Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Lavender couldnt believe what she was seeing before her eyes. This man was so drunk. But as soon as he went to sleep by a tree he had the nerve to get up and undo his pants. Quickly the warrior looked away "You have no manners do you?!" she yelled before he moved to another spot which made her slowly look back to see him sit by another tree and tried to go to sleep. Only for her to narrow her eyes as he mentioned the manticore "Get up." she demanded. When he didnt listen she shouted "Get up!" obviously she wasnt going to back down "You have been tailing us since the beginning! There would be no way for you to know we are hunting a manticore! Why are you pretending to not know what you are doing. Mr Chris can smell the booze on you but he does know that you are not that drunk!" This man had no idea what he was getting imself into when it came to a warrior and a Takeover mage.

Chris  Lengheart

Chris watched the man carefully as he pretended to sleep, and then pulled down his pants down to start peeing. Much like Lavender, Chris was disgusted and quickly turned away to avoid seeing it. Once Lavender  demanded him to get up, Chris looked back at the man to see that he was once again trying to sleep. As Lavender got more and more demanding, Chris started snarling again whilst slowly walking towards the man with his horrid fangs bared. "Listen to her!" The giant wolf roared "You can't fool us, so stop with the act!" Chris obviously wasn't playing around anymore and it was clear that Lavender wasn't either. This man had best make his next choice very wisely.

@Solemn Jester


Aiden had laid out a couple of mismatched blankets six feet away from the fire, a few pillows were also thrown into the mix. In the disparity of fabric sat Aiden with low table in front of him, there sat the plate of cookies and his drink. "Come, the fire is delightful." He waved them over, and patted a seat next to him. "Ashley I want to talk to you about something." Butterflies bloomed in his stomach, maybe this wasn't a good idea to drop on Christmas. No. He needed to tell her, mabye it was time. He kept going over what he was going to say to her, knowing full well how she could get if he said the wrong thing.




Ashley nodded and sat by him "What's up, Aiden? Something wrong?" she asked as she picked up her hot cocoa and took a sip before placing it back on the small table and grabbing a cookie, taking a bite out of it and closing her eyes, loving how soft it was How did I not know I made such good cookies? These are so good... it was like the cookies were perfect. They were soft and moist and had no taste of bitterness or anything of that nature! But before she could lose herself in the land of cookies, she opened her eyes and placed the sweet down to pay attention to Aiden. It was clear that he wanted to tell her something "What is it that's bothering you?" maybe he didnt get her a gift? Was that what he was so worried about? She didnt know but she was going to find out as soon as he spilled the beans.

Chris  Lengheart

Chris watched the man carefully as he pretended to sleep, and then pulled down his pants down to start peeing. Much like Lavender, Chris was disgusted and quickly turned away to avoid seeing it. Once Lavender  demanded him to get up, Chris looked back at the man to see that he was once again trying to sleep. As Lavender got more and more demanding, Chris started snarling again whilst slowly walking towards the man with his horrid fangs bared. "Listen to her!" The giant wolf roared "You can't fool us, so stop with the act!" Chris obviously wasn't playing around anymore and it was clear that Lavender wasn't either. This man had best make his next choice very wisely.

@Solemn Jester
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Lavender couldnt believe what she was seeing before her eyes. This man was so drunk. But as soon as he went to sleep by a tree he had the nerve to get up and undo his pants. Quickly the warrior looked away "You have no manners do you?!" she yelled before he moved to another spot which made her slowly look back to see him sit by another tree and tried to go to sleep. Only for her to narrow her eyes as he mentioned the manticore "Get up." she demanded. When he didnt listen she shouted "Get up!" obviously she wasnt going to back down "You have been tailing us since the beginning! There would be no way for you to know we are hunting a manticore! Why are you pretending to not know what you are doing. Mr Chris can smell the booze on you but he does know that you are not that drunk!" This man had no idea what he was getting imself into when it came to a warrior and a Takeover mage.

Tyson Redd


Tyson honestly didn't want this to end up in a fight. So he decided it would be best to give up now. He pushed himself up with his hands, and began walking on them. He looked at the two wizards, with a upside down indifferent face. Then leapt onto his feet," fine, i never was any good at acting. Heard you were going after a manticore. Decided to watch, see if you survived." Tyson said rather bluntly, as if it didn't matter all that much to him. He then took of his Santa top, revealing his massive muscles, and if they paid attention his sabertooth guild mark." Meant no harm, just wanted to watch, and not get in the way. But if you still want to fight," Tyson suddenly struck the tree closes to him, and it broke in half falling over onto the tree beside it." I'd happily oblige," Tyson's eyes seemed to be filled with a excitement as he stared them down, awaiting their decision.

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Ciel let Haruhi lead her into her living room in silent observation. 'She seems really fond of snowmen...' She thought as she looked around. She sat down beside Haruhi on the comfortable couch began to think about what they should do, letting her poke around with the fireplace and letting her relax on her shoulder. "Yes I really am planning to move into Crocus. I just have a feeling..." She drifted off before shaking her head. "Nothing...so, no empty lots? Shame, I was really looking forward to seeing if I could make a castle." When the topic of moving in with Haruhi came up she smiled in joy. "Yes! I'd love to move in with you!" She said kissing her back on the cheek. "On that note, I think I know what we can do...To quote a certain dark mage I once fought, 'Do you wanna build a snowman?'" She asked, grinning cheekily.

Haruhi Redfox 

Her home 



Haruhi immediately threw her arms around Ciel as she agreed to move into her home. It was a dream come true to the blue haired girl, and she was overjoyed. Things got a little lonely at times in crocus. With Ciel in another city and her sister always out playing in concerts Haruhi found herself alone a good deal of time. But now she'd never be alone. Her sweet wife would be by her side for forever. "Oh this is just wonderful Ciel! Now we will be seperated. You and me can finally start our life together." She said cheerfully despite her voice being muffled due to her face being pressed into the other girls body. She held her like that for a few sweet seconds before breaking away and giggling while being kissed on the cheek. Once again Ciel somehow knew the magic words to speak. At the mention of snowmen Haruhi's light blue eyes lit up like Christmas lights, her entire body bolting upright. "Making a snowman with my wife!? There's nothing else I'd rather do!" Said the Mage, taking each of Ciel's hands in her own. 

Suddenly Haruhi heard the door open from behind her. She wasn't expecting company until tomorrow, so she didn't know who'd be showing up. Perhaps it was a robber, hoping to steal some things from her home for quick cash. It was the previously owned by very well known and respected mages so it was only natural to believe that they had some goodies hidden around the place. However before the blue haired girl could go on the offensive a familiar voice rang through the hall. The home invader wasn't an invader at all, and was rather her dear sister Honoka. Shouldn't she be at a concert right now? She wouldn't complaint though seeing as all of her favorite people were showing up at her house. It was like Christmas was coming early! "Hello Honoka!" She called from the leaving room, turning her head back in the direction of her sister. "Ciel is here with me now, but my lovely sister is always welcome to join. I also made cookies with extra love in it, so help yourself to those too!" 

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[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR]



Kazuo looked at her frowning face as she fully turned towards him. Though he didnt dare look down past her neck knowing what he might run into if he were to look any lower. Besides, he respected women and wouldnt allow his eyes to drop down. No matter how much his eyes wanted to drop. Though she did say she wouldnt change something as trivial as a wet shirt. From the sounds of it, she wanted to see her brother no matter what. So with a light sigh, he grabbed Rosa and brought her to a far corner where his frame blocked anyone from looking at Rosa "Here, It's better than getting sick." he said as he reached the hem of his shirt and pulled it up, exposing the battle scars and the golden flame tattoo that ran on the side of his torso as well as his guild mark on his arm. He then handed it to her and took the towel, lifting it to be like a curtain as he looked away, his eyepatch being the side she was able to see and his eye was elsewhere.


"Change into my shirt. I'm sure if you got sick you wouldnt like it. Stuffy nose, sneezing, fatigue... You'd hate it if I am to be honest with you." it was surprising how quick she would flip with her moods. Not that he minded, it was normal in his book, especially for what he did to her earlier and caused a commotion. There was no way for him to really make up for what he did but make her next kiss the best kiss she could ever have. Which wouldnt have been too hard. He'd surprise her again and give her a nice kiss on the lips. Hell, maybe try to get her under the mistletoe just to really challenge her... That's a good Idea. He'll do just that and see what happens. After all, she couldnt turn down a challenge and a tradition. "Just put it on, Rosa." he said before she could protest and hope that'd she just put on the damn long sleeved shirt. It was big enough to fit her fine.

far right



[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Blue Pegasus Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Rosaline was fully intended to turn and walk right outside that Guild Hall door in search of her brother whom she knew was in town. Why were he here? After so long? Was there a threat? Was something wrong with their parents? It never occurred to her after all these years he simply wanted to see her at Christmas no less. Rosaline wasn't much in the way for joking around and always thought of the glass half empty whenever she thought about her Brother and the worst possible scenario. So while her mind was a whirlwind and her thoughts elsewhere, she was altogether under prepared when Kazuo grabbed her by the arms and lead her surprisingly strongly to the corner of the room. Rosaline's eyes were just about as massive in this moment as they had been when Dorian had leaned in to put the hair clip in her hair. She felt her back press in against the wall suddenly as his whole frame covered her body, or at least a huge portion of it being they were the same height and his shoulders were further spread to cover her then her own.

Then as he peeled his shirt off the girl looked about as stiff and tense as she had before, every muscle was fully tight as her shoulders tensed. Did he realize just how close to her he was? What was he doing? Why was he stripping in front of her? Her cheeks bursting into a deep hue as the tall and frown happy girl looked completely out of deep as her mouth half opened wide. Her fingers coiled around the material of his shirt as he lifted the towel up and covered her frame, and angry tsc noise escaping as she glanced sideways and refused to look to him. Though her eyes may have drifted back once or twice as her vision flowed over his frame and the scars and the tattoo that curled down the side of his frame. Every time she did, however, she gritted her teeth and glanced away again even more flustered then the moment before. Really the girl had no idea how to defend against this business, at least till she remembered the clothing in her hand and what he was trying to accomplish in the first place. "Well... FINE BUT NO PEEKING!" The screeched out suddenly, it didn't occur to her that he had his eye patch facing her so it was, actually impossible for him to see her unless he moved his head towards her. Regardless the girl was feeling uncomfortable so she felt it necessary to specify.

"You tell me what to do again, Kazuo, And I will punch you so hard I'll not only send you through the Guild Wall but across the Damn town!" Yes, get angry, that was a great way to stop this weird awkward feeling she was getting in her chest around him and did the guy despite him not looking at her realize how close he was? Her own little personal bubble and he was in it.... again. After yelling at him for the second time, the girl finally grasped the wet hem of her shirt and lifted it up and over her head before throwing it over his shoulder to let it half slap his face in the process, before the girl stepped forward to press her whole front into the towel to dry herself off a fraction (unknowingly actually forcing the towel back against his frame practically swooshing her body against his with only one layer between them. Only an instant or so before she pulled back not realizing what that might have done for the man, then slinging his shirt up and above her head. She pinched and poked and tugged it to get it to sit somewhat more comfortably on her frame before she crossed her arms under her chest which only looked the more tight in his shirt. "Fine, I'm done. You can look now." Still staring off in a random direction with bright red cheeks.

"Now are we going to find my Brother or not?" Not realizing at that point the girl had actually said we not her alone and unwilling invited the man to come along.

@LeSoraAmari @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Halffix
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Kirin looked down to the girl who was quite literally 20 feet shorter than her at the moment. She floated down to ground level before realizing she was still fat! Kirin took a deep breath in before her entire suit crashed down into herself in a brutal display. When she finished, however, the tiny 4'11 woman stared up to Celestia. She offered her hand, light steam still coming off of her. Her skin would be unnaturally cold, even with the warm steam around her, "I'm Kirin, and I have been here about all of my life!" Fortunately enough, her children were talking out their issues and rages with each other Faaaaaar away from the cake. With Octavian acting as a supervisor to the supervisor, Kirin was certain she was safe talking for a few minutes. She put a hand behind her head and sighed, "Sorry... Most of the people around me hate fat people. I hope I didn't disgust you." That was honestly true. Who she wanted to be, she wasn't allowed to be or else she would be forced out of so many missions. She was one of the best in the whole country being an S rank, yet something as simple as her body being the opposite of everyone else's beauty turned her into a leper, at least in her eyes.

She sighed before twisting back, saying to Celestia, "You know, since both you and Yamato are here, I'll tell you both a slight secret!" She gave off a slight wink before saying, "I'm not even certain I'm Human anymore. More of a... slime at this point?" She stuck a finger into the flesh of her chest, then shoved her whole hand into herself. Her skin around the point was blue and framed, a bit like a game character. It all pulsed and jiggled to the beat of her constant music. She lifted up her clean fingers as her skin closed up like nothing happened. She sighed, "My body stores so much magic, that I am basically pure magic when I change outfits or when I'm in this form. It's the reason I am constantly afraid of Brandheart... within a couple of seconds he could casually erase me from existence... or any of my kids..." She looked visibly shocked by the words, but it was the honest truth. She wanted to get closer to people, but the way her mind just... went off by itself. She showed just how strange she can be there, and furthered it by casually smiling and saying, "How about I help? I can vibrate the inside of the pot so that it can all be cooked at a steady temperature, reducing the amount of time required by about half?" 


Kirin, Allegro, Melody,  Sonata, Ariana, Vivace, TallisOctavian



Age - 17



Allegro - M

Age - 9 Months


Melody - F

Age - 9 Months



Sonata - F

Age - 9 Months


Ariana - F

Age - 1 Year



Vivace - F

Age - 1 Year


Tallis - M

- Age 1 Year



Octavian - M

Age - 2 Years


Celestia Corona: BP Kitchen


It was nearly immediate that Celestia shot a glare at Kirin; one thing she hated more than anything was when someone downgraded themselves, she did it enough to herself but disliked when someone else did it. Her very pale hands shot out to grasp the small woman's while she stared directly into her eyes, "I don't know who you've been dealing with...but I'm not like any of them. You should be in the form you find most comfortable, human, slime, or whatever you are. I thought your other form was quite gorgeous so...don't talk so bad about youself, you've no reason to feel that way around me." Her glare had softened immediately and she gave Kirin a sweet smile still grasping her hands, it was then she actually heard what the woman was thinking about, how she thought she was pure magic and it made Celestia's eyes light up like a Christmas tree while she listened to her. "Oh wow, pure magic huh? That's actually really impressive! Well I'll help you stay away from Brandheart, I'll send him flying with a giant hammer if he gets too close!" Celestia laughed at her silly threat, though when she said she would help she had looked dead serious though she was back to her cheerful smile.


With that out of the way Celestia turned towards the pot, lips pursed while she considered Kirin's offer, for it to boil down all the things she had put in the pot it would take at minimum two hours so even if Kirin helped she would be stuck for a bit and for some reason Celestia didn't like the thought of that. "Thanks for the offer but I think it'll be fine this way! Besides even if it's cut in half you'll be stuck in a pot for an hour, I feel like it'd be more fun to have you hang around with me, for now why don't we go back into the hall? Oh! You're cake looks great by the way, I'm sure everyone else will be excited as well!" She smiled over her shoulder at Kirin, hoping she would come along as she made her way out of the warm kitchen and back into the hall in time to see Kazuo push Rosa in a corner which made her sigh, until she realized what he was doing, which was giving Rosa a dry shirt to wear even though that left him without one. Internally Celest sighed shaking her head at the pair though she did hear something about the pair leaving to meet her brother, which answered the question of why she had sensed a new signature of lightning.


With Rosaline distracted, Yamato busy doing something or another, and not knowing if Kirin was going to join her she plonked down on a stool beside Acus, where she had left the silver mug he had given her there while she started on the drink she was making. When she actually sat she felt a little drained actually and laid her head on her arms, facing Acus with a slightly drowsy look though she was the talkative type and smiled at the dwarf man. "This place seems so busy, doesn't it? Acus right? Rosa called you Ace though...I'm not even sure who I have and haven't talked to today!" She laughed a bit before shutting her eyes though her fingers were drumming on the counter top to show that she was awake and antsy maybe? She could always start reading that book which was sitting right beside the silver mug but she didn't want to just drown everyone out while she read, she went on auto pilot when she was reading.


@Halffix @hudhouse @Zuka (Mentioned) @Britt-21 (mentioned)

Chris  Lengheart

Chris watched the man carefully as he pretended to sleep, and then pulled down his pants down to start peeing. Much like Lavender, Chris was disgusted and quickly turned away to avoid seeing it. Once Lavender  demanded him to get up, Chris looked back at the man to see that he was once again trying to sleep. As Lavender got more and more demanding, Chris started snarling again whilst slowly walking towards the man with his horrid fangs bared. "Listen to her!" The giant wolf roared "You can't fool us, so stop with the act!" Chris obviously wasn't playing around anymore and it was clear that Lavender wasn't either. This man had best make his next choice very wisely.

@Solemn Jester

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Tyson Redd

View attachment 179423

Tyson honestly didn't want this to end up in a fight. So he decided it would be best to give up now. He pushed himself up with his hands, and began walking on them. He looked at the two wizards, with a upside down indifferent face. Then leapt onto his feet," fine, i never was any good at acting. Heard you were going after a manticore. Decided to watch, see if you survived." Tyson said rather bluntly, as if it didn't matter all that much to him. He then took of his Santa top, revealing his massive muscles, and if they paid attention his sabertooth guild mark." Meant no harm, just wanted to watch, and not get in the way. But if you still want to fight," Tyson suddenly struck the tree closes to him, and it broke in half falling over onto the tree beside it." I'd happily oblige," Tyson's eyes seemed to be filled with a excitement as he stared them down, awaiting their decision.



[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Blue Pegasus Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Rosaline was fully intended to turn and walk right outside that Guild Hall door in search of her brother whom she knew was in town. Why were he here? After so long? Was there a threat? Was something wrong with their parents? It never occurred to her after all these years he simply wanted to see her at Christmas no less. Rosaline wasn't much in the way for joking around and always thought of the glass half empty whenever she thought about her Brother and the worst possible scenario. So while her mind was a whirlwind and her thoughts elsewhere, she was altogether under prepared when Kazuo grabbed her by the arms and lead her surprisingly strongly to the corner of the room. Rosaline's eyes were just about as massive in this moment as they had been when Dorian had leaned in to put the hair clip in her hair. She felt her back press in against the wall suddenly as his whole frame covered her body, or at least a huge portion of it being they were the same height and his shoulders were further spread to cover her then her own.

Then as he peeled his shirt off the girl looked about as stiff and tense as she had before, every muscle was fully tight as her shoulders tensed. Did he realize just how close to her he was? What was he doing? Why was he stripping in front of her? Her cheeks bursting into a deep hue as the tall and frown happy girl looked completely out of deep as her mouth half opened wide. Her fingers coiled around the material of his shirt as he lifted the towel up and covered her frame, and angry tsc noise escaping as she glanced sideways and refused to look to him. Though her eyes may have drifted back once or twice as her vision flowed over his frame and the scars and the tattoo that curled down the side of his frame. Every time she did, however, she gritted her teeth and glanced away again even more flustered then the moment before. Really the girl had no idea how to defend against this business, at least till she remembered the clothing in her hand and what he was trying to accomplish in the first place. "Well... FINE BUT NO PEEKING!" The screeched out suddenly, it didn't occur to her that he had his eye patch facing her so it was, actually impossible for him to see her unless he moved his head towards her. Regardless the girl was feeling uncomfortable so she felt it necessary to specify.

"You tell me what to do again, Kazuo, And I will punch you so hard I'll not only send you through the Guild Wall but across the Damn town!" Yes, get angry, that was a great way to stop this weird awkward feeling she was getting in her chest around him and did the guy despite him not looking at her realize how close he was? Her own little personal bubble and he was in it.... again. After yelling at him for the second time, the girl finally grasped the wet hem of her shirt and lifted it up and over her head before throwing it over his shoulder to let it half slap his face in the process, before the girl stepped forward to press her whole front into the towel to dry herself off a fraction (unknowingly actually forcing the towel back against his frame practically swooshing her body against his with only one layer between them. Only an instant or so before she pulled back not realizing what that might have done for the man, then slinging his shirt up and above her head. She pinched and poked and tugged it to get it to sit somewhat more comfortably on her frame before she crossed her arms under her chest which only looked the more tight in his shirt. "Fine, I'm done. You can look now." Still staring off in a random direction with bright red cheeks.

"Now are we going to find my Brother or not?" Not realizing at that point the girl had actually said we not her alone and unwilling invited the man to come along.

@LeSoraAmari @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Halffix



The first thing she saw was the sabertooth mark which had been exposed on the left peck (you said chest so ya...) and she leaned down towards his ear "Mr Chris, be careful He's from Sabertooth." she whispered before glaring at the large man from Sabertooth who only seemed to Threaten them by snapping a tree in half with his bare arm. Not only was he stalking both the blonde and the Takeover mage, but he also threatened them. "If we fight him now we may not be able to fight that Manticore." she pointed out to Chris keeping her eyes on the Sabertooth member "In my opinion I say we leave him behind so we may finish our mission." of course, knowing men, they didnt like turning down challenges, and didnt take threats from no one unless they were the kind not to let things such as this get to them.



[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]@Zuka[/COLOR]


Kazuo had no reason to peek at her naked top. He couldnt anyway with the eypatch covering an eye he couldn open. "Not that I can see you with the patch." he commented before feeling her body - more or less her chest- press against the towel. Now doing this with a shirtless man from the other side of the towel was a complete bad idea. But since it was Rosa he could make an exception. He said nothing but he did have a light blush on his cheeks. He had no reason to think dirty of Rosa. Despite his crush, he couldnt think that way, that would make him no better than most men and Kazuo wasnt like most men (No offense to guys, this is just Kazuo :P)


The threat really didnt bother him much. Rather it only just made him wonder if she'd actually do it. Then again he shouldnt really test his waters because knows she'd do it without hesitation. It was really funny how she got so threatning after something 'derastic' happened. "Alright Alright, I wont tell you to do anything again." not that he'd actually do it. He'd go and do it again anyway. But most likely in the situation of saving his guild mate and his first time crush. A slap in the face with her wet shirt caused him to snap out of his thoughts as the now wet shirt was beginning to dampen his shoulder. Carelessly throwing things and giving no fucks where it lands. he thought to himself.

Her words then gave him the word to look and he dropped the towel and pulled her wet shirt from his shoulder to dry his now wet shoulder "Yes we can find him now." when he looked at the shirt on her, he noticed it was a bit tight in some spots so he put the wet shirt and towel down before taking the shirt and stretching it so it could fit better along her torso and wouldnt be too tight "Dont worry i'm not doing anything that a pervert would do. Just trying to stretch it out a bit." he only said this just so she wouldnt go and punch him square in the face for helping. Once done, he pulled away "Alright, lets go find your brother." after all she was really happy and seemed to soften up when she noticed her brother was around somewhere.

Kazuo went and grabbed his jacket before putting it on "Lead the way."



Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

The dwarf sitting nearer to his flaming tree, oddly covered with flowers some of which had now been burnt off but a great deal of them remained. Having almost dried of after the ale shower from Rosa muttering a little to himself a little. Near the front entrance of the guild hall to the side in the corner Rosa was being covered while she changed, "such a big deal about some wet clothes,"  he said finding his mug from before and ensuring it was refilled. Not too long after he was joined by Cele, the other lightning that had been talking to Rosa giving her that little hair clip and Acus had given her a shiny mug for her to drink from. "Aye it does seem to be a little Hive of activity is this Christmas I keep hearing about really that important? I'm not used to all these surface dweller traditions and such," tilting his mug as she asked about Rosa calling him Ace "Hrmm yes I'm not totally sure how that came about but it's an easy enough name to hay and hear so it kind of stuck"


Turning his back to the tree to get a little more warmth to dry out his clothes more. "you're looking a little tired there why not take it easy for a little bit, I dare say that with that giant snakeskin belt absent or at least quiet, we wouldn't have the Guild hall blowing up or covered in spikes made from the floor and the warm of my tree is nice, reminds me of the great braziers we would had back home."

@Arius LaVari@Zuka
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Kami Rezonai 

With Big sis

View attachment 178288

Kami couldn't help but feel all warm and tingly inside, when his sister  happily accepted his gift. He always admired her, so he was glad she liked his gift. " Oh good, you like it, that's great for a moment there I was worried. What, oh don't worry it's fine, I wasn't expecting to get anything from you anyway. My coming here was last minute anyway. No time to prepare, its perfectly fine." Kami said this with a content smile on his face. But if you could read his mind then you'd know he was sobbing on the inside. "Oh no, I've made her feel like a bad sister! That's not good, what if she runs away because she doesn't think she deserves to be my sister anymore! She could leave and I'd never see her again! No, I mustn't come up with such ridiculous ideas. She'd never do that," Kami said having a brief argument with himself in his mind. Before letting out a sigh, and noddong," sure sounds great, lets head out then." Kami said placing a arm around Alara's shoulder, and walking with her.

Tyson, Redd

View attachment 178300

Tyson sat back watching the argument go down. He honestly didn't care about money, as long as the mission was challenging. The guy with the take over powers seemed really passionate about whatever this mission was. So Tyson figured he'd follow along. He made sure to stay hidden, still not sure why he was stalking them. Probably because he didn't believe they would take kindly to someone just watching them as they went on their mission. Maybe it was all the eggnog he had drunken. Regardless, Tyson didn't care, he had nothing better to do with his time, and his gut was telling him to follow them. So he kneeled down, and waited for them to take off before following after. He'd make sure to keep a good distance without losing track of them, like a good hunter would do...or a stalker. Tyson ignored this last thought, as he watched them from the corner of a building.

@Britt-21 @Isune @Mitchs98

Alara wasn't entirely convinced that Kami didn't like the fact that she didn't have a gift for him. Honestly she should of thought about it. She used to get him a gift every year in hopes he'd come but she eventually just stopped, figuring he would always be to busy to come by. She'd long since misplaced and lost said gifts so those were out of the picture. She'd definitely have to get him something he'd like...but the question was what and could she afford it? She watched curious and somewhat confused as Kami seemingly argued with himself about her running away or something.

She couldn't help but laugh as they started walking. "Don't worry Kami I wouldn't ever run away." She assured him. "And you know, maybe it's best to have conversations like that in your mind hm?" She teased with a cheeky grin. "Anywho. What do you want to do first, food or just go back to the guild?" She asked.

Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall

"Of course. We can go to the cafe near the park." Tokine said, nodding in agreement to Sakura's suggestion to find somewhere quieter to chat. Before she could do anything else, Kenya suddenly appeared with some rather...interestingly designed gifts. Despite this, she gratefully took the apparently handmade stuffed animal from her friend and smiled warmly.

[SIZE= 14px]"You made these yourself? Wow, I'm impressed. I'll keep it in my room to remind me of yet another friend I've made these past few [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]months[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]. Thank you Kenya. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait until tomorrow for your gift." she said while hugging the slightly worse for wear gift. She turned it around to inspect it's face. Tokine had a pondering on expression on her face for a while before she looked back up at Kenya.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"I think i shall call him Ken in honor of you." she said in a satisfied tone. She then turned back to Sakura to give the 'ok' that she was ready to go but then a thought hit her. Tokine turned back to Kenya [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]quickly[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px].

"Kenya, iI would be very happy if you came with Sakura and I to relax and chat. Would you like to come?" she asked politely.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Mitchs98 @Nenma Takashi[/SIZE]

Kenya's face lit up with glee as Tokkine accepted her gift and seemed happy by it. "I'm glad you like it to be honest I was a bit worried you wouldn't like it. Ken's a great name for it I'll be happily waiting for my gift." Kenya thought about her offer she had nothing else to do today so she figured why not it was a great chance to bond with more members of the guild. "Sure I'd be happy to go with you where shall we be off to might I ask?" 

@Drakerus @Mitchs98

Sakure smiled when Tokine suggested them going to the cafe near the park. That sounded great to her for sure. She jumped slightly when Kenya suddenly ran up...and seemingly ignored her. Oh well. She didn't really mind seeing as it seemed she had some really cool thing made for Tokine. It was odd, but it was made with love and actually looked pretty neat. She had half expected Tokine to just be 'eh' about it, but she actually thanked her and even hugged the thing. When she invited her along with them her smile widened a bit, "Yeah Kenya come with us!" She told her excitedly. When the question as to where came she giggled lightly, "The cafe near the park!" She replied instantly. "It'll be fun, we're going to go discuss what to get others for Christmas." She explained. "Your gifts are very nice too Kenya, I can tell you put a lot of hard work into the doll for Tokine."

  Nikolas grinned when Ferra agreed that doing everything on an impulse was more fun, but was also mentally prepared for Valken literally appearing out of nowhere. It was true; if Phineas was appearing out of nowhere, it was just him saying something completely random at the wrong time. Such as when they were doing a raid mission and Phineas had literally appeared at the front door after Nikolas spent all that energy running, all to comment that the cooks there made delicious chili and by the way he stole the item they were assigned to steal. Sigh. That guy was just weird. 

  Finally, Nik arrived at the familiar diner, a place that they had literally packed a lot of memories with. It was kind of a.....family tradition. In fact, on the bulletin board was a photo of their father, (deceased) grandfather, and (deceased) aunt, nomming on hamburgers. Another showed their father, Nikolas, Phineas, and their mother. Ahhh, traditions. Nikolas steered over to a table and sat down, grinning eagerly. 

  Phineas accepted the keys, nodding as Shiro spoke. "......I'll probably start packing all my stuff today," he commented. ".....I....hope it's not too much trouble, but I could use a little help with that. The house we currently live in is a total mess, being....ah....overly customized, and the mosaics need to get peeled off the floor carefully. Our landlord's a bit.....upset about that. Whiiiiich is why I think we'd better move from that crumbling place.....and, again, thank you very much for all of this."


When they finally arrived to the diner Ferra looked around at the pictures curiously, a few of them vaguely resembling Nikolas and Phineas. "Are the kids in those pictures you two and your parents?" She asked curiously, pointing the pictures. "I take it you guys come here a lot then?" She added, smiling at the building itself. Just from outside she could tell the food was great, or at-least smelled great. So much so that it made her stomach growl audibly, causing her blush lightly and giggle a bit. "The food smells great even from out here." She said. "I can only imagine what it tastes like...I bet it's good.." She said, trailing off slightly with a goofy smile and visibly drooling a bit as she thought of the food. She was pretty much starving at this point so it was only natural, what could she say?

Chris Lengheart(Why do we get the loons?)

Chris simply huffed through his nostrils as the man removed his shirt and basically challenged them to a fight. As Lavender told Chris to be careful, he simply muttered,"Why do we always have to deal with these guys?" Finally bringing his attention back to topless Santa, Chris simply said,"Yes, you're very intimidating by punching a tree. However, I don't have the time to be fighting, I've got people to protect!"

Right as Chris had said this, a scream filled his sensitive ears. It was masculine followed by another male screaming in pain. Chris' eyes immediately widened as he quickly took off. There was no way his dad and brother got here so soon, that was impossible! No, no...that had to be two other people. They sounded different too, yeah...there was no way! Regardless, Chris had to help. Family or not, someone was in danger and may even lose their life! After what felt like an eternity to Chris, he was able to make out two people. One was obviously an adult, nearly Chris' age, while the other seemed younger. Maybe mid to late twenties. The two seemed frozen in place, hardly even breathing. Chris looked around slightly while continuing his charge. And sure enough, there was the perpetrator, a single manticore, its tail still dripping some kind of toxin. Running straight towards it, Chris shouted,"Lavender, sword out now!" Hoping to catch the beast by surprise, Chris lunged at it with both his claws out, ready to hook into the first thing they could grab. Hopefully, Lavender was ready to do the same with her sword.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21
  Reveal hidden contents


The first thing she saw was the sabertooth mark which had been exposed on the left peck (you said chest so ya...) and she leaned down towards his ear "Mr Chris, be careful He's from Sabertooth." she whispered before glaring at the large man from Sabertooth who only seemed to Threaten them by snapping a tree in half with his bare arm. Not only was he stalking both the blonde and the Takeover mage, but he also threatened them. "If we fight him now we may not be able to fight that Manticore." she pointed out to Chris keeping her eyes on the Sabertooth member "In my opinion I say we leave him behind so we may finish our mission." of course, knowing men, they didnt like turning down challenges, and didnt take threats from no one unless they were the kind not to let things such as this get to them.



[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]@Zuka[/COLOR]


Kazuo had no reason to peek at her naked top. He couldnt anyway with the eypatch covering an eye he couldn open. "Not that I can see you with the patch." he commented before feeling her body - more or less her chest- press against the towel. Now doing this with a shirtless man from the other side of the towel was a complete bad idea. But since it was Rosa he could make an exception. He said nothing but he did have a light blush on his cheeks. He had no reason to think dirty of Rosa. Despite his crush, he couldnt think that way, that would make him no better than most men and Kazuo wasnt like most men (No offense to guys, this is just Kazuo :P)


The threat really didnt bother him much. Rather it only just made him wonder if she'd actually do it. Then again he shouldnt really test his waters because knows she'd do it without hesitation. It was really funny how she got so threatning after something 'derastic' happened. "Alright Alright, I wont tell you to do anything again." not that he'd actually do it. He'd go and do it again anyway. But most likely in the situation of saving his guild mate and his first time crush. A slap in the face with her wet shirt caused him to snap out of his thoughts as the now wet shirt was beginning to dampen his shoulder. Carelessly throwing things and giving no fucks where it lands. he thought to himself.

Her words then gave him the word to look and he dropped the towel and pulled her wet shirt from his shoulder to dry his now wet shoulder "Yes we can find him now." when he looked at the shirt on her, he noticed it was a bit tight in some spots so he put the wet shirt and towel down before taking the shirt and stretching it so it could fit better along her torso and wouldnt be too tight "Dont worry i'm not doing anything that a pervert would do. Just trying to stretch it out a bit." he only said this just so she wouldnt go and punch him square in the face for helping. Once done, he pulled away "Alright, lets go find your brother." after all she was really happy and seemed to soften up when she noticed her brother was around somewhere.

Kazuo went and grabbed his jacket before putting it on "Lead the way."


Chris Lengheart(Why do we get the loons?)

Chris simply huffed through his nostrils as the man removed his shirt and basically challenged them to a fight. As Lavender told Chris to be careful, he simply muttered,"Why do we always have to deal with these guys?" Finally bringing his attention back to topless Santa, Chris simply said,"Yes, you're very intimidating by punching a tree. However, I don't have the time to be fighting, I've got people to protect!"

Right as Chris had said this, a scream filled his sensitive ears. It was masculine followed by another male screaming in pain. Chris' eyes immediately widened as he quickly took off. There was no way his dad and brother got here so soon, that was impossible! No, no...that had to be two other people. They sounded different too, yeah...there was no way! Regardless, Chris had to help. Family or not, someone was in danger and may even lose their life! After what felt like an eternity to Chris, he was able to make out two people. One was obviously an adult, nearly Chris' age, while the other seemed younger. Maybe mid to late twenties. The two seemed frozen in place, hardly even breathing. Chris looked around slightly while continuing his charge. And sure enough, there was the perpetrator, a single manticore, its tail still dripping some kind of toxin. Running straight towards it, Chris shouted,"Lavender, sword out now!" Hoping to catch the beast by surprise, Chris lunged at it with both his claws out, ready to hook into the first thing they could grab. Hopefully, Lavender was ready to do the same with her sword.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21

Tyson Redd 

Tyson was more than disappointed by their words for some reason. Probably because they looked like they'd give him a good fight. His shoulders sagged a bit in disappointment," I would've puncjed something harder, but there wasn't anything." Tyson said looking at the tree, and then to his knuckles as if something where wrong with them. He was about to leave, when he heard the screams of two males, and the whole and woman took off."Hmm, guess they found their prey. Well might aswell see how things go." Tyson said looking rather bored as he followed behind them. He stayed a good distance behind, so he could watch without getting in the way, and quietly watched as the wolf, warrior, and Manticore began to fight.

Alara wasn't entirely convinced that Kami didn't like the fact that she didn't have a gift for him. Honestly she should of thought about it. She used to get him a gift every year in hopes he'd come but she eventually just stopped, figuring he would always be to busy to come by. She'd long since misplaced and lost said gifts so those were out of the picture. She'd definitely have to get him something he'd like...but the question was what and could she afford it? She watched curious and somewhat confused as Kami seemingly argued with himself about her running away or something.

She couldn't help but laugh as they started walking. "Don't worry Kami I wouldn't ever run away." She assured him. "And you know, maybe it's best to have conversations like that in your mind hm?" She teased with a cheeky grin. "Anywho. What do you want to do first, food or just go back to the guild?" She asked.

Sakure smiled when Tokine suggested them going to the cafe near the park. That sounded great to her for sure. She jumped slightly when Kenya suddenly ran up...and seemingly ignored her. Oh well. She didn't really mind seeing as it seemed she had some really cool thing made for Tokine. It was odd, but it was made with love and actually looked pretty neat. She had half expected Tokine to just be 'eh' about it, but she actually thanked her and even hugged the thing. When she invited her along with them her smile widened a bit, "Yeah Kenya come with us!" She told her excitedly. When the question as to where came she giggled lightly, "The cafe near the park!" She replied instantly. "It'll be fun, we're going to go discuss what to get others for Christmas." She explained. "Your gifts are very nice too Kenya, I can tell you put a lot of hard work into the doll for Tokine."

When they finally arrived to the diner Ferra looked around at the pictures curiously, a few of them vaguely resembling Nikolas and Phineas. "Are the kids in those pictures you two and your parents?" She asked curiously, pointing the pictures. "I take it you guys come here a lot then?" She added, smiling at the building itself. Just from outside she could tell the food was great, or at-least smelled great. So much so that it made her stomach growl audibly, causing her blush lightly and giggle a bit. "The food smells great even from out here." She said. "I can only imagine what it tastes like...I bet it's good.." She said, trailing off slightly with a goofy smile and visibly drooling a bit as she thought of the food. She was pretty much starving at this point so it was only natural, what could she say?

Kami, Rezonai 

Kami laughed nervously, and scratched his head.  A red tint covered his face, as he became slightly embarrassed by his actions."Yeah, sorry i talk to myself alot. I'm good with whatever my dear elder sister wants. We can go get some grub, or go to the guild. It all depends on you." Kami said giving his elder sister a warm smile. He had been waiting to see her forever, and being as she was his only family left it was always wonderful when they meet up. He placed a arm around her shoulder, and walked along side her as they continued on their way.

Moses, Brandheart 

Blue Pegasus 

Guild hall

Moses yawned, and stretched, even with the burning tree, all the noise, and the guy stripping, and helping another guild mate change in the corner he was still growing bored. Then he noticed, a blonde woman coming out of the kitchen. She was attractive enough, and she was heading towards the dwarf."Meh, what do I have to lose?" Moses asked himself, before standing up and heading towards them. He moved slowly, side stepping people as he passed them, and avoiding interaction of any sort. Then he reached the two, and put on a fake smile, and a cheerful voice."Hello, I don't believe we've been introduced, I'm Moses. Moses Brandheart, it's a pleasure to meet you both. So what are a lovely lady, and umm...handsome drawf such as yourselves doing to pass the time tonight? Well besides drinking of course." Moses looked over the girl, and the dwarf a few times. He honestly didn't care to much about the dwarf, he didn't need any more male friends. But the girl intrested him greatly, and he wouldn't shun the dwarf. That would only make him seem like a bad person.

@Halffix @Britt-21 @Isune @Mitchs98 @Arius LaVari


Mizuki Kohaku

Sabertooth Guildhall


Mizuki tood extra strides as she stepped into the guildhall, wanting to take lead of the trio. Her fierce purple eyes were scanning the room attempting to spot any fellow mages that angry glances. She didn't expect to receive any strange looks, but she couldn't say the same for Draneri. Being a siren alone was enough to turn heads and cause controversy, bit if they knew she was the siren from the dungeons then it would only cause the fire of hate to grow. Needless to say that wouldn't be a good thing. She wanted the guildhall to be a welcoming place for humans and non humans alike. Even though Draneri made mistakes she should be forgiven. Everyone has made mistakes, even if some were worst than others. Suddenly her head whipped to the side, the dark Mage looking back at the winged beauty. "Come in Draneri, No one here will hurt you. I will make sure of that..." She said, making sure that the last part was louder and more emphasized than the rest. She wanted to get the message across that Draneri was here with good intentions rather than bad ones. 

Right now Mizuki wanted to find Gilad. Not only did Draneri wish to see her, but she had her own favors to ask. Since it was nearly Christmas she wanted to ask if Gilad would be willing to dress up as a special holiday character for Alicia, to make her Christmas that much better. As she finished scanning the main area of the guildhall Mizuki noticed that Gilad wasn't here, the Saint most likely being in his office. It wasn't unusual for him to be there seeing as he practically lived there, making it the most logical place to check. "Follow me if you wish to see Gilad. You may accompany us as well, Alicia." She instructed the two girls, leading them up towards his office. Not bothering to knock, Mizuki opened the door and peered inside. It was darker than normal and empty, a strange combo for Master Gilad. What caught her eye though, was a white envelope that rested on the desk. There was something about it that called to the girl, making her come in closer to investigate. When she held it in her hands she learned that it was addressed to her, her name written in the Guildmaster's handwriting. Sliding a finger through it she opened the envelope, pulled a letter out, and began to read. 

Dead Mizuki,

I am writing this letter to inform you of rather drastic changes coming to the guild, ones that will directly involve you. As you may have noticed by now, I am gone. Failure to capture the Dark Guild Master Lucian has forced me to take things into my own hands. As you know he is a very dangerous man, and if left unfound he will return bigger and badder than ever. He has a heart of evil and must be stopped. I have decided to begin a search for Lucian, one that will keep me away from the guild for a very long time. It will be months or even years before I return, or I may never return at all. In my absence I am asking that you take over the role of Sabertooth Guildmaster. Our great clan can't be without a leader, and I do believe that you should be the one to lead them. Although you're young I do believe that you can do it. You are surrounded by friends who will help you with your new journey. Do not be afraid, you will do fine as long as you follow the good in you. We will meet again in due time. Good luck, Miss Mizuki. 

-Gilad, Former Sabertooth Guildmaster 

Mizuki's eyes narrowed as she read through the letter, the content shocking her. Surely this wasn't real. Gilad was still around and was merely testing her to see how she'd do. Or at least that's what she hoped. Lucian was a powerful man even for Gilad. Even though her mind kept saying that he'd be ok, she couldn't help but worry for the old man. If something bad were to happen it'd be hard to take. Although it'd be hard she'd be able to take it well, but she couldn't even imagine how Alicia would act. The silver haired girl had already lost her parents, but losing Gilad might be too much. She then reread the part about passing on the title of Guildmaster to her. Why did he think it was a good idea to give her such an important role? There had to be a Mage much better suited than the Dark Mage, unless this was supposed to be some sort of learning experience. Mizuki didn't know, but what she did know was that she had a lot of responsibility now. "Oh my..." She muttered, gently folding the letter and laying it down on the table before glancing back at Alicia and Draneri. "What am I to do now? I know nothing of being a guildmaster..." 

@Zuka @Mitchs98
  Reveal hidden contents

Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Valken was sitting in a wooden chair close by the fire place as he had the boy curled up in his lap. His face was complete enigma, it had none of it's normal cheeky characteristic nor did he have his 'work face' the one he normally did when he was doing his under cover intelligence job or under the table missions. Instead, he looked oddly calm and collected though there was a hint of worry dotted his face. He hadn't really been on the receiving end of seeing the frailty of human life, the closest he got to caring about anyone would have been Millie and that was more constant panic over making sure she was OK. This... was new for him. And he wasn't sure how he felt about it exactly. Grace, Ferra, the boys, they were like little siblings that could take care of themselves but were more an annoyance then anything, but actually seeing something this frail really took him back. Where once he could cut out the screams of pain and agony Valken was starting to turn a page as he started to loose a part of the emotionless facade he bore while he tortured people. The Sadist side starting to wain.

Why did he even torture people in the first place?

Well it mostly started taking the worst and most dangerous missions by accident, his reflexes second to none and he had always had a strange affinity for daggers and knives. They were easily concealed and easy to wield for someone with his uncanny ability to duck and out of situations. It wasn't always that way though, he could distinctly remember a time when he was young, he must have only been 12 and had snatched a poster off the Guild Wall. Knowing Mad Maya had told the bar keep to refuse Valken signing out himself onto missions, he promptly waited till the woman had busied herself with another Guild Member before leaping over the counter, scribbling something that looked vaguely like a signature before he had already run away. The boy at that stage couldn't read or write, being a street kid none had ever taught him. So he simply went with the prettiest looking flyer.

Unfortunately for him that very mission had been classified an A class when he could barely be caused a B and despite Valken's reflexes he couldn't escape unharmed. He got beaten to a bloody pulp. He could only duck into the Shadow Realm for a few seconds at a time, he dodged too late, his knife throws were sloppy and missed the target. The fact he even got out at all was a miracle. He remember pushing opening the Lamia Scale Guild Hall with one arm, blood pouring out from a broken noise, a dislocated shoulder, his pants in tattered and bruises covered his small frame. His eye was that badly black and blue he could barely see out of it. He remembered taking one or two steps, as a huge gasp escaped the Guild Hall and it grew silence, while he lifted up his still working arm with a necklace clutched between his blooded fingers.

"S...see I did it!" He remembered choking out before the boy's face paled and his knees buckled, crashing to the floor. The last thing he remembered was a brown haired woman kneeling over him, shouting orders around the place as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He remembered the look of pure horror on her face as she whispered 'you Silly silly boy...'. 


Well he had gotten a right old scolding from the woman after that. Just as his thoughts started on Maya, he felt Millie's arms loop around his middle, a momentary panic working his entire frame as he remembered the rings. Well only for a moment till he reassured himself, they were safe and hidden in the Shadow Realm.. still he found himself holding his breath as his voice half squeaked out. "He hasn't said a word... Although his face looks oddly familiar...." Valken of course the Master of knowing everything (at least in his mind) was trying to put a name to the face. He turned his head gently to brush his face into Millie's cheek, half closing his eyes as he did. Though his gaze drifted down as he spotted the boy giving out a slight smile and Valken in turn couldn't help but smile a fraction as well. "At least the cold seems to have shaken off of him." Glancing up to Millie with the cheeky grin slipping out as he did. "Did you wanna try holding him Millie? Bring up a chair. I want to keep him by the fire till he warms up fully, but I need to test a new recruit..."

His gaze drifting over to Miss Akane. "If you are after a drink, please help yourself behind the bar. We have all manner of drinks cold and hot. But be prepared once this boy is warm, I'll be testing you. And also, don't touch the Scotch. That's mine. All of it..." Glancing down to the floor with the broken pieces of chair he'd tossed at Frosty earlier.

@LeSoraAmari @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mitchs98

Akane blinked as she was suddenly addresed. "Oh, thanks good sir!" She chirped her thanks as she moved to the bar and leaped over the counter, making sure that she didn't knock anything over when she did so. "So anything cold or hot, I'll be doing something physical after, so I better not touch anything alcoholic yet, and not touching scotch...hmm...where is it..." She said to herself as she looked around the door, her face lighting up in minor cheer as she found what she was looking for, eggs and milk. She then looked around for a tall mug and upon finding it placed it on the table and took a seat near the bar. She broke three eggs into the mug and filled the rest of it with milk before starting to gulp down the weird mixture. She pulled the mug away for a bit and wiped away the milk that had been left on her upper lips.
  Reveal hidden contents

Haruhi Redfox 

Her home 



Haruhi immediately threw her arms around Ciel as she agreed to move into her home. It was a dream come true to the blue haired girl, and she was overjoyed. Things got a little lonely at times in crocus. With Ciel in another city and her sister always out playing in concerts Haruhi found herself alone a good deal of time. But now she'd never be alone. Her sweet wife would be by her side for forever. "Oh this is just wonderful Ciel! Now we will be seperated. You and me can finally start our life together." She said cheerfully despite her voice being muffled due to her face being pressed into the other girls body. She held her like that for a few sweet seconds before breaking away and giggling while being kissed on the cheek. Once again Ciel somehow knew the magic words to speak. At the mention of snowmen Haruhi's light blue eyes lit up like Christmas lights, her entire body bolting upright. "Making a snowman with my wife!? There's nothing else I'd rather do!" Said the Mage, taking each of Ciel's hands in her own. 

Suddenly Haruhi heard the door open from behind her. She wasn't expecting company until tomorrow, so she didn't know who'd be showing up. Perhaps it was a robber, hoping to steal some things from her home for quick cash. It was the previously owned by very well known and respected mages so it was only natural to believe that they had some goodies hidden around the place. However before the blue haired girl could go on the offensive a familiar voice rang through the hall. The home invader wasn't an invader at all, and was rather her dear sister Honoka. Shouldn't she be at a concert right now? She wouldn't complaint though seeing as all of her favorite people were showing up at her house. It was like Christmas was coming early! "Hello Honoka!" She called from the leaving room, turning her head back in the direction of her sister. "Ciel is here with me now, but my lovely sister is always welcome to join. I also made cookies with extra love in it, so help yourself to those too!" 



Ciel accepted the hug and relaxed into Haruhi's arms with a light blush. Gently her arms snaked out and draped themselves around Haruhi, pulling her deeper into the hug with a serene smile on her face. If someone would've told her years ago that she was going to be married to another girl from a guild she would've laughed, but somehow, it happened it she wasn't feeling sorry about it, quite the opposite, she felt that this was the best possible thing to have happened to her. She felt a deep joy when Haruhi was overjoyed by the prospect of her moving to Crocus. Even more so when she could see her eyes light up with life and happiness when she proposed to make snowmen.

She then heard the door open and she went to peek at who had just come in. It was Honoka, Haruhi's sister. "Good day to you Honoka, I hope you don't mind me being here on Christmas..." She greeted politely. She reached out for another cookie and popped it into her mouth, sweetness flooding her tongue as she chewed for a bit before swallowing. "We were about to go make snowmen, do you want to join us?'

Eric: Wait... What are those wings...?

Once Sakura finished drawing the bucket of water Eric instantly picked it up using the talons of his eagle form. "Thanks Sakura!" Although by the time he was up in the air Gilad was nowhere to be found. His eyes darting from place to place he could see no sign of him anywhere. He swore that Gilad was just sitting at the bar moments ago. With a disappointed sigh Eric lowered the bucket onto the table and changed back into his human form. "Well... I could always try again some other time..." Suddenly Eric was jumped by Kenya who shoved some sort of stuffed mug in his arms. For a moment he was bewildered trying to process what happened there. "This... Is a present? For me?" It wasn't hard to notice the bandages around Kenya's hands clearly stating that she put in some effort to make these things. Staring at the soft mug for a little longer Eric smiled before saying. "You made this huh? I love it! thanks!" It was pretty obvious that Kenya wasn't very experienced with a needle and thread, but he didn't really care about that, when someone puts themselves through pain to make someone else happy. That makes for a great present. That reason specifically is why Eric's going to cherish this one. "Well I kinda feel bad that I haven't gotten anything for you yet... BUT!!! I promise you won't be disappointed come Christmas!" Eric was beaming at this point, well... It didn't last long.

Mizuki had finally arrived back at Sabertooth. The thing that caught Eric's attention however was a pair of wings behind her that seemed very awfully familiar. Eric tensed all of a sudden when he remembered where they were from. It was Draneri from the dungeons! Was she planning to attack Mizuki from behind? He couldn't take that chance regardless but instead he heard Mizuki say something unexpected. "Come in Draneri. No one will hurt you. I will make sure of that..." The last part instantly shushed Eric. As much as Mizuki scared him he was also confused with her actions. Why would Mizuki be inviting the very person that nearly killed us to our guildhall?! Did she fall under the Sirens curse like last time? But he couldn't smell the perfume which signifies that aspect. So why? Eric was too tense to move all he could do was stare until they made for Gilad's office. Once they were inside the office Eric basically just caved in on himself and fell on the chair behind him. Flashbacks of the moments when Mizuki tried to slam him into the ground and Chris tearing his girlfriends throat out. Not to mention the state Chris was in after he came back to his senses. "Mizuki... I hope to god you know what your doing..."

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Zuka @Maki @Nenma Takashi
Kenya nodded her head at Eric giving him a thumbs up. "I'll be waiting for my present." She turned to Tokine and Sakura nodding her head she thought for a moment then snapped her fingers. "I know what I'll get everyone, I'll make plushies for each and everyone of them!" She exclaimed then she found herself staring at Sakura for a moment. "I'll figure out what to make for you at the cafe. I thank you both once again for inviting someone like me to accompany the both of you." Kenya bowed her head to the two attempting to hide the blush that was spreading onto her cheeks. This was the first time she'd ever been asked to hang out with others she had no idea what she was doing but she was determined to have fun. With a gleam in her eye she was ready to have oh so much fun with her friends at the cafe. 

@Drakerus @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi
  Reveal hidden contents

Ryu watched Aria as she reassured him that Kelica's actions were fine, then bent down to let Niur touch her ears as well. For some reason, he found that he couldn't take his eyes off of her, finding her very presence captivating. He glanced over briefly to look in the direction of Abaddon, who seemed to be having quite the staredown with... who was that again? Ryu had to think for a second to remember the individual's name. Belphegor, that's right. He and Ryu didn't see eye to eye on things. Ryu strongly disapproved of Belphegor's lazy, irresponsible, and immature behavior, so the two didn't interact much. He eventually lost interest, and directed his attention towards Kelica, who had started to guzzle booze. Ryu knew Kelica couln't hold her liquor to save her life, and he had reprimanded her about it many times. "Kelica," He said, sending a stern look towards the blonde girl. "What have I told you about binge drinking?" He let out an exasperated sigh. It seemed no matter how hard he tried, Kelica always did the opposite of what he told her. The girl could certainly be a handful at times.

When Mitsuki sneezed and sent out a wave of magic, Ryu didn't have much time to react before Aria summoned her scythe and swung it down in front of him. He didn't flinch as the large blade passed only millimeters from his face, instead turning his disapproving glare in the direction of Mitsuki. Mitsuki was another member of the guild with whom Ryu did not work well with. He was loud and obnoxious, and would constantly flirt with every girl who would so much as look in his direction. Ryu looked around the hall, gauging how much chaos Mitsuki's outburst had thrown it into. As he surveyed the hall, he noticed that Kelica was among those who had lost their clothes, and she hadn't even noticed yet. He sighed again before picking up one of the many tablecloths and throwing it onto Kelica to cover her up. "Please find another set of clothes Kelica" He said sternly.

Once again his attention was grabbed as some small girl who wasn't a member of the guild started convulsing and writhing. Shortly however, she stood up again and walked straight over to Aria. She announced herself as Verdana and that her family had been killed by Fairy Tail. All this served to further elevate Ryu's annoyance. Just as it looked like he was going to get a chance to talk with Aria more, this thing appeared and stole her away, parading with melodrama no less. He folded his arms as Aria replied to the creature, stating that further elaboration was required, which it was. Verdana had made quite a substantial claim when she'd said that Fairy Tail had killed her family, without providing any evidence or context to back it up. Eventually, Verdana began to explain further, and Ryu leaned back against the bar as he listened to what she said. Apparently Mirajane Strauss had taken her family, according to her story. The whole thing seemed a little far fetched, not to mention the fact that it had apparently happened one hundred years ago. So why was Verdana making a big song and dance about this now? Why hadn't someone done something about it sooner if the event had been so important? These questions continued to fuel Ryu's skepticism of both Verdana and her story.

@Happy Red Mage @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Zuka @Solemn Jester @Spanner @Genon


Sera somewhat focused on everything else around her, though she mostly focused on Kelica in her arms. That and well the fact some girl turned into some somewhat adorable moth girl speaking about losing her family and such. That honestly depressed her. A lot. She knew what it felt like herself...though she wasn't sure the kind of pain Verdana had been through they shared similar. She barely even noticed the gown that was put on her or even Kelica as she debated on hugging the girl. Though it seemed Niur had that covered. Thus she turned to Kelica's question of clothes, though a lot less lustful than she had originally been. "Mhm, some clothes." She replied. "We're about the same size so mine should fit you." She said. "My house isn't too far from the hall, I could even fly you there if you'd like." She offered, giving her a small smile. Of course...it would be much better if the girl didn't have the spell blocking her body from view, but it didn't stop her hands at all.

If she flew her to her home it would give her ample means to 'accidentally' put her hands on her chest too. "What do you say?" She asked, pressing up against her a bit more, though now she was clothed. Despite her lewd intentions for Kelica she couldn't help but think of Verdana. Other than actually flying Kelica for clothes she would likely come immediately back just to talk to her. She knew all about rough pasts and didn't want the girl to do anything rash due to it.

[SIZE= 36px]Kelica Zefara[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 36px]Fairytail Guild Hall[/SIZE]

Kelica was halfway waiting for Sera to pull away from her after she wrapped her arms around her, but much to her surprise the Vampire had yet to actually break the contact from her at all. Almost like she were enjoying the softness of her frame as much as the girl was enjoying Sera's. Kelica tilted a head a fraction before she was, oddly, the one to lift her hands to press in against her shoulders and push her away a fraction to create some distance and even took a step back to lengthen that distance further. As she was stepped away, she spotted a movement in the corner of her as Ryu simply appeared like he had always been there (He hadn't of course, he had stayed by Aria but Kelica had been so focused in on.... well Sera and Bel almost killing Mitsuki it just slipped her mind what everyone else in the room was doing. Her emerald gaze drifting over to Aria to note she was perfectly fine as well.

She really was unobservant to not even realize it was the kitty-eared girl that had been the one to coat her in the light spell. Ryu threw a tablecloth around her frame which hung and draped to the ground but at least now she was covered, at least in the broad sense of the word (her body and curves were still on display under the thinnest of the sheet). She gave him a warm smile as her hand clutched at a portion around her chest tugging it in tighter. The dazzling white light fading now she was covered. Though the stern tone sent her to tense up a fraction and almost give out a half pout. He was always so grumpy at times with her, with the training and around the hall. Did he have to act to stuffy around her all the time? She remembered when he had told her all the Dungeon and why he snapped, and other then a small glimpse at a softer side, he was still a big dark shell, even to her.

Her thoughts stilled as Sera took back her attention. She offered to take her back to her place and even carry her while Kelica's face lit up momentarily to the idea of FLYING, any mode of transport that was different to the normal amused her, but she had to shake her head in a polite way to say no thanks, even as her earlier weariness was starting to return again as a big yawn escaped.

Clearly her nap hadn't been as long as she had needed.

"It's fine Sera, I have an idea!" The girl yelled out suddenly, and an idea from that excitable by sometimes brain slow girl could only turn out to be a good thing. Kelica quickly reached down to to move, swing and tuck the tablecloth around her frame, tying it and tucking it gently and once she was done she put her hands out and swayed her hips side to side in an adorable manner. "See? I just folded the Tablecloth Ryu got for me and now, I have my very own slim dress!" She turned back around and waved to Ryu in a happy manner as she cupped her mouth and called out. "THANK YOU RYU!" Though the fact she now wore no bra making certain assets jiggle with the movement. And the thin sheet didn't exactly hide the fact she was without underwear. Then Kelica turned to Sera with another adorable smile. "Would you like me to make you a Tablecloth dress to??"

@Solemn Jester @Spanner @Kyuubey

Chris Lengheart(Why do we get the loons?)

Chris simply huffed through his nostrils as the man removed his shirt and basically challenged them to a fight. As Lavender told Chris to be careful, he simply muttered,"Why do we always have to deal with these guys?" Finally bringing his attention back to topless Santa, Chris simply said,"Yes, you're very intimidating by punching a tree. However, I don't have the time to be fighting, I've got people to protect!"

Right as Chris had said this, a scream filled his sensitive ears. It was masculine followed by another male screaming in pain. Chris' eyes immediately widened as he quickly took off. There was no way his dad and brother got here so soon, that was impossible! No, no...that had to be two other people. They sounded different too, yeah...there was no way! Regardless, Chris had to help. Family or not, someone was in danger and may even lose their life! After what felt like an eternity to Chris, he was able to make out two people. One was obviously an adult, nearly Chris' age, while the other seemed younger. Maybe mid to late twenties. The two seemed frozen in place, hardly even breathing. Chris looked around slightly while continuing his charge. And sure enough, there was the perpetrator, a single manticore, its tail still dripping some kind of toxin. Running straight towards it, Chris shouted,"Lavender, sword out now!" Hoping to catch the beast by surprise, Chris lunged at it with both his claws out, ready to hook into the first thing they could grab. Hopefully, Lavender was ready to do the same with her sword.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21


Lavender was kind of glad that Chris picked up something which was most liekly a scream since she could hear it  too but not as clear and started running in that general direction. Before she knew it, her eyes caught the sight of two people, but both male and one seemed a little older than the other. They were hurt and when she looked at the Beast who had hurt them, she drew her sword and narrowed her eyes "Sword is drawn." she said just as Chris lunged at it with his claws and Lavender spun her blade within her hand before bringing it down with such force that it actually sliced off the stinger and hopefully would make the beast flee. If it didnt, they'd have to deal with the massive winged, non-stingered beast. "I've got the stinger but I dont believe this is over yet, Sir Chris!" she slipped right back into her old terms but that wasnt part of the conversation or what should be addressed.


"He looks very angry too." she glanced at her blade and noticed the blood dripping from it before she looked towards the beast one more. "I plan to stay on your back since it's quite easy to hit points in which you jump towards unlike being on your feet." she wasnt going to hop off unless she was knocked off.
Kenya nodded her head at Eric giving him a thumbs up. "I'll be waiting for my present." She turned to Tokine and Sakura nodding her head she thought for a moment then snapped her fingers. "I know what I'll get everyone, I'll make plushies for each and everyone of them!" She exclaimed then she found herself staring at Sakura for a moment. "I'll figure out what to make for you at the cafe. I thank you both once again for inviting someone like me to accompany the both of you." Kenya bowed her head to the two attempting to hide the blush that was spreading onto her cheeks. This was the first time she'd ever been asked to hang out with others she had no idea what she was doing but she was determined to have fun. With a gleam in her eye she was ready to have oh so much fun with her friends at the cafe. 

@Drakerus @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi

Eric: Wait... What are those wings...?

Once Sakura finished drawing the bucket of water Eric instantly picked it up using the talons of his eagle form. "Thanks Sakura!" Although by the time he was up in the air Gilad was nowhere to be found. His eyes darting from place to place he could see no sign of him anywhere. He swore that Gilad was just sitting at the bar moments ago. With a disappointed sigh Eric lowered the bucket onto the table and changed back into his human form. "Well... I could always try again some other time..." Suddenly Eric was jumped by Kenya who shoved some sort of stuffed mug in his arms. For a moment he was bewildered trying to process what happened there. "This... Is a present? For me?" It wasn't hard to notice the bandages around Kenya's hands clearly stating that she put in some effort to make these things. Staring at the soft mug for a little longer Eric smiled before saying. "You made this huh? I love it! thanks!" It was pretty obvious that Kenya wasn't very experienced with a needle and thread, but he didn't really care about that, when someone puts themselves through pain to make someone else happy. That makes for a great present. That reason specifically is why Eric's going to cherish this one. "Well I kinda feel bad that I haven't gotten anything for you yet... BUT!!! I promise you won't be disappointed come Christmas!" Eric was beaming at this point, well... It didn't last long.

Mizuki had finally arrived back at Sabertooth. The thing that caught Eric's attention however was a pair of wings behind her that seemed very awfully familiar. Eric tensed all of a sudden when he remembered where they were from. It was Draneri from the dungeons! Was she planning to attack Mizuki from behind? He couldn't take that chance regardless but instead he heard Mizuki say something unexpected. "Come in Draneri. No one will hurt you. I will make sure of that..." The last part instantly shushed Eric. As much as Mizuki scared him he was also confused with her actions. Why would Mizuki be inviting the very person that nearly killed us to our guildhall?! Did she fall under the Sirens curse like last time? But he couldn't smell the perfume which signifies that aspect. So why? Eric was too tense to move all he could do was stare until they made for Gilad's office. Once they were inside the office Eric basically just caved in on himself and fell on the chair behind him. Flashbacks of the moments when Mizuki tried to slam him into the ground and Chris tearing his girlfriends throat out. Not to mention the state Chris was in after he came back to his senses. "Mizuki... I hope to god you know what your doing..."

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Zuka @Maki @Nenma Takashi

  Reveal hidden contents


Mizuki Kohaku

Sabertooth Guildhall


Mizuki tood extra strides as she stepped into the guildhall, wanting to take lead of the trio. Her fierce purple eyes were scanning the room attempting to spot any fellow mages that angry glances. She didn't expect to receive any strange looks, but she couldn't say the same for Draneri. Being a siren alone was enough to turn heads and cause controversy, bit if they knew she was the siren from the dungeons then it would only cause the fire of hate to grow. Needless to say that wouldn't be a good thing. She wanted the guildhall to be a welcoming place for humans and non humans alike. Even though Draneri made mistakes she should be forgiven. Everyone has made mistakes, even if some were worst than others. Suddenly her head whipped to the side, the dark Mage looking back at the winged beauty. "Come in Draneri, No one here will hurt you. I will make sure of that..." She said, making sure that the last part was louder and more emphasized than the rest. She wanted to get the message across that Draneri was here with good intentions rather than bad ones. 

Right now Mizuki wanted to find Gilad. Not only did Draneri wish to see her, but she had her own favors to ask. Since it was nearly Christmas she wanted to ask if Gilad would be willing to dress up as a special holiday character for Alicia, to make her Christmas that much better. As she finished scanning the main area of the guildhall Mizuki noticed that Gilad wasn't here, the Saint most likely being in his office. It wasn't unusual for him to be there seeing as he practically lived there, making it the most logical place to check. "Follow me if you wish to see Gilad. You may accompany us as well, Alicia." She instructed the two girls, leading them up towards his office. Not bothering to knock, Mizuki opened the door and peered inside. It was darker than normal and empty, a strange combo for Master Gilad. What caught her eye though, was a white envelope that rested on the desk. There was something about it that called to the girl, making her come in closer to investigate. When she held it in her hands she learned that it was addressed to her, her name written in the Guildmaster's handwriting. Sliding a finger through it she opened the envelope, pulled a letter out, and began to read. 

Dead Mizuki,

I am writing this letter to inform you of rather drastic changes coming to the guild, ones that will directly involve you. As you may have noticed by now, I am gone. Failure to capture the Dark Guild Master Lucian has forced me to take things into my own hands. As you know he is a very dangerous man, and if left unfound he will return bigger and badder than ever. He has a heart of evil and must be stopped. I have decided to begin a search for Lucian, one that will keep me away from the guild for a very long time. It will be months or even years before I return, or I may never return at all. In my absence I am asking that you take over the role of Sabertooth Guildmaster. Our great clan can't be without a leader, and I do believe that you should be the one to lead them. Although you're young I do believe that you can do it. You are surrounded by friends who will help you with your new journey. Do not be afraid, you will do fine as long as you follow the good in you. We will meet again in due time. Good luck, Miss Mizuki. 

-Gilad, Former Sabertooth Guildmaster 

Mizuki's eyes narrowed as she read through the letter, the content shocking her. Surely this wasn't real. Gilad was still around and was merely testing her to see how she'd do. Or at least that's what she hoped. Lucian was a powerful man even for Gilad. Even though her mind kept saying that he'd be ok, she couldn't help but worry for the old man. If something bad were to happen it'd be hard to take. Although it'd be hard she'd be able to take it well, but she couldn't even imagine how Alicia would act. The silver haired girl had already lost her parents, but losing Gilad might be too much. She then reread the part about passing on the title of Guildmaster to her. Why did he think it was a good idea to give her such an important role? There had to be a Mage much better suited than the Dark Mage, unless this was supposed to be some sort of learning experience. Mizuki didn't know, but what she did know was that she had a lot of responsibility now. "Oh my..." She muttered, gently folding the letter and laying it down on the table before glancing back at Alicia and Draneri. "What am I to do now? I know nothing of being a guildmaster..." 

@Zuka @Mitchs98

Alara wasn't entirely convinced that Kami didn't like the fact that she didn't have a gift for him. Honestly she should of thought about it. She used to get him a gift every year in hopes he'd come but she eventually just stopped, figuring he would always be to busy to come by. She'd long since misplaced and lost said gifts so those were out of the picture. She'd definitely have to get him something he'd like...but the question was what and could she afford it? She watched curious and somewhat confused as Kami seemingly argued with himself about her running away or something.

She couldn't help but laugh as they started walking. "Don't worry Kami I wouldn't ever run away." She assured him. "And you know, maybe it's best to have conversations like that in your mind hm?" She teased with a cheeky grin. "Anywho. What do you want to do first, food or just go back to the guild?" She asked.

Sakure smiled when Tokine suggested them going to the cafe near the park. That sounded great to her for sure. She jumped slightly when Kenya suddenly ran up...and seemingly ignored her. Oh well. She didn't really mind seeing as it seemed she had some really cool thing made for Tokine. It was odd, but it was made with love and actually looked pretty neat. She had half expected Tokine to just be 'eh' about it, but she actually thanked her and even hugged the thing. When she invited her along with them her smile widened a bit, "Yeah Kenya come with us!" She told her excitedly. When the question as to where came she giggled lightly, "The cafe near the park!" She replied instantly. "It'll be fun, we're going to go discuss what to get others for Christmas." She explained. "Your gifts are very nice too Kenya, I can tell you put a lot of hard work into the doll for Tokine."

When they finally arrived to the diner Ferra looked around at the pictures curiously, a few of them vaguely resembling Nikolas and Phineas. "Are the kids in those pictures you two and your parents?" She asked curiously, pointing the pictures. "I take it you guys come here a lot then?" She added, smiling at the building itself. Just from outside she could tell the food was great, or at-least smelled great. So much so that it made her stomach growl audibly, causing her blush lightly and giggle a bit. "The food smells great even from out here." She said. "I can only imagine what it tastes like...I bet it's good.." She said, trailing off slightly with a goofy smile and visibly drooling a bit as she thought of the food. She was pretty much starving at this point so it was only natural, what could she say?

Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall

[SIZE= 14px]"Alright, let me just put some warmer clothes on and we can proceed." Tokine said, acknowledging that [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]everyone[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] was pretty much ready to go before walking towards her room to retrieve an outfit more suited for the cold weather. Before she could leave though Mizuki appeared in the doorway with a stranger. Both of them looked a bit awkward within the jolly atmosphere of the guild hall, especially the strange looking [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]person[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] who was [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]accompanying[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] Mizuki. Tokine didn't know anything about Draneri [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]considering[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] she wasn't really involved with the events of the kidnapping incident. So to her, the Siren was merely a guest, albeit a strange one.  Tokien paid them no mind as she entered her room and picked out her outdoor clothes which consisted of a cute, but warm holiday outfit. When she emerged from her room, Tokine spotted Eric on the ground with an [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]unreadable[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] expression on his face. If she had to describe it, Tokine would say he looked a bit tense but the myriad of emotions etched onto his face pointed to [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]something[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] much deeper than that. Pushing the thoughts aside, she calmly walked up to Eric and silently offered her [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]hand[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] in assistance. Though she did not speak, there was a certain look in ehr eyes that asked the question, "What happened?".[/SIZE]

Chris Lengheart(The battle has just begun)

Chris managed to hook his claws into the side of the beast as it let out a roar of both fury and pain. That's when the manticore began calling out to something. Chris had never heard a creature call out like that before. It was almost trying to use words, it was one thing for creatures to be able to speak like human, another for then to growl and snarl at one another, but for them to communicate with one another in what felt like an entirely different language. "Ni opeq jek canilu! Ar zio, tezam!" Chris heard it shout. Of course, he had absolutely no idea what it was saying. The massive wolf simply stared in confusion, completely oblivious as to what was about to happen.

Out of nowhere, a second manticore came dropping down and seemed to be going straight for Lavender.It rammed her so hard she fell off of Chris.Chris slid slightly because of the hard ram, allow the manticore to escape. And the first thing it did once it got out was nailing Chris on the arm with its tail. While the stinger had been removed, the quills that were still attached to its tail weren't. Chris let out a loud yipe as he was knocked over, multiple quills protruding from his right shoulder. Thinking quickly, Chris reverted to his human form and then to his centaur form. By then, the manticore was already charging straight at him for another attack, another tail swing no doubt. At this point, Chris had no choice but to go on the defensive. Raising up his left arm, Chris created a gauntlet. And right as the manticore tried to swing it's tail at him, Chris blocked using the gauntlet and looked over to see Lavender and the other manticore. "Lavender! Watch out for the tail, they have quills!he managed to shout while feeling multiple stabs in his hand. A few quills managed to jab into Chris' left hand, but not as many as his right shoulder. Using his other hand, Chris pushed outward and sent the manticore away from him as a pillar of stone shot from the ground. While the manticore got ready to attack Chris once again, Chris was focused on pulling out all the quills. Once an area was cleared, Chris would build armor around it. He could worry about the bleeding later. For now, he had to worry about keep himself and Lavender safe. And so far, he wasn't doing a good job of either.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21
Tyson Redd, (well, time to fight)

Tyson had decided to sit back and watch, well at least he had until the second beast appeared. He was sure they could handle themselves, it was two wizards against two beat. although he knew the beast had the advantage. They had set up a hunting ground, learned the land. They could even communicate with one another, in their own strange language.

Considering all these facts Tyson decided he should jump in. He figured the wolf could handle himself, not that he was doubting the females skills. But when it came to fighting beast, Tyson found that other predators had a better chance than people. He crouched down and clenched his fist. Then with lots of force he leapt towards the second manticore, the ground where he leapt from cracking due to the force of his pounce.

 Tyson's hair blew in the wind,  as he came closer towards the beast he let out a grunt, and slammed his fist hard into its maul. The beast was then sent flying into a tree, which quickly broke under the force of impact. Tyson flexed his wrist, and looked Down at Lavender."Are you alright? I apologize if I took you fight, you seemed in need of assistance." Tyson explained looking down at Lavender with his predatory eyes.

His eyes always seemed to turn into those of a predators when he was in battle. He figured it was due to his love for the battle. Tyson was about to help the woman known as lavender up, when he heard the flick of a tail. He quickly grabbed her, holding her infront of him. As the second manticore sent quils flying at her. The quils impaled themselves in the back of Tyson's armor, and he looked at them as if they where nothing more than a fashion accessory. He swiped them off his armor, and turned back towards the second manticore. Roaring and charging at it once again. 

The manticore leapt at him, digging it's claws onto his shoulders. Tyson ignored this, and continued to slam his fist into the beast body. He could hear the impact as his fist collided with the manticores ribs, and the sound of them breaking. The manticore roared in pain, giving Tyson the opportunity to attack again. He pulled his head back, and slammed it down hard into the manticores head. The beast eyes rolled into the back of its head, and it crumbled to the ground. Tyson dusted himself off, and looked over to see how the other fight was going. Tyson was slightly scratched up, but nothing to serious, he didn't even require his magic, although he had his training to thank for that. He walked back over to Lavender, and nodded towards her."You okay," Tyson asked as if he had just taken a fall with her.

@Isune @Britt-21

  Reveal hidden contents


Mizuki Kohaku

Sabertooth Guildhall


Mizuki tood extra strides as she stepped into the guildhall, wanting to take lead of the trio. Her fierce purple eyes were scanning the room attempting to spot any fellow mages that angry glances. She didn't expect to receive any strange looks, but she couldn't say the same for Draneri. Being a siren alone was enough to turn heads and cause controversy, bit if they knew she was the siren from the dungeons then it would only cause the fire of hate to grow. Needless to say that wouldn't be a good thing. She wanted the guildhall to be a welcoming place for humans and non humans alike. Even though Draneri made mistakes she should be forgiven. Everyone has made mistakes, even if some were worst than others. Suddenly her head whipped to the side, the dark Mage looking back at the winged beauty. "Come in Draneri, No one here will hurt you. I will make sure of that..." She said, making sure that the last part was louder and more emphasized than the rest. She wanted to get the message across that Draneri was here with good intentions rather than bad ones. 

Right now Mizuki wanted to find Gilad. Not only did Draneri wish to see her, but she had her own favors to ask. Since it was nearly Christmas she wanted to ask if Gilad would be willing to dress up as a special holiday character for Alicia, to make her Christmas that much better. As she finished scanning the main area of the guildhall Mizuki noticed that Gilad wasn't here, the Saint most likely being in his office. It wasn't unusual for him to be there seeing as he practically lived there, making it the most logical place to check. "Follow me if you wish to see Gilad. You may accompany us as well, Alicia." She instructed the two girls, leading them up towards his office. Not bothering to knock, Mizuki opened the door and peered inside. It was darker than normal and empty, a strange combo for Master Gilad. What caught her eye though, was a white envelope that rested on the desk. There was something about it that called to the girl, making her come in closer to investigate. When she held it in her hands she learned that it was addressed to her, her name written in the Guildmaster's handwriting. Sliding a finger through it she opened the envelope, pulled a letter out, and began to read. 

Dead Mizuki,

I am writing this letter to inform you of rather drastic changes coming to the guild, ones that will directly involve you. As you may have noticed by now, I am gone. Failure to capture the Dark Guild Master Lucian has forced me to take things into my own hands. As you know he is a very dangerous man, and if left unfound he will return bigger and badder than ever. He has a heart of evil and must be stopped. I have decided to begin a search for Lucian, one that will keep me away from the guild for a very long time. It will be months or even years before I return, or I may never return at all. In my absence I am asking that you take over the role of Sabertooth Guildmaster. Our great clan can't be without a leader, and I do believe that you should be the one to lead them. Although you're young I do believe that you can do it. You are surrounded by friends who will help you with your new journey. Do not be afraid, you will do fine as long as you follow the good in you. We will meet again in due time. Good luck, Miss Mizuki. 

-Gilad, Former Sabertooth Guildmaster 

Mizuki's eyes narrowed as she read through the letter, the content shocking her. Surely this wasn't real. Gilad was still around and was merely testing her to see how she'd do. Or at least that's what she hoped. Lucian was a powerful man even for Gilad. Even though her mind kept saying that he'd be ok, she couldn't help but worry for the old man. If something bad were to happen it'd be hard to take. Although it'd be hard she'd be able to take it well, but she couldn't even imagine how Alicia would act. The silver haired girl had already lost her parents, but losing Gilad might be too much. She then reread the part about passing on the title of Guildmaster to her. Why did he think it was a good idea to give her such an important role? There had to be a Mage much better suited than the Dark Mage, unless this was supposed to be some sort of learning experience. Mizuki didn't know, but what she did know was that she had a lot of responsibility now. "Oh my..." She muttered, gently folding the letter and laying it down on the table before glancing back at Alicia and Draneri. "What am I to do now? I know nothing of being a guildmaster..." 

@Zuka @Mitchs98

Eric: Wait... What are those wings...?

Once Sakura finished drawing the bucket of water Eric instantly picked it up using the talons of his eagle form. "Thanks Sakura!" Although by the time he was up in the air Gilad was nowhere to be found. His eyes darting from place to place he could see no sign of him anywhere. He swore that Gilad was just sitting at the bar moments ago. With a disappointed sigh Eric lowered the bucket onto the table and changed back into his human form. "Well... I could always try again some other time..." Suddenly Eric was jumped by Kenya who shoved some sort of stuffed mug in his arms. For a moment he was bewildered trying to process what happened there. "This... Is a present? For me?" It wasn't hard to notice the bandages around Kenya's hands clearly stating that she put in some effort to make these things. Staring at the soft mug for a little longer Eric smiled before saying. "You made this huh? I love it! thanks!" It was pretty obvious that Kenya wasn't very experienced with a needle and thread, but he didn't really care about that, when someone puts themselves through pain to make someone else happy. That makes for a great present. That reason specifically is why Eric's going to cherish this one. "Well I kinda feel bad that I haven't gotten anything for you yet... BUT!!! I promise you won't be disappointed come Christmas!" Eric was beaming at this point, well... It didn't last long.

Mizuki had finally arrived back at Sabertooth. The thing that caught Eric's attention however was a pair of wings behind her that seemed very awfully familiar. Eric tensed all of a sudden when he remembered where they were from. It was Draneri from the dungeons! Was she planning to attack Mizuki from behind? He couldn't take that chance regardless but instead he heard Mizuki say something unexpected. "Come in Draneri. No one will hurt you. I will make sure of that..." The last part instantly shushed Eric. As much as Mizuki scared him he was also confused with her actions. Why would Mizuki be inviting the very person that nearly killed us to our guildhall?! Did she fall under the Sirens curse like last time? But he couldn't smell the perfume which signifies that aspect. So why? Eric was too tense to move all he could do was stare until they made for Gilad's office. Once they were inside the office Eric basically just caved in on himself and fell on the chair behind him. Flashbacks of the moments when Mizuki tried to slam him into the ground and Chris tearing his girlfriends throat out. Not to mention the state Chris was in after he came back to his senses. "Mizuki... I hope to god you know what your doing..."

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Zuka @Maki @Nenma Takashi

Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall

[SIZE= 14px]"Alright, let me just put some warmer clothes on and we can proceed." Tokine said, acknowledging that [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]everyone[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] was pretty much ready to go before walking towards her room to retrieve an outfit more suited for the cold weather. Before she could leave though Mizuki appeared in the doorway with a stranger. Both of them looked a bit awkward within the jolly atmosphere of the guild hall, especially the strange looking [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]person[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] who was [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]accompanying[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] Mizuki. Tokine didn't know anything about Draneri [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]considering[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] she wasn't really involved with the events of the kidnapping incident. So to her, the Siren was merely a guest, albeit a strange one.  Tokien paid them no mind as she entered her room and picked out her outdoor clothes which consisted of a cute, but warm holiday outfit. When she emerged from her room, Tokine spotted Eric on the ground with an [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]unreadable[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] expression on his face. If she had to describe it, Tokine would say he looked a bit tense but the myriad of emotions etched onto his face pointed to [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]something[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] much deeper than that. Pushing the thoughts aside, she calmly walked up to Eric and silently offered her [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]hand[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] in assistance. Though she did not speak, there was a certain look in ehr eyes that asked the question, "What happened?".[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Sabertooth Guild Hall[/COLOR]


The Siren glanced about the room like a hawk, ironically, being a Predator she could sense the vibe in the room but for the most part she was ignored which for her survival was a very good thing. Without Mizuki she would have been killed on sight had she not used her Perfumes to sway the Prey and escape, not that she would have any real reasoning behind why she would walk into a Light Guild uninvited. Her thoughts turned as she watched Mizuki stride and turned her head to call to her and she nodded curtly before her longer legs easily fell into place behind her. Despite being taller then the woman, The Dark Mage had a sheer tense aura that sent chills down the spines of the people around her, so as long as she kept close to her, she was safe. She felt comforted from that Dark Aura where most would be terrified, though her face was a blank slate unlike how it had beamed earlier when they were alone.

Draneri followed along behind Mizuki with barely a glance around the room though her sharp Golden eyes spotted a movement to the side of her as she walked past and for a split seconds her eyes locked onto Eric. At first the Siren merely narrowed her eyes in thought as she peered him, her eyes drifted down to his feet before sliding back up his frame to his face. Now where had she recognized him from she wondered? Then she remembered, he had been fighting the young Grimoire Heart boy and was, for all intents the purposes, the reason she had stepped into the fight in the first place. She would never have taken on so many mages in one area except she had been hired to protect the Dark Guild and it's members. Her eyes narrowing down in a way that might have come off intimidating but was probably more on the side of bemused before the very corner of her lips turned up. Her wings fluttered momentarily before she pulled them more to rest behind her rather then at her hips, her feet silent and steps so graceful she almost looked like she floated across the flood. And she was wearing Mizuki's clothing which probably turned heads in it's own right.

Once inside Gilad's Office, Draneri kept the door open for Alicia to slip inside before she silently closed it and offered her a seat to the side to sit if she wished. Draneri then stood straight with her hands folded at her waist as normal for her as she watched Mizuki open and then read the letter though her increasing surprised look made the Siren lift an eyebrow curiously. As she mentioned knowing nothing about being a Guild master, the Siren stepped forward and placed a soft hand against her shoulder as she leaned down a fraction to peer to her gently. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]"Guild master you say? Would you mind at all if I read the letter?" [/COLOR]With a comforting hand still resting on the girl's shoulder, she used her longer fingers from her other hand to flick open the letter and read through it quickly as her lips became pierced. Then with a slow and steady movement she lowered the letter back down to the table and patted it gently before turning to face Mizuki fully as she tried to think of the next words to say to her. She took a deep breath in but the hand on her shoulder slowly slid down to rest on her arm as her thumb idly rubbed at her outfit causing it to pinch a fraction at her bicep.

[SIZE= 14px]"If someone such as yourself can learn to forgive me and all the past transgressions that I have done... Then I have no doubt you will be a perfect Guild master for Sabertooth. And whatever you do, I'll be here to help you just as you have helped me." [/SIZE]

Here the Siren's lips curled up into a warm, genuine smile. The first time she had since as long as she could remember.

@Mitchs98 @Nenma Takashi
  Reveal hidden contents


The first thing she saw was the sabertooth mark which had been exposed on the left peck (you said chest so ya...) and she leaned down towards his ear "Mr Chris, be careful He's from Sabertooth." she whispered before glaring at the large man from Sabertooth who only seemed to Threaten them by snapping a tree in half with his bare arm. Not only was he stalking both the blonde and the Takeover mage, but he also threatened them. "If we fight him now we may not be able to fight that Manticore." she pointed out to Chris keeping her eyes on the Sabertooth member "In my opinion I say we leave him behind so we may finish our mission." of course, knowing men, they didnt like turning down challenges, and didnt take threats from no one unless they were the kind not to let things such as this get to them.



[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]@Zuka[/COLOR]


Kazuo had no reason to peek at her naked top. He couldnt anyway with the eypatch covering an eye he couldn open. "Not that I can see you with the patch." he commented before feeling her body - more or less her chest- press against the towel. Now doing this with a shirtless man from the other side of the towel was a complete bad idea. But since it was Rosa he could make an exception. He said nothing but he did have a light blush on his cheeks. He had no reason to think dirty of Rosa. Despite his crush, he couldnt think that way, that would make him no better than most men and Kazuo wasnt like most men (No offense to guys, this is just Kazuo :P)


The threat really didnt bother him much. Rather it only just made him wonder if she'd actually do it. Then again he shouldnt really test his waters because knows she'd do it without hesitation. It was really funny how she got so threatning after something 'derastic' happened. "Alright Alright, I wont tell you to do anything again." not that he'd actually do it. He'd go and do it again anyway. But most likely in the situation of saving his guild mate and his first time crush. A slap in the face with her wet shirt caused him to snap out of his thoughts as the now wet shirt was beginning to dampen his shoulder. Carelessly throwing things and giving no fucks where it lands. he thought to himself.

Her words then gave him the word to look and he dropped the towel and pulled her wet shirt from his shoulder to dry his now wet shoulder "Yes we can find him now." when he looked at the shirt on her, he noticed it was a bit tight in some spots so he put the wet shirt and towel down before taking the shirt and stretching it so it could fit better along her torso and wouldnt be too tight "Dont worry i'm not doing anything that a pervert would do. Just trying to stretch it out a bit." he only said this just so she wouldnt go and punch him square in the face for helping. Once done, he pulled away "Alright, lets go find your brother." after all she was really happy and seemed to soften up when she noticed her brother was around somewhere.

Kazuo went and grabbed his jacket before putting it on "Lead the way."



[SIZE= 36px]Rosaline Dreyar[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 36px]Blue Pegasus Guild Hall[/SIZE]



Rosaline was quite happily staring off in a random direction, well it wasn't really all that random because her eyesight had been drawn to the front door of the Guild Hall the second she had sensed her Brother's lightning energy and she was determined to still find him. She would have already strode out the doors and probably found him by now if she hadn't spilt her Keg-sized mug and covered Acus and herself as well as Dorian in the delicious Ale while she soaked herself. Even then she still would have left without a second thought until Kazuo decided to put it on himself to get her to change with some threat about her getting sick or some such. Like she was worried about some snuffly cold or feeling 'a tad under the weather?'. Clearly none of this crowd had ever had parents like her own and the strict training regime of a Satan Soul user and a Dreyar lifeline. But was done was now done so she closed her eyes in a half defeated manner and eager to simple leave, with or without Kazuo if the fellow insisted to come along.


Speaking of that Kazuo fellow, while her eyes were closed and her attention inwards, she almost jumped ten foot in the air when he reached forward suddenly and she felt his warm hands brush in against her sides and hips for a moment as her eyes snapped open to death glare at him, what the hell did that man want now? Her fingers clenched along her own biceps as like she were looking to punch him at any moment but before she reacted he already had a vague excuse why he was pulling and tugging and rearranging her shirt. While her lips pierced further, it was true the shirt was uncomfortable and as much as the touch was completely foreign and uncomfortable it served a purpose right?...


He disappeared only to reappear a moment later wearing a jacket and her vision glanced down to the bareness of his chest which the jacket only really accentuated rather then covered for her. So with a half grunt, the girl closed her eyes and turned on her heel to try and walk away for the second time. "I have not seen my brother for 5 years... and I worry of his intentions as to why he is here." She explained hurriedly even as she thrust an arm out to slam the Guild Door open (cracking the door hinges further) and escaped with still tense shoulders. She kept walking not caring if Kazuo followed or if he could keep pace though the sneaky man seemed capable enough to side step her mid fight to the kiss her, so she assumed he was capable to keep pace.


She wandered the streets of Balsam Village as she licked her lips, tasting the very agitated electrons in the air on the tip of her tongue before she turned a side street and came before a main walkway. Her steps instantly froze then as her blue eyes went massive. She spotted Hibiki's frame, which while smaller then her own was decidedly taller then she had remembered it many years back. His back was turned to her and before he would even notice she was there, she was running to him with a huge grin spreading over her face, her eyes lighting up and she bellowed enough to cause quite a number of people to flinch and dive away in a panic. "HIBIKI!!" The girl appeared behind him and threw her arms around him in something reminiscent of the ultimate bear hug before she lifted him up and off his feet, laughing hugely as she did. Her whole face seemed void of the usual sternness, forgetting to hold back her strength as she clung to him and buried her face into his neck from behind. 


Not that it mattered if she used her full strength. He was a Dreyar after all and could handle one of her rib crushing hugs.....





Chris Lengheart(The battle has just begun)

Chris managed to hook his claws into the side of the beast as it let out a roar of both fury and pain. That's when the manticore began calling out to something. Chris had never heard a creature call out like that before. It was almost trying to use words, it was one thing for creatures to be able to speak like human, another for then to growl and snarl at one another, but for them to communicate with one another in what felt like an entirely different language. "Ni opeq jek canilu! Ar zio, tezam!" Chris heard it shout. Of course, he had absolutely no idea what it was saying. The massive wolf simply stared in confusion, completely oblivious as to what was about to happen.

Out of nowhere, a second manticore came dropping down and seemed to be going straight for Lavender.It rammed her so hard she fell off of Chris.Chris slid slightly because of the hard ram, allow the manticore to escape. And the first thing it did once it got out was nailing Chris on the arm with its tail. While the stinger had been removed, the quills that were still attached to its tail weren't. Chris let out a loud yipe as he was knocked over, multiple quills protruding from his right shoulder. Thinking quickly, Chris reverted to his human form and then to his centaur form. By then, the manticore was already charging straight at him for another attack, another tail swing no doubt. At this point, Chris had no choice but to go on the defensive. Raising up his left arm, Chris created a gauntlet. And right as the manticore tried to swing it's tail at him, Chris blocked using the gauntlet and looked over to see Lavender and the other manticore. "Lavender! Watch out for the tail, they have quills!he managed to shout while feeling multiple stabs in his hand. A few quills managed to jab into Chris' left hand, but not as many as his right shoulder. Using his other hand, Chris pushed outward and sent the manticore away from him as a pillar of stone shot from the ground. While the manticore got ready to attack Chris once again, Chris was focused on pulling out all the quills. Once an area was cleared, Chris would build armor around it. He could worry about the bleeding later. For now, he had to worry about keep himself and Lavender safe. And so far, he wasn't doing a good job of either.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21

Tyson Redd, (well, time to fight)

Tyson had decided to sit back and watch, well at least he had until the second beast appeared. He was sure they could handle themselves, it was two wizards against two beat. although he knew the beast had the advantage. They had set up a hunting ground, learned the land. They could even communicate with one another, in their own strange language.

Considering all these facts Tyson decided he should jump in. He figured the wolf could handle himself, not that he was doubting the females skills. But when it came to fighting beast, Tyson found that other predators had a better chance than people. He crouched down and clenched his fist. Then with lots of force he leapt towards the second manticore, the ground where he leapt from cracking due to the force of his pounce.

 Tyson's hair blew in the wind,  as he came closer towards the beast he let out a grunt, and slammed his fist hard into its maul. The beast was then sent flying into a tree, which quickly broke under the force of impact. Tyson flexed his wrist, and looked Down at Lavender."Are you alright? I apologize if I took you fight, you seemed in need of assistance." Tyson explained looking down at Lavender with his predatory eyes.

His eyes always seemed to turn into those of a predators when he was in battle. He figured it was due to his love for the battle. Tyson was about to help the woman known as lavender up, when he heard the flick of a tail. He quickly grabbed her, holding her infront of him. As the second manticore sent quils flying at her. The quils impaled themselves in the back of Tyson's armor, and he looked at them as if they where nothing more than a fashion accessory. He swiped them off his armor, and turned back towards the second manticore. Roaring and charging at it once again. 

The manticore leapt at him, digging it's claws onto his shoulders. Tyson ignored this, and continued to slam his fist into the beast body. He could hear the impact as his fist collided with the manticores ribs, and the sound of them breaking. The manticore roared in pain, giving Tyson the opportunity to attack again. He pulled his head back, and slammed it down hard into the manticores head. The beast eyes rolled into the back of its head, and it crumbled to the ground. Tyson dusted himself off, and looked over to see how the other fight was going. Tyson was slightly scratched up, but nothing to serious, he didn't even require his magic, although he had his training to thank for that. He walked back over to Lavender, and nodded towards her."You okay," Tyson asked as if he had just taken a fall with her.

@Isune @Britt-21



Lavender didnt expect what was about to happen but luckily for her, she had her shield out and when she was tackled, the shield took most of the damage. The warrior landed quite a bit far fom Chris and was now laying in the snow. When the Manticore landed before her, her eyes widen as she sat up, grasping her sword and quickly got to her feet "Want to play like that? Well then so be it." she said to the beast as she spoke "Swift Ed-" before the warrior could finish the name of her attack, the Sabertooth man had slammed his fist into the maul of the Manticore and sent it flying before turning to her and asking if she was okay and that he was sorry for taking the fight from her.  For someone from sabertooth, it quite frankly surprised her due to how hostile most of Sabertooth could be. They were known for their violent natures and lack of kindness (totally guessing here)


"I could have killed you with the move I was about to use." she said "I could not live with such guilt if that had happened." plus it would cause a rise between Fairy Tail and Sabertooth which was something that Lavender wouldnt have appreciated. Suddenly he grabbed her and pulled her to his chest to protect her from quils that had been suddenly shot at her and she narrowed her eyes. She had a shield in which was meant to protect her. The warrior didnt need a human shield but seeing from the expression on his face, he wasnt hurt but she did hear the sounds of the quills hit his metal plating.


The man released her and swiped off the quills as if they were nothing and let out a battle cry as he went and charged at the Manticore head on. It was clear he gave no fucks about what would happen because the Manticore leaped up and dug its claws into the red head's shoulders but he ignored whatever pain that was meant to cause harm to him. This man was a tank. Just like many others she's encountered. Emmerich for Example was a tank. A tank that did what he wanted and killed anything and everything despite what was thrown at him. She was a tank as well but she wasnt as tough as Emmerich or the man who was fighting off the massive beast. Which is why Lavender took up a warrior title. They were tanky but not too tanky and did a lot more damage. Speaking of damage...


She heard the sound of breaking ribs and a roar emmiting from the beast. But that all ended when the man slammed into the beast's head and knocking him out...Or killing him. Either way he saved her from what could have killed her. Quills could have slowed her, the tail could have killed her with the poison it held. She could have died but she didnt just due to the man who decided to jump in and be a hero. "I am quite fine." though her reddened skin on her thighs and her arms said otherwise. Since she fell into the snow, it chilled her skin and made it red so she was half red now and half light skinned. The blonde let out a sigh and she looked towards Chris, seeing the quils that were penetrating his skin "Though Sir Chris seems he needs assistance." she said before dashing towards chris and lifting her shield to block any incoming Quills "You should retreat, Sir chris. You're injured." she said, glancing over her shoulder "I rather not have a fellow friend bleed out from quills."

@Solemn Jester@Isune

Chris Lengheart(Retreat?)

By now, Chris had managed to remove all the quills that were previously attached to him and was now sporting a heavy looking set of armor with a set of gauntlets. The only part of him that wasn't covered was his rear. But Chris knew better than to let anyone near his back. As Lavender came rushing in to protect Chris, suggesting that he retreat, the massive beast simply snorted. "I'm not that weak, some little quills aren't going to kill me. As long as my heart keeps beating, I won't turn tail and run.

However, it seemed Chris wouldn't have to fight anymore. Instead of charging the two mages, the manticore instead went to its partner. It nudged the other manticore with its head, then it began to do so more and more frantically. The manticore turned to look at the mage who had done this and shouted,"I Vadmas Virimer!" before continuing to try and get a response from the other manticore. If anyone got any closer, the manticore would strike.

Seeing this, Chris let his armor return to the earth as he changed back to his human form. Chris reached up to his sleeve and tore it off to tie around the bleeding areas on both his hand and shoulder. Not really sure what he should do, Chris looked over to Lavender "Is it...dead?" he finally asked as he watched the manticore's desperate attempt to revive what could be considered its friend.

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester

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