco before getting here. She slowly opened her eyes and got a better view of her saviors. Then the man brought her a blanket and wrapped her around it. "Thank...you..." She managed to say. "Been...lost...beasts...ran..." She said before nodding off again for a bit.



Lavender looked at Chris when he had left to get the blanket and return with it.  She spoke up in response to his joke "Oh please, mr Chris. I dont believe i'm the one to tame you." she said with a smile "But you would be surprised that I can tame just about anyone if I had really tried but im not that type of woman." she looked back at the girl and watched as she started to wake up and mention that she had been lost, and beasts...ran? Or she ran from beasts. "Either way, you are safe now in the hands of Fairy Tail. You may rest and sleep by the fire. Then once you're fully rested I shall make you something to eat. Perhaps bring some cookies out for you."


Her blue eyes moved from the girl and to Chris "You may go have your drink if you have not, yet." he deserved it "I'm quite glad I didnt put more cookies into the oven since we have her to worry about." she nodded down to the girl who had been resting against her "Please do let me know if we need more cookies or hot cocoa so I may make more, mr Chris." she placed the hot cocoa mug on the table.



Chris Lengheart(Wait, I've got just the thing!)

Chris couldn't help but continue to stare at the girl, she looked so weak...she had obviously been out there a while. He simply rolled his eyes as Lavender said that she wouldn't be the one to tame him, but she could basically get whatever man she wanted if she really tried. "I bet." Chris joked as his gaze lifted up to meet Lavender's. 

That was when the girl suddenly brought up the fact that she was lost...and ran from beasts? This seemingly piqued Chris' interest as instead of getting up and enjoying some cookies like Lavender had asked, Chris grabbed his monster compendium and walked back over to the two. He presented the book to the girl and asked,"Do you think you can point out what kind of beast it was? Flip through this and see if you can find it." He had just gotten that book, but luckily for Chris it was already starting to come in handy. He'd definitely start carrying it around more. 

@Britt-21 @Happy Red Mage
Kenya placed a hand on her chin nodding her head as Gilad listed off possible gifts. Tokine seemed to be fairly simple and surprisingly cute. Eric was a bit more obvious with his liking of alcohol which she could get anywhere. Kenya then took note of the last part she could just ask for a list of what they wanted but she shook her head. She decided to do this as best she could if she was going to show her thankfulness, then she would have to get the best gifts possible. Which meant she couldn't just get any stuff animal or any alcohol or any....whatever Gilad wanted. Kenya nodded her head getting an idea she rushed to the nearest store not to buy a stuff animal but to buy needle some thread and some stuffing. Kenya had made up her mind on the stuff animal she would make a stuff animal just for Tokine. For Eric she'd find the best alcohol place and buy the best alcohol she could find. As for Gilad she would ask Tokine about what he would like. She hulled herself up in her room at a hotel just a walk away from the guild. Beginning work on the stuff animal as she was beginning it dawned on her. She had no idea how to sew an animal but she wouldn't let that stop her so she got to work. Poking herself with the needle a few times but all the time she was somehow having fun. 


Yamato Ren: Well we can't have such a depressing atmosphere can we?


Everything started to turn silent after a while. Anyone that got involved with the conflict between Rosa and Kazuo are starting to all feel bad. Rosa decided to take her leave so she may be at peace and Celestia did the same after giving Yama a communication lacrima. He could see that she went back to the same smiling girl but he could tell she was upset about all of this. This made him feel bad too, no one can fault her for speaking her mind, after all a guild is like a family. He would have to talk to her next time he see's her. Yamato also heard Xira having a little rant at a few of the other members too. This one he may step in for. "Now now Xira aren't you overreacting a little? You have to remember that pretty much all of us wanted to defuse the situation at hand, and Dorian being Dorian, he was just a little mad with being woke up is all. It's just the fact that so many people reacted at once is causing this commotion. So how about we calm down and enjoy the rest of the day. After all... I have some homemade gingerbread men in the oven which should be ready just about now~" 

Yama did have half a mind to go after Rosa but Kazuo already offered to go by himself to apologise which would probably be the best option. After all Rosa may punch, kick, send a few thousand volts flying towards his face... but she wouldn't go as far as to kill. In other words Kaz is safe, (for the most part.) With that Yama nodded at him obviously to signal the that's the right thing to do. Meanwhile Yama went back to the kitchen to fetch the gingerbread men. Not long after he came back with the tray in his and conjured just enough wind to cool them down just right. "Here we are! Now this should be enough to brighten everyone's spirits! Hopefully this will tide everyone over until dinner is ready." Yama grabbed two of the gingerbread men and handed them over to Kazuo. "I believe you know who the second one is for right?" He said before giving him a friendly smile. After that was done he went to a nearby window and sat on the windowsill and started reading a book hoping that the hall would now return to normal.

@Colt556 @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Halffix

Ophelia -- Middle of Nowhere

It had felt like too long since Ophelia had left her guild hall silently to take her leave, and the cold was beating down on her relentlessly. It wasn't something she'd enjoyed... but now, with Maya Morne standing behind her, knowing what she'd done and even going so far as to taunt her about it... She had only wished there was more time. The girl wouldn't mind spending an eternity trapped in an icy haze as long as that haze belonged to her.

Ophelia came to a halt and reluctantly spun around to face Maya, releasing her torn cape to flow along with the wind that didn't seem to sting so much anymore. With only the sounds of winter and snow filling the air, she looked down at her feet and sheathed her blade, seemingly ready to admit defeat. As much as one would hate to admit it, almost no one stood much chance against a Wizard Saint, even if they were former, and for Ophelia to try as she was now would only be wasting time. Time that could be savored before she would be kept in a prison cell... 

Slowly and silently, allowing her hands to fall to her sides and her cape to continue flowing, she made her way to the woman standing before her, snow crunching under her boots. Maybe it would be easier this way... Maybe there was a chance for redemption. They'd let her out early, and she'd be able to meet up with Alicia and Mizuki, who had probably missed her already, and most importantly, some miracle would happen that Alfie got what he deserved...

As she did near Maya, however, Ophelia had begun to rethink her choices. She didn't even need to go to prison, did she? Why would she need to wait for forgiveness when no one knew she needed to be forgiven? After all, she didn't implant super-charged Lacrima into her bloodstream for nothing. She wasn't a pathetic little girl like almost everyone assumed her to be. She was far more than capable of taking lives, so why not do that one last time? 

It could have been a possibility that Alfie didn't make deals with people who couldn't hold their end. Everything happened for a reason, and he promised her he'd grant her wish... 

Ophelia let out a few small giggles and stopped in her tracks, realizing she felt sorry for blaming him for the problems he might have actually solved.


Almost instantly, she drew her blade and stabbed it into the snow, from which hundreds of blue, rapidly spinning and steaming rings of water violently rose and quickly directed themselves toward Maya, melting nearly all of the snow in that immediate area... and almost heating up that whole section of the forest.

To a powerful mage, Ophelia's sudden and unstable spike of pure and malevolent power was... Underwhelming. At this rate, she unsurprisingly was still no where near close to being worthy of actually gaining a title as a Wizard Saint.

But to her, it was the strongest she'd ever been. She was unstoppable now, and anything that would dare stand in her way to being happy again would be boiled alive.






The snowfall grew heavier as the two seemingly gazed at each other with malice in their eyes, hate radiating out of the females like venom, intoxicating the very air around them. The wind blew softly even still, causing Maya's gown to flutter gracefully in the wind even now. When Ophelia turned around to finally face her, Maya simply kept her gaze averted onto the young girl. Although young, Ophelia held a rather respectable composure, that of which Maya respected very much. However, Ophelia's crimes to Fiore and the magic world were too severe to go unpunished. Thus, if need be, Maya would not hesitate to bring down Ophelia with brute force, and by the looks of things, that's exactly what needed to be done. 


In what seemed to be a moment, Ophelia drew her sword and stabbed it into the ground swiftly, her movements not escaping the Saints observant eyes one bit. It was then that the tiny girl accumulated hundreds of scorching water rings her way. The rings melted the snow in its path as they all came hurling towards Maya. The Guild Master stood with a palm outwards as a large telekinetic force seemingly halted all of the water rings in their tracks, then, Maya pointed her finger towards Ophelia as the telekinetically augmented boiling water spheres were sent crashing back down towards Ophelia with twice the speed and twice the power. Amongst it all, Maya simply stood there. "My dear." She called out, "Do not make matters worse for yourself than they already are." It was in that moment, that Maya's gaze quite literally pierced the girls soul, and with it, Ophelia's sense of reality itself would become warped. The surrounding area would start to appear distorted to the young girl, her senses jumbled up in a huge mess as her sense of direction grew weary. 


Maya had placed an illusion on Ophelia, targeting her very mind itself. And although not her strongest, it was very powerful.





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Yamato Ren: Well we can't have such a depressing atmosphere can we?


Everything started to turn silent after a while. Anyone that got involved with the conflict between Rosa and Kazuo are starting to all feel bad. Rosa decided to take her leave so she may be at peace and Celestia did the same after giving Yama a communication lacrima. He could see that she went back to the same smiling girl but he could tell she was upset about all of this. This made him feel bad too, no one can fault her for speaking her mind, after all a guild is like a family. He would have to talk to her next time he see's her. Yamato also heard Xira having a little rant at a few of the other members too. This one he may step in for. "Now now Xira aren't you overreacting a little? You have to remember that pretty much all of us wanted to defuse the situation at hand, and Dorian being Dorian, he was just a little mad with being woke up is all. It's just the fact that so many people reacted at once is causing this commotion. So how about we calm down and enjoy the rest of the day. After all... I have some homemade gingerbread men in the oven which should be ready just about now~" 

Yama did have half a mind to go after Rosa but Kazuo already offered to go by himself to apologise which would probably be the best option. After all Rosa may punch, kick, send a few thousand volts flying towards his face... but she wouldn't go as far as to kill. In other words Kaz is safe, (for the most part.) With that Yama nodded at him obviously to signal the that's the right thing to do. Meanwhile Yama went back to the kitchen to fetch the gingerbread men. Not long after he came back with the tray in his and conjured just enough wind to cool them down just right. "Here we are! Now this should be enough to brighten everyone's spirits! Hopefully this will tide everyone over until dinner is ready." Yama grabbed two of the gingerbread men and handed them over to Kazuo. "I believe you know who the second one is for right?" He said before giving him a friendly smile. After that was done he went to a nearby window and sat on the windowsill and started reading a book hoping that the hall would now return to normal.

@Colt556 @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Halffix


Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

She had thought things to be settling down, alas Kirin didn't seem to agree as she laid into Kazuo for the fight. She rolled her eyes at the mention of people dying to the skirmish. As angry as Rosa got the idea of her killing anyone was laughable at best.She would have taken it directly to Master herself if she thought a member of Blue Pegasus could not be trusted in such a way. The S-rank mage seemed to be going down the line as she switched her focus from Kazuo to Dorian. After a brief gift-giving it was finally her turn to deal with the irate sound mage. As the now-short girl ranted she simply narrowed her eyes as she glared down at Kirin. The girl may have been S-rank but she was still a child in her eyes and she was very much solidifying that position in her mind. She folded her arms under her chest as she silently listened, waiting patiently for the girl to finish her tirade.


"My quarrel with Rosa does not concern you, Kirin. Nor did this entire situation concern anyone but those involved. You act as if this is the first time Rosa has entered a fight and let her anger get the better of her. I have personally entertained the girl more times than I care to count and while I was not her target there was little difference between then and now. I am not Rosa's mother nor her caretaker, it is not my responsibility to care for the girl. My only responsibility is ensuring things do not get out of hand. Something I had already accomplished before you and Dorian decided to follow in Rosa's footsteps and let your anger get the better of you." She held her cold gaze on the little girl before her. Her voice was calm and collected but her own anger and dissatisfaction were clear in her tone as she spoke. "You may be an S-rank, Kirin, but you are still nothing more than a child. If you are to wield such power you need to better understand the situations that you find yourself in. Your intervention was unneeded here, as was Dorian's. You merely made matters worse by escalating the situation."


While she was already upset with the way the others had handled the situation she now felt anger consuming her as it had the others. Being talked down to was something she couldn't tolerate on the best of days. To be lectured by one of those responsible for the murky situation was just pouring salt in the wound. Not willing to deal with the girl further she simply turned and began to make her way towards the couch she had originally been resting on. As she went she cast one final glance over her shoulder. "You are an S-rank of Blue Pegasus, Kirin. It is high time you start acting it."

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser


Celestia Corona: Leaving the Hall


Celestia frowned as she was suddenly bubbled in an orb of magic music, she'd spoken her mind as she had a tendency to do and it got everyone just as angry at her, and it seemed as if everyone was confused and thought she was yelling at both of them, no she'd only been upset with Kazuo but her mood was done for, she didn't really have any friends in the guild anyway so why she had bothered to come...she didn't know. Her two colored eyes darken slightly as she feels the rising wave of blackness tugging at her heart. Instead of frowning though she simply smiled brightly at the woman with all the children while pulling a communication lacrima from her bag, "I've got something to give to Yamato. I wasn't too far involved but I apologize for speaking my mind." She didn't plan on doing it again if everyone was just going to think she was a bad person for it, that's the key just bury it all beneath the surface. The dissonant music sounded awful to her, it grated her ears and she really wished she had a way to block it out, she didn't like the stuff in the first place. There had to be a way to disrupt the musical bubble around her and her eyes flickered over it and all around several times while trying to find a weak point. It was sound at it's core...magic sound but only sound once again a louder sound could possibly open it up. She waited though and eventually, the annoying woman seemed to turn her attention away from holding the magic then Celestia was released. She quickly hopped off her chair and tossed the communication lacrima to Yamato, "Call me if you need help!" She said it cheerfully before jumping over the mass of spikes that Dorian had made to land on the other side by the door, with a wave over her shoulder she also left the hall.

Her smile never faded, she was good at keeping it together when she was upset, so cheerfully she skipped down the path making her way to her home at the edge of town, glad no one knew where she lived, she planned to just avoid the hall for awhile. She would try and straighten it out with Rosa later, the woman obviously didn't want to be bothered right now and since the other seemed to think she was yelling at both of the instigators, best to let her chill out. It was probably best to just keep her distance anyway, she was already angry at herself for having opened her big mouth. Only once she was in her small little cottage did she sink to the floor and let her dark feelings bury her in black while she leaned against her locked door, just praying for the day to end...or her existence to end, at the moment she wasn't sure which and while most would call her selfish but it wasn't something she could control, she could bury it but it always came back.



Kirins face generally became similar to that of a very particular woman. She was nearly sweating bullets from talking to Xira! She hated being mad, and it tended to be in such short bursts that she didn't have any more emotional firepower left. She gave a look of gratitude through sheer stress towards Yamato before she heard the one key phrase that set her off. She suddenly went dead quiet, looking over her shoulder at Xira. She spoke clearly and with so much anger behind her voice that it rivaled Rosaline just a minute prior, "I earned my title, my strength, and my life. If you don't like how I act, defeat me the blue way..." She suddenly leaped into the air, twisting her back as far as she could so she could show off as much of her cleavage as possible. She winked with a strangely wise look, sticking out a playful tongue. The air around her sparkled with her beauty of another kind. Someone from the background was screaming, "Woo-maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaann...."

Kirin twisted around, floating on her stomach with her legs kicking the air. She half closed her eyes in a strange interest over her forearms resting under her neck. She said, "Stay as beautiful as you are darlin' in everything you do! Only when you stand on the stage alone with only your beauty as your ally, then you shall prove yourself grander than I!" She blew a kiss towards her with a massive smile embedded into her soft, chubby face. She gracefully took a single step down, balancing herself up like a ballerina. Walking to her children, she clapped and nearly squealed out, "So! Let's go make some special treats for everyone!" The small horde of people booked it for the kitchen, careful to not run over anyone....
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Blue Pegasus Guild Hall


Rosaline felt the electricity charging within her body to the point it was spilling out like a Battery over-charged. She was furious and rightly so. There were a few reasons, and Kazuo stealing a kiss was only half of it. The fact he was still dodging and side stepping her rage induced hits were making her livid, he didn't even have his sword with him while she did. She lifted a hand up to grasp at the hilt of her sword strapped to her back, fingers tightening around the metal as she started to slide it from it's holster. She was so focused on attacking him with the full brunt of her magic that her whole frame tensed. But then everything happened so suddenly. She glanced down as she felt paper coating her arms and body to anchor her down, stripping her of her excess electricity to the point at least she wasn't sparking anymore.


And if that wasn't surprise the girl visibly straightened as her head lifted up, a huge breath inwards as stone spikes appeared out of no where to surround her. Most noticeably pointed directly at her neck and face, the rest of her body didn't concern her too much. Just who had created that? She heard a voice moment later as her vision swung to the right, towards that voice. Dorian was up! Or sort of up, he was awake at least but he was crouched with a hand against the ground. Was he...the one controlling the spikes? She had a strange look cover her face, it was like terror but intrigue all in one. She had no idea he was capable of that magic, if it was indeed him that was the one that summoned the spikes. Her suspicions were confirmed when Kazuo apologized to Dorian about waking him, which meant he really was able to turn the very ground into stone spikes. Her eyes meet with Kazuo as she realized that perhaps she HAD been a bit loud and a bit to forward when she had thrown a punch straight at him. She could have asked him to fight outside in hindsight, but rage is rage after all and no one expects to think coherently when their temper flares.


She was surrounded by a bubble which was somewhat of a mote point really, Rosaline had been stripped of her excess energy from Xira, she had spikes angled at her vitals so she couldn't move, Cele was yelling at them both and now Kirin had sealed her into a magical bubble? Rosaline was tense but she couldn't move, not really. Not without getting skewered. As she was stuck with no where to go it was dawning on her just what had transpired, her heart rate slowing down as her eyes started burn, almost growing glossy though her teeth gritted while she stared at Kazuo, before drifting more towards Dorian. "ENOUGH!" She bellowed as she kept her chin held high, eyelashes snapping closed as water pooled more in the corners of her eyes. Her whole body glowed like she were a miniature sun, and in one thunder clap she had transformed her body using her remaining Magical energy into that of a single lighting bolt. The lightning not being a physical form slipped past both spikes and magical music bubble alike before clapping somewhere more towards the entrance of the Guild Hall. She melded straight back into her human form facing away from them all, turning her head slightly so her stern voice would carry though she kept looking forward. "I'm sorry for ruining your Christmas party.... I'm going to go train." And with that the girl left the building without another word.


Though she did reach up a hand and found her cheek wet. She frowned harder as she strolled down the street to somewhere quieter she could distract herself from the whole debacle.




Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

After she successfully bound the electrified Rosa she was about to address the issue when a series of stone spikes emerged from the ground around the two combatants, cutting off even the slightest movement lest they impale themselves. As if that weren't enough Kirin decided now to be a grand time to return and further encased Rosa. Even the new girl was threatening to throw her hat into the ring, although her anger was directed at Kazuo rather than Rosa. An audible sigh escaped her lips at the intervention. This had escalated far beyond any reasonable proportion as several individuals allowed their anger to get the better of them. Sure enough Rosa channeled the remainder of her magic to make her get-away, the girl's eyes moist as she made her hasty departure. The dozens of talismans that had once held the blonde in place fell harmlessly to the ground before quickly vaporizing in a mystical blue fire. She directed her gaze towards Dorian and then towards Kirin. "This is why you let me handle Rosa. All of you jumping in and ganging up on her did nothing but hurt the situation." She cast an even colder glare towards Kirin as she spoke. The girl may be S-rank but her age still shone vibrantly, as it did with Dorian. "You two need to control your emotions just as our dear Rosa must." With that she turned to look at the new girl, that same disapproving glare still firmly within her piercing red eyes. "And you as well. This guild has little need for overly emotional individuals who would escalate such a benign situation into something such as this."


Her features softened as she let out a deep breath. When did Blue Pegasus gain so many problem children? She had half a mind to go after Rosa, for all her jabs at the girl this situation had certainly gone beyond what she was comfortable with. Alas their feud ensured any attempt she made would end in failure. She turned her attention back towards Kazuo, flashing him a look of sympathy for how things had transpired. "Kazuo, you should likely apologize to Rosa once she calms down." It was clear that anger wasn't the only emotion churning within their dear Rosa and while she knew it was probably best to give the girl some space she couldn't help but worry. As such she looked back to one of the few who had not involved themselves. "Yamato, Acus, perhaps one of you should go talk with her?" In situations such as these it never helped to have those involved go immediately chasing after the person. Emotions ran rampant and the last thing they needed was to see it flare back up.

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall


As all this transpired Acus hopped off the bench the grumpy Dorian stirring along with the good for nothing belt 'casting' some paper magic or something really dis-interested the music was oddly nice to his ears regardless, walking around to the other side of the table he had been using for the past week or so grasping the handle and wheeling out to the door "bah this place needs a tree for this christmas thing I've been hearing so much about, everyone likes a good brawl but all this control and rules just 'spoils' the fun and gets in the way" he grumbled moving around the spikes as they began to emerge from the floor reaching upwards. kicking his way past the snakes tail gruffly "you're just as much fault as the party in the first place all she wanted was a drink, lousy belts these days" not stopping to allow for an argument.

getting to the guild hall entrance and looking around out the into the town listening for the telltale sounds of metal ringing on anvil and making his way towards the noise. As he did before in the BP Pegasus Hall he merely start setting up like he was meant to be there and didn't draw attention to himself. Knowing his way around a forge and metal the basic frame took very little time to erect, and the prefabricated pipework he found made the fire delivery system cladding the while thing in plate metal and riveting it all in place together, a quick hunt around finding a good source of lamp oil to fill the 'tree' with. Fastening an assortment of hooks to hang what ever this baubles where from the tree as well, managing to pull a large covering tarp over the tree and began to wheel it back towards the guildhall once again.

@Zuka @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser @Colt556

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


Kazuo didnt like the whole situation he was standing in with Rosa. By the looks of it, everyone was starting to gang up on her which really pissed him off. She wasnt the only one in this whole mess, he was too! It didnt take long for Rosa to burst her way out and he watched with a golden eye. The lightning mage also did not waste time leaving the guild hall and leaving him still trapped within spikes and a bubble. Looking towards Xira, he spoke "Leave her be. I'll talk to her. I'm the one who prevoked her and i'm the one who should fix it and calm her down." he didnt want anyone else to go and try to talk to her. This was his mess and he planned to clean it up. "I would very much appreciate being released from this death trap. I refuse to use my transformation magic for something like this."


There was nothing he could do. One move could result in a jab where he didnt need one. He would much rather be punched by Rosa a few times than be stuck in a trap like this. It was like an Iron maiden except he wasnt in a human shaped death trap. He actually had a choice weather to live or die in this situation. Of course, he chose to live. I can catch up to Rosa far quicker.  Once i'm released i'm going to  grab a mug of Eggnog for her and try to track her down. I shouldnt have done something as stupid as this. he had regreted his actions greatly and hoped he didnt ruin what friendship he had with her.



Lavender looked over at Chris "Thanks. Also,I have no found any wounds on her, so I would assume she's okay...I did find her outside in the cold and noticed she was in nothing but this." she said as she looked at the girl again, she noticed her opening her eyes but then closed them again with a remark of not eating her. The blonde giggled softly "I do not eat other humans such as myself. Though I think Chris would eat you if he was in the proper form." she joked as she pulled a straw from her apron and put it into the mug. The blonde brought it to the girls lips "here, open up just a little and take a sip. It'll warm you up." she said, before glancing at Chris "Again, I thank you for being so quick." her lips were in a soft smile and her blue eyes held their own kindness to them. Though the flour on her face made her look a little silly and like a mother since her hair had been up in a ponytail and she was dressed in an apron and some long sleeved shirt. "Could you do me one more favor and get me a blanket for her?"


Kirin with her red eyes stared straight into Kazuo's. She transformed into a wave of music to fly straight next to him, staring him down with her tiny 4'7 foot size. She looked up to him and said, "Look buddy. I just didn't want my children, brothers and sisters to DIE because of her explosion. You all might take it for granted, but most people here are C ranks. All of us are big shots at B, A and S. An A rank wizard can destroy a town if they wanted to, and do you honestly believe that Rosaline with her temper wouldn't do the same to just a pretty big building? Look, why don't you work with me, Yamato, my kids, and maybe Acus to make it up to her? We can maybe toast with her or something while I play a drinking song or something. But she just blew her damn temper, and if you go after her now she would be an emotional backlash. Not all of us are extroverts, and I haven't personally met her, but she seems to be the small group of close friends introvert type by how quickly a group made her feel uncomfortable. So, do I bring up a decent point? Actually, hold that thought..." As Kirin was finally calming down, her rage spiked towards Xira and Dorian...

Kirin looked back at her group of munchkins, all of whom knew what she was waiting for. They all screamed in one mob except for the obvious Octavian, "SECRET SANTA!" They ran outside to pull out a rather big sack for all of her friends. Kirin shyly admit, "I was spending the last two months building and buying gifts with 'em to try and keep all of you guys happy. But one of you is getting your gift early..." She reached into the bag, stumbling around a bit as she pulled out a wrench covered in wrapping paper. She quickly put it back before an obvious oversized gun came up, which was quickly returned back to the sack. She then found exactly what she was looking for! An upside down 'u' in wrapping paper. She offered the gift to Dorian, saying with a displeased look on her face, "You're only getting this early so that you can sleep better. Merry Christmas." The gift inside would be, Lacrima Headphones! It had a lot of extra stuffing around the headphones to make sure it was soft and good for sleeping, or possibly even acting as a pillow itself. It looked more like a hat than headphones, but its design was clear enough.

With that out of the way, she starred straight at Xira. Kirin scraped into her own face, leaving dark blue flames of fake flame that passed over quickly to make sure the snake was looking at her. She dug straight into her with her words, "So miss perfect shoe shandy! What were you doing on the sidelines right next to her during this whole mess? Egging her on? I see no good will from you, only selfish need hidden behind layers of scales and parfoom. I did something, my words are not void because of my actions, they are instead amplified and backed up by them. Emotions are human, and mine are only proving that I care about my brothers and sisters. Be them older, be them younger, be them only a sister for a day, or a brother for a lifetime, it matters not. What does matter is how poorly you handled the situation and shifted blame like you did nothing when you were a catalyst for the situation. So tell me sister, how did you do anything meaniful in the past hour, or are you still talking out of your ass?"

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

She had thought things to be settling down, alas Kirin didn't seem to agree as she laid into Kazuo for the fight. She rolled her eyes at the mention of people dying to the skirmish. As angry as Rosa got the idea of her killing anyone was laughable at best.She would have taken it directly to Master herself if she thought a member of Blue Pegasus could not be trusted in such a way. The S-rank mage seemed to be going down the line as she switched her focus from Kazuo to Dorian. After a brief gift-giving it was finally her turn to deal with the irate sound mage. As the now-short girl ranted she simply narrowed her eyes as she glared down at Kirin. The girl may have been S-rank but she was still a child in her eyes and she was very much solidifying that position in her mind. She folded her arms under her chest as she silently listened, waiting patiently for the girl to finish her tirade.


"My quarrel with Rosa does not concern you, Kirin. Nor did this entire situation concern anyone but those involved. You act as if this is the first time Rosa has entered a fight and let her anger get the better of her. I have personally entertained the girl more times than I care to count and while I was not her target there was little difference between then and now. I am not Rosa's mother nor her caretaker, it is not my responsibility to care for the girl. My only responsibility is ensuring things do not get out of hand. Something I had already accomplished before you and Dorian decided to follow in Rosa's footsteps and let your anger get the better of you." She held her cold gaze on the little girl before her. Her voice was calm and collected but her own anger and dissatisfaction were clear in her tone as she spoke. "You may be an S-rank, Kirin, but you are still nothing more than a child. If you are to wield such power you need to better understand the situations that you find yourself in. Your intervention was unneeded here, as was Dorian's. You merely made matters worse by escalating the situation."


While she was already upset with the way the others had handled the situation she now felt anger consuming her as it had the others. Being talked down to was something she couldn't tolerate on the best of days. To be lectured by one of those responsible for the murky situation was just pouring salt in the wound. Not willing to deal with the girl further she simply turned and began to make her way towards the couch she had originally been resting on. As she went she cast one final glance over her shoulder. "You are an S-rank of Blue Pegasus, Kirin. It is high time you start acting it."

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser



Dorian sighed again, this was really becoming a habit wasn't it? He should watch that. Well, it wasn't like it was all his fault, so many troubling things were happening today. He watched as Rosa transformed into lightning and left the guild hall, obviously in a terrible mood. He supposed he should follow her shouldn't he? Ah... so troublesome. Even so, he turned to leave, ignoring Kazuo's request to be freed, only to be stopped by Kirin giving him a pair of pillowed headphones. Those could definitely come in useful. However, the fact that Kirin thus delayed him meant that he was still in the hall when Xira began to give her pretentious rant, causing his anger to flare back up briefly. "And this guild has little need for those who judge others without seeing their own flaws," he shot back bitingly at Xira before walking out of the hall and missing the rest of what was said. Though, if he had heard it would only have annoyed him further. If Xira had "handled" Rosa as well as she said then why was she the first to forcefully restrain her? Shouldn't she have talked her down if she was so sophisticated? Ah, whatever... no use thinking about it too much. He didn't like being angry after all, it was tiring. It was just that it didn't sit well with him when people bashed on Rosa so much, especially when they themselves acted exactly as what they preached against.

Once outside Dorian uncharacteristically hurried to catch up with Rosa, his usual tired look on his face as his anger had abated in the time it had taken him to come that far. Upon reaching her he looked over, a vaguely concerned look on his face, "You alright there Rosa? Why were you even fighting Kaz?" he asked, trying to figure out what exactly had set her off and caused her to run out of the hall with tears in her eyes. At this point he felt slightly bad about the way he had acted but, like before, he didn't dwell on it.


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Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Kazuo only sighed and pretty much ignored everyone who had spoken to him at this rate. Aside from Yama who offered cookies, still not able to grab them due to these spikes. Dorian didnt even release him and just headed out, leaving the poor man alone in the death trap. So Kazuo wasted no time in using his shadow walk and disappeared from within the spikes that surrounded his body. As soon as he got out of his walk, he grabbed the cookies and made a run for it to find Rosa. Screw the eggnog for now and just give her a cookie. Though when he had gotten outside, he spotted Dorian walking with Rosa and trying to talk to her "Dorian, did I not say I would talk to her?" he asked kindly as he jogged over and walked on the opposite side of Rosa "And you do realise those spikes wouldnt have held me long." he let out a soft chuckle and then glanced at Rosa, losing his smile and feeling instantly guilty for what he had done to her.


"Here, Rosa." he just handed her the small thing of Two Gingerbread men towards her "I greastly apologize for what I did." he then looked at Dorian to explain what happened while he was sleeping. Kazuo didnt even need to overhear to tell him what happened when he asked for it. "I began cross lines that shouldnt have been crossed with her... So she charged at me, tried to throw a punch... I then finished it with a kiss... Though not everyone was not happy about it." he admitted "I wanted to apologise to her but you didnt allow me to escape unless it was out of my own magic power." not that he minded, he knew Dorian wouldnt kill him "So here I am..." he said before glancing at the blonde  who hadnt said anything this entire time.



Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall

When Eric came to Tokine calmly patted the clearly disoriented Eric on the head before standing up.

"I apologize if I hurt you, but it was an effective way to rouse you. I recommend you find a better place to sleep."She said in a flat, but good natured tone. She then turned to Sakura and smiled a little while speaking.

"Hello Sakura, Eric was unconscious so I was just assisting him. What have you been up to?" She asked.

@Mitchs98  @Jackaboi


Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Laura sighed as she was readjusting her self to the chaos around her. There obviously was nothing that she could do to completely end the chaos. As much as she scared everyone she couldn't prevent them from acting like morons. Valken was going to be Valken and all of the other hooligans were going to be hooligans. However, that didn't mean she was gong to stand idle. She was still going to try her hardest to turn those hooligans into acceptable citizens some day. Even if Maya didn't agree with her she was going to try. She rubbed her tired eyes and looked over to Ferra and Nickolas. She didn't know the boy but soon enough she felt like she was going to get acquainted with him just like everyone else.


Laura walked up to the some boy playing music. "Boy, would you mind going shopping with me? I think I am going to be a round longer this time and Christmas is tomorrow so I need to do some Christmas shopping and I need to look for an apartment." She was really hoping that he would say yes. It would be nice to have some people with her for once. "Also I might need help getting some of my things. I left few boxes in storage several years ago." She had left three boxes in storage and they were all of her processions. She went to the storage every once in a while to store money to get more clothes while she stored others.


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Ferra giggled lightly when Nikolas reddened further, still laughing silently to herself when he turned back and was still blushing. Of course she followed him out of the guild hall and down the street to his apartment. In all honesty she was a little nervous. What if it was what she thought it was? Of course...she'd likely accept and all, but, still. She briefly wondered if it'd go the same way as Talon; the guy dissappearing to who the hell knows where immediately after they started dating, but she knew that was fairly impossible since they were in the same guild. Nevertheless she smiled to herself the entire time they walked, smiling to Nikolas when he looked back.

"Ooh, nice apartment." She said. "From the outside anyways." She added before shrugging. "I really should get my own place I guess, just used to living at the hall.." She said, mostly thinking out-loud.

 Nikolas Saedor - Apartment, Margaret Town

"Yeah, my pad's a pretty cool place, hehe...." Nikolas said in response, scratching the back of his head, a habit he had inherited from his dad. He then cleared his throat, opening the door all the way and walking in, turning on all the lights as he did so. 

  The apartment itself had been originally quite shabby, with peeling floorboards and a lot of safety hazards. Nikolas and Phineas had spent the month before they joined Lamia Scale turning it into heaven for a pair of Neko twins. For Phineas, there were avant-garde paintings hung in every room, and the floorboards had been replaced with tile floors, and in each room they created a mosaic you could walk on. Phineas was.....the artistic type, and he had insisted on making it all himself. However, in every room, the shapes were actually just different types of fish for the boys to drool about. For Nikolas, there was an entire room dedicated to his magazines (if you know what I mean). They were....literally everywhere in the room, sometimes in places where Nikolas had to practice his strength, cleverness, and agility just to get to them. Which was Phineas's evil intention. Sigh. Nikolas remembered the time he had to scramble up to the height of the ceiling just to get a copy of one of the old Wizard Weekly magazines with Mirajane from Fairy Tail in it. Nik was kind of a fan. 

 Of course, he had retaliated by hiding all of Phineas's piano scores in what the boys called "The Tunnel". Which was just one ginormous wooden crate painted various colors that kind of sat in the middle of the living room, now decorated with pine branches and mistletoe at the entrance to the tunnel. Ironically, it had become the subject of many dirty jokes between the two brothers. And because of the festive mistletoe they had both avoided The Tunnel, due to the fact that they didn't want anything awkward to occur. 

  Of course, right now, because of all the craziness Nik and Phin had added to their apartment, it looked like absolute chaos. And it was probably weird to be standing on a mosaic salmon. 

  "So....whaddaya think? Pretty neat, huh?" Nikolas asked with a ginormous grin. 
  Reveal hidden contents

Dorian sighed again, this was really becoming a habit wasn't it? He should watch that. Well, it wasn't like it was all his fault, so many troubling things were happening today. He watched as Rosa transformed into lightning and left the guild hall, obviously in a terrible mood. He supposed he should follow her shouldn't he? Ah... so troublesome. Even so, he turned to leave, ignoring Kazuo's request to be freed, only to be stopped by Kirin giving him a pair of pillowed headphones. Those could definitely come in useful. However, the fact that Kirin thus delayed him meant that he was still in the hall when Xira began to give her pretentious rant, causing his anger to flare back up briefly. "And this guild has little need for those who judge others without seeing their own flaws," he shot back bitingly at Xira before walking out of the hall and missing the rest of what was said. Though, if he had heard it would only have annoyed him further. If Xira had "handled" Rosa as well as she said then why was she the first to forcefully restrain her? Shouldn't she have talked her down if she was so sophisticated? Ah, whatever... no use thinking about it too much. He didn't like being angry after all, it was tiring. It was just that it didn't sit well with him when people bashed on Rosa so much, especially when they themselves acted exactly as what they preached against.

Once outside Dorian uncharacteristically hurried to catch up with Rosa, his usual tired look on his face as his anger had abated in the time it had taken him to come that far. Upon reaching her he looked over, a vaguely concerned look on his face, "You alright there Rosa? Why were you even fighting Kaz?" he asked, trying to figure out what exactly had set her off and caused her to run out of the hall with tears in her eyes. At this point he felt slightly bad about the way he had acted but, like before, he didn't dwell on it.

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Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


Kazuo only sighed and pretty much ignored everyone who had spoken to him at this rate. Aside from Yama who offered cookies, still not able to grab them due to these spikes. Dorian didnt even release him and just headed out, leaving the poor man alone in the death trap. So Kazuo wasted no time in using his shadow walk and disappeared from within the spikes that surrounded his body. As soon as he got out of his walk, he grabbed the cookies and made a run for it to find Rosa. Screw the eggnog for now and just give her a cookie. Though when he had gotten outside, he spotted Dorian walking with Rosa and trying to talk to her "Dorian, did I not say I would talk to her?" he asked kindly as he jogged over and walked on the opposite side of Rosa "And you do realise those spikes wouldnt have held me long." he let out a soft chuckle and then glanced at Rosa, losing his smile and feeling instantly guilty for what he had done to her.


"Here, Rosa." he just handed her the small thing of Two Gingerbread men towards her "I greastly apologize for what I did." he then looked at Dorian to explain what happened while he was sleeping. Kazuo didnt even need to overhear to tell him what happened when he asked for it. "I began cross lines that shouldnt have been crossed with her... So she charged at me, tried to throw a punch... I then finished it with a kiss... Though not everyone was not happy about it." he admitted "I wanted to apologise to her but you didnt allow me to escape unless it was out of my own magic power." not that he minded, he knew Dorian wouldnt kill him "So here I am..." he said before glancing at the blonde  who hadnt said anything this entire time.



Balsam Village Street


Rosaline was angry... or was she? She couldn't tell anymore. She had her teeth gritted and her pace was fast and heavy, her shoulders tensed and her whole posture just screamed for citizens to run away from her. Which they whole-hardheartedly did, taking one look at the death aura girl and hurrying away or leaping over stalls or going into houses or shops. More then one occasion she had blown up property on a rampage, never citizens (at least not on purpose) so the townsfolk tended to steer clear of her. Especially with her volatile personality. 


It wasn't just townsfolk though, Rosa had a way of making everyone tense it seemed even within Blue Pegasus. Why couldn't she be more calm like her younger Brother?  He wouldn't have flown off the handle like that... she still found her eyes burning like they were dirty and with a huff she reached up and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. It was only as she pulled her hand back did she stare at her knuckles and realized they were wet. Her pace came to a halt as she peered down. Was she cr-?


Her head lifted as she heard a voice and she half turned to see Dorian beside her, at first surprised but a moment later she felt her chest tighten so she turned away from him and angrily rubbed her wet eyes. "I'm fine why wouldn't I be!" She said loudly, at least she thought it did but it sounded weaker then she expected. "You...you fell asleep beside me. Your head fell onto my lap...I...I didn't know what to do so I just let you sleep." Crossing her arms. "Everyone was having a right old giggle, especially Kazuo and that vile Snake Woman. So I snapped." 


It was at that point Kazuo jogged up on her other side and as he looked to her with a guilty expression she could only glare him back with an expression of pure hate. She was starting to tense up again as her hands balled up. "....You... apologize?..." She said in an equally dark tone, leaving his hand stretched out with cookies still clasped. She refused to take them. As he spoke more and more her rage only escalated but it was more then that. For the first time her heart hurt as well, and she suddenly threw her hand out to slap his hand away sending the cookies flying. 


"YOU APOLOGIZE?!! Saying sorry won't bring that moment back you know! That kiss was never meant to be yours to take! And not for something as trivial as a fight! Where do you get off using a kiss as a distraction in battle?" Despite how angry she was she couldn't stop the tears that flowed from her eyes. 


"Everyone talks about how great love is, and how wonderful a kiss is, but frankly if that is all it is then I want nothing to do it!" It probably only became apparent now Rosaline had never been romantically involved with anyone, which wasn't really all that surprisingly. She never had the experience nor the time around training with her mind only ever capable of two emotions. Anger and excitement. This sadness and confusion were completely new and it showed on her face.




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Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Laura sighed as she was readjusting her self to the chaos around her. There obviously was nothing that she could do to completely end the chaos. As much as she scared everyone she couldn't prevent them from acting like morons. Valken was going to be Valken and all of the other hooligans were going to be hooligans. However, that didn't mean she was gong to stand idle. She was still going to try her hardest to turn those hooligans into acceptable citizens some day. Even if Maya didn't agree with her she was going to try. She rubbed her tired eyes and looked over to Ferra and Nickolas. She didn't know the boy but soon enough she felt like she was going to get acquainted with him just like everyone else.


Laura walked up to the some boy playing music. "Boy, would you mind going shopping with me? I think I am going to be a round longer this time and Christmas is tomorrow so I need to do some Christmas shopping and I need to look for an apartment." She was really hoping that he would say yes. It would be nice to have some people with her for once. "Also I might need help getting some of my things. I left few boxes in storage several years ago." She had left three boxes in storage and they were all of her processions. She went to the storage every once in a while to store money to get more clothes while she stored others.


Shiro Ai: Lamia Scale Hall


Shiro had heard Phineas say something about thinking his brother was in love and she just couldn't help it when she started laughing, his blunt nature refreshing and funny to her, it was just loud enough to draw a few eyes to her before she stopped her giggles and watched Phin's hands move across the keyboard as he played her favorite Christmas song, though as she sat there singing beside Phineas she noticed how Laura had tried to talk to Nikolas before he and Ferra had fled though she had gone mostly ignored, whatever decided to possess her; quite possibly the Christmas Spirit that she couldn't shake now, she was about to call out to the normally scary woman but she came over and asked for Phineas' help, "Oh I'm fine with helping out as well, I'm sure I can be of use." Of course as soon as the words were out of her mouth she regretted them, whoops she had volunteered herself first of all...not asking Phin's thoughts to offer him an escape and second it was too late to back out of the offered help. What the hell was wrong with her? She blamed Phineas firmly for her mood and the weird desire she had to feel friendly, why was he so easy for her to talk to anyway? She bit her lip, just a little bit as she gulped, at least she would (hopefully) have Phineas there with her so she wouldn't be alone with Laura. Only a small trickling fear went down her spine but best to suck it up and just push the thoughts of escape from her mind. "You'll help right Phin?" Shiro asked quietly pretty much completely sealing off any chance for him to escape this fate either. @Fem the Huffling Riceball

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

Kirin seemed to have one last retort in her as she struck some flamboyant pose and spoke as if she was something worth looking at. She simply gave a small chuckle at the very idea. Perhaps if the girl stayed in her cute form that might hold true but with how much time she spent looking like... that... the very prospect of beauty being her ally was laughable at best. Nevertheless she didn't respond beyond her small chuckle, she knew better than to squabble with children.. at least most of the time. Reaching the couch she slid back up onto it's soft surface and coiled her tail up beneath her as she picked up the book she had abandoned earlier. She leaned against the armrest of the couch as she held the book up with one hand and pulled out her pipe with the other. While Kirin had gotten under her scales with her disrespect she ultimately viewed the entire situation as nothing more than children showcasing their inability to properly handle the situation, hardly something to get worked up over. She glanced up from her book as Kazuo finally made his departure with a pair of cookies in hand causing yet another sigh to slip past her lips as her gaze shifted to Yamato. "There is a reason I suggested the boy apologize later. I would not be surprised to hear a rather loud rumble of thunder shortly. Oh well." While she was worried for the boy's well-being she wasn't worried for his life and ultimately it was his choice to chase after Rosa. Perhaps he may even get lucky and work through the emotion to an amicable end but for now she would simply enjoy her book and her pipe until Yamato's food was finally finished.

@Jackaboi @hudhouse
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 Nikolas Saedor - Apartment, Margaret Town

"Yeah, my pad's a pretty cool place, hehe...." Nikolas said in response, scratching the back of his head, a habit he had inherited from his dad. He then cleared his throat, opening the door all the way and walking in, turning on all the lights as he did so. 

  The apartment itself had been originally quite shabby, with peeling floorboards and a lot of safety hazards. Nikolas and Phineas had spent the month before they joined Lamia Scale turning it into heaven for a pair of Neko twins. For Phineas, there were avant-garde paintings hung in every room, and the floorboards had been replaced with tile floors, and in each room they created a mosaic you could walk on. Phineas was.....the artistic type, and he had insisted on making it all himself. However, in every room, the shapes were actually just different types of fish for the boys to drool about. For Nikolas, there was an entire room dedicated to his magazines (if you know what I mean). They were....literally everywhere in the room, sometimes in places where Nikolas had to practice his strength, cleverness, and agility just to get to them. Which was Phineas's evil intention. Sigh. Nikolas remembered the time he had to scramble up to the height of the ceiling just to get a copy of one of the old Wizard Weekly magazines with Mirajane from Fairy Tail in it. Nik was kind of a fan. 

 Of course, he had retaliated by hiding all of Phineas's piano scores in what the boys called "The Tunnel". Which was just one ginormous wooden crate painted various colors that kind of sat in the middle of the living room, now decorated with pine branches and mistletoe at the entrance to the tunnel. Ironically, it had become the subject of many dirty jokes between the two brothers. And because of the festive mistletoe they had both avoided The Tunnel, due to the fact that they didn't want anything awkward to occur. 

  Of course, right now, because of all the craziness Nik and Phin had added to their apartment, it looked like absolute chaos. And it was probably weird to be standing on a mosaic salmon. 

  "So....whaddaya think? Pretty neat, huh?" Nikolas asked with a ginormous grin. 

Ferra: Nikolas' Apartment

Ferra blinked as they entered the rather...unique...apartment. She looked around curiously with a small amused smile on her face. At his question she giggled lightly and nodded, "Yeah this place is pretty cool actually." She replied. "I have one question...well... two actually." She said. "One; What's up with the fish mosiac things?" She asked. "And what were you gunna ask?" She added a few moments after to give Nikolas a few moments to answer the first question. She wasn't sure what she was more interested in. The fish or the original question.

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