Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Ashley's Home

Ashley giggled and decorated the cookie she had begun on "I tend to bake quickly. Especially on Holidays. We need the cookies and hot cocoa so we can sit by the fire and talk about

christmas...or something." she shrugged "But i'm glad you're willing to help me." she looked over at him "Decorate however you would like to decorate. Make it look silly or something." Ashley allowed Aiden the freedom to do what he would like to do with the cookie "These cookies are going in our tummies anyway." a grin spreaded across her lips as she grabbed some sprinkles and put it on the cookie. "I hope they taste as good as they smell"


Niur was having a bit of trouble with her little activity. She was wearing a little Santa outfit and was dragging around a huge brown sack in the snow. Having spent a few months in Fairy Tail had been fun for her, but she noticed it wasn't anything different. Being around Raa had always been fun, whether or not there were good or bad things happening. She even managed to properly meet the others, holding back on the jokes that Raa had said would help her make friends. On the coming Christmas Day, she had planned to get people something from her and Raa, something to help her fellow guildmates in an emergency. The large and strong sack clinked loudly as she dragged it on the ground. 

The insides had taken a week to create with Raa. Firstly they had to draw up what the amulets would look like, which had surprisingly taken a couple of days to make, mostly due to her trying to pick out a pattern. Picking out the materials had taken her and Raa a couple of days too. She wanted in to be pretty and he wanted it to be tough and they both kept lobbing ideas at each other until they had finally decided on using a mixture of glass and dark steel. Finding and shaping the material had been surprisingly easy since it was easy to find sand, melt it down to glass and have Raa shape it into the form she wanted. Finally there came her part, socketing her Gifts Of Life into each and every amulet. This had taken her a day and a half to do due to the sheer amount they were making. She had finished just in time for Christmas Eve and was dragging the sack along into the guild hall. The loud noise she was making with her trinkets drawing a bit of attention.




Verdana jumped into the street, seeing someone who made her eyes sparkle! She looked at a young girl in a costume who held a great sack. Why was she carrying it, and what was inside it? Also, why dress so weird? She slid across the street, trying to hide underneath Niur's massive brown sack. The little girl known as Verdana, just born that day, was hunting for the one thing she needed to begin her mutations. She would pop her head out from around the sack, staying a few inches away from Niur as she said, "Hi lady! How are you?" Energy just bled out of her voice, pure and constant energy nearly personified within her


Verdana jumped into the street, seeing someone who made her eyes sparkle! She looked at a young girl in a costume who held a great sack. Why was she carrying it, and what was inside it? Also, why dress so weird? She slid across the street, trying to hide underneath Niur's massive brown sack. The little girl known as Verdana, just born that day, was hunting for the one thing she needed to begin her mutations. She would pop her head out from around the sack, staying a few inches away from Niur as she said, "Hi lady! How are you?" Energy just bled out of her voice, pure and constant energy nearly personified within her

Niur was spooked and almost fell backwards in shock. 'Tch, relax, it's just a kid' Ruin chastised her from her mind. "Oh hello, I'm pretty well..." Niur said as she continued trying to drag the heavy sack. She paused from her attempts at trying to move her sack full of trinkets. She panted for a few moments before she looked up. "I'm Niur by the way, what's your name?" She asked as she held out her hand for a handshake.
23 minutes ago, Happy Red Mage said:

Niur was spooked and almost fell backwards in shock. 'Tch, relax, it's just a kid' Ruin chastised her from her mind. "Oh hello, I'm pretty well..." Niur said as she continued trying to drag the heavy sack. She paused from her attempts at trying to move her sack full of trinkets. She panted for a few moments before she looked up. "I'm Niur by the way, what's your name?" She asked as she held out her hand for a handshake.


Verdana abruptly grabbed the sack, and lifted all of it up by herself! She said, "Did you know Dung Beetles can lift up to over a thousand times their body weight? I managed to copy it!" She gave off a stupid smile with her eyes closed and a tongue hanging out. She saw the handshake coming and backed away a bit, "Hey, I'm Verdana! But, the first person I touch will become my master. I really want a master to serve and help, but I would hate to give it to someone who wouldn't want me..." She offered her hand this time, making sure she gave some room for Niur, "But... if you want help, I'll help you carry this home!" 
Verdana abruptly grabbed the sack, and lifted all of it up by herself! She said, "Did you know Dung Beetles can lift up to over a thousand times their body weight? I managed to copy it!" She gave off a stupid smile with her eyes closed and a tongue hanging out. She saw the handshake coming and backed away a bit, "Hey, I'm Verdana! But, the first person I touch will become my master. I really want a master to serve and help, but I would hate to give it to someone who wouldn't want me..." She offered her hand this time, making sure she gave some room for Niur, "But... if you want help, I'll help you carry this home!" 


Niur blinked in surprise as the girl lifted her sack all by herself then spouted something about an insect. "Umm...I do know..." She said. "Nice to meet you Verdana! I don't know what's going on right now or maybe someone slipped alcohol into my eggnog but I'd love to have someone like you!" She took Verdana's hand and shook it up and down a bit. "I'd gladly accept your help, although I'm carrying it to my comrades over there." She said pointing at the guild hall.

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

That dumb grin plastered on her face quickly shifted to a full on smile at the mention of vanquishing a beast. She pushed herself from the doorway and stood up straight as she brought her hands to rest on her hips. "You guys wanna fight a monster? Count me in! Better than sitting around here eating all the cookies." She was never one to need an excuse to jump into a fight and with everyone talking among themselves and enjoying the holiday she was exceptionally bored. Going toe to toe with some monster would be just the thing she needed. However, one question came up within her mind that needed addressing. Her gaze shifted between Chris and Lavender, the curiosity clear as day as she spoke. "Are we getting paid for this?" Given her money situation getting any kind of job at that junction would help, although given the way Lavy explained it she wasn't about to hold her breath. From what she could gather it was more of a personal matter. At least she'd get to move her body and get some excitement even if they weren't paid.

@Isune @Britt-21
7 minutes ago, Happy Red Mage said:


Niur blinked in surprise as the girl lifted her sack all by herself then spouted something about an insect. "Umm...I do know..." She said. "Nice to meet you Verdana! I don't know what's going on right now or maybe someone slipped alcohol into my eggnog but I'd love to have someone like you!" She took Verdana's hand and shook it up and down a bit. "I'd gladly accept your help, although I'm carrying it to my comrades over there." She said pointing at the guild hall.


Verdana abruptly showed a much more malicious side of her. Her voice changed in an instant, it was deeper and a lot more mature, almost a bit like a seductress. She said with pure joy, "Okay master!" She marched on like the little cookie girl she was, her voice turned back to normal. She said, "So Mistress Niur, who are your friends? I was only born a few hours ago so I don't know a lot of things..."
Verdana abruptly showed a much more malicious side of her. Her voice changed in an instant, it was deeper and a lot more mature, almost a bit like a seductress. She said with pure joy, "Okay master!" She marched on like the little cookie girl she was, her voice turned back to normal. She said, "So Mistress Niur, who are your friends? I was only born a few hours ago so I don't know a lot of things..."

Niur didn't think too much of the voice change, she wasn't the  type to judge others based on what they sound like. And she had to admit, being called master felt nice. Ruin however was another story entirely. She recognized the malice, the hidden darkness within, for she was a lot less innocent than her counterpart and something just didn't sit right with this whole situation. 'Niur tag out.' She declared abruptly. 'W-what? Why?' Niur stammered back. 'Just do it, trust me.' Was Ruin's reply. Her eyes lost their innocence and was replaced with a cold steely gaze of a vicious beast. "Well for sure one of them is Raa but he's not around to keep me in check." Ruin said, her tone emotionless and cold. "Then there's me, sometimes I think that some people are too innocent, more particularly the other me." She chuckled. "So, in light of me being a much less innocent person, why don't you tell me what you are?"
24 minutes ago, Happy Red Mage said:

Niur didn't think too much of the voice change, she wasn't the  type to judge others based on what they sound like. And she had to admit, being called master felt nice. Ruin however was another story entirely. She recognized the malice, the hidden darkness within, for she was a lot less innocent than her counterpart and something just didn't sit right with this whole situation. 'Niur tag out.' She declared abruptly. 'W-what? Why?' Niur stammered back. 'Just do it, trust me.' Was Ruin's reply. Her eyes lost their innocence and was replaced with a cold steely gaze of a vicious beast. "Well for sure one of them is Raa but he's not around to keep me in check." Ruin said, her tone emotionless and cold. "Then there's me, sometimes I think that some people are too innocent, more particularly the other me." She chuckled. "So, in light of me being a much less innocent person, why don't you tell me what you are?"


Verdana bowed to her in respect and put down the bag. She pointed to herself and said, "I am Verdana, an Etherious Daemon! My master based me off of the actual Etherious, so I am just an offshoot. He was studying from a pretty fun man to make a dark magic that could bring Grimoire Hearts into an even stronger light! But, he failed. I'm technically his daughter, but he died before I could hear his name. So... I'm a Christmas present to a guy they call, "The Dark Lord"! But... some of them wanted to turn me back to paper, so I wanted to find a master who would be my friend! Apparently master said that if he made me this way, I wouldn't die when he would. But, the next person I touch becomes my master! So, you are my master, master!" She gave off a cute wink and smile.

She finished her explanation, "I can't hurt my master no matter how hard I try, but you seem way to much fun to anyways!" She would attempt to hug Ruin with an actual passion. She squeaked out in excitement, "I just want to play with my friends all day~!! I'm your servant as long as you do not get in front of my purpose or my friends need me! This is why I warned you about the master thing, just so you would be alert! Anything else you wish to know master Niur?"
Verdana bowed to her in respect and put down the bag. She pointed to herself and said, "I am Verdana, an Etherious Daemon! My master based me off of the actual Etherious, so I am just an offshoot. He was studying from a pretty fun man to make a dark magic that could bring Grimoire Hearts into an even stronger light! But, he failed. I'm technically his daughter, but he died before I could hear his name. So... I'm a Christmas present to a guy they call, "The Dark Lord"! But... some of them wanted to turn me back to paper, so I wanted to find a master who would be my friend! Apparently master said that if he made me this way, I wouldn't die when he would. But, the next person I touch becomes my master! So, you are my master, master!" She gave off a cute wink and smile.

She finished her explanation, "I can't hurt my master no matter how hard I try, but you seem way to much fun to anyways!" She would attempt to hug Ruin with an actual passion. She squeaked out in excitement, "I just want to play with my friends all day~!! I'm your servant as long as you do not get in front of my purpose or my friends need me! This is why I warned you about the master thing, just so you would be alert! Anything else you wish to know master Niur?"

'Huh, artificial creation. Hmm, this isn't good, if a dark guild managed to create something like her then they might've made something even stronger.' Ruin thought. She pat the girl on her back as she hugged her. 'What did Raa tell us about dealing with these types. I know he told me something after he dealt with those golems back then.' She thought as she tried to remember. It was snowy back then, Elsa, the dark mage Raa was hunting down for trapping them in a snowy mountain and town, had managed to get a last ditch attempt of creating snow golems. Needless to say he did kill that winter mage and the golems were confused on what to do. Then she remembered. 'When in doubt. Define!' She recalled.

"I need you to honestly define the following words: master, hurt, friends, purpose, and play. Then tell me the things that you know that falls under each word." Ruin said.

'Huh, artificial creation. Hmm, this isn't good, if a dark guild managed to create something like her then they might've made something even stronger.' Ruin thought. She pat the girl on her back as she hugged her. 'What did Raa tell us about dealing with these types. I know he told me something after he dealt with those golems back then.' She thought as she tried to remember. It was snowy back then, Elsa, the dark mage Raa was hunting down for trapping them in a snowy mountain and town, had managed to get a last ditch attempt of creating snow golems. Needless to say he did kill that winter mage and the golems were confused on what to do. Then she remembered. 'When in doubt. Define!' She recalled.

"I need you to honestly define the following words: master, hurt, friends, purpose, and play. Then tell me the things that you know that falls under each word." Ruin said.


Verdana smiled as her master began to give her a few orders. She listened intently to the words before responding with, "Master to me means, friend... partner, lord, and commander. Hurt means... trauma. Destruction, wrath, and rage. Friends are... allies who you want to be around with and have fun with. A purpose is the drive by which we are created. I, for example, was created to assassinate targets, and recover the souls of my ancestors. My curse allows me to mutate myself to my purpose, and adapt to any situation. Play to me means to have fun, engage in games, joke around! Does that satisfy you, mistress?" She gave off an actually innocent smile, the information inside her head completely and totally gone from any norm of society that she had no idea even existed. She still held the large sack in a single hand...

Chris Lengheart(Let's get a move on!)

Chris stared at Tanari, still trying his best to pretend as if nothing had happened. As Lavender explained what was going on, Chris simply nodded. When Tanari said she'd be accompanying them on their hunt for the manticore Chris simply smiled and said,"Thanks, there's power in numbers you know."

Chris then turned his attention back to Lavender as he asked,"Well, where do you keep your armor and weapons? How soon can you get to them? Do you want me to take you to them?" The sooner they got out there, the sooner they could ensure that no one's holiday got ruined by this damn manticore.

@Colt556 @Britt-21
  Reveal hidden contents



The Siren watched Mizuki cuddle in closer to her frame and wrapped her arms in tight, cuddling the smaller girl. She even coiled a wing around like a make-shift blanket to keep her covered, the feathers laying flat to not tickle the Dark Mage. Simply resting the same as one would a thick blanket. She continued to hum into her ear till she was sure the girl was sleeping, fingers idly running through her hair as she peered to a vacant wall. She adored this part, cuddling someone close as she threaded her finger through their hair, the only difference is normally the people she did this too would never awaken again and would grow cold in her very arms. Though Mizuki would stay warm. Her heart would beat still. Draneri made sure of that.


She allowed her to sleep for some time in her arms and wings, barely moving a muscle except for brushing her long fingers through her hair. A few hours at most. Draneri heard the front door open and naturally her body tensed up a fraction as she swung a gaze towards the bedroom doorway. Was there someone in here? Who then? She assumed it was just Mizuki here today and naturally the Siren tightened her grip on the Dark Mage in an almost possessive manner as her golden eyes gained a unnaturally angry glow. Her movements and grip starting to stir Mizuki from her sleep. Suddenly a shout echoed through the room so if Mizuki was only half asleep then she would have been fully awake now. Though the Siren still kept the girl hugged close to her as her grip tightened in her hair. Almost afraid the little girl would take her away.


Little girl... wait wasn't this the little girl the same one at that Dark Guild? The one Mizuki turned to attack... she looked only to be 10 years old... then it finally clicked for the Siren, realizing this was Alicia that the Dark Mage had spoken of before. Her expression softened and her grip loosened gently as she pulled away and slowly came to a stand beside the bed, bowing her head a fraction as her finger entwined at her lap. "Forgive me young Alicia..." Her gaze lowered to the floor. Thinking how best to respond. "Mizuki...found me... I was not well..." Glancing sideways waiting for a response from Mizuki as she wasn't sure what to say. This was Mizuki's dear not her own, so she didn't want to put the woman in any more of an awkward situation as she was already in.

Mizuki Kohaku


Mizuki slept soundly in Draneri's arms.  She was warm and relaxed, her breathing smooth and soft. Despite being such an edgy and cold girl around her guild, she was a bit of an angel when she slept. Luckily for both of them, the dark Mage managed to stay asleep for a few hours instead of a few minutes. She'd wake up rested and ready to take on the day. As a few hours went by Mizuki finally began to wake up, finding herself in the arms of a tensed Draneri. She didn't know what was going on, but she hoped it was nothing bad. Fighting someone after a nap wasn't on her to do list today. Suddenly an angry shout filled the room and Draneri's warm body broke away from hers. A hand reached out towards the siren, wanting to pull her back into the bed to cuddle some more until she realized just who was in the room. Alicia had made an unexpected visit and happened to catch them sleeping. It was t anything lewd or si full but it was still embarrassing nonetheless. "Oh dear Alicia, come here..." She muttered, wiping her eyes quickly before using her magical limbs to gently take the little girl and pull her close, sitting her down beside her on the opposite side of Draneri. "You've got this all wrong my sweet. I allowed her into our home. She was starving so I fed her, but it took much of my energy away.  She then returned the favor and fed me as well as laid me in bed to sleep. I promise my dear that I'm under no spells and that neither of us will hurt you. I'd destroy Draneri before she could lay a hand on you..." She said as her hand ran through her hair reminiscent of how the siren did it. Mizuki gave her the slightest smile before drawing her into a hug. "I understand if you're uncomfortable around her, but I promise you'll be safe. I've always let you safe before, yes..?"

  Reveal hidden contents

Ciel smiled softly at her precious Haruhi. "Of course I did, its what made it taste even better." She said, squeezing her other's hand when she did. "Sorry, I'm nor sure what to do, the only thing Niur and I have ever done during this time was exchange gifts then sleep the rest of the day...sometimes if there was a festival we would join in..." She said nervously. "I know! Why don't you take the lead? I'm confident that you know exactly what to do." She encouraged Haruhi with a smile. 'Maybe I'll bring it up later...no...I have to do this now.' She took a deep breath. "So Haruhi...do you know where I could buy some large land here in Crocus? I'm thinking of settling somewhere close..." She started.

Haruhi Redfox


Haruhi let out a happy hurray as her wife exclaimed that she did indeed taste the love. It filled her up with joy to know that she taasted the most important ingredient in the cookies, an ingredient special to her. "I'm glad that you tasted my love. I put a lot in those cookies, and I'm happy to know that I did I good job. I bet you didn't know that I threw out three batches before that. I didn't think they were good enough for you, so I kept trying until I got it right." She explained, leading Ciel to the living room, which like the rest of her house was decorated with different types of snowmen. If you couldn't tell, she had a weird obsession with snowmen. Taking a seat on the couch, forcing Ciel to sit beside her, Haruhi used her free hand to stoke the fireplace, making the warmth intensify. When it was at a satisfying temperature she leaned into Ciel, head resting on her shoulder. Haruhi didn't think that life could get better than this, cuddling with loved ones in the middle of winter. Really the only thing that could make this better was if her sister was here. "That's fine if you don't know what to do. I guess we can stay here for a little until we decide on something we both like...." When the topic of Ciel moving nearby came up, Haruhi's eyes widened. "N-no way! Are you really planning on moving up here? Oh gosh, that'd be wonderful! However I don't know of any empty lots you can buy. Crocus is a rather crowded place. Maybe you can just move in with me? Then we could be a true family!" The girl said happily, kissing Ciel's cheek softly. 
Verdana smiled as her master began to give her a few orders. She listened intently to the words before responding with, "Master to me means, friend... partner, lord, and commander. Hurt means... trauma. Destruction, wrath, and rage. Friends are... allies who you want to be around with and have fun with. A purpose is the drive by which we are created. I, for example, was created to assassinate targets, and recover the souls of my ancestors. My curse allows me to mutate myself to my purpose, and adapt to any situation. Play to me means to have fun, engage in games, joke around! Does that satisfy you, mistress?" She gave off an actually innocent smile, the information inside her head completely and totally gone from any norm of society that she had no idea even existed. She still held the large sack in a single hand...

"Right, I guess that's better." Ruin muttered. "Don't hurt anyone til I tell you to okay?" She finally concluded, figuring that if Raa got back she'd bring her to him and ask more questions, but right now Verdana was ok in her books. 'I'm done here...for now.' Ruin told her other as they swapped back. Niur blinked oddly at Verdana before smiling a bit. "Alrighy then, let's go bring my gifts to Fairy Tail Guild Hall!" She declared as she pointed at the guild hall with her hand. "Be careful with the amulets please, too much force sets them all off." Niur added as she walked to the guild hall.

9 minutes ago, Happy Red Mage said:

"Right, I guess that's better." Ruin muttered. "Don't hurt anyone til I tell you to okay?" She finally concluded, figuring that if Raa got back she'd bring her to him and ask more questions, but right now Verdana was ok in her books. 'I'm done here...for now.' Ruin told her other as they swapped back. Niur blinked oddly at Verdana before smiling a bit. "Alrighy then, let's go bring my gifts to Fairy Tail Guild Hall!" She declared as she pointed at the guild hall with her hand. "Be careful with the amulets please, too much force sets them all off." Niur added as she walked to the guild hall.



Her eyes opened a bit wide as she realized just WHAT guild hall she said. There was only two guilds she knew, Grimoire Heart, and Fairy Tail. Her main target was located in said guild, but she had no idea where inside it. She lifted up the bag again, using her back to make sure it was as balanced as possible. She used her Chameleon mutation to change her Grimoire Heart hips to normal skin. She lifted up the edge of her dress to make sure she finished the mutation, before running after Niur. She decided to mention the perks of Niur being Verdana's master, " I hope I can be your friend. I promise I won't hurt anyone around you! Unless they try to hurt you that is, then I wish for you to do me a favor..." She smiled nearly insanely with wide eyes, speaking with pure disturbed bliss, "If you say a little phrase, I can transform into my most powerful form! I can't do much magic until I grow up. The phrase is just my name 3 times."

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

That dumb grin plastered on her face quickly shifted to a full on smile at the mention of vanquishing a beast. She pushed herself from the doorway and stood up straight as she brought her hands to rest on her hips. "You guys wanna fight a monster? Count me in! Better than sitting around here eating all the cookies." She was never one to need an excuse to jump into a fight and with everyone talking among themselves and enjoying the holiday she was exceptionally bored. Going toe to toe with some monster would be just the thing she needed. However, one question came up within her mind that needed addressing. Her gaze shifted between Chris and Lavender, the curiosity clear as day as she spoke. "Are we getting paid for this?" Given her money situation getting any kind of job at that junction would help, although given the way Lavy explained it she wasn't about to hold her breath. From what she could gather it was more of a personal matter. At least she'd get to move her body and get some excitement even if they weren't paid.

@Isune @Britt-21

Chris Lengheart(Let's get a move on!)

Chris stared at Tanari, still trying his best to pretend as if nothing had happened. As Lavender explained what was going on, Chris simply nodded. When Tanari said she'd be accompanying them on their hunt for the manticore Chris simply smiled and said,"Thanks, there's power in numbers you know."

Chris then turned his attention back to Lavender as he asked,"Well, where do you keep your armor and weapons? How soon can you get to them? Do you want me to take you to them?" The sooner they got out there, the sooner they could ensure that no one's holiday got ruined by this damn manticore.

@Colt556 @Britt-21

[SIZE= 36px]Lavender Gray[/SIZE]


Lavender smiled a bit at Tanari ( @Colt556 ) and shook her head "No, we're not getting paid. But we are protecting other's lives." she then glanced at Chris and sighed softly "My armor is home, my weapons are over here." walking around the island in the middle of the kitchen, she picked up her sword and shield "All I need is my armor. I live about three blocks from here." she then moved towards Tanari and Chris "If you're willing to transform into an animal that has speed than I would greatly appreciate it. As long as it does not bother your magic power." Lavender didnt want him to be out of Magic power when they finally got to the beast. "Otherwise lets hurry up, i'm sure we dont have much time." the warrior said as she looked between the two, waiting for someone to make the first move.


Her eyes opened a bit wide as she realized just WHAT guild hall she said. There was only two guilds she knew, Grimoire Heart, and Fairy Tail. Her main target was located in said guild, but she had no idea where inside it. She lifted up the bag again, using her back to make sure it was as balanced as possible. She used her Chameleon mutation to change her Grimoire Heart hips to normal skin. She lifted up the edge of her dress to make sure she finished the mutation, before running after Niur. She decided to mention the perks of Niur being Verdana's master, " I hope I can be your friend. I promise I won't hurt anyone around you! Unless they try to hurt you that is, then I wish for you to do me a favor..." She smiled nearly insanely with wide eyes, speaking with pure disturbed bliss, "If you say a little phrase, I can transform into my most powerful form! I can't do much magic until I grow up. The phrase is just my name 3 times."

"Okay, duly noted." Niur said, taking that tidbit of information into mind. "Don't worry though, no one there is going to hurt me! We're a ll friends there...well more of polite comrades but they're still well meaning people." She added. She led Verdana into the doors of the guild hall and brought her into the warm insides of the structure. "Welcome to Fairy Tail! Hi everyone! I brought presents for all of you!" She said, signalling for Verdana to gently put down the sack. @Colt556 @Zuka @Rhodus @Isune @Britt-21 @AnyoneElseIMissed

Sera: Fairy Tail Hall

Sera had been passed out on the floor of the hall since about 20 minutes after her rant of the decorations not being in the right places completely drunk. It had taken quite a bit of alcohol to do it and she'd likely have to sink a good portion of her jewel into paying for the bill, but eh. It was the holidays! Plus members got discounts, so meh. She was however woken up when Niur walked in shouting...something. She wasn't entirely sure what she had said but she did know that she had a hell of a hang-over headache. She groaned as she sat up holding her head, glaring slightly at Niur. Then looked around slowly at everyone else, "When did all of you get here...?" She asked, completely confused as to how she stayed asleep.

@Colt556@Zuka@Rhodus@Isune@Britt-21@Happy Red Mage@anyone else
  Reveal hidden contents

Mizuki Kohaku


Mizuki slept soundly in Draneri's arms.  She was warm and relaxed, her breathing smooth and soft. Despite being such an edgy and cold girl around her guild, she was a bit of an angel when she slept. Luckily for both of them, the dark Mage managed to stay asleep for a few hours instead of a few minutes. She'd wake up rested and ready to take on the day. As a few hours went by Mizuki finally began to wake up, finding herself in the arms of a tensed Draneri. She didn't know what was going on, but she hoped it was nothing bad. Fighting someone after a nap wasn't on her to do list today. Suddenly an angry shout filled the room and Draneri's warm body broke away from hers. A hand reached out towards the siren, wanting to pull her back into the bed to cuddle some more until she realized just who was in the room. Alicia had made an unexpected visit and happened to catch them sleeping. It was t anything lewd or si full but it was still embarrassing nonetheless. "Oh dear Alicia, come here..." She muttered, wiping her eyes quickly before using her magical limbs to gently take the little girl and pull her close, sitting her down beside her on the opposite side of Draneri. "You've got this all wrong my sweet. I allowed her into our home. She was starving so I fed her, but it took much of my energy away.  She then returned the favor and fed me as well as laid me in bed to sleep. I promise my dear that I'm under no spells and that neither of us will hurt you. I'd destroy Draneri before she could lay a hand on you..." She said as her hand ran through her hair reminiscent of how the siren did it. Mizuki gave her the slightest smile before drawing her into a hug. "I understand if you're uncomfortable around her, but I promise you'll be safe. I've always let you safe before, yes..?"



Alicia Nefaras

When Draneri didn't immediately decide to attack and instead apologized Alicia was confused. Mizuki found her? She didn't really believe that, not after what happened when they were fighting Lucian. Soon though Mizuki woke up and pulled her over to her, Alicia immediately putting her arms around her protectively and staring at Draneri suspiciously. She listened to her explain what had happened, it made sense she guessed...but she couldn't understand why she'd help her after what she'd made her do, after knowing what she was. She definitely wasn't acting like she was under any kind of spell, and Draneri could of easily hurt her before Mizuki woke up if she so wished. She had no choice but to believe her but she definitely didn't trust Draneri either. But Mizuki seemed to..so she had to put up with her for as long as she was here she guessed. "Well...I guess so." She replied. "She better not do anything weird though, and I'm not getting her any presents either." She said, looking from Draneri to Mizuki. "How long is she going to stay here?" She asked, hoping it was more temporary than it seemed.

Chris Lengheart(One ride coming right up.)

Chris simply nodded as Lavender explained to Tanari what was going on. "Think of it like...charity work. We're taking care of that manticore so no one's Christmas gets ruined." Chris said as he looked back to Lavender. As she asked Chris if he'd be willing to use his beast soul to give her a ride, Chris simply smiled and said,"Of course, every knight needs a loyal steed."

Immediately after saying this, Chris started to walk out of the kitchen. "If you're used to riding a specific creature now would be a good time to let me know. I got one form in the equine family, canine, feline, two in draconian, and one in bovine. Take you're pick now." He said as the doors soon closed behind him. Chris walked over to his monster compendium and picked it up. It could end up coming in handy. Only problem was, he didn't really have anywhere to put it. It was too large to fit into his pocket, and Chris didn't exactly carry around a bag. Maybe Lavender had something she could carry it in, Chris wasn't exactly too familiar with manticores so having this book would prove to be extremely useful. Just because he was a beast soul user didn't mean that Chris still had yet to learn about ever last beast that inhabits Fiore. Well, with this new book, that may not be such an issue anymore. Only time would tell.

@Britt-21 @Colt556
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Mizuki Kohaku


Mizuki slept soundly in Draneri's arms.  She was warm and relaxed, her breathing smooth and soft. Despite being such an edgy and cold girl around her guild, she was a bit of an angel when she slept. Luckily for both of them, the dark Mage managed to stay asleep for a few hours instead of a few minutes. She'd wake up rested and ready to take on the day. As a few hours went by Mizuki finally began to wake up, finding herself in the arms of a tensed Draneri. She didn't know what was going on, but she hoped it was nothing bad. Fighting someone after a nap wasn't on her to do list today. Suddenly an angry shout filled the room and Draneri's warm body broke away from hers. A hand reached out towards the siren, wanting to pull her back into the bed to cuddle some more until she realized just who was in the room. Alicia had made an unexpected visit and happened to catch them sleeping. It was t anything lewd or si full but it was still embarrassing nonetheless. "Oh dear Alicia, come here..." She muttered, wiping her eyes quickly before using her magical limbs to gently take the little girl and pull her close, sitting her down beside her on the opposite side of Draneri. "You've got this all wrong my sweet. I allowed her into our home. She was starving so I fed her, but it took much of my energy away.  She then returned the favor and fed me as well as laid me in bed to sleep. I promise my dear that I'm under no spells and that neither of us will hurt you. I'd destroy Draneri before she could lay a hand on you..." She said as her hand ran through her hair reminiscent of how the siren did it. Mizuki gave her the slightest smile before drawing her into a hug. "I understand if you're uncomfortable around her, but I promise you'll be safe. I've always let you safe before, yes..?"



Alicia Nefaras

When Draneri didn't immediately decide to attack and instead apologized Alicia was confused. Mizuki found her? She didn't really believe that, not after what happened when they were fighting Lucian. Soon though Mizuki woke up and pulled her over to her, Alicia immediately putting her arms around her protectively and staring at Draneri suspiciously. She listened to her explain what had happened, it made sense she guessed...but she couldn't understand why she'd help her after what she'd made her do, after knowing what she was. She definitely wasn't acting like she was under any kind of spell, and Draneri could of easily hurt her before Mizuki woke up if she so wished. She had no choice but to believe her but she definitely didn't trust Draneri either. But Mizuki seemed to..so she had to put up with her for as long as she was here she guessed. "Well...I guess so." She replied. "She better not do anything weird though, and I'm not getting her any presents either." She said, looking from Draneri to Mizuki. "How long is she going to stay here?" She asked, hoping it was more temporary than it seemed.


[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Mizuki's Apartment[/COLOR]


Draneri kept her head bowed to the ground with her wings half outstretched wide against her sides. Dipping low to try and convince the little girl she was of no threat. Though her golden gaze did lift up a fraction as she peered to Mizuki through her long dark purple strands, watching her dark arms lift the girl and pull her in close to explain the situation. As the girl wrapped her arms around the woman and eyed Draneri suspiciously she couldn't help but start to get triggered a little as her eyes narrowed down a fraction in return. The girl obviously didn't believe her best friend, and it didn't bode well with how close and snuggled she was getting in to her Mizuki. The Siren made the softest of an angry grunt, barely audible. Normally.. she adored children. She found them entertaining and innocent and beautiful. However she had grown quite attached to her bitter-tasting Dark Mage and the idea she couldn't get as close as she would like, when she liked, made her slightly tense.


"I will not do anything 'weird', as you put it, Child. I am simply here to regain my strength and if Mizuki wishes it, then I shall leave whenever she wishes me to." The Siren put a very strong emphasis on Mizuki rather then when Alicia wanted her away, because frankly the Predator could already sense the tension and animosity from the girl even from this distance. She straightened then as her wings folded into her hips, holding her own arms. "Although... If I may put in one request...I would like to see this Tooth of Saber, and an older Gilad if I may."


Again directing her question more to Mizuki then the little girl.



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Haruhi Redfox


Haruhi let out a happy hurray as her wife exclaimed that she did indeed taste the love. It filled her up with joy to know that she taasted the most important ingredient in the cookies, an ingredient special to her. "I'm glad that you tasted my love. I put a lot in those cookies, and I'm happy to know that I did I good job. I bet you didn't know that I threw out three batches before that. I didn't think they were good enough for you, so I kept trying until I got it right." She explained, leading Ciel to the living room, which like the rest of her house was decorated with different types of snowmen. If you couldn't tell, she had a weird obsession with snowmen. Taking a seat on the couch, forcing Ciel to sit beside her, Haruhi used her free hand to stoke the fireplace, making the warmth intensify. When it was at a satisfying temperature she leaned into Ciel, head resting on her shoulder. Haruhi didn't think that life could get better than this, cuddling with loved ones in the middle of winter. Really the only thing that could make this better was if her sister was here. "That's fine if you don't know what to do. I guess we can stay here for a little until we decide on something we both like...." When the topic of Ciel moving nearby came up, Haruhi's eyes widened. "N-no way! Are you really planning on moving up here? Oh gosh, that'd be wonderful! However I don't know of any empty lots you can buy. Crocus is a rather crowded place. Maybe you can just move in with me? Then we could be a true family!" The girl said happily, kissing Ciel's cheek softly. 

Ciel let Haruhi lead her into her living room in silent observation. 'She seems really fond of snowmen...' She thought as she looked around. She sat down beside Haruhi on the comfortable couch began to think about what they should do, letting her poke around with the fireplace and letting her relax on her shoulder. "Yes I really am planning to move into Crocus. I just have a feeling..." She drifted off before shaking her head. "Nothing...so, no empty lots? Shame, I was really looking forward to seeing if I could make a castle." When the topic of moving in with Haruhi came up she smiled in joy. "Yes! I'd love to move in with you!" She said kissing her back on the cheek. "On that note, I think I know what we can do...To quote a certain dark mage I once fought, 'Do you wanna build a snowman?'" She asked, grinning cheekily.

Ayano Soru: Why is he helping me?

Ayano was now able to move again, albeit barely... But after Timothy heard her he seemed he was trying to hide something. He hurriedly got Sora to leave the room and shortly came back wearing a pair of sunglasses. He was definitely hiding something and the taste of his "blood" certainly won't go unanswered for long. But for now it's probably best to leave it. Timothy handed her an IV bag of blood. She looked at it for a few moments a little confused then her eyes darted across the room to see if this was some kind of prank. "Are you serious?" She opened the bag a little and could instantly tell it really was blood. Type AB in fact, she could tell the difference due to it's very distinct smell. It's a good thing too because the bag said type O instead. She chuckled slightly at the thought. "It's a good thing you picked this one... If this was given to a patient something terrible would've happened. It's the wrong lable after all..." She noticed that she was going off track. "Wait... Why are you helping me? Wasn't I just trying to kill you a little while ago?" There's no way she could receive help from someone else. She lived alone all these years and she's still fine. She can get her own meals. Ayano made a posture as if she was going to throw the bag away... But... Hunger eventually won her over. She drank some of the blood taking care not to take more than she needs. It's good to keep rations just in case. But even so she was still ashamed that she even accepted help from Timothy. "I don't get you people... First Humans are out to kill me and finally when I want to end it all you want to help me instead? So many years of being chased by pitchforks and torches only to lead to this!? WHY!? Is this just another method of torture!? To let my guard down so you can stab me in the back again!?" Ayano was starting to get worked up but tried her best to calm down. If she could Ayano would've ended everything herself. But primal vampire instinct urges her to keep going, to survive.

@Zareh @Kyuubey


Sora Marvell - Magnolia/Her Residence




Sora's eyes instinctively went wide as the lacrima device was shoved in her hands and her entire body was forced into her own restroom. She swiveled around to protest, not taking kindly to being pushed around since she usually felt others took advantage of her smaller size, but that face was only met with a door closing before it. " Well then... " She mumbled, toying with the device between idle fingers before it went off suddenly. The ball shook so abruptly that Sora threw it aimlessly, eyes glued to the glow it emitted as it tumbled to the floor. Her body pressed against the door as she stared it down, blinking in a confused manner before a man appeared as a holograph. It wasn't long before she knelt down, knees bent, to lean slightly forward and scoot inches forward to get an even closer view. The two were almost at an equal eye level now and those eyes glistened as the lights danced about in them, the scientist soon speaking. In a few moments it was all over, the man had disappeared and answered her previous question but the answer she'd been given had opened a dozen rooms to be filled with possibilities and curiosity. So many thoughts were running rampant within her mind; So was he real, or wasn't he? Did he actually feel happiness or had he laughed this whole time just to go through the motions he saw everyone else go through? Did he always smile around her just to be friendly? He can't be all machine... he's caring and thoughtful..  


" Timothy just wants to be accepted... " Sora said quietly to herself, almost frustrated with everything she'd learned. That aggravation only grew and she picked the ball up and chucked it out her bathroom window, breathing heavily from the emotion coursing through her. " That's not fair! " Her words were overpowered by the glass shattering as the ball went soaring to land in the snow outside, remaining motionless. At this rate, Sora was going to destroy her own home and that wouldn't benefit anyone. Instead the door to the bathroom was flung open and she darted past Ayano to throw her small lithe arms around Timothy's torso, pulling him into a tight embrace with no intention of letting go. She tilted her face upwards, eyes bigger than usual, though they were glistened over with tears that threatened to spill over. " You'll always be my friend, I promise. If nobody accepts you, you'll always have me. I'll fight for you and you're going to join Fairy Tail because I want you to be part of my family. You don't need magic because you have such a big heart! You understand me?" Sora's voice seemed unstable but every word rang true, facial expression matching the sincerity of what she'd just exclaimed. Those arms tightened slightly but she didn't dare look away from his face even if hair had swayed within her vision, the blue strands acting like an obscurity as she stared up at him. Ayano didn't seem like a threat at the moment and Sora had every intention of addressing the vampire girl once Timothy accepted what she'd said, otherwise they were going to go into a heated debate and Sora wasn't the type to back down. " Please say you'll join. I want you there and that should be enough.. " Her tone softened as she let go of him slightly, arms loosely hanging there as her hands remained clasped together to rest against his back. 


Plus you'd make an awesome addition to my team! " A smile crept onto her face, only growing with each passing second as the idea suddenly became more and more desired. 


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