Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Ferra grinned and nodded, "Sounds great!" She replied cheerfully. She giggled at his wink, only continuing to grin at him a bit. At his next question she arched a brow in slight confusion. She knew it was a normal thing considering the fact of how much Millie and Valken used those honorifics on a nigh constant basis, but still. "Well uh....I dunno. You'd be the second person I've dated and the other one lasted like a day so..." She explained, trailing off slightly and shrugging. "I guess just call me Ferra?" She finished, shrugging once more. "What about you?" She asked curiously. If he wanted her to call him anything special she would, but as far as she was concerned she would just stick to using their normal names. She was a little nervous though, mostly because of Valken finding out. She already knew he'd tease her a lot, though lucky for her she had the whole issue of the magazines she could use to blackmail him into stopping. Sure, Ferra knew she had already used it to get him off her back for the whole Millie thing...which she still didn't comprehend at all considering it had worked out. But oh well.

  Nikolas smiled in relief when Ferra said she was fine with...just Ferra. It was better than that one girl he dated when he was six, who wouldn't talk to him unless he called her "Princess". Now that was weird. 

  "Just.....call me Nik, I guess. Nikolas is a bit too formal...y'know? So....yeah. Nik is cool. Something like that....ah! Shall we get going?" he added, moving to grab his jacket and put it on....only to realize just how evil Phineas was. 

  Mistletoe. On the ceiling. Taped everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Nikolas reddened, looking at Ferra then back at the ceiling. Then back at Ferra. 

  "......Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........." was the only thing that came out of the increasingly reddening Nikolas's mouth. Dammit, Phineas. 

Storage Facility

Her eyes were filled a with a mixture of a emotions, anger, happiness, and sadness. She was happy that Phineas and Shire were there to help but she was both mad and sad that her things have been so miss treated. There had been no sign of forced entry on the lock and some her things were still intact so there must not have been an earth quack. Granted two of the boxes weigh a ton but the other one still had fragile in it. Who ever did it must have had keys and was thinking that they were trying to find her money. At least the was the most logical reason but she they must have to weak and as a result they must have pasted by the box of lead. That was the only reason she could think of that explained the condition of her things. However, that did remind her that the box she had given Phineas had a block of lead in it and that it weighed a ton. She quickly closed the box with her gold and money before retrieving the box from Phineas and setting it on top of the other box. "Shiro I don't think that you will find anyone and it would just waste time. I do appreciate the offer, and I am happy that you guys are going to join me for everything. I suspect that today is going to be a long day and we are not going to be back before dark." She looked at Phineas and opened the box that she had gotten back from him to make sure that there was lead in there, and of course there was. "Sorry Phineas, I forgot that I was using this box to make sure my money was safe." She then began to head to the door, expecting the other two to follow her. "Well where should we go first? To get me an apartment or Christmas shopping?"

Shiro Ai: with Laura and Phin


Shiro nodded, she had known her suggestion wasn't actually something worth pursuing but she had wanted to suggest it anyway. She listened to what Phineas had said before nodding slightly, she didn't know much about Nikolas but she could ask Phin about the guy so she could maybe help him out. As for Laura's question she thought a moment before answering, "It's Christmas Eve...so I honestly feel like you should seek out an apartment first. Landlords and such will probably be getting ready to see family soon. So I suggest apartment first then we go Christmas shopping, what do you think?" Shiro tilted her head slightly as she put her suggestion out there, idly wondering; for no particular reason; what she could get for Phineas...though it'd be her first time giving a present so she was internally unsure but she would try to pay attention to Phin's reactions to things, aside from suggesting they look for an apartment first she doesn't speak much more though, simply watching the other two.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball (sorry for crap reply mobile.)

  Phineas let out a low sigh of relief as the very heavy weight was lifted off of him. Yes, he was a pianist, which had given him some upper body strength, but he wasn't that strong. Not really. He did agree with Shiro, though; shopping for presents could wait. ".....I agree that that seems like the best decision, though it is your choice, Miss Laura," he said earnestly, pairing a simple shrug with his words and putting his hands in his pockets. 

  He wondered what Nikolas was doing right now. Guess it was his curiosity. Or maybe the fact that he was an evil genius. Phineas held back a laugh as he tried to imagine what Nik's face would look like when he realized just what he had done. Luckily Phineas was able to get his usual poker face back on his face again. 


Leaving the Storage Facility

ishzu ishtar.jpg

"Apartment it is, and if it gets to tedious and boring for you, you don't have to stay." She looked at the company that she had, not knowing if the actually wanted to be there with her and was beginning to feel bad for forcing them to join her. "Anyways I don't know to start looking, if you two know anywhere we start I would be happy." Laura went around the storage room quickly making sure everything was tidy and put up in a way that would be acceptable to her. "Well I guess we won't get anywhere just standing here." She walked out of the storage container and once everyone was out she locked it up. An idea did occur to her that she could look a newspaper or go to an apartment complex and speak to the people in charge, she just didn't know where to go.

(sorry for the carp post)

Chris Lengheart(One ride coming right up.)

Chris simply nodded as Lavender explained to Tanari what was going on. "Think of it like...charity work. We're taking care of that manticore so no one's Christmas gets ruined." Chris said as he looked back to Lavender. As she asked Chris if he'd be willing to use his beast soul to give her a ride, Chris simply smiled and said,"Of course, every knight needs a loyal steed."

Immediately after saying this, Chris started to walk out of the kitchen. "If you're used to riding a specific creature now would be a good time to let me know. I got one form in the equine family, canine, feline, two in draconian, and one in bovine. Take you're pick now." He said as the doors soon closed behind him. Chris walked over to his monster compendium and picked it up. It could end up coming in handy. Only problem was, he didn't really have anywhere to put it. It was too large to fit into his pocket, and Chris didn't exactly carry around a bag. Maybe Lavender had something she could carry it in, Chris wasn't exactly too familiar with manticores so having this book would prove to be extremely useful. Just because he was a beast soul user didn't mean that Chris still had yet to learn about ever last beast that inhabits Fiore. Well, with this new book, that may not be such an issue anymore. Only time would tell.

@Britt-21 @Colt556


[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Lavender Gray[/COLOR]


Lavender took off the apron and had walked out into the main hall with Tanari and Chris before she heard someone walk in greeting everyone and giving gifts which greatly confused the warrior simply because that person had come decently late rather than the early morning. No matter. "I can ride just about anything...As long as you are able to hold my weight and as long as I do not fall off." she informed Chris before pulling her hair from the ponytail and letting it fall on her shoulders "Let us go before anything stops us from leaving." with that, the warrior made a quick escape and headed out the front before turning towards both Tanari and Chris ( @Colt556 @Isune ) "C'mon, you both move fairly slowly..." she muttered as her hand rested on her hip while her shield was sitting on the arm.

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

She didn't much care about the whole 'power in numbers' thing. To her this was nothing more than an excuse to fight and have some fun rather than rot away in the guild hall. All the same it seemed fairly important to the two so she simply gave Chris a smile as he inquired about Lavender's gear. They didn't need to know how little she actually cared about the circumstances surrounding the situation after all. However, the mention that they weren't getting did well to dampen her mood. She didn't actually expect to get paid but it sure would have been nice. She refocused on Lavender as the woman approached, sword and shield in hand and mentioning the need to fetch her armor. As Chris walked out of the kitchen she followed after him, giving a small shrug of her shoulders as she went. "A little charity work never hurt anyone I suppose."

The conversation shifting towards Chris being their mount left her a little uneasy. Even if the man could transform she wasn't exactly keen on being ferried around by him. As they made their way through the hall she noticed their token vampire awakening from her slumber as well as one of the many blondes returning, gifts in hand it would seem. Even after all these months it was still a bit distracting being in such a bustling Guild. Nevertheless her attention was brought back to Lavender as she remarked upon her speed. "I'm fast enough in a fight. Besides, do you even know where this... Manticore, was it? Do you even know where it's at?" She followed the knight out the main entrance out into the snowy cold streets. Unlike most people she still wore the usual revealing attire she'd always wear, seemingly oblivious to the cold. Ah the perks of being a fire mage.

@Isune @Britt-21

Chris Lengheart(Best doggy)

Chris watched as the two followed him out of the kitchen. While Tanari simply remained nearby, Lavender ran off to pick up her weapons. After a while, she returned with her hair down and a shield at the ready. As she called them slow, Chris simply bowed with a hand under his chest and another out in the air. "Forgive me Ms. Gray of Fairytail, I'll prepare your mount post-haste." He said in an obviously teasing manner.

In a matter of seconds, Chris changed from human to a werewolf. He quickly followed the two outside with his book in his massive claws. Handing the book to Lavender Chris asked,"Before we go, do you have anywhere to put this? Could actually end up being really useful when we're looking for that bastard." But once Tanari started asking how exactly they would find the manticore, Chris simply answered,"Well, that book has a set of manticore footprints in it. Once we find some fresh ones, I could catch a scent and track it to what we're looking for. This nose isn't just for show.

After everything was taken care of, Chris dropped down onto all fours and motioned for the two to get on. The faster they did so, the sooner they'd get out of here and hopefully nab a manticore.

  Nikolas smiled in relief when Ferra said she was fine with...just Ferra. It was better than that one girl he dated when he was six, who wouldn't talk to him unless he called her "Princess". Now that was weird. 

  "Just.....call me Nik, I guess. Nikolas is a bit too formal...y'know? So....yeah. Nik is cool. Something like that....ah! Shall we get going?" he added, moving to grab his jacket and put it on....only to realize just how evil Phineas was. 

  Mistletoe. On the ceiling. Taped everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Nikolas reddened, looking at Ferra then back at the ceiling. Then back at Ferra. 

  "......Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........." was the only thing that came out of the increasingly reddening Nikolas's mouth. Dammit, Phineas. 

  Phineas let out a low sigh of relief as the very heavy weight was lifted off of him. Yes, he was a pianist, which had given him some upper body strength, but he wasn't that strong. Not really. He did agree with Shiro, though; shopping for presents could wait. ".....I agree that that seems like the best decision, though it is your choice, Miss Laura," he said earnestly, pairing a simple shrug with his words and putting his hands in his pockets. 

  He wondered what Nikolas was doing right now. Guess it was his curiosity. Or maybe the fact that he was an evil genius. Phineas held back a laugh as he tried to imagine what Nik's face would look like when he realized just what he had done. Luckily Phineas was able to get his usual poker face back on his face again. 

Ferra nodded, "Sounds good, and Nik it is then." She replied. She had to admit she was just as relieved as Nikolas was to hear they'd be sticking to normal names and not some weird 'baby' and other stuff. She had nothing against Valken and Millie saying it, but it was definitely something she was unlikely to ever say or want said to her even if she got older. She waited patiently as Nikolas put his jacket on, arching a brow in confusion when his face suddenly reddened from looking at the ceiling, growing even more confused as he looked from her to the ceiling. "What's wrong?" She asked before looking up at the ceiling herself. A light blush crept onto her face though she grinned nonetheless. "Ohh, so that's another reason you wanted me to come to your place huh?" She questioned, her grin widening a bit. She giggled lightly before leaning up to kiss him on the cheek, she would do more but he might freak out or something going by the reaction he had from simply seeing the mistletoe. "I'm ready when you are." She said, continuing to smile at him and really just waiting for him to get over the seemingly random shock.

Celestia Corona: On the way back


It had taken some time; and maybe a little sobbing in her home but she had finally buried her feelings, of course she had washed her face thoroughly and had waited for her eyes to stop burning, hoping they weren't red as she rummaged through a bunch of the magic trinkets and little artifacts she had obtained in her travels, she had a box full of them and each item had magical properties to them. It was after digging for a bit that she found the two items she had sought out, pulling a dagger from the box and then a small three inch wide and six inch long box which she pocketed then clipped the dagger to the belt that held her skirt up, then quickly made her way out of the building with a bright smile that hid her feelings perfectly.

It didn't take her long to reach the guild once again and she easily pushed the door open, she had two targets in mind and made her way quickly towards one of them. Rosaline was the first one she approached grinning brightly as she caught the very end of the words where she asked where Celestia had gone, "Nah I'm right here! I wanted to apologize to you, I wasn't mad at anyone...you were just so angry and upset I was worried...and I spoke without thinking." Still grinning brightly, almost too happily at the other blonde while she pulled the little box from her coat pocket and offered the item inside to Rosaline. A glance in the open lid revealed a strange metallic and lacrima looking material in the form of a hair clip, "This clip is actually a new material being made in another country, it's a blend of lacrima and some metal...that's not all its a great conductor for electricity, but it can also store a decent amount of magic inside of it...So um...if you ever get that angry again excess electricity can be conducted into that, to help you out." The sweet blonde girl set it down in front of Rosaline with a bright smile before turning her attention to the second target, Kazuo.

She shot a small glare his way before storming up to him, as if she was angry, that dagger at her side being whipped out far quicker than he could actually react to and stopped a little in front of him dagger still looked at him...before suddenly grinning, tossing the dagger up and catching it by the blade he hilt pointed his way, while the dagger itself was plain steel with an oddly deep groove up its center at the bottom of the hilt was a small pearl made of what appeared to be the same material as the clip she had given Rosaline. "I wanted to apologize to you as well Kazuo, I spoke without thought...Trust me I won't do it again. I normally pride myself on thinking before speaking...anyway. From what I can recall about the research I did on you when looking into the guild you handle blades well right? Well I want you to have this one, it's a unique magical blade that when a spark of any type of magic is pushed into the pearl at the end there...it activates the lacrima, this particular lacrima causes a paralyzing agent to run down the center, when pierced into skin the liquid will drain into the enemy's blood stream and cause paralysis for a time." She used her free hand to unclip the sheath from her belt now offering the man she had stormed up to the two items with a sweet smile on her face, just as bright and cheerful as before if not more so.

@Zuka @Britt-21

Shiro Ai: at a storage unit


Shiro squeaked when Laura picked her up without giving Phineas the chance to do so, she had been right for sure, there was no way she could have kept up. When placed back down a deep blush colored her pale face at having been carried so quickly, part of her embarrassed because she had been wearing a dress as well and hoped that Phin hadn't gotten an accidental peek, was she going to ask him? Would she ever admit his little act with the string was cute? No, never, on either one but she would silently worry about one while taking the other to her grave. However when she saw the state of Laura's belongings she frowned deeply, color draining from her face instantly, her violet eyes were wide as she watched the other woman move a box into Phineas' hands, though she didn't know there was lead in the box either. Her eyes were too focused on Laura as she pulled some shiny stuff from one of the boxes and asked if the two would help her move, swallowing the sudden lump Shiro nodded speaking softly, "Erm Laura...would you like me to scout around and see if whoever did this to your things is still nearby? I...I don't say it much but I can't stand to see my guild mates harrassed foe any reason. Oh and...yeah I'll definitely help you move once we get the shopping done, no worries okay?" Her normally expressionless face suddenly softened and she gave the woman in front of her a genuine smile, smiling just a little more than what she normally did, than she had at Phin earlier even. She really was concerned which is why she had let her guard down a bit, even though her ears were listening for any odd noises besides Chrismas music, laughing children as they played in the snow, or the odd hum of prayers in the distance.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @TheSecretSorcerer

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

having seated himself on a nearby table with Rosa, Dorian looking to the sleepy floor spike wielder his face brightening to his request "ah that's more like it," going to his chest of belongings rummaging around producing a cast metal mug with a green wrap and studded with a couple of gems added. setting the mug down in front of Dorian and promptly set about filling it with frosty goodness. seeing Cele giving a present to Rosa going back to rummage around for another mug of sorts, "I am afraid I am all out of fancy mugs there but here all the same." offering a simple Polished sterling silver mug to the other lightning mage having it filled in short order and sliding it across the table in her general direction. taking a seat once again and filling his own "lets get to drinking then shall we?" raising his tankard

@Zuka@Mykinkaiser@Arius LaVari

  Reveal hidden contents

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Blue Pegasus Guild Hall[/COLOR]


The Lightning Mage was still looking left and right in search for Cele when low and behold the girl appeared as if she had always been there right behind her! While Rosa did jump a little she wasn't overly surprised because her voice carried before her and it was bright and bubbly enough to not accidentally cause the girl to shock her. That would be a right good look wouldn't it, cheerful girl bounces into the Guild Hall only to be struck down and turned to ash... yes... best not do that. As she stood before her Rosa had a habit of straightening to her full height, not liking to slouch when people addressed her though that made her seem more intimidating combined with the stern look on her face. Though as the girl (who one might mention despite being shorter, was actually older then her), opened up a chest Rosaline's eyes went slightly wide as she uncrossed her arms. "This is..." beautiful she would have said, but she didn't think she was capable of saying that right now. "For me?" She said quickly. Why would anyone gift her of all people, the one responsible of 9/10 fights in the place?


The blonde warrior watched the girl bend as if to place it at her feet but she reached out instead to peel the box from her hands gently, calm enough and in control to not shock her in the least. The alcohol helping a fraction as well. She almost immediately slipped her hand in and peeled the hair clip from the case as she turned it before her face to peer to it. "Thank you..." She said and just before the girl stormed away she reached forward and eclipsed the girl into a bear hug that literally lifted her completely off her feet, squeezing enough to perhaps make her gasp for air for a moment before she placed her back down and pushed her like one might a child towards her second target.


Still peering to the object in her hand, then she plopped it into her mouth momentarily as she slipped both her hands up to her hair and pulled her plait forward as she took out the hair tie at the base and started to slowly weave it from it's tight confines. Higher and higher till she got to the base of her skull then she shook her hair out a fraction and ran her fingers through the strands. Surprisingly her hair was rather long, and once it was out of it's confines it bounced in those loose curls one finds after untying a plait. It rested basically at her hips now. Rosaline had that same stern expression but she looked almost completely different with her hair down and it completely softened her features.


She pulled the clip out of her mouth before she looked to Dorian and wordlessly slipped the clip into his fingers before plonking down to sit on the ground with her back resting against the edge of the seat (being he was seated right on the edge). "I need someone to put it in for me." She said in a hard tone like that completely explained her actions. "And seeing as your awake you should make yourself useful." In the same commanding tone. Her eyes slipping closed. "Although if you want to drink I'm sure Kazuo will be more then happy to do it for me." She said as an afterthought, wondering why in the world she would even say such a thing. After all she still hated that guy from what he did earlier, and besides it's not like him putting the clip in would worry Dorian anyway, would it? With that done she held a hand aloft. "AND SOMEONE PASS ME MY DRINK!"






Dorian barely had time to receive the tankard and take a sip before one of the people from the table earlier, the blonde girl with black speckling in her hair, came up to give something to Rosa. Now, the archer wasn't really wondering what is was, but if he had been he would not have had to wait long as she soon gave it to him, revealing it to be a lacrima-like hair clip, and asked, or rather demanded, that he put it in for her. Sighing lightly he turned, the sigh cutting off midway as he saw her. In all the time he had known her he couldn't recall ever seeing her with her hair down, which was a shame since she looked much gentler like that. Or well... she did until she bellowed for another drink. Seems changing the outside wouldn't change her character, figures... That said, Dorian didn't especially want her to change, which was strange given the fact that she was pretty much the embodiment of what he disliked in a person. She was loud, she disturbed his sleep, and she was altogether too energetic. Even so, he, for some reason, liked her... or something. He knew that there was something about her that caught his interest, but he wasn't sure what it was, or how he felt about her in the end. Due to this, he decided to stay quiet about it, to think about it some more, and to speak up when he knew for sure.

It was at this point that Dorian remembered the hair clip in his hand, and Rosa's accompanying request. He figured he'd best comply, both because Rosa would likely become louder and more troublesome, and because her comment about having Kazuo rubbed him the wrong way for some reason. Thus, he reached out, placing his palm on her cheek to turn her head towards him before leaning in, bring his face into close proximity of hers. He then proceeded to carefully put the clip into her hair, making sure it looked good, before leaning back and turning to his tankard, proceeding to pick it up and drain it in one go before slamming it back down and motioning for Ace to pour him another. Things had been getting more and more troublesome lately, and he was really going to need more to drink.
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Fairytail Guild Hall - Magnolia


The Forest Mage despite being uncomfortable and probably gaining a shiver against the cold wooden floor boards looked dead to the world. Her chest was rising and falling with tiny puffs of warm air escaping that fogged just before her lips and face, which showed she wasn't dead just exhausted. How tired must one be to simply pass out, right there on the cold wooden floor boards? If she were awake she might have been happy that she had grown such a large and strong Christmas Tree for the entire Guild, but instead she was drifting into wonderful dreams and memories as a child running through flowers and fields, spinning and dancing and laughing.


The memory causing a tiny smile to tug at the corner of her lips and her face still held soft. She made a soft noise that half brought her into consciousness as her body started to feel weightless. Her long blonde hair sort of bounced with every step Ryu made and she found her head and face pressed up against his chest. Even as he carried her, she found herself curling in even more and with a half mumble she reached a hand up to clutch to an edge of his Kimono, fingers curling in to brush against his chest a fraction. She couldn't help it, whatever it was that was holding her was radiating a heat that she was draw to. She remembered being a little girl as her Mother would curl her up in her lap and rock her gently, her Mother being a Fire Mage her body had been just as naturally warm as Ryu's was. And she took great comfort as he carried her. Even his steps seemed to rock and hold her as she had.


Kelica made another weird groaning sound as one eye peeked open to peer upwards to Ryu, eyelid only sliding halfway as she watched him carry her. Though she didn't pull away her grip on the edge of his kimono. "R....Ryu?" She asked softly, her eyes still hazy like she were still half asleep. "..W..where are you taking me?"




Miyamoto Ryu (Artist's Brush; Shadow; Molten).png

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ryu looked down as he felt Kelica tug on edge of his kimono softly, smiling a little. The girl was like a child in a lot of ways. She would have periods of intense hyperactivity, bouncing of the walls and talking non-stop. Followed by periods of enormous exhaustion, like the one she was going through now. Which was not to say that he disliked dealing with Kelica, she just could be a handful sometimes and required a bit of supervision to make sure she didn't end up hurting herself or anyone else. As he reached the top of the stairs, he felt Kelica stir again, and this time she woke up, her eyes still half glazed over from sleep. "I'm sorry Kelica. I didn't mean to wake you." He said. "I was just moving you to a quieter place so you could get some rest." He explained. "Although, now that I think about it, it might be better if I let you sleep in one of the booths of the guild hall." With that, he turned around, walking slowly back down the stairs. He once again made his way across the guild hall, keeping his place slow to not wake Kelica up any further. Once he reached the booth where he had been sat earlier, he laid Kelica down carefully on the other side. "Get some rest now," He urged, a hint of parental sternness in his voice. "We can't have you just falling asleep every five minutes

Timothy Harvard: I am Machine

Machine Heart.jpg


[SIZE= 18px]Timothy looks at Ayano and begins to ponder. At first, he thinks about what she said and how to answer that question. He sits down on the couch and looks at her in the eyes despite wearing sunglasses. The emotional intensity sets in as he starts to speak [/SIZE]"Fools take a knife and stab people in the back. The wise take a knife, cut the cord, and set themselves free from the fools." [SIZE= 18px]I may be stupid...but I am no fool. He takes out a book called "Magic: A beginner's guide to casting." and flips through the pages [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I've red this book from front to back, all 192 pages full of information on how to use magic but even with this knowledge...I can never use magic no matter how hard I try...I just can't do it..." he said in a somber tone as he puts the book down on the table. "For as long as I can remember...I've always wanted to join a Mage's guild....the joy of going on a quest to do good deeds and be with friends...but in order to be a mage...you need to learn how to cast magic...what is a mage without magic?" he asked Ayano in a questioning tone. "I've been rejected many times, over and over again. It was never easy...not everyone is born equal..." Timothy lifted his hand up and clenched it as he looked down.[/SIZE]

"I guess what I am trying to say is that, I know how it's like to be betrayed, to be an outcast...to be alone..." [SIZE= 18px]he explained as he took off his sunglasses with one [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]eye hole[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px] closed shut. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Sometimes I hear voices in my head that tell me...let the machine run wild...go berserk...do what you were meant to do...those voices won't stop...they won't stop no matter what until I give in...but darkness can't drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate can't drive out hate; only love can do that. It's the reason why I keep smiling and why I show kindness to everyone is that...perhaps, maybe one day...they'll learn to accept me for who I am...but if they don't...I hope that they'll learn to accept others like you." he finishes putting his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry that I harmed you, I had no other choice. It's only natural that you would fight for your own survival but even if you've given up on life, I believe in you." he said every word with a full heart as he tries to reach to her. His one eye still shut as he smiles at her hoping that she'll understand his philosophy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]However he soon sees Sora running up to him and hugging him, those words she spoke to him...those words was all that he wanted to hear...[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]all he said is...[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I want to be by your side." meaning as a 100% yes to her. As tears flown down his cheeks. He could finally live out his dream.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@Jackaboi @Kyuubey[/SIZE]
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  Reveal hidden contents

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Mizuki's Apartment[/COLOR]


Draneri kept her head bowed to the ground with her wings half outstretched wide against her sides. Dipping low to try and convince the little girl she was of no threat. Though her golden gaze did lift up a fraction as she peered to Mizuki through her long dark purple strands, watching her dark arms lift the girl and pull her in close to explain the situation. As the girl wrapped her arms around the woman and eyed Draneri suspiciously she couldn't help but start to get triggered a little as her eyes narrowed down a fraction in return. The girl obviously didn't believe her best friend, and it didn't bode well with how close and snuggled she was getting in to her Mizuki. The Siren made the softest of an angry grunt, barely audible. Normally.. she adored children. She found them entertaining and innocent and beautiful. However she had grown quite attached to her bitter-tasting Dark Mage and the idea she couldn't get as close as she would like, when she liked, made her slightly tense.


"I will not do anything 'weird', as you put it, Child. I am simply here to regain my strength and if Mizuki wishes it, then I shall leave whenever she wishes me to." The Siren put a very strong emphasis on Mizuki rather then when Alicia wanted her away, because frankly the Predator could already sense the tension and animosity from the girl even from this distance. She straightened then as her wings folded into her hips, holding her own arms. "Although... If I may put in one request...I would like to see this Tooth of Saber, and an older Gilad if I may."


Again directing her question more to Mizuki then the little girl.





Alicia Nefaras

When Draneri didn't immediately decide to attack and instead apologized Alicia was confused. Mizuki found her? She didn't really believe that, not after what happened when they were fighting Lucian. Soon though Mizuki woke up and pulled her over to her, Alicia immediately putting her arms around her protectively and staring at Draneri suspiciously. She listened to her explain what had happened, it made sense she guessed...but she couldn't understand why she'd help her after what she'd made her do, after knowing what she was. She definitely wasn't acting like she was under any kind of spell, and Draneri could of easily hurt her before Mizuki woke up if she so wished. She had no choice but to believe her but she definitely didn't trust Draneri either. But Mizuki seemed to..so she had to put up with her for as long as she was here she guessed. "Well...I guess so." She replied. "She better not do anything weird though, and I'm not getting her any presents either." She said, looking from Draneri to Mizuki. "How long is she going to stay here?" She asked, hoping it was more temporary than it seemed.

Mizuki Kohaku

The Bedroom


Mizuki was somewhat glad that Alicia was willing to try and coexist with Draneri for a little bit. But even she knew that the little girl wasn't happy with her being there. Just as long as they didn't kill eachother everything would be ok. "Do not worry my sweet Alicia, she will not do anything weird. Though I do not know what you mean by weird? No matter what you mean, she won't be doing any of it..." She whispered softly, catching Draneri's slight glare from the corner of her eye. Giving the siren a stern, quick look before looking back to Alicia. They have been in the room with one another for less than 5 minutes and you could cut the tension with a knife. She hated how much they disliked each other, but they'd have to suck it up.. "As for how long she stays is up to her. I don't mind the presence of Draneri, but if she begins to act up then I will make her leave..." The dark Mage knew that Alicia wouldn't be happy with that answer, but at the same time she couldn't just kick Draneri out onto the cold snowy streets with no food or money. Letting go of Alicia, Mizuki stood from the bed and turned her purple eyes to Draneri who asked to visit the "tooth of saber". She wasn't opposed to visiting the guild, plus she missed her spot behind the bar. And now that Alicia was here it'd be better, hopefully. "Yes, we can visit the guild. Would you like to accompany us sweet Alicia, or stay here?"

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

She stood to the side as she watched the endless flirting between the two of them. She could have swore Chris and Kelica were a thing, but then keeping tabs on relationships wasn't exactly a pass-time of hers. However, the response to her question left her more than a little unimpressed. "So basically we just wander around until you find something...." Her expression betrayed her thoughts on what a pain this was turning out to be. "Well, whatever." With that she hoisted herself up upon Chris' back, squirming slightly as she searched for a comfortable position and something to grab onto. This would be far better if he simply carried them, at least then she could take a nap or something. Nevertheless she took a sturdy handful or hair in place of reigns and leaned over to extend a hand to help Lavy up. "Let's make this quick, I came to fight monsters not play detective."

@Isune @Britt-21

Leaving the Storage Facility

"Apartment it is, and if it gets to tedious and boring for you, you don't have to stay." She looked at the company that she had, not knowing if the actually wanted to be there with her and was beginning to feel bad for forcing them to join her. "Anyways I don't know to start looking, if you two know anywhere we start I would be happy." Laura went around the storage room quickly making sure everything was tidy and put up in a way that would be acceptable to her. "Well I guess we won't get anywhere just standing here." She walked out of the storage container and once everyone was out she locked it up. An idea did occur to her that she could look a newspaper or go to an apartment complex and speak to the people in charge, she just didn't know where to go.

(sorry for the carp post)

~Shiro Ai~


Shiro tilted her head to the side when Laura mentioned she didn't know where to look, luckily for her it seemed that Shiro knew exactly where to look and stepped forward, "Well if you don't mind living in the same complex as a guild mate there are 3 rooms open at the apartment complex I live in, the landlady is a gem of a woman too, very kind." She walked in that direction for now taking lead anyway though, she knew there was a paper stand on the way to her apartment building so that would be something Laura could pick up as they made their way to the building she was leading them to, thankfully she actually knew quite a few places around, but how many vacancies she didn't know, she was being a little odd though walking backwards as she trekked through the snow; she was leaving herself open to conversation, after all she had been here long enough to know her way around, Phin was new but if Laura was admitting she didn't know where to look Shiro would gladly help them out.



Aiden picked up a undecorated cookie and popped it into his mouth. "I'm not a lazy bum you know! These are a lot of cookies." he paused for a moment. "Are you trying to fatten me up so you can eat me?" He made a face of pure horror, which ended in in laughter. He put the tip of the icing bag on to a cookie and began to messily decorate them. Meanwhile a certain green snake slithered around the cozy kitchen, their tongue licking the air to take in the aromas. The sneaky snake attempted to sang a cookie, unfortunately Aiden picked him up. "Why you little green dildo! You can't eat the cookies yet. Here Ashley hold this little bastered while I pour our drinks." 






After having spent quite a few hours in the guild hall, and after he had finished his conversation with Ryu, Hibiki proceeded to head on out of the guild hall via its two large wooden main doors  and out onto the streets of Magnolia, heading towards his apartment in order to retrieve something. As he walked, Hibiki stuffed his hands into his pockets as he grew deep in thought. After so many years, he had finally decided that it was time he pay a certain woman a visit. He hadn't seen her for five years, and for quite a while the S-Class had actually been trying to locate the woman in question. Hibiki had known where she was for a few years now, and the two often wrote to each other and sent each other gifts but that was never the same as actually seeing one another in the flesh. Although he'd never admit it himself, but he really has missed the woman. That woman, of course, being his sister, Rosaline Dreyar.


After walking silently for a few minutes, the blonde arrived at his home and was quick to enter and grab the gift that was wrapped intricately and head back out again. The gift had a card attached to it and it was of course all addressed to Rosa. "Right. So.... Balsam Village." He spoke, quietly to himself as his body began to envelop in lightning, the arcs of it crackling away and then in a flash, Hibiki shot up into the sky and made his way towards Balsam Village using his Lightning Body technique. The journey didn't take long at all, taking into account that Balsam is a few minutes away from Magnolia and then of course, the speed Hibiki was travelling at. The body of lightning landing in the centre of Balsam Village with a thunderous clap, causing the civilians in the surrounding area to scream and run around terrified. Hibiki dispelled the Lightning Body as he stood there in confusion, completely baffled as he held the present in his hands. A confused look on his face as people said things such as "Oh god, she's back!" And "The she devil is here, get inside!" All of which caused Hibiki's brow to furrow in confusion. 


"What on earth?" He mumbled, as he simply shrugged and then began walking around the village, looking for Rosa. Wherever she may be. Hibiki would ask about her whereabouts but whenever Rosa was mentioned, the civilian would simply gasp in fear and bolt it. Only to receive strange looks from the blonde.  No matter, Hibiki knew Rosa would've noticed the electricity in the air and thus peaking her attention. Now all he had to do, was to find her.



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Chris Lengheart(Best doggy)

Chris watched as the two followed him out of the kitchen. While Tanari simply remained nearby, Lavender ran off to pick up her weapons. After a while, she returned with her hair down and a shield at the ready. As she called them slow, Chris simply bowed with a hand under his chest and another out in the air. "Forgive me Ms. Gray of Fairytail, I'll prepare your mount post-haste." He said in an obviously teasing manner.

In a matter of seconds, Chris changed from human to a werewolf. He quickly followed the two outside with his book in his massive claws. Handing the book to Lavender Chris asked,"Before we go, do you have anywhere to put this? Could actually end up being really useful when we're looking for that bastard." But once Tanari started asking how exactly they would find the manticore, Chris simply answered,"Well, that book has a set of manticore footprints in it. Once we find some fresh ones, I could catch a scent and track it to what we're looking for. This nose isn't just for show.

After everything was taken care of, Chris dropped down onto all fours and motioned for the two to get on. The faster they did so, the sooner they'd get out of here and hopefully nab a manticore.

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

She stood to the side as she watched the endless flirting between the two of them. She could have swore Chris and Kelica were a thing, but then keeping tabs on relationships wasn't exactly a pass-time of hers. However, the response to her question left her more than a little unimpressed. "So basically we just wander around until you find something...." Her expression betrayed her thoughts on what a pain this was turning out to be. "Well, whatever." With that she hoisted herself up upon Chris' back, squirming slightly as she searched for a comfortable position and something to grab onto. This would be far better if he simply carried them, at least then she could take a nap or something. Nevertheless she took a sturdy handful or hair in place of reigns and leaned over to extend a hand to help Lavy up. "Let's make this quick, I came to fight monsters not play detective."

@Isune @Britt-21

View attachment 170594

Aiden picked up a undecorated cookie and popped it into his mouth. "I'm not a lazy bum you know! These are a lot of cookies." he paused for a moment. "Are you trying to fatten me up so you can eat me?" He made a face of pure horror, which ended in in laughter. He put the tip of the icing bag on to a cookie and began to messily decorate them. Meanwhile a certain green snake slithered around the cozy kitchen, their tongue licking the air to take in the aromas. The sneaky snake attempted to sang a cookie, unfortunately Aiden picked him up. "Why you little green dildo! You can't eat the cookies yet. Here Ashley hold this little bastered while I pour our drinks." 


[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Lavender Gray[/COLOR]


Lavender took the book that was given to her and she looked down at it "I guess I could carry it in a pouch of ssome sort when we get to my home." her eyes moved to Tanari who climbed on already and got comfortable before offering a hand out to her "I apologize but I believe we have no choice but to play detective" the warrior said as she grabbed Tanari's hand and got up on Chris's back and made herself comfortable before gripping onto his hair "Alright, Chris. Let's head off." the warrior said as she looked back at Tanari "You may wrap your arms around me if you do not feel safe grasping onto his hair." she didnt mind, as long as Tanari felt safe and comfortable with how she was. Lavender then looked back towards the front of them, waiting for the transformed Chris to dash.


[SIZE= 26px]Ashley Hart[/SIZE]

Ashley laughed "Yeah, i'm just trying to fatten you up so I can eat you for dessert." she joked before looking over at the snake that Aiden picked up which was Shen (I think?) and called him a green Dildo which made her laugh harder and shake her head as Aiden said to hold the snake while he poured the drinks "Alright" she said, only having some giggles and taking the snake in her hands "Thank you for pouring our drinks though." Ashely said as she looked at the snake "You can have some cookies in a bit. Once we're done decorating you can have a couple. Just dont eat them all because I only made enough for a day or so for all of us." besides, she loved cookies and would want to eat a good bit of what she had made "Oh, Aiden, did you like that cookie you ate? I'm not sure if they're good...since I havent tried one even though im very tempted..."


Tyson walked around uncertain of what he should do first. He was wearing a red and white outfit, that resembled the one Santa clause wore. The red didn't quite match his own crimson hair, but he didn't care. He had a large sack on his back, and for once a slight smile on his face. He walked with a slight pep to his step and hummed a familiar Christmas tune merrily. He stopped at each guild and dropped off loads of presents to each on, leaving before anyone was the wiser. They were gifts that Tyson had bought, items that were needed rather than wanted. Tyson studied most of those he was acquainted with regardless of if they were aware. He even had a list, which may have made this way stranger. But so far no one seemed to mind his holiday drop offs. He finally finished stopping at fairytail and dropping off the last load. He sat back and smiled happily, then turned away prepared to depart. 


Eric: Still pretty drunk

From the look of things it looked like Eric owed one to Kenya for saving his wallet. He has to be careful of what he's saying from now on. But now it seems that Sakura has made her appearance too. Which actually reminded him. There's still more presents he has to get and for good reason. Especially the fact that Sakura can pretty much draw anything she wants and Gilad is a pretty hard nut to crack too. Even worse Eric was still too drunk to think properly. He'll have to figure it out in the morning... But now is the time to be happy! Maybe Gilad should try and join in the fun for a change instead of just chilling at the bar. Well... Eric was guilty of doing that too... But still It's hard to imagine how hard it is to be a guild master. That's no excuse to refuse to have fun now and again is it? That was until he devised a plan. It probably isn't a great idea to do this but hell it's Christmas! People prank others all the time! Eric spoke quietly so no one but Sakura and possibly Tokine could hear him. "Hey Sakura... Could you try drawing a bucket of water for me." He said drifting his gaze to Gilad then turning into an eagle in an attempt to signal what he plans to do. "Many of my pranks on the master have been foiled but I'd say today is the day I finally do it. Don't worry I won't say you're involved." The plan is perfect! No one will ever expect a random bucket of water to fall on their head.

@Nenma Takashi @Colt556 @Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Anyone else at ST Guild Hall
"Nn" The noise of a slight moan escaped from Bel's mouth while he stretched his body after his usual napping, barely taking any attention from his hard to reach surroundings. Truth being said, it wasn't usual to sleep at a roof even for someone as lazy as him, but in the urge to rest his body after the abnormal quantity of energy wasted in the quest that he decided to pick he didn't really thought about being picky, simply laying down at the first flat surface he saw after reaching the guild building: One of the sections of ceiling from fairy tail's building that was roughly protected from the excessive light, making it a ideal spot for napping before entering the guild.

"So... Where I'm supposed to be this time..?" The sleepy voice of the demon barely qualified as a mutter, being clearly nothing more than a vocalization of his thoughts while he tried to recall where he decided to nap this time. He took a few seconds to free himself from the excessive drowsiness before realizing that he was acctually above the guild hall, a position that he acctually hadn't used to sleep before. "Wait, no time for sleeping. Have to hand over the mission" The poorly articulated mutter that came from his mouth once more freed him of the drowsiness, giving him the necessary stimulus to leap down from the roof and start his walk into the guild hall. His walking was quite slow, giving a sluggish feel when coupled with the constant yawning.

Ayano Soru: So much emotion...

Outcast, alone and afraid... These were the things Timothy said that he shared with Ayano. Unfortunately though there wasn't much Ayano could say back. She even failed to react when he placed his hand on her shoulder. Except for the fact she spoke very quietly to the point where she wasn't sure Tim heard her. "I bet you never murdered your parents though..."  That was until Sora burst through the room holding on to Timothy with a great deal of emotion following behind her. Ayano simply sat there confused as to where else she's seen this from. Someone who carries so much emotion and compassion it's almost as if they carried the weight of the world on them. It was then that it clicked. A long long time ago, probably a hundred years from now there was a memory that her brain erased so long ago. But this girl helped Ayano remember again. The girl that she met years before she snapped. "Wendy Marvel..." Ayano's lips moved on their own. She wasn't even aware that she spoke at all.

[SIZE= 14px]Back when Ayano simply walking by herself she was on the verge of killing everything on site. No one accepted her. They attack her and drive the vampire away. It was the same routine everyday until she met Wendy. She actually helped Ayano resist the urge to kill. As a matter of fact she was the one who helped her hold on for so many more years. The words she remembered that helped her fight back were. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"Everyone is just scared. But you have the power to prove them wrong. Show them you're not dangerous and they might accept you for who you are." [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]But no matter how hard Ayano tried. No one would ever give her the chance to do so. One look at her fangs and everyone attacked her. But yet she tried again and again although because of this her brain decided to wipe the memory completely. Causing her to lose all faith and go [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]berserk[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px].[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"I remember everything now." She looked at Sora with a face of realisation. "You! You're a descendant of Wendy aren't you!? She helped me so many years ago and I never had the chance to thank her... Hell I even forgot everything about her and did so many terrible things. But after seeing you like this it's become clear to me again. Turning into a vampire may have cost me my humanity... But I was still a person. At least before I lost control and killed. Why have I never realised that until now... Even not that long ago I recieved help from one of your friends. I believe her name was Kimberly? I guess I also owe her for getting me out that dungeon." She never realised just how many good people she has known throughout her undeath. Mizuki, Wendy, Kimberly, Sora and Timothy. She was so focused on purging humanity itself she failed to notice the goodness in everyone. Even if some of them did still attack. For the first time in a long time she felt sad. Sad that she betrayed the only people that only wanted to help her. What does Sora and Timothy want to do with the vampire now? She wouldn't blame them if they decided to put her out of her misery at this point.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Zareh @Kyuubey[/SIZE]

Chris Lengheart(Doggy, away!)

Once everyone loaded up, Chris did a quick double check to make sure no one was still settling before suddenly bolting down the street. His head soon peering over his shoulder as he quickly asked,"Alright, which way am I going? Be quick, I already about to pass a block!" Lavender still needed to pick up her armor, but she didn't exactly give Chris an address. Still charging straight ahead, Chris waited for an answer. If anything, he might just end up having to turn around and go the other direction. All Chris could honestly hope for right now was that he hadn't already passed the house, that would end up meaning that they waste more time where someone (maybe even Chris' dad or brother) could of gotten hurt or maybe was being killed!

@Britt-21 @Colt556

Mizuki Kohaku

The Bedroom


Mizuki was somewhat glad that Alicia was willing to try and coexist with Draneri for a little bit. But even she knew that the little girl wasn't happy with her being there. Just as long as they didn't kill eachother everything would be ok. "Do not worry my sweet Alicia, she will not do anything weird. Though I do not know what you mean by weird? No matter what you mean, she won't be doing any of it..." She whispered softly, catching Draneri's slight glare from the corner of her eye. Giving the siren a stern, quick look before looking back to Alicia. They have been in the room with one another for less than 5 minutes and you could cut the tension with a knife. She hated how much they disliked each other, but they'd have to suck it up.. "As for how long she stays is up to her. I don't mind the presence of Draneri, but if she begins to act up then I will make her leave..." The dark Mage knew that Alicia wouldn't be happy with that answer, but at the same time she couldn't just kick Draneri out onto the cold snowy streets with no food or money. Letting go of Alicia, Mizuki stood from the bed and turned her purple eyes to Draneri who asked to visit the "tooth of saber". She wasn't opposed to visiting the guild, plus she missed her spot behind the bar. And now that Alicia was here it'd be better, hopefully. "Yes, we can visit the guild. Would you like to accompany us sweet Alicia, or stay here?"


Alicia Nefaras

[SIZE= 14px]Alicia stuck her tongue out at Draneri when she pretty much said Mizuki was in charge and had glared at her. It was her house too! But if Mizuki wanted her here she'd tolerate her...for now. She didn't exactly have any specifics for what she meant by 'weird', using it as more of an umbrella term than specifics. She ignored her request and turned to Mizuki when she started speaking again, nodding slowly when she assured her Draneri wouldn't do anything weird. "She better not." She commented, staring at her warily.[/SIZE]

She sighed when she basically said she'd be able to stay as long as she wanted to, a pout evident on her face. "Okay.." She mumbled. She had wanted to spend the holidays with her. Not her and some weird woman that tried to turn her against her. When she asked if she wanted to join them at the guild hall she sat silent in thought for a few moments. On one hand she needed to wrap presents, seeing as she had quite a few, but on the other she wanted to stay with Mizuki since Draneri would be going along. "Yeah I wanna go, at-least for a little bit." She replied.
  Reveal hidden contents

Mizuki Kohaku

The Bedroom


Mizuki was somewhat glad that Alicia was willing to try and coexist with Draneri for a little bit. But even she knew that the little girl wasn't happy with her being there. Just as long as they didn't kill eachother everything would be ok. "Do not worry my sweet Alicia, she will not do anything weird. Though I do not know what you mean by weird? No matter what you mean, she won't be doing any of it..." She whispered softly, catching Draneri's slight glare from the corner of her eye. Giving the siren a stern, quick look before looking back to Alicia. They have been in the room with one another for less than 5 minutes and you could cut the tension with a knife. She hated how much they disliked each other, but they'd have to suck it up.. "As for how long she stays is up to her. I don't mind the presence of Draneri, but if she begins to act up then I will make her leave..." The dark Mage knew that Alicia wouldn't be happy with that answer, but at the same time she couldn't just kick Draneri out onto the cold snowy streets with no food or money. Letting go of Alicia, Mizuki stood from the bed and turned her purple eyes to Draneri who asked to visit the "tooth of saber". She wasn't opposed to visiting the guild, plus she missed her spot behind the bar. And now that Alicia was here it'd be better, hopefully. "Yes, we can visit the guild. Would you like to accompany us sweet Alicia, or stay here?"


Alicia Nefaras

[SIZE= 14px]Alicia stuck her tongue out at Draneri when she pretty much said Mizuki was in charge and had glared at her. It was her house too! But if Mizuki wanted her here she'd tolerate her...for now. She didn't exactly have any specifics for what she meant by 'weird', using it as more of an umbrella term than specifics. She ignored her request and turned to Mizuki when she started speaking again, nodding slowly when she assured her Draneri wouldn't do anything weird. "She better not." She commented, staring at her warily.[/SIZE]

She sighed when she basically said she'd be able to stay as long as she wanted to, a pout evident on her face. "Okay.." She mumbled. She had wanted to spend the holidays with her. Not her and some weird woman that tried to turn her against her. When she asked if she wanted to join them at the guild hall she sat silent in thought for a few moments. On one hand she needed to wrap presents, seeing as she had quite a few, but on the other she wanted to stay with Mizuki since Draneri would be going along. "Yeah I wanna go, at-least for a little bit." She replied.


Outside Mizuki's Apartment

Draneri tried her very hardest to ignore the little girl that was smoothed all up against her Mizuki, and the fact she stuck her tongue out over her shoulder made the Siren's jaw tense. But a moment later Mizuki herself gave the Siren a stern glare which made the older women straighten more as she took a deep breath inwards. She couldn't ruin her chance to be with that delicious Dark Energy she had tasted, she could still taste it on her tongue and she licked her lips gently as she thought about it even now. A quick motion, before she caught herself out and slowly lifted her hand to cover her mouth and her rudeness. Draneri closed her eyes and turned her head to avoid looking at the girl, even upturning her head slightly as Alicia stared at her warily as she completely ignored her.

The Siren nodded her head before she turned and with silent, graceful steps, the Siren slowly walked out of the room as her voice lifted. "I will wait outside for when you are both ready, and we can leave when you are able." She said in her smooth tone and with that the Siren exited the room and did just that, opening Mizuki's front door before she stood waiting patiently by the apartment. To be truthfully the Siren actually was well aware where the Sabertooth Guild Hall was, but she also was aware some of the members would recognize her for what she was, and she wasn't planning on dying this day to a bunch of unforgiving Mages with a bone to pick. For you see, Draneri was nothing if not cautious as expected of a Predator that feasted on Human's for 300 odd years. And with Mizuki leading the way she was assured her ability to survive.

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  Reveal hidden contents

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ryu looked down as he felt Kelica tug on edge of his kimono softly, smiling a little. The girl was like a child in a lot of ways. She would have periods of intense hyperactivity, bouncing of the walls and talking non-stop. Followed by periods of enormous exhaustion, like the one she was going through now. Which was not to say that he disliked dealing with Kelica, she just could be a handful sometimes and required a bit of supervision to make sure she didn't end up hurting herself or anyone else. As he reached the top of the stairs, he felt Kelica stir again, and this time she woke up, her eyes still half glazed over from sleep. "I'm sorry Kelica. I didn't mean to wake you." He said. "I was just moving you to a quieter place so you could get some rest." He explained. "Although, now that I think about it, it might be better if I let you sleep in one of the booths of the guild hall." With that, he turned around, walking slowly back down the stairs. He once again made his way across the guild hall, keeping his place slow to not wake Kelica up any further. Once he reached the booth where he had been sat earlier, he laid Kelica down carefully on the other side. "Get some rest now," He urged, a hint of parental sternness in his voice. "We can't have you just falling asleep every five minutes


Kelica zefara.png

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage's one eye which was currently open, if not barely, blinked a few times before the other one lazily started to slide open. Though she looked oddly drunk with her eyelids at different angles. His words were slowly bringing her brain more into focus but she was still far from being awake. "O-Oh..." She said softly before doing a soft yawn that only proved further she wasn't fully conscious. "I'm...*yawn*... sorry you went to the trouble Senpai Ryu... I just...haven't felt like myself the last few weeks." She tried to explain softly, even as he turned around and walked back down the stairs and into the main Guild Hall once more. "It's the cold weather... Winter... I always want to just curl up and sleep." Making no move to pull away from his frame as she said all this, and who could blame her? He was like a walking and talking Hot Water Bottle for the sleepy girl.

As he placed her down against the booth she half rolled over to face the back of the booth as she curled up further against the long wooden seat, knees tucking in somewhat to her chest and her hands clasped together under her chin. She took another massive yawn as her eyes squeezed up. "I will Ryu.... I'll rest...but... could you maybe stay just awhile? My mother... used to brush my forehead and hair when I was a little girl, and, she was warm like you are... I miss her..." She admitted in a soft, saddened tone. "And... tell Adrian I'm sorry... I know he wanted to see me and check up on me... But I hope he liked the tree I made... I hope everyone does..." Her voice drifting off even as she spoke. "Hibiki and Sora would have liked it... I'm sure. One day... I'll make a Forest of my very own~..." She confessed before the Forest Mage slowly drifted off back to sleep.

@Kyuubey @Genon @LeSoraAmari

Celestia Corona: Her mood fully returning


Celestia was surprised when she had been caught up in Rosa's hug but when she had been placed down to go to Kazuo she laughed, a bright and cheerful thing while she faced Kazuo who easily took her present which had her expression softening, her green and yellow eyes lighting up nearly as bright as Ace's terrifying tree contraption thing. "I don't need a gift back, spoiling people is my favorite thing anyway. I have a bunch of magical trinkets like that dagger and the clip, worldly travels tend to do that for you." She shrugged as if it was no big deal, even though internally she knew these items would go for a very high price in Fiore simply because they were from another country, add to their beauty and use and they would easily fetch 500,000 jewel a piece. With a small smirk on her face she gave Kazuo a little jab in the side as soon as she noticed Rosa's hair fall from how she normally kept it, just so he would notice but she said nothing instead walking over to the bar where she had the polished sterling silver mug filled up by the dwarf that she recalled Rosa calling Ace and grinned at him brightly before pulling him into a hug, squishing him to her chest without meaning to before she released him, "It's lovely thank you! I love it." Her bright smile was back full force now and she scooped it up drinking from it quickly while she used the granite quality of Rosa's mug to lift it and pass it to the blonde waiting for her sleepy friend to clip her hair up, she giggled a little but not a teasing sound like before.

"Wait till you see it catch the light at different angles...it changes shades of yellow. I'm glad you like it...I was worried you'd find it too girly but I wasn't ever going to use it anyway." she lifts one of her lightly tanned hands up to point at the scarily realistic blue butterfly clip in her own hair, which only kept a small section out of her face, "This was something I made for myself when I was young so I don't plan on replacing it." She smirked slightly as she chatted to those around her, part of her wanted to go sit by Yamato and try to see what he was reading but since the place she was had more people she opted to stay put, but she went about memorizing the title and realizing she hadn't read whatever he had before, she would surely seek it out later.

@Zuka @Britt-21 @Halffix

Yamato Ren: Ah good the mood is coming back~

Yamato looked up from his book for a moment when the guild hall doors burst open all of a sudden. For some reason he was actually expecting Kazuo to be sent flying through the hall and crash into the wall with Rosa trailing not far behind him. Instead he was met by a monstrous yet impressive looking metal tree, most likely been built by Ace. Speaking of which him and Rosa just got back and she looks to be back in her same mood again. Kazuo also somehow got back without him noticing which is impressive saying that not much gets past Yamato. Rosa called out to Yama asking him where Cele was. He was just about to answer before she suddenly came back. "Well there she is right there." In order to apologise she handed out a couple gifts as a sign of good will. Of course her gifts seemed awfully extravagant and expensive looking and she says she collected them from her travels? This girl doesn't fail to impress to say the least. Cele seemed to look over in Yama's direction debating something but he wasn't sure what. Though her eye contact seemed to lead towards his book.

The book was called "The Sister" A story about a girl called Grace who loses her best friend and seeks out friends sister Anna in hopes of making a new friend. But weird things happen around her. Things disappearing, Grace's boyfriend acting weird. Pretty soon Grace does not feel safe around Anna. Instead she is quite possibly in danger. This is probably unexpected but Yama was always a fan of thrillers and psychological horrors. As a matter of fact Yama has just finished reading it. He closed the book and stood up to join the rest of the crowd again. He went to Celestia and handed her his book. "Are you a fan of horrors? I just finished reading this one and I must say I wasn't disappointed. I know you say you say you don't need a gift but surely you can't expect that to happen on Christmas." Yamato also did this to strike up another topic that's been on his mind since Cele left the hall. "Also... I feel I should let you know that no one can fault you for speaking your mind. I don't know if it's just me but I see as Blue Pegasus as a family. Not just because of sentimental value but also because we have our quarrels all the time. But no matter what happens everyone always comes back with our bond stronger than ever. So next time don't be afraid to speak up if you feel like something something is wrong. I will take any criticism if it means the further improvement of our guild. Perfection is impossible but it doesn't hurt to strive for it right?" At this point Yama realised that he ended up talking a bit longer than he should have. "Oh sorry I'm rambling. Anyway I've made some gingerbread men for the guild if you would like some. Also enjoy the book!"

@Arius LaVari @Zuka @Britt-21 @hudhouse @Colt556 @Halffix @Mykinkaiser

  Reveal hidden contents

Dorian barely had time to receive the tankard and take a sip before one of the people from the table earlier, the blonde girl with black speckling in her hair, came up to give something to Rosa. Now, the archer wasn't really wondering what is was, but if he had been he would not have had to wait long as she soon gave it to him, revealing it to be a lacrima-like hair clip, and asked, or rather demanded, that he put it in for her. Sighing lightly he turned, the sigh cutting off midway as he saw her. In all the time he had known her he couldn't recall ever seeing her with her hair down, which was a shame since she looked much gentler like that. Or well... she did until she bellowed for another drink. Seems changing the outside wouldn't change her character, figures... That said, Dorian didn't especially want her to change, which was strange given the fact that she was pretty much the embodiment of what he disliked in a person. She was loud, she disturbed his sleep, and she was altogether too energetic. Even so, he, for some reason, liked her... or something. He knew that there was something about her that caught his interest, but he wasn't sure what it was, or how he felt about her in the end. Due to this, he decided to stay quiet about it, to think about it some more, and to speak up when he knew for sure.

It was at this point that Dorian remembered the hair clip in his hand, and Rosa's accompanying request. He figured he'd best comply, both because Rosa would likely become louder and more troublesome, and because her comment about having Kazuo rubbed him the wrong way for some reason. Thus, he reached out, placing his palm on her cheek to turn her head towards him before leaning in, bring his face into close proximity of hers. He then proceeded to carefully put the clip into her hair, making sure it looked good, before leaning back and turning to his tankard, proceeding to pick it up and drain it in one go before slamming it back down and motioning for Ace to pour him another. Things had been getting more and more troublesome lately, and he was really going to need more to drink.



After having spent quite a few hours in the guild hall, and after he had finished his conversation with Ryu, Hibiki proceeded to head on out of the guild hall via its two large wooden main doors  and out onto the streets of Magnolia, heading towards his apartment in order to retrieve something. As he walked, Hibiki stuffed his hands into his pockets as he grew deep in thought. After so many years, he had finally decided that it was time he pay a certain woman a visit. He hadn't seen her for five years, and for quite a while the S-Class had actually been trying to locate the woman in question. Hibiki had known where she was for a few years now, and the two often wrote to each other and sent each other gifts but that was never the same as actually seeing one another in the flesh. Although he'd never admit it himself, but he really has missed the woman. That woman, of course, being his sister, Rosaline Dreyar.


After walking silently for a few minutes, the blonde arrived at his home and was quick to enter and grab the gift that was wrapped intricately and head back out again. The gift had a card attached to it and it was of course all addressed to Rosa. "Right. So.... Balsam Village." He spoke, quietly to himself as his body began to envelop in lightning, the arcs of it crackling away and then in a flash, Hibiki shot up into the sky and made his way towards Balsam Village using his Lightning Body technique. The journey didn't take long at all, taking into account that Balsam is a few minutes away from Magnolia and then of course, the speed Hibiki was travelling at. The body of lightning landing in the centre of Balsam Village with a thunderous clap, causing the civilians in the surrounding area to scream and run around terrified. Hibiki dispelled the Lightning Body as he stood there in confusion, completely baffled as he held the present in his hands. A confused look on his face as people said things such as "Oh god, she's back!" And "The she devil is here, get inside!" All of which caused Hibiki's brow to furrow in confusion. 


"What on earth?" He mumbled, as he simply shrugged and then began walking around the village, looking for Rosa. Wherever she may be. Hibiki would ask about her whereabouts but whenever Rosa was mentioned, the civilian would simply gasp in fear and bolt it. Only to receive strange looks from the blonde.  No matter, Hibiki knew Rosa would've noticed the electricity in the air and thus peaking her attention. Now all he had to do, was to find her.





Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

As Rosaline patiently waited for Dorian to do.. well whatever it was he was doing, the man was half asleep so  she wasn't surprised if it may have taken him several minutes to boot up and figure out what she asked of him, despite having the pretty clip right there in his hands. Her eyes peered over to Cele as she noticed her elbow Kazuo in the side but couldn't quite figure out what for. She listened to her talking about it shining in the different lights and when she mentioned she was worried it would be to Girly for her, Rosa instantly tensed up as her teeth gritted. To be truthful it never occurred to her it was 'pretty' and she almost regretted asking Dorian to put it in. However, the more she thought about it the more she convinced herself it is a good thing so she spoke up. "If it does as you say it does, then it is functional. And being a hair clip, it makes sense to put it in my hair, no?" Even as the words slipped convincing herself as much as telling Cele.

It was at this time Yamato stepped forward to speak to Cele about his novel and to be honest Rosa started to tune out. She wasn't much of a reader, she didn't have time around all her training to sit down with a book. She half noticed Cele pull her huge Granite mug towards her and the girl lifted it up with ease and took a long draw from it, but as she went to lower it again and lick her lips of the foam, it was at the time Dorian had done whatever day dreaming he had been doing and reached forward suddenly to cup her cheek and drag her face towards him. Her grip loosened momentarily on the stein though it was still in her grasp barely, her eyes opening about as wide as a person's could have. The girl's mouth dropped open a fraction as she went to pull her head back by reflex, only she noticed his eyes weren't even on her face but rather on her hair.

As his hand slipped up into the threads of her blonde hair it was only then she remembered she had given him the clip in the first place to put in. She wasn't sure what she had expected really, but then she wasn't much of a forward thinker as it was. So instead she did the only sane thing one would do in a situation such as this and let her mouth gap open a fraction as her eyes stayed wide, her cheeks flooding a deep crimson hue. She stayed still, painfully so, not allowing a single movement to distract him though her eyes stayed glued onto his face as he was so close. Her breathing by now had all but stilled. How long did she stay there not breathing? It certainly felt a while..

Eventually he pulled back after one final tweak, and as he moved back to sit back down and away from her, she took her long needed breath out and in. The process causing her to completely forget the cup in her hands and as such the huge mug simply tipped over and ale poured from it in a tsunami across the table and probably straight into Ace's lap (assuming he had survived the face boob hug from Cele earlier). In a half panic, Rosa jumped up from her seat with her eyes still huge. "I...I'm sorry Ace I'll just-" Turning her body as she tried to shuffle her way past Dorian, but all that she managed was to straddle him slightly and messed up even that as she half tripped and landed chest first right into the poor man's face.

Things could pretty much not get any worse for the tall woman and just as quickly as she boob crushed Dorian in much the same manner Cele did to Ace, she straightened and backed away a pace from them all and away from the table, face still a red mess. She wanted to say a word but only managed a half gargled nonsense, before she spun completely around everyone to look to the door of the Guild Hall. It was as she was contemplating stuffing her face into a drawer and hiding away the whole load of crazy that today had been, did her body completely straightening and posture changed. Looking from behind, she went from looking all hunched and then almost instantly her body tensed up a fraction. Like a she went from normal to battle mode. Her eyes narrowed down as she heard a rumble, the strong electrical energy practically visible to her senses despite her being inside, and she could taste the very metallic fibers on her tongue that told her Someone was using Lightning Magic. And not a small portion of it either as Cele had used.



@Halffix @Britt-21
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Yamato Ren: Ah good the mood is coming back~

Yamato looked up from his book for a moment when the guild hall doors burst open all of a sudden. For some reason he was actually expecting Kazuo to be sent flying through the hall and crash into the wall with Rosa trailing not far behind him. Instead he was met by a monstrous yet impressive looking metal tree, most likely been built by Ace. Speaking of which him and Rosa just got back and she looks to be back in her same mood again. Kazuo also somehow got back without him noticing which is impressive saying that not much gets past Yamato. Rosa called out to Yama asking him where Cele was. He was just about to answer before she suddenly came back. "Well there she is right there." In order to apologise she handed out a couple gifts as a sign of good will. Of course her gifts seemed awfully extravagant and expensive looking and she says she collected them from her travels? This girl doesn't fail to impress to say the least. Cele seemed to look over in Yama's direction debating something but he wasn't sure what. Though her eye contact seemed to lead towards his book.

The book was called "The Sister" A story about a girl called Grace who loses her best friend and seeks out friends sister Anna in hopes of making a new friend. But weird things happen around her. Things disappearing, Grace's boyfriend acting weird. Pretty soon Grace does not feel safe around Anna. Instead she is quite possibly in danger. This is probably unexpected but Yama was always a fan of thrillers and psychological horrors. As a matter of fact Yama has just finished reading it. He closed the book and stood up to join the rest of the crowd again. He went to Celestia and handed her his book. "Are you a fan of horrors? I just finished reading this one and I must say I wasn't disappointed. I know you say you say you don't need a gift but surely you can't expect that to happen on Christmas." Yamato also did this to strike up another topic that's been on his mind since Cele left the hall. "Also... I feel I should let you know that no one can fault you for speaking your mind. I don't know if it's just me but I see as Blue Pegasus as a family. Not just because of sentimental value but also because we have our quarrels all the time. But no matter what happens everyone always comes back with our bond stronger than ever. So next time don't be afraid to speak up if you feel like something something is wrong. I will take any criticism if it means the further improvement of our guild. Perfection is impossible but it doesn't hurt to strive for it right?" At this point Yama realised that he ended up talking a bit longer than he should have. "Oh sorry I'm rambling. Anyway I've made some gingerbread men for the guild if you would like some. Also enjoy the book!"

@Arius LaVari @Zuka @Britt-21 @hudhouse @Colt556 @Halffix @Mykinkaiser

Celestia Corona: BP Guild Hall; trying not to be nosy.


Celestia was immediately side tracked by Yamato walking up to her suddenly and offering her the book she had been eyeing, he talked more than she had heard before and a blush suddenly took to her face as he spoke about her outburst before if it was embarrassment for being called out or of the fact he viewed those in the guild as family; which annoyingly made her heart skip several beats before she took a deep breath and gave the man her bright smile, but it wasn't overly cheerful no it was nearly gentle and probably the kindest she let herself appear since she had arrived. "Thank you Yama! This is an amazing place and I'm more than happy to be here. As for if I like horror or not..." She giggled softly before continuing to speak, "They're my favorite...I'll have to loan you some of my collection sometime, so I'll take you there eventually, my home is a library honestly. It's where I store all my books and trinkets. Really though...thanks for the gift. I might take you up on a gingerbread man too if that's all right, I've got quite a weakness for good sweets." She hugged the book for a moment before sending another smile his way though she didn't open the book to start reading, Rosa had said something to her and while it took her a moment to process the thoughts while she had been talking to Yama she turned towards where Rosa had once been only to see the woman getting herself into quite the mess with panic and a deep blush, which had Celestia giggling again, though she tried to be as quiet as possible.


What caught her off guard though was the sudden rumble and the lightning signature that echoed from somewhere outside, she wasn't attuned to it not like Rosa seemed to be but as a user of the lightning magic herself it made her able to sense someone strong had just showed up, she eyed Rosa as she said what Celestia assumed was a name and had gotten all tense and rigid. It wasn't her business though so she simply raised her guard up; in case it was someone dangerous and returned her attention to Yamato, not wanting to be nosy. "Well about those gingerbread men would you like help passing them out Yama? I'm honestly bored and torn, part of me wants to go home and read but the other part wants to stay here and get to know people a bit better." She giggled suddenly losing the serious tone she had taken up for a slightly flirtatious smile, "You are particularly interesting to me, I've got this feeling you can keep up an intelligent conversation with me, but let's test that, shall we? While we hand out cookies." She was odd to say the least and she nearly instantly pulled a riddle from the top of her head; word games were her favorite thing in the world after all, "If it's information you seek come and see me. If it's pairs of letters you need I have consecutively three. Who am I?" She smiled again as she waited to see if he would get the answer, it was one of the simpler riddles she could give him, the others she knew far more complicated and actually very mathematical.

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