Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Light Falren - In front of the Lamia Scale Guild Hall


[SIZE= 14px]Just outside the hall of Lamia Scale, a young man with tattered clothes and a thin cloak trudged exhaustedly through the snow torwards the building he did not recognize. The only thing on his mind at the moment was getting warm and to do that he had to find shelter. He had been on his own for at least 5 hours now and he was afraid he was going to die from the cold. Everyone he passed by seemed to avoid him instead of offering to help and he didn't blame them. he did look quite suspicious. He noticed all of the people spending time with their loved ones on this fine christmas eve and he couldn't help but feel bitter. it was only natural, considering there was a high chance he had just lost his family. How ironic. Small tears of sorrow escaped his eyes but he pushed those bitter thoughts out of his head and focused on the task at hand. Light slowly approached the door to the guild hall and knocked as loudly as he could, which wasn't much since he couldn't even feel hsi arm anymore. It was hard just to make a small movement. After knocking, Light began to notice the world around him blurring and he was suddenly lying on the cold, snow covered ground. However, he did not panic, in fact he felt comfortable as the darkness slowly enveloped him in its embrace. Now unconscious, Light lay motionless just in front of the main entrance to the guild, his fate riding on the hope that someone would notice him.[/SIZE]

@LeSoraAmari[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]@Zuka[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]@Mitchs98[SIZE= 14px] @anyone in the guild hall[/SIZE]
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Sera: FT Hall

Sera listened to Niur as she spoke, nodding slowly. "Huh...I didn't know Raa was married. Well..good for him." She replied before shrugging. When Niur mentioned drinking some more she chuckled lowly, "Nah...I don't think more booze will help the headache at all." She said. Although....booze worked nicely to stem pain...no. No more booze. Not right now anyways. She was about to speak to Kelica, who she had just noticed along with Ryu, until she saw Arietta enter. Her eyes immediately shifted to the ears and tail she had, wondering if they were real or a costume. When she mentioned being a member of the guild over a hundred years ago her eyes widened, another non human? So the ear were real then. The question was what exactly was she, and how accepting as she of more demonic races such as herself. She wasn't technically a demon, but she was a vampire. The demon bit was Bel's job. Though that guy was too lazy to really do anything...ever.

As she continued on she arched a brow when she mentioned she was the new Guild Master, extremely curious as to what happened to Ophelia. She had actually grown to like the girl like she had Cece. She was a little odd but then again, so was half the guild herself included. She had never got around to telling her exactly what she was either...she had planned to shortly after the holidays, figuring she could trust her. Though from the sound of things it was a good thing she hadn't and that she was wrong. Arietta however, she was actually older than she at 2,000. Ten times older, in-fact. That was definitely interesting...she was sure she had to of met more of her kind in the past, perhaps she'd be understanding. Then again she might not and try to kick her out. She was definitely nervous of that, having been in the guild for so long she really didn't want to have to leave it just because of what she was.

She was a perverted, drunken, loud mouthed vampire. Not a killer. Hopefully the woman would understand that. Though Sera wouldn't put up to much of a fight if she told her to leave. She jumped slightly from Abaddon, though really didn't do much beyond that. Well, other thank chuckle slightly. Between the fox girl and the demon key thing she figured she would like the both of them. Abaddon seemed like quite the jokester, with any luck she could befriend the little guy and they could prank the hall on a somewhat regular basis. She wasn't really off-put by him at all, though Bel seemed to be. She giggled lightly when Niur asked to touch Arietta's ears, though she had offered she didn't expect anyone to actually do it; even though she was tempted to herself.

In all honesty she was more interested in her tail. It looked so soft and fluffy, kinda like a pillow. She'd have to wait until she was distracted though. Of course Kelica jumped up screaming at the top of her lungs about 'kitty cat ears', causing Sera to gasp and hold her head slightly, cursing under her breath and glaring at the blonde haired ball of energy that practically flew across the room to latch on to Arietta. Her headache that had somewhat calmed down re-surfaced with a vengeance, all thanks to her. More booze to numb the pain sounded fairly appealing at the moment. She had hoped their new guild master would of reacted violently, or at-least tossed her to the ground like a sack of potatoes in self defense, but unfortunately for the blue-haired vampire that didn't happen.

Heaving a heavy sigh she shook her head before grabbing the mug of ale that she assumed was hers and downing the rest of it. She'd rather be drunk than have to have a splitting headache all day, and she knew with these people it'd happen. She had considered using Niur's gift but she wasn't that desperate. She quite liked the little necklace after all. When Ryu pried her off of Arietta and scolded her Sera laughed, "Yeah Kelica. Stop being so clingy. And so damned loud." She teased, a amused smirk on her face to show she wasn't entirely being hostile to her. Mitsuki soon came in sporting a cold, causing Sera to sigh as he bitched and moaned about how oh so terrible it was. "If it's so bad why are you here? No one forced you to come while you were sick." She told him, shaking her head an sighing once more. She would never understand the logic of humans.

She gave Kimberly and Eias both a small smile, not having noticed them either. Seemed like members were popping up literally everywhere. Oh well. More ale would cure her headache and dealing with everyone would be easier while buzzed anyway. It wasn't that she particularly disliked those two, it was the sole fact that more people meant more noise. Well, aside for Eias. Eias was always quiet, at-least most of the time. She was honestly the perfect example of what she wished the guild members to be. Her reaction summed up what she thought of the situation with Mitsuki and everything else perfectly, 'um.' as in 'um...why the hell are you talking so much?'. Sera was usually kind, but being hung over did it. Rather than getting ale this time around she asked, or rather forced, the barman to make some coffee. A lot of coffee. She would drink the halls stock if she had to. "It's nice to meet you Arietta, I'm Sera." She told her. "Though...you've probably already been told about me." She said, considering what she was the council likely kept tabs on her in a light guild.

Finally after that she decided Arietta was sufficiently distracted, so she got up from her stool and started walking towards Arietta. ...Just in time for Mitsuki to sneeze and her to be caught in his accidental spell. Of course, it just HAD to destroy her favorite outfit. Did she care that she was now naked in front of everyone? Nope, not really. Not one bit. If she could fight topless against Valken she definitely didn't give a damn now. No, she cared about two things. One, her favorite outfit was destroyed. Two, his sneeze made her headache worse...AGAIN. A clearly pissed off expression on her face she stormed over to him and grabbed him by the shirt, shaking his sorry ass awake. "Wake up Mitsuki!" She growled. "Why the hell are you here while you're sick? You just shredded my favorite outfit!" She shouted, all thoughts of touching Arietta's tail out of the window; for now. That would happen after she beat Mitsuki into the floor.

Bel couldn't help but let a loud sigh escape from his mouth when he finally felt that the suffocating demonic presence of Abbadon was suppressed. For God's sake, irony apart, who was crazy enough to use such a dangerous guy as a pet!? Of course he wasn't able to actually care about all the interaction around the new guild master furry ears and tail, after all the most that they would have to attract him was their possible use as a pillow, or even try to understand from where all these guild members came. The presence of that crazy pet demon was enough to substitute his own sleepiness in turning him unable to react to the surroundings.

When he finally managed to recover himself from the previous bewildered state he couldn't even maintain himself sleepy anymore. As he shooked his head to dispel the uneasiness he finally managed to have a clear thinking about his situation for the first time in a while, a situation that was somehow rare for him. He knew that his position at the guild was quite precarious, as he rarely did anything other than sleeping and doing some occasional job to maintain his life style he would already be considered quite the bother for the guild even if he was human, and his position as a demon turned his situation even more dangerous. Of course he didn't actually thought that the guild master was going to throw him out for being a demon, after all she apparently had a demon as a partner, but even so he couldn't help but get a little anxious over the situation. At least the Ophelia brat left me alone. He thought, somehow getting to miss the old guild in his own selfish way while thinking of a way to manage his situation.

He ended up remembering about the other non-human amongst the guild members, the vampire named Sera, as he searched for a possible way of sustaining his lazy lifestyle. He immediatelly turned to search the peculiar figure of the drunken vampire, just to be welcomed by the sneeze that came from Mitsuki, getting suddenly deprived of his clothes. "Mitsuki... Your punishment is execution." Truth being said, the quantity of exposure from Bel's body was quite reduced by his overgrown hair, that he managed to use as a sort of blanket to cover the essential spots, but when coupled with his own lack of sleep the sneeze was enough to make him get mad for the first time in a while. He actually ended up manifestating a dark aura, a sign of his magic power leaking, while he walked towards Mitsuki with a sinister grin covering his face.

@Mitchs98 (Mentioned)

@Solemn Jester

Mitsuki Yamada

Fairytail Guild

Mitsuki was warm and cozy, and was finally getting some rest when he was grabbed and lifted by his shirt. He opened his eye to see the vampire girl lifting him up. " What did I miss?" He asked slightly confused at what was going on.

Then he noticed several people where naked. Sera being one of them," why are you guys naked?" Mitsuki asked in his congested voice, and  ."Huh? I'm here because my house is getting fumigated, and i left all my money inside of it." He explained and began wibbling in a weak attempt to escape Sera's grip."Come on let me go, I'm sorry I just need some rest! I'll  buy you some new clothes." Mitsuki's eyes where more or less closed now as he began falling back asleep. Not noticing Bel, or his evil grin either.

@Mitchs98 @Spanner

Kami Rezonai



Kami smiled at the sound of his sisters voice."Ahh Kasumi, that's your girlfriend right? Okay, I'll look for someone to teleport me. I can't wait to see you. I'll be sure to get their asap, I've got lots of stuff for ya. Okay, bye sis!" Kami said hanging up, and looking around. "Alright, time to get teleported!"

He said then made his way to the nearest known teleporter shop. He enjoyed all the decorations, as he made his way. Eventually making his way to the shop. Then he made his way inside,"Where to?" The man at the counter asked Kami. "Um, I need to be teleported to Crocus, sabertooth guild." He answered, before paying the man. Who then nodded, and took the money.

The next thing Kami knew, he was enveloped by a bright colorful light. Then he was at his destination, confused at first, he didn't usually use teleportation. "Wow that was cool, so where am I?" He asked before noticing he was infront of the  sabertooth guild."Okay now time to find my sis." Kami said a happy smile on his face, and pep in his step. Then he looked around, and noticed a mane of white hair moving down the street."Oh hey sis! Wait up for me! I'll help ya search for ya girlfriend!" He called as he ran after his sister.
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  Reveal hidden contents

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ryu had gone back to reading his paper after getting Kelica to settle down and take a nap. He read quietly as he sat in the booth, absentmindedly petting Kelica's hair softly to help her stay asleep as she napped beside him. Once he had finished reading his paper, he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, still continuing to stroke Kelica's hair softly. He started to doze off a bit himself, the constant murmur of the guild hall acting as white noise. He was roused from his drowsiness, however, as he heard the door creak open, and a woman entered the guild hall. She seemed somehow familiar to him. It wasn't really her appearance, but the way she carried herself that he half-recognized. He was so absorbed in trying to remember who she was that he didn't notice her walking over to him. And then she called him by his name. That confirmed it. He had met this woman before. But where? And what was she here at the guild hall for? He continued to watch her as she walked over towards the large tree and started to address the guild hall. When she introduced herself, it finally dawned on him, the realization hitting him like a locomotive. She was Aria, a wizard saint, and a woman he'd met a few times on his travels. The two hadn't become close friends or anything, but they had become acquaintances at least. However, this realization brought on more questions than it answered. Why had her appearance changed completely? Why was she here at Fairy Tail of all places? These questions were slowly answered as Aria continued her explanation. It seemed that Aria had been called in to replace the current Fairy Tail guildmaster, Ophelia. She refrained from saying why, and Ryu had only met the young girl once or twice, so he had no idea why she would be replaced either. She then went on to explain that she wasn't human and was, in fact, a Kitsune. While this was a bit surprising to Ryu, it certainly wasn't his first time dealing with someone who wasn't human. He'd encountered quite a few benign immortals on his travels. It had taken him a while to wrap his head around the concept that not all immortals preyed on humans, but he'd eventually come to understand. Like humans, there were good immortals, and there were bad ones. They were neither inherently righteous, nor inherently evil.

Likewise, Ryu wasn't as surprised as most of the others when Abaddon made his presence known. He'd met the demon before, and, after some immediate hostilities, the two had come to a sort of mutual understanding and respect. He smiled as Aria finished up her speech by saying how much she wanted the hot chocolate. She had always liked her hot drinks. He was once again startled, however, as Kelica's head shot up and she vaulted over the back of the booth. "Kelica, wait-" Was all Ryu managed to get out before the blonde streaked over to Aria, knocking a young girl out of the way. She then proceeded to jump onto Aria's back, seemingly fascinated by her ears. He stood up from where he sat in the booth and let out a deep sigh. So much for Kelica staying asleep. "I must apologize for the actions of miss Kelica," He said to Aria walked over to her and Kelica slowly. "She gets a bit... excitable when animals and the like are involved" He moved around to behind Aria, attempting to pull Kelica off of her. "Kelica," he said sternly as he attempted pry her from Aria's back. "What have I told you about assaulting strangers?" He carried the blond girl around Aria and set her down on one of the stools at the bar. "I'm terribly sorry we have to meet again like this" He said, turning and walking back over to Aria. "It is nice to see you again though, Ari"


Kim stood in silence for a few seconds, this was information over load for her. In the span of a year her guild, her home, has gone through two guild masters. One was murdered, and the other they don't know her fate. Bewilderment passed over her, affecting every fiber of her begin. She snapped out of her confused trance once the demon began to toy with the mages. Kim let out a sneer, it was visible that she didn't resonate well with the childish one. "Oh brother, another creature that I have to now deal with." She muttered under breath. Kim straightened up, dusting off her dress she walked up to Aria. Despite Kelica touching the Kitsune's ears she kept going for their new guild master. "Hello, I'm Kimberly Lock. I'm guessing the Magic Council has told you about me, or more accurately my abilities." She hoped that the council had briefed her so she didn't have to go through the explanations again.

@Rhodus[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] [/COLOR]@Genon[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] [/COLOR]@Salt Lord[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] [/COLOR]@Mitchs98[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] [/COLOR]@Solemn Jester[COLOR= rgb(170, 170, 170)] @Kyuubey[/COLOR]@Bolts

Eias Baole

Eias was taken off guard by what had transpired. She still wasn't part of a guild so she wasn't too sure how all of this normally played out. For all she knew, this was the norm for switching guild masters. The demon on the other hand made her feel slightly uncomfortable in this moment. 

Uhhh... She murmured a little confused. So were they doing presents or was it all messed up by this news. She wasn't quite sure what to do at this point considering she wasn't part of this guild. Should she even be here at this moment? Maybe the guild mages needed time to adjust and she was just getting in the way despite just standing there not really interacting.  Eias held out her hand to lightly grab Kim to see what she should do but it seemed Kim was introducing herself in some manner. Eias stood there twiddling her thumbs while she waited. 

@Rhodus @Genon @Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @Kyuubey @purplepanda288


Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ





Aria didn't have much time between when the mug was being brought to her lips, ears twitching excitedly as the aroma from it filled her nostrils, and the introductions that were about to be made. A deep content sigh released itself above the cup to send the steam to rise upwards across her cheeks. Niur approached her then and a hurried sip was taken which turned out to be extremely hot; too hot. She held her composure despite the burning of her tongue and smiled in response to the introduction, hand reaching out to grasp the trinket with delicate fingers. She was quite astonished that she was even receiving a gift since she was so new to them and still a stranger. " Thank you Niur, it's beautiful. I wasn't expecting anything though. " It was brought up to her face as she peered at it rather curiously, eyes glistening slightly. " My ears? Yes, of cou-- " Aria was about to lean down and let Niur touch them but she soon was going to be robbed of that opportunity by a squealing blonde darting across the guild hall. 


The kitsune shifted accordingly, spinning around at the last moment so that Kelica didn't latch onto her back like a leech. Instead she would be met with comforting arms wrapping about her frame to steady them both, otherwise they were both doomed to topple into things such as the table with baked goods or even people. Aria was met with an over abundance of messy curls being pressed into her face along with small hands grasping at her ears like a child in awe would. An amused smile was plastered upon her face but it was hidden beneath all the hair she currently was trying to peer through, though it was to absolutely no avail. Her hold on the girl seemed to soften as she heard Ryu speaking, allowing him to take the overly agog mage from her grasp to reveal the smile that was previously covered. " No need to pry her off Ryu, or apologize for her actions. I did give the green light to allowing them to be touched. I just wasn't expecting such an... " Aria trailed off momentarily, trying to put her finger on the right word to use. " ... explosive reaction.  Plus, she's quite adorable. 

She took a few seconds to recollect herself, brushing her own splayed hair to fall rightly beside her frame once more before kneeling down in front of Niur so that her ears would be within an easily accessible reach of the girl. " Your turn, Niur. " Aria's eyes drew to a serene close as she awaited more hands to touch her ears. Truthfully it was comforting when they were played with but that wasn't something she'd go around admitting to everyone or else Kelica would probably be attached to her back and playing with them. This was especially believed to be true with the way she'd just reacted to even seeing them move. The blonde surely did have a cute child-like way of approaching everything and Aria already felt like a mother in the presence of her. 

Abaddon meanwhile was having quite the intense stare down from the tree with the boy, Belphe, whom seemed so fascinated and on edge because of him. It almost pleased him to get such a reaction and if he had hands, they'd be clapping in such a giddy manner that everyone would stare; almost like one of those old creepy cymbal monkeys.[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)] [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Since he did not, he simply let out a toothy grin that appeared below the eyes on the tree, giving it even more of a spooky pumpkin-like face. [/COLOR]

Kimberly walked up shortly after, remaining collected throughout the entire spastic scene that had just unfolded within the guild halls and Aria admired her ability to stay level headed and calm. " Of course I know of you but I didn't need the magic council for that information, Kimberly. It's wonderful to be able to meet you. " Her tone matched the one used with her, much more prompt though there was a way to how her words played that made someone curious of the emotion behind them. Kimberly certainly was an interesting one from what she knew, definitely unique. Aria made a mental note to keep an eye on her, simply to observe and understand her better. 


" Who is your friend, Kimberly? " Aria smiled from her stooped down position, gazing at Eias with intrigued yet gentle eyes. She noticed the uncertainty in her stature and even the uneasiness resonating from the singular word she spoke. " Just because you aren't a Fairy doesn't mean you aren't welcome here. It's almost Christmas and it's freezing outside, I'd rather you stay here within good company where it's warm. " Hopefully the way she'd spoken would be soothing enough to ease Eias's discomfort a little bit. To try to ease the abnormal tension in she atmosphere she stood and fixated her hues on the big tree. " Abby, go away for a while please. They aren't used to yet and I know you're enjoying yourself a little too much. " She averted her gaze to the side to flicker towards some of the others member who were clearly troubled by the spirits presence, eyes narrowing. " Now, Abbadon. " She didn't raise her voice but the sudden drop from friendliness scared even the demon and he slowly disappeared from view with a disgruntled but somewhat girly mimicking whisper... " Now Abaddonnnn. "


Ryu's comment from earlier caused a rather rare look to slide over her features and she blinked suddenly, ears twitching in unison. " I'm glad you stopped putting Miss in front of my name. " Aria nudged Ryu playfully in a verbal way, continuing. " You'll be seeing a lot more of me, I imagine. " Aria twisted a few strands of hair between her fingers, avoiding touching the black key that usually resided there. It wouldn't be fair to keep Abby so close when she'd just sent him away for the time being. The trinket was slid into her pocket, another thank you being ushered up towards Niur as she once again reached for her hot chocolate. It was probably cool enough after all the occurrences that just took place and the burning on her tongue returned as a reminder to actually test the temperature before foolishly drinking it. Everyone had such an interesting personality and she was silently quite pleased to get to watch over them all. Getting to know them and being around them would be an adventure in itself. There was probably a lot of paperwork to do or something, or at least Aria assumed, she began thinking to herself in a unsure way. Now that she thought about it... Mavis never did any. Guess the council would just have to suck it up! It was the holidays and all the previous paperwork would mysteriously be lost. Yes, lost. Somewhere far, far, far away.



Fairytail  HQ

@Spanner[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Bolts @Zuka[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @purplepanda288 @Kyuubey 

 Mitsuki groaned his head still pounding. He noticed what appeared to be a cat eared woman. He walked over and rubbed his chin in contemplation. He walked around observing her, and ignoring everyone else."Hmm you're so yummy I could just eat you up." Mitsuki said almost in his normal catty way."So fill me in on who you are? I was kind of resting so I missed it. Oh it's not important lovely to meet you." Mitsuki said weakly grabbing  Aria's hand as if to kiss it but only shook it. 

He smiled as if to apologize about his hand shake."Well I best go sit down and rest. I don't want to get everyone sick." Mitsuki said waddling over to a chair and sitting down. He covered himself up and laid back. After a second he started to drift of, then he felt a slight tickle in his nose. He quickly put his finger up to his nose in an attempt to stop himself from sneezing. After a second it seemed to fade. He laid back and smiled happy that he had avoided that." Then he let off a loud sneeze, as well as a wave of magic energy that would strip anyone it may have hit of all their clothing. Mitsuki sighed, and closed his eyes a frown now on his face. Not even realizing what he had done."Stupid cold, just go away." He said before drifting off to sleep.

Sera: FT Hall

Sera listened to Niur as she spoke, nodding slowly. "Huh...I didn't know Raa was married. Well..good for him." She replied before shrugging. When Niur mentioned drinking some more she chuckled lowly, "Nah...I don't think more booze will help the headache at all." She said. Although....booze worked nicely to stem pain...no. No more booze. Not right now anyways. She was about to speak to Kelica, who she had just noticed along with Ryu, until she saw Arietta enter. Her eyes immediately shifted to the ears and tail she had, wondering if they were real or a costume. When she mentioned being a member of the guild over a hundred years ago her eyes widened, another non human? So the ear were real then. The question was what exactly was she, and how accepting as she of more demonic races such as herself. She wasn't technically a demon, but she was a vampire. The demon bit was Bel's job. Though that guy was too lazy to really do anything...ever.

As she continued on she arched a brow when she mentioned she was the new Guild Master, extremely curious as to what happened to Ophelia. She had actually grown to like the girl like she had Cece. She was a little odd but then again, so was half the guild herself included. She had never got around to telling her exactly what she was either...she had planned to shortly after the holidays, figuring she could trust her. Though from the sound of things it was a good thing she hadn't and that she was wrong. Arietta however, she was actually older than she at 2,000. Ten times older, in-fact. That was definitely interesting...she was sure she had to of met more of her kind in the past, perhaps she'd be understanding. Then again she might not and try to kick her out. She was definitely nervous of that, having been in the guild for so long she really didn't want to have to leave it just because of what she was.

She was a perverted, drunken, loud mouthed vampire. Not a killer. Hopefully the woman would understand that. Though Sera wouldn't put up to much of a fight if she told her to leave. She jumped slightly from Abaddon, though really didn't do much beyond that. Well, other thank chuckle slightly. Between the fox girl and the demon key thing she figured she would like the both of them. Abaddon seemed like quite the jokester, with any luck she could befriend the little guy and they could prank the hall on a somewhat regular basis. She wasn't really off-put by him at all, though Bel seemed to be. She giggled lightly when Niur asked to touch Arietta's ears, though she had offered she didn't expect anyone to actually do it; even though she was tempted to herself.

In all honesty she was more interested in her tail. It looked so soft and fluffy, kinda like a pillow. She'd have to wait until she was distracted though. Of course Kelica jumped up screaming at the top of her lungs about 'kitty cat ears', causing Sera to gasp and hold her head slightly, cursing under her breath and glaring at the blonde haired ball of energy that practically flew across the room to latch on to Arietta. Her headache that had somewhat calmed down re-surfaced with a vengeance, all thanks to her. More booze to numb the pain sounded fairly appealing at the moment. She had hoped their new guild master would of reacted violently, or at-least tossed her to the ground like a sack of potatoes in self defense, but unfortunately for the blue-haired vampire that didn't happen.

Heaving a heavy sigh she shook her head before grabbing the mug of ale that she assumed was hers and downing the rest of it. She'd rather be drunk than have to have a splitting headache all day, and she knew with these people it'd happen. She had considered using Niur's gift but she wasn't that desperate. She quite liked the little necklace after all. When Ryu pried her off of Arietta and scolded her Sera laughed, "Yeah Kelica. Stop being so clingy. And so damned loud." She teased, a amused smirk on her face to show she wasn't entirely being hostile to her. Mitsuki soon came in sporting a cold, causing Sera to sigh as he bitched and moaned about how oh so terrible it was. "If it's so bad why are you here? No one forced you to come while you were sick." She told him, shaking her head an sighing once more. She would never understand the logic of humans.

She gave Kimberly and Eias both a small smile, not having noticed them either. Seemed like members were popping up literally everywhere. Oh well. More ale would cure her headache and dealing with everyone would be easier while buzzed anyway. It wasn't that she particularly disliked those two, it was the sole fact that more people meant more noise. Well, aside for Eias. Eias was always quiet, at-least most of the time. She was honestly the perfect example of what she wished the guild members to be. Her reaction summed up what she thought of the situation with Mitsuki and everything else perfectly, 'um.' as in 'um...why the hell are you talking so much?'. Sera was usually kind, but being hung over did it. Rather than getting ale this time around she asked, or rather forced, the barman to make some coffee. A lot of coffee. She would drink the halls stock if she had to. "It's nice to meet you Arietta, I'm Sera." She told her. "Though...you've probably already been told about me." She said, considering what she was the council likely kept tabs on her in a light guild.

Finally after that she decided Arietta was sufficiently distracted, so she got up from her stool and started walking towards Arietta. ...Just in time for Mitsuki to sneeze and her to be caught in his accidental spell. Of course, it just HAD to destroy her favorite outfit. Did she care that she was now naked in front of everyone? Nope, not really. Not one bit. If she could fight topless against Valken she definitely didn't give a damn now. No, she cared about two things. One, her favorite outfit was destroyed. Two, his sneeze made her headache worse...AGAIN. A clearly pissed off expression on her face she stormed over to him and grabbed him by the shirt, shaking his sorry ass awake. "Wake up Mitsuki!" She growled. "Why the hell are you here while you're sick? You just shredded my favorite outfit!" She shouted, all thoughts of touching Arietta's tail out of the window; for now. That would happen after she beat Mitsuki into the floor.

Bel couldn't help but let a loud sigh escape from his mouth when he finally felt that the suffocating demonic presence of Abbadon was suppressed. For God's sake, irony apart, who was crazy enough to use such a dangerous guy as a pet!? Of course he wasn't able to actually care about all the interaction around the new guild master furry ears and tail, after all the most that they would have to attract him was their possible use as a pillow, or even try to understand from where all these guild members came. The presence of that crazy pet demon was enough to substitute his own sleepiness in turning him unable to react to the surroundings.

When he finally managed to recover himself from the previous bewildered state he couldn't even maintain himself sleepy anymore. As he shooked his head to dispel the uneasiness he finally managed to have a clear thinking about his situation for the first time in a while, a situation that was somehow rare for him. He knew that his position at the guild was quite precarious, as he rarely did anything other than sleeping and doing some occasional job to maintain his life style he would already be considered quite the bother for the guild even if he was human, and his position as a demon turned his situation even more dangerous. Of course he didn't actually thought that the guild master was going to throw him out for being a demon, after all she apparently had a demon as a partner, but even so he couldn't help but get a little anxious over the situation. At least the Ophelia brat left me alone. He thought, somehow getting to miss the old guild in his own selfish way while thinking of a way to manage his situation.

He ended up remembering about the other non-human amongst the guild members, the vampire named Sera, as he searched for a possible way of sustaining his lazy lifestyle. He immediatelly turned to search the peculiar figure of the drunken vampire, just to be welcomed by the sneeze that came from Mitsuki, getting suddenly deprived of his clothes. "Mitsuki... Your punishment is execution." Truth being said, the quantity of exposure from Bel's body was quite reduced by his overgrown hair, that he managed to use as a sort of blanket to cover the essential spots, but when coupled with his own lack of sleep the sneeze was enough to make him get mad for the first time in a while. He actually ended up manifestating a dark aura, a sign of his magic power leaking, while he walked towards Mitsuki with a sinister grin covering his face.

@Mitchs98 (Mentioned)

@Solemn Jester

Mitsuki Yamada

Fairytail Guild

Mitsuki was warm and cozy, and was finally getting some rest when he was grabbed and lifted by his shirt. He opened his eye to see the vampire girl lifting him up. " What did I miss?" He asked slightly confused at what was going on.

Then he noticed several people where naked. Sera being one of them," why are you guys naked?" Mitsuki asked in his congested voice, and  ."Huh? I'm here because my house is getting fumigated, and i left all my money inside of it." He explained and began wibbling in a weak attempt to escape Sera's grip."Come on let me go, I'm sorry I just need some rest! I'll  buy you some new clothes." Mitsuki's eyes where more or less closed now as he began falling back asleep. Not noticing Bel, or his evil grin either.

@Mitchs98 @Spanner

Kami Rezonai


View attachment 175681

Kami smiled at the sound of his sisters voice."Ahh Kasumi, that's your girlfriend right? Okay, I'll look for someone to teleport me. I can't wait to see you. I'll be sure to get their asap, I've got lots of stuff for ya. Okay, bye sis!" Kami said hanging up, and looking around. "Alright, time to get teleported!"

He said then made his way to the nearest known teleporter shop. He enjoyed all the decorations, as he made his way. Eventually making his way to the shop. Then he made his way inside,"Where to?" The man at the counter asked Kami. "Um, I need to be teleported to Crocus, sabertooth guild." He answered, before paying the man. Who then nodded, and took the money.

The next thing Kami knew, he was enveloped by a bright colorful light. Then he was at his destination, confused at first, he didn't usually use teleportation. "Wow that was cool, so where am I?" He asked before noticing he was infront of the  sabertooth guild."Okay now time to find my sis." Kami said a happy smile on his face, and pep in his step.

Kelica zefara.png

[SIZE= 28px]Fairytail Guild Hall[/SIZE]


Kelica was a woman on a mission. She didn't even hear Ryu tell her to wait. Nope, those ears were far too adorable and she wanted to touch and play with them as much as she could. She also noticed the tail but the ears were far more entertaining because they twitched within her very fingers and gave her instant satisfaction in the form of a reaction. She only half noticed Aria turn to face her and envelop her within her arms but her gaze stayed on those beautiful cat ears. Why didn't she have Take Over's like Chris? She would die if she could turn into animals or beasts like him, she'd just end up turning into a dog that would constantly chase it's own tail. So in hindsight, maybe it wasn't the best of ideas if she planned on being productive, ever. She felt Ryu grab at her and start to peel her away, but she threw her arms around Aria's neck and held on for dear life causing her body to almost go horizontal as it did.[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)] "Nuuuuuu but I just... wanna.... touch them a little more come on RRRYYYUUUUU let mmmeeeeeeeeee!" [/COLOR]Eventually his tugs proved fruitful and her weak arm strength saw her break free as he carried her like a dangled cat faced forward, an almighty pout coating the girls face as she started to kick and flail a fraction. Her squirmed stopped as she looked over her shoulder to him as he placed her on a bar stool with a confused expression. "Assaulted? I didn't assault her... did I? I mean.. she isn't hurt? Doesn't assault just mean hurting someone?" blinking in a ditzy manner.

Almost the second she sat on the bar stool, her legs started to kick backwards and forwards and she had already lost interest in what Ryu was talking to Aria about, and everyone else was starting to approach the new Guild Master (Of whom Kelica still wasn't aware of her name or that she was, in fact, a Guild Master and Wizard Saint. She had completely missed that point of conversation after all in her hyperactivity). Though she did spot something on the opposite side of the bar that almost instantly made her eyes light up.


Now while Kelica was child like in a lot of respects, she was still a 21 year old girl and the girl didn't mind a drink or two, despite her small frame and weak magic giving her practically a zero tolerance to the stuff. So she leaned forward suddenly with a hand and fingers spread wide to reach out for a cup to start to pour herself a foamy glass of Ale from this side of the counter. She had just finished pouring it, with a tiny lick of foam dancing the top and placed it before her, licking her lips hungrily before an almighty sound filled the room. It sounded distinctly like an ACHOO, and Kelica being the fidgety type had already slipped from the bar stool in a Ninja come at me pose as the Magic Energy hit her full force as a few others in the room had.

At first she noticed nothing of value, so she stood up tall with a few decent blinks of her eyes. Though she was decidedly colder. Despite that, the girl just didn't seem to notice she was completely naked, with not a bad little petite frame and hourglass shape on display. Which only looked odder with the slight head tilt and flow of her long blonde hair around her shoulders to half cover her chest. She took a few steps closer to Sera as she reefed Mitsuki off his feet before she spotted Bel approaching to do the same.[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)] "Hey!! What are you guys doing?! The poor guy looks dreadful! He's probably just sick......"[/COLOR]

Though her eyes blinked slightly more as she noticed both were naked.[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)] "And where are both your clothes?"[/COLOR] Still unaware, she too was completely naked.


@Isune (mention)



Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ





Aria didn't have much time between when the mug was being brought to her lips, ears twitching excitedly as the aroma from it filled her nostrils, and the introductions that were about to be made. A deep content sigh released itself above the cup to send the steam to rise upwards across her cheeks. Niur approached her then and a hurried sip was taken which turned out to be extremely hot; too hot. She held her composure despite the burning of her tongue and smiled in response to the introduction, hand reaching out to grasp the trinket with delicate fingers. She was quite astonished that she was even receiving a gift since she was so new to them and still a stranger. " Thank you Niur, it's beautiful. I wasn't expecting anything though. " It was brought up to her face as she peered at it rather curiously, eyes glistening slightly. " My ears? Yes, of cou-- " Aria was about to lean down and let Niur touch them but she soon was going to be robbed of that opportunity by a squealing blonde darting across the guild hall. 


The kitsune shifted accordingly, spinning around at the last moment so that Kelica didn't latch onto her back like a leech. Instead she would be met with comforting arms wrapping about her frame to steady them both, otherwise they were both doomed to topple into things such as the table with baked goods or even people. Aria was met with an over abundance of messy curls being pressed into her face along with small hands grasping at her ears like a child in awe would. An amused smile was plastered upon her face but it was hidden beneath all the hair she currently was trying to peer through, though it was to absolutely no avail. Her hold on the girl seemed to soften as she heard Ryu speaking, allowing him to take the overly agog mage from her grasp to reveal the smile that was previously covered. " No need to pry her off Ryu, or apologize for her actions. I did give the green light to allowing them to be touched. I just wasn't expecting such an... " Aria trailed off momentarily, trying to put her finger on the right word to use. " ... explosive reaction.  Plus, she's quite adorable. 

She took a few seconds to recollect herself, brushing her own splayed hair to fall rightly beside her frame once more before kneeling down in front of Niur so that her ears would be within an easily accessible reach of the girl. " Your turn, Niur. " Aria's eyes drew to a serene close as she awaited more hands to touch her ears. Truthfully it was comforting when they were played with but that wasn't something she'd go around admitting to everyone or else Kelica would probably be attached to her back and playing with them. This was especially believed to be true with the way she'd just reacted to even seeing them move. The blonde surely did have a cute child-like way of approaching everything and Aria already felt like a mother in the presence of her. 

Abaddon meanwhile was having quite the intense stare down from the tree with the boy, Belphe, whom seemed so fascinated and on edge because of him. It almost pleased him to get such a reaction and if he had hands, they'd be clapping in such a giddy manner that everyone would stare; almost like one of those old creepy cymbal monkeys.[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)] [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Since he did not, he simply let out a toothy grin that appeared below the eyes on the tree, giving it even more of a spooky pumpkin-like face. [/COLOR]

Kimberly walked up shortly after, remaining collected throughout the entire spastic scene that had just unfolded within the guild halls and Aria admired her ability to stay level headed and calm. " Of course I know of you but I didn't need the magic council for that information, Kimberly. It's wonderful to be able to meet you. " Her tone matched the one used with her, much more prompt though there was a way to how her words played that made someone curious of the emotion behind them. Kimberly certainly was an interesting one from what she knew, definitely unique. Aria made a mental note to keep an eye on her, simply to observe and understand her better. 


" Who is your friend, Kimberly? " Aria smiled from her stooped down position, gazing at Eias with intrigued yet gentle eyes. She noticed the uncertainty in her stature and even the uneasiness resonating from the singular word she spoke. " Just because you aren't a Fairy doesn't mean you aren't welcome here. It's almost Christmas and it's freezing outside, I'd rather you stay here within good company where it's warm. " Hopefully the way she'd spoken would be soothing enough to ease Eias's discomfort a little bit. To try to ease the abnormal tension in she atmosphere she stood and fixated her hues on the big tree. " Abby, go away for a while please. They aren't used to yet and I know you're enjoying yourself a little too much. " She averted her gaze to the side to flicker towards some of the others member who were clearly troubled by the spirits presence, eyes narrowing. " Now, Abbadon. " She didn't raise her voice but the sudden drop from friendliness scared even the demon and he slowly disappeared from view with a disgruntled but somewhat girly mimicking whisper... " Now Abaddonnnn. "


Ryu's comment from earlier caused a rather rare look to slide over her features and she blinked suddenly, ears twitching in unison. " I'm glad you stopped putting Miss in front of my name. " Aria nudged Ryu playfully in a verbal way, continuing. " You'll be seeing a lot more of me, I imagine. " Aria twisted a few strands of hair between her fingers, avoiding touching the black key that usually resided there. It wouldn't be fair to keep Abby so close when she'd just sent him away for the time being. The trinket was slid into her pocket, another thank you being ushered up towards Niur as she once again reached for her hot chocolate. It was probably cool enough after all the occurrences that just took place and the burning on her tongue returned as a reminder to actually test the temperature before foolishly drinking it. Everyone had such an interesting personality and she was silently quite pleased to get to watch over them all. Getting to know them and being around them would be an adventure in itself. There was probably a lot of paperwork to do or something, or at least Aria assumed, she began thinking to herself in a unsure way. Now that she thought about it... Mavis never did any. Guess the council would just have to suck it up! It was the holidays and all the previous paperwork would mysteriously be lost. Yes, lost. Somewhere far, far, far away.


Also @Zuka is mentioned

Before Niur could say anything else, like a thanks for the compliment of their work, or a shy and demure statement on how it was Christmas and it was a time for giving, she was toppled over by Kelica and sent sprawling to the floor, landing face first in the hard wood. She gave out a low whine as she held part of her face while standing up, giving Kelica a tiny halfhearted glare. Ruin on the other hand was thinking 'I'm going to stab her. Not now, not later, but sometime soon, I am going to stab her.' Ruin thought stoically. 'Ruin no! Stabbing Kelica isn't nice! I'm sure she didn't mean it!' Niur rapidly thought back at her. Ruin made a mental scoff but remained quiet as Niur made a Gift Of Life and healed herself. Then, Niur gently reached up to the ears and quietly started to rub them in a gentle manner. They just felt so darn fuzzy that she had to resist squealing in delight. "They're so fuzzy..." Niur said as she stopped. "Raa doesn't know what he's missing..." 


A small wave of relief passed over Kim, their new guild master is aware of what she is. Thoughts raced in and out of her mind, where had she herd about Kim and the other flux born. Did she know mother? "Wait do you know who Mother is." Kim was taken away as Eias pulled on Kim's sleeve, her room mate was uncomfortable it was very obvious. "Oh I'm sorry Eias, this must be a lot for you." Magic spiked around them, a pinpoint location of the man named Mitsuki. Out of instinct Kim put a barrier around Eias and her self to protect them from the sudden bust of magic. Her eyes narrowed. "Mitsuki! Why in the name of fuck are you here when you have magic outburst flu?!" She dropped the barrier, from her hand a large aura formed a boxing glove around her entire arm. "Now every ones naked!" 

Eias Baole

O-oh.. thanks. She said still unsure of what to say to this new guild leader. She hadn't spent time in  the guild much since being here let alone actually talking to the previous guild leader. Perhaps this would be an opportune time to get to know her. Possibly even get a chance at joining? If she were here already and sticking with being Kim's roommate for the foreseeable future, guild life might make it easier on pay. She wasn't going to let Kim do it all on her own that is for sure. In the mean time, she could play her flute to make some doe here and there. 

Suddenly a burst of magic came out of no where and Eias flinched. She took a moment to look around her only to find Kim had placed a barrier up. She hesitated for a moment before relaxing. Once the barrier was down, she noticed how Kim yelled about everyone being naked. She looked around only to see everyone in their birthday suits. She was scared but looked down at herself only to find Kim's barrier had blocked it. Sighing in relief, she blew a speech bubble. I don't think punching with cure sickness, Kim..... Anyway, I guess I will help gather these clothing scraps for people. 

She proceeded to try and clean up a little from the sudden infestation of clothing. 

@Spanner[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR] @Zuka[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288 @Kyuubey
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Sora Marvell - Magnolia/Her Residence





Sora smiled warnly when Timothy seemed pleased with going on a small adventure around the city. The two made quite a good team and it was already clear that they'd be teamed up when she talked to the guild master and asked if Timothy could join. It surely wouldn't be an issue, especially if she was vouching for him, right? Sora had never known the guild masters to have any weird tests that mages had to go through simply to join. They weren't that strict of a guild, heck, they even destroyed stuff and didn't get scolded too much. A serene gaze fell upon Ayano, peering at her quite curiously as she recalled images of her granny and tried pairing the two together as more than strangers. If Wendy could befriend Ayano, then she'd have no trouble either! Her grandmother had instilled quite a lot of good morals and beliefs into her and they weren't going to dim or burn out anytime soon. It was the way that she lived her life, jubilantly and protecting those she cared for. 


Ayano finally spoke up after what seemed to be an inner turmoil she was dealing with. Those words really tugged at Sora's heart strings and she once again pivoted her entire frame to be facing the smaller girl, kneeling down once more. Her arms crossed to rest snugly against her knees as she balanced herself, eyes locking onto Ayano's. " You won't get forgiveness from everyone and you certainly aren't expected to forgive everyone either. Some people won't understand and that's okay. That just means they're close minded or unwilling to let go. Just show people you're turning a new leaf. You will make friends and you will acquire enemies either way. Hold onto the friends you make and ignore the people who wish you ill will. Your friends will speak up for you and fight alongside you, that's what they're for. You won't be alone anymore. " Sora seemed like she was speaking from experience and perhaps she was but that was a story for another time and she didn't wish to make her advice too personal. " First things first. Hibiki is a wonderful person and a close friend, if you wish for forgiveness for hurting him, an apology would be a good start. " A canine-like smile was flashed then to give off an encouraging vibe. " He'll understand, I know him. " More reassurance, hopefully enough for the vampire to actually have the courage to say sorry when she came across him.


Timothy came out then which broke her train of thought, concentration now split between the two. A grin tugged at her lips when she saw his entire outfit, knowing his attire was always out of place for some reason. It was Christmas but he looked like an outlaw at the moment and for some reason she found an immense amount of humor in it. So much humor in fact that a hand was raised to cover her mouth, hoping to stifle the laughs bubbling out uncontrollably. Her whole body shook with the giggling wracking her frame, now becoming audible. " I-I'm sorry...! " She managed to blurt out, tears forming at the sides of her eyes but not trailing past that point. " M-Maybe we need to get you a santa hat to liven you up.. " She could barely breathe now and had dropped to the ground, hands clutching at her chest whilst she rolled around a bit. " It's too much! " The words were forced through deep inhales as she tried to regain her breath and compose herself, having quite the trouble doing so. 


After a few minutes of breathlessness she laid there with splayed hair covering her face, fingers lightly grasping the strands to pull them out of her vision. " I needed that. " She mused cheerfully before Ayano seemed to freak out about something and went into hiding. The question made her blink a few times in which her attention was turned towards the door. " Oh, that's Clair. Ayano, it's okay. She's my best friend and my team mate. Just a sec! " Sora shot the two an apologetic smile and hurried to door in which she flung it open, eyes wide. " You look like you're in the Christmas spirit. " She joked upon seeing Clair's rather ticked off expression. " Have you not had your daily dose of cake yet? " A sly smile tugged at her lips and she held the door open. " Come on in but I must warn you I have company so be nice or you're not getting any of the cake I'm making later. " Her eyes narrowed just a fraction but the rest of her expression remained friendly and welcoming. " Actually, we were just about to all go out shopping for some things though if you'd rather tag along with us. " Clair loved shopping so it probably wouldn't take much to convince her to accompany them. 


" Oh! Let me just grab something... AYANO~ come out as well and say hi. Timothy you too! " Sora darted off as she called out to them, returning with a handful of santa hats in which she promptly tugged them onto each of their heads, eyeing them with a lively and satisfied childish grin. " Alright, that's better! "She put on a green santa hat to stand out from them, always wanting to be the odd one out. She also reached for her jacket by the door and tugged some gloves and winter boots on, ready to brace the cold this time unlike how unprepared she had been earlier. Sora pushed them all out the door and into the winter wonderland that was her lawn, the lights already starting to shine from decorations put up along the streets.


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Light Falren - In front of the Lamia Scale Guild Hall


[SIZE= 14px]Just outside the hall of Lamia Scale, a young man with tattered clothes and a thin cloak trudged exhaustedly through the snow torwards the building he did not recognize. The only thing on his mind at the moment was getting warm and to do that he had to find shelter. He had been on his own for at least 5 hours now and he was afraid he was going to die from the cold. Everyone he passed by seemed to avoid him instead of offering to help and he didn't blame them. he did look quite suspicious. He noticed all of the people spending time with their loved ones on this fine christmas eve and he couldn't help but feel bitter. it was only natural, considering there was a high chance he had just lost his family. How ironic. Small tears of sorrow escaped his eyes but he pushed those bitter thoughts out of his head and focused on the task at hand. Light slowly approached the door to the guild hall and knocked as loudly as he could, which wasn't much since he couldn't even feel hsi arm anymore. It was hard just to make a small movement. After knocking, Light began to notice the world around him blurring and he was suddenly lying on the cold, snow covered ground. However, he did not panic, in fact he felt comfortable as the darkness slowly enveloped him in its embrace. Now unconscious, Light lay motionless just in front of the main entrance to the guild, his fate riding on the hope that someone would notice him.[/SIZE]

@LeSoraAmari[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]@Zuka[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]@Mitchs98[SIZE= 14px] @anyone in the guild hall[/SIZE]

Akane's mind raced as the person in charge, a man named Valken Truss, asked if he could help her with something. Her mind defaulted to how the templers greeted people who were more experienced in things. An open left hand met the closed right fist and she gave a deep quick bow before standing back up straight. "My name is Akane, sir Truss, I wish to join the guild of Lamia Scale!" She replied formally, defaulting to how she talked to elders of the temple, well calling them elders was kind off pushing it since they all looked so young. "...uh...that is if you'll let me?" Akane said, suddenly breaking off formal speech as she realized that speaking like that continuously with her hands together was looking weird. "Is there anything I have to do to prove myself?" She asked, ready to spring into action in a moment's notice.



Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Valken peered down to the girl as she moved her fist into her other hand and did a rather traditional looking bow to which he lifted an eyebrow. The formality was surprising but he didn't mind in the slightly. After all despite being somewhat perverted the man also was a Gentlemen in some instances and enjoyed respect at least when he himself gave it out. He tilted his head a fraction before he grinned wider. He meant it in a genuine manner but it came off as a more Natsu-esque kind of deal. "Miss Akane, you wish to join Lamia Scale? How interesting..." He mused more to himself. He glanced off in a direction in thought before his dark gaze peered back again. "As Miss Maya is our Guild Master I will leave it up to her to decide if you will join us or not, however.... We at Lamia Scale treat all our Guild Members as family. We will all risk our very lives if it means we can protect our loved ones and keep each other safe... while I respect how you have approached me thus far, can I count on you to protect me if I fall in battle? Will you come to my aid, and lay your very life on the line to do so? That... I am not so sure of yet. But we shall see." Nodding curtly. He was thinking about how to test or prove this girl was capable when he tensed a little feeling a flex in the Shadows just outside the door. He reached forward to place a hand on the girl's shoulder gently as he leaned down to speak to her more privately. "Please excuse me Miss Akane..."

With that he side stepped as he re opened the door she had only just closed and peered outside after hearing several soft knocks on it's surface. His eyes fell down to a boy curled up against the ground right outside the Guild Hall, in nothing but rags it seemed and his whole body seemed to tense. Valken had been that way once before, when he was 5, curled up against the snow covered back streets in Margaret Town with no family and no where to go. My how funny things looked from the other side. He crouched down almost instantly as he slipped his arms around the boy and hefted him up not unlike a Bridal Pose, before he turned and strode back inside the warm building still holding the boy. "Miss Akane, close that door." He said in a no nonsense tone before he fast made his way across the Hall to the back Fire Place, his gaze drifting to Millie as he spoke strongly to her. "Millie, get some warm blankets and extra clothes." Normally would Valken say please but they needed to help the boy now before he froze so he didn't have time for pleasantries. Valken hooked his foot over a wooden chair closest to the fire to drag it over as he sat down, curling the boy up in his lap as he did so before he rather quickly maneuvered his arm to get his jacket off and slipped it around the boys frame. "Now just why were you outside in that weather wearing that..." He said oddly soft for him, as he mused more so to himself.

@LeSoraAmari @Maki


Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ





Aria didn't have much time between when the mug was being brought to her lips, ears twitching excitedly as the aroma from it filled her nostrils, and the introductions that were about to be made. A deep content sigh released itself above the cup to send the steam to rise upwards across her cheeks. Niur approached her then and a hurried sip was taken which turned out to be extremely hot; too hot. She held her composure despite the burning of her tongue and smiled in response to the introduction, hand reaching out to grasp the trinket with delicate fingers. She was quite astonished that she was even receiving a gift since she was so new to them and still a stranger. " Thank you Niur, it's beautiful. I wasn't expecting anything though. " It was brought up to her face as she peered at it rather curiously, eyes glistening slightly. " My ears? Yes, of cou-- " Aria was about to lean down and let Niur touch them but she soon was going to be robbed of that opportunity by a squealing blonde darting across the guild hall. 


The kitsune shifted accordingly, spinning around at the last moment so that Kelica didn't latch onto her back like a leech. Instead she would be met with comforting arms wrapping about her frame to steady them both, otherwise they were both doomed to topple into things such as the table with baked goods or even people. Aria was met with an over abundance of messy curls being pressed into her face along with small hands grasping at her ears like a child in awe would. An amused smile was plastered upon her face but it was hidden beneath all the hair she currently was trying to peer through, though it was to absolutely no avail. Her hold on the girl seemed to soften as she heard Ryu speaking, allowing him to take the overly agog mage from her grasp to reveal the smile that was previously covered. " No need to pry her off Ryu, or apologize for her actions. I did give the green light to allowing them to be touched. I just wasn't expecting such an... " Aria trailed off momentarily, trying to put her finger on the right word to use. " ... explosive reaction.  Plus, she's quite adorable. 

She took a few seconds to recollect herself, brushing her own splayed hair to fall rightly beside her frame once more before kneeling down in front of Niur so that her ears would be within an easily accessible reach of the girl. " Your turn, Niur. " Aria's eyes drew to a serene close as she awaited more hands to touch her ears. Truthfully it was comforting when they were played with but that wasn't something she'd go around admitting to everyone or else Kelica would probably be attached to her back and playing with them. This was especially believed to be true with the way she'd just reacted to even seeing them move. The blonde surely did have a cute child-like way of approaching everything and Aria already felt like a mother in the presence of her. 

Abaddon meanwhile was having quite the intense stare down from the tree with the boy, Belphe, whom seemed so fascinated and on edge because of him. It almost pleased him to get such a reaction and if he had hands, they'd be clapping in such a giddy manner that everyone would stare; almost like one of those old creepy cymbal monkeys.[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)] [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Since he did not, he simply let out a toothy grin that appeared below the eyes on the tree, giving it even more of a spooky pumpkin-like face. [/COLOR]

Kimberly walked up shortly after, remaining collected throughout the entire spastic scene that had just unfolded within the guild halls and Aria admired her ability to stay level headed and calm. " Of course I know of you but I didn't need the magic council for that information, Kimberly. It's wonderful to be able to meet you. " Her tone matched the one used with her, much more prompt though there was a way to how her words played that made someone curious of the emotion behind them. Kimberly certainly was an interesting one from what she knew, definitely unique. Aria made a mental note to keep an eye on her, simply to observe and understand her better. 


" Who is your friend, Kimberly? " Aria smiled from her stooped down position, gazing at Eias with intrigued yet gentle eyes. She noticed the uncertainty in her stature and even the uneasiness resonating from the singular word she spoke. " Just because you aren't a Fairy doesn't mean you aren't welcome here. It's almost Christmas and it's freezing outside, I'd rather you stay here within good company where it's warm. " Hopefully the way she'd spoken would be soothing enough to ease Eias's discomfort a little bit. To try to ease the abnormal tension in she atmosphere she stood and fixated her hues on the big tree. " Abby, go away for a while please. They aren't used to yet and I know you're enjoying yourself a little too much. " She averted her gaze to the side to flicker towards some of the others member who were clearly troubled by the spirits presence, eyes narrowing. " Now, Abbadon. " She didn't raise her voice but the sudden drop from friendliness scared even the demon and he slowly disappeared from view with a disgruntled but somewhat girly mimicking whisper... " Now Abaddonnnn. "


Ryu's comment from earlier caused a rather rare look to slide over her features and she blinked suddenly, ears twitching in unison. " I'm glad you stopped putting Miss in front of my name. " Aria nudged Ryu playfully in a verbal way, continuing. " You'll be seeing a lot more of me, I imagine. " Aria twisted a few strands of hair between her fingers, avoiding touching the black key that usually resided there. It wouldn't be fair to keep Abby so close when she'd just sent him away for the time being. The trinket was slid into her pocket, another thank you being ushered up towards Niur as she once again reached for her hot chocolate. It was probably cool enough after all the occurrences that just took place and the burning on her tongue returned as a reminder to actually test the temperature before foolishly drinking it. Everyone had such an interesting personality and she was silently quite pleased to get to watch over them all. Getting to know them and being around them would be an adventure in itself. There was probably a lot of paperwork to do or something, or at least Aria assumed, she began thinking to herself in a unsure way. Now that she thought about it... Mavis never did any. Guess the council would just have to suck it up! It was the holidays and all the previous paperwork would mysteriously be lost. Yes, lost. Somewhere far, far, far away.






Fairytail  HQ

@Spanner[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Bolts @Zuka[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @purplepanda288 @Kyuubey 

 Mitsuki groaned his head still pounding. He noticed what appeared to be a cat eared woman. He walked over and rubbed his chin in contemplation. He walked around observing her, and ignoring everyone else."Hmm you're so yummy I could just eat you up." Mitsuki said almost in his normal catty way."So fill me in on who you are? I was kind of resting so I missed it. Oh it's not important lovely to meet you." Mitsuki said weakly grabbing  Aria's hand as if to kiss it but only shook it. 

He smiled as if to apologize about his hand shake."Well I best go sit down and rest. I don't want to get everyone sick." Mitsuki said waddling over to a chair and sitting down. He covered himself up and laid back. After a second he started to drift of, then he felt a slight tickle in his nose. He quickly put his finger up to his nose in an attempt to stop himself from sneezing. After a second it seemed to fade. He laid back and smiled happy that he had avoided that." Then he let off a loud sneeze, as well as a wave of magic energy that would strip anyone it may have hit of all their clothing. Mitsuki sighed, and closed his eyes a frown now on his face. Not even realizing what he had done."Stupid cold, just go away." He said before drifting off to sleep.





The little cookie girl snickered in her own demented madness. Memories of the past came flooding in, other monsters that told her that they were her.. bits and pieces of lost lives. The parents of her concept, the very beings that she was made to fix. The weight of her task and the weight of her mind came crashing down into her. Her eyes flooded over pitch black, dropping her to her knees in the corner. Her emerald green eyes snapped around, looking around for anyone to help her. No one... why wasn't a single person trying to help her? Why was she unable.. to breath? She heard the sound of her heart beating faster and faster tell it was the thundering crash of the war drums. The pounds began to outpace sound itself in her nightmares, beginning to become a physical thing that stole her attention. She kissed the darkness, letting it drain down her throat in some attempt to try and form the light again. The intoxicating darkness of the past came to haunt her, fusing into her flesh and usurping control of her body from her. Her spine snapped violently, popping and contorting as she raised herself like a zombie. She swayed, twirling with a demented smile on her face.

The twirling girl spun a few times before she snapped her own neck, releasing emerald green flames around herself. This facade of a simple girl, oh how it soured her rage! The ignored child watched as she was crashed into by a wave of magic. Her bones fell off, clattering to the floor like discarded armor. They burned with emerald green acid, flooding the air with an intoxicating sulfur scent. The ash drowned Verdana's lungs that just made her bittersweet mind regain some consciousness. She grabbed at her own chest violently, growing claws to tear herself apart. She impaled herself, hoping to end her pain with Seppuku. She looked up in crying tears, asking at Niur, "Master... why did they take them..." Tapping into the bloody past, her flesh and body transformed into emerald green juice. Her pitch black bug skeleton screamed as she burned in green light.


The daemon radiated with pure power, revealing her pseudo-Etherious form. She was so much more powerful than before, but now it was at about the level of a B rank wizard. The strange moth girl was attracted to the true source of her anger... but she couldn't find it. There was someone so powerful here, it was messing with all of her Ethernano senses. She starred straight at the person who she saw as being this interference... and walked straight at Aria. Her multi-colored eyes sparkled brilliantly to the point it shined out of the flames. Her large wings flapped a bit, revealing their strange pitch black color. Blues and reds seemed scattered on at random, paint droplets that managed to get scattered on by accident? Her wings were like a holographic card, changing color and pattern from perspective. At another angel, it was a solid, cool blue with red lines and circles, almost as if she was written on in an ancient language. The colors inverted for the other perspective, but in a vastly different language if anyone could even see it. She raised a hand as she spoke to Aria, "...I am Veeeerrdaaannaaa... I wisszzzzhh to geeett my family bacckkk. Faaaairrryyy Taaailll killed them a hundreeed yeaaarrs agoo... and nooow theeey remainn sealled inside a child... May I gettzzz them back without having to fightttzzz? I waaaanntt to zzzeee my faamillyy again...."

  @Spanner @Bolts @Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288

[SIZE= 36px]Timothy Harvard: Timothy is the New Black[/SIZE]



[SIZE= 18px]At first, Timothy did not know how to react to Sora's response. He was quite confused to her reaction when he came out of the bathroom. As soon as she was in sight of him, Sora started rolling on the ground with rapid laughing, hyperventilating, giggles, crying and breathless words. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Sora?! Are you alright? What's....wrong?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he asked and turned around to see what was causing her to do this before realizing that his own clothing may not match his personality thus creating an ironic trigger that is causing her to feel this way. He smiles at the mention of a Christmas hat "I would love one of those, I think this outfit is overcompensating for something." he said in an embarrassed tone. He looks at Ayano and hope that she doesn't react weirdly to his costume as well but so far so good. He heard a knock and sees Ayano jump behind the couch for cover. Sora said something about it being her friend and opens the door inviting her in.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]Timothy just stared at Clair the whole entire time as she entered in wondering about how to make a first good impression, should he say hi? Do something? Or maybe...he could make an interesting introduction. He decided to do something that he will probably forget but it will be funny later in the future. Timothy saw Sora come back with christmas hats and put them on him, Ayano and Clair. She wore a green Christmas hat that made her stand out as they all got pushed out the door. Well right now would be a funny time to do it.[/SIZE]

"Yo yo dere! muh motha fuckin name iz Timothy, it's very nice ta meet you Clair. You peep like uh very nice gurl an' ah hope we's can become pimp-tight bruhs in da future. Me an' Sora gots known each other fo' uh while now and I gotta say ta she packing de smokin heat baby. How is you doin' on dis here fine day? ah hope ta find some pimp-tight gifts fo' Christmas , wOrd!" he said in the most gangster like style while making peace signs and waving them up and down however as soon as he finished talking. He takes off his sunglasses and looks at Claire with an innocent smile and a sheepish look.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that. I hope you don't mind but I thought it would be funny to introduce myself like this but nevertheless it's very nice to meet you." [SIZE= 18px]he said while scratching the back of his head and laughing in an awkward manner. [/SIZE]"I don't usually dress like this....my other clothes are....kind of dirty right now." [SIZE= 18px]he lied as Timothy smiled completely changing his persona to Clair. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I hope to find some really good Christmas stuff!" he said excitedly. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey @Jackaboi[/SIZE]


Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ




" Feel free to touch them anytime, Niur. " She smiled warmly as she left Niur with the open invitation, wondering why she was already so attached to all of the children now under her care. Aria had both hands on the mug of hot chocolate, fingers gripping it like it was a sacred treasure, a few sips being taken from time to time throughout the different introductions. Mituski made a comment about eating her up and before the 'kitty' eared woman could respond, a low but sinister voice did it for her. " Is that so? Not if I eat you up first. " Abaddon spoke almost in a threatening tone but there was a hint of jest behind it, just not enough to factor in that it be taken lightly. It was clear the mage was sick so when he grabbed her hand, she was anything but reluctant to retract it and quickly bathe it in a cleansing light. Better safe than sorry! The last thing they needed was a sick Guild Master sulking around with a runny nose. A playful look crossed over her features though as she observed and watched everyone. They were all so friendly, well most of them, and they surely got along better than she'd expected for how vastly different they all seemed to be. 


[SIZE= 16px]Sera approached her then and before the woman could even introduce herself, Aria re-positioned her hands to hold the mug in one and slide the other around Sera's shoulders, dragging her in whilst Sera spoke. " You've got that look on your face, you know? Don't worry about what I think. " She perked up after hearing what the vampire had to say. " I know what you are and I know you're a good person. Though I am a little worried... " Aria trailed off, hardening the grip that she had on her. " After all this reputation of you drinking people under the table, I'm really worried I might make you look like a light weight.  " A dangerous yet challenging smirk spread across her face before it turned into a more cute and endearing one. " [/SIZE]Well, I won't do that! I'd practically be cheating. [SIZE= 16px]" She admitted without hesitation and she pulled away from the small embrace after ushering a small squeeze. Sera truly had nothing to fear or worry about with Aria, the woman was a good judge of character and it was clear that Sera was honorable and not true to the nature her kind tended to lean towards. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Everything was peaceful for the time being until Aria dared to focus on her drink once more. It was that singular moment of distracting herself that made her a little late on feeling the magic but still, there had been time to stop it in one direction. The black key was thrown into the air and snatched up by skillful fingers, a quick twirl releasing a gigantic scythe to form and materialize within that hand. It spun in an erratic way before she trailed the blade to swipe down in front of Ryu, missing his face by a fraction of a breath until it remained still before him to cancel out the magic wave from hitting him. Aria's hand dropped from the long handle then and the scythe itself remained perched with part of the blade embedded into the ground. The magic itself became apparent once her yellow hues flashed about to witness the naked bodies of some of her members. Her tongue clicked in slight annoyance and she held her hands out as white markings covered half of her body as if light trying to break through cracks in her skin. Each naked person found themselves encased in light; a light that shone so brightly that if anyone dared to look directly into it they would find themselves temporarily dazed. [/SIZE]

Their movement wasn't hindered but at least they weren't show casing their bodies anymore.... Aria looked at Kelica and her thoughts continued... Or unknowingly being on display. The girl was adorable but it was quite obvious that she had the attention span of a squirrel. " All of you please go acquire some clothes or you will be forced to walk around like tiny blaring suns. " Aria's tone left no room for debate and her arms fluidly crossed, fingers tapping along her skin in an almost irritable manner. The repetitive notion of that soon stopped as the little moth girl approached her. Aria seemed unfazed by the level of creepy radiating off of her and the way she spoke was hardly more pleasant but she listened anyways. " You'll have to elaborate, Verdana. What child? Why are they sealed? I'm afraid I don't understand. " Aria's gaze bore down patiently upon Verdana, brows furrowing slightly from how strange it all sounded. 

Might as well take this opportunity to scold a certain someone before everyone sends him to his grave... [SIZE= 16px]She thought to herself with a long internal sigh. [/SIZE]Chaos already on the first day? Yeah, I'm definitely home[SIZE= 16px]. Her head turned to the side to allow her eyes to fixate on the sick boy who was seconds away from being pummeled. " [/SIZE]Mitsuki, please come here.[SIZE= 16px] " It wasn't an invitation, it was a strict order. The words didn't come out as stern though. Instead they were dripping with a cosseting tone, one she knew he wouldn't be able to resist. A small glance was given to Ryu as she confirmed that he was alright and not having become subject to the magic most of them had been hit with. She subconsciously questioned why in the heat of the moment it was him that she had chosen to aim the scythe at but that was a question better left for another time. For now though... there was a boy to lightly scold, a mystery to get to the bottom of with this girl, getting her fairies back in clothes, and Abaddon... well..[/SIZE]

Abaddon had appeared in his human form and he stood in front of Bel while this all went down, barring his path. " Let's hug out your anger issues! What do you say? " He exclaimed while holding out his arms as if to embrace the boy. 



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Yamato Ren: Riddles eh? Well I do like a mental challenge~


Celestia seemed quite happy with Yamato's gift. She even offered to share some of her books one day which did pique his interest. Especially the fact she mentioned that she practically had a library. "Is that so? I'll be looking forward to that then~" Yama diverted his attention to Rosa who ended up spilling her drink. Luckily Kaz was already there save the day. He probably feels guilty so he's doing what he can to make it up to her. Or... Could it be something else...? Well Yamato wouldn't delve too deep into it. Yama noticed that Moses also decided to join the party too. He was glad that everyone was banding together for this festive day, there was only a select few missing now. Celestia offered to help hand out the cookies to everyone. "Of course. I'd appreciate the help." What caught him off guard though was the sudden riddle that she asked him. The word play caused him to think a little before he managed to get the answer. "Hmm... Could the answer possibly be... A Bookkeeper?" Yama was fairly certain that was the answer. But if not... Then at least he tried.

@Arius LaVari @Zuka @Britt-21 @Solemn Jester

Celestia Corona: Happily Impressed!


Celestia grinned happily at Yamato's answer, "Ding ding ding! Correct answer!" She giggled cheerfully and hopped off the stool she had been balancing on, her two colored eyes nearly immediately finding Moses only to make her frown before shaking it and turning her attention back to Yamato, "I've got a lot more riddles but really I don't want to force you to solve an insane math problem either." Celestia did an odd twirl thing before she wandered off towards the kitchen, pulling Yamato behind her as she skipped into the kitchen. "Thanks again for the book Yama, I'm quite excited to read it. Oh hey, you ever heard of apple pie moonshine? It's an odd thing alcohol and powerful but I can make it and it's actually really yummy, so I was wondering do ya think I should bring some for the others tomorrow? You know them better than I do, so it's just a question." She easily found oven mitts to protect her hands from the possibly still hot pans as she picked up one of the sheets of gingerbread cookies, with her head tilted slightly she kept her strange two colored eyes on Yamato while waiting patiently for him to answer her.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia/Her Residence





Sora smiled warnly when Timothy seemed pleased with going on a small adventure around the city. The two made quite a good team and it was already clear that they'd be teamed up when she talked to the guild master and asked if Timothy could join. It surely wouldn't be an issue, especially if she was vouching for him, right? Sora had never known the guild masters to have any weird tests that mages had to go through simply to join. They weren't that strict of a guild, heck, they even destroyed stuff and didn't get scolded too much. A serene gaze fell upon Ayano, peering at her quite curiously as she recalled images of her granny and tried pairing the two together as more than strangers. If Wendy could befriend Ayano, then she'd have no trouble either! Her grandmother had instilled quite a lot of good morals and beliefs into her and they weren't going to dim or burn out anytime soon. It was the way that she lived her life, jubilantly and protecting those she cared for. 


Ayano finally spoke up after what seemed to be an inner turmoil she was dealing with. Those words really tugged at Sora's heart strings and she once again pivoted her entire frame to be facing the smaller girl, kneeling down once more. Her arms crossed to rest snugly against her knees as she balanced herself, eyes locking onto Ayano's. " You won't get forgiveness from everyone and you certainly aren't expected to forgive everyone either. Some people won't understand and that's okay. That just means they're close minded or unwilling to let go. Just show people you're turning a new leaf. You will make friends and you will acquire enemies either way. Hold onto the friends you make and ignore the people who wish you ill will. Your friends will speak up for you and fight alongside you, that's what they're for. You won't be alone anymore. " Sora seemed like she was speaking from experience and perhaps she was but that was a story for another time and she didn't wish to make her advice too personal. " First things first. Hibiki is a wonderful person and a close friend, if you wish for forgiveness for hurting him, an apology would be a good start. " A canine-like smile was flashed then to give off an encouraging vibe. " He'll understand, I know him. " More reassurance, hopefully enough for the vampire to actually have the courage to say sorry when she came across him.


Timothy came out then which broke her train of thought, concentration now split between the two. A grin tugged at her lips when she saw his entire outfit, knowing his attire was always out of place for some reason. It was Christmas but he looked like an outlaw at the moment and for some reason she found an immense amount of humor in it. So much humor in fact that a hand was raised to cover her mouth, hoping to stifle the laughs bubbling out uncontrollably. Her whole body shook with the giggling wracking her frame, now becoming audible. " I-I'm sorry...! " She managed to blurt out, tears forming at the sides of her eyes but not trailing past that point. " M-Maybe we need to get you a santa hat to liven you up.. " She could barely breathe now and had dropped to the ground, hands clutching at her chest whilst she rolled around a bit. " It's too much! " The words were forced through deep inhales as she tried to regain her breath and compose herself, having quite the trouble doing so. 


After a few minutes of breathlessness she laid there with splayed hair covering her face, fingers lightly grasping the strands to pull them out of her vision. " I needed that. " She mused cheerfully before Ayano seemed to freak out about something and went into hiding. The question made her blink a few times in which her attention was turned towards the door. " Oh, that's Clair. Ayano, it's okay. She's my best friend and my team mate. Just a sec! " Sora shot the two an apologetic smile and hurried to door in which she flung it open, eyes wide. " You look like you're in the Christmas spirit. " She joked upon seeing Clair's rather ticked off expression. " Have you not had your daily dose of cake yet? " A sly smile tugged at her lips and she held the door open. " Come on in but I must warn you I have company so be nice or you're not getting any of the cake I'm making later. " Her eyes narrowed just a fraction but the rest of her expression remained friendly and welcoming. " Actually, we were just about to all go out shopping for some things though if you'd rather tag along with us. " Clair loved shopping so it probably wouldn't take much to convince her to accompany them. 


" Oh! Let me just grab something... AYANO~ come out as well and say hi. Timothy you too! " Sora darted off as she called out to them, returning with a handful of santa hats in which she promptly tugged them onto each of their heads, eyeing them with a lively and satisfied childish grin. " Alright, that's better! "She put on a green santa hat to stand out from them, always wanting to be the odd one out. She also reached for her jacket by the door and tugged some gloves and winter boots on, ready to brace the cold this time unlike how unprepared she had been earlier. Sora pushed them all out the door and into the winter wonderland that was her lawn, the lights already starting to shine from decorations put up along the streets.



[SIZE= 36px]Timothy Harvard: Timothy is the New Black[/SIZE]



[SIZE= 18px]At first, Timothy did not know how to react to Sora's response. He was quite confused to her reaction when he came out of the bathroom. As soon as she was in sight of him, Sora started rolling on the ground with rapid laughing, hyperventilating, giggles, crying and breathless words. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Sora?! Are you alright? What's....wrong?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he asked and turned around to see what was causing her to do this before realizing that his own clothing may not match his personality thus creating an ironic trigger that is causing her to feel this way. He smiles at the mention of a Christmas hat "I would love one of those, I think this outfit is overcompensating for something." he said in an embarrassed tone. He looks at Ayano and hope that she doesn't react weirdly to his costume as well but so far so good. He heard a knock and sees Ayano jump behind the couch for cover. Sora said something about it being her friend and opens the door inviting her in.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]Timothy just stared at Clair the whole entire time as she entered in wondering about how to make a first good impression, should he say hi? Do something? Or maybe...he could make an interesting introduction. He decided to do something that he will probably forget but it will be funny later in the future. Timothy saw Sora come back with christmas hats and put them on him, Ayano and Clair. She wore a green Christmas hat that made her stand out as they all got pushed out the door. Well right now would be a funny time to do it.[/SIZE]

"Yo yo dere! muh motha fuckin name iz Timothy, it's very nice ta meet you Clair. You peep like uh very nice gurl an' ah hope we's can become pimp-tight bruhs in da future. Me an' Sora gots known each other fo' uh while now and I gotta say ta she packing de smokin heat baby. How is you doin' on dis here fine day? ah hope ta find some pimp-tight gifts fo' Christmas , wOrd!" he said in the most gangster like style while making peace signs and waving them up and down however as soon as he finished talking. He takes off his sunglasses and looks at Claire with an innocent smile and a sheepish look.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that. I hope you don't mind but I thought it would be funny to introduce myself like this but nevertheless it's very nice to meet you." [SIZE= 18px]he said while scratching the back of his head and laughing in an awkward manner. [/SIZE]"I don't usually dress like this....my other clothes are....kind of dirty right now." [SIZE= 18px]he lied as Timothy smiled completely changing his persona to Clair. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I hope to find some really good Christmas stuff!" he said excitedly. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@Mr SwiftshotsClair @Kyuubey @Jackaboi[/SIZE]


Clair Fernandez

Wizard Saint / Fairy Tail


Clair must have been standing at the door for a little over a minute before Sora eventually answered , a smart reply in tow. Honestly the quick response did prompt Clair to smile even if it was brief " I happy someone noticed my festive mood ! I can always count on you to get thing right."

while following behind Sora , Clair was soon informed that cake was in fact an option should Sora deem her actions towards the guests as 'nice'. With that in mind Clair happily held her hands behind her back and went about turning her frown upside down. But upon meeting the 'guests' Clair's mind went blank , she was at a loss for words. She had never met these people ! Had Sora invited strangers over to stay again or were these two childhood friends ? It was impossible to tell at this point due to lack of conversation , both on her part and on theirs. Heck had Sora not have forced them out of the house , Clair might have literally lost her mind.

With the cold Christmas air brushing against her skin once again , Clair felt somewhat at ease and miraculously made a mental recovery. Well at least that's what she thought , until of course Timothy opened his mouth ! Once the OG himself started speaking , Clair stopped walking and quite frankly became more and more confused as he went on. In fact at one point during his speech Clair was certain he was attempting to challenge her to a fight !

Luckily for him Clair didn't take the assumed challenge seriously and luckily for Clair he started speaking normally soon after. With a soft sigh Clair replied " you scared me for a second there Tim , I thought you wanted to fight me ! Its very nice to meet you too , I hope we can get along well." turning quickly to Sora , Clair let out a laugh " You always take in the weird ones don't you !"

@Kyuubey @Jackaboi @Zareh
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Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ



" Feel free to touch them anytime, Niur. " She smiled warmly as she left Niur with the open invitation, wondering why she was already so attached to all of the children now under her care. Aria had both hands on the mug of hot chocolate, fingers gripping it like it was a sacred treasure, a few sips being taken from time to time throughout the different introductions. Mituski made a comment about eating her up and before the 'kitty' eared woman could respond, a low but sinister voice did it for her. " Is that so? Not if I eat you up first. " Abaddon spoke almost in a threatening tone but there was a hint of jest behind it, just not enough to factor in that it be taken lightly. It was clear the mage was sick so when he grabbed her hand, she was anything but reluctant to retract it and quickly bathe it in a cleansing light. Better safe than sorry! The last thing they needed was a sick Guild Master sulking around with a runny nose. A playful look crossed over her features though as she observed and watched everyone. They were all so friendly, well most of them, and they surely got along better than she'd expected for how vastly different they all seemed to be. 


[SIZE= 16px]Sera approached her then and before the woman could even introduce herself, Aria re-positioned her hands to hold the mug in one and slide the other around Sera's shoulders, dragging her in whilst Sera spoke. " You've got that look on your face, you know? Don't worry about what I think. " She perked up after hearing what the vampire had to say. " I know what you are and I know you're a good person. Though I am a little worried... " Aria trailed off, hardening the grip that she had on her. " After all this reputation of you drinking people under the table, I'm really worried I might make you look like a light weight.  " A dangerous yet challenging smirk spread across her face before it turned into a more cute and endearing one. " [/SIZE]Well, I won't do that! I'd practically be cheating. [SIZE= 16px]" She admitted without hesitation and she pulled away from the small embrace after ushering a small squeeze. Sera truly had nothing to fear or worry about with Aria, the woman was a good judge of character and it was clear that Sera was honorable and not true to the nature her kind tended to lean towards. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Everything was peaceful for the time being until Aria dared to focus on her drink once more. It was that singular moment of distracting herself that made her a little late on feeling the magic but still, there had been time to stop it in one direction. The black key was thrown into the air and snatched up by skillful fingers, a quick twirl releasing a gigantic scythe to form and materialize within that hand. It spun in an erratic way before she trailed the blade to swipe down in front of Ryu, missing his face by a fraction of a breath until it remained still before him to cancel out the magic wave from hitting him. Aria's hand dropped from the long handle then and the scythe itself remained perched with part of the blade embedded into the ground. The magic itself became apparent once her yellow hues flashed about to witness the naked bodies of some of her members. Her tongue clicked in slight annoyance and she held her hands out as white markings covered half of her body as if light trying to break through cracks in her skin. Each naked person found themselves encased in light; a light that shone so brightly that if anyone dared to look directly into it they would find themselves temporarily dazed. [/SIZE]

Their movement wasn't hindered but at least they weren't show casing their bodies anymore.... Aria looked at Kelica and her thoughts continued... Or unknowingly being on display. The girl was adorable but it was quite obvious that she had the attention span of a squirrel. " All of you please go acquire some clothes or you will be forced to walk around like tiny blaring suns. " Aria's tone left no room for debate and her arms fluidly crossed, fingers tapping along her skin in an almost irritable manner. The repetitive notion of that soon stopped as the little moth girl approached her. Aria seemed unfazed by the level of creepy radiating off of her and the way she spoke was hardly more pleasant but she listened anyways. " You'll have to elaborate, Verdana. What child? Why are they sealed? I'm afraid I don't understand. " Aria's gaze bore down patiently upon Verdana, brows furrowing slightly from how strange it all sounded. 

Might as well take this opportunity to scold a certain someone before everyone sends him to his grave... [SIZE= 16px]She thought to herself with a long internal sigh. [/SIZE]Chaos already on the first day? Yeah, I'm definitely home[SIZE= 16px]. Her head turned to the side to allow her eyes to fixate on the sick boy who was seconds away from being pummeled. " [/SIZE]Mitsuki, please come here.[SIZE= 16px] " It wasn't an invitation, it was a strict order. The words didn't come out as stern though. Instead they were dripping with a cosseting tone, one she knew he wouldn't be able to resist. A small glance was given to Ryu as she confirmed that he was alright and not having become subject to the magic most of them had been hit with. She subconsciously questioned why in the heat of the moment it was him that she had chosen to aim the scythe at but that was a question better left for another time. For now though... there was a boy to lightly scold, a mystery to get to the bottom of with this girl, getting her fairies back in clothes, and Abaddon... well..[/SIZE]

Abaddon had appeared in his human form and he stood in front of Bel while this all went down, barring his path. " Let's hug out your anger issues! What do you say? " He exclaimed while holding out his arms as if to embrace the boy. 


Bel was obviously about to try finding out how many holes a human body could possible have without dying using Mitsuki's body as a subject when the guild master acted to cover the bodies of all the naked guild members with a strange light, that blinded his eyes for a second before finally subsidizing to the point where he clearly saw his surroundings. At first Bel naturally thought that he was going to die, as he naturally registered the strange light as a menace, but this conception slowly proved itself wrong as the light merely covered his body without any harm.

The demon finally came to understand what was happening when he heard the words of the guild master. It was apparently merely an way of covering their naked bodies until they found clothes, not some kind of attack. He immediately sighed in a alleviated way as the suspection of being condemned was dispelled away by the words of the guild master. God, that was some fright I had today. That's why I should just stay asleep, it's way easier. He sloppily thought, completely forgetting about Mitsuki's punishment as he slowly walked towards the exit.

He came to stop right after starting his walk to leave the guild hall, as the figure of the dark haired man came into his view while blocking his way, apparently trying to hug him. "Let's hug out your anger issues! What do you say? " Bel's expression immediately paled when he heard that. He could almost hear the danger alert comming from his soul exploding from an overload. "C-Can't we talk about that without physical contact..?" He exclaimed in a surprisingly soft voice for someone who barely talked. He could clearly relate the guy with the unpleasant presence of the demon from before, so he didn't immediately try to run, forcing himself to talk on a conciliatory way in a temptative of escaping the weird situation.

 @Bolts @Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288 @hudhouse @Happy Red Mage 
Bel couldn't help but let a loud sigh escape from his mouth when he finally felt that the suffocating demonic presence of Abbadon was suppressed. For God's sake, irony apart, who was crazy enough to use such a dangerous guy as a pet!? Of course he wasn't able to actually care about all the interaction around the new guild master furry ears and tail, after all the most that they would have to attract him was their possible use as a pillow, or even try to understand from where all these guild members came. The presence of that crazy pet demon was enough to substitute his own sleepiness in turning him unable to react to the surroundings.

When he finally managed to recover himself from the previous bewildered state he couldn't even maintain himself sleepy anymore. As he shooked his head to dispel the uneasiness he finally managed to have a clear thinking about his situation for the first time in a while, a situation that was somehow rare for him. He knew that his position at the guild was quite precarious, as he rarely did anything other than sleeping and doing some occasional job to maintain his life style he would already be considered quite the bother for the guild even if he was human, and his position as a demon turned his situation even more dangerous. Of course he didn't actually thought that the guild master was going to throw him out for being a demon, after all she apparently had a demon as a partner, but even so he couldn't help but get a little anxious over the situation. At least the Ophelia brat left me alone. He thought, somehow getting to miss the old guild in his own selfish way while thinking of a way to manage his situation.

He ended up remembering about the other non-human amongst the guild members, the vampire named Sera, as he searched for a possible way of sustaining his lazy lifestyle. He immediatelly turned to search the peculiar figure of the drunken vampire, just to be welcomed by the sneeze that came from Mitsuki, getting suddenly deprived of his clothes. "Mitsuki... Your punishment is execution." Truth being said, the quantity of exposure from Bel's body was quite reduced by his overgrown hair, that he managed to use as a sort of blanket to cover the essential spots, but when coupled with his own lack of sleep the sneeze was enough to make him get mad for the first time in a while. He actually ended up manifestating a dark aura, a sign of his magic power leaking, while he walked towards Mitsuki with a sinister grin covering his face.

@Mitchs98 (Mentioned)

@Solemn Jester

Mitsuki Yamada

Fairytail Guild

Mitsuki was warm and cozy, and was finally getting some rest when he was grabbed and lifted by his shirt. He opened his eye to see the vampire girl lifting him up. " What did I miss?" He asked slightly confused at what was going on.

Then he noticed several people where naked. Sera being one of them," why are you guys naked?" Mitsuki asked in his congested voice, and  ."Huh? I'm here because my house is getting fumigated, and i left all my money inside of it." He explained and began wibbling in a weak attempt to escape Sera's grip."Come on let me go, I'm sorry I just need some rest! I'll  buy you some new clothes." Mitsuki's eyes where more or less closed now as he began falling back asleep. Not noticing Bel, or his evil grin either.

@Mitchs98 @Spanner

Kami Rezonai


View attachment 175681

Kami smiled at the sound of his sisters voice."Ahh Kasumi, that's your girlfriend right? Okay, I'll look for someone to teleport me. I can't wait to see you. I'll be sure to get their asap, I've got lots of stuff for ya. Okay, bye sis!" Kami said hanging up, and looking around. "Alright, time to get teleported!"

He said then made his way to the nearest known teleporter shop. He enjoyed all the decorations, as he made his way. Eventually making his way to the shop. Then he made his way inside,"Where to?" The man at the counter asked Kami. "Um, I need to be teleported to Crocus, sabertooth guild." He answered, before paying the man. Who then nodded, and took the money.

The next thing Kami knew, he was enveloped by a bright colorful light. Then he was at his destination, confused at first, he didn't usually use teleportation. "Wow that was cool, so where am I?" He asked before noticing he was infront of the  sabertooth guild."Okay now time to find my sis." Kami said a happy smile on his face, and pep in his step. Then he looked around, and noticed a mane of white hair moving down the street."Oh hey sis! Wait up for me! I'll help ya search for ya girlfriend!" He called as he ran after his sister.

  Reveal hidden contents

[SIZE= 28px]Fairytail Guild Hall[/SIZE]

Kelica was a woman on a mission. She didn't even hear Ryu tell her to wait. Nope, those ears were far too adorable and she wanted to touch and play with them as much as she could. She also noticed the tail but the ears were far more entertaining because they twitched within her very fingers and gave her instant satisfaction in the form of a reaction. She only half noticed Aria turn to face her and envelop her within her arms but her gaze stayed on those beautiful cat ears. Why didn't she have Take Over's like Chris? She would die if she could turn into animals or beasts like him, she'd just end up turning into a dog that would constantly chase it's own tail. So in hindsight, maybe it wasn't the best of ideas if she planned on being productive, ever. She felt Ryu grab at her and start to peel her away, but she threw her arms around Aria's neck and held on for dear life causing her body to almost go horizontal as it did.[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)] "Nuuuuuu but I just... wanna.... touch them a little more come on RRRYYYUUUUU let mmmeeeeeeeeee!" [/COLOR]Eventually his tugs proved fruitful and her weak arm strength saw her break free as he carried her like a dangled cat faced forward, an almighty pout coating the girls face as she started to kick and flail a fraction. Her squirmed stopped as she looked over her shoulder to him as he placed her on a bar stool with a confused expression. "Assaulted? I didn't assault her... did I? I mean.. she isn't hurt? Doesn't assault just mean hurting someone?" blinking in a ditzy manner.

Almost the second she sat on the bar stool, her legs started to kick backwards and forwards and she had already lost interest in what Ryu was talking to Aria about, and everyone else was starting to approach the new Guild Master (Of whom Kelica still wasn't aware of her name or that she was, in fact, a Guild Master and Wizard Saint. She had completely missed that point of conversation after all in her hyperactivity). Though she did spot something on the opposite side of the bar that almost instantly made her eyes light up.


Now while Kelica was child like in a lot of respects, she was still a 21 year old girl and the girl didn't mind a drink or two, despite her small frame and weak magic giving her practically a zero tolerance to the stuff. So she leaned forward suddenly with a hand and fingers spread wide to reach out for a cup to start to pour herself a foamy glass of Ale from this side of the counter. She had just finished pouring it, with a tiny lick of foam dancing the top and placed it before her, licking her lips hungrily before an almighty sound filled the room. It sounded distinctly like an ACHOO, and Kelica being the fidgety type had already slipped from the bar stool in a Ninja come at me pose as the Magic Energy hit her full force as a few others in the room had.

At first she noticed nothing of value, so she stood up tall with a few decent blinks of her eyes. Though she was decidedly colder. Despite that, the girl just didn't seem to notice she was completely naked, with not a bad little petite frame and hourglass shape on display. Which only looked odder with the slight head tilt and flow of her long blonde hair around her shoulders to half cover her chest. She took a few steps closer to Sera as she reefed Mitsuki off his feet before she spotted Bel approaching to do the same.[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)] "Hey!! What are you guys doing?! The poor guy looks dreadful! He's probably just sick......"[/COLOR]

Though her eyes blinked slightly more as she noticed both were naked.[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)] "And where are both your clothes?"[/COLOR] Still unaware, she too was completely naked.


@Isune (mention)


Also @Zuka is mentioned

Before Niur could say anything else, like a thanks for the compliment of their work, or a shy and demure statement on how it was Christmas and it was a time for giving, she was toppled over by Kelica and sent sprawling to the floor, landing face first in the hard wood. She gave out a low whine as she held part of her face while standing up, giving Kelica a tiny halfhearted glare. Ruin on the other hand was thinking 'I'm going to stab her. Not now, not later, but sometime soon, I am going to stab her.' Ruin thought stoically. 'Ruin no! Stabbing Kelica isn't nice! I'm sure she didn't mean it!' Niur rapidly thought back at her. Ruin made a mental scoff but remained quiet as Niur made a Gift Of Life and healed herself. Then, Niur gently reached up to the ears and quietly started to rub them in a gentle manner. They just felt so darn fuzzy that she had to resist squealing in delight. "They're so fuzzy..." Niur said as she stopped. "Raa doesn't know what he's missing..." 

A small wave of relief passed over Kim, their new guild master is aware of what she is. Thoughts raced in and out of her mind, where had she herd about Kim and the other flux born. Did she know mother? "Wait do you know who Mother is." Kim was taken away as Eias pulled on Kim's sleeve, her room mate was uncomfortable it was very obvious. "Oh I'm sorry Eias, this must be a lot for you." Magic spiked around them, a pinpoint location of the man named Mitsuki. Out of instinct Kim put a barrier around Eias and her self to protect them from the sudden bust of magic. Her eyes narrowed. "Mitsuki! Why in the name of fuck are you here when you have magic outburst flu?!" She dropped the barrier, from her hand a large aura formed a boxing glove around her entire arm. "Now every ones naked!" 

Eias Baole

O-oh.. thanks. She said still unsure of what to say to this new guild leader. She hadn't spent time in  the guild much since being here let alone actually talking to the previous guild leader. Perhaps this would be an opportune time to get to know her. Possibly even get a chance at joining? If she were here already and sticking with being Kim's roommate for the foreseeable future, guild life might make it easier on pay. She wasn't going to let Kim do it all on her own that is for sure. In the mean time, she could play her flute to make some doe here and there. 

Suddenly a burst of magic came out of no where and Eias flinched. She took a moment to look around her only to find Kim had placed a barrier up. She hesitated for a moment before relaxing. Once the barrier was down, she noticed how Kim yelled about everyone being naked. She looked around only to see everyone in their birthday suits. She was scared but looked down at herself only to find Kim's barrier had blocked it. Sighing in relief, she blew a speech bubble. I don't think punching with cure sickness, Kim..... Anyway, I guess I will help gather these clothing scraps for people. 

She proceeded to try and clean up a little from the sudden infestation of clothing. 

@Spanner[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR] @Zuka[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288 @Kyuubey


The little cookie girl snickered in her own demented madness. Memories of the past came flooding in, other monsters that told her that they were her.. bits and pieces of lost lives. The parents of her concept, the very beings that she was made to fix. The weight of her task and the weight of her mind came crashing down into her. Her eyes flooded over pitch black, dropping her to her knees in the corner. Her emerald green eyes snapped around, looking around for anyone to help her. No one... why wasn't a single person trying to help her? Why was she unable.. to breath? She heard the sound of her heart beating faster and faster tell it was the thundering crash of the war drums. The pounds began to outpace sound itself in her nightmares, beginning to become a physical thing that stole her attention. She kissed the darkness, letting it drain down her throat in some attempt to try and form the light again. The intoxicating darkness of the past came to haunt her, fusing into her flesh and usurping control of her body from her. Her spine snapped violently, popping and contorting as she raised herself like a zombie. She swayed, twirling with a demented smile on her face.

The twirling girl spun a few times before she snapped her own neck, releasing emerald green flames around herself. This facade of a simple girl, oh how it soured her rage! The ignored child watched as she was crashed into by a wave of magic. Her bones fell off, clattering to the floor like discarded armor. They burned with emerald green acid, flooding the air with an intoxicating sulfur scent. The ash drowned Verdana's lungs that just made her bittersweet mind regain some consciousness. She grabbed at her own chest violently, growing claws to tear herself apart. She impaled herself, hoping to end her pain with Seppuku. She looked up in crying tears, asking at Niur, "Master... why did they take them..." Tapping into the bloody past, her flesh and body transformed into emerald green juice. Her pitch black bug skeleton screamed as she burned in green light.

The daemon radiated with pure power, revealing her pseudo-Etherious form. She was so much more powerful than before, but now it was at about the level of a B rank wizard. The strange moth girl was attracted to the true source of her anger... but she couldn't find it. There was someone so powerful here, it was messing with all of her Ethernano senses. She starred straight at the person who she saw as being this interference... and walked straight at Aria. Her multi-colored eyes sparkled brilliantly to the point it shined out of the flames. Her large wings flapped a bit, revealing their strange pitch black color. Blues and reds seemed scattered on at random, paint droplets that managed to get scattered on by accident? Her wings were like a holographic card, changing color and pattern from perspective. At another angel, it was a solid, cool blue with red lines and circles, almost as if she was written on in an ancient language. The colors inverted for the other perspective, but in a vastly different language if anyone could even see it. She raised a hand as she spoke to Aria, "...I am Veeeerrdaaannaaa... I wisszzzzhh to geeett my family bacckkk. Faaaairrryyy Taaailll killed them a hundreeed yeaaarrs agoo... and nooow theeey remainn sealled inside a child... May I gettzzz them back without having to fightttzzz? I waaaanntt to zzzeee my faamillyy again...."

  @Spanner @Bolts @Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288

Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ




" Feel free to touch them anytime, Niur. " She smiled warmly as she left Niur with the open invitation, wondering why she was already so attached to all of the children now under her care. Aria had both hands on the mug of hot chocolate, fingers gripping it like it was a sacred treasure, a few sips being taken from time to time throughout the different introductions. Mituski made a comment about eating her up and before the 'kitty' eared woman could respond, a low but sinister voice did it for her. " Is that so? Not if I eat you up first. " Abaddon spoke almost in a threatening tone but there was a hint of jest behind it, just not enough to factor in that it be taken lightly. It was clear the mage was sick so when he grabbed her hand, she was anything but reluctant to retract it and quickly bathe it in a cleansing light. Better safe than sorry! The last thing they needed was a sick Guild Master sulking around with a runny nose. A playful look crossed over her features though as she observed and watched everyone. They were all so friendly, well most of them, and they surely got along better than she'd expected for how vastly different they all seemed to be. 


[SIZE= 16px]Sera approached her then and before the woman could even introduce herself, Aria re-positioned her hands to hold the mug in one and slide the other around Sera's shoulders, dragging her in whilst Sera spoke. " You've got that look on your face, you know? Don't worry about what I think. " She perked up after hearing what the vampire had to say. " I know what you are and I know you're a good person. Though I am a little worried... " Aria trailed off, hardening the grip that she had on her. " After all this reputation of you drinking people under the table, I'm really worried I might make you look like a light weight.  " A dangerous yet challenging smirk spread across her face before it turned into a more cute and endearing one. " [/SIZE]Well, I won't do that! I'd practically be cheating. [SIZE= 16px]" She admitted without hesitation and she pulled away from the small embrace after ushering a small squeeze. Sera truly had nothing to fear or worry about with Aria, the woman was a good judge of character and it was clear that Sera was honorable and not true to the nature her kind tended to lean towards. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Everything was peaceful for the time being until Aria dared to focus on her drink once more. It was that singular moment of distracting herself that made her a little late on feeling the magic but still, there had been time to stop it in one direction. The black key was thrown into the air and snatched up by skillful fingers, a quick twirl releasing a gigantic scythe to form and materialize within that hand. It spun in an erratic way before she trailed the blade to swipe down in front of Ryu, missing his face by a fraction of a breath until it remained still before him to cancel out the magic wave from hitting him. Aria's hand dropped from the long handle then and the scythe itself remained perched with part of the blade embedded into the ground. The magic itself became apparent once her yellow hues flashed about to witness the naked bodies of some of her members. Her tongue clicked in slight annoyance and she held her hands out as white markings covered half of her body as if light trying to break through cracks in her skin. Each naked person found themselves encased in light; a light that shone so brightly that if anyone dared to look directly into it they would find themselves temporarily dazed. [/SIZE]

Their movement wasn't hindered but at least they weren't show casing their bodies anymore.... Aria looked at Kelica and her thoughts continued... Or unknowingly being on display. The girl was adorable but it was quite obvious that she had the attention span of a squirrel. " All of you please go acquire some clothes or you will be forced to walk around like tiny blaring suns. " Aria's tone left no room for debate and her arms fluidly crossed, fingers tapping along her skin in an almost irritable manner. The repetitive notion of that soon stopped as the little moth girl approached her. Aria seemed unfazed by the level of creepy radiating off of her and the way she spoke was hardly more pleasant but she listened anyways. " You'll have to elaborate, Verdana. What child? Why are they sealed? I'm afraid I don't understand. " Aria's gaze bore down patiently upon Verdana, brows furrowing slightly from how strange it all sounded. 

Might as well take this opportunity to scold a certain someone before everyone sends him to his grave... [SIZE= 16px]She thought to herself with a long internal sigh. [/SIZE]Chaos already on the first day? Yeah, I'm definitely home[SIZE= 16px]. Her head turned to the side to allow her eyes to fixate on the sick boy who was seconds away from being pummeled. " [/SIZE]Mitsuki, please come here.[SIZE= 16px] " It wasn't an invitation, it was a strict order. The words didn't come out as stern though. Instead they were dripping with a cosseting tone, one she knew he wouldn't be able to resist. A small glance was given to Ryu as she confirmed that he was alright and not having become subject to the magic most of them had been hit with. She subconsciously questioned why in the heat of the moment it was him that she had chosen to aim the scythe at but that was a question better left for another time. For now though... there was a boy to lightly scold, a mystery to get to the bottom of with this girl, getting her fairies back in clothes, and Abaddon... well..[/SIZE]

Abaddon had appeared in his human form and he stood in front of Bel while this all went down, barring his path. " Let's hug out your anger issues! What do you say? " He exclaimed while holding out his arms as if to embrace the boy. 



Bel was obviously about to try finding out how many holes a human body could possible have without dying using Mitsuki's body as a subject when the guild master acted to cover the bodies of all the naked guild members with a strange light, that blinded his eyes for a second before finally subsidizing to the point where he clearly saw his surroundings. At first Bel naturally thought that he was going to die, as he naturally registered the strange light as a menace, but this conception slowly proved itself wrong as the light merely covered his body without any harm.

The demon finally came to understand what was happening when he heard the words of the guild master. It was apparently merely an way of covering their naked bodies until they found clothes, not some kind of attack. He immediately sighed in a alleviated way as the suspection of being condemned was dispelled away by the words of the guild master. God, that was some fright I had today. That's why I should just stay asleep, it's way easier. He sloppily thought, completely forgetting about Mitsuki's punishment as he slowly walked towards the exit.

He came to stop right after starting his walk to leave the guild hall, as the figure of the dark haired man came into his view while blocking his way, apparently trying to hug him. "Let's hug out your anger issues! What do you say? " Bel's expression immediately paled when he heard that. He could almost hear the danger alert comming from his soul exploding from an overload. "C-Can't we talk about that without physical contact..?" He exclaimed in a surprisingly soft voice for someone who barely talked. He could clearly relate the guy with the unpleasant presence of the demon from before, so he didn't immediately try to run, forcing himself to talk on a conciliatory way in a temptative of escaping the weird situation.

 @Bolts @Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288 @hudhouse @Happy Red Mage 

Sera hoenstly wasn't to sure what to say when Arietta had hugged her. She'd laughed when she mentioned drinking her under the table, a smile spreading across her lips. She seemed so kind...perhaps she'd start liking her as well as she did Cece. They'd both likely not had the best pasts so it only made sense she was understanding of her. Even still she was thankful, it wasn't every day she was accepted for what she was after all.Back at the current situation she was staring Mituski down now that he'd woken up. "Buy me new clothes?" She asked. "You can't just buy that outfit! I've had it for years.." She told him, growling slightly.

She was contemplating slapping him in tandem with Bel's death threats up until Kelica walked up...completely naked. Luckily she got a good look at her before Aria's spell kicked in. Sure her hair covered her chest partly, but it was good enough for her. Plus her hair didn't really cover any lower. She let go of Mitsuki and turned to face Kelica fully, "Could say the same to you." She told her, poking her in the stomach after. She of course pouted at Arietta's spell, rather enjoying the little show she was getting from Kelica. Even still, the spell didn't stop her from hugging her to her with a wide grin. "Yes..let's get some clothes. I might have an outfit you can borrow Keli." She said, grinning from ear to ear and at this point focusing on her.

Okay, so she was sort of a slut. If that wasn't obvious to anyone...well...they clearly didn't know Sera.
Mitsuki Yamada

Fairytail Guild

Mitsuki was warm and cozy, and was finally getting some rest when he was grabbed and lifted by his shirt. He opened his eye to see the vampire girl lifting him up. " What did I miss?" He asked slightly confused at what was going on.

Then he noticed several people where naked. Sera being one of them," why are you guys naked?" Mitsuki asked in his congested voice, and  ."Huh? I'm here because my house is getting fumigated, and i left all my money inside of it." He explained and began wibbling in a weak attempt to escape Sera's grip."Come on let me go, I'm sorry I just need some rest! I'll  buy you some new clothes." Mitsuki's eyes where more or less closed now as he began falling back asleep. Not noticing Bel, or his evil grin either.

@Mitchs98 @Spanner

Kami Rezonai


View attachment 175681

Kami smiled at the sound of his sisters voice."Ahh Kasumi, that's your girlfriend right? Okay, I'll look for someone to teleport me. I can't wait to see you. I'll be sure to get their asap, I've got lots of stuff for ya. Okay, bye sis!" Kami said hanging up, and looking around. "Alright, time to get teleported!"

He said then made his way to the nearest known teleporter shop. He enjoyed all the decorations, as he made his way. Eventually making his way to the shop. Then he made his way inside,"Where to?" The man at the counter asked Kami. "Um, I need to be teleported to Crocus, sabertooth guild." He answered, before paying the man. Who then nodded, and took the money.

The next thing Kami knew, he was enveloped by a bright colorful light. Then he was at his destination, confused at first, he didn't usually use teleportation. "Wow that was cool, so where am I?" He asked before noticing he was infront of the  sabertooth guild."Okay now time to find my sis." Kami said a happy smile on his face, and pep in his step. Then he looked around, and noticed a mane of white hair moving down the street."Oh hey sis! Wait up for me! I'll help ya search for ya girlfriend!" He called as he ran after his sister.

Alara was hnonestly a bit depressed. It seemed that Kasumi was no where to be found at all. She had wanted to spend Christmas with her, give her a nice gift, stuff like that. But apparently she had made other plans. Oh well, she guessed. She'd likely go back to her own guild if Kami didn't show up. "No she's not my girlfriend...not yet anyway." She replied. Though she perked up when he mentioned coming to see her, "Alright! Cya when you get here!" She cheered in response, pocketing her phone once he hung up. Considering he said he was coming to see her she slowed down a bit, not wanting to get to far from the hall. She smiled and turned around when, after a few minutes, he appeared behind her. Of course after she immediately turned to run and hug him "Kami!" She cheered, obviously excited after finally seeing her brother in so long. "It's been forever...how have you been?" She asked, despite calling him at-least once a week
  Reveal hidden contents
Sera hoenstly wasn't to sure what to say when Arietta had hugged her. She'd laughed when she mentioned drinking her under the table, a smile spreading across her lips. She seemed so kind...perhaps she'd start liking her as well as she did Cece. They'd both likely not had the best pasts so it only made sense she was understanding of her. Even still she was thankful, it wasn't every day she was accepted for what she was after all.Back at the current situation she was staring Mituski down now that he'd woken up. "Buy me new clothes?" She asked. "You can't just buy that outfit! I've had it for years.." She told him, growling slightly.

She was contemplating slapping him in tandem with Bel's death threats up until Kelica walked up...completely naked. Luckily she got a good look at her before Aria's spell kicked in. Sure her hair covered her chest partly, but it was good enough for her. Plus her hair didn't really cover any lower. She let go of Mitsuki and turned to face Kelica fully, "Could say the same to you." She told her, poking her in the stomach after. She of course pouted at Arietta's spell, rather enjoying the little show she was getting from Kelica. Even still, the spell didn't stop her from hugging her to her with a wide grin. "Yes..let's get some clothes. I might have an outfit you can borrow Keli." She said, grinning from ear to ear and at this point focusing on her.

Okay, so she was sort of a slut. If that wasn't obvious to anyone...well...they clearly didn't know Sera.

Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ



" Feel free to touch them anytime, Niur. " She smiled warmly as she left Niur with the open invitation, wondering why she was already so attached to all of the children now under her care. Aria had both hands on the mug of hot chocolate, fingers gripping it like it was a sacred treasure, a few sips being taken from time to time throughout the different introductions. Mituski made a comment about eating her up and before the 'kitty' eared woman could respond, a low but sinister voice did it for her. " Is that so? Not if I eat you up first. " Abaddon spoke almost in a threatening tone but there was a hint of jest behind it, just not enough to factor in that it be taken lightly. It was clear the mage was sick so when he grabbed her hand, she was anything but reluctant to retract it and quickly bathe it in a cleansing light. Better safe than sorry! The last thing they needed was a sick Guild Master sulking around with a runny nose. A playful look crossed over her features though as she observed and watched everyone. They were all so friendly, well most of them, and they surely got along better than she'd expected for how vastly different they all seemed to be. 


[SIZE= 16px]Sera approached her then and before the woman could even introduce herself, Aria re-positioned her hands to hold the mug in one and slide the other around Sera's shoulders, dragging her in whilst Sera spoke. " You've got that look on your face, you know? Don't worry about what I think. " She perked up after hearing what the vampire had to say. " I know what you are and I know you're a good person. Though I am a little worried... " Aria trailed off, hardening the grip that she had on her. " After all this reputation of you drinking people under the table, I'm really worried I might make you look like a light weight.  " A dangerous yet challenging smirk spread across her face before it turned into a more cute and endearing one. " [/SIZE]Well, I won't do that! I'd practically be cheating. [SIZE= 16px]" She admitted without hesitation and she pulled away from the small embrace after ushering a small squeeze. Sera truly had nothing to fear or worry about with Aria, the woman was a good judge of character and it was clear that Sera was honorable and not true to the nature her kind tended to lean towards. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Everything was peaceful for the time being until Aria dared to focus on her drink once more. It was that singular moment of distracting herself that made her a little late on feeling the magic but still, there had been time to stop it in one direction. The black key was thrown into the air and snatched up by skillful fingers, a quick twirl releasing a gigantic scythe to form and materialize within that hand. It spun in an erratic way before she trailed the blade to swipe down in front of Ryu, missing his face by a fraction of a breath until it remained still before him to cancel out the magic wave from hitting him. Aria's hand dropped from the long handle then and the scythe itself remained perched with part of the blade embedded into the ground. The magic itself became apparent once her yellow hues flashed about to witness the naked bodies of some of her members. Her tongue clicked in slight annoyance and she held her hands out as white markings covered half of her body as if light trying to break through cracks in her skin. Each naked person found themselves encased in light; a light that shone so brightly that if anyone dared to look directly into it they would find themselves temporarily dazed. [/SIZE]

Their movement wasn't hindered but at least they weren't show casing their bodies anymore.... Aria looked at Kelica and her thoughts continued... Or unknowingly being on display. The girl was adorable but it was quite obvious that she had the attention span of a squirrel. " All of you please go acquire some clothes or you will be forced to walk around like tiny blaring suns. " Aria's tone left no room for debate and her arms fluidly crossed, fingers tapping along her skin in an almost irritable manner. The repetitive notion of that soon stopped as the little moth girl approached her. Aria seemed unfazed by the level of creepy radiating off of her and the way she spoke was hardly more pleasant but she listened anyways. " You'll have to elaborate, Verdana. What child? Why are they sealed? I'm afraid I don't understand. " Aria's gaze bore down patiently upon Verdana, brows furrowing slightly from how strange it all sounded. 

Might as well take this opportunity to scold a certain someone before everyone sends him to his grave... [SIZE= 16px]She thought to herself with a long internal sigh. [/SIZE]Chaos already on the first day? Yeah, I'm definitely home[SIZE= 16px]. Her head turned to the side to allow her eyes to fixate on the sick boy who was seconds away from being pummeled. " [/SIZE]Mitsuki, please come here.[SIZE= 16px] " It wasn't an invitation, it was a strict order. The words didn't come out as stern though. Instead they were dripping with a cosseting tone, one she knew he wouldn't be able to resist. A small glance was given to Ryu as she confirmed that he was alright and not having become subject to the magic most of them had been hit with. She subconsciously questioned why in the heat of the moment it was him that she had chosen to aim the scythe at but that was a question better left for another time. For now though... there was a boy to lightly scold, a mystery to get to the bottom of with this girl, getting her fairies back in clothes, and Abaddon... well..[/SIZE]

Abaddon had appeared in his human form and he stood in front of Bel while this all went down, barring his path. " Let's hug out your anger issues! What do you say? " He exclaimed while holding out his arms as if to embrace the boy. 



Fairytail on the floor @Mitchs98 @Kyuubey @


As soon as he was released from Sera's grip he fell on his face. He was perfectly content with just laying there until the end of time, or until he felt better. Then the new Guild master Aria requested he come over to her. Well it was a order, but still Mitsuki liked to pretend he had a choice. 

"Yes ma'am right away," Mitsuki said as he kicked his feet in an attempt to push himself towards her. Mitsuki basically dragged across the floor, which if he wasn't feel terrible he would have never done. But he could always clean himself off later, maybe with fire. Then he stopped infront of her and turned into his back. He smiled weakly and saluted her," private Yamada reporting for duty! I'm willing to take Whatever punishment you find necessary." Mitsuki said, although his tone was more like someone accepting their death now.

Kami Rezonai 

Reunited at long last


Alara was hnonestly a bit depressed. It seemed that Kasumi was no where to be found at all. She had wanted to spend Christmas with her, give her a nice gift, stuff like that. But apparently she had made other plans. Oh well, she guessed. She'd likely go back to her own guild if Kami didn't show up. "No she's not my girlfriend...not yet anyway." She replied. Though she perked up when he mentioned coming to see her, "Alright! Cya when you get here!" She cheered in response, pocketing her phone once he hung up. Considering he said he was coming to see her she slowed down a bit, not wanting to get to far from the hall. She smiled and turned around when, after a few minutes, he appeared behind her. Of course after she immediately turned to run and hug him "Kami!" She cheered, obviously excited after finally seeing her brother in so long. "It's been forever...how have you been?" She asked, despite calling him at-least once a week

[COLOR= rgb(0, 255, 255)][SIZE= 36px][/COLOR][/SIZE]Kami was elated to see his big sis, and returned her hug ten fold.  Lifting her up, and spinning her around before returning her to the ground.He then released her, and stood with his arms crossed, and a smiled on his face." Oh you know same old stuff. Exploring strange lands, and ancient ruins. Escaping dangerous traps, and finding magical artifacts. Oh yeah I forgot I also got you this!" Kami said digging through his bag until he found the item he was speaking of. Then handed her a blue stuffed rabbit, dressed as a surgeon."So...do you like it?" Kami asked nervously watching her for a response."I also got you this!" Kami said handing her a second gift. This one was a bag stuffed with various Christmas candies.

19 hours ago, Kyuubey said:

Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ




" Feel free to touch them anytime, Niur. " She smiled warmly as she left Niur with the open invitation, wondering why she was already so attached to all of the children now under her care. Aria had both hands on the mug of hot chocolate, fingers gripping it like it was a sacred treasure, a few sips being taken from time to time throughout the different introductions. Mituski made a comment about eating her up and before the 'kitty' eared woman could respond, a low but sinister voice did it for her. " Is that so? Not if I eat you up first. " Abaddon spoke almost in a threatening tone but there was a hint of jest behind it, just not enough to factor in that it be taken lightly. It was clear the mage was sick so when he grabbed her hand, she was anything but reluctant to retract it and quickly bathe it in a cleansing light. Better safe than sorry! The last thing they needed was a sick Guild Master sulking around with a runny nose. A playful look crossed over her features though as she observed and watched everyone. They were all so friendly, well most of them, and they surely got along better than she'd expected for how vastly different they all seemed to be. 


[SIZE= 16px]Sera approached her then and before the woman could even introduce herself, Aria re-positioned her hands to hold the mug in one and slide the other around Sera's shoulders, dragging her in whilst Sera spoke. " You've got that look on your face, you know? Don't worry about what I think. " She perked up after hearing what the vampire had to say. " I know what you are and I know you're a good person. Though I am a little worried... " Aria trailed off, hardening the grip that she had on her. " After all this reputation of you drinking people under the table, I'm really worried I might make you look like a light weight.  " A dangerous yet challenging smirk spread across her face before it turned into a more cute and endearing one. " [/SIZE]Well, I won't do that! I'd practically be cheating. [SIZE= 16px]" She admitted without hesitation and she pulled away from the small embrace after ushering a small squeeze. Sera truly had nothing to fear or worry about with Aria, the woman was a good judge of character and it was clear that Sera was honorable and not true to the nature her kind tended to lean towards. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Everything was peaceful for the time being until Aria dared to focus on her drink once more. It was that singular moment of distracting herself that made her a little late on feeling the magic but still, there had been time to stop it in one direction. The black key was thrown into the air and snatched up by skillful fingers, a quick twirl releasing a gigantic scythe to form and materialize within that hand. It spun in an erratic way before she trailed the blade to swipe down in front of Ryu, missing his face by a fraction of a breath until it remained still before him to cancel out the magic wave from hitting him. Aria's hand dropped from the long handle then and the scythe itself remained perched with part of the blade embedded into the ground. The magic itself became apparent once her yellow hues flashed about to witness the naked bodies of some of her members. Her tongue clicked in slight annoyance and she held her hands out as white markings covered half of her body as if light trying to break through cracks in her skin. Each naked person found themselves encased in light; a light that shone so brightly that if anyone dared to look directly into it they would find themselves temporarily dazed. [/SIZE]

Their movement wasn't hindered but at least they weren't show casing their bodies anymore.... Aria looked at Kelica and her thoughts continued... Or unknowingly being on display. The girl was adorable but it was quite obvious that she had the attention span of a squirrel. " All of you please go acquire some clothes or you will be forced to walk around like tiny blaring suns. " Aria's tone left no room for debate and her arms fluidly crossed, fingers tapping along her skin in an almost irritable manner. The repetitive notion of that soon stopped as the little moth girl approached her. Aria seemed unfazed by the level of creepy radiating off of her and the way she spoke was hardly more pleasant but she listened anyways. " You'll have to elaborate, Verdana. What child? Why are they sealed? I'm afraid I don't understand. " Aria's gaze bore down patiently upon Verdana, brows furrowing slightly from how strange it all sounded. 

Might as well take this opportunity to scold a certain someone before everyone sends him to his grave... [SIZE= 16px]She thought to herself with a long internal sigh. [/SIZE]Chaos already on the first day? Yeah, I'm definitely home[SIZE= 16px]. Her head turned to the side to allow her eyes to fixate on the sick boy who was seconds away from being pummeled. " [/SIZE]Mitsuki, please come here.[SIZE= 16px] " It wasn't an invitation, it was a strict order. The words didn't come out as stern though. Instead they were dripping with a cosseting tone, one she knew he wouldn't be able to resist. A small glance was given to Ryu as she confirmed that he was alright and not having become subject to the magic most of them had been hit with. She subconsciously questioned why in the heat of the moment it was him that she had chosen to aim the scythe at but that was a question better left for another time. For now though... there was a boy to lightly scold, a mystery to get to the bottom of with this girl, getting her fairies back in clothes, and Abaddon... well..[/SIZE]

Abaddon had appeared in his human form and he stood in front of Bel while this all went down, barring his path. " Let's hug out your anger issues! What do you say? " He exclaimed while holding out his arms as if to embrace the boy. 




5 hours ago, Mitchs98 said:


Sera hoenstly wasn't to sure what to say when Arietta had hugged her. She'd laughed when she mentioned drinking her under the table, a smile spreading across her lips. She seemed so kind...perhaps she'd start liking her as well as she did Cece. They'd both likely not had the best pasts so it only made sense she was understanding of her. Even still she was thankful, it wasn't every day she was accepted for what she was after all.Back at the current situation she was staring Mituski down now that he'd woken up. "Buy me new clothes?" She asked. "You can't just buy that outfit! I've had it for years.." She told him, growling slightly.

She was contemplating slapping him in tandem with Bel's death threats up until Kelica walked up...completely naked. Luckily she got a good look at her before Aria's spell kicked in. Sure her hair covered her chest partly, but it was good enough for her. Plus her hair didn't really cover any lower. She let go of Mitsuki and turned to face Kelica fully, "Could say the same to you." She told her, poking her in the stomach after. She of course pouted at Arietta's spell, rather enjoying the little show she was getting from Kelica. Even still, the spell didn't stop her from hugging her to her with a wide grin. "Yes..let's get some clothes. I might have an outfit you can borrow Keli." She said, grinning from ear to ear and at this point focusing on her.

Okay, so she was sort of a slut. If that wasn't obvious to anyone...well...they clearly didn't know Sera.


The moth girl flew around sera and Aria, covering them in layers and layers of silk. The silk would warp around them snuggly, forming into bath robes. As long as she was nice, she wouldn't have to fight. She was weak now, but her etherious form... it let her think. All the buzzing and screaming was finally out of her head, and all she had to do was think. She mutated her fingers to form silk glands, weaving a film of silk that formed bioluminescent lights to form her images. She said, "...I was programmed to hunt for my family members from over a hundred years ago. They are the Etherious Daemons of Tartarus, and the Fairy Tail member that took them... was Mirajane Strauss. I do not know of what has happened to her... so I am coming straight to the source. I am willing to have them turned to weaklings, but I just want to be with my family once again..." Her eyes drooped a bit as she just silently looked on at her as if she was a million miles away...
  Reveal hidden contents


Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Valken peered down to the girl as she moved her fist into her other hand and did a rather traditional looking bow to which he lifted an eyebrow. The formality was surprising but he didn't mind in the slightly. After all despite being somewhat perverted the man also was a Gentlemen in some instances and enjoyed respect at least when he himself gave it out. He tilted his head a fraction before he grinned wider. He meant it in a genuine manner but it came off as a more Natsu-esque kind of deal. "Miss Akane, you wish to join Lamia Scale? How interesting..." He mused more to himself. He glanced off in a direction in thought before his dark gaze peered back again. "As Miss Maya is our Guild Master I will leave it up to her to decide if you will join us or not, however.... We at Lamia Scale treat all our Guild Members as family. We will all risk our very lives if it means we can protect our loved ones and keep each other safe... while I respect how you have approached me thus far, can I count on you to protect me if I fall in battle? Will you come to my aid, and lay your very life on the line to do so? That... I am not so sure of yet. But we shall see." Nodding curtly. He was thinking about how to test or prove this girl was capable when he tensed a little feeling a flex in the Shadows just outside the door. He reached forward to place a hand on the girl's shoulder gently as he leaned down to speak to her more privately. "Please excuse me Miss Akane..."

With that he side stepped as he re opened the door she had only just closed and peered outside after hearing several soft knocks on it's surface. His eyes fell down to a boy curled up against the ground right outside the Guild Hall, in nothing but rags it seemed and his whole body seemed to tense. Valken had been that way once before, when he was 5, curled up against the snow covered back streets in Margaret Town with no family and no where to go. My how funny things looked from the other side. He crouched down almost instantly as he slipped his arms around the boy and hefted him up not unlike a Bridal Pose, before he turned and strode back inside the warm building still holding the boy. "Miss Akane, close that door." He said in a no nonsense tone before he fast made his way across the Hall to the back Fire Place, his gaze drifting to Millie as he spoke strongly to her. "Millie, get some warm blankets and extra clothes." Normally would Valken say please but they needed to help the boy now before he froze so he didn't have time for pleasantries. Valken hooked his foot over a wooden chair closest to the fire to drag it over as he sat down, curling the boy up in his lap as he did so before he rather quickly maneuvered his arm to get his jacket off and slipped it around the boys frame. "Now just why were you outside in that weather wearing that..." He said oddly soft for him, as he mused more so to himself.

@LeSoraAmari @Maki

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Don't be nervous? Masaki had said to him. Yeah right, sure, just act all chill while the love of your life is in another room of the Guild Hall and you want to ask her hand in Marriage... Valken had only been fawning over Millie for almost 10years, and was so nervous up till a few months ago to even ask her on a date. Even then, it hadn't been him but a stupid prank Ferra had played on him. (In hindsight the greatest moment of his life, but at the time boy....was he cross with Ferra). In other words, Valken was literally sweating bricks. But his great idea of having the rings done by tomorrow was a long stretch in an of itself so he still had heaps of time to prepare on exactly how to ask, where to ask, and what to say... right?


Well no, apparently not, because at that moment something glowed within his hands and his purple eyes went massive as his mouth dropped a fraction and within a second the ring was just THERE. Picture perfect, exactly how he had imagined it would be. And he didn't think his scribbled drawing on some scrap of paper did it justice at all. It almost seemed to glow the Crystal was cut absolutely perfectly such that even the tiniest of light seemed to reflect of it's surface. Masaki walked over then to touch it and channel some magic at it and after he explained it was warded, the Shadow Mage lifted it high above his head, turning it in his grasp as he stared at it with that same mouth gape look on his face. He was so focused on Millie's ring that when Masaki talked about the rings being connected, he blinked and lowered his hand with her ring as Masaki gave him his own Onyx ring. Valken only blinked wider in shock. He never even considered a ring for himself, probably eventually but he was more concerned with simply getting her ring first.

Then the Crystal Mage told him that his ring would glow red if Millie was ever in Danger and his whole face seemed to light up. If there was one thing that Valken was constantly panicking about it was Millie's safety, he couldn't even begin to describe the feeling of relief at knowing even when he couldn't see her he would know she was safe....

"This is..."

Valken was at a loss for words, he was expecting something perfect but this was so far beyond the realm of what he would ever consider possible. And Masaki did all this off his back, and wanted nothing in return? He couldn't even begin to fathom that sort of kindness. "They are both better then I ever dreamed... thank you so much..." He said in almost quite, soft tone. He clenched his hand around them both before he enveloped the man in a huge hug, practically lifting him off his feet as he buried his face into his shoulder. "You'll always have a place here at Lamia Scale, both as a Guild Mate and as my friend..." Slowly pulling away with a huge genuine smile as he ruffled the boys hair before lifting up Millie's ring to gaze at it one more time. "Right. Well. Now that that's done all I gotta do is figure out... how to... ask..." His voice gradually growing weaker as his face paled more. He quickly pocketed both rings into his Shadow Pocket dimension, before grasping Masaki's huge book pile under one arm and slinging his arm around the boy with the other, starting to drag him away from the Secret Library.

"Alright Book Boy, these books have been here Hundreds of years, they aren't going anywhere. Why don't you finish this pile first and just come back for the others another day? I'll let you in whenever you need and I'm sure Maya can if I'm not around." Grinning wildly as he put his normal bravado face back on, at least mostly except a drop of sweat was still sliding down the side of his face from thinking about how he was going to propose... and not have Grace, Ferra, or those Neko boys stuff it up. His eyes drifting upwards in half despair. Quickly Valken lead Masaki all the way back to the main Guild Hall before he slipped the pile of books back into both of Masaki's hands and turned to survey the room. Instantly his eyes spotted Millie as they always did and he rather hurried wandered over as he slung his arm around her waist and leaned down to kiss at her forehead softly. "Sorry that took so long Babe, I had no idea Masaki liked his books so much... He couldn't pick one out of them all!" Glancing over to Masaki with a wink before his purple gaze then flitted to the doorway and a voice he didn't recognize at all. Though his gaze also spotted Frosty and Lady Frosty as well and he waved his hand a little and yelled across the room to get the Berserker's attention. "You look like you're on your way out, but before you go I need to talk with you! I swear... nothing fishy. I won't even throw a punch!"

Valken leaned down to kiss at Millie's temple again at the same time he slipped his other hand around her waist and slid it down her hip gently, as if to give her a butt grope but he pulled away at the last second and walked towards the new girl, crossing his arms as he did. "My name is Valken Truss. Maya Morne is away on some delicate business so I am care-taking Lamia Scale. Can I help you with something Miss-?" Leaving the statement open ended to invite her to tell him her name.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @Maki @Mykinkaiser @Britt-21 @Mitchs98


Millie Muffin

Lamia Scale Guildhall 


Millie was sitting beside Grace at the bar, her hands playing with the small white fluffy balls on her outfit and a small frown on her face. She missed Valken a lot even though he had only been away for a few minutes. She was kinda like a dog who had Seperation anxiety when its owner went away. Sure, she had her short friend to keep her company, but Grace was dead silent. They both just missed their hubbies. Fortunately for the blonde babe her black haired lover was the first to come out. He had swiftly made her way over, arm wrapping around her hips and pulling her close. The front of her body pressed tightly against his. "It's ok sweetie, I don't care. I was just afraid that you were scaring the kid! But he doesn't look very scared, so I'll assume nothing bad happened." She said softly, smiling softly and kissing his cheek. Once again she felt Valkens sly hands snake down her backside knowing exactly where they were going. It was a typical boy move for him to try and grab her ass. Unfortunately it didn't connect as Valken slipped away outside. 

Millie's bright blue eyes quickly caught sight of the frail boy in Valken's arms, a pang of guilt hitting her chest. He looked so cold and weak. What would he be doing outside during the winter? It actually reminded her a bit of Valken seeing that both of them were homeless kids at one point. When ordered to grab some clothes and a blanket for the boy Millie nodded and quickly set off to find what he needed. The guildhall wasn't exactly a full on home, but she was sure that Maya's office had to have something in it. The girl opened the door and stepped inside, scanning the room for anywhere that might contain a blanket. The first place she decided to check was the many drawers inside, but instead of blankets she found stacks of papers. There was no way that paper would suffice, plus Maya wouldn't be happy to find out that she used important documents to warm a kid up. The next place she checked was a small closet in the back of the office. Inside were some clothes, but none of it would fit the boy. Plus would he really want to wear clothes for a woman? No boy would want that... However there was a blanket which she grabbed.

Millie quickly returned to Valken and the boy, using the blanket to wrap up Light tightly and comfortably. "I tried to find clothes, but I don't think that they would fit. It was Maya's things..." She mumbled, making her way behind Valken and wrapping her arms around them, chin resting on her head. "Does he have a name? Or parents? Do we know anything about him?" 




Light Falren - Lamia Scale Guild Hall

7 years ago

It was a calm winter night on the eve of Xmas. The Falren family had just finished having a lovely holiday feast and now they were in the process of putting Light to bed. As their cherished 12 year old son snuggled into the covers of his bed. The boy's familiar, Mir was already asleep on a pillow directly next to him. Once he was suitably comfortable, Light looked up at his parents.

"Mommy, daddy. Can...I ask you something?" he said nervously.

"You just did Mister." his father, Orion chuckled in his trademark deep bass. His wife Mi'thra shook her head disapprovingly as she socked him in the shoulder playfully.

"Of course you can sweety. You can tell us anything." she cooed with a gentle smile. Light nodded his head slowly before roling over to stare at the ceiling. He took a deep breath.

"What if I said, that I don't wanna take over daddy's business?" he said meekly. The boy's parents gave him a bewildered look.

"What do you mean by that kiddo?" Orion said carefully. There was a moment of slience before Light continued speaking.

"I want to be a wizard, like mom." he said. At hearing this the silence was broken by the soft chuckles of his parents. Orion ruffled his son's hair playfully.

"Oh son, you can just do both at the same ti-"

"I want to join a guild." Light cut him off.

"Oh." his father blurted simply. Mi'thra moved to sit on the bed and proceeded to stroke Light's side gently.

"Sweety, there's no problem with wanting to learn magic but being part of a wizard guild is..." she trailed off, a worried look in her eyes.

"It's a dangerous type of lifestyle." Orion finished for her. Light sighed and nodded.

"It's just...I don't think I'd be happy, living this way for the rest of my life. Don't misunderstand, I love you guys, I love Mir, and I love Sebastion. I couldn't ask for a better family. It's just that, there has to be more out there for me than just managing stocks and studying magic that I probably won't ever get the chance to have real experience with. I want to see the world with my own eyes."he said almost dreamily, reaching his hand out to the ceiling as if he were trying to reach out to his dreams.

"I understand if you won't let me put myself in danger like that. I just, thought that telling you guys how I feel was the right thing to do." he said, turning to face away from his parents, afraid of the looks of disappointment that would surely be etched onto their faces. Orion let out a long breath before taking his own seat on Light's bed, resting his hand on his son's shoulder.

"Listen Light. You're still young and there's lots of time to think about what you really want to do when you don't need us to watch over you anymore. For now, just focus on being the cheerful young man we've raised with all our heart. Enjoy yourself. And if...by the time you've grown you're still set on becoming a guild wizard then, who are we to stop you?" Orion said, trying to sound reassuring. This made Light turn back to face his parents.

"Really? You'd let me join a guild?" he asked somewhat incredulously. Both Orion and Mi'thra chuckled.

"Of course, in the end your happiness is what matters the most. As long as you're happy, your father and I will be happy as well. " Mi'thra said, a bright smile on her face. Her husband nodded in agreement. Mi'thra then leaned down to plant a kiss on her son's forehead.

"Always remember. You're the light that illuminates every day of our lives."

The dreaming boy now had a slight smile on his face as he was being cared for by Valken and Millie.
Last edited by a moderator:

Light Falren - Lamia Scale Guild Hall

7 years ago

It was a calm winter night on the eve of Xmas. The Falren family had just finished having a lovely holiday feast and now they were in the process of putting Light to bed. As their cherished 1p year old son snuggled into the covers of his bed. The boy's familiar, Mir was already asleep on a pillow directly next to him. Once he was suitably comfortable, Light looked up at his parents.

"Mommy, daddy. Can...I ask you something?" he said nervously.

"You just did Mister." his father, Orion chuckled in his trademark deep bass. His wife Mi'thra shook her head disapprovingly as she socked him in the shoulder playfully.

"Of course you can sweety. You can tell us anything." she cooed with a gentle smile. Light nodded his head slowly before roling over to stare at the ceiling. He took a deep breath.

"What if I said, that I don't wanna take over daddy's business?" he said meekly. The boy's parents gave him a bewildered look.

"What do you mean by that kiddo?" Orion said carefully. There was a moment of slience before Light continued speaking.

"I want to be a wizard, like mom." he said. At hearing this the silence was broken by the soft chuckles of his parents. Orion ruffled his son's hair playfully.

"Oh son, you can just do both at the same ti-"

"I want to join a guild." Light cut him off.

"Oh." his father blurted simply. Mi'thra moved to sit on the bed and proceeded to stroke Light's side gently.

"Sweety, there's no problem with wanting to learn magic but being part of a wizard guild is..." she trailed off, a worried look in her eyes.

"It's a dangerous type of lifestyle." Orion finished for her. Light sighed and nodded.

"It's just...I don't think I'd be happy, living this way forthe rest of my life. Don't misunderstand, I love you guys, I love Mir, and I love Sebastion. I couldn't ask for a better family. It's just that, there has to be more out there for me than just managing stocks and studying magic that I probably won't ever get the chance to have real experience with. I want to see the world with my own eyes."he said almost dreamily, reaching his hand out to the ceiling as if he were trying to reach out to his dreams.

"I understand if you won't let me put myself in danger like that. I just, thought that telling you guys how I feel was the right thing to do." he said, turning to face away from his parents, afraid of the looks of disappointment that would surely be etched onto their faces. Orion let out a long breath before taking his own seat on Light's bed, resting his hand on his son's shoulder.

"Listen Light. You're still young and there's lots of time to think about what you really want to do when you don't need us to watch over you anymore. For now, just focus on being the cheerful young man we've raised with all our heart. Enjoy yourself. And if...by the time you've grown you're still set on becoming a guild wizard then, who are we to stop you?" Orion said, trying to sound reassuring. This made Light turn back to face his parents.

"Really? You'd let me join a guild?" he asked somewhat incredulously. Both Orion and Mi;thra chuckled.

"Of course, in the end your happiness is what matters the most. As long as you're happy, your father and I will be happy as well. " Mi'thra said, a bright smile on her face. Her husband nodded in agreement. Mi'thra then leaned down to plant a kiss on her son's forehead.

"Always remember. You're the light that illuminates every day of our lives."

The dreaming boy now had a slight smile on his face as he was being cared for by Valken and Millie.

Celestia Corona: Happily Impressed!


Celestia grinned happily at Yamato's answer, "Ding ding ding! Correct answer!" She giggled cheerfully and hopped off the stool she had been balancing on, her two colored eyes nearly immediately finding Moses only to make her frown before shaking it and turning her attention back to Yamato, "I've got a lot more riddles but really I don't want to force you to solve an insane math problem either." Celestia did an odd twirl thing before she wandered off towards the kitchen, pulling Yamato behind her as she skipped into the kitchen. "Thanks again for the book Yama, I'm quite excited to read it. Oh hey, you ever heard of apple pie moonshine? It's an odd thing alcohol and powerful but I can make it and it's actually really yummy, so I was wondering do ya think I should bring some for the others tomorrow? You know them better than I do, so it's just a question." She easily found oven mitts to protect her hands from the possibly still hot pans as she picked up one of the sheets of gingerbread cookies, with her head tilted slightly she kept her strange two colored eyes on Yamato while waiting patiently for him to answer her.








How do you cause an explosion with a can of icing? And who even HAS cans of icing?! Apparently, it was stylish as hell because there was at least three in the cabinets. With that discovery out of the way, Kirin finished the pretty much ten-minute seminar to make sure that her children knew exactly what to do! Kirin turned her head and gave off a voracious smile towards Celestia and Yamato as they walked in. Fortunatly the kitchen was fit to make feasts, giving her about half of the kitchen to work with her kids. She raised two fingers to her head, "Howdy friends! Sorry for taking the kitchen up..." "Come on Mom, we were here first! Why are you apologizing?" "Not everybody likes a smart ass Allegro..." "VIVACE!" "MOM!" "Oh crap!" "Again Vivace!" "Please... why don't we all just make the cake to smooth things over?" A resounding agreement quickly followed, desperate to try and end the bits of vulgarity. Every single member of the Kirin family abruptly started to spin in sync, not moving from their spots yet spinning like tops. 

Melody and Sonata began to energetically dance around each other, fast spins and arm twirls passing ingredients from one to the other. sonata did a drop to the floor, which gave Melody the time to dance to the other side of the round table to reveal the massive cake. It was easily thirty feet tall! It would be just enough for everyone in Blue Pegasus, which is why kirin was going to have to cook with magic. Either way, the two spun and twisted their way around the cake, putting on ingredients. They sung each like after one another, "We'll pile on the candy!" Melody flew on her wings, planting towers of blue icing that quickly got warped by her beating wings. A cute wink came from Sonata as she took her line, "Its such a pretty sight!" She used her music magic to blast each tower of frosting, cooling it down while also making them look like feathers! Melody began working on the taller levels with the rest of the dancing party waiting below. Allegro stole the next line, "Makes the food taste dandy!" His partner began dancing with him, finishing off the first verse, "But your tummy will hurt all night!"


Next came in Ariana and Vivace, twirling around each other and plowing through Allegro and Tallis! Ariana swung her hair up, revealing her tentacles! She began to pile on fluffy frosting, "I'll put in some ingredients!" Vivace let her bunny ears perk up as she pulled out a tube of blue raspberry flavoring. She asked with a shy charm to it as she began impaling the dough, "But keep the rest for me?" Allegro and Tallis were failing at their dance, their anger spilling over! Allegro crossed his arms with a pouting face, "I am not just disobedient..." Tallis finished it for him as he began planting strawberries as fast he could in a panic, "I am careful can't you see?!" Kirin finally took her steps in, dancing to a hip hop tune. 

Kirin did the chorus, "It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake! If the way is hazy?" Kirin waved her finger gently before blasting music with her fingers, keeping tune!
"You gotta do the cooking by the book! You know you can't be lazy...." She twirled across the floor, picking up Allegro and throwing him up!
"Never use a messy recipe! The cake will end UP CRAZY?!?!?!"  Kirin used her light magic to make the cake into a rainbow of strange colors for a few seconds...
"If you do the cooking by the book...Then you'll have a cake!" Allegro formed musical platforms, dancing as he pumped another mystery filling into the cake.
"We gotta have it made!" Kirin pointed her fingers towards her littlest ones. The three nine-month-olds all smiled as she patted her stomach with a goofy smile.
"You know that I love cake!"  All of Kirin's one-year-olds cheered without their prompt. They learned pretty quick!
"Finally it's time to make a cake!" Octavian took a bow before he unleashed his musical dragons around the cake, engraving all the members of BP into the frosting!



"Making food is just like science... Will tools that blend and baste...
And every fun appliance... Gives the food a different taste?" 


The entire group began the final chorus as they finished the decorating! Kirin would vibrate the air inside the cake to heat and stabilize the ingredients, keeping them all at the optimised temperature!

"It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake! If the way is hazy?
You gotta do the 
cooking by the book! You know you can't be lazy....
use a messy recipe! The cake will end UP CRAZY?!?!?!
If you 
do the cooking by the book...Then you'll have a cake!
gotta have it made!
You know that I love cake!

Finally it's time to make a cake!"




Kirin, Allegro, Melody,  Sonata, Ariana, Vivace, TallisOctavian



Age - 17

Dance Style - Fusion



Allegro - M

Age - 9 Months

Dance Style - Paso Doble



Melody - F

Age - 9 Months

Dance Style - Mambo



Sonata - F

Age - 9 Months

Dance Style - Mambo



Ariana - F

Age - 1 Year

Dancing Style - Samba



Vivace - F

Age - 1 Year

Dance Style - Samba



Tallis - M

- Age 1 Year

Dance Style - Paso Doble



Octavian - M

Age - 2 Years

Dance style - Zapateado


Last edited by a moderator:

Shiro Ai: Humming a bit

Shiro hummed as she kept her pace tilting her head as she listened to Phin talk about their apartment, "Well...the apartments I'm in are nice and cheap. There are 3 available. Really 2 bedrooms and it's only 45,000 jewel a month. Just an idea." She laughed at herself a little; Shiro Ai the white haired saleswoman she may as well be called, she tilted her head slightly as she picked up pace still walking backwards, hoping to avoid hitting ice as she kept moving, really she had no idea where Laura's train of thought was headed even though she had talked about the place she lived.


It was only once she was among a bunch of one door but two floors high buildings that she finally turned around and walked up to a single story building with 'Office' etched above the door and knocked, getting a quick answer she lifted her voice a bit louder and told the woman who answered about wanting two applications for the place; just in case Phin decided to apply, and one for Laura who seemed definitely interested and she clarified for her landlady that Laura was interested in getting one tonight if she could, apparently Shiro was in good graces with the woman because she said as long as it was filled out now she had no problems giving Laura the key tonight. "Thanks so much ma'am. Here you go Laura, fill it out and we can turn it in then you'll get your key. You're in luck cuz the deposits is only 10,000 jewel to start with today." She turned back to her companions again while holding out the two papers to them, feeling slightly pushy but really she was just offering a little help; she only felt mildly guilty about pushing one onto Phin.


   Nikolas's face reddened further; all he really did was flash Ferra a ginormous smile, holding her hand in his. Then he kissed her forehead, pulling back after a few seconds. "Prob'ly because that was my first kiss," he commented, grinning at her. "Now I see why people do it a lot, though. I don't mean to sound poetic, but it's a lot like lightning, you know?" Nik paused, thinking about it, then chuckled. "Minus the pain and death and stuff." He then began walking to the nearest cafe, grinning like a total idiot. Oh, man, if Phineas spotted him like this, he would get teased to hell. 

  Phineas looked down at the form, which had pretty much been shoved into his hands, then at the building. How much money did he and Nik have right now? There was a moment of silence as he estimated the amount. Okay, so about 30,000 or less. Not much, but maybe he could find someplace for really cheap. This would make for a great Christmas present; not even Nikolas's trolling gifts would be able to best this. 

  ".......Finished the application. By the looks of it, these houses are really nice and affordable.....and we can have more room to put all our things without the floorboards falling in or something. Thank you very much for this, Miss Shiro. And thank you, Miss Laura. It really means a lot to me to know that. I'm glad that my brother and I have been welcomed here with open arms...."


ishzu ishtar.jpg

At some apartments

Laura looked at the application she had been handed, and filled it out as quickly as she could. She didn't missed a beat as she wrote down all the required information. She was excited to finally have her own place, although she could have chosen a more convenient time to get one. Laura looked at Phineas and gave him a twisted smile, her evil plot to keep an eye on him unraveling it self, even if the plot had only begun when he said he needed to get himself a place. Once she was done filling the form she handed it to women behind the counter and found a piece of gold that was worth 10,000 to give to the women. "Will I be able to move into night?" She asked curiously not remembering if it had already been addressed.

[SIZE= 36px]Lavender Gray[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 36px]@Isune @Zuka @Solemn Jester[/SIZE]


As Lavender decended down the stairs, she picked up Chris's words "it's not that hard to make space in such a small home." the warrior smiled "Okay, now that I am all set, we should go. Despite my lack of coverage of my thighs, my hat scarf and gloves should do just fine for the time being. I cannot be a warrior if I do not work through such harsh conditions." Lavender headed to the door and opened it once she reached it, allowing the fire mage first, then allowed Chris and she followed not too long behind. Lav shut and locked the door "I prefer that you go Wolf. The stamina you have is outstanding in that form." glancing at Tanari, she noticed her walking a different Direction "Tanari? Where are you going?" the mage had turned and faced the blonde warrior "I'm gonna head out on my own mission. You can go without me. I want to get something in return for doing a job!"


This shocked the blonde "She just up and left us! We work as a team, not go seprate ways..." she then glanced at Chris "I believe it is just you and me now." Lavender said as she stepped onto the flattened pavement "No matter, we can take on this beast on our own. We arent part of Fairy Tail for nothing. We are one of the strongest guilds in Earthland." a smile spreaded upon her lips as she awaited Chris to shift into a wolf so they could get going on their journey. On her back was a small bag which held the book he had given to her. Just in case they had needed it before they arrived.

Chris Lengheart(Dog it is!)

Chris gave Lavender a small smile as she held the door open for Tanari and himself. He walked out with his hands deep in his pockets, trying to keep them from freezing off. As Chris was told to change back to werewolf form due to its incredible stamina, Chris simply responded while changing into his wolf form regardless,"Well, it's not a trait specific to that form, having stamina kinda comes wi-" before being suddenly cut off by Lavender who was asking Tanari where she was headed. Chris, who was now in werewolf form, started to walk over to Tanari with his hind legs, albeit slightly hunchbacked, until he heard what she said. She wanted to go off and do something that'd get her paid. Chris' ears suddenly fell flat against his head, the fur along his neck standing up, and his lip upturning into a vicious snarl. "Potentially saving someone from a brutal death, their eternal gratitude....that's not good enough for you!? Just the fact that you had the nerve the say that makes my blood boil! You don't represent what Fairytail stands for! If Cece were still here, she'd probably rip your ass straight from the guild and thrown you out onto the streets!" Chris roared to the girl without so much as a second thought. Chris then suddenly began to snarl, his rage seemingly getting the better of him. But luckily for everyone there, Chris took a deep breath and tried his best to keep calm. "You wanna leave us, fine. Be my guest." Chris said while turning around and walking back towards Lavender, "But, if this is how you want to act while in this guild, it'd be best if that was your last job under the Fairytail name.

After his rant, Chris went over to Lavender and got onto all fours. "Hurry up and get on, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." He said while motioning for Lavender to hop on, an extremely irritated look still on his face. Once Lavender got on, she'd best hold on tight since Chris felt like he had wasted enough time here and frankly, wanted to leave this all behind him.

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester ((If ya wanna witness the verbal assault)) 

At some apartments

Laura looked at the application she had been handed, and filled it out as quickly as she could. She didn't missed a beat as she wrote down all the required information. She was excited to finally have her own place, although she could have chosen a more convenient time to get one. Laura looked at Phineas and gave him a twisted smile, her evil plot to keep an eye on him unraveling it self, even if the plot had only begun when he said he needed to get himself a place. Once she was done filling the form she handed it to women behind the counter and found a piece of gold that was worth 10,000 to give to the women. "Will I be able to move into night?" She asked curiously not remembering if it had already been addressed.

@Arius LaVari

  Phineas was grateful about all of this....but he was weirded out by the twisted smile Laura gave him. Wait. Was all of this....to keep an eye on him? The boy stood there for a moment, thinking about it, then exhaled a sigh, attempting a smile. But since he was stoic, the smile looked more like a psychopathic killer smile. And he only held it for about five minutes before releasing the smile and returning to the poker face. He was just as curious as Laura with the question, though. 

Ferra; Margaret Town

Ferra blushed when Nikolas kissed her forehead, giving him a small shy smile as he spoke. She giggled herself and nodded in agreement, "Yeah...it's nice." She replied, sighing lightly. Much like Nikolas she was worried about Valken or Grace seeing them, them having left the hall for...whatever reason. She knew she'd never hear the end of it from Valken, though Grace would likely be happy for her after a little teasing. "Ya kno' Valken is gonna tease the hell out of us." She said, grinning over to him slightly. "Your brother probably will too...though, I have a way to get Valken to stop." She added. She definitely wasn't above blackmailing Valken again using his little 'magazine stash'. Though she wouldn't do it in front of Millie only because she figured it'd make her sad to know Valken had such things when he had her. "I am happy though. I was kind of worried I was wrong and you just liked me as a friend." She said. "If I'm being honest I was a little reluctant to tell you. Last person I tried dating ditched completely after the first day." She explained, frowning a bit before shaking her head. "Though, I guess if you ditch I know where you live." She told him with a slightly sadistic smirk, though she was only kidding, she wondered what his reaction would be.

Alara Rezonai

So, no one knew where Kasumi was then? It was either that or literally everyone was ignoring her. It seemed to be the latter since they talked and laughed amongst each other, her sitting at a table glaring at all of them only ten feet away. All she wanted to know was where one person was and she'd be on her way. It was different if they didn't actually know and said so! But no, they literally ignored her entirely. Sighing she debated on leaving until her phone rang. She fished it out of her pocket and surprisingly it was Kami. Answering it she stood up and listened to him speak with a small smile on her face. "Cya assholes.." She muttered, turning to walk out of the hall. She spotted Alicia, Mizuki, and Draneri on the way out. "Oh, I was at Sabertooth trying to find Kasumi." She replied to her brother simply. "I'll probably stick in Crocus for a while before heading back if she isn't here, you're welcome to catch a train or find someone willing to teleport you here. I'll pay you back. It's been forever I really would like to see you." She told him. Figuring since the three were just now arriving to the hall she doubted they'd seen the one she loved, so she simply waved to them and gave them a small smile before shuffling past down the street.


  Nikolas grinned when Ferra said she knew where he lived if he dared dump her. He did feel bad about the fact that she got ditched after one day, though. "Well, you don't hafta worry about that, then, Ferra! I'll do my best to stay loyal to you! And I am dead serious on that part," he added, winking at her. "Plus....and I'm dead serious about this....I have been freaking head-over-heels for you since we met. Dammit, is Phin gonna tease us......" he added as an afterthought, imagining his twin's face after all this. Probably grinning evilly at him, chuckling lowly. Scary pianist. Yay. Nik started walking towards the cafe, holding Ferra's hand. "As for me in this relationship, guess I'd better give you a fair warning—" More or less in the heat of the moment, Nikolas paused, before running forward. So maybe he was a bit hyperactive right now. So what. "I do almost everything on an impulse, and that makes it even more fun! Am I right?"

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