Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Celestia Corona: BP Guild Hall; trying not to be nosy.


Celestia was immediately side tracked by Yamato walking up to her suddenly and offering her the book she had been eyeing, he talked more than she had heard before and a blush suddenly took to her face as he spoke about her outburst before if it was embarrassment for being called out or of the fact he viewed those in the guild as family; which annoyingly made her heart skip several beats before she took a deep breath and gave the man her bright smile, but it wasn't overly cheerful no it was nearly gentle and probably the kindest she let herself appear since she had arrived. "Thank you Yama! This is an amazing place and I'm more than happy to be here. As for if I like horror or not..." She giggled softly before continuing to speak, "They're my favorite...I'll have to loan you some of my collection sometime, so I'll take you there eventually, my home is a library honestly. It's where I store all my books and trinkets. Really though...thanks for the gift. I might take you up on a gingerbread man too if that's all right, I've got quite a weakness for good sweets." She hugged the book for a moment before sending another smile his way though she didn't open the book to start reading, Rosa had said something to her and while it took her a moment to process the thoughts while she had been talking to Yama she turned towards where Rosa had once been only to see the woman getting herself into quite the mess with panic and a deep blush, which had Celestia giggling again, though she tried to be as quiet as possible.


What caught her off guard though was the sudden rumble and the lightning signature that echoed from somewhere outside, she wasn't attuned to it not like Rosa seemed to be but as a user of the lightning magic herself it made her able to sense someone strong had just showed up, she eyed Rosa as she said what Celestia assumed was a name and had gotten all tense and rigid. It wasn't her business though so she simply raised her guard up; in case it was someone dangerous and returned her attention to Yamato, not wanting to be nosy. "Well about those gingerbread men would you like help passing them out Yama? I'm honestly bored and torn, part of me wants to go home and read but the other part wants to stay here and get to know people a bit better." She giggled suddenly losing the serious tone she had taken up for a slightly flirtatious smile, "You are particularly interesting to me, I've got this feeling you can keep up an intelligent conversation with me, but let's test that, shall we? While we hand out cookies." She was odd to say the least and she nearly instantly pulled a riddle from the top of her head; word games were her favorite thing in the world after all, "If it's information you seek come and see me. If it's pairs of letters you need I have consecutively three. Who am I?" She smiled again as she waited to see if he would get the answer, it was one of the simpler riddles she could give him, the others she knew far more complicated and actually very mathematical.

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

the dwarf still on the table having just given Cele her frothy filled shiny present, suddenly getting smothered by her full chest his beard being ruffled again but not the he seemed to mind. A nice big smile on his face "ah think nothing of it miss, but if you ever feel the need to give out a hug like that again I'll be happy to accommodate you, I'm sure I've got some other shiny presents squirreled away just out of mugs I shall have to make some more I would say." @Arius LaVari

Shortly after his happy suffocation and ruffled beard Rosa emptied the contents of her mug into the dwarfs lap, chest, arms in a foamy malty shower. "AHH what where your pouring that stuff" He said in surprise some splashing back onto her and Dorian his beard now dripping with the malty beverage "I mean i might've need a shower now ill have'ta fill yer mug again"having pulled  his larger flask out and unscrewed the lid refilling his own drink partially as Rosa's accidental shower had taken care of that already somewhat. @Zuka@Mykinkaiser

Gleb Orlov -- Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Silently Observing

He had been sitting the very same spot at the Guild Hall's bar for what seemed like the entire day... and not a word had come out of his mouth even once. Ever since winter struck, the gardener had been left with nothing to do aside from make sure all of the dormant foliage outside didn't freeze over... and he checked more than enough the day before. Until spring finally came, his only fun came from drinking nectar like an alcoholic and their beer.


[SIZE= 14px]Even other peoples' business hadn't interested him today. For someone who was accustomed to listening in on the conversations of others, a lot of the days' activities sure had flown over his head. Normally, when a fight between Rosa and anyone who crossed her occurred, Gleb would come up with an excuse to leave and try and avoid it. He hadn't needed to this time, because he wasn't aware it had happened. Everything around him was just an insignificant blur of disorder and chaos. Especially that increasingly loud, metallic noise... Welp. That was one blur that wasn't so insignificant.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]The foreigner looked behind him to see a fire-spitting Christmas tree made of nuts, bolts, and iron, and honestly, it was kind of ugly. 'Eye cancer' would have been an easy way to sum it up.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Either way, it was a nice attempt, and the fact that a drunken dwarf like Acus could make anything at all was a miracle. Gleb let out a quiet laugh and looked around at everyone else's reactions... He must have been late, because from what he could gather, people were mostly ignoring it.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Which wasn't a bad thing, because now he could decorate it without drawing attention to himself. Finally, a chance to use his magic without it being solely to attack someone else. But what color matched those of steel and flame?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]All of them, [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]Gleb decided, and with a wave of his arm, magical seeds of many colors appeared from glyphs and clung to the metal of the tree. [/SIZE]

With a snap of the fingers, the seeds bloomed into their respective sunflowers and filled the Guild Hall with all kinds of different auras and floating petals. Of course, the actual metal of the tree was no longer visible, which Ace was likely to get mad at, but... He couldn't do anything about it if he didn't know who did it, right?


  Reveal hidden contents

[SIZE= 28px]Kazuo Takara[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 28px]BP Guild Hall[/SIZE]


Kazuo had glimpsed towards Rosa who was sitting with Dorian and asking about something. Though just from seeing what she had in her hand, it was about the clip. It didnt take long for his eye to wonder to her blonde locks that were no longer up in the hair tie that kept it restrained. Before he knew it, Dorian cupped her face and made her face him after she had taken a sip from her mug. For some reaosn this bugged the Transformation user greatly in a way that made him very jealous. Then upon her pale cheeks, he noticed them as they began to redden, indicating that she was flustered or even embarassed about Dorian being so close.


What followed afterwards was a disaster, a drink was spilled and then Rosa moved to try to fix it, only for the situation to get worse as she slightly started straddling Dorian before tripping in the process and having his face being shoved into those delicate breasts that made Rosa attractive. Things seemed to extnguish quickly just by how she pulled away and headed for the doors. Kazuo, walked off and soon returned with three towels, two for the soaked table and an extra for a soaked person in which he dropped off and another for Rosa where he approached her and draped it over her shoulders, keeping his cool while doing so. "I suggest you dont go outside with a wet shirt... You could get sick." he informed her as he dropped his hands from the lightning mages' shoulders.


@Zuka @Mykinkaiser (mentioned)


Blue Pegasus Guild

@Britt-21 @Zuka @Halffix @hudhouse @Arius LaVari @MykinKaiser 

Moses had just come back from tormenting others for his own amusement. Nothing all that serious just cruel jokers here and there. Setting people up for unpleasant mistletoe encounters. Giving dangerous presents to unsuspecting strangers, while wishing them a happy holidays, and trotting off with a fake smile. Then awaiting  for some sign that his good tidings had been properly received. He also made sure to spike peoples eggnog with various things.

All in all it was a busy night, and he was ready to rest. Upon entering the guild hall he was greeted chaos mayhem and a burning metal tree." I see you've started the festivities without me. So what I miss?" Moses asked now taking a seat and propping his feet up on the table and leaning back with a mug of booze in his hand. He was already getting interesting ideas about what he could do with the tree. If only his brother where still here. He could give him a wonderful Christmas torturing. But since he wasn't he would have to make due with those around him.

His eyes searched around looking for the weakest Most vulnerable person. He scanned over everyone with a sadistic look in his eyes, and a dark grin on his face. Then rummaged through his bag and tossed several items out. A open bear trap, some razors, and lemon juice, a cattle prod, and a gag before eventually pulling out some rope.

"So anyone care to help me decorate the tree?" Moses asked with a sly grin on his face. Awaiting for someone to reply, or give some response. Then he would happily string them up, and tie them against the tree.


[SIZE= 36px]Blue Pegasus Guild Hall[/SIZE]



Rosaline was standing tall with the model of a pristine posture and she seemed to look only more intimidating along with her height because of that posture. Even if someone was the same height or taller, her look alone almost seemed to glare down on them. She didn't mean to look that way, it was just the type of face and body language she always possessed. Stern and strict. Although even her normal sternness was nothing compared to how tense the girl was now. Something triggered her from outside and like a magnetic she felt compelled to the source of Lightning energy she was sensing. She was still looking towards the Blue Pegasus Entrance and spotted Moses as he walked in through the doorway, her attention so focused on something, or rather someone, outside that she didn't realize Kazuo had approached till after he had draped the towel over her shoulders.

Rosaline finally broke her stern gaze to the doorway as she half turned still feeling Kazuo's hands resting on her shoulders which in and of itself was a fairly bold move as people still didn't seem to understand the danger of approaching her from behind or surprising her with touch. He was lucky she had been too distracted on sensing her brother that she didn't shock him right then, although the fabric of the towel may have insulated him somewhat. Or maybe it was Cele's new hair clip? Regardless his palms and fingers stayed far long on her shoulders then she would have liked though she oddly didn't pull herself away from that same touch. She turned slowly to face him fully with her same frowning gaze on his face though turning towards him really only showed just how wet her shirt was and only stuck in the worst of places along her chest.

Almost as if she too seemed to notice how wet she was, she finally glanced downwards to her own shirt. "Something as trivial as a wet shirt will not stop me going outside." She paused for a moment as she held Kazuo's gaze. "My brother Hibiki is out there. I'm not sure why, but I need to find him...." Her gaze lowered partially as her face softened only a fraction. "I haven't seen him in... so long. And I'll be Damned if the threat of a cold will see me miss him."

Honestly her attention was so focused on Kazuo before her and the energy signature of her brother outside that she failed to notice the new flower coated tree, or Moses pulling... who knows what out of his bag along with some request of a person. And Cele offered to help Yamato hand out cookies? Yeah Rosaline completely missed all of that. She reached up and grasped onto the edge of the towel pulling it down from her shoulder and shoved it back into Kazuo's hands before she turned as if to walk out.



@Rhodus @LeSoraAmari @anyone in the FT Guildhall

Arietta Forsyth - General Zor's Evil Lair




Becoming a guild master was the last thing Aria had been expecting to become when she had received the summons to speak with General Zor. Her piano-like fingers remained still within her lap, clutching a black key a little too tightly. Those fairies had been through so much. They lost a guild master only for that same position to be filled by the one whom had murdered the girl? A passion ignited within her heart, rooting itself rather deeply to bloom fully. The seed of that same feeling had been planted there long ago by Mavis and it was because of Mavis that Aria accepted the offer and request with confidence. " I suppose my appearance like this won't help solidify my place in that position. " Aria's eyes averted to the side as she spoke, words taunting and playful before the office exploded into a white light that radiated off of her skin. In a few moments the woman before him appeared completely different and definitely less childish. All of her kiddish features were expelled to be replaced with much... more defined ones. " Abaddon, what do you think? " Aria inquired to her dear friend out loud, his dark voice answering her from what seemed to be beneath them.




 " Are you trying to seduce the man? " A small laugh expelled itself as she flicked her hand off to the side, shoulders letting off a coy shrug. " Better than eating him! " She retorted with a wry smile before gazing at General Zor. " Thank you for updating me and finding me suited for the position. I would usually decline such an offer but I hold that guild close to my heart, as you know. I'll take care of all the children, they need a mentor and the Fairy spirit needs to be breathed back into that guild. " That wicked smile had morphed into a sincere one as she stood, raising a brow momentarily. " I do have one question. " Aria leaned forward then, hands placing themselves upon the desk as she got inches from his face. " Do you ever smile? " Aria turned with a mischievous look playing at her lips before she stood at face and offered the man a hearty salute. " Until next time, sir. " And with that the woman made her way out of the room and quickly away from the vicinity of any of the council members. Their constant serious demeanor was unsettling to say the least. 

The General's words repeated within her head and it was hard not to feel remorse or empathy towards the current members of Fairy Tail. Back then they had been a happy bunch, newly forming a guild and going on grand adventures, surrounded by laughter, pranks, and a little bit of destruction. Of course the magic council had never been pleased with them since day one and at least that still rung true to this day, never being far up on their favorite list. A sigh slipped past her lips as she took a better look at the new form she'd chosen, hands also sliding about to 'feel it out'. Her fingers idled within her hair, lightly touching the ears adorning her head. They felt so similar to the ears that her regular appearance had and it brought a nostalgic expression to cross over her features. " This is the day I found a reason to stay in one place, Abby. Let's head to Magnolia town then shall we? We have some fairies to properly get acquainted with.


Magnolia Town - Fairy Tail HQ




It hadn't taken too long to travel to the beautiful city of Magnolia as slipping in and out through shadow portals was quite convenient when going long distances. Aria stood at the outskirts and stared out over the town as strands of hair flowed about like ribbons in the gentle winter breeze. She remained there f or a few moments to reminisce before continuing on her way. The icy chill felt like soft kisses upon her exposed skin as Aria strolled through the snow covered streets, headed towards the grandest building in the entire city; The Fairy Tail guildhall. Aria wasn't shivering once she arrived but she could feel it, like the points of needles against her skin, as the warmth from inside seeped through the doors she stood before. " Mavis... " A hand reached towards the door but she rested it against the frame of it instead, leaning forward for a few moments as she thought of her dear friend. " I'll see that your dream isn't tarnished again. I'll protect them and guide them like you would've wanted.

Aria wasn't afraid of the role she was taking on, it was one that she couldn't help but feel was an honor. Honestly, it also helped her find a purpose and that meant more to her than anyone could possibly understand. " I wonder how many times this building has been rebuilt.. " She mused aloud to herself as the doors creaked open to reveal a rather lively guildhall. It smelt of the Christmas spirit, hot chocolate, baked goods and a huge tree even towered over everyone within the building. It was beautiful and Aria's heart felt uplifted with the realization that she was once again home for good this time. Her eyes scanned the huge room, dancing from each person to observe and remember some of the faces she'd be seeing on a daily basis; the faces of those she'd lay her life on the line for. They came to rest on a certain samurai, footsteps falling silent as she appeared beside him, eyes slightly rising to peer at his face. " Hello, Ryu. " Aria's voice was friendly but her face remained stern for the time being. It was time to make the announcement and while she was self-assured in her own abilities there was an uncertainty on how they'd all react to the news of their previous Guild Master being removed. 

She walked over to the colossal tree and stood before it, arms at her sides, eyes fierce. The atmosphere in the guildhall darkened, the mood and the lightning dimming within it as she addressed everyone. Her very presence demanded their attention now but her voice drew them in and forced them all to feel the desire just to listen. " My name is Arietta Forsyth and I was a member of Fairy Tail over a hundred years ago. As of today, I have been appointed the title of guild master by the magic council to replace Ophelia Kaiser. I wish I could disclose why this has come into motion but that information is not something I can speak freely, even though you all deserve to know. Please call me Aria, I dislike formalities. If you have any questions not regarding Ophelia, I will gladly answer them. I look forward to getting to know you all personally and watching as well as helping you achieve your goals. " She fell silent then, eyes drawing to a close as she appeared tranquil, though a fire was rising within.

 The next part was a little harder to admit but she'd already given away that she wasn't human. " As for a little bit about myself, I have hid this fact and only a select few know. However, if I am to want you to have faith in me, then my deepest secret will be something I entrust to my guild. To all of you. I am what you'd call a kitsune, an ancient race. I am almost 2,000 years old and yes my ears are real. " They twitched for emphasis and Aria broke into a slight grin. " You can touch them if you feel the need to confirm for yourself. " Aria was more open and not the extremely reserved type as the other higher ups tended to be. She had a childlike heart and insatiable awing curiosity of the world around her. This wasn't to say that she wasn't serious or quite terrifying when holding an austere demeanor. 

" AND I AM ABADDON, FEAR ME MORTALS FOR YOU ARE ALL SNACKS! " A deep booming voice bounced around the walls like surround sound, echoing as dark eyes appeared on the Christmas tree itself as if it were coming to life. They glowed rather menacingly and were darker than black it would seem. " Abby, you love to make quite the dramatized scene, don't you? " Aria let out a series of soft laughs, the Christmas spirit seeming to have rubbed off on her. " That was Abaddon, he is my oldest and dearest friend. He works like a Celestial spirit would but he is a demon and I assure you he won't be eating you. He has the mentality of a newborn but he's harmless. Now then! I must try this delicious smelling hot chocolate. " She clapped her hands together in anticipation and hurried over the the mugs to pluck one from the table. Truthfully it'd taken quite a lot not to go run over to it. Aria loved hot drinks and whomever had made this particular batch definitely knew what they were doing; the aroma alone was mouth watering.


  Reveal hidden contents

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]View attachment 173835[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Kelica was curled up against the wooden bench in a quite corner of the Guild Hall that Ryu had placed her. Oddly most would question how someone could rest so tired and peacefully on such a hard surface, but Kelica was soooo tired she didn't even think about that. She didn't think of anything much other then dreaming of her Father's Forest Realm and the Mystical Beasts and creatures that had been there and not in any other Forest she had been to since. Lacrima infused giant Tree Creatures, Druid's, Armored Bears and Scouting Wolves. The thought alone of her riding on the back of a Wolf as a child through the huge Forest made her grin in her sleep, though her limbs were still limp. At most she simply clenched or released her fingers gently. And true to her request Ryu had stayed close to her, sitting beside her and brushed her hair while she slept. Or at least he had when she had first fallen to sleep, she wasn't sure what he had done after that.

The lights darkened and at first Kelica didn't notice but then a moment later she heard a voice travel within the Guild Hall to the very corners and edges, like where she was placed, and slowly one eye blinked open before the other. The sleeping half-hibernating girl slowly started to sit upwards as her head spun a fraction and she found her vision whirl over the top of the seat backing, just her head popped up and blonde hair slightly more crazy then normal. A short yawn escaping as she listened to the words of this new woman. Honestly there was so many words coming from the woman's mouth as the Forest Mage rested her chin on the wooden backing of the seat, eyes almost falling back asleep once again. There was a name in there but it slipped Kelica's mind even before the woman had finished the sentence. Someone would have to remind Kelica of that later. Her arms dangled over the edge of the backing as her face started to bury into the wood, almost asleep again in that awkward position.

Of course as Kelica blinked the girl started to notice something very particular about this new woman. Something very obvious and as her emerald eyes focused in, her face started to glow almost as her heart thundered. Her smile only grew wider, and lit up more strongly, her whole posture moving so she was crouched on the bench with her head still peeking over like a kid who spotted Santa for Christmas. Her fingernails digging into the wooden surface before the girl made an almighty squeal which echoed in the Hall. If she were tired before she was positively shaking now. She didn't even wait for the permission. The second Aria turned towards the hot chocolate, Kelica vaulted herself over the wooden seat backing with surprising speed (finally her training coming into practice) as she landed and rolled as she did before throwing herself back to her feet and running with huge speed straight towards Aria. A blur of blonde bouncing curls, completely ignoring Nuir and possibly even knocking the poor girl over in her target fixation. She jumped up and crash tackled into the back of the Kitsune hands already lunged straight at her big fluffy ears as she stroked and caressed and maybe pulled in her excitement. "KITTY CAT EARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" She screamed possibly painfully considering one would assume those big ears weren't just for show and increase her hearing. Grinning like a maniac.

You couldn't say Kelica didn't love animals.

Because, she did.

A lot.

@Rhodus @Genon @Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288 @Bolts


Miyamoto Ryu (Artist's Brush; Shadow; Molten).png

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ryu had gone back to reading his paper after getting Kelica to settle down and take a nap. He read quietly as he sat in the booth, absentmindedly petting Kelica's hair softly to help her stay asleep as she napped beside him. Once he had finished reading his paper, he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, still continuing to stroke Kelica's hair softly. He started to doze off a bit himself, the constant murmur of the guild hall acting as white noise. He was roused from his drowsiness, however, as he heard the door creak open, and a woman entered the guild hall. She seemed somehow familiar to him. It wasn't really her appearance, but the way she carried herself that he half-recognized. He was so absorbed in trying to remember who she was that he didn't notice her walking over to him. And then she called him by his name. That confirmed it. He had met this woman before. But where? And what was she here at the guild hall for? He continued to watch her as she walked over towards the large tree and started to address the guild hall. When she introduced herself, it finally dawned on him, the realization hitting him like a locomotive. She was Aria, a wizard saint, and a woman he'd met a few times on his travels. The two hadn't become close friends or anything, but they had become acquaintances at least. However, this realization brought on more questions than it answered. Why had her appearance changed completely? Why was she here at Fairy Tail of all places? These questions were slowly answered as Aria continued her explanation. It seemed that Aria had been called in to replace the current Fairy Tail guildmaster, Ophelia. She refrained from saying why, and Ryu had only met the young girl once or twice, so he had no idea why she would be replaced either. She then went on to explain that she wasn't human and was, in fact, a Kitsune. While this was a bit surprising to Ryu, it certainly wasn't his first time dealing with someone who wasn't human. He'd encountered quite a few benign immortals on his travels. It had taken him a while to wrap his head around the concept that not all immortals preyed on humans, but he'd eventually come to understand. Like humans, there were good immortals, and there were bad ones. They were neither inherently righteous, nor inherently evil.

Likewise, Ryu wasn't as surprised as most of the others when Abaddon made his presence known. He'd met the demon before, and, after some immediate hostilities, the two had come to a sort of mutual understanding and respect. He smiled as Aria finished up her speech by saying how much she wanted the hot chocolate. She had always liked her hot drinks. He was once again startled, however, as Kelica's head shot up and she vaulted over the back of the booth. "Kelica, wait-" Was all Ryu managed to get out before the blonde streaked over to Aria, knocking a young girl out of the way. She then proceeded to jump onto Aria's back, seemingly fascinated by her ears. He stood up from where he sat in the booth and let out a deep sigh. So much for Kelica staying asleep. "I must apologize for the actions of miss Kelica," He said to Aria walked over to her and Kelica slowly. "She gets a bit... excitable when animals and the like are involved" He moved around to behind Aria, attempting to pull Kelica off of her. "Kelica," he said sternly as he attempted pry her from Aria's back. "What have I told you about assaulting strangers?" He carried the blond girl around Aria and set her down on one of the stools at the bar. "I'm terribly sorry we have to meet again like this" He said, turning and walking back over to Aria. "It is nice to see you again though, Ari"

The small snake lifted it's head and looked at Ashley. It's blue eyes peering at her. "But I want it now!" Surprisingly the snake had the ability to speak. But of course it had a lisp, an a heavy one at that. Meanwhile Aiden held three cups of hot cocoa in his hands. Two were regular sized ones, while the third was noticeably smaller then the others. "Calm down Shen, I know I said you could spend sometime in our realm but you dont have to be such an annoyance." He set his cup down next the cookies, put Shen's and Ashley's cup near them. Aiden looked own to finish some cookies, he looked up at his long time crush. He pushed back a few loose strands of brown hair behind his ear. "Ashley you sound like I've never eaten your cooking." Aiden gave her a large cartoonish smile." It was amazing, like all of the other things you make." He held up a plate full to the brim with cookies. "Lets go and watch the fire. The other cookies are to hot to decorate now." With a drink in hand he moved into the living room. 



[SIZE= 36px]Ashley Hart[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 0)]Ashley's Home[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]@purplepanda288[/COLOR]


"Sorry Shen." said Ashely as she looked over towards Aiden who held three cups of hot cocoa in his hands, one of which was small enough for Shen to drink from. Her eyes then lifted to Aiden as she smiled gently "You flatter me too much... Well i'm glad you like the cookies. Makes me feel better about baking." when he lifted the plate with a mountain of cookies, he then directed her to sit by the fire and he took his hot cocoa with him as well as the cookies "Alright alright." she said as she placed Shen down and pulled the Apron off of her body to reveal a long sleeved red shirt and rolled the apron up in a ball before grabbing Shen and placing him on her shoulder and then grabbing both hers and his hot cocoa and moved into the livingroom "Alright I'm here." she said as she placed her cup as well as Shens on the coffee table and she sat by the fire near Aiden "So what did you do while you were out? Candy canes or cinnimon covered pinecones?" though she didnt see him come home with anything.
  Reveal hidden contents

[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Chris Lengheart [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]@Isune's Character[/COLOR]

Chris allowed the two women to hoist onto his back and grip any which way necessary. Lavender of course taking the lead and grasping near his head and the thickest part of his fur right behind his neck while Tanari placed herself behind Lavender, wrapping her arms in some probably lewd manner to hold steady. Not that Chris much cared, they had barely said go and he hunched down a fraction before he was already dashing through the streets in a crazy fast fashion which saw his fur rustle along his sides and back, his paws barely hitting the ground before they lifted again. Seeing a giant Wolf running through the streets of Magnolia wasn't a completely unusual thing, especially not one with a passenger or two, so people promptly stepped aside and carried on as if it was nothing. This WAS the hub of Fairytail Guild so weirder things had happened.

The fact Lavender was always yelling in his ear made them naturally turn downwards and away from her as he made a loud wolf huff. People didn't seem to understand how sensitive they were and his face made basically the wolf equivalent of a cringe while he continued to run. Then she yelled even louder for him to stop, which he did, as he dug his front paws into the ground and skidded in a timely manner which almost saw the two girls vault right off. Then his fur got pulled earning a painful yelp. While Lavender said sorry, she asked if Tanari was the one that had been hurt making him send out another angry wolf huff. Once both had jumped off he transformed back to his normal body and stood up. [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"What about me hey?... Don't ask me if I'm alright..."[/COLOR] He grumbled, still rubbing at his ear a fraction from the screaming before sliding his hand back to rub at the back of his neck like the fur pull still hurt. 

He followed along behind Tanari inside and closed the door behind him as he peered around Lavender's house. "Eh I have to hand it to you, you definitely know where to put what...You fit a lot in a small room..." He wasn't about to go and tell them all about his love for interior design, though he got a fair few ideas by just looking around what to do at his place as well. In no time Lavender came back down the stairs in her armor and he couldn't help but scratch a chin in thought. "I hope you're not going to get too cold in that...but if that's what you need to wear, that's what you need to wear. I just throw on a fur coat when I'm cold..." His face turning into a broad grin at his own terrible joke. "Fur coat?" He repeated before shaking his head. "....nevermind."

"Alright Ladies, whenever you are ready. We going woof again or neigh? Or.... we could go moo?" He said with a grin that only grew bigger.

[SIZE= 36px]Lavender Gray[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 36px]@Isune @Zuka @Solemn Jester[/SIZE]


As Lavender decended down the stairs, she picked up Chris's words "it's not that hard to make space in such a small home." the warrior smiled "Okay, now that I am all set, we should go. Despite my lack of coverage of my thighs, my hat scarf and gloves should do just fine for the time being. I cannot be a warrior if I do not work through such harsh conditions." Lavender headed to the door and opened it once she reached it, allowing the fire mage first, then allowed Chris and she followed not too long behind. Lav shut and locked the door "I prefer that you go Wolf. The stamina you have is outstanding in that form." glancing at Tanari, she noticed her walking a different Direction "Tanari? Where are you going?" the mage had turned and faced the blonde warrior "I'm gonna head out on my own mission. You can go without me. I want to get something in return for doing a job!"


This shocked the blonde "She just up and left us! We work as a team, not go seprate ways..." she then glanced at Chris "I believe it is just you and me now." Lavender said as she stepped onto the flattened pavement "No matter, we can take on this beast on our own. We arent part of Fairy Tail for nothing. We are one of the strongest guilds in Earthland." a smile spreaded upon her lips as she awaited Chris to shift into a wolf so they could get going on their journey. On her back was a small bag which held the book he had given to her. Just in case they had needed it before they arrived.

Yamato Ren: Riddles eh? Well I do like a mental challenge~


Celestia seemed quite happy with Yamato's gift. She even offered to share some of her books one day which did pique his interest. Especially the fact she mentioned that she practically had a library. "Is that so? I'll be looking forward to that then~" Yama diverted his attention to Rosa who ended up spilling her drink. Luckily Kaz was already there save the day. He probably feels guilty so he's doing what he can to make it up to her. Or... Could it be something else...? Well Yamato wouldn't delve too deep into it. Yama noticed that Moses also decided to join the party too. He was glad that everyone was banding together for this festive day, there was only a select few missing now. Celestia offered to help hand out the cookies to everyone. "Of course. I'd appreciate the help." What caught him off guard though was the sudden riddle that she asked him. The word play caused him to think a little before he managed to get the answer. "Hmm... Could the answer possibly be... A Bookkeeper?" Yama was fairly certain that was the answer. But if not... Then at least he tried.

@Arius LaVari @Zuka @Britt-21 @Solemn Jester



"Thank you." Then the curtains closed, separating Honoka and the large audience. A long intake of breath showed how exhausted she actually was from dancing and playing her violin. She looked down to her skin tight costume, reds and golds shifted together. Ribbons enchanted to seem like fire as she move draped off her arms. Two long pieces of blanket stitched fabric hung well below her knees, blocking her modesty from the prying eyes of the backstage hands. Cheers of congratulations spread like wild fire as she walked to change her clothes. 

An hour later she was out driving to the Redfox shared home. Contrast to her previous outfit she had on a pair of sweat pants and a large baggy sweatshirt over a tank top, her now longer hair was up in a messy bun. Honoka parked out front of the home and grabbed the few remaining gift from the back seat. She unlocked the door and stepped in, she felt the magic signature of two people. One was her sister, parter in crime, the other Raa. Though the two had gotten mistakenly married during the festival moons ago, they had developed a lasting relationship with each other. "Haruhi! I'm home!"


@Happy Red Mage  @Maki

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Kim stood in silence for a few seconds, this was information over load for her. In the span of a year her guild, her home, has gone through two guild masters. One was murdered, and the other they don't know her fate. Bewilderment passed over her, affecting every fiber of her begin. She snapped out of her confused trance once the demon began to toy with the mages. Kim let out a sneer, it was visible that she didn't resonate well with the childish one. "Oh brother, another creature that I have to now deal with." She muttered under breath. Kim straightened up, dusting off her dress she walked up to Aria. Despite Kelica touching the Kitsune's ears she kept going for their new guild master. "Hello, I'm Kimberly Lock. I'm guessing the Magic Council has told you about me, or more accurately my abilities." She hoped that the council had briefed her so she didn't have to go through the explanations again.

@Rhodus[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] [/COLOR]@Genon[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] [/COLOR]@Salt Lord[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] [/COLOR]@Mitchs98[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] [/COLOR]@Solemn Jester[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] @Kyuubey[/COLOR]@Bolts
Ferra giggled slightly at Nikolas' reaction to the kiss, which caused her to blush a bit. All she did was kiss his cheek, it wasn't like she kissed him on the lips or anything. When he finally opened the door for her she made her way out, standing outside and smiling at him as she rocked on her heels a bit. "Jeez, it was just a kiss. You're acting like I hugged you between my chest again or something." She told him jokingly, her smile widening a bit. She was really looking forward to their date, not to mention Nikolas was as nice as ever. She was certain things would work out much better with him, especially considering they actually knew each other for a while.

   Nikolas's face reddened further; all he really did was flash Ferra a ginormous smile, holding her hand in his. Then he kissed her forehead, pulling back after a few seconds. "Prob'ly because that was my first kiss," he commented, grinning at her. "Now I see why people do it a lot, though. I don't mean to sound poetic, but it's a lot like lightning, you know?" Nik paused, thinking about it, then chuckled. "Minus the pain and death and stuff." He then began walking to the nearest cafe, grinning like a total idiot. Oh, man, if Phineas spotted him like this, he would get teased to hell. 

Playing follow the leader

Laura was pretty please with Shiro. the girl had a brilliant idea. Any more and she might have to kiss the girl but that wasn't going to happen. "That sounds like a great idea. Why don't you lead the way and I am sure that in no time I will have a place to call my own." She was getting pretty excited about the possibility of having a place to call her own where she could rest and where the rest of the world couldn't bother her. Plus she would be close to a guild member so even when she wasn't at the guild hall she could make sure that she was behaving. She had another idea when Phineas said that he needed to move. "I could help pay for you to get a better, and I can keep an eye you to make sure you stay out of trouble."

Shiro Ai: Humming a bit

Shiro hummed as she kept her pace tilting her head as she listened to Phin talk about their apartment, "Well...the apartments I'm in are nice and cheap. There are 3 available. Really 2 bedrooms and it's only 45,000 jewel a month. Just an idea." She laughed at herself a little; Shiro Ai the white haired saleswoman she may as well be called, she tilted her head slightly as she picked up pace still walking backwards, hoping to avoid hitting ice as she kept moving, really she had no idea where Laura's train of thought was headed even though she had talked about the place she lived.


It was only once she was among a bunch of one door but two floors high buildings that she finally turned around and walked up to a single story building with 'Office' etched above the door and knocked, getting a quick answer she lifted her voice a bit louder and told the woman who answered about wanting two applications for the place; just in case Phin decided to apply, and one for Laura who seemed definitely interested and she clarified for her landlady that Laura was interested in getting one tonight if she could, apparently Shiro was in good graces with the woman because she said as long as it was filled out now she had no problems giving Laura the key tonight. "Thanks so much ma'am. Here you go Laura, fill it out and we can turn it in then you'll get your key. You're in luck cuz the deposits is only 10,000 jewel to start with today." She turned back to her companions again while holding out the two papers to them, feeling slightly pushy but really she was just offering a little help; she only felt mildly guilty about pushing one onto Phin.


  Phineas looked down at the form, which had pretty much been shoved into his hands, then at the building. How much money did he and Nik have right now? There was a moment of silence as he estimated the amount. Okay, so about 30,000 or less. Not much, but maybe he could find someplace for really cheap. This would make for a great Christmas present; not even Nikolas's trolling gifts would be able to best this. 

  ".......Finished the application. By the looks of it, these houses are really nice and affordable.....and we can have more room to put all our things without the floorboards falling in or something. Thank you very much for this, Miss Shiro. And thank you, Miss Laura. It really means a lot to me to know that. I'm glad that my brother and I have been welcomed here with open arms...."

Eias Baole

Eias was taken off guard by what had transpired. She still wasn't part of a guild so she wasn't too sure how all of this normally played out. For all she knew, this was the norm for switching guild masters. The demon on the other hand made her feel slightly uncomfortable in this moment. 

Uhhh... She murmured a little confused. So were they doing presents or was it all messed up by this news. She wasn't quite sure what to do at this point considering she wasn't part of this guild. Should she even be here at this moment? Maybe the guild mages needed time to adjust and she was just getting in the way despite just standing there not really interacting.  Eias held out her hand to lightly grab Kim to see what she should do but it seemed Kim was introducing herself in some manner. Eias stood there twiddling her thumbs while she waited. 

@Rhodus @Genon @Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @Kyuubey @purplepanda288


Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ





Aria didn't have much time between when the mug was being brought to her lips, ears twitching excitedly as the aroma from it filled her nostrils, and the introductions that were about to be made. A deep content sigh released itself above the cup to send the steam to rise upwards across her cheeks. Niur approached her then and a hurried sip was taken which turned out to be extremely hot; too hot. She held her composure despite the burning of her tongue and smiled in response to the introduction, hand reaching out to grasp the trinket with delicate fingers. She was quite astonished that she was even receiving a gift since she was so new to them and still a stranger. " Thank you Niur, it's beautiful. I wasn't expecting anything though. " It was brought up to her face as she peered at it rather curiously, eyes glistening slightly. " My ears? Yes, of cou-- " Aria was about to lean down and let Niur touch them but she soon was going to be robbed of that opportunity by a squealing blonde darting across the guild hall. 


The kitsune shifted accordingly, spinning around at the last moment so that Kelica didn't latch onto her back like a leech. Instead she would be met with comforting arms wrapping about her frame to steady them both, otherwise they were both doomed to topple into things such as the table with baked goods or even people. Aria was met with an over abundance of messy curls being pressed into her face along with small hands grasping at her ears like a child in awe would. An amused smile was plastered upon her face but it was hidden beneath all the hair she currently was trying to peer through, though it was to absolutely no avail. Her hold on the girl seemed to soften as she heard Ryu speaking, allowing him to take the overly agog mage from her grasp to reveal the smile that was previously covered. " No need to pry her off Ryu, or apologize for her actions. I did give the green light to allowing them to be touched. I just wasn't expecting such an... " Aria trailed off momentarily, trying to put her finger on the right word to use. " ... explosive reaction.  Plus, she's quite adorable. 

She took a few seconds to recollect herself, brushing her own splayed hair to fall rightly beside her frame once more before kneeling down in front of Niur so that her ears would be within an easily accessible reach of the girl. " Your turn, Niur. " Aria's eyes drew to a serene close as she awaited more hands to touch her ears. Truthfully it was comforting when they were played with but that wasn't something she'd go around admitting to everyone or else Kelica would probably be attached to her back and playing with them. This was especially believed to be true with the way she'd just reacted to even seeing them move. The blonde surely did have a cute child-like way of approaching everything and Aria already felt like a mother in the presence of her. 

Abaddon meanwhile was having quite the intense stare down from the tree with the boy, Belphe, whom seemed so fascinated and on edge because of him. It almost pleased him to get such a reaction and if he had hands, they'd be clapping in such a giddy manner that everyone would stare; almost like one of those old creepy cymbal monkeys.[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)] [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Since he did not, he simply let out a toothy grin that appeared below the eyes on the tree, giving it even more of a spooky pumpkin-like face. [/COLOR]

Kimberly walked up shortly after, remaining collected throughout the entire spastic scene that had just unfolded within the guild halls and Aria admired her ability to stay level headed and calm. " Of course I know of you but I didn't need the magic council for that information, Kimberly. It's wonderful to be able to meet you. " Her tone matched the one used with her, much more prompt though there was a way to how her words played that made someone curious of the emotion behind them. Kimberly certainly was an interesting one from what she knew, definitely unique. Aria made a mental note to keep an eye on her, simply to observe and understand her better. 


" Who is your friend, Kimberly? " Aria smiled from her stooped down position, gazing at Eias with intrigued yet gentle eyes. She noticed the uncertainty in her stature and even the uneasiness resonating from the singular word she spoke. " Just because you aren't a Fairy doesn't mean you aren't welcome here. It's almost Christmas and it's freezing outside, I'd rather you stay here within good company where it's warm. " Hopefully the way she'd spoken would be soothing enough to ease Eias's discomfort a little bit. To try to ease the abnormal tension in she atmosphere she stood and fixated her hues on the big tree. " Abby, go away for a while please. They aren't used to yet and I know you're enjoying yourself a little too much. " She averted her gaze to the side to flicker towards some of the others member who were clearly troubled by the spirits presence, eyes narrowing. " Now, Abbadon. " She didn't raise her voice but the sudden drop from friendliness scared even the demon and he slowly disappeared from view with a disgruntled but somewhat girly mimicking whisper... " Now Abaddonnnn. "


Ryu's comment from earlier caused a rather rare look to slide over her features and she blinked suddenly, ears twitching in unison. " I'm glad you stopped putting Miss in front of my name. " Aria nudged Ryu playfully in a verbal way, continuing. " You'll be seeing a lot more of me, I imagine. " Aria twisted a few strands of hair between her fingers, avoiding touching the black key that usually resided there. It wouldn't be fair to keep Abby so close when she'd just sent him away for the time being. The trinket was slid into her pocket, another thank you being ushered up towards Niur as she once again reached for her hot chocolate. It was probably cool enough after all the occurrences that just took place and the burning on her tongue returned as a reminder to actually test the temperature before foolishly drinking it. Everyone had such an interesting personality and she was silently quite pleased to get to watch over them all. Getting to know them and being around them would be an adventure in itself. There was probably a lot of paperwork to do or something, or at least Aria assumed, she began thinking to herself in a unsure way. Now that she thought about it... Mavis never did any. Guess the council would just have to suck it up! It was the holidays and all the previous paperwork would mysteriously be lost. Yes, lost. Somewhere far, far, far away.


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Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall


"Me? Well I was...I was..." she trailed off. What WAS she doing? After she had done what she had set out to do by making cookies, she just kind of wandered around. But she didn't feel awkward doing so, in fact it was nice to just watch everyone enjoy themselves.

"I was just enjoying myself I suppose." She stated simply. Her thoughts then drifted to the topic of presents. In truth she had forgotten to think about what sorts of gifts to get certain people. Sakura's gift would be especially difficult to decide on. The young artist's ability to create just about any material object at the stroke of a pencil certainly wasn't going to make getting anything impressive easy. Tokine opted to worry about that later though...in the middle of the night where she would sneak out to find something suitable. Before she could become too lost in her thoughts, Tokine turned her attention back to Sakura.

"Would you like help with present ideas? It could be enjoyable to compare how we view our friends' tastes." She suggested.


Eric: Still pretty drunk

From the look of things it looked like Eric owed one to Kenya for saving his wallet. He has to be careful of what he's saying from now on. But now it seems that Sakura has made her appearance too. Which actually reminded him. There's still more presents he has to get and for good reason. Especially the fact that Sakura can pretty much draw anything she wants and Gilad is a pretty hard nut to crack too. Even worse Eric was still too drunk to think properly. He'll have to figure it out in the morning... But now is the time to be happy! Maybe Gilad should try and join in the fun for a change instead of just chilling at the bar. Well... Eric was guilty of doing that too... But still It's hard to imagine how hard it is to be a guild master. That's no excuse to refuse to have fun now and again is it? That was until he devised a plan. It probably isn't a great idea to do this but hell it's Christmas! People prank others all the time! Eric spoke quietly so no one but Sakura and possibly Tokine could hear him. "Hey Sakura... Could you try drawing a bucket of water for me." He said drifting his gaze to Gilad then turning into an eagle in an attempt to signal what he plans to do. "Many of my pranks on the master have been foiled but I'd say today is the day I finally do it. Don't worry I won't say you're involved." The plan is perfect! No one will ever expect a random bucket of water to fall on their head.

@Nenma Takashi @Colt556 @Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Anyone else at ST Guild Hall

@Nenma Takashi

Sakura nodded slightly, giggling a bit when Tokine mentioned enjoying herself before glancing to poor Eric. She bet she was. When she suggested her helping her with present ideas she hummed in thought momentarily before nodding, "Sure! That sounds fun!" She replied cheerfully. She then turned to Eric when he mentioned pranking Gilad and having her help by drawing a bucket of water. "Ehhh....fine." She said, quickly summoning up a pencil and drawing a bucket of water on the table before peeling it off and handing it to Eric. "Here you go. Don't blame me if it goes badly." She said before shrugging, then turning back to Tokine. "Wanna maybe go somewhere to talk? It's pretty noisy here." She suggested. "We could go to a coffee shop or something." She said.
As Kenya entered the guild hall she spotted her usual compaions not able to wait to give them their gifts she ran over to them. The crudely sewn together stuff animals visible in her arms. She first held out the sake bottle stuff toy out to Eric shaking it to show she wanted him to take it. "Here this is for you!" Kenya practicly shoved the toy into his arms. She then turned to Tokine and held out the somewhat scary stuffed toy the corner of her mouth twtiching as she fought back a smile. "This one is for you Tokine these are your chrismas presents I couldn't handle the wait, sorry if they aren't that good I could always get you two something else." The last part of her statment was one she hoped got a no she wanted them to like the gifts she worked hard making. But now that she was actually giving them the gifts she began to realize just how bad she was at sewing. For a moment she thought about writing off the gifts as jokes if they didn't like them at that point she'd just go out and buy something better fit for the two of them. 

@Drakerus @Jackaboi

Fairytail  HQ

@Spanner[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Bolts @Zuka[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @purplepanda288 @Kyuubey 

 Mitsuki groaned his head still pounding. He noticed what appeared to be a cat eared woman. He walked over and rubbed his chin in contemplation. He walked around observing her, and ignoring everyone else."Hmm you're so yummy I could just eat you up." Mitsuki said almost in his normal catty way."So fill me in on who you are? I was kind of resting so I missed it. Oh it's not important lovely to meet you." Mitsuki said weakly grabbing  Aria's hand as if to kiss it but only shook it. 

He smiled as if to apologize about his hand shake."Well I best go sit down and rest. I don't want to get everyone sick." Mitsuki said waddling over to a chair and sitting down. He covered himself up and laid back. After a second he started to drift of, then he felt a slight tickle in his nose. He quickly put his finger up to his nose in an attempt to stop himself from sneezing. After a second it seemed to fade. He laid back and smiled happy that he had avoided that." Then he let off a loud sneeze, as well as a wave of magic energy that would strip anyone it may have hit of all their clothing. Mitsuki sighed, and closed his eyes a frown now on his face. Not even realizing what he had done."Stupid cold, just go away." He said before drifting off to sleep.





The boy looked at Valken as he spoke, the man obviously very impatient about the whole thing, going so far as to demand that it be made right away so that he can give the ring to Millie tomorrow. Masaki smiled at Valken as his emerald hues blinked at the diagram that Valken had drawn of the ring he wanted, and then from that diagram, back up to Valkens face. "Valken.." spoke Masaki, as he simply placed the last remaining book in his hand on top of the accumulated pile that was on the table, and then turning to face him once again. "You don't have to be so nervous, give me a second." And with that, a small circular glyph appeared in Valkens hands as Masaki began to work his magic, and in seconds, the ring befitting Valkens exact description had been forged completely in the most intricate cuttings of diamonds, fitted with a spiralled band. The ring seemingly glistened as Masaki smiled, only to walk towards Valken and place a finger on the ring, and channeling magic into it.


"I was taught how to use wards by my mother, and due to the ring being a magical construct, this ward will protect the ring from any magics be it nullification or what. It also comes with something else, but you won't know about that until you've both got them on.." It was in that moment, That Masaki also created a ring for Valken, onyx crystals for the centrepiece as he did the exact same thing to that, and when done, left both rings in Valkens grasps. "The rings will attune you both to each other, and you will always know when Millie is in danger due to it, your ring will glow a vibrant red. This way, you can ensure her safety wherever you go." Masaki spoke with a kind tone in his voice as he admired his work, then, he proceeded to continue sorting out the many books in the library. "I hope you like them, Valken. If you want me to change anything just let me know and I'll be happy to do so."



Ayano Soru: Who's knocking?

Ayano actually felt something. An emotion she's never been able to feel for so many years. What was it? Happiness? Sadness? Nostalgia? But It was only then she realised that she really has felt something her whole life. Depression... Just played off as a normal feeling to have everyday. Sora offered to help her stay in control, just like Wendy did. Same with Timothy who still looked badly beat up after the fight, but yet he still acts and talks like nothing had happened at all. Either he's just extremely good at playing tough or there really is something weird about him. Although despite all of that both Sora and Timothy are offering to become Ayano's friend as long as she proves to have good intentions.


"What a joke..."

"Remember the closest things you had to a friend"

"Mizuki and Wendy"

"But yet look where you are now"


The voices still plagued her mind. Telling her to do all those bad things again. But this time it was different again. It was as if she was talking to Wendy all over again. No matter what the voices said Ayano could remain calm. "Could I really forgive humanity for what they've done to me...?" Ayano was able to come to one conclusion. The humans really were scared and not to mention her own fear. Not of humans... But that of being abandoned. "And most importantly... Could they really forgive me for all the terrible things I've done too?"

"Are you stupid?"

"Of course you can't forgive each other"

"Your destined to kill"

"That's what you were born to do"


"If you continue to ignore us"

"We will wait for the day you remember"

"Remember you can't live without us"

Some time later Timothy went to go to the bathroom and shortly came back looking good as new again. Although looking a little more... Dangerous. But Ayano didn't care about that. She cared more about how he ended up healing his whole body is such short notice. Sora mentioned that she was going to buy and deliver presents for her guild and asked Ayano and Timothy to join her. This was clearly to be the first step of changing from a genocidal maniac to someone who can finally live as a person. "I... guess... I won't mind..." It was pretty clear from her voice that Ayano wasn't used to this kind of talk. "Though I should probably mention something about Grimoire Heart... Huh?" Suddenly someone started knocking on the door. At which point Ayano instinctively jumped off the couch and hid in the nearest closet. Hoping not to draw any unwanted attention. What really didn't help though was the amazing amount of magic power seeping through the door. Was it another Wizard Saint? Or maybe the same one from before. But yet this magic felt different. "Sora? Is this someone you know?" Ayano asked taking care not to speak too loudly.

@Kyuubey @Zareh @Mr Swiftshots

Gleb Orlov -- Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Silently Observing

He had been sitting the very same spot at the Guild Hall's bar for what seemed like the entire day... and not a word had come out of his mouth even once. Ever since winter struck, the gardener had been left with nothing to do aside from make sure all of the dormant foliage outside didn't freeze over... and he checked more than enough the day before. Until spring finally came, his only fun came from drinking nectar like an alcoholic and their beer.


Even other peoples' business hadn't interested him today. For someone who was accustomed to listening in on the conversations of others, a lot of the days' activities sure had flown over his head. Normally, when a fight between Rosa and anyone who crossed her occurred, Gleb would come up with an excuse to leave and try and avoid it. He hadn't needed to this time, because he wasn't aware it had happened. Everything around him was just an insignificant blur of disorder and chaos. Especially that increasingly loud, metallic noise... Welp. That was one blur that wasn't so insignificant.

The foreigner looked behind him to see a fire-spitting Christmas tree made of nuts, bolts, and iron, and honestly, it was kind of ugly. 'Eye cancer' would have been an easy way to sum it up.

Either way, it was a nice attempt, and the fact that a drunken dwarf like Acus could make anything at all was a miracle. Gleb let out a quiet laugh and looked around at everyone else's reactions... He must have been late, because from what he could gather, people were mostly ignoring it.


Which wasn't a bad thing, because now he could decorate it without drawing attention to himself. Finally, a chance to use his magic without it being solely to attack someone else. But what color matched those of steel and flame?

All of them, Gleb decided, and with a wave of his arm, magical seeds of many colors appeared from glyphs and clung to the metal of the tree. 

With a snap of the fingers, the seeds bloomed into their respective sunflowers and filled the Guild Hall with all kinds of different auras and floating petals. Of course, the actual metal of the tree was no longer visible, which Ace was likely to get mad at, but... He couldn't do anything about it if he didn't know who did it, right?



Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

The now drenched dwarf still A bit irate about the impromptu ale bath from rosa "Aye if you wanted me to have a bath should've just said so Rosa" wringing the liquid from his beard onto the floor "now ye gone and wasted all that perfectly good ale, where do you think your going? aye fine.. always leaving the dwarf and his nice present he got for you behind" he said with little seriousness muttering more about the wasted ale and his wet everything. looking over to his tree which had suddenly began to...sprout..... flowers? "Ack what are these earth loving things growing on my tree?" they covered nearly all the space save for the flames "well I need to dry off" the dwarf said as he walked to the panel located on the base of the tree brushing/scraping the offending flowers out of the way to open the panel and turned a valve the nice little candle flames quickly increasing to much larger but controlled geysers of flame. The metal tips of the tree began to glow with the increased heat but wasn't going melt any time soon, the flowers closest to the tips burning off quickly, and the ones only near beginning to wild from the extra heat, leaving only the outer points of the tree's metal expose the rest still covered in flowers. Looking up to the tree Acus was a little disappointed not more burnt off but seeing as some of the metal was exposed he was content enough.

closing the hatch on the tree unsure if the pesky flowers would cover the hatch once again but he would always remember where it was. He made his way to a better seating position close to the tree to begin to dry off from the ale bath he had received from Rosa, a tankard quickly in his hand and filled from his strange looking almost bottomless flask that he always seemed to drink out of. @Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Arius LaVari @Jackaboi @Britt-21 @hudhouse



Kami sighed as he finally made it to Magnolia."Thank god, I thought my legs where going to fall off before I made it." He said walking forward, his cloak laying limply behind him."So let's see I suppose I'll call her, it's been to long." Kami decided pulling out a communication Lacrima, and dialing his big sisters number then waited for her to answer. 

Once she did he would begin speaking," hey big sis its Kami. Well I was in Magnolia, and saw all the festivities, so I decided I'd call you up. Maybe come visit you, anyway where you at? I hope it isn't far away." He finished sitting down on a bench and resting his legs. Which had loyalty carried him all this way.

  Reveal hidden contents

Mizuki Kohaku 

Heading to Sabertooth 


Mizuki stayed silent as Draneri left the room, her dark eyes fixed on Alicia. She caught the rude face that Draneri received and honestly she wasn't very happy about that. Though the dark Mage said nothing, not wanting to upset Alicia. The way those two were acting around eachother was strange and she hoped that they'd make up soon. If there came a point where she had to choose between the two, things would get rough. However her day was made better when Alicia agreed to accompany them to the guild hall. She seemed a little reluctant at first, most likely due to the Siren that would be tagging along, but she eventually agreed. "Wonderful Alicia, wonderful...." Mizuki said, stroking her hair briefly before getting out of bed, bringing Alicia with her. "Little one, this will all be ok. If I believed that Draneri was a threat to your safety she would've never been allowed on the premises. However, if she does anything harmful or scary do tyou LL me without hesitation. I would take care of her as necessary. Now let's not keep her waiting..." 

Only a few minutes later Mizuki stepped outside hand in hand with Alicia. Her resting bitch face was once again donned on her face, no warm clothing to help her cold look. Fortunately the cold didn't bother her very much. Quickly she spotted Draneri and strode over only to stop a small distance away. She looked rather managing if it wasn't for the little girl by her side. "Come now Draneri. I do not believe that Alicia likes standing in the cold, so we must get a move on..." She instructed, taking her hand tightly before setting off towards the guild. The black haired woman made sure to keep the two girls seperated, Alicia on one side while Draneri was on the other. She didn't want them fighting in the street and bringing embarrassment to the great guild of Sabeetooth. "Master Gilad never leaves the guildhall, so by theory he must be here today..." She explained, letting go of Draneri's hand and letting her own fall to her side. 

The walk to the guildhall was cold but not long. Mizuki used scare tactics to secure an apartment near the guild hall, and she was glad she did. Less of a walk in the winter was a blessing, especially since her feet got so cold. When only a thin layer seperated your feet from the icy cold ground things got cold fast. As the trio came to a stop outside the guild hall Mizuki turned slightly towards Draneri to warn her. "I reckon that many members will not be very happy with your presence. Word travels fast in the realm of the humans,  so many of them may or may not recognize you. Just stay close and I will ward off anyone that tries to cause you harm..." Said the S-Class before opening the doors and stepping in. 

Alicia Nefaras

Alicia nodded slowly, putting her trust in Mizuki as always. "Okay, let's go." She replied. She didn't really like it one bit...but oh well. She had no real say in the matter and if Draneri was really trying to be a better person...she guessed she'd have to accept it. She disliked violence so needlessly fighting her or causing a fight was out of the picture. She followed her quickly outside, managing to give Draneri a slight smile to show he was willing to tolerate her. Who knows, maybe she'd even grow to like her. Mizuki seemed to, and if she made Mizuki happy that was only a good thing. She followed along silently until they reached the hall, somewhat eager to see everyone.

When they reached the hall and Mizuki mentioned people disliking her she nodded slowly, "Yeah...not everyone is as tolerant as us.." She replied in a slightly sad tone. She just hoped a fight didn't break out, especially if Draneri WAS actually trying to do better.


[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Tooth of the Saber Guild Hall[/COLOR]


Draneri watched Mizuki approach with little Alicia by her side, her gaze simple and posture straight. While most might find Mizuki intimidating, Draneri didn't in the slightest. She was mostly indifferent and found the woman curious more then anything. She nodded when Mizuki took charge, though her eyes widened a fraction as she grasped her hand as she wasn't expecting that. "As you wish, Mizuki." She said though her golden gaze held to the cold hand in her fingers. She assumed by her body language the lady would be less likely to be so close and intimate in public, but then there was always something about Mizuki that was an enigma. And probably one of the reasons Draneri was as fascinated with her as she was. She did notice little Alicia giving her a small smile and in return the Siren gave her a heart warming one back. It was genuine, as Draneri did actually love children and she hoped that some day the girl might forgive her. She wasn't expecting forgiveness straight away, but some day, perhaps.

The Siren found herself missing the touch of Mizuki's hand almost the second it slipped from her grasp, but she wasn't one to fawn and kept herself with grace and elegance. Draneri kept pace easily though her steps were so practiced her whole body almost seemed to glide against the snow-covered ground. She did glance over to Alicia as she leaned back a fraction behind Mizuki to speak softly to her. "Alicia, if you are getting cold, I do not mind you staying under my wings. They are actually rather soft and warm... and you are more then welcome to touch them." Though she didn't press any further she simply offered the girl a retreat out of the weather if she so desired.

The Siren nodded at Mizuki turned towards her. She was not expecting balloons or ribbons or anything of the sort and would never dared to come into this Guild without the protection of one of it's mages. Especially if any of the Mage within these walls were also present at the Grimoire Heart Base. So she stayed back as Mizuki stepped forward into the Guild and came up behind her, keeping her wings tucked close at her hips and her hands clasped at her waist, not letting a single threatening manner out of her posture. She knew she would gain attention simply by the state of her wings alone, and as much as she tried to stay behind Mizuki she was in fact a good deal taller. Her sharp Golden eyes rolling around the inside of the Guild with a slight fascination though her eyes were sharp and could see any attack directed her way. Though she would at most simply pull herself away. Attacking back would see her in a worse position so she was playing her defensive cards. And she kept somewhat close to the doorway in need for an escape. She didn't speak, either, or use her voice in fear people might assume she was trying to control them.

So she merely stood, and watched, waiting for Mizuki to introduce her.

@Jackaboi @Drakerus @Britt-21 @everyone at sabertoothgh

Silent night, golden night.

Aurelia Goldnight


Crocus was truly beautiful when it came to the holidays. The white crisp snow fell gently from the heavens above, blanketing the town in its fluffy cold sheets. The lights glowed brightly in this winter wonderland, the streets were lit up but there wasn't much people around as a coated figure with long blonde, almost golden in fact, hair walked through the snowy streets. The figure suddenly paused from her walk and looked to the side before taking a deep cold breath in. "Aahh...it's so beautiful when it's snowing..." She said as she stood to admire what she was seeing. "But its...missing something..."

Mounds of snow, curved perfectly, sat untouched by the world around it. She approached the snowy mounds and began to delicately work near it about, being careful no to disturb the mounds. She gathered snow and gently rolled them into three smooth balls of different sizes and gently began stacking it on the center mound. Then she looked around for sticks and placed them as arms for the small snowman. She then broke off a small stick into smaller pieces and used it to make a face for the miniature snowman. Very soon, atop the mounds, stood a smiling and waving snowman. Contented with her work, she quietly shuffled away to the streets once more, looking back one last time and smiling.

She had gotten side tracked by her little work so she walked even faster. She wanted to get to her destination very quickly since she had already used her time on making the tiny snowman. She rushed through the streets, navigating it like she had been a resident of Crocus for quite some time now. Snow crunched beneath her feet as she ran, clouds of cold breath puffing out like she was a locomotive. Finally, she could see it, the doors of the guild hall. She urged herself to run faster, her lungs were burning slightly from the strain. Finally she put her hands in front of her and pushed the doors open before she skidded to the halt. "*huff* I'm...back..." She announced to the guild of Sabertooth as she caught her breath.

@everyone a tSabertoothGH



The boy looked at Valken as he spoke, the man obviously very impatient about the whole thing, going so far as to demand that it be made right away so that he can give the ring to Millie tomorrow. Masaki smiled at Valken as his emerald hues blinked at the diagram that Valken had drawn of the ring he wanted, and then from that diagram, back up to Valkens face. "Valken.." spoke Masaki, as he simply placed the last remaining book in his hand on top of the accumulated pile that was on the table, and then turning to face him once again. "You don't have to be so nervous, give me a second." And with that, a small circular glyph appeared in Valkens hands as Masaki began to work his magic, and in seconds, the ring befitting Valkens exact description had been forged completely in the most intricate cuttings of diamonds, fitted with a spiralled band. The ring seemingly glistened as Masaki smiled, only to walk towards Valken and place a finger on the ring, and channeling magic into it.


"I was taught how to use wards by my mother, and due to the ring being a magical construct, this ward will protect the ring from any magics be it nullification or what. It also comes with something else, but you won't know about that until you've both got them on.." It was in that moment, That Masaki also created a ring for Valken, onyx crystals for the centrepiece as he did the exact same thing to that, and when done, left both rings in Valkens grasps. "The rings will attune you both to each other, and you will always know when Millie is in danger due to it, your ring will glow a vibrant red. This way, you can ensure her safety wherever you go." Masaki spoke with a kind tone in his voice as he admired his work, then, he proceeded to continue sorting out the many books in the library. "I hope you like them, Valken. If you want me to change anything just let me know and I'll be happy to do so."



Akane Nolastname had decided to travel around and see the modern world first, to take in the new stuff and get used to everything, before deciding to join a guild. She already had one in mind. Lamia Scale. Riding in trains had taken a while to get used to and so was reading the new maps but she finally found where Lamia Scale was. She walked up to it's guild hall nervously before clearing her throat and entering confidently. "Hello! I came to join Lamia Scale!" She announced.

@anyone in LS



Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Don't be nervous? Masaki had said to him. Yeah right, sure, just act all chill while the love of your life is in another room of the Guild Hall and you want to ask her hand in Marriage... Valken had only been fawning over Millie for almost 10years, and was so nervous up till a few months ago to even ask her on a date. Even then, it hadn't been him but a stupid prank Ferra had played on him. (In hindsight the greatest moment of his life, but at the time boy....was he cross with Ferra). In other words, Valken was literally sweating bricks. But his great idea of having the rings done by tomorrow was a long stretch in an of itself so he still had heaps of time to prepare on exactly how to ask, where to ask, and what to say... right?


Well no, apparently not, because at that moment something glowed within his hands and his purple eyes went massive as his mouth dropped a fraction and within a second the ring was just THERE. Picture perfect, exactly how he had imagined it would be. And he didn't think his scribbled drawing on some scrap of paper did it justice at all. It almost seemed to glow the Crystal was cut absolutely perfectly such that even the tiniest of light seemed to reflect of it's surface. Masaki walked over then to touch it and channel some magic at it and after he explained it was warded, the Shadow Mage lifted it high above his head, turning it in his grasp as he stared at it with that same mouth gape look on his face. He was so focused on Millie's ring that when Masaki talked about the rings being connected, he blinked and lowered his hand with her ring as Masaki gave him his own Onyx ring. Valken only blinked wider in shock. He never even considered a ring for himself, probably eventually but he was more concerned with simply getting her ring first.

Then the Crystal Mage told him that his ring would glow red if Millie was ever in Danger and his whole face seemed to light up. If there was one thing that Valken was constantly panicking about it was Millie's safety, he couldn't even begin to describe the feeling of relief at knowing even when he couldn't see her he would know she was safe....

"This is..."

Valken was at a loss for words, he was expecting something perfect but this was so far beyond the realm of what he would ever consider possible. And Masaki did all this off his back, and wanted nothing in return? He couldn't even begin to fathom that sort of kindness. "They are both better then I ever dreamed... thank you so much..." He said in almost quite, soft tone. He clenched his hand around them both before he enveloped the man in a huge hug, practically lifting him off his feet as he buried his face into his shoulder. "You'll always have a place here at Lamia Scale, both as a Guild Mate and as my friend..." Slowly pulling away with a huge genuine smile as he ruffled the boys hair before lifting up Millie's ring to gaze at it one more time. "Right. Well. Now that that's done all I gotta do is figure out... how to... ask..." His voice gradually growing weaker as his face paled more. He quickly pocketed both rings into his Shadow Pocket dimension, before grasping Masaki's huge book pile under one arm and slinging his arm around the boy with the other, starting to drag him away from the Secret Library.

"Alright Book Boy, these books have been here Hundreds of years, they aren't going anywhere. Why don't you finish this pile first and just come back for the others another day? I'll let you in whenever you need and I'm sure Maya can if I'm not around." Grinning wildly as he put his normal bravado face back on, at least mostly except a drop of sweat was still sliding down the side of his face from thinking about how he was going to propose... and not have Grace, Ferra, or those Neko boys stuff it up. His eyes drifting upwards in half despair. Quickly Valken lead Masaki all the way back to the main Guild Hall before he slipped the pile of books back into both of Masaki's hands and turned to survey the room. Instantly his eyes spotted Millie as they always did and he rather hurried wandered over as he slung his arm around her waist and leaned down to kiss at her forehead softly. "Sorry that took so long Babe, I had no idea Masaki liked his books so much... He couldn't pick one out of them all!" Glancing over to Masaki with a wink before his purple gaze then flitted to the doorway and a voice he didn't recognize at all. Though his gaze also spotted Frosty and Lady Frosty as well and he waved his hand a little and yelled across the room to get the Berserker's attention. "You look like you're on your way out, but before you go I need to talk with you! I swear... nothing fishy. I won't even throw a punch!"

Valken leaned down to kiss at Millie's temple again at the same time he slipped his other hand around her waist and slid it down her hip gently, as if to give her a butt grope but he pulled away at the last second and walked towards the new girl, crossing his arms as he did. "My name is Valken Truss. Maya Morne is away on some delicate business so I am care-taking Lamia Scale. Can I help you with something Miss-?" Leaving the statement open ended to invite her to tell him her name.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @Maki @Mykinkaiser @Britt-21 @Mitchs98



Akane's mind raced as the person in charge, a man named Valken Truss, asked if he could help her with something. Her mind defaulted to how the templers greeted people who were more experienced in things. An open left hand met the closed right fist and she gave a deep quick bow before standing back up straight. "My name is Akane, sir Truss, I wish to join the guild of Lamia Scale!" She replied formally, defaulting to how she talked to elders of the temple, well calling them elders was kind off pushing it since they all looked so young. "...uh...that is if you'll let me?" Akane said, suddenly breaking off formal speech as she realized that speaking like that continuously with her hands together was looking weird. "Is there anything I have to do to prove myself?" She asked, ready to spring into action in a moment's notice.



Kim stood in silence for a few seconds, this was information over load for her. In the span of a year her guild, her home, has gone through two guild masters. One was murdered, and the other they don't know her fate. Bewilderment passed over her, affecting every fiber of her begin. She snapped out of her confused trance once the demon began to toy with the mages. Kim let out a sneer, it was visible that she didn't resonate well with the childish one. "Oh brother, another creature that I have to now deal with." She muttered under breath. Kim straightened up, dusting off her dress she walked up to Aria. Despite Kelica touching the Kitsune's ears she kept going for their new guild master. "Hello, I'm Kimberly Lock. I'm guessing the Magic Council has told you about me, or more accurately my abilities." She hoped that the council had briefed her so she didn't have to go through the explanations again.

@Rhodus[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] [/COLOR]@Genon[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] [/COLOR]@Salt Lord[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] [/COLOR]@Mitchs98[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] [/COLOR]@Solemn Jester[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] @Kyuubey[/COLOR]@Bolts

@Rhodus @LeSoraAmari @anyone in the FT Guildhall

Arietta Forsyth - General Zor's Evil Lair




Becoming a guild master was the last thing Aria had been expecting to become when she had received the summons to speak with General Zor. Her piano-like fingers remained still within her lap, clutching a black key a little too tightly. Those fairies had been through so much. They lost a guild master only for that same position to be filled by the one whom had murdered the girl? A passion ignited within her heart, rooting itself rather deeply to bloom fully. The seed of that same feeling had been planted there long ago by Mavis and it was because of Mavis that Aria accepted the offer and request with confidence. " I suppose my appearance like this won't help solidify my place in that position. " Aria's eyes averted to the side as she spoke, words taunting and playful before the office exploded into a white light that radiated off of her skin. In a few moments the woman before him appeared completely different and definitely less childish. All of her kiddish features were expelled to be replaced with much... more defined ones. " Abaddon, what do you think? " Aria inquired to her dear friend out loud, his dark voice answering her from what seemed to be beneath them.




 " Are you trying to seduce the man? " A small laugh expelled itself as she flicked her hand off to the side, shoulders letting off a coy shrug. " Better than eating him! " She retorted with a wry smile before gazing at General Zor. " Thank you for updating me and finding me suited for the position. I would usually decline such an offer but I hold that guild close to my heart, as you know. I'll take care of all the children, they need a mentor and the Fairy spirit needs to be breathed back into that guild. " That wicked smile had morphed into a sincere one as she stood, raising a brow momentarily. " I do have one question. " Aria leaned forward then, hands placing themselves upon the desk as she got inches from his face. " Do you ever smile? " Aria turned with a mischievous look playing at her lips before she stood at face and offered the man a hearty salute. " Until next time, sir. " And with that the woman made her way out of the room and quickly away from the vicinity of any of the council members. Their constant serious demeanor was unsettling to say the least. 

The General's words repeated within her head and it was hard not to feel remorse or empathy towards the current members of Fairy Tail. Back then they had been a happy bunch, newly forming a guild and going on grand adventures, surrounded by laughter, pranks, and a little bit of destruction. Of course the magic council had never been pleased with them since day one and at least that still rung true to this day, never being far up on their favorite list. A sigh slipped past her lips as she took a better look at the new form she'd chosen, hands also sliding about to 'feel it out'. Her fingers idled within her hair, lightly touching the ears adorning her head. They felt so similar to the ears that her regular appearance had and it brought a nostalgic expression to cross over her features. " This is the day I found a reason to stay in one place, Abby. Let's head to Magnolia town then shall we? We have some fairies to properly get acquainted with.


Magnolia Town - Fairy Tail HQ




It hadn't taken too long to travel to the beautiful city of Magnolia as slipping in and out through shadow portals was quite convenient when going long distances. Aria stood at the outskirts and stared out over the town as strands of hair flowed about like ribbons in the gentle winter breeze. She remained there f or a few moments to reminisce before continuing on her way. The icy chill felt like soft kisses upon her exposed skin as Aria strolled through the snow covered streets, headed towards the grandest building in the entire city; The Fairy Tail guildhall. Aria wasn't shivering once she arrived but she could feel it, like the points of needles against her skin, as the warmth from inside seeped through the doors she stood before. " Mavis... " A hand reached towards the door but she rested it against the frame of it instead, leaning forward for a few moments as she thought of her dear friend. " I'll see that your dream isn't tarnished again. I'll protect them and guide them like you would've wanted.

Aria wasn't afraid of the role she was taking on, it was one that she couldn't help but feel was an honor. Honestly, it also helped her find a purpose and that meant more to her than anyone could possibly understand. " I wonder how many times this building has been rebuilt.. " She mused aloud to herself as the doors creaked open to reveal a rather lively guildhall. It smelt of the Christmas spirit, hot chocolate, baked goods and a huge tree even towered over everyone within the building. It was beautiful and Aria's heart felt uplifted with the realization that she was once again home for good this time. Her eyes scanned the huge room, dancing from each person to observe and remember some of the faces she'd be seeing on a daily basis; the faces of those she'd lay her life on the line for. They came to rest on a certain samurai, footsteps falling silent as she appeared beside him, eyes slightly rising to peer at his face. " Hello, Ryu. " Aria's voice was friendly but her face remained stern for the time being. It was time to make the announcement and while she was self-assured in her own abilities there was an uncertainty on how they'd all react to the news of their previous Guild Master being removed. 

She walked over to the colossal tree and stood before it, arms at her sides, eyes fierce. The atmosphere in the guildhall darkened, the mood and the lightning dimming within it as she addressed everyone. Her very presence demanded their attention now but her voice drew them in and forced them all to feel the desire just to listen. " My name is Arietta Forsyth and I was a member of Fairy Tail over a hundred years ago. As of today, I have been appointed the title of guild master by the magic council to replace Ophelia Kaiser. I wish I could disclose why this has come into motion but that information is not something I can speak freely, even though you all deserve to know. Please call me Aria, I dislike formalities. If you have any questions not regarding Ophelia, I will gladly answer them. I look forward to getting to know you all personally and watching as well as helping you achieve your goals. " She fell silent then, eyes drawing to a close as she appeared tranquil, though a fire was rising within.

 The next part was a little harder to admit but she'd already given away that she wasn't human. " As for a little bit about myself, I have hid this fact and only a select few know. However, if I am to want you to have faith in me, then my deepest secret will be something I entrust to my guild. To all of you. I am what you'd call a kitsune, an ancient race. I am almost 2,000 years old and yes my ears are real. " They twitched for emphasis and Aria broke into a slight grin. " You can touch them if you feel the need to confirm for yourself. " Aria was more open and not the extremely reserved type as the other higher ups tended to be. She had a childlike heart and insatiable awing curiosity of the world around her. This wasn't to say that she wasn't serious or quite terrifying when holding an austere demeanor. 

" AND I AM ABADDON, FEAR ME MORTALS FOR YOU ARE ALL SNACKS! " A deep booming voice bounced around the walls like surround sound, echoing as dark eyes appeared on the Christmas tree itself as if it were coming to life. They glowed rather menacingly and were darker than black it would seem. " Abby, you love to make quite the dramatized scene, don't you? " Aria let out a series of soft laughs, the Christmas spirit seeming to have rubbed off on her. " That was Abaddon, he is my oldest and dearest friend. He works like a Celestial spirit would but he is a demon and I assure you he won't be eating you. He has the mentality of a newborn but he's harmless. Now then! I must try this delicious smelling hot chocolate. " She clapped her hands together in anticipation and hurried over the the mugs to pluck one from the table. Truthfully it'd taken quite a lot not to go run over to it. Aria loved hot drinks and whomever had made this particular batch definitely knew what they were doing; the aroma alone was mouth watering.


"We're enjoying it our own ways this year, we used to just spend the evening together and give each other a gift before sleeping away the holidays. Or if we were in a certain town we'd join in on the holiday festival where Raa would consecutively cheat the snowman building competition and the ice sculpture competition." She shot off. "This year I decided to stay here while Raa went to visit his wife over at Crocus, he said he'd bring me back something." She ended her tirade of holiday exposition. "Oh, sorry I mouthed off there. I'll try not to be so loud, enjoy your drinking Sera." She shifted the volume of her voice to a softer level.

Then the new guildmaster announced herself and Niur, from what the new master said, thought that maybe Ophelia was on a super secret mission and silently wished her luck. She plucked a trinket from her sack. She walked up to the new Guildmaster and presented her gift. "A-ah, Merry Christmas Ms. Forsyth. My name is Niur, this is a trinket that me and my friend made." She said, holding up the trinket. "...um...your...ears...can I touch them?"

  Reveal hidden contents

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]View attachment 173835[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Kelica was curled up against the wooden bench in a quite corner of the Guild Hall that Ryu had placed her. Oddly most would question how someone could rest so tired and peacefully on such a hard surface, but Kelica was soooo tired she didn't even think about that. She didn't think of anything much other then dreaming of her Father's Forest Realm and the Mystical Beasts and creatures that had been there and not in any other Forest she had been to since. Lacrima infused giant Tree Creatures, Druid's, Armored Bears and Scouting Wolves. The thought alone of her riding on the back of a Wolf as a child through the huge Forest made her grin in her sleep, though her limbs were still limp. At most she simply clenched or released her fingers gently. And true to her request Ryu had stayed close to her, sitting beside her and brushed her hair while she slept. Or at least he had when she had first fallen to sleep, she wasn't sure what he had done after that.

The lights darkened and at first Kelica didn't notice but then a moment later she heard a voice travel within the Guild Hall to the very corners and edges, like where she was placed, and slowly one eye blinked open before the other. The sleeping half-hibernating girl slowly started to sit upwards as her head spun a fraction and she found her vision whirl over the top of the seat backing, just her head popped up and blonde hair slightly more crazy then normal. A short yawn escaping as she listened to the words of this new woman. Honestly there was so many words coming from the woman's mouth as the Forest Mage rested her chin on the wooden backing of the seat, eyes almost falling back asleep once again. There was a name in there but it slipped Kelica's mind even before the woman had finished the sentence. Someone would have to remind Kelica of that later. Her arms dangled over the edge of the backing as her face started to bury into the wood, almost asleep again in that awkward position.

Of course as Kelica blinked the girl started to notice something very particular about this new woman. Something very obvious and as her emerald eyes focused in, her face started to glow almost as her heart thundered. Her smile only grew wider, and lit up more strongly, her whole posture moving so she was crouched on the bench with her head still peeking over like a kid who spotted Santa for Christmas. Her fingernails digging into the wooden surface before the girl made an almighty squeal which echoed in the Hall. If she were tired before she was positively shaking now. She didn't even wait for the permission. The second Aria turned towards the hot chocolate, Kelica vaulted herself over the wooden seat backing with surprising speed (finally her training coming into practice) as she landed and rolled as she did before throwing herself back to her feet and running with huge speed straight towards Aria. A blur of blonde bouncing curls, completely ignoring Nuir and possibly even knocking the poor girl over in her target fixation. She jumped up and crash tackled into the back of the Kitsune hands already lunged straight at her big fluffy ears as she stroked and caressed and maybe pulled in her excitement. "KITTY CAT EARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" She screamed possibly painfully considering one would assume those big ears weren't just for show and increase her hearing. Grinning like a maniac.

You couldn't say Kelica didn't love animals.

Because, she did.

A lot.

@Rhodus @Genon @Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288 @Bolts


Belphegor's sleepy figure entered the guildhall in his usual slow pace, a direct result of being excessively sleepy, his hands slowly rubbing against his eyes in a temptative of stopping his drowsiness while the new guild master started her introduction. He wasn't really interested in why they changed the guild master or had any doubts regarding a mage choosen by the council, barely paying any attention to the start of the Kitsune's speech as his drowsiness had more significance in his opinion. He barely heard the first sentences before dispelling part of drowsiness to get at least part of the information.

So after the exceedingly young brat the new guild master is an experienced monster..? He thought, his left hand gently caressing the long white hair that covered the left side of his face in an unconcious action for the sake of not getting himself distracted. Truth being said it wasn't as if he cared that much for Ophelia, as he barely had any contact with her, but the new guild master somehow appeared to attract his interest. After all it wasn't common to see someone who claimed to be nearing the 2000 years and anyone who lived that long wasn't someone that he was interested in displeasing by acting in a distracted way during her speech.

Every trace of the previous thoughts were immediately forgotten right after he finally started to pay attention to the guild master, as the booming voice of Abbadon reverberated through the hall. Despite not being an individual that was propense to feeling fear the deep voice of the demon sent a shiver down his spine. As a demon himself he could clearly feel the menacing demon factor exuded from the key carried by the guild master. "What a monster..." He muttered in a low voice. Even the reassuring words from the guild master could make him stop the danger alert that ressonated in his head, completely dissipating the drowsiness that he felt up till now to give place for a newfound uneasiness, a discomfort that was apparent in his behaviour while he quietly stared the pair of eyes in the darkness.


Fairytail Somewhere resting/Guild hall 

@Rhodus[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Genon[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Salt Lord[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Mitchs98[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Solemn Jester[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@purplepanda288[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Bolts @Zuka

Mitsuki had worst headache, his nose was stopped up, and he hurt all over. So basically he was sick, and of course there was plenty of racket going on as usual." Of course no consideration for the dead." He said as he sat up groaning miserably. A wet rag pressed onto his forehead, and his face as pale as a ghost.

He slowly got up, and made his way to the door. Nice and slow, his body aching with every step. He eventually made it to the door, and opened it with a creak. His expression was grimm, and unpleasant. Something that was very rare for him, as well as his hair looking like a birds nest."Can't get any peace around here. What's going on around here?" Mitsuki mumbled angrily as he shuffled along towards the source of the noise.

He eventually was introduced to light, and chaos as he entered the Guild hall. He was to confused to catch most of it. But he did notice Kelcia charge past him towards someone he didn't recognize screaming kitty cat."Huh? Kitty cat? Where, and what the hell's going on around here?" Mitsuki sporting a thoroughly confused expression. Then he blew his nose into a tissue, then tossed said tissue in the trash.

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ryu had gone back to reading his paper after getting Kelica to settle down and take a nap. He read quietly as he sat in the booth, absentmindedly petting Kelica's hair softly to help her stay asleep as she napped beside him. Once he had finished reading his paper, he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, still continuing to stroke Kelica's hair softly. He started to doze off a bit himself, the constant murmur of the guild hall acting as white noise. He was roused from his drowsiness, however, as he heard the door creak open, and a woman entered the guild hall. She seemed somehow familiar to him. It wasn't really her appearance, but the way she carried herself that he half-recognized. He was so absorbed in trying to remember who she was that he didn't notice her walking over to him. And then she called him by his name. That confirmed it. He had met this woman before. But where? And what was she here at the guild hall for? He continued to watch her as she walked over towards the large tree and started to address the guild hall. When she introduced herself, it finally dawned on him, the realization hitting him like a locomotive. She was Aria, a wizard saint, and a woman he'd met a few times on his travels. The two hadn't become close friends or anything, but they had become acquaintances at least. However, this realization brought on more questions than it answered. Why had her appearance changed completely? Why was she here at Fairy Tail of all places? These questions were slowly answered as Aria continued her explanation. It seemed that Aria had been called in to replace the current Fairy Tail guildmaster, Ophelia. She refrained from saying why, and Ryu had only met the young girl once or twice, so he had no idea why she would be replaced either. She then went on to explain that she wasn't human and was, in fact, a Kitsune. While this was a bit surprising to Ryu, it certainly wasn't his first time dealing with someone who wasn't human. He'd encountered quite a few benign immortals on his travels. It had taken him a while to wrap his head around the concept that not all immortals preyed on humans, but he'd eventually come to understand. Like humans, there were good immortals, and there were bad ones. They were neither inherently righteous, nor inherently evil.

Likewise, Ryu wasn't as surprised as most of the others when Abaddon made his presence known. He'd met the demon before, and, after some immediate hostilities, the two had come to a sort of mutual understanding and respect. He smiled as Aria finished up her speech by saying how much she wanted the hot chocolate. She had always liked her hot drinks. He was once again startled, however, as Kelica's head shot up and she vaulted over the back of the booth. "Kelica, wait-" Was all Ryu managed to get out before the blonde streaked over to Aria, knocking a young girl out of the way. She then proceeded to jump onto Aria's back, seemingly fascinated by her ears. He stood up from where he sat in the booth and let out a deep sigh. So much for Kelica staying asleep. "I must apologize for the actions of miss Kelica," He said to Aria walked over to her and Kelica slowly. "She gets a bit... excitable when animals and the like are involved" He moved around to behind Aria, attempting to pull Kelica off of her. "Kelica," he said sternly as he attempted pry her from Aria's back. "What have I told you about assaulting strangers?" He carried the blond girl around Aria and set her down on one of the stools at the bar. "I'm terribly sorry we have to meet again like this" He said, turning and walking back over to Aria. "It is nice to see you again though, Ari"

Eias Baole

Eias was taken off guard by what had transpired. She still wasn't part of a guild so she wasn't too sure how all of this normally played out. For all she knew, this was the norm for switching guild masters. The demon on the other hand made her feel slightly uncomfortable in this moment. 

Uhhh... She murmured a little confused. So were they doing presents or was it all messed up by this news. She wasn't quite sure what to do at this point considering she wasn't part of this guild. Should she even be here at this moment? Maybe the guild mages needed time to adjust and she was just getting in the way despite just standing there not really interacting.  Eias held out her hand to lightly grab Kim to see what she should do but it seemed Kim was introducing herself in some manner. Eias stood there twiddling her thumbs while she waited. 

@Rhodus @Genon @Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @Kyuubey @purplepanda288


Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ





Aria didn't have much time between when the mug was being brought to her lips, ears twitching excitedly as the aroma from it filled her nostrils, and the introductions that were about to be made. A deep content sigh released itself above the cup to send the steam to rise upwards across her cheeks. Niur approached her then and a hurried sip was taken which turned out to be extremely hot; too hot. She held her composure despite the burning of her tongue and smiled in response to the introduction, hand reaching out to grasp the trinket with delicate fingers. She was quite astonished that she was even receiving a gift since she was so new to them and still a stranger. " Thank you Niur, it's beautiful. I wasn't expecting anything though. " It was brought up to her face as she peered at it rather curiously, eyes glistening slightly. " My ears? Yes, of cou-- " Aria was about to lean down and let Niur touch them but she soon was going to be robbed of that opportunity by a squealing blonde darting across the guild hall. 


The kitsune shifted accordingly, spinning around at the last moment so that Kelica didn't latch onto her back like a leech. Instead she would be met with comforting arms wrapping about her frame to steady them both, otherwise they were both doomed to topple into things such as the table with baked goods or even people. Aria was met with an over abundance of messy curls being pressed into her face along with small hands grasping at her ears like a child in awe would. An amused smile was plastered upon her face but it was hidden beneath all the hair she currently was trying to peer through, though it was to absolutely no avail. Her hold on the girl seemed to soften as she heard Ryu speaking, allowing him to take the overly agog mage from her grasp to reveal the smile that was previously covered. " No need to pry her off Ryu, or apologize for her actions. I did give the green light to allowing them to be touched. I just wasn't expecting such an... " Aria trailed off momentarily, trying to put her finger on the right word to use. " ... explosive reaction.  Plus, she's quite adorable. 

She took a few seconds to recollect herself, brushing her own splayed hair to fall rightly beside her frame once more before kneeling down in front of Niur so that her ears would be within an easily accessible reach of the girl. " Your turn, Niur. " Aria's eyes drew to a serene close as she awaited more hands to touch her ears. Truthfully it was comforting when they were played with but that wasn't something she'd go around admitting to everyone or else Kelica would probably be attached to her back and playing with them. This was especially believed to be true with the way she'd just reacted to even seeing them move. The blonde surely did have a cute child-like way of approaching everything and Aria already felt like a mother in the presence of her. 

Abaddon meanwhile was having quite the intense stare down from the tree with the boy, Belphe, whom seemed so fascinated and on edge because of him. It almost pleased him to get such a reaction and if he had hands, they'd be clapping in such a giddy manner that everyone would stare; almost like one of those old creepy cymbal monkeys.[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)] [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Since he did not, he simply let out a toothy grin that appeared below the eyes on the tree, giving it even more of a spooky pumpkin-like face. [/COLOR]

Kimberly walked up shortly after, remaining collected throughout the entire spastic scene that had just unfolded within the guild halls and Aria admired her ability to stay level headed and calm. " Of course I know of you but I didn't need the magic council for that information, Kimberly. It's wonderful to be able to meet you. " Her tone matched the one used with her, much more prompt though there was a way to how her words played that made someone curious of the emotion behind them. Kimberly certainly was an interesting one from what she knew, definitely unique. Aria made a mental note to keep an eye on her, simply to observe and understand her better. 

" Who is your friend, Kimberly? " Aria smiled from her stooped down position, gazing at Eias with intrigued yet gentle eyes. She noticed the uncertainty in her stature and even the uneasiness resonating from the singular word she spoke. " Just because you aren't a Fairy doesn't mean you aren't welcome here.

It's almost Christmas and it's freezing outside, I'd rather you stay here within good company where it's warm. " Hopefully the way she'd spoken would be soothing enough to ease Eias's discomfort a little bit. To try to ease the abnormal tension in she atmosphere she stood and fixated her hues on the big tree. " Abby, go away for a while please. They aren't used to yet and I know you're enjoying yourself a little too much. " She averted her gaze to the side to flicker towards some of the others member who were clearly troubled by the spirits presence, eyes narrowing. " Now, Abbadon. " She didn't raise her voice but the sudden drop from friendliness scared even the demon and he slowly disappeared from view with a disgruntled but somewhat girly mimicking whisper... " Now Abaddonnnn. "


Ryu's comment from earlier caused a rather rare look to slide over her features and she blinked suddenly, ears twitching in unison. " I'm glad you stopped putting Miss in front of my name. " Aria nudged Ryu playfully in a verbal way, continuing. " You'll be seeing a lot more of me, I imagine. " Aria twisted a few strands of hair between her fingers, avoiding touching the black key that usually resided there. It wouldn't be fair to keep Abby so close when she'd just sent him away for the time being. The trinket was slid into her pocket, another thank you being ushered up towards Niur as she once again reached for her hot chocolate. It was probably cool enough after all the occurrences that just took place and the burning on her tongue returned as a reminder to actually test the temperature before foolishly drinking it. Everyone had such an interesting personality and she was silently quite pleased to get to watch over them all. Getting to know them and being around them would be an adventure in itself. There was probably a lot of paperwork to do or something, or at least Aria assumed, she began thinking to herself in a unsure way. Now that she thought about it... Mavis never did any. Guess the council would just have to suck it up! It was the holidays and all the previous paperwork would mysteriously be lost. Yes, lost. Somewhere far, far, far away.



Fairytail  HQ

@Spanner[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Bolts @Zuka[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @purplepanda288 @Kyuubey 

 Mitsuki groaned his head still pounding. He noticed what appeared to be a cat eared woman. He walked over and rubbed his chin in contemplation. He walked around observing her, and ignoring everyone else."Hmm you're so yummy I could just eat you up." Mitsuki said almost in his normal catty way."So fill me in on who you are? I was kind of resting so I missed it. Oh it's not important lovely to meet you." Mitsuki said weakly grabbing  Aria's hand as if to kiss it but only shook it. 

He smiled as if to apologize about his hand shake."Well I best go sit down and rest. I don't want to get everyone sick." Mitsuki said waddling over to a chair and sitting down. He covered himself up and laid back. After a second he started to drift of, then he felt a slight tickle in his nose. He quickly put his finger up to his nose in an attempt to stop himself from sneezing. After a second it seemed to fade. He laid back and smiled happy that he had avoided that." Then he let off a loud sneeze, as well as a wave of magic energy that would strip anyone it may have hit of all their clothing. Mitsuki sighed, and closed his eyes a frown now on his face. Not even realizing what he had done."Stupid cold, just go away." He said before drifting off to sleep.

Sera: FT Hall

Sera listened to Niur as she spoke, nodding slowly. "Huh...I didn't know Raa was married. Well..good for him." She replied before shrugging. When Niur mentioned drinking some more she chuckled lowly, "Nah...I don't think more booze will help the headache at all." She said. Although....booze worked nicely to stem pain...no. No more booze. Not right now anyways. She was about to speak to Kelica, who she had just noticed along with Ryu, until she saw Arietta enter. Her eyes immediately shifted to the ears and tail she had, wondering if they were real or a costume. When she mentioned being a member of the guild over a hundred years ago her eyes widened, another non human? So the ear were real then. The question was what exactly was she, and how accepting as she of more demonic races such as herself. She wasn't technically a demon, but she was a vampire. The demon bit was Bel's job. Though that guy was too lazy to really do anything...ever.

As she continued on she arched a brow when she mentioned she was the new Guild Master, extremely curious as to what happened to Ophelia. She had actually grown to like the girl like she had Cece. She was a little odd but then again, so was half the guild herself included. She had never got around to telling her exactly what she was either...she had planned to shortly after the holidays, figuring she could trust her. Though from the sound of things it was a good thing she hadn't and that she was wrong. Arietta however, she was actually older than she at 2,000. Ten times older, in-fact. That was definitely interesting...she was sure she had to of met more of her kind in the past, perhaps she'd be understanding. Then again she might not and try to kick her out. She was definitely nervous of that, having been in the guild for so long she really didn't want to have to leave it just because of what she was.

She was a perverted, drunken, loud mouthed vampire. Not a killer. Hopefully the woman would understand that. Though Sera wouldn't put up to much of a fight if she told her to leave. She jumped slightly from Abaddon, though really didn't do much beyond that. Well, other thank chuckle slightly. Between the fox girl and the demon key thing she figured she would like the both of them. Abaddon seemed like quite the jokester, with any luck she could befriend the little guy and they could prank the hall on a somewhat regular basis. She wasn't really off-put by him at all, though Bel seemed to be. She giggled lightly when Niur asked to touch Arietta's ears, though she had offered she didn't expect anyone to actually do it; even though she was tempted to herself.

In all honesty she was more interested in her tail. It looked so soft and fluffy, kinda like a pillow. She'd have to wait until she was distracted though. Of course Kelica jumped up screaming at the top of her lungs about 'kitty cat ears', causing Sera to gasp and hold her head slightly, cursing under her breath and glaring at the blonde haired ball of energy that practically flew across the room to latch on to Arietta. Her headache that had somewhat calmed down re-surfaced with a vengeance, all thanks to her. More booze to numb the pain sounded fairly appealing at the moment. She had hoped their new guild master would of reacted violently, or at-least tossed her to the ground like a sack of potatoes in self defense, but unfortunately for the blue-haired vampire that didn't happen.

Heaving a heavy sigh she shook her head before grabbing the mug of ale that she assumed was hers and downing the rest of it. She'd rather be drunk than have to have a splitting headache all day, and she knew with these people it'd happen. She had considered using Niur's gift but she wasn't that desperate. She quite liked the little necklace after all. When Ryu pried her off of Arietta and scolded her Sera laughed, "Yeah Kelica. Stop being so clingy. And so damned loud." She teased, a amused smirk on her face to show she wasn't entirely being hostile to her. Mitsuki soon came in sporting a cold, causing Sera to sigh as he bitched and moaned about how oh so terrible it was. "If it's so bad why are you here? No one forced you to come while you were sick." She told him, shaking her head an sighing once more. She would never understand the logic of humans.

She gave Kimberly and Eias both a small smile, not having noticed them either. Seemed like members were popping up literally everywhere. Oh well. More ale would cure her headache and dealing with everyone would be easier while buzzed anyway. It wasn't that she particularly disliked those two, it was the sole fact that more people meant more noise. Well, aside for Eias. Eias was always quiet, at-least most of the time. She was honestly the perfect example of what she wished the guild members to be. Her reaction summed up what she thought of the situation with Mitsuki and everything else perfectly, 'um.' as in 'um...why the hell are you talking so much?'. Sera was usually kind, but being hung over did it. Rather than getting ale this time around she asked, or rather forced, the barman to make some coffee. A lot of coffee. She would drink the halls stock if she had to. "It's nice to meet you Arietta, I'm Sera." She told her. "Though...you've probably already been told about me." She said, considering what she was the council likely kept tabs on her in a light guild.

Finally after that she decided Arietta was sufficiently distracted, so she got up from her stool and started walking towards Arietta. ...Just in time for Mitsuki to sneeze and her to be caught in his accidental spell. Of course, it just HAD to destroy her favorite outfit. Did she care that she was now naked in front of everyone? Nope, not really. Not one bit. If she could fight topless against Valken she definitely didn't give a damn now. No, she cared about two things. One, her favorite outfit was destroyed. Two, his sneeze made her headache worse...AGAIN. A clearly pissed off expression on her face she stormed over to him and grabbed him by the shirt, shaking his sorry ass awake. "Wake up Mitsuki!" She growled. "Why the hell are you here while you're sick? You just shredded my favorite outfit!" She shouted, all thoughts of touching Arietta's tail out of the window; for now. That would happen after she beat Mitsuki into the floor.
   Nikolas's face reddened further; all he really did was flash Ferra a ginormous smile, holding her hand in his. Then he kissed her forehead, pulling back after a few seconds. "Prob'ly because that was my first kiss," he commented, grinning at her. "Now I see why people do it a lot, though. I don't mean to sound poetic, but it's a lot like lightning, you know?" Nik paused, thinking about it, then chuckled. "Minus the pain and death and stuff." He then began walking to the nearest cafe, grinning like a total idiot. Oh, man, if Phineas spotted him like this, he would get teased to hell. 

  Phineas looked down at the form, which had pretty much been shoved into his hands, then at the building. How much money did he and Nik have right now? There was a moment of silence as he estimated the amount. Okay, so about 30,000 or less. Not much, but maybe he could find someplace for really cheap. This would make for a great Christmas present; not even Nikolas's trolling gifts would be able to best this. 

  ".......Finished the application. By the looks of it, these houses are really nice and affordable.....and we can have more room to put all our things without the floorboards falling in or something. Thank you very much for this, Miss Shiro. And thank you, Miss Laura. It really means a lot to me to know that. I'm glad that my brother and I have been welcomed here with open arms...."

Ferra; Margaret Town

Ferra blushed when Nikolas kissed her forehead, giving him a small shy smile as he spoke. She giggled herself and nodded in agreement, "Yeah...it's nice." She replied, sighing lightly. Much like Nikolas she was worried about Valken or Grace seeing them, them having left the hall for...whatever reason. She knew she'd never hear the end of it from Valken, though Grace would likely be happy for her after a little teasing. "Ya kno' Valken is gonna tease the hell out of us." She said, grinning over to him slightly. "Your brother probably will too...though, I have a way to get Valken to stop." She added. She definitely wasn't above blackmailing Valken again using his little 'magazine stash'. Though she wouldn't do it in front of Millie only because she figured it'd make her sad to know Valken had such things when he had her. "I am happy though. I was kind of worried I was wrong and you just liked me as a friend." She said. "If I'm being honest I was a little reluctant to tell you. Last person I tried dating ditched completely after the first day." She explained, frowning a bit before shaking her head. "Though, I guess if you ditch I know where you live." She told him with a slightly sadistic smirk, though she was only kidding, she wondered what his reaction would be.



View attachment 175293

Kami sighed as he finally made it to Magnolia."Thank god, I thought my legs where going to fall off before I made it." He said walking forward, his cloak laying limply behind him."So let's see I suppose I'll call her, it's been to long." Kami decided pulling out a communication Lacrima, and dialing his big sisters number then waited for her to answer. 

Once she did he would begin speaking," hey big sis its Kami. Well I was in Magnolia, and saw all the festivities, so I decided I'd call you up. Maybe come visit you, anyway where you at? I hope it isn't far away." He finished sitting down on a bench and resting his legs. Which had loyalty carried him all this way.


Alara Rezonai

So, no one knew where Kasumi was then? It was either that or literally everyone was ignoring her. It seemed to be the latter since they talked and laughed amongst each other, her sitting at a table glaring at all of them only ten feet away. All she wanted to know was where one person was and she'd be on her way. It was different if they didn't actually know and said so! But no, they literally ignored her entirely. Sighing she debated on leaving until her phone rang. She fished it out of her pocket and surprisingly it was Kami. Answering it she stood up and listened to him speak with a small smile on her face. "Cya assholes.." She muttered, turning to walk out of the hall. She spotted Alicia, Mizuki, and Draneri on the way out. "Oh, I was at Sabertooth trying to find Kasumi." She replied to her brother simply. "I'll probably stick in Crocus for a while before heading back if she isn't here, you're welcome to catch a train or find someone willing to teleport you here. I'll pay you back. It's been forever I really would like to see you." She told him. Figuring since the three were just now arriving to the hall she doubted they'd seen the one she loved, so she simply waved to them and gave them a small smile before shuffling past down the street.

Bel couldn't help but let a loud sigh escape from his mouth when he finally felt that the suffocating demonic presence of Abbadon was suppressed. For God's sake, irony apart, who was crazy enough to use such a dangerous guy as a pet!? Of course he wasn't able to actually care about all the interaction around the new guild master furry ears and tail, after all the most that they would have to attract him was their possible use as a pillow, or even try to understand from where all these guild members came. The presence of that crazy pet demon was enough to substitute his own sleepiness in turning him unable to react to the surroundings.

When he finally managed to recover himself from the previous bewildered state he couldn't even maintain himself sleepy anymore. As he shooked his head to dispel the uneasiness he finally managed to have a clear thinking about his situation for the first time in a while, a situation that was somehow rare for him. He knew that his position at the guild was quite precarious, as he rarely did anything other than sleeping and doing some occasional job to maintain his life style he would already be considered quite the bother for the guild even if he was human, and his position as a demon turned his situation even more dangerous. Of course he didn't actually thought that the guild master was going to throw him out for being a demon, after all she apparently had a demon as a partner, but even so he couldn't help but get a little anxious over the situation. At least the Ophelia brat left me alone. He thought, somehow getting to miss the old guild in his own selfish way while thinking of a way to manage his situation.

He ended up remembering about the other non-human amongst the guild members, the vampire named Sera, as he searched for a possible way of sustaining his lazy lifestyle. He immediatelly turned to search the peculiar figure of the drunken vampire, just to be welcomed by the sneeze that came from Mitsuki, getting suddenly deprived of his clothes. "Mitsuki... Your punishment is execution." Truth being said, the quantity of exposure from Bel's body was quite reduced by his overgrown hair, that he managed to use as a sort of blanket to cover the essential spots, but when coupled with his own lack of sleep the sneeze was enough to make him get mad for the first time in a while. He actually ended up manifestating a dark aura, a sign of his magic power leaking, while he walked towards Mitsuki with a sinister grin covering his face.

@Mitchs98 (Mentioned)

@Solemn Jester

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