Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

Savoring another bite of her cake she looked over her shoulder at Lavender, not even bothering to swallow as she spoke. "You should totally look into it. I bet people would pay for this." As she munched happily upon her cake the door to the kitchen suddenly flew open as the blonde bundle of energy came storming in. She took another bite of the cake as she stared down at the shorter girl as she literally bounced around in front of her. Kelica's stated desire for cake caused her to take another bite of her own, sharing not really being an option in her mind. Fortunately the hellstorm ducked past her and went over to Lavender to obtain her own cake. She gave a small chuckle at the sight of Lavy dealing with Kelica. Putting up with that level of hassle was best left to the professionals and as such she simply remained silent as she whittled away her treat.

Soon enough the Kitchen was met with yet another guest as Adrien made his way in, asking about some kinda tree. She brought her fork up to her lips, tapping it lightly upon them as she thought it over. Now that he mentioned it there wasn't a Christmas Tree as far as she'd seen. Seems a little late to wait until Christmas Eve to set up a tree, didn't it? Either way it didn't really much matter and so she gave a simple shrug of her shoulders and took another bite. Not like Christmas meant much to her anyways, what little spare cash she had was long gone on presents for her family back home. The little shits better be thankful the next time she sees them. Spending all her money on her siblings meant rent money was even tighter, one of many reasons why she didn't much care for the holiday. The mere thought of her finances forced a sigh from her mouth as she became crestfallen. There weren't that many jobs around this time and that old blueberry wasn't gonna accept that excuse.

She was pulled out of her musings as Kelica's boundless energy seemed replaced by a loud yawn. She downed the last bite of her cake and set the plate and fork back down upon the counter where it had originally rested. Looking over at the trio it seemed Kelica's actions were finally catching up to her as yawn after yawn left her lips and the tiredness was evident in her voice. Even so it seemed she wasn't about to go down without a fight as she pulled Adrien out of the kitchen and into the main hall. She flashed Lavy a sympathetic look before following them out into the hall. While she sure as hell wasn't gonna mess with it she could still pity those that did.

The moment she stepped out into the main hall her ears were assaulted by a shouting Kelica as she mentioned something about a present. She watched silently as the blonde haired girl summoned forth a colossal Christmas Tree directly in the middle of the room before promptly passing out from the exertion. Both Ryu and Chris were there to deal with the girl as expected. Truly that girl needed a lot of caretakers. As if to celebrate the newly conjured tree Lavy emerged from the kitchen with a cart full of mugs and sweet smelling aromas. At the woman's mention of being right back she offered her a simple nod. Like the busy housewife she seemed to be Lavy was soon coming back to fetch trays of cookies. As the woman passed her she deftly swiped one such cookie from one of the plates and began nibbling on it while watching Lavender place the treats for all to get.

With her business in the kitchen ultimately concluded and the immediate spectacles coming to an end she made her way back to her original spot on the bar. As she took her seat she noticed a lot of commotion going on and spun around to see what it was. It seemed Lavender and Chris were dealing with some girl by the fireplace. Thinking nothing of it she spun back around and downed the remainder of her cookie before nabbing another one. "Not something I wanna mess with..." She spoke softly to herself as she took a bite out of her new cookie. At the rate she was going there likely wouldn't be many cookies left before long.

@Zuka @Britt-21 @LeSoraAmari @Genon

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Laura sighed as she was readjusting her self to the chaos around her. There obviously was nothing that she could do to completely end the chaos. As much as she scared everyone she couldn't prevent them from acting like morons. Valken was going to be Valken and all of the other hooligans were going to be hooligans. However, that didn't mean she was gong to stand idle. She was still going to try her hardest to turn those hooligans into acceptable citizens some day. Even if Maya didn't agree with her she was going to try. She rubbed her tired eyes and looked over to Ferra and Nickolas. She didn't know the boy but soon enough she felt like she was going to get acquainted with him just like everyone else.


Laura walked up to the some boy playing music. "Boy, would you mind going shopping with me? I think I am going to be a round longer this time and Christmas is tomorrow so I need to do some Christmas shopping and I need to look for an apartment." She was really hoping that he would say yes. It would be nice to have some people with her for once. "Also I might need help getting some of my things. I left few boxes in storage several years ago." She had left three boxes in storage and they were all of her processions. She went to the storage every once in a while to store money to get more clothes while she stored others.


Shiro Ai: Lamia Scale Hall


Shiro had heard Phineas say something about thinking his brother was in love and she just couldn't help it when she started laughing, his blunt nature refreshing and funny to her, it was just loud enough to draw a few eyes to her before she stopped her giggles and watched Phin's hands move across the keyboard as he played her favorite Christmas song, though as she sat there singing beside Phineas she noticed how Laura had tried to talk to Nikolas before he and Ferra had fled though she had gone mostly ignored, whatever decided to possess her; quite possibly the Christmas Spirit that she couldn't shake now, she was about to call out to the normally scary woman but she came over and asked for Phineas' help, "Oh I'm fine with helping out as well, I'm sure I can be of use." Of course as soon as the words were out of her mouth she regretted them, whoops she had volunteered herself first of all...not asking Phin's thoughts to offer him an escape and second it was too late to back out of the offered help. What the hell was wrong with her? She blamed Phineas firmly for her mood and the weird desire she had to feel friendly, why was he so easy for her to talk to anyway? She bit her lip, just a little bit as she gulped, at least she would (hopefully) have Phineas there with her so she wouldn't be alone with Laura. Only a small trickling fear went down her spine but best to suck it up and just push the thoughts of escape from her mind. "You'll help right Phin?" Shiro asked quietly pretty much completely sealing off any chance for him to escape this fate either. @Fem the Huffling Riceball

Phineas Saedor - Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Phineas looked up at Laura when she mentioned shopping. The woman looked pretty intimidating....like if he declined she would murder him. Or something like that. But his fate was sealed when Shiro asked him if he would help as well. One person wanting him to do something + One person wanting him to do something = him doing something. Besides, Shiro was one of the few people that actually got his sense of humor. Even Nikolas thought he wasn't very funny. 

  ".....Sure. I'll help," was Phineas's calm reply, and he ended the song on a final note before putting the keyboard away. "I still need to get Nik's present, anyways. It's always hard shopping for him. Hm. I wonder if he noticed the prank I have set up for him yet."

Ferra: Nikolas' Apartment

Ferra blinked as they entered the rather...unique...apartment. She looked around curiously with a small amused smile on her face. At his question she giggled lightly and nodded, "Yeah this place is pretty cool actually." She replied. "I have one question...well... two actually." She said. "One; What's up with the fish mosiac things?" She asked. "And what were you gunna ask?" She added a few moments after to give Nikolas a few moments to answer the first question. She wasn't sure what she was more interested in. The fish or the original question.

  "Oh, the fish?" Nikolas looked at the floor momentarily, which soon turned into a longing gaze. Catch the fish, eat the fish. Catch the fish, eat the fish. Catch the—

  Wait, what? Nikolas shook his head, wiping a drop of drool from his mouth, feeling quite embarrassed. "Right. Fish!" he announced suddenly, looking away from the floor. "Phin made the mosaics, actually, to spruce the place up a bit. And we both love fish. They're just...just DELICIOUS!" He then took a deep breath, preparing for the next part. Inside his head, a bunch of chibi-Phins in cheerleader outfits (which was kinda disturbing) were cheering him on. Nik's face once again turned red; he moved closer to Ferra, holding her hand. "Well....the thing is, Ferra....I really like you! A lot! As in, ever since I met you, I just....I HAVE A BIG CRUSH ON YOU!"
Phineas Saedor - Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Phineas looked up at Laura when she mentioned shopping. The woman looked pretty intimidating....like if he declined she would murder him. Or something like that. But his fate was sealed when Shiro asked him if he would help as well. One person wanting him to do something + One person wanting him to do something = him doing something. Besides, Shiro was one of the few people that actually got his sense of humor. Even Nikolas thought he wasn't very funny. 

  ".....Sure. I'll help," was Phineas's calm reply, and he ended the song on a final note before putting the keyboard away. "I still need to get Nik's present, anyways. It's always hard shopping for him. Hm. I wonder if he noticed the prank I have set up for him yet."

  "Oh, the fish?" Nikolas looked at the floor momentarily, which soon turned into a longing gaze. Catch the fish, eat the fish. Catch the fish, eat the fish. Catch the—

  Wait, what? Nikolas shook his head, wiping a drop of drool from his mouth, feeling quite embarrassed. "Right. Fish!" he announced suddenly, looking away from the floor. "Phin made the mosaics, actually, to spruce the place up a bit. And we both love fish. They're just...just DELICIOUS!" He then took a deep breath, preparing for the next part. Inside his head, a bunch of chibi-Phins in cheerleader outfits (which was kinda disturbing) were cheering him on. Nik's face once again turned red; he moved closer to Ferra, holding her hand. "Well....the thing is, Ferra....I really like you! A lot! As in, ever since I met you, I just....I HAVE A BIG CRUSH ON YOU!"

Shiro Ai: Lamia Scale Hall


Shiro had heard Phineas say something about thinking his brother was in love and she just couldn't help it when she started laughing, his blunt nature refreshing and funny to her, it was just loud enough to draw a few eyes to her before she stopped her giggles and watched Phin's hands move across the keyboard as he played her favorite Christmas song, though as she sat there singing beside Phineas she noticed how Laura had tried to talk to Nikolas before he and Ferra had fled though she had gone mostly ignored, whatever decided to possess her; quite possibly the Christmas Spirit that she couldn't shake now, she was about to call out to the normally scary woman but she came over and asked for Phineas' help, "Oh I'm fine with helping out as well, I'm sure I can be of use." Of course as soon as the words were out of her mouth she regretted them, whoops she had volunteered herself first of all...not asking Phin's thoughts to offer him an escape and second it was too late to back out of the offered help. What the hell was wrong with her? She blamed Phineas firmly for her mood and the weird desire she had to feel friendly, why was he so easy for her to talk to anyway? She bit her lip, just a little bit as she gulped, at least she would (hopefully) have Phineas there with her so she wouldn't be alone with Laura. Only a small trickling fear went down her spine but best to suck it up and just push the thoughts of escape from her mind. "You'll help right Phin?" Shiro asked quietly pretty much completely sealing off any chance for him to escape this fate either. @Fem the Huffling Riceball


Leaving Lamia Scale Guild Hall - Storage



Laura was smiling deep, deep, deep down inside somewhere and she might have even let it slip out slightly. She grabbed each of their wrist as she began to drag them out of the guild hall. To someone watching it might look like she was kidnapping them. She was just happy that they had agreed to help her. "So I think we will start by going through my boxes because that is where most of my money is." After a few seconds she stopped for, feeling like dragging them was taking to long. "The storage facility is a few blocks away.' She lifted her finger and point in the direction of the building. 'I want to get there as fast as I can so that I get as much shopping done as I can and start settling into an apartment, if you don't feel like you can keep up I can carry both of you."




Lavender looked at Chris when he had left to get the blanket and return with it.  She spoke up in response to his joke "Oh please, mr Chris. I dont believe i'm the one to tame you." she said with a smile "But you would be surprised that I can tame just about anyone if I had really tried but im not that type of woman." she looked back at the girl and watched as she started to wake up and mention that she had been lost, and beasts...ran? Or she ran from beasts. "Either way, you are safe now in the hands of Fairy Tail. You may rest and sleep by the fire. Then once you're fully rested I shall make you something to eat. Perhaps bring some cookies out for you."


Her blue eyes moved from the girl and to Chris "You may go have your drink if you have not, yet." he deserved it "I'm quite glad I didnt put more cookies into the oven since we have her to worry about." she nodded down to the girl who had been resting against her "Please do let me know if we need more cookies or hot cocoa so I may make more, mr Chris." she placed the hot cocoa mug on the table.


Chris Lengheart(Wait, I've got just the thing!)

Chris couldn't help but continue to stare at the girl, she looked so weak...she had obviously been out there a while. He simply rolled his eyes as Lavender said that she wouldn't be the one to tame him, but she could basically get whatever man she wanted if she really tried. "I bet." Chris joked as his gaze lifted up to meet Lavender's. 

That was when the girl suddenly brought up the fact that she was lost...and ran from beasts? This seemingly piqued Chris' interest as instead of getting up and enjoying some cookies like Lavender had asked, Chris grabbed his monster compendium and walked back over to the two. He presented the book to the girl and asked,"Do you think you can point out what kind of beast it was? Flip through this and see if you can find it." He had just gotten that book, but luckily for Chris it was already starting to come in handy. He'd definitely start carrying it around more. 

Antares nodded meekly at Lavenders words. She felt really tired, perhaps a nap was for the best. "Thank...you...that's a...wonderful idea..." She muttered out. She then turned her attention to the other person, the beast man, and looked at the book he was holding. "There, stop, that one..." She managed out after a few minutes of slowly sifting through the book's pages with one handed gentleness. The book was opened to a page containing a Manticore before she nodded off into light sleep.



Lavender hadnt said anything and allowed them to speak between eachother ( @Happy Red Mage @Isune ) especially when Chris brought a book which seemed to have different beasts and monsters. When the girl flipped the mages and pointed to a monster, she blinked and looked at Chris "What in the world kind of enemy is that?" she asked "I've never seen anything like this before." what was it even called? It looked like a lion with dragon wings mixed with a porcupine from what the picture had shown.  It did worry the warrior some but she wasnt afraid, it was more than likely that she's seen worse than this beast. I would not be surprised if something such as this actually exsisted in this world... There are so many creatures that roam this earth that no one has even encountered yet!


(Sorry for it being short >.<)
Phineas Saedor - Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Phineas looked up at Laura when she mentioned shopping. The woman looked pretty intimidating....like if he declined she would murder him. Or something like that. But his fate was sealed when Shiro asked him if he would help as well. One person wanting him to do something + One person wanting him to do something = him doing something. Besides, Shiro was one of the few people that actually got his sense of humor. Even Nikolas thought he wasn't very funny. 

  ".....Sure. I'll help," was Phineas's calm reply, and he ended the song on a final note before putting the keyboard away. "I still need to get Nik's present, anyways. It's always hard shopping for him. Hm. I wonder if he noticed the prank I have set up for him yet."

  "Oh, the fish?" Nikolas looked at the floor momentarily, which soon turned into a longing gaze. Catch the fish, eat the fish. Catch the fish, eat the fish. Catch the—

  Wait, what? Nikolas shook his head, wiping a drop of drool from his mouth, feeling quite embarrassed. "Right. Fish!" he announced suddenly, looking away from the floor. "Phin made the mosaics, actually, to spruce the place up a bit. And we both love fish. They're just...just DELICIOUS!" He then took a deep breath, preparing for the next part. Inside his head, a bunch of chibi-Phins in cheerleader outfits (which was kinda disturbing) were cheering him on. Nik's face once again turned red; he moved closer to Ferra, holding her hand. "Well....the thing is, Ferra....I really like you! A lot! As in, ever since I met you, I just....I HAVE A BIG CRUSH ON YOU!"


Ferra giggled lightly at his response to the mosaics and when she noticed him drooling. She guessed it made sense, she had portraits of her favorite foods in her own room so why not have fish designs if you liked fish? Though...she wouldn't go so far as to have every room designed like it. But oh well, she guessed he just really liked fish. "That's actually pretty cool. They look nice too." She said. "I like fish myself." She added before shrugging. When he suddenly grabbed her hand she arched a brow slightly, blushing lightly at his response. She figured that was it or it was something important he needed help with like a surprise for his brother or something. She wasn't entirely sure what to say though, but she did have feelings for him too. "Well...um...I guess I kind of have a crush on you too?" She replied, flashing him a sheepish grin. "Thought...I have to say it was a little obvious by how you were acting." She pointed out, her grin widening slightly. "So...what now?" She asked curiously. She guessed she'd have to get him a pretty good present now too...but she wasn't entirely sure what.

Leaving Lamia Scale Guild Hall - Storage



Laura was smiling deep, deep, deep down inside somewhere and she might have even let it slip out slightly. She grabbed each of their wrist as she began to drag them out of the guild hall. To someone watching it might look like she was kidnapping them. She was just happy that they had agreed to help her. "So I think we will start by going through my boxes because that is where most of my money is." After a few seconds she stopped for, feeling like dragging them was taking to long. "The storage facility is a few blocks away.' She lifted her finger and point in the direction of the building. 'I want to get there as fast as I can so that I get as much shopping done as I can and start settling into an apartment, if you don't feel like you can keep up I can carry both of you."

Shiro Ai: Being dragged along


Shiro was quickly pulled out of the hall by what she would consider an; if she didn't know better; cheerful Laura, listening as the woman spoke of where they would go first even as she suddenly stopped dragging the two and said something about not being able to keep up. As the white haired mage didn't know how fast Laura was she had a sneaking suspicion she might not be able to move quite as fast as a neko boy and this other woman. Quick was not her forte, stamina and endurance was, along with a surprising strength so embarrassed or not a soft blush colored her pale face before she sighed, "As I don't think I've ever seen you move and I'm not very quick to begin with...I might need a lift..." She was a bit mortified but really, she could move quick enough when someone was in danger but only that far. She tilted her head down to hide the blush mumbling unintelligibly under her breath while keeping an ear turned for Phin's response, though honestly she didn't have any friends and had never had them so she was just tagging along to help Laura out anyway.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball
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Chris Lengheart(Oh a monster hunting we shall go.)

Chris watched as the girl flipped through his book and stopped on a manticore. Why did it have to be a manticore? 

As Lavender asked Chris what kind of creature it was, Chris simply replied, "One that can sting you with a paralyzing venom and devour you in a matter of seconds." He then turned his attention to the sleeping girl. He carefully picked her up and placed her onto a booth seat so she wouldn't be sleeping on the ground. Once that was taken care of, Chris walked back over to Lavender and with a small grin, asked,"How's about you and me go hunting for the manticore. I haven't really had the chance to work with you since Grimoire Heart, so this might be a good chance to learn about a different guild member."

@Britt-21 @Happy Red Mage ((I'm posting from mobile, so sorry for short posties)) 



Upon hearing what the Manticore was, it really made the warrior worry simply because it could sting someone and paralyze them along with devour them within seconds. She put her hand on her hip as he offered to go hunting for it. "Well for one, I rather not hunt for this beast because it's a holiday." she said before adding "And two: I have much to take care of. Plus this holiday is meant for us to stay with friends and family and relax rather than going out on missions to hunt something such as this beast." she pursed her lips slightly before turning her back to him "WHy dont you help me in the kitchen? We can speak about this beast after christmas and where we may hunt it." it would be nice to work with one of her guildmates she hadnt learned much about.  Plus Lavender liked to learn more about those she hadnt interacted with much.


Moving from where she was standing, she began to walk towards the kitchen and then walked inside, getting hit with the smell of christmas that was left behind from the cookies she baked a while ago as well as hot cocoa "It smells so nice in here..." she said softly to herself


  Reveal hidden contents

Balsam Village Street


Rosaline was angry... or was she? She couldn't tell anymore. She had her teeth gritted and her pace was fast and heavy, her shoulders tensed and her whole posture just screamed for citizens to run away from her. Which they whole-hardheartedly did, taking one look at the death aura girl and hurrying away or leaping over stalls or going into houses or shops. More then one occasion she had blown up property on a rampage, never citizens (at least not on purpose) so the townsfolk tended to steer clear of her. Especially with her volatile personality. 


It wasn't just townsfolk though, Rosa had a way of making everyone tense it seemed even within Blue Pegasus. Why couldn't she be more calm like her younger Brother?  He wouldn't have flown off the handle like that... she still found her eyes burning like they were dirty and with a huff she reached up and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. It was only as she pulled her hand back did she stare at her knuckles and realized they were wet. Her pace came to a halt as she peered down. Was she cr-?


Her head lifted as she heard a voice and she half turned to see Dorian beside her, at first surprised but a moment later she felt her chest tighten so she turned away from him and angrily rubbed her wet eyes. "I'm fine why wouldn't I be!" She said loudly, at least she thought it did but it sounded weaker then she expected. "You...you fell asleep beside me. Your head fell onto my lap...I...I didn't know what to do so I just let you sleep." Crossing her arms. "Everyone was having a right old giggle, especially Kazuo and that vile Snake Woman. So I snapped." 


It was at that point Kazuo jogged up on her other side and as he looked to her with a guilty expression she could only glare him back with an expression of pure hate. She was starting to tense up again as her hands balled up. "....You... apologize?..." She said in an equally dark tone, leaving his hand stretched out with cookies still clasped. She refused to take them. As he spoke more and more her rage only escalated but it was more then that. For the first time her heart hurt as well, and she suddenly threw her hand out to slap his hand away sending the cookies flying. 


"YOU APOLOGIZE?!! Saying sorry won't bring that moment back you know! That kiss was never meant to be yours to take! And not for something as trivial as a fight! Where do you get off using a kiss as a distraction in battle?" Despite how angry she was she couldn't stop the tears that flowed from her eyes. 


"Everyone talks about how great love is, and how wonderful a kiss is, but frankly if that is all it is then I want nothing to do it!" It probably only became apparent now Rosaline had never been romantically involved with anyone, which wasn't really all that surprisingly. She never had the experience nor the time around training with her mind only ever capable of two emotions. Anger and excitement. This sadness and confusion were completely new and it showed on her face.




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Kazuo Takara

Out in the Village


Kazuo knew she wouldnt be happy at all. Especially what he had done earlier that day to her.  Just by her expression and just by her words it made Kazuo feel even more guilty for what he had done and seeing the tears that flowed down her cheeks really stabbed him through the heart. He took something that wasnt for him and he had no idea about it. His look softened and he moved in front of her, stopping her from walking and he reached out, wiping her tears away with his gloved hand "Rosa.." he needed to explain everything to her...or almost everything "I didnt know that I had taken something that was precious to you, never would I ever even use a kiss to be a distraction. That was not my intention at all." his face showed that he was genuinely guilty and was genuinley sorry.


"Love is a far more powerful thing than you really know... And a kiss is only a little bit of what could become great." he explained as he dropped his hand, knowing she'd smack it away anyways and he let it fall to his side "If I could take back what I did to you, I would." Kazuo hated to see her this way. Upset, angry, confused... It was too many emotions at once and he was surprised that she hadnt hit him in the face with an electrified punch and sent him flying. If she did hit him, he would take it. "What I did was wrong and rude. Not only did I take something from you but I have also hurt you deeply." Kazuo always manned up to something if he had done something wrong in any shape or form. The Takeover mage never really exposed much of his emotions this way, but it was for the girl he started to develop a thing for


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Chris Lengheart(Wait, you have to-....this is awkward)

When Lavender declined his invitation to go hunting, Chris raised an eyebrow and was about to ask why. But Lavender had already listed why she couldn't. He soon started to follow her into the kitchen as he said,"Well if you won't, I will. I refuse to run the risk of my dad and brother getting killed out there by that...thing! I've already lost my mom...I'm not losing them! And if not for me, think of everyone else. That could end up being anyone's family getting mauled to death out there. We have to get rid of that bastard before it can ruin anyone else's holiday. It already attacked that girl, what'll stop it from going after another? What'll stop it from killing?"

As Lavender walked into the kitchen, Chris followed closely behind. However, as Chris was walking something caught his leg, making him trip. "LAVENDER, WATCH OUT!" Chris shouted before falling on top of her. Right as Chris was about to hit the ground, he put both arms out in front of him to catch himself and luckily did. However, the position the two were in was...suggestive to say the least. Right now, Chris just hoped no one walked in to witness this. 

@Britt-21 @Happy Red Mage @ANYONE WHO WANTS TO WALK IN



Just as Lavender turned to face Chris, he tripped and fell. Causing the blonde to go down with him and land on her back with a thud "ow..." she said softly as she opened her eyes and noticed that she wasnt looking at the celing, but rather Chris who was hovering above her in a very suggestive way which made the blonde's cheeks turn pink "M-Mr Chris..." her voice had seemed to have held a shyness to it as she studied the man above her "A-Are you okay?" even though she took the brute force from the floor, he was the one who tripped over something and could have hurt himself in the process. I may be a warrior but I have not gotten so close to a man in this way... Sure he had only fallen and hopefully he had meant no harm... But this posistion could make others think otherwise... Lavender was getting more embarassed by the minute as she turned her face to avoid eye contact How does one act in such a situation as this? I believe I should remain calm and take a deep breath. And so she took in a deep breath and let it out before looking back up at Chris


@Isune @Anyonewillingtowalkinonthemin FT guild hall kitchen :P
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Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ryu set his paper down on the table and looked up as he felt a hand on his shoulder. "I suppose so," he replied to Hibiki's question with a chuckle. "But I much prefer a quieter atmosphere. I like to be able to hear myself think." Hibiki's question prompted him to look around the guild hall again. He sat up, taking in the scene. It was nice to see everyone working together, preparing for the holiday festivities. This was to be his first Christmas celebration in a long while. When he still lived at his family's home in Crocus, his parents were always gone, and far too busy to take time off work for something as trivial as a holiday. So most of his Christmases back then were spent with the servants who looked after him and his sister. Likewise, when he'd gone off to train with Saito, and eventually Hanekoma, there had been no breaks, no time to slack off; every moment was spent learning and getting stronger. When he'd lived as a wanderer, he simply hadn't bothered to make any sort of fuss around the holidays, not seeing any point. However, over his last few months had been spent in Magnolia, helping to train Kelica, as well as getting to know the members of the guild better, most notably Hibiki, who he'd become good friends with. As he looked around the hall, he noticed Kelica take out a seed and used it to then grow a huge tree in the middle of the guild hall. However, after finishing up the large display she crumpled to the floor, once again out cold. He sighed and got up from where he was sitting in the booth, walking over to Kelica. He then picked her up carefully and started carrying her to one of the inn rooms of the guild hall. "Honestly Kelica," He sighed exasperatedly "How are you ever going to function on your own?"

@LeSoraAmari @Zuka @Genon @Isune @Salt Lord @Colt556 @Kyuubey

Fairytail Guild Hall - Magnolia


The Forest Mage despite being uncomfortable and probably gaining a shiver against the cold wooden floor boards looked dead to the world. Her chest was rising and falling with tiny puffs of warm air escaping that fogged just before her lips and face, which showed she wasn't dead just exhausted. How tired must one be to simply pass out, right there on the cold wooden floor boards? If she were awake she might have been happy that she had grown such a large and strong Christmas Tree for the entire Guild, but instead she was drifting into wonderful dreams and memories as a child running through flowers and fields, spinning and dancing and laughing.


The memory causing a tiny smile to tug at the corner of her lips and her face still held soft. She made a soft noise that half brought her into consciousness as her body started to feel weightless. Her long blonde hair sort of bounced with every step Ryu made and she found her head and face pressed up against his chest. Even as he carried her, she found herself curling in even more and with a half mumble she reached a hand up to clutch to an edge of his Kimono, fingers curling in to brush against his chest a fraction. She couldn't help it, whatever it was that was holding her was radiating a heat that she was draw to. She remembered being a little girl as her Mother would curl her up in her lap and rock her gently, her Mother being a Fire Mage her body had been just as naturally warm as Ryu's was. And she took great comfort as he carried her. Even his steps seemed to rock and hold her as she had.


Kelica made another weird groaning sound as one eye peeked open to peer upwards to Ryu, eyelid only sliding halfway as she watched him carry her. Though she didn't pull away her grip on the edge of his kimono. "R....Ryu?" She asked softly, her eyes still hazy like she were still half asleep. "..W..where are you taking me?"



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Mizuki's Apartment - Crocus City


As Mizuki said she was surprised Grimoire Heart allowed the Siren to walk free, Draneri couldn't help but give her a short, unabashed laugh. "Allowed me? Ahh Dear Mizuki.. I may not have have that much experience with Guilds, but I have had my fair share of them. No one allowed me to walk freely, the last few months a Scientist observed me with a number of tests both torture like in aspect as well as simply leaving me in a white room to do with as I pleased. Had Lucian had his way he probably would have killed me, but my regeneration is exceptional depending on how and what I have fed from. A lab rat so to speak, for the amusement of that Scientist Woman's endless research. It wasn't all that bad. I have certainly been in worse situations. Some days she even brought me tea while we talked about Politics. " She explained with an ever present smile on her face. "When I had my fill, and I grew bored, I simply escaped. They are probably still trying to track me down, not that it would matter. A few months here or there is really nothing when you are 399 years old..." She said gently, then blinked and laughed softly. "You're the first I've told my real age to.." She said in a soft, bemused voice.


"Master Gilad?" She said as she rapped a finger on her chin in thought. "Gilad...Gilad...mm... Boy Arcturus? Really? Has it been that long..." She thought more so to herself. She remembered passing through Crocus once before, and remembered a very determined young boy training with some interesting magic. Is this the same boy then? How interesting! A Master no less! He seemed stubborn enough as a boy, that the situation seemed plausible. She looked back to Mizuki as she reached out and patted her hand gently. "You need not worry, Miss Mizuki... I will not feed for quite some days yet, I don't think you are yet aware just how much I drained from you... Well depending if I need to use that magic on anything here on out.." That Red-haired Samurai's sun suddenly coming to mind as she half flinched.


She heard of Mizuki praise about the little girl who's name was Alicia and she had a soft and beautiful smile cross her face as she placed her chin into her hands softly. "Alicia... she sounds wonderful." She said with a genuine smile still on her face. She looked back to Mizuki as her eyes closed up gently in happiness. "There is no rush Miss Mizuki, we shall make sure you are well rested first." Her mind pondering on just who this Eric was... Was that that boy who was fighting the even younger boy? The whole reason Draneri thought to step in and help? Ethan... that was what the younger boy's name was. How interesting... Well it didn't matter, she wasn't planning on barging her way into the Guild Hall by herself, she maybe a Predator but she wasn't stupid. You don't become hundreds of years old by putting oneself into difficult positions... the except was that Miniature Sun debacle.


Draneri rolled onto her side as she scooted closer to Mizuki, wrapped her arms around her head as she ran her fingers through her long black hair. "Shh sh sh... Just sleep for a little longer, and then... once you are fully well, we shall see this 'Tooth of the Saber' you are from."


Mizuki Kohaku

Her Bedroom


Mizuki wasn't surprised that Draneri managed to escape the clutches of Grimoire Heart. Maybe in the past, but after their most recent failure it was proven that they couldn't keep a simple rabbit in a cage. "I see... I don't know what they'd want to do with the likes of you, but I sure hope it's nothing too sinister. Yet I doubt that any good will come from it..." She muttered, bringing a hand to her chest. What did surprise her was the Siren's age. Nearly 400 years on this earth full of lonlieness and suffering? And Mizuki thought she had it bad. What mad things even crazier was that she mumbled something about a Guild Master Gilad. "You must be lying about your age if you knew Master Gilad as a child. He is much older than 400 years. Despite your young apperance, I believe you to be around 700 years old..." Due to Mizuki's expressionless face and boring voice it was hard to tell if she was joking or not. The dark Mage believed the older man to be around 1000 years old. He was so wise, powerful, and old in appearance. 

Draneri was was correct about Mizuki not realizing how much energy she drained from her. She's completely new to this whole energy draining thing, never before has she been so weak. She was so used to powering through everything she couldn't help but be thrown off. Yet there was such an emphasis on resting, and she had to give in. Mizuki wasn't exactly keen on resting for long periods of time, but if it meant no more nagging then it was just another thing to power through. However her mood seemed to brighten when Draneri agreed that Alicia was wonderful. The little girl truly was a wonderful thing, and any praises about her just filled the dark girl with joy. "Alicia is just a dear. I wish everybody could appreciate her as much as I do..."

Finally the tiredness was taking its toll on Mizuki, and the call for sleep began to overtake her mind. Her eyes began to slowly close, the feeling,of Draneri's hands playing with her hair startling her, but not driving her away. In fact she slowly inched her way forwards a bit, closing up the gap between them. However her hands stayed by her chest. "Do not let me sleep for long... I wish to get back to my guild hall soon..." She said before finally falling asleep once again. 


Akane Nolastname had decided to travel around and see the modern world first, to take in the new stuff and get used to everything, before deciding to join a guild. She already had one in mind. Lamia Scale. Riding in trains had taken a while to get used to and so was reading the new maps but she finally found where Lamia Scale was. She walked up to it's guild hall nervously before clearing her throat and entering confidently. "Hello! I came to join Lamia Scale!" She announced.

@anyone in LS

Ayano Soru: It's over? Just like that?

Ayano grew more and more tired as she attacked. The amount of blood she used certainly didn't help with that. She rarely ever used her own blood to fight and this was the reason why. Her attacks slowed and weakened which gave an opening for the heavily injured for to attack. Actually... Heavily injured isn't enough to phrase it. It was more like he should be dead, but he wasn't. He just stood there emotionless. It didn't even seem like the attacks hurt him. Then he let out one singular punch to the stomach and like that she was out. Ayano fell to her knees then fell back to lie on the freezing ground. She heard a few words but it was hard to make out. All the vampire heard was "I'm sorry... Don't hold a grudge..." The thing is though... She's held one big grudge her whole life, it was so big in fact that there was never any space for more and doubted she could ever let it go after all the things humans have done to her. So many years of being attacked or driven away, painting her as the big bad vampire here to drain your blood. All of that has brought her here now. Acting exactly as the stories portray them. Ayano was still conscious but due to her lack of feeding and general energy she couldn't move very much. So she just laid there... Waiting to see what would happen next. Would they kill her and finally end her misery? Or will they just leave her to rot. All these questions will be answered in the next five minutes. Or at least she hoped.

@Kyuubey @Zareh
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Ferra giggled lightly at his response to the mosaics and when she noticed him drooling. She guessed it made sense, she had portraits of her favorite foods in her own room so why not have fish designs if you liked fish? Though...she wouldn't go so far as to have every room designed like it. But oh well, she guessed he just really liked fish. "That's actually pretty cool. They look nice too." She said. "I like fish myself." She added before shrugging. When he suddenly grabbed her hand she arched a brow slightly, blushing lightly at his response. She figured that was it or it was something important he needed help with like a surprise for his brother or something. She wasn't entirely sure what to say though, but she did have feelings for him too. "Well...um...I guess I kind of have a crush on you too?" She replied, flashing him a sheepish grin. "Thought...I have to say it was a little obvious by how you were acting." She pointed out, her grin widening slightly. "So...what now?" She asked curiously. She guessed she'd have to get him a pretty good present now too...but she wasn't entirely sure what.

  Nikolas chuckled awkwardly, his face red, when Ferra told him that she liked him, too, and that it was kinda obvious that he liked her. He then grinned widely. What now? He hadn't really thought that far ahead....wait. What had Mom and Dad done?

  ....Be overjoyed, make out, have fun times in bed, go on a date, nearly die in the process, have one propose to the other on painkillers, et cetera. 

  Okay, so maybe not that. And maybe not in that order. Nikolas thought for quite a while before answering. 

  "Hmmm......wanna....go out?" he suggested stupidly. God, was he an idiot. 

Leaving Lamia Scale Guild Hall - Storage



Laura was smiling deep, deep, deep down inside somewhere and she might have even let it slip out slightly. She grabbed each of their wrist as she began to drag them out of the guild hall. To someone watching it might look like she was kidnapping them. She was just happy that they had agreed to help her. "So I think we will start by going through my boxes because that is where most of my money is." After a few seconds she stopped for, feeling like dragging them was taking to long. "The storage facility is a few blocks away.' She lifted her finger and point in the direction of the building. 'I want to get there as fast as I can so that I get as much shopping done as I can and start settling into an apartment, if you don't feel like you can keep up I can carry both of you."

Shiro Ai: Being dragged along


Shiro was quickly pulled out of the hall by what she would consider an; if she didn't know better; cheerful Laura, listening as the woman spoke of where they would go first even as she suddenly stopped dragging the two and said something about not being able to keep up. As the white haired mage didn't know how fast Laura was she had a sneaking suspicion she might not be able to move quite as fast as a neko boy and this other woman. Quick was not her forte, stamina and endurance was, along with a surprising strength so embarrassed or not a soft blush colored her pale face before she sighed, "As I don't think I've ever seen you move and I'm not very quick to begin with...I might need a lift..." She was a bit mortified but really, she could move quick enough when someone was in danger but only that far. She tilted her head down to hide the blush mumbling unintelligibly under her breath while keeping an ear turned for Phin's response, though honestly she didn't have any friends and had never had them so she was just tagging along to help Laura out anyway.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball

  Phineas stared boredly as he was literally dragged out of the guild hall by Laura, who appeared to be pleased that he had agreed to the shopping trip. He was pretty good at keeping up, though. Nothin' like being half-Neko to keep you on your toes. "Thank you for your consideration, but I'll do just fine," he said calmly, looking around the storage area and getting distracted by a spare piece of string he could see through the corner of his eyes. STRING! Phineas arched his back, much like a cat, before pouncing at the string, grabbing it in his hands. Then he remembered other people were here. The pianist cleared his throat, standing up, and reluctantly let go of the string, though through the corner of his eye he watched it float down to the ground. 

  "....Old habit. Sorry. And if you'd like, Miss Shiro, I'd be happy to carry you, too," he added in a stoic tone, before kicking the string away. Don't look at the string, Phineas, don't look at the string. 
  Reveal hidden contents

Kazuo Takara

Out in the Village


Kazuo knew she wouldnt be happy at all. Especially what he had done earlier that day to her.  Just by her expression and just by her words it made Kazuo feel even more guilty for what he had done and seeing the tears that flowed down her cheeks really stabbed him through the heart. He took something that wasnt for him and he had no idea about it. His look softened and he moved in front of her, stopping her from walking and he reached out, wiping her tears away with his gloved hand "Rosa.." he needed to explain everything to her...or almost everything "I didnt know that I had taken something that was precious to you, never would I ever even use a kiss to be a distraction. That was not my intention at all." his face showed that he was genuinely guilty and was genuinley sorry.


"Love is a far more powerful thing than you really know... And a kiss is only a little bit of what could become great." he explained as he dropped his hand, knowing she'd smack it away anyways and he let it fall to his side "If I could take back what I did to you, I would." Kazuo hated to see her this way. Upset, angry, confused... It was too many emotions at once and he was surprised that she hadnt hit him in the face with an electrified punch and sent him flying. If she did hit him, he would take it. "What I did was wrong and rude. Not only did I take something from you but I have also hurt you deeply." Kazuo always manned up to something if he had done something wrong in any shape or form. The Takeover mage never really exposed much of his emotions this way, but it was for the girl he started to develop a thing for



Balsam Village Streets


Rosaline found despite all her angry words and even how he offered her the cookies which she knocked aside, he still stepped before her. She noticed idly her gaze was level when normally she would look down. It took that momentary conclusion to hold her steady even if her fists were balled. She wanted to punch him, as hard as she could and send him careening like that might help settle the emotions in her chest. But what would the punch do really? Would it fix anything at all? He reached out a hand to touch her face and she took a sharp breath inwards as she tried to pull her head back, eyes pressed down. Expecting him to yank her down to hit her or... she was surprised once again by the gentleness of his touch, something she just wasn't familiar with at all. When he spoke her eyes slowly slipped open again as she peered to him, blinking a number of times as her brain tried to digest this new information. It didn't help he insisted on using her Nickname to calm her. 


Every word he said she felt her rage rear its ugly head, but then a second later it would slip again. She looked like she had something to say on the tip of her tongue but it just wouldn't form into words past her lips. What was she supposed to DO? What would Hibiki do in this situation? He was smart, he'd know how to react he'd... She took a step closer to Kazuo before she realized, to close the distance for some reason she couldn't quite make out. But then she seemed to catch out what she had done as something caught in the corner of her eyes. She turned her head gently even as she was standing uncomfortably close to Kazuo, her eyes peering onto Dorian who had simply stood and watched this whole thing with his normal half asleep gaze. Though he looked weirdly concerned for her and that alone sent her heart pounding.


What should she DO?


She glanced back to Kazuo. A weird look crossing her face. And the oddest thing occurred. Her cheeks gain a weirdly red hue, not unlike when he had used her own momentum to kiss her in their fight earlier. She drew her arm back as her fist tightened and in this close quarters she threw her arm forward and slammed his stomach with the brute force of her punch which was enough to send most Men flying. But she angled it in such a way all it would make him do was lift him on his toes and heave over. Though she didn't electrify it so that was a plus.


[SIZE= 16px]"If you're going to kiss me you Damn well better make it the single best thing in the universe. Otherwise, I will kill you." [/SIZE]


Letting out an angry huff she turned on her heels and grasped onto Dorian's arm as she stormed away and dragged the man along with her. As she was walking she was taking huge breaths to try and calm down herself down though that stupid red hue refused to leave her cheeks. "I could have finished another Keg by now..." she grumbled more to herself. As she walked she spotted the dwarf walking down the road pushing a huge trolley with a blanket covering it. She came up beside him still with her stern frown but more laced with intrigue. "What in the world have you got there, Ace?"





Kenya looked at her creation with joy in her eyes she had finished the stuff animal she held it up nodding her head. Animal was probably the wrong term for the toy stuffed creature was probably better. She used all she had around her and with her little to none ability in stitching she manged to create a toy many would think is cursed. She had to use buttons for eyes and had few threads for the hair so it only had a couple of strands some longer than others. Kenya then looked at the two other stuffed objects she had made she had gotten carried away in the excitement of making the first toy and made two more. One of which resembled one of the many mugs used to drink the beer at the guild she had made it for Eric and the other a stuffed battle Axe made for Gilad. Kenya took the three stuffed creations and put them in separate boxes proud of her work she made her way back to the guild. She looked down at her hands she was quiet bad at poking herself with the needle so she had many bandages on her hands from poking herself so many times. But she was proud of the bandages to her they were a symbol of her hard work.   

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall / Balsam Village


Pushing the large object back towards the guild hall, there was a slight incline making it more difficult than he had realised, it wasn't long until Rosa stormed up catching him a bit off guard turning to her but leaning into the cart so it didn't begin to roll back down "ah there you are it's a present for the guild hall I noticed a lack of one of these 'Christmas Trees' I've heard everyone talking about so I made one and it even shoots flames too, just hope the belt doesn't use it as a warming post or something."

On the front of the cart was his wheeled chest with his belongings on it and next to it sat the Mug he had given her "I grabbed your mug that you left behind didnt wont someone taking it, will have to fill it when we get back to the guild hall, give us a hand pushing this would yah since you are miss muscles"

Pushing the cart together well the dwarf was holding on trying to not get left behind the cart slamming and casting the doors to the guild hall bursting inwards the large covered object filling most of the doorway the dwarf walking around the front "All right you lot here you go!" pulling the tarp from off the tree to reveal the shiny metal riveted Xmas tree, before wheeling the tree into a better place and going to a panel on the back fiddling for a moment and a couple of swears later the tips of the metal tree hissed and fire spouted out in a controlled pleasant manner like a whole set of large candles had been lit.

"now enjoy it and lets get some drinks" taking his belongings and Rosa's mug thumping it down on a nearby table and set about filling it "Oi lass your behind on drink, better catch up...:"


@Mykinkaiser@Zuka@LeSoraAmari@Britt-21@Jackaboi@Arius LaVari@Happy Red Mage

 (and anyone else in BP guild Hall I forgot)
  Nikolas chuckled awkwardly, his face red, when Ferra told him that she liked him, too, and that it was kinda obvious that he liked her. He then grinned widely. What now? He hadn't really thought that far ahead....wait. What had Mom and Dad done?

  ....Be overjoyed, make out, have fun times in bed, go on a date, nearly die in the process, have one propose to the other on painkillers, et cetera. 

  Okay, so maybe not that. And maybe not in that order. Nikolas thought for quite a while before answering. 

  "Hmmm......wanna....go out?" he suggested stupidly. God, was he an idiot. 

  Phineas stared boredly as he was literally dragged out of the guild hall by Laura, who appeared to be pleased that he had agreed to the shopping trip. He was pretty good at keeping up, though. Nothin' like being half-Neko to keep you on your toes. "Thank you for your consideration, but I'll do just fine," he said calmly, looking around the storage area and getting distracted by a spare piece of string he could see through the corner of his eyes. STRING! Phineas arched his back, much like a cat, before pouncing at the string, grabbing it in his hands. Then he remembered other people were here. The pianist cleared his throat, standing up, and reluctantly let go of the string, though through the corner of his eye he watched it float down to the ground. 

  "....Old habit. Sorry. And if you'd like, Miss Shiro, I'd be happy to carry you, too," he added in a stoic tone, before kicking the string away. Don't look at the string, Phineas, don't look at the string. 

Ferra was genuinely curious as to what his answer would be. Any logic pointed towards them going on a date, but she wasn't sure what he'd decide to do. Her first date had gone pretty well, but she usually decided not think of that for obvious reasons. When his suggestion was in-fact a date she grinned before nodding. "Sure, that sounds great!" She replied cheerfully. "I haven't really eaten anything in a while so I'm pretty hungry." She said, her while being about an hour...closer to thirty minutes. "Where did you have in mind?" She asked excitedly. She figured a relationship with Nikolas would go much better considering they'd known each other for a few months already. Not to mention if he ended up breaking up with her she'd be sure to prank him literally every single time he stepped foot into the guild hall. Or serve him ruined fish, either or.
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Balsam Village Streets


Rosaline found despite all her angry words and even how he offered her the cookies which she knocked aside, he still stepped before her. She noticed idly her gaze was level when normally she would look down. It took that momentary conclusion to hold her steady even if her fists were balled. She wanted to punch him, as hard as she could and send him careening like that might help settle the emotions in her chest. But what would the punch do really? Would it fix anything at all? He reached out a hand to touch her face and she took a sharp breath inwards as she tried to pull her head back, eyes pressed down. Expecting him to yank her down to hit her or... she was surprised once again by the gentleness of his touch, something she just wasn't familiar with at all. When he spoke her eyes slowly slipped open again as she peered to him, blinking a number of times as her brain tried to digest this new information. It didn't help he insisted on using her Nickname to calm her. 


Every word he said she felt her rage rear its ugly head, but then a second later it would slip again. She looked like she had something to say on the tip of her tongue but it just wouldn't form into words past her lips. What was she supposed to DO? What would Hibiki do in this situation? He was smart, he'd know how to react he'd... She took a step closer to Kazuo before she realized, to close the distance for some reason she couldn't quite make out. But then she seemed to catch out what she had done as something caught in the corner of her eyes. She turned her head gently even as she was standing uncomfortably close to Kazuo, her eyes peering onto Dorian who had simply stood and watched this whole thing with his normal half asleep gaze. Though he looked weirdly concerned for her and that alone sent her heart pounding.


What should she DO?


She glanced back to Kazuo. A weird look crossing her face. And the oddest thing occurred. Her cheeks gain a weirdly red hue, not unlike when he had used her own momentum to kiss her in their fight earlier. She drew her arm back as her fist tightened and in this close quarters she threw her arm forward and slammed his stomach with the brute force of her punch which was enough to send most Men flying. But she angled it in such a way all it would make him do was lift him on his toes and heave over. Though she didn't electrify it so that was a plus.


[SIZE= 16px]"If you're going to kiss me you Damn well better make it the single best thing in the universe. Otherwise, I will kill you." [/SIZE]


Letting out an angry huff she turned on her heels and grasped onto Dorian's arm as she stormed away and dragged the man along with her. As she was walking she was taking huge breaths to try and calm down herself down though that stupid red hue refused to leave her cheeks. "I could have finished another Keg by now..." she grumbled more to herself. As she walked she spotted the dwarf walking down the road pushing a huge trolley with a blanket covering it. She came up beside him still with her stern frown but more laced with intrigue. "What in the world have you got there, Ace?"





Kazuo Takara

Out in the Village


Kazuo didnt understand why Rosa had gotten closer to him and said nothing. The silence was just killing him along with the suspense and it put him off a little bit. He moved his eye to her arm which began to lift and she slammed her fist foward which slammed right into his stomach and had him heave over with his arm wrapped around it once she pulled away. He coughed and closed his eye as she heard her words which had seemed to give him permission to kiss her again but also threaten him at the end. That was the typical Rosaline "I deserved that punch..." he muttered under his breath as he lifted his head to see Rosa walking away with Dorian and it seemed she was back to normal.


I can only assume that things could get better from now on. he thought to himself, spotting the dwarf who seemed to be dragging a trolly with a blanket on top. At this time, Kazuo didnt want to jump into a conversation that was not needed of him. As he stood tall, he took a breath I do hope she continues to keep that atittude and her actions... now that everything had been settled, the Takeover mage headed off back to the Hall where everyone had still been hanging around and having fun. Though when he had stepped inside he still realised spikes had been in the middle of the hall. With a sigh, he tried to think of a way to remove them and to keep them from hurting others... He could use his Titan Soul... But Titan soul was deadly if not controlled properly.


Though the sound of the hall doors opening once more caused Kazuo to turn and see the Dwarf walking in with this odd looking christmas tree. With swift movements, he moved out of the way and watched has he began to set up and watch as it soon let fire out like a candle Well that is an interesting tree I may say.. he didnt think there would be a tree such as this one. Plus it wasnt green.


@Zuka and @Mykinkaiser (mentioned) [SIZE= 24px]@ANYONEINBP[/SIZE]

Sora Marvell - Streets of Magnolia



Sora replayed the whole scene in slow motion within her head, the more gory parts seeming to drift back to the front of her mind repetitively. Both hands had come to cover her mouth as if trying to keep back any noises that would give away how utterly horrifying it all was to her. Her fingers shook, pressed tightly to clamp over her mouth as her small petite frame huddled over into the snow that blanketed the streets around them. This is too much... The words weakly drifted in and out of her thoughts. It's too much... Every muscle seemed to loosen itself as she went from battle mode to defeated, eyes glazing over to be void of the spark that gave them life. I was helpless then and I feel that way again... Those hues stared blankly out towards the scene before her, more focused on the snow fluttering soundlessly within the light breezes that helped accompany the winter chill. " I have to help... " Her words were nothing but a hushed whisper, a small stab at trying to motivate herself to rise off the cold ground. It was solid though and it was keeping her together.


She imagined standing and conquering her fears but the images that played out only resulted in her crumpling into a broken mess once more. The worst part wasn't the injuries, or his jabbed through eye; no it was the disappearance of emotion in them. He seemed to be numb to everything going on, physically and mentally, and that terrified Sora. Where was her once cheerful and jubilant friend? Her mind drifted towards Lysander then and she subconsciously curled up tighter, nails digging into the skin of her palms. Light trails of blood trickled from them, falling to the snow as her fingers eased up. " I can't be weak anymore. " Sora's eyes ignited with life as she found the courage to stand back up, feet exploding in light and a flurry of icy wind that went flying about the chill air as she used the momentum from her sudden outburst of magic to land herself in front of Ayano. I'm a member of Fairy Tail, I'll always get back up, the thought erased any doubt harbored within her mind, only offering her strength now. 




The slayer's frame hesitated for a moment, eyes glued on the small vampire before she brought her resolute gaze to turn and fall upon Timothy. Her hands spread outwards and she steeled herself, acting as a wall between the two. This act wasn't to be mistaken as the girl having some sort of change of heart. She knew deep down she would never forgive herself if she let Timothy go too far and she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she didn't stand to protect others when the fight seemed so one sided. And as of right now, the battle was over, Ayano was out cold. " That's enough, Timothy. " Sora almost sounded sad, voice dropping to a remorseful tone as she assessed all the physical damages to both of them. As much as there was a deep seeded disdain towards Ayano, it was still heart wrenching to see a smaller child be so beaten up in every sense of the word.


" Before you say anything else, promise me you'll explain what you are to me later. No lies. No evading it or trying to be elusive. Right now, however, you both need medical attention. " Her eyes stared into his, bearing down upon him in a serious manner to solidify what she had just stated. If she wasn't so short it would most certainly seem like the slayer was looking down upon him, trying to make him feel small. She was unsure if her healing abilities would even work on him since he was anything but close to human. 
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  Nikolas chuckled awkwardly, his face red, when Ferra told him that she liked him, too, and that it was kinda obvious that he liked her. He then grinned widely. What now? He hadn't really thought that far ahead....wait. What had Mom and Dad done?

  ....Be overjoyed, make out, have fun times in bed, go on a date, nearly die in the process, have one propose to the other on painkillers, et cetera. 

  Okay, so maybe not that. And maybe not in that order. Nikolas thought for quite a while before answering. 

  "Hmmm......wanna....go out?" he suggested stupidly. God, was he an idiot. 

  Phineas stared boredly as he was literally dragged out of the guild hall by Laura, who appeared to be pleased that he had agreed to the shopping trip. He was pretty good at keeping up, though. Nothin' like being half-Neko to keep you on your toes. "Thank you for your consideration, but I'll do just fine," he said calmly, looking around the storage area and getting distracted by a spare piece of string he could see through the corner of his eyes. STRING! Phineas arched his back, much like a cat, before pouncing at the string, grabbing it in his hands. Then he remembered other people were here. The pianist cleared his throat, standing up, and reluctantly let go of the string, though through the corner of his eye he watched it float down to the ground. 

  "....Old habit. Sorry. And if you'd like, Miss Shiro, I'd be happy to carry you, too," he added in a stoic tone, before kicking the string away. Don't look at the string, Phineas, don't look at the string. 

Shiro Ai: Being dragged along


Shiro was quickly pulled out of the hall by what she would consider an; if she didn't know better; cheerful Laura, listening as the woman spoke of where they would go first even as she suddenly stopped dragging the two and said something about not being able to keep up. As the white haired mage didn't know how fast Laura was she had a sneaking suspicion she might not be able to move quite as fast as a neko boy and this other woman. Quick was not her forte, stamina and endurance was, along with a surprising strength so embarrassed or not a soft blush colored her pale face before she sighed, "As I don't think I've ever seen you move and I'm not very quick to begin with...I might need a lift..." She was a bit mortified but really, she could move quick enough when someone was in danger but only that far. She tilted her head down to hide the blush mumbling unintelligibly under her breath while keeping an ear turned for Phin's response, though honestly she didn't have any friends and had never had them so she was just tagging along to help Laura out anyway.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball



Storage Facility

ishzu ishtar.jpg

Laura was quick to put Shiro on her shoulders as though she was nothing, not giving Phineas a chance to put her on his shoulders. It wasn't a long walk to the storage facility and in no time they were there. Phineas acted funny when they first got there, playing with string but she let it slide. She pulled keys off of the rope that held her keys close to her and unlocked the storage locker. She instantly lifter her hand over her mouth in surprise at the sight of her locker. It didn't look like anything was stolen but all of her boxes were thrown all over the place. It looked like a hurricane had gone through her things. She slowly walked in and set Shiro down, she made sure to be gentle but she was shaking from her things being treated so unjustly. She only had six boxes, three of them were laying all over the floor with the contents exposed. One of the items was a picture of her family, the picture frame was broken and the picture was laying face down. She walked up to it and held it close to her, before picking up the boxes and sitting the picture safely inside of it. The people in the picture all had her completion and obviously were her family. The other three boxes were standing up nicely just like they were set. "Hey Phineas I need you to hold this box." There were two boxes stacked on each other. She picked the first one up and handed it to Phineas not think of how much it weighed since it was a box of lead. Once he took it from her she went through the box under it, which was just as heavy. She grabbed some gold jewelry, gold bars and jewel to buy the Christmas gifts with. "Alright when I get the Christmas gift and my apartment would you two mind helping me move?"


Blue Pegasus Guild Hall / Balsam Village


Pushing the large object back towards the guild hall, there was a slight incline making it more difficult than he had realised, it wasn't long until Rosa stormed up catching him a bit off guard turning to her but leaning into the cart so it didn't begin to roll back down "ah there you are it's a present for the guild hall I noticed a lack of one of these 'Christmas Trees' I've heard everyone talking about so I made one and it even shoots flames too, just hope the belt doesn't use it as a warming post or something."

On the front of the cart was his wheeled chest with his belongings on it and next to it sat the Mug he had given her "I grabbed your mug that you left behind didnt wont someone taking it, will have to fill it when we get back to the guild hall, give us a hand pushing this would yah since you are miss muscles"

Pushing the cart together well the dwarf was holding on trying to not get left behind the cart slamming and casting the doors to the guild hall bursting inwards the large covered object filling most of the doorway the dwarf walking around the front "All right you lot here you go!" pulling the tarp from off the tree to reveal the shiny metal riveted Xmas tree, before wheeling the tree into a better place and going to a panel on the back fiddling for a moment and a couple of swears later the tips of the metal tree hissed and fire spouted out in a controlled pleasant manner like a whole set of large candles had been lit.

"now enjoy it and lets get some drinks" taking his belongings and Rosa's mug thumping it down on a nearby table and set about filling it "Oi lass your behind on drink, better catch up...:"


@Mykinkaiser@Zuka@LeSoraAmari@Britt-21@Jackaboi@Arius LaVari@Happy Red Mage

 (and anyone else in BP guild Hall I forgot)

  Reveal hidden contents

Kazuo Takara

Out in the Village


Kazuo didnt understand why Rosa had gotten closer to him and said nothing. The silence was just killing him along with the suspense and it put him off a little bit. He moved his eye to her arm which began to lift and she slammed her fist foward which slammed right into his stomach and had him heave over with his arm wrapped around it once she pulled away. He coughed and closed his eye as she heard her words which had seemed to give him permission to kiss her again but also threaten him at the end. That was the typical Rosaline "I deserved that punch..." he muttered under his breath as he lifted his head to see Rosa walking away with Dorian and it seemed she was back to normal.


I can only assume that things could get better from now on. he thought to himself, spotting the dwarf who seemed to be dragging a trolly with a blanket on top. At this time, Kazuo didnt want to jump into a conversation that was not needed of him. As he stood tall, he took a breath I do hope she continues to keep that atittude and her actions... now that everything had been settled, the Takeover mage headed off back to the Hall where everyone had still been hanging around and having fun. Though when he had stepped inside he still realised spikes had been in the middle of the hall. With a sigh, he tried to think of a way to remove them and to keep them from hurting others... He could use his Titan Soul... But Titan soul was deadly if not controlled properly.


Though the sound of the hall doors opening once more caused Kazuo to turn and see the Dwarf walking in with this odd looking christmas tree. With swift movements, he moved out of the way and watched has he began to set up and watch as it soon let fire out like a candle Well that is an interesting tree I may say.. he didnt think there would be a tree such as this one. Plus it wasnt green.


@Zuka and @Mykinkaiser (mentioned) [SIZE= 24px]@ANYONEINBP[/SIZE]




[SIZE= 28px]Blue Pegasus Guild Hall[/SIZE]


Rosaline watched the Dwarf struggle to push up a rather heavy looking cart up an incline and she let go of Dorian's arm to have a short, stiff laugh as she reached over his head to grasp onto the handle to push it up with barely a sweat. In fact if you looked more closely it probably was only one or two fingers pushing the trolley along up the hill rather then her own hand. "Seriously why would you even make something that big if you can't even wheel it around?... No matter I suppose." She glanced up noticing the mug teetering on the top of the cart and glanced sideways to him with another warm smile. "Ahh, can't be leaving treasure like that behind.. thank you Ace." Despite her violate personality Rosaline could actually be capable of a rash conversation. It was more, certain things set her off. And those certain things were an actual rather long list of things and her set off was rather destructive and brutal in nature. Of course because she was decidedly taller and stronger then the Dwarf the cart was practically flying and he struggled to cling on for the journey. Rosaline didn't seem to notice. Or care really.


They burst into the door and she let go but the momentum saw it continue to wheel through the hall fraction before bumping harmlessly on the crazy stone spikes. He took the tarp off, and showed off the tree to which the girl crossed her arms with a grin flooding her face. "Nice tree. Flames and all. Looks tough.... maybe I should punch it... you know, just to see if it's as tough as it looks?" Already pulling her arm out from the crossed position under her chest as lightning flicked for a second across her fist. Then, even as she said it, she glanced around the room and pulled her arm right back to tuck under her chest again. "On second though.. maybe not. I think I've done enough punching for today." Her blue eyes drifting as she spotted Kazuo already inside the building. Now just how did he manage that? He was behind them wasn't he?


She made another angry tsc noise and turned away from him before she noticed the Dwarf and her mug which was full to the brim. She let a huge breath, as she snatched it and lifting it to her lips, holding it steady in the air as she just kept gulping and gulping and gulping. A little bit of haziness to forget the recent time would be a good thing... right? She lowered the mug very slowly as she made a concentrated effort to burp but turn away so it didn't seem AS rude. She glanced to the side at Dorian with a raised eyebrow. "You... planning on falling asleep anytime soon there? Because I'm not sitting down if that's the case... and also, if you could lower the Death Spikes, that would be wonderful." 


She made a half hiccup as the liquid seemed to be hitting the spot for the tall girl and her shoulders were relaxing just a fraction. This was good! The more she drunk, the more she would relax, the more she would smile and laugh and not be AS likely to punch things. Though she may still zap people just to irritate them. Her gaze purposefully avoiding Kazuo for no reason as she spotted Kirin, Xira and Yamato at opposite ends of the room and blinked. "Hey Kirin... be a dear, More music please. There is a reason I don't wear headphones anymore."


She gave them all a half weak smile, almost coy in the way she glanced sideways after it, to say, sorry about earlier. It was about the closest thing the stern girl would get to an apology. Though as her gaze flicked she noticed Cele wasn't there anymore. "Hey Yamato... have you seen Cele? She was here earlier..." Her voice oddly soft. Now just why would a girl that happy sudden tear herself away? Was it what happened earlier?









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